The Truth About Truth
On The Wings Of God’s Truth
Part A
The psalms are so old that their origins are lost in the mists of time. Most of them are believed to have been written by King David and King Solomon, and that this probably took place in Jerusalem during the tenth century BC. King David lived from about 1037 to 967 BC. However, some of the psalms, if one looks carefully at the words, must have been written after the Jewish exile in Babylon when Cyrus, the King of Persia, invaded and took over the Babylonian empire.
He decreed that the Jews should be allowed back to rebuild their temple. This took place around 539BC and the years following. Therefore it is possible that the psalms were written over a period of well over 500 years. Because by the time the Jesus legend entered our world, the psalms were well established as devotional songs and poems, they were included in the New Testament. Even Jesus’ supposedly dying words on the cross ‘My God, My God. why have you forsaken me?’ were taken from Psalm 22.
Psalm 91:4 promises: ‘He will cover you with His feathers and under his wings you shall trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler.’ Buckler is an old fashioned word for a small round shield. It is usually held by a handle or warn on the arm, as a means of protection and defence.
Telling us such things may have been good enough when the Psalms were written. But thanks be to God and the Angels, since then our perception of the spiritual background of life, of God and of ourselves has changed and increased dramatically. By now, we know that God’s truth cannot be found in books and that, no matter how high and holy they may be, it may only be partly revealed to us there. Time and again we all have been placed in this life, so that in the end each one of us in their own right should be guided to their own conclusion that this kind of truth can only be found within.
One of the main purposes of our lifetimes on the Earth plane is helping those around us to evolve into seekers of wisdom and truth, each in their own right. Irrespective of whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, time and again we are placed here to first find an ever increasing understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth for ourselves and then to share our knowledge with all those who are in need of it. And that’s how, in the course of humankind’s evolutionary journey that already has stretched over many thousands of years, the individual and collective consciousness of our world has slowly but surely been expanding. Because our knowledge of God, the Universe and ourselves will always continue to grow, a cautionary note may not come amiss here. Before God every soul stands alone, i.e. the perception of what this concept means is unique to every human being and that’s why everybody’s truth varies somewhat from anyone else’s.
Human souls yearn for stability and security, but for as long as we expect to find them on the Earth plane, we shall be looking in vain for the simple reason that they are not meant to be found here. In our search for certainties and absolute truths we may turn to a host of sources in the hope of finding them. Yet, in the end each one of us has to discover for themselves that they do not exist anywhere. This is because all life – including ours and that of our world – is relentlessly moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life that constantly takes us and our world into experiencing ever higher levels of consciousness. This process eventually returns each one of us into the conscious awareness of our oneness with our Creator.
As established in other parts of the jottings, the law of life is evolution. Universes and the worlds within them are born, evolve and grow. When they have outlived their usefulness, they are destroyed again, to make room for new ones to come into existence. In spite of the fact that our understanding of the meaning of God has vastly improved over the ages, the only constant in the whole of Creation will always be the spirit within, the eternal presence of the spirit of God and our own. As a spark of the Divine, like God we too are immortal and cannot die. The spirit of God and our own will be forever continue. Anything else we require in the course of our evolutionary journey will eventually be surplus to requirement and shed.
This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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