Leaving Addictions Behind - All In One

 Rays of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Main Theme

 The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer 

A Serendipity of Reflections on Life

Seen through the Eyes of an Astrologer

Section IIV

Overcoming Addictions Through Understanding

Six pointed Star

Leaving Addictions Behind


Awareness : The Antidote to All Suffering

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Introduction

Many in our world are struggling with coming to terms with their existence in an over-materialised world that on superficial reflection appears to consist predominantly of money grabbing and profit making, lying and cheating. Being alive on the Earth seems to lack purpose, meaning and direction to anyone who is not inclined that way. Unable to understand their being here and feeling lost, it is hardly surprising that so many these days are looking for escape routes and are finding them in alcohol and various kinds of drugs. If only these sufferers knew what they are doing to themselves!

To my mind, the greatest evil in our world is a general lack of understanding of who and what we are, why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing in earthly life. I am convinced that knowing about these things is the antidote to any kind of suffering that we in our state of ignorance are inflicting upon ourselves. In particular this applies to those who have fallen into the trap of becoming addicted to something that is not only detrimental to their wellbeing but also a serious obstacle on the road of their spiritual progress.

Since time immemorial people have walked down this slippery slope into self-destruction. But this does not mean it should continue, for we are living in the days of miracles and wonders. The greatest miracle and wonder of all times is taking place in our world right here and now and that’s humankind’s rebirth into the awareness of its true nature and Mother Earth’s simultaneous transformation into a more ethereal planet. Because life is presenting all of us with some of our most ancient karmic debts, many are experiencing difficult and traumatic times. And to my mind it’s a sin and a shame for those who are unaware of what is happening to them. If they knew, there would be no need to look for escape routes and finding them in alcohol and drugs and, because these things bring temporary relief from their troubles, becoming addicted to them.

The problem of addictions for some time has been growing into an ever more pressing issue. I believe that governments passing various laws in their attempts of cutting down people’s alcohol consumption and locking them up in prisons for drug offences, is no solution. As likely as not it is increasing this dilemma. The Zeitgeist of the Aquarian Age is rebellion and revolution, anti-establishmentarianism, transformation and transmutation. Those are the energies that are at present influence us and our world most strongly and that’s why the nanny state syndrome in the final analysis is counter-productive. People are rebelling against their governments’ attempts of dominating them. There must be quite a few these days who are becoming addicted to the forbidden fruits of their state out of sheer spite.

The rise of right-wing movements throughout the Western world is clear evidence of this mood of the people. My inner guidance tells me that they do not follow this political direction because they love it – for that it has done too much harm in the not too distant past. It’s people protesting against governments who try to rule them in the traditional way, especially in the form of the nanny state. Whether someone is consciously aware of it, deep down they hate this because it robs them of their God-given right to make their own decisions about what is good and right or bad and wrong for them.

I believe that the only way to overcome this stalemate is awareness. When people find out the truth about who and what they are, why they are here, where they have come from and are going to, they are sure to freely and willingly stop abusing all kinds of substances. Shedding addictive behaviour patterns will become easier when one understands that we ourselves are responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions as well as our own wellbeing and that of our whole world.

Every human being was created to eventually evolve into a seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth in its own right. Alas, our traditional religions offer little or no genuine help with this. Unless one learns to look behind the surface words of their teachings, there is precious little of that. For as long as religions insist on providing head knowledge instead of encouraging their followers to experience God as part of themselves, our whole world and everything that takes part in it, they cannot provide God’s wisdom and truth. And that’s what all of us deep down inside have always been craving and could not find in earthly life until fairly recently through sources like my jottings.

In due course every human being is destined to become aware of God’s true nature and their own, and their special relationship with the Divine. When the right moment has come for this to take place, our spirit and soul work extra hard on waking the Divine spark in our heart from its slumbers. When it begins to stir, our earthly self discovers to its amazement that its existence has a spiritual background that is of the greatest importance for its own evolution, that of its world and the whole of Creation.

When we realise that without this backdrop there would be no life in physicality anywhere, there would be no physical manifestation of you and me, we are progressing with giant steps on the spiritual pathway towards the destination of being released from the need for further lifetimes on the Earth. From where we are now, it’s easy to see that it would have been too early to reveal such things when the old religions were given. We would have been unable to understand and until we do, we cannot help misunderstanding and misinterpreting the messages our spirit and soul are sending through the world of our feelings with such force.

Just imagine if terrorists and other criminals of our world knew what they are doing to themselves, what in due course will be returning to them. I am sure they would be running many miles before touching anything they are up to these days. Let’s think of them with compassion, love and forgiveness, for they are young and inexperienced souls who need their lessons the same as you and I once did. And in some distant lifetime they too will be struggling with the redemption of their Karma, just the same as we are presently doing.

There is no need to ask the Great Father/Mother for forgiveness on their behalves. Their love knows everything and understands why things have to happen and forgives them. Being the Creator of the Universal laws, whenever one of us is sinning, God knows that these laws without fail take care of the consequences of every one of our thoughts, words and actions. In due course the law of cause and effect or Karma one way or another returns them to us. This ensures that every one of our earthly lessons is learnt very thoroughly.

The main keyword for the Age of Aquarius is transmutation, i.e. the changing of one chemical element into another, either by nuclear process or as an alchemical operation. The higher esoteric meaning of this word is indeed an alchemical process, but not one that takes place on the outer level of our existence. It is an inner experience that every human being at the end of its earthly education undergoes. It means the transformation of the leaden desires of someone who merely suffers and endures its present existence into the pure gold of bringing forth the qualities of our higher Christ nature and following its desires.

Freely and willingly we then share our gifts with anyone who is in need of it and do what we can do reduce the suffering of our world. The steadily increasing awareness and understanding expands our consciousness and transforms us into a healer and lightbringer in our own right. Spiritually light is God’s sacred wisdom and truth and ignorance of it is darkness. Through receiving and working with this light human beings evolve into a channels of light through which the Highest Forces of life can project theirs into our world and bring about its transmutation and healing.

Nothing but love is the magic alchemical formula that is required for this process. Loving God’s way has the power of turning us into a wise one who genuinely loves God, ourselves and the life we have been given. My own life’s experiences have taught me that this is only possible through a better understanding of ourselves, our destiny and the processes of life. That’s what all my writings are about.

Literally changing lead into gold in earthly life has become possible by now. Under true nuclear transmutation it is far easier to turn gold into lead than the reverse reaction, which was the one the alchemists had ardently pursued. Nuclear experiments have successfully transmuted lead into gold, but the expense far exceeds any gain. However, the gold we are seeking cannot become anyone’s property for as long as they are ruled by the leaden desires of their earthly nature like greed and avarice, jealousy and powerseeking, troublemaking and warmongering. But rejoice, dear Friends everywhere, the Age of Aquarius is with us, the age of loving God’s way and of truth.

For a long time the Divine wisdom and truth have been waiting to flow directly from the Highest levels into the earthly minds of all those who are ready to receive it and join the ranks of those who are already spreading the good news. God speed on your personal healing journey that wishes to take you from fool to wise one and guide you from the lead of your small earthly self to the discovery of the pure gold of your Christ nature.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘From Fool To Wise One’
•    ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’

Six pointed Star

The Steep And Narrow Road

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - The Steep And Narrow RoadFor some time by now, the Age of Aquarius has been bringing us our race’s spiritual rebirth and return into the conscious awareness of our true nature. Simultaneous with this the transformation of Mother Earth into a more spiritual and etherealised planet is taking place. To enable them to take part in these events of truly Cosmic proportions, many highly sensitive are reincarnating into our world. Alas, lots of them have yet to find out that earthly life is a gift the Universal Forces have granted them and is by no means a cumbersome burden that has to be endured as best we know how to. High sensitivity is a sign of an old and experienced soul who, in the course of many previous lifetimes, have been preparing themselves for playing a special part at this very special time. More about the theme of high sensitivity later.

This part of my jottings is dedicated to assist as many as possible of those who are as yet unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their being here. If what you are finding here speaks to you, the time is right for waking up to your spiritual nature and for getting started on your very own healing journey that returns you into the conscious awareness of your true nature and oneness with God. On the other hand if it all sounds like double Dutch to you, maybe you will return to it some time in the future.

The discovery that all life throughout the whole of Creation, including us, our world and everything in it, has always been travelling on a predestined pathway that is constantly winding itself forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. All together we are wandering up the spiritual mountain of life. The discovery of this is the first and most important step of every human beings spiritual healing journey. This is a steep and narrow road that is strewn with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes. They consist of a) unredeemed karmic obligations that each one of us created for themselves in the course of many lifetimes; b) negative and destructive thought and behaviour patterns that were developed along the way and which we brought with us in the hope of changing them into positive and constructive ones; and c) the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that have accumulated in our consciousness, waiting to be replaced by the truth. These issues have to be tackled by us individually and collectively and each one of us can only do this in their own unique way.

Every human being’s evolutionary pathway begins with the exploration of the lowest characteristics of our own and other people’s earthly nature. In the course of many lifetimes we slowly work our way upwards into experiencing the characteristics of our higher or Christ nature. When this part gradually takes over our whole being, everything that was negative and destructive in our character make-up is replaced by positive and constructive traits and our understanding of the Universal laws and God’s sacred wisdom and truth keeps on expanding.

Jesus is a symbolism for the noblest aspect of our being and the high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one in its own right awaits every one of us at the end of our earthly education. Yet, for as long as we do not know who and what we truly are, why we are here, what kind of tasks are in store for us, the Christ part is invisible to the narrow horizons of its earthly counterpart. This changes when we have matured sufficiently and our spiritual faculties begin to stir from their slumber. Until then our small earthly self stays firmly nailed to the cross of its present existence, enduring it without comprehending why things are the way they are.

As young and inexperienced souls we believe for a long tie that, as long as nobody is watching us, we can get away with just about anything. It takes many lifetimes before we realise that we could not have been more wrong because all human beings, without exception, are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. And that’s how, through false beliefs in previous lifetimes, vast amounts of negative Karma accumulate in everybody’s spiritual bank book that can only be redeemed by one person in the whole of Creation and that is we ourselves.

Do not allow any of this to frighten you unnecessarily, as help is always available for those who know where to look for it and who are not too proud to ask for it. Knock and the door shall be opened! Ask and it shall be given unto you. Feelings of loneliness and of having been abandoned on the Earth reach their natural end when we realise that God and the Angels are as much part of us as we are of them, that on the inner level all life is one and that because of this nobody is ever truly alone.

Even though our spirit friends and helpers cannot be seen by earthly eyes, they are there nonetheless. From the moment of our creation they have taken care of us, looked after and provided for all our needs. In all Eternity they will keep on doing this and never leave us. Therefore, whenever the going gets too rough handling on our own, why not reach for the helping hands of God and the Angels and ask them to show the way? With their assistance we can work our way through any kind of situation. And although the Divine wisdom decrees that they cannot do the work for us, they are always willing to guide and protect us against doing the wrong things and provide us with the gift of their courage and strength.

God and the Angels are the all-seeing eye that never sleeps. Because they are part of us, it is hardly surprising that they are well aware of what every one of us has ever been up to and that during all lifetimes and every moment of each day and night. That’s why spiritually nobody can get away with anything and why on the inner spiritual level of life everything has to be for real. There is no point in trying to fake things, especially not sincerity and believing we have cracked whatever we were hoping to achieve by cheating and lying. Although it is possible to get away with this in earthly life, on the inner level our intentions are clearly visible and no-one is ever fooled. Knowing this helps us to avoid creating negative Karma and further debts in our spiritual account.

It has been said that life is a mystery. The more one finds out about the processes of life and its spiritual background, the more one realises that we ourselves have always been the greatest mystery of all. Each one of us is their own mystery school, life itself is the headmaster and the world around us with everything it contains can teach us something. We are all here to act as teachers and pupils at the same time and every one of our daily experiences can, for those who pay attention to what is happening, reveal ever more mysteries that for a long time had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge.

There is no need for reading books to find the mysteries. All it takes is learning to love this live, ourselves and those who bring us into being, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their Angels, and countless other spirit guides and helpers. To my mind, loving our earthly existence becomes possible when one finds a better understanding of it. But most helpful for our spiritual development is practising being patient and still during regular periods and meditations and quietly reflections, and observing life in all its richness whenever possible.

Intuition is everyone’s own inner mystery school, the wise one or living God within, who is waiting teach us everything we shall ever care to know and intuitively provide us with the answer to all our questions. For those who enjoy reading, doing so is all right, but this activity should not be used as some kind of a prop. Let’s read what is of interest and then take time to reflect on what has come our way. This is another way of growing in wisdom and understanding. Novels are particularly good at teaching about human nature and relationships, the time and place in which they are set and in particular about authors and their windows through which they are observing what’s going on around them, and perceiving life in general.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Origin Of My Truth’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

About White Eagle

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - About White Eagle - Spirit GuidesThe White Eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, whose wisdom and knowledge over the ages were given to humankind in the form of many different tales and legends. The Angelic hierarchy is the executor of God’s great plan of life. All along their messengers have been beavering, invisible to earthly eyes, in the spiritual background of our earthly existence, to gradually bring as much spiritual knowledge to our world as the majority of people were capable of comprehending. That’s how the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have done their best to guide us back into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own.

The increasing amount of spiritual knowledge they are now making available is lifting ever more of us and our world into the loving heart of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit and light of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights and the spiritual Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us.

God’s sacred wisdom and truth is the Great Eagle who has always soared above our world and helped our race to regain access to the light of Divine wisdom and truth, which is every spirit/soul’s birthright to find. This Eagle is still with us now and he will accompany us forever. The name White Eagle does not apply to one particular group of spirit guides of whom there are many. It was never intended to represent one disincarnate personality, but was used by whosoever acted as the spokesperson for each one of the teachings that were given through the spiritual medium, Grace Cooke, also known as Minesta.

In one of the White Eagle books, unfortunately I cannot recall which one, we are told that the group uses more than one spokesperson. It seems that different ones spoke and worked through Grace, but to be easily recognisable they presented themselves under one single name. This was probably done because someone had special knowledge in a certain field. Jenny Dent, the present mother of the White Eagle lodge, in the preface to ‘Memories of Reincarnation’ by Grace Cooke writes: ‘In the present time, White Eagle often appears in a universal guise, not linked to any one particular personality.’ It is likely to have been with full intent that no other names of personalities in the spirit world were mentioned when their teachings were given. The only name that appears here and there is a reference to the Master Jesus. Our spirit friends must have known full well that he and his life are but a legend, but it was too early to disclose that Jesus was but a thoughtform and never existed any other way.

No name apart from White Eagle was given in the past. I feel sure that none will appear in the future, as people would otherwise instantly develop a fixation on the name of that personality, the way it happened time and again with the names of different Masters who were believed to have walked the Earth, like us, as teachers. The result would be yet another personality cult. This was good enough and even wanted by the Angels two thousand years ago when the legend of the Master Jesus came into being.

Fortunately, our spiritual development has come a very long way since then and many by now are capable of grasping that it is all right to honour the White Eagle as one of the symbols of the Great White Spirit, our Creator. The whole focus of our lives needs to be fully concentrated in that direction and no longer on any personality whatsoever, regardless of how highly evolved a soul may yet come our way. Attaching ourselves to the personality of White Eagle or anyone else in the long run is not going to be beneficial for anyone. It was still acceptable when the teachings were given, some of them eighty years ago. But in the meantime we and our world have made considerable progress on the individual and collective evolutionary spiral. Its pace is being speeded up all the time and we are here not to look back and dwell on the past, but to keep on moving forwards and upwards the spiritual mountain in ever greater strides.

I believe that the teachings that were given through Minesta, the same as those of all sacred texts, were never meant to be set in concrete or carved into stone. The tree of knowledge is a vast living organism that has many branches with as many twigs as there are spirit/souls in the whole of Creation. The truth that grows on this tree is flexible and constantly expanding. Each one of us here to discover more of it, to find our own truth and understanding so it can be added to that which already is on the tree. This is how the accumulation and expansion of knowledge and wisdom will never cease, in our world and all others.

Each spiritual teaching that appeared in our world was always intended to be expanded and grow some more. However, this could only ever happen in keeping with the evolutionary level of perception that we, individually and as a group, had reached at any given point in time. One little step by another, every one of us is required to do their share of revealing more of the light of the esoteric knowledge that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the tales and legends that were given by the Angels from time to time. When it is added to the store that is already available to us and our world, it will gradually enable all of us to reach the state of full enlightenment and perfection, in the sense of wholeness and holiness. This too is every soul’s birthright.

About six months after publishing the above, for the first time I found a confirmation of my perception of White Eagle in a small note in Anna Hayward’s article about ‘Pluto and Persephone’ in the magazine of the White Eagle Lodge, Stella Polaris October/November 2008: ‘We want you to understand that White Eagle is not just the name of a man. White Eagle is – shall we suggest – a sign, an influence, a ray, a group. It is an aspect, perhaps, of a higher spiral of Scorpio.’

The following is the essence of a message form the White Eagle Lodge’s Newsletter ‘Star of the North’ January 2011: ‘The White Eagle Lode embraces in its teachings many different schools of thought. It follows and advocates every path that leads humankind to God’s sacred wisdom and truth. That’s why the White Eagle Lodge has no creed other than unity with all and has no other aim than the siblinghood of all life. Our name is not intended to act as an enhancement for any one individual, incarnate or disincarnate. It represents the school of thought of which the word White Eagle is the symbol as the bird of soaring visions and skies filled with the light of the wisdom of the Highest.’

As the years went by, I felt ever more strongly that in some way my writings are a continuation of the White Eagle mission. Possibly the only difference between them is that my contributions to the enrichment of the tree of knowledge are being presented through a different channel and are flowing into our world in a much more direct way, free of charge. As befits the times we live in, my work is freely available on the information highway to all who wish to receive it. That is probably why White Eagle entered my field of vision many years ago during a gathering of like-minded friends.

Everybody was given a White Eagle teaching that consisted of one sentence. Mine uncannily echoed the insights into life I had for quite some time been expressing in my writings. This motivated me to find out who and what White Eagle was. God and the Angels are smiling and not saying anything about this, as with the help of our inner guidance, their way of communicating with us, each one of us required to make up their own mind about the things that enter our lives.

I was delighted when I found, many years after the first publication of this part of my jottings, a new White Eagle Lodge dedication in Stella Polaris February/March 2017: ‘We have chosen to call this centre the White Eagle Lodge – a name not bearing reference to any particular person, but referring to the white eagle as a symbol of vision, used down the ages by the Wise Ones whom we are privileged to serve. This is to be a centre of light and all who would serve the Great White Light, whatever their denomination and whatever their school of thought may be can meet here on a common plane of brotherhood and service. Therefore, beloved children, we say that this place is to be a lighthouse to guide men and women, and we ask you to help us establish and maintain the light within. Let this become a focal point for the light of spirit.’ White Eagle

From its earliest beginnings, almost fourteen years ago, I have called my website a lighthouse of consciousness. And as a mark of my respect, throughout my writings I have always used the words ‘the wise ones in charge of us and our world’. By choosing the term ‘lighthouse’ for the lodge and ‘the wise ones’ they are serving, neither of which I have ever seen used in any other lodge publication, it seems to me that the lodge has decided to confirm officially that they are walking in my footsteps, rather than me in theirs, which I have never done.

Somebody else liked the introduction to my website so much that they copied and pasted it, word by word and without my permission, into the introduction to a Facebook group by the name Rays Of Wisdom. After I recently started a group of my own with the name of my website, I discovered that a group by this name was already in existence. Simulation being the most desirable form of flattery, I decided to become part of it. Should you be interested in joining my group, please come and join us. If you type Rays of Wisdom into the search box, you will locate both groups quite easily.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Footprints’
•    ‘The Changing Role Of Spiritual Mediumship’
•    ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’

Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain

Part One

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle Teachings - Climbing The Spiritual Mountain

The following is the essence of a message of hope and encouragement from the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Keep On Keeping On’ that appeared in Stella Polaris August/September 2015: ‘It is with love and joy in our hearts that we are coming to you today to tell you of some of the truths that are vital for your happiness in this lifetime and beyond. We too once walked the road you are presently treading. Because of this we are familiar with the sorrows and difficulties of living in a physical body that is as yet unawakened to the beauty and wonder of our world, the spirit realms.

‘We are aware of how hard earthly life can be for those who do not yet know about its spiritual background and the presence of spirit guides and helpers who love and care for you, just because you are. This lack of spiritual knowledge makes it very difficult to grasp that the life you have been given is basically a good one. Trusting that the love of the Great White Spirit and that His/Her loving arms have always been wrapped around you, is almost impossible in that state. But it becomes easier when you comprehend that every one of your earthly experiences serves a wise higher purpose. Because we know the sorrows, disappointments and hardships of life in physicality only too well, we are joining you here. Our only motivation is a great longing in our hearts to provide you with the knowledge of the powers that are within every human being and therefore also in you.

‘We want to tell you about the beautiful states of life that in the fullness of time are waiting for you and the importance of bringing forth the best that is within you, because they are the characteristics of your higher or Christ nature. Even though you may not see any results of your efforts for quite some time, keep on keeping on. Your ascension of the spiritual mountain of earthly life is an essential part of God’s plan for your spiritual development. Your predestined pathway is to reach the end of your earthly education and that is the top of the mountain. We are here to provide you with the assistance you need.

‘Every religion your world has ever seen is one of the many roads that lead up this mountain. When at the end of your present earthly sojourn you return to our world, we shall be welcoming you in our midst. After you have recovered from the stresses and strains of earthly life and look at it from our side of the veil, you will probably be as overwhelmed as we are by the amount of suffering you see. It will occur to you how easily all of it could be avoided, if only people were aware that every bit of suffering is the result of someone’s own thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. You want to go to them and tell them that it is up to them to change, but alas you will have to tell them that it is not your job to do this work for them.

‘We would love to do the work for each one of you, but are not allowed to for in that case you earthling would not grow in wisdom and understanding. You are the only ones who can do this, while we from the spiritual background of life support and encourage you. Our main role is showing you how to avoid creating further negative Karma and accumulating karmic debts, and help you to redeem the ones that still exist in your spiritual bankbook. This is done through sending nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. It really is as simple as that.

‘There are many groups like ours on this side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from this one. The White Eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, whose wisdom and truth we are bringing you as best as we ourselves know it. White Eagle is the collective word for all who are working together for the benefit and wellbeing of our siblings who are struggling with their existence as spirit and soul encased in matter. Our groups are on many different evolutionary levels and working with you is an essential part of our own development. If you so wish, you can join our beginner’s group for those who have just completed their earthly education. You can serve your apprenticeship here, if you so wish. Nobody forces you to do anything, but when you watch the miseries of the life you have only just left behind, your heart is likely to melt with compassion and love and you want to help in some way, the way many of us are doing in this world.

‘Waiting for every human being who has got to the end of their earthly education behind the mountain is the greater freedom and beauty of the spirit realms. From there you will proceed to explore the higher and eventually highest spiritual realms. For every human being eventually waits a heavenly state of life that is so filled with bliss and peace that will be hard for you to imagine now. Ah yes, we can see you thinking: ‘That’s all very well, but how are we to believe that what you are telling us is the truth. In any case, how can any of it affect our present-day difficulties and problems?’ Our role is to point the way towards your goal, because as soon as your vision focuses on it, your mental and emotional attitude towards your companions and the problems of everyday life changes.

‘Spiritually, knowledge is light and the lack of it is darkness. The wisdom and truth of the Great Mother of all life is the eternal light and you need its help for working your way over every one of your earthly hurdles and obstacles. Yet, to enable you to contact this light, the desires and cravings of your lower earthly nature first have to surrender themselves to the demands of your higher nature. Alas, human beings frequently find it too difficult to listen and make the effort to rise in thought above their sad and traumatic conditions and reach out for the life of our world with its light and warmth, joy and tranquillity, kindness and peace. Never forget that we are always there for you; all you have to do is ask. Without asking no help can come to you; that is the law.

‘But for those who have asked and through this are showing their readiness to receive, we are bringing the truth about God’s nature and your own. We ask you to look, with love in your heart and soul, towards the higher and highest realms of life. The more you do this, the more your small earthly difficulties shrink away, because you know that everything that happens in earthly life is transient and but a passing phase. With the help and will of God and the Angels no obstacle is insurmountable and all conditions can be healed. So do your best, refuse to worry about tomorrow and rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are doing the rest.

‘That is the message of the Jesus legend’s St Matthew 6:25-32: ‘Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food and the body than the raiment? Behold the birds of the Heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life? And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you? O ye of little faith!’

‘The people of your planet have difficulties comprehending messages of this nature because many of them to this day are existing behind a kind of barrier that acts like a dense fog. Getting rid of it is everyone’s own task, but do not despair because we are here to help you. The only thing that can disperse the kind of fog we are talking about here is the light of the Highest Star, the Universal Christ Spirit, through whom all life is given. And God’s sacred wisdom and truth are the winds of Heaven that can blow away everything that is troublesome in your world.

‘A light burns within each one of you that with the passing of earthly time has been turned down and grown very dim. You are the only one who can uncover this light and help it to shine so brightly that ever more of all earthly clouds of fog and darkness are absorbed into it. Every human being has a hidden power within that can act like the winds of Heaven that sweep your surroundings until everything ugly and evil, negative and destructive has gone for good. That’s how the conditions of everybody’s earthly life can be moderated and improved.

‘You yourselves are endowed with this power. By bringing it forth and using it wisely, eventually the things of Earth that in the past were so stressful will no longer have any effect on you. When you look at them from the right perspective, you recognise how unimportant they truly are. These God-given powers are unfolding in ever more of you. You are God’s beloved children of the Earth. And with the knowledge we are bringing you the Great Father/Mother is placing into every reader’s own hands the key for unlocking the inner doors to great happiness. The secret of overcoming the darkness and sickness of earthly life is through perceiving them in the right light and knowing that everything is sure to work out well in the end, when Mother Earth’s transformation into a place of beauty, harmony and peace is complete.

 Six pointed Star

Ascending The Spiritual Mountain – Part Two

Keep On Keeping On

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Keep On Keeping On‘To achieve anything in earthly life, you have to keep on keeping on. This is particularly true for climbing the spiritual mountain of your education in the school of earthly life. When you are reached its apex, you will be released from the obligation of taking part in it. Steadfastness is the quality you need most to achieve this. It develops quite naturally when you pursue your predestined path regardless of any obstacles and difficulties that may still have to come your way because of outstanding karmic debts. And when at last you kneel before the Highest and say: ‘Not my will, Great Father/Mother, but Thine. I humbly accept,’ the necessary strength to endure your burdens comes to you.

‘Feelings of joy will begin to lighten your life the more you observe how the Divine Universal laws have always been at work in human life, including your own. You then realise that everything that happens on the Earth is a manifestation of God’s perfect justice. And when you start to recognise how God’s sacred wisdom and truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the myths, legends and religious tales of your world, you are in the process of developing true clairvoyance and are increasingly ready to share your insights into the ancient themes with those around you. Through a new understanding of the spiritual aspects of life, your gifts can bring them a renewal of faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life that has been given to all of you. As soon as what you are giving has sunken sufficiently deep into their consciousness, they too will be thinking and saying to themselves: ‘Everything will come right in the end.’ We assure you that most certainly it will.

‘The time has come for bringing forth, from deep within your own being, the characteristics of your higher Christ nature. They enable you to treat everybody you meet with the love, kindness and respect they deserve as a child of the Highest; whether they themselves are as yet aware of it or not, that’s what every human being is. Through your behaviour no further negative Karma is created by you. When all your remaining karmic debts have been paid, you have reached the top of the mountain of earthly life and will no longer need further lifetimes on your planet. This is how in due course every human being’s Christ nature will save and redeem its lower earthly self. That’s the only way the Christ will ever be able to do this for anyone.

‘With the clearing away of every bit of your negative Karma, it’s a steep road you have to climb that winds its way up the mountain of earthly life. Being well aware how difficult this can be at time, that’s why we are saying persevere, never give up, just keep going. You will get there even though the ascent at times appears to be too steep and high. And whenever you are turning a corner and still cannot see any sign of the summit, rest safely in the knowledge that waiting for you at the top are the warmth and light of the Great Sun, the Universal Christ’s realm. In due course every human being will reach it.

‘What good would it be to anyone if you were happy only when things are bright and shining, and become weak and doubtful when they turn dark and threatening? Endurance and steadfastness are the main qualities you need for your spiritual journey, if you seriously wish this lifetime to be the end of your earthly education. Stop worrying about the things that still have to happen to you and your world on the outer plane. Knowing that everything is the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and at the same time a lesson for somebody else, will help you to keep your vision firmly focused on God’s light deep within you. It is this light that enables you to keep moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘At the top of the spiritual mountain of the whole of Creation, not merely of earthly life, in the fullness of time awaits every human being the glory of the conscious reunion with the Divine Sun. When you perceive Its light and feel Its warmth and glow, nothing can deter you from wanting to move forwards on the predestined evolutionary pathway that eventually takes every one of you back to the source of your being. Every fibre of you then begins to yearn to forever feel the glory of Its warmth and comfort. Nothing matters to you any more but this and holding the whole of life in your loving heart, the way God has never stopped doing.

‘Just like you are focussing on the light of the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, who has always been radiating from the highest levels of life, many lifeforms on the Earth are waiting for your light to assist them with their evolutionary journey. God helps you and you are expected to help the lesser forms of life, to look after and care for them. Mother Earth’s nature and animal kingdoms are looking towards humankind for support, the same as you are reaching out to the Angelic realms. Ultimately, each one of you is responsible for the wellbeing of your whole world and all its kingdoms. With every loving thought you radiate into your world you are helping someone who is less highly evolved than you are. Even the tiniest lifeforms are constantly striving upwards towards God’s light, the same as you have always done.

‘Whatever still has to happen in your world, bear in mind that God does not hurry. All of us are God’s children and have to accept the wisdom of the Divine developmental pace. Therefore, do not lose patience with the project in hand and pursue lighter amusements and interests. If you did this, you would be wasting the rest of your present earthly lifetime and the possibilities for making good spiritual progress. In that case, when you entered into your next earthly sojourn the process of learning the lessons of patience and calmness of spirit would have to be started all over again.

‘Wise ones keep on keeping on. Their hearts filled with gratitude and trust, they are walking their predestined path and are feeling safe in the knowledge that, however long their road may still be, eventually they will receive their reward in the form of unheard of achievements and the completion of their earthly education. They know that waiting for all of you at the end of this particular part of your evolutionary expedition is the kind of happiness that earthly life cannot provide and a peace that nothing in the whole of Creation will ever take from you.

‘We are bringing you the truth as we know it at this particular moment, i.e. what has been given to us by the Angels in charge of you and your world and us and our world. They are the ones who, at any given time, decide which part of God’s sacred wisdom and truth should be revealed to you and how much of it is appropriate for the time of its publication. You do not have to take our word for anything we are presenting to you. If you pay attention to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, you will know which parts – maybe even everything – is right for you and waiting to become part of your truth.

‘Every human being is destined to evolve into a seeker of God’s wisdom and truth as well as a healer and lightbringer in their own right. We appreciate humankind’s great hunger and thirst for this kind of information, but nonetheless advise you not to endlessly devour spiritual publications. Regardless of how old they are and who brought them into being, take care to reflect on what is before you and in your daily encounters use the parts to which your inner guidance responds with: ‘This makes sense; it is the truth.’ That’s the only way anything can become part of your truth and spiritual property, the only things you can take with you into Eternity.

‘In your role as aspiring healer and lightbringer you are meant to add your own reflections and insights onto the knowledge that has come your way on the road of your own healing journey. Share it with as many as possible, so they too can find out how to help themselves overcome their difficulties. Do your best to walk your talk and distribute nothing but the truth the way you understand it, like we are doing. Not merely dabbling at spirituality but seriously devoted to this pathway of life. This enables God and the Angels to work through you and do whatever is necessary for the blessing and healing of every part of your world.

‘When you work in this manner, nothing but the truth can return to you. Through this the truth becomes ever more powerful in your world. As it spreads and gets an ever firmer grip on your race’s individual and collective consciousness, it grows into an increasingly dominant force that slowly but surely absorbs more and more of the remaining untruths, lies and deceptions of your world into itself and transforms them into blessing and healing energies that flow to wherever they are needed.

‘Your most urgent requirement for the ascent of the spiritual mountain of earthly life are steadfastness and perseverance. These characteristics are taught by Saturn, the co-ruler with Uranus of Aquarius. Saturn represents the aspect of the Divine stern schoolmaster. Teaching humankind the skills of self-discipline and self-mastery over the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature is the main task of its energies. They are the keeper of the gate to the Aquarian Age. For every human being Saturn’s role in the end changes from that of the teacher into the rewarder, who bestows its finest gift upon anyone who freely and willingly submits themselves to its demands and shows that it has learnt its lesson by constantly practising the Saturnian skills.

‘One of Saturn’s most outstanding qualities is a natural ability to work your way patiently and steadily, hand over hand and with the necessary caution, towards a distant goal. Your whole world’s goal is to evolve into a place where honesty and truth rule supreme, and all nations and their people live together in peace and harmony. Saturn supplies you with the perseverance and stamina it will take to make this dream a reality on the Earth.

‘Because Saturn is also the planet of Karma, many of you have brought their most ancient karmic debts with them, in the hope of being able to redeem them. That is why so many of you are struggling under this burden. But we are here to help; all you have to do is ask. Nothing but keeping on keeping on is good enough for any of you, irrespective of what events may still have to take place in your world for the individual and collection making good of your karmic debts. Some of them could have been incurred thousands of lifetimes ago during the earliest stages of your earthly education. Their redemption had to wait for the time when you had become sufficiently evolved and therefore strong enough to cope with what your life was presenting to you. If this applies to you, keep on keeping on, safe in the knowledge that things are going to come right for you in the end. You will then be able to see for yourself that every bit of your present efforts and possibly sacrifices has been well worth making.

‘Experienced and highly evolved souls for their final lifetime on the Earth choose a pathway that is strongly under the influence of the Saturnian energies. Their birthcharts reflects this. The result is a difficult one that is strewn with the rocks and boulders of constant tests and trials that are coming your way. When you are working your way through one after the other, your earthly self finds it hard to accept that you yourself chose this road. You ask yourself: ‘How could I?’ But it is the truth nonetheless. This particular pathway was suggested to you by the wise ones in charge of you in our world. You agreed because you then knew that if you mastered such a lifetime, you would prove that you are ready to be released from the lessons of earthly life and being released into continuing your studies by exploring more advanced levels of life.

‘You were unafraid because you knew that the Angels and other spirit guides and helpers would be with you to show the way and that whenever things turned out to be too difficult to cope on your own and you could do with some help, all you had to do was ask for it. Unfortunately, your earthly self was unaware of these things when it entered into its next lifetime and it would take a long time until it became aware of them again. That’s how it came about that you yourself chose Saturn as your main teacher.

‘We have come to help you understand that this was an exceedingly wise choice, as nobody enters into the Aquarian age’s freedom from oppression and yokes of all kinds, especially religious ones, without first having acquired Saturn’s sterling characteristics. To assist you with this task, ever since our entry into the new age, God and the Angels through the energies of Saturn and Uranus have been working with steadily increasing strength to bring about the necessary changes in the individual and collective consciousness of your world. They are also providing a plentiful supply of the required courage and strength.

‘The Age of Pisces by now lies well behind you. It has been a time of lies and deceptions, violence and crime, warmongering and unspeakable cruelty of human beings towards each other, especially in the name of religion – not of God. That’s a concept the main religions of your world fail to understand to this day. Everything that happened has prepared your world for the new religion of the Age of Aquarius:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Even though this religion is based on Christianity’s Jesus legend, God’s sacred wisdom and truth cannot to be found in its surface words, but has always been hiding in the higher esoteric meanings behind them. What you are looking at is not really a religion but an abiding faith that is based on a deep inner knowing of the truth and a trust in the goodness of life which is indestructible and cannot be harmed or destroyed, not even shaken, by anyone or anything.’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Programming The Subconscious Mind’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’

Six pointed Star

Searching For God

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Searching For God

  I searched, but I could not find Thee.
I called Thee aloud, standing on the minaret.
I rang the temple bell with the rising and setting of the Sun.
I looked for Thee on the Earth.
I searched for Thee in the Heavens, my Beloved.
And at last I have found Thee –
Thou art the pearl of true love that for so long had to
Remain hidden in human hearts.

Freely and willingly I surrender my whole being to Thee.
Thee I serve in all my daily encounters by
Thinking, speaking and acting with
Compassion and tolerance, patience and love,
And simple human kindness.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’

Six pointed Star

Change Our World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Change The World

If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.

Sri Chinmoy

If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.

As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.

This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.


Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Change Our World’

Six pointed Star

Only A Shadow

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Only A Shadow

The love I have for You,
O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life,
Is only a shadow of Your love for me;
Only a shadow of Your love for me,
Your deep, abiding love.

My own belief in You, my Truly Beloved,
Is only a shadow of Your faith in me;
Only a shadow of Your faith in me,
Your deep and lasting faith.

My life is in Your hands,
My life is in Your hands.
My love for You does grow, my God.
In me Your light does shine.

The dream I have today, Great Spirit,
Is only a shadow of Your dreams for us and our world,
Only a shadow of all that will be,
If we but follow You.

I dream of Mother Earth as a place
That is at peace, where sickness and hunger,
Warmongering, trouble and strife,
Lying and cheating, greed and corruption,
And even death have been overcome.

The joy I feel about this, my God,
Is only a shadow of Your joys for us,
Only a shadow of Your joys for us,
Now we are meeting face to face.

Carey Landry
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

God,  Speak To Me

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life - God, Speak To MeA little child whispered: ‘God, speak to me.’ And a meadowlark sang. But the child did not understand that this was the voice of God, so it spoke louder: ‘God, speak to me!’ A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky and thunder rolled through the valley. But the child still did not understand, so it looked around and shouted: ‘God, let me see you.’

A star shone brightly, but the child did not notice. In desperation it shouted: ‘God, show me a miracle!’ A new life was born, but the child could not recognise that this was another one of God’s responses, so it knelt on the Earth and prayed: ‘Touch me God, please let me know you are here and with me! Give me just one sign!’ In response God sent a butterfly that came to sit upon the child’s shoulder. Disappointedly, the child brushed it away and walked off, muttering to itself: ‘I knew it! There is no God.’

It’s worth our while to pay attention to what is happening around us and take time to watch and listen, because that which we are seeking is frequently meant to be found just where we are. The trouble is that in many cases we are too blind to see it. Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, please grant ever more of us the gift of the inner vision to perceive the many blessings that are all around us, even though at times they may be presenting themselves in a different manner from what we had hoped for.

An Old Hindu Poem
Retold by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
 ‘And A Meadow Lark Sang’

Six pointed Star

The Lark’s Message

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Message Of The Lark

The symbolism of the lark has been popular in literature, song and mythology as well as in some of the religions of our world for a very long time. All species of larks occur in the old world and also in northern and eastern Australia, but the only true North American one is the horned lark. It carries this name because of the black stripes underneath its eyes. The meadowlark also inhabits North America, although it is more closely related to the starling, it is nonetheless regarded as a lark. The habitats of these birds vary widely and many species seems to prefer dry regions.

The cheerful little creature, singing its heart out whilst ascending into the sky, sometimes stands for daybreak, like in Chaucer’s ‘The Knight’s Tale’: ‘The bisy larke, messager of day.’ And Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29: ‘The lark at break of day arising, from sullen Earth, sings hymns at Heaven’s gate.’ Watching the lark’s typical behaviour, it is not surprising that the bird has often been associated with lovers and the observance of love, and also with church services. Sometimes daybreak took on a religious colouring, for example in Blake’s visions of the Daughters of Albion, into a ‘spiritual daybreak’. On other occasions it appeared as a symbol of humankind’s passage from Earth to Heaven and from Heaven to Earth. For some of the Renaissance painters, for instance Domenico Ghirlandaio, the lark symbolised Christ.

Larks are known for their melodious song. They only sing during their upwards flight, unlike most other birds who only sing when perched. This way of singing reminds us to look for cheerfulness and joy in our earthly existence. Larks are also very good at mimicking other birds’ songs. Maybe this is why larks have represented messengers in mythology and the older religions of our world. In Lakota/Dakota myth, larks were the messengers of the God Itokaga or Okaga. This God represented the south wind. South is the direction of the Sun, the bringer of light and warmth that gives and supports all life on the Earth and the meadowlark is associated with all these things. It is also believed to act as a woman’s medicine that brings the gifts of beauty, fidelity, happy marriage and fertility. Encountering a meadowlark is believed to be a bringer of abundance and a rich harvest, and is therefore good news.

All birds are messengers from the world of spirit. The bird’s behaviour is one of the ways the wisdom of the Great Mother tries to tell us something about ourselves and our predestined pathway through life. To me, the lark represents the human spirit that like a stone drops from the Heavens, the higher levels of life, and form there descends into Earth life. Just before crashing into it and being killed by it, this bird shows us how the spirit is capable of catching itself. Becoming aware of its true nature again, it realises that human beings too can grow wings of a very special kind and sing. And so, with a song of praise the spirit ascends to the higher and highest levels of life. Jubilantly it rises towards Heaven to be reunited with God and healed. Lifetime after lifetime we descend to Earth life and at the end of each one of this sojourns we go home and ascend into the world of spirit.

When the lark enters our field of vision, the way it is doing here, it has a special message to convey. The creature asks us to refuse to be dragged down and crashed by earthly concerns. It invites us to recognise them for what they truly are, namely studies that will only continue until every one of their different subjects has been sufficiently absorbed and understood by us. The lark then brings us a reminder to unfold our wings to lift ourselves above Earth life and perceive a greater view of the whole of life, so that with a song of gratitude and thanksgiving in our hearts lift not only our own spirit and soul, but those of our whole world, into the heartmind of God, the Heavens.

Some larks have a crescent shape across their breasts, which is thought of as signifying the lunar qualities of the bird. Astrologically, the Moon is linked with the concept of the small earthly self and its personality and the lark can be an indication of the inward journey that is necessary for the discovery of the hidden self, whose symbol is the Moon, with its light and dark invisible face. This goes hand in hand with the lark’s ability and our own for singing. As this activity can be a reflection of our deep inner self, some people believe it should only be done in private. For the exploration of this part of our nature the lark encourages us to practise letting the song of our heart and soul rise into the heights.

So, let’s have a go at this and through it tune our hearts and our innermost transmitter/receiver station into the frequency of the Angels, who are in charge of us. It has always been their task to bring the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth to us and our world. The Angels know the plan of life and us intimately. They are the ones who decide how much of the Divine wisdom and truth should be revealed at any given time.

They also have the power of granting us the gift of understanding, inspiring us and showing us how we can do our share of making our world a more peaceful and enjoyable one for all its lifeforms. Every small effort one of us makes to rise above the desires of their lower earthly nature is an invitation to the Angels to fill our hearts and souls, and every other cell and atom of our whole being with the love and wisdom of the Great White Spirit, of whom they are as much a part as we are.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Lark Ascending’

Six pointed Star

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Wisdom from the Tree of Life

Agreement 1: Be impeccable with the use of your words and speak with integrity. Walk your talk and say only what you mean. Avoid using words that work against you, refuse to indulge in gossiping of any kind and use the power of your words for speaking the truth and of love only.

Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others are doing is really because of you. What they say and do is based on their personal evolutionary plan of life, their perception of the realities of our existence and their dreams, not yours. By making ourselves immune to the opinions and actions of others we avoid exposing ourselves to unnecessary suffering. This is particularly useful when it comes to forgiving someone. Realising that it is our small earthly self’s ego that occasionally gets hurt and never the great ego of our Highest of Christ Self, in whom we are all one, makes wise decisions whether to participate in other people’s ego games or not easy.

Agreement 3: The Age of Aquarius is with us and the Age of Pisces, the age of dishonesty and deception, is over. Aquarius symbol is the Divine Waterbearer, who pours the cleansing and healing waters of wisdom and truth into the consciousness of  every individual human being and our whole world. We have reached the age of  wisdom and truth, which the Angels are waiting to bring to each one of us intuitively, through our inner guidance, directly from the heartmind of God, the source of our being. The time is over for assuming and accepting things at face value, the way we were frequently forced to do in the past. Let’s now enjoy digging deep into things to get to their roots and find out whether they really are the way they were once presented to us. Those that really are, why are they that way?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us: ‘To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the Sun.’ As the time for finding the truth has come, let’s no longer make assumptions. Yet, whenever we are tempted to do so, we need to remind ourselves that assuming something frequently makes an ‘ass out of u and me’. As aspiring healers and lightbringers we are in this life to courageously ask intelligent questions that express clearly what we wish to know. This helps to avoid the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the sacred texts that for long enough have been the cause of all the pain, sadness and suffering of our world. Wise ones who follow this rule have excellent potential for turning into the great transformers of our world. Hand in hand with God and the Angels they have the power of changing it into a place of beauty, peace and harmony.

Agreement 4: Wise ones do what they can and give of their best, even though this is likely to change from moment to moment. Naturally, it’s different when they are healthy from when they are sick. But no matter what happens to them, they do their best under all circumstances and trust God and the Angels that they are going to do the rest, as they surely will. This saves them from self-judgement, self-abuse and regret, and the Universal laws are seeing to it that in due course nothing but more of the same can return to them.

Don Miguel Ruiz
From ‘The Code For Living’
Edited by Aquarius

Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz (born 1952), better known as Don Miguel Ruiz, is a Mexican author of New Age spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts. His teachings are significantly influenced by the work of Carlos Castaneda.

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind

The following is the essence of a teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris Aug/Sept 2007: ‘If there were no darkness in your world, the light of Sun, Moon and stars would be invisible to you and you would have no idea of their existence. And without having walked in the darkness of not knowing God’s true nature and your own, feeling so frightened, lonely and desperate about the state of your world that you got down to your knees and called for help from somewhere, you would never have realised that there is much more to you and your earthly existence than you ever thought possible, and that there is world of spirit in which Angels and Masters and other spirit friends and helpers have for a long time been waiting for your call.

‘Our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient and has designed a great plan for the whole of life and also for your life. These plans are unfailing and nothing and nobody in the whole of Creation will ever be able to interfere with their unfolding. Nothing is outside the will and power of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the same as out of the reach of the wisdom and love of the Great Mother, the Goddess. The Angelic hierarchy is the executor of all plans and responsible for all of them. they are the Highest Forces of life who never allow the reigns of God’s Creation to slip out of their hands.

‘Whatever happens in your world is part of the Divine plan and that includes the major catastrophes it has experienced. One of the finest examples for this is the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction of the dinosaurs. It took place approx. sixty-six million years ago and marked the end of that period, when all dinosaur groups except the neornithine birds were wiped out. The Plesiadapiformes contain the ancestor species of all primates, therefore humankind’s. These forms of life first appeared soon after about three-quarters of plant and animal species, including most dinosaurs, had been removed from the Earth. It happened because one chapter of Mother’s Earth’s development was closing and a new one was opening.

‘The Earth has seen many golden ages. Every twenty-six thousand years a new great unfoldment of all your planet’s inhabitants takes place. The dinosaurs were wiped out to prepare for the birth of humankind. Each one of you has the power to ensure that no disasters of this nature will ever be necessary again. Our bringing of ever more of God’s light in the form of His/Her sacred wisdom and truth places the instrument for making your contribution to this into everybody’s own hands. The more you share the knowledge we are bringing you with those around you, the more of the Christ light enters not only the cells of your own physical body but also those of Mother Earth’s physical manifestation. This speeds up the vibrations of the light she is made of and through this she becomes increasingly etherealised.

‘The Legend of the sinking of Atlantis was written by the Greek philosopher Plato, 428/427 or 424/423 BC to 348/347 BC. He received his inspiration from the Angels, the same as everybody and that on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds from each other. The Atlantic story is an allegory of the disastrous effects the abuse of power when used for selfish purposes can have. But even if the place had ever existed, its disappearance would have been part of God’s plan. The same applies to what once was presented to your world through the Abrahamic religions as ‘The Fall of Humankind’. It is another event that is but a metaphor, in this case for humankind’s appearance on the Earth. This development could only start when the planet’s evolution had progressed sufficiently to be ready for the creation of a new and very special species. In the fullness of time each one of the members of this race would develop the qualities and characteristics, including the intelligence of their Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. And it would take a long time until they were to become aware that in truth they are God’s beloved children of the Earth.

‘This process started very quietly when the Angels introduced sparks of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights, into the cells and atoms of the physical bodies of a type of animal that had already evolved for this purpose. From the word go the spark would be reaching out and attuning itself to the heavenly light of its Creator and begin to grow. The evolutionary plan for this new species provided that after a while they commenced to walk upright and get around on two feet. This freed their hands adapting themselves to their environment. After millions of years in Earth terms many of these creatures would have reached the end of their earthly education.

‘Encouraged by the religions of their world, the first stage of their curriculum would consist of plundering and raping the planet of its resources. However, in the end during the final phase of their earthly education every one of them would evolve into the planet’s guardians and caretakers. The tests and trials that are presently coming your way are part of your final examination and the way you are handling them are showing the wise ones in charge of you in our world whether you are ready to be released from the need for further lifetimes on the Earth. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing all we can to help you work your way through the obstacles that are coming your way.

‘In the run-up to the previous golden age, around twenty-six thousand years ago, many who are now residing permanently in our world took advantage of the opportunities that are always available for everybody at special times like these. There have been many of them since the human race appeared on the scene to assist Mother Earth with the next stage of her evolution. Should yours have been and maybe still is a particularly trying lifetime, stop grumbling and rejoice. If you play your cards right, the end of your need for further earthly lifetimes could be much nearer than you may think possible at the moment. On the advice of the wise ones in charge of you in our world, you agreed to their proposal of this particular pathway. You did this because at that time you knew that we would be with you, and that, from the spiritual background of your existence, we would support and encourage you as much as we are allowed to do. The most difficult part was helping your earthly self to become aware of our presence and good intentions.

‘It is for three reasons why human beings choose particularly difficult lifetimes. The first one is that you are an old and experienced soul and you are strong enough to tackle just about anything that comes your way. Second, the pathway you chose will allow you to attend to every one of your karmic debts, hopefully even the most ancient ones. Third, by the time the end of your present earthly sojourn comes round in the natural course of events, you will be so fed up with struggling that you are not going to find it unnecessarily difficult to give of your best to conclude this part of your spiritual development. In that case, as soon as your physical body has been returned to Mother Earth, which happens for everybody when the purpose of their present lifetime has been fulfilled, you will be released into continuing your studies on the next higher level of your personal evolutionary spiral of life.

‘Our task is to help you become aware of these things, so that you can take advantage of what is on offer to you, if you so wish. We hope that you will seize it and in the not too distant future join us, maybe in our beginner’s group. You will be made very welcome, whether you do or do not attach yourself to this group. And you are sure to be surprised about how many of us are well known to you from previous lifetimes on the Earth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘In The Beginning’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind – Part Two

Evolution Is The Law Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Evolution Is The Law Of Life‘The Spirit of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. From Its light every cell and atom in the whole of the physical world was created by a loving thought, will and power of the Creator or God, the Great Father of all life. It was brought into manifestation through his companion and counterpart, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Goddess or Great Mother of all life. The supreme Universal laws are love and evolution, cause and effect. Because the Christ light contains them, so does everything that comes into being throughout the whole of Creation, on all its levels. And that’s why all lifeforms have always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral that winds itself around the spiritual mountain of life. The Divine Trinity is at its top.

‘Naturally, this is also true for every cell and atom of your physical body and, even though they are invisible to your earthly eyes, your spirit/soul. Because of this every part of your being has followed its inner urge to develop and grow. The same applies to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms of the Earth. Deep within the cells of every creature the Divine spark steers the course of its evolutionary journey and what kind of a being it will eventually be. We who are living and working in the spiritual background of earthly life are no exception. The only difference between you and us is that we are dwelling in bodies of a different kind that allow us to freely move around our world. Several different bodies are also worn by each one of you underneath the outer shell of your physical body, the temporary vehicle you require for getting around on the Earth. Your inner bodies are of a different density and the more highly evolved you become, the more they will be filling with the light of the Christ Star. This process gradually allows you to explore the higher and later even the highest levels of life.

‘The original idea of the prototype for each species is programmed into the cells of its physical body, as soon as the first ones appear, for example in the womb of human or animal mothers. That’s how on every level of its being the new creature slowly starts to grow. Its first task is building itself an earthly personality. So that through learning from its own experiences it grows in wisdom and understanding and its consciousness expands, every so often it has to spend of lifetime on planet Earth. Starting at the lowest point of its development, the result is a crude and unevolved human being. Without hesitation it carries out the lowest and most deprived drives and urges that enter its mind and goes around hurting, maiming and killing whatever is not to its liking.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, large amounts of negative Karma are being built up during the early stages for humankind’s earthly education. They are stored in the memories of the spirit’s soul, as if they hade been written with an indelible ink. In due course every bit of these karmic debts will have to be redeemed by the one who created them. That takes place as soon as the earthly self has evolved sufficiently to be strong enough to carry the burden of this self-created cross.

‘Because of the Universal laws God’s justice is so perfect and fair that it is initially hard to imagine in earthly life. But with their help every creature in the course of countless lifetimes gradually evolves into a perfect manifestation of the creative idea that once was born in the heartmind of the Great Father. For human beings this means a whole and holy son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother, i.e. one in whom the opposing forces of masculine/feminine, positive/negative, higher and lower nature have been healed into one. Instead of working against each other, the way they did for a long time in the past, they are then working together and supporting each other. Peacefully and harmoniously, with kindness and love they respond to each other the way God and Goddess are doing.

‘The main Universal law of interest in this connection is the one of cause and effect, also known to your world as the law of Karma. This law decrees that every action causes a reaction and that everything in the whole of Creation will eventually be drawn back to its source. The effect of this is a homing instinct which ensures that nothing and nobody can ever be truly lost in the vastness of the Universe’s space and timeless existence. Every cell and atom anywhere, including those of your physical body and the bodies worn underneath, are made from the same material, the Christ light and are therefore programmed with the homing instinct. That undoubtedly is the most essential part of every spirit/soul’s travelling equipment, which throughout its earthly lifetimes expresses itself as a constant deep inner longing and yearning for the spirit world, humankind’s true home.

‘Your earthly self could be craving for the home of your childhood and your earthly mother even though they were particularly painful and disappointing experiences for you. It may take you a while before it dawns on you that your spirit/soul through the world of your feelings has been trying to comfort you through becoming aware that your longing is for your true home and mother, the spirit realm and the Great Mother of all life. If this is happening to you, it’s a sure sign that your spiritual nature is stirring from its slumber. For you the time has come to find out about God’s true nature and your own, that is God is as much part of you as you are of God. To your amazement you discover that you are a spark of the Divine and that all God’s powers and characteristics are also in you.

‘You will get to know that human beings have been given the gift of freewill and that, within the boundaries each of their own Karma and that of your whole world, are allowed to make their own choices about how they wish to use these gifts. You thank the love and wisdom of the Great Mother for sending you into earthly life, because you realise that if your spirit and soul had never taken part in the darkness of earthly life’s ignorance about its spiritual background, it would have been impossible for you to become consciously aware of God’s true nature and your own, and the special relationship you have always had and forever will have with your Divine parents.

‘As on the inner level everything is one and there is no separation between anything, spending many lifetimes in your own physical body on the Earth was necessary to help you realise that you are an individual being in your own right. The Divine spark within you reacts to being placed on the Earth like any seed that has been sown into your planet’s soil. In the darkness of that existence the seed instinctively reaches out towards the light and begins to grow. The knowledge is gains through learning from its own experiences are the light of the earthly being. With the passing of time the cells of the shell surrounding the spirit seed, your physical body, begin to respond and open to the warmth and light from their Creator on the highest levels of life.

‘What in your world is known as evil in truth merely represents the compulsory lessons for all young and inexperienced earthly selves. In due course the Universal laws return to them the suffering that they handed out so freely and thoughtlessly in previous lifetimes, ignorant of their true nature and that all life is ruled by God’s laws. Finding themselves at the receiving end of these experiences, and when there is nobody and no-one who seems to be able to alleviate their suffering, eventually leaves them no option but reaching heavenwards and pleading for help from somewhere, anywhere.

‘This explains why there are no earthly lives without sorrow and pain. And that’s how from being a minute spark the Divine aspect of ever human being’s nature, in the course of many lifetimes, the upper and lower selves are growing in wisdom and understanding. Their consciousness expands at first almost imperceptibly, but through the redemption of the earthly self’s karmic debts and the suffering it has to endure their developmental pace speeds up. For all of you this continues until you have mastered the earthly plane of life and through your behaviour in all daily encounters are proving to the wise ones in charge of you behind the scenes of your earthly existence that you have evolved into the master of every aspect of your nature.

‘By then you will have developed other bodies or vehicles that are going to allow you to function with equal ease on different planes of consciousness in other parts of the Universe. They will soon be turning into your field of exploration. Now that you are God-conscious, i.e. aware of your oneness with the Great Father/Mother, the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you. Your mind has entered the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age. It consists of allowing you to believe only that which your innermost being, the wise one or living God within, tells you is true. That for you is the truth – even if it is not yet anyone else’s.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind - Part Three

Tenderly Cared For

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Tenderly Cared For

‘The cells and atoms of every physical body, human and animal alike, is created through condensing the light of the Christ Star to a sufficient density that they appear as matter that is visible to earthly eyes. A number of different bodies are worn underneath your outer physical vehicle that is required for getting around on planet Earth. The other bodies also consist of the Christ light though of a less condensed finer texture. That’s why they are programmed with the instinctive urge to grow and evolve, the same as everything else that exists anywhere in the whole of God’s Creation. From the moment of your first release – not fall – into earthly life, the Christ or Great light has constantly been drawing you towards Itself.

‘All creatures that share Mother Earth with you are equally loved and tenderly cared for by God and the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm. Assisted by countless friends and helpers on the lower levels of our world, every lifeform is nurtured and protected and its development is unfolding in keeping with God’s great plan of life. For human beings this means protecting you against yourselves, whenever the need for it arises and things are in danger of getting out of hand. As soon as one of you ventures too far from the predestined pathway of your present lifetime, something happens that nudges you back onto it. If there is no other way of getting through to your earthly self, occasionally this has to happen in not too gentle a manner. There may have to be an illness or an accident to wake you up. This is how all of us are constantly provided with the experiences that are right for us at any given moment and that applies to you in your world as much as to us in ours.

‘A special Guardian Angel is allocated to each newly born spirit/soul, who accompanies the youngster throughout the whole of its earthly education. Taking care of you is part of your Angel’s own evolutionary pathway, which it pursues the same as everybody and everything else. Nothing and nobody is excluded from the evolutionary process. And because all of us have been programmed in the same manner, our hopes and aspirations during every part of our education are relentlessly reaching forwards and upwards. This is also true for you, even though for a long time you are likely to have been unaware of what was happening to you.

‘For every one of us, you in your world and we in ours, reaching out towards the highest levels of life always have been and forever will be our aim. Alas, during the first stage of its earthly education our small selves have no idea that the essence of our being is spirit/soul. This aspect of our being is eternal and immortal, the same as God, and will never die. It takes a long time until you become aware that good as well as evil are part of God’s nature and therefore also yours. In every human being they have always been working like two wheels that eventually melt into one. Good represents the higher evolved Christ nature and evil the lower unevolved part of God’s nature, your own and all life.

‘Since the beginning of human life on the Earth, the lower self’s pathway of suffering has activated the higher aspects of everyone’s nature. That’s how, with the passing of time, together they are moving the small self forwards and upwards on its predestined pathway. This continues until the higher nature has taken over its lower counterpart and together they have evolved into a healed and perfect son/daughter of God, a Christed one in its own right.

‘And because on the inner level there is no separation between anything, each time another one of you is coming home into their true nature and through this the two parts of your being are healing into one, all of humankind and your whole world are healing with you. That is the hidden esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Christian teaching that all people shall be raised up to the Son/Sun. It means that in due course every one of them will evolve into a Christed who is consciously taking part in the radiance of the Great Light and helping it to manifest its beneficial influence on the Earth.

‘But for a moment let’s return to the newly born spirit/soul. Unconscious of its uniqueness and that it is a very precious and potentially highly talented individual, it enters into earthly life for the first time, unaware of the fact that the essence of its being is a masculine spirit and a feminine soul. And because the two are inseparable, the same as God and Goddess, from now on we shall be calling them spirit/soul. To help them become aware of their individuality from time to time this unit finds itself temporarily clothed in a physical body. At first the two are at loggerheads with their earthly self and for as long as they are longing to return to their source, their lower counterpart can make no progress on its predestined pathway other than learning all it can about its own nature and its environment.

‘When the time for discovering its spiritual nature and the background of its earthly existence has come for the small self, the Angels are guiding it towards finding out about its Divine origin and the wise one or living God within, its inner teacher or intuition. This brings with it the realisation that good and evil are two aspects of every human being’s nature as well as all life, and that good is the Christ part of its own being who has always longed for its counterpart, the small earthly self, to wake up from its slumber and become aware of who and what it truly is.

‘The Sun in your birthcharts is a symbol of your Highest or God Self, the Christ spirit in whom we are all one and whose light is persistently drawing all lifeforms towards itself, including earthly ones. Every creature anywhere is tenderly cared for by the Great Father/Mother of all life. The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life are in charge of their development and on the lower levels of the spirit world countless friendly guides and helpers are serving them. All together these beings have always been steering every human being through the inevitable highs and lows of their earthly existence, complete with its emotional whirlpools, traps and crevices. Sometimes you have to walk or fall into one of them for a while. But do not worry unnecessarily when you do. Trust that the invisible hands of your spirit friends and helpers will forever be there to pull you out and place you onto a smoother stretch of your predestined pathway.

‘That’s how every human being, and once more we remind you that we too belong to this species and once walked the Earth just like you are doing now, is at all times moving round and round the zodiac. Each can only learn from their own experiences which are taking you through every one of its signs and houses. During the first round you are getting to know the lowest and most negative aspects of each Sun sign and house. But each new round takes you one level higher up the evolutionary spiral of life. In this way everyone’s development is slowly but surely constantly moving upwards and forwards on the road that in the end takes all of us to the top of the spiritual mountain, i.e. the conscious reunion with God.

‘In this manner one earthly lifetime after another every spirit/soul receives its nourishment from the Divine light and is drawn to it that bit closer. Through this the strength of the spark’s light in the cells of your physical body steadily increases. And that’s what, with the passing of time, brings about the awakening of your Christ nature. When this is going to happen for each individual is part of God’s plan for that person’s life which is designed whenever a new spark is born.

‘Never forget that every one of us, you in your world and we in ours, is a unique and very precious creature. Irrespective of where anyone may presently find themselves on their individual learning curve, the highest and the lowest are treated with the same love and respect all of us deserve equally as a Divine spark and child of the Highest. Every moment of our existence we are tenderly cared for and provisions are made for our true needs. And whatever may be required for your lessons, in keeping with God’s plan for you within the great plan of life, when the time is right it does appear without you having to ask for it.

‘All of us are also specially gifted in some way. When you become aware of your true nature and the higher purpose of your existence, it may dawn of you that you could have gifts and talents you have not yet recognised. They could be waiting to be unearthed, taken possession of and developed to full blossoming by you. The best way of finding out whether this is the case for you is by paying attention to your inner guidance and taking an interest in the things and themes you feel naturally drawn to at the time of your awakening.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Stargazer’s Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind – Part Four

The Revolution Of Peace

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - The Revolution Of Peace‘Naturally, the human evolutionary journey has to start at the lowest point of the upwards winding spiral of life and the lowest unevolved aspects of your nature had to be explored first. At the outset of your travels you were at the giving end of the experiences that go with this part of your development. When the Karma that was thus created returns to you, you find yourself at their receiving end. Initially, the aims of everybody’s lower self for a long time are in polar opposition to those of their higher or Christ part of their nature. This, however, changes so profoundly when it wakes from its slumbering state that you look with horror at the things you are likely to have done during past lifetimes. Eventually you will have only one desire and that is to make good and redeem yourself where you once sinned. Freely and willingly you then surrender and submit your whole being to the will and desires of your Highest Self, so it can show you how to go about it.

‘Your Highest Self is the pure Spirit of God, in whom we are all one and who has always been working with every one of us, Its lower earthly self by steering us through the unavoidable dark and ugly parts of our early development. However, as soon as one of the earthly selves has learned to work harmoniously with its higher nature, the suffering on the cross of earthly life is perceived in the right light. Whatever happened in the past and still has come your way in the future, are no longer rated as suffering but as necessary developmental stages and passing phases that served the paying of your karmic debts and redemption.

‘The so-called fall of humankind always has been a metaphor for the evolutionary process that demands that every human spirit/soul for a while takes part in the school of earthly life, in keeping with God’s great plan of life. The ultimate purpose this education provides is the realisation that we are individual beings who from time to time take part in earthly life for a while to become familiar with every aspect of its nature. During the later stages this includes changing the weaknesses of your lower earthly nature into strengths and adjusting your desires to those of your Christ nature.

‘The higher purpose of that which is known as darkness and evil in your world is the bringing forth of goodness and light. Hence the old wisdom of: ‘Out of evil cometh good and out of darkness cometh light.’ In the beginning there was darkness and God said: ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light.’ Spiritual knowledge and understanding are light and ignorance is darkness. Ultimately, all dark and inharmonious conditions in earthly life are for humankind’s highest good and greatest joy because their intention is always to teach them something. Rest assured that there is a great plan of life and that it is held safely in the loving hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. The Angels and Masters of the Christ circle, the highest level of life, are its executors and in charge of it.

‘Nothing happens outside this plan and a wise higher purpose has always been hiding behind everything that happened on the Earth plane and to this day is taking place there. For every individual soul, as well as for the whole of your world, God’s plan guarantees a final outcome that is fair and just, good and beautiful. And when in the end all evolutionary possibilities have been sufficiently explored, everything that exists in the physical world will be de-created and the creative process starts once more.

‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of friendship and of an ever increasing awareness of humankind’s siblinghood with all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation. This development has been unfolding in your world for quite some time by now. Yet, the gates to Heaven, by which we mean the higher and Highest levels of life, cannot be crashed by anyone. Everybody has to proceed one small step after another, guided and protected by their inner guidance learning to conduct their life in keeping with the Universal laws and to love God’s way, totally and unconditionally, without inhibitions and prejudice against anyone. In this way alone can the rose of love unfold and fully open in human hearts. All of you are walking the same road that in the end leads to mastering the drives and urges of your lower nature and being in charge of the matter of your physical bodies.

‘As time passes by, there will be increasing numbers of surprising events in your world that, when viewed from a purely earthly perspective, will appear like miracles. They are made possible by the light in the form of spiritual knowledge that is increasing your race’s wisdom and understanding which for some time has been flowing into the spiritual darkness that to this day fills humankind’s consciousness. Aquarius is the sign of revolution and one of the Air signs, which are responsible for the development of humankind’s mental faculties. Under the influence of the Aquarian energies a mental revolution has been taking place in your world for quite some time. It has its roots in people consciously changing their thinking and behaviour patterns into more positive and constructive ones.

‘As mentioned earlier, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing – or to say it less politely: ignorance – is darkness. With every new bit of spiritual knowledge you find along the pathway of your predestined pathway through life you are becoming a bit more enlightened being. Through this your earthly existence evolves into a more colourful and interesting one. Many are becoming aware that they may have gifts and talents that could have taken many lifetimes to develop and are still waiting to be discovered by you. With the awakening of your higher nature they are likely to rise to the surface of your earthly self’s awareness. They can then be taken possession of and developed some more. The best way of finding our whether you have any such gifts is following your natural inclinations and consciously working on unfolding what emerges.

‘Even though attending the earthly school of life is compulsory, nobody is ever forced to apply for having another go at it. If during this one you have had and maybe still are having rather a tough time, comfort yourself with the knowledge that you yourself chose this painful pathway. And don’t chide yourself by saying: ‘I must have been crazy! No-one in their right mind would choose a lifetime like mine.’ On the advice of the wise ones in charge of you in our world you did decide to once more pick up the cross of earthly life during these very special times of transformation and humankind’s rebirth into the conscious awareness of its true nature. That’s why a multitude of opportunities for some time has been on offer for those who wish to redeem their most ancient karmic debts.

‘Making this choice was easier than usual because you knew that, if you reacted the right way to the events that would be coming their way, the coming lifetime could turn into the natural end of your earthly existence because it had nothing left to teach you. You would then be ready to be released into the freedom of continuing their studies in our world, exploring and gradually moving onto ever higher levels. Until you have completed your earthly education and passed the final exam of redeeming every last one of the debts in your spiritual bankbook, this is impossible.

‘The main reason for accepting the offer of another earthly lifetime was the knowledge that we, your spirit friends and helpers, would be with you all the way to support you and help you work your way through the tough patches that inevitably would be coming your way. You were aware that your main obstacle would be assisting your earthly self to become aware of its true nature and the spiritual background of its existence, and that whatever it required would unfailingly be provided by the wise ones in charge of it. The only thing it would have to do is ask, as without that no help can come to anyone in your world.

‘Many other spirit/souls came to the same conclusion as you and that’s why your world for some time has been so heavily over-populated. Do not worry about this unnecessarily, as this too will sort itself out in the natural course of events. And don’t be disheartened whenever you have to work your way through periods of despair and darkness. Whatever happens, comfort yourself with the knowledge that much good will come out of everything in the end and that you are clearing up some more of your karmic debts. There is no need for blame, only for forgiveness. What you are going through is a clearing and cleansing process that steadily increases your spiritual stamina and endurance. At the same time it provides you with greater wisdom and a better understanding of the spiritual background of earthly life in general as well as your own.

‘For some time the Christ light has been flowing with increasing force into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. There is good reason for being of good cheer and rejoicing because everything that is presently making earthly life so hard to endure is but a passing phase. It is a preparation for an initiation of such momentous proportions as has never before taken place on the Earth and that is the rebirth of the human race into the conscious awareness of its true nature.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’

Six pointed Star

The Fall Of Humankind – Part Five

Digging For Gold

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind - Digging For Gold‘As pointed out earlier, every one of God’s creatures throughout the whole of Creation is loved and tenderly cared for by the Angelic hierarchy. This applies to all human beings, wherever they may find themselves at any given moment. And it does not make one iota of difference whether you are one of the highest and mightiest in one of the countries of your world or maybe just a gold digger on the Internet or anywhere else in your world or someone on the death row of Sing Sing.

‘If you were a digger who tries to extract money in deceitful ways from anyone who is gullible enough to fall for your sweet words and charms and swallow your tales, your success would depend on the Karma of your potential victims. God and the Angels guide you to the right ones. If someone did something similar to what you are doing now to those around them in previous lifetimes, with their help and will you are going to succeed with that person. The snag is that in one of your coming lifetimes somebody will have a go at you. The likelihood is that you will then have no idea whatsoever why something so unpleasant should be happening to you.

‘Encountering you is an essential part of your victim’s payment of their karmic debts brought over from previous lifetimes into this one. If this is not the case with one of the people you approach, we open their inner eyes and help them to recognise the intentions behind your advances. Yet, if someone is inexperienced enough to put their trust in a person they have never met personally and whom they do not know from Adam, they deserve what comes to them. Their own life’s experiences are going to teach them the invaluable lesson that, unless a somebody who enters their life has proved themselves as trustworthy in the course of many years, trusting them is a mistake. There is nothing wrong with making them. The most painful ones are never forgotten and therefore the best ones.

‘Everything that happens in your world is but a passing phase and part of someone’s life lessons and the balancing of their spiritual bank account. Nothing takes place perchance or is a coincidence. These things do not exist because all events are part of God’s plans of life, the great one for the development of the human race and the individual one for you and this particular lifetime. Should you be one of the before mentioned gold diggers of your world and you are reading this, the time may have come for the waking up of your spiritual nature from its slumbering state. In that case you are meant to start digging for gold that is much more precious than that which is available in earthly life and can be bought, sought and stolen. Golden nuggets of God’s sacred wisdom and truth are waiting to be discovered by you that will open the gates to your conscious awareness that you are an eternal being, who is part of God and can never die. No-one can or will take this kind of gold from you; it is yours forever.

‘Even though for a long time you were unaware of their presence, God and the Angels have always been with you, the same as everybody else. They are part of you and you are part of them. They could not leave you, even if they wanted to – not that they ever will. Because of this spiritually everything has to be for real and there is no point in faking or pretending anything. God and the Angels are the all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears that swing into action when the time is right for the Universal laws to return to you the seeds that were sown by you, either earlier in your present lifetime or during previous ones. And that’s how in the fullness of time everybody receives their just desserts.

‘God and the Angels are constantly guiding and protecting each one of you against destroying the essence of your being, your spirit and soul. They have brought you to where you are now and it is they who have brought this to you. If you understand their message, reach out for them and ask for their assistance. It will never be denied to anyone. Upon request they are ready to show you ways how you, with the help of your own Christ Self, can redeem yourself and make good where previously you transgressed against those around you.

‘God and the Angels will never lead you astray or tell you something that is not true. They can be trusted implicitly. All you have to do is pay attention to what they are telling you through your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, about the next step on your journey of leaving behind the darkness of being ignorant of God’s true nature and your own. The knowledge they are waiting to bring to every human being is sure to cure all of them of the nonsense of fearing God. Once you understand who and what God really is, nothing will ever stop you from loving Him/Her with every fibre of your being.

‘As you know by now, all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in every human being, if for a long time in seed form only. Even though many to this day believe that you are fallen Angels of some kind, this is not the case. It is merely a case of every one of you going through the various stages of their earthly education. Religions have been excellent instruments for taking you and your world through experiencing God’s nature and your own through its crude and unevolved state with the lowest and most depraved desires of the earthly self.

‘The things that to this day are taking place in your world are a demonstration of how some people somewhere to this day are exploring the whole gamut of experiences that everybody’s earthly education requires at some stage. From the highest hopes and aspirations of your Christ nature down to the lowest drives and urges of its earthly counterpart, all of you have to go through them during some phase of your spiritual development.

‘As long as you keep on keeping on, everything will be well in the end.
We are with you, all the way – never doubt it.

With love – your spirit friends and helpers.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘The Value Of Making Mistakes’

Six pointed Star

About Pain And Sorrow

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide - About Pain And SorrowEcclesiastes 3:1-4 tells us that there is a time for everything and for every purpose under the Sun: A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which has been planted. A time to kill and a time to heal. There is also a time for hurting people and a time for being hurt by them. A time for incurring karmic debts and a time for redeeming them. And because the law of life is evolution everything that to this day is evil, wrong and ugly in our world and also in us, in the fullness of time grows into something good, right and beautiful. That’s how the boundless love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life manifests itself throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also in us.

Every human being, without exception, is a beloved child of the Universe. During the difficult and traumatic events in our lives we are paying some of the karmic debts we brought with us either from earlier in this lifetime or from previous ones. Such times are also meant to teach us specific lessons and it’s up to us to work out what that could be. In any case, everything in our earthly existence is but a passing phase. Our human lives are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral in two and a half year circles. When you reflect on your present lifetime so far, you will be able to see how different people were drawn into your orbit and with them your interests and experiences changed. Should you currently be going through a particularly dark and depressing time, I guarantee that you will not always be feeling this way.

God and the Angels, as well as countless other spirit friends and helpers, invisible to earthly eyes, have always been with every one of us; therefore also with you. And because on the inner level of life they are part of us, they know everyone’s troubles and difficulties only too well. They are willing to help us, but cannot reach us unless someone asks for it. Well, why don’t you have a go at reaching out to them to request their assistance? Then sit back and observe what kind of form it may take. It often comes in quite unexpected and miraculous ways. You will be surprised, of that I am sure.

Finding great joy and lasting happiness is every human being’s birthright. In fact, the whole gamut of feelings we are capable of have to be experienced by each one of us at some stage of our development and not necessarily in the same lifetime. Wise ones appreciate that earthly life is filled with rights. But they also bear in mind that every right brings with it duties and that includes having to experience in some of our lifetimes the depths of depravity, pain and suffering. That’s the only way we earthlings can learn about the polar oppositions in God’s nature and our own.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Pain’
•    ‘Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘The Dual Nature Of God And Humankind’

Six pointed Star

Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of GodEvolving into a spiritual Master, each in their own right, and welcoming the Christ Spirit onto the Earth plane is the task that eventually awaits every human being. This is the essence of what the legends of our world have been trying to tell us since time immemorial. This requires walking in the footsteps of someone like the legendary Master Jesus, the symbol of humankind’s higher nature. The journey up the spiritual mountain consists of endeavouring to conduct our lives and behaving in a spiritually impeccable manner that is similar to the Master of the Jesus legend. Even though it seems that we are travelling this road alone, God and the Angels are constantly with us. From the spiritual background of our earthly existence they are observing, guiding and helping whenever a really need for it arises.

During the later stages of our earthly education, when we have become aware of their presence but are still being unable to see them, we can start to consciously walk hand in hand with God and the Angels. There comes a time for everybody when we are willing to unselfishly give of our wisdom and love until every last member of our struggling race has found its way back into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own and has grown into a truly enlightened one.

There is the only way the new and peaceful world humankind has been longing for can become a reality on the Earth and that is through grounding our spirituality by doing our share of teaching and healing, bringing forth the best and the most beautiful that is within us. Wise ones apply their spiritual knowledge to everything that happens in their daily lives and act in keeping with their true nature: love. Each time someone makes an effort to make our world a more pleasant and agreeable place in whatever way possible, in keeping with the gifts and talents they have been developing in the course of their past lifetimes, they are making a valuable contribution towards bringing God’s kingdom down to the Earth.

No grandiose deeds and/or heroic acts are required from anyone. Of far greater importance are simple human kindness and friendliness, respect, tolerance and love for ourselves as well as towards everything that crosses our life’s path. These character qualities are the oil that greases the machinery of all human togetherness and makes it run more smoothly.

For establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth all of us are required to develop their inner resources and psychic abilities to their highest potential. The time may have come for attending to our own psychic gifts  when no satisfactory responses from loved ones in the world of spirit seem to want to come through a spiritual medium, to this day thought of as the conventional channel of communication with this world. The fact that no message will come, although we want them with our all our heart and soul, is very likely a sign from the Universe that we are ready for getting directly in touch with those behind the veil of consciousness. If you are in a position like this and for whatever reasons cannot get yourself to contact a spiritual medium, the link ‘Death Where Is Thy Sting?’ at the end of this chapter may be of interest to you.

God works through people and there is no power outside of or beyond His/Her reach. Because God is as much part of us as we are part of God, all our needs are known long before we have time to realise and voice them. That is why, for as long as a person is still genuinely lost on the Earth plane and in need of answers, God and the Angels will supply them through a spiritual medium. Yet, as soon as we have become sufficiently evolved, the time has come for beginning to advance of our own psychic skills. The channel of communication through mediums is then closed down, never to be reopened.

As disappointing and frustrating as this is to the small earthly self, in truth it is something to rejoice about. It is in fact a notice that our guides and Masters consider us to be spiritually mature enough to turn directly to God and the Angels, to ask for their help and advice. This is never denied whenever anyone requests it, as pointed out in St. Matthew 7:7-8 ‘Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives, and those who seek will find, and to those who knock, the inner doors will be opened.’

As this is a pathway every soul eventually has to walk, why not get on with it, now? In its usual oracular manner the Bible tells us in Matthew 6:33: ‘If you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all of these things shall be added to you.’ Well, what does that mean?

•    ‘If you seek first the Kingdom of God’ – turning towards the all important guidance of our Highest or God Self, the living God within. Looking inwards rather than outwards for their assistance in all difficult life situations.

•    ‘And its righteousness’ – our inner guidance is the only one who is capable of telling what is right or wrong for us in any given situation and what is rightfully ours by Divine decree. We find it by doing the right things, choosing and following only that which does justice to our true nature because it is good, right and beautiful, and letting go of everything else.  

•    ‘And all these things shall be given unto you’ – every one of us has come into their present lifetime to carry some specific task. Do the above mentioned things and everything you are going to need for it will in due course appear. See the link ‘You Are Special’. God and the Angels will show you how to go about it. They are waiting to guide all of us to the people and places where the necessary help can be found for the fulfilling of our greatest dreams and highest aspirations.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

The Duality Of All Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Overcoming Addictions Through Awareness - The Duality Of All LifeThat which many on the earthly plane look upon as ‘afterlife’, in my view, is by far the most important part of humankind’s existence as well as for every other form of life throughout the whole of Creation. My own life’s experiences have taught me that our being here ultimately has no purpose and meaning for as long as our earthly self still lacks the knowledge of its own true nature and the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject. Of particular interest here is the law of evolution with its branches of Karma and reincarnation.

If we were here merely for the survival of the species and there was no such law, our existence would not make a great deal of sense. Is it therefore any wonder that many are struggling to come to terms with it and in their quiet moments are asking themselves: ‘What’s the purpose of it all? What’s the sense in my being here?’ That must be why, to numb the sense of the purpose- and meaninglessness of their lives, ever more are reaching out for the escape route of alcohol and drugs, gambling and over-eating to suppress the feelings that, during days of transformation for our whole world, are rising ever more strongly from our inner world into the earthly consciousness of our outer being.

There are two different types of drugs. The first one can be prescribed by doctors; they are legal to possess when they have been obtained on prescription. Among them are amphetamines, cocaine, dihydrocodeine, heroin, methadone, morphine, opium in medicinal form, pethidine and methylphenidate hydrochloride. Antidepressants, tranquillisers and sleeping tablets also are highly addictive, as you find out when you have got used to them and want to give them up. As a member of the Valium generation, I have been there and have weaned myself twice from them. Valium was once advertised as sunglasses for the psyche and not all addictive. They once were handed out like Smarties by the medical profession. Alas, it took many years until it was officially accepted that the non-addictive claim had been a very false one indeed.

The second category of drugs is known as recreational drugs, i.e. chemical substances that are taken for leisure purposes, rather than medical reasons. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine can be classed as recreational drugs. Initially they are usually taken to provide pleasure or improve life in some way. However, either group very soon can lead to addiction, health and social problems as well as crime. Most of these drugs are illegal, so their use means breaking the law.

The first and most important step on the journey of overcoming addictions of any kind through awareness is the knowledge that life is by no means a one-off experience. In truth it is an ongoing eternal evolutionary journal that serves the wise and higher purpose of eventually taking every one of us back home into the conscious awareness of our oneness with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are our true parents and all of us are parks of the Great Light of their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

The patriarchy with its all-male Divinity and misleading religions lies safely behind us. The Age of Aquarius, the age of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity is with us, and the presence of the Great Mother’s love and wisdom with every passing day is felt some more by our world. The beneficial influence of the feminine creative force of life is becoming increasingly visible and making itself felt on every level of humankind’s existence.

Once again we are allowed to know, the way we did in the times before the beginning of the patriarchy, that the Divine Trinity consists of a Great Father and a Great Mother, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. The Father is the masculine aspect of the creative forces of life. The Mother is the feminine counterpart that balances him. The Universal Christ is the Light of all lights and the Sun above and beyond all Suns, of whose light every form of life in all worlds and all levels of existence has been and still is being created.

The Great Father or God is the masculine will and power aspect of the Divine Trinity. The Great Mother or Goddess, his polar opposite is the aspect of love and wisdom of the Universe. She is the storehouse of all the knowledge and learning that was ever gathered by anyone throughout the whole of Creation. That’s why the Mother is immensely wise and really does know the way of all things. She is the feminine part of the living God or wise one within, who eventually stirs into action in every human being’s inner world.

Fresh creative ideas are relentlessly emerging from the Father and placed in the Mother’s womb. It is Her wisdom that decides where and when old things, if need be whole worlds and all their inhabitants, should be removed to make room for new creations. Something similar happens when another human being is meant to appear in our world. Every woman is a physical manifestation of the Great Mother and every man of the Great Father. The Great Father and Mother are constantly at work in the physical bodies of both genders. Great Mother’s wisdom chooses which egg of the human mother-to-be should be fertilised by which spermatozoa of the man who is going to be the coming child’s earthly father.

Every new child re-enters our world complete with the memories of its experiences of all previous earthly intervals, good and bad alike, and the learning it has been able to glean so far, ready and waiting to be used and worked with this time round. Of special importance are the karmic obligations parent and child have created with each other in previous lifetimes. These things are stored in everyone’s soul and our small souls are part of the Great Soul and Mother of all life. Karmic bonds that were created in the past are of an emotional nature. Acting like shackles that tie us together like iron chains, they can only be removed through resolving any outstanding issues that exist between two people and truly forgiving each other.

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle our world has to offer. Isn’t it a pity that it comes into being without us consciously being aware what is happening on the inner level of life? We have no influence on the outcome of the most life-changing experience as bringing a tiny new creature into being. And without the knowledge of the spiritual background of its creation, we may well ask ourselves: ‘Who is this little stranger I am holding in my arms?’ In truth it is nothing of the kind because we know each other very well from previous lifetimes. Our roles may have been reversed, i.e. the child could then have been one of our parents, father or mother.

This kind of role-playing is agreed in the world spirit a long time before the parties involved are ready to apply for another spell of earthly education. And if we have been a good, kind and loving parent in previous lifetimes, that’s what we are getting in our next one as a child. This is how the unerring justice of the Universal laws in due course returns our thoughts, words and actions to us. When painful and negative experiences are necessary for redeeming our karmic debts, the love and wisdom of the Angels in charge of us are holding them back. It could be thousands of lifetimes into the future until this is the case, but our debts are presented to us eventually. The time is right as soon as we have become sufficiently evolved to be strong enough to carry the cross our earthly self once created for itself.

Everything in the whole of Creation is a manifestation of the Divine duality and we earthlings are no exception to this. All characteristic and powers that are in God are also part of every human being. As sparks of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, for a long time merely in seed form, we too contain energies and potentialities of a masculine and feminine nature as well as darkness and light, positive and negative, active and outgoing, passive and receptive ones and so forth.

In our Creator all polar opposites are lovingly and harmoniously responding to each other and working together for the evolutionary progress, benefit and wellbeing of every form of life throughout the whole of Creation. Each earthly lifetime is a gift from the Highest. It is being granted to help us become ever more aware of our true nature and the polarities within us, so that as soon as possible we can start teaching them how to co-operate the way they are doing in God.

When it comes to comprehending spiritual truths, most important of all is developing the ability to perceive the whole picture. That helps us to accept what comes our way, resting safely in the knowledge that the Divine laws are perfect and at all times are working for the highest good and the greatest joy of all life, even though the result may not necessarily be what suits us. Knowing that everything in the whole of Creation ultimately works for the evolutionary progress of every form of life, let’s be happy and rejoice, giving thanks and praise to the Highest Forces of life that they have always taken such good care of us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Truth About Parents’
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother And The Feminine To Our World’
•    ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Miracle Of Birth’
•    ‘New Hope For Childless Couples’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’

Six pointed Star

Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses

Part One

Rays of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background of Depression & Suicide - Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses

The greatest glory is not in never falling,
But in rising again, each time we fall.

Confucius 551-479 BC

If before God we are all the same and every human being contains everything, the very best and the worst in equal measure, and if everybody is gifted in the same way, why then don’t we all know the same things? Why don’t we all think and behave the same way? To be sure, before God we are all alike and each one of us has been bestowed with the same abilities and potentialities, but initially they are present in seed form only. To become ours, they have to be worked with and developed. And we all perceive matters in different ways because everybody has reached a degree of evolutionary development that is at least slightly different from anyone else’s. This makes it possible for life on Earth to be a school in which all those present at any given time can simultaneously play the role of teacher and/or pupil for each other. Hence the need for some of us to be slightly ahead of the others.

We are children of the Universe, co-creators with God and young Gods in the making. Every one of the powers and characteristics of our Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, are also in us and because everything was created by and is of God that means the very best as well as the worst. All of these characteristics have to be explored and experienced by us, so that we may become familiar with them and make the beneficial ones our own. Can you see why life on Earth is such a tough and demanding school? Nothing that exists here and also in our personal lives was inflicted upon us by some ancestral curse or outside force – known or unknown. Every bit of it was created by each one of us ourselves and there are no exceptions to this.

God and the Angels in their infinite wisdom and foresight help us to bring everything our hearts truly desire into being, so that we should learn something from it and grow in wisdom and understanding. In the course of many lifetimes each one of us can do this only through their own experiences. When the lower and lowest aspects of our nature have been sufficiently explored and understood during the early stages of our earthly education in the infant, toddler and adolescent classes, we begin to prepare ourselves for leaving this part of our development behind for good. In the higher grades of the earthly school of life the focus is on bringing forth from deep within our own being the characteristics of our Christ nature, the highest and noblest parts of our being. Through developing them we gradually become ever more God-like.

When one studies the lives and times of those who came before us during other phases of our race’s evolutionary development, to my mind the right way of looking at them should not be a question of ‘They did this, that or the other. How terrible!’ It was not ‘them’ but ‘us’. There only ever was ‘us’, for we – and by that I mean the likes of you and me – are likely to have taken part in many of the events of bygone days. Lots of those in our midst are very old and experienced souls, who in previous lifetimes reincarnated into some of the most ancient civilisations that ever existed on the Earth and share their habits and religions, their ceremonies and rituals. For good and evil alike, they carried their load of whatever trials and tribulations had to be endured by humankind in those days.

Let’s not forget that every human being, without exception, is a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ and therefore a child of God. And whatever may still have to happen to any one of us, even the meanest and lowest among us is not some kind of a miserable worm or sinner, as some to this day would like us to believe we are. Each one of us always has been and forever will be a student in the great University of God’s Creation, which every so often takes us temporarily into earthly life, no more and no less. In this academy every pupil is constantly in search of consciousness expanding experiences that increases their wisdom and understanding, and that consists of, to paraphrase the words of Yates: ‘The lighting of a fire and not the filling of a pail.’

That’s why whenever someone brings a new item of spiritual wisdom and truth to the attention of wise ones, they listen carefully to what their inner guidance has to say about it in the form of responses received through the world of their feelings. If something is right, it feels right and if something doesn’t fit into their present belief system, they refuse to stick their heads into the sand ostrich fashion and pretend that what they are hearing is untrue and a load of nonsense. They appreciate that it is in the nature of anyone’s spiritual awakening that their existing store of beliefs is constantly in need of updating and expanding. That’s why, whilst searching for growth in wisdom and understanding, they willingly let go of some – maybe all – of their long held and often cherished false beliefs about what truth is, so that they can be replaced by fresh insights and ideas into the concepts that arise as they progress on the journey of their predestined pathway.

Wise ones leave it to the earthly selves of young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who do not yet know any better, to frequently stick their heads ostrich fashion into the sand. Wise ones don’t forget that they too once did this when they could not yet tell the importance of the new parts of God’s wisdom and truth that were coming their way. In those days they had not yet learnt how to discern which of their beliefs were outdated and in need of being replaced by fresh insights. Never mind, it’s all part of the earthly lessons of our youngsters. When they have matured into spiritual adulthood, they too will understand. They will then be able to grasp the meaning of the Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, how it has always affected their lives and that of the whole of humankind.

The youngsters then realise that certain things apply to every human being in earthly life and that only by following them can spiritual progress be made. This means that: we are all responsible for ourselves and also our world; whatever befalls us in our present existence was brought about by the Karma that was created by everyone’s own thoughts, words and actions of previous lifetimes; everything in our world at present was created by all of us together; every one of us is accountable for its present state; and because of this all of us are expected to do our share of putting things right and doing our best to make Mother Earth a more peaceful and harmonious place for all lifeforms she holds in her loving embrace.

Many in our world appear to be as yet unaware that every right they have in this life brings with it a duty. Because of this every lifetime we are allowed to spend on this planet eventually presents us with the moral obligation of doing our best to look after and care for it. We are here to do everything that is within our power to redeem the damage we inflicted earlier in this lifetime and countless others before. Every small effort one of us makes to this end is an expression of our gratitude towards Mother Earth for putting up with our race’s presence, for sharing her abundance with us, for her patience and the hospitality she has always shown us, in spite of our atrocious behaviour towards her.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Thoughts And Words’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘The Power Of Words’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘Positive Thinking’

Six pointed Star

Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses

Part Two

Do Not Look For Scapegoats

 Rays Of Wisdom - Overcoming Depression And Suicide Through Understanding - Do Not Look For ScapegoatsAs a spark of the Divine, every characteristic and power that is in our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, is also in us. Because of this, just like them we are constantly in the process of creating something. This happens with every thought one of us thinks and each word we utter. And when it comes to the things, people and conditions that are causing us most trouble and heartache in our present lifetime, let’s not waste our time on scapegoats and blaming others, especially not God and the Angels or any other unknown force who does not seem to wish us well. It is better by far to take a good and honest look at ourselves, for we ourselves have created these things at some stage of our development.

Don’t be discouraged by this because with the help and will of God and the Angels crooked corners can be made straight and every condition of mind and body, spirit and soul healed. As soon as our Karma allows it, a miracle can be worked by them, but only then. This is a healing journey like there never has been one before and accepting the responsibility for the character make-up of our earthly self and the karmic debts we accrued, with its help in the course of many lifetimes, is the first and most essential step we need to take. And when we shoulder our responsibilities bravely and do our best to restore the balance of our spiritual bankbook, the Highest Forces of life are glad to do the rest. When their conditions have been fulfilled, they then reward us with what on the surface of our earthly existence appears to be a miracle but was merely the result of our work in co-operation with the Angels in charge of our development.

There are no shortcuts on this road, which for some of us can be a painful and protracted one. But if we wish to find healing for our afflictions, whatever their nature may be, honesty and truth are the only things that can help us move forward and upwards on our own individual evolutionary spiral and that of our world. Finding this kind of healing is every human being’s birthright and for each one of us there comes the time when the Divine spirit wakes from its slumber and we slowly become aware that in truth we are a young God in the making. As with the passing of time our Christ nature unfolds, we increasingly look at our own suffering and that of our whole world with compassion and love. The only thing we then want to do is making some kind of contribution towards alleviating and bringing it to its natural end.

The set of parents and siblings the Universe in its great wisdom provided for us for the lessons of every earthly sojourn each time were carefully chosen by the wise ones in charge of us in the world of light, long before we emerged into the next one. We agreed with their suggestions because on the one hand the people were willing to act as our parents. On the other hand their energies, as well as those of the environment we were going to be born into, were compatible with the learning requirements of each. This included that on every occasion the lessons of our future parents were similar to ours. These things are true even if we came through a long family line of alcohol and/or drug addicts, manic depressives or any other kind of affliction.

Let no-one run away with false ideas about the connections every human being has with their forebears and that they have anything to do with the way we are, our thinking and behaviour patterns and everything that is coming our way in the course of our present lifetime. We alone carry the full responsibility for every one of our character traces and afflictions, be they of a mental, physical or spiritual nature. And even though it may often seem as if we had inherited agreeable and disagreeable characteristics, difficulties and limitations, as well as gifts and talents from those through whom we came into this life, every part of it was created by us and is our own doing.

No-one other than we ourselves should either be blamed or take credit for anything. The cross was by no means invented by Christianity. Even though it features strongly in this religion, the cross is the most ancient symbol for our earthly existence known to humankind. And every human being has to carry theirs on their own shoulders in the form of the earthly personality each one of us created ourselves us in the course of many lifetimes. We brought it with us into the present one with the intention of improving it and nobody can do the work this involves for us. And that’s how the Universal law of evolution from the earliest beginnings of humankind’s existence has always affected us, individually and collectively.

It is not surprising that some of the characteristics we have in common with our ancestors show up in our genes, as otherwise we could not have come through them. In particular this applies to our parents who were chosen because they are exactly right for the state of our development at the beginning of this lifetime. They agreed to this arrangement and so did we, a long time ago in the world of spirit. They declared their willingness to be there for us and do their best to support us, in their own inimitable way – sometimes in a positive manner and on other occasions in negative ones – so we would be able to take possession of our strengths and build up on them some more, whilst trying to convert our weaknesses into strengths. If we wish to recognise what our strengths and weaknesses are, it’s essential to look at ourselves with utter honesty.

And when that has been done successfully and we accept the responsibility for the way we are, we longer feel the need to fool ourselves and make up excuses like: ‘Ah yes, you see I can’t help myself. I am this way because my Father and Mother, Granddad and Grandma and so forth made everybody’s life a misery with their drug and/or alcohol addiction/over-eating/violent temper/ gambling/ manic depressiveness/squandering their resources and acting the spendthrift and so forth – the list is endless. Because of the teaching effect these things have on each new generation, negative characteristics frequently seem to jump a generation. For as long as we do not yet understand the processes of life, to our greatest chagrin they seem to reappear in some of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren and not in others. In quiet moments of reflection we could then be asking ourselves: ‘Why has my child or grandchild inherited them, when they have passed me and the others by? How can this be?’

These things happen because a dual purpose of a wise higher nature is fulfilled through the effect unpleasant behaviour patterns of one generation have onto the next one(s). First, the suffering that has to be endured at the hands of the older generation redeems some of the karmic debts of the younger one. Second, and this is even more valuable, through their behaviour the older is showing the younger how it does NOT want to be. And that’s how the Universe in its boundless wisdom and love provides us with an entire lifetime of avoiding to fall into the trap of acting out what we see as the weaknesses of others, whilst transforming them into strengths. The world around us acts like a mirror that reflects our inner being back to us and we can only recognise in others what we ourselves have within. Therefore, when someone’s behaviour draws our attention for good and bad alike, we can rest assured that the same is also in us. Otherwise there would be no need for that person having entered our orbit.

To assist us on our personal evolutionary journey of life, for as long as the residues of difficult behaviour patterns remain in our subconscious, they will continue to manifest themselves time and again in the conduct of those around us and keep on bothering us. The end of this tribulation is near when at last we realise that our world acts like a mirror the Universal Forces are constantly holding in front of everybody’s eyes. And even if we are unable to recognise the challenging aspects of someone else’s personality in our own behaviour, for as long it is troubling us we can rely on it that they are there. If they were not, they would not affect us the way they are doing.

Unless we bravely and honestly tackle this issue in our present lifetime, we shall continue to take the negative thinking patterns that are the root of our behaviour problems with us into all future lifetimes. Until they have been changed into positive ones, they are likely to continue to cause us a great deal of discomfort at the hands of those around us. These things cannot disappear on their own as if someone was waving a magical wand. To shed the unfavourable character traits we observe in others once and for all, we first have to accept that they are also part of us. This moves them into our conscious awareness from where they can be transformed into pleasant ones.

The holding of the mirror before us never was intended to be some kind of punishment. All along it has been the Universe’s way of trying to provide us with as many opportunities as possible for cleansing our consciousness of every trace of our lower earthly nature. When the characteristics that once used to disturb us deeply in others have been released from our consciousness, they no longer upset us unduly when we see them in the mannerisms of others. We can then shrug our shoulders and accept them as part of life’s rich pattern and someone else’s learning experience that fortunately no longer is ours. Smilingly, though not smugly I hope, we can watch them and say to ourselves: ‘Ah yes! Thanks be to God and the Angels that it’s their task now to work on this, their lesson and responsibility, not mine.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’

Six pointed Star

Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses

Part Three

Dissolving Our Karmic Ties

Rays Of Wisdom - Overcomig Depression And Suicidal Tendencies Through Understanding - Dissolving Karmic TiesAmong many other things, the Age of Aquarius is the age of friendship and group activities. But above all things it is the age of truth and the truth of the matter in hand here is that our earthly parents only play this part for the duration of one lifetime. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Great Light of the Universal Christ, is/are our true parents. We come through our earthly parents but we are not of them and we most certainly don’t belong to them. Nobody and nothing in earthly life belongs to one of us earthlings, and each one of us belongs to God. In our present existence everything is borrowed and a loan on time that in due course has to be returned to Mother Earth in as good condition as possible, so it can be recycled when it has lost its usefulness for us.

In the whole of Creation nothing is ever wasted or just frittered away, the way it is frequently done in earthly life. The former applies to our physical bodies, every cell and atom is recycled in some way independent of which method of disposal we choose. Our physical bodies are created by God and the Angels to serve us as a vehicle for getting around on our planet and that for one lifetime only. Our earthly parents did not create us, they merely were the instruments through which God and the Angels brought us into being. Spiritually blood ties are of no great significance when compared with the karmic bonds that are created by us in the course of many lifetimes. They are indestructible. Love and forgiveness are the only force that can dissolve the negative ones. Positive ones of friendship and love are ours to keep in all Eternity. They will never leave us and nothing can destroy or take them from us.

Every member of our family is as much part of our Karma as we are of theirs and the problems we created for ourselves and each other in previous lifetimes are the lessons that have to be tackled in this one by them and us, individually and as a group. Karmic ties are of an emotional nature that draws human beings together like powerful magnets, time and again. There can be no parting of the ways until each has learnt their lesson and solutions have been found for the outstanding issues between two people that may have kept them welded together like cast-iron chains over many lifetimes. Love and thought being the most powerful forces in the whole of Creation, the energies of loving, kind and forgiving words possess a special power of their own. They can bring healing to those who are wounded and in particular to human souls, the most wounded part of every one of us. This power can dissolve even the most difficult karmic ties that ever were created between two human beings.

Kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds are an essential part of developing our Christ nature which provides us with the Divine qualities of compassion, love and forgiveness. First and foremost we have to find them for ourselves and the suffering we created with the help of the thought and behaviour patterns of the past. Then we need to reach out to anyone who trespassed against us, earlier in this lifetime and all previous ones. Kind and loving thoughts and words enter our earthly mind quite naturally after the truth about our true nature, the spiritual background of our existence and that the cause of everything that is presently troubling us was created by us has sunk into our consciousness. We then no longer have any difficulties understanding that it was for wise educational reasons that this kind of knowledge had to remain hidden from our earthly self for such a long time.

Until the final phase of our development has been reached, our Karmic debts are going to keep us firmly fastened to the wheel of our earthly existence. One lifetime after another we then find ourselves either at the giving or the receiving end of one of the many lessons that is compulsory for every human being in the school of earthly life. Our attitude towards our existence and with it our thinking and behaviour patterns need to change. This alone can finally bring the otherwise endless repetition of the Karmic cycles to its natural conclusion. And we are the only one who can change our character, no-one can do the work this requires for us, just the same as nobody can save and redeem us, except we ourselves.

Without being aware of it, we have always been in charge of building ourselves an earthly personality, and the direction in which our destiny flows at any given times lies in everybody’s own hands, but only partially. God and the Angels are in charge of us and they are the admiralty that steers the boat of our life through all its lessons, the highest and the lowest alike. The story that a saviour and redeemer will appear in our world and free us from our sins is only partly a myth and a legend. The God-man Jesus is a symbolism for the Divine spark of everybody’s own Christ nature who for a long time slumbers in every human heart, waiting to come alive and be born.

The tale of the saviour and redeemer was given to our world by God and the Angels, so that during the early stages of our earthly education, we would explore without inhibitions the lower and lowest drives and urges of our small self. That way, no matter now low we had to fall in the course of our lessons, we would feel safe because if we just said we believed in Jesus – whether we did or did not was irrelevant – the Master would take all our sins upon Him and wipe ours away. With a waving of his magic wand all our sins would disappear. He would save those who believed in him and take them to his heart in paradise, while those who refused to follow him had to fry in the fires of hell in all Eternity.

Oh yes, that too has been part of the boundless love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother and the Angels, who have always been providing for the true needs of every one of us. That’s how, each one of us through their own experiences, has always been offered sufficient opportunities for experiencing the whole gamut of human behaviour during our learning curve as physical beings. Starting at the lowest point each one of us, guided and protected by the wise ones in charge of us, slowly has to work their way up the evolutionary spiral of earthly life. When we have reached its highest point, Earth life can teach us no more and there will be no need for further lifetimes here. We are then allowed to continue our studies on the higher and eventually the highest levels of life. That’s how the wisdom of the Highest allows each one of us to learn from their own experiences what good and evil is and what’s right or wrong for us in any given moment. There is no substitute for direct knowledge, so we don’t have to take anyone’s word for these things.

And if, after having imbibed this part of my jottings, you are yearning to free yourself from your afflictions, ask God and the Angels to show you how to go about it. Then let’s keep on keeping on, because just when we think we can go no more, that could be the moment when our Karma allows the reward of a miracle to happen to us. And the learning we have gained from our healing journey is meant to be shared with as many as possible of anyone who is in need of it and spiritually enough  awake to understand how in this way they too can work on bringing about a miracle.

Immer wenn du denkst es geht nicht mehr,
Kommt von irgendwo ein Lichtlein her.

Just when you think you’ve got no more fight,
Out of the darkness appears a light.

German Folk Wisdom
Translated by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents & Children ’
•    ‘The Buck Stops Here!’
•    ‘The Impossible Dream’
•    ‘Good Morning, Starshine'
•    ‘Human Behaviour Is Chosen’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
•    ‘The Fall Of Humankind’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’

Six pointed Star


Rays Of  Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Invictus

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
 * * *

‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

* * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

And yet, it’s good to know that:
The Highest forces of life are steering my boat
And all I have to do is row.
The Great Father/Mother is the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of earthly life.
At the end of each lifetime, they take me home
Into the world of spirit, my true home
Whose harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than any other place I have ever visited.
Each time I drop my anchor there,
The wise ones in charge of me reassure me
That all is well with me and my world,
And forever will be.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary pathway through life,
I am glad to aware that:
I am much more than a mere physical being.
The essence of me is spirit, a Divine spark that is
Part of God, eternal and will never die.
Each time I pass from the earthly plane of life
I am not snuffed out like a candle,
I merely move into another dimension and
A different level of existence, that’s all.

My destiny is a high and holy one.
I shall always be safe and never lost,
Wherever the ocean of my life is taking me.
I am grateful for everything that has been
And sometime in the future will be.
Great Father/Mother of all life,
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Thy wisdom and love.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
•    ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’

Six pointed Star

From 'The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World'

Navigating The Ocean Of Life

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Navigating The Ocean Of  Life

Desire is at the basis of all life and the energies of the planet Mars are the pure creative/spiritual/sexual ones that fuel all your desires and as you are well are of by now there are a great many. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, represents human souls experiencing their primary encounter with life when of necessity all their desires and interests are still focused on themselves. They are propelled into life by the desire to build themselves an earthly personality that will help them to carve out a niche for themselves and maintain it. In the second sign, Taurus, the desire for all the good things of the Earth and especially earthly possessions are explored. In the third sign, Gemini, the soul concentrates this precious energy onto developing its abilities to communicate. In the fourth sign, Cancer, it learns to appreciate the value of home, mother and tradition. In the fifth sign, Leo, it becomes aware of itself and its own creative powers. And so forth.

It is good and right that the human earthly self wants the things of the Earth, but once you have woken up from our spiritual slumbers, you need to learn how to rise above and overcome them. At first the temptations of your earthly nature will continue for some time to rise from your inner self. However, the more you recognise them for what they truly are, i.e. tests and trials that are meant to help you grow, the easier you will find it to resist them. Your present existence is meant to teach you mastery over its lower planes. To achieve this, your spirit has to take charge and learn to ride the earthly nature, instead of being ridden by it.

Your mind and your physical body are like a ship with which you are learning to navigate the great ocean of life. You – the inner self, your spirit and soul – are the captain and you are in charge. But, I am the Admiral of the Fleet, your supreme commander, and each one of you is responsible to Me for their own wellbeing, that of their craft and the state of your world. My laws have always ensured that chaos could never reign on the ocean of life and this will continue forever. As young souls need to take part in all lessons of the Earth plane, once at the giving end and then on the receiving one, in the beginning they remain unconscious of the existence of My laws.

Later, when you have matured and your consciousness has expanded sufficiently, their presence enters into your field of vision. Grasping the necessity for them not only for your own life but for all of it, empowers you to take your destiny into your own hands, though only up to a point. You will always be answerable to Me and the gift of your present lifetime has been granted, so that you may gain absolute control over all aspects of your own nature, feminine and masculine, your earthly as well as your Highest Self.

I am the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Pole Star, whose light consists of spiritual wisdom and understanding. By this beam you will eventually steer your vessel back home into the oneness with Me. Every night before going to sleep and at the end of your present earthly sojourn trust your whole being into My hands, knowing that in all Eternity you will be safe with Me. You are the centre of your own Universe and you are also the centre of My life. All My love, wisdom and power that is reflected in the whole of My Creation is also in you.

Lay your hands trustingly into Mine, so I can teach you how to use all your inner resources wisely. Your earthly self is filled with doubts and fears. When they come to trouble you and threaten to overwhelm you, turn towards Me, your God Self and Divine consciousness. I am with you always and will help you overcome any adversary, even the worst one and that is your small earthly self. Many of the ghosts and the shadows from your past are still waiting to be released, so that the wounds of all lifetimes can be healed. Whenever you are in trouble of any kind, call upon Me and I will show you the way. Walk hand in hand with the Angels and Me once again, the way you used to do a long, long time ago, so I can teach you how to do your share of blessing and healing, saving and redeeming yourself, your world and everything that is in it. I love you all and I bless each one.

It may surprise you to hear that I am longing as much as you are for the moment when all My children of the Earth can receive and comprehend My whole truth. During the spiritual infancy of your race this was impossible, as much of the knowledge you are receiving now would have frightened you to death in those days. That is why I only small part of My truth were given through the teachers I sent to your world from time to time. When you look back, you will be able to see for yourself how, as humankind slowly progressed on the evolutionary spiral, every so often another instructor appeared to relate to you the same story in a somewhat different manner.

This is how it came about that I gradually revealed ever more of My truth to you and your world. By the time I gave you the Jesus legend, many of you had grown into their spiritual adolescence. The stories about the Master’s birth and life seeded into the consciousness of your race some new and essential parts of My truth about the initiations every human soul on its evolutionary pathway eventually has to undergo. Upon reaching spiritual adulthood, you begin to grasp the underlying esoteric meaning of all the teachings I ever gave to your world through fresh myths and legends that from time to time appeared. The degree of understanding of their concepts reveals to the Angels and Me when another one of you is ready to be taught, guided and protected exclusively by Me, your inner teacher and guide, the living God within.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Mystery Of The Oceans’

Six pointed Star

From 'The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World'

The Power Of Thoughts And Words

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Power Of Thoughts And WordsTaking the religious teachings of your world at their face value and believing that every word of them should be understood as being from God and true, for a long time has served the wise higher purpose of making human beings think during the early stages of their earthly education: ‘Great! No need for doing anything. I can satisfy my lowest urges and desire and behave any old way. It doesn’t matter, no-one is watching me.’ The earthly curriculum of young and inexperienced spirit/souls contains that lesson to this day, which was designed that way by the Angels and Me.

However, the small earthly self of every human being eventually reaches the developmental point of waking up from their spiritual slumber and finding out about their true nature and the spiritual background of their  present existence. For quite some time this has been happening to steadily increasing numbers of you. This is an essential part of the long awaited spiritual rebirth and the birth of the true Christ child, the saviour and redeemer of humankind, for whom your world for aeons has been preparing itself. Christianity proclaims it as the ‘Second Coming’, but in truth this is the first coming. The Master Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. The story of his life was merely the birth of a new legend, which the Angels and I gave to your world as a preparation for what is presently taking place. The birth of the legend’s Christ child in the stable, one of the humblest places on Earth, is the symbol of this event and the stable represents all human hearts. Bethlehem is a metaphor for the whole of humankind.

The awakening brings with it the realisation that each one of you through their own thoughts and words are constantly in the process of creating something, like Me. You are personally responsible for the conditions of your life because you yourself created them. And on the spiritual pathway, which eventually takes every one of you back home into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me, there never was any room for easy options and escape routes and there is no substitute for hard work in life on all its levels. Spiritually, everything that happens anywhere in the whole of Creation is for real and has weight and value, and that includes every thought you think and every word you speak.

All of them are noted in the Akashic Records, as you will be able see for yourself when you have once more returned to your true home, the spirit world. As soon as you have rested and recovered there sufficiently from the trials and tribulations of earthly life, the wise ones in charge of your development – with the help of your very own Akashic Record – invite you to take a look at the sum total of the understanding and wisdom you gained from all your lifetimes, including the most recent one. Nobody sits in judgement over you. You are the only one in the whole of Creation who assesses what your weaknesses and strengths are. You decide which lessons you feel strong enough to tackle in your next lifetime and which karmic debts you will try to redeem.

The Angel merely suggests the best ways of going about this, but you are the bottom line. The choice is always yours and nobody ever forces you to do anything. But you know that if you wish to make the progress that is potentially yours, you have to go forward. Wishing to be released from studying in the school of earthly life as soon as possible, so you can continue with them on the higher and eventually highest levels of the spirit world, you agree. And that’s why wise ones in your world, who are aware of what’s at stake, before speaking take a deep breath that allows them to think carefully about what they are going to say. This they do because they appreciate that, even though on the earthly plane words seem to be worthless unless they are followed up by positive and constructive actions, every one of them leaves an impression on the etheric level and weighs either for or against people in the unerring scales of justice of their spiritual bank account.

If you want to establish reliably what is right and wrong for you in given moment, instead of asking other people or looking for books for advice, call upon Me, your inner teacher or guru, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question you will ever care to ask. I have always been with you and for a long time have been trying unsuccessfully to communicate with you through the world of your feelings. I am the small still voice of your conscience. Alas, initially you push Me away, so I cannot warn you whenever you want to do something, which in the final analysis turns out to be damaging and destructive for you. You ignore this voice and the feelings that rise from your innermost being to your detriment, as you are going to discover later. In itself there is no harm in this because it is a valuable part of your learning curve in the academy of earthly life.

But when your spiritual development has advanced enough for you to know about the importance of paying attention to the reactions of your inner world, you discover that beliefs like taking the religions of your world literally and their teachings at face value are no longer valid for you. You realise that they were part of the illusion that humankind’s earthly existence is a one-off affair and that when one of them hands their physical body back to Mother Earth, they are snuffed out like candles. The knowledge that the essence of your being is eternal and immortal and therefore can and will never die, tells you that nothing could be further from the truth. As a result of this awakening your whole attitude towards life changes and with it your thinking and behaviour patterns.

The Angelic hierarchy are the executors of My great plan of life and the small plan for ever individual being within it. The Angels and Masters, together with countless numbers of spirit friends and helpers on many different levels, are in charge of you and responsible for everyone’s development. The degree of your spiritual maturity reveals itself through your thinking and behaviour patterns to those who are toiling without respite for the wellbeing of your whole world and everything that takes part in it, including you. And because they know that the outcome of their soul’s destiny influenced beneficially by even the smallest efforts at bringing forth the best that is within them, wise ones at all times strive to develop the character traces of their Christ nature. Being aware how important every choice they make is, encourages them to stop and think before speaking and swinging into any action.

It has ever been true in your world that in the land of the blind the one-eyed is king. Such people are placed on thrones and declared to be leaders. People willingly allow themselves to be led by your noses and like sheep to the slaughter by them. For a long time that’s much easier than thinking and deciding for yourselves what is right or wrong, but such behaviour seriously hampers people’s spiritual progress. A great awakening is waiting for anyone who is still going for that only apparently easy option, without knowing what they are doing to themselves. And when they return to the world of spirit, at the end of their present lifetime, they are likely to be sad to realise they have been wasting a whole lifetime.

Never mind, they can apply for another one that provides plenty of opportunities for their earthly self to discover – and hopefully that’s what it will do – that there is only one guru in the whole of Creation, who is truthful, utterly trustworthy and reliable, and that this is Me, the wise one or living God within, who communicates with you intuitively. And that’s the long promised world teacher, who cannot be found anywhere in the world around you because connecting with Him/Her is an inner experience. Oh, how I am waiting to be asked by ever more of you, to show you how to sort the wheat form the chaff, and to tell truths from untruths.

A long time ago, I told you through the Hebrew Bible and Christianity’s Old Testament in Psalm 107:20: ‘He sent out His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.’ But before any healing can take place for any one of you through My words, you first have to find out where they are and what they truly mean. This is what, through reading this, you are doing right here and now. The key to unlocking the healing power of the words of your religious texts is the discovery that none of them should be taken literally. Yes, I have tried to communicate with you through them, but their language could only be understood by those who learnt to decipher the higher esoteric meanings of the symbolisms and metaphors the Angels and I have been hiding behind the surface words of our world’s sacred texts.

Until fairly recently they had to remain that way in the many myths and legends the Angels, on behalf of Me, the indivisible Divine Trinity, have been giving to you during the rule of the six thousand years of patriarchy. The Angels and I decided that for this time span the feminine influence would be more effective if it were withdrawn altogether from your world. The most effective instrument for bringing this about were the religions of your world. The truth had to remain hidden in the background of their teachings and would gradually be revealed when the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, had been reached. You would then receive ever more of My wisdom and truth directly from My realms and understand why for such a long time it had to remain hidden in the background of the sacred text, for which the Angels and I provided the inspiration.

I am the Holy Trinity that cannot be divided into separate parts, even though the will and power of My masculine aspect is the God, the Great Father of all life. The love and wisdom of My feminine part is the Goddess, the Great Mother. The spirit of the Universal Christ is My only born Son/Daughter, the Light of all lights and the Sun above and beyond all Suns in the whole of Creation, through whom Father and Mother bring their creations into being. The three aspects of My nature are perfectly balanced and are constantly working harmoniously together. And you are a spark of Me and a ‘chip off the old block’, as the saying goes in your world. Every one of My powers and characteristics are also in you and it takes a long time until you are capable of mastering them, the way I do.

An essential part of My powers is the ability to create through thoughts and words. Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and every word you speak is an outer expression of an inner thought. It is essential for you to become aware that your thoughts are by no means secret, as you would like to think. Because of the imprint they make on the inner etheric level of life they are visible to your spirit guides and helpers. To them it is as if you were shouting your thoughts from the rooftops. That’s why every one of your prayers is heard by those who are working very hard on your behalf in the background of earthly life to fulfil your wishes, whenever possible. It’s just that sometimes for your own protection and highest good, the reply has to be a firm and decisive: ‘No!’ It makes no difference to the wise ones behind the scenes of earthly life whether a spirit/soul is young or old. All of them need their care and attention and receives them, depending on which earthly lessons they are taking part in at any given moment.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Latter Days Of The Law Or The Second Coming’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Birth Of The Christ Child’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘The Power Of Kind Words’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’

Six pointed Star


From 'Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing'

The Power Of Words

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - The Power Of A Kind Word

Words are powerful things.
They are like pebbles dropped into
The vast ocean of human consciousness.
Although what we say is instantly gone,
Its ripples create vibrations that travel on and on
And reach many different levels of life
That are invisible to earthly eyes.

Because of the duality of our world,
Everything is part of two streams of consciousness.
One is light and good, creative and constructive,
Let’s call it the God stream.
Individually and collectively,
It constantly takes us forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.

This stream is balanced by its counterpart,
A dark, destructive and evil one that tries to keep
Us prisoners of the past.
Let’s call it the Devil stream.

Every kind and loving, forgiving and understanding
Word we give to those who are in need of it,
Feeds into the God stream and strengthens it.
And that enables it to absorb some of the
Darkness of the other stream.
This is how, with the passing of time,
Every last shred of the evil of our world
Will be absorbed into the light of the good stream,
To be transformed into blessing and healing energies
By God and the Angels and that
Not only for us and our world,
But for the whole of Creation.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Thoughts And Words’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’

Six pointed Star

From 'Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey'


Rays of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – Progress by Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Let there be many windows to your soul,
That all the glory of the Universe may beautify it.
Not the narrow pane of one poor creed
Can catch the radiant rays
That shine from countless sources.
Tear away the blinds of superstition.
Let the light pour through fair windows,
Broad as truth itself and high as God.

Why should the spirit peer
Through some priest-curtained orifice,
And grope along dim corridors of doubt,
When all the splendour from unfathomed seas of space
Might bathe it with the golden waves of love?
Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths.
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out beliefs
And throw your soul wide open to the light
Of reason and of knowledge.

Tune your ear
To all the wordless music of the stars
And to the voice of nature,
And your heart shall turn to truth and goodness,
As a plant turns to the Sun.
A thousand unseen hands reach down to help you
To their peace-crowned heights.
And all the forces of the firmament
Shall fortify your strength.
Be not afraid
To thrust aside half-truths and grasp the whole.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Six pointed Star

The Awakening

Rays of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – The Awakening

One fine day, though more likely during the cold,
Dark and lonely small hours of a night,
When we are at our wits end,
Trying to make some sense of earthly life
Where too many nasty and downright evil things
Seem to be the order of the day,
Sleep won’t come and we toss and turn.
Suddenly we feel the need to pray,
Even though we’ve never prayed before
And have no idea how to go about it.
The only prayer we know is the Lord’s prayer
And when we quietly say it to ourselves
Over and over again, sleep eventually comes.
And that once was the start of my bedtime prayers.

This is a sign that the Divine spark in our heart
Is stirring from its slumber and
Our superconscious faculties are starting
To open and unfold.
Unbeknown to us, we have reached
The beginning of the end
Of our homeward bound evolutionary journey of
Of being educated in the earthly school of life,
Ready to be returned by our Highest Self into the
Conscious awareness of God’s true nature,
Our own and our relationship with the Divine,
But so far we have no idea that there is
Something like a Higher and lower self.
Time and again our earthly self works its way
Round the whole of the zodiac.
In the course of many lifetimes
We become familiar with the
Negative as well as the positive characteristics
Of every sign and house.
In this process we mature from a beginner
In the earthly school of life into spiritual adulthood.
Old and experienced souls
No longer have difficulties grasping
That every human being is part of God
As much as God is part of us;
That on the inner level the whole of
Humankind is one big family in which
We are all connected with each other.
Because of this, when one of us gets hurt,
All of us are feeling the pain and suffers with them.

During the early stages of our earthly education,
We are disinclined to reach out
For the blessing, healing and helping hands
Of God and the Angels.
Why should we? As we cannot see them,
As far as we are concerned,
They do not exist.
But eventually we reach the point
When our superconscious faculties
Start to unfold.
We find out that everybody
Has an inner teacher and guide,
Who has always tried to communicate
With us intuitively.
Now the time has come for consciously connecting
With this our inner guidance,
Paying attention to and following the advice of
The wise one or living God within,
Who knows the way of all things and
Has the answers to all our questions.

For this is now happening to ever more of us.
The Christ Spirit is the living God within
And the Master Jesus is the symbol
Of this part of everyone’s own nature,
Who is calling the whole of humankind
Ever more urgently to become
Aware that humankind’s true nature
Is love and that on the inner level of life
We have always remained at one with God,
The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator,
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
Who to this day speaks to us
Through the Jesus legend.

Our Divine parents care for us
More than we frequently do for ourselves.
God’s nature is love and so is ours.
Trusting that all is well with the Divine architect’s
Great plan of life and the goodness of
The life we have been given,
Loving it and its Creator with all our hearts and souls,
That alone can bring true and lasting happiness
And the peace we and our world have been
Dreaming of for a long, long time.
Finding it is every human being’s birthright and
The Angels in spirit realm are waiting for our call,
So they can show us through our in-tuition,
The long promised new world teacher,
Our inner guidance,
How each one of us can do
Their share of making it happen.

For a long time God and the Angels have been
Waiting to be asked for assistance with this task.
They are ready and willing to show the way
To everyone who requests it in their times
Of prayers, meditations and quiet reflections.
All we have to do is call.
And that’s why an increasing desire for praying
Fills ever more human hearts to ask for
The healing of our world and
Everything that shares it with us,
So that in God’s way and time
Peace and prosperity may come
To our whole world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Free Will’
•    ‘Obeying The Universal Laws’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’

Six pointed Star

Peace Prayer

Dove of Peace - Peace Prayer - Rays of Wisdom - Relationship Healing

In the cold of an over-materialistic world,
Where many are feeling lost and lonely
I wish you warmth and joy from the knowledge that
These are the days of miracles and wonders,
When ever more of us are once more
Becoming aware of their true nature
And the reason for their being here.

I wish you courage and strength
To heal your own pain and that of others.
May it grow from a steadily increasing awareness that
The love and wisdom aspect of our Creator,
The Great Mother of all life,
Is manifesting herself everywhere in our world.

I wish you a sense of humour and the gift of smiling,
To help you overcome all your fears,
So you can show others how to do the same for themselves.
In the silence of your inner being may you
Be at one with the will and power of the Great Father.
The Father/Mother and their only born
Son/Daughter, the Christ Spirit,
Are as much part of us as we are part of them.
May their highest qualities reveal themselves
In our world through you and your life.

I wish for inner and outer peace in our world.
May it flow from the heart-mind of the Divine Trinity
Into the farthest, remotest corners of our world,
To bless and heal all its lifeforms.
And may the Mother’s wisdom and truth enter
Into every human heart and soul,
As that’s the only place where truth is known.

I wish that the creative fire
Of the ideas from the heartmind of God,
Lighten and warm everybody’s days,
So that Its dreams and visions can come true,
Through us and our world, and all worlds.
I wish for the renewal of hope, faith and trust in our world,
To assist every one of us with ascending the heights of
The spiritual mountain of Divine compassion.
I wish for God’s love to flow into every heart and soul,
So that we may all walk together hand in hand,
As one big family, peacefully and forever united.

Although this is still a dream,
I know in my heart of hearts
That one day it can and will come true,
Through all human souls, including you and me,
For when God’s love has at last come alive
In every human heart and soul,
Anything will be possible and achievable.

Above all I wish for the gift of understanding
To enter every human heart and with it
The ability to stop taking things literally,
When the true meaning of something is
Hidden behind its surface words.


Six pointed Star

The Serenity Prayer

Serenity Prayer - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers for Comfort & Healling

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Grant me the serenity to accept
The things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

There is also a less well known, but equally beautiful part:

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardships and pain as the road to healing and peace.
Knowing that our world is a sinful one,
But becoming ever more aware that everything
That happens in it serves a wise higher purpose.
That’s why I now take it the way it is
And not yet as I used to think it should be.
I rest safely in the knowledge that
Some day in the not too distant future it will be that way,
Because God in the end will make all things right
And that which is ugly in us and our world beautiful.
So I surrender my will to His/Her will and
Continue reasonably happy and content with my earthly existence.
On the inner level of life I have always been at one with my Creator.
This state will continue forever when I move into the world of light
For good and am then free to explore ever higher levels of life.

Reinhold Niebuhr 1894-1971
Second Part Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Christmas Message 2018

The Birth Of The True Christ Child

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Behind Addictions - Christmas Message 2018The following is the essence of several teachings of the White Eagle group of spirit guides I found in the Lodge’s calendar November/December 2018: ‘If you find yourself quietly working in the background of earthly life, even the smallest effort any one of you makes to transform your world into a more peaceful place is greatly appreciated by the Highest Forces of life. You are much needed for the vital work of projecting the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light into the darkest spiritual corners of your world.

‘Each one of you is like a small lamp, which God and the Angels for some time have been lighting in increasing numbers of human hearts. They are very much in need of your help because the flame of your loving service is a particularly clear and steady one. This is of immense value for the Angel’s mission of healing you, individually and collectively, and helping your race to become aware of the special place it occupies in the great family and siblinghood of all life.

‘To this day the Jesus legend tells you: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers. Their work shows that they are worthy of being called God’s children of the Earth.’ Those who have become aware of their true nature and whose inner eyes are open, have no difficulties grasping why the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus tale had to remain hidden behind its surface words for such a long time. They appreciate that the story was specifically designed in this manner by God and the Angels because its wealth of symbolisms should not be revealed too early.

‘From the beginning of humankind’s existence in earthly life, God’s great plan of life decreed that the truth about this legend should gradually be disclosed when the time and energies are right. This is what they are now and that’s why ever more of you understand that the ultimate aim of every human being in earthly life is an exceedingly high and holy one. By the end of their earthly education each one of them will have evolved into a Christed one, a healer and peacemaker of your world, and a young God in the making. Being aware of it, do whatever you can to create as peaceful conditions as possible in your heart and around you, wherever you may find yourself placed by the lessons of your life. And do not overlook that, no matter how simple your daily work may appear to you, that you are still providing loving service to the One.

‘The message of the Angels is one of wisdom and love; it is the same today as it always has been. From the beginning of humankind’s earthly existence, God and the Angels inspired the writing of tales and legends that slowly but surely took humankind closer to the glad tidings of the greatest joy of all: its spiritual rebirth and that of your whole world. The great plan provides that this should happen in the fullness of time, but that until the time and energies would be right, the knowledge that symbolisms and metaphors for the spiritual guidance of humankind are hidden behind the surface words of the stories should remain undisclosed.

‘Now that the Age of Aquarius has been with you for some time, the esoteric higher meaning of the birth of the Christ child in a manger in Bethlehem can be told. The child is a symbolism for the Divine spark that eventually begins to stir in every human heart and the Christ spirit is born into earthly life. The manger represents the human heart, the most humble place on Earth. Bethlehem and God’s chosen people stands for the whole of humankind. You can observe all around you how in ever more human hearts the spark is waking up and Christ children are being born.

‘Whenever one of you during your meditations, prayers and quiet reflections turns to God and the Angels and us, your spirit guides and helpers, to ask for our assistance, your earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of our levels of life. And that makes it possible for our blessing and healing energies to flow through you into everything that shares the Earth with you. Each time this happens, the Heavens rejoice and sing: ‘Hallelujah.’ Your whole world’s inner spiritual level responds with: ‘Praise be to God in the Highest and peace and goodwill to Mother Earth and all her kingdoms.’

‘Extra special greetings and blessings from God and the Angels are going to those who are working hard on overcoming their addictive behaviour patterns of any kind. Their message for you is: ‘Never give up. Keep on keeping on. We are with you and around you at all times. More than that: we are part of you. Yet, unless you ask for our help we cannot give it to you. Such is the law of the Universe, God’s law. But as soon as you reach out for us, we gladly provide you with the courage and strength you need for conquering and rising above the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

From 'Our World In Transition'

A Thrill Of Hope

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Thrill Of Hope

O Holy Night,
The Stars are brightly shining,
It is the true Saviour’s birth.
The blessing and healing power of Christ Star’s
Light is penetrating ever deeper into
All human hearts and souls and that of our world.
And ever more of them joyously respond
By opening wide.

For long enough our world has been
Suffering and pining in the prison of humankind’s
Ignorance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
Rejoice, because for some time the greatest
Wonder and miracle of all times has been taking place
And that is the rebirth of humankind
Into the awareness of its true spiritual nature.
Archangel Michael with the golden sword
Of sacred knowledge that flows directly
From the heartmind of the Highest into our world
Touches the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That in the course of many lifetimes have
Accumulated in the memories of our souls.
This contact transmutes them into
Total faith and trust in our Creator
And the basic goodness of the life
That has been given to us and our world.

Fall on your knees, O hear the Angels voices.
O night Divine,
O night when the true Christ child is born
In every heart and soul and that of our world,
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by the cradle we stand,
Because we now understand its true meaning.
Led by the Christ Star’s light sweetly gleaming,
The wise ones from the spirit realm are guiding
And protecting us, helping us to recognise
The symbolisms behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.
They are telling us intuitively that the child’s parents
Are the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Who never left us and have always been with every one of us.
Lovingly they are watching us and our world,
Assisting the true Christ child’s birth
In ever more human hearts,
Whose symbol is the manger and
The little town of Jerusalem
Represents the whole of humankind.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God
Have always been in charge of the development
Of us and our world.
They know the needs of everyone and,
As far as our Karma allows,
Are at all times doing their best to fulfil them.
That’s why they are now providing us with
The courage and strength to master
The drives and urges of our lower nature.
When we nail them to the cross of our earthly existence,
From deep within everyone’s own being,
Our God or Christ nature can then take over.

Glory be to our world’s true King And Queen
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Light of all lights and Sun of all suns.
Before them we kneel in adoration,
Giving thanks and praise for allowing us to know that:
The main Divine laws are love and evolution,
Their gospel is peace;
Everybody is our sibling
In the vast family of humankind;
When we love and forgive each other,
The karmic chains and shackles dissolve.
We ourselves created them in past lifetimes
When we were ignorant of our true nature and
The presence of God’s Universal laws.

The knowledge of these things takes our world
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into the new Golden Age when slavery and oppression,
Warmongering, violence and strife will no longer be known.
That’s why songs of joy and peace, faith and trust
Are flowing from our hearts and souls,
And we give thanks and praise to the Divine Trinity’s
And bless its sacred name.

Each time another one of us becomes aware of their real nature
And starts conducting their life in keeping with it,
Another Christ child is born in Bethlehem.

Adolphe Charles Adam
Adapted for our time by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Christmas Mean In Our Time?’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘O Holy Night’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words And Prayers From Around Our World'

Christmas In Our Time

Celebrating the return of the Sun - The Sun beyond the Sun - Rays of Wisdom

Each time someone accepts the responsibility for
Every one of their thoughts, words and actions
And learns how to control and be in charge of them;
Each time one of us tune the receiver/transmitter station
Of their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life.

Each time the Christ spark comes alive
In yet another human heart and soul,
And the true Christ child is born,
Ceasing to be experienced as an icon and a legend,
But revealing its presence in such a person as
Friendliness and kindness, goodwill and tolerance
Towards all God’s creations, large and small, in all worlds.

When as a result ever more people of all nations
Throw away their weapons and make every
Effort to resolve their disputes in peaceful ways;
When they reach out for each other in friendship and love,
The soul of our world heaves a sigh of relief,
And God and the Angels rejoice and sing
That the long promised second coming
And with it the first true Christ-Mass
Is taking place on the Earth.
With that Christmas at last
Has found its real meaning.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem’

Six pointed Star

From 'Healers And Healing'

The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
•    ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’

Six pointed Star

2019 – A Very Special Year

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - 2019 - A Very Special Year

Once again, dear Friends, we are standing at the threshold of a New Year, this time the year 2019. Numerology reveals that it promises to be an extra special and promising one, so let’s take a closer look at it. As you may be aware, I am no friend of fortunetelling and casting horoscopes. What interests me is the flow of energies the Universe makes available to us at any given time. Knowing what they are enables us to get into the flow of life throughout the whole of Creation. Tuning into them makes it possible to make good use of what’s on offer to us by the Universe. This is badly needed in our world because its balance has been severely disturbed by the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Fortunately, they are now behind us and the task of every aspiring healer and lightbringer is doing whatever we can to restore the equilibrium between Heaven and Earth. This is of the greatest importance for our own healing process and that of our world, as well as for its progress on the evolutionary spiral of life.

What a long way we have already come and no doubt there’s a great deal more in store for us. And because every birthday is in truth the end of a year and not its beginning, this also applies when another year of our calendar has come to its end. This means that the New Year 2019 is really the beginning of the year 2020. Let’s take a look at what numerology can reveal to us about what is ahead of us. The 2 is ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer and the Great Mother, the mothering, caring and nurturing aspect of the Divine Trinity. And for the whole of the coming year the Mother will be providing us with the double strength of the civilising, balancing and harmonising influence of Her energies of wisdom and love.

2019 is also going to be a period and that not only for one year but for the whole of the coming decade, in which our world will be ruled by the master vibration 22. And because 2 + 2 = 4 and the 4 is under the rulership of Aquarius, the coming ten years will also be much more strongly under the influence of the energies of the Divine Waterbearer, the astrological symbol of Aquarius. Anyone who tunes into them and wishes to work with them for the highest good and the greatest joy of our whole world, will be empowered to bring all of us that bit closer to the promised new golden age of peace, harmony and happiness. To support our efforts, the civilising and peace-loving influence of the feminine’s wisdom and love energies will become more prominent in both genders in the course of the coming decade. The strong presence of the caring and nurturing energies of the Great Mother can be tapped into for improving and healing our personal relationships with those around us. From there they need to be extended to the welfare of our planet and every lifeform that shares it with us.

But that is by no means all! Twice over the feminine energies will be aligned to those of the circle of Eternity, the zero. This will enable ever more of us to peer beyond the ends of our noses into the higher realities of the spiritual background of our earthly existence with its eternal values of Divine wisdom and truth, love and integrity, peace and harmony. This is likely to be accompanied by a great yearning to make some kind of contribution towards establishing these qualities in earthly life and through this establish our own small corner of God’s kingdom on the Earth. However insignificant our efforts may seem to us, every one of them counts and furthers the healing process of our world.

This is the kind of awakening through which the birth of the Christ spirit takes place on the Earth and that is the only way true and lasting peace can come to our world. It begins and ends with each and every one of us conducting their lives in more peaceful ways. And the wider we open our hearts to the inflow of the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light, especially during the Christmas period, the more successfully it can absorb the clouds of darkness that still exist in the consciousness of our world, so they can be transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation, not merely our world.

Peace is sure to come to us and our world, but in God’s time and not ours. With every passing day it is drawing closer and knowing this, may peace be with us and fill our hearts and souls to overflowing. For us earthlings it is difficult to grasp the spiritual meaning of time and that God’s time and ours are quite literally worlds apart. Whenever a touch of impatience threatens to overwhelm you, remind yourself that with every hour and day that passes peace is becoming more of a reality in our world. And I am not saying this in foolish optimism that blinds itself to the realities of earthly life, but because I know that the powerful transmuting energies of Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, are influencing your world with constantly increasing strength. Furthermore I am familiar with God’s great plan of life and trust it implicitly. God does not make empty promises and neither do we when we realise the creative power that every one of our thoughts and words has.

An instinct for returning to home and mother and a strong need to belong somewhere are programmed into every Divine spark at the moment of its conception in the heartmind of the Great Father/Mother. In earthly life this expresses itself initially as loyalty to the family we were born into and other kinds of groups, nations and religions. The more we progress on the spiral of our personal evolutionary journey, in old and experienced spirit/souls during their lifetimes in Aquarius or the eleventh house this manifests itself in becoming interested in groups that work for the benefit of humankind. The need for belonging and being together in groups of like-minded people is already visible, for example in Facebook groups. In the course of the coming ten years this will grow stronger still. In many more than at present the homing instinct will be turning towards the higher and highest levels of life. And the return into humankind’s conscious awareness of its oneness with our Creator will increase dramatically.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air signs. Lifetimes spent in them and their houses, the third, seventh and eleventh respectively, are dedicated to the development of the human intellectual faculties. When we eventually reach Aquarius or the eleventh house, after having travelled many times through every sign and house of the zodiac and thus matured into spiritual adulthood, for the whole of that particular lifetime our earthly mind will be focussed on learning how to tune into the frequencies of the Highest mind of the Universal intelligence.

Our earthly minds are an integral part of it. Each one of them is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas of the Highest mind with its manifold expressions. In earthly life they start with the lowest and meanest experiences and gradually lead us to the highest and most beautiful ones. The inhabitants of both these world are constantly feeding into the two streams of consciousness that exist throughout the whole of Creation. Becoming aware of this duality empowers us to make a conscious choice into which stream we wish our thinking and behaviour patterns to feed and belong to. You can find out more about this theme by following the relevant links at the end of chapter two.

Six pointed Star

2019 – A Very Special Year - Part Two

There Is Only One God

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - There Is Only One GodThe Uranian energies are extremely powerful and can bring about sudden happenings and disruptions in our lives. Should anything of this nature take place, stay calm and rest safely in the knowledge that the Universal Forces are trying to move you – and maybe our whole world – forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. When the dust has settled, you will be able to see for yourself that things happened for the wise higher reason of lifting you – and our world – into better and more agreeable conditions. And that could be something you and all of us have been dreaming of for a long time. It is not for nothing that is Aquarius known as the sign in which many long cherished dreams and aspirations are finding fulfilment.

The Aquarian energies also provide the gift of illumination as soon as one of us is ready to receive it. Under the steadily increasing strength of these energies during the coming decade, more and more people in their quiet times of reflection will realise that the story of the Master Jesus’ life, which they thought was literally true, does not make any sense. In flashes of inspiration it will come to them intuitively that the most important part of this tale are the higher esoteric meanings of the symbolisms and metaphors that have always been hiding behind its surface words. The realisation of this is how the religion Christianity will eventually go completely from our world, the same as all other religions. The Jesus legend is the only remnant of that is likely to remain with us for as long as it is needed.

The moment may come when in a sudden flash of inspiration you understand that the birth of the Christ is a symbolism for the Divine spark that eventually begins to stir in every human heart when the Christ spirit is about to be born into earthly life. The manger represents human hearts, the most humble places on Earth that are always longing for giving and receiving love and finding peace. Bethlehem and God’s chosen people stand for the whole of humankind. You will then look at the Jesus story and with a smile of wonderment ask yourself: ‘It doesn’t make any sense. How could I ever think that every world of it was literally true?’

Ever more of us are coming to this conclusion that’s how every one of our world’s belief system is going to die a natural death. None of them will leave a vacuum behind, because the space they once took up will by then have been filled with the religion of the Aquarian Age:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

There is no doubt in my mind that the old religions were inspired by God and the Angels, as nothing happens anywhere in the whole of Creation that is beyond their reach or outside their will and wishes. The outgoing belief systems were designed to keep us away from knowing God’s true nature and our own, but only until the time would be right for disclosing them. The way they separated and kept human beings apart from each other provided our religions quite literally with Heaven-sent excuses for setting us against each other. That is how, with the help of almost constant warmongering for around six thousand years of patriarchy and dominance of the masculine, the Highest Forces of life have been teaching us and our world the value of peace.

The religion of the Aquarian Age is of one of peace and the heart, the dwelling place of the living God within, our inner teacher and guide. That’s why our hearts intuitively know the truth and have no difficulties telling right from wrong. This is how God and the Angels have always tried to communicate with us. The more we practise following the advice of the wise one or living God within, the better we know what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. And my inner guidance tells me that for a long time to come the figure of Jesus will be with us as a symbol of Universal love and compassion, kindness and goodness, tolerance and patience for every form of life. The tale of his life is a rose that will continue to flower on the cross of earthly life for as long as it is required, then it too will be removed by the wise ones in charge of us and our world.

Grasping that the important part of the Jesus story are the symbolisms that have always been hiding behind its surface words, opens our spiritual horizons wide to the fact that all human beings, without exception, are sparks of the Divine, children of the one God and that every one of us is on the same evolutionary pathway as everybody else. The knowledge of this connects us with each other, unlike the religions of the past that used to separate us. In due course all of us have to work our own way through the initiations depicted in the tale about Jesus as the spiritual Master, half human and half God, the same as you and I and everybody else. And each one is on their own evolutionary road to self-mastery.

In readiness for the great transformation of our world many have been waiting in the world of spirit or light for the energies to be right for this evolutionary quantum leap, which for quite some time has been taking place. Because of this ever more old and experienced souls have been allowed to reincarnate into earthly life and that’s why our planet gradually has become increasingly overpopulated. Alas, as often as not the old spirit/souls in our midst have no idea why they are here and that they are meant to take an active part in the evolutionary progress of our race and world.

These feelings of purposelessness and being lost in the harsh over-materialistic and money-grabbing societies into which they were born in many cases this leads them to look for some kind of a way out of their misery, to make life more bearable. And that, in my view, is why so many are choosing to travel – without realising what they are doing to themselves – down the slippery slope of addictions of one kind or another. Many are so desperate that they don’t really care that their behaviour damages every part of their being, mind and body, spirit and soul. In any case, how can someone take good care of their body and soul for as long as they are unaware that they have something like that and that this aspect of their nature is the most important one?

It is for these unhappy and unfortunate ones that this new part of my jottings has come into being. Hand in hand with God and the Angels it is being created in the hope of helping as many of them as possible to become aware of the preciousness of the gift of their present lifetime and their own being; that in truth they are a spirit and soul who, like God, is eternal and immortal; that there is a safe and harmless way of leaving their addictions behind; that what they have slipped into does not have to be the end of this lifetime; that when handled right, i.e. approached from the spiritual perspective of life, healing and a new beginning are possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother And The Feminine To Our World’
•    ‘The Power Of Thoughts And Words’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘The Power Of Words’
•    ‘Two Studies In Mastership’
•    ‘Master Number Eleven’
•    ‘Master Number Twenty-Two’
•    ‘How To Become A Master Builder’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘The Two Streams Of Consciousness’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’

Six pointed Star

2019 – A Very Special Year – Part Three

Christmas And Easter On The Earth

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Christmas And Easter In oneLife on Earth is a school, a place of learning. Ecclesiastes is one of the oldest books of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. To paraphrase one of its teachings: to everything there is a season. A time for the darkness of ignorance of our true nature and a time for finding it out. A time for being wounded and a time for being healed. A time for evolving into a healer in our own right. God’s great plan of life decrees that everything should be healed and made beautiful when the time for it is right.

Each newly created spirit enters earthly life as an infant and through its own experiences has to build itself an earthly personality and a soul. In the course of many lifetimes, thousands maybe more, every one of us eventually matures into spiritual adulthood. Through finding healing for our wounds, mind and body, spirit and soul, we develop into a healer and lightbringer, a Christed one, each in their own right, so that at the end of our earthly education we can show those who are walking behind how to deal with this phase of their development.

And each time another one of us decides to nail the thinking and behaviour patterns of their lower self onto the cross of their earthly existence and begins to look with compassion and love at their own suffering and later also of others, another Christ child is being born. It’s Christmas on Mother Earth and she breathes a sigh of relief. When the only thing we want to do with what is left of our present lifetime is reaching out to those who are struggling the way we once did and share our learning with them, so they too can save and redeem themselves, it is Christmas and Easter on the Earth at the same time. The Christ spirit has risen from the dead, i.e. from the tomb of the lower self’s ignorance of its true nature where for many earthly lifetimes it has been dwelling and suffering because of its own darkness.

All Of Life Is Flowingness

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - All Of Life Is Flowingness

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing
There is meaning and law.
I trust God’s great plan of life
And my own within it.
I cannot lose what is my own and
I need not seek what is my own,
For what belongs to me will come and
Whatever goes does not belong to me.

Only what I am has power
And everything that’s rightfully mine
Is constantly drawn to me and
Will appear at the right moment.
Knowing this, I give up
All personal struggle and ambition.
I let go and trust the inner guidance
Of my Highest Self and the Universal Forces
To show me the way and
Run my life for me.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds

Six pointed Star

2019 – A Very Special Year – Part Four

A Personal Invitation

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - A Personal Invitation

The Christ aspect of our nature is both King and Queen of our inner world. Each one of us through bringing this part of their being forth from within the depths of their own being, is allowed the honour and privilege of playing an active part in the healing, saving and redeeming of our world and everything that shares it with us. And what is before you now, dear Reader, is your personal invitation from God and the Angels to commence your personal healing journey of leaving behind the addictive thinking and behaviour patterns you developed in the course of many lifetimes. Make the conscious decision that you want to change them into positive and constructive ones and ask God and the Angels to grant you the gift of their courage and strength and show you intuitively how you can join the ranks of the healers and peacemakers of our world.

God and the Angels would like you to start nailing your addictions onto the cross of earthly life, because the Christ spark in your heart is stirring from its slumber. They have the following message for you: ‘We are part of you and you are part of us. When you are suffering, we are suffering with you. Are you sure you want to continue treating us that way? If not, please knock on your inner door that says: ‘Exit Addictions’ and ask us to show you how to go about doing this. Without asking no help can come to anyone.

‘We love you totally and unconditionally, just the way you are at present. No, God did not create you that way. Apart from the very beginning, everything is of your own doing and was created by you in the course of many lifetimes. And yes, we did lead you into temptations and out of them. Many times we did this so that you should learn from your experiences and through them get to know the world around you and yourself. Without you having any idea of our presence we were there, with you and part of you, all the way and forever we shall be. And now you have reached the watershed when your evolutionary pathway is beginning to take you onto the vibrations of the higher spirals of your spiritual development.

‘Your Christ nature is stirring from its slumbering state and this is why you are finding out about us and the role we have always played in your life. As in all Eternity this will continue, we are offering you the choice of consciously working with us. But as ever you are free to choose and make up your own mind which way you would like to walk. No-one will ever force you to do anything. Force and overpowering are not part of the vocabulary of God’s love.

‘Your addiction is but a passing phase of your long evolutionary journey. Like all things of the Earth it will pass. With our assistance it can do so in your present lifetime. If not, you will have to bring it with you into the next one, either to succumb to it again or with our help conquer and leave it behind. Don’t think suicide is a way out of your predicament. It is not. Suicide never was and never will be a way out of anything. You just have to come back and try all over again and again and again, if need be. So why not get on with it, now?

‘There is a saying in your world that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible, crooked places can be made straight and any condition of mind and body, spirit and soul healed. Through you we would love to show your world the truth of this saying and that miracles really do happen, but only after certain conditions have been fulfilled. First healing has to be asked for and then you need to freely and willingly start doing everything that is in your power to bring it about, for example by living in healthier ways. And when you have thus surrendered your whole being into our care, are living in harmony with God’s Universal laws and have paid the last one of your karmic debts, nothing will be in the way of us working a healing miracle, especially for you.

‘Our love does not dictate or command and whether you accept our invitation is entirely up to you. You have the right to make up your own mind and choose which way you wish to continue on the pathway of your present lifetime. Our only interest is your wellbeing in mind and body, spirit and soul. We ask for nothing in return. We merely want you to know what a precious and unique being you are and that a high and holy destiny awaits every human being, including you. We wish all of you well and greet you with all our love.’

Maybe you did ask and that’s why this has come your way. God and the Angels alone know, but they are smiling and refuse to tell. And if what you are reading here is speaking to you and the small still voice of your inner guidance is saying: ‘This makes a lot of sense,’ that is a signal that for you the time for the waking of your inner Christ child has come. With this the Divine characteristics of compassion and love, patience and forgiveness are starting to move into the foreground of your consciousness from deep within your own inner being.

It won’t be long until you will be able to show those behind you how they too can nail the drives and urges of their lower nature to the cross of their earthly consciousness. And the more you share your learning with those around you, the more easily and speedily the spiritual rebirth of humankind and the transmutation of our world’s darkness and evil into goodness and light progresses.

And now, to wind things up, let’s take another look at Cancer. As mentioned earlier, it is the sign of the Great Mother, the caring and nurturing aspect of the Divine Trinity. The coming ten years with their double strength of these energies promise to be a particularly beneficial time for the spiritual homecoming of the mass of people, who is ruled by Cancer. This is going to increase considerably during the year 2021, i.e. the beginning of the year 2022. Under the influence of these energies ever more of us will be feeling and following the pull of the homing instinct that is programmed into every human being at the moment of its emergence of the heartmind of God. See chapter ‘Evolution Is The Law Of Life’.   

The year 2022 will bring us 3 times 2 = 6 Venus, the planetary ruler of earthy Taurus and airy Libra, the sign of relationships and the peacemaker of the zodiac. The 3 is ruled by Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign that serves the development of humankind’s spiritual faculties and higher consciousness. Cancer is also the sign of home and mother, ancestry and roots, and ever more of us will realise that the Great Father/Mother of all life are their true parents.

As you will be able to see from everything you have read here, monumental things are in store for us. This, however, does not necessarily herald easy times because, individually and collectively, some of humankind’s most ancient karmic debts are still in the process of being redeemed. But, regardless of what may have yet to happen enormous amounts of spiritual progress are sure to be made on the evolutionary journey of our whole world. And that, in the final analysis, is the only thing that truly matters.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Cancer’
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
•    ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’
•    ‘The Truth About Parents’
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘The Homecoming’
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’

All the best for the New Year 2019
to my worldwide circle of spiritual family.
God bless each one of you and keep you safe,
now and forever.

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

2019 – A Very Special Year – Part Five

The Angel In Disguise

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - The Angel In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take Heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see.
And to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly, heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
A living splendour
That has been woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a toil, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with discovering these joys,
For they conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you –
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with profound esteem and a prayer
That for you, now and forever,
The eternal day breaks
And all shadows flee away.

Fifteenth Century Prayer

Six pointed Star

You Are Special

You Are Special - Rays of Wisdom - Spiritual Background of Depression & SuicideAre you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.

Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.

That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.

Our set may already have taken many lifetimes to develop and we have been granted the gift of another one to provide us with many more opportunities for improving them some more. The whole range of our gifts produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. And the entire human race can be likened to a room filled with billions of musical instruments. Don’t be disturbed when you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that some instruments sound better than yours. This is intentional and due to the fact that every instrument is a unique creation and that ensures that no-one’s sound matches exactly anyone else’s. No matter how hard we may try to sound alike, it’s impossible.

Every human being is a tiny particle of a vast whole, for whose functioning the wellbeing of one is as important as anyone else’s. All of us are rare and precious in the eyes of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who holds a giant plan of life for the whole and a small one for each one of us within it. We were created in God’s image from the idea of the archetypal perfect son/daughter of God that exists in our Creator’s mind. In the course of many lifetimes we created the earthly personality that is ours. And whatever anyone imagines God to be, even the greatest sceptics are bound to admit that it’s impossible that we and our world appeared out of nothing and nowhere.

Humankind is not some kind of a random and haphazard appearance or cosmic joke. Earth life is a school and we are spending time in it so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that’s how our Creator wants us to be. Everybody contains the seed of perfection and the only thing we have to do to achieve it, is integrate every aspect of our nature, our earthly mind and body as much as our spirit and soul. By constantly giving of the best that rises from within the very core of our own being, our nature’s Divine characteristics move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness and gradually take over.

Wherever we shall find ourselves, we can be sure that we are always at the right time in the right spot. We have been placed there to do our share of making our planet a happier, more peaceful and beautiful place for those around us, whilst not overlooking our own needs. Each one of us was created to fulfil one specific task in earthly life during our world’s transition from one age into another, which for some time has been taking place. One particular job is waiting to be done by all of us. It can only be carried out by us and therefore rightfully ours. To enable us to find it, it’s essential to pay attention to the guidance of wise one or the living God within. This part of us has the ability to reveal the right way of how to go about things through the world of our feelings and our natural inclinations.

We are in this life to dream our own dreams and pursue them and not those of others, no matter how dear they may be to those around us, even our parents or grandparents. Only by never imitating or copying others can we hope to be true to our real and highest nature and attend to our special assignment. We are sure to find it when we act in keeping with Its will and wishes, say a loud and clear ‘no’ to the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature and give of our best at all times. Hand in hand with God and the Angels can we then go full steam ahead with developing own unique and precious set of gifts to its highest potential and bring it to full flowering. The success we are dreaming of is sure to come our way if we are willing to work sufficiently hard. If this does not happen in our present lifetime, it will do so in a future one. So, why not get stuck into it, now?

It’s a bit like applying for a job, but this time we shall be luckier than we have ever been before. Just imagine, out of the billions of potential applicants we alone have the right qualifications. What more could anyone ask for? However, the success that is our promise is not going to drop into our lap like manna from the Heavens. Wise ones know that insisting on living selfishly and treating life as an endless round of pleasure-seeking is not the right way to go about it. On the road to fulfilling their highest aspirations and hopes, ideals and dreams, they work for the good of the whole in keeping with the guidance they receive through the world of their innermost feelings.

Only a fool would deny that we are living in exciting times and to make the most of the opportunities they have in store for us, all we have to do is reach out for the guiding, helping and protecting hands of God and the Angels, the highest authorities in the whole of Creation. Persevering with our efforts is worthwhile, so that we don’t miss our chance for learning to walk once again in safety and peace on our beloved planet in the process of evolving into one of its healers, guardians and keepers. Each one of us is required to make their own contribution to the blessing and healing of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. These notes are part of mine.

All of us eventually have to learn how to take care of the welfare of our world, so that it slowly evolves into a better place for everybody and everything that shares it with us. This is by no means entirely unselfish, because although we are presently working for future generations, let us not forget that in coming lifetimes we may once again be walking amongst them in a different guise. And if that does not make every small effort one of us makes worth while, then please tell me what is.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’

However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.

When wise ones think only of the good of others and aim to alleviate their pain and suffering, they are contributing to the transmutation of earthly life’s dense vibrations into higher and more heavenly ones. Anyone else who seriously longs for spiritual development and the unfoldment of their higher vision first needs to surrender their small earthly self’s desires to the will and wishes of the Divine forces. As soon as they selflessly offer themselves as channels for bringing comfort and healing to those who are sick in mind and body, spirit and soul, they are serving not merely the good of their present lifetime but all future ones.

That’s how each one of us freely and willingly will eventually be doing their share of helping God and the Angel to create a better and more spiritually advanced state of life for Mother Earth and every one of her children. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I can do nothing. On my own I am nothing. The Great Father/Mother and their Angels are doing their work through me. I am but their humble servant and channel.’ In the fullness of time this will become the leitmotif of every human being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Our World Needs You’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?
•    ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
•    ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

I Will Succeed!

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - I Will Succeed!

‘I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world in defeat and failure does not course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and refuse to talk, walk and sleep with sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I will persist until I succeed.

‘I refuse to imitate or copy anyone, for I want to be uniquely me. How else can I discover who or what I truly am and what I am capable of? I know that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible, that they love us and at all times are willing to help, if we but ask. That’s why I turn to them to tell me intuitively, through my inner guidance, how I can be of service to them and act as their channel. That way I am sure to find my way and never fail but succeed, always.’

Augustine ‘Og’ Mandino II, 1923 –1996
From ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From 'Words And Prayers Of Hope And Encouragement'

Our World Needs You

Our World Needs You - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope for Comfort & Healing

Our world needs you,
More than you will ever know.
It needs your compassion and understanding,
Your ability of speaking and listening,
Acting and re-acting to the world around you
In positive and constructive ways only.

You possess gifts that have taken
Many lifetimes to develop and that can
Be given to our world only by you.
Your time for holding them back,
Because you believe you are not good,
Ready and wise enough
Is over.
You are required to walk your talk
And have the courage to be the one
You are truly meant to be.

Your Christ nature is rising from the dead.
Time for developing and bringing forth
From deep within you its characteristics.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
You are a many faceted jewel
With gifts you may still be unaware of.
In the vast eternal theatre of life
There is a special place for you.
God created you so that, in the course
Of many lifetimes, your earthly self
Could develop the talents the Divine bestowed upon you,
Which in the fullness of time would enable you
To play a role that nobody else could fill.

Through this, at the end of your earthly education,
You would be making a valuable
Contribution towards humankind’s spiritual rebirth and
The greatest transformation its world ever experienced.
Your present situation is an essential part
Of your final test that consists of
Redeeming every one of the karmic debts
You brought with you unpaid from past lifetimes.
As with the help and will of God and the Angels
All things are possible, it can be done.
Nothing will then stand in the way of being
Healed in mind and body, spirit and soul.

Never forget that when you are healing,
The whole of God’s Creation is healing with you.
Can you see why not only our world needs you,
But every form of life on all its levels?
Having reached this peak of your earthly development,
If you pass the test, further lifetimes on this planet
Will no longer be required by you.
At the natural end of your present one,
You will be released into continuing your studies
Within the greater freedom of the spirit realm
And that gradually on ever higher levels.

Planetary harmony and peace cannot be attained
Without each one of us freely and willingly
Facing the challenges that arise in our lives
And through this play our part and that
With every fibre of our being
With mind and body, spirit and soul.
One thing we can be sure of and that is that
Nobody will wave some kind of magic wand
And do the work for us.
That’s why I am saying to you:
‘Our world needs you and it does so now,
More than you will ever be able to imagine.’

Rachel Snyder
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

All Things Are Possible

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - All Things Are Possible

With the help and will
Of God and the Angels
All things are possible and miracles happen.
If our mind can conceive something
And our heart believe it can be done,
In the fullness of time it will be.

Therefore, O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life,
Please show me what I can do
To bring about a miracle of healing,
For myself and our whole world.

Speak to me through the small still voice
Of my inner guidance and
Show me how to pay my karmic debts.
Grant me the gift of Your courage and strength
For working my way through them and
By working for the Highest good of all
Instead of selfish purposes,
The way I used to do in the past.
To save and redeem myself
And our world.


Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

The Power Of The Real You

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - The Power Of Being You

The Age of Aquarius is with us.
It is the age of friendship and siblinghood
With all life and the time has come
When all our relationships, especially difficult ones,
First in line the one with ourselves and God,
Are waiting to be healed and transformed
Into bonds of friendship and love.
Once created, such things will never be taken from us
And wherever our road may lead us,
They are ours to keep, in all Eternity.

From the love we feel for each other,
Our world and God grow the
Spiritual wings that help us to rise above
The selfish desires of our lower nature.
This love enables us to look
Beyond the ends of our noses and
Perceive the greater picture of life.
And that empowers us to rise
Above the misery and suffering
That to this day exist in earthly life.

Their manifestations are waiting to be lifted,
By us into the radiance of the Christ Star,
The Highest Star and the Brightest Light
In the whole of Creation.
Hand in hand with God and the Angels
We are then blessed with the power of filling them
With the healing energies of the Universal Christ,
The only born Son/Daughter of the
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.
Every one of us contains a spark of the Christ Light.
When it wakes from its slumbering state,
The Christ child is born in our heart and
With the passing of time grows into
The wise one or living God within.

The highest and noblest qualities we admire in others,
And probably thought we could never achieve,
Maybe even those of the Master Jesus.
Are also in every one of us.
Don’t let this discourage you,
The God-man is not a historical figure.
The story of his life is merely a legend
That was created by God and the Angels,
So that in due course we would recognise his qualities
As those of every human being’s own higher Divine nature.
We can only see in others what’s also in us.
Therefore, their qualities must be in us,
But where?
 Deep within our own being.

The awakening of this aspect of our nature
Brings with it the realisation that we are
Co-creators with God and, like God, are
Constantly in the process of creating something.
Every one of our thoughts, words and actions
Creates something and, like God,
On the inner level all life is one and
There is no separation between anything,
So that whatever any one of us thinks, says and does
Affects everything else in the whole of Creation
And creates either positive or negative Karma.
Therefore, great caution and care
Are advisable for us earthlings.

The end of our earthly education has been reached
When we have evolved into
A Christed one in our own right.
This is one who is aware of their true nature
And the high and holy destiny that is in store
For all human beings who have made
Peace with themselves and God.
They will require no further lifetimes on the Earth
And at the natural end of their present one,
They will be released into the greater freedom
Of the spirit realm and continuing their studies
By exploring its higher and eventually highest realities.

On the long, steep and narrow road that leads
To this goal, refuse to pay attention to the shouts of
Those who think they know the way,
When their behaviour shows they have no idea
Of what is at stake in our world.
We are the pioneers of the Aquarian Age
And paying attention to our inner guidance and
Following its directions is the only road for us.

Hand in hand with God and the Angels
Each one of us is required to walk it alone.
Although they are invisible to earthly eyes,
They really are there,
Always have been and forever will be.
In truth, none of us has ever been alone.
Under their guidance and protection
Our task is to bring down to earthly life
The visions that make great and speedy progress with
The evolutionary plan of our world possible.
All you and I have to do is share our learning
With as many as possible of those around us.

Andy Murray
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In  Relationship Healing’
•    ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

No-One Is Without Value

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - No-one Is Without Value

The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 25.3.2013: ‘Each one of you is a precious and unique being *, who is loved by the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents, far more than any of you can imagine. No human being is without value and each one of you is of the greatest importance as a manifestation of God, who is in the process of evolving into perfection, i.e. wholeness, and through whom the Divine forces in due course will be able to touch the lives of countless others. Your earthly minds are receiver and transmitter stations and potentially each one of you is a channel and reflector of God’s light. If in your minds you hold fast to the realisation of God’s light and life, it can shine through you into the whole of your world. In this way the power of God’s light can reach and illuminate everyone you get in touch with, as well as many others who are unknown to you.

‘The esoteric meaning of the surface words of the Jesus legend’s Easter and resurrection story is an allegory that describes the death and resurrection of humankind’s spiritual nature. At the beginning of your education as physical beings, your spirit consciousness is nailed to the cross of earthly life *. For wise higher reasons it has to die in that environment, but after having spent many lifetimes in it, the Divine spark in you stirs from its slumber. Slowly your spiritual nature rises from its grave, from your subconscious into your conscious awareness, so it can be resurrected by your earthly self. May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless each one of you and through you renew and heal the heart and soul of humankind with Its loving breath of life.'

And this is the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a Lodge’s Monday Thought on 7th January 2019: ‘Every human being is constantly close to God’s loving heart. For a long time without being aware of it, this love is part of you and when in the fullness of time the Divine spark within you wakes up, your own Christ nature starts to develop. Through bringing forth the highest and best that is within you, this part of your being provides you with the sweetness, nobility and strength of character of the Divine, and also the inspiration and courage to move bravely along the predestined pathway. Wherever it may take you, it will give you companionship and never ending happiness and joy as the glory of God’s Creation reveals itself to you more and more.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

Life Is A Journey

Life's Journey - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

•    Earthly life is a school and a place of learning. Every lifetime is a journey and not a destination. All life in the whole of Creation consists of circles within circles and cycles within cycles that move in an upwards winding spiral onto ever higher levels of existence. Every human lifetime represents one of these circles that is subject to the same seasons as the world around us, i.e. spring and summer, autumn and winter. Each circle has its beginning in the world of spirit and also ends there.

•    Don’t undermine your worth and waste your time by comparing yourself with others. On the inner level of life we are all one and although in many ways everyone is the same, we are still special and unique beings and therefore different from each other. Refuse to set your goals by what other people think of as important. You alone and your inner guidance know what at any given moment is good and right for you. Therefore, pay attention and follow its advice.

•    Don’t take anything for granted, especially not the people and things that are closest to your heart. Believing that without them your life would be meaningless is utter folly because everything in earthly life is a gift on time and only on loan. Eventually it has to be handed back in as good condition as possible. True and everlasting security can only be found in God and never in our present existence and only the higher and highest aspects of life are of lasting and eternal value. Knowing these things, be thankful for everything that is in your life and do not cling to anything, when the time for letting go has come.

•    Don’t allow your life to slip through your fingers – live it now and refuse to dwell unduly on the past or the future. Instead, live consciously one day at a time and make an effort to learn something from everything that comes before you, so you can benefit from it, no matter what may still be ahead. For as long as there is love in your heart and soul, and you have something to give and share with others, there is no reason for giving up. Things are only over when we stop trying and in truth even then they are not. But that’s a different story entirely! Whatever happens, do not shy away from anything. The tests and trials that come our way are life’s way of helping us to bring forth our inner strength.

•    Don’t shut love out of your life by saying you cannot find it. Love is the law of life. Its value is eternal and whatever love we give to anyone unerringly finds its way back to us. Therefore, the surest and quickest way of receiving love is giving it. And the fastest way of losing it is trying to hold onto it. The best way of keeping it is giving it wings, setting the beloved free to fly, so they can grow through their own experiences. If it’s love, it will return to you. If it is not, you would not want it anyway.

•    Pay attention to your dreams. Having none means existing without hope. And without hope life lacks purpose and meaning. Take time and stop once in a while to indulge in some dreaming about what kind of a world you would like to live in. Our thoughts create our future reality. Dreaming of and frequently thinking about our ideal world is a vital step towards bringing it into being.

•    Last but not least, do not move through your life so fast that you can no longer recognise where you have been and where you are meant to go. Bearing in mind that life is a journey and not a destination, make an effort to savour yours every step of the way. Even if a human lifetime lasts a hundred years, it is but a brief interval on the evolutionary pathway that in the end takes each one of us back home into the conscious awareness of our loving union with God and all life.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From ‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’

The Buck Stops Here!

Rays of Wisdom - Words OF Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Buck Stops Here

At the end of their earthly education every human spirit/soul evolves into an aspiring lightworker and healer. As this is a healing journey of a thousand miles and the road of self-discovery that leads to self-mastery, the buck for everything that ever happened to me stops with me. Having discovered that I am responsible for all my thoughts, words and actions, I accept the accountability for everything that ever was and will be in the past, present and future of my life. I realise that I am the cause of any problems that this day are coming my way and that this will continue until my karmic debts have been paid.

I now shoulder the cross of responsibility for my earthly personality with all its shortcomings and flaws as well as its good qualities. The comprehension and acceptance that every part of it was created by me in previous lifetimes and earlier in this one, is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge I have gained enables me to get to work on creating a brighter future for myself, the whole of humankind and our world.

Never again will I blame loved ones and friends, bosses and/or colleagues for my present situation. From now on, I will not allow my education or the lack of it, my genetics and/or the circumstantial ebb and flow of everyday life to influence my future in negative ways. I no longer blame uncontrollable forces for my lack of success and therefore will never again be caught in the snares of the past. I now look into the present and forward to the future with love and hope, faith and trust in the Highest Forces, who are in charge of me and my life. I do not let my history control my destiny, but am taking charge of it myself.

I accept responsibility for my successes as well as failures. I am what and where I am at this very moment mentally and physically, spiritually and emotionally, and also financially because of choices I made that were based on my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. I now let go of all negative and destructive ones and change them into positive and constructive ones.

My mind now occupies itself with finding solutions for the present and future and I refuse to dwell on past problems. I only connect with like-minded people who are also striving to make positive changes in our world. With them I share the best that is within me. I avoid those who are satisfied with running with the herd and remaining stuck in the rut of their own past and that of our world.

Each time I am faced with decision making, I pay attention to my inner guidance and follow its advice without hesitation. I understand that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, did not provide that I should always come up with the right decisions straight away, as in that case I would not learn from my mistakes. Instead, it has given me the ability to recognise the error of my ways and for putting things right.

I control my thoughts and emotions. I refuse to allow the rising and falling of emotional tide waves to distract me from my chosen course. I walk my talk and whenever I make a decision, I stand behind it and follow it through without wasting my precious energies on second thoughts.

My life is no longer an apology but a positive statement of success, because I recognise that challenges are merely gifts and opportunities for learning, and that encountering problems and solving them is the common thread that runs through the lives of truly great people. Following my inner guidance, in times of adversity I have no problem dealing with what comes my way. I have been granted the gift of freedom of choice and I turn to the wise one or living God within, to show me how to choose wisely. That way my thoughts are clear and my decisions the right ones.

I am aware that difficulties are necessary preparations for achieving great things, so I accept obstacles along the way and no longer say: ‘Why me?’ Instead I say: ‘Why not me?’ Then I get on with whatever is waiting to be done. Because the buck now stops with me, I am ready for great things to flow my way. I am giving of my best, safe in the knowledge that nothing but more of the same can return to me when the balance of my spiritual bankbook has been restored.

In the whole of God’s Creation life consists of cycles within cycles and everything constantly moves in circles. The same is true for our earthly existence. Within this flow of the Universal energies I am responsible for everything that ever was in my life, successes as well as failures. My inner guidance tells me that this is the truth. That’s why I have no difficulties accepting the responsibility for my past, present and future and taking charge of my thoughts and words, actions and emotions.

In the course of many lifetimes I have been mentally/physically/sexually assaulted – work with the option(s) that are relevant to you. I now know that this could only happen because in previous lifetimes I sinned against others in a similar manner. I accept the responsibility for everything and choose to tread the path of forgiveness. First I forgive myself for once setting the wheels of fate in motion for these things and then for anyone who sinned against me.

On the spiritual pathway simple answers, quick solutions and shortcuts do not exist. Everything has to be for real. To paraphrase Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: ‘The mills of God work slowly but they are grinding exceeding small. With patience S/He stands waiting and with exactness grinds all.’ There is no way of getting away with things like ‘If I fake sincerity, I have got it cracked’. The wise ones in charge of us know that genuine spiritual progress is impossible with such an attitude. They smile with sympathy and compassion at such things and then try to help us to do better.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’

Six pointed Star

Is There Any Need For Praying?

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Is There Any Need For Praying?

For a long time of our earthly existence the inner connection of our lower self with the spirit realm with its many different levels and the highest one of God is blocked. This is our true home from which we emerge at the beginning of every new lifetime in the material world and to which we return at its end. There is nowhere else for any one of us to go. The inner world individually and collectively influences everything in our world, including you and me. But during many lifetimes we are so thoroughly cut off from it that we have no idea of its presence, the role it plays in our life and the powers it possesses.

This is the place in which every one of us first emerged from the heartmind of the Great Father, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, as a creative idea. At that stage of our development we were merely a spark of the Light of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother. Even though we were but a tiny speck of light, we had been programmed that in the fullness of time we would evolve into a perfect human being. Perfect in this context means all aspects of our nature integrated and harmoniously working together, the way they are doing in our Creator.

That’s why every human being will eventually have grown into someone who is half human and half Divine and, like the legendary Jesus, a spiritual Master who is whole and therefore holy. And whether someone is aware of it as yet or not, this is the ideal every one of us has been striving for from the moment of our creation because that is humankind’s evolutionary goal.

When we have spiritually matured sufficiently for our superconscious faculties to rise from their slumbering state, we discover to our astonishment that Heaven and Hell never were places anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness every earthling frequently enter into in earthly life. Isn’t what you, through your addiction(s), are presently going through proof enough? Every experience, good, bad and indifferent ones alike, leaves an impression behind in the memories of our soul. And this has been happening ever since we came away from our spirit home. Each earthly lifetime, and there have been many of that you can be sure, has created another layer of memories that has been stored on top of our recall about our oneness with our Creator and the spirit world.

The effect of this piling up has been that we gradually became completely cut off from the source of our being and our true home. When the turning point of our earthly education has been reached and we are homeward bound, the time for removing these layers, down to the very last one. And that may take many years of working our way through what feels like mountains of emotional/spiritual debris that has accumulated in the memories of our soul, as I can tell you from first hand experience.

For this purpose we are bringing with us into every new lifetime the soul memories that have been stored up to the point of our most recent departure from it. They are stored in the cells of our physical body and the soul is part of our water body, which in turn is part of our physical body, the outer shell and vehicle for getting around in our world. The soul eventually needs to shed layer upon layer of its memories, down to its most unhappy and traumatic ones, and that means reaching ever deeper into our lifetimes of the past. This process can be likened to the peeling of an onion; it’s the emptying out that has been known to the mystics of all ages.

At the beginning of it, when the going gets particularly rough and we are feeling lost, lonely and frightened out of our wits, the need for praying overcomes us for the first time. Our spirit friends and helpers are quietly observing our suffering, but they are not allowed to come to anyone’s help unless it is asked for. Our prayer is their signal that our Christ nature is ready to wake up. The baby in the manger in Bethlehem is a symbolism of this development that takes place in every one of us as soon as we have reached the evolutionary point that our journey home can commence.

None of us is ever left to their own devices during any part of it. Angels and Masters and countless groups of other spirit guides and helpers are constantly with and around us. It’s just that for a long time we are not allowed to know of their presence, as that would interfere with our earthly lessons. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, they have always been observing, guiding and protecting us whenever things are in danger of getting completely out of hand with us and our world. And when we are in danger of getting to far away from our predestined pathway, something happens to us that nudges us back onto it. That’s the work of our unseen friends.

It comes as a great surprise to us when we first find out that God is not somewhere in the Heavens above our world and that finding and connecting with our Creator is an inner experience. The physical world is the outermost edge of the whole of Creation. God is the highest level of life and surprisingly this means its deepest innermost point. And during our quiet times of prayer, meditation and reflections on the purpose and meaning of our existence, our earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of the higher and eventually highest levels.

Although for a long time we may not feel any response to our prayers, the first one has been the messenger who knocked at the door of our inner consciousness and got the connection between us and our spirit guides going. By the way, every one of our prayers is heard, but sometimes the answer has to be ‘No!’ This happens when our karmic debts and the life lessons we are presently taking part in do not allow anything else. Nonetheless, our spirit helpers respond to every call they receive and support us as far this is possible under the given circumstances.

Six pointed Star

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Two

The Mistakes Of The Past

Rays Of Wisdom – Leaving Addictions Behind – The Mistakes Of The PastGod’s great plan of life always has been and forever will continue to unfold the way it should. We can be sure of this and that it applies as much to our world and all its lifeforms as anywhere else in the whole of Creation. Yet, because we are allowed the freedom to choose how we react to what happens to us, many things can go wrong. They frequently do and there is no need to get unduly upset about it, because the plan provides that plenty of mistakes should be made along our individual and collective evolutionary pathway.

Everything in our world has always worked on a trial and error basis. Without this it would have been impossible for us to learn anything and no progress could have been made from the earliest stages of our race’s development. The Angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan and its executor. They, together with innumerable groups of spirit guides and helpers, are our siblings in the great family of all life. All of them are our friends and their task is showing us the way and assisting us – their younger and less experienced and evolved siblings – with the imbibing of our lessons. With their guidance and under their protection, each one of us will eventually be able to do their share of putting things right again, in our own lives and our world. However many earthly lifetimes this may take for each individual, they will be granted.

During the first stage of our earthly education we are allowed to hurt and wound others as much as we like. However, when we have reached the second phase we are finding ourselves at the receiving end of what we once dished out to others. For as long as we are familiar with the processes of life and the existence of the Universal laws, even if we are living a good life and are an example of a citizen, we cannot understand for the life of us why difficult and traumatic things should be happening to us. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

After having tried everything and nothing brought us the relief we were hoping to find, in our present state of ignorance about the spiritual background of our existence, we eventually reach our wits end. It then occurs to us, only seemingly a propos of nothing: ‘Why don’t I try praying?’ This is the most important part of the waking up process of our higher or Christ nature and its superconscious capabilities. German folk wisdom tell us: ‘Wenn die Not am größten, ist uns Gott am nächsten,’ i.e. when our need is greatest, God is nearest. That’s very true! In reality, God is always very close to us because S/H is part of us and we are part of Him/Her, but no help can come to us until we ask for it.

Our first prayer establishes a conscious contact with our friends in the spirit world and every subsequent one strengthens this connection. They are working for and on behalf of the Highest Forces of life, commonly known as God. They have been observing our suffering for quite some time. It has drawn them ever closer and they desperately want to help, but can only do so when the communication channel between their realm and the sufferer at last begins to creak open.

The first prayer also causes something that acts like a chink in the coat of armour that for a long time has surrounded our earthly self. It kept us enclosed as if we were living in a black box whose walls could not be penetrated by the slightest ray of light, in the form of spiritual wisdom and truth. This continues until for us the time has come for our spiritual awakening and the end of our lack of knowledge about God’s true nature and our own. And each time we pray the size of the opening increases and the energies of our spirit helpers can mingle with ours that bit better. This brings us the measure of relief that is right for that particular stage of our development. The more we pray and call for their help on a regular basis, the more of it gets through to us.

If, before this part of my jottings entered your field of vision, did the thought of God’s great plan of life ever set you wondering whether there is any need for praying. Considering that God and the Angels are in charge of us and our world and everything is part of the grand design, including our world evolving into a place where all lifeforms co-exist in peace and harmony, is there any point in it. If we wish that kind of a world come into being, sitting on our behinds and doing nothing will make sure that slowly but surely things on our planet can only get worse because in that case its negative and destructive forces will keep growing more powerful and dominant.

The Age of Aquarius is the period in which humankind’s highest aspirations and most daring dreams are going to come true. And as soon as another one of us decides to do their best to make a valid contribution towards changing our world into the kind of place that could so far only be envisages in our dreams, God and the Angels are happy to respond and do the rest. After all, that’s what they also want because it is written in the great plan of life. The time has come for learning how to work together with the natural forces of Mother Earth, instead of against them the way we used to do in the past while we falsely believed that we could subdue and conquer them.

God and the Angels are the only ones who can show us how to go about it and they do not mind the many mistakes humankind has made in the past, because through them they in their infinite wisdom and kindness and the greatest of patience have been teaching us that conquering and subduing our planet’s natural forces is impossible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Three

Guardians And Caretakers Of Mother Earth

 Rays Of Wisdom – Leaving Addictions Behind – Guardians And Caretakers Of Mother EarthThrough withholding something for a certain time the Universal Forces are teaching us its value. And in the course of six thousand years of patriarchy, it was the wisdom of the Great Mother that withheld the knowledge of Her presence from us and our world. That’s why it has taken so long to discover that the law of life is love and evolution, evolution through love and that means constantly moving forwards and upwards on the great spiral of life.

The evolutionary pathway of every human being, without exception, starts at the point of spiritual infant- and childhood. Because we do not yet know any better, it’s all right for us to irresponsibly exploit, abuse and squander Mother Earth’s precious resources during this stage of our development. However, in the course of many lifetimes every one of us learns through their own experiences and through them slowly grows into spiritual maturity and adulthood. Realising our mistakes of the past, we are then able and willing to make good where we once sinned and seriously work on redeeming ourselves as one of our planet’s guardian and caretaker.

On the inner level we are all one and there is no separation between anything. The ultimate goal of our earthly education is to evolve into a healer and bringer of the spiritual light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, so that the Highest Forces of can use us as one of the channels through which it can flow into. This how, with the passing of time, ever more of the darkness of ignorance of our world dissolves. And that’s how every one of us in the end develops into a saviour and redeemer of ourselves, our race and our world.

This is necessary because all of us are not only responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions and our own spiritual wellbeing, but also of that of those around us and our whole world. Should that sound like too much of a burden to carry and downright scary to you, bear in mind that each one of us is a young God in the making, who is serving their apprenticeship on the Earth. The material wellbeing of every lifetime rests in the hand of God and the Angels because it is decided by the Karma we brought with us from previous lifetimes and the life lessons we have agreed to take part in.

Be that as it may, the great plan for the development of our race provides for every eventuality. And anyone who has evolved sufficiently is ready for the role of caring for our planet. Its first requirement is living as a good example that others may wish to follow. This means refusing to make excessive demands on Mother Earth’s precious resources and recycling as much as possible. Another part of it thinking of ways that help those around us to grasp that exploiting, robbing and wasting her treasures is no longer part of humankind’s earthly curriculum.

Everybody eventually reaches the point when they are required to make good where they once sinned against our planet and doing everything in their power for its healing. I hope I shall be forgiven for using and paraphrasing my favourite quote from Ecclesiastes: ‘In earthly life everything happens in its season and fulfils the wise higher purpose of teaching us something. And in the fullness of time, they – God and the Angels – are seeing to it that all things in our world that to this day are evil and dark, ugly and wrong, in our view, evolve into something that is good and right, beautiful and filled with light.’

As Mahatma Gandhi once said: ‘The Earth has enough for everybody’s needs, but not everyone’s greed.’ The more of us are doing their share of making our dreams of a peaceful world a reality right here and now, the sooner the spending of endless millions on weapons of destruction stops and they are used for feeding the hungry.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Birth Of The Christ Child’
•    ‘What Happens In Heaven When We Pray?’
•    ‘True Prayer’
•    ‘Reflections On Prayer’
•    ‘On The Wings Of Prayer’
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Four

Nobody Is Without Flaws

Rays Of Wisdom – Leaving Addictions Behind – The Flaws In People's EyesFor those who wish to reach the end of their earthly education behaving the right way and in particular not sitting in judgement over anyone is just as important as praying, in some ways even more so. The more highly evolved we become, the more important it is to practise tolerance with our younger and less experienced siblings and be patient with them. Of course they have their flaws, but so do we. And when we see them struggling on their road home, let’s remind ourselves that everybody is walking the same pathway and pursuing the distant goal of being released from the duty of taking part in earthly life for good.

Aware of these things, wise ones never judge anyone. Remembering only too well how difficult it has been for them to come as far as they have helps them to realise that people and things cannot help being the way they are. The only thing that’s the matter with many of them is that they are still in the earlier and earliest stages of their development and learning the earthly lessons that every one of us has in their crude unevolved state has to take part in.

Counting their blessings, these sages bear in mind that with the passing of time, every human being slowly but surely becomes more highly evolved, the same as they themselves are at present. That’s why they merely observe their younger siblings in the great family of humankind – even if they have reached a ripe old age – with interest. Lovingly they think to themselves: ‘This is how I was, the good Heavens alone know how many lifetimes ago. Fancy that! I can’t imagine it, but that’s the evolutionary pathway for everybody, therefore also for me.’ That’s why they smile and refuse judging anything and anyone.

Knowing that, because of God’s Universal laws, whatever anyone sends into the Universe in thought, word and deed, is bound to return to its sender like a boomerang and that in somewhat strengthened form, wise ones carefully watch what they think, speak and do. This helps them to avoid attracting small and narrow minded people into their orbit, who have nothing better to do with their valuable time and energies, which the Universe in its kindness makes available to every one of us in earthly life, than looking for what’s amiss with everything that’s around them.

The whingers and moaners of our world could not live without having something to complain, so leave them to it. To their heart’s delight and content they constantly indulge in this futile and dangerous pastime, blissfully unaware that we can only recognise in others what we are carrying around in our subconscious. What they are doing is known as projection, more about this theme in a moment. Wise ones, however, when they observe something that disturbs them unduly to the point of upsetting them and making them angry, realise that they are projecting one of their own shortcomings onto that person.

This knowledge enables them to spend their time and energies more constructively and profitable by working on their spiritual development, maybe thinking: ‘Okay, we all have everything within, the things that touch me so strongly must be in me or they would not disturb me when I notice them in others. Even though I can’t see this part, I embrace it and ask God and the Angels to help me let go of it. Then I will continue to focus on what’s good, right and beautiful already and leave the unevolved parts in the hands of God and the Angels. In the fullness of time, no doubt, they will transform them, too. It’s not my task to carry the world on my shoulders. And that sets me free to work on overcoming the lower aspects of my nature, so that next time I encounter them in someone, my feathers will remain unruffled.’

To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:3-5: Why do we frequently notice the flaws in other people’s character make-up and are blind to our own? How can we say to others: ‘You have to drop this kind of behaviour, when we are carrying the same around on the subconscious level of our being. After all, everybody has everything within.’ Wise ones know this and that the world around us acts like a mirror that reflects back to us what we are on the subconscious level. That’s why they courageously accept the things that irritate and annoy them in others. Acceptance moves them into our conscious awareness, so that from there they can released once and for all through making the firm decision never to act them out again. This is the best way of removing the flaws from our character make-up and they no longer bother us unduly when we observe them in others. And that, in a nutshell, is the meaning of projection. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

A thin veil of consciousness separates our world from the spirit realm, even though in truth they are one. When things are in need of putting right on our side, doing the practical work involved is our job. But we don’t have to face these sometimes more than somewhat difficult tasks on our own. Large numbers of spirit guides and helpers on the other side are always ready to assist. All we have to do is ask. They are in charge of and conducting all earthly procedures and when their help has been requested they are always willing to show us intuitively the best ways of repairing any kind of damage that is in need of our attention.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘Do Not Judge’
•    ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
•    ‘From Fool To Wise One’

Six pointed Star

Is There Any Need For Praying? - Part Five

A World Of Dualities

Rays Of Wisdom – Leaving Addictions Behind – A World Of DualitiesOur world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light; the other one is of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and are manifesting themselves in our world in many different ways as good and evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are incessantly feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength.

Every good, kind and loving thought, word and action adds to the constructive positive good or God stream. Each one is a valuable contribution towards strengthening and increasing its power. And that gradually enables it to absorb more and more of the stream of darkness and ignorance’s contents into itself and transmutes them into blessing and healing energies. This is how every human being sooner or later acquires the power of contributing to making the new golden age a reality on the Earth.

As sparks of the Divine and chips off the old block, all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in us. With their help we brought our world to its present state. But for quite some time fresh spiritual knowledge has been flowing ever more freely, from the wise ones who are in charge of our world on the highest levels of life, into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. And that is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everybody’s own hands for empowering themselves. This comes about when we change our habitual thinking and behaviour patterns into positive and constructive ones and using them for making the world of our dreams a reality right here and now.

On the inner level we are all siblings in the great family of humankind and every one of us is on the same evolutionary pathway. God and the Angels are with and part of everybody and that ensures that in due course all of us are going to be beautiful and perfect, i.e. whole and holy.  The awareness that everybody has the cross of their earthly personality to carry and, when we give them half a chance, have an interesting story to tell opens our hearts to the suffering of others. An overwhelming urge starts to fill our whole being to somehow help those who are spiritually homeless to come to terms and make their peace with the pathway of their present lifetime, and that they themselves once chose it.

Everybody needs to understand that life is by no means a one-off thing but an ongoing evolutionary process that constantly moves every one of us, together with our whole world, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. It’s the highest time for a general more spiritual approach to life and getting rid of the illusion that we are separate beings from any one of our fellow creatures. Knowing this opens us to loving them just because they ARE and the way they are. It’s a love that understands the other person’s needs and absorbs their pain and sorrow into itself. This love would never dream of taking anything away from anyone and is happiest when it can keep on giving without restraint.

On the inner level we are all one great family and there is no separation or difference between anything. That is why every single thought, word and action affects life in the whole of Creation and whenever we hurt someone, ultimately we are hurting ourselves. And that applies as much to humankind as it does to Mother Earth’s other kingdoms and everything they contain, trees, bushes and every blade of grass, flowers and vegetables, sunshine and rain, wind and clouds. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life, the throne of God, are in charge of every form of life throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, this also includes us and our world. For a long time they have been working hard to raise humankind’s consciousness into understanding that we are an integral part of the Universal siblinghood of all life.

That’s why increasing numbers of us are already capable of perceiving the whole of God’s Creation as one vast family unit in which the atoms of every being are inseparable from all others. Everything is held firmly in the grasp of the will and power, wisdom and love of the Divine Trinity of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light, the Light of all lights and Sun of all Suns. From Its radiance everything in the whole of Creation was brought into being.

If further questions about whether praying is necessary are coming to your mind, as undoubtedly they will, follow the advice of the Bible’s St. Matthew 7:7-8:  ‘Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door is going to be opened.’ Without knocking at the door to our inner world in some way, gaining access to it is impossible. Prayers and meditations are the keys for removing the bolt that for a long time has been protecting it against intrusions from our earthly selves.

Working and praying unselfishly for the highest good of our whole world is the best way of using this key. God and the Angels are placing it into the hands of those who are ready to receive it. Gaining access is of particular importance now that the sad chapter of around six thousand years of patriarchy and warmongering are over. The wisdom and love of the Goddess’s energies for quite some time have been re-establishing themselves in our world. And through the ever increasing awareness of God’s true nature and our own caused by it, humankind’s spiritual rebirth is unstoppable. Hallelujah!

Let’s do our utmost never to hurt anything that is part of Mother Earth’s kingdoms. We are creatures of love, from love we have come and to love we are now in the process of returning. Bearing this in mind if something has to be said that could be hurtful to another, make an effort to think of kind and loving words to do so. To save and redeem ourselves and our world, with all the love that’s in our heart let’s send nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into our world and not forget to be thankful for every blessing that is ours, every moment of each day.

It’s entirely up to us whether we wish to behave like a wise one or a fool. Foolish ones, through their endless whinging and moaning are busily adding to the power of the dark ignorant stream of consciousness of our world. At the same time they are piling ever more karmic debts into their spiritual account that will have to be redeemed in future lifetimes. Wise ones are careful to avoid this because it would mean needing further earthly lifetimes, maybe several, to redeem them. As ever, the choice is ours.

God speed on your personal healing journey. Like any other one it begins with one step and that, in your case, consists of deciding to make this move.  If this is the direction in which you want the river of your life to flow from now on, but you have no idea how to go about it, don’t worry. Ask God and the Angels by praying something along these lines: ‘O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, please grant me the gift of Your help and courage, strength and wisdom to succeed with leaving my addictive behaviour patterns behind, so the can be replaced with positive and constructive ones.’ It will not take long until you will be able to see assistance coming towards you and that from many different sides.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘From Fool To Wise One’
•    ‘Prayers For Our Time’
•    ‘What Happens In Heaven When We Pray?’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

Six pointed Star

Do Not Judge

Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - Do Not Judge

Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of  their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.

Only being able to ever see one side of anything they observe and that beyond a shadow of doubt everything that happens in our world is part of the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and life lessons, frequently of many people, wise ones refuse to judge anything at face value. They know that the things that are ugly and evil are manifestations of their unevolved state, and that each one of them is on its way of slowly but surely – and that may take many human earthly lifetimes – being transformed into something that’s good, right and beautiful.

This is why these sages have no need for wasting the precious energies of the lifeforce within them on complaining, whinging and moaning, getting angry and upset about the present state of our world. They prefer to spend it on looking at and contemplating on the many things and people that have already reached much higher evolutionary levels. Aware that this assists their own spiritual development as well as that of our world, wherever they are they are doing their best to bring more of it into being.

As ever, there is more to this than meets the eye. Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light and the other of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and in our world their manifestations are good or evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength. If we are among the lamenters who can only see the dark side of our world, our thoughts as well as written and spoken words of complaint about its state are dragging us further into the dungeon of depression. It acts like a quagmire that pulls those affected ever deeper into the dark side of themselves and our world.

The resulting darkness, if left unattended and unresolved, is stored in the memories of our soul each time we leave our physical body behind at the end of another earthly lifetime. The lower self has no idea that its soul is calling out ever louder that it is in need of healing. Suppressing depressive symptoms with the products of the pharmaceutical industry merely delays what is truly required. With the help of these chemicals we are going to bring the darkness, that is entirely of our own making, with us into every new lifetime. When depression hits us then, we cannot understand for the life of us why this should be happening to us.

This is bound to continue until we bravely face our depression and seriously get to work on it. And that’s an extremely scary enterprise, but we do not have to do this on our own. Far from it! God and the Angels are part of us and with us at all times. Not only are they aware of our suffering, they are suffering with us. All we have to do is ask for their help. It will never be denied to anyone who requests it. So why not get on with it, now and see what happens?

And that’s why wise ones at all times look at the bright side of things. They concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and the good that is in every human being. They know that even if it may exist only in seedform in someone so far, it is there. The evolutionary law of life will see to it that it wakes up when the time is right for this to happen. Such kind and loving thoughts and words are feeding into the stream of light and adding to its strength. They also have the power of igniting the Divine spark in those around us and assist their awakening to come about more easily than it would otherwise have done.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged’
•    ‘Sitting In Judgement’
•    ‘Love Your Enemies’
•    ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Legend Of Pandora’s Box

Pandora's Box - Rays of Wisdom - What Is Hope? = Relationship Healling

The background to the story of Pandora’s Box is the Titan Prometheus’ resistance to the law and the commands of the King of the Gods, Zeus. In Greek mythology Prometheus, whose name means forethought, was one of the Titans. He was a culture hero and a trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay. He defied the Gods and brought them the gift of fire to the Earth, so that progress and civilisation became possible. Prometheus was known for his intelligence and as a champion of humankind. After either having got away with or having paid the price for one of his misdeeds, Prometheus kept going back for more. Zeus, however, was very crafty in the way of handing out punishments to those who refused to obey him.. 

As Prometheus’ penalty Zeus gave him Pandora, the first woman. She was a very different creature from man. Having been created in the forge of Hephaestus, she was as beautiful as a Goddess and very beguiling, thanks to traits bestowed upon her by Athene and Zeus himself. Athene was the Greek Goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilisation, law and justice, as well as warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts and skills. Zeus presented Pandora as a bride to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus, who was only capable of afterthought. Prometheus had the gift of thinking ahead and expected retribution from Zeus because of  his audacity with the fire, so he warned his brother against accepting any presents from their king.

When Zeus handed Pandora over to Epimetheus, she brought with her a box that carried a label with a warning that the box should never be opened by anyone. Epimetheus was so dazzled by his bride that he forgot his brother’s advice. He thought they were supposed to hold the gift his bride brought with her in safe-keeping for Zeus. Blissfully unaware of what kind of a present it held in reality, Epimetheus insisted that his wife followed the instructions on the box.

But then one day he had to leave Pandora on her own for a few hours. She had been gifted with curiosity as much as with all the other attributes her Divine parents themselves had. For Pandora the box was a present and therefore not merely something to be kept in trust, without ever looking at it. What business did Zeus have to tell her not to open it? Possibly she had listened to her brother-in-law’s tales of tricking the king of the Gods or maybe she saw nothing to fear in the box. What if she just had a quick peak?

No sooner said than done! Making sure that no-one was watching, Pandora opened the box just one tiny crack. As she did so, unpleasant ghostly forms started to gush forth from the opening. Without being aware of what she was doing, Pandora thus unleashed all the ills that subsequently had to be experienced and endured by our race, so that we should learn from them and grow in wisdom and understanding of the true purpose that lies behind our existence on the Earth plane.

In the end, Pandora’s gift with a difference would teach each one of us to discriminate and differentiate between good and evil, darkness and light. The sacred fire of the Gods hidden in her gift would eventually show us that what Prometheus brought us was merely showing how to make fire and how to use it wisely on the Earth plane. Precious though this was, Pandora was given something much more valuable. How else could it have been when it had its origin in the superior intelligence of her father, the King of the Gods, and the wisdom and love of his feminine counterpart, the Goddess Athene?

And so it came about that from Pandora’s appearance onwards, human beings were no longer allowed to lounge around all day. They now had to work very hard for their living and from time to time some of them succumbed to many different kinds of ailments, too. When Pandora thought that just about every one of the unpleasant things must surely have left the box, at its very bottom she discovered one more item. On closer inspection, lo and behold!, she found that it was not something evil, but that she had also unleashed onto our world the most precious gift of all and that was hope.

Built into all individual and the collective soul of our world with this gift was the instinctive/intuitive knowledge that things would always improve and better times would be just round the next corner, that progress was constantly being made by us and we were forever moving onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Inspired by and dedicated to my friend Pandora,
who passed into the world of light in October 2014.

We’ll meet again,
Don’t know where,
Don’t know when,
But I’m sure we’ll meet one sunny day –
In the world of light.

Until then,
God bless you and keep you safe, always.

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

What Is Hope

The Optmist AndThe Pessimist - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

When things go wrong, as they sometime will,
The optimist thinks: ‘They’ll come right again!’
When times are hard, positive thinkers say:
‘They will get better and become easier again.’
But the pessimist grumbles: ‘It’ll only get worse!’
And although this may take a while,
Because our thoughts and beliefs create our earthly reality,
Such forecasts invariably come true.
And then, each one in keeping with their perception of life,
Nods sagely and says: ‘I told you so!’

But what is hope?
It is not the closing of one’s eyes to
Difficulties and obstacles, risks and possible failures.
It is an inner trusting that knows:
If I fail now, I shall not do so forever.
If I get hurt, I shall be healed.
 If I make mistakes, I shall learn from them,
And when I’ve learnt enough,
I will be allowed to move on
To lessons of a different nature.
What could be better?

Hope is the awareness of our innermost self that
Life is good and that the power of love
Is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation
That can straighten crooked corners and move mountains.
If we but ask, this force at all times is willing
To guide us through our most traumatic encounters,
And to help us heal every aspect of our whole being
As well as all relationships,
Especially the most difficult ones.

Hope is an inner knowing,
A steadily increasing certainty
That in God’s time, not ours,
All things in earthly life will eventually
Be made good and come right.
Our present existence is like a great stage
And one fine day we are going to
Step in front of its curtain,
Behind which we for so long have been acting,
Into the world of light, our true home.
We shall be received by the friendly audience
Of the Angels and Masters,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
To take our bow.

Earth life is a tragicomedy of errors in which
Every participant eventually feels the need
To nail the desires of their lower self to the
Cross of consciousness of the Earth.
Those who have matured into spiritual adulthood and
Willingly submit themselves to Saturn’s demands
Of practising the restraint of self-discipline
And self-mastery in all their relationships,
At the end of their present lifetime
Will only leave good and healed connections behind.
They are presented by God and the Angels
With a leaving certificate that shows that
Earth life can teach them no more.

The teachers, in this case the Angels and Masters
Of the higher and highest planes of existence,
Move these students of life on to lessons
Of an increasingly elevated nature.
And that’s how every one of us in the fullness of time
Is going to take their final bow
On this side of the veil of consciousness.

United in friendship and love at last
With those who walked this way before us,
We enjoy the applause that greets us
On the other side of the veil,
Eager to find out where
The Angels may wish to take us next.
And in the shelter of God’s mighty wings
We shall forever serenely venture forth,
Safe in the knowledge that we shall
Never be frightened or feeling lonely again.

‘I will abide in Thy tabernacle forever;
I will make my refuge the shadow of Thy wings.’

Psalm 61:4

Six pointed Star

From 'The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World'

Present Events On The Earthly Plane

Part One

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Present Events On The Earthly Plane

Many of you by now are aware that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It is through the thinking and behaviour patterns you developed in the course of many lifetimes, each one of you for a long time has been doing their share of making it that way. Because of this all of you together are responsible for the present sad state of your world. Yet, those who are reading these words may have reached the major turning point of their spiritual development which they have been waiting for a long, long time. With the knowledge the Angels and I are bringing you we are laying the tools into everyone’s own hands for making this earthly lifetime into one that is different from all those experienced up to now.

The law of life is love and for those whose inner eyes have opened and are therefore ready to act on the wisdom before them, the present earthly sojourn is filled with countless opportunities for paying the spiritual debts with the people around them as well as your whole world. Every one of you, without exception, is offered plenty of chances for making good where you sinned against the law of life during the lessons of the early parts of your earthly education. There is no need to get unduly upset about the things you did in the past and for the crimes that were committed, many of them in the name of a God you did not yet understand. Every part of it has been an essential ingredient of My great evolutionary plan of life, to help you and your world to learn from your own experiences and through this grow in wisdom and understanding. But this is not meant to continue indefinitely.

The time will come on the Earth when the last one of you has woken from their spiritual slumber and gradually matures into spiritual adulthood. When you have reached that stage of your development, you freely and willingly wish to do everything you can to put things right in your world and treat Mother Earth, your host for a time, with the respect and love she so richly deserves. You will then be treading the path of the mysteries and to enable you to do this successfully, you need to take good care of every aspect of your being as well as your surroundings. In all your endeavours seek to create peace and harmony and aim to be precise in your thinking, for this is the foundation on which the whole of spirit life is built.

Rest assured that whenever one of you is doing their best, the Angels and I are only too happy to do the rest. And the time has come when aspiring healers and lightbringers, through the power of their thoughts and with the help of their inner guidance, are going to be taught by the Angels and Me how to tap into and wisely work with the power of My healing magic that is part of the positive stream of consciousness of your world. Every one of you possesses psychic gifts, at least in seedform, that are waiting to be developed. This is an essential preliminary to gaining access to the gifts of My Christ power, which for some time has been coming alive in ever more human hearts and souls.

Many things that still have to happen in your world appear to be terrible on the surface. In spite of this, wise ones are capable of keeping their peace because they appreciate that what they are seeing is necessary for the clearing out process of some of humankind’s most ancient individual and collective karmic debts that have been waiting for a long time to be redeemed. Everything that is presently taking place is also an essential part of the breaking down of the old order. The events have the purifying and cleansing effect on humankind’s earthly mind that is required to bring about the opening of its heart centre. As you are living in times with an ever speeding up pace of scientific and technological progress, it is of great importance to see to it that your earthly mind does not become so powerful that it takes over your whole being, as this can cause the closing down of your heart centre.

The wise ones who are toiling by day and night behind the scenes on the higher and highest levels of life on humankind’s behalf are aware of its difficulties. They have always been working hard on opening of human hearts, for they are part of the Universe’s great loving and compassionate heart. The more widely yours opens the better the Angels and Masters can use you as a channel through which the blessing and healing power of My love can flow into your world. This is how in every human heart the spark of My light eventually stirs from its slumber. It is born each time one of you brings forth, from deep within their own being, their highest, best and noblest characteristics.

At the moment of their conception, every human being inherits these qualities from Me. Developing and working with them is the only way of salvation that has ever been available to the human race. The awakening of the Christ spirit in you and working with it is its true and only redeemer. So, go forth with thankfulness in your heart for the Divine wisdom and truth that for some time by now has been flowing with increasing strength into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. As the Angels and I promised you in the Jesus legend, greater miracles than the ones described in this tale you shall see. In due course, the Angels and I will be able to work them through each and every one of you.

But before this can happen, many of humankind’s outstanding oldest karmic obligations are outstanding and waiting for their redemption. That’s why more suffering is still necessary and has to be endured by you and your world. But I promise you that it will not take long until you will be able to see with much greater clarity plenty of evidence of how My Divine will and power, love and wisdom are at work and spreading everywhere on the earthly plane. There is no need for shying away from anything that comes your way. All will be well in the end, I assure you.

Wise ones appreciate that what they used to think of as being in the Heavens above and therefore infinitely removed from them, is actually within them. This is how every human being has a strong affinity with every level of life, from the lowest up to the highest. On the physical and mental, etheric and spiritual level identical life atoms are as much present in each one of you as they are in spheres far away from the Earth. And within each one of you there is a connection with the energies and influences of the planets, not only of your solar system but also all others in the whole of Creation.

There are many in earthly life who have chosen their present lifetime not to play the role of the pleasure seeker but for helping humankind’s spiritual progress in some way. That’s why they have no time for endlessly attending meetings and workshops or ostentatiously doing good works. It’s their very presence that brings joy and comfort to those around them, for example the families into which they were born and those where they are attending to the duties of parenthood. And whatever your present occupation may be, your best work is done when you are true to your real nature as a son/daughter of God and provide comfort and love, warmth and light for every flower that blooms in the garden of your life, wherever you may find yourself.

After all, you are a spark of the Divine, of Me, a chip off the old block, as you might say. From love you have come and to love you are returning. Through the Jesus legend the Angels and I to this day are providing your world with many demonstrations of what can be achieved when the power and glory of My love, the Christ love, comes alive in human hearts and manifests itself as light that gradually grows powerful enough to radiate it into the farthest and remotest corner of My Creation, to wherever it is needed.

Six pointed Star

Present Events On The Earthly Plane – Part Two

The Divine Trinity In You

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Divine Trinity In YouTo this day it comes as a surprise for many in your world that the Divine Trinity is something quite different from the way it was presented to you during the six thousand years of patriarchy. In keeping with My great plan it held sway over your world for wise educational purposes. You will be glad to hear that this sad chapter of humankind’s development has definitely run its course, now that the Age of Aquarius is with you. This age, in sharp contrast with the previous one, is the age of wisdom and truth. By now they are flowing into increasing numbers of human hearts and souls that have opened and therefore are ready to receive them intuitively, directly from the Angels and Me.

The time has come for telling you that the Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me. I am their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all Suns and Light of all Lights. In Me God and Goddess are inseparable and the same is true for you. The physical aspect of your existence is the outermost edge of My Creation. Although you in that world you appear in the role of woman or man and you tend to think of yourself in that way, because you are sparks of Me all My powers and characteristics are also in you. That’s why the masculine/feminine and spirit/soul are in every one of you and, like in Me, they cannot be separated from each other. As above, so below!

The Angels and Masters around My throne are in charge of the great plan of life and the whole of the Angelic hierarchy is its executor. As soon as the Christ-consciousness within you is stimulated and wakes from its slumbering state, you begin to respond to the emanations of My light. You do not have to be particularly intellectual or clever for this. If anything, an over-developed earthly mind can be a serious obstacle that keeps the door to your superconscious faculties firmly closed. You then have difficulties grasping the existence of other more highly evolved worlds and their beings in the spirit realm on the higher and highest aspects of life that have much higher vibrations than the earthly ones.

It is for this reason that some of your scientists are struggling with this concept and they fail to understand that the spirit realm is of the greatest importance for everything that happens on their plane of life. Without its spiritual background there would be no Earth and no other planets that can be seen by earthly eyes and telescopes, no matter how powerful they may be, anywhere in the whole of the created world. They would simply not exist. For as long as the door to the superconscious faculties of people with this lack of vision remains closed, they will find it impossible to comprehend anything that requires peering beyond the ends of their noses and reaches above their limited horizons.

Whenever wise ones encounter people like this, they know that the best way of dealing with them is to patiently wait for their awakening to happen and meanwhile respecting and loving them just the way they are. Wise ones have no difficulties with this because they are aware that every human eventually reaches the developmental point when they too understand that the Universe is teeming with life that is invisible to earthly eyes. And that’s the way all of you in the end are going to learn how to treat the whole of humankind. Why not start now by being as tolerant and compassionate, kind and loving as you can in all your encounters, especially when coming across your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind? And because your imagination is a powerful tool, whatever kind of experiences may still have to come your way, take care not to create obstacles in your mind where in truth there aren’t any. Each time you think of the young souls around you and imagine the way they one day surely will be, you are helping them to bring their higher evolved state about.

Your imagination is part of Mine and in both of us it is the source of the creative process. In Mine I am constantly holding the whole of My Creation and each one of you exists in it somewhere as a minute creature that has something of Me in it. This means that is also has the power of growing and evolving into a more beautiful and perfect being, i.e. one who is whole and holy, and whose consciousness and understanding is at all times expanding. I am spirit/soul, God/Goddess, masculine/feminine, all in one and inseparable and so is each one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, for you are sparks of Me and contain My seeds. And in the fullness of time you will be able to grasp that every one of My seed atoms within you, even in its initial state, contains the whole of the Universe.

And when you have spiritually matured sufficiently you not only wish that your friends and family but the whole of humankind and your world should find everlasting health, happiness and peace, the power is within you to do something about it and to ensure that it happens regardless of what events may still have to take place on the physical plane of life. Besides, every one of you possesses psychic powers and in many of you they already developing very well. Your intuition is part of this. The Angels and I have always been trying to communicate with you through it. We always have been the small still voice of your conscience that knows the way of all things and never leads you astray. Whenever in the past you ignored My calling, it was to your detriment. Yet, once you realise what kind of a gift your intuition truly is, you will never want to do anything without us.

With our guidance and under our protection you will eventually be walking the pathway of your life feeling utterly safe and at peace because you know you are always doing the right things. This does not stop when you leave the earthly plane behind and your explorations and studies are taking you onto ever higher levels of My Creation. But before this can happen, your earthly personality with its physical body and mind, spirit and soul through clean living and thought processes needs to be transformed by you into a pure white temple where kindness and goodness rule supreme. Only then can the light of My Spirit fill your whole being and shine through you to touch and heal everything you come into contact with.

My message to those who are struggling with pain and suffering and who are thoroughly weary of everything Earth life has to offer, is: just keep on keeping on. Reach out for the hands of the Angels and Me, so we can help you work your way through the last ones of your karmic debts. You are safe and no harm will ever come to you, for we are with you and will never leave you. Your spirit and soul are indestructible and nothing and nobody can destroy them. And I would like every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to know that as sparks of Me there is nothing too high or too great that you – with our help – cannot achieve in the end.

I am your Highest Self and the more the Christ aspect of your nature takes over your small earthly self, the easier it becomes for the Angels and Me to work through you. Performing similar healing miracles and even greater ones like those I showed you in the Jesus legend are then quite on the cards. The healing Angels will gladly work a miracle for you when the last one of your karmic debts has been redeemed. Alas, this can only be done through finding yourself for a sufficient length of time at the receiving end of the suffering you once caused others. So be patient and work on developing a positive and constructive attitude towards your existence. You will not fail if you combine this with good, kind and loving activities in earthly life and exemplary behaviour towards every lifeform that shares your world with you. That’s when the healing Angels in co-operation with the Lords or Angels of Karma are sure to decide that for you a healing miracle is justified.

Six pointed Star

Present Events On The Earthly Plane – Part Three

Nearer My God To Thee

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Nearer My God To TheeGrasping the meaning of the spiritual knowledge that for quite some time has been flowing ever more forcefully into the individual and collective consciousness of your world is different from merely reading it. Understanding has the power of raising your whole being into the consciousness of the infinite and eternal world of spirit, your true home in which you will forever have your being. This is your preparation for when you have reached the end of your earthly education and, after handing back to Mother Earth your present physical body in as good condition as possible, you are going to be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm.

For every lifetime this is the case when its purpose has been fulfilled, the work you came to do has been carried out, the lessons you wanted to take part in have been absorbed sufficiently and the right amount of your karmic debts has been paid. Can you remember what kind of a relief it was when you first realised that in truth there is no death, that when you leave your physical body behind your spirit/soul merely moves into different dimensions of life? The knowledge of this is the birthright of the whole of humankind and every one of My children within it.

Every new earthly lifetime is designed to take you that bit nearer to Me. All of you eventually discover that your God is not someone who is sitting on a throne in a far distant place that exists high above the clouds of your world somewhere. You will be glad to learn that I am by no means a wifeless Father who sits on a throne with his Son, who has neither a mother nor a companion to support him. What a sad existence that would have been, if it had been true. The Angels and I inspired this unlikely tale and provided you with religions that would do their best to suppress the shreds of truth, which were given by the Great Mother’s love and wisdom from behind the scenes of earthly life, and dared to rear their heads.

Any method was good enough for the purpose of suppressing the truth, especially the most cruel ones that were the essential ingredients of the violence and warmongering of those days. Much of the old and most ancient karmic debts that were created then are presently being redeemed through the suffering of your world. And because some young and inexperienced spirit/souls still need lessons of this nature, this kind of thing has not yet ceased to exist in some parts of your world. Can you imagine the mountains of negative Karma that were brought about in this way and the soul growth that followed in its wake, as well as those that such actions are creating to this day?

It is through withholding and giving that the Mother’s wisdom teaches your world the value of concepts and things. The ideas about truth and peace for a while disappeared almost entirely from your world, so that when they eventually re-established themselves, people would treasure them highly and guard them most carefully, allowing nothing to wipe them out again. Let’s start with the fact that I am your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that you are My beloved child of the Earth who have a very special relationship with Me.

Hearing such things at first surprises you, but in due course the feeling that they make sense and are right rise from your innermost being into the consciousness of your earthly being. This is how I have always tried to guide you intuitively and at last you are becoming aware of My presence and start to respond to it. And next time when you are out and about in Mother Nature, enjoying the greenery around you and the sweet sound of bird’s voices communicating with each other, and feel particularly near to Me you enjoy the thought that in truth we are much closer than that. It is likely that by then the Divine spark within you has transformed itself into an inner light that is doing its share of illuminating the darkness of the earthly plane of life. Knowing that spiritually light is knowledge and ignorance is darkness, you do not hesitate to share your learning with anyone who is in need of it. In the fullness of time, this is how every human being is required to make their contribution towards transmuting their own and your planet’s heavy atoms of matter into light and vibrant spiritual ones.

Through this process Mother Earth is going to be transformed into a planet of healing and peace. Each one of you was created for one specific task in this work and has their own pathway to walk, role to play, work to do and truth to find. In your search for truth, forget about finding it in history books, for they were written to promote the glory of the winners. Therefore, not surprisingly, they are filled with untruths. Look into your own heart instead and learn to listen to Me, the small still voice of your conscience, the wise one or living God within. Bear in mind that your life’s work can only be done by you and that your neighbour’s role cannot be played by you.

Never forget that all the religions that ever appeared in your world have been but different roads that lead up the same spiritual mountain of the oneness with Me. Every belief system is all equally valuable and good and is doing justice to the evolutionary level the people following it have reached at any given moment and the Karma they brought with them from previous lifetimes. Rest assured that everything that ever happened in your world has been part of My evolutionary plan for all life and that this will forever continue. The design for humankind’s spiritual development is an integral part of the great overall plan.

Even though during the early stages of their earthly education human beings are unaware of this, I have always been with you and you with Me; this will forever be the case. This is why every prayer is heard and none of anyone’s thoughts, words and actions are secrets to the Angels and Me. Divine love does not command or force anyone to do anything. That’s why you have been granted the gift of freedom of choice and nobody on My side of the veil that separates your world from Mine would ever dream of forcing you to do anything. The outcome of this is that when one of you wants My help, it has to be asked for. There is no other way. When you are in dire straits and the need for praying overcomes you, it’s not that I am drawing closer to you. Being one with you, this is impossible. Your prayer is the necessary first step that opens the communication channel and direct link with the Angels and Me. It is you who in this way is coming nearer to Me and you need to do so freely and willingly, of your own accord that has its origin in a deep inner need. That’s the only way it can be done. Read more about this by following the link ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’ at the end of this chapter.

Human hearts that have opened to loving My way have no need for commandments to tell them not to kill and harm any creature. This is in sharp contrast to the behaviour patterns during the early stages of humankind’s earthly education. During the six thousand years of patriarchy, the ten commandments of the Abrahamic traditions had been given and were well known. As it was not yet known that all of you are responsible for every thought, word and deed, in spite of what the sacred texts of your religions taught, for example in the Talmud, the Bible and the Koran, people were forced to kill and destroy, hurt and wound each other and that by the millions.

Let’s round things off by paraphrasing Søren Kierkegaard, 1883-1855, the Danish theologian and poet, social critic and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher: ‘Praying does not change God, it changes us.’ Prayer is the beginning of your homeward bound journey into the conscious oneness with Me. I am in everything and everything is in Me, the good as well as the bad and indifferent. That which is good, right and beautiful in your world is the higher evolved part, i.e. good = God. This is the one every human being has been striving for from the moment of its conception in the heartmind of Me. Every good, kind and loving thought, word and deed adds to the power of good or God and decreases that of the lower crude and unevolved part, known to you as bad and evil or in the olden days as the devil.

In Kierkegaard’s time God was still thought of as a constant static and unchanging force, but you will now be able to see for yourself that in truth it is a constantly changing and expanding one. And if you think that what is before you here is good, right and beautiful and decide to share it with as many as possible of those around you, you will be making a valuable contribution towards increasing the God force of your world and decreasing its evil counterpart.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’
•    ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’

Six pointed Star

Present Events On The Earthly Plane – Part Four

Walking By Faith

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Walking By FaithThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the book ‘Festivals & Celebrations’: ‘As a spark of the Divine every human being is a young God in the making and whenever one of your tunes their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest, vibrations of peace are created. Through making an effort to think nothing but good, constructive and positive thoughts and directing your hopes, dreams and aspirations towards the highest forces of life, the Christ consciousness in you expands and grows. In this process you gradually evolve into a vortex of spiritual light that, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, has the power of changing the dark, evil and destructive elements of your world into good, right and beautiful ones that are filled with light.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, your confidence in the Highest Forces of life grows and you develop true faith that is accompanied by feelings of deep inner peace and harmony. You have read ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’ and your inner guidance tells you that it is speaking the truth. From that time onwards you have been walking the pathway of your life by the kind of faith that has its roots in a deep inner knowingness that, with the help of God and the Angels, all things are possible and miracles really can be worked as soon as the conditions are right. You have every reason to trust because you not merely believe but know that many different forces of life are working in the background of the earthly plane for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world. On the deepest innermost level of your being you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that everything will be well in the end for the simple reason that the cycles of life always have been and forever will be moving forwards and upwards on God’s eternal evolutionary spiral.

‘In spite of long spells of darkness, for example the six thousand years of patriarchy that kept humankind trapped in the prison of ignorance of spiritual matters and the evil that was created through this state of affairs, individually and collectively you and your world have been progressing nonetheless. To help the opening of humankind’s heart centre, God’s heavenly light has always been penetrating as deep as possible into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. As a result, increasing numbers of you by now are manifesting their Christ or God nature and are behaving with love and compassion, goodwill and patience towards all lifeforms in Mother Earth’s loving embrace. The legendary Master Jesus represents the Christ aspect in every human being. Regardless of the fact that for a long time it exists merely in seed form as a tiny spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, it has always been there in every one of you.

‘Through taking possession of the spark and developing it, in due course all of you will be doing their share of assisting your planet with its transformation into one of healing and peace that radiates its energies into the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation, to wherever it is needed. And when at last you have reached the end of your earthly education and you are free to explore the higher and eventually highest regions of life, you will never be let loose on your own on anything in the spirit realm. The Angels and Masters and we, your spirit friends and helpers, will always be by your side to show you where to go, what to do and the things that are in keeping with God’s great plan of life and those that are not and therefore would be unacceptable. This is no change from how we have always been guiding you and that on a reasonably long leash. You never have been alone and you never will be. God bless you all and peace be with you and your world. When St. Paul is said to have written in the Corinthians 5:7: ‘We walk by faith, not by sight.’, who would have thought that the time would come when the true meaning of the Jesus tale had been revealed and ever more of you would really be walking that way?

‘To help you with this, we are glad to tell you that there is a great deal more to every one of you than can be observed on the outer physical plane of life. You are multi-faceted jewels and many of the components of your whole being are still hidden from your conscious awareness, waiting to be discovered by you. Some have difficulties coming to terms with the concept that they are eternal beings who cannot die and that they have taken part in earthly life many times before. We hear them ask: ‘If this is true, why don’t I have any recall of what happened to me?’

‘The memories of all your previous lifetimes are stored in your soul on the subconscious level of your being. From there they are influencing everything you do in many different ways. This is how you bring with you into every new lifetime the earthly personality that has thus far been developed by you and it’s for your own protection that you are shielded against knowing about what went on before. That’s because you have taken part in every aspect of humankind’s earthly curriculum, as all of you have to do and therefore have experienced some of the best as well as the worst this plane of life has to offer. Sometimes you found yourself at the giving end and on other occasions on the receiving one. If you knew about the things you did and have been involved in, you would find it impossible to live with yourself in the realities of each new lifetime with its fresh beginning. This is why God’s wisdom and love guard you against the knowledge of your soul memories until you have spiritually matured sufficiently to deal with them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are A Precious Jewel’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Learning To Trust The Highest’

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

The Rose

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Rose

Some say love –
It is a river that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love –
It is a razor that leaves the soul to bleed.
Some say love –
It is a hunger, an endless aching need.
I say: ‘Love –
It is a flower and we its only seed.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance.
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give.
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
When you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter,
Far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed that with the Sun’s love,
In the spring, becomes

The Rose.

Amanda McBroom

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Rose’

Six pointed Star

From 'Healers And Healing'

The New Kind Of Hope

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
•    ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Seeing The Greater Picture

I hope that those who seriously wish to leave their addictive behaviour patterns behind are going to achieve this more easily when they can see the greater picture of life. That’s why I am sharing with you the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stars of the North Newsletter January 2019: ‘The law of life is love and the Angels and Masters around the throne of God are in charge of and responsible for God’s great evolutionary plan. All life in the whole of Creation, including you and your world, down to the smallest details is constantly being cared for by the Angelic hierarchy and countless groups of other spirit friends and helpers. We are but one of these groups and we would like you to become aware that nothing anywhere in the world of matter can appear without first having been created in ours.

‘We have come today to try to lift those who are finding it difficult to come to terms with their suffering and that of your world, above the limitations of their earthly understanding. To enable us to do this, we need to draw their attention to the Universal or God’s laws, by which all life in the whole of Creation is ruled. Naturally, this includes every one of you and your whole world. We can hear some of you saying: ‘If the law of life is love, what about the suffering and sadness of the many tragedies that have always been happening in our world? If it were true that our God is love, how can such this Deity allow these things?’

‘The time has come for you to know that nothing in the whole of Creation ever is a coincidence or happens perchance without an apparent cause. Although many in your world believe that this is the case, it could not be further from the truth. Everything that manifests itself on the outer plane first has to be created on the inner spiritual level one. The Universe is teeming with life that is invisible to earthly eyes and to make humankind’s earthly existence possible, countless numbers of spirit beings are ceaselessly toiling in its background. Love is their only motivation and when one of you thanks them for what you have received, they are very grateful indeed.

‘Whenever something tragic takes place in your world, the part you can see is but one aspect of the event. When you view from the higher spiritual perspective what in your world comes across as major and minor accidents and disasters, the whole picture emerges. It then becomes clearly visible that what you have been witnessing is something so wise and wonderful that in due course it will provide the spirit/soul of those involved with many blessings and great joy. Being aware of this, wise ones accept what life brings them. If they have to face something negative and painful, they do not complain and accept that it’s their turn to take part in the Great Father/Mother’s lesson of teaching their beloved children of the Earth the nature of suffering.

‘The memories of every experience you had in the course of many lifetimes are stored in your soul. You bring them with you into all future lifetimes, when they will be affecting you – for better or for worse – from the subconscious level. When you have become familiar with the nature of suffering through enduring troubles and pain of your own, it will be your soul memory of those times that are going to stop you from ever again hurting any living creature.

‘Wise ones, who know that through their behaviour in previous lifetimes, they themselves are the cause of their suffering, first forgive themselves for what they did in the past. Then they focus on forgiving the people against whom they sinned however many lifetimes ago this may have taken place. If you are suffering yourself, the sooner you get on with this, the more quickly you will be ready to be released from the duty of wandering through the dark tunnel of the lessons of earthly life.

‘And when we can get the ‘doubting Thomases’ in your midst to also start looking at earthly life from the spiritual vantage point, it will not take long until they too will be able to recognise that what appears to their earthly selves as a tragedy is nothing but the outworking of God’s laws and how they manifest themselves in earthly life. Our task is to help as many of you as possible find peace through understanding your true nature and the wise higher purpose of everything that happens in your world. Everything is but a passing phase and a necessary part of the tests and trials every one of you, without exception, as a spark of the Divine has to endure in the course of your earthly education. It serves the purpose of familiarising you with every aspect of your nature, including those that for a long time are unknown to your earthly personality.

‘As you know by now, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness. And each one of our visits is bringing you as much of light of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth as the Angels in charge of us consider to be right for the present state of the development of those reading it. More shall follow in due course, but meanwhile we are willing to communicate intuitively with anyone whose earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies in the world of light. It is head is the radiance of the Star of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all Suns and the Light of all lights. This is the manner in which all Aquarian jottings as well as our messages have always been given. The more the purifying power of the Christ light fills your hearts and souls, the better you will be able to see the beauty and wisdom of God’s great plan and recognise how it has always taken care of humankind’s evolutionary progress and that of your world.

‘During the early stags of your earthly existence your mind cannot yet grasp this kind of thing. Only when your superconscious faculties begin to unfold and gradually open to the blessings of the Highest like a flower to the Sun, you slowly begin to perceive that there is something good in everything. Whatever may still have to happen, never forget that the many difficulties that still have to be encountered by everybody on the earthly plane are the outworking of God’s great evolutionary plan. And because the main law of life is love, everything at all times is sure to work together for humankind’s highest good and evolutionary progress.

‘Radiating from the law of love are the sub-laws of evolution and of cause and effect or the law of Karma, which ensures that everything in the fullness of time returns to its source. In itself this law is not the cause of anything in your life, you yourself are. Every bit of it contains was created through your own thoughts, words and actions of past lifetimes. Don’t you think that it’s therefore fair enough that every transgression of the law of love can only be made good or redeemed by you, the transgressor?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Cause Of All Suffering In Our World’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell – An Allegory’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘About Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘Can God Be Weighed And Measured?’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture – Part Two

Loaves And Fishes

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Loaves And Fishes
These are the days of miracle and wonder.
This is the long distance call.
Time to stop looking for God and the Angels
To the Heavens above us and discovering
That they are part of us and with us,
Wherever we go,
Observing and guiding every one of us,
At all times.

Paul Simon
Edited by Aquarius

‘God’s laws have always provided for everyone’s true needs and they will forever continue to do so. That’s why, when you have grown strong enough to redeem your sins of the past, it does not send you someone to wave a magic wand to wipe them away, for the simple reason that in this case you would not learn anything from your experiences. God and the Angels inspired the legend of Jesus as the redeemer of humankind to encourage you, during the early stages of your earthly education, to follow the drives and urges of your lower nature. You were allowed to rob and plunder, rape and murder to your heart’s content.

‘This is what young and inexperienced souls in your world are doing to this day, for they know not what they are doing to themselves and that in due course they are going to find themselves at the receiving end of what they are dishing out to others, now. And when it happens, they may not have the faintest idea that it’s the Universal laws who in this way is returning every one of their misdeeds of past lifetimes to teach them the nature of suffering. When they have evolved into wise ones, whenever something unpleasant happens to them, they too will know that it can only do so because of what they once did to others and that this could have taken place many lifetimes ago.

‘Wise ones forgive because they are aware that this alone has the power of dissolving the karmic bonds that their transgressions against the law of love created. And when unpleasant and traumatic events return your misdeeds to you and you have become sufficiently evolved by that time, the law or rather God and the Angels send us to help you endure and work your way through what remains of the painful experiences that the law of Karma may still have to bring you. The time is right for this to happen to those who, when they are reading this and something inside them nudges them and seems to whisper: ‘This is right, you know!’ If, however, it reacts with: ‘What a load of nonsense!’, you are wasting your time here and would better move on to other things. And maybe, just maybe, it will come your way again in a few years’ time and your inner self responds with: ‘Goodness gracious me, this is right after all.’

‘As these are indeed the days of miracles and wonders, for those who are ready freely and willingly co-operate with us and pay attention to the advice they receive intuitively from their inner guidance, a healing miracle is quite a strong possibility. Miracles can be worked for those who create the right conditions by accepting the responsibility for their suffering. Forgiving first themselves and then everyone who was involved in the transgressions of the past is not difficult once you recognise that you yourself are the cause of your suffering. When on top of that the last remnants of your Karma have been cleared away and you have developed a positive and constructive attitude towards your existence in general through understanding the higher purpose and meaning of the difficulties and problems of earthly life, there is no reason why God and the Angels should not bless you with the gift of a miraculous healing.

‘To show your gratitude, there is every likelihood that you will want to share your experiences with as many as possible of those around you, so that – if they so wish –, they can follow your example and try to find healing the way you did. They need to know that miracles require the total surrender of your will and wishes to those of God and the Angels. And that means placing your suffering as well as your whole being into their loving hands, your heart and soul filled with hope and trust that they can and will help as soon as for you the conditions are right.

‘This is how the most traumatic events of your life, your greatest pain, sorrow and sadness in the end can be turned into the greatest joy of discovering that your earthly education is complete. When handled the right way, your suffering can be turned by you into the passport and certificate that is required for leaving behind the obligation of taking part in further earthly lifetimes. Can you imagine your joy when you know that, at the natural end of your present lifetime, you are going to be released into continuing your studies in the greater freedom of our world?

‘To paraphrase the Jesus legend’s St. John 14:12-14: ‘Every one of you will eventually perform the miracles that are said to have been done by me. God and the Angels brought you the story of my life as a depiction of the many initiations that all human beings encounter in the course of the many lifetimes of their earthly education. Hand in hand with and guided and protected by the Highest Forces of life you will eventually be doing similar things to mine. But the best news of all is that at present, whether you are as yet aware of this or not, you are taking part in the finest healing miracle that ever took place in earthly life and that is the healing of your whole world and everything within it, including you.’

‘Feeding the hungry and starving masses with spiritual knowledge means providing them with the living bread of God’s wisdom and truth. Its many ideas are the fishes. Esoterically they represent the creative ideas that are at all times floating in great abundance in the vast ocean of life. If you catch just one of these fishes and share it with, say, fifty thousand people, as with the passing of time you are likely to do – and more, you will be the creator of the same number of fishes for satisfying humankind’s spiritual hunger for the unadulterated truth of God’s sacred knowledge and wisdom, of which the recipient’s inner guidance says that it really is the truth.

‘And that’s by no means the end of it. Every single time a fish of this nature is shared with someone, the supplier as well as its reader are adding to the strength of your world’s God stream of consciousness. Both are actively increasing its ability of absorbing ever more of the stream of darkness and evil into itself and transforming its energies into blessing and healing ones not merely for your planet but the whole of Creation.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    'I Believe In Miracles'
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

Seeing The Greater Picture – Part Three

The Wedding At Cana

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - The Wedding At Cana‘The Bible in St. John 2:1-11 tells you: ‘At a place called Cana in Galilee the mother of Jesus as well as he and his disciples had been invited to a wedding feast. Mother Mary was concerned about what might happen when later during the festivities the wine supply for the guests would ran out. So she told her son about it, but he merely replied: ‘What does that have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.’ Never mind, mother thought and instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them.

‘When the wine supply was beginning to run low, Jesus spotted six stone water jars that were used for the Jewish rites of purification. Each one held twenty to thirty gallons and Jesus asked the servants to fill the jars with water. As soon as they had done this, Jesus said: ‘Take a sample of what’s in the jars to the master of ceremonies.’ After one sip the master knew that the water had been turned into wine. Having no idea where it had come from, he called the bridegroom and said: ‘Serving the best wines first and after people have imbibed freely of them they are usually followed by poorer quality ones, that’s the usual thing for festivities. What I would like to know is why you kept this exquisite wine until now.’

‘And that’s how quite early the story of the Master Jesus’ life tells us about the miracle that now, when things are coming to full circle, turns out to be the most significant one. Let’s take a closer look at the proceedings. The wedding is a symbolism of the loving union between Heaven and Earth during which humankind, God’s beloved children of the Earth, are the guests. At first they get served the old religion and that is the wine that’s the best one for that particular stage of the human race’s development. Now that the Aquarian age is fully with all of us, the old religion has run its course and served its usefulness.

‘In keeping with God’s evolutionary plan, the love and wisdom of the Great Mother are retuning to your world and She once more reveals Her presence. The Angels, on Her behalf, are telling you the higher esoteric truth that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world. They are revealing that the tale of the Master’s life is but a legend and should not be taken as literally true. Increasing numbers of you by now are spiritually mature enough to grasp that Jesus has always represented every human being’s own higher or Christ nature. He never was a historical figure but merely existed as a thoughtform and did not appear any other way.

‘The Mother wants you, Her beloved children of the Earth, to know that there will not be a second coming because there never was a first one. If anything at all, the appearance of a legend could be considered to be a first coming and the revelation of the truth about the God-man Jesus as the second. Finding out about these things is part of the sacred wedding between Heaven and Earth in which the two parts at last are joining forces and healing together into one.

‘The Jesus story, from the moment of its conception, was intended by God and the Angels to be used, at first not as a legend which it truly is, but as the most far-fetched and far-reaching deception that your world has ever seen. And each time you are helping one of your human siblings in the great family of all life to comprehend this, for them you are changing the water of the Jesus tale into the wine of the truth about him. The discovery that it has been for wise educational reasons that the higher esoteric meaning of God’s sacred wisdom and truth had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world for such a long time, means they are partaking in the eternal-life-giving wine. Through this experience their consciousness expands sufficiently to allow their entry into the magnitude of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. That in turn is accompanied by a steady expansion of their faith and trust in the Highest Forces of life.

‘They too will then know that God is not somewhere ‘out there’, that it is an inner experience. It’s the wise one or living God within, who has always been trying to communicate intuitively with every human being, but alas for a long time in vain. Becoming aware of its presence makes it possible to hear Its voice and listen to its advice. And that means you have been instrumental in the wonder of making blind ones see and deaf ones hear. This is another one of the symbolical meanings of the healing miracles that the Bible’s New Testament reports as being performed by Jesus. The parables of the loaves and fishes and the transformation of water into wine belong to the same category.

‘Every one of you is destined to eventually walk in the footsteps of the legendary Jesus and evolve into a spiritual Master, i.e. one who has mastered and is in charge of every aspect of their being. That’s how each in their own right, with the passing of time grows into a Christed one and a miracle worker. You do not have the power of bringing about anyone’s awakening, because this can only happen when the right moment has come for them. But if you ask frequently that the right words should come to you, you will know intuitively what to say. Be satisfied with gently sprinkling a few of your finest seeds into the cup of the wine of people’s consciousness. Then step back and let God and the Angels do the rest, as they surely will when for that person the time for waking up has come.

‘The virgin Mary is one of the many symbolisms of the Great Mother, the Goddess. Every feminine creature on the earthly plane is one of Her manifestations. As you know from other parts of the Aquarian jottings, Her wisdom and love were withheld from your world for around six thousand years of the patriarchy’s male dominance and why this happened. Rejoice that this by now lies behind you. For quite a while the Mother’s energies have been returning to your world and their strength is steadily escalating. Read more about this in ‘2019 – A Very Special Year’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘Under the guidance and protection of the Angels and their helpers wise ones tune into the Mother’s energies and work with them for the highest good of the whole of humankind. The more of you are doing this, the more easily and speedily using religions as excuses for violence and warmongering will disappear from your world. And the more the religion of the new age takes over, the more the artificial creating of trouble and strife will gradually fall by the wayside in the natural flow of events. We can tell you reliably that this is going to happen and will become increasingly visible during the coming decade with the growing of the influence of the Mother’s energies.

‘The two ends of a vast circle of humankind’s development are meeting. Through their drawing together one of the saddest chapters of its history is drawing to its natural conclusion. It can clearly be seen by everybody that this is destined to happen because it is written in God’s evolutionary plan of life. That’s why you and your world are provided with the energies that will allow everybody to make their contribution to bringing it about.

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘The religion of the new age is one of the heart and that’s where love dwells. Loving hearts know the truth and what is right or wrong, without have to be told what to do and say at all times. Wise ones who listen to their hearts know that for a long time to come Jesus will remain a symbol of Universal love and compassion, kindness and goodness, tolerance and patience towards every manifestation of life. That’s how not the God-man Jesus but the legend of his life is one of the immortal roses that will continue to flower on the cross of earthly life, for as long as it is going to exist.

‘Last but not least, to paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to your world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything just because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can something become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Jesus – A Thoughtform’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘From Losing Faith To Finding Renewed Faith’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘2019 - A Very Special Year’

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Looking At Life From Both Sides

Earth's Vibrations Are Changing - Beautiful Planet Earth - Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations

‘I’ve looked at life from both sides now,
From up and down, and still somehow.
It’s life’s illusions I recall.
I really don’t know life at all.’

Joni Mitchell

I believe that our earthly existence can only be understood when one peers beneath its surface. Everything that ever took place in our world and still does to this day, only begins to make sense when one becomes aware of its spiritual background, humankind’s true eternal home from where all of us once emerged. May the knowledge that the old prophecies really are coming true in unexpected ways assist even the last and slowest one of us to find their way back home into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. I am convinced that our world is not going to perish, because I know that it is written in God’s great plan of life that we ourselves are going to save it.

Although the physical aspect of the Earth is bound to vanish in due course, the same as our physical bodies, our planet’s rich inner heritage, its spirit and soul, will never be destroyed and neither will ours. We ourselves are the world and each one of us is an integral and equally important part of it. We do not inhabit this life on our own and for quite some time by now, humankind has been part of the process of transforming our beautiful planet Earth into one of peace and healing that radiates its blessings throughout the whole of Creation. Hand in hand with our Father/Mother Creator and the Angels and with ever increasing speed we and whole world are changing and becoming ever more spiritualised. The Highest Forces of Creation are constantly adjusting and modifying the vibrations of the Earth and all its material aspects are increasingly filling with light.

Our world is changing so profoundly and in the fullness of time will be such a different place that, if this were happening too suddenly and quickly, none of us would be able to cope at all. The going for a great many at present is tough enough as it is. Whenever world events threaten to overwhelm me, I remind myself that it is a great privilege to be here at this special time of transition from one Age into the next. Therefore, let us not begrudge anything that has to be endured and as joyously as we can each make our contribution towards creating a more peaceful world. It is a great honour to be allowed to take an active part in the building of the New Jerusalem and bringing God’s Eternal Kingdom down to the Earth. So let us not begrudge giving freely and willingly of our best.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. Now that we have reached it, God’s wisdom and truth are flowing ever more forcefully from the loving heart of the Universe, the Source of all being, into the hearts and souls of those who are open and ready to receive it. And I rejoice that in the new age none of us will ever again be required to believe anything blindly. Naturally, this also applies to my writings. The Bible tells us in John 14:2: ‘In my Father’s house are many rooms [mansions]. If it were not so, I would have told you.’ In the traditional versions of the Scriptures rooms was translated into meaning mansions. However, I prefer the wording of the Lamsa Bible – see the note about it at the end and also my booklist. To me, the word ‘rooms’ comes closer to what the Jesus legend was trying to convey to our world, namely that there are many different levels of existence in our Father/Mother’s house and each one is filled with Its presence, which is love.

The Father’s house is the heart of the whole of Creation and that indeed has many rooms and therefore plenty of space for every spirit and soul and also for all the belief systems our world ever experienced. We alone can decide which one is still the right one for us or whether our spiritual understanding has already grown beyond the perceptions of religious institutions and organisations. It is true that the answers to all our questions are known within. This is because every human heart is an essential and integral part of the great Universal heart, the dwelling place of our Highest or God Self and that is the only place on this Earth where truthful answers can be found.

Only when our inner teacher, our intuition, tells us that something is true and right, should we believe whatever anyone presents to us. We neglect this inner voice to our detriment. Every time you hear, see or read something – including this – listen to the responses that come through the world of your feelings, in particular your heart. Things are only true if this part of you says: ‘Yes, this does make sense. It is true!’ Only then take it on board and allow it to penetrate your inner and outer consciousness.

When you listen to what other people have to say about any given subject, bear in mind that there is no absolute truth, and that everybody’s truth is at least slightly different from any other. Only when your heart murmurs: ‘Yes, this is true!’ then what you have found is part of your truth. Stick to it, no matter what anyone else may say about it, because your inner guidance will never deceive you, lead you astray or let you down.

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Do You Know Where You're Going To?

Do you know where your're going to? Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing Journey

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?

Do you know?

M. Masser & G. Goffin

An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.

Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.

The deeper these things sank into my consciousness, the more I came to terms with my lifetime’s experiences and the long, slow and painful journey of healing my soul got on its way. As time went by, the desire to return to my old home country or even to visit it disappeared completely. All I had ever got from my visits was a bloody nose – metaphorically speaking. Each time I was emotionally so deeply upset and distressed that at one time it made me physically sick, without having any idea at the time of why it was happening. Realising where we are all coming from and one day will be returning to has helped me to love and appreciate my life and the things it is showing me.

As bit by bit the mystery of our existence started to unravel itself in my mind, I got to like and appreciate what life has always been trying to show me. The more I understand, the more I love my life and the one who created it. In my view, understanding is the key for unlocking any door. It makes forgiving much easier, first for ourselves for needing such difficult lessons and then for the unfortunate souls who had to carry the burden of hurting and wounding us, not only in this lifetime but also all previous ones. Recognising the Universe’s great wisdom and infinite love behind every single one of our experiences is half the battle won. Without the ‘bloody nose’ experiences I almost certainly would have got lost in the illusion of a home and mother who were meant to play this role in my life for an allocated span of time only. And so, I pray:

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may forgive each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me in this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I am truly thankful.

From ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’

As soon as our earthly self catches a glimpse of the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of God’s children of the Earth, our comprehension expands of God’s true nature and our own. When we begin to understand where we once came from and where one day we shall be returning to, our soul rejoices. As it begins to relax, the earthly self slowly finds ever more rest, peace and healing.  Even when it has merely touched the outer edge of God’s eternal bliss and joy, it becomes more patient in its pursuit of the wisdom, truth and understanding of its true Divine parents.

Although God’s all-enfolding, all-forgiving and all-understanding total and unconditional love is hard to grasp for earthly minds, it is from this point that each one of us once emerged as a minute spark of God’s sacred spirit and was sent forth. Each was launched on their own evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Straight away we had to start building ourselves a personality with distinct character traces. We also needed a soul, as a container – if you like – in which the memories of all our learning would be stored. In both genders, the soul is the feminine, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling part of our nature. Only through these additional parts is it possible for the indwelling spirit in any of us to get to know itself and the world in which our Highest Self places us, wherever this may be one of these days.

Each spark of the Divine initially is a spirit only. Part of God’s masculine aspect, astrologically it is represented by the elements Fire and Air. For as long as the spirit has no body, although it can think it can neither see nor experience itself. It has no feelings but that does not stop if from being precocious, enterprising and inquisitive, wanting to learn to understand itself and the life surrounding it. Having given the matter considerable thought, the spirit of God once decided to create itself a feminine counterpart, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Our soul is part of the Goddess and our spirit is part of God. Both belong together and are one – there is no separation. The feminine aspect of the Divine and us is astrologically represented by the elements Water and Earth.

This evolutionary process explains the necessity for our existence on the physical plane of life. To enable anything to take part in this world, a vehicle has to be created for moving about, i.e. a physical body whose main components are Water and Earth. And that’s how it’s come about that we presently find ourselves in one of the material environments of God’s Creation, planet Earth, on the outermost edge of existence.

It does take a long time until the earthly mind understands the  incredibly long journey of discovery its spirit and soul have already travelled. Finally, the small earthly self comes to terms with its existence and accepts that its explorations will forever continue and that on increasingly higher levels of life, its imagination captures an impression of the grandeur and the goodness of God’s Creation that can clearly be seen everywhere, including its own past, present and future. With this new vision it gradually becomes more tranquil, placid, joyous and also humorous towards some of the difficulties it daily has to cope with.

Whenever something threatens to overwhelm us, it is good to know that we are never alone, because God and the Angels, as well as our guides and masters in the world of light, are constantly with us. Having witnessed them many times in the past, they do understand our human problems only too well. If we call upon them, they will show us how we can become ever more sincere and true in all our relationships, so that we may walk our pathway through life with tranquil hearts and minds that are open to the glories of their worlds that for the time being have to remain invisible to earthly eyes.

Six pointed Star

Healing Affirmations

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Healing Affirmations

My physical body is the outer part of me, I am its indwelling spirit/soul. It’s my vehicle for getting around on the Earth, for one lifetime only.

I am Divine light. Its presence permeates and heals every cell and every atom of my whole being.

God is part of me and I am part of God. I am the resurrection of spiritual awareness and that I shall be alive in all Eternity.  

With every beat of my heart my whole being fills with the healing power of the Christ Star and supplies me with Its strength and endurance.

With every beat of my heart my mind is filled with feelings of peace and joy, the courage and the determination in need to succeed in all my endeavours.

With every beat of my heart my whole being fills with the rhythms of God’s love, harmony and peace.

Six pointed Star

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star