The Very Best Of White Eagle

Healers And Healing - Part 13

The Very Best Of White Eagle (1)

A Selection Of Intuitively Received Teachings From

The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - White Eagle TeachingsThis part of my writings contains the essences of some of my favourite teachings that were given by the White Eagle group of spirit guides a long time ago. When I first encountered them they were echoing so many of the insights that were constantly coming to me intuitively that I decided to include some of the teachings in my work. They are appearing here with the kind permission of the White Eagle Lodge, which was founded 22.2.1936 in London.

Unbeknown to me, it celebrated the seventieth anniversary of its existence in 1976, the year Rays of Wisdom came into being. By now, White Eagle has become a world movement with many followers in a number of countries. This appendix is dedicated to the memory of the Lodge’s founders, Grace and Ivan Cooke. Grace was the spiritual medium through which the White Eagle group of guides gave their teachings. White Eagle called her Minesta. More about this in the section Books/Further Studying.

The symbol of the White Eagle is used for the spokesperson of one of the groups in the world of spirit in charge of humankind. It stands for the Great White Spirit who lifts us and our world on Its mighty wings directly into the heart of the Sun, the spiritual Sun beyond the Sun in the sky above us. Over the ages its wisdom has flown from the Highest levels of life into the consciousness of humankind in the darkness and confinement of its earthly existence. This has happened all along through all manner of sources, including White Eagle for the present age. The Great Eagle has always helped humankind to gain access to God’s wisdom and light of understanding; to find it is every soul’s birthright. He is still with us now and he will accompany us forever.

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (2)

White Eagle Lodge Dedication

Raysf Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Dedication Of The Lodge

A new way of The While Eagle Lodge introducing its work appeared in the Stella Polaris issue of February/March 2017: ‘We have chosen to call this centre the White Eagle Lodge – a name not bearing reference to any particular person, but referring to the White Eagle as a symbol of vision, used down the ages by the Wise Ones whom we are privileged to serve. This is to be a centre of light and all who would serve the Great White Light, whatever their denomination and whatever their school of thought may be can meet here on a common plane of brotherhood and service. Therefore, beloved children, we say that this place is to be a lighthouse to guide men and women, and we ask you to help us establish and maintain the light within. Let this become a focal point for the light of spirit.’ White Eagle

These words do not only apply to the first Lodge in London, but to every one of our Star Centres that now exists around our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Coming World Teacher’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (3)

The Heavenly Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Heavenly Life

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a ‘Monday Thought’ on 19.6.2017: ‘Although it’s impossible to describe the heavenly life with earthly words, we shall try to give you at least an idea of it. The physical world in which you presently have your being is of a very heavy vibration. But just for a moment, close yourself off from everything that is crude and harsh there and with your inner vision try to see the beauty of a rose. Do not only perceive its outer form but the vibrant life force that emanates from it and radiates from the heavenly realms throughout the whole of Creation, including your world and ours.

‘And now imagine that the rose transforms itself into a golden light of such beauty and brilliance that earthly eyes shy away from it. Even if you can sense the essence and perfume of this flower, you are merely touching the outermost fringe of the life force that dwells within it, which to many is known as ‘God’. That is the place from where all life emerges as an idea and to whom each one of us will be returning in the fullness of time.’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (4)

On The Forces Of Good And Evil

Rays of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - On The Forces Of Good And Evil

The following is the essence of three items from ‘There shall be Light!’ Stella Polaris Vol. 46:5: ‘The seeds of the siblinghood with all life that knows nothing but love is in every one of you. Do not look on the outer level of life for love but within and become more loving yourself. You are a dynamic being who can only attract that which you are yourself. The world around you is a mirror of what is happening within. So, whenever you want to change something in your world, first take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self. Each one of you has to do this for themselves because you can only recognise yourself by your reflection.

‘Never forget that each one of you has the best as well as the worst within. When you observe the ugly and painful things that are happening in your world, feelings of compassion and humility with all involved arise in you and you feel the need to pray for a purification of your own soul and that of your world to take all of you closer to God. The desire for loving and forgiving rather than hurting, criticising and resenting awaken in you. Please don’t ever think: ‘Oh, that’s too much for me!’ The only thing we ask of you is to simply keep on trying day by day. Every time you look into the mirror honestly and quietly affirm: ‘I am God’s child and I seek to obey the law of love, God’s law.’

Do Not Attack Evil – Dissolve It!

‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, a negative one and its positive counterpart, that which is good. This part is all love and with the passing of time absorbs what is known as evil in your world into itself and creates more good from it. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and humankind lives in Its heart and although many find it hard to accept that good and bad alike are within our Creator’s power. Both aspects have their origin in the life of God and proceed from there.

‘You need to know that that which is evil and ugly in your world and anywhere else is the unevolved and undeveloped part of life. All the powers that are in God are also in you. That is why when your Highest Self first starts building itself an earthly counterpart, it has to start at the lowest point, just the same as the Universal intelligence of the Almighty, whose spark you are, has to do when creating anything. The same applies to every field of human endeavour, be it the ability to conduct satisfying and rewarding personal relationships, or being successful professionally, artistically as well as spiritually. There are no shortcuts. In each case you have to start with the bottom step of the ladder, slowly and patiently working your way up to beauty and perfection.

‘Everything that to this day leaves much to be desired in your world is part of humankind’s lower earthly nature in its slowly evolving state. Evil is a consuming and destructive force. It’s a fire that first tests and tries humankind’s mettle to its utmost. Later on it is absorbed by the individual and collective development of the Christ nature. The Christ fire consumes everything that is no longer of any use and transforms it into something good. During the later stages of your development, when the thoughts, words and actions you in your ignorance of what is at stake once sent into the world return to you, the result tests and tries your whole being frequently to breaking point. The suffering endured pays the karmic debts that were incurred earlier.

‘By the time you have recovered, you have become thoroughly familiar with the nature of suffering. Your higher nature is awakening from its slumber and your heart fills with love and compassion whenever you see someone in distress. You have come to admire the people who happily share their talents with anyone who is in need of them and the work they are doing. Like them you want to become a useful member of society and assist those who are suffering the way you once did. With this the healer’s pathway is opening before you. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put it: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have experienced defeat, suffering, struggle and loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Such things do not just happen, they can only grow from within.’

‘With the awakening of the good and higher aspects of your nature, the Christ Spirit, the process of absorbing the ugly and evil parts of your lower earthly self begins. As this happens in ever more of you, with the passing of time all evil will eventually vanish from your world. And that is the only way Christ can become the saviour and redeemer of you and ultimately your whole world. Many believe that by attacking evil they can do their share of getting rid of it. But when you have become aware of God’s true nature and your own, you know that this is not the right course of action and that the best you can do to dissolve any kind of evil is by radiating the light of the Christ Star into the distressed people and areas of your world.

‘Those who view evil from the perspective we are bringing here, will have no difficulties recognising the wise higher purpose it fulfils in earthly life to this day. We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, have walked this way before you. We understand your difficulties only too well. That’s why we are volunteering to light the road every human soul must travel. We are trying to help you overcome the darkness of earthly life by showing how each one of you has to make their contribution towards absorbing it into the Christ light of love and compassion, wisdom and truth which, if only in seed form, is in every one of you. One of these days you may wish to join us and assist those you have left behind and who are still struggling in the darkness of earthly life.

Good Or White Magic

‘Good or white magic is performed with the knowledge and assistance of the Angels of Light. This ritual is carried out by people who work from their heart centre and with the highest intentions. Because they love those around them, they do not try to impose their own will upon them. Seeking nothing for themselves, they work unselfishly for the good of all. Many groups who work with the White Light will spring up all over the Earth in the days to come. Working in them allies the server with the Forces of Light and requires a spirit that is dedicated to selfless service.

‘Those who insist on working entirely for themselves, wishing to draw everything to themselves and imposing their will upon others, form an alliance with the negative forces. Awakened ones have no thoughts of themselves. Their only desire is to give love and light, to bless and raise all God’s children to a Higher state of consciousness. They give without reservations, from their loving hearts. Such selfless giving distinguishes the white from the dark magic.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (5)

Eternal And True

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Eternal And TrueThe following is the essence of a teaching of the White Eagle group of guides from ‘The Gentle Brother’ Stella Polaris December 2015 / January 2016: ‘Train yourself to look beyond the end of your nose, away from the darkness of Earth life into the light of higher and highest realities. Focus on the things that are eternal and true, for they have been given to you to help you on your evolutionary journey. Maybe your present lifetime is a rosy passage and you are wafted along on wings of love or the opposite is true for you.

‘Of whatever nature your experiences are, never forget that through them we, the wise ones in charge of you in the world of light, are slowly but surely guiding each one of you and your whole world along an eternal evolutionary pathway of progress. On this road you are gradually becoming ever more aware of the perfect outworking of God’s great plan of life and Universal laws. Through this your consciousness is constantly expanding and your earthly self is growing in wisdom and understanding. ‘Ear hath not heard nor eyes seen’ the wonders of the heavenly state, to which all of you are moving.

‘The further you travel along this road, the more you can see for yourself that in truth there is no death, only a change of the dimensions you live in. As your inner eyes open, your vision opens to what kind of spiritual growth lies ahead and the beautiful conditions you are going to take part in. Refuse to look on the dark side of anything and never forget that whatever appears to earthly perceptions as a tragedy or disaster is part of the unfolding of God’s perfect plan. You can be sure that through the things that are happening in your world, behind the scenes on the higher and highest levels of life, God’s wise and loving power is bringing ever more beauty, kindness and goodness into your world. Divine wisdom creates light out of darkness and makes knowledge and wisdom grow from ignorance.

‘Through your younger and less evolved siblings, who are still in the process of getting to know the lower aspects of their nature, the Universal power shows the older and more highly evolved ones in your midst the senselessness and futility of all kinds of aggression and warmongering. This is teaching you the value and preciousness of human life and of peace.

‘And now open yourselves to the holy blessings of God, the Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ. Like incense from a communion table may our prayers of thanksgivings rise to the Heavens, the highest levels of life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The True Cause Of All Disasters’
•    ‘Man-made And Natural Disasters’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (6)

The Feminine – Soul Of Your World

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Soul Of Our World

The following was inspired by a White Eagle group of spirit guides teaching that a long time ago came my way through the White Eagle Lodge’s ‘The Lightbringer – Developing the Feeling Nature’. It’s update was finished on the 2nd July 2020, the day of the weeks that is ruled by the Great Mother, when the Sun was moving through Cancer, the zodiac’s caring and nurturing sign that is also ruled by Her.

‘An essential part of your development, when the end of your earthly education draws near, is re-establishing your inner connection with God. You will find that with your intellect alone this is impossible. You also need to experience yourself as a spirit/soul who, through the world of its feelings, is taking part in another earthly lifetime to find out more about itself and its environment. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is bringing humankind the recognition that the Godhead of the whole of Creation consists of a Divine Trinity that has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. They always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of the whole of Creation and therefore also of the earthly plane.

‘For a better understanding of this, we need to reach out a bit further. The first creative impulse is the masculine God or Great Father of all life. The second one is his counterpart, the feminine Goddess or Great Mother. In close co-operation the two express and manifest themselves with the help of the third impulse, masculine/feminine the Universal Christ. Everything in the whole of Creation, on all its levels, was brought into being by the partnership of the first and second impulse, working together and responding to each other peacefully and harmoniously, through the third impulse. In every boy or man of your world the masculine aspect of his nature is conscious and its feminine counterpart unconscius. Each one of the main women in his life, like his mother, partner or wife is an outer manifestation of his inner woman. For girls and women it works the other way round. Because every one of you is already whole, you do not really need others to make you that way.

‘Being part of God, every human being’s spirit/soul is immortal and just like God can and will never die. But for a long as this part of your nature unloved and is not nurtured and cared for, merely you do not know about its existence, its development stands still. Spiritual muscles are like physical ones. If they are not used regularly, they lose their usefulness. Use it or lose it! Unless your spirit/soul’s requirements are regularly attended to, this part of you goes to sleep and remains that way until you do something about it. The small still voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, is always trying to communicate with every one of you through the world of your feelings.

‘The voice belongs to the Great Mother. She knows the way of all things and has the answers to any question you may ever care to ask because She is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation. She is the storehouse for the soul memories of all worlds and every individual soul within them. Not only are they stored in the Mother, they are also constantly feeding into Her. That’s how any knowledge that was ever gained anywhere during the long evolutionary journey of the whole of Creation found its way to Her. She is so wise and loves you so much that initially on your own journey She has always been showing you the way. Alas, if at some point of your development your feeling world went to sleep, you would have been unable to hear Her and follow Her advice because she was no longer available to you.

‘This is what came to pass in your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its all-male religions that encourage the masculine to dominate the feminine. Fortunately, this stage of humankind’s development by now lies well behind you. But to this day your world is struggling with re-balancing the unnatural state that was created by the patriarchal religions. We are glad to tell you that the withdrawal of the feminine influence from the Godhead was not meant to last forever. It was a temporary state that in any case only existed on the outer physical plane of life. Nothing of this kind will ever happen on the inner level, because the Great Father/Mother are one and inseparable. The wise higher purpose of withdrawing the feminine was to demonstrate to your world what happens to it when without the feminine’s softening, beautifying and civilising influence.

‘Up to the middle ages there were still many on the earthly plane who did not believe in the strange and unnatural all-male Godhead. As non-believers and heretics, they were mercilessly persecuted and wiped out. For a long time the patriarchal religions ruled your world with an iron rod and teachings that had been carefully designed to spread fear. Exploiting the masses and making them part with their earthly resources for the purpose of increasing the churches’ wealth was made easy that way. The beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were part of their teachings were declared to be literally true and that created a barrier of fear on the inner level of their followers.

‘Being exposed to this kind of treatment for several lifetimes eventually made it impossible for them to access the Great Mother’s wisdom through the world of their feelings, so that they could no longer receive Her guidance. This is how a barrier of fear consisting of many layers of soul memories that were piled upon people’s initial natural inner connection with and their knowledge with their Creator. Now that humankind has been kept away from discovering the truth about its Divine parents for long enough, for every one of you the time has come for attending to their inner blockage and removing it. This is a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion. To enable you to reconnect with God, layer upon layer of fear needs to be shed, so that a new understanding of who and what God truly can come to you.

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (7)

Nurturing And Caring

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Nurturing And Caring‘God is the Great Father of all life, the first masculine aspect of Creation. His astrological elements are Fire, creative ideas, and Air, the intellect with its ability of thinking and transmitting them to His feminine counterpart, the second aspect of the Goddess or Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decide how they should be used. Her astrological elements are water, humankind’s emotional nature and world of feelings, and Earth, matter that’s created by slowing down the Universal Christ’s light. All matter in the whole of Creation is brought about in close co-operation of the first and second aspect using the third one. As sparks of the Christ light, the triple aspects of your Divine parents and also its powers and characteristics are in every one of you.

‘Getting to know God requires your intellect as much as the world of your feelings. With the intellect alone and without experiencing the responses of that world it’s impossible. But through nothing more than taking part in earthly life, as soon as you are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, that task is easy.  Because you are as much part of God as God is part of you, you yourself are God, or rather a young God in the making. Each time you look into the mirror, who greets you there? God! If you wish to constantly be guided and protected by your inner guidance, the living God or wise one within, you have to be familiar and in touch with your feeling world.

‘Your first requirement on this journey is being aware of your spiritual nature and that in truth every human being is a spirit/soul, who from time to time spends another lifetime as a material being on the earthly plane. The awareness that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all light, eventually provides your earthly self with the knowledge that connects it, through the bridge of its spirit/soul, with the higher and eventually the highest levels of life. Your understanding of these things provides your lower self with the power of connecting its earthly plane with the higher and eventually highest levels of life. This is the esoteric meaning behind the sacred marriage or union between Heaven and Earth.

‘The aspects of the feminine in every human being, male and female alike, are part of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing nature. It makes no difference whether a woman is a mother in her present lifetime or not. Every feminine creature, human and animal alike, has the natural ability to love and mother, nurture and care for, not only her own young but everything that shares her life without forgetting about her own needs. In the course of many lifetimes, human females learn that her caring nature needs to express itself not only with tender loving and caring but also wisdom. Both are equally important.

‘As the soul of the whole of Creation, the Divine Mother is peace loving and constantly tries to bring about more beauty and harmony, peace and perfection. At least potentially, so is your own soul and that of your world. The soul is intuitive and has the ability of not only knowing the past but also the future. She truly knows the way of all things and can supply the answer to the questions any one of you will ever care to ask. Now that you have taken part in the lesson of the Great Mother’s absence in your world long enough, Her only desire is to protect you and your world against destroying each other and your world. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of Her many symbols.

‘Every human being eventually starts bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the Great Mother’s characteristics. And all of you need to teach the masculine and feminine of your own nature to co-operate and work together harmoniously and peacefully, the way they are doing in your Creator. When this has been achieved, warmongering and violence, trouble and strife, lying and cheating, corruption and exploitation of the masses will no longer exist on the Earth.

‘The redemption of the karmic debts that mounted up in the course of lifetimes spent at the giving end of that kind of behaviour is the spiritual background for the suffering at the hands of those who, behind the scenes, are pulling the strings and are responsible for bringing about the 2019/2020 pandemic. Send them a loving thought and forgive them, if you can. For they do not know what they are doing themselves, the same as you did when you caused your world’s present regrettable state because you did not yet know about the existence of Universal laws that in due course return everything to its sender. That’s what they are sure to bring to them in the fullness of time and not as some kind punishment. It’s merely the Universe’s way of ensuring that every human being eventually gets first hand knowledge about the nature of suffering. This is achieved through alternating from someone first being on its giving end and later on the receiving one.

‘However, Great Mother does not wish your present world situation to continue forever. That would contravene the main laws of love and evolution to which the whole of Creation is subject, therefore also your world, because it would make evolutionary progress impossible for humankind. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are in charge of the development of all worlds on every one of its levels, therefore also humankind. They in turn are in charge of us and through them the Mother’s wisdom decides how much spiritual knowledge should be given to your world, at any given time and in what form it should be presented. Spiritual knowledge is a constantly expanding organism that should never be considered as being chiselled in stone or set in concrete and therefore unchangeable. Because of the new learning that is constantly being gained by someone in the whole of Creation and fed into the Mother’s store, this organism has never stopped growing and that will forever continue.

Acting on the Angels and Master’s instructions, we ask all who are reading this message and are capable of recognising its urgency, to turn to them and request their assistance for bringing about the pandemic’s natural end and at the same time ensure that no further ones will ever be possible. They wish to show as many of you as possible intuitively what kind of contribution each one of you can make towards the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on Mother Earth. She is but one of the many manifestations of the Great Mother and so are the people who are reading this. The only difference between the genders is that men experience Her presence through their inner being and women are acting it out in the world around you. God bless you all and keep you and your world safe, now and forever.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’
•    ‘The Great Plan of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is Truth?’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (8)

In The Name Of Love

Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - In The Name Of Love

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from the book ‘Spiritual Unfoldment’, which was first published in the 1940s: ‘The law of life is love and in the course of many lifetimes every human being is destined to evolve into a young God * and that is someone who loves God’s way, totally, unconditionally and above all wisely and being able to give without expecting anything in return. However, in the early stages of your earthly education you frequently misunderstand sentiment as love. During that phase of your development you try to cover your weaknesses and faults by saying that you are doing things in the name of love.

‘Alas, for as long as you are blinded in this way you cannot yet perceive the true needs of those around you, i.e. their spiritual requirement for learning, each through their own experiences, so that through this you grow in understanding and wisdom. This prevents you from giving real service. It causes you to give foolishly in ways that indulge the other one and indirectly your own selfishness. This brings to mind devoted parents who give their children everything they demand, in the belief that what they are doing is an expression of their love. Instead of creating opportunities through which their offspring can learn and grow, such parents are robbing their youngsters of the means for self-development and self-expression.

‘More highly evolved parents are aware that the Great Mother allows all Her children to come to their own decisions and make their own mistakes, so they can learn from them and do better next time round. Being a wise parent does not mean you are cold and indifferent towards your children. Quite the opposite is true. Your love is so great and you are so wise that you recognise your children’s requirement for experiencing life, each in its own unique and special way. The greatest gift any parent can give their offspring is as early as possible encouraging them to come to their own conclusions and make their own decisions. When you have learnt to love God’s way, you will know when to give and when to withhold something and for how long, as this helps your child to learn how to appreciate the value of things.

‘Too many sweets in more than one sense can be the cause of severe bilious attacks! If you indulge those around you and give them all they want, mistaking this to be love, in due course you are likely to create a spiritual bilious attack that will be as uncomfortable for your loved ones as for you. Human motherly love with its maternal instincts in its lowest form expresses itself as possessiveness that has its roots in selfishness. Experiencing this is an inevitable part of humankind’s early earthly education.

‘The higher you move on the evolutionary spiral of life, the more the caring and nurturing Divine aspects of maternal love in both women and men come to the fore of their consciousness and gradually take over their whole being. This kind of love is creative and endlessly giving. It manifests itself in the creation of every new life. In the long evolutionary process that follows each birth Divine love constantly endeavours to assist its creation to become ever more beautiful and perfect. In the case of human beings this is achieved when all aspects of their nature are integrated and working together peacefully and harmoniously, the way they are doing in God.

‘As you mature into spiritual adulthood, you are familiar with your own true nature and why you are taking part in earthly life. In your lifetimes as women or men in which you play the role of a parent, you no longer look at your children as your property. You know that they are not of you, but merely have come through you. This awareness makes it easier for you to steer the youngsters in your charge in the right direction. Because you realise that your children are on the Earth for the same reasons that you are, if their natural gifts * are different from your interests and inclinations, you would not dream of forcing them to follow in your footsteps. Aware that their talents, like yours, are likely to have taken many lifetimes to develop and that with the necessary encouragement in this one they may fully unfold, you do your best to support your children.

‘In some of your lifetimes you appear as a man and on other occasions as a woman. Depending on your Karma and what kind of life lessons are most beneficial for you, you are sometimes required to act the part of a father or a mother. And how does your mind react when you realise that in some of your lifetimes you could have been the son or daughter of the person who is your child in this one? So, enjoy your children as gifts for a time, the same as everything else you are allowed access to in your earthly existence. Glorify and protect Mother Earth, dear Friends, as one of the many physical and spiritual manifestations of the Great Mother of all life. Each one of you, women and men alike, are another one.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is Love?’
•    ‘Written With Love’
•    ‘What Is Love? (2)’
•    ‘I Am Love’
•    ‘Young Gods In The Making’
•    ‘The Value Of Making Mistakes’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Karma In Families’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (9)

The Law Of Karma

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Law Of Karma

And now I would like to share with you the essence of a White Eagle teaching from ‘The Gentle Brother’ Stella Polaris Aug/Sept 2011:

‘Every action brings its due reward and result. Any action in physical life is like a seed that is sown into the Earth and the harvest of every action you take has to be reaped by you. At present the world as a whole is not yet conscious enough of the karmic debts that by now have accumulated. In due course each one of them that is the result of even a single wrong and cruel word and action that incites hatred of one person for another and one country towards another, has to be paid in full – by each one of you, individually and collectively. It is impossible to sow tares and reap wheat. Tares is an old Middle English word of unknown origin. It is a biblical term used in St. Matthew 13:24–30 for a harmful weed that resembles corn when young.

‘This is the teaching of the Great Ones, who once came to the Earth plane from the Circle of the Christ Star. These great beings still remain with this planet. They will be watching over it until every last soul has been safely reunited with the Great Father/Mother of all life. The things we are telling you here are sacred truths. The Great Ones are a practical example of the true siblinghood that exists between all parts and beings of God’s Creation. They are illumined souls who so love God’s children of the Earth that they will not leave them alone in the darkness of this planet until the consciousness of every last soul has been raised into the awareness of its true nature as a son/daughter of God.

‘From the Star Circle, where these beings dwell, rays of light are constantly pouring onto the Earth plane. Knowing no hurry, they constantly stand by us in their watchfulness, by day and by night, each day as the Sun rises in the East and sinks in the West, with the coming and going of the seasons, and the passing of the years. Ever alert these faithful watchers of the Christ Circle are serving the wellbeing of humankind.

‘God is beauty, love and truth, and in it there is nothing too beautiful to believe. Trust people and things that are beautiful because they are true. Remember that there are many facets in a jewel and that while at times one person may travel along the blue ray, another does so along the yellow or green ray, and so forth. No matter what anyone is presently occupied with, all are travelling up the spiritual pyramid of life and in the end all pathways meet at its apex, where the light of God shines.’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (9)

White Eagle On The Power Of Thought

Seeking Serenity - The Power of Thought - Rays of Wisdom - Appendix White Eagle TeachingsThe following was inspired by a quote from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle calendar September 2011: ‘Thought is exceedingly powerful. All life is the result of thought. As you think, so you become and the way you think is constantly creating your life and your surroundings. And thinking peaceful thoughts is the secret of all human happiness.’

The essence of a teaching from ‘The Star Of The North’ January 2015: ‘Once a successful businessman arrived in the spirit world and when he was shown his new home, he was astonished to find that quite a large part of it was unfinished. The ministering Angel accompanying him said: ‘Do you notice that your home is incomplete?’ ‘Yes,’ replied the man, ‘I am very disappointed to find it that way.’ ‘The Angel responded with: ‘It reflects the spiritual aspect of your nature and that is easily neglected when you are running a business. Go forth into another lifetime, as soon as the opportunity is offered to you. This time choose an occupation in which you can attend sufficiently to the higher spiritual aspects of your being. Do your best to add some finishing touches to its structure, as that is the background of all your earthly activities. Take your chances and see what happens when you return to us at the end of that lifetime.’

‘The man thanked the Angel for the advice and followed it. Next time he returned to the spirit world he was delighted to find that a beautifully completed home was waiting for him.

‘This tale describes in a simple way how the life forces work and the infinite creative power of thought. Imagination and thoughts combined can create anything in your world as well as ours. As a result, every human being through their habitual thinking patterns have always been shaping the circumstances of their lives. In due course, you will find out for yourself that this is true and that the way you think, you and your surroundings become. The conditions and the environment you are presently in were created by your own thoughts and that applies to each one of you as much as to the whole of humankind and its world. The power of thought has created you in the first place and it.

‘Can you see how great and important the power of thought is? Knowing this lays into everyone’s own hands the power of doing their share of creating a more peaceful world, by nothing more spectacular than changing your thinking patterns. The power of thought cannot be over-emphasised. Most human beings believe that thinking is a very private pastime. They could not be more wrong. Your thoughts express themselves not only in your face, but also in the wellbeing of your body. They can even be recognised in your clothing, homes and businesses, in the way you walk and write and also in your aura. To us, your friends and helpers in the spirit world, your most secret thoughts are as if you were shouting them from the rooftops.

‘Never forget that thought can heal and create good health, but it can also inflict pain and be the cause of diseases, as well as disrupting and destroying human mental and soul life. Thought can do anything in your world and others. Thoughts of anger, fear and hatred are the root of all your world’s warmongering, violence and suffering. Yet, it is just as easy to create forth beauty, harmony and peace, feelings of kinship and everything else humankind has always longed for.

‘The scientists of your world are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending the power of thought. We are working with the positive and creative power of thought under all circumstances. When giving advice, it is always constructive because we really see nothing but good ahead of humankind. Some in your world consider this as foolishly optimistic; nonetheless it is the truth.

‘Everybody’s thoughts have the power of helping your world to find enlightenment. In days gone by, people gathered in temples and projected the light of the Christ Spirit to assist the evolution of life on the earthly plane. We are glad to see that for ever more of you this is happening again. May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless every one of you and your world.’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (10)

Seeking Serenity

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Seeking SerenityThe following was inspired by a White Eagle teaching that came my way in ‘The Power Within – Seeking Serenity’: ‘Thought is a living thing and its effectiveness can be increased during your quiet times of prayer and meditation, having faith and trust in the goodness of life that’s been given to you by the Highest Forces of life, as well as walking the spiritual pathway with determination and application. Whenever you are closing the door of your inner being to the world around you, you are creating a holy space within you. That’s when the best work for your own health and happiness as well as that of the whole of humankind is carried out. Use psychic protection so that the negative and destructive thought vibrations of your environment cannot penetrate you and your sacred space. Although this may initially seem selfish to you, nothing assists the growth of your inner being more.

‘This is the best way of gradually becoming the master of your physical body and your inner being. You then have evolved into a channel through which God’s white healing magic can flow with steadily increasing strength from the Angels of healing into your world and everything you come into contact with. At present just about everybody and also your whole world urgently need it. That’s how every one of you is destined to eventually make a valuable contribution towards the healing of your planet and all lifeforms that share it with you. If you freely and willingly serve as a channel through which the Healing Angels’ energies can penetrate ever more deeply into your world, your whole being heals with it.

‘As sparks of the Great Light, each one of you is a co-creator with God. Even though for a long time you are unaware of it, this is how with every thought, word and action you are constantly in the process of creating something and you are personally responsible for every bit of it. Love is the main law of life and thought its main force. Everything in the whole of Creation was brought about by the loving thoughts of the Highest. Love and thought, each in its own right, is the most powerful force that exists anywhere. The two of them turn into an invincible alliance when another one of you starts working, hand in hand with God and the Angels, and keeps on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers.

‘There are two streams of consciousness in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, a light and a dark one. Positive, kind and loving thoughts feed into the light stream. This increases its strength and the power of absorbing ever more of that which to this day is dark, evil and ugly in your world. In particular this applies to the lower unevolved aspects of human nature. The force of the Christ light uplifts and transmutes its darkness into something that, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan for your world and everything that shares it with you, is good, right and beautiful.

‘In our world, everything is for real and there are no Masters in charge of our groups. There is no what might be called ‘lording’ or ‘mastering’ because we are all equals, equally loved by our Creator and precious. As everybody is aware that no-one is superior or inferior to anyone, nobody would dream of thinking of themselves as anyone’s Lord or Master. We are all aware of our true nature and that each one is gifted in some special way. That’s why there is no need for competing with or trying to outshine each other, or desiring to dominate and rule those around us. Like in any good family, the older siblings, i.e. the more highly evolved ones, whenever the need for it arises take the younger ones by the hand and show them how to go about things.

‘White Eagle is a collective name for the groups of all spirit guides; each one is working for and in harmony with the Angelic hierarchy. We are the next evolutionary level after life on the earthly plane. Being closest to it, we are still very familiar with the tests and trials of your existence. At any given time, the Angels decide how much knowledge humankind is ready to cope with and that’s what we bring to you. They are in charge of you and also of us.

‘Every one of you is specially gifted in some way, the same as we are. But many in your midst are still unaware that they have a unique talent that, for a long time, could have been waiting to be discovered and then developed to full unfoldment. As our gifts are used for the good of the whole, no-one would dream of seeking fame and glory by making a name for themselves. All praise, glory and honour of our realm is for the Highest. And on the road of evolving into an ever more spiritual place, your world will gradually become like ours.

‘A serene state of mind can only be achieved by humankind through an ever increasing understanding of God’s true nature and your own, the processes of life and the knowledge that there really is a great evolutionary plan that has always has been unfolding the way it should and that this will forever continue. This clearly shows that you and your world, the same as ours, have always rested securely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. What more could anyone want?’

Updated 20th November 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Searching For Peace’
•    ‘Psychic Protection’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (11)

Thought Can Do Anything

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Thought Can Do AnythingThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘The Lightbringer – Inner Development and Outward Change’: ‘We cannot too strongly emphasise the power of thought. You believe that thinking is something private and that no-one can read human thoughts, but in truth there is no covering for thoughts. They are heard and seen by those in charge of you in the spirit world and as many of you yet have to learn, thinking has a dynamic power. Your thoughts have the power to either help your world to enlightenment or to hold back its progress.

‘The scientists of your world are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending the power of thought and that it can do anything in your world. But many of you are by now aware that thought can create good health and heal, as well as pain and disease. A great mass of people can seriously be in danger of disrupting and destroying humankind’s mental and physical soul life. Thoughts of anger, fear and hate form the root of all suffering and of wars. At the same time they can also bring forth beauty and harmony, goodwill and siblinghood, and anything else you and your world are longing for. Each one of you carries the power within of focussing only on that which is good, beautiful and right in your world, so that it can become a reality in earthly life. Positive thinking * can help you to do your share of creating ever more of this on the Earth plane.

‘We would like you to know that we need you as much as you need us. And we beg of you who are reading these lines to do your best to counteract the negative and destructive thinking tendencies of your world wherever possible. Best of all this is done by trusting God’s great plan and the basic goodness of the life that has been given to you. Use every spare moment to focus on the new golden age of plenty that is approaching quite rapidly. In your imagination see this new world emerging. Based on the Aquarian energies and principles of love, siblinghood and friendship with all lifeforms, its people are helping and supporting each other, refusing to take advantage of, dominate and exploit those around them.

‘Everybody is aware that each one of you is gifted in some unique way and was created for a specific task. As a result, there will be no need for jealousy and sibling rivalry, but full trust in the wisdom and love of your Creator, the great genius designer for the whole of Creation. You will be enjoying the warm and loving family relationships you may always have dreamed of in earthly life, but because of the clashing interests of its members this somehow seemed impossible. Supportive instead of exploitative, each giving of their best and thus fulfilling their highest potential, for the benefit of all. That is the kind of existence that is waiting for the whole human family.

‘Never forget that what you think you become and in case you are wondering how your world deteriorated into its present state, we shall try to explain. The Universal law of cause and effect works in human minds and souls the same as everywhere else in the whole of Creation. The effects of this law create the conditions of life and bring to individual souls, as well as groups and whole nations, the lessons they require at any given time. Every thought any one of you sends into the Universe causes a vibration that makes an impression on the higher ethers of life. They are registered there and attract to you waves of corresponding forces that create certain conditions in your life.

‘The corollary of this is that those who are working in good and positive ways, pursuing the path of wise thinking and unselfish service to others, the Universal forces have no problems with bringing you the things you are hoping and praying for. Yet, it is not only a matter of thinking what you want. That is only a small component of the picture. The most important part is wishing to work with God and the Angels to create peace and harmony, beauty and good health, wholeness, i.e. holiness and happiness, not only for yourself but for the whole of your world. If this is your only motif, you are at one with God’s creative love and that provides your thoughts and prayers with power and life.

‘The Universe has a positive and a negative thought stream. You are dynamic and magnetic beings and like attracts like. The vibration of each thought you send out decides which stream it is drawn into. Thoughts of a similar nature group together, which constantly increases their strength, and that’s how in the end they return to their senders. The law of attraction ensures that any good, uplifting and constructive thoughts that go forth from earthly life they align themselves to other great thought streams that are positive and good and part of the God’s Great White Light. Thoughts of anger, hatred and cruelty swell the streams of darkness and negative thinking.

‘Have you any idea how much cruelty and suffering in your world is created by thoughtlessness? This is balanced by thoughtfulness that aims to bring nothing but love and joy, hope and courage into your world. Every single thought of this nature feeds into the great stream of White Light. God’s evolutionary plan for the human race’s development decreed that this stream’s growth should be essential for humankind’s progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. When a certain point had been reached there would be steadily increasing numbers of those who have matured sufficiently and are ready to add the creative power of their thoughts to the strength of the White Light. That’s exactly what has been happening for some time by now and you have every reason to trust God’s plans for you and your world and the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

‘This is what we in our world have always been on with those on your side of the veil of consciousness. And that’s why we said earlier that we need you as much as you need us. So from now on, whenever destructive thoughts comes into your mind, do yourself the favour of uplifting and transmuting them into positive and constructive ones. The accumulation of destructive thoughts in the whole of humankind’s mental body, with the passing of time, has created ideas for ever more destructive weapons and effective ways of destroying and killing each other. This is how on one side God’s creative power is used for good while an array of dark and destructive thoughts is the opposite end of this spectrum. The latter find their way into the minds of strong intellects who have the ability to think of ever more advanced methods of destruction and ways of stimulating and calling upon the destructive urges of the lower nature of young and inexperienced souls.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, all along have been working exceedingly hard to bring harmony and balance to human life. And each one of you can do their share of supporting our efforts by disciplining yourself and focussing your attention on that which is good and right, beautiful and harmonious in your world. This steadily increases the creative power of your good thoughts, for they are God-thoughts. This kind of thinking creates perfect form and the more you strive to apply to everything you encounter, the more easily your whole world evolves into a more beautiful and peaceful place.

‘We appreciate that it is not always possible to turn your thoughts away from wars, terrorism and all other unpleasant things that to this day are happening in your world. But when you quietly say to yourself: ‘This too rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels,’ and then concentrate on the good outcome of such events, you are making a valuable contribution towards bringing it about. Should someone ask you: ‘How can you do this when there are so many disagreeable conditions to contend with in earthly life?’, help them to find a better understanding of the spiritual background of life and how the Universal laws have always been at work throughout the whole of Creation, including your world.

‘Sow the odd seed here and there and then do your best to practise self-control and uplift and transmute negative and destructive thoughts into positive and constructive ones. We hear you say you cannot help your thoughts rushing in, that they come before you realise it and how disturbing and distracting this is. By constantly working on it, you will eventually learn to control the flow of your thoughts. Naturally, it is not going to happen instantly by telling yourself: ‘From now on I will have no more unwanted thoughts.’ It’s not as easy as that, the whole process could take a long time. You may have to continue working with it for several lifetimes before you gain the necessary poise of spirit that can only be found by the earthly mind fully surrendering itself to the Divine spirit of your own Christ nature.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (12)

The Creative Power Of Thought

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Creative Power Of Thought

The following is the essence of a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2007: ‘Everything in the whole of Creation consists of circles within circles and cycles within cycles and that also applies to the human thinking processes. The more steadfast and stronger an individual’s mind is, the more powerful that person’s thoughts are and the more power is behind every one of them that goes out into the Universe. Thoughts of this nature can also be picked up and joined by others of the same calibre.

‘Humankind does not yet understand the intricacy of the forces of communication in the etheric realms of God’s Creation that is created by thoughts as well as words that are sounded anywhere and at any given time in your world. Each one of them creates a vibration and leaves an impression on the etheric level of life. For good and evil alike the vibrations  of the things you release from your mind keep on travelling and create more of the same. Good and constructive thoughts and words are light that creates more light, which has the power of penetrating the minds of others in the great human family on the earthly plane and also of the members that are presently dwelling in our world.

‘The ultimate purpose of your earthly existence is to become conscious of God’s true nature and your own. As a spark of the Divine each one of you, without exception, carries within – for a long time hidden from your own view – the same qualities and glories that are in God. To help you bring them forth, endeavour to continually rise in your thoughts and hopes, dreams and aspirations to the spheres of light. This shows them that you are receptive to the constructive forces and creative power of God. Let it become something natural to you to daily direct good and kind, loving and tolerant thoughts to everybody in your world and beyond. Basically, it’s as simple as that.

‘Nothing in your world ever happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything was created by all those who – at any given time – are taking part in it, with the help of their thoughts, words and actions in previous lifetimes or earlier in this one. Each one of you is responsible for bringing about your world’s present sad state. Otherwise you would not be here and have to take part in it. Earthly life is a place of learning, a school where every so often all of you are spending a predestined length of time in pursuit of consciousness expanding experiences.

‘When you have reached the end of this school’s curriculum, you have evolved into a Christed one in your own right and whatever you then think, say and do can have a very positive influence on the earthly plane. You then know that good and kind, loving and forgiving, positive and understanding thoughts are God thoughts. You are aware that the more freely they emerge from your whole being, the more you are feeding into your world’s light stream of consciousness and that helps it to grow in strength. It is a signal to God and the Angels that the  receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind is tuned into their frequencies. This draws their forces of good and light towards you and they are only too happy to assist you in all your endeavours.

‘And that’s how, in the fullness of time, every human being is destined to build a golden temple not only for their own spirit/soul, but also for the collective spirit/soul of humankind and your whole world.’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (13)

The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing

The following was inspired by a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 1 – Healing from the Spirit’: ‘Every earthly human mind is an extension of the Great Universal intelligence or God mind and is ultimately capable of creating anything, just the same as God. Because they are part of the Great intelligence, every spirit/soul – even the youngest and least evolved ones – always contains a certain amount of it. However, during the early stages of your earthly development the upper higher part of God’s nature does not yet manifest itself. Therefore, do not be deceived when some of those around you are acting in what to you appears to be a downright stupid manner. It’s just that their intelligence has not yet had sufficient opportunities for developing and unfolding.

‘Yet, even at that stage of your development your earthly mind is a powerful tool that is capable of creating good health, wellbeing and happiness, but alas also sickness and pain. The mind can take you into the depths of depression and back out of it again. Learning to send nothing but good and kind, loving, forgiving and understanding thoughts into your world is why you have been placed there. Through the experiences of your life, you are meant to grow in wisdom and understanding and eventually discover God’s true nature and your own. That’s how, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human spirit/soul slowly but surely develops the power of filling your world with ever more goodness and light. All your thoughts, words and actions then feed into your world’s light stream of consciousness and that enable is to absorb ever more of that which still is dark, ugly and evil on your plane.

‘Hateful and destructive thoughts feed into the dark stream and increase its strength and the strength of that which feeds into it. Refuse to respond in that way to the troublemakers and scaremongers of your world. They are not your enemies, nobody in your world is. There are merely teachers and pupils in the earthly school of life. Troublemakers are merely your younger, i.e. less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind, and they have no idea about what they are doing to themselves and what, in due course, with the help of the law of cause and effect or Karma is bound to find its way back to them. If you send these people nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, you are helping not only them but also yourself when, in the fullness of time, those thoughts return to you – as surely they will – instead of hateful and destructive ones.

‘Learning to control their thought processes is a great need for everybody in your world. Without it you will never be able to free yourself from the bondage of earthly life. You need to firmly take charge of your thoughts and send them where you really want them to go, so that they are helpful for your own evolutionary progress and that of your whole world. It’s the only way of mastering your earthly self’s drives and urges. All suffering that has ever been experienced on the earthly plane was brought about by faulty and confused thinking. Its cause is the lack of knowledge and understanding of humankind’s true nature and destiny, as well as the processes of life in which you have always been involved and forever will be. The true reason for all sickness and disasters, natural and human-made, are the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, which were spread by your world’s old religions, about the purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence.

‘The worst offender is the belief that was spread by the religions of your world that your life is a one-off thing. The teachings of your religions were purposely designed to stop humankind from discovering too early the truth about God’s nature and its own, that all human existence is eternal and that in truth there is no death, merely a moving into different dimensions of life. The fear of not knowing where you have come from and where one day you will be going to, that’s what makes people ill in the first place. When someone is so convinced that their beliefs are true, they cannot throw them off when their time for departure from the physical plane has come. Through us the age of Aquarius is bringing you the truth about these things and many others. This will continue until the last one of you, with the help of a better understanding, has been brought to perfect health in a perfectly natural way.

‘Bearing in mind that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, we, your spirit friends and helpers, endeavour to work with the constructive power of positive thoughts and words that avoid anything destructive. And whenever we are trying to help and give advice, we make it a rule to see nothing but good. We are doing this even though many on the earthly plane, who are as yet unaware of such things, are likely to call our attitude as foolishly optimistic. Rest assured that this is most certainly not the case. Because we are fully aware of the creative power of thoughts and words and what kind of effect they are having, we are not foolishly but wisely optimistic. Knowing that by thinking and advising good, we are doing our share of manifesting good things and conditions in your world, and that our expectations of positive outcomes helps them to come about, that’s what we do. And this is why you will never find us thinking and speaking in terms of pessimism and sadness about the death of your physical bodies. If your inner guidance says we are speaking the truth, take care not to allow anyone around you to stop you from following our example.

‘Living on our side of the veil, we have all the evidence anyone would ever care to have that life truly is eternal, that there is no death and that life will forever keep on unfolding and progressing and that in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes every one of you and your world. Never tell anyone whose present lifetime has reached the departure lounge that they are going to die. If the person does not yet understand that there really is no death, try to explain in kind and loving words as simply as possible what you think will happen to you when you, one of these days, are ready to leave the earthly plane behind. And then in your mind’s eye visualise how the person easily and safely slips into our world. Observe the whole process as part of the ever changing and unfolding eternal life.

‘Never forget that wherever there is life there is also hope and do not anticipate anything but the best possible outcome in any kind of situation. Your trust and confidence may help to disperse the other person’s doubts and fears about being placed into the hands of the Highest, as whose channel all spiritual healers are working. Your attunement to the Highest forces of life has the power of assisting and easing the passage of those in your care from your world into ours. When you sense that one of the Angels of Death is holding their hand, quietly speak to your patient along these lines: ‘I do not believe that there ever were places like Heaven and hell. They are states of consciousness those in the earthly school of life, during the early stages of their education, are good at creating for each other. In my view, there is only one place where anyone can go at the end of each lifetime and that is the spirit realm. It is a world of light and love, honesty and truth, where nothing is hidden. When your hurting physical body has been left behind, you may think you are in Heaven. Well yes, in a way, you are and the earthly life you are leaving behind hasn’t that been hell enough for you?’ As far as possible, every patient should be encouraged to at least begin to develop a spiritually healthy outlook on life.

‘Right thought is God thought and that means balanced and loving, pure and holy, kind and friendly, tolerant and generous thinking. Whenever a steady stream of such thoughts is flowing from your earthly mind into the Universe it can bring benefits to every aspect of those around you. This kind of thinking is a natural process for those who perceive the world around them with the help of God’s vision. The Divine healing energies that are flowing through them are driven by the power of that person’s sincere aspiration. When your whole being has totally and unconditionally surrendered itself to the Universal Christ, you are in harmony with the Christ energies. The receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind then works on its frequencies. As a result, the Christ rays can penetrate the cells of your physical body and flow through you into everything you come into contact with.

‘These Christ energies can change all things that to this day are dark and evil in your world into good and right ones. This also applies to people whose whole being is in need of healing. Through the connection with you, their spirit/soul fills with the Christ light and from there flows into every cell of their physical body and bring healing to it. And as soon as the patient’s Karma allows it, God and the Healing Angels in close co-operation with the Lords of Karma, can create miracles. Because of the utter fairness and justice of the Universal laws and the accuracy of the Akashic Records, there is no need for anyone to doubt the decision of the Lords. All kinds of healing work are carried out under their supervision. This is how the right kind of thoughts, with the passing of time, develop the power of creating miracles, hand in hand with God and the Angels. The more such thoughts keep on flowing from pure and loving hearts into their frequencies, the more easily miracles can come about. The Divine energies they activate have the power of changing your world’s spiritual darkness into the light of wisdom and the ability to understand it. That’s how that which to this day is dark, ugly and evil on your plane is at present occupied with changing into something that is good, right and beautiful.

‘Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The legend of the Master’s life demonstrates in picture book fashion how every aspiring healer and lightbringer are advised to proceed. Jesus’ words of: ‘I and my Father are one,’ now that you have reached the age of truth, need to be paraphrased into: ‘The words that I speak unto you, are not from me but from the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. They are as much part of me as they are of you. On my own I am nothing, neither are you. They and the Angels are doing the healing work through all of us.’ On their own nobody can heal anyone. But whenever one of you makes contact with the Christ Spirit and the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind is tuned into the frequencies of the Highest, the Divine healing power is released into them and from there flows into their suffering patient. Sometimes this helps that person to quietly slip away. One of the Angels of Death lifts their spirit/soul into our realm, where their whole being is recharged with the Divine blessing and healing energies.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide’
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Suffering’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (14)

Calling With Your Thoughts

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing - Part TwoThe following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in ‘Memories of Reincarnation – White Eagle’s Work in the Present Day’: ‘On the inner planes thought is like a flash of light and instantaneous. On the outer plane, when a voice calls, your physical hearing responds. Call with your thoughts and watch how the mind life answers. Call from within your soul and there will always be a soul reply. In your thoughts project light to those around you. They feed into the light stream of your world’s consciousness. If you ask for healing and work in unselfish ways, the Healing Angels send their light to those who are in need of it. Any time you send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to others, the Divine spark within them receives this light and respond to it in some way. Naturally, the same applies to unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

‘God’s healing power illuminates human souls. It gradually permeates the physical bodies of those who are suffering and from there radiates outwards into their environment. However, this power should only be tapped into to heal the sick. If you do this without any selfish motives like wishing to become known as a world famous healer, you will in time be able to cleanse your own whole being as well as your patient’s of the poisons that have built up in your systems through the thinking and behaviour patterns of all lifetimes up to the earlier in the present one. This process also clears your emotional or water body of the feelings that have their origin in the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the past. The water body houses your soul, the soft, sensitive and highly impressionable part of both genders. When your own outstanding issues have been cleared up, you will be able to help, enlighten and strengthen those around you.

‘Know that no unselfish effort on anyone’s behalf is ever wasted. God’s will is that you learn how to love not only all human beings but also yourself and everything that shares your world with you. It’s a good idea to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to every human being in your world and those resting in the spirit realm, as well as your whole world. We, your spirit friends and helpers, have been called to work – for a long time unbeknown to you earthlings – in particular on all human minds and hearts. This is how, with the passing of time, ever more individuals as well as the whole of humankind have moved beyond the darkest stages of their evolutionary journey.

‘By now, the Christ nature of ever more of you have integrated every aspect of their lower and higher nature and these spirit/souls are becoming increasingly powerful in your world. God and the Angels are communicating with them through the small still voice of their inner teacher or in-tuition, the wise one or living God within, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question you may ever care to ask. This inner guidance of yours is the only guru in the whole of Creation who is utterly trustworthy and can be relied upon to tell you what is right or wrong for you at any given moment. As it works with you through the world of your feelings, if something feels right to you, then it is for you – even though it may not be for anyone else.

‘In keeping with God’s evolutionary plan for every one of you, you need to learn how to love and respect yourself and everything that once was and will one day be part of your life. Everything happened for a wise higher reason. Every one of you eventually reaches the point of their development for overcoming and leaving behind the desires and urges of their lower self, so that your Christ nature can gradually take over and influence your life in many beneficial ways. Achieving this is every human being’s birthright and ever continuing spiritual development its destiny. Whatever you begin but cannot finish in your present lifetime, will be possible in your next one. And when you return to our world at the end of your last earthly lifetime, it’s up to you to decide whether you wish to join one of our groups to guide, inspire and bless humankind, the way we have tried to do with this.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is Soul?’
•    ‘Climbing The Spiritual Mountain & Living Intuitively’

 Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (15)

The Divine Healing Rays

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Divine Healing RaysThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It reached me through the Lodge’s Monday Thought 17.4.2017: ‘If your inner vision were developed sufficiently, you would be able to observe the distribution, direction and infusion of the rays of God’s healing power. Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, their energies are always available to anyone. They are constantly at work throughout the whole of Creation and are strengthened considerably when someone asks for healing, for themselves as well as for others.

‘The Angel in charge of the healing group and the one at the head of the group known as ‘the Lords of Karma’ closely co-operate with each other. The former knows where someone is asking for healing and the latter decides in what form it should be given. The outcome of any such requests depends entirely on the patient’s Karma. The conclusions of the leading Angels of both groups are passed onto the Healing Angels, who at all times are carrying out the instructions that are given to them. It is up to the two Angels in charge whether a healing miracle might be justified. They are responsible for bringing them into being – to the astonishment of your world, where very few have an idea how they come about.

‘As most of you, aspiring healers and non-healers alike, to this day are unable to access the Karmic records, it would be impossible for you to use the healing rays correctly. We suggest that whenever you are sending healing to someone in need of it, you tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the Angelic healing channels. This adjusts the vibrations of your thought processes to theirs, so that with the passing of time they become ever more compatible with the Angelic ones. Through this you gradually evolve into an ever greater force for the healing not only of individual patients, but of the whole of humankind.’

The essence of another teaching about the power of healing thoughts from the White Eagle group of spirit guides appeared with the title ‘White Eagle on Divine Mother – The Creation of Form’: ‘Sometimes, you may wonder how you might best help a friend in hospital or someone who is approaching death. We would like you to know that the power of thought is more effective than that of speech or written words. Best of all you can help anyone by sending them kind and optimistic, good and constructive thoughts. In your thoughts lift those who are suffering into the heartmind of the great Mother and Her Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

‘Keep on with your efforts because any healing rays that are projected from a distance are as effective – and even more so in many cases – than when they are physically ministered. Whenever someone is in the process of leaving their physical body behind, wise ones remind themselves that they are far from dying. There really is no need for excessive grieving and feeling sorry for anyone who is released into our world, because it is one of infinite beauty, love and joy. Human spirits and souls do not die and will never do so, they merely move into a different dimension of life.

‘As the great American poet wrote: ‘Death is the Angel sent who draws the unwilling bolt and sets the captive free’. That’s why, when the time for laying the physical body aside, there should be no grief. The spirit has merely passed from your earthly vision, but it is still near you. In love there can be no separation. The spirit of someone left behind merges with that of the spirit who is being released. The laws of harmony and union prevail and the two spirits and souls are joined into one. We agree that Earth life is a hard school, but you will find it much less so when you draw aside and dissolve the veil of consciousness that separated our world from yours in the past, and then continue to live consciously in the awareness of the limitlessness of spiritual life.’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (16)

One In Spirit And Thought

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - One In Spirit And Thought

‘The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of message guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011 with the heading ‘One in Thought’: ‘Many in earthly life do not yet recognise the power in which they have their being and who is at all times trying to assist them with their spiritual development. This is particularly true with regard to the power of thought. There is a great deal of confusion in the thought processes on your planet and when we witness how, as a result of this, many have to endure physical pain, discomfort and weariness of mind, body and spirit, we would love to provide you with some kind of magical healing balm.

‘However, for as long as people are closed off to the spiritual dimensions and background of their earthly existence this is extremely difficult. That’s why we are doing all we can to help you become aware of the power of your thinking. With this God and the Angels are laying the tool for creating perfect health first for yourselves and then for those around you. When you have sufficiently attuned the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind to their frequencies, God’s White healing magic can begin to flow through you to alleviate the suffering of many. All you have to do is train your mind and direct it into healthier thinking and behaviour patterns.

‘Far too many in your world still believe that their thoughts are their own affair. They could not be more mistaken, because every thought that goes forth from your world affects not only the whole of your world, but also all others. If you are a kind, loving and considerate person who thinks good things, you are assisting the growth of good throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, the same is true for  unkind, negative and unloving thoughts. Can you see what a great responsibility for the wellbeing of your world and all worlds each one of you has? However much you may be tempted to be unkind and criticise, don’t give in and radiate kind and understanding thoughts into the situation. Once you have learnt to love humankind with all its shortcomings and your world, you will not find this difficult.

‘Always bear in mind that every thought creates a vibration and a wave on the etheric levels of life. When you are thinking about someone, your thought travels directly to them and in due course takes form. It hovers in their vicinity and waits until the recipient is off guard. If their mind is filled with useful and helpful thoughts, negative and unwanted thoughts cannot penetrate it, but it enters as soon as the mind is less occupied. Wise ones, who are aware of these things, reject negative thoughts and transmute them into good and positive ones. Good thoughts you are sending stimulate the recipient in positive ways. Without being aware of it, all of you are constantly receiving the thoughts of others, particularly on the astral and mental planes, the realm of thought forces.

‘If you suffer physically, make an effort not to think about your suffering! When you are in pain, do not react with: ‘Oh, how I suffer. I do feel bad!’, because you then attract the negative powers that are everywhere and therefore also around you, and they increase the feeling of pain. There is much truth in a Christian Science practice that says that good thoughts are of God. Whenever they are spoken the Christ light wraps itself around that person. Wise do this and through it reap wonderful blessings, not only for themselves but also for those around them.

‘The teachings of the knowledge, wisdom and power of the Divine white healing magic will never change. ‘As it was in the beginning, it is now and forever will continue to be, while any kind of world exists somewhere.’ We shall never tire of telling you that the secret of this power is within the reach of every human being and can only be accessed through self-mastery and thought-control. True spiritual Masters have gained complete control over their thinking processes. Achieving the control of our mental and physical body is very difficult, but then it is well known that no master ever fells from the Heavens. It frequently takes souls until they arrive in our world, after leaving their physical bodies behind, that they realise they are living in a world of thought.

‘Those treading the path of the mysteries, need to take good care of their surroundings and create harmony wherever they go. Their thinking has to be precise, for that is the foundation on which all life is built. Every human eventually has to learn how to safely wield the white magic with the help of right thinking. The development of what is known in your world as psychic gifts * is only a first stage of the opening of the spiritual talents of the Christ power, which in the fullness of time will come alive in even the last and slowest of human beings. In due course this power will dominate the whole of your world and draw all of you together into the universal siblinghood of life. Through this the vibrations and with it the physical conditions of the Earth will change. They are already in the process of becoming finer and more etherealised and each one of you can contribute to this by working for the benefit of all humankind.

‘During the early part of their earthly education, human beings experience life as if they were spending it in a small prison. The building blocks of this jail are the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions the small earthly self accumulated in the course of many lifetimes, which have been carried forward into this one. This part of human nature gets so immersed in providing the essentials of earthly life like food, clothing and housing, that there seems to be no time left for anything else. This is how for a long time ignorance of their true nature and the fear of the unknown are keeping all human spirits and souls incarcerated, but as they progress on their predestined pathway, there eventually comes a moment of awakening. It can be sparked by particularly tragic, traumatic and sad events, for example when loved ones return to our world.

‘Now the time has come for asking some searching questions like: ‘Where has my loved one gone? Where shall I go when my time has come? What’s going to happen to me?’ * This spiritual awakening is frequently accompanied by feelings of a hunger and thirst that cannot be satisfied by anything earthly life has to offer. The alarmingly increasing numbers of overweight people and those with eating and drinking problems * in general are evidence of the pressure for the awakening of the whole human race that is constantly rising. But help is always at hand and sufficient opportunities are on offer to assist humankind with waking up from its deep sleep in materialism.

‘Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air sign and each lifetime spent in one of them served the development of the human intellectual abilities. The deeper all of together are moving into the Age of Aquarius, the more noticeable becomes the great outpouring of Aquarian energies from the mental planes of the highest levels into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness, which for quite some time has been taking place. To enable ever more of you to reach out for the Angelic hosts, the Universal power of thought thus stimulates humankind’s higher mind. Drawing closer to your world makes it easier for them to pour their rays of wisdom and truth into all hearts and souls. And when you look around you, you can observe this revival and prompting of people’s spiritual faculties. Materialism will not hold sway much longer in your world and this can already be seen in the fields of literature, music and science.

‘Wise ones appreciate that it is impossible to live in splendid isolation and that with or without anyone’s will, their thinking constantly affects the lives of all others, in your world and ours. To enable them to receive and transmit the light of the living God within, they keep the power station of their earthly minds constantly tuned into the frequencies of the higher levels of life. Aware that on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything and that they will always retain their individuality, wise ones look at themselves and everybody as mere drops in the great ocean of life where everything moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral as one magnificent Universal siblinghood. This is one of the greatest secrets of the white magic. The Angels gave your world the simplest and yet most profound teaching about it through the Jesus legend’s words: ‘Love one another. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind, and thy neighbour as thyself.’’

And finally the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011 under the heading ‘Spontaneity’: ‘Learning about scientific facts, as you they are called in earthly life, or reading and studying spiritual or occult truth is all very well. But until you have built into your soul body the light atoms, the constructive God atoms and through it have found a deep inner understanding of these things, you cannot serve life as you would like to. It is one thing to know with your mind, but knowing and grasping matters that come to your attention with your inner self is another one entirely.

‘The result of this kind of understanding is spontaneous good thinking and acting that gives forth the light of God’s love. This is the power that can raise the vibrations of every atom of your own being, of those around you and your whole world. The mental body is the higher vehicle through which the Christ spirit, the living God within, operates. This part of your being is capable of creating a world so far removed from Mother Earth’s present state that she will no longer be of the same substance. The development of this part of your being depends on the habitual thought patterns of each individual. But as more and more of you strive to develop the right ones and through this become a Christed one in their own right, you will be doing your share of assisting the spiritual rebirth of Mother Earth as a purely spiritual being, the same as you will by then be.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘The Spiritual Background Of Eating Disorders’

•    ‘Psychic Gifts’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (17)

The Power Of Love And Thought

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Working With The Power Of Love And Thought The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the StarLink January 2012: ‘Many in your world to this day believe that life ends at the death of the physical body, but this is simply not true because the essence of every human being is spirit and soul. Like God, this part is eternal and immortal, and because God is spirit, its true home are the spirit realms where there is no death and all life constantly moves forwards and upwards on a never ending evolutionary spiral. Whenever a loved goes from you, they are joining us in our world. They are by no means dead and in truth they never left you because they merely moved into another dimension where all life is one and there is no separation between anything, and where no-one ever leaves anybody. On that level your loved ones will always be with you.

‘The most important part of every human being is their spirit and soul, and they are said to belong to God. That is correct, but it’s by no means all there is to it. Because everything is of God and brought into being by the Highest forces of life, the servers of God and the executors of His/Her great plan of life *, every aspect of your being, including your physical body, belongs to God. Wise ones are aware of this and treat their body as the temple of the living God within. They would not dream of desecrating it with anything, especially not with evil and destructive thoughts.

‘God, the Great Father/Mother of all life, without exception totally and unconditionally loves each and every human being, just as much as everything else in the whole of Creation. All of it has been created and is constantly maintained and supported by the power of the thoughts of our all-loving, all-giving and all-forgiving Creator. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces that exist anywhere. Just imagine the effectiveness and power that is created when these two come together and express themselves as kind and loving thoughts you are sending to anyone. This is also how in quiet reflections and meditations your loved ones can be contacted at any time. And that’s the best way of finding out for yourself that they really are alive and well in our world, and that nothing can destroy a bond of love that has been created between two people, as well as people and animals.

‘Wise ones know that love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. Whilst thinking about the troublemakers of their world, in particular those who are involved in planning and carrying out terrorist activities, in one of their quiet moments the thought flashes through their minds: ‘There has to be something I can do to help these poor souls with the awakening of their higher nature. But what? If I allow myself to think I hate them and what they are doing, all I can hope to achieve is adding to the darkness that presently fills their being and surrounds them.’

‘These wise ones are aware that evil and darkness cannot be overcome by evil and that negative thoughts anyone sends into your world attracts others with the same vibrations. They absorb each other like sponges and it does not take long until the negativity returns to each of its senders in the form of ever greater darkness that disturbs any emanations of light that might be there. The only right way of assisting any kind of troublemaker is with thoughts of forgiveness and kindness that are born from your heart’s love and understanding for the difficulties of humankind’s earthly lessons. Whenever such thoughts are sent into your world, they too attract ever more of with the same vibration on their travels through the ethers.

‘Appreciating this, wise ones think: ‘As I have no idea of how to go about this enterprise, I’ll ask my inner guidance, who knows what I am doing and thinking at all times.’ Focussing their attention on the world of the troublemakers, they pray to their Highest Self: ‘May your will be my will and your words be mine, so that everything unfolds in keeping with your will and wishes. If it’s all right to do this, may the Angels of healing and peace hold my hand and the right words come to me intuitively.’

‘After having waited a moment until they sense the Highest Self’s response, the wise ones enter into an imaginary dialogue that goes something like this: ‘You are my younger sibling and I am calling to help you become aware that there is a part of you that is all good. At the moment it’s still slumbering, but I would like to help it wake up. For you the time has come to understand that earthly life is ruled by Universal laws and although at present you think you can do as you like, this simply is not true. You and I, the same as everybody else, are responsible for each one of our thoughts, words and actions.’ Be creative and continue with whatever occurs to you intuitively. If it feels right, that’s what it is.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good and Evil’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’

Six pointed Star

The Very Best Of White Eagle (18)

You Are Your Own Creators

Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - You Are Your Own CreatorsThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ June/July 2010 with the heading ‘Visualising the Christ Star’: ‘Every human being is a spark of God and a chip off the old block. All qualities and powers that are in God are also in each one of you, though at first only in a slumbering state and as a potential. As co-creators with God your thoughts have the power to constantly create something. Any form that you imagine or think of is created by you out of what we in our world call soul matter.

‘Whatever you create you are responsible for and, usually without being aware of what they are doing, writers create and build the characters of their tales on the etheric plane. Writers of fiction are the creators of their stories’ characters, but those who write historical novels tune into the vibrations of the people who have become the focus of their attention. The more intensively this is done, the more authentic their tales will feel. Whatever someone creates in this way comes alive as a thoughtform on the astral plane of life and eventually has to be absorbed into the heartmind of its creator. That is the seat of God’s and human creativity.

‘Every human being’s development at some stage includes experiencing the astral planes. If in any of your lifetimes you created some thoughtforms, that’s when they present themselves to you, so they can be absorbed into your consciousness. Because the Universal laws decree that everything has to return to its creator, it cannot be done any other way. Does that now make you wonder how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coped with it when the hound of the Baskervilles was bounding towards him? If only he had known!

‘Wise ones, however, who are aware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions is built into some kind of a form on the higher etheric plane, leave writing unpleasant and scary tales to those who do not yet know any better. Instead they spend more time on creating beautiful and peaceful conditions in their home. Even if their lifepath is a difficult one, they make every effort to think good and constructive thoughts only and use their power to create as much beauty wherever they go.

‘As the absorption of thoughtforms can only be done by the love in the creator’s heart for his/her creations, wise ones ask for the guidance and protection of their inner teacher, the living God within, when they are writing. They take great care to only bring thoughtforms of good, positive and constructive people into being, who have something to give that enriches your world and makes it a more pleasant place for all.

‘And that’s how the Angels once created the legend of the Master Jesus and the people surrounding him. When this tale has served its purpose, every one of its thoughtforms will be absorbed back into the consciousness of the Angelic hierarchy and removed. For the Jesus legend this process will be completed sooner than you may be able to imagine from your present evolutionary state. This is due to the fact that increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that the only purpose of all legends that ever appeared in your world was to assist the awakening of the living God within each one of you.

‘Every one of the thoughtforms that were thus created down the ages, with the passing of time was slowly withdrawn and absorbed into the heart of the Angelic realms, from where they once emerged. Each time an old religion is removed from your world in this manner, it loses its hold on people’s hearts and minds and that creates the necessary space for the entry of a new belief system. This is how the religions that are still present in your world are being phased out. And now that sufficient numbers of you have matured into spiritual maturity, there no longer is any need for legends. You are ready for the truth about God’s true nature and your own and capable of acting as healers and lightbringers for those around you. You are here to spread the good news of the religion of the Aquarian Age and are meant to share it through the media that are the gift of this age * for you and your world:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Recognising whether the above is speaking the truth is not difficult for those among you who once took part in the ancient Egyptian religions or any that reached even deeper into antiquity. The only things human beings have ever been able to take with them, when leaving another earthly lifetime behind, is what they have gained in wisdom and understanding. This is how many who are presently taking part in earthly life have brought knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom with them.

‘Yet, on the debit side of your spiritual bankbook such credits are accompanied by unpaid Karmic debts from those long gone by days. If this applies to you, your present earthly sojourn will be offering you plenty of opportunities for balancing your spiritual account. This is why you were drawn to spiritual service in the first place. Whenever you encounter parts of the Ancient Wisdom, you feel its calling from deep within you and need no convincing that they are speaking the truth. Having once seen into and experienced that which is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes and minds, you just know.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Power Of Thought - Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in ‘A Time to Remember’ Stella Polaris October/November 2008: ‘We shall never tire of drawing your attention to the fact that thought is the most powerful creative force of all life and of humankind’s urgent need for learning to control its thinking. This is because each one of you possesses the same creative principle that is in God. This knowledge lays the instrument for creating the right kind of vibrations and for controlling the cells and atoms of their physical body in everybody’s own hands.

‘All who are presently taking part in the school of earthly life have been granted the gift of another lifetime, so that they may learn how to use this power for good and wholesome purposes only. Deep within every human soul rests the Divine urge to create a life that is free and holy, happy and healthy, joyous and loving. This means an existence in which everybody gives of their best and renders loving service to the whole of humankind and its world, whilst never losing sight that the world of spirit and light is your true home.

‘If you would like Mother Earth to become a more beautiful and peaceful place, in your mind start creating these conditions straight away. Use every spare moment to focus your thoughts on the world in which you would like to live. You can do nothing better to help it become a reality in earthly life. When you refuse to allow any other ideas about this theme to enter your consciousness, your hopes, dreams and aspirations have the power to not only raise your own vibrations but also those of your whole world. Show your trust in God’s great plan of life * by reminding yourself frequently that you and your world are resting safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. This is one of the best ways of applying the constructive forces of creative thinking to your own life.

 ‘Never allow your thoughts to drag you down and do not give in to feelings of being incarcerated on the Earth plane, because your thoughts are free to go anywhere they please. Travelling faster than the speed of light, wherever you direct them they can instantly reach even the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation. The moment you think about a place, you are instantly there. And when your thoughts are used in the right way, they have the power to release not only yourself but the whole of humankind from the darkness of its false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices about the purpose and meaning of their existence.

‘Most important of all, do not despair about the state of your world or dwell on the negative aspects of any situation. If you believe that much good can come out of whatever you see and that the best is yet to be, you are helping to bring it about. And refuse to be dismayed by the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the people around you. Instead, do all you can to shine the light of your knowledge into it. Cultivate love, compassion and tolerance towards everybody, as everybody is your  sibling in the family of humankind, and also for all other lifeforms that share your beautiful planet with you. Whatever you do, always bear in mind that every bad and negative thought that goes out into the Universe adds to the sum of the ones that are already there and that the same is true for good and positive, kind and understanding thoughts.

‘God has a great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, as well as for humankind and each individual human being in it and your world. As soon as you have become aware and accept that there really is a wise higher reason behind everything that happens on the earthly plane of life, thinking in constructive and positive ways becomes easier for you. By firmly believing in the final good outcome of everything, you are serving the evolutionary progress of your race, your whole world and the rest of Creation and are raising its consciousness. Even the smallest contribution any one of you makes to this end is of the greatest value and importance.

‘Golden opportunities for balancing their spiritual bank account are presently offered to all who are presently taking part in earthly life. That’s why you are likely to encounter many hurdles that get in the way of your progress. No matter how hard and difficult a task at first may appear to be, remind yourself that hand in hand with God and the Angels crooked corners can be made straight and all conditions and outstanding issues, your own and those of your world, can be resolved and healed. Then forge ahead and never give up hope that eventually every one of your Karmic debts is going to be paid and you will be free to move on to serving God in a different function somewhere on the higher levels of life.

‘Keep on keeping on with faith and trust in your heart that all will be well in the end for the whole of your race and its world, as well as you. And that is sure to happen in the not too distant future. You are never alone, we are doing all we can to support each one of you to fulfil the special task for which you were created *. Everything you truly need will always be coming your way, without you having to ask for it, because we know what it is better than you do at times. Please affirm:

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing
There is meaning and law.
I trust God’s great plan of life
And my own within it.
I cannot lose what is my own and
I need not seek what is my own,
For what belongs to me will come and
Whatever goes does not belong to me.

Only what I am has power
And everything I need is rightfully mine.
It is drawn to me and will appear at the right moment.
Knowing this, I give up
All personal struggle and ambition.
I let go and trust the inner guidance
Of my Highest Self and the Universal Forces
To show me the way and
Run my life for me.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, your true home, will never leave you stranded anywhere. The door to our realm is always open to those whose loving thoughts are seeking contact with us. A warm and loving welcome awaits them. Our task is to help as many people as possible in your world to become aware of the power of their thoughts and the urgent need for learning to control them. This cannot be done without your assistance. We need you as much as you need us, so please support us by sharing your knowledge with those around you. Do this by whatever means is available to you, especially the Internet *, one of the most precious gifts the Aquarian Age has bestowed upon you. If you use it for the highest good and greatest joy of all humankind, you cannot go wrong. We are with you, all the way. God bless each and every one of you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Internet Prayer’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (2)

Good Thoughts

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Good Thoughts

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘The Triumph of Spirit Over Matter’ by Anna Hayward in Stella Polaris April/May 2018: ‘God is as much part of you as you are part of God and God’s powers and characteristics are also in you, even though at first only in seed form. Good and kind, constructive and loving positive thoughts have their origin in your higher nature, they are God thoughts. Ever more people in your world are presently becoming aware of the vital importance of thinking that way.

‘With the passing of time, the physical body then transforms itself into a celestial body that is the dwelling place of and temple for the living God within you, the God or Christ nature of your being. The more you apply the power of  this thinking mode to everything you do, you are recreating your own whole being. At the same time you are doing your share of transforming your planet into a more pleasant, peaceful and enjoyable place for everybody.

‘Goodwill is the white healing magic of the Universe. Good, kind and loving thoughts are God or Christ thoughts. When your actions and reactions to the events of your daily life have their origin in them, everything you do is an action that flows from the heart of the living God within you into your world. That is the right way of living for all aspiring healers and lightbringers because good actions are the spontaneous reaction to good thoughts. Your thoughts decide your actions and the vibrations of your physical body are speeded up by each one you send into your world and that applies to every spoken as well as written word.

‘And when ever more of you are conducting their lives in keeping with this knowledge, the whole of your planet will gradually become not only more beautiful to look at but also more pleasant to live upon because its matter, the same as your own physical body, then changes into a finer, more delicate and ethereal substance. All matter in the whole of Creation is in a constant process of spiritualisation through that which inhabits it.

‘Love flows into every human being, independent of which stage of their personal evolutionary journey someone has reached at any given moment. Some of you perceive it as a great wave of love that fills their whole being and makes them want to serve the Highest Forces of life and do their share of improving the conditions of humankind’s earthly existence in whatever way possible. Others experience it on a different level and that’s where they are doing their best to serve life, each in their own sweet way.

‘For ever more of you the time has come to realise that the mere mention of a name in thoughts and words causes a vibration that touches the spirit/soul of the person, group and even countries you have in mind. If you do this whilst focussing your mind on the radiance of the Christ Star, the radiance of Its light connects you straight away with them. Every human being eventually needs to learn how to control the rays and vibrations of sound and light that their thoughts and words set in motion with the help of the tuner/receiver station of their earthly mind.

‘The spirit realm has always communicated with your world through metaphors and symbolisms that operate on the etheric level and there affect life on all its levels most powerfully. The legendary Master Jesus is the symbol of every human being’s God or Christ nature. Whenever they watch your world struggling in the darkness of being unaware of these things, reminds wise ones of the last words Jesus is supposed to have said whilst breathing his last on the cross: ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.’ Shuddering at the thought of what the law of cause and effect or Karma is bound to return to the troublemakers, scare- and warmongers of your world in due course, motivates the wise ones to send them nothing but good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Our Earthly Existence’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross We Bear’
•    ‘The Higher Purpose Of Suffering’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (3)

White Eagle On The Healing Work

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - White Eagle On The Healing WorkThe following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in Stella Polaris October/November 2016 under the heading ‘The Gentle Brother’: ‘You are on the Earth plane to learn how to tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly minds into the frequency of the Universal Christ. We would like you to become aware of how important the efforts of every individual human being who is willing to do their share of bringing peace and healing to all of humankind and its world are.

‘A great deal of selfishness in earthly life is caused not as much by wilfulness as thoughtlessness. But the more you advance on the spiritual pathway of life, the more the need to analyse every individual thought, word and action disappears. This is because once your heart has attuned itself to the Highest, acting spontaneously in good, kind and loving ways has become your natural way of acting and reacting. Whatever task then comes before you, you do it with love in your heart and to the best of your ability for God and the highest good and greatest joy of all life.

‘Spontaneous goodwill and thoughtfulness, spiritually correct behaviour and perfect balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life, that’s what each one of you in earthly is ultimately striving for. And the more people come together and attune themselves to God’s infinite love and the spirit of good, we, your siblings on the other side of the veil of consciousness, can use your groups as channels through which the goodness and kindness of the spirit realm increasingly flows. As nothing is as infectious as these things, open your hearts and souls so that the love of the Christ spirit can flow into those around you and from there into the whole of your world.

‘Once the power of thought is understood, it can be used by anyone to create a life that is filled with beauty and kindness, peace and harmony. This is because whenever you practise right thinking to help others by sending them constructive and positive thoughts only, the Universal laws ensure that you receive more of the same in return. As everything one of you sends forth has to be repaid, good thinking therefore serves a double purpose.

‘The more of you are doing these things, the speedier your whole world will be filling with the goodwill of Universal love. This kind of love is no sickly sentiment but a potent force that is capable of raising humankind from the darkness of ignorance about its true nature and destiny into the light of consciously being aware of these things, as well as the duties they entail. This is how all of you are slowly but surely moving from experiencing the always brief and temporary realities of earthly life into the eternal realm of your spirit nature and the joys that are waiting for you there.

‘All we can do is to give you broad outlines of the principles involved and the foundations upon which you yourselves have to build your new world. Knowing them empowers you to act as one of the pioneers and servers of the Aquarian Age. Never forget that your present thoughts, words and actions are vital building materials you will be using many times over in future incarnations on different planes and planets. You are not alone in your work. You may not be able to see us and not always sense our presence because doing so would not be good for you.

‘This is for the simple reason that it would prevent you from bringing forth and developing your own inner strength and learning to trust your own capabilities when you are working hand in hand with God and us. But no matter what happens, rest assured that you never have been or will be on your own. Although you were not aware of it for a long time, for as long as you have been taking part in earthly life, you have always been holding on to the hand of your true brother/sister, the Universal Christ, who blesses each one of you and us with His/Her presence.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (4)

The Importance Of  Humour

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - White Eagle On The Importance Of Humour

The following is the essence of teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from various sources. ‘The Spontaneous Joy Of The Spirit’ Stella Polaris Aug/Sept 2011: ‘If you do not wish to chain yourselves to the heaviness of the Earth atmosphere, do not be too serious and solemn in all your encounters. At times be very still and quiet, but not without having the joy of the spirit singing within you and the laughter of the spirit on your face. We, your spirit guides in the world of light, have a good sense of humour and nothing gives us greater pleasure than hearing and seeing the joy of your spirit bubbling up in you. We encourage happiness, zest for life and a sense that whatever is happening in your world is right because it fulfils a wise higher purpose.’

‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2007: ‘Make an effort to cultivate a sense of humour to enable you to treat as amusing that which otherwise would irritate and annoy you in your human siblings and your world. Whatever happens, be understanding, feel with them and do not allow anyone’s foibles and shortcomings to fill your mind with darkness. By casting the warming beam of humour onto any situation, you can transform and lift it into light of higher understanding.’

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris under the heading ‘Sayings of the Gentle Brother – Simplicity’: ‘We, your spirit guides and helpers are with you always. We are looking at all happenings in earthly life with love and humour. Oh yes, we have a good sense and that’s what you also need to cope with the state of your world at any given time. Endeavour your humour to be like ours of the kindly type. We hope that with the passing of time you will ever more be able to look at your world and everything in it through our eyes. In any kind of situation you will then find your heart smiling and your eyes twinkling, the way ours are doing.’

‘The Quiet Mind – Just Laugh!’: ‘If everything goes wrong, just laugh! Let your laughter have its fling and let go of things. Keep your vision on God and know that in the end everything is sure to come right. And that is the truth.’

‘The Source of all our Strength – Enjoy Fun’: ‘Life is not meant to be solemn, but filled with joy and laughter. Think of life as being eternal and that you, a tiny spark of that Divine, are learning to walk a path that leads you to conscious reunion with your Heavenly true parents. The ultimate goal of your existence is this union with Divine love and peace, joy and – yes – fun.’

White Eagle ‘On Festivals & Celebrations’: ‘May we all cultivate a sense of humour, to enable us to see as amusing those things in humankind that would otherwise irritate and annoy us. Be understanding and feel with your siblings when something about them irritates and annoys you. Turn their darkness into light by casting the warming beam of humour into whatever it may be. Never forget that in humour, the same as in all things, it is necessary to be wise, so let yours only ever be of the kind variety.’

The White Eagle calendar June 2017: ‘We like to see you happy and joyous, loving the light and warmth of the Sun, the beautiful colours around you and all other blessings that are constantly coming your way, for this is why the Great Father/Mother of all life created them. That’s why we encourage you to spend what remains of your earthly days with laughter and kindness in your hearts towards all lifeforms that share your world with you. Look for the humorous side of the difficulties that exist in your world and you will often find that they disappear quite magically.’

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle calendar March 2019: ‘Nothing lightens the vibrations of your whole being as much as cultivating a good sense of humour. We like to see your happy smiling faces and how you refuse to deal with anything too heavily and seriously. Knowing that in earthly life all things pass away, that everything eventually has to come to its natural end and that, in the fullness of time, God and the Angels will be making all crooked places straight, smile and let things take their course, just be.

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (4)

A Vision To Hold At This Time

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - A Vision To Hold At This TimeThe following is the essence of two White Eagle teachings. The first one appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ August/September 2005: ‘We, your guides in the spirit world, are seeing a glorious future for humankind, when injustices have been righted and all those present have learned to conduct their lives in keeping with God’s laws and the way of wisdom. We perceive a natural and beautiful coming together of all nations who are united in one great family. The time is coming when your race has understood its responsibilities towards everything that shares its world and especially the animal kingdom. An expansion of consciousness lies ahead when every human being will be capable of looking beyond the ends of their noses and even the astral planes to the celestial world where the Universal Christ with His/Her Angels and all other companies of the Highest are dwelling.

‘Those who to this day insist on holding other nations and their people in subjection will gradually be withdrawn from earthly life and there will be an end to powerseeking, dominion and empire building, persecution and warmongering. Everybody will be occupying their rightful place in the country that once was created for them by their own group spirit and soul. Although each country has its own, in the evolutionary process all of them will gradually merge into one great nation and that is your whole world. There is going to be a growing sense of partnership between the countries in which everybody respects the culture of their neighbours whilst continuing to enjoy its own.

‘This new world is ready and waiting for you beyond the veil that to this day separates your world from ours. Do not doubt and do not fear. Instead live consciously in the company of God’s Angels and Masters, and all other spirit friends and helpers. Do not be misled by the reasoning of your earthly minds and blindfolded by its reactions. They were given to you for good purpose and wise reason and have their place because they provide you with the necessary balance between the earthly plane and the highest realities of life. On the wings of the spiritual knowledge we are bringing you rise above and look beyond the realities of present existence to that which is truly important, namely that which lies behind it with its eternally true values. God bless each one of you with His/Her vision and truth.’

From Stella Polaris Feb/March 2008 ‘Transmutation’: ‘When humankind fully recognises its birthright, there will no longer be any wars and no-one will be subject to disease and poverty. Even death will be overcome when the Christ Spirit, the living God within, has achieved mastery over the cells and atoms of your physical body. In the days to come the powers of the spirit will be so highly developed that you will be able to read at a glance the thoughts of your companions. Yet, no-one will be entrusted with this gift who does not yet know how to treat it with the reverence it deserves.

‘We are explaining these things to help you understand that there is a great need for spiritual growth in every one of you, so that the finer gifts of the spirit can eventually become yours. The more you work selflessly and from a loving heart, the more your vision and perceptiveness of the spirit increases. In the fullness of time the power to heal and all other talents the Master Jesus is said to have possessed in the legend of his life, will also be yours. The highest forces will then be using you as their channel and the legend’s prophecy will come true that even greater miracles than the ones he performed will eventually be worked and that through each one of you.

‘The final and complete overthrow of death is waiting for humankind. Each one of you will discover for themselves that there is no death and that there never will be any. We hear you ask: ‘Do you mean no death of the physical body? But that would be against nature!’ What we mean is not death the way you know it today. When your small earthly self has surrendered itself completely to the Christ Spirit within and you have become a Christed one in your own right, a transmutation of the cells and atoms of your physical body takes place. This will move your whole being onwards and upwards to higher vibrations where decay like that of the Earth plane does not exist.’

Updated March 2016. Considering that some of the earliest White Eagle teachings appeared as far back as 1937, it stands to reason that by now considerable progress in our individual and collective spiritual development has been made. Therefore, it is likely that we are a good bit closer to the above vision becoming a reality in earthly life.

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (5)

Christmas With White Eagle

A Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2014

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Christmas Message From The World of Light 2014

The following is the essence of a Christmas Message from our beloved friends and helpers in the world of light. White Eagle acted as their spokesperson and brought it to me as one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts. My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear Friends, who made this communication possible. Happy Christmas to my worldwide circle of friends and spiritual family, too.

‘Dear ones, we are bringing you our message of love, good will and the renewal of hope, faith and trust to all of you. We know each one of you personally and we appreciate how hard, demanding and unrewarding earthly life can be at times. We want you to know that none of you have anything to fear, because on the inner level of life we are one with you and we are always with you. Today we convey to you our best wishes and hope that this Christmas you will know the joy of the true Christ Mass, which extends over the whole period of the twelve holy days and nights. This is something that can only be experienced and never be described adequately in the words of any earthly language.

‘Should you be on your own this Christmas and also if you can escape, if only for a brief moment here and there, from the merrymaking of those around you, in spirit you will not be alone – you never are. You will be in the company of us, your friends and helpers who already have the honour of sharing the glory of the Christ life in the world of light. Your loved ones are very close to you at this special time of the Christ Mass, wherever they may be at present. When genuine love has ever existed between two people, there will never be any separation between their spirits.

‘And now, turn your inner vision to the Christ Star,
the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation,
and pray that you may be used as a channel
for bringing Its healing and peace to your world.

‘God bless you all, each one.

  Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (6)

Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2015

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2015

Today I would like to share with you the essence of a News Flash from the White Eagle Lodge at Christmas, which contained a teaching that was given a long time ago. Bearing in mind the ever quickening pace of our race’s spiritual progress since this teaching first appeared, it has been updated to do justice to that which is happening on the inner and outer level of earthly life now.

‘Two thousand years ago a new legend was given to humankind. Its role was to act as a messenger for the events that would be taking place in the Age of Aquarius, which by now are increasingly becoming a reality of Earth life. From the beginnings of human existence on this plane, in the days before Christmas and for some time after, the blessings from the highest levels of life have been pouring more powerfully than at other times into all aspects of earthly life. With each passing year the inflow of the Christ energies has become more powerful.

‘And today we have come to lead you in a meditation for this most holy event. We are here to celebrate with you the Christ-Mass, the birth of the Christ. The awakening of the Great Light in all hearts is presently taking place in the realities of Earth life and in ever more of you the Divine spark of the Universal Christ is stirring from its slumbers. The legendary figure of Jesus has been a herald of the coming of the Great Light. The story of his life has been but one of the many interpretations of the myth that have been surrounding this event. Each one of them was given to your world by us, the wise ones in the world of light. Throughout the ages people have been celebrating the coming of the Christ in many different ways.

‘Now imagine in your mind’s eye that the Heavens are opening and the Holy Mother with the Christ child in her arms enters your inner vision. What you are seeing is the Great Mother of all life. In her loving arms she is holding a miniature version of the Great Light, the Sun of all Suns. Its radiance shines with undiminished force from the Divine child into the hearts of all human souls on both sides of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates them.

‘The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend is a symbolism for the Great Mother of all Life. Her love and wisdom is the focal point and centre of all life on the Earth plane as well as anywhere in the whole of the created world at Christmas, the Christ Mass. Silently observe and breathe in the sweetness and kindness of the Mother and worship Her and the gift she brings to humankind, Her child. With each passing year it is newly brought forth to help human hearts and souls to become spiritually stimulated, so that they open in love and goodwill towards all lifeforms.

‘The Great Father is part of the Great Mother. He stands behind Her and puts His arms lovingly around the mother and their child. Sing with the Angels and worship with the shepherds. Greet and give thanks to the three kings, for they represent the sages in the world of light, who at all times are holding your hands to guide and protect you and to keep you safe. Kneel before your true King and Queen, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, and their only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, on the highest plane of life.

‘Sagittarius is the sign responsible for the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. When the Sun moves through it from 22nd November to 22nd December in the run-up to Christmas, the Divine seed that to this day is still slumbering in many human hearts receives a renewed impetus to come alive and reveal its presence in the realities of Earth life. On the day of the Solstice, 22nd December, the Sun moves into Capricorn, the densest Earth sign of them all. It is also the sign in which the highest aspirations can be fulfilled and achievements brought about in earthly life. The energies of this sign bring the sacred fire of the Divine down onto the Earth. The goodwill and love that expresses itself in so many ways reveals that the seed of the Christ Spirit is indeed stirring in all hearts and souls, and that the holy infant is being born.

‘And that is whom you too have come to worship. To the wise ones in your midst, who have woken up to their true nature, the magic of the higher meaning that lies behind the surface words of the ancient story of the birth of Christ and the many carols it helped to bring into being never fades. Understanding what they have to say, the wise one’s hearts open wide to receive the Divine fire of love that flows more strongly than usual at this blessed time of the year. Invisible to earthly eyes, the Angels, messengers of the Highest, are standing by as the power, glory and light of goodwill shines with increasing force into all life on the Earth plane and fills every heart. The crib is the symbol of the most humble place on Earth: the human heart. And the light shines from the heart of the Divine Mother and the Christ, her Son/Daughter, in all its beauty and glory into each and every one of them.
‘Awakened ones do not complain that we are once more telling you the same old story. They know that we are doing it to remind you of the many symbolisms that have been hiding behind the words of the Jesus legend for such a long time. The Divine wisdom and truth they contain is waiting to sink ever more deeply into the consciousness of each individual heart and soul and through it your whole world. Being aware that the spiritual aspect of life is by far the more important one, wise ones refuse to put earthly concerns first. They prefer to concentrate on the profound truths the myth contains because they appreciate how essential they are for their own life and happiness as well as that of the whole of humankind.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, would love to describe the glory of the Heavenly realms to you, but using earthly languages this is impossible. And even if we could find the right words to tell you about the power and glory of the Heavenly hosts, most of you would not yet be able to grasp the meaning of what we have to convey about the power of the Highest, the Christ Star. In your earthly existence it can only be perceived by calling upon and practising it in your daily lives. It is something that cannot be known with the help of words or pictures. It can only be sensed through the feelings of love and siblinghood towards each other and your whole world that rise from the deepest innermost core of your being.

‘We would like you to know that many of those who have left their physical bodies behind are with you in spirit. Those you have loved and still love and remember are gathered here tonight. May you feel their presence as well as that of the Angels and Masters, and all other spirit guides and helpers. All of us together are sending heartfelt greetings and wishes for each one of you on the other side of the veil of consciousness. We invite you to join in the feelings of happiness and gratitude about the gift of life that has been given to us, and our common fate and destiny.

‘Know that every human soul, who is endeavouring to grow in saintliness and inner beauty of spirit, is making a valuable contribution towards creating a new and ever more peaceful and beautiful world by bringing God’s Kingdom onto the Earth. The highest potential of all who are presently participating in earthly life is to evolve into healers and bringers of God’s light and wisdom. And that, dear Friends, is the way, the light and the truth for every one of God’s children of the Earth. Whether you are as yet aware of this or not, each one of you is a child of the Christ Spirit who forever has its being in the radiance of the Christ Star.

‘The healing you are seeking is of the spiritual kind, but it can only be found through the power of your own spiritual aspirations. When your thoughts and whole being are truly aspiring to the light forces of the Universal Christ and tuning themselves into them, Its rays can flow into your loving heart without any hindrance. This awakens the Christ seed and soon you begin to feel how the rays of the Highest light penetrate ever deeper and with increasing force into every cell and atom of your physical body.

‘The Christ light is the only power in the whole of Creation that can reverse the order of all things, make crooked corners straight and bring healing to all conditions. Under its influence all darkness in human minds, physical bodies and their indwelling spirit and soul transmutes itself into light. This is how the Christ Spirit gradually takes possession of every cell and atom of your physical bodies and controls your whole being. And that is how miracles are performed.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (7)

A Thrill Of Hope

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Thrill Of Hope

O Holy Night,
The Stars are brightly shining,
It is the true Saviour’s birth.
The blessing and healing power of Christ Star’s
Light is penetrating ever deeper into
All human hearts and souls and that of our world.
And ever more of them joyously respond
By opening wide.

For long enough our world has been
Suffering and pining in the prison of humankind’s
Ignorance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
Rejoice, because for some time the greatest
Wonder and miracle of all times has been taking place
And that is the rebirth of humankind
Into the awareness of its true spiritual nature.
Archangel Michael with the golden sword
Of sacred knowledge that flows directly
From the heartmind of the Highest into our world
Touches the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That in the course of many lifetimes have
Accumulated in the memories of our souls.
This contact transmutes them into
Total faith and trust in our Creator
And the basic goodness of the life
That has been given to us and our world.

Fall on your knees, O hear the Angels voices.
O night Divine,
O night when the true Christ child is born
In every heart and soul and that of our world,
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by the cradle we stand,
Because we now understand its true meaning.
Led by the Christ Star’s light sweetly gleaming,
The wise ones from the spirit realm are guiding
And protecting us, helping us to recognise
The symbolisms behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.
They are telling us intuitively that the child’s parents
Are the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Who never left us and have always been with every one of us.
Lovingly they are watching us and our world,
Assisting the true Christ child’s birth
In ever more human hearts,
Whose symbol is the manger and
The little town of Jerusalem
Represents the whole of humankind.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God
Have always been in charge of the development
Of us and our world.
They know the needs of everyone and,
As far as our Karma allows,
Are at all times doing their best to fulfil them.
That’s why they are now providing us with
The courage and strength to master
The drives and urges of our lower nature.
When we nail them to the cross of our earthly existence,
From deep within everyone’s own being,
Our God or Christ nature can then take over.

Glory be to our world’s true King And Queen
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Light of all lights and Sun of all suns.
Before them we kneel in adoration,
Giving thanks and praise for allowing us to know that:
The main Divine laws are love and evolution,
Their gospel is peace;
Everybody is our sibling
In the vast family of humankind;
When we love and forgive each other,
The karmic chains and shackles dissolve.
We ourselves created them in past lifetimes
When we were ignorant of our true nature and
The presence of God’s Universal laws.

The knowledge of these things takes our world
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into the new Golden Age when slavery and oppression,
Warmongering, violence and strife will no longer be known.
That’s why songs of joy and peace, faith and trust
Are flowing from our hearts and souls,
And we give thanks and praise to the Divine Trinity’s
And bless its sacred name.

Each time another one of us becomes aware of their real nature
And starts conducting their life in keeping with it,
Another Christ child is born in Bethlehem.

Adolphe Charles Adam
Adapted for our time by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Christmas Mean In Our Time?’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘O Holy Night’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (8)

White Eagle Christmas Message 2016

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Christmas Message 2016

Today I would like to share with you the Christmas message for the year 2016 of the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It was sparked off by the Lodge Mothers seasonal greetings. The essence of her words provided the starting point, but the wise ones soon took over and what follows is the result. ‘Our message at Christmastide every year is that all of Christianity’s festivals, including Christmas, are but one of the many ways the Angels around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, have been using throughout the ages to bring humankind closer to the events that are at the same time taking place in their realm.

‘The Angelic hierarchy is the executor of God’s Great Plan of life. It is in charge of humankind’s spiritual development and welfare on all levels of its existence. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life are the authority that knows how much Divine wisdom and truth different parts of humankind is ready to grasp and take in at any given time. Whenever it has reached the point that another part of God’s sacred wisdom and truth can be revealed, they are the ones who decide in what form it should be presented and in which part of your world it should be released. It is up the Angels when one of the old religions should fade away and a new take its place that can take our race another stride forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘During the Christmas period there is a particularly powerful outpouring of the Christ spirit’s energies into each individual heart and that of the whole of humankind. This brings a strengthening of the Christ qualities of love and wisdom, kindness and truthfulness, as well as spiritual strength to your world. And when the Christ light flows into human hearts, they increasingly feel the need to bring comfort and joy to those around them, in some form or another. The flow of Christ light is a visitation and a spiritual baptism for the whole of humankind and that is the motivation for all Christmas gifts, greetings and feelings of gratitude.

‘Being aware of these things enables you to make an extra special effort to tune into the Christ energies’ hush and holiness. Refuse to dwell on the dark side of anything and do not look at tragedies like wars and other human-made disasters as well as natural ones, by what they appear to be on the surface of earthly life. Everything that has ever happened in your world unfailingly serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you something on an individual and collective level. Although every war is a crime against humankind and all suffering it brings about has to be redeemed at some stage, never forget that in their present existence all human beings can only ever see one side of the picture of the whole of life.

‘This changes as soon as you become aware that the background of your earthly existence the wise and loving power of the Great Father/Mother is constantly working exceedingly hard to bring nothing but good into your world and all others. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life and we, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing our best to encourage each one of you to endeavour to do likewise, at all times. The more the forces of your love and ours mingle, the more rapidly the power grows to change the remaining darkness of your world into light, until every last shred of ignorance has been transformed into wisdom and understanding.

‘Knowing these things, do not allow yourself to be dragged down by the darkness and ignorance you are witnessing all around you. Each time you see evidence of it, remind yourself that this too is but a passing phase in your race’s development that will disappear in the fullness of time. We hope that the knowledge we are bringing fills the hearts of our readers with renewed hope and faith, as well as tolerance and love for every aspect of your world. This will not be too difficult for anyone because these qualities are part of your own higher Christ nature, which is now stirring in ever more human hearts.

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (9)

White Eagle Christmas Message 2016

The Coming Of The Lamb Of God

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Coming Of The Lamb Of God‘The most powerful one of the Divine characteristics is love. It is the greatest power of all in the whole of Creation which in the end is going to move the mountains of unfaith that still exist in your world and change them into even higher ranges of faith and trust. In the fullness of time it conquers all evil by absorbing its energies into its own and converting them into blessing and healing energies for all life.

‘The same happens to you in the process of bringing forth and developing the higher aspects of your nature. The lower ones are gradually soaked into the higher ones and this continues until they have gone from you forever. This is the esoteric meaning of St John 1:29 ‘The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said: ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’ As you know by now, Jesus is a symbol of humankind’s higher nature. He could never have taken the sins of the world from anyone for the simple reason that he never existed.

‘In the fullness of time each one of you has to evolve into a lamb of God. And that is the esoteric truth behind Isaiah 11:6 ‘In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together, and the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.’ Humankind’s animal nature with all its untamed desires and urges is are the wolf, the leopard and the lion. The lamb is a symbolism for its Christ nature and the little child leading them is the Christ seed which eventually awakens in every human heart.

‘The Christ love lacks all interest in dominating others and dictating to people what they should believe or not, the way the religions of the past have been doing. Some of them are still trying to maintain this practice, but in due course they too will have to accept that spiritual knowledge evolves and grows the same as everything else in God’s Creation. This applies to all spiritual teachings that were given earlier. None of them were intended to be unchangeable and like set in concrete. Included in this is the wisdom the Angels have been presenting through us more recently and will continue to give.

‘The beliefs of the Aquarian Age are based on the religion of love, which is of the heart and knows no dogma. There is only one law and that is the law of love and that embraces and welcomes every belief system whose foundation is nothing but love. This religion not only allows but spurs every one of you on to find their own comprehension of the fresh knowledge that for quite some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into each individual human consciousness and that of your world.

‘Each one of you will eventually be required to develop the abilities that are necessary for doing your share of enlarging humankind’s understanding of the concepts and concerns of the spiritual background of your present existence. This can only come about through opening your hearts and minds and training your whole being to act as a channel through which the Angels from the Highest levels of life can pour their gifts into your world.

‘Rather than taking from others, the Christ love only wants to give to its followers, to enrich and enhance their lives in some way, without expecting anything in return. It appreciates that it is in the nature of things each one of you perceives the radiance of God’s wisdom and truth through a differently shaped and coloured window of perception. No two of them can be alike because each one consists of the soul impressions that were left behind by the manifold experiences of all your lifetimes, up to the present moment. The new creed encourages its followers to listen to their inner guidance and follow its advice as to whom or what it is safe to dedicate their lives to.

‘The religion of the Aquarian Age would not dream of exploiting others and preventing them from searching for their own understanding of God and the spiritual background of life. This is because loving Christ’s way means setting others free to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing what they can and want to believe, and to whom they wish to swear their allegiance and follow, freely and willingly.

‘And if, in the face of the things that for karmic reasons still have to take place in your world before Earth’s great transformation is complete, do not allow yourself to become disheartened by feelings that humankind’s future is probably darker than it has ever been before. Instead, remind yourself that anything that manifests itself in your world first has to take place on the inner level of life. None of you can tell what is happening there. Never forget the darkest hour comes just before the dawn. As above, so below or rather as within, so without. You can take it from me, the dawn may come sooner than any of you can presently imagine.

‘When you watch the power struggles that are still going on in our world, do not overlook that the law of Karma is a law of opportunities. For example, as one part of Earth’s population through its suffering redeems its Karmic debts of past ages, fresh negative Karma is created by younger and less experienced souls by trespassing against older souls, inflicting mental, physical and/or spiritual pain upon them. Both groups are taking part in the same lesson, each through their own experiences as individuals and a group. All participants thus are receiving a vital part of their earthly education.

‘It may comfort you to know that in due course these younger souls will be removed from earthly life because after Mother Earth’s transformation is complete, their energies will no longer compatible with those required then. As a result, they are going to reincarnate and continue their schooling on a younger and less evolved planet, whose vibrations will be much denser than those of the Earth, even now.

‘On this planet they will continue their explorations of experiencing the highs and lows of life in physicality. And their growing and evolving will be helping their new temporary home planet with its own evolution, the same as you always have done and are doing to this day for the Earth. This will continue until the now younger souls have grown into old and experienced ones who in their turn will be ready to move on to exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

‘Our loving thoughts, blessings and best wishes are always with each one of you and especially at Christmas and the New Year 2016/2017.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘The Prophet On  Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (10)

You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Christmas Message 2016‘When you entered earthly life you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for smiling comes when you depart from your present existence and the ones around you, who do not appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and have to wait until their time for a better understanding of the processes of life has come. May your spiritual awareness help you to live your life to the fullest. Isn’t it sad that to this day so many think that life finishes with the death of their physical body, when in truth there is no death and life is eternal and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral?

‘Your loved ones are not dead and they have not gone from you. They are now enjoying the greater freedom of our realm, the world of spirit or light. On this level all life is one, there is no separation between anything and everything is for real. Lying and cheating, deceptions of any kind are unknown. When during your times of quiet reflections and meditations you contact your loved ones with the help of your thoughts, your inner consciousness of the eternity of life grows. The main law of life is love and God has nothing but love for you. Love the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, not just with your heart but with your whole being. Know that in the Divine consciousness there is no death and that your loved ones are living in that love and on the inner level they are as much part of you as you are of them. On that level nothing can separate you from anyone you love.

‘During the Christmas period human hearts tend to yearn and ache even more than at other times for some kind of contact with their loved ones in our world. Whenever such feelings threaten to overwhelm you, remind yourself that all they have done is leaving the darkness of earthly life behind. They are not dead but alive and well in the world of light because in truth there is not death. Take advantage of the energies of the Christmas period, when the power of the Christ love can be felt much more direct and powerful than at other times. The Christ energies are bringing your loved ones closer to you. This enables them to pour their love into your heart and it also makes it easier for you to fill them with your love.

‘And now, in your imagination picture a temple that is filled with the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ. In its centre stands a huge evergreen Christmas tree that is aglow with millions of lights. The tree is a symbol of God’s eternal and unshakeable love and the lights represent the Divine spark in the heart of every human being. Not merely at Christmas but always seek the shelter of this love and especially when you feel the need for being closer to friends and other loved ones, who departed from the earthly plane ahead of you and have returned to the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.

‘In your prayers and meditations during the Christmas period, each time you focus your thoughts and the feelings of your innermost heart upon the beauty and power of the Christ Star on the Highest levels of life, listen to message the shepherds of the Jesus legend who were watching their flocks by night on a hill near Bethlehem, a long time ago, if the God-man had ever really existed. He is one of the many symbolisms of the God or Christ nature of every human being, the loving goodness and kindness that are part of your higher nature. At  a certain point of your development this aspect of your nature stirs from its slumber and begins to make itself known on the earthly plane.

‘The shepherds represent us, the groups of spirit guides and helpers who are in charge of looking after their flock, a group of human beings. The hill indicates that we are attending to you from your world’s spiritual background on its higher inner plane. Bethlehem is a symbolism of the earthly plane. And the event taking place at night shows that it’s something happening on humankind’s inner subconscious level.

‘The deeper you are moving into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more delighted all your shepherds are to observe that the character traces of the true Christ child are waking up in ever more human hearts. And that’s how, instead of Jesus, the Christ Spirit is slowly but surely revealing itself as the only one who truly can save and redeem every one of you, the whole of humankind and everything else that’s taking part in Mother Earth’s spiritual development.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Good Shepherds’
•    ‘A Thrill Of Hope’

Recommended Viewing:
‘Christmas Blessings’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (11)

From ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’

Christmas Message 2018

The Birth Of The True Christ Child

Rays Of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Birth Of The True Christ Child

The following is the essence of several teachings of the White Eagle group of spirit guides I found in the Lodge’s calendar November/December 2018: ‘If you find yourself quietly working in the background of earthly life, even the smallest effort any one of you makes to transform your world into a more peaceful place is greatly appreciated by the Highest Forces of life. You are much needed for the vital work of projecting the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light into the darkest spiritual corners of your world.

‘Each one of you is like a small lamp, which God and the Angels for some time have been lighting in increasing numbers of human hearts. They are very much in need of your help because the flame of your loving service is a particularly clear and steady one. This is of immense value for the Angel’s mission of healing you, individually and collectively, and helping your race to become aware of the special place it occupies in the great family and siblinghood of all life.

‘To this day the Jesus legend tells you: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers. Their work shows that they are worthy of being called God’s children of the Earth.’ Those who have become aware of their true nature and whose inner eyes are open, have no difficulties grasping why the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus tale had to remain hidden behind its surface words for such a long time. They appreciate that the story was specifically designed in this manner by God and the Angels because its wealth of symbolisms should not be revealed too early.

‘From the beginning of humankind’s existence in earthly life, God’s great plan of life decreed that the truth about this legend should gradually be disclosed when the time and energies are right. This is what they are now and that’s why ever more of you understand that the ultimate aim of every human being in earthly life is an exceedingly high and holy one. By the end of their earthly education each one of them will have evolved into a Christed one, a healer and peacemaker of your world, and a young God in the making. Being aware of it, do whatever you can to create as peaceful conditions as possible in your heart and around you, wherever you may find yourself placed by the lessons of your life. And do not overlook that, no matter how simple your daily work may appear to you, that you are still providing loving service to the One.

‘The message of the Angels is one of wisdom and love; it is the same today as it always has been. From the beginning of humankind’s earthly existence, God and the Angels inspired the writing of tales and legends that slowly but surely took humankind closer to the glad tidings of the greatest joy of all: its spiritual rebirth and that of your whole world. The great plan provides that this should happen in the fullness of time, but that until the time and energies would be right, the knowledge that symbolisms and metaphors for the spiritual guidance of humankind are hidden behind the surface words of the stories should remain undisclosed.

‘Now that the Age of Aquarius has been with you for some time, the esoteric higher meaning of the birth of the Christ child in a manger in Bethlehem can be told. The child is a symbolism for the Divine spark that eventually begins to stir in every human heart and the Christ spirit is born into earthly life. The manger represents the human heart, the most humble place on Earth. Bethlehem and God’s chosen people stands for the whole of humankind. You can observe all around you how in ever more human hearts the spark is waking up and Christ children are being born.

‘Whenever one of you during your meditations, prayers and quiet reflections turns to God and the Angels and us, your spirit guides and helpers, to ask for our assistance, your earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of our levels of life. And that makes it possible for our blessing and healing energies to flow through you into everything that shares the Earth with you. Each time this happens, the Heavens rejoice and sing: ‘Hallelujah.’ Your whole world’s inner spiritual level responds with: ‘Praise be to God in the Highest and peace and goodwill to Mother Earth and all her kingdoms.’

‘Extra special greetings and blessings from God and the Angels are going to those who are working hard on overcoming their addictive behaviour patterns of any kind. Their message for you is: ‘Never give up. Keep on keeping on. We are with you and around you at all times. More than that: we are part of you. Yet, unless you ask for our help we cannot give it to you. Such is the law of the Universe, God’s law. But as soon as you reach out for us, we gladly provide you with the courage and strength you need for conquering and rising above the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (12)

The Blessing And Healing Power Of The Christ Star

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Blessing And Healing Power Of The Christ StarDuring the Christmas period the healing magic of the Christ Star, the Sun beyond and behind the Sun in the sky above us, flows with particular strength into everything that exists in our world, including you and me. Each one of the stars on our Christmas trees is a symbol of this light, which unfailingly returns to those in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of our globe every year at the time of their respective winter solstices. The Sun of our solar system is one of the Christ Star’s many manifestations whose blessing and healing energies are constantly flowing into everything they touch.

The stars on our Christmas trees represent the power, wisdom and love of the Great Star. A tiny spark of its light and the Universal Christ’s qualities dwell in every human heart. For many years it has been stirring from its slumbering state in ever more of us. We are helping this process along each time we send the Christ Star’s light as love that flows from our heart. The Universal Christ’s energies act like a giant six-pointed Star that is constantly pouring its light into our world. From the downwards pointing triangle it flows into everything that exists on every level of our world. Our task as aspiring healers and lightbringers is to respond on behalf of the whole of the upwards pointing triangle. So let’s open our hearts and souls widely and receive the Christ blessings with gratitude and quietly say to ourselves:

Hand in hand with God and the Angels the Christ Star’s light flows through my loving heart and from there into the victims of natural and human-made disasters, acts of terrorism and war. May its blessing and healing power radiate into everything that is in need of it in our world and all others.

I send the Christ Star’s light to heal our beloved home planet, Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, human and animal, vegetable and mineral and everything that exists within them.

I send the Christ Star’s light to anyone who is weeping and mourning over the loss of loved ones, not only during the Christmas and New Year period but throughout the whole year.

I send the Christ Star’s light to those who are suffering in mind and body, spirit and soul. With the help of this light may the Great Mother’s love and wisdom fill their hearts and souls and bring them a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of their earthly existence, so that healing and peace can come to them.

Now think of anyone who is personally known to you and in need of help. In your imagination lift them into the radiance of the Christ Star.

May the darkness of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, fears and anxieties that to this day abound in our world be absorbed into the radiance of the Christ Star’s light, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life.

And may the true spirit of Christmas come alive in every human heart and soul, so that rest, peace and healing can find their way to our world.  O Great Father/Mother of all life and Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, as well as the Angels around your throne, who are in charge of the evolutionary plan for our world, I ask these things in the name of love, Your name and ours. Amen

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (13)

A Message From The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides

For The Time After Christmas And New Year

 Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - A Message From The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides

At this time of year in the Western hemisphere life can sometimes appear to be rather dark and gloomy. After the light and magic of Christmas, the festival of the rebirth of the Sun and its return to this part of our world, and the New Year celebrations, many find that the short winter days are passing too slowly. Extreme weather conditions can cause problems and add to making us feel unwell, depressed and chilled within and without.

This is not surprising when one considers that at the time of the winter solstice the Sun moves from fiery and enthusiastic Sagittarius into Capricorn, the Earth signs that is ruled by Saturn, the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac. Here the Earth element has to be encountered at its densest and this brings our souls down to Earth with a bump. We may feel somewhat gloomy and restricted because our spiritual wings have been clipped and whether we like it or not, we have to pick up the threads of the often stark realities of our earthly existence. Instead of our spirit feeling free to move around and travel the way we did under the influence of the Sagittarian energies, under the Saturnian ones we become stationary again. On the positive side they encourage us to focus on our objectives in life and any long-term plans we make at this time of the year are likely to work out well.

The general atmosphere of gloom and doom is lifted when the Sun moves into the Air sign Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism and the highest hopes, dreams and aspirations for the whole of humankind. In the coming year, 2017, this takes place on the 19th January. Each time life seems to get too cold and earthbound during the Capricorn period, it’s a good idea to now and then take a moment to reflect on the warmth and the love of the Christ Star. Remind yourself frequently that Its radiance never leaves us and that Its blessing and healing energies have no difficulties flowing through the densest of cloud covers, literally and metaphorically speaking.

To put you into a receptive mood, listen to the essence of some words of wisdom from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Seeking Serenity – Look Up To The Light’: ‘We see the Christ Light’s radiance shining beyond the clouds that to this day surround so many in your world and we are bringing this light to you. Each one of the clouds has a golden lining and although it cannot be observed by any one of you at present, we assure you that we are seeing it quite clearly and that on behalf of all of you.

‘The Angels on the Highest levels of live are celebrating Christmas at regular intervals to commemorate the birth of the Universal Christ, the moment when God, the first impulse of Creation, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, said: ‘Let there be light!’ With this command the first inklings of life started to flow and emerge. The Christ-Mass is a service of thanksgiving to the Great Father/Mother for the gift of all life, including that of the Angels. This event has been celebrated on the Earth plane in many different forms since human beings were first introduced to it.

‘The festivities around the winter solstice always were designed to serve humankind’s slowly awakening and growing awareness of the spiritual background of its earthly existence. In every human heart this eventually leads to the Christ spark rising from its slumbers. In some parts of your world the Christ-Mass to this day is celebrated with the help of the Jesus legend and in particular the allegory of the birth of the Christ child in the manger. As many of you know by now, it is a symbolism for the awakening of the Divine spark in all human hearts.

‘When you worship the Christ Star’s light, realise that your own soul is part of the Star and that when its light begins to shine in you it has the power of beautifying all earthly concerns for you. Mother Earth’s beauty is one of the many manifestations of the Christ Star, so is the love that makes you happy and the power that comes to you each time you ask for God’s blessing. The glory of this light is the Divine fire that has been waiting for a long time to come fully alive in every more human hearts and souls.

‘If you call upon the Christ Star’s light when you are weary, you will feel its Divine strength flowing through you and your anxieties fading away. And whenever your inner vision focuses on this Star, you are in conscious contact with your higher self, your eternal and immortal God Self. Ask it to direct your actions, so it can bring into your life the blessings of the heavenly realms, so that you may no longer be touched by the small earthly things that used to disturb you.

‘At all times, look up and keep your inner vision focused on the Christ Star. Trust that Its blessing and healing power truly can heal any condition and make all crooked corners straight. And so, let’s join hearts and hands and concentrate on the Star and affirm:

•    I send the light of the Star to all who are experiencing poverty, depression and hardship not only in these winter months but always.

•    I ask the Angels of the Star to help all those who are suffering in mind, body and spirit and in need of light and love.

•    I believe in the power of the Christ Light.

•    I trust God’s perfect plan.

•    I am in the Star. The Star is in me. I am the Star.

•    The Star and I we are one. From my loving heart Its light flows into the heart and soul of all humankind and our whole world. From there it pours itself into the farthest and remotest corner of Creation for the blessing and healing of all life.

All life is one under the Christ Star and all like-minded people are one single unit. The energies of the Star focus our thoughts so that our minds are steady and balanced to reflect the light of the heavenly realms into the darkness of earthly life. We shall continue with this until the last shred of it has been absorbed into the radiance of Star, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life. We pray that every single one of our thoughts from now on should be filled with nothing but positivity and light.

God bless each one of you and keep you safe, always.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Six-pointed Star – Symbol Of Perfection’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (14)

You’ll Never Walk Alone

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never walk alone.

When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never walk.

You’ll never walk,
You’ll never walk alone.

R. Rogers/O. Hammerstein II

‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (15)

You Only See One Side Of The Picture

You only see one side of the story - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & HealingThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, just like you did when you were dealing with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Humankind will at last find peace when the majority of earthly selves realise that they themselves are the cause of everything that has ever happened on the earthly plane and that’s true for what is taking place at any given time. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work with the greatest precision. There is an abundance of everything on the Earth. Alas, only through the lack of something can humankind learn to appreciate the value of things. That’s why sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary; they teach people the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the lust for warmongering lasts six thousand years, as that of the patriarchy, in God’s time it is merely like the batting of an eyelid.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘The Laws Of Compensation And Balance’
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (16)

Birthdays And Anniversaries

Rays Of Wisdom - The Astro Files - Special Events - Birthdays and Anniversaries

The following is the essence of two communications from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the January issue of ‘Stars of the North’: ‘The sole purpose of every one of the messages we have ever brought you is to assist the pure white spirit of the Christ Child in all human beings to descend from the Highest levels of life onto the Earth plane, so it can grow into adulthood there. Today we have come to tell you about the special significance of birthdays and anniversaries, whether they are celebrated by individuals, whole groups of people or maybe in commemoration of world-wide events.

‘Days of this nature bring a subtle but significant spiritual power to your world that tends to be overlooked by people for the simple reason that they do not know about it. But the time has come when ever more of you need to become aware that your direct connection with the Great Father/Mother of all life is particularly strong on such days. The same is true for the link with the Angelic hierarchy, who helped to bring each one of you and us into being. They have been taking care of you and meeting every one of your needs, since the moment your infant spirit emerged from the heartmind of God. There is an increased receptivity to the beneficial influence of the energies of these invisible forces on birthdays and anniversaries. In the fullness of time all human beings are meant to learn how to tap into them, not for keeping selfishly to themselves, but for sending out into and sharing with the whole of your world.

‘For example, each time you send the light from your souls during services of commemoration, your thoughts of the people you have come to honour are flowing from you with the added force of that which you are celebrating and for which you are giving thanks and praise to the Highest. Every birthday in earthly life is a special day for you and each time you gratefully acknowledge the gift of your life, you open your whole being to our Creator’s blessings, which brings an expansion of consciousness that flows into you directly from the Source of your being.

‘In the younger days of your earthly existence every birthday is filled with joy and a pleasant anticipation of good things to come. Yet, because of a lack of understanding of the purpose and meaning of your life, this does not always continue with the advancing years. This changes profoundly when you become aware of your true nature and that your spirit and soul are immortal and cannot die. They have no age and in truth it is not death that is waiting for you at the end of each earthly lifetime lifetime, but the release into the greater freedom of the spirit world, your true home.

‘Having grasped this, you realise that later in life there is every reason to be grateful for having grown older and more mature in knowledge, wisdom and understanding and most important of all: your ability to love. Every birthday that finds you richer in these qualities provides you with more grounds for praise and thanksgiving to the Great Father/Mother of all life for the many opportunities you were offered so that these characteristics of your nature could grow and expand.

‘The energies of the highest forces are available to all human beings whether they celebrate the event quietly on their own or with many guests, a special dinner and a fireworks display after maybe. Each method can be your very own way of giving thanks for the gift of your life. We, the wise ones in charge of your development in the background of earthly life, know when someone is spiritually still too closed off to grasp and appreciate these things. We do not mind and are there for them just the same, because we know that in due course even the last and slowest one of you will wake up to God’s and our presence and understand. There is great rejoicing in our world each time this happens to someone.

‘And now, in the profound silence of your soul, when your earthly thoughts have been stilled, the emotions subdued and your mind is set on thoughts of the heavenly realms and the Divinity of your soul, the light of the Christ spirit stirs in you. It reveals itself through a feeling deep within you that is beyond all thought and takes you ever closer to our Creator, the Source of your being. You become aware of God’s enfolding love as a strengthening and an upholding power from deep within your own being which aligns your spirit with the cosmic life. This is the centre of truth and no-one can think their way to it. It can only be realised and sensed in the profound silence. And that’s the only way of finding God and reaching the centre of truth.’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (17)

There Is No Death - Heavenly Breezes

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Heavenly BreezesThe following is the essence of the Monday Thought 23.05.2016 from the White Eagle group of spirit guides: ‘A woman once came to us and said: ‘It’s all very well what you are saying about our loved ones in the world of light, but I do not want to perceive my dear departed husband in some kind of spirit robes. I shall only be happy when I can see him once more in his tweeds wielding a golf club.’ We, your guides from the spirit world, understand her point of view. Do not think of us as unsympathetic, but if you lift your eyes above earthly things like tweeds and golf clubs, you will be able see all your loved ones in the shining robes they are wearing now.

‘What you will be seeing is their spirit and that is the part of them you have always loved, even though at times their behaviour towards you left much to be desired. The spirit is everybody’s eternal and lovable part, not merely of your nearest and dearest. It’s the aspect of human nature that unfortunately all too frequently remains hidden behind the façade of the small earthly self’s character traces. During the early stages of everyone’s earthly education this part has to remain invisible. None of you was ever born an Angel. In all human beings the higher angelic or rather Christ nature can only begin to grow and evolve with the passing of time.   

‘Whenever you perceive the presence of someone’s spirit self, you may feel their touch like a gentle heavenly breeze on your face, hands or arms. You could then be tempted to brush it away and push to one side the feelings this evokes in you, thinking to yourself: ‘Here we go, it’s my imagination working overtime again.’ Don’t be too sure that this is the case, yet remain wise and balanced. Be open and receptive to the heavenly breezes and the light that is the white garment. You too will be wearing it in the fullness of time when you have joined your loved ones on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours. The light and the breeze are part of the gentle touch and the comforting sweet music of the Heavens, the higher levels of life.’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (18)

Death, The Great Enemy

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle Teachings On Life And Death - Death, The Great EnemyThe following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one appeared in ‘The Way of the Sun’: ‘Far too many of you to this day believe that death is humankind’s greatest enemy on its journey through earthly life. You are afraid of it only for as long as you are unaware that the physical body’s death is nothing more than one of the Angels of transfiguration, sent by the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, to remove your spirit/soul to our realm. For as long as you think that the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old belief systems are literally true, you will try to cling as much as possible to your material existence.

‘Obviously, this creates serious obstacles when for another one of you the moment has come when its spirit/soul is ready to be taken home by one of our Angels of transfiguration. Whenever one of them wants to release that person’s spirit/soul into our realm, the earthly self resists but only for as long as it is unaware that this is humankind’s true eternal home. Every one of you emerges from it at the beginning of each lifetime of taking part in another one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. When this has been attended to sufficiently, one of our Angels of transfiguration wants to set the earthly personality’s spirit/soul free. This enables them once again to enjoy the greater freedom that’s possible when you no longer need a physical body as a vehicle for getting about.

‘There is no other place than our realm for any human being to go to. And as soon as another one of you has arrived in our realm, once again their spirit/soul knows from its own experiences that the death of its physical body truly is humankind’s best friend. Around six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male God-head and many other beliefs that were far removed from the truth, served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth. The Aquarian age is the age of truth and the deeper humankind moves into this age, the more truth is returning to your world. That’s why ever more of you, for some time by now, have been finding out that the physical body’s death is humankind’s enemy is most certainly not true.

‘Alas, those who are aware of this and therefore no longer are afraid of leaving the earthly plane behind, may still be afraid of spiritually being lonely there. We assure you that there is no need for this either, because none of you is ever truly on their own. Many spirit friends and helpers are constantly accompanying you and those who were dear to you on the earthly plane, do not go away when their spirit/soul slips from its physical body.

‘They will always be close to you and that’s because they are one with you and a part of you. They are familiar with what you are thinking and that is true for everybody else in our realm. Even what people on the material plane think of as their most secret thoughts, it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops in our world. They can see that you are not grieving excessively because you have lost the material aspect of their being.

‘Observing how you enjoy the knowledge that the loved ones spirit/soul is alive and well, in our realm, releases them into making the most of the greater freedom that’s possible when the outer shell of the physical body has been shed. In their present state their love for you is much more powerful than it ever was when you were still together in the material world. In your thoughts you can still communicate with them and ask for their help and advice, whenever you need it.

‘All life is one and because for a long time the mind of the small earthly self cannot comprehend that there are other dimensions of life that bring everything on the material plane into being and maintain it, this does not mean they do not exist. They are eternal and will never go away, unlike the fleeting temporary realities of humankind’s earthly existence. People in our world think too much about time. They believe that they have only so much of it for carrying out certain tasks and accomplishing the things they would like to do.

‘This is altogether a wrong way of perceiving your present existence. All Eternity is yours and if you are reading what we are saying here and understand it, for you the time has come to start viewing your life from the perspective of your spirit/soul and that life will eternally be yours. Through this your consciousness expands and you develop the quality of your higher God or Christ nature, which in the course of many earthly lifetimes evolves into an ever more glorious light.

‘There is no death, only a stepping onward to a more beautiful existence that constantly takes you closer to your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit. Get rid of the idea of here and there, Heaven and Earth as separate from each other, because life is one eternal whole and there is no separation between anything. The more you conduct your daily life in keeping with the spiritual laws, the more you will be growing in spirit and tasting – at first only in many small and simple ways – a steadily increasing awareness of the manifestations of life, on other planes, that might still be invisible to earthly eyes.

‘No longer will you then regard death as something to dread. The knowledge that you will never be dead, but alive and well, constantly moving forwards and upwards on your individual evolutionary spiral will help to dissolve your lower earthly self’s fear of death. You will then know that death does not change you in any way and that when you leave behind your physical body, underneath you are wearing another one that acts like a garment. And that’s the body of light which you yourself have been creating in previous lifetimes and the one you will take with you into Eternity, when the end of your present earthly sojourn has come around.

‘Never forget that, even if the span of a human lifetime should last one hundred years or more, that still would be nothing but the blinking of an eyelid in eternal terms, God’s time. And for each one of you it won’t be long until you also know from first hand experience that there really is no death and that your loved ones are alive and well. It was just that they transformed into a more harmonious state of life that offers more opportunities for evolutionary development and self-expression for them.

‘Life is eternal, continual and timeless, ever growing, evolving and expanding, filled with increasingly interesting things and activities. The more you unfold on the earthly plane and develop spiritually, the more you will be able to take possession of the wonderful life that exists in its spiritual background, even while you are still taking part in life on the material plane. Obeying the Divine law of love will enable you to ever more enter into the glory of Universal spirit life. When your whole being is filled with nothing but love for your Creator and His/Her Creation, as well as faith and trust in the great plan of life, you have every reason to courageously look forward to the future and the hope in your heart will increase, with the passing of time.

‘The evolutionary period is not far away when the veil, which for so long has separated your material world from our spirit realm, will disappear altogether. Our realm inter-penetrates with the earthly plane. The separation between the two has only ever existed in humankind’s earthly minds. In your imagination come to our world as often as possible, for whenever you visualise it you are taking part in it. Through the vibrations you will then be giving forth, you can be of greater use to the human race and also feel a deeper beautiful happiness within.

‘Try it out for yourself and you will soon know that there is nothing to fear when you step over the border into our realm of light, honesty and truth. And whenever you are in difficulties of any kind, turn to the wise one or living God within you. Close its doors against the lower mind’s intrusion and emotional responses. As soon as your spirit/soul is still, our light soon comes to your help.

‘In all your endeavours you never work alone. The Angels and Masters and many other spirit friends and helpers are constantly watching over you. We know you and everything you do. We are pouring our compassion and love into you to bring you healing on all levels of your being, mentally and physically, as well as spirit/soul. Love that expresses itself as wisdom is the greatest power of Creation because it creates light and radiates it into everything that is in need of healing and comfort. Each one of you has their own Master in our realm. Picture yours as a powerful light, a beautiful personality with a gentle spirit whose aura is reaching out to touch and restore you at all times.’

* * *

The second teaching is from ‘The Way to the Age of Spirit – The Lightbringer’: ‘We shall never get tired of telling you that there really is no death. When you have passed what in the early stages of your earthly education appears to be a great barrier, you will know that this is true. As soon as you have returned to our realm, at first you might think to yourself: ‘Am I dead? I did not feel anything and I haven’t changed one bit.’ There really is no difference because all you have done is your spirit/soul leaving its physical body behind.

‘You took that body off like a garment because it had outlived its usefulness and therefore no longer of interest to you. That is all physical death means because every human being is truly an eternal being of light. That’s what you are today and also in all Eternity. The more you consciously work on bringing forth that which is good, right and beautiful in your nature, the more light enters your whole being, in two different ways. The first one is light in the literal sense, which every human being absorbs in the course of each earthly lifetime from its source, the Universal Christ’s light whose spirit consists of nothing but love. The wisdom and knowledge that’s gained in the course of these lifetimes, is light in the form of enlightenment.  

‘The more you consciously attend to this, the more you will be able to enjoy the generous gifts the Great Father/Mother of all life has in mind for every human being. And that’s why every human being is steadily moving forwards and upwards. Each is doing this on their own individual evolutionary spiral, which is part of the one for the whole of humankind and your world. To this day, a veil of consciousness still separates the material and the spiritual aspects of your world from each other. For a long time it has been in the process of disappearing. One of these days, it will have gone forever. That’s when the new golden age will be with you.’

Updated September 2022

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (19)

Sunshine On A Rainy Day

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle On Life And Death - Sunshine On A Rainy Day

The essence of two more teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one is under the heading ‘Have No Fear’ in Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2003: ‘A sorrow can be likened to a rainy day when the Sun’s light and warmth breaks through the clouds shines onto rain that’s still falling somewhere and a rainbow appears in all its glory. This also happens many times in human lives. Look to the light of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Christ Star. Know that from them can come nothing but the best and the highest, that your loved ones are in their care and their love for them is greater than yours could ever hope to be.’

‘We are aware that many have to endure much suffering before they are allowed to depart from earthly life. It would help their development if they became aware that all human afflictions are not ancestral curses or were thrown upon people by a vengeful God. They themselves bring them about through faulty thinking and behaviour patterns, either in their present lifetime or previous ones, probably both. * Accepting this concept is helpful for the learning and healing process. It shows that you understand and have grown in wisdom because you are taking responsibility for yourself and everything that is in your life. It enables you to forgive yourself and ask anyone you have hurt and wounded in past lifetimes, wherever they may be now, for their forgiveness.

‘All kinds of suffering cleanses human souls of the shadows of the past and makes good the spiritual debts that were incurred and left behind in previous lifetimes. This redemption combined with forgiveness brings the desired healing and peace. And that eventually sets you free to apply for another earthly sojourn in which you can practise kindliness and goodwill towards Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, and looking for the good in all people and situations. Sending nothing but positive thoughts and vibrations into your world empowers you to consciously add to the Universal positive stream of consciousness and that of your world.

‘At the end of such lifetimes, when someone’s moment of departure not only from the earthly plane but also from the need for a continuation of their education in the material world has come, they are rewarded with the happy ending of the great initiation into the spirit world and the full consciousness of God’s love. This state of bliss, commonly known in your world as Heaven, is one of the most beautiful experiences imaginable. We too went through it when our earthly education had run its course, the same as many of you are presently experiencing.

‘That’s how we can tell you that there really is no death and that it’s but a very thin veil that separates those on the Earth plane from the ones who are already in our world. They are still alive, just the way they were when you knew them. Because they have left their physical bodies behind, their spirit is flying freely. Therefore there are much happier than it ever was possible during their times in the physical state of being. With earthly eyes you will never be able to see anyone in our world, even though in its own way the body in which they are presently moving about is as real and solid as yours. The great hope of your loved ones is that their friends and families on the other side of the veil will awaken into the awareness of the spiritual background of earthly life while they are still taking part in it.

‘In your world it can be extremely difficult to see that our Creator is indeed the God of love and that the life you have been given is a good one. This is not the case from our perspective and we would like to give you an example of some of the beautiful things that happen in our world. Souls who newly arrive here may at first feel a little strange. But each time a loved one is thinking of them in earthly life, a ray of warm golden light reaches them that tells them that a loved one is thinking of them. This is particularly strong when someone thinks of departed ones with joy and says: ‘I know you are alive and happy. Knowing it brings me contentment and happiness. Go forward into the life that is now yours, beloved. I know that there is a great deal of work waiting for you.’ By thinking along these lines, you in earthly life can do a great deal for your loved ones in our world.

‘When it comes to applying for another lifetime on the Earth while resting in our world, human souls are like the sailors of your world. After a while of being at home, they long for distant horizons. When these have been explored sufficiently, they yearn for home, mother and other loved ones. We hope that what we are telling you here will help you, when for you the moment of departure from your earthly existence has come, to let go and willingly reach for the hand of the Angel who has been sent to take you home.

Hopefully, after heaving read what we are telling you here, you will no longer think of Earth life as a vale of sadness and tears, but recognise it for what it truly always has been. It is a vast exercise ground that at all times is flowing over with golden opportunities for human beings to grow in wisdom and understanding, each through their own consciousness expanding experiences. Supporting you the way we are doing here furthers the evolutionary pathway of each one of us and our whole group, the White Eagle group of spirit guides.

From ‘The Gentle Brother’ Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2003: ‘We know how difficult it is for you not to be sorrowful and mourn about the loss of loved ones. Our task is to help ever more of you to become aware of their life in the spirit world. Do not think of them as being separated from you. It is only the lack of their physical body that creates an impression of separateness. Yet, in truth all life is one and there is no separation between anything. Your thoughts can reach your loved ones and the happier they are, the more content they are.

‘Our spirit world is a beautiful place and having arrived in it, your loved ones are finding themselves in most agreeable circumstances. Knowing this will surely help you realise that there is no need for grieving, merely rejoicing. When you wish you could help your loved ones in some way, think of them with nothing but happiness. Each time you rise to meet them in spirit and in a communion of light, you are blessing them and are being blessed.

‘Every rainbow in earthly life is a special blessing and a benediction that brings healing to all who are seeing it and also the soul of your whole world. It is a gift from the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the spiritual Sun behind the Sun in the sky above you. And every drop of rain that falls from it is a manifestation of a tear someone in your world is shedding. Each drop clears away a bit of the suffering that caused the tear.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (20)

Messages From White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing

 Your Destiny Is Glorious

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’: ‘God is the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Christ spirit. This is the Universal power and light, wisdom and love through which all things on every level of life come into being. God is in everything and everything is in God. S/He is therefore present in anything that manifests itself on every level of your planet. On the inner plane life has always remained one vast living and breathing organism.

‘Because you are part of God and God is part of you, you too are in everything, even though during the early part of its existence in physicality your earthly self was unaware of this. Without you consciously knowing about it, you have always been in search of experiences that will help you grow in wisdom and understanding and lead to an expansion of your consciousness. For all human beings this continues until the outer as well as the inner parts of their nature have become consciously aware of the presence of God in every aspect of their own being, as well as every other lifeform in your world and all others.

‘Every particle of you on the physical, mental, spiritual and astral planes is part of God and its essence is infinite and eternal. You are related to God not merely because your spirit is a spark of the Divine, but because every cell and atom of your physical body contains it. God cannot be separated from anything that exists anywhere on Earth or in the Heavens, i.e. the higher and highest levels of life. And nothing anywhere in the whole of Creation is beyond or out of the reach of God’s will and power.

‘Every one of God’s characteristics and powers is also in you, the highest and the best and most noble as well as the worst and most evil. Yet, everything exists for wise reasons and a high and holy destiny ultimately awaits all God’s children of the Earth. As each one of you is spark of the Divine and a child of God, you are young Gods in the making and that’s a truly glorious pathway to walk. Knowing this, let your inner light shine and never grow tired of being a good, wise and positive influence in your world. Pray for the gift of Divine courage and strength to help you keep on serving the good of the whole through freely and unselfishly sharing your gifts and talents that are likely to have taken many lifetimes to develop.

‘Give without hesitation and rest safely in the knowledge that when you do your best on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of life, wherever you may find yourself at any given moment, nothing but more of the same will return to you in due course. Try it out for yourself, so that life itself through your own experiences can teach you that there really is nothing to fear and everything to live, strive and look forward to.’ Everything that is in your life is there only by the grace and the will of your true parents, the great Father/Mother of all life, so do not forget to daily express your gratitude for all their gifts, material as well as spiritual.’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (21)

The Road To Joy

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - The Road To JoyThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’: ‘Many events of earthly life on the surface look like tragedies. But when you step back and observe them from the right perspective, i.e. the one of the spiritual background of your present existence, you will soon recognise that in truth they are golden opportunities for learning. Each one of them helps you to grow in wisdom and understanding. Gradually you develop the spiritual powers that lift you above the anguish and frustration, hurts and disappointments of the physical plane. Alas, the lessons through which you achieve this goal can only be learnt through taking part in it.

‘It would do you no good at all if you were born straight away into a heavenly place where nothing but milk and honey, strawberries and cream awaits you. In such a place it would be impossible for you to grow and your consciousness expand. Only through the lack of something can you get to know and appreciate its true value. And you are on the Earth plane to bring forth and develop the Divine aspects of your own being because this will enable you to deal with whatever comes your way and that in a godly manner. It is a difficult pathway you are walking, but each time you stumble the Angels and we are ready to come to your aid.

‘Everything that happens in earthly life can be made more bearable by shining the spirit’s light onto it. As soon as you make the effort to view the events of your world from the higher perspective of our vision, you will be able to recognise the wise purpose behind them. Do not forget to remind yourself that carrying the world on your shoulders has never been humankind’s work but God’s. And take comfort from the knowledge that everything in earthly life is ultimately but a passing phase in your own development and that of your world.’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (22)

Unbounded Freedom

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - Unbounded FreedomThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’: ‘The law of life is love and love is your true nature. You have been granted the gift of another lifetime to bring you closer to your ultimate goal of being like God and loving God’s way. The Jesus legend is a depiction of the simple, pure and holy lifepath of those who are striving for spiritual Mastership, and that is all of you. Such a lifetime on the Earth plane needs to be one of sacrifice and service, of loving and giving, but also of the ability of acting in stern and strong way whenever the necessity for it arises. Learning to love God’s way does not mean being easy-going and soft. And when at times you have to grip situations with courage and determination, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and the Angels will intuitively show you how to go about it.’

‘Earthly life presents you with so many tests and trials that you sometimes feel as if you could not walk another step. You may find things easier to bear when you understand that every experience that comes your way is the fruit of seeds you have sown in other earthly lifetimes. And it may comfort you to know that what’s happening to you and your world at any given time is an essential part of your evolutionary journey. Every time you have solved a problem and successfully climbed over yet another hurdle of the hurts and disappointments that are an inevitable part of your earthly education, you have conquered something and gained a victory.

‘Although some of your successes seem hardly worth mentioning, even the smallest ones take you another step forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life that is constantly moving every one of you and your world closer to the freedom of no longer needing to take part in the earthly school of life. At the natural end of your present lifetime, your vibrations will be right for being released into exploring the higher levels of life and taking an active part in them. Even though this may be hard for you to imagine at present, this is what’s going to happen. So take heart and keep on keeping on!’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (23)

Realise Your Inner Strength

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - Realise Your Inner Strength

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’: ‘The purpose of every earthly lifetime is the development of the higher aspects of your nature and bringing its characteristics forth from deep within your own inner being. By constantly tapping into and using them your spiritual light and power increase, so that with the passing of time you become ever stronger and more god-like. The more you employ the radiance of your nature’s spiritual aspects for every one of your daily tasks and encounters, the easier coping with your earthly existence becomes.

‘We, your friends in the spirit world, also once walked that pathway. That helps us to appreciate how difficult it can be while your physical body is still holding you tightly in its grip with the pains and afflictions of mind, body and spirit. These things are the direct result of your earthly self’s faulty thinking and behaviour patterns, your tiresome ego and fearful earthly mind. For a long time that self in its arrogance believes it knows everything when in truth it does not have a clue about anything that truly matters, i.e. the values of the spiritual background of humankind’s earthly existence.

‘With the passing of time that part of your nature got increasingly lost in the jungle of erroneous beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. They are a prison whose walls gradually grew so thick that they enclosed your lower self like a black box. The atoms and molecules of your physical body’s cells were so tightly packed that they acted similar to a prison cell that for a long time could not be penetrated by any rays of the light of spiritual wisdom. But with every spell of suffering a bit more of God’s light enters them and their vibrations slowly speed up. Gradually, ever more of this light penetrates the consciousness of all sufferers.

‘The creation of the prison cell was an unavoidable part of your earthly development’s early stages. Your spirit/soul had not yet developed enough of its own light to escape from it. Through travelling round and round the zodiac and getting to know one of its signs and houses after the other, time and again, your spirit/soul slowly absorbed more of the Christ Star’s light. At the same time your earthly self grew in wisdom and understanding of itself and its environment.

‘The first part of every human being’s earthly education consists of getting to know the characteristics of its lower and lowest nature and practising them in the extremely tough school of earthly life. All matter in the whole of Creation is made from the Universal Christ’s light. At first your earthly self spends many lifetimes without having a clue of its true nature. In the course of every earthly sojourn a fresh layer of fears of the unknown and death are stored in the memories of your soul. Eventually every human being reaches the developmental stage when these layers have to be removed and that is very hard work indeed. But every one of them brings each small self closer to God, the Source of its own being and all life.

‘God and the Angels would like you to know that for this process they need you on your side of the veil of consciousness as much as you need them, on our side. For a long time they have been waiting for ever more of you calling, so they can be shown intuitively how every one of you can contribute to the triumph of God’s light over the darkness of spiritual ignorance by now for long enough has been overshadowing every aspect of your world, individually and collectively. The amount of spiritual knowledge and wisdom of your world is steadily increasing each time you share your insights and visions with others. The more their spiritual wings grow, the more evolutionary progress the whole of humankind and your world is making by lifting itself above the common narrow horizons of understanding your earthly existence.

‘Leaning on a teaching from the Jesus legend, we say to you: ‘Rise from your bed and walk.’ The bed is a metaphor for your earthly existence and the way of walking we mean is letting the light of spiritual wisdom and knowledge show the way that leads to the rediscovery and reconnection with the inner Source of everyone’s being. Do all you can to re-establish your contact with it and work together with it, so God and the Angels can use you as another channel through which their blessing and healing energies can flow into Mother Earth and all manifestations of life to be found on her and from there into the rest of Creation.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (24)


Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - TrustThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’: ‘Truly, we say to you that there never is any need for giving up hope that things for you and your world are gradually getting better and that all its aspects are really healing. Walking around in an anxious and worried state of mind is unnecessary and a waste of precious energy. It is unnecessary because God, the Great Architect, has designed a perfect plan of life. There is a grand plan for the whole of life and within it are smaller ones for whole nations and groups of people as well as each individual spirit and soul who is part of them.

‘Nothing happens perchance, by accident or is a coincidence in your world or anywhere else, because everything in the whole of Creation is subject to the Universal laws, God’s laws. There can be no doubt about it that whatever happens does so for a wise higher reason. The first Divine law is love and every unloving and hateful thought, word and/or action contravenes this law, represents a sin and creates a debit in your spiritual bankbook, which in due course has to be made good and paid.

‘That’s where the law of cause and effect, known as the law of Karma, an offshoot of the first law, enters the picture. This law ensures that whatever is sent out into the Universe by anyone anywhere must return to its sender at some stage of their development. In one form or another it presents itself as soon as the person’s earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with reaping the harvest of the seeds it planted in previous lifetimes. You can see for yourself that there is no such thing as good or bad luck or fortune.

‘However, when what’s known in your world as ‘bad luck’ strikes, it never comes as some kind of punishment but as an opportunity for learning, growing and making good. The events are teaching you what it feels like to be at the receiving end of the things you dished out with great abundance whilst you were still unaware of the Universal laws’ existence. You may even have enjoyed hurting and wounding others during those early stages of your development. When someone burst into tears or turned away in aguish, you may have smiled and relished what to you seemed like another victory.

‘Oh dear, poor foolish you! If only you’d have known, you would have been more cautious and not allowed your most deadly weapon, the lethal sword of your tongue run wild to create havoc and cause pain wherever you went, the way you did. You would have guarded it more carefully. Any kind of suffering that has to be endured in this lifetime is the only way human beings can pay when the bill for their wrongdoings of the past is presented. That’s the only way you can redeem yourself and make good where you once sinned.

‘This principle applies as much to individual souls as to the souls of every nation and that of our whole world, and God and the Angels are tirelessly at work repairing and healing whatever damage has been done. And even though it frequently seems that things are happening perchance in your world and your life, rest assured that this is not the case. Ultimately everything can only work out in keeping with the Divine will and wishes. Bear these things in mind and whenever you have done your best with the material the Universe is placing before you, surrender the outcome to the love and laws of the Highest and say: ‘Thy will and not mine shall be done.’

‘All your needs are known to your friends and helpers in the world of light. First in line are the Angels and Master, including the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma. They see to it that no-one is tried beyond what they can endure and that no soul ever picks up a cross that is too heavy to carry. God is part of everything and it is the courage and strength of the Divine that sees each one of His/Her children through to the end of their long evolutionary journey of many lifetimes. We hope and pray that this knowledge lifts you above the fears and anxieties of earthly life, and sets you free to concentrate ever more on the greater realities of the spiritual and eternal aspects of life.’

Six pointed Star 

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World (25)

Desiderata For The Aquarian Age

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - Desiderata For The Aquarian Age

The following is an extract from my intuitive interpretations of Desiderata for our time: ‘Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars, that we all have a right to be here, because everybody has their particular lessons to learn, and that – whether we are aware of it or not – the great Universal plan rests safely in God’s hands and is unfolding as it should.

‘So make peace with your soul and our Creator, whatever this means to you. And bear in mind that in our understanding of the Divine each one of us stands alone. We are all responsible for ourselves and the state of our world. Each through their own efforts has to save and redeem themselves and their own soul. No-one can do it on our behalf. And whatever your aspirations in the noisy confusion of daily life may be, make an effort to find your soul’s purpose and do your best to fulfil it. This alone can bring peace with ourselves and God.’

•    ‘Young Gods In The Making’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘The Prophet On Death’
•    ‘About Time
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Desiderata’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Dawning Of The New Age

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the Lodge’s Calendar March 2017: ‘Today we are calling to bring you light in the form of spiritual knowledge to renew your hope about the birth of the new age that for some time has been taking place on the earthly plane of life. Be of good cheer, dear Friends, and have faith in the ever increasing power of the Christ light and love that slowly but surely is bringing about the dawning of this age. It is moving ever closer to all of you. Suddenly and when you least expect it, you will be able to see its light in the sky. One moment it will seem to be night and the next moment it will be day.

‘To do your share of bringing this event about, look into and focus your whole attention on the light of the Christ Star, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Trust the love of the Divine and Its evolutionary plan for humankind and its world, that this plan is perfect and that everything will work out well in the end – and that much sooner than many of you may presently think. This does not mean that one dark night your whole world will suddenly find itself in broad daylight. What we are talking is about the spiritual dawning that is taking place as ever more of you become aware of their true nature and the presence of the Universal laws that apply to all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation.

‘As soon as the number of awakened ones has reached a certain critical point, their energies will be pulling those of the unawakened ones with them upwards and forwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And as you know by now, nothing can happen on the outer plane of earthly life unless it was first created on the inner levels. That which is taking place there manifests itself in the world around you. Bear this in mind when you reflect on the many earthquakes and other disasters of recent times. Each one of them is an indication that another major shift of consciousness is in progress on the inner levels.’

Extract from ‘Witnessing Evolution’: ‘Under the influence of the higher powers who at any given time are working on behalf of us and our world, it does not take over-long in Universal terms until everybody who is taking part in one particular experience starts to walk down the path the pioneers and wayfinders have trodden for them. Naturally, this applies as much to lessons of a positive as a negative nature. But as soon as the thoughts and actions of sufficient numbers of us are working in positive and constructive ways with the forces of light on the inner level of life, ever increasing amounts of these energies are created. This continues until they have become powerful enough to absorb all remaining traces of the dark and destructive elements in us and our world. They are then transformed into blessing and healing energies for all life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Who Is Really In Charge Of Our World?’
•    ‘Disasters’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (2)

True Prayer

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - True PrayerThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘The Achievements Of Prayer’ Stella Polaris April/May 2017: ‘Did you know that there is such a thing as true prayer? If you are now asking yourself whether someone’s prayers are ineffective until they have learnt to access the power of this kind of prayer, rest assured that every sincere request is a true and effective one. The best way of praying in our view is with the simplicity of a child’s heart. Before God that’s what you truly are, after all. Children on the whole still have the ability to trust completely. Their prayers come from their hearts and go straight to God, whatever this means to them and that depends on into which civilisation they were born in their present lifetime. However, the understanding of the concept of God has for some time been in the process of changing, as increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that there is only one God.

‘Generally speaking, for praying truly it is not necessary for human beings to wait until they have become initiates or even be particularly highly evolved. Simplicity, genuine humility and sincerity are the three most important factors in this context. Always bear in mind that prayer is a very powerful instrument, so consider very carefully what and how you wish to pray for anything specific. The best way of praying is by asking for something very simple, for example that the inflow of God’s love and light should constantly increase into everything taking part in earthly life. The finest way of praying is not for yourself but so that others may be blessed and healed with the help of your loving thoughts and words.

‘So, dear friends, together let us pray for the Divine spark of God to awake in ever more human hearts and for the blessing and healing of all humankind, the whole of your world and all other worlds and beings. Naturally, when all life is healing you cannot help doing the same. At the end of your prayer resign everything to God with the words: ‘May these things be done not my way, Great White Spirit, but Thine. Into Thy loving keeping I place all those I love and that is everybody. May Thy will be done on the Earth as much as anywhere else in the whole of Creation.’

And this is the essence of another teaching that reached me through the White Eagle Lodge’s Monday thought 3rd April 2017, when I had just completed the above item: ‘When you sit devotedly in meditation and contemplation and open your heart to the inflow of the Divine love, it is possible to become so raised in consciousness that you may be able to see the Angels. Hand in hand with God and the Angels each one of you will eventually reach this state of ecstasy and glory. It is a spiritual gift and this developing and bringing forth the Divine Fire through the love in your heart is every human being’s goal. Developing the sixth sense or psychic power is as nothing compared with it. When your soul can see the Angelic hosts, you are dwelling in the abode of Christ, your true home.

‘We are not decrying psychic gifts, but in the natural course of evolution they eventually come for every human being. These gifts have their place, but they are very ordinary and by no means the be all and end all of anything. No-one should be content with developing them and then remain on that level. It is necessary for each one of you to reach beyond it to ever higher and eventually the highest levels of life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘About Angels’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (3)

White Eagle on Saturn And Patience

Saturn as Father Christmas - Asto Files Special Events - Rays of Wisdom

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides on patience: ‘Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn* and the tenth house, and also the traditional co-ruler of Aquarius *. This planet is sometimes presented as old Father Time and when looked at from the right perspective, time * is one of humankind’s best teachers. In earthly life it will always be your master and it can be an unpleasant one. But this only applies for as long as you perceive life with the limited vision of your small earthly self.

‘The likelihood is that you are taking part in Saturn’s wisdom at this very moment. The influence of its energies causes delays and frustrations that may test you to the utmost, as Saturn is very strict with his students in the school of earthly life. Under his supervision hurried lessons, hasty sums and superficial essays are not allowed. Saturn insists that the right time is given for every lesson. That’s why time is one of the most irksome forms of discipline that has to be endured for as long as you dwell on the Earth plane.

‘But on the upside, the Saturnian energies provide you with the determination to work your way one small step after another towards a distant goal. They equip you with the desire to try and try again. Through this your endeavours get better and more perfect all the time and when they are ready to be presented and shared with your world, they are likely to be crowned with success. Saturn’s rewards * can be great, when they come. And they surely will – for those who patiently plod on. So muster yourself with patience and remind yourself that you are taking part in one of the most essential lessons for every soul on their pathway of spiritual development.

‘That’s how Saturn in the end brings true, i.e. spiritual wealth to every human soul. Think of this beneficence and refuse to see anything malefic. Instead remind yourself frequently that all of you have a great deal to thank Saturn for and that at any given time. True, the influence of this planet’s energies makes people come across as somewhat cold and too earth-bound. This serves the wise higher purpose of holding things up and delaying the actions of those who in previous lifetimes hot-headedly rushed into things prematurely without due foresight and caution. This behaviour pattern is typical for the Fire signs, Aries of the head, Leo of the heart and Sagittarius of the spirit.

‘People who have been affected by this in one or several of their past lifetimes, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of you in our world, choose a pathway in which Saturn is prominent, for example with the Sun or Moon in conjunction, opposition or square to Saturn. This forces people to move through life with great caution. Whenever they are tempted to rush into things, Saturn says: ‘No! You are here to learn how to proceed slowly and patiently, if need be trying time and again before you can succeed! If you persevere, you will.’

‘Anyone who sees this as unpleasant and resents it needs to be reminded that it is unwise to ignore the lessons of a venerable, gracious and wise teacher. And as co-ruler of Aquarius the Saturnian energies will be providing your world and ours the necessary strength and stamina, determination and perseverance for bringing Mother Earth’s new golden age into being. Saturn’s main task during your earthly sojourns consists of teaching the self-mastery that is needed to control the urges and desires of humankind’s lower animal nature.

‘After the Aquarian Age, from approx. 1900 AD – 4,100 AD, we shall be moving into the Age of Capricorn, which will last until about 6,300 AD. Capricorn is Saturn’s own sign where it’s energies are particularly strong and in the right hands can express themselves in the most positive and constructive ways. This will be helpful for the unfoldment of the new golden age in all its splendour. How great Thou art, o Great White Spirit, and how wise! We thank Thee and bless Thee.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘The Sun In Capricorn’
•    ‘The Sun In Aquarius’
•    ‘Saturn As The Teacher And Rewarder’
•    ‘Saturn’s Coldness’
•    ‘Saturn – Gatekeeper Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (4)

Establishing God’s Kingdom On Earth

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Establishing God's Kingdom On The Earth

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides on the theme of surrender. It appeared in one of the Reader’s Letters of Stella Polaris August/September 2017: ‘For doing your share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth, your small earthly self freely and willingly needs to surrender * its whole being to the Highest Forces of life. This does not mean entering into a state of apathy. On the contrary, it consists of the willingness to stand up and be counted as one of the healers and lightbringers of your world whose consciousness is rooted in the strong inner certainty that all life rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels. Irrespective of what may still have to happen on the Earth plane, you not merely believe but know with utter conviction that everything will work out well in the end. The main requirements for this pathway are conducting your life in healthy and wholesome ways, and learning to control your emotions and the stilling of your earthly mind.

‘The best way of dealing with and overcoming that which is evil in your world is by spreading the spiritual knowledge and wisdom we are bringing you. This needs to continue until the last person on Earth has become aware of God’s true nature and their own, and the working of the Universal laws and how it affects all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation. Encourage those with whom you are sharing your knowledge that they do the same with what they are receiving and that with as many people as possible. Without making a contribution towards dissolving that which is bad, evil and ugly in your world in the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, your efforts could never amount to more than a mere scratching of the surface of removing the evil that is caused by people’s ignorance of their true nature and the higher purpose of why they are on the Earth.

‘When you share your spiritual knowledge with as many as possible, you are making a very real and valid contribution to the process of evolution and growth that constantly seeks to remove bad conditions and replace them with good, right and beautiful ones. Aspiring healers and lightbringers need to add their own insights that come to them intuitively from their inner teacher to the information received from us and other trustworthy sources. Through this humankind’s store of God’s wisdom and truth on the Earth will constantly be increasing. And when everybody does their share of distributing God’s light that is thus received, it will not take long until the last remnants of the darkness of earthly ignorance have been absorbed into it.

‘Please, dear Friends, do not think of any spiritual writings as set in concrete to last forever. This includes the sacred texts of the religions of your world and any teachings that were given by us earlier. Spiritual knowledge is always meant to be enlarged and enhanced by the fresh revelations that are reaching you and your world from the Angels and us. We spirit guides and helpers are merely the servants of those on the higher and highest levels of life. We are their channels of communication, the same as you are, and we can only pass onto you whatever they are giving us.

‘Generously share the knowledge that comes to you with anyone who is receptive for it in the circle of your family and friends around your world. Ask them to share with those around them, so that they too can spread the news that all is well with your world and that many good things are in store for anyone who willingly contributes to the movement that takes all of you ever closer to the new golden age of peace and prosperity on the Earth.

‘Refuse to worry about souls who are too young and inexperienced to understand, for in due course they will be removed from earthly life. They will be spending their future lifetimes on a much younger planet, where their spiritual development will continue there. Through this they will be assisting their new home planet with its evolution, the same as you have been doing with Mother Earth for a very long time indeed. Having received their initial training as human beings there, the young ones will take their earthly personalities and the Karma they have created thus far with them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘They Will Rise From Their Graves’
•    ‘Colonising A New Planet’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (5)

Be The Christ Star

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Be The Christ Star

There now follows the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris August/September 2017 under the heading ‘The Gentle Brother’: ‘All human beings in earthly life, as well as those who are presently resting and recuperating in our world, are born of God’s infinite and eternal, all-loving, giving and forgiving spirit. It is the same spirit that manifests itself in the beauty of nature, the power of the elements as well as in all human beings. At least potentially each one of you possesses every one of its characteristics and powers, and also the ability to create without restrictions and boundaries.

‘Do not allow the mind of your small frightened earthly selves to get in the way of your overall vision of life and how you think about it. In your daily lives and contacts, whether you are working or resting, and even in dreamtime, do your best to move beyond the restrictions that your existence in physicality places upon you. The way any one of you perceives things is always a question of consciousness and because the power of thought is mighty, whether you are as yet aware of this or not, what you think that’s what you are and will become.

‘Now, in your imagination create a Christ Star with its blazing light radiating into your world. You are in the centre of this Star, for in truth each one of you IS the Star. From your hearts, loving or otherwise, the vibrations of your consciousness are constantly flowing into and penetrating the ethers that surround you. And that is the place where those who have developed the ability to rise above the concerns of earthly life, receive God’s power and love, courage and strength that knows no malfunctions.

‘And because God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, S/He unfailingly knows the way of all things and the answers to every question you may ever care to ask. Wise ones trust that with God all things really are possible. They appreciate that God not only dwells within the innermost core of their own being and fills every cell and atom of their whole being, but also everybody else’s.

‘The realisation that you are God, the point within the circle at the centre of the blazing Christ Star, will help you to find the peace of mind and the deep inner peace you could never find in the past. Having found them, you are filled with Divine love and experience first hand how it expresses itself in earthly life. Every one of your thoughts, words and actions is now motivated by the Christ Spirit of the living God within you, the light of the Sun above and beyond the Sun in the sky above you.

‘The collective light of the whole of humankind is the Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The human love for the whole of God’s Creation and everything within it is this light that manifests itself in your love for nature and everything that is good, right and beautiful, and also for music and the music contained in words carefully chosen and strung together like precious strings of pearls. The Divine love makes you tolerant towards other people’ beliefs and their ways of life. You become ever more compassionate and uncritical, kind and loving, and have no longer any problems seeing the good that is contained in everything. You instinctively follow your inner guidance and intuitively know the best course of action in any given moment.

‘The six-pointed star is a symbol of the Christ Star. It represents human intelligence when spirit and matter are working together in perfect harmony and balance. This Star has a powerful vibration and its sound is part of the music of the spheres. Loving God’s way is only distantly related with what in earthly life is frequently called love with its passions and desires. The more your Christ nature takes over its earthly counterpart, the more easily flows the light of your joint compassion and beauty, wisdom and love into the world around you.

‘Alas, to this day many in earthly life are still surrounded by a kind of barrier that acts like a dense fog. This mist is waiting to be dissolved by the light of the Sun beyond the Sun, i.e. the spiritual wisdom and truth of the Highest, when the right time for the winds of the heavenly world, the highest levels of life, brings them. Each one of you is a tiny spark of the Christ Spirit and Its great light is waiting to eventually start burning in all human hearts. And you are the only person who can uncover this light inside you, to care for and nurture it until it has the power of shining so brightly that the fogs of Earth disperse before it.

‘When this light is carefully and thoughtfully applied to wherever it is needed, in the end it grows so strong that it has the power of a wind from the Heavens that blows through the consciousness of those surrounding you and gets rid of whatever is troubling them. As you mature spiritually, the conditions of your life change and the concerns of earthly life, which you found so troublesome in the past, no longer affect you this way. This is because you are now viewing everything that happens from the right perspective, i.e. as lessons that are part of the karmic debts some of you still have to pay, and therefore merely passing phases in humankind’s individual and collective development.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Candle’
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘Christ – The Light Of Our World’
•    ‘Knowledge – Light Of Our World’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘When Will The Kingdom Come?’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Learning To Fly’

Six pointed Star

From 'War And Peace Between Nations'

The Dawning Of The New Age (6)

The Road To Heaven

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Road To Heaven

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as a Monday Thought 4th September 2017: ‘We, your spirit friends and helpers, although we are now dwelling in the world of light, we too once walked the pathway of earthly life. That’s why we know the sorrows and difficulties of existing in a physical body that cannot yet perceive the beauty and wonders of the higher and highest worlds. We appreciate how hard the demands and temptations of your darkened road are. Yet, every one of you without exception has to walk it and eventually reaches the point when you have spiritually matured sufficiently to accept the conditions in which you find yourself.

‘When you understand that every experience that ever came your way served the wise higher purpose of teaching you something, you begin to trust that the loving arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, will forever be with you, to guide and protect and show you the way. Part of this are the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the highest level of the spirit realm. All those on the less elevated levels are serving the higher ones. Something like a veil of consciousness separates earthly life from the spirit world and all of us together, you on your side and we on our side of the veil, are God’s children and siblings in the great family of life. Aware of the trials and tribulations that are an inevitable part of every earthly existence, each time we come to you it is done with a great longing in our hearts. We wish to help ever more of you to realise your own inner powers, and to tell you about the beautiful states of life that in the fullness of time will be waiting for each one of you.

‘It’s important for you to know that even the smallest effort of helping others find their way through their present existence is worthwhile and will never be wasted. Even though you are unlikely to see the results, keep on keeping on your predestined pathway back into God’s light, your true home and sharing the learning your find along the way with those around you. They too have a right to know that this is the road that in the end leads all of you into the light of conscious awareness of your oneness with God and all life. That which is commonly known in your world as Heaven is a metaphor for a heavenly life that is filled with such bliss and peace that at present it will be quite beyond your imagination.

'So, while you are in this earthly life, dear Friends, dream what you want to dream, go where you wish to go and be what you would like to be, provided you are willing to work hard enough. If you don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter too much, as there will always be another lifetime and this will continue until the curriculum of the school of earthly life can teach you no more. Meanwhile it needs bearing in mind that whatever we do is our creation and that all life and everything within it moves in never-ending circles. As a result, that which we send into our world must return to us. This means that in every new lifetime we are sowing the seeds for all future ones.

'Those who insist on spreading fear, anger and aggression now, will inevitably have to face more of the same next time round. And for those who choose to send the Christ Light from their loving hearts as their contribution towards the blessing and healing of our world and bringing peace, their energies too on their return journey are constantly gathering in strength and becoming ever more powerful. The harvest of these wise ones is sure to be most bountiful and rich.'

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (7)

Learning To Love God

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle On Life And Death - Learning To Love GodSome believe that life stops at the moment of physical death and that it is a one-off thing. Wise ones, however, appreciate that in truth life is eternal, constantly moving forwards and upwards on a never-ending evolutionary spiral and that therefore there is no death. Just think: when you entered into your present earthly lifetime you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for happiness comes when you depart from this life and the ones around you, who cannot yet appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and may have to linger in their spiritual darkness until their time for joining you in the world of light has come.

The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the StarLink Message January 2012: ‘Your loved ones who have left the earthly plane of life have not gone from you. They are by no means dead, but alive and well in the world of light, our realm. That’s where all human spirits are constantly dwelling. It’s just that from time to time a small part of it ventures forth into earthly life where it inhabits a physical body that serves as a vehicle for getting around and experiencing its new environment. This body is equipped with a rational and logical mind that has very limited horizons that separate the earthly part from the spirit aspect of its being. During the early stages of its earthly education this small self can not yet peer beyond the end of its nose.

‘For a long time the lower mind is focused on coming to grips with earthly terms only. In this state of ignorance the spiritual side of life is dismissed out of hand. Everything that cannot be seen, weighed and measured is rejected as humbug and imaginations. Yet, through the learning the earthly self gains from its own experiences it slowly grows in wisdom and understanding. With the passing of time over many lifetimes the vision of its consciousness gradually expands. At a certain point of its development the spirit nature of the small self stirs from its slumbers and it begins to take an interest in the spiritual aspects of life. Eventually, it comes to terms with the meaning of the concept of God as the eternal spirit, who has brought everything that exists anywhere into being.

‘This awakening brings the understanding that the spirit realm is not somewhere ‘out there’ but on the inner level of Earth life and that in this world there is no separation between anything. And that’s where, in your quiet reflections and meditations, you can contact your loved ones through the power of thought. This enables you to see for yourself that what we are saying is true and that life really is eternal. Because each one of you is a spark of God’s great light and having been created by Its eternal spirit, it could not be any other way.

‘God is love and the law of life is love and if you wish to know God, all you have to do is be yourself and conduct your life with love, for that is your true and eternal nature. God is in everything and everyone, including you. If you treat everything that is in your life with the love and respect it deserves, you are paying homage to the Great Father/Mother of all life and His/Her Creation. On the higher and highest levels of life death does not exist and that’s where your loved ones are now. Once your loving thoughts have connected you with each other, there will no longer be any doubt in your mind that you will always be together.

‘That’s when for you the time has come to comprehend that all healing consists of taking into your physical bodies the radiance of the eternal Sun, the Sun behind and above the Sun in the sky above the Earth. Each one of you has been granted the gift of another lifetime so that you may learn how to call upon this light and live by it. When you consciously breathe it in, ever more of God’s light can enter the cells of your physical body and control them. We suggest that you breathe this light in for the healing of every aspect of your own being, mind and body, spirit and soul, and breathe it out as your contribution to the restoration of your whole world.

‘At the beginning of everyone’s earthly existence the atoms of this body are so heavy and the pull of matter and material life is so strong that you temporarily forget about the existence of the light of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and its power to re-create, heal and make good whatever is in need of it throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, this also applies to you and the cells of your body.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Can God Be Weighed And Measured?’
 ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘God And The Devil – Who Or What Is God?’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (8)

White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - White Eagle On Surrender And MiraclesAnd now I would like to share with you a collection of essences of several teachings of the White Eagle group of guides which Anna Hayward used in her excellent article ‘With Surrender Comes Release’ in Stella Polaris February/March 2014. My attention was drawn to it in September 2016 when I was in the middle of updating this part of my jottings.

‘Because your life, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is governed by spiritual laws, there is no need for you to worry about anything or for being anxious and afraid. God knows your needs and for as long as certain experiences are still necessary in your life, you may find it helpful to know that they are sent by the Great Father/Mother of all life, to assist your consciousness to expand in wisdom and understanding. So, hold up your head, walk tall and affirm: ‘This is helping me to grow in wisdom and understanding. Because I am one with God and the Angels, I will always be safe and nothing can destroy the essence of my being, my spirit/soul.’

‘At all times, make an effort to think constructively. Know that in truth the future holds only good and not evil and that even the last of the things that presently threaten your world so darkly will pass by. They too will soon be a thing of the past and forgotten. Thinking this way protects you against attracting negative people and things into your orbit. If another sorrow has to be endured by you, remind yourself that a sorrow can be like a rainy day when the light of the Sun eventually breaks through and a rainbow appears in all its glory. So it is with human life. Trust the love and goodness of the Great Father/Mother to send you nothing but good, that your loved ones are in His/Her care and that their love for them is infinitely greater than your own.’

‘When you accept with patience and sweet surrender the tests and trials that are inevitable on your predestined pathway through life, a light and life-force flows into you that has the ability to make all things new. You will then find that the circumstances in your life are gradually smoothing themselves out and things are beginning to work more harmoniously for you. This strengthens your conviction that beyond all human efforts there is a power and a love that at all times is at work behind the scenes of earthly life, endeavouring to bring peace and happiness to God’s children of the Earth.

‘Miracles are things earthly minds cannot comprehend, although in truth they are merely the natural outworking of the Divine laws on the physical aspects of life. These laws control and manipulate matter, but they can only do this when the weaker human self steps to one side, surrenders its will to the will of the Highest and allows them to happen. This means overcoming your natural instinct for self-preservation, which is part of the lower self’s nature, not of the higher.

‘The higher aspects of your being, your Christ nature, needs to take charge and convince its small and frightened lower earthly counterpart that all is well. Every one of its fears and apprehensions has to be overcome. And when we say surrender your whole being to the Highest, this does not mean you should enter into a state of apathy. True surrender has its foundation in a strong soul certainty that all life consists of miracles, that life itself is a miracle, and that miracles and wonders are possible and can happen when the conditions are right.

‘In the Egyptian mysteries, there were ceremonies through which all aspirants on the spiritual pathway had to pass. In the temples were subterranean passages through which they had to walk. This is a demonstration of the road all human beings have to travel in the process of letting go of their fears and learning to trust. It describes every human soul’s journey soul through the sadness and darkness of physical life. A great many of us are presently walking this probationary path. Take heart, we are all finding it hard when there are so many dark corners and unexpected turns and we don’t have a clue of where we are going.

‘Higher ranking guides are in charge of us, your friends and helpers in the spirit world, and even they sometimes confuse us in what they are telling us. For all of us, there remains but one thing to do and we ask you to apply this to every aspect of your present existence: ‘Keep on keeping on with a song in your heart and rest safely in the knowledge that your whole being is at all times and forever will be secure in God’s keeping. This is true wherever you may yet have to walk in the valley of the shadows and darkness of earthly life.’

‘You may sometimes think to yourself: ‘If only I could see the spirit people, I am sure they would help me.’ Take comfort from knowing that you are not meant to see or hear us. All you can do is walk – though only apparently alone. The test of old has always been the same as it is today, for as it was in the beginning it is now and forever shall be! Therefore, whenever you are in need of our assistance, remind yourself that because you cannot see us in your present evolutionary state, this does not mean we are not there. We are always with you, doing our best to help and guide you through the many ups and downs, tests and trials of earthly life every human spirit and soul has to cope with.

‘We are not allowed to do the work for you, because if we did you would not grow in strength, wisdom and understanding. But when you ask for it, we can provide you with the courage you need to keep going in all your endeavours. Every test and trial that comes your way is an initiation of some kind that reveals to us the strength of your trust and confidence in God’s love, nothing else. As you walk the spiritual pathway, confused enough about the many twists and turns of the road, others might be projecting their own ulterior motives onto you and misjudging you.

‘You are probably also sad about the mistakes you made and troubled by the problems and sorrows of your daily personal life. These things in themselves are unlikely to be your first initiation altogether. And as you walk along the pathway of initiations and pass through one portal after another, you will encounter as many tests as it takes to make your faith in God’s love unshakeable. Every initiation brings you a further expansion of consciousness and a greater understanding of the nature of God and your own. The whole purpose of earthly life is that all human beings eventually surrender themselves to the love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the supreme Spirit, who is the giver of all life.

‘It would be unrealistic as well as untrue to say that God only creates good.  Everything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation was brought into being by the Great Architect and Designer, who is also responsible for the laws of life. The main one is the law of love from which the law of evolution branches out. Nothing is beyond or out of the reach of the Creator’s will and power. As above, so below and like any creative artists in your world has to do, the Divine creations at first appear in their crudest and most elementary form. From there they slowly become more beautiful and sophisticated in their constant moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘In the case of humankind, in the course of  many lifetime each participant slowly evolves from the basest expressions of their lower earthly nature through to the unfoldment of their Christ nature. This process eventually moves them onto ever higher and eventually the highest levels of life. The more evolved you become yourself, the more easily you can tell by looking at the behaviour of the people who share your world with you, in which evolutionary phase of human development on the evolutionary spiral of life they are presently involved.

‘Each one of us, and that includes us in the world of light, has to reach a state of absolute trust that God is good and life is good and that whatever comes our way will always be for our highest good and greatest joy and provide us with an ever increasing understanding of the Great Father/Mother’s love. When that idea is so firmly planted in your consciousness that nothing can shake it any more and nothing can obstruct your vision of the true purpose and meaning of life, only then are you allowed to enter the land of light with shining eyes.

‘Because on the inner level all life is one, everything affects everything else in some way. In earthly life you are all influenced to a degree by forces that at first seem to be beyond your control. They are the desires of your own lower earthly nature and with the passing of time each one of you must learn to take charge of and master them. When they have been shed, they form the mud at the bottom of the pond that feeds the lotus flower of your higher nature. You then no longer look at earthly life as a term of imprisonment, because you know that whether you are dwelling on the Earth or on the higher levels of life, having shed the things you no longer need, you are free. All human souls in earthly life eventually have to learn how to gain access to and use their very own innermost powers to achieve this kind of true freedom.’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (9)

Easter Message From The Angels

Rays of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - Special Events - Easter - Easter Message From The Angels 2015Today I would like to share with you the essence of a White Eagle teaching that appeared in Stella Polaris April/May 2007 under the title ‘An Easter Message From White Eagle given Easter Sunday 1933.’

The spiritual Universe is singing to you and your world today. And those whose inner ears have opened and whose hearts are tuned into the frequencies of the higher and highest levels of life can hear the glory of the message that at Easter of every year flows from there into earthly life and that’s what we are bringing to you today. Alas, many in your midst are so sad and distracted by your world’s present circumstances that they are unable to hear us. And that makes us all the more glad that ever more of you are progressing well on their journey up the evolutionary spiral of life. 

Through determination and perseverance you have come a long way on this road that is strewn with the trials and tribulations that are necessary to help every one of you to eventually become what we call Heaven-tall. Those who have reached this developmental stage you can perceive the presence of us, your friends and helpers in the world of spirit or light, humankind’s true home, from which all of you emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to at its end.

Wake up, beloved children of the Earth. A new day really is dawning for all those who weep. We are bringing you the message of the true and eternal love of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Listen to the joy we, as part of the Heavenly Hosts, are proclaiming at Easter about the resurrection and awakening of the true Christ, the Christ spirit who for a long time has been waiting to come alive in ever more of you. That’s why since time immemorial at Easter the Universe’s spiritual power has been pouring itself more powerfully than at other times into everything that exists on the earthly plane of life.

In 1933, when we gave our original Easter message through the White Eagle group of guides, it was too early to tell you that the life story of Jesus of Nazareth is but a legend that demonstrates to humankind the behaviour of a very old and highly evolved soul, who has prepared himself for his role in the course of countless incarnations, long before your present world came into being. The man has mastered his earthly self and is at one with his Highest Self. By integrating every aspect of his nature and passing every test and initiation that was required of him, he has become a perfect being, one who is whole, holy and healed. He has evolved sufficiently to act as a channel to bring onto the Earth plane the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the third aspect of the Divine, who is all love. This legend of a Christed one was created to demonstrate to your race the pathway each one of you has to walk when their earthly education has run its course.

By now, however, sufficient numbers of human beings are ready to comprehend the true meaning of the Jesus story, but in the year 1933 your world was still a very different one. Too few would in those days have understood what we had to say. Besides, too many still needed the comfort of believing that there really is a Master Jesus who one fine day would come to save and redeem them during the times of horror that were yet to come. The revelation that there never was or will be such a being had to wait until the energies were right. This was the case when the planet Pluto transited Sagittarius, the sign of the superconscious mind.

God’s truth is unchangeable. But how much of it we reveal to you at any given moment alters in keeping with the spiritual progress you are making and your ability to understand. That’s why something that is right for you now, may no longer be valid in future years. It has to be that way. We rejoice that sufficient numbers of you by now are capable of grasping that the story of the resurrection of Jesus always was no more than a metaphor that stands for the coming alive of the Christ Spirit. It rises from its death when your earthly self becomes aware of this hidden aspect of its nature.

This is the resurrection that eventually takes place in all human souls, when they slowly begin to free themselves from being trapped in the realities of Earth life and its beliefs. This awakening is quickened by an extra powerful outpouring of the Christ energies onto your planet during the Easter period and especially on Easter Sunday. The Divine spark in all human hearts then unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun and together they bring about the renewal of all life in your world.

Easter is a spiritual rather than a religious period of the year. Mostly it is time for quiet thanksgiving because on the inner level of life the Christ Spirit within each one of you individually and also your whole planet is strengthened and fortified. Hand in hand with us turn your faces towards the great Sun of God and together let us give thanks and praise for the Great Father/Mother’s love, and for the gift of all life and lifeforms who are ever progressing towards more beautiful and perfect expressions.

Our love and special blessings are with you, always.

Happy Easter!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘What Is Truth?’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (10)

From ‘Our World In Transition’

On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

Thought, The Most Powerful Force Of All

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

To this day, occasionally a confirmation of something I have recently been writing about intuitively arrives in the form of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. This was the case with an article that appeared in the February/March 2011 issue of ‘Stella Polaris’, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge with the heading ‘One in Thought – From an Inner Teaching by White Eagle’. The following is its essence:

 ‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It has the power of creating good and bringing healing, but it can also inflict pain and disease, disrupt and destroy. Your earthly scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending that thought can do anything in your world and all others. Thought is the root of all suffering and of wars, but at the same time it is responsible for beauty and harmony, siblinghood and providing you with everything you have ever longed for.

‘Knowing that thought is creative, that’s why we, the group of spirit guides known as White Eagle, always work with the creative power of thought and make every effort to avoid negative and destructive thinking. You will have noticed that our advice is always constructive and that we foresee the good outcome of everything. This is by no means foolishly optimistic. It is realistic because by seeing only good something of this nature is created by our thoughts and thus helps to bring into being some more of that which is good, right and desirable. There is no point in thinking in terms of pessimism, destruction or death. They too are unavoidable parts of the evolutionary process. Even so all things that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation represents forever unfolding and progressing life and everything that happens anywhere, including our world, was created by God and therefore serves a wise higher purpose.

‘To this day, many of those in earthly life become so immersed with trivialities that they fail to realise the power in which they have their being and that it was created to assist humankind with its spiritual development. This is particularly true for the power of thought. As a result, we in our world observe a great deal of confusion in the thought forces. When we see you, God’s beloved children of the Earth, enduring physical pain and discomfort, and weariness of mind and body, spirit and soul, we want to bring them the healing balm they need. In people’s present state that can be exceedingly difficult. Yet, it is possible for people to find perfect health and that is by training their thought patterns and directing them into healthier channels, so that the healing rays from the Highest levels of life, the Christ circle, can flow through them and alleviate the suffering of many.

‘For a long time people on the Earth believe that their thoughts are entirely their own and cannot be known by anyone. There could be no graver mistake. There are two streams of consciousness and thought in your world, a positive and a negative one. Every thought that anyone thinks in your world joins the relevant stream and so has the power to affect the whole of humankind. Because of this it is impossible to be good, kind and loving and think such thoughts without assisting the growth of good for your whole world. Naturally, the same is true for unkind, negative and unloving thoughts.

‘Can you see what a great responsibility each one of you is carrying? That’s why wise ones radiate loving thoughts in someone’s direction, independent of how much they may be tempted to criticise. This is not difficult for those who are aware that everybody has the best as well as the worst in them, is on the same evolutionary pathway and struggling with their specific learning curve. Each has to make their own mistakes and learn from them and is therefore in need of every bit of help that anyone can provide. That’s why wise ones are happy to supply some by sending a kind and understanding thought.

‘Each thought creates a wave in the ether. Whenever you are thinking about a person, your thoughts travel directly to them and take form. They hover around them and wait until they are off guard. For as long as the recipient’s mind is filled with useful and helpful thoughts, the intruder cannot penetrate until the mind is less occupied, but then it jumps in. If you are aware of what is happening to you, you can dismiss negative thoughts or transmute them into a good and constructive ones. If the thought that was sent was a good one, it will motivate the recipient to do something good. Everybody in earthly life is continually receiving the thoughts of others, particularly from the astral and mental planes where the thought-forces are at work.

‘When you are suffering physically, refuse to focus on and think of your suffering. Each time someone is in pain and the thought enters their mind: ‘Oh, how I suffer! I do feel bad!’, the negative thought powers around that person makes the pain worse because they are increasing in strength, just the same as the thought of that which is good and right and therefore of God, and that the pain is part of their healing process, fills their whole being with the healing rays of the Universal Christ’s spirit. If you apply this knowledge wisely, in due course wonderful blessings will be coming your way, and because on this pathway it is impossible to think merely for yourself, not only for yourself but also for those around you.

‘The wisdom and power of the Divine white healing magic is the same today as it was yesterday, always has been and forever will be. The secret of its magic consists of learning to control and use your thoughts wisely. In due course you then develop into a Christed one in your own right who has mastery over your thoughts and their power. For a long time, in earthly life and whilst spending time in our world, everybody has difficulties training their thoughts and thus gaining control over their mental bodies. Frequently it is only after they have left their physical bodies behind that people begin to understand, at first only vaguely, that that the spirit realm is a world of thought.

‘Spiritual masters are teaching us that, if we wish to tread the path of the mysteries, we have to train ourselves to be precise and particular in our thoughts, take good care of our surroundings, and do our best to create harmony wherever we go. That’s the foundation on which all spiritual life is built and of magical power every human being eventually learns how to wield with the help of their thoughts. That’s the only way the power of the white healing magic can be developed.

‘What in earthly life is known as psychic gifts is merely a preliminary to the opening of the higher spiritual gifts of the Christ spirit, who is waiting to wake from its slumber in every human heart. In the fullness of time, the Christ power will hold dominion over the Earth and draw the people of all nations together into the siblinghood of the great family of humankind. As this gradually comes to pass, the vibrations and the physical conditions of the Earth are changing; they are becoming higher, finer and more etherealised. Each one of you has the power to make their contribution to the spiritual advancement of the whole of your race and its world.

‘During the first part of their earthly education each person exists as if they were existing in their own small prison, so immersed are they in the task of earning their daily bread and provide for food and clothing, housing and protection of their physical body. Its ignorance of God’s true nature and their own and the fear this brings with it that keeps them imprisoned for a long time. But gradually the Christ spark within begins to stir from its slumber. The further we penetrate into the Aquarian Age, the more the mental vibrations of the thought power of the highest levels of life will be stimulating humankind’s individual and collective higher mind. This is because the Angelic hosts are drawing ever closer to humankind and pouring their rays of truth and light into its consciousness. As time goes by, you will notice how a great revival and stimulation of people’s spiritual faculties is taking place. Materialism will gradually lose its hold and there will be increasing evidence of the spiritual forces at work in literature, music and science.

‘Influencing humankind’s evolutionary progress in positive and constructive ways is not difficult. The only thing you need to do is developing the ability to think good thoughts by perceiving the good behind all situations and in every human being. In addition to this wise ones constantly keep the transmitter/receiver station of their earthly mind tuned into the frequencies of the Highest intelligence, God and the Angels and Masters around His/Her throne, so that the blessing and healing power of their energies can flow through you into your world.

‘Even though on the spiritual inner level of life there is no separation between anything and all is one, everybody retains their individuality and we are all related to each other like drops in the ocean. After all, that’s what each one of us is in the vast ocean of life. This is how the whole of Creation moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life as one great Cosmic siblinghood and that is the main secret of the Divine healing white magic. When one of is healing, the whole of Creation does the same. It is impossible to exist in splendid isolation. Because of the inner oneness, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, everybody’s behaviour and thinking patterns are constantly affecting the lives of millions. So take care that yours are the right ones.

‘The eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, on whose mighty wings the whole of Creation is flying. We, the groups of spirit guides and helpers, are part of its vast messenger and distributing network. The Divine wisdom and knowledge we are bringing are providing those who receive and understand them with spiritual wings. Their ever increasing vision of the higher and highest levels of life enables you to lift yourself and those around you above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and recognise the high and holy purpose they serve. The simplest and yet most profound teaching was given to you and your world in the Jesus legend with the words: ‘Love one another. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, mind and body, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (11) 

From ‘Our World In Transition’

The Light Of All Worlds

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Light Of All WorldsThe Christ Star is the symbol of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. It is the light of our world and all others and the Universal Christ is the Grandmaster of all lodges of consciousness on the Earth plane, i.e. philosophies, religions and belief systems. To this day they are speaking to us, for example through the legend of the life of Jesus, the Christed one. In the Native American tradition the eagle represents the spirit and a lodge is a dwelling place such as a hogan, wigwam or longhouse. The group living in such a place is also called a lodge.

In my view, the names White Eagle and the White Eagle Lodge and what was to become its mission were not chosen to represent one particular personality in the world of spirit. It stands for a whole group of wise ones through whom the Angels from the highest levels of life chose to bring to our world fresh insights into and updates for the existing spiritual knowledge. The Lodge was founded in 1936, three years before the outbreak of World War II, at a time when the clouds of darkness, destruction and death were gathering with increasing force over our poor beleaguered world and there was a particularly great need for the light of God’s wisdom.

In the Lodge’s own words, the White Eagle guides once worked through the spiritual mediumship of Grace Cooke for the purpose of helping our race to find a better understanding of its true spiritual nature, so that through this our love for all lifeforms that share our world with us could grow. How well they have always succeeded in fulfilling this task. However, the time for imparting fresh wisdom through spiritual mediumship is over. No successor to continue Grace Cooke’s work has come forth to this day, probably because this aspect of humankind’s spiritual development has run its course and the role of spiritual mediumship is changing *.

It is every earthling’s birthright to eventually evolve into being its own recipient of Divine wisdom and truth that flows intuitively into their hearts and souls from the source of our being. When our earthly self regularly tunes the receiver/transmitter station of its mind into the frequencies of the highest levels of life, the Divine spark in our heart and soul wakes from its slumber. That’s the beginning of its transformation into the living God within, the wise one who really does know the answer to all our questions.

The White Eagle teachings, the same as any other item of spiritual knowledge that was ever given to our world by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, were never intended to be set in concrete or hewn into stone. Spiritual knowledge is of a fluid nature and is intended to enlarge and expand, as we and our world move through various evolutionary cycles and with it our ability to comprehend God’s sacred wisdom and truth increases. Keeping pace with our race’s continued progress, groups of Angels and Masters, guides and helpers have always been working in the background of life to gradually guide us into a constantly improving understanding of God’s true nature and our own, as well as our special relationship with the Divine.

On the mighty wings of Its sacred wisdom and truth the Great White Eagle wants to lift us all above the Earth plane and carry us onto ever higher levels of awareness and understanding. Because of a better perception of their present existence in the Cosmic context and the presence of the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers who are constantly surrounding them, even the last one of God’s beloved children of the Earth will eventually reach the developmental point when they will no longer feel lost on the physical plane of life.

Book knowledge and learning parrot fashion is well and good, but any information that comes our way has to be integrated by us and that can only happen through testing and trying it out for ourselves. Unless we apply the spiritual knowledge we are finding along the pathway of our lives to every one of our daily encounters, it will remain what it was in the first place: book and head knowledge that has no spiritual value whatever. Only through conscious application can it sink into our consciousness and in this way become the spiritual property of our eternal inner self. This is the only type of possession we take with us into the world of spirit, when our time for departure from the physical plane has come; no-one can ever take it from us. It accompanies us into Eternity and will forever stand us in good stead, as it can be drawn upon whenever the need for it arises.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Changing Role Of Spiritual Mediumship’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (12)


Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Spontaneity The following is the essence of a teaching about spontaneity from the White Eagle group of message guides that came my way in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as they are known in earthly life, and quite a different one when spiritual or occult truth is concerned. Until you have built into your soul body the creative God atoms of light and with their help have found a deep inner understanding of such matters, you cannot serve life as you would like to. Knowing something with your mind only is quite different from being able to comprehend it with your inner self. The result of the latter is spontaneous good thinking and actions through which the light of God’s love flows and that have the power of creatively raising the atoms and vibrations of your whole world.

‘The growth of your mental bodies depends on what kind of habitual thought patterns you develop. To most effectively train theirs, wise ones during their times of prayers, meditations and quiet reflections, tune the receiver/transmitter stations of their earthly minds into the frequencies of the highest levels of life. This, with the passing of time, changes their thinking and behaviour patterns quite naturally. By conducting their lives the right way and without hesitation following the advice of their Highest or Christ Self, this part of their nature gradually takes over their whole being.

‘Through this your higher mental vehicles develop and you are evolving into a living channel and bridge between Heaven and Earth. As a result the living God within all life can flow through you and work on transforming your planet into a state that is far removed from the way it is known at present. The new Earth that God and the Angels are in the process of creating will eventually be so advanced that, although it still consists of the same substance, its matter will be filled with more light and therefore be much less dense than you know it now.’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (13)

The Golden Future Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Golden Future Of humankindThere now follows the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 16th April 2018: ‘Miracles come into being as a result of putting into operation the Divine law of love. At all times it manifests itself in earthly life as much as it does throughout the rest of God’s Creation. On the Earth plane human beings are used in gentle and beautiful ways to bring miracles about. You have no idea when God and the Angels are creating one of them through you.

‘For quite some time by now, they have been working on the greatest miracle that has ever taken place on the Earth. It consists of healing the minds and bodies, spirits and souls and each one of you individually and collectively of your whole world. This is possible because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything, whenever one of you finds healing not only your whole world but the entire Creation heals with you.

‘Once more we would like to draw your attention to the importance of the Divine law of love. In your world it not only manifests itself in goodwill, kindness and tolerance between people, but also that in ever more of you a new kind of faith and trust is stirring. These feelings keep on growing the more you find out that all life throughout the whole of Creation is one great spiritual family of all life; that on the higher and highest levels God and the Angels and Masters are taking care of you and your world, assisted on the lower levels of the spirit world by countless numbers of friends and helpers. All together we are responsible for the development of you and your world.

‘This kind of knowledge awakens in human hearts and souls a growing interest in the Angelic beings in charge of other planets and studying other parts of the enormous spiritual Universe where planet Earth once was crystallized into a form of matter so that you, during lifetimes spent on it could receive earthly education. The great plan of life provides that each one of you would be spending many lifetimes playing the role of a mere earthling, so that you could get to know and understand the material world you would be placed in time and again. For a long time you would be unaware of your true nature, but towards the end of your earthly curriculum the truth would be revealed to you.

‘Great things are in store for every human being. In your higher etheric bodies you will in due course be able to visit and get to know the worlds of much more highly evolved beings than you have ever consciously known before. They no longer require physical bodies for getting around and neither will you by that time. For however long you choose, you can live among and be one of them. There is no need to be afraid of getting lost in the vastness of space because God and the Angels will always be with and part of you, the way they have always been. The only difference will be that you are not only conscious of their presence, you also can see them. They will forever be guiding and protecting you, the same as they have always done.

‘So be of good cheer, dear friends of the Earth. Each time earthly life threatens to get on top of you, keep on keeping on and look forward to these things. If occasionally the going gets too tough, take comfort from knowing that what’s happening to you is but a small part of your evolutionary journey which is sure to pass. Trust us when we say that all is well, all is good and rests safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and ours, because that is the truth. We hope that knowing this will help you to endure what your karmic debts still have to present to you with as much courage and strength as you can muster. And never forget that we are with you to supply you with these qualities and as you move through your experiences, they are quite naturally developing within you.

‘Refuse to limit your thinking and conceptions of earthly life. Send your loving thoughts into the spiritual Universe and further into what’s known to you as outer space of the physical one. Become aware that all lifeforms that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation are one big family and that therefore they are your siblings. In your thoughts move further and further away from your small planet and mingle with the beings of other worlds, send them your love and greetings. The time is going to come when you will be visiting them, not with the help of clumsy spaceships but using your higher etheric bodies. Spaceships as you know them would be of no use to you out there.’

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    I Believe In Miracles
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (14)

The Transmutation Of Karma

Transmutation of Karma - Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner for Parents & Children

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 4 – Sayings of the Gentle Brother’: ‘It is all too easy to judge the actions of others, but endeavour to refrain from judgment. Because of your oneness on the inner level, whenever you are condemning someone you are in truth doing this to yourself. Strive to be tolerant and let flow from your heart the gentle spirit of the master soul the Jesus legend portrayed. Jesus is a symbolism for the archetypal Christ, your own Christ nature.

‘This aspect of your being in all of you is the only one in the whole of Creation who can save and redeem you and make you perfect. In this context perfection means that all aspects of your being have healed into one and are working together in perfect harmony, the way they are in the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents. This blessed state can only come about through everyone’s own efforts. The Jesus legend depicts how highly evolved and perfected souls, of their own free will, conduct their earthly lives by walking in the footsteps of the gentle and loving Jesus. He is but one of the many symbols of the Universal Christ which God and the Angels presented to humankind down the ages through various religions of your world.

‘Forgive, dear children of the Earth, forgive. Whatever is in your heart, whichever way you may feel towards anyone, possibly with justification according to the standards of earthly life, pray to forgive and follow the advice of the Jesus legend’s Lord’s Prayer: ‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ Forgiving those who hurt and wounded you is the only way of releasing yourself from the karmic chains and shackles that exist between you and the offender.  So long as you sit in judgment over them and refuse to forgive, the Universal law of cause and effect will time and again bring the same back to you. No-one can escape the perfect justice of this law, which decrees: ‘As you give, so you receive.’ This continues until one of you sends the other one forgiveness from your heart and soul, you are releasing each other from the bondage of your joint Karma.

‘Karma is transmuted when you learn to think and act with love from the spiritual aspect of your Christ nature. The Jesus story points the way. All of you are on the Earth plane so that you may learn to live like a true Master who knows nothing but compassion and kindness, gentleness and love. The Jesus legend tells us that the Master looked deep into the souls of those who were drawn to him. He saw their suffering, not merely that of the present but of their whole evolutionary pathway. He saw their Karma and how they themselves brought it about.

The Jesus story shows you how you too, in the fullness of time when your own Christ nature has sufficiently developed, are going react to people and life in general with a heart that is filled with compassion and forgiveness. In your daily encounters that can turn out to be very difficult. Yet, it is worth persevering because as soon as the Divine forgiveness of your higher nature fills your whole being, people are released and set free with whom you could have been in karmic, i.e. emotional bondage over many lifetimes. Because of this both of you have been nailed to the cross of earthly suffering. That’s why we advise you to look beyond people’s appearances into their hearts and souls. When you see there how they are suffering, all you may want to do is love and forgive them.’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (15)

Facing The Self – Looking For The Divine

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Facing The Self - Looking For The Divine

The following is the essence of a teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Facing the Self – Looking for the Divine’ in Stella Polaris October/November 2005: ‘In your search of evidence for the existence of the Divine, all you have to do is look into any kind of mirror because God is in everything, including you and the people around you. Everything is of God and created in God’s image and all characteristics and powers of the Divine are also in you. Therefore the things you observe in the world around you are also part of you. That’s why wise ones never judge or condemn anybody.

‘It is a sad fact of life that humankind spends much of its time running away from itself. Just take a look at the many distractions that exist in your world and the amusements people find so appealing. Please don’t get the impression that we, your spirit friends and helpers, do not recognise your need for relaxation and recreation. But as aspiring healers and lightbringers you can do better by looking for ways of taking them that connect you with God and us.

‘This is easier than you may think at the moment. Because God is as much part of you as you are of God and whenever you are singing to yourself or in a choir or maybe going for a nature walk, you are more in touch with your God nature. Just think, even your physical body does not belong to you but to God. It is a gift only for a time that has been entrusted into your care. It is your responsibility to look after it as best you know how to. Your body is a temple because the Highest dwells with you it. Being aware that this is so, refuse to squander the spirit energies of your indwelling Life Force. Your physical body is your vehicle for this lifetime. Don’t waste the precious time span that has been allocated to you for its use by desecrating it with anything.

‘No matter how depraved someone may become, the God spark is in them and their physical body belongs to God. The most important lesson each one of you has to learn is facing every aspect of your being and especially those of your lower nature. Many to this day are spending too much time running away from themselves. Through seeking dissipation and oblivion it is all too easy and tempting to avoid the genuine happiness and joy that reconnecting and healing together with God the Angels are waiting to present to every one of you. Such a beautiful world you have been given and oh, how much sorrow it contains. It is up to each one of you individually to change this state of affairs.

‘Throughout the ages there have been people who became inspired without at first being aware of what was happening to them. Speaking and writing intuitively they receive their information without studying books. With the passing of time they found out that all outer manifestations of life are reflections of the realities of their inner counterparts and that this applies to human thinking as much as it does to anything else in the whole of Creation. It is not the physical brain alone that does the thinking, for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life exists and can function on its own.

‘Without the spiritual forces in its background creating and supporting the physical plane of life there would be nothing. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s mental capacities. No earthly self on its own could ever bring itself into being. Never mind Earth life, without the help of your Highest spirit Self and your constant companions, the Angels and Masters, friend and helpers in the world of light, there would be no physical life anywhere in the Cosmos. The angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan of life and responsible for its smooth running, at all times. They are the ones who bring all of you into earthly life and place you in the right spots and relationships, so you can attend to your life lessons and fulfil your Karmic obligations.

‘The wisdom of the Divine Spirit flows into your world through those who are acting as Its channels like water. Their own experiences have taught them to trust implicitly that the knowledge they are receiving is coming directly from the heart of truth. Although it is most useful to gain knowledge without having to pore over books, we appreciate that to this day it is necessary for those who believe that, because they are seeing something in black and white before them, it has to be true.

‘This kind of gullibility is a leftover from the Piscean Age, the age of deception, when it was easy to pull the wool over people eyes. But those days have gone and ever more of you are learning to pay attention to the guidance of their very own inner teacher, the living God within or intuition. With this you are leaving behind the experience of gullibility and the dangers it brought to humankind. Whenever wise ones are reading or hearing something new, they listen to the small still inner voice to tell them through the world of their feelings: ‘This is right and true!’ or ‘That’s outdated and has no more value for you.’ As one of the Masters of your world once said: ‘Take no thought what ye shall say, for what is to be said will be put into your mouth or flow through you, in some other way.’ Following this advice, tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequency and with simple and childlike trust put your small hand into those of the Angels and your Creator, the Great White Spirit.’

From: ‘Communion’ White Eagle Stella Polaris December/January 2005/6: ‘Knowledge that flows into your heart from the Highest is true and knowing that’s what it is helps you to remain calm. Wise ones are not inclined to get involved in arguments over what they are bringing. Because the truth they are bringing is based on a deep inner knowingness, they see no need to argue about it. Anyone can experience this kind of knowing. It has nothing to do with mental arrogance that is very sure of its own cleverness but is a quiet inner knowing that does not see any point in arguing because it does not doubt that the knowledge that comes directly from God is true. You can be quite still and happy when others wish to argue about what you are bringing. It does not matter if some of those to whom you are presenting your truth cannot understand because they are unready for it.

‘Leave them to their beliefs and rest safely in the knowledge that in the fullness of time they too will receive their own truth in their own unique way. The time will come for those who still need books now, when they will no longer require them either because they have learnt to access their inner wisdom and are in possession of their own truth. All of you will eventually reach this phase of their development.’ End of White Eagle Teachings.

The Roman emperor and thinker Marcus Aurelius, 121-180 AD, said: ‘People seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores and mountains and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of people, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere is there more quiet or freedom from trouble than when human beings retreat into their own souls.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Dawning Of The New Age (16)

God is Merciful

The Mercy of God - Mercy - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in a letter to friends of the Lodge October 2005: ‘Never forget that there is no such thing as chance or accidents on your plane of life or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. Everything that happens is just right for that particular moment and place. It has come about because of the Universal laws and under the direction of the Great Ones at the head who are responsible for humankind’s evolutionary progress. Even in the case of any kind of catastrophe that arises in human life, when loved ones are snatched from each other or when as a result someone suffers from severe afflictions, wise ones remind themselves that God is merciful, as well as just, and that those participating in earthly life usually can only ever see one side of any picture.

‘You have no idea about the compensation that is waiting on our side of life for those who suffer and the great love that has always been flowing into every soul that had to wade through the depths of the earthly shadows. That’s how, each soul through its own experiences, gets to know the extent of the Great Father/Mother’s love for their children of the Earth. The law of cause and effect or Karma decrees that everything must return to its source. And because on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything, none of us will ever be forgotten or left behind.

For those who have lost their way in their earthly existence, i.e. the knowledge of their true nature and the purpose of their being, everything possible is done by the Angels and us, your spirit helpers, to help them become aware again and so nudge them back onto the track of going home. The Jesus legend’s parable of the Master going in search of every last lost sheep and on his shoulders carrying it safely home is a depiction of this. Therefore, whenever you witness human suffering, remind yourself of God’s mercy and the compensation that awaits every human being in the end. The ministering Angels attend to anyone who is in pain and suffering. Even before they arrive in our world, it is part of their compensation that they are lovingly cared for.’

In ‘Stars Of The North’ January 2013, a further item of White Eagle’s wisdom on this theme appeared. This is its essence: ‘God’s mercy is unlimited. It freely drops like gentle rain from the highest levels onto everything on the earthly plane. It refreshes, comforts and heals individual spirit/souls as well as those of the whole humankind and its world. But before any of this can happen, every spirit/soul has to take part in Earth’s lessons. The greatest turning point is reached when another one of you discovers that all life, including that of your planet, is ruled by spiritual laws that for a long time remain invisible to earthly perceptions.

‘Yet, because every human being is part of God, comforting mercy is constantly flowing from the Divine heart into each individual human counterpart. The Universal laws ensure that this mercy reaches you in equal measure with the mercy and forgiveness you feel towards your siblings in the human family. This applies especially to younger and less experienced ones, who are bound to sin a This might help you to understand the reasoning behind Matthew 7:1-3: ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?’

‘Aware of these things, wise ones in all their daily encounters focus on practising forgiveness and love. Aware of their siblinghood with all lifeforms, they act like one of them towards every human being, without exceptions, and all other lifeforms. Divine love fills their whole being and that empowers them to disperse sins. But even though they have let go of all traces of bitterness or resentment towards anyone and are forgiving freely, this does not wipe out their Karma. They still have to suffer to repay for any transgressions against the law of love, during the earlier stages of their earthly development. Knowing that no-one gets past the Universal laws, wise ones accept that no authority between Heaven and Earth can save anyone from getting their just desserts and having to pay their dues, and that only when even the last debt has been attended to, can anyone in earthly life find the true and lasting peace everybody is trying to find.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’
•    ‘Each Their Own Saviour And Redeemer’
•    ‘Man-made And Natural Disasters’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Weaver’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (1)

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle Teachings - Climbing The Spiritual Mountain

The following is the essence of a message of hope and encouragement from the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Keep On Keeping On’ that appeared in Stella Polaris August/September 2015: ‘It is with love and joy in our hearts that we are coming to you today to tell you of some of the truths that are vital for your happiness in this lifetime and beyond. We too once walked the road you are presently treading. Because of this we are familiar with the sorrows and difficulties of living in a physical body that is as yet unawakened to the beauty and wonder of our world, the spirit realms.

‘We are aware of how hard earthly life can be for those who do not yet know about its spiritual background and the presence of spirit guides and helpers who love and care for you, just because you are. This lack of spiritual knowledge makes it very difficult to grasp that the life you have been given is basically a good one. Trusting that the love of the Great White Spirit and that His/Her loving arms have always been wrapped around you, is almost impossible in that state. But it becomes easier when you comprehend that every one of your earthly experiences serves a wise higher purpose. Because we know the sorrows, disappointments and hardships of life in physicality only too well, we are joining you here. Our only motivation is a great longing in our hearts to provide you with the knowledge of the powers that are within every human being and therefore also in you.

‘We want to tell you about the beautiful states of life that in the fullness of time are waiting for you and the importance of bringing forth the best that is within you, because they are the characteristics of your higher or Christ nature. Even though you may not see any results of your efforts for quite some time, keep on keeping on. Your ascension of the spiritual mountain of earthly life is an essential part of God’s plan for your spiritual development. Your predestined pathway is to reach the end of your earthly education and that is the top of the mountain. We are here to provide you with the assistance you need.

‘Every religion your world has ever seen is one of the many roads that lead up this mountain. When at the end of your present earthly sojourn you return to our world, we shall be welcoming you in our midst. After you have recovered from the stresses and strains of earthly life and look at it from our side of the veil, you will probably be as overwhelmed as we are by the amount of suffering you see. It will occur to you how easily all of it could be avoided, if only people were aware that every bit of suffering is the result of someone’s own thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. You want to go to them and tell them that it is up to them to change, but alas you will have to tell them that it is not your job to do this work for them.

‘We would love to do the work for each one of you, but are not allowed to for in that case you earthling would not grow in wisdom and understanding. You are the only ones who can do this, while we from the spiritual background of life support and encourage you. Our main role is showing you how to avoid creating further negative Karma and accumulating karmic debts, and help you to redeem the ones that still exist in your spiritual bankbook. This is done through sending nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. It really is as simple as that.

‘There are many groups like ours on this side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from this one. The White Eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, whose wisdom and truth we are bringing you as best as we ourselves know it. White Eagle is the collective word for all who are working together for the benefit and wellbeing of our siblings who are struggling with their existence as spirit and soul encased in matter. Our groups are on many different evolutionary levels and working with you is an essential part of our own development. If you so wish, you can join our beginner’s group for those who have just completed their earthly education. You can serve your apprenticeship here, if you so wish. Nobody forces you to do anything, but when you watch the miseries of the life you have only just left behind, your heart is likely to melt with compassion and love and you want to help in some way, the way many of us are doing in this world.

‘Waiting for every human being who has got to the end of their earthly education behind the mountain is the greater freedom and beauty of the spirit realms. From there you will proceed to explore the higher and eventually highest spiritual realms. For every human being eventually waits a heavenly state of life that is so filled with bliss and peace that will be hard for you to imagine now. Ah yes, we can see you thinking: ‘That’s all very well, but how are we to believe that what you are telling us is the truth. In any case, how can any of it affect our present-day difficulties and problems?’ Our role is to point the way towards your goal, because as soon as your vision focuses on it, your mental and emotional attitude towards your companions and the problems of everyday life changes.

‘Spiritually, knowledge is light and the lack of it is darkness. The wisdom and truth of the Great Mother of all life is the eternal light and you need its help for working your way over every one of your earthly hurdles and obstacles. Yet, to enable you to contact this light, the desires and cravings of your lower earthly nature first have to surrender themselves to the demands of your higher nature. Alas, human beings frequently find it too difficult to listen and make the effort to rise in thought above their sad and traumatic conditions and reach out for the life of our world with its light and warmth, joy and tranquillity, kindness and peace. Never forget that we are always there for you; all you have to do is ask. Without asking no help can come to you; that is the law.

‘But for those who have asked and through this are showing their readiness to receive, we are bringing the truth about God’s nature and your own. We ask you to look, with love in your heart and soul, towards the higher and highest realms of life. The more you do this, the more your small earthly difficulties shrink away, because you know that everything that happens in earthly life is transient and but a passing phase. With the help and will of God and the Angels no obstacle is insurmountable and all conditions can be healed. So do your best, refuse to worry about tomorrow and rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are doing the rest.

‘That is the message of the Jesus legend’s St Matthew 6:25-32: ‘Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food and the body than the raiment? Behold the birds of the Heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life? And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you? O ye of little faith!’

‘The people of your planet have difficulties comprehending messages of this nature because many of them to this day are existing behind a kind of barrier that acts like a dense fog. Getting rid of it is everyone’s own task, but do not despair because we are here to help you. The only thing that can disperse the kind of fog we are talking about here is the light of the Highest Star, the Universal Christ Spirit, through whom all life is given. And God’s sacred wisdom and truth are the winds of Heaven that can blow away everything that is troublesome in your world.

‘A light burns within each one of you that with the passing of earthly time has been turned down and grown very dim. You are the only one who can uncover this light and help it to shine so brightly that ever more of all earthly clouds of fog and darkness are absorbed into it. Every human being has a hidden power within that can act like the winds of Heaven that sweep your surroundings until everything ugly and evil, negative and destructive has gone for good. That’s how the conditions of everybody’s earthly life can be moderated and improved.

‘You yourselves are endowed with this power. By bringing it forth and using it wisely, eventually the things of Earth that in the past were so stressful will no longer have any effect on you. When you look at them from the right perspective, you recognise how unimportant they truly are. These God-given powers are unfolding in ever more of you. You are God’s beloved children of the Earth. And with the knowledge we are bringing you the Great Father/Mother is placing into every reader’s own hands the key for unlocking the inner doors to great happiness. The secret of overcoming the darkness and sickness of earthly life is through perceiving them in the right light and knowing that everything is sure to work out well in the end, when Mother Earth’s transformation into a place of beauty, harmony and peace is complete.

 Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (2)

Keep On Keeping On

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Keep On Keeping On‘To achieve anything in earthly life, you have to keep on keeping on. This is particularly true for climbing the spiritual mountain of your education in the school of earthly life. When you are reached its apex, you will be released from the obligation of taking part in it. Steadfastness is the quality you need most to achieve this. It develops quite naturally when you pursue your predestined path regardless of any obstacles and difficulties that may still have to come your way because of outstanding karmic debts. And when at last you kneel before the Highest and say: ‘Not my will, Great Father/Mother, but Thine. I humbly accept,’ the necessary strength to endure your burdens comes to you.

‘Feelings of joy will begin to lighten your life the more you observe how the Divine Universal laws have always been at work in human life, including your own. You then realise that everything that happens on the Earth is a manifestation of God’s perfect justice. And when you start to recognise how God’s sacred wisdom and truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the myths, legends and religious tales of your world, you are in the process of developing true clairvoyance and are increasingly ready to share your insights into the ancient themes with those around you. Through a new understanding of the spiritual aspects of life, your gifts can bring them a renewal of faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life that has been given to all of you. As soon as what you are giving has sunken sufficiently deep into their consciousness, they too will be thinking and saying to themselves: ‘Everything will come right in the end.’ We assure you that most certainly it will.

‘The time has come for bringing forth, from deep within your own being, the characteristics of your higher Christ nature. They enable you to treat everybody you meet with the love, kindness and respect they deserve as a child of the Highest; whether they themselves are as yet aware of it or not, that’s what every human being is. Through your behaviour no further negative Karma is created by you. When all your remaining karmic debts have been paid, you have reached the top of the mountain of earthly life and will no longer need further lifetimes on your planet. This is how in due course every human being’s Christ nature will save and redeem its lower earthly self. That’s the only way the Christ will ever be able to do this for anyone.

‘With the clearing away of every bit of your negative Karma, it’s a steep road you have to climb that winds its way up the mountain of earthly life. Being well aware how difficult this can be at time, that’s why we are saying persevere, never give up, just keep going. You will get there even though the ascent at times appears to be too steep and high. And whenever you are turning a corner and still cannot see any sign of the summit, rest safely in the knowledge that waiting for you at the top are the warmth and light of the Great Sun, the Universal Christ’s realm. In due course every human being will reach it.

‘What good would it be to anyone if you were happy only when things are bright and shining, and become weak and doubtful when they turn dark and threatening? Endurance and steadfastness are the main qualities you need for your spiritual journey, if you seriously wish this lifetime to be the end of your earthly education. Stop worrying about the things that still have to happen to you and your world on the outer plane. Knowing that everything is the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and at the same time a lesson for somebody else, will help you to keep your vision firmly focused on God’s light deep within you. It is this light that enables you to keep moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘At the top of the spiritual mountain of the whole of Creation, not merely of earthly life, in the fullness of time awaits every human being the glory of the conscious reunion with the Divine Sun. When you perceive Its light and feel Its warmth and glow, nothing can deter you from wanting to move forwards on the predestined evolutionary pathway that eventually takes every one of you back to the source of your being. Every fibre of you then begins to yearn to forever feel the glory of Its warmth and comfort. Nothing matters to you any more but this and holding the whole of life in your loving heart, the way God has never stopped doing.

‘Just like you are focussing on the light of the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, who has always been radiating from the highest levels of life, many lifeforms on the Earth are waiting for your light to assist them with their evolutionary journey. God helps you and you are expected to help the lesser forms of life, to look after and care for them. Mother Earth’s nature and animal kingdoms are looking towards humankind for support, the same as you are reaching out to the Angelic realms. Ultimately, each one of you is responsible for the wellbeing of your whole world and all its kingdoms. With every loving thought you radiate into your world you are helping someone who is less highly evolved than you are. Even the tiniest lifeforms are constantly striving upwards towards God’s light, the same as you have always done.

‘Whatever still has to happen in your world, bear in mind that God does not hurry. All of us are God’s children and have to accept the wisdom of the Divine developmental pace. Therefore, do not lose patience with the project in hand and pursue lighter amusements and interests. If you did this, you would be wasting the rest of your present earthly lifetime and the possibilities for making good spiritual progress. In that case, when you entered into your next earthly sojourn the process of learning the lessons of patience and calmness of spirit would have to be started all over again.

‘Wise ones keep on keeping on. Their hearts filled with gratitude and trust, they are walking their predestined path and are feeling safe in the knowledge that, however long their road may still be, eventually they will receive their reward in the form of unheard of achievements and the completion of their earthly education. They know that waiting for all of you at the end of this particular part of your evolutionary expedition is the kind of happiness that earthly life cannot provide and a peace that nothing in the whole of Creation will ever take from you.

‘We are bringing you the truth as we know it at this particular moment, i.e. what has been given to us by the Angels in charge of you and your world and us and our world. They are the ones who, at any given time, decide which part of God’s sacred wisdom and truth should be revealed to you and how much of it is appropriate for the time of its publication. You do not have to take our word for anything we are presenting to you. If you pay attention to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, you will know which parts – maybe even everything – is right for you and waiting to become part of your truth.

‘Every human being is destined to evolve into a seeker of God’s wisdom and truth as well as a healer and lightbringer in their own right. We appreciate humankind’s great hunger and thirst for this kind of information, but nonetheless advise you not to endlessly devour spiritual publications. Regardless of how old they are and who brought them into being, take care to reflect on what is before you and in your daily encounters use the parts to which your inner guidance responds with: ‘This makes sense; it is the truth.’ That’s the only way anything can become part of your truth and spiritual property, the only things you can take with you into Eternity.

‘In your role as aspiring healer and lightbringer you are meant to add your own reflections and insights onto the knowledge that has come your way on the road of your own healing journey. Share it with as many as possible, so they too can find out how to help themselves overcome their difficulties. Do your best to walk your talk and distribute nothing but the truth the way you understand it, like we are doing. Not merely dabbling at spirituality but seriously devoted to this pathway of life. This enables God and the Angels to work through you and do whatever is necessary for the blessing and healing of every part of your world.

‘When you work in this manner, nothing but the truth can return to you. Through this the truth becomes ever more powerful in your world. As it spreads and gets an ever firmer grip on your race’s individual and collective consciousness, it grows into an increasingly dominant force that slowly but surely absorbs more and more of the remaining untruths, lies and deceptions of your world into itself and transforms them into blessing and healing energies that flow to wherever they are needed.

‘Your most urgent requirement for the ascent of the spiritual mountain of earthly life are steadfastness and perseverance. These characteristics are taught by Saturn, the co-ruler with Uranus of Aquarius. Saturn represents the aspect of the Divine stern schoolmaster. Teaching humankind the skills of self-discipline and self-mastery over the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature is the main task of its energies. They are the keeper of the gate to the Aquarian Age. For every human being Saturn’s role in the end changes from that of the teacher into the rewarder, who bestows its finest gift upon anyone who freely and willingly submits themselves to its demands and shows that it has learnt its lesson by constantly practising the Saturnian skills.

‘One of Saturn’s most outstanding qualities is a natural ability to work your way patiently and steadily, hand over hand and with the necessary caution, towards a distant goal. Your whole world’s goal is to evolve into a place where honesty and truth rule supreme, and all nations and their people live together in peace and harmony. Saturn supplies you with the perseverance and stamina it will take to make this dream a reality on the Earth.

‘Because Saturn is also the planet of Karma, many of you have brought their most ancient karmic debts with them, in the hope of being able to redeem them. That is why so many of you are struggling under this burden. But we are here to help; all you have to do is ask. Nothing but keeping on keeping on is good enough for any of you, irrespective of what events may still have to take place in your world for the individual and collection making good of your karmic debts. Some of them could have been incurred thousands of lifetimes ago during the earliest stages of your earthly education. Their redemption had to wait for the time when you had become sufficiently evolved and therefore strong enough to cope with what your life was presenting to you. If this applies to you, keep on keeping on, safe in the knowledge that things are going to come right for you in the end. You will then be able to see for yourself that every bit of your present efforts and possibly sacrifices has been well worth making.

‘Experienced and highly evolved souls for their final lifetime on the Earth choose a pathway that is strongly under the influence of the Saturnian energies. Their birthcharts reflects this. The result is a difficult one that is strewn with the rocks and boulders of constant tests and trials that are coming your way. When you are working your way through one after the other, your earthly self finds it hard to accept that you yourself chose this road. You ask yourself: ‘How could I?’ But it is the truth nonetheless. This particular pathway was suggested to you by the wise ones in charge of you in our world. You agreed because you then knew that if you mastered such a lifetime, you would prove that you are ready to be released from the lessons of earthly life and being released into continuing your studies by exploring more advanced levels of life.

‘You were unafraid because you knew that the Angels and other spirit guides and helpers would be with you to show the way and that whenever things turned out to be too difficult to cope on your own and you could do with some help, all you had to do was ask for it. Unfortunately, your earthly self was unaware of these things when it entered into its next lifetime and it would take a long time until it became aware of them again. That’s how it came about that you yourself chose Saturn as your main teacher.

‘We have come to help you understand that this was an exceedingly wise choice, as nobody enters into the Aquarian age’s freedom from oppression and yokes of all kinds, especially religious ones, without first having acquired Saturn’s sterling characteristics. To assist you with this task, ever since our entry into the new age, God and the Angels through the energies of Saturn and Uranus have been working with steadily increasing strength to bring about the necessary changes in the individual and collective consciousness of your world. They are also providing a plentiful supply of the required courage and strength.

‘The Age of Pisces by now lies well behind you. It has been a time of lies and deceptions, violence and crime, warmongering and unspeakable cruelty of human beings towards each other, especially in the name of religion – not of God. That’s a concept the main religions of your world fail to understand to this day. Everything that happened has prepared your world for the new religion of the Age of Aquarius:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Even though this religion is based on Christianity’s Jesus legend, God’s sacred wisdom and truth cannot to be found in its surface words, but has always been hiding in the higher esoteric meanings behind them. What you are looking at is not really a religion but an abiding faith that is based on a deep inner knowing of the truth and a trust in the goodness of life which is indestructible and cannot be harmed or destroyed, not even shaken, by anyone or anything.’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Programming The Subconscious Mind’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (3)

The Fall Of Humankind (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind

The following is the essence of a teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris Aug/Sept 2007: ‘If there were no darkness in your world, the light of Sun, Moon and stars would be invisible to you and you would have no idea of their existence. And without having walked in the darkness of not knowing God’s true nature and your own, feeling so frightened, lonely and desperate about the state of your world that you got down to your knees and called for help from somewhere, you would never have realised that there is much more to you and your earthly existence than you ever thought possible, and that there is world of spirit in which Angels and Masters and other spirit friends and helpers have for a long time been waiting for your call.

‘Our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient and has designed a great plan for the whole of life and also for your life. These plans are unfailing and nothing and nobody in the whole of Creation will ever be able to interfere with their unfolding. Nothing is outside the will and power of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the same as out of the reach of the wisdom and love of the Great Mother, the Goddess. The Angelic hierarchy is the executor of all plans and responsible for all of them. they are the Highest Forces of life who never allow the reigns of God’s Creation to slip out of their hands.

‘Whatever happens in your world is part of the Divine plan and that includes the major catastrophes it has experienced. One of the finest examples for this is the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction of the dinosaurs. It took place approx. sixty-six million years ago and marked the end of that period, when all dinosaur groups except the neornithine birds were wiped out. The Plesiadapiformes contain the ancestor species of all primates, therefore humankind’s. These forms of life first appeared soon after about three-quarters of plant and animal species, including most dinosaurs, had been removed from the Earth. It happened because one chapter of Mother’s Earth’s development was closing and a new one was opening.

‘The Earth has seen many golden ages. Every twenty-six thousand years a new great unfoldment of all your planet’s inhabitants takes place. The dinosaurs were wiped out to prepare for the birth of humankind. Each one of you has the power to ensure that no disasters of this nature will ever be necessary again. Our bringing of ever more of God’s light in the form of His/Her sacred wisdom and truth places the instrument for making your contribution to this into everybody’s own hands. The more you share the knowledge we are bringing you with those around you, the more of the Christ light enters not only the cells of your own physical body but also those of Mother Earth’s physical manifestation. This speeds up the vibrations of the light she is made of and through this she becomes increasingly etherealised.

‘The Legend of the sinking of Atlantis was written by the Greek philosopher Plato, 428/427 or 424/423 BC to 348/347 BC. He received his inspiration from the Angels, the same as everybody and that on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds from each other. The Atlantic story is an allegory of the disastrous effects the abuse of power when used for selfish purposes can have. But even if the place had ever existed, its disappearance would have been part of God’s plan. The same applies to what once was presented to your world through the Abrahamic religions as ‘The Fall of Humankind’. It is another event that is but a metaphor, in this case for humankind’s appearance on the Earth. This development could only start when the planet’s evolution had progressed sufficiently to be ready for the creation of a new and very special species. In the fullness of time each one of the members of this race would develop the qualities and characteristics, including the intelligence of their Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. And it would take a long time until they were to become aware that in truth they are God’s beloved children of the Earth.

‘This process started very quietly when the Angels introduced sparks of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights, into the cells and atoms of the physical bodies of a type of animal that had already evolved for this purpose. From the word go the spark would be reaching out and attuning itself to the heavenly light of its Creator and begin to grow. The evolutionary plan for this new species provided that after a while they commenced to walk upright and get around on two feet. This freed their hands adapting themselves to their environment. After millions of years in Earth terms many of these creatures would have reached the end of their earthly education.

‘Encouraged by the religions of their world, the first stage of their curriculum would consist of plundering and raping the planet of its resources. However, in the end during the final phase of their earthly education every one of them would evolve into the planet’s guardians and caretakers. The tests and trials that are presently coming your way are part of your final examination and the way you are handling them are showing the wise ones in charge of you in our world whether you are ready to be released from the need for further lifetimes on the Earth. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing all we can to help you work your way through the obstacles that are coming your way.

‘In the run-up to the previous golden age, around twenty-six thousand years ago, many who are now residing permanently in our world took advantage of the opportunities that are always available for everybody at special times like these. There have been many of them since the human race appeared on the scene to assist Mother Earth with the next stage of her evolution. Should yours have been and maybe still is a particularly trying lifetime, stop grumbling and rejoice. If you play your cards right, the end of your need for further earthly lifetimes could be much nearer than you may think possible at the moment. On the advice of the wise ones in charge of you in our world, you agreed to their proposal of this particular pathway. You did this because at that time you knew that we would be with you, and that, from the spiritual background of your existence, we would support and encourage you as much as we are allowed to do. The most difficult part was helping your earthly self to become aware of our presence and good intentions.

‘It is for three reasons why human beings choose particularly difficult lifetimes. The first one is that you are an old and experienced soul and you are strong enough to tackle just about anything that comes your way. Second, the pathway you chose will allow you to attend to every one of your karmic debts, hopefully even the most ancient ones. Third, by the time the end of your present earthly sojourn comes round in the natural course of events, you will be so fed up with struggling that you are not going to find it unnecessarily difficult to give of your best to conclude this part of your spiritual development. In that case, as soon as your physical body has been returned to Mother Earth, which happens for everybody when the purpose of their present lifetime has been fulfilled, you will be released into continuing your studies on the next higher level of your personal evolutionary spiral of life.

‘Our task is to help you become aware of these things, so that you can take advantage of what is on offer to you, if you so wish. We hope that you will seize it and in the not too distant future join us, maybe in our beginner’s group. You will be made very welcome, whether you do or do not attach yourself to this group. And you are sure to be surprised about how many of us are well known to you from previous lifetimes on the Earth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘In The Beginning’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (4)

The Fall Of Humankind (2)

Evolution Is The Law Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Evolution Is The Law Of Life‘The Spirit of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. From Its light every cell and atom in the whole of the physical world was created by a loving thought, will and power of the Creator or God, the Great Father of all life. It was brought into manifestation through his companion and counterpart, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Goddess or Great Mother of all life. The supreme Universal laws are love and evolution, cause and effect. Because the Christ light contains them, so does everything that comes into being throughout the whole of Creation, on all its levels. And that’s why all lifeforms have always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral that winds itself around the spiritual mountain of life. The Divine Trinity is at its top.

‘Naturally, this is also true for every cell and atom of your physical body and, even though they are invisible to your earthly eyes, your spirit/soul. Because of this every part of your being has followed its inner urge to develop and grow. The same applies to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms of the Earth. Deep within the cells of every creature the Divine spark steers the course of its evolutionary journey and what kind of a being it will eventually be. We who are living and working in the spiritual background of earthly life are no exception. The only difference between you and us is that we are dwelling in bodies of a different kind that allow us to freely move around our world. Several different bodies are also worn by each one of you underneath the outer shell of your physical body, the temporary vehicle you require for getting around on the Earth. Your inner bodies are of a different density and the more highly evolved you become, the more they will be filling with the light of the Christ Star. This process gradually allows you to explore the higher and later even the highest levels of life.

‘The original idea of the prototype for each species is programmed into the cells of its physical body, as soon as the first ones appear, for example in the womb of human or animal mothers. That’s how on every level of its being the new creature slowly starts to grow. Its first task is building itself an earthly personality. So that through learning from its own experiences it grows in wisdom and understanding and its consciousness expands, every so often it has to spend of lifetime on planet Earth. Starting at the lowest point of its development, the result is a crude and unevolved human being. Without hesitation it carries out the lowest and most deprived drives and urges that enter its mind and goes around hurting, maiming and killing whatever is not to its liking.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, large amounts of negative Karma are being built up during the early stages for humankind’s earthly education. They are stored in the memories of the spirit’s soul, as if they hade been written with an indelible ink. In due course every bit of these karmic debts will have to be redeemed by the one who created them. That takes place as soon as the earthly self has evolved sufficiently to be strong enough to carry the burden of this self-created cross.

‘Because of the Universal laws God’s justice is so perfect and fair that it is initially hard to imagine in earthly life. But with their help every creature in the course of countless lifetimes gradually evolves into a perfect manifestation of the creative idea that once was born in the heartmind of the Great Father. For human beings this means a whole and holy son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother, i.e. one in whom the opposing forces of masculine/feminine, positive/negative, higher and lower nature have been healed into one. Instead of working against each other, the way they did for a long time in the past, they are then working together and supporting each other. Peacefully and harmoniously, with kindness and love they respond to each other the way God and Goddess are doing.

‘The main Universal law of interest in this connection is the one of cause and effect, also known to your world as the law of Karma. This law decrees that every action causes a reaction and that everything in the whole of Creation will eventually be drawn back to its source. The effect of this is a homing instinct which ensures that nothing and nobody can ever be truly lost in the vastness of the Universe’s space and timeless existence. Every cell and atom anywhere, including those of your physical body and the bodies worn underneath, are made from the same material, the Christ light and are therefore programmed with the homing instinct. That undoubtedly is the most essential part of every spirit/soul’s travelling equipment, which throughout its earthly lifetimes expresses itself as a constant deep inner longing and yearning for the spirit world, humankind’s true home.

‘Your earthly self could be craving for the home of your childhood and your earthly mother even though they were particularly painful and disappointing experiences for you. It may take you a while before it dawns on you that your spirit/soul through the world of your feelings has been trying to comfort you through becoming aware that your longing is for your true home and mother, the spirit realm and the Great Mother of all life. If this is happening to you, it’s a sure sign that your spiritual nature is stirring from its slumber. For you the time has come to find out about God’s true nature and your own, that is God is as much part of you as you are of God. To your amazement you discover that you are a spark of the Divine and that all God’s powers and characteristics are also in you.

‘You will get to know that human beings have been given the gift of freewill and that, within the boundaries each of their own Karma and that of your whole world, are allowed to make their own choices about how they wish to use these gifts. You thank the love and wisdom of the Great Mother for sending you into earthly life, because you realise that if your spirit and soul had never taken part in the darkness of earthly life’s ignorance about its spiritual background, it would have been impossible for you to become consciously aware of God’s true nature and your own, and the special relationship you have always had and forever will have with your Divine parents.

‘As on the inner level everything is one and there is no separation between anything, spending many lifetimes in your own physical body on the Earth was necessary to help you realise that you are an individual being in your own right. The Divine spark within you reacts to being placed on the Earth like any seed that has been sown into your planet’s soil. In the darkness of that existence the seed instinctively reaches out towards the light and begins to grow. The knowledge is gains through learning from its own experiences are the light of the earthly being. With the passing of time the cells of the shell surrounding the spirit seed, your physical body, begin to respond and open to the warmth and light from their Creator on the highest levels of life.

‘What in your world is known as evil in truth merely represents the compulsory lessons for all young and inexperienced earthly selves. In due course the Universal laws return to them the suffering that they handed out so freely and thoughtlessly in previous lifetimes, ignorant of their true nature and that all life is ruled by God’s laws. Finding themselves at the receiving end of these experiences, and when there is nobody and no-one who seems to be able to alleviate their suffering, eventually leaves them no option but reaching heavenwards and pleading for help from somewhere, anywhere.

‘This explains why there are no earthly lives without sorrow and pain. And that’s how from being a minute spark the Divine aspect of ever human being’s nature, in the course of many lifetimes, the upper and lower selves are growing in wisdom and understanding. Their consciousness expands at first almost imperceptibly, but through the redemption of the earthly self’s karmic debts and the suffering it has to endure their developmental pace speeds up. For all of you this continues until you have mastered the earthly plane of life and through your behaviour in all daily encounters are proving to the wise ones in charge of you behind the scenes of your earthly existence that you have evolved into the master of every aspect of your nature.

‘By then you will have developed other bodies or vehicles that are going to allow you to function with equal ease on different planes of consciousness in other parts of the Universe. They will soon be turning into your field of exploration. Now that you are God-conscious, i.e. aware of your oneness with the Great Father/Mother, the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you. Your mind has entered the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age. It consists of allowing you to believe only that which your innermost being, the wise one or living God within, tells you is true. That for you is the truth – even if it is not yet anyone else’s.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (5)

The Fall Of Humankind (3)

Tenderly Cared For

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Tenderly Cared For

‘The cells and atoms of every physical body, human and animal alike, is created through condensing the light of the Christ Star to a sufficient density that they appear as matter that is visible to earthly eyes. A number of different bodies are worn underneath your outer physical vehicle that is required for getting around on planet Earth. The other bodies also consist of the Christ light though of a less condensed finer texture. That’s why they are programmed with the instinctive urge to grow and evolve, the same as everything else that exists anywhere in the whole of God’s Creation. From the moment of your first release – not fall – into earthly life, the Christ or Great light has constantly been drawing you towards Itself.

‘All creatures that share Mother Earth with you are equally loved and tenderly cared for by God and the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm. Assisted by countless friends and helpers on the lower levels of our world, every lifeform is nurtured and protected and its development is unfolding in keeping with God’s great plan of life. For human beings this means protecting you against yourselves, whenever the need for it arises and things are in danger of getting out of hand. As soon as one of you ventures too far from the predestined pathway of your present lifetime, something happens that nudges you back onto it. If there is no other way of getting through to your earthly self, occasionally this has to happen in not too gentle a manner. There may have to be an illness or an accident to wake you up. This is how all of us are constantly provided with the experiences that are right for us at any given moment and that applies to you in your world as much as to us in ours.

‘A special Guardian Angel is allocated to each newly born spirit/soul, who accompanies the youngster throughout the whole of its earthly education. Taking care of you is part of your Angel’s own evolutionary pathway, which it pursues the same as everybody and everything else. Nothing and nobody is excluded from the evolutionary process. And because all of us have been programmed in the same manner, our hopes and aspirations during every part of our education are relentlessly reaching forwards and upwards. This is also true for you, even though for a long time you are likely to have been unaware of what was happening to you.

‘For every one of us, you in your world and we in ours, reaching out towards the highest levels of life always have been and forever will be our aim. Alas, during the first stage of its earthly education our small selves have no idea that the essence of our being is spirit/soul. This aspect of our being is eternal and immortal, the same as God, and will never die. It takes a long time until you become aware that good as well as evil are part of God’s nature and therefore also yours. In every human being they have always been working like two wheels that eventually melt into one. Good represents the higher evolved Christ nature and evil the lower unevolved part of God’s nature, your own and all life.

‘Since the beginning of human life on the Earth, the lower self’s pathway of suffering has activated the higher aspects of everyone’s nature. That’s how, with the passing of time, together they are moving the small self forwards and upwards on its predestined pathway. This continues until the higher nature has taken over its lower counterpart and together they have evolved into a healed and perfect son/daughter of God, a Christed one in its own right.

‘And because on the inner level there is no separation between anything, each time another one of you is coming home into their true nature and through this the two parts of your being are healing into one, all of humankind and your whole world are healing with you. That is the hidden esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Christian teaching that all people shall be raised up to the Son/Sun. It means that in due course every one of them will evolve into a Christed who is consciously taking part in the radiance of the Great Light and helping it to manifest its beneficial influence on the Earth.

‘But for a moment let’s return to the newly born spirit/soul. Unconscious of its uniqueness and that it is a very precious and potentially highly talented individual, it enters into earthly life for the first time, unaware of the fact that the essence of its being is a masculine spirit and a feminine soul. And because the two are inseparable, the same as God and Goddess, from now on we shall be calling them spirit/soul. To help them become aware of their individuality from time to time this unit finds itself temporarily clothed in a physical body. At first the two are at loggerheads with their earthly self and for as long as they are longing to return to their source, their lower counterpart can make no progress on its predestined pathway other than learning all it can about its own nature and its environment.

‘When the time for discovering its spiritual nature and the background of its earthly existence has come for the small self, the Angels are guiding it towards finding out about its Divine origin and the wise one or living God within, its inner teacher or intuition. This brings with it the realisation that good and evil are two aspects of every human being’s nature as well as all life, and that good is the Christ part of its own being who has always longed for its counterpart, the small earthly self, to wake up from its slumber and become aware of who and what it truly is.

‘The Sun in your birthcharts is a symbol of your Highest or God Self, the Christ spirit in whom we are all one and whose light is persistently drawing all lifeforms towards itself, including earthly ones. Every creature anywhere is tenderly cared for by the Great Father/Mother of all life. The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life are in charge of their development and on the lower levels of the spirit world countless friendly guides and helpers are serving them. All together these beings have always been steering every human being through the inevitable highs and lows of their earthly existence, complete with its emotional whirlpools, traps and crevices. Sometimes you have to walk or fall into one of them for a while. But do not worry unnecessarily when you do. Trust that the invisible hands of your spirit friends and helpers will forever be there to pull you out and place you onto a smoother stretch of your predestined pathway.

‘That’s how every human being, and once more we remind you that we too belong to this species and once walked the Earth just like you are doing now, is at all times moving round and round the zodiac. Each can only learn from their own experiences which are taking you through every one of its signs and houses. During the first round you are getting to know the lowest and most negative aspects of each Sun sign and house. But each new round takes you one level higher up the evolutionary spiral of life. In this way everyone’s development is slowly but surely constantly moving upwards and forwards on the road that in the end takes all of us to the top of the spiritual mountain, i.e. the conscious reunion with God.

‘In this manner one earthly lifetime after another every spirit/soul receives its nourishment from the Divine light and is drawn to it that bit closer. Through this the strength of the spark’s light in the cells of your physical body steadily increases. And that’s what, with the passing of time, brings about the awakening of your Christ nature. When this is going to happen for each individual is part of God’s plan for that person’s life which is designed whenever a new spark is born.

‘Never forget that every one of us, you in your world and we in ours, is a unique and very precious creature. Irrespective of where anyone may presently find themselves on their individual learning curve, the highest and the lowest are treated with the same love and respect all of us deserve equally as a Divine spark and child of the Highest. Every moment of our existence we are tenderly cared for and provisions are made for our true needs. And whatever may be required for your lessons, in keeping with God’s plan for you within the great plan of life, when the time is right it does appear without you having to ask for it.

‘All of us are also specially gifted in some way. When you become aware of your true nature and the higher purpose of your existence, it may dawn of you that you could have gifts and talents you have not yet recognised. They could be waiting to be unearthed, taken possession of and developed to full blossoming by you. The best way of finding out whether this is the case for you is by paying attention to your inner guidance and taking an interest in the things and themes you feel naturally drawn to at the time of your awakening.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Stargazer’s Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (6)

The Fall Of Humankind (4)

The Revolution Of Peace

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - The Revolution Of Peace‘Naturally, the human evolutionary journey has to start at the lowest point of the upwards winding spiral of life and the lowest unevolved aspects of your nature had to be explored first. At the outset of your travels you were at the giving end of the experiences that go with this part of your development. When the Karma that was thus created returns to you, you find yourself at their receiving end. Initially, the aims of everybody’s lower self for a long time are in polar opposition to those of their higher or Christ part of their nature. This, however, changes so profoundly when it wakes from its slumbering state that you look with horror at the things you are likely to have done during past lifetimes. Eventually you will have only one desire and that is to make good and redeem yourself where you once sinned. Freely and willingly you then surrender and submit your whole being to the will and desires of your Highest Self, so it can show you how to go about it.

‘Your Highest Self is the pure Spirit of God, in whom we are all one and who has always been working with every one of us, Its lower earthly self by steering us through the unavoidable dark and ugly parts of our early development. However, as soon as one of the earthly selves has learned to work harmoniously with its higher nature, the suffering on the cross of earthly life is perceived in the right light. Whatever happened in the past and still has come your way in the future, are no longer rated as suffering but as necessary developmental stages and passing phases that served the paying of your karmic debts and redemption.

‘The so-called fall of humankind always has been a metaphor for the evolutionary process that demands that every human spirit/soul for a while takes part in the school of earthly life, in keeping with God’s great plan of life. The ultimate purpose this education provides is the realisation that we are individual beings who from time to time take part in earthly life for a while to become familiar with every aspect of its nature. During the later stages this includes changing the weaknesses of your lower earthly nature into strengths and adjusting your desires to those of your Christ nature.

‘The higher purpose of that which is known as darkness and evil in your world is the bringing forth of goodness and light. Hence the old wisdom of: ‘Out of evil cometh good and out of darkness cometh light.’ In the beginning there was darkness and God said: ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light.’ Spiritual knowledge and understanding are light and ignorance is darkness. Ultimately, all dark and inharmonious conditions in earthly life are for humankind’s highest good and greatest joy because their intention is always to teach them something. Rest assured that there is a great plan of life and that it is held safely in the loving hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. The Angels and Masters of the Christ circle, the highest level of life, are its executors and in charge of it.

‘Nothing happens outside this plan and a wise higher purpose has always been hiding behind everything that happened on the Earth plane and to this day is taking place there. For every individual soul, as well as for the whole of your world, God’s plan guarantees a final outcome that is fair and just, good and beautiful. And when in the end all evolutionary possibilities have been sufficiently explored, everything that exists in the physical world will be de-created and the creative process starts once more.

‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of friendship and of an ever increasing awareness of humankind’s siblinghood with all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation. This development has been unfolding in your world for quite some time by now. Yet, the gates to Heaven, by which we mean the higher and Highest levels of life, cannot be crashed by anyone. Everybody has to proceed one small step after another, guided and protected by their inner guidance learning to conduct their life in keeping with the Universal laws and to love God’s way, totally and unconditionally, without inhibitions and prejudice against anyone. In this way alone can the rose of love unfold and fully open in human hearts. All of you are walking the same road that in the end leads to mastering the drives and urges of your lower nature and being in charge of the matter of your physical bodies.

‘As time passes by, there will be increasing numbers of surprising events in your world that, when viewed from a purely earthly perspective, will appear like miracles. They are made possible by the light in the form of spiritual knowledge that is increasing your race’s wisdom and understanding which for some time has been flowing into the spiritual darkness that to this day fills humankind’s consciousness. Aquarius is the sign of revolution and one of the Air signs, which are responsible for the development of humankind’s mental faculties. Under the influence of the Aquarian energies a mental revolution has been taking place in your world for quite some time. It has its roots in people consciously changing their thinking and behaviour patterns into more positive and constructive ones.

‘As mentioned earlier, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing – or to say it less politely: ignorance – is darkness. With every new bit of spiritual knowledge you find along the pathway of your predestined pathway through life you are becoming a bit more enlightened being. Through this your earthly existence evolves into a more colourful and interesting one. Many are becoming aware that they may have gifts and talents that could have taken many lifetimes to develop and are still waiting to be discovered by you. With the awakening of your higher nature they are likely to rise to the surface of your earthly self’s awareness. They can then be taken possession of and developed some more. The best way of finding our whether you have any such gifts is following your natural inclinations and consciously working on unfolding what emerges.

‘Even though attending the earthly school of life is compulsory, nobody is ever forced to apply for having another go at it. If during this one you have had and maybe still are having rather a tough time, comfort yourself with the knowledge that you yourself chose this painful pathway. And don’t chide yourself by saying: ‘I must have been crazy! No-one in their right mind would choose a lifetime like mine.’ On the advice of the wise ones in charge of you in our world you did decide to once more pick up the cross of earthly life during these very special times of transformation and humankind’s rebirth into the conscious awareness of its true nature. That’s why a multitude of opportunities for some time has been on offer for those who wish to redeem their most ancient karmic debts.

‘Making this choice was easier than usual because you knew that, if you reacted the right way to the events that would be coming their way, the coming lifetime could turn into the natural end of your earthly existence because it had nothing left to teach you. You would then be ready to be released into the freedom of continuing their studies in our world, exploring and gradually moving onto ever higher levels. Until you have completed your earthly education and passed the final exam of redeeming every last one of the debts in your spiritual bankbook, this is impossible.

‘The main reason for accepting the offer of another earthly lifetime was the knowledge that we, your spirit friends and helpers, would be with you all the way to support you and help you work your way through the tough patches that inevitably would be coming your way. You were aware that your main obstacle would be assisting your earthly self to become aware of its true nature and the spiritual background of its existence, and that whatever it required would unfailingly be provided by the wise ones in charge of it. The only thing it would have to do is ask, as without that no help can come to anyone in your world.

‘Many other spirit/souls came to the same conclusion as you and that’s why your world for some time has been so heavily over-populated. Do not worry about this unnecessarily, as this too will sort itself out in the natural course of events. And don’t be disheartened whenever you have to work your way through periods of despair and darkness. Whatever happens, comfort yourself with the knowledge that much good will come out of everything in the end and that you are clearing up some more of your karmic debts. There is no need for blame, only for forgiveness. What you are going through is a clearing and cleansing process that steadily increases your spiritual stamina and endurance. At the same time it provides you with greater wisdom and a better understanding of the spiritual background of earthly life in general as well as your own.

‘For some time the Christ light has been flowing with increasing force into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. There is good reason for being of good cheer and rejoicing because everything that is presently making earthly life so hard to endure is but a passing phase. It is a preparation for an initiation of such momentous proportions as has never before taken place on the Earth and that is the rebirth of the human race into the conscious awareness of its true nature.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (7)

The Fall Of Humankind (5)

Digging For Gold

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Digging For Gold‘As pointed out earlier, every one of God’s creatures throughout the whole of Creation is loved and tenderly cared for by the Angelic hierarchy. This applies to all human beings, wherever they may find themselves at any given moment. And it does not make one iota of difference whether you are one of the highest and mightiest in one of the countries of your world or maybe just a gold digger on the Internet or anywhere else in your world or someone on the death row of Sing Sing.

‘If you were a digger who tries to extract money in deceitful ways from anyone who is gullible enough to fall for your sweet words and charms and swallow your tales, your success would depend on the Karma of your potential victims. God and the Angels guide you to the right ones. If someone did something similar to what you are doing now to those around them in previous lifetimes, with their help and will you are going to succeed with that person. The snag is that in one of your coming lifetimes somebody will have a go at you. The likelihood is that you will then have no idea whatsoever why something so unpleasant should be happening to you.

‘Encountering you is an essential part of your victim’s payment of their karmic debts brought over from previous lifetimes into this one. If this is not the case with one of the people you approach, we open their inner eyes and help them to recognise the intentions behind your advances. Yet, if someone is inexperienced enough to put their trust in a person they have never met personally and whom they do not know from Adam, they deserve what comes to them. Their own life’s experiences are going to teach them the invaluable lesson that, unless a somebody who enters their life has proved themselves as trustworthy in the course of many years, trusting them is a mistake. There is nothing wrong with making them. The most painful ones are never forgotten and therefore the best ones.

‘Everything that happens in your world is but a passing phase and part of someone’s life lessons and the balancing of their spiritual bank account. Nothing takes place perchance or is a coincidence. These things do not exist because all events are part of God’s plans of life, the great one for the development of the human race and the individual one for you and this particular lifetime. Should you be one of the before mentioned gold diggers of your world and you are reading this, the time may have come for the waking up of your spiritual nature from its slumbering state. In that case you are meant to start digging for gold that is much more precious than that which is available in earthly life and can be bought, sought and stolen. Golden nuggets of God’s sacred wisdom and truth are waiting to be discovered by you that will open the gates to your conscious awareness that you are an eternal being, who is part of God and can never die. No-one can or will take this kind of gold from you; it is yours forever.

‘Even though for a long time you were unaware of their presence, God and the Angels have always been with you, the same as everybody else. They are part of you and you are part of them. They could not leave you, even if they wanted to – not that they ever will. Because of this spiritually everything has to be for real and there is no point in faking or pretending anything. God and the Angels are the all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears that swing into action when the time is right for the Universal laws to return to you the seeds that were sown by you, either earlier in your present lifetime or during previous ones. And that’s how in the fullness of time everybody receives their just desserts.

‘God and the Angels are constantly guiding and protecting each one of you against destroying the essence of your being, your spirit and soul. They have brought you to where you are now and it is they who have brought this to you. If you understand their message, reach out for them and ask for their assistance. It will never be denied to anyone. Upon request they are ready to show you ways how you, with the help of your own Christ Self, can redeem yourself and make good where previously you transgressed against those around you.

‘God and the Angels will never lead you astray or tell you something that is not true. They can be trusted implicitly. All you have to do is pay attention to what they are telling you through your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, about the next step on your journey of leaving behind the darkness of being ignorant of God’s true nature and your own. The knowledge they are waiting to bring to every human being is sure to cure all of them of the nonsense of fearing God. Once you understand who and what God really is, nothing will ever stop you from loving Him/Her with every fibre of your being.

‘As you know by now, all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in every human being, if for a long time in seed form only. Even though many to this day believe that you are fallen Angels of some kind, this is by no means the case. It is merely that every one of you has to work their own way through the various stages of their earthly education. Religions have been excellent instruments for teaching you about God’s nature and your own during the evolutionary phase of getting to know the lowest and most depraved desires of humankind’s crude and unevolved nature of the early stages of its development.

‘Everything that to this day is happening in your world is a demonstration of how some people somewhere are still exploring the whole gamut of experiences that humankind’s earthly education requires at various stages of their development. This means that the highest hopes and aspirations of your Christ nature as well as the lowest drives and urges of its earthly counterpart, have to be experienced by every human being sometime. Be of good cheer because a high and holy destiny awaits all of you, without exception.

‘We cannot begin to describe the power and glory of the highest levels of life and the Angels and Masters around the throne of God. They cannot be expressed in earthly words but the more you work with the vibrations of the Universal Christ, with the help of the Christ Star, the better you will be able to perceive what is happening in those realms. Earthly words and images cannot describe them. You begin to understand them when, with the help of the spiritual knowledge you are finding along the pathway of your earthly existence, the world of your feelings is enriched by love and goodwill towards the siblinghood of the whole of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with you.

‘The most vital lesson of your curriculum in the school of earthly life is the one that teaches you to appreciate the siblinghood with all life in the whole of Creation. There is no other way humankind can return to the full consciousness of its oneness with the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. For some time by now this has been unfolding through a great spiritual awakening that has been taking place on the Earth. This is constantly being speeded up by God and the Angels in charge of your world. The result is a rapid expansion of consciousness of the spiritual background of your present existence. ‘Peace on Earth and goodwill towards every form of life in the whole of Creation,’ is the Angelic message we are bringing you.

‘And as long as you keep on keeping on, everything will be well in the end.
We are with you, all the way – never doubt it.

With love – your spirit friends and helpers.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘The Value Of Making Mistakes’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (8)

The Fall Of Humankind (6)

God’s Unerring Justice

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - God's Unerring JusticeThe essence of an extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris February/March 2018 under the heading ‘The Inner Awakening’: ‘The law of life is love and evolution through love. God is the law and the law is God, whose love and laws pervade and rule every level of the whole of Creation. The Universal laws cannot be influenced by anything that would change their course and corrupt them. They know no punishment or retribution and they do not judge. God’s justice is perfect. Errors or miscarriages of justice are unknown on the inner spiritual levels of life. Every outer manifestation is an extension of the inner ones and therefore has the same qualities and characteristics.

‘The law of Karma is not by any means something negative, as many earthlings believe it to be. It is completely neutral and returns as many good and positive things as negative and evil ones to its sender. The law just is and functions exceedingly well. The only thing it has in mind for humankind is providing opportunities for consciousness expanding experiences that help every one of God’s children of the Earth to grow in wisdom and understanding, whilst redeeming itself and making good where it once sinned.

‘In the whole of Creation there is no such thing as chances, accidents or coincidences.  Everything that happens is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and is the result of the law of Karma. In your world this is true for the events that on the surface of life are so tragic and hard to endure. If you had access to the Akashic Records, you would be able to see for yourself that these occurrences are always the outworking of the Karmic law of cause and effect. In broad outlines their conditions are as similar as possible to those that once set the karmic wheels in motion. This goes for anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by the events and also the groups and nations they belong to. This is how the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, is constantly in the process of redeeming some of its karmic debts.

‘But the story does by no means end here. It is a well known fact in your world that difficult and traumatic times have the power of bringing out the best and noblest qualities in many people. That’s how the infinite wisdom of the Great Father/Mother eventually assists His/Her human children of the Earth with the development of their own Christ nature. Through manifesting it in earthly life good and positive Karma is created that wipes out ever more of your Karmic debts. This is the only way the Universal Christ, not as an outside force but from within your own inner being, in due course can save and redeem each one of you and your world. It is for this reason that some people feel drawn to the rescue services and when the need for it arises, risk and sometimes give their own lives for the sake of others.

‘And because God’s characteristics and powers are also in you, every one of you carries the power within – if only in its slumbering state thus far – for sowing the seeds of a more beautiful and peaceful world. Your present is occupied with attending to your karmic obligations and making every effort to go about it in the right manner. Learning to control your thought processes and living in harmony with God’s Universal laws empowers you to sow the right seeds in our present lifetime. The knowledge of this is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everyone’s own hands – or rather heart and soul – for making their own contribution towards positively influencing your own future and that of your whole world.

‘In the long run it is irrelevant whether Christianity or any other belief system survives. It’s the Christ spirit in every human heart and soul, in its total and unconditional surrender to its Highest or God Self. Its kindness and goodwill, tolerance and love for all lifeforms is the only authority who can save and redeem each one of us and our world. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are part of it and working on it – together with you on the one hand and with God and the Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life on the other. No-one on their own has any true power, but together with them makes us so strong and powerful that anything can be done and performing miracles is easy.

‘And if you are longing to find truth, all you have to do is gain access to the wise one, the living God within you. On that level of consciousness the meaning of God’s love is known and you are meant to use the knowledge we are bringing you about it in your everyday life. In words, thoughts and actions show the people around you how they too can find their own way to God’s light, i.e. wisdom and knowledge. Encourage them to do their share of preparing for a golden harvest on the Earth by sharing the seeds that are coming their way with as many as possible.

‘Keep the glorious vision of the new golden age in mind and do not allow anything to deter you and do not be disappointed when you see but a few results of your work. Hold steadfast onto the vision that we are giving you about the age of love and peace, wisdom and truth, that is sure to come into being as ever more of you desire it and willingly and unselfishly work on making their contribution to bringing your new world into being. And because God is in everything and at all times is manifests Him/Herself through the Universal laws, in the fullness of time perfection and joy will come to your world through everyone’s own efforts.

‘You will then be experiencing a life that none of you can as yet imagine, even in your wildest dreams. It is going to be a life of beauty and joy, health and harmony and the love that is the supreme ruler of the spirit spheres. They are spheres of pure light and beauty that are far beyond the world of desires of your present existence and the astral worlds. Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance darkness. Peace be with each one of you as you journey onward into the light of full conscious awareness. There is nothing to fear. God, the Angels and we are with each one of you, holding your hands, giving of our courage and strength, and showing the way whenever someone asks for it. As everybody is required to do their share of the work involved, do your best to spread the good news we are bringing you.

‘‘Whenever you wish to find out whether someone is telling you the truth, go to your inner guidance. It knows the way of all things and will never lead you astray. Naturally, this also applies to the knowledge you receive from us.’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (9)

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

No-One Is Without Value

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - No-one Is Without Value

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 25.3.2013: ‘Each one of you is a precious and unique being, who is loved by the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents, far more than any of you can imagine. No human being is without value and each one of you is of the greatest importance as a manifestation of God, who is in the process of evolving into perfection, i.e. wholeness, and through whom the Divine forces in due course will be able to touch the lives of countless others. Your earthly minds are receiver and transmitter stations and potentially each one of you is a channel and reflector of God’s light. If in your minds you hold fast to the realisation of God’s light and life, it can shine through you into the whole of your world. In this way the power of God’s light can reach and illuminate everyone you get in touch with, as well as many others who are unknown to you.

‘The esoteric meaning of the surface words of the Jesus legend’s Easter and resurrection story is but an allegory that describes the death and resurrection of every human being’s spiritual nature. At the beginning of your education on the physical plane, every spirit/soul’s consciousness is nailed to the cross of that existence. For wise higher educational purposes they have to die. Yet, after having spent a sufficient number of lifetimes in the earthly school of life, through the understanding gained everybody’s spiritual nature eventually rises from its ‘grave’. It then moves from your subconscious mind into your conscious awareness and is therefore ‘resurrected’ by every lower earthly self.

‘May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless each one of you. Through an improved grasp of these things may the heart and soul not only of every one of you heal, but also those of the whole of humankind through nothing more than the loving and caring breath of  improved understanding.’

* * *

And this is the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a Lodge’s Monday Thought on 7th January 2019: ‘Every human being is constantly close to God’s loving heart. For a long time without being aware of it, this love is part of you and when in the fullness of time the Divine spark within you wakes up, your own Christ nature starts to develop. Through bringing forth the highest and best that is within you, this part of your being provides you with the sweetness, nobility and strength of character of the Divine, and also the inspiration and courage to move bravely along the predestined pathway. Wherever it may take you, it will give you companionship and never ending love and joy as the glory of God’s Creation reveals itself to you more and more.

‘The false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions have kept humankind for long enough from discovering that your earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which you either wind up in Heaven and are eternally at one with Jesus, or frying forever in the fires of hell in the devil’s realm. We are glad to tell you that none of these things ever existed on the earthly plane. We are  also glad to tell you that every human being’s pathway of life is a long drawn out evolutionary journey. The initial part consists of spending many lifetimes experiencing the manifold lessons of the earthly school of life.

‘This, however, is only necessary until your higher God or Christ has evolved sufficiently, so that your eternal and immortal spirit/soul no longer requires a physical body for getting around. That’s how, in the fullness of time, every human being is released into enjoying the ever greater freedom and beauty of our world, the spirit realm. You will never be alone. Forever you will be protected and shown the way by wise spirit friends and helpers provided by God and the Angels.’

* * *

‘Ultimately, when you analyses the situation properly, you will be able to recognise that anyone who ever took part in the earthly school of life’s lessons is not guilty of anything. This is true even though quite naturally all of them are involved in the earthly plane’s procedures of crime and punishment. Spiritually, however, none of you will ever be guilty of anything. This is because every human being, at any given moment, is but a student or pupil of the earthly school of life. And that is why, as pointed out many times before, first every one of you has to find themselves on the giving end of suffering, liberally and joyfully handing it out to those around them.

‘In spite of this, spiritually even they are not guilty of anything. It’s merely that they are taking part in one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. Every one of them is compulsory and cannot be avoided by anyone. Everybody has to experience them and that’s why, one after the other, these lessons come to you and that in two ways. That’s why you hand suffering out to those around you during your early lifetimes. As yet you are unaware that, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of cause and effect or Kama is bound to return every one of your thoughts, words and actions to you.

‘And this is why, in future lifetimes, you will be finding yourself on the receiving end of the suffering you once handed out to those around you. Just like some folks in your world are doing at present. It’s coming to you because in previous lifetimes you were on the giving end, the way they are now. In those days, it gave you the greatest of pleasure because you got the impression that you had been blessed with the greatest of cleverness. Even though you were cheating and lying through your teeth, you believed that you really were getting away with everything.

‘This is how, in spite of the fact that for a long time you have to be unaware of why things are happening to you, everybody has to take part in the same lesson twice. Yes, even your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers! Never forget that every one of them is your sibling in the great family of humankind. And bear in mind that whatever any one of you, at any given moment, sends into your world, in the fullness of time the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma must return to you. As soon as you have spiritually matured sufficiently so you can cope with whatever comes your way, this applies to everything that comes from you.

‘That is why we ask every one of you to forgive, forgive and forgive! Forgiveness and love alone can help the spiritual nature of the siblings, whose behaviour is causing you suffering, to gradually wake up from its slumbering state. So practise loving and forgiving as much as possible. Bear in mind that whenever you are helping someone in any way, manner, shape or form, you are really doing it for yourself, because on the spiritual inner plane, all life is one. There is no separation between anything. The corollary of this is that whenever you are hurting anyone, you are hurting everybody and especially yourself.

‘Although you have no conscious recall of what you did then, many lifetimes ago you too were one of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Like them you enjoyed more than anything thinking of yourself as cleverer and superior to just about everybody around you. The suffering that’s coming your way these days is no more than the second part of the same lesson. Don’t shy away from anything because it may well be the final part of your earthly school of life’s curriculum.

‘The energies of those who pass this examinations, at the end of their present lifetime will be right for being released into exploring the greater freedom of our world, the spirit realm. Through first hand experiences every one of you will then get to know the next higher level of their education as a young God in the making. As many of you by now are aware of, that’s what every human being truly is.

‘The next higher level is sure to follow when the end of your earthly education has been reached. There then follows one level after another and that continues until, even the last one of you has evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle, each in their own right. They too will then be able to create and destroy whole worlds and everything within them. Guided and protected by us, the Angels and their companion Masters, they will be doing so in keeping with the Divine Great evolutionary plan. God bless you all, each one.’

Updated October 2022  

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain (10)

The Fall Of Humankind (7)

From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

Walking By Faith

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Walking By FaithThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the book ‘Festivals & Celebrations’: ‘As a spark of the Divine every human being is a young God in the making and whenever one of you tunes their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest, vibrations of peace are created. Through making an effort to think nothing but good, constructive and positive thoughts and directing your hopes, dreams and aspirations towards the highest forces of life, the Christ consciousness in you expands and grows. In this process you gradually evolve into a vortex of spiritual light that, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, has the power of changing the dark, evil and destructive elements of your world into good, right and beautiful ones that are filled with light.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, your confidence in the Highest Forces of life grows and you develop true faith that is accompanied by feelings of deep inner peace and harmony. You have read ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’ and your inner guidance tells you that it is speaking the truth. From that time onwards you have been walking the pathway of your life by the kind of faith that has its roots in a deep inner knowingness that, with the help of God and the Angels, all things are possible and miracles really can be worked as soon as the conditions are right. You have every reason to trust because you not merely believe but know that many different forces of life are working in the background of the earthly plane for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world. On the deepest innermost level of your being you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that everything will be well in the end for the simple reason that the cycles of life always have been and forever will be moving forwards and upwards on God’s eternal evolutionary spiral.

‘In spite of long spells of darkness, for example the six thousand years of patriarchy that kept humankind trapped in the prison of ignorance of spiritual matters and the evil that was created through this state of affairs, individually and collectively you and your world have been progressing nonetheless. To help the opening of humankind’s heart centre, God’s heavenly light has always been penetrating as deep as possible into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. As a result, increasing numbers of you by now are manifesting their Christ or God nature and are behaving with love and compassion, goodwill and patience towards all lifeforms in Mother Earth’s loving embrace. The legendary Master Jesus represents the Christ aspect in every human being. Regardless of the fact that for a long time it exists merely in seed form as a tiny spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, it has always been there in every one of you.

‘Through taking possession of the spark and developing it, in due course all of you will be doing their share of assisting your planet with its transformation into one of healing and peace that radiates its energies into the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation, to wherever it is needed. And when at last you have reached the end of your earthly education and you are free to explore the higher and eventually highest regions of life, you will never be let loose on your own on anything in the spirit realm.

‘The Angels and Masters and we, your spirit friends and helpers, will always be by your side to show you where to go, what to do and the things that are in keeping with God’s great plan of life and those that are not and therefore would be unacceptable. This is no change from how we have always been guiding you and that on a reasonably long leash. You never have been alone and you never will be. God bless you all and peace be with you and your world. When St. Paul is said to have written in the Corinthians 5:7: ‘We walk by faith, not by sight.’, who would have thought that the time would come when the true meaning of the Jesus tale had been revealed and ever more of you would really be walking that way?

‘To assist you with this, we are glad to tell you that there is a great deal more to every one of you than can be observed on the outer physical plane of life. You are multi-faceted jewels and many of the components of your whole being are still hidden from your conscious awareness, waiting to be discovered by you. Some have difficulties coming to terms with the concept that they are eternal beings who cannot die and that they have taken part in earthly life many times before. We hear them ask: ‘If this is true, why don’t I have any recall of what happened to me?’

‘The memories of all your previous lifetimes are stored in your soul on the subconscious level of your being. From there they are influencing everything you do in many different ways. This is how you bring with you into every new lifetime the earthly personality that has thus far been developed by you and it’s for your own protection that you are shielded against knowing about what went on before. That’s because you have taken part in every aspect of humankind’s earthly curriculum, as all of you have to do and therefore have experienced some of the best as well as the worst the earthly plane has to offer.

‘To help you become aware of both sides of the picture, you sometimes found yourself at the giving end and on other occasions on the receiving one of every situation. If you knew about the things you did and have been involved in, you would find it impossible to live with yourself in the realities of each new lifetime with its fresh beginning. This is why the Great Mother’s wisdom and love are guarding you against the knowledge of your soul memories until you have spiritually matured sufficiently to deal with them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are A Precious Jewel’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Learning To Trust The Highest’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind (8)

Seeing The Greater Picture (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Seeing The Greater Picture

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stars of the North Newsletter January 2019: ‘The law of life is love and the Angels and Masters around the throne of God are in charge of and responsible for God’s great evolutionary plan. All life in the whole of Creation, including you and your world, down to the smallest details is constantly being cared for by the Angelic hierarchy and countless groups of other spirit friends and helpers. We are but one of these groups and we would like you to become aware that nothing anywhere in the world of matter can appear without first having been created in ours.

‘We have come today to try to lift those who are finding it difficult to come to terms with their suffering and that of your world, above the limitations of their earthly understanding. To enable us to do this, we need to draw their attention to the Universal or God’s laws, by which all life in the whole of Creation is ruled. Naturally, this includes every one of you and your whole world. We can hear some of you saying: ‘If the law of life is love, what about the suffering and sadness of the many tragedies that have always been happening in our world? If it were true that our God is love, how can such this Deity allow these things?’

‘The time has come for you to know that nothing in the whole of Creation ever is a coincidence or happens perchance without an apparent cause. Although many in your world believe that this is the case, it could not be further from the truth. Everything that manifests itself on the outer plane first has to be created on the inner spiritual level one. The Universe is teeming with life that is invisible to earthly eyes and to make humankind’s earthly existence possible, countless numbers of spirit beings are ceaselessly toiling in its background. Love is their only motivation and when one of you thanks them for what you have received, they are very grateful indeed.

‘Whenever something tragic takes place in your world, the part you can see is but one aspect of the event. When you view from the higher spiritual perspective what in your world comes across as major and minor accidents and disasters, the whole picture emerges. It then becomes clearly visible that what you have been witnessing is something so wise and wonderful that in due course it will provide the spirit/soul of those involved with many blessings and great joy. Being aware of this, wise ones accept what life brings them. If they have to face something negative and painful, they do not complain and accept that it’s their turn to take part in the Great Father/Mother’s lesson of teaching their beloved children of the Earth the nature of suffering.

‘The memories of every experience you had in the course of many lifetimes are stored in your soul. You bring them with you into all future lifetimes, when they will be affecting you – for better or for worse – from the subconscious level. When you have become familiar with the nature of suffering through enduring troubles and pain of your own, it will be your soul memory of those times that are going to stop you from ever again hurting any living creature.

‘Wise ones, who know that through their behaviour in previous lifetimes, they themselves are the cause of their suffering, first forgive themselves for what they did in the past. Then they focus on forgiving the people against whom they sinned however many lifetimes ago this may have taken place. If you are suffering yourself, the sooner you get on with this, the more quickly you will be ready to be released from the duty of wandering through the dark tunnel of the lessons of earthly life.

‘And when we can get the ‘doubting Thomases’ in your midst to also start looking at earthly life from the spiritual vantage point, it will not take long until they too will be able to recognise that what appears to their earthly selves as a tragedy is nothing but the outworking of God’s laws and how they manifest themselves in earthly life. Our task is to help as many of you as possible find peace through understanding your true nature and the wise higher purpose of everything that happens in your world. Everything is but a passing phase and a necessary part of the tests and trials every one of you, without exception, as a spark of the Divine has to endure in the course of your earthly education. It serves the purpose of familiarising you with every aspect of your nature, including those that for a long time are unknown to your earthly personality.

‘As you know by now, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness. And each one of our visits is bringing you as much of light of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth as the Angels in charge of us consider to be right for the present state of the development of those reading it. More shall follow in due course, but meanwhile we are willing to communicate intuitively with anyone whose earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies in the world of light. It is head is the radiance of the Star of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all Suns and the Light of all lights. This is the manner in which all Aquarian jottings as well as our messages have always been given. The more the purifying power of the Christ light fills your hearts and souls, the better you will be able to see the beauty and wisdom of God’s great plan and recognise how it has always taken care of humankind’s evolutionary progress and that of your world.

‘During the early stags of your earthly existence your mind cannot yet grasp this kind of thing. Only when your superconscious faculties begin to unfold and gradually open to the blessings of the Highest like a flower to the Sun, you slowly begin to perceive that there is something good in everything. Whatever may still have to happen, never forget that the many difficulties that still have to be encountered by everybody on the earthly plane are the outworking of God’s great evolutionary plan. And because the main law of life is love, everything at all times is sure to work together for humankind’s highest good and evolutionary progress.

‘Radiating from the law of love are the sub-laws of evolution and of cause and effect or the law of Karma, which ensures that everything in the fullness of time returns to its source. In itself this law is not the cause of anything in your life, you yourself are. Every bit of it contains was created through your own thoughts, words and actions of past lifetimes. Don’t you think that it’s therefore fair enough that every transgression of the law of love can only be made good or redeemed by you, the transgressor?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Cause Of All Suffering In Our World’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell – An Allegory’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘About Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘Can God Be Weighed And Measured?’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind (9)

Seeing The Greater Picture (2)

Loaves And Fishes

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Loaves And Fishes
These are the days of miracle and wonder.
This is the long distance call.
Time to stop looking for God and the Angels
To the Heavens above us and discovering
That they are part of us and with us,
Wherever we go,
Observing and guiding every one of us,
At all times.

Paul Simon
Edited by Aquarius

‘God’s laws have always provided for everyone’s true needs and they will forever continue to do so. That’s why, when you have grown strong enough to redeem your sins of the past, it does not send you someone to wave a magic wand to wipe them away, for the simple reason that in this case you would not learn anything from your experiences. God and the Angels inspired the legend of Jesus as the redeemer of humankind to encourage you, during the early stages of your earthly education, to follow the drives and urges of your lower nature. You were allowed to rob and plunder, rape and murder to your heart’s content.

‘This is what young and inexperienced souls in your world are doing to this day, for they know not what they are doing to themselves and that in due course they are going to find themselves at the receiving end of what they are dishing out to others, now. And when it happens, they may not have the faintest idea that it’s the Universal laws who in this way is returning every one of their misdeeds of past lifetimes to teach them the nature of suffering. When they have evolved into wise ones, whenever something unpleasant happens to them, they too will know that it can only do so because of what they once did to others and that this could have taken place many lifetimes ago.

‘Wise ones forgive because they are aware that this alone has the power of dissolving the karmic bonds that their transgressions against the law of love created. And when unpleasant and traumatic events return your misdeeds to you and you have become sufficiently evolved by that time, the law or rather God and the Angels send us to help you endure and work your way through what remains of the painful experiences that the law of Karma may still have to bring you. The time is right for this to happen to those who, when they are reading this and something inside them nudges them and seems to whisper: ‘This is right, you know!’ If, however, it reacts with: ‘What a load of nonsense!’, you are wasting your time here and would better move on to other things. And maybe, just maybe, it will come your way again in a few years’ time and your inner self responds with: ‘Goodness gracious me, this is right after all.’

‘As these are indeed the days of miracles and wonders, for those who are ready freely and willingly co-operate with us and pay attention to the advice they receive intuitively from their inner guidance, a healing miracle is quite a strong possibility. Miracles can be worked for those who create the right conditions by accepting the responsibility for their suffering. Forgiving first themselves and then everyone who was involved in the transgressions of the past is not difficult once you recognise that you yourself are the cause of your suffering. When on top of that the last remnants of your Karma have been cleared away and you have developed a positive and constructive attitude towards your existence in general through understanding the higher purpose and meaning of the difficulties and problems of earthly life, there is no reason why God and the Angels should not bless you with the gift of a miraculous healing.

‘To show your gratitude, there is every likelihood that you will want to share your experiences with as many as possible of those around you, so that – if they so wish –, they can follow your example and try to find healing the way you did. They need to know that miracles require the total surrender of your will and wishes to those of God and the Angels. And that means placing your suffering as well as your whole being into their loving hands, your heart and soul filled with hope and trust that they can and will help as soon as for you the conditions are right.

‘This is how the most traumatic events of your life, your greatest pain, sorrow and sadness in the end can be turned into the greatest joy of discovering that your earthly education is complete. When handled the right way, your suffering can be turned by you into the passport and certificate that is required for leaving behind the obligation of taking part in further earthly lifetimes. Can you imagine your joy when you know that, at the natural end of your present lifetime, you are going to be released into continuing your studies in the greater freedom of our world?

‘To paraphrase the Jesus legend’s St. John 14:12-14: ‘Every one of you will eventually perform the miracles that are said to have been done by me. God and the Angels brought you the story of my life as a depiction of the many initiations that all human beings encounter in the course of the many lifetimes of their earthly education. Hand in hand with and guided and protected by the Highest Forces of life you will eventually be doing similar things to mine. But the best news of all is that at present, whether you are as yet aware of this or not, you are taking part in the finest healing miracle that ever took place in earthly life and that is the healing of your whole world and everything within it, including you.’

‘Feeding the hungry and starving masses with spiritual knowledge means providing them with the living bread of God’s wisdom and truth. Its many ideas are the fishes. Esoterically they represent the creative ideas that are at all times floating in great abundance in the vast ocean of life. If you catch just one of these fishes and share it with, say, fifty thousand people, as with the passing of time you are likely to do – and more, you will be the creator of the same number of fishes for satisfying humankind’s spiritual hunger for the unadulterated truth of God’s sacred knowledge and wisdom, of which the recipient’s inner guidance says that it really is the truth.

‘And that’s by no means the end of it. Every single time a fish of this nature is shared with someone, the supplier as well as its reader are adding to the strength of your world’s God stream of consciousness. Both are actively increasing its ability of absorbing ever more of the stream of darkness and evil into itself and transforming its energies into blessing and healing ones not merely for your planet but the whole of Creation.

‘The wedding feast at Canaan, when Jesus changed water into wine stands for the process of becoming aware that the Jesus story from the moment of its conception was intended by God and the Angels to be used, not as a legend which it truly is, but as the most far-fetched and far-reaching deception ever witnessed by humankind. Each time you are helping one of your siblings in the human family of life to understand this, for them you are changing the water of the Jesus tale into the wine of truth. With the discovery that it has been for wise educational reasons that the higher esoteric meaning of God’s sacred wisdom and truth had to be kept hidden hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world, for such a long time, they partaking in the potent wine of comprehending the magnitude of the Divine’s love and wisdom.

‘Each time you help someone to find a new understanding that God is not somewhere ‘out there’ but an inner experience, who as the wise one or living God within, has always been trying to communicate with every human being intuitively. Becoming aware of its presence makes it possible to hear Its voice and listen to it. That’s when you are instrumental in the wonder of making blind ones see and deaf ones hear. And that is just one of the symbolical meanings of the healing miracles that are mentioned in the Jesus tale. The parables of the loaves and fishes and the transformation of water into wine belong to the same category.

‘Every one of you is destined to eventually walk in the footsteps of the legendary Master and evolve into a spiritual Master, who has mastered and is in charge of every aspect of their being. That’s how each in their own right, with the passing of time grows into a Christed one and a miracle worker. You do not have the power of bringing about anyone’s awakening. This can only happen when the right moment has come for them. But if you ask frequently that the right words should always come to you, you will know intuitively what to say. Be satisfied with gently sprinkling a few of your finest seeds into the cup of people’s consciousness. Then step back and let God and the Angels do the rest, as they surely will when someone’s time for waking up has come.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    'I Believe In Miracles'
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind (10)

Seeing The Greater Picture (3)

The Wedding At Cana

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - The Wedding At Cana‘The Bible in St. John 2:1-11 tells you: ‘At a place called Cana in Galilee the mother of Jesus as well as he and his disciples had been invited to a wedding feast. Mother Mary was concerned about what might happen when later during the festivities the wine supply for the guests would ran out. So she told her son about it, but he merely replied: ‘What does that have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.’ Never mind, mother thought and instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them.

‘When the wine supply was beginning to run low, Jesus spotted six stone water jars that were used for the Jewish rites of purification. Each one held twenty to thirty gallons and Jesus asked the servants to fill the jars with water. As soon as they had done this, Jesus said: ‘Take a sample of what’s in the jars to the master of ceremonies.’ After one sip the master knew that the water had been turned into wine. Having no idea where it had come from, he called the bridegroom and said: ‘Serving the best wines first and after people have imbibed freely of them they are usually followed by poorer quality ones, that’s the usual thing for festivities. What I would like to know is why you kept this exquisite wine until now.’

‘And that’s how quite early the story of the Master Jesus’ life tells us about the miracle that now, when things are coming to full circle, turns out to be the most significant one. Let’s take a closer look at the proceedings. The wedding is a symbolism of the loving union between Heaven and Earth during which humankind, God’s beloved children of the Earth, are the guests. At first they get served the old religion and that is the wine that’s the best one for that particular stage of the human race’s development. Now that the Aquarian age is fully with all of us, the old religion has run its course and served its usefulness.

‘In keeping with God’s evolutionary plan, the love and wisdom of the Great Mother are retuning to your world and She once more reveals Her presence. The Angels, on Her behalf, are telling you the higher esoteric truth that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world. They are revealing that the tale of the Master’s life is but a legend and should not be taken as literally true. Increasing numbers of you by now are spiritually mature enough to grasp that Jesus has always represented every human being’s own higher or Christ nature. He never was a historical figure but merely existed as a thoughtform and did not appear any other way.

‘The Mother wants you, Her beloved children of the Earth, to know that there will not be a second coming because there never was a first one. If anything at all, the appearance of a legend could be considered to be a first coming and the revelation of the truth about the God-man Jesus as the second. Finding out about these things is part of the sacred wedding between Heaven and Earth in which the two parts at last are joining forces and healing together into one.

‘The Jesus story, from the moment of its conception, was intended by God and the Angels to be used, at first not as a legend which it truly is, but as the most far-fetched and far-reaching deception that your world has ever seen. And each time you are helping one of your human siblings in the great family of all life to comprehend this, for them you are changing the water of the Jesus tale into the wine of the truth about him. The discovery that it has been for wise educational reasons that the higher esoteric meaning of God’s sacred wisdom and truth had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world for such a long time, means they are partaking in the eternal-life-giving wine. Through this experience their consciousness expands sufficiently to allow their entry into the magnitude of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. That in turn is accompanied by a steady expansion of their faith and trust in the Highest Forces of life.

‘They too will then know that God is not somewhere ‘out there’, that it is an inner experience. It’s the wise one or living God within, who has always been trying to communicate intuitively with every human being, but alas for a long time in vain. Becoming aware of its presence makes it possible to hear Its voice and listen to its advice. And that means you have been instrumental in the wonder of making blind ones see and deaf ones hear. This is another one of the symbolical meanings of the healing miracles that the Bible’s New Testament reports as being performed by Jesus. The parables of the loaves and fishes and the transformation of water into wine belong to the same category.

‘Every one of you is destined to eventually walk in the footsteps of the legendary Jesus and evolve into a spiritual Master, i.e. one who has mastered and is in charge of every aspect of their being. That’s how each in their own right, with the passing of time grows into a Christed one and a miracle worker. You do not have the power of bringing about anyone’s awakening, because this can only happen when the right moment has come for them. But if you ask frequently that the right words should come to you, you will know intuitively what to say. Be satisfied with gently sprinkling a few of your finest seeds into the cup of the wine of people’s consciousness. Then step back and let God and the Angels do the rest, as they surely will when for that person the time for waking up has come.

‘The virgin Mary is one of the many symbolisms of the Great Mother, the Goddess. Every feminine creature on the earthly plane is one of Her manifestations. As you know from other parts of the Aquarian jottings, Her wisdom and love were withheld from your world for around six thousand years of the patriarchy’s male dominance and why this happened. Rejoice that this by now lies behind you. For quite a while the Mother’s energies have been returning to your world and their strength is steadily escalating. Read more about this in ‘2019 – A Very Special Year’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘Under the guidance and protection of the Angels and their helpers wise ones tune into the Mother’s energies and work with them for the highest good of the whole of humankind. The more of you are doing this, the more easily and speedily using religions as excuses for violence and warmongering will disappear from your world. And the more the religion of the new age takes over, the more the artificial creating of trouble and strife will gradually fall by the wayside in the natural flow of events. We can tell you reliably that this is going to happen and will become increasingly visible during the coming decade with the growing of the influence of the Mother’s energies.

‘The two ends of a vast circle of humankind’s development are meeting. Through their drawing together one of the saddest chapters of its history is drawing to its natural conclusion. It can clearly be seen by everybody that this is destined to happen because it is written in God’s evolutionary plan of life. That’s why you and your world are provided with the energies that will allow everybody to make their contribution to bringing it about.

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘The religion of the new age is one of the heart and that’s where love dwells. Loving hearts know the truth and what is right or wrong, without have to be told what to do and say at all times. Wise ones who listen to their hearts know that for a long time to come Jesus will remain a symbol of Universal love and compassion, kindness and goodness, tolerance and patience towards every manifestation of life. That’s how not the God-man Jesus but the legend of his life is one of the immortal roses that will continue to flower on the cross of earthly life, for as long as it is going to exist.

‘Last but not least, to paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to your world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything just because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can something become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Jesus – A Thoughtform’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘From Losing Faith To Finding Renewed Faith’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘2019 - A Very Special Year’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (4)

Do Not Fear The Unknown

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Do Not Fear The Unknown

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘A Time to Remember’ in Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2008: ‘Do not be afraid of the future and the unknown. The essence of your being is spirit/soul and there is no need to fear the moment when you part company with your physical body. Each time you do this you are merely moving forwards into a different dimension that is your true home from which you emerged at the beginning of your present lifetime. Our world with its greater freedom offers you a fuller existence. Your physical body has been your vehicle for one lifetime and whenever you leave it behind, all you do is joining us in our world of light.

‘Without consciously being aware of it whilst taking part in earthly life, this is a road most of you have travelled many times before. The only thing you can bring with you each time you return to us is that which you have learnt in the course of all your earthly lifetimes, including the most recent one. The purpose of your taking part in the school of earthly life is searching for consciousness expanding experiences that help you grow in wisdom and understanding. Each can only do this through their own experiences. The learning you accumulate with every new lifetime is added to that which is already stored in the memories of your soul. They are the only things you can take with you every time you depart from the physical plane of life.

‘The common belief that people come into earthly life with nothing and leave it in the same state is a false one. You bring the memories of the learning of all your lifetimes with you into every new one. From the moment of your birth and from the subconscious level of your being they influence everything you do, helping or hindering you, as the case may be. Have you noticed that some newly borns look like very old women or men? It’s because that’s what they truly are. That’s why some children come to terms with learning how to walk and talk much quicker than others. Because they have done these things many times before, they just want to get on with whatever else their present lifetime has to offer.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (5)

When Death Draws Near

Rays Of Wisom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle : There Is No Death - When Death Draws Near

The following is the essence of teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one is from ‘The Divine Mother – The Creation of Form’. The second one appeared in ‘White Eagle Spiritual Unfoldment Two ‘Companioned by Angels’:

‘For all human beings there eventually comes the moment when they leave their physical bodies behind and die, as it’s called in earthly life, although in truth the only thing that happens to these bodies is that their indwelling spirit and soul withdraws from it. Leaving the body through the head, the outer garment is discarded like an empty shell. Nobody is ever alone in this process. Each time this happens to someone the Angels are in attendance and assisting the departure of one aspect of your being from the other. The Angelic hierarchy is responsible for humankind’s development and when matters of birth and death are concerned, they are serving the Great Mother of all life. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of her many symbols and so is the Egyptian Goddess Isis. They were just two of the many names God and the Angels gave to your world to illustrate the Great Mother’s influence down the ages.

‘For as long as all you can see are the physical aspects of life, you are likely to think of death as something terrible. Even though to you someone’s departure from that plane may often seems to be accidental, this is never the case because the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma are observing everything that happens on the Earth most carefully. Each time the predestined moment of death for one of you is approaching, they make their preparations and give notice to the Angels of Death to get ready. And these Angels are by no means the repellent figures and gruesome spectres people imagined them to be in the past.

‘If you could look through the veil of consciousness that to this day separates your world from ours, you would be able to see that their appearances are of an ethereal beauty that is hard to describe in earthly terms. As manifestations of the Great Mother’s unconditional and all-embracing love, the Angels of Death emanate compassion, kindness and love. At the moment of your departure from earthly life these Divine messengers bring about the separation of your spirit/soul from your earthly existence. The Angel helps you to let go and then returns you safely to your true home, the world of spirit and light. They also assist you with your rebirth in our world, where loved ones are greeting you with celebrations that are very similar to those of earthly life when new babies arrive.

‘In case you are wondering how you can best help someone whose departure from earthly life is near, the power of thought can be more effective than any spoken or written words could ever hope to be. It is possible to help those in the ‘departure lounge’ by sending them optimistic thoughts about the fact that in truth they are eternal beings who will never die. In your mind hold kind and loving, hopeful and constructive dialogues with them that there is nothing to be afraid of because there really is no death, that what’s ahead of them is but a passing into another dimension of life.  

‘And then, in your imagination, take the person into the blessing and healing rays of the Christ Star, to be bathed in the powerful light of the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother. By attuning the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind to the Star’s healing rays you can send these rays at any moment to those of whom you know intuitively that they will benefit from them. In any kind of distance such ministrations are as effective – more so in many cases – than physical ones like ‘hands on’.

‘We sincerely hope that what you are reading here will help you to overcome your own notion that the worst that can happen to any human being is the passing from their physical body. Whenever you catch yourself thinking that way, remember that those who do are by no means dying and that in truth they are heading for another rebirth into our world. Ours is a realm of infinite beauty and wonder, love and joy where pain does not exist and where all those who pass from your world continue to live and thrive, explore and study, so there really is no need for expressions of grief and sorrow. Let there be compassion but not pity.

‘The American poet John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 described this most beautifully in his poem for the funeral of William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879: ‘Death is the Angel sent who draws the unwilling bolt and sets the captive free’.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Setting The Captive Spirit Free’
•    ‘About Angels’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (6)

Excessive Grief And Sorrow

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle : There Is No Death - Excessive Grief And Sorrow

‘Grieving is a natural process that manifests itself in different ways for every human being and has to run its course. But you will find that this changes profoundly when your inner guidance, through the world of your feelings, reacts to the knowledge we are bringing you with: ‘It’s the only thing I have ever heard about death that makes sense. It is true!’ When you have digested everything we have come to tell you today, you will be able to see for yourself that excessive grieving and sorrowing by those left behind on the earthly plane of life is unjustified. It is also undesirable because it seriously impairs the progress of those who have arrived in our world.

‘Please bear this in mind whenever sadness threatens to overwhelm you. Remind yourself that although the other one’s spirit has passed from your outer world, in truth you will always be close. As a matter of fact, when one of you has moved on, you will be closer than it was ever possible for as long as you both dwelled on the outermost plane of life in physicality. Wherever there is love between people, no power between Heaven and Earth will ever be able to separate them from each other. Their loving has created a bond that will forever connect them.

‘The awareness of this will help you to shed your sense of separateness. It once was necessary to help you become aware of your individuality, but for you the time has come for letting go of it.  Now you know that even though in earthly life everybody inhabits their own physical body, on the inner level all life has always remained one. We are all part of each other and of God. There never will be separation between anything and because of this you have always remained at one with the whole of life and will continue to do so in all Eternity.

‘Love is the greatest power in the whole of Creation. An essential part of it is the Universal law of harmony and union and that’s what connects us behind the veil of consciousness that separates our world from those in earthly life. And because we once took part in that state of life, we have first hand experience of what a hard school it can be. But the more you connect with us and your loved ones in our world, the more you consciously take part in the limitlessness of spirit life and that is bound to make your earthly existence more bearable. Knowing that your loved ones really are waiting and reaching out to welcome you home is sure to  ease your passage, when the time for your own departure has come.

‘Rest assured that all life is safely held in the loving hands of God and the Angels. In keeping with their will and wishes, the spirit realm provides tirelessly for everyone’s requirements on the physical plane. And that includes making preparations for the important events in every earthling’s life. Let there be no doubt in your mind that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, known as God or Allah to many, loves each one of you in just the same way, totally and unconditionally. And no matter what may ever befall you, you will never be forsaken. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘Every hair of your head is numbered and not a sparrow falls from the sky without God and the Angels knowing about it.’ At all times you are closely held in their loving arms and cared for.

‘Everybody’s true needs will always be supplied. Naturally, this covers a wide range of possibilities, for example periods of hunger and thirst, physically and spiritually. To teach humankind the value of food and drink, they have to be withheld from you in one of your lifetimes. And if there is anything you think you really must have, all you have to do is go to the right place, i.e. knock at your inner doors that lead to us and ask. Be careful though what you request because, to teach you a lesson you will never forget, your wish could be fulfilled in unexpected ways you may not find agreeable at all. But for a long as you proceed in the right manner, you can be sure that the spiritual and physical blessings of the Heavens will come to you in full measure, in due course. This is decreed by Divine laws and they never fail.

‘Never forget that life is eternal and that the whole of God’s Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. This happens in cycles that can be observed in the coming and going of the seasons of the world around you and, because human beings are not exempt from these processes, the different stages of your own life. There have been other golden ages on the Earth when the Angels moved hand in hand with people in full consciousness. One of these ages comes around at the end of every Great Year. The whole cycle of one of these years takes approx. every 25,860 Earth years.

‘The coming golden year is going to be an extra special one because God and the Angels are transforming Mother Earth into a planet of healing and peace. We advise you to take full advantage of the opportunities for progressing on your own spiritual pathway, as every small step one of you takes on this road benefits the whole of humankind and your planet. We are well aware that you have known easier earthly lifetimes than the present one. Naturally, this fulfils a wise higher purpose, the same as everything else that happens in your world. And when you observe your world, you are bound to notice how everywhere people are struggling to come to terms with their existence and are trying to understand why things are happening to them. This is because many have reached the end of their earthly education and they are in the process of redeeming some of their most ancient and difficult karmic debts. Until this has been seen to, they cannot be released onto the greater freedom of our realm.

‘Wise ones appreciate that shedding too many tears over someone who has departed from the earthly plane of life would most certainly not be a sign that the mourner loved them more than anyone else. It merely shows that, because they fail to understand the purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence, they selfishly and endlessly wallow in self-pity over the hole the departed left in their life. Wise ones save their energies and spend them on helping such people to find a better understanding of the processes of life and its spiritual background.

‘So, do all you can to share your knowledge and assist anyone in need of it to understand that physical death, when seen in the right light, is an event for rejoicing rather than weeping. As far as your own life is concerned, no matter what obstacles you are still encountering, never give up hope and do your best until every last shred of your Karmic debts has been redeemed. One of these days this will be the case. Trust that hand in hand with God and the Angels all will be well in the end and everything will work out for the highest good of all, as surely it will, therefore also for you.

‘Each time one of you returns to our world, its wonders and beauty are revealing themselves anew. You rediscover the joy and the freedom of being able to move around without the encumbrance of a physical body that is almost constantly in need of attention and very delicate and easily wounded. This applies in particular to those who spent their most and maybe all of their recent lifetime suffering, as many have chosen to do for the redemption of their karmic debts.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Absent Or Distant Healing’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘I Asked And I Was Given’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (7)

Developing The Higher Christ Nature

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - White Eagle On Life And Death - Devloping The Christ NatureThe law of life is love and evolution that has its foundations in love. Each one of you has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime so that you may evolve into a healer and lightbringer in your own right. The healing light you are meant to bring to your world is the wisdom and knowledge you are finding along the pathway of your life. It is meant to be shared as much as possible with anyone who is in need of it, to support their efforts at coping with their present existence. When you look around you, you cannot help noticing that there are needy people everywhere in your world who are hungry and thirsty for spiritual knowledge and the healing it can bring. Once you start giving of your best and unselfishly serving the needs of others and through that the whole of life, ever more opportunities for doing so are sure to come your way.

‘That’s how, simultaneous with the work you are doing on behalf of others, your higher Christ nature develops and gradually takes over the fears and anxieties of its earthly counterpart. Some of you are working upfront, while others are toiling quietly in the background. Yet, all contributions are equally valid and greatly appreciated by God and the Angels and us, your ordinary spirit guides and helpers. The sole cause of the suffering of your whole world is humankind’s ignorance of the spiritual aspects of life and the meaning of its existence and the higher purpose it serves. Even the smallest efforts anyone makes to alleviate this sad state of affairs is of the greatest value and appreciated by those who are observing your efforts and supporting you, from our side of the veil of consciousness. That’s the only way the whole of your world can move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.

‘When you are enjoying Mother Earth’s beauty, do not forget to give thanks and praise to those who are incessantly toiling on your behalves in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, for bringing all of it into being and constantly maintaining it. As you know, in every soul the spiritual fire of the Divine spark is present, though at first only in seed form. This is how the spiritual fire of love within you slowly but surely grows more powerful. There will come a time when you begin to notice that, whenever you reach out to someone with a kind and friendly smile, there is nobody who does not respond in the same way.

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (8)

Human Life Is Infinite And Eternal

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Setting The Captive Spirit Free

The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one appeared in ‘Morning Light – Neither Death nor Separation’: ‘You are a beloved creature of light, a many faceted jewel and the essence of your being is infinite and eternal. There has never been or will be a time when you were not. But even if you are already aware of these things, you still cannot help asking yourself from time to time: ‘Don’t I have the right to get tired of endless rounds of incarnations, when earthly life is so difficult and burdensome?’

‘That is the very reason why your days in physicality are limited and each incarnation lasts only for a comparatively short time. Even if you should be around for a hundred years or more, in terms of Eternity, God’s time, it represents the mere batting of an eyelid. This is also why, at the end of each lifetime, you leave your physical body behind like an outworn garment. For a period of rest and recuperation your spirit/soul joins us in our world, your true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime.


‘In your daily lives you do not mind moving from one house to another, when the time for a change has come. You may still love your old home, but when you have had enough of it, you say good-bye to it and move on. In just the same way, in the course of every one of your earthly sojourns you eventually reach the point when you have become weary and tired of your physical body, especially when it has grown old and you are almost constantly in pain. You have dealt with that part of your development and are ready for the next stage. That’s why God and the Angels eventually remove you from the old one.

‘In your daily lives you do not mind moving from one house to another, when the time for a change has come. You may still love your old home, but when you have had enough of it, you say good-bye to it and move on. In just the same way, in the course of every one of your earthly sojourns you eventually reach the point when you have become weary and tired of your physical body, especially when it has grown old and you are almost constantly in pain. You have dealt with that part of your development and are ready for the next stage. That’s why God and the Angels eventually remove you from the old one.

‘In your daily lives you do not mind moving from one house to another, when the time for a change has come. You may still love your old home, but when you have had enough of it, you say good-bye to it and move on. In just the same way, in the course of every one of your earthly sojourns you eventually reach the point when you have become weary and tired of your physical body, especially when it has grown old and you are almost constantly in pain. You have dealt with that part of your development and are ready for the next stage. That’s why God and the Angels eventually remove you from the old one.

‘When you have arrived here, you will be amazed about the kind of freedom and the ease of movement you have in our world. Your spirit/soul intensely enjoy its happiness that truly is a world apart from the limitations and boundaries of your earthly existence. But still in the end, you reach a point when you have rested sufficiently and the lessons of your most recent earthly existence have been assimilated. Your interest in a further incarnation that will help you to progress on the evolutionary spiral of life in you quickens. That’s the signal that for you the time has come to apply for another lifetime on the Earth.’

The second teaching is from ‘The Source of All Our Strength – No Death’: ‘Death is by no means the dark vale it was made out to be by your world’s religions of the past. It is but a passage that takes you forward to be re-introduced to our world of beauty and light. At the moment of your passing, you will not know when you are taking your last earthly breath. For a short while you are unconscious, but then you begin to feel much lighter and realise you are free! You may be asking yourself: ‘Lo, what’s happened to me? Why was I so afraid when people were talking about death? There really is nothing to fear. It’s like going to sleep that leads to an awakening into a more radiant and harmonious existence that soon makes you forget earthly life.’

‘All of you are eternal beings of light and as you are today, so you will be tomorrow and forever. With the help of your thought processes you can consciously recreate yourself by filling your whole being with ever more spiritual atoms. This prepares you for fully enjoying that which is waiting to be explored by you, as soon as your earthly education is complete and your energies are right for moving on to explore the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

‘The spirit realm is by no means geographically distant from your world. It is part of and within you, the inner layer of everybody’s own consciousness. And the light of the higher worlds can only be reached by those who are conducting their lives on the frequency of love and who freely and willingly surrender themselves to the will and wishes of God and the Angels. What in Earth terms is known as death is but an initiation into our world for your spirit/soul. Without losing your identity of earthly life, you then move into an ever increasing consciousness of God’s eternal light.’

Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day – we’re all going home.

It’s not far, just close by, through an open door.
Work all done, care laid by – fear and hurt no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us – Father’s waiting too.
Angel folks are gathered with guides and friends we know –
Guides and friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way  – Earth-bound dreams all done.
Shadows gone – break of day – real life’s just begun.
There’s no break, there’s no end – just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile – going on and on.

Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
It’s not far, just close by – through an open door.
Going home, going home, I’m just going home.

Though I have gone before you,
I did not do so alone and neither will you,
When your time for saying goodbye to the Earth plane has come.
God and the Angels are forever with us,
Keeping you and me safe.
No matter where we may ever find ourselves,
We shall always rest securely in God’s loving hands.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

‘God bless all of you and keep you safe, always.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (9)

From 'Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey'

Humankind’s Spiritual Rebirth

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Be A Miracle Worker - Humankind's Spiritual Rebirth

The following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me through the Lodge’s Stars of the North Newsletter February 2020: ‘Every moment of your life endeavouring to pay attention to your inner guidance to show you what is best for the whole of humankind and therefore in keeping with God’s great plan of life, activates the Divine spark within you. Your true higher God or Christ Self that for a long time had to remain hidden deep within the innermost heart your being then awakes from its slumbering state and begins to grow. And that is the higher esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Jesus legend’s birth of the Christ child.

‘Through steadily increasing the amount of the Christ light that fills your whole being, every one of you eventually reaches the developmental point when, through you, God and the Angels can lift everything you come into contact with onto their level of consciousness. As a result, the Divine spark in them also wakes up and starts to unfold. With the passing of time, they gradually become aware of their spirit/soul’s oneness with the power and love of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit.

‘When you constantly project your inner Christ light with its love and healing power into the world around you, the clouds and shadows of the darkness of ignorance that for so long have been the bane of humankind’s earthly existence will gradually be absorbed into the light of the Christ Star. In the healing temple of the Highest Forces of life they are then uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies not only for your world but the whole of Creation. As many of you know by now, every one of you is destined to evolve into their own saviour and redeemer of themselves and all of humankind. Nobody can do the required work for anyone else. No-one will come and wave some kind of magic wand to make it happen for you because you alone are responsible for it.

‘Wise ones are aware that spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing and understanding is darkness. That’s why they let the light of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth guide them and apply the spiritual knowledge that is coming their way to everything they think, every word they speak and whatever they do. They pray that the will of God may also be theirs so that it can manifest itself through them, their lives and everything they touch.

‘Be a wise one and strive not to allow the knowledge we are bringing you to be merely lip-service for you. When you make it your heartfelt truth that you apply to the smallest details of your existence, you will no longer worry about the events that are still ahead for you and your world. It will enable you to meet all of it with confidence because love and hope, faith and trust in the power of the Highest Forces of life and God’s great plan of life then fill every cell and atom of your whole being.

‘That’s how every one of you will eventually be able to make their own contribution towards assisting humankind’s rebirth into the conscious awareness of its true nature and the high and holy destiny that awaits all of you in the end. The more you practise living this way, the more easily God and the Angels will be able to lift those around you into the conscious awareness of their presence. They too will gradually awaken to the fact that the love and wisdom of the Highest Forces of life, together with countless groups of spirit guides and helpers of the lower ranks will forever be guiding and protecting each and every one of you.

‘And whenever you feel in need of assistance, look towards the light of the Christ Star and reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of our friends and helpers of the spirit realms. When you ask for it, they shall never fail to support you and show the way to wherever you may be required to venture forth. They, together with God and the Angels, rejoice each time they spot another Earth channel opening up and unfolding to receive the blessing and healing power of their wisdom and love. That’s how everybody can play the role of miracle worker and actively take part in the miracle and wonder of humankind’s rebirth into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own. The most efficient way of going about it is by spreading the good news we are bringing and also by frequently focussing on the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light.

‘The Aquarian age has been with you for quite some time. It is a period during which spiritual wisdom and truth will be flowing with steadily increasing strength from the Angels of the Christ Circle around the throne of God directly into all human hearts and souls whose earthly mind, the transmitter/receiver station of their ideas, are tuned into their frequencies. Increasing numbers of you realise that all human beings in truth are young Gods in the making and co-creators with God. Independent of their present state of development, every one of you is constantly serving the initial part of their apprenticeship that consists of experiencing life as a physical being on the physical plane of life.

‘Increasing numbers of you by now are discovering that, whenever someone thinks about and visualises the Christ light penetrating ever more deeply into all manifestations of life on your planet and how everything this light touches restores itself to normal and healthy functioning, it really does happen. The time has come when every one of you needs to realise what powerful tools their thought processes and imagination are and that it is necessary to take good care of them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•   ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (10)

You Are Born Into Flesh

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Born Into FleshThe following items are the essences of several White Eagle teachings. From ‘The Lightbringer’: ‘You are born into flesh, but in truth you are a spirit and soul who is spending time in earthly life so that your spirit may quicken and grow and once again become conscious of its Divine inheritance. You are by no means limited by your present existence, although to this day millions of people still believe that when their physical body dies, their whole being dies and that’s the end of them. What a surprise they will have when they see their physical body lying inert and dead, and they are still consciously living, in spite of the fact that they have no power to get the earthly body they left behind moving again. This is how your spirit and soul are set free and return into the world of spirit, your true home which is part of the Earth plane.

From ‘Memories of Reincarnation – White Eagle’s Work in the Present Day’: ‘Love is the Universal law of life and God’s will is that you learn how to love wisely, all people and everything else that shares your life with you. This you do by constantly sending out goodwill and light to all. We, your guides in the world of spirit, are working, for a long time unknown to you, on human minds and hearts. The years have been speeding by and we are glad to tell you that humankind has passed the darkest stages of its evolutionary journey.

‘Ever more of you are presently awakening to the inner light of the Christ that is waiting to teach each one of  you how to become a perfected son/daughter of God and the human race. As you overcome the desires and passions of your lower animal self, you make room for the living God within you, the Christ Spirit, to manifest in you and your life. The growth of this part of you  is our Divine heritage and constant progress in spiritual evolution is your destiny. What you begin today you will continue tomorrow. And in the world of spirit or light you will still be working to guide, inspire and bless humankind, in the same way as many of you are doing, now.’

‘The mystery and the miracle of life is continually making itself known and manifests itself through all your experiences. But those of death reveal themselves when you re-enter into world of spirit and with it regain the conscious awareness that life is eternal. As the spirit and soul withdraw from earthly life they escape into the freedom of their true home, where they are free to explore other levels of existence. Why do you grieve when your loved one has entered into such a much fuller and richer life? Or are you weeping because you are feeling lonely? There is no need for shedding tears over souls who have gone onward to a greater happiness than the Earth plane can offer.’

From ‘Illumination’ first published 1937: ‘Death is a mystery only because you do not understand. As a child is received into earthly life with love and rejoicing, can you imagine with how much more joy returned souls are welcomed to the spirit world? Could you but understand, you would rejoice with them and pray: ‘God, I thank You that my loved one has entered into the fuller and richer life of the spirit.’

‘Would you chain your loved ones down, keep them in some dark cell of age and pain, just because you love them so dearly? Would that be the voice of love? Rather than doing that a truly loving heart cries: ‘Beloved, I raise myself with you into the light. Enter and be joyful there, for in due course I shall be joining you.’

From the Lodge Calendar February 2008: ‘Words can be cheap and may fall as dead ash in the end. Yet, if you base your life on God-action in thoughts, words and deeds, you are acting as a conscious being in the vast world of light where the only genuine and everlasting happiness can be found. Learn to pay attention to your inner guidance and walk the road of what it tells you is right for you, at any given time. You are never walking alone. God and the Angels and we, your friends on the spirit realm’s lower levels have always been with you. When called upon, we are happy to assist every one of you in their endeavours. So, whenever you are struggling with any kind of situation, turn to us and let us show you the way, intuitively and through the world of your feelings.’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (11)

Living With Faith, Hope And Love

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Coronavirus Outbreak - Living With Faith, Hope And LoveThe following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me on the day of the New Moon in Aries 2020 via the White Eagle Lodge’s newsletter: ‘ Live in faith, dear children of the Earth, and trust the power of God and the Angels to take you and your world through what is left of the darkness of ignorance that to this day is causing all its problems. The present outbreak of mass hysteria is a particularly bad example of it. Yet, nothing in your world happens perchance or is an accident or a coincidence. Everything that has ever taken place did so for the higher purpose of teaching humankind, individually and collectively, a certain lesson. It’s up to each one of you to work out what kind of a lesson and to decide your best way of reacting to and dealing with it. The manner you go about it reveals to us, your guides and helpers in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, the true level of your spiritual awareness.

‘God and the Angels have always guided every human being through the lessons that at any given time were in store for them. At the same time they have been protecting you against destroying the immortal and eternal essence and core of your being, your spirit/soul. These things will forever continue. Don’t forget to remind yourself frequently that you can but row the boat of your life and that God and the Angels are the Admiral in command of the fleet of humankind. Trust that with their help and will all things are possible, any condition can be healed and crooked corners made straight. And never give up hope that, whenever you ask for something, your request is granted even if you do not perceive any visible evidence of it on the earthly plane.

‘The time has come for every one of you to wake up to the fact that you are personally responsible for all your thoughts, words and actions. The knowledge of this empowers you to steer the tiller of your earthly existence’s boat in the direction in which you wish it proceed on the vast ocean of life. As co-creators with God a high and holy destiny awaits every one of you, independent of your spiritual development’s level so far. As your ability for living with hope, faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that has been given to you grows, the more easily the sacred fire of God’s love flow into the cells and atoms of your whole being and from there into everything you come into contact with. From your heart and the world of your feelings it flows through your hands. It fills your mind with every thought you think and every word you speak and write. It enters everything that shares your world with you and from there flows into the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation to bring healing wherever it is needed.

‘Your world, the same as the whole of Creation, consists of two streams of consciousness, one of light that is creative and constructive and constantly reaches forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. It pulls along with it all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation, nor merely on the Earth. Balancing this stream is a dark, destructive and de-creative one. In humankind it expresses itself as a tendency to hold you, individually and collectively, back in the past. Those who respond to the increasing power of the forces of fear about the Coronavirus outbreak are feeding the energies of their lifeforce into the dark stream. Through every one who allows themselves to be sucked into the mass hysteria by that which the scaremongers of your world are handing out, that stream grows more powerful.

‘But if your heart is filled with hope, faith and trust that the blessing and healing power of God and the Angels have always been working on moving you and your world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, you are supporting the constructive stream. You are making it stronger because you are feeding your lifeforce with its good, loving and positive thoughts into it. Through every one of your efforts this stream slowly but surely becomes more powerful and that enables it to absorb ever more of your world’s darkness into itself, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies. They are gradually filling ever more of everything that shares your world with you.

‘And that’s why we ask you, regardless of what may still have to happen in your world, just keep on keeping on letting nothing but faith, trust and hope fill not only your loving hearts but every cell and atom of your whole being. The more of you are taking part in this, the more powerful the stream of light is going to grow with every second, minute and hour of each day. This is the only way any kind of what appears to you as evil and dark in your world, but in truth merely represents the crude and unevolved aspect of people’s character and the issues involved, can be overcome and left behind once and for all. God be with every one of you, whichever stream you may presently be feeding into. Even the last one will eventually reach the evolutionary stage to which all of you have always been moving and that is evolving into a Christed one, each in their own right.

‘The knowledge that everything in your world ultimately serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you something helps wise ones to react positively to anything that comes their way. Searching for the wise higher reason behind any kind of situation stops them from panicking. They believe that the Coronavirus outbreak is a signal from God and the Angels to ask for their assistance, so that they can show each one of you intuitively how you can contribute to normalising the state of our world.

‘Trust that, when you do your best, God and the Angels will do the rest and ensure that much good for everybody will come out of the present experience. Know that even the smallest effort of feeding into the positive stream is a valuable contribution to deflating the mass hysteria and assisting the affairs of your world to return to their normal healthy functioning. The more of you tune into the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into this stream’s frequencies, the sooner people will come to their senses and the end come about – only seemingly – quite naturally.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On  Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘Studying The Nature Of Evil’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture (12)

From 'Our World In Transition'

Looking At The Year 2020

The  Suffering Of Your World

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - The Suffering Of Your WorldThe following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached my during the Coronavirus outbreak at the end of March 2020: ‘Let your hearts and minds be filled with compassion and sympathy for those who are suffering. Never turn away from any of it but from the depths of your innermost being and oneness with God and the Angels on the highest levels of life bring forth nothing but light. Do all you can to alleviate any kind of suffering in your world and remember that at all times, even though they are invisible to earthly eyes on the outer plane of life, God and the Angels have always been with you. They are as much part of you as you are of them and at all times they are doing their best to apply their special kind of healing balm to everything that happens in your world.

‘This is particularly true during the present outbreak of mass hysteria. Remind yourselves frequently that on the earthly plane of life most people can only ever see one side of any event that is taking place. Alas, that’s how the majority of people so far perceive them. The task of us, your spirit friend and helpers, is to bring the light of a better understanding to your world through those whose frequencies are tuned into ours. Today we have come to reveal the other side of Coronavirus picture in the hope that this will strengthen humankind’s faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you through the Great Father’s infinite and unlimited power and the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. Both of them together are manifesting themselves in any kind of suffering that exists in your world.

‘Every one of you is a co-creator with God and the more you think light and project nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts into your world, you can be sure that hand in hand with God and the Angels you are making a valuable contribution towards creating a more beautiful and peaceful humankind and world. If you direct such thoughts to those around you and are guided by nothing but the law of love in the face of anything that takes place in your world, you will soon be able to witness how everything smoothes itself out. You will see for yourself that much good really can come from what initially looked like a frightening and overwhelming experience and that as a result, everything in your world functions more peacefully and harmoniously in the end.

‘Every one of you will eventually be able to notice how God’s main laws of life of love and evolution are constantly trying to bring about improvements through better understanding of the spiritual background of your world and its importance. The Divine love is the greatest power of all and it has at heart nothing but the best for every one of its offspring, including God’s children of the Earth and its world. Loving that way brings inner peace and happiness to those who tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest and freely and willingly follow the intuitively received instructions of their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, through which God and the Angels have always tried to communicate with your humankind. It is the small still voice of conscience that people for a long time have ignored to their detriment.

‘The deeper you move into the Aquarian age, the more of you are becoming aware that the life story of the Master Jesus is not literally true. It is a legend and the Master represents the Divine spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns who is all love. The spark at first is but a tiny fire of God’s all-encompassing love, which in this form is placed in the heart of every human being at the beginning of its earthly education. It is waiting to be woken by the Great Light of its Creator from its slumbering state, so it can begin to grow. The Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The power of the Divine Trinity’s love is constantly drawing all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation, including Mother Earth and everything that dwells upon her, into its loving embrace.’

‘The life story of Jesus is a picture book illustration of how every one of you eventually wishes to conduct their life in simple, pure and holy ways. The legend was inspired by God and the Angels as an illustration of how every human being, towards the end of their earthly education, needs to conduct their life as a loving sacrifice and of service. However, at the same time it is necessary to behave in a determined, stern and strong manner. Love does not mean always being soft and easy going. There are times when a situation has to be grasped with courage and determination, when you have to trust the Great White Spirit, the living God within you, to show you intuitively how to handle a situation. That’s how spiritual gifts are developed and through applying them whenever possible, with the passing of time you evolve into a healer and lightbringer, a Christed one in your own right.

Six pointed Star

From 'Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey'

The Great Plan

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (1)

Rays Of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – Quo Vadis, Mother Earth - The New Earth, Where Are We Going?

 A Message Of Hope

‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord.
‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you.
I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’

Jeremiah 29:11

Now I would like to share with you the essence of a New Year’s message from the White Eagle group of guides. It was first given during the darkest hours our world had ever experienced and reached me as a newsflash from the Australian White Eagle Lodge for the New Year 2011. For the event of the Christ Moon 20.6.2016 and again during the Coronavirus outbreak at Easter 2020 it has been updated by me, Aquarius.

‘As many of you know by now, all life and lifeforms on the Earth plane are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And we are today coming to bring you new hope through hearing that Mother Earth is evolving into a planet of light. In due course she will be a Sun in her own right and a place of healing and peace. Pay no attention to the young and inexperienced souls among the scientists of your world who are still unaware of their own true nature. Being as yet unfamiliar with the fact that earthly life has its origin in a spiritual background, they are unable to appreciate what this means for all Earth’s lifeforms. If you told them that without this backdrop nothing would ever happen in earthly life, there would be no earthly life, no you, no me and no scientists, spiritually awakened as well as slumbering ones.

‘All unawakened souls, because of their lack of understanding, are likely to believe the scientists who state that in due course life on the Earth will no longer be possible and that every lifeform will become extinct, including humankind. We, your friends and helpers from the spirit world, are telling you that this is most decidedly not so. The kind of fate these people are predicting awaits some planets where there are no souls who have been provided by our Creator with the capacity of responding to the power and light of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life.

‘However, this is by no means what awaits all celestial bodies. It has always been part of the Great Architect’s plan of life for the Earth that this planet should be a place of learning for humankind. It is a very special school in which every soul has to grow through learning from its own experiences of life as a physical being. Those who at any given time are taking part in the lessons of this environment are – for a long time without being aware of it – assisting their temporary home planet with its evolutionary process. An awakened one to us, by the way, is someone who has become aware that they are a spirit and soul who is presently spending one of its many lifetimes in physicality and therefore is much more than a mere physical being.

‘Some of you no doubt will be wondering about God’s plan and whether there ever was one. The Book of Jeremiah 29:11 mentions it: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. They are plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.’ The Book of Jeremiah is the second of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew Bible and the second of the Prophets in the Christian Old Testament. The superscription at chapter 1:1–3 identifies this book as ‘the words of Jeremiah son of Hilkiah’. This places the prophet historically from the reforms of king Josiah in 627 BC through to the assassination of the Babylonian-appointed governor of Judah in 582. Of all the prophets, Jeremiah comes across to your time most clearly as a human being who tells his scribe Baruch about his role as a servant of God who does not have a great deal of good news for the followers of their religion.

‘It has taken a long time from the appearance of the Book of Jeremiah until now to disclose some more details of the plane to you, the way we are doing here. Your hearts are sure to prefer the new knowledge we are bringing. If you have learnt to listen to it, it will confirm that it is wisdom straight from the great Universal heart that this time reaches you unadulterated by misunderstandings and misinterpretations. In times gone by some of them were made purposely and others inadvertently, for example when sacred texts were translated from one language into another.

‘The words of wisdom we are bringing have not, the way things of this nature were handled in times gone by, been used and abused for the manipulation of the masses to fill their hearts and souls with the fear of God. Make no mistake about it, this too has been part of the plan because in due course having been deceived and misled by much of the scriptures of past ages would in due course teach you to value and appreciate the truth of which your heart, the seat of truth, says: ‘Yes, this is true!’

‘The Angels around the throne of God, also known as the Angels of the Christ circle, and all ranks below them in the angelic hierarchy are the executors of the plan, who ensure that it unfolds the way it should. From the moment of its creation the plan decreed that at a certain point in humankind’s development a grand spiritual awakening should take place. Your race’s superconscious faculties would then slowly begin to open up. Nothing can happen in earthly life, or anywhere else in the whole of Creation, until the energies are right. The plan provides that this event would come about towards the end of humankind’s earthly lessons.

‘By that time some of you would have learnt to use the stars and planetary constellations of your solar system as signs and signals from the Universe to humankind. These souls would be able to interpret that which is written in the stars, as to when major developments of your world are taking place that assist your planet with moving forwards and upwards on the spiral of life. Good examples of this are the chapters ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’, Pluto In Capricorn and the whole Christ Moon file of Aquarius’ writings. For details please go to the links at the end of this chapter.

‘All earthly selves, when they are reaching their very own time of stirring from their spiritual slumbers, begin to respond to the energies that are constantly flowing from the highest levels into all Earth’s lifeforms. When you follow the pull of your higher nature at last, the characteristics of your Christ nature start to move into the foreground of your consciousness and appear desirable to you. Bringing them forth speeds up your evolutionary progress considerably. With this the pull home into your true nature and the conscious awareness of your oneness with God grows ever more powerful in you.

‘At a certain point in their development even the last and slowest one of you is destined to open up and begin to respond to the Universal Christ’s radiation. This is the true Christ, the Creator of all life. Each one of you contains at least a spark of its Divine parents and so inherits every one of their characteristics. At first the spark is but a minute light in the individual and collective consciousness of your world. Through the awakening into the consciousness of God’s true nature and your own a small still flame of love begins to light up your heart. Your ever increasing consciousness eventually turns it into a blazing fire of love and light, wisdom and truth that unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun. Every last remnant of the dross and darkness of your earthly nature is consumed by the flames.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘The Christ Moon’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (2)

Revealing The Plan

Rays Of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – Revealing The Plan‘The great plan provides that with the passing of time ever more of you will become aware of their real nature again. The human thinking and behaviour patterns in earthly life show us at any given moment how close any one of you is to being called a true son/daughter of the Highest. As the influence of the positive and constructive energies of your whole world increase, the negative and destructive ones decrease in direct proportion. The more of you learn how to work hand in hand with God, the Angels and us, the more powerful the energies created become. Eventually they will be so strong that they are pulling the rest of humankind along. In this way each one of you will assist Mother Earth until her transformation into a planet of healing and peace is complete. It will happen just as our Creator’s mind envisaged it when the great plan was conceived.

‘It has always been God’s will that with the passing of time the plan should be revealed to humankind, one small step after another. Our appearance in your midst is part of this disclosure and it’s for wise reasons that it is coming to you in the approach to the Christ Moon on 20th June 2016. The twentieth day of every month is under the rulership of Cancer and the Moon. Cancer is the caring and nurturing mothering principle of life. The sign and its ruler, the Moon, represent the wisdom and love of the Great Mother, who cares for and nurtures all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation. The Earth is one of Her manifestations and so is every female creature in our world. On this special day in the year 2016 the Great Mother is calling out to all Her children of the Earth to rise and come to the help of Mother Earth, to do everything that is within their power to assist her transformation and healing. She asks us to ease our planet’s burden by living modestly, refusing to over-consume and recycling as much as possible.

‘Throughout the ages, for a long time almost imperceptibly the response of your race’s consciousness to the energies of the Universal Christ’s has slowly been increasing, speeding up the vibrations of every aspect of earthly life. Like a child that is quickening in its mother’s womb, your planet and all its lifeforms have always been moving towards the Earth’s transformation into a Sun. We, the forces at work in the background of life, have always been working on spiritualising and etherealising Earth’s outer crust. Eventually it will be transformed into matter that is of a much finer substance and higher vibration than it has ever been before. When this process is complete, it will be impossible for souls whose vibrations are incompatible with the Earth’s to return to her in future lifetimes. These souls will be reincarnating onto one of the younger planets, to assist it with is spiritual development. You can find out more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

‘More highly evolved souls follow their inner guidance and listen to their hearts when it comes to finding out what is right or wrong for them at any given moment. Because they patiently and willingly accept what the Universal forces are presenting to them, their vibrations constantly improve, growing more refined and stronger. Life in general is made considerably easier when you know that the Universal laws of balance and compensation ensure that everything always turns out well in the end, no matter how dire things may look on the surface of things. These laws are responsible for turning all evils of your individual and collective Karma of all lifetimes into vast amounts of good that will come to you and your planet in due course.

‘None of these good things can be brought about without the help and the will of God, never by human beings on their own. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I am nothing and can do nothing. It’s the Father/Mother who does all the work.’ It has been said that hand in hand with God, the Angels and us all things are possible and mountains of false beliefs can be moved and changed into peaks of new hope, faith and trust. This is true and another important point to be born in mind is that the more you work with us on the healing of your world, the more you absorb of our energies. This gradually cleanses, purifies and refines the cells and atoms of every aspect of your being so much that eventually every trace of your lower earthly self’s emanations have been eradicated.

‘This is how in the fullness of time every last remnant of the darkness of your whole world will have been absorbed into the light of the Highest. Through everyone’s own efforts ever more of the darkness of your world will gradually be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life, making Mother Earth into a planet of healing and peace. And that’s how every human soul will eventually evolve into a Christed one in their own right, a saviour and redeemer of your whole world.

‘The most essential ingredient of the greater freedom of the Aquarian Age is the ability to believe and follow what your heart says is true. New knowledge is at present flowing with increasing abundance into your world. The hearts of those who are aware of their true nature prefer the wisdom they are receiving in this way to that which is written in ancient tomes. Although to this day some of the most learned people of your world insist that every word these books contain is true and should be understood literally, ask your heart. It will not hesitate to tell you: ‘Look for the esoteric meaning behind the surface words. They alone are true.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (3)

Earthly Life Now

Rays Of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – Earthly Life Now‘Do not worry unduly about the present state of your world. We assure you that everything that to this day is happening is an essential part of its cleansing and purifying process. For quite some time by now this has slowly but surely been lifting humankind onto a higher level of spiritual consciousness. The wise ones in your midst appreciate that nothing is ever wasted in life and that every experience is somehow of value. That’s why they do not begrudge anything but give thanks and praise to the Highest for the gift of their life and the continuation of their learning and growing on Mother Earth. Even if some of their personal lessons and those of your world are painful and long drawn out, they are comforted by the thought that everything that once happened and does to this is essential for the fulfilment of God’s great evolutionary plan, or it simply would not be there.

‘This plan has its origin in the wisdom and love of our Creator’s heart. And we are doing all we can to provide you with the courage and strength you need for never giving up on your predestined and self-chosen pathway. No matter how difficult the tests and trials that are still obstructing you at times, be steadfast and keep on keeping on. Should some of your lessons be particularly traumatic and hard to bear, ease the burden of the cross of your earthly existence with the knowledge that you are redeeming some of your most ancient karmic debts. By patiently enduring whatever comes your way, you are quite literally nailing the false beliefs and perceptions of your small self to the cross of your earthly existence. Do not perceive this cross as a torture instrument, for in truth it is a ladder that helps you rise above earthly concerns and opens the gateway for reaching and becoming one with your God Self, so it can take over your whole being.

‘When in this manner the balance of your spiritual bankbook has at last been restored, you are ready to serve the Angels and Masters from the highest realms. As soon your vibrations are right, they can use you as their channel of communication and it will not take long until you have turned into one of their bringers of new hope. This hope will be solidly based on an improved understanding of the spiritual background of life and its processes. The Great White Eagle is a symbol of the Divine wisdom and truth, which the inner teacher will eventually bring intuitively to all human souls. On its wings, hand in hand with God and the Angels, sufficiently awakened ones are provided with the power to lift all humankind into the blessing and healing rays of the Christ Star.

‘In the fullness of time, even the last one of you is going to grow a pair of these wings. They too will then be able to lift themselves, those around them and their whole world high above the limited horizons of earthly perception into the realms of humankind’s true nature, origin and home. As a pioneer of the Aquarian Age, you do well to when you show your faith and trust in our Creator’s plan by looking forward with hope and confidence to the future, your own and that of your world, not only for the coming year but forever.

‘May you all be comforted by the thought that many wonderful things are in store for you. At the end of your present lifetime, you will first go for a well-earned period of rest and recuperation after the stresses and strains of earthly life in the world of light, your true home. This time you will be leaving your present existence without fear and in full consciousness of where you are going. Can you imagine what that will be like and how you will feel when instead you enter into your new life with joy in your heart? Because you know what awaits you, for you it will no longer feel as if you were passing from a darkened room into a place in the Sun. Our work much easier when someone is glad to join their loved ones, who went before them, in the radiance of the spirit world. Together you will be absorbing ever more of the essence of this dimension of life, safe in  the knowledge that there really is no death, only progress and growth.

‘The life force is moving all of you and your world ever forwards and upwards on your way back into the oneness with the Source of all life, the Great Sun above and beyond the Sun of earthly life. And when you have rested sufficiently in the spirit world, you might like to apply to spend another lifetime – if you so wish – with Mother Earth after her transformation is complete. In keeping with God’s plan, she will then be a planet of healing that radiates peace throughout the whole of Creation. We noted some time ago that you applied for one of our apprenticeships and would be delighted if instead you chose to join our ranks, at least for a while, bearing in mind that the concept of time only exists on the Earth plane.

‘The things we are talking about in this message are valid for every individual soul and the soul of your world. We aim to bring new hope not only for the coming year but for the entire future of humankind and the Earth. Let nothing but positive thoughts be your guiding star and remind yourselves frequently that at all times your race has been progressing. Although it frequently looked as if the planet and its human population were in retrograde motion, this has not been the case. It would have been impossible because no life ever moves backwards. And so we ask you to rest safely in the knowledge that everything that still has to happen on the Earth plane is necessary for the rebirth of your humankind and its world.

‘Never doubt that the best is yet to be. By refusing to sit in judgement over anything and anyone and instead regarding everything you see and hear with tolerance and kindness, love and hope in your heart, you can make a valuable contribution towards healing all conflicts of earthly life and so ending humankind’s experience of life in physicality. Through a better understanding of God’s great plan of life and your place and role within it, we hope to renew your faith and trust that the life that has been given to you really is a good one, after all.

‘The Great White Spirit blesses each one of you. To be fully receptive to these benedictions you need to tune your earthly mind into the Universal mind. At all times ensure that your consciousness remains open to what it may with to bring you in the form of spiritual power, guidance and love. We are your elder siblings in the vast family of life, we love you and our task is to help you. Our only motivation is the renewal of faith and trust, hope and peace of mind for all humankind.’

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Do You Know Where You’re Going To?’
•    ‘Separating The Sheep From The Goats’
•    ‘They Will Rise From Their Graves’
•    ‘Colonising A New Planet’

P.S. About an hour after putting the finishing touches to this new chapter of my jottings, the June/July 2016 issue of Stella Polaris arrived in the post. The first item I had a look at was the Lodge Mother’s introductory letter. Here is the essence of what she wrote: ‘My dear Family and Friends of White Eagle. Just as I started to write this letter to you, I came upon the following White Eagle quote: ‘There is an infinite and eternal power that holds life in the whole of Creation in its loving heart. Its constant evolutionary progress cannot be shaken or even disturbed by humankind.’

The Lodge Mother continued with: ‘Reading these words has touched my heart and, as it were, opened a window in my understanding of God’s power and extraordinary wisdom and plan for His/Her Creation. . .’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (4)

From 'Our World In Transition'

A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma

Rays of Wisdom - Message Of Hope From The Lords Of KarmaIn the middle of December 2014, at the time of putting the finishing touches to the previous chapter, ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’, the December 2013/January 2014 issue of Stella Polaris of the White Eagle Lodge arrived. It contained a New Year’s Address by the White Eagle group of guides under the heading ‘Behold, I Make All Things New!’ As this message is as valuable in the year 2020 with regard to our world’s present situation,  I am sharing its essence with you once more as follows:

Once again you stand at the threshold of a new year. Before you are fresh opportunities for serving God and helping forward the spiritual evolution of the new age of Aquarius. In spite of the over-enthusiastic materialism of Earth life, the veil between the two worlds is constantly growing thinner, and each one of you can be an instrument of God to bring about the required change in the minds of the people that is capable of transforming their outlook on life. Everybody can become such a tool as soon as the true purpose and meaning of your existence on the Earth plane has been understood. Through you the light of the new spiritual revelation that is now coming to humankind is meant to spread throughout your world.

We bid you reach to the source of all life and light, to the living God, to the Eternal Light, which is the life of each one of you. ‘Behold, I make all things new! I, God, Father/Mother, the Source from whom all derive their being.’ We, your guides in the world of light, have said these things to you time and again. We make no excuse for this, as it is a truth that cannot be emphasised too strongly. As old as Eternity, it is the source of your strength and hope, comfort and happiness. Not only for this personal joy must you seek and work for the light, but for the wellbeing of your whole world.

When you take a closer look at the state of your planet and people’s conflicting minds, your hearts may feel sad or maybe even filled with fear and wondering what the coming year may bring. The Masters and Lords of Karma, who control and direct humankind’s progress, are waiting to reveal to those whose hearts are pure and simple the truth of what lies ahead. From these great beings we bring to you this message for the coming New Year.

In spite of uneasiness and fear of increased conflict, they tell us that the new age is destined to bring a fresh revelation of God’s love, wisdom and truth to humankind. However, before it can come the hearts and souls of all of your world has to be prepared. A furrow needs to be ploughed before any seed can ever be sown and the plough carrying out this work is constantly toiling on the Earth plane. Not surprisingly, many are finding this process unpleasant because it means shedding preconceived ideas, prejudices and false beliefs about themselves, others and life in general. They may have held them dear for a very long time, in some cases over many lifetimes. Yet, no matter how deeply ingrained some of them have become and how difficult they are to shed, each one of them must go.

The new age brings to you a wonderful and glorious revelation of life in a spiritual way, which is a celebration of the spiritual siblinghood and kinship with all life. Humankind has to learn that it cannot live for itself and that every thought, word and deed of yours affects not only the whole of your race but the rest of God’s Creation. Each one of you eventually has to come to the conclusion that whatever you gain for yourselves alone you cannot enjoy. It is impossible to be happy while many of your siblings in the great family of humankind remain in want. Spiritually personal happiness depends upon the welfare of everybody else.

This is a hard lesson and that is why much conflict arises during the ploughing of the field. However, when the first furrow is completed, the ploughman keeps his vision straight ahead and concentrates on his distant goal. Do not allow the opinions and fears of the world to deflect you, but keep your vision steadily fixed upon the Highest. Remember that with every passing day the Lords of Karma are offering each one of you fresh opportunities for restoring the balance of your spiritual bankbooks.

To this day many believe that the law of Karma is an unfair law, when in truth it is nothing of the kind for two reasons. On the one hand it offers you openings for paying off your karmic debts, and on the other it assists you with climbing ever higher upon the golden stairway that in the end leads every human spirit and soul back into the very heart of God’s Kingdom. The wise ones among you therefore consider each new year as one that is laden with chances for working their way through the last remnants of the darkness that over the ages has accumulated in their own souls and the soul of your world.

Some of you are heavy with sorrow because their loved ones are suffering. We are aware how hard it is for you to have to remain still, to be unable to do anything to help. Whenever you witness any kind of suffering of body or mind that you are unable to heal, remind yourself that the sufferer is passing through a condition of life that will eventually bring them into the light. Your contribution is to ever hold your loved ones into the light of the Highest and pray that sufficient hope and courage will come to their soul to make good.

We assure you that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is a God of infinite love, tenderness and mercy. Each one of His/Her children of the Earth is destined to go through experiences on your present plane of existence that eventually brings them the happiness and peace they are longing for. That’s why we are bringing you this message of hope and comfort. For what takes place in each individual personal life simultaneously happens in the collective. What you observe in your world that appears to be painful is the road your whole race must travel. That which you see in someone’s personal suffering is the pathway of that particular soul.

The story of the life of the Master Jesus, the blessed Christ, was once given to humankind as an allegory. It demonstrates how every human spirit and soul, as soon as it has become sufficiently evolved, is required to conduct not only its daily life on the outer plane but – far more importantly – its thoughts and feelings on the inner level. The birth of Jesus, his  temptations, illumination, crucifixion and ascension were given to provide your world with illustrations of the initiations, i.e. experiences all of you eventually have to undergo on the way that takes you home into the full conscious awareness of your true nature and oneness with God.

Some day you will be able to compare the experiences of your own spiritual development with parables and allegories of the Christian Gospels. As you accept with patience and in sweet surrender the inevitable difficulties that had to encounter along the road, you will feel flowing into you the power of the Christ light and Its life-force who is constantly making all things new.

This energy can only come to any of you by degrees, very simply and slightly at first. You may occasionally become aware of a glow in your heart and a harmony that is working to shape your life anew. If you direct the right thoughts and put into action the law of love and direct it towards anyone you come into contact with, especially when adverse circumstances have to be faced, you will soon discover that quite magically things gradually smooth themselves out.

When your life begins to flow more easily, as surely it will, you may think to yourself: ‘Life is so good to me!’ You are beginning to realise that beyond the reach of your own efforts there is a power and a love at work that is helping you to conduct your life more harmoniously and peacefully. There will be a glow in your heart that brings a sweet happiness. This sometimes remains with you only for a few minutes, if you are lucky several hours or even days, but then to your disappointment it disappears. These feelings come to help you become aware of the Divine power and light that alone can bring human souls an inward peace and happiness that is beyond all worldly understanding. There is no way that those who are purely worldly minded can ever dwell in this peace, the glowing light and the supreme happiness it does bring to awakening and awakened souls.
These things are realisations that come to you occasionally and by degrees. They will increase as your life advances and you move forwards and upwards on a spiral of light that represents a lighted stairway that eventually brings all human souls into the eternal Kingdom of light and joy. Each one who reaches that state of consciousness has become a true child of God and a saviour of all humankind. No-one can be truly happy in this manner without also helping many others to reach the same state.

Anyone who has passed through great earthly tribulation ultimately enters into the full consciousness of Heaven and reaches the supreme realisation of humankind’s spiritual kinship and siblinghood with all life. From that point onwards you live to serve the many instead of yourself. When you have reached this evolutionary phase, you may at some stage of your own free will descend once more onto the Earth plane and live in an ordinary physical body. Through this the special role you are playing will remain unrecognised by those who are still dwelling in the shadows of their spiritual ignorance.

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (5)

A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma

If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All PeopleSpirit/souls who have decided to come again into the darkness of earthly life out of love for their fellow beings are radiating God’s light from their loving hearts. They are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and in due course their mere presence helps to transmute the very physical atoms of the Earth. This raises the vibrations of the whole planet and that’s the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus legend’s: ‘If I be raised up, I will raise all people.’

Through us the Universal Christ is bringing you the following message today: ‘The heart of every human being at the beginning of its earthly existence contains a spark of My light in a slumbering state. For a long time it remains this way, but as soon as another earthling has evolved sufficiently, the spark wakes up and the lower self begins to bring forth and practise its Divine characteristics, which each one of you alike inherits from Me. With every one to whom this happens I, the Universal Christ, am being raised and the power of My light increases in your world. This in turn raises the vibrations not only of the whole of humankind and your world, but also the whole of Creation. The more you use your Christ energies, the higher and finer your own vibrations become, the more you become like Me and at one with Me.’

At all times spirit guides are accompanying and trying to help you. Alas, the measure of assistance we can provide you with depends on the faith and trust in the basic goodness of life you have developed at any given moment. Everything depends how you respond to your inner guidance, the living God within, the intuitive knowledge that comes to you from your Christ Self. But no matter what happens to you, we shall never leave you. We understand the trials and tribulations you have to endure much better than you do, because like you we once walked the Earth and during the initial stages of our education there, we had to work our way through very similar ones.

There are many groups of spirit helpers and each one of them is headed by a Master. The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the architect and designer of the Great Plan of life. The Angels are its executors and in charge of every lifeform that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. The Angelic hierarchy is responsible for the unfoldment of the plan and that, with the help of countless spirit friends and helpers, it keeps on unfolding in the right way and at the right time. Even though we are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that we are there. Without the spiritual background of your present existence and us there would be no life on the Earth.

And let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the reigns for the grand design rest safely in our Creator’s loving hands. Allow no-one to convince you otherwise and wherever you may find yourself, do what your inner guidance tells you what is good and right for you, at that particular moment. You have every reason to trust that, independent of what may still have to take place in your world, everything will always be well with you and it.

Referring to the law of Karma and its keepers, the Christian gospels tell you in St Matthew 5:18: ‘For truly I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not even a yoth or a dash shall pass away from the law, until all of it is fulfilled.’ Note: a yoth is the smallest letter in the Aramaic and Hebrew language. As far as the Great Plan of life is concerned, to paraphrase St Matthew 24: 35-36: ‘Even Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words of wisdom and truth shall remain forever. The meaning of the words Heaven and Earth have been in the process of passing away for some time. The Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are conducting this process. They do know when it is complete, but they are not going to tell us, we too have to trust and wait, just like you.’

All we can tell you at present that you have every reason to look forward to the future with hope and confidence. Rest assured that everything will work out perfectly. Do not be disturbed unduly by the things that to this day are happening in your world. Every one of them serves as an educational tool for the unfoldment of the grand design for your race and your planet. They are necessary for the lessons that have not yet been sufficiently grasped by the younger and less experienced souls in your midst.

Instead of worrying and getting upset, look up and tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the highest forces of life. For a long time they have been working ceaselessly on the awakening of the Divine spark in the hearts of ever more human beings, whatever their evolutionary state may be. The contact with these forces alone can bring you and your world the peace and harmony for which deep down every human heart and soul is yearning deeply. Never give up hope that eventually a united world will emerge that has but one government for the whole of humankind.

Even now, ever more of you are becoming aware of the fact that no-one can live only unto themselves and that the same is also true for the countries of your world. So, do your best to establish the spirit of siblinghood and goodwill on the Earth by conducting your own life in this manner. Wise ones appreciate that there is nothing to fear from those who to this day insist on putting themselves outside of that which is good, right and true. These sages know that in due course, in God’s time rather than their own, the inner eyes of every perpetrator against the Cosmic laws will be opened. They will then realise the error of their ways and start to change their behaviour, just the same as you once did.

Eventually, everything that is no longer of use and desirable on the Earth plane will be absorbed into power and light of the Christ Star, the Sun beyond the Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation. Meanwhile rest assured that humankind’s existence will never end because each one of you is a spark of the Divine. The true Christ-Mass is taking place with each one of you who awakes into the awareness of their true nature and starts to bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature.

With that we leave you, dear children of the Earth. Be consoled and rest safely in the knowledge that God is love and wisdom as well as merciful. God be with you and bless each one of you. We wish you a happier and more peaceful and contented New Year than you have ever had in your present incarnation and many previous ones. Our love, dear ones, all our love to you. Your guides in the world of light.

The best is never over,
The best has never gone.
There’s always something beautiful
That keeps us marching on.

There is a compensation
For every cross we have to bear,
And a secret consolation,
Always waits for us somewhere.

Every end is a new beginning
And as one day we’ll surely see,
The best is never over,
The best is yet to be.

And because the law of life
Is love and evolution,
With evolution based on love,
That is by no means an empty promise
For every human being and our whole world.

The following is the essence of a White Eagle Monday Thought 27.6.2016 that arrived in my inbox when I had just finished updating the above chapter: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as you call them, as well as spiritual or occult truth. Until you have built into your soul body the constructive God-atoms of light, you will be unable to serve life the way you would like to. There is a great difference between knowing with your mind and knowing with your inner self. The latter brings forth from you spontaneous good thoughts, words and actions because you then instinctively project the light of love that is within you. This light is creative and capable of raising the very atoms and vibrations of your whole world. And each time you think light and good, you are the co-creator with God of a beautiful world and humankind.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (6)

From 'Our World In Transition'

The Christ Star’s Light

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Christ Star's LightThe following was inspired by of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me via the White Eagle when I had just finished my new chapters about the Coronavirus outbreak: ‘Words cannot begin to describe the power and love of the Christ Star. It is something every human being has to discover and experience for themselves. The light and power of this Star are constantly flowing into the hearts and souls of all who are presently taking part in earthly life and also of those who are resting in our realm, the world of light. There always has been an increased flow of the Christ Star energies in difficult times. This is especially true during this period of Mother Earth’s transformation into a more spiritual planet, which is combined with humankind’s rediscovery and homecoming into its true nature.

‘We would like you to know that everything that to this day seems to be dark, ugly and evil in your world is in truth merely a crude and unevolved manifestation of things and people’s characters alike. Everything in the whole of Creation was created from the Christ Star’s light and is therefore an integral part of it. Never give up hope and trust that this light has the power of healing all conditions and of transmuting any kind of unevolved expression of life into something that is good, right and beautiful. It cannot be any other way because this light, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is subject to the Divine Universal laws of love and evolution.

‘From the moment of their first appearance, the Christ light has been moving all forms of life steadily forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life and that will forever continue. Its radiance will never cease to hold everything that exists in the whole of Creation in its loving embrace. Naturally, this includes humankind and its world. And when the right time for this development to take place, the Angels will intuitively teach every individual human being how to handle the Christ Star’s light the right way.

‘When you have learnt how to work hand in hand with the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, guided and protected by them every one of you will eventually be empowered to direct the Christ light’s energies to deeply penetrate everything that has become sick and weakened in the course of its earthly existence. Through this contact it will be so strengthened and healed that spontaneous healing miracle are quite on the cards. Therefore, do not hesitate to surrender your whole being to the warmth and love of Christ light and ask those in charge of you and your world in our realm to instruct you intuitively what kind of a contribution you can make to the blessing and healing of your whole world.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (7)

From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Good Morning Starshine

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Good Morning Starshine

Good morning Starshine,
The Earth says hello.
You twinkle above us,
We twinkle below.
Good morning Starshine,
You lead us along.
My love and me, as we sing
Our early morning singing song.

Good morning Christ Star,
O Light of all lights and
Sun of all suns.
All earthlings say: ‘Hello!’
You radiate Your light into our world
And we respond to it from below.

Good morning Christ Star,
Please lead all of us along.
We kneel before You and
Our early morning song
Sings our gratitude and
Praise for You.

Our whole world yearns for the
Spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age
Of believing what our heart and soul
Tell us is true.
May Your honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity rule
Us and our world,
For ever and ever.


From the musical ‘Hair’
About the Age Of Aquarius

Book and lyrics by
James Rado and Gerome Ragni
Music by Galt MacDermot
Adapted by Aquarius

This part was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me from the White Eagle Lodge during the Coronavirus pandemic: ‘Many people in your world are as yet unaware that every one of you, without exception, is a spark of the Christ Light and therefore a child of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The time has come for ever more of you to find out that all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in you. And that means that in the present situation none of you is as helpless as you may think you are.

‘The infinite wisdom and all encompassing, understanding and therefore forgiving love of the Highest Forces have granted every human being the precious gift of freedom of choice. And choose you must because not choosing reveals that you are supporting those who are once again trying to rule humankind with the power of fear. This is how a comparatively small minority in your world is at the moment trying to exploit the mass of people for selfish gains. That’s how the religions of your world once ruled humankind and therefore represents the way of the past. No person or organisation of your world will ever be allowed to act the part of the priesthood.

‘This is because by now the Aquarian age has been reached. It is the age in which all Divine qualities, especially those of honesty and truth, are slowly but surely taking over the role of humankind’s supreme rulers. It will not come about through an outside force, but through each and every one of you bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the characteristics of their very own God or Christ nature. And it’s up to every one of you choose to cower fearfully, like a rabbit in front of a snake that given half a chance will surely eat it, or whether you would rather turn to God and the Angels to request that they show you intuitively how you can contribute to humankind working its way out of its predicament.

‘The help of God and the Angels cannot come to anyone without asking. But they are happy to advise those who turn to them. For a long time they have working on humankind’s awakening to its true higher nature. The present situation is a wake-up call that is accompanied by an opportunity to prove that with their help and will all things really are possible, that crooked corners can be made straight and any condition healed.

‘They are waiting for your call because they need the help of every one of you as much as you need theirs. To set the wheels in motion, take care to go about it the right way. In your moments of quiet reflection and meditation request their guidance and protection before venturing into healing mode. Pay attention to what comes to you intuitively, trust the instructions you receive and follow them.

‘Know that the Christ Star’s light has the power of absorbing all darkness and fear that exists on all levels of your planet. In the Divine Trinity’s healing temple the Angels of healing and peace are constantly occupied with uplifting and transmuting such energies into blessing and healing ones that from there flow to anyone who is in need of it and works on restoring it to normal healthy functioning. Every year at the special time of the Wesak Festival the roots of every human being can reach particularly deep into the heartmind of the Divine Trinity. In return they are provided with a steadily increasing unshakable faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that every one of you has been given.

‘In your imagination now visualise the spiritual inner level of life where the whole of humankind is kneeling before the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. They are praying for Divine mercy and forgiveness. Let’s join them and add prayer to theirs:

‘O Great White Spirit and the Angels please grant every single one of us and the whole of humankind the gift of Your guidance and protection. Please show all of us intuitively how to go blessing and healing our world, so it can return to normal healthy functioning for all lifeforms that shares it with us. Become aware that every human earthly mind and imagination is a powerful instrument. As co-creators with God, each one of you has the power within to create good as well as evil, sickness and also good health.

‘Take good care how you use this your very own precious tool. And now imagine that the Christ light’s warmth and love deeply penetrates every cell and atom of your own being and flows from there into your whole world. Watch how everything it touches that is harmful for anyone’s wellbeing is uplifted and transmuted into something beneficial. In particular concentrate on the different types of Coronavirus. Observe the Christ Light strengthening the immune system of humans and animals affected by them and how the symptoms of their afflictions are clearing up and their whole being restored to its normal healthy functioning.’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Good Morning Starshine’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (8)


Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Good Morning Starshine - Covid-19

‘Progressing on the evolutionary spiral is the birthright of humankind and everything that shares your world, as well as the planet itself. Anything that influences it in harmful ways is trying to interfere with this and hold all of it back in the past. Everything of this nature represents their crude and unevolved state and in truth is nothing but a relic from the past. This applies to all kinds of damaging bacteria and viruses and in particular the Coronavirus that’s been given the name of Covid-19.

‘Love and evolution together are the main Divine law that rules life in the whole of Creation, including that of the Earth. In keeping with this law, the damaging influences that remain anywhere are merely waiting to be changed into something beneficial, in this case not only humankind but everything that shares your planet with you. That’s why God and the Angels, through us, invite you to take part in the following: during your times of quiet reflection and meditation imagine that the Covid-19 looks like the image above. Observe how the full strength of the Christ Star’s light deeply penetrates into the virus and how through this its colour changes from red to a pleasant green like the trees and grasses of your world.

‘This invitation is the tool that God and the Angels are herewith laying into the hands of anyone who is reading this. Please do not forget to share it with as many as possible of those around you, so that they too can make their very own contribution to changing your world’s present situation. It’s up to each one of you whether it will continue for an indefinite time or reach its natural end. With your help it could come much sooner than anybody dares to think at the moment and that in quite a magical way.

‘God bless every one of you and keep you safe, forever and ever. To us, your spirit friends and helpers, it makes no difference whether anyone is as yet capable of following our invitation or not. We love all of you, totally and unconditionally, because we are aware that, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest one of you is going to wake up from their spiritual slumber and get to know God’s true nature and their own.’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (9)

From ‘Our World In Transition’

There’s None So Blind . . .

 The Possible Dream

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Possible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘A Temple For The Living Christ’ in Stella Polaris August /September 2020: ‘Never look back, dear children of the Earth, only forwards and upwards. Steadfastly trust that God and the Angels, hand in hand with ever more of you, will bring about the natural happy ending of your world’s present state. No matter what still has to happen there because of the redemption of some ancient karmic debts, they will always be guiding and protecting you and your world. Individually as well as collectively, that’s what they always have done for you and your world on its journey up the evolutionary spiral of life,

‘As this will forever continue, even when the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you, place your hands into ours so we can show you intuitively what kind of contribution each one of you can make. Trust the blessing and healing power of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, the Sun beyond and behind the Sun in the sky above your world. With Its help, together with yours and ours, the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth for some time by now has been taking place. The power of this light and the great company of Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, will forever be supporting and assisting your endeavours. As the executors of God’s great plan of life, they are in charge of humankind’s development on all its levels.

‘Knowing the way of everything, they decide what your world is ready to cope with, at any given time. Then they instruct us, your spirit friends and guides on the lower levels, how to present the wisdom they have prepared for you and in what form it should be presented. That’s how the tale of the God-man Jesus came into being for the Piscean age. And the deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more it will become common knowledge that he never was a historical figure. He was created as a thoughtform and as a symbol of every human being’s God or Christ nature. And that’s why Jesus could never save and redeem anyone. There is only one God who truly can do this and that, for every human being as well as your whole world, is everybody’s own higher nature. No outside influences are involved in this process.

‘What you and your world for a long time have been waiting for is the birth of humankind’s individual and collective Christ child. This requires bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the Divine powers and qualities that has always been present in every spark of the Great Light, even though at first only in seedform. As discovering the truth about things of this nature is every human being’s birthright, ever more of you are by now learning how to tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into our frequencies. The living Christ is at work in your world whenever one of you treats every member of the human race as an equal and greets them with the same kindness and tolerance, friendliness and goodwill. Each time you lend a helping hand, some more of your inner light shines into your world. It light increases and a bit more of that which to this day is dark, ugly and evil in your world is absorbed into the goodness of the Christ light within you.

‘We spirit guides and helpers are happy and thankful each time we watch another one of you who is waking up from their spiritual slumber and therefore refuses to be at the mercy of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Every one of you is gifted in some special way to enable them to make their unique contribution to your world’s present situation. As soon as another one of you tunes their earthly mind into our frequencies, we can start showing them intuitively how to make best use of their talents that have taken many lifetimes to develop, in preparation for taking an active part in your world’s recovery from the present pandemic.

‘No-one in the whole of Creation will ever be allowed to seriously interfere with humankind’s evolutionary progress. That’s why there is no point in trying to walk in the footsteps of your world’s old belief systems. The times are definitely over when the blind were leading the blind and when, for wise higher reasons, it was good and right to inflict any kind of suffering onto your world and everything that inhabited it. For teaching humankind the Divine values of love, honesty and truth, for a certain length of time they were withheld.

‘As this lesson has been imbibed sufficiently, you and your world by now are taking part in the next lesson and that is the return of love, honesty and truth to your world. The lack of it, with the help of the pandemic, created suffering and hardships for millions of people. The damage it has done so far to humankind and your world’s economy is sufficient for the redemption of the accumulated karmic debts. And we are glad to see that ever more of you are freely and willingly offering themselves to serve as channels through which the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light pours into your world, with steadily increasing force. That’s how gradually the mist and darkness that are the underlying cause of your world’s present situation are dissolving.

‘With the redemption of the old and experienced spirit/souls’ karmic debts, the pandemic has served its wise higher purpose. With this the main obstacle in the way of your world’s evolutionary progress has been removed. That’s why God and the Angels are not going to tolerate any attempts at forcing your world to stand still of go backwards, not even for the tiniest of moments. There is no way anyone will be allowed to ever return to the ways of the old religions, when they were allowed – for the earlier mentioned reasons – to manipulate the masses with the help of fear, so their resources could be selfishly exploited.

‘The lessons of treachery and corruption, deceit of the self and others of the past have been sufficiently learnt. The pandemic has closed the circle of these experiences through the redemption of the karmic debts that the old and experienced in your midst brought with them from lifetimes of long ago. The Aquarian age has opened a new circle that is bringing lessons of a very different nature to you and your world and they consist of discovering the value of love, honesty and truth.

‘As a result of the pandemic many countries, including the United Kingdom, are suffering from the deepest economic recession since the 1930s. Having served its purpose well, the pandemic has run its course. And the more of you freely and willingly tune their earthly minds into our frequencies and request to be shown intuitively how to go about working hand in hand with the God, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, and also us, your spirit friends and helpers, the sooner the whole situation will reach its natural and quite surprising end. The time has come for moving on. We bless all of you, young and old spirit/souls alike, each one a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother and our sibling in the great family of all life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Little Things’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (10)

From 'Our World In Transition

Humankind’s Waking Up!

Amazing Grace

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev’d;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ’d!

Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

John Newton 1725 – 1807

Amazing Grace, the sound of Your wisdom and truth being heard in our world at last is sweet beyond compare. How good it is to know that no human being is or ever was nothing but a worm, a miserable sinner and wretch who needs to crawl in the dust before You, and through this debase their own nature and existence. It’s great to find out that all of us, without exception, are Your beloved children of the Earth, that all of us are sparks of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, Your only born Son/Daughter. Therefore, when all is said and done, all of us are young Gods in the making, who are serving the first part of their apprenticeship in the earthly school of life’s compulsory lessons.

When all of them have been sufficiently experienced, every human being is destined to have evolved into a healer and a bringer of the light of Your sacred wisdom and truth. Whenever we then come across any of our world’s religious teachings, we recognise the truths that have always been hiding behind their surface words and understand them. That means we have developed true clairvoyance. Our time then has come for sharing our insights with those around, so that they too are no longer deceived. And that’s the esoteric truth behind the Jesus legend’s allegory of the Master healing someone from their blindness.

Thank You for telling us that the world around us at all times is like a mirror that reflects back to us what is happening on its inner level. The knowledge of this enables us to pay attention to our environment and taking more time for watching and listening what it is trying to tell us, because that which we are seeking may already be where we are, but presented itself in a different manner than we had hoped for. All we have to do is open our eyes and tune into our inner perception. Otherwise we may too blind to see what You and the Angels have in store for us. Please help ever more of us to develop this gift, so we can perceive the many blessings that are all around us.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound of Your Great Plan of life and that we have a Mother as well as a Father on the highest levels, who love us dearly and have always taken care of all our true needs and that this will forever continue. Thank You for the knowledge that Jesus is not a historical figure, that the story of his life is a legend and that the God-man is a symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. Thank You for the privilege of allowing us to see with our own eyes, by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter, that Your plan has always unfolded as it should and that nothing but good things are in store for us and our world. There is no doubt in my mind that these things are true because they are what the Angels and Masters of Your realm for quite some time have been telling our world with the help of my intuitive writings.

To enter into the state of Paradise and establish our very own small corner of it whilst taking part in earthly life, all we have to do is start conducting our life in keeping with Your Universal laws, in particular the main laws of love and evolution, in other words evolution that is based on love. These laws always have been and forever will be taking us, individually and collectively, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. A high and holy destiny awaits every one of us, even our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers in one of the lifetimes in the far distant future.

In times gone by, running with the herd was the norm and expected from us as obedient citizens. The religions of those days left us no choice. Thinking for ourselves and drawing our own conclusions was unwanted, as shown by the following teaching from Proverbs, one of the oldest books of the Abrahamic religions, Chapter 3:5 + 6: ‘Trust in God with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of Him and He will make your paths straight.’ And how would anyone take notice of Him other than through the words of the churches’ sacred texts, which had been declared to be infallibly true?

For the Aquarian Age, the age of truth, let’s paraphrase the above quote: ‘Trust the wisdom and truth of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Your heart recognises it when it comes your way and tells you through the world of your feelings whether something is true or false, right or wrong. Pay attention to it and this way find understanding through the wise one or living God within. You can then no longer go wrong and all your paths will gradually become and then forever be straight.’

And the following is the essence of message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me in a White Eagle Lodge newsletter on 17th August 2020: ‘In the course of every one of your earthly lifetimes only a small part of your whole being functions with the help of your physical body. Your spirit/soul always has been and forever will be part of God. At the beginning of your the earthly school of life’s lessons your lower self can be likened to being chained to the hold of a great ship. It takes many lifetimes until it has gained sufficient light for getting its first glimpses of the beauty of the great ocean of life through which your ship has always been ploughing. In the course of every earthly lifetime every earthly self’s light steadily increases, a) through absorbing more the Christ Star’s actual light and b) through growing in wisdom and understanding of itself and its environment.

‘Without the earthly self being aware of it, it has always been moving steadily and methodically forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that has drawn it ever closer into the loving embrace of the Great Light, the Source its being, the same as all other manifestations of life in the whole of Creation. Every one of you develops like this and at all times you are being bathed by the warmth and love of the Christ Star’s light.

‘Although for a long time your spirit/soul is trapped and held prisoner in the darkness of its earthly self’s lack of understanding of God’s true nature and its own, and the wise higher purpose of its existence, every one of you always has been and forever will be guided and protected by us. We are the wise ones in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, who are in charge of humankind’s individual and collective development on all levels. It takes a long time until you realise how closely observed and watched over by us your evolutionary journey has always been and forever will be. Although we are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, we always have been and forever will be watching everything that happens on your plane. Because humankind has been given freedom of choice, only when things threaten to get out of hand, do we intervene by putting a stop to them to protect humankind and its world. That’s what is in the process of happening to the pandemic 2019/2020. Having served its purpose, there is no need for it to continue. That’s why it will soon be reaching its natural happy ending. This will not surprise you as much as the rest of humankind.

‘Those who have been following the Aquarian writings, are familiar with the pandemic’s spiritual background and why it happened at this particular time. If you are one of them, for you there is no need to run with the herd and be frightened by the continuing efforts of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. If you turn to us instead, we will help you intuitively to walk your predestined pathway of evolving into one of the saviours and redeemers of themselves and their world. Never forget that hand in hand with us, your spirit guides and helpers, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, especially this one. Together let’s demonstrate how the Christ spirit, through waking up in ever more of human beings and bringing it forth, each from deep within their own being, really can save and redeem you and your world. This is the only way it can come about.

‘Naturally, the decision of whether to join or not to join our movement of bringing healing and peace to Mother Earth at last, is up to every individual. But if you seriously want this to come about, turn to us. The more of you do this, the sooner and more easily it will come about. Rest assured that on the earthly plane none of you is ever left to their own devices. We are always with all of you, quietly observing from your world’s spiritual inner background. When someone veers off too far from their predestined pathway, some kind of event nudges them back onto it. There are no accidents or coincidences in your world. And everything that happens to you is the result of something you did, you created it. The Universal laws are just to the point of perfection, they never err.

‘So trust us and do not fear, we are with you all the way and you will forever be safe. Last but by no means least, we remind you that for bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times that has ever been experienced on your planet, we need your help as much as you need ours. God bless you all and thank you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (11)

From 'Our World In Transitions - Reflections On Our World's Legends'

The Buddha Legend & The Wesak Moon

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - Part One

The legends of the Buddha and Jesus are the most significant tales for the present state of humankind’s development. Our earthly existence only begins to make sense when one joins the higher esoteric meaning which, for wise higher educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of both stories. As the Jesus legend has been dealt with extensively enough in my writings, the time has come for doing justice to the Buddha legend. Let’s start with taking a closer look at the Wesak Moon.

The Full Moon during the Sun’s transit of Taurus is known as the Wesak Moon and that’s always an extra special event in our world’s spiritual calendar. In the year 2020 it took place on Thursday 7th May at 10.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came my way in ‘The Vibration of Light’ of the White Eagle Lodge’s Stella Polaris June/July 2006: ‘There is nothing that has not happened before in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. God’s wisdom and truth that existed in the beginning is as valid now as it will forever be.

‘However, through the learning that at all times is taking place, not only in your world but everywhere else, ever more wisdom and knowledge are added to this rich store. In the course of Mother Earth’s long evolutionary process certain cycles of light have come round time and again. The word light in this context means spiritual knowledge and the art of understanding it. Throughout the ages, God and the Angels from time to time released some more spiritual knowledge that brought enlightenment to those who were ready to receive it and therefore capable of acting as one of their channels, through which more light could flow into humankind’s consciousness.

‘Ever more knowledge was given in this way that slowly helped to develop humankind’s individual and collective intelligence. Simultaneous with this people’s superconscious faculties began to open and that enabled the more highly evolved of them to understand the meaning of some of God’s sacred wisdom that up to that time had been hidden from public view and knowledge, simply because nobody could as yet do anything with it. That applied as much to knowledge about your environment as to every human being’s inner world.’

The second part was inspired by ‘The Festival of Wesak’ in Stella Polaris April/May 2006: ‘Up to a certain point of every human being’s development, every bit of your world’s evil and suffering was caused by what then looks like people’s selfishness. That, however, is only what’s visible on the surface of things. In truth everything that ever happened in your world has been part of the lessons every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, has to take part in. On the deepest innermost level your spirit/soul has always been yearning to be released from this developmental stage. Your world’s suffering causes the higher part of your being to cry out and it yearns that humankind’s homecoming into the awareness of its true God or Christ nature, should be speeded up.

‘Your Highest Self knows that the next stage of it’s earthly self’s development will be the merging of its upper and lower nature into one loving union that through the gift of friendship is connected with every form of life in the whole of Creation. This is how it comes about that, what once started as a journey of spiritual infants whose explorations took them into getting to know the lowest and darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence, eventually winds up with every one of you kneeling before the throne of the Highest. The wise ones in charge of you and your world are delighted about every one of you who has evolved into mature and responsible spiritual adulthood.

‘Doubtless these things are difficult for you to imagine at present. Yet, when you look at them from the higher spiritual perspective, you will be able to recognise that everything that ever happened in your world and is continuing to do so in many parts of your world to this day, serves a wise higher educational purpose. Each time your soul is born into another lifetime on the Earth, it is nailed to the cross of earthly life, the oldest symbol known to humankind of its existence in physicality. The whole of humankind is also fastened to this cross and each one of you, who is presently taking part in earthly life was granted the gift of another lifetime for getting to know God’s true nature and your own. And everything that to this day is taking place on the earthly plane of life is an essential and necessary part of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process, on the material as well as the spiritual level.

‘Wise ones who comprehend these things feel the need to share their learning with as many as possible of their siblings in the great family of humankind. And whatever you do, refuse to fight against anything. Pay attention to your inner guidance, listen to what comes to you intuitively and respond to it by going with the flow of your life. That’s the best way of living in harmony with God’s laws and all life. As soon as this has been achieved, there is no more suffering for you. The Jesus legend’s crucifixion is a symbolism that provides humankind with a better understanding of this process. If Jesus had been a human being, his spirit/soul would have withdrawn when his physical body was crucified. As a spiritual Master he would have been able to observe the scene from the perspective of his Highest Self. And that’s how every human being eventually learns how to treat not only every one of their own earthly problems, but also those of your whole world.

‘Do not allow yourself to be crucified and tortured by anything. Instead, observe your life and everything that ever happened to you from your Highest or God Self’s angle. This empowers you to lift yourself above the tribulations of earthly life that may still be ahead for you, because of your remaining karmic debts. Make an effort to learn something from any situation. Recognise things for what they truly are, i.e. personal and collective evolutionary lessons and temporary development phases that will most surely pass. This approach will help you to rise above and cope with everything you still have to encounter, because you are then viewing it dispassionately with the perception of your highest God or Christ Self. This helps you to grow ever more into one with it.

‘Not only every individual spirit/soul but the human race as a whole has to experience the various initiations the Jesus legend describes. That’s how you, individually and collectively, each at their own pace is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This happens slowly and by degrees, and whenever a certain point of this journey has been reached, another initiation has to be dealt with. On every occasion your consciousness expands and you advance one more step towards your final destination of spiritual perfection or wholeness.

‘It has been achieved when all aspects of your higher and lower nature have been integrated and become one. The more you bring forth the characteristics of your higher God or Christ nature, the more your God-likeness increases and the more you become consciously aware of your oneness with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. This is what’s also waiting to happen for the whole of humankind and your world.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

Find out more about the Buddha legend and the significance of the Wesak Moon by following this link: ‘Reflections On Our World’s Legends’

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The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (12)

Turning To Natural Healing Methods

Rays Of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Turning To Natural Healing Methods

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle Lodge’s Calendar 2021 for the month of May: ‘Everything that grows on Mother Earth is charged with a different aspect of the blessing and healing energies that are constantly flowing from the Highest levels life into the earthly plane. Every tree, plant and flower has an affinity with some part of the human organism and therefore has the power of putting things right when something has gone wrong. Wise ones have known for a long time that a herb exists somewhere in your world that contains the power of healing anything that has gone wrong with human beings as well as animals.

‘At last the time has come for humankind to return to the long known natural healing methods and, inspired by God and the Angels, adding and developing ever more new ones. That’s how it will soon be possible to restore the natural equilibrium and wellbeing of every human being in mind and body, spirit and soul.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies’

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The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (13)

From ‘Healers And Healing’

Turning To Natural Healing Methods

Rays Of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Turning To Natural Healing Methods

The following is the essence of another message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Lodge’s Calendar ‘The Gift Of Healing’ for the year 2019: ‘Healing physical bodies is good, but healing their indwelling spirit/soul is better and of much greater importance. This is because the physical body but a vessel and a vehicle so that they can get round and experience earthly life. Your spirit/soul is constantly trying to communicate with its outer manifestation, the physical body. If something is amiss with any aspect of your life, they send signals to their outer earthly self, in the hope of being heard and acted upon the right way. Your physical body shows symptoms that something is in need of attention within.

‘You will find using the pharma industry’s products to suppress the signals your inner being is giving you no longer desirable, as soon as you have stepped onto the healer’s and healing pathway. You now prefer to venture forth into finding out what the underlying cause of your physical body’s dis-ease. We recommend that whenever it needs to be comforted and healed, as much as possible look towards the age-old tried and tested remedies that have always been available to humankind through Mother Earth. You are sure to find everything you need there. And the deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the more your medical practitioners will turn to the natural healing methods that have always been provided by the herbal kingdom, colour rays, sound vibrations – especially music.

‘And praying by far is the most powerful tool on the healing journey. Every human earthly mind is, at least potentially, a receiver/transmitter station that’s capable of working with the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. That’s your direct connection with them. The old religions with their false beliefs and untruths created a blockage in every one of you that consists of layer upon layer of fears. With the passing of time, ever more layers were piled into every human being’s soul memories. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you move into it, the more urgent it becomes that even the last and slowest ones in your midst learn how to tune their earthly minds into our frequencies. This is the only way we can tell you intuitively which treatments are best for you, when you are in need of our advice.

‘With the passing of time, ever more new natural healing methods are going to be discovered and developed. So far some of the pharma industry’s products as well as the skills of your world’s surgeons are still required and much appreciated. But both will eventually have disappeared and that for the simple reason that they are no longer required.

‘For a long time the requirements of many people’s spirit/soul as well as that of your whole world have been neglected. Do not begrudge this. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind some valuable lessons that the earthly existence of the majority of you gradually focused ever more on the material aspects of your being. The crying of your world’s spirit/soul is the cause of its present illness. With every vaccination that takes place anywhere in your world against a non-existent virus, the strength of your world’s crying increases. Do everything that comes to you intuitively to counteract it and heal your world. Each time one of you steps onto the healer’s pathway and starts their healing journey, the whole of humankind and your world is healing with you. God bless you all. We are with every one of you, all the way.’

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The New Earth – Where Are We Going? (14)

A Greeting From The White Eagle Group Of Guides

Rays Of Wisdom - Heales And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - A Greeting From The White Eagle Group Of Guides

The following is the essence of the White Eagle Monday Thought 12.10.2015: ‘God bless every one of you. However far you may ever travel on your evolutionary journey through life, your link with us will never be broken. Every thought you send is registered by us and we are conscious of you at all times. Each one of you strikes a chord in our hearts and we lovingly enfold you in the Great White Light. Love one another, be at peace with the whole of humankind and with love in your heart do the work your Father/Mother on the highest level of life has ordained for you.’

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All White Eagle quotes appear in my writings by kind permission of the White Eagle Lodge, Liss, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom. Thank you for that, dear Friends. Words in square brackets are my additions in the hope of further clarifying White Eagle’s wisdom.

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Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The White Eagle Mission’
•     ‘About White Eagle’
•    ‘The Eagle’
•    ‘On Eagle’s Wings’
•    ‘Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding A Growing Organism’

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Further Reading:
•    ‘White Eagle - There Is No Death’

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‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’,
which can be read and also downloaded
in the form of a printout on Booksie,
please click the image below:

  Rays Of Wisdom - Homepage - Stargazer's Writings On Booksie

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