War And Peace Among Nations

 The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer

A Serendipity of Reflections on Life

Seen through the Eyes of an Astrologer

Volume II

Six pointed Star

Astrology In War And Peace Among Nations

Awake from your slumber,
Arise from your sleep,
A new day is dawning,
For all those who weep.

Six pointed Star

Part 1

Peace In Our World (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Payers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - Peace In Our World

Where there is righteousness in the heart,
There is beauty in the character.
Where there is beauty in the character,
There is harmony in the home.
Where there is harmony in the home,
There is order in the nation,
And when spiritual order has come to all nations,
There will be peace in our world.

Chinese Proverb
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (2)


‘Wisdom is not a flower to be plucked, but a mountain to be climbed.’

Once upon a time, a wise one came to the conclusion that an unexamined life is not worth living. How true! Yet, who in their right senses would wish to wade through their unpleasant and painful experiences of the past again? The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more urgent becomes the issue of finding healing every one of the soul wounds of previous lifetimes and this one. To enable us to release the ghosts from the past means taking every last one of the skeletons out of our inner cupboard.

There are no hard and fast rules for going about this. Everybody has to develop their own unique approach. Without this no genuine feelings of forgiveness for all those who ever hurt and wounded us, as well as our own failings and shortcomings that once set these wheels into motion, can grow in anyone’s heart and soul. To my mind this is impossible without the realisation that the events of our present lifetime and all previous ones always served the wise higher purpose of aiding our spiritual growth and becoming a better person.

By writing about some of the worst traumas of my present lifetime in this work, I hope to lay some of my phantoms to rest. Without my spiritual beliefs I would find that impossible, but with their help I have no problems lifting myself and my experiences above the clouds of darkness that have been surrounding our world for a very long time. I believe that there is Great plan of life, in which everything that ever happened and is still to come has its allocated place. Considering anything within the framework of this plan dwarfs everything that is not only in our own lives but also in our whole world.

Without this perception of life, people and events may often appear as nothing but troublesome, whereas when viewed from a higher perspective and in the wider context of the Universal laws of love, evolution and Karma, they take on the right proportions. One steps back and rises above the events of one’s life and recognises that which appeared so huge and overpowering at the time as small and comparatively insignificant, something that now is merely waiting to be forgiven and released. The only reason why our ghosts are still hanging around is that they are meant to be used as instruments for finding healing and peace for our own soul and – through it – that of our world.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (3)

My Perception  Of Life

Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light,
You with your own vision –
And I with my insight.

The way I understand life in general and our earthly existence within it, is that all life is constantly evolving. Onwards and upwards we move in vast cycles that can be likened to spirals that take us onto ever higher levels of consciousness. Life on the Earth is a place of learning, more of a kindergarten than a school.

Through ever changing circumstances life tries to teach us all the true, i.e. spiritual value of everything it contains. It takes a long time until the underlying higher purpose and meaning life reveal themselves to the limited vision of the earthly self.  And even if some of us live to be a hundred, each earthly sojourn is nothing but a blinking of the eyes in God’s time. The word time I use merely as a metaphor; in truth there is no time in eternity and the life of the spirit is limitless; it has no beginning and no end.

We are much more than the bodies we presently live in; we are spirit and soul who time and again reincarnates into Earth life. The two belong together and act as one, they are one single unit; that is why throughout my writings I refer to spirit and soul as an ‘it’ rather than a ‘they’. Each lifetime on the Earth is a journey for which spirit and soul need a vehicle to carry it through, so it clothes itself temporarily with matter. Upon completion of each sojourn, it returns to the world of spirit to rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of Earth life. Only when it has done so sufficiently does it voluntarily apply for another lifetime – and another – and yet another; no-one forces it. Every experience that comes its way has purpose and meaning, which is to teach it something. It is therefore in the soul’s own interest and always worth its while to pay attention and investigate what learning each event may hold.

This happens to all of us and each time before we enter into yet another lifetime, together with the wise ones under whose care we are, we ourselves choose our forthcoming lessons on the Earth plane. On the surface of things this may seem cruel when at times we appear to be stuck in difficult and distressing circumstances. Although it is a fact that we once chose our present experiences, because they alone could teach us the lessons we required, without appreciating that this is so, how can anyone even begin to examine what they are supposed to learn? It is up to each one of us individually to make a conscious effort at discovering the wisdom that is hidden behind our experiences. In that way alone can it be built successfully into our character make-up and help us conduct our lives with more ease.

My own life has taught me that a human existence on this planet can only gain structure and direction when it finally dawns on us what this earthly existence truly is about and why we are here. Until such time it is unlikely that we shall ever be able to make a great deal of the spiritual progress that potentially is our birthright. However, each time we return to the world of spirit, once we have recovered sufficiently from the stresses and strains of Earth life, we are offered opportunities for reviewing our performances of all lifetimes, including the most recent one.

Something like a veil separates our earthly existence from our other world. And because of the scrutinising that comes later, during our time on this side of the veil it is necessary to regularly examine our lives for what is still of value to us and that which is in need of discarding. Unless we do so and willingly make the changes that this requires from us, upon our arrival in our true home, we may wake up to the truth that we have been wasting yet another precious lifetime.

While in physicality, we are bound to make mistakes; indeed, they are good for us and we are meant to make them. We should not become unduly upset over our errors, either past or present ones. For one thing, they teach our earthly self humility, a quality it is greatly in need of. And for another, as long as we glean something valuable from any experience, we are progressing and growing, giving our soul every reason to rejoice.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘What is Soul?’

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Peace In Our World (4)

The Value Of Self-Examination

Analysing the self and one’s life’s experiences is not as egotistical a pastime as it may seem to be on the surface. Assessing the value of everything is a vital part of the work of healing ourselves and our lives and that, after all, is the main reason for being on the Earth plane now. By writing about some of the most harrowing experiences of my early childhood I hope will contribute towards freeing my inner self from some of the worst shadows of my past. That is my main incentive for talking about some of my wartime experiences here. Besides, I feel that those who are interested in my writings have a right to know something about me and the events in my life which – as mentioned earlier – to a large extent explain the motivation behind my work.

It may interest you to hear that my Sun is in Libra and my Moon in Cancer. Now, if you have read my interpretations of these signs, you know that Libra is the sign of the peacemaker; and Cancer that of the nurturing and caring aspect of the Divine Mother; women are her representatives on the Earth plane. Knowing this, it will not come as a surprise to you that I am a family person who loves to care; this for me is the only way for me to be true to my real self. Caring for others satisfies and fulfils my own soul needs like nothing else can. If that is selfish, then so be it. My children are long grown up and the time for me has come to turn ever more towards caring for and nurturing you, my spiritual family.

I do care about each one of you. I care about all life and especially deeply about that of our planet. I know – not merely believe – that the beautiful jewel in the crown of God’s Creation, our Earth, is not destined to perish.  In the course of the cosmic evolution of all life, the physical aspect, i.e. the matter of Earth will continue to change. It is likely that the way we now know and love this beautiful sphere of ours, the way we know it now will eventually be gone for good, as Earth’s matter evolves into a lighter and finer substance. Simultaneous with the spiritual development of our world and everything in it, this is already happening, as all together we evolve and move onto progressively higher levels of consciousness. There is no need to get unduly alarmed about this because God and the Angels, as well as the Masters and guides who are in charge of us and our world will always be there to protect us and show us the way.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (5)

How Great Thou Art!

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - How Great Thou Art!

Our own heart is part of the great living and loving heart of the Universe and like the great heart, our own eternally pulsates its light into the whole of Creation. The great heart is the intelligence of the Universe, the Father, the masculine first principle of God. He is abstract and his energy is the pure and invisible creative thought that once brought each one of us into being. The Mother is the feminine second principle through whom all worlds and its lifeforms are created.

The third principle is the Son/Daughter, born of the Father/Mother’s love, whose light comes alive in and animates all life the Father creates through the Mother. The Father places a spark of the Son/Daughter into each one of his offspring, for example you and me, so that we should evolve and slowly grow into the conscious awareness of our own nature and Divine origin. Before any world could be created, the Father had to create himself a Son/Daughter, a source of light and warmth, by whom his creations could be nurtured and maintained.

Spiritually, ignorance is darkness and knowledge is light. The Highest experiences itself through all Its creatures and as they slowly grow and evolve, the spiritual light of the Universe increases. Expressed in the most simple terms this means that God is constantly growing and evolving, the same as we are doing. In God and also in us Father/Mother/Son and Daughter are one and inseparable. All life, including that of the Earth, is imbued with the vibrations of this holy Trinity. Although to this day those of the Earth are extremely slow and dense, like a ladder they nonetheless reach up from every human heart towards the higher and highest levels of life into the heartmind of God. It is only because the Earth’s vibrations are so slow that matter, the Mother, appears to be solid to earthly eyes. In truth, every bit of it is nothing of the kind, as any physicist will be happy enough to confirm. And to enable human souls to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, their energies have to be cleansed, purified and refined. Without this no progress is possible.

William Cullen Bryant, the American author and poet wrote: ‘My heart is awed within me, when I think of the great miracle that still goes on, in silence, around me – the perpetual work of Thy Creation, finished, yet renewed forever.’ Sharing his feelings, I see our world as one great a work of art. In spite of its size it is merely a tiny integral part of an even more gigantic masterpiece and a labour of love, and that is the whole of Creation and all worlds and beings contained within them. Everything that ever has been and ever will be is created by the loving creative thoughts and ideas of our Creator, the Great Father of all life. Through the Great Mother, with the help of the Angels, all things come into being. Her love and wisdom decide where and when. And the Son/Daughter, the Sun above and beyond the Sun, gives life to and nurtures and warmth to even the tiniest ones of its aspects.

Everything that is still unattractive and disharmonious in our world and in us is merely waiting to be made beautiful and harmonious, in its own sweet time. Therefore, let no-one despise these things, for they too have meaning and serve the higher purpose of teaching us to distinguish between ugliness and chaos and that which is beautiful and harmonious. The words of Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes come closer to my own perception of our earthly existence than any other definition I have ever seen anywhere: ‘Life is painting a picture and not doing sums.’

And should you now ask me: ‘Why is there still so much ugliness in our world?’ I would say: ‘Try to imagine the frustration of the Great artist, our Creator, if His/Her work were ever to be finished and could not be carried on, just because it had reached perfection. There would be nothing for Him/Her to do any more and that is unthinkable, as any creative artist is sure to confirm. The wonder and magic of evolution is that everything will always continue to evolve and move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, including you and me and our world.

We are in this life to find a new understanding and re-interpretation of the age-old concept of Gaia. Once more humankind is becoming aware of the true nature of Mother Earth as one vast living, breathing and feeling organism in which we, for as long as our earthly education continues, have our existence. Like us, she has a spirit and soul as well as a physical body. Our beautiful planet is but one of the many spiritual and physical manifestations of the Great Mother of all life. Our Divine Father/Mother are the nurturers and protectors of all life in the whole of Creation, the parts that are visible to earthly eyes as well as those which to this day are invisible to us. All are beloved children of the Great Spirit and each one of them is equally precious and unique.

I can never stop marvelling at the great wisdom and the loving care with which everything in the material world has been designed and is constantly attended to. I once had an Ivy Canariensis hedge in my garden, one of the slowest growing varieties whose main attraction are its leaves. To my astonishment I noticed that no two leaves were ever quite alike and that each one of them was indeed an individual work of art. On several occasions I tried to find two identical leaves in size, shape and/or markings – always in vain. Each leaf was yet another reflection of the great love of our Creator and the uniqueness and preciousness of all that is in the created world, including you and me.

When I look around and see Thy great work of art and labour of love, ever evolving to greater glory and beauty – a physical manifestation and a reflection of Thy great wisdom, beauty and love, then indeed sings my soul, my Saviour and God to Thee: ‘How great Thou art! How great Thou art!’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘When Creation Was Began – A Tale For The Aquarian Age’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (6)

Why This Part Of My Writings?

‘Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. Such a world in arms is not spending money alone, but also the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists and the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war humanity hangs on a cross of iron.’ Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech, American Society of Newspaper Editors, 16 April 1953

‘Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman and child in an attire of which kings and queens would be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole Earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship that is dedicated to peace.’ Charles Sumner

The many dramatised programs about the wartime events in Germany that can be seen on TV are an important part of motivation for writing this part of the jottings. Having endured some of them first hand, I have no stomach for watching any of them. But, I am told that some of these broadcasts seem to be creating the general impression that it would have been possible for the German civilian population to put an end to the Nazi terror. May this article help you draw your own conclusions about whether such a view is justified.

For a time, I considered whether it would be a good idea to present my memories of those days as one block, but in view of the nature of my writings this did not feel right. They are of an intuitive nature and represent a flow of consciousness that is like a river and like any river this one must be allowed to find its own way. The same as my writings, my beliefs and understanding have their origin in my inner guidance, the only truly trustworthy teacher and guru in the whole of Creation. To anyone who does not like this presentation I offer my sincere apologies and hope that you may find it worth your while to bear with me nonetheless.

It may interest you to know that all my work is done intuitively by following the promptings of my inner teacher and guru. I have conducted my life that way for a very long time, as I believe we are meant to. This is also how all my writings come into being. As a true child of the Aquarian Age, I hope, I listen to the tune of my own inner drum and march to its beat, another expression for following one’s intuition. I have always been a Maverick who enjoys nothing better than doing things my own way. I take the basics of any subject and then work with them in my own unique way, listening within. Quite some time ago, I studied the basics of first astrology and then numerology. The rest is self-taught, namely intuitive knowledge. The way I see it, if not at least some of us had always been prepared to work in this manner no progress would ever have been made in any field of human endeavour, especially not esoterically.

The inspiration for this part of my writings came when the Sun moved through Scorpio and the British Festival of Remembrance on the 11th November was drawing closer. Every year during the Sun’s transit through this sign the inner worlds draw closer to the outer, and the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds is thinner than usual. Some important spiritual festivals are then taking place on the higher and highest levels of life; those on the Earth plane are their reflections. My interpretation of Scorpio in the Astro Files can help you find a better understanding of how the potent energies of this sign affect each one of us individually, our whole world and everything that shares it with us.

Recommended Reading:
• 'The Sun in Scorpio'

Six pointed Star

Where Do I Stand Spiritually?

In case you are by now wondering where I stand spiritually towards the religious organisations of our world, let me explain. Throughout my present lifetime I have been and always will remain a free spirit. Occasionally, I visit churches and other places of worship. I am not averse to taking part in their services. As a matter of fact, I have found some of them most enjoyable in the past. But, like any Aquarian, I refuse to be bound by anyone’s dogma or creed. I relish the freedom to follow my heart and the knowledge that this is the only place in the whole of Creation where truth is known. My truth is that which my inner teacher tells me to be true, and that alone I am prepared to share with anyone. One needs to bear in mind that the perception of truth varies from person to person; therefore yours may well be different from mine. Wherever the two digress from each other, we need to ask our inner teacher to show us what is right for us, though it may not be for anyone else.

As I am as involved in the rebirth of humankind to the same degree as everybody else, I also have to attend to my own personal healing journey. By now, I have reached the point where I recognise my role in this life as that of an interested but neutral observer. As far as humanly possible, I intend that this position should remain unchanged for what is left of my present lifetime. Through new interpretations of old themes all my work is done in a spirit of enquiry and of seeking spiritual wisdom, not just for myself but for all of us. By adding some of my insights into our common spiritual heritage I hope to increase the understanding of some of the concepts that have been available to humankind for a very long time. And that is my very own small share of bringing a measure of healing and peace into our troubled world.

Although quotes from the Christian teachings appear in my writings more than those from other belief systems, let no-one run away with the notion that I am some kind of a Bible thumper. Lying at the feet of any well-known great earthly teachers has never been my style. Yet, I do not hesitate to humbly go down on my knees before the Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator and the Universal Christ. In my view, the best teacher of all is life itself; it has always been mine. Life alone can teach us the value of the things, which – when the setting of the Sun for this lifetime has been reached – we recognise as having been truly worth living and striving for.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (7)

My Background

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - My Background

Martin Luther King Jr. once said: ‘One of the most persistent ambiguities we face is that everybody talks about peace as a goal, but among the wielders of power peace is practically nobody’s business. Many cry: ‘Peace! Peace!’, but they refuse to do the things that make for peace … One day, we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. How much longer must we play at deadly war games before we heed the plaintive pleas of the unnumbered dead and maimed of past wars?’

This brings me back to my own life. I was born at the end of September 1937 and, therefore, was almost two when the Second World War broke out and seven and a half when it finished. For the first twenty-eight years of my life, I lived in a small provincial town in the Sauerland, one of the most beautiful parts of Western Germany. My home town lies near to the Rhine and Ruhr area, which was then and still is of great economic importance. In close proximity, there are whole chains of industrial centres, starting with Dortmund, Bochum, Essen, and Duisburg. As far as I recall, in Cologne and Leverkusen the pharmaceutical/chemical giants Bayer and Hoechst were dominant. In those days, among their many products was synthetic fuel. Düsseldorf and Solingen were close by. In Oberhausen, Bottrop, Gelsenkirchen, Recklinghausen, together with Bochum the main focus was on coal mining, an essential aspect for the survival of any industrial nation in those days.

Essen was the seat of the Krupp combine, the all-important iron and steel manufacturer. To give you an idea of its significance to the German war effort, here is some information about its activities. During the war it built submarines, trucks, locomotives, and warships, in addition to artillery and munitions. The owner was Alfred Krupp who after the war was convicted of war crimes at the Nuremberg trials, specifically for the employment of slave labour. On top of all that the company had also been guilty of plundering property and plants in the occupied countries. Under the terms of an Allied decree of March 4, 1953, Krupp was ordered to sell about seventy-five percent of the value of the concern. As no buyers could be found, by the early 1960s Alfred had restored the prosperity of his company and its value exceeded US$1,000,000,000.

In July 1965, I married an Englishman and moved to the United Kingdom. Soon after my arrival, on the 11th November to be precise, I was for the first time confronted with the British celebrations of Remembrance Day and the custom of buying and wearing poppies. On every street corner and in many shops, from early in November, red paper poppies are sold on behalf of the British Legion, an organisation that supports the survivors of both world wars. When this time came round again in the year 2006, I found myself wondering about the wisdom of writing a small article to explain how I came to terms with Remembrance Day and the poppies in Britain. I will attempt to do so, in the hope that it may help those living on the former opposition side towards a somewhat better understanding of what then went on within Germany.

By the time the Second World War was over, although so young, I vividly recall many of the hardships we endured. As I start writing, gradually more of them come to mind, for example the Allied Forces bombers flying their lethal missions to the above mentioned cities. As our town was situated immediately in their flight path, we could hear them roaring over our house to unload their deadly cargos somewhere. Anything that was left of their loads was – intentionally or otherwise – indiscriminately discharged later, somewhere on the return journey.

As the war efforts accelerated on both sides, the frequency of the bombing raids increased. There came a time when wave after wave of aircraft flew overhead every night, so that eventually our family had to spend each one crouched in the cellar of our house. This created the illusion of a measure of protection, but if a bomb had dropped on our roof, I do not believe there would have been any survivors. Because there was a great deal of light industry in our town, it was fully expected that the raids might be extended to our area. Only by the end of the war did it become clear that fortunately this was not the case.

I had two sisters older than myself and one younger brother. As the middle sister and I were born only eighteen months apart, we grew up like twins and were very close. During the time we spent every night in the cellar, this sister went down with a severe attack of jaundice; she almost died and our doctor diagnosed the cause as fear. No-one doubted that; all I can recall is how terrified I was of losing her. After a while, she also became ill with diphtheria and scarlet fever, which in those days frequently had fatal consequences. When it became known that she had to spend many weeks in the isolation ward of our hospital, I recall standing behind the door – we children were not allowed into the room to see her – and hoping that I would also catch the disease, so I could go with her. Had I already known how to pray, that undoubtedly is what I would have asked for.

Visiting her was heartbreaking; it was only possible at certain times and through a huge thick pane of glass. She would neither smile nor wave; maybe she did not even recognise us. Desperately ill as she was and at a time that tried the adults to the limits of their endurance, she could not even stay in her familiar surroundings. For the whole family and worst of all for my sister that truly was Hell on Earth. How much damage such things cause to the spiritual wellbeing of human souls does not bear thinking about. Not surprisingly, my sister’s constitution always remained very fragile; at age fifty-two she died of lung cancer.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (8)

Fear, The Root Of All Evil

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Fear, The Root Of All EvilIn my view, fear is the root of all evil and suffering in our world, and also the main cause of cancer. An increasing awareness is coming to humankind that mind, body and spirit are equally important for everybody’s overall wellbeing and that every part demands special care and attention from us. Many are aware by now that we, the small earthly self, are spirit and soul encased in matter, i.e. our physical body. As pointed out many times before, the way I understand this life is that each one of us has come into this lifetime to find healing through learning how to get all parts of our being to work together harmoniously.
The soft and sensitive feeling side of our nature is our soul and the only way the soul has of communicating with its counterpart, the small earthly self, is through the cells of everybody’s physical body. Whenever one of its parts is hurting it is invariably a message from our soul that something in our lives is not right and therefore demands our attention. For as long as the earthly self remains unaware of the presence of its  spirit and soul within, it can hardly help failing to understand its requirements and the most basic spiritual principles of life. The soul must then keep on hammering with ever greater strength at the door of its earthly self’s conscious awareness.

Ignorance never could protect anyone against the consequences of any of their actions. Until we finally realise that any pain in our physical body represents a plea from our soul to deal with whatever may be out of kilter in our lives in a constructive manner, there is nothing for it but enduring whatever comes our way – without having any idea that we ourselves are the real cause of our suffering. Fortunately, many by now accept that any illnesses, discomfort and dis-eases that manifest themselves in our physical bodies are invariably messages from our soul that something requires our most urgent and diligent attention.

It is true that lots of our fears date back to our early childhood, but I believe that there are also a great many which we have brought with us from other lifetimes. Their memories are by now seated so deep within our consciousness that on the surface they can no longer be recognised. If as a result, they remain unnoticed for too long and can therefore not be dealt with in the appropriate manner, they can do nothing but continue to fester away. Finally, the soul’s need gets so great that it expresses its suffering through the very cells of our physical body and we become ill, sometimes so severely that cancerous cells develop that attack and destroy the good ones.

This is the reason why I believe that society will never conquer cancer, the greatest scourge of our age, with chemicals alone. To my mind, deep soul healing and releasing work are the only things that can help us forward here. It seems to me that the overall message our physical bodies are trying to give us whenever there is some pain or discomfort somewhere is: ‘Heal me! Find healing for me!’

Negative thoughts and feelings are a normal part of the healing process we all have to go through on our way back home into our true reality. Cleansing our consciousness of them and clearing them out so that they will never return is the only reason why they come knocking at our inner door. Many excellent books have appeared by now to assist us in this sometimes rather daunting task. My booklist in the ‘Further Reading’ section on this site contains several. To those who are looking for down-to-earth practical advice about healing on all levels of their being, I warmly recommend Dr. Ingrid Bacci and her work. Her self-help books to me are the best ones that have ever come my way on my healing journey thus far.

Recommended Reading:

• ‘The Art of Effortless Living – Simple Techniques for healing, mind, body and spirit’. The goal of this book is to offer the reader a comprehensive, practical and pleasurable map of the journey into becoming more fully ourselves and of helping us to find the healing that we and our world so desperately need.

• ‘Effortless Pain Relief – Especially from Chronic Pain’, a worthy companion to and extension of the previous book.

• For further information on these books, as well as free articles about Dr. Bacci’s work, please go to www.ingridbacci.com.

It may interest you that both Ingrid Bacci’s Moon and Ascendant are in Scorpio. She is living proof of the fact that everything that applies to the Sun in Scorpio does in equal measure to the Moon and the Ascendant in this sign. But there is more! The way the author describes her life in her books presents us with one of the finest case studies imaginable of the regenerative powers of Scorpio; its stamina, determination and sheer willpower to rise above all obstacles. She and her life can serve as shining examples to us all. They demonstrate how the human spirit is capable of lifting itself above the limitations of the Earth, as soon as it learns to listen to and follow its inner guidance.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

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Peace In Our World (9)

The Fear Of Losing Our Identity

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Fear Of Losing Our Identity

At the time of writing this, the book ‘Hanna’s Daughters’ by Marianne Frederiksson came my way. I warmly recommend this moving, thought-provoking and insightful book. It deals with the psychology of human relationships, especially between mothers and daughters, as well as the men in their lives. There was one passage in this book that struck a deep chord in me because of its relevance to my own memories of the war. On one occasion, the author speaks through one of the women in her tale. Born in the same year as myself, she was by that time in her sixties: ‘The war was even more remarkable. I’ve never thought about how it left its mark on my childhood, how much of my fear has its origins there. And yet I remember the German pilot burning in the air above us, and father coming and going, in uniform and talking about evil.’

The story is set in Sweden, one of the few European countries that managed to remain neutral during the Second World War. Through the mother of the above mentioned child, the author earlier describes how the people around her and she herself cowered like frightened rabbits, while their country was clinging onto its fragile neutrality. Although the mother carefully tried to protect her child against the influences of the war, one day when the little girl was three, they chanced to be outside when close to them a blazing German plane dropped from the sky. To her greatest chagrin, she could not shield her child against catching a glimpse of how the pilot was burnt alive.

To my mind, nothing could explain better than these words how wars affect us all through our collective consciousness and the soul of our world. Because on this level of life we are all one, we feel everybody else’s suffering and fears and they feel ours. So much of this has by now accumulated in every individual consciousness, as well as that of our world, that it is hardly surprising that many types of cancer are becoming ever more rampant. As mentioned earlier, I believe that the roots of this disease reach down into the deepest layers of our soul memories.  That is why, to my mind, medications of the chemical kind will never enable us to find genuine cures; they can only come from the patient’s individual psyche and that of the collective. How heart-warming it is to witness that by now many are seeking alternative approaches!

As mentioned before, deep-seated and intense fears when left unattended for a long time can do nothing but eventually manifest themselves as illnesses in our outer vehicles. They are invariably a cry for help from the soul in its attempts at communicating with us. Release from our anxieties and healing of the damage they cause can in my view only come through renewing our inner connection with our Highest or God Self. When we rediscover our true nature and our spiritual roots, our soul finds peace and our whole being restores itself and heals. Over time, this also slowly starts to express itself in our physical bodies.

Whenever something is too frightening and traumatic for us to release from our subconscious during waking times, including in meditative states, the Universe rescues us in many ways. As a means of helping us let go of such things we are then given in dreamtime a symbolism that we can interpret and understand. For example, if someone has a nightmare of losing their identity, especially if this is a recurring dream, it is highly unlikely that dreams of this nature are meant to be premonitions and a taste of things to come. 

I believe that our Highest Self merely uses them as symbolisms. In its infinite wisdom it appreciates that this is the only safe way that the earthly self can shed some of its most fundamental fears, which at present may be stopping its soul from making the progress that could otherwise be achieved. Should any of our fears by now be so deeply embedded in our subconscious that they cannot be reached any other way, all is by no means lost. With great love and compassion the Universe knows our difficulties and helps us move forward in dreamtime.

The final destiny of every human being is to bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature and through this evolve into a Christ Star, each in their own right. This happens without loss of our identity and individuality. Unaware of this, during the early stages of our earthly development the small self’s fear of losing them is even greater than the one of death. That is the reason why in the course of many lifetimes we are so terrified of death. It takes a long time until we realise that in truth nobody ever loses their uniqueness and identity, not even when we find out way back home into the conscious awareness of our oneness with God.

That’s what the whole process of individuation has been about. This means that even when you and I have reached the highest level of consciousness, you will still be you and I shall continue to be me. Because we are sparks of the Divine, like God we are immortal and eternal beings of light, and the fear of death is no longer required.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (10)

My Spiritual Roots

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - My Spiritual RootsTowards the end of the war, when the air raids were becoming ever more frequent, it became necessary to spend every night in the basement of our house. I recall our family night after night, when the all-clear had been given, emerging from its darkness to stand outside for a while. From the reflections of the fires caused by incendiary bombs, the sky in the direction of the Rhine/Ruhr area seemed to be burning as one huge flame. And I remember how my mother broke down when at last someone brought her the news that our country had totally and unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Forces. Even as a child, it was not hard to sense that this was due to the relief she felt when the nightmare of the Nazi regime was over, at last.

An old German folk wisdom says: ‘Better a horrible ending than horror without an end!’ This is how the probably greatest evil our world ever had to witness in one gigantic orgy of destruction ended. When this nightmare was over, the majority of German people – not merely civilians – must surely have been relieved that the Nazi regime had not won the war. What would have happened otherwise does not bear thinking about.

As far as my spiritual roots are concerned, I did not have any in this lifetime. As mentioned earlier, I had two sisters and a brother. It’s always puzzled me why the four of us had been baptised into the Protestant branch of Christianity, even though I could never detect any evidence that some kind of religious beliefs ever existed in our family. My parents, like many others, must have lost their faith through the events of two world wars. My father was thirteen when the first one started and my mother eleven. Twice over they were part of the miseries and hardships of wartimes and their aftermaths. Without ever seeing any signs of salvation or improvements of the human condition in our world people are bound to ask themselves whether there really is a God *. Can there be one? And if there were one, how can He allow so much suffering? My parents never talked about matters of this nature, probably because the memories of the way they lost their faith were too painful.

This is how it came about that we were brought up completely without religion and when religious education at school was reintroduced after the war, we were exempted from it. Yet, the birthcharts of my middle sister and me reveal that the background we were born must have been a staunchly Christian one. Alas, I cannot investigate the charts of the other family members because it is impossible to assess their birth times. During a recent stay in Germany, I found to my amazement that this time was recorded in the birth register of my hometown for every child when we were born. Alas, although both my sisters had already passed on, because of the data protection act, I could only find out my own time and – with the help of her husband – that of my middle sister.

My mother kept diaries for both my sisters, but by the time I was born, she no longer had the time to continue. Her last entries into both diaries are from 1937, shortly after I was born, so my brother’s arrival in 1939, one month before the outbreak of the war, was not even mentioned. However, the contents of my mother’s notes provided me with some clues. The most important ones were that on the occasion of the birth of her first and second daughter she confirmed that children are a precious gift from God. I do not believe that someone without some kind of religious belief would have expressed themselves in such words. More about the theme of losing faith later.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (11)

The Post-War Years

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Post-War YearsAlthough most of the memories of my early childhood years fortunately have faded by now, the hardships endured during the post-war years 1945/48 in Germany stand out vividly, especially during the extremely severe winters. Huge piles of snow that refused to melt for months on end could be found everywhere in our town. The older children took advantage of this and built themselves an igloo at the end of our street, where they would sit by candlelight – if one of them was lucky enough to have brought one – and tell each other ghost stories. To our greatest annoyance we younger ones were not allowed in.

At the end of the war, the Allies agreed that Germany should be ruled by the Morgenthau Plan. Morgenthau sounds like a Jewish name and when one considers the suffering of the Jewish population of Germany and the surrounding countries at the hands of the Nazis, it is not surprising that times of severe hardships were in store for us. The Morgenthau provided for a starvation diet with very little food for keeping warm inside and fuel for warming our homes. My hometown is situated at an average altitude of 450 metres in the heart of Europe. Therefore, it is blessed with the typical continental climate of long and hard winters and hot summers.

Several times my mother got into trouble with our teachers for keeping her children at home during extremely cold weather because of the lack of warm clothes and footwear. And one day my parents miraculously got hold of two pairs of army boots – a rare treasure indeed. My brother remembers wearing one of the pairs on his first school day. The other one fitted our big sister reasonably well. She was seven years older than me and although the boots looked very strange on her, at least she could go to school. This sister of mine was forever involved in some kind of mischief. Our science teacher once caught her in her ‘stylish’ outfit performing a Cossack dance to an admiring audience of classmates on the table of the chemistry room. Oh yes, we did have our moments, too!

I do not recall much of those early days in great detail. Just one thing sticks in my mind quite vividly and that is how, before the total breakdown, in common with all schoolchildren in Germany, each day at the beginning of our first lesson we always had to stand by the side of our desks, raise our right hands in Nazi salute and shout: ‘Heil Hitler!’ There was no school for six months, but when it started again, we still found ourselves standing by the side of our desks. This time, however, we were asked to fold our hands and say the Lord’s Prayer. Even at that tender age such behaviour struck me as one of the most ridiculous and hypocritical things that anyone could ever have thought of. I cannot imagine that it could have endeared any uninitiated person to religion in general and Christianity in particular.

A toned down version of the original Morgenthau Plan was signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Second Quebec Conference in September 1944. It was limited to turning Germany into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character. The original plan provided that the Ruhr mines should be destroyed, but this project had been dropped in the meantime. From 1945/1948, the Morgenthau Plan ensured that everybody knew that we were a nation defeated, humiliated, ground into the dust – never to rise again. But after three years of undiluted misery, the Allies realised that something needed to be done to stop West Germany from falling into the hands of communism.

That’s why in 1948 the Marshall Plan came to our rescue, as it did to other European countries, including Britain. This plan was the primary scheme of the United States for rebuilding the allied countries of Europe and combating what was seen as the communist menace, in the aftermath of World War II. The initiative was named after the United States Secretary of State, George Marshall. The reconstruction plan was developed at a meeting of the participating European states in 1947.

The Marshall Plan offered the same aid to the Soviet Union and its allies, if they would make political reforms and accept certain outside controls. In fact, America worried that the Soviet Union would take advantage of the plan and therefore deliberately made the terms hard for the USSR to accept. The plan was in operation for four fiscal years, beginning in July 1947. During that period some $13 billion of economic and technical assistance – equivalent to around $130 billion in 2006 – was given to help the recovery of the European countries that had joined in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

By the time the Marshall Plan had come to completion, the economy of every participant state, with the exception of Germany, had grown well past pre-war levels. Over the next two decades, Western Europe as a whole would enjoy unprecedented growth and prosperity. The Marshall Plan has also long been seen by many as one of the first elements of European integration that helped to remove tariff trade barriers and set up institutions to co-ordinate the economy of the European continent.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (12)

The Birth Of The Deutschmark

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Birth Of The DeutschmarkWith the Marshall Plan came the currency reform and the birth of the Deutschmark. Every man, woman and child received sixty of them in exchange for the same amount in Reichsmark. Twenty marks were paid out straight away and twenty one month later. Those who had not spent their last Pfennig on the black market and still had some savings found them reduced to ten percent of their previous value. This was the turning point the country had been yearning for. Almost immediately after this event, my sister and I were allowed to attend a holiday camp of the young socialists ‘The Falcons’ that cost the family the full per head quota for my sister and me. My father was against it and to this day I am glad that my mother put her foot down, so we could take part in this adventure.

What a wonderful time we had! One of my fondest memories is standing round a campfire in the dark, hand in hand with other youngsters and with great conviction singing the old socialist * freedom songs. Against the background we all came from their words struck deep chords in our hearts and souls. To this day they have special meaning for me. ‘Unsterbliche Opfer’ or ‘Immortal Sacrifices’ was my favourite. Freely translated it contains the following message: ‘Although your physical bodies sunk into dust, the sacrifices you made have not been forgotten. They are immortal and standing at your graves weeping and mourning, our hearts and minds are filled with pain. You fought and died for a peaceful world and rights yet to come. We, the generation of the future, rise and vouch to do our share of bringing it about. When our whole world finds freedom at last, we shall think of you and honour you, for you went before us and your example taught us how to defend our highest ideals, if need be with the ultimate sacrificed of giving our lives.’

Who could have imagined then that those words would one day be the leitmotif for my life’s work of doing my share of freeing our world from the yoke of all kinds of personal, political and religious tyrannies? I know that this freedom is coming to our world because I can see it ‘written in the Stars’. This prediction has nothing to do with fortunetelling. My astrological studies show me quite clearly that there really is a great plan of life * that has always been unfolding as it should. There is no doubt in my mind that this will continue. And that, as I now realise, was the reason why many years ago I felt drawn to the Divine science *.

Other songs dealt with and brought us closer to the highest ideals of the Aquarian Age of spiritual freedom, justice and equal rights for all, of true socialism * that has not yet come to our world. ‘Immortal Sacrifices’ remained my favourite and if its words sound pathetic to your ears, I make no apologies because they brought our wounded souls a measure of comfort and the beginnings of healing. This song for me will always represent an echo of the age-old cry from the soul of humankind for freedom from all oppression. Most importantly, they carried a message and a ray of hope for a better world to come. When viewed from that angle, possibly for the first time in our young lives something in connection with the war made sense. Maybe the sacrifice of all who gave their lives to free us from the Nazi tyranny, on both sides of the artificial wall of hatred that had been erected by this regime, had not been in vain. There were also brave ones on our side who had tried unsuccessfully to unseat it. Even though they failed, their sacrifices are not forgotten.

Incidentally, many years later I learnt that the ‘Immortal Sacrifices’ has an interesting history. It was written by W.G. Archangelski in 1878 and had been inspired by the suffering of the Russian people. It became a hymn of mourning for the victims of the Russian Revolution of 1905. At the end of the First World War in 1918, Hermann Scherchen translated it into German. After 1919, it was adopted as the funeral song for the fallen and murdered members of the international socialist workers movement.

Nazis is short for National-Sozialisten, but let no-one confuse them with a genuine socialist organisation. They adopted the word socialism and made a mockery of it. The true German socialist movement was soon forced underground when the Nazis came to power. It remained alive, but it took until after the war before it officially entered the political stage again. One of my mother’s brothers insisted on remaining an active member of the forbidden party during the time of the Nazi regime. He paid for it with his life, the highest price of all. He was involved in printing and distributing a tiny newspaper, which could only be read with a strong magnifying glass.

In the middle of one night, the Gestapo called for my uncle. He had been found out, almost certainly through somebody who did not like him denouncing him. That was a common occurrence in those days. My uncle was presented with a macabre choice. If he wanted his wife and two small children to be safe from persecution, he was given to choice of either going to a concentration camp or being sent on what was then known as an ‘Ascension Mission’. This meant impossible assignments on the front from which no-one ever returned.

My uncle chose the latter and must shortly after have perished on the Russian front. He was lost in action and no trace of him was ever found. After the war, it took many years until the authorities finally accepted my aunt’s appeals that he should be declared dead, so that she could begin to draw a pension for herself and her children. An ironic German saying goes: ‘The thanks of the fatherland you can be sure of!’, when in truth no-one is likely to thank anyone for their suffering and the loss of life and limbs. Alas, that seems to be all too common everywhere. However, in the United Kingdom the British Legion each year helps people to show their appreciation by making a donation through buying one of their red poppies.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Ideas That Changed Our World’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (13)

Ghosts From The Past

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Ghosts From The Past

Another point that comes to mind is that as far back as I can remember I have always been gripped by an inexplicable fear at the sight of a policeman. Never having had any unpleasant personal dealings with the police force in any country I have lived in, it is something quite irrational. It had always puzzled me why I should feel that way, until one day, at the time of working on this part of my jottings, I ‘chanced’ to look out of the window. A policeman and a small boy were walking past my house and chatting amicably to each other. The usual fear rose inside me and suddenly I knew with great clarity that the scene before me contained a message for me. But what?

Because the Universe loves us and wants to show us the way, it is constantly sending us signals through our environment *. This is very helpful when we appear to be stuck in difficult situations, but the meaning of the message can be hard to recognise. After some reflection I realised that in this case the Universe was trying to help me face up to and come to terms with one of my ghosts from the past. The incident I witnessed had nothing to do with the fear of policemen but uniforms in general and the institutions they represent. I hope that writing about it will help me release myself from the darkness of the Gestapo memories and what they stood for, so that in future I can see police officers as the friends and helpers they truly are to law-abiding citizens.

But what was the Gestapo? The Nazi regime, like any dictatorship, was nothing short of organised and legalised terrorism. All societies contain dark elements and the German ones in those days found many new outlets and this time with the blessings of the state. One of the government’s most important tools was the Gestapo, short for Geheime Staatspolizei or secret state police. They had the power to arrest anyone at any time of day or night and that for the flimsiest of reasons. Spreading fear was their main task and no-one was safe from them. There was no way of getting away from their menacing presence when they called for you. This organisation was nothing less than a continuation of the Christian church’s long arm of the Inquisition during the middle ages.

The party rallies were another important aspect of the Nazi terror regime. With hindsight, it is not hard to see that they were carefully staged and orchestrated, in particular the ones in Nuremberg and the Olympic stadium in Berlin. These rallies served several purposes. It was not only to strike terror into the hearts and souls of other countries, but also into the German people. They were a preparation for the coming experience of the monstrous extermination machine our world had ever experienced, which the Nazis created in the name of the German people.

The newsreel pictures of these events were intended to create the impression that the German nation stood solidly behind its government. But that most certainly was not true. As ever, a vocal minority controlled everything and any opposition was swiftly and mercilessly silenced and stamped out. Our street was a good example of this. It contained thirty odd homes and most of them were occupied by young families with children. Our house was No. 17, about halfway along. As far as I am aware, only one of these families, the one next door to us, supported the party. They had one little boy of our age, whom we used to call Nazi pig – sometimes to his face. Naturally, the boy had anything to do with the party and I am merely including this to show you how ordinary citizens of that time felt.

A widely held view seems to have existed abroad that Nazi Germany was orderly and well organised. The Germans had been known for these qualities in their administrations before the Hitler time and was assumed by many that this continued in Nazi times. Quite the opposite was true. The overall general administration of the Nazis was frequently a mess. Yet, there was method in the madness and those at the top of the organisation wanted it to be that way, because it ensured that the people within it were constantly at each other’s throats. This created the desired state of chaos and confusion in which the lower ranks within the party never knew where they stood.
The closer the end of the war drew, the more the whole country resembled one gigantic concentration camp. It certainly would have looked like that to neutral observers. Large numbers of prisoners of war were kept inside the country. At the time of preparing this part of my jottings, the book ‘The Last Escape’ – the untold story of Allied prisoners of war in Germany 1944-1945 by John Nichol and Tony Rennel came my way. The following quote is from its preface: ‘How many prisoners of war were there in Germany? Official documents are inconsistent in their estimates of numbers, but it can be said with some – though not total – confidence that in the middle of 1944 Germany was keeping within its boundaries nine million prisoners of varying nationalities. It is a staggering figure, hard to take in. Imagine the entire population of Greater London held behind barbed wire.’

The suffering inflicted by the Nazis to large parts of our world was incredible and the karmic debt incurred by Germany through this, individually and collectively, must be so immense that it would be folly to think that any one person could hope to redeem and repay but the tiniest fraction of it. To my mind, healing and forgiveness for those events, and similar ones that to this day are happening in our world, can only be found through a better understanding of the higher purpose behind humankind’s earthly existence and that even trials of this nature are necessary to teach us invaluable lessons. If my writings help someone somewhere to get a better grasp of these things, it might count as a minute contribution towards making good the debts incurred by the country of my birth for this lifetime. Then my living would not have been in vain.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 2

Peace In Our World (14)

There Is No Judgement Day

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - There Is No Judgement Day

Nothing in the whole of Creation happens perchance or is a coincidence, even though on the Earth plane it often seems that way. Every experience that comes our way serves the wise higher purpose of teaching us something. If it is not immediately clear what that might be, it’s up to us to go within and ask our Highest Self, the wise one within, to help us find the answer. And the more familiar we become with the spiritual background of life, the clearer we can see for ourselves that in truth there is no such thing as a judgement day in the traditional sense.

The Great Father/Mother of all life created each one of us in His/Her image and perfect. A perfect, whole or holy human being means someone who has successfully integrated the higher and lower aspects of their nature, and they are now working peacefully and harmoniously together for the highest good of all. The archetype of a perfect human being for each one of us exists in the heartmind of God and we all carry within the core of our own being, though for a long time only in seed form, every one of the characteristics and powers of our Divine parents. Bringing them forth from within is the final aim of every human being, until we have become their mirror image.

As can be seen from that, each one of us in truth is a young God in the making. More about this theme later. Learning the wise use of our Divine characteristics by applying them to everything that comes our way is the purpose of our earthly education. When we do our best to alleviate the suffering of everything that exists on our planet, we are bringing a small part of God’s kingdom onto the Earth. As we grow in wisdom and understanding, we evolve and Mother Earth is moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life with us. The more of us walk this pathway, pursuing the interest of the whole instead of their own, slowly but surely our world turns into a better place for all. And that’s the only way the Divine qualities can be developed to their highest potential and into the wholeness that is in our true parents.

 Each one of us is a special and unique being *, who is loved totally and unconditionally by our Creator. S/He accepts us the way we are at any given moment of our evolutionary journey through experiencing the various levels of life. No-one ever sits in judgement over us. At the end of each lifetime we return to the world of spirit, where we recover from the stresses and strains of our latest earthly adventures. As soon as this has been attended to sufficiently, the time has come for taking stock and assessing the performances of all our lifetimes, not merely the most recent one.

This appraisal is carried out in close co-operation with the wise ones of the spirit world, who are in charge of us, and with the help of the Akashic Records * on the etheric level. That’s where a record exists of every word that was ever spoken, every thought ever thought and every action that was ever taken, not just by you and me but everyone. We are responsible for each one of them and in the world of spirit we are confronted with them when the time for doing so has come. With great clarity we can then see for ourselves where our weaknesses and strengths lie, where we have done well, where we failed and need to do better next time round. These things help us to decide, together with the wise ones, which lessons are most urgently required for our next lifetime.

When the death of our physical body has stripped our earthly possessions and achievements from us and we are once again aware of that which we always have been, namely spirit and soul, the Akashic Records provide us with an unfailing mirror of ourselves. Isn’t it a comforting thought that no-one will ever judge us? And that reminds me of a somewhat unusual gentleman who was recently introduced to me. Dressed and made up into a very attractive lady, he confessed that throughout his life he had wanted to be a woman instead of a man. His lifelong struggle with a conflict of such severity is sure to have brought him a great deal of suffering – and therefore, soul growth.

When he had finished telling me his story, he added: ‘What will God think of me?’ He was visibly relieved when he heard: ‘You need to become aware that you yourself are God and that when you return to the world of spirit, there will be no judgement day at the end of your present lifetime or ever. However, you will be confronted with yourself – you will stand before yourself and look at yourself with utter honesty. God never judges us; no-one does; we ourselves have to do it.’

Therefore, whenever difficult decisions have to be made by you, tune into the world of your feelings and pay attention to the reactions of your inner guide and teacher. Try to imagine yourself before the mirror in the spirit world and see how you would then be judging your chosen course of action. Will you think of it as a good and constructive one or a negative and destructive one? If the latter, what can you learn from it? Because God loves us, all our desires are always fulfilled, so that either way we can learn from the experience and grow. Maybe you need to do what you have in mind to find out whether it is really what you wanted and needed. You may be surprised!

Learning to appreciate the value of peace is the most crucial lesson for humankind at the present time. Those who have already learnt it sufficiently during their present lifetime and/or previous ones will have no problems dedicating every bit of all their resources to act as one of the peacemakers of our world. There is every possibility that under the protection and guidance of God and the Healing Angels, they can become a driving force for establishing the Age of Aquarius * on the Earth and bringing peace to it. To such people applies the Bible’s St. Matthew 5:9: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’

However, not only these particular children of God are meant to make their contribution towards bringing peace to our world; the same applies to everybody who is presently taking part in earthly life. Each can make a valuable contribution simply by conducting their lives in a more peaceful manner. And that, dear friends, is the only way that healing can take place and peace eventually come to our world and rule it, for evermore.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (15)

The Age Of Aquarius

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Age Of AquariusThe Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD  and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing *. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided  attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be  reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.

The equally long promised world teacher * is appearing in our midst and reveals him/herself as none other than the living God within, our inner teacher or in-tuition, who is the only reliable guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answers to any kind of question we may care to ask. Through the small still voice of our conscience this teacher has always tried to intuitively tell us right from wrong. The English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, knew about it when he wrote: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’

When all have become attuned to and are following the guidance of this, everyone’s own teacher, there will be peace in our world and no longer any need for religions. One after the other is in the process of disappearing for the simple reason that they have served the purpose they were created for and are no longer required. All my writings are insights and observations of the monumental changes this is bringing with it and how helpful new perspectives on all aspects of life are beginning to reveal themselves to us.

The collective consciousness of our race is opening up and everywhere there is an increasing awareness of the ‘facts of life’ about our true nature and eternal reality. The realisation that each one of us is an immortal and eternal Divine spark shows us that life is an absolute continuum and that there is no such thing as death. The limited perception of our earthly existence as a one-off thing is rapidly changing into the awareness that one cycle of life emerges from the previous one.

Guided and protected by God and the Angels, all life inexorably moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life *. We are moving with and every one of us is slowly but surely evolving into a more whole and beautiful being who yearns for reaching the experiences of the higher and highest levels of life. On our way there, everything that has outlived its usefulness in due course is removed and disappears.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Latter Days Of The Law Or The Second Coming’
•    ‘The Great Balancing Act’
•    ‘The Aquarian Zeitgeist’
•    ‘The Coming World Teacher’
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (16)

Preparing For The Age Of Aquarius

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Preparing For The Age Of AquariusThe Age of Pisces * prepared us for the coming of the Aquarian Age *. The Piscean astrological glyph depicts two fish tied together in the middle by a silver cord. The cord stands for our small earthly self’s connection with our spirit Highest or God Self and its soul. The fish represent the human soul in its struggle of coming to terms with the ravenous and rampant desire nature of its earthly self and its higher nature. Like these two aspects of our being, the fish are pulling in opposite directions. One of them wants to swim upstream and the other one down.

The upstream fish is our spirit and soul who knows nothing of earthly concerns and does not understand them. Although this creature cannot wait to get back to its true home, the oneness with God and all life, it appreciates that this can only come about through going forward and swimming upstream. It does so because it contains every bit of wisdom the earthly self has gathered throughout all its experiences, in its present lifetime and all previous ones. For as long as this part fails to understand the purpose of its earthly existence, it has little choice but pulling in the opposite direction

Pisces is the mutable Water sign that is co-ruled by mighty and expansive Jupiter and misty, nebulous, dreamy and other-worldly Neptune. It is the sign of Karma and the soul. The Water signs serve the development of the world of our feelings and emotions, the soft, sensitive and vulnerable aspect of our nature, the psyche or soul *. As a result, the bygone Age of Pisces above all things was an emotionally supercharged phase in humankind’s development.

The dominating presence of Jupiter’s and Neptune’s energies provided us and our world with valuable lessons about the dangers of blindly following and gullibly swallowing whatever a religious authority sets before us. That’s why at beginning of the Piscean Age God and the Angels gave our world a new legend * with the promise that one day a saviour and redeemer would appear in our midst. This being, half human and half God, would be paying for all our sins. Those who declare that they believe in him would go to Heaven when they die, while every non-believer would have to fry forever in the fires of hell.

Every word of this legend had to be understood literally and anyone who said otherwise was a heretic and had to be wiped out like some kind of dangerous vermin. These beliefs with the passing of time hermetically sealed this part of our world against the intrusion of truth. The Aquarian Age is the age of truth that flows directly from the highest levels of life into all human hearts and souls. What finer preparation for the coming of this new world could there have been than the Piscean Age? It would ensure that, when God’s wisdom and truth finally arrived this way in our world, we would value and treasure it beyond compare.

It took a long time – well into the Age of Aquarius, to be precise – before we were allowed to know that Jesus has always represented every human being. He is a symbol of everyone’s own Christ nature and that this is the only one who in due course can and will save and redeem us. Learning to appreciate the value of truth was helped along by the false belief that life is a one-off thing * and misunderstanding the concept of free will *.

Enormous soul growth had been achieved by the end of the Piscean Age and vast amounts of negative Karma, individually and collectively, had accumulated. And ever more of us were waking up from their spiritual slumber and were ready to go in search of truth and deal with their karmic debts. Only when we become aware of who and what God * truly is and what kind of relationship we have with our Creator can our search for Divine wisdom and truth begin. Equipped with the gift of hindsight, it’s not hard to recognise how these negative aspects of the previous age prepared us and our world for the coming of the Age of Aquarius, the sign co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus.

Saturn is the planet of Karma. It represents Divine nature’s aspect that acts like a stern and undeviating schoolmaster, whose main task is to teach all human beings the necessary self-discipline that eventually leads to complete mastery of every part of our nature, the lowest as well as the highest. Uranus is the awakener and enlightener, but without first successfully attending to Saturn’s lessons no soul will ever be released into the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age. The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius serve the development of our intellectual capabilities. Aquarius signals that we are now in the midst of an evolutionary phase that is ruled by the mind. Learning how to control the thought processes of our earthly minds * is of the utmost importance for all of us.

During times spent under the influence of the Piscean * energies we not only meet and shake hands with our Karma, during the early stages of our earthly education through deceptions, treacheries and deviousness we are likely to create a whole new load of it. Finding the earthly plane of life too harsh and hard to cope with for our soft and sensitive soul, we may give in to the Piscean escaping tendencies and abuse our physical body with all kinds of substances that at first help us forget our misery for a while.

We could be creating distress and heartache for those around us through suicide attempts and possibly succeeding, unaware of what kind of lessons we are preparing for our future lifetimes. It could be as soon as the next one when these things are sure to return to us and we find ourselves at the receiving end of the experiences we once handed out to others. Our karmic debts are paid and the balance of our spiritual bank book restored, when we patiently whatever comes our way, safe in the knowledge that we ourselves created the necessity for these experiences in previous lifetimes.

In keeping with God’s great plan of life the Piscean Age turned into one of all manner of slaveries and oppression, deception and exploitation, especially of the religious kind. All of it was carried out in the name of a God, whose true nature humankind was a long way from understanding. That’s how our world was taught countless invaluable lessons that were essential to prepare us for the coming of the Aquarian Age.

There is plenty of evidence everywhere that under the influence of the energies of Pluto in Capricorn *, ever more of the deviousness and deception as well as the corruption they brought us in such rich measure, like large abscesses are bubbling up and bursting in the conscious awareness of our world, so they can be cleared away. There could be no better candidates for teaching us the Aquarian values of honesty and truthfulness, loyalty and integrity. When one adds to these ordinary human kindness and decency towards each other and all lifeforms that share our planet with us, as well as a good dose of common sense, they will be bringing peace to our world.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘What Is Soul?’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘There Is No Death’
•    ‘Free Will’
•    The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘The Sun In Pisces’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (17)

Listening To The BBC

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Listening To The BBC

The war years were chaotic times and I hope you will forgive me for finding it impossible to report what little I remember about my wartime experiences in strictly chronological order. As often as not when I am in the middle of writing about one occurrence, another one comes to mind. What now follows is connected with an air raid shelter, which at some stage of the war some people in our street built for themselves. Digging a bunker into the ground had left them with a heap of soil that was visible from quite a distance. More of this later, but first let me tell you how my father became involved in this enterprise.

Because he worked as a foreman in a factory whose products were important to the war effort, my father had been exempted from military service. His firm produced aluminium sheets from raw materials supplied to them, which other companies made into aircraft parts. Through this my father’s work was indirectly connected with the war effort. Because of the smelting process involved, the firm’s furnaces had to be kept going day and night, so the men employed by them had to work round the clock in two twelve-hour shifts.

Fortunately, this was not necessary for the sister factory across the road, where some of the sheets were made into aluminium foil. One night, one of the bombs the planes dropped somewhere along their flight path on their return journey fell on their premises. This was the only place in our town that was ever hit and being closed for the night, there was no loss of lives, only severe damage to buildings and machinery. Had the bomb landed a few yards over to the other side of the road, where men were on nightshift, quite a few of them might have been killed, including my father. How lucky we were!

When my father was on day shift, he usually spent his evenings at home. He was a double Sun Aquarius, i.e. born on the 31st January, and what would now be called a techno-freak. He loved all technology and especially his radio. Whenever the news came on, which was by no means as frequently as these days, and he was at home he was glued to his loudspeaker. The radio sets and also the reception in those days were so poor that all noises had to stop, as soon as the signal was heard. Heaven help anyone who dared to make a sound.

I remember how sometimes in the evening and at night, when we children were in bed, a faint sound came from downstairs that went: ‘Boom, boom, boom – boooom’. Many years later, I found out that this had been a BBC signal for its German language propaganda transmissions, which started with the words: ‘This is London calling!’ One of their German news bulletins followed these words. As my father did not speak a word of English, it cannot have been anything else. He was indulging in an extremely dangerous pastime; had anyone reported him as likely as not it would have cost him his life.

Anyone who did not like you or bore a grudge against you could go to the authorities and tell them that you had committed some kind of an offence, even a concocted one. So-called friends, neighbours and relatives were known to be guilty of this. The Hitler youth movement encouraged children to inform on their own parents. People were taken away on the flimsiest accusations. The end result was a modern version of the medieval witch-hunting. Standard punishment was the disappearance of ‘offenders’ into one of the concentration camps. Sadly, when millions are dying everywhere, life gets to be ever cheaper. As Stalin put it: ‘One death is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic.’

The Gestapo could knock on anyone’s door in the middle of the night – their preferred time – and take them away without questioning. The closer the end of the war came, the more the terror regime intensified its grip, and ever more people disappeared without trial or trace. There came the time when no-one dared to ask any questions. The turn of those who still spoke up was sure to come quickly. It is not hard to imagine how much damage and scarring is done to human souls who over some years are constantly exposed to this kind of terror. It is bound to leave impressions that mark us not only for the rest of this lifetime, but also beyond. The Heavens alone know how many times each one of us has to go through such experiences, until we have finally learnt the most precious lesson of all – the value of peace.

Under the Nazi regime, it was compulsory for boys and girls – in separate groups – from age ten onwards to join the youth organisation of the Nazi party. Girls went into the BDM, Bund Deutscher Mädchen, the Federation of German Girls. Boys at age 10 joined the ‘Jungvolk’, the Young People, moving on at age 14 to the HJ, the Hitler Jugend, Hitler’s Youths. These organisations were nothing but party tools for brainwashing children, from as young as possible, into believing that the Nazi was good and its propaganda true. It was so skilfully presented that from where we are now, it is not hard to see how easily swayed many of the youngsters were. They were urged to report anything they saw in the world around them, including their families, that could be detrimental to the party. From an early age, boys were trained in the use of weapons in preparation for their fate as cannon fodder. Alas, far too many went that way, as the following incident demonstrates.

On one occasion, in the sweltering heat of the summer of 1944, when it was all too clear that the war was lost and practically over, my eldest sister, then twelve, returned from town in a state of shock. In the market place she had seen five dead soldiers, who had not been much older than herself. They were spread-eagled in a line on the ground and covered in flies. A sign by their side announced that they were deserters, who had been summarily court-marshalled and shot. By that time, boys were drafted away from their school benches, to be used the way the Hitler Youth movement had prepared them.

Six pointed Star

Peace In Our World (18)

The Air Raid Shelter

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Air Raid ShelterMy father never joined the Nazi party and, as mentioned earlier, he was fortunate enough not to have to go to war. As far as I know, he never even held a gun in his hands. The closest he came to the war effort was being conscripted for six months to supervise the digging of trenches on the western front. This is how it came about that he was at home when our neighbours decided to build the air raid shelter, briefly touched upon earlier. He did not approve of this project and wanted no part in it for whatever reasons. However, having been involved in earth-moving work, he recognised the danger of the bunker’s visibility and warned them about it. Towards the end of the war, he advised those responsible to hoist a white flag on top of it, so that it could be identified from the air as a civilian and not a military installation, in the hope that it would then be spared.

His advice was ignored and disaster struck very early in the spring of 1945, only a few weeks before the official announcement of Germany’s total and unconditional surrender on May 15th. The war was almost over and we were now in the front line of the advancing Allied Forces. On one of those bright and sunny days in spring about midday the bunker came under artillery attack. Most of those who had been hoping it would give them shelter perished. It was no accident because three shots had been carefully planted: one in front, the next one behind and the third one into the centre. No-one will ever know whether a white flag really could have avoided this disaster only a few hundred yards from our house.

The victims were mostly women and children, two of them small babies. One family was hardest hit. A mother with her eldest and youngest daughter of only a few weeks died. Her two middle daughters, playmates of my sister and me, were left behind with terrible injuries. Our town was lucky to still have a hospital and both girls had to spend months in it. Shrapnel had penetrated both thighs of the older girl, in one side and out the other, through both of them. The younger one also had shrapnel wounds, but not of as serious a nature. Both girls’ faces were disfigured by black fragments of gunpowder that had become deeply embedded in their skins.

Again the younger sister was the less unfortunate one. Within a few years all the black particles had been removed from her face. In Germany when disaster strikes and things are not as bad as they might have been, one speaks of someone having ‘Glück im Unglück’, which means literally good fortune within bad. This was the case for the younger sister, Margaret, but the older one’s black specks were sitting so deep that with the passing of time many were almost impossible to remove. The last time I saw Gisela as a grown-up woman she had got so fed up with the painful procedure of their removal that she could not bear any more of it. Although her face still was badly marked, she seemed to be coping well. I have always admired her courage.

The girls’ father had been missing somewhere on the Russian front and until he was released from one of the infamous prisoner of war camps in Siberia, several years after the end of the war, the girls were brought up by their grandparents. After a while their father married again and two more children were born to the family, who had always been staunchly Christian, irrespective of the fact that matters of faith were not only frowned upon by the Nazi authorities, but openly scorned and ridiculed. In the tradition of the Christian martyrs, this family bravely carried the cross of the problems that were created by the adherence to any kind of religion.

Upon the father’s return from Russia, he and his new wife dedicated their whole life to their religion. In view of the fact that Jesus never existed as a historical figure, it has been puzzling me for many years why people would stick to their faith even though, for example in the Jesus legend, there is nothing but a thoughtform * behind it. On the day of the full Moon * in Cancer on 9th July 2017, which takes place in Capricorn, the explanation for this phenomenon came to me intuitively.

It is the follower’s faith in the Highest forces of life, in whichever form someone believes in them, that supports and sustains believers and non-believers at all times, especially during traumatic periods of war and all other human-made and natural disasters. This is what pulls people through any kind of ordeal. The believer’s faith is deepened by the knowledge of how the power of God helped them.

The Angels gave Jesus as a thoughtform to our world and it is their power that manifests itself through it to those who sincerely believe in him as the only born Son of God, who once walked in our midst. Every one of the thoughtforms that ever were created by the Angels is constantly supported by the power of their wisdom and love for those who are in need of it in any part of our world.

As soon as one religion and its thoughtforms have served their purpose, the energies that were thus created are gradually withdrawn and replaced by those of the new religion. The ever declining number of church attendances shows how this has been happening in our world for quite some time. The waning of the interest in one of the old religions is accompanied by an increase of attention for the new religion, in this case the religion of the new age *.
A comparison between our two families shows how the war experiences affected people’s beliefs in profoundly different ways. While my parents lost whatever spiritual beliefs they may have had, the other family became more devoted to Jesus than ever before.

After having been reared in a veritable spiritual desert, I am deeply grateful for my comprehension of God’s true nature and our own, and of God’s great plan for all life, including us and our world. It’s good to know that there is so much more to our existence than meets the eye, and that our physical bodies are by no means the most essential part of our being. Important though they are while we are here, we are not physical beings, but merely live temporarily in a physical environment.

The only thing that really matters is that which is alive inside our physical bodies. The essence of our being is spirit and soul and they are immortal and cannot die, and our true home is not the Earth but the world of spirit. Wise ones, who are aware of these things and wish that our world should become a more peaceful place, endeavour to conduct their daily lives in ever more peaceful ways. The knowledge they have gained of the higher purpose of their existence makes this easy for them.

To paraphrase Kahlil Gibran: ‘Knowledge and understanding are life’s faithful companions who will never let you down. Knowledge is your crown and understanding your staff and when they are with you, you can possess no greater treasures.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Full Moon’
•    ‘You Are Your Own Creators’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star


The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (1)

Who Or What Is God?

Rays O f Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Is There A God?To paraphrase the English theologian and historian the Venerable Bede, ca. 673-735 AD, who wrote about his work on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah: ‘In the treasure of the prophets God has equipped me with the gift to not only embrace things old, but also to find new things that are hidden behind the veil of the old, so they can be brought forth for the use of my fellow citizens.’

Having reached the Age of Aquarius, we need to find a new understanding of the nature of God, the role of our own and our world’s existence in the great scheme of life. To enable us to do this, we should not shy away from asking ourselves some searching questions. After six thousand years of the patriarchy * and the horrors it brought with it, the most urgent query of all to my mind is: ‘Is there a God?’ * Can there be One and if there is a supreme being, what might Its nature be? Who am I and what is my relationship with It? * Considering the sheer endless catalogue of terrifying things that have been happening in our world for such a long time and are doing so to this day, can there really be a God who loves us and cares for us? If there were one, why could He not put an end to the endless catalogue of miseries of earthly life? Why has He not made our world a more peaceful place but instead is constantly making things worse for so many?’

As our understanding of the concept of God did not stop any of these events from taking place, the only logical conclusion one can come to is that God must be something different than we were made to believe by the religions of the past. But what? Did we go wrong somewhere and lost our way? The simple answer is: we did not do anything of the kind because God’s great plan of life for our world decreed that this is how we should be taught the value of peace, truth and honesty and the other qualities of the Aquarian Age. They are appearing in our world through ever more of us endeavouring to bring forth the finest and noblest qualities of their own Christ nature. Even in the meanest of characters who ever walked the Earth they are slumbering and will burst into bloom when for them the time is right for this to happen.

To me, God is the Universe, the Universal life force, whichever name for it you prefer. ‘Call Me by any name and I will be there’. Alas, many still refuse to accept that there is a Divine force behind the whole of the created world that brought everything into being, has always been supporting and maintaining it, and forever will do so. For these people the big bang theory of the origin of the Universe * appears to be proof that there is no Creator. They seem to draw the conclusion that if the Universe came into being through an abrupt expansion of energy and matter, that it happened perchance and quite on its own. And that, to them, does away with the need for a Creator.

If that is your belief too, take a good look around you and then tell me please, how could there be so many intricate different species of life on our beautiful planet alone, unless they had lovingly been designed and created by some great artist? Do you seriously believe that the big explosion, the bang, and all of this happened by sheer accident? Or do you, like me, feel deep within that there is a Great architect and designer of life who safely holds the threads of the whole of Creation in Its loving hands, that it cannot be any other way?

In that case, whenever you meet someone who does not share your views, there is no need to despair about the state of humankind’s spiritual development and that of our world *. Remind yourself that all of us are sure to get where we are meant to go in the end. Then speak your truth and quietly explain your beliefs, maybe something like this: ‘For the life of me, I cannot see why the big bang should do away with the need for some great Universal creative force to make it happen. Who or what do you think was its cause?

‘The way I see it, nothing can ever happen from nothing, and there unfailingly is a good reason for everything. I believe that a great creative power, for simplicity’s sake let’s call it God, is constantly at work behind the scenes of all life, including that of the Earth. It brings everything into being and constantly supports and maintains it. Without this force no life would be possible, but with Its help all lifeforms are constantly and almost imperceptibly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, thus growing into ever higher and more beautiful manifestations of the Divine creative urge.’

To me, this is a much more magnificent display of God’s power and glory. It is much more realistic and awe-inspiring than any Creation stories that exist in our world, especially the one of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The tale that our world was created in six days by some kind of a distant and remote God, who just waved His hands to bring everything into being, was good enough for humankind in days of its spiritual infancy and childhood. But increasing numbers of us are reaching spiritual adulthood and capable of grasping that God is as much part of us as we are part of God, that we are all sparks of the Divine and children of God, and therefore young Gods in the making.

Now that ever more spiritual wisdom and truth are flowing directly from the highest levels of life into humankind, in due course we shall be allowed to know exactly how the Universe came into being and the processes that were involved. So, next time someone suggests to you that no explanation other than the big bang is needed as evidence that there cannot be any God, quietly respond: ‘How could there be a Creation without a Creator?’ If the other person is unready to understand the meaning of what you are saying, you could be sowing a seed into their minds and giving them some food for thought. That is frequently all we are required to do. Then it is good and right to step back and leave God and the Angels to do the rest.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘Healing The Relationship With Ourselves And God’
•    ‘In The Beginning’
•    ‘Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World’
•    ‘The State Of Our World’
•    ‘Present Events On The Earthly Plane’
•    ‘A Vision To Hold At This Time’
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
•    ‘What Can I Do About The State Of Our World?’
•    ‘Positive Thinking’

Six pointed Star

The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (2)

Good And Evil

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Dual Nature Of God And HumankindEverything in the whole of Creation is an expression and manifestation of the Great Father/Mother of all life and therefore contains the same duality. Masculine and feminine, yin and yang, positive and negative, light and darkness and so forth. In God all opposing forces complement each other perfectly and work together peacefully and harmoniously. All life is circles within circles and cycles within cycles. Astrological birthcharts reveal this quite clearly. The Divine masculine and feminine aspects are the Father and Mother of everything that exists. And because everything is of God and has been created in God’s image, naturally this also means good and evil. That which is known as evil in our world is merely its lower unevolved part, and everything that is ugly, disorderly and chaotic in the fullness of time is going to evolve into something perfect and beautiful.

This duality principle applies to all lifeforms and therefore also to our planet’s inner and outer life, including human beings and all animal species. Each one of us is a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother, who contains their characteristics, energies and powers, and at first only in seed form, so do we. When we have spiritually matured sufficiently, we begin to take possession of them and bring them forth from within our own being, where they have been slumbering for a long time. The development of our higher nature may take many earthly lifetimes. One small step after another we have to teach the polar opposite aspects of our nature to join forces and function together, the way they are doing in God. From the moment of our creation, we have been working our way towards this goal.

The law of life is evolution * and the whole of life is subject to this law, including you and me. In a spiral, which in truth is a huge circle, everything is constantly moving forwards and upwards. This spiral reaches from the lowest level of the big bang and the creation of matter upwards to the highest level of life of God, the Creator, the Universal intelligence of the Father who is the masculine aspect of the Divine forces. All life is subject to His will and power. He is the composer and conductor of the great symphony of life. Yet, it is the love and wisdom of His feminine counterpart, the Great Mother, who decides when new worlds and beings should be created and then reacts correspondingly.

Everything is of God and contains God, nothing is beyond the reach of His/Her will and power. On the inner level of life all is one and there are no secrets anywhere or separations between anything. And everything that exists and happens in our world was created and clearly visible there. Knowing that God is part of everything, it’s not hard to see that S/He really is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Love is the main law of life from which all other laws radiate out. The greatness of this love reveals itself best in the fact that God and the Angels are practising what in our world would be called tough love. This kind of love allows the beloved to experience life in their own unique manner and to make their own blunders, so something can be learned from them.

None of us is ever alone in earthly life because God and the Angels are part of us. They are always in attendance and observing us and noticing everything. Nothing can be hidden from them, but in their great wisdom they only assist when someone asks for it. They know us and our true needs better than we do. They are the eye that never sleeps and can see in all directions at once: past, present and future, backwards, forwards and sideways alike. Hand in hand with God and the Angels a way can be worked through any earthly dilemma. Yet, no spirit helper is allowed to come to the rescue and advise us, unless we have asked for it.

The gift of each new earthly lifetime is granted to take us closer to becoming aware of God’s true nature and our own, and the opposing forces of the two different aspects to our being: our all-good higher nature and its counterpart the lower earthly self. At the beginning of its earthly education every human being has to experience the behaviour patterns that are thought of as all-evil. To this day many believe that the subsequent evil deeds are caused by an outside force called the devil * that cannot be controlled by human beings and even is beyond the reach of God’s will and power.

In truth there is no force outside the power of God and there never was such a being as the devil *. All along the culprit has been someone’s lower animal nature and that in all of us is capable of doing devilish things, if we allow it. But now the time has come when, individually and collectively, we need to accept the responsibility for every aspect of our nature as well as each one of our thoughts, words and deeds.

Although our character make-up, life and home are our own responsibility, the state of our world at any given time is one that is shared by all. Because we are part of God and God is part of us, in the widest possible sense, each one of us is also accountable for the whole of the created world. All of us have been influencing it through our thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. Therefore, hand in hand with God and the Angels, let’s each do our share of making our world into a more peaceful and harmonious one, starting with ourselves and bringing our inner house in order. This is an evolutionary stage none of us can escape and who in their right senses would wish to?

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’
•    ‘The Big Bang’
•    ‘The Power Behind The Big Bang’
•    ‘The Number 666’

Six pointed Star

The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (3)

Young Gods In The Making

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Young Gods In The MakingProgrammed into the innermost recesses of every human soul is a deep yearning for the oneness with God, our ultimate true home. It is a homesickness * that has been imprinted indelibly into our soul’s earliest memories when our spirit had to leave the place of its origin and started building itself a soul *. At the end of our earthly education this homesickness turns into the light of the only desire that’s left in us. This comes to pass when the fulfilment of all earthly wishes has turned to ashes in our mouth. Only one wish then remains and that is the return to our eternal roots in God.

The Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Every one of us is a spark of Its light and contains equal amounts of masculine and feminine characteristics. The only way spirit can experience itself and get to know who or what it is, is through its creations. That is why the masculine and feminine parts come across as two, even though they always remain one. And so the will and power of every masculine spirit has to create itself a soul. In God and us the soul is the feminine soft and sensitive feeling side, who in us is naturally equipped with the Great Mother’s love and intuitive knowledge and wisdom. The masculine and feminine counterparts are inseparable. Although in us they frequently struggle against each other, in God they are harmoniously and peacefully functioning as one.

In God and us the soul is the storehouse of the memories of all experiences. In the case of humankind, in some lifetimes we appear as a man and in others as a woman. Human soul memories are part of the waterbody of our feeling nature. One can’t help wondering how many earthly lifetimes each one of us may have spent in search of returning into the oneness with God simply through becoming aware of our true higher nature. That’s why God and the Angels from time to time provided us with pointers in the form of new myths and legends that would light our way home. In Psalm 82:5-6 of the sacred scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Island, they gave us the message: ‘They know not, neither will they understand. They walk on in darkness. All the foundations of the Earth are shaken. I have said: ‘You are Gods. All of you are children of the most High.’

They confirmed this in the Jesus legend with St. John 11:34: ‘Jesus said to them: ‘Is it not written in your law, I said, you are Gods?’ To this statement our inner guidance says: ‘Yes, it’s true. Every human being, without exception, is of Divine origin and whatever may befall you in earthly life, nothing can separate you from your Divine parents and your true home, the spirit world. Each one of you is a child of God, not as much a chip off the old block as a spark of My great white light. In truth you are young Gods in the making, apprentices and trainee Gods. I am spirit and so is the core of your own being. You are a great deal more than the physical bodies you need for getting around at present.

‘On the inner level of life, from where you newly emerge at the beginning of every new lifetime, all is one and belongs together. And anything you wish to manifest in the Earth’s environment first has to appear within as an idea and a thought. The invisible parts of everything that is in our world and all others, including you, are of far greater importance than their outer appearances. You are all in this earthly existence together to renew your understanding of these things and through this you and your entire world shall find healing and peace. Every one of you has come to be healed and over time grow into a healer in their own right. That is how, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, humankind for quite some time by now has slowly been evolving into a race of healers, saviours and redeemers of yourselves, each other and your world.’

Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light.
You with your own vision
And I with my insight.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Homesickness Of The Soul’
•    ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’
•    ‘What Is Soul?’

Six pointed Star

The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (4)

Pathfinders And Lightbringers

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Pathfinders And LightbringersIn spiritual terms darkness is ignorance and knowledge is light. The spiritual development of every human being in earthly life starts with complete ignorance of the spiritual aspects of life and its own true nature. In the course of many lifetimes we slowly but surely mature into spiritual adulthood, when our higher nature stirs from its slumber and begins to know on the inner doors of our earthly consciousness. As a result, we become more interested in one of the religious beliefs of our world. And that is the beginning of developing our inborn abilities as pathfinders and lightbringers, seed carriers and healers for those around us.

We fulfil these functions each time we reach out to help someone find a better understanding of their predestined pathway through life. For everybody this quest starts with the discovery of who we are, why we are here, why people are in our lives in the first place and why they have to leave us after a while. The greatest and most comforting revelation connected with this is learning that they have not died and that in truth there is no such thing as death.

We act as healers whenever we offer someone a shoulder to lean or cry on, maybe a hand to hold or when we bring renewed hope by empathising with someone and trying to help them to view a difficult situation from a different perspective. Healers do these things not because someone tells them to, but because that’s the only thing they want to do. They are following an inner urge to be true to their real nature, which is love. As soon as they have found a measure of light, they feel an inner need to assist others to do the same for themselves.

Do not follow where the path may lead.
Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Leaving a trail is important because as we climb up the spiritual mountain, others are sure to walk with us, literally and metaphorically speaking. We are never alone and the hands of the Angels and many other invisible helpers are constantly waiting for us to take hold of them whenever the going gets too scary and tough for us on our own. All we have to do is reach out for them, for they are ever ready to guide and protect us and provide us with the courage and strength we require for the task ahead of us. The only thing they cannot do for us is working on the improvement of our character by giving of our best and bringing forth the highest and noblest qualities from the very core of our being.

Whenever one of us stumbles and falls, our helpers draw extra close to bring us the comfort and healing we need. But it will always remain a mystery to me how the surviving members of the family mentioned in the previous chapter reconciled their suffering with their beliefs. Thinking of Jesus as their saviour and redeemer, what did they make of his role when he refused to save them – or anyone else, for that matter?

From the point humankind’s spiritual development has reached by now, one question puzzles me most of all. For as long as we lacked the understanding of the spiritual background of life, how it has always worked and affected us, how could anyone ever gain any faith at all? It does not surprise me that through the war events many ceased to believe that there really is a higher authority who loves us and our world, and who watches and takes great care of all of it. Something of that nature is likely to have happened to me in a previous lifetime and that is the reason why I chose to be born into a background where I had to grow up without any spiritual guidance and support from anyone. At the time of my midlife crisis * I reached the crossroad in my spiritual development that comes to everybody sooner or later.

In the fullness of time every last one of us will evolve into an enlightened being, because finding our way back home into the light of our true nature and the higher purpose of our existence is everybody’s birthright. This is where freedom of choice *enters the picture. Even while we are still unaware of such things, we are presented with choices and are allowed to make our own decisions. And it’s left to each individual whether we accept or reject the treasures of spiritual wisdom and truth that with ever greater force are now coming our way. Alas, reading about them is not enough on its own. Only when we constantly apply them to our daily lives can we grow in wisdom, understanding, and progress on the evolutionary spiral. Anyone is free to choose remaining stuck in the darkness of their ignorance.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It brought me a confirmation of the above, which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with it in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate and bring this love to the people around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to. God is part of each one of you and all of you are instruments and channels through which the blessing and healing power of the Divine infinite spirit is waiting to flow into your world.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘38/45 Midlife Crisis - The Uranus Opposition’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’  

Six pointed Star

The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (5)

Humankind In Pursuit Of Enlightenment

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Humankind In Pursuit Of EnlightenmentThe ultimate purpose of the material existence of every one of us is to evolve into a fully enlightened being. Each one of us is required to develop their own philosophy of life that can support us through the inevitable ups and downs of our present existence. To help us find it, deep down inside everybody there is a great hunger and thirst * for spiritual wisdom and knowledge that tells us the about the purpose and higher meaning of our present existence *.

At the beginning of our earthly education for a long time we are unaware that there is another higher part to our nature. At that stage it’s just that our whole being somehow seems to be filled with an indefinable deep inner longing that in the end cannot be satisfied by anything Earth life has to offer. The more these feelings rise to the surface of our consciousness, the more we become aware that something is missing in our lives, without initially knowing what it is. But when it finally comes clear in our mind, we are prepared to do whatever it takes to find the truth and nothing but the truth.

Every time we learn something new and add it to the knowledge we have already gathered and is now available to us, a bit more of our ignorance’s darkness disperses and we are one step nearer to being enlightened. But it is spiritual enlightenment * that we are all in this life to seek and in the fullness of time are sure to find. This is knowledge is the result of our inner awakening into the recognition of who we truly are, who and what God is, and what kind of a role we are playing in God’s great plan of life. This change of consciousness provides us with a different approach to life and provides us with a fresh understanding of how true faith and trust in the goodness of life can be found.

Without a reasonably good perception of these things, Earth life is bound to be a difficult and scary experience, no matter how brave a face we manage to show to the world. I am but one of countless souls who, each in their own way, are working tirelessly behind the scenes of life on raising the level of humankind’s consciousness. Through our joint efforts, one tiny step at a time, all together we are moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. I believe that good evolutionary progress is possible for anyone who aims to find a better understanding of the higher spiritual realities that form the background of our earthly existence.

Through the suffering of past lifetimes and the present one, many have evolved to the point of becoming aware again of their spirituality and are doing their best to develop it. Spirituality is a journey of discovery and I can think of no better way of starting it than to ask myself: ‘Why am I here and what am I doing with my life? What are my beliefs? Do I have any faith in life; do I trust it?’ And there lies the crunch! More than anything else we and our world require is a new approach to faith. But then, what is faith? As this is such a much misused word, we are going to investigate it more thoroughly in the next chapter.

With spirituality I do not mean communicating with those who have passed into our other world or the dead, as some may call them. To me, the dead ones – spiritually that is – are those who have not yet woken up to the fact that their true nature is spirit and soul who is presently taking part in life as a physical being. Having experienced first hand the darkness of not knowing who I truly am and what this life is all about, I know how frightening an existence it can be. To this day, I find it deeply comforting that we are all siblings in the vast family of humankind as well as the whole of life, that on the inner level we are all one and that we are never alone.

More than anything else in this world, I love sharing the light I am finding along the pathway of my life with as many as possible of you, my dear friends and spiritual family. My greatest reward will be if some of that light helps the odd one here and there to leave the dungeon of their spiritual darkness behind.

The spirit of the Universal Christ spoke to us and our world through Jesus legend. In St John 8:31-32 we are told: ‘Then Jesus said to those of the Jews who believed in him: If you abide by my word, you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and that very truth shall make you free.’ This is how the Christ Spirit all along has been trying to tell us that through learning about the true nature of God and our relationship with Him/Her, each one of us would eventually be able to release themselves from the prison of oppression and slavery, in particular of the religious kind.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or a song,
If I can show somebody when they’re travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty, as a child of God ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world that is wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, the way the Masters taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

And if you and I can occasionally help somebody to find a new understanding
Of their true nature and the real purpose of their being here,
Then for us this lifetime will not have been in vain.

Alma Bazel Androzzo
Edited by Aquarius

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Spiritual Background Of Eating Disorders’
•    ‘Enlightenment’
•    ‘Not By Bread Alone’

Six pointed Star

The Dual Nature Of God And The Devil (6)

Realise Your Inner Strength

Rays Of Wisdom – Healers And Healing – The Very Best Of White Eagle – Messages From The Little Book Of Healing - Realise Your Inner Strength

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Little Book Of Healing Comfort’:  ‘The purpose of every earthly lifetime is the development of the higher aspects of your nature and bringing forth your own inner strength. By constantly tapping into and using them your spiritual light and power increase, so that with the passing of time you become more god-like. You will find that the more the radiance of the spiritual side of your being lights up your daily tasks and encounters, the more easily you cope with earthly life.

‘We too once walked that pathway and therefore know how difficult it can be for as long as our physical bodies hold you tightly in its grip with its pains and afflictions of mind, body and spirit. * By now we also know that all these things are the direct result of the thinking and behaviour patterns of the small self with its tiresome ego and fearful earthly mind. For a long time the lower self in its arrogance believes it knows everything when in truth it does not have a clue about anything that really matters, in particular the spiritual background of its earthly existence.

‘This is because in the course of many lifetimes the lower self gets lost in an ever denser jungle of erroneous beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The walls of this prison with the passing of time grow so thick that they enclose the small self like a black box. The atoms and molecules of the physical body’s cells eventually are so tightly packed together that they act similar to a prison cell, which for a long time cannot be penetrated by even the smallest rays of the light of spiritual wisdom. Yet, with every spell of suffering a bit more of God’s light re-enters them and speeds up their vibrations sufficiently so that sparks of understanding can seep in. With the passing of time more and more of it penetrates the consciousness of the sufferer.

‘The creation of the prison cell is necessary for the early stages of your earthly development. It ensures that the spirit and soul within it cannot escape until the learning from its lessons have been thoroughly absorbed. Thus they are forced to take part in the lessons of getting to know the characteristics of their lower and lowest nature. Without this the human spirit, whose true nature as a spark of the Divine is all-loving, giving and forgiving, would be unable to endure the extremely tough school of earthly life. If it had not been cut off from its true nature and home in God’s loving embrace, human spirit and souls could not respond to the demands of Earth’s harsh and cold, alien and frequently hostile environment.

‘All matter consists of the Universal Christ’s light. During the initial stages of creating physical bodies for young and inexperienced spirits and their souls the Divine light is gradually withdrawn from the matter surrounding them during their earthly sojourns, so it grows ever denser. This descent into physicality continues until the small lower self has lost all recall of its true nature and origin. That’s when it is ready to attend to the hardest parts of its earthly education.

‘During each lifetime spent without the awareness of your true nature, a fresh layer of all manner of fears, especially those of the unknown and death is left behind in the memories of your soul. They form deposits which at some stage of your development have to be dismantled, by none other than you and that may reveal itself as surprisingly hard work. The same as every new layer you once accumulated took you away from the Source of your being, God, those you dissolve move you closer to Him/Her again. This process is an essential part of every human being’s compulsory earthly education.

‘We, your spirit friends and helpers, need you on the other side of the veil of consciousness as much as you need us. Our task is showing you how you can triumph over the darkness of the spiritual ignorance that has been overshadowing every aspect of your world, individually and collectively, for such a long time. Your part consists of the grounding of your steadily increasing store of spiritual knowledge by applying its principles to your daily life. You then need to share your insights and beliefs with as many as possible, to enable them to increase their inner strength and help their spiritual wings to grow. True evolutionary progress for your whole world is made each time you lift yourself and someone around you above the common narrow horizons and vision of earthly life.

‘Leaning on a teaching from the Jesus legend, we say to you: ‘Rise from your bed and walk.’ The bed is a metaphor for your earthly existence and the way of walking we mean is letting the light of the spiritual path show the way that leads to the rediscovery and reconnection with the inner Source of your being. Do all you can to re-establish your contact with it and work together with it, so you can be used as an ever more powerful channel through which the blessing and healing energies of the Universal Forces can flow into Mother Earth and all her lifeforms and from there into the rest of Creation.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

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Part 3

God And The Devil (7)

Help Me To Believe

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Unbelief

O Holy Trinity,
Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ,
Light of all lights and Sun of all Suns,
Please hear my prayer.
I so very much want to believe in You and trust.
Although I know that Your love and mercy are
Endless and as deep as the deepest ocean of our world,
And that Your forgiveness and understanding
For the trials and tribulations
Of all human hearts is very real,
But still I doubt.

Through an ever increasing understanding
Of the mysteries of my own existence and Yours,
And my relationship with You,
Help me to overcome every last trace of my unbelief.
Let my perceptions no longer be based on
Mere surface words, but a deep inner knowingness
Of the hidden meanings behind the texts of
The sacred teachings of our world.
And assist every one of Your children of the Earth
To grasp Your wisdom and truth,
The way many did in past lifetimes,
When this kind of consciousness was known as gnosis.
Help all of us to enter into this state.

The spiritual rebirth our race has for so long been waiting for,
Is dawning at last and ever more of us realise
That it was You and Your helpers,
The Angels and Masters of the spirit world, our true home,
Supported by their assistants, who has lovingly guided
Each one of us through the dark night
Of thinking that we are struggling on our own
In earthly life.

I thank you for allowing me to know that this happened
For a wise higher reason, the same as everything else
That ever takes place in our world.
The dark night is necessary for every human being
Because it teaches us how to appreciate the joy
Of reconnecting and consciously being one again
With You and all life, when it eventually comes about.
That’s why all human beings first have to lose the awareness
Of their inner connection with You,
Although in truth nothing will ever be able to take it away.
At some stage of their development, all human beings
Have to work their way through the narrow tunnel
Of thinking that they are on their own.

Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us
And having become aware of my true nature again,
I rejoice that Your total and unconditional love
Is bringing us and our world a renewed understanding
Of Your eternal wisdom and truth,
So that ever more of us are consciously gaining
Access to the healing rays of the Universal Christ,
To do their share of bringing about
The rebirth of every soul and that of our world.

With all my heart and soul I beg of You and the Angels
That any lack of faith in You in all human hearts
Should be replaced by a deep inner awareness
Of Your Divine presence in everything that is
And therefore also in my companions and me.
Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
Each on their own and all of us together
Are walking back home into the
Conscious awareness of our true nature
And oneness with You.

Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
As surely as every night is followed by a new day,
Now that the darkest hour of humankind’s spirit and soul
Has almost run its course and is reaching its natural end,
May the radiance of Your Light reign supreme,
For ever and ever.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All About Faith’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (8)

Reflections On Faith

Reflections On Faith - Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among NationsThe Age of Pisces has been an age of blind faith and false beliefs. But now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, this part of the evolutionary path of our race lies safely behind us and ever more of us are finding a new faith that is very different from that of all previous ages. It is of a visionary nature that is based on the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that is increasingly flowing intuitively into every heart and soul directly from the Source of our being. This kind of faith is no longer an outer and therefore wobbly manifestation. It is an aspect of consciousness and a part that naturally belongs to every soul. It is an awareness that reveals its presence as a deep inner knowing that there really is a Great plan of life, in which each one of us has their allocated place and role to play.

When we find out and finally accept that everything that has ever happened in our world did so for good and wise reasons, we realise that the Universal Force, the Great Father/Mother of all life, really does love us and that all life has always rested safely in its loving hands. As our understanding of God’s true nature and our own grows, our faith and trust in the existence we have presently been allocated also expands. Knowing that this force has always been on our side and did know exactly what it was doing, helps us to trust that we shall be safe wherever our destiny may wish to take us and that in all Eternity.

True faith is born in human souls from the knowledge that life is good and always moving forwards on all its levels. Faith accepts that we cannot direct life but that, if we relax into it, all will be well for as long as we do not try to control its flow but learn to go with it, whilst listening to our inner guidance to tell us what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. When we do this and give of our best to work with the Universe, instead of against it, God and the Angels bring healing for us and our lives. Without such faith our lives will always remain empty, lacking focus and a centre, and that makes earthly life an extremely frightening experience for sensitive human souls.

Some believe that faith is a second rate option and many seem to think that religions can give people faith. Yet, some of the most devout church-goers that ever came my way were utterly bereft of faith, i.e. they had no trust in the goodness of life whatever. To this day, I am wondering whether the reason why these people go to church such a lot is that they are hoping that one fine day they will find faith there. However, genuine and lasting faith cannot be imparted by religions or anyone or anything else, because it is something that has to grow from within. It makes no difference whether one follows one of the religions of our world or none at all. The kind of faith we are on the Earth plane to seek can only be found by living our life and finding out that it really is a good and fair life from the reactions of the world around us to our own actions. It is good and right to seek the support of groups and to have some input into them, but whoever they may be, they cannot give us faith.

Yet,  faith is vital for our survival, as an individual and as a species, because it lifts us above a purely earthly existence and expands our consciousness to an ever increasing perception of the higher levels of life, beyond that which is familiar to most. It enables us to travel farther, and to dream bigger. Let me tell you from first hand experience that in the final analysis, Earth life remains a dreary journey that lacks direction, purpose and meaning, until one becomes aware of what and who we truly are, and why we are here.

The recognition of this alone can give us a reason for living meaningfully and for choosing wisely, at all times. Until we find out that our life, the same as everybody else’s, indeed has purpose and meaning, true faith has little chance of growing from within. With the understanding that we have come into this lifetime in order to walk a certain pathway that is meant to teach us some much needed lessons, life itself finally helps us to build our existence on solid foundations and we recognise that every experience that comes our way presents us with more opportunities for growing ever more heaven-tall.

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (9)

Faith Is Like Fulfilment

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Faith Is Like FulfilmentTrue happiness grows from trusting the goodness of life and feeling satisfied and fulfilled. This takes faith, yet fulfilment and faith cannot come from without, they have to grow from within. To this day, for far too many life seems to have become a constant search for fulfilment and stimulus from without, i.e. sheer pleasure-seeking. To find genuine fulfilment, lasting happiness and inner peace, faith is our most vital ingredient of all. By that I don’t mean blinding ourselves to what is happening in the world around us, which far too many to this day seem to think of as their only reality. Faith is something rather elusive, which brings with it an urge to search for the good in everything and everyone. It is an increasing inner understanding of our own and everybody else’s inherent kindness and godliness and the wish to bring it forth and share it with others.

True faith, the kind that has organically grown from within, lends us the vision of recognising what lies beneath the surface of things, people and situations. With faith, we begin to recognise the good that is always there, in any situation and any person, if we but open our inner eyes to perceive it. This kind of faith enables us to give in to that aching need of our soul to become more loving and giving. Faith is an inner knowingness of what is right and wrong in any situation, and a trust that, when we do our best in all our endeavours, God will do the rest. Our inner teacher alone can tell us what is truly good and right for us, in any given moment. What might have been right yesterday may no longer be right today. It is everybody’s birthright to enjoy the protection and guidance of their inner teacher.

By the way, nobody ever said that faith is an easy option or an escape route. Quite the opposite! But the going gets smoother, the more our faith in the Universe’s gently helping, supporting and guiding hand grows in us. Faith is an inner hunger and thirst to find truth, and to tell the truth. It is a quest for knowing that which comes directly from God and is therefore pure, true and eternal. It is that which helps us to tap into our own inner fountain of truth, wisdom and knowledge, so that we no longer need to accept what anyone else says, unless it has been verified from within.

Faith grows from knowing that we are all here together to learn certain lessons from each other; and that sometimes we find ourselves in the role of pupil and other times as teacher. Faith comes when we realise that no-one and nothing really is our enemy, except the ignorance our small and fearful earthly self is riddled with; and all its fears are caused by not knowing. Yet, wise ones who learn to walk in faith, trustingly put their hand into the hands of God and the Angels and ask them to help them overcome their ignorance and, through it, all their fears.

Faith is no option for cowards. It takes a lot of bravery to trust God implicitly, to be able to say whole-heartedly: ‘Thy Will be done!’ and mean it, whatever the consequences may be. Just try it, and you will see what is meant. Faith provides our heart and soul with a harbour, a place where we can drop anchor and know that we are safe. Living with faith gives us the strength to trust that everything will always come right in the end, no matter how dire things may sometimes appear to be, on the surface of things. To have faith means to accept that life on Earth is a school and that we are all on an evolutionary pathway. It means trusting that in this school there are no sinners and no losers, only learners. For as long as we are willing to learn and grow through every experience, we shall always be one of life’s winners.

Wise ones have learnt from their own experiences that if they but persevere no matter what happens, with the help and Will of God, they will always go forward and gain something, if only in wisdom and understanding. They know that as long as they are willing to continue learning, they will always gain in consciousness. Because they are prepared to look for what every experience is trying to bring them, their understanding of their own true nature and God’s role in their life and all life constantly expands. They never give up on anything or anyone, because they appreciate that what they have learnt and gained in consciousness will be the only thing they shall be allowed to take with them when they leave their physical body behind, at the end of each lifetime, and that it is their to keep, in all eternity.

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (10)

Living Without Faith

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Living Without Faith

My own life has taught me that living without faith means to be spiritually dead, because one’s most vital part – the spirit – is asleep. If we wish to become fully alive, the spirit has to wake up and become aware of its own presence again. Faith and trust are the ingredients we all need, if we want to find and fulfil the special purpose of our creation, as we are meant to. Although living without faith may not deny us worldly success, for as long as our life remains ungrounded in faith, in the long run, everything eventually turns to ashes in our mouth, and nothing will ever bring us lasting satisfaction and fulfilment.

Faith opens our vision to the highest levels of existence; it gives our life purpose, meaning and structure; and it enlarges our vision so that we begin to peer beyond the end of our nose, into our true reality and eternity. Faith allows us to rest safely in the knowledge that we have a right to be where we are, because that is exactly where God wants us to be, at any given moment. Faith is our trust in that everything in God’s Creation has a purpose and a reason, including us and our life.

As faith cannot be found anywhere, except inside us, looking for it is a solitary pursuit. It does not come from reading books, and it is unlikely to be drawn from something that has been handed down to us through long lines of deception, manipulation, exploitation, treachery, abuse and cruelty. All those things were and still are being committed in the name of a Creator, who is supposed to be just and loving, yet does not step in when such things are happening everywhere, to this day. How could intelligent beings ever have been expected to trust that kind of a God? In the chapter ‘Is there a God?’ of volume one of these jottings you can read more about this.

Only through becoming aware of what life really is all about and through accepting that we are responsible for ourselves and everything that is in us and our world to truly appreciate the great goodness and kindness of our Father/Mother Creator. Small children as we spiritually all are, each one of us stands before a God so infinitely wise, good and just that it is hard for human souls to grasp the depth of the love that holds all life and lifeforms in Its loving hands. Faith grows out of taking charge of ourselves and from aiming every thought, word, and action towards the highest good of all. No-one can give us faith because it already is within us, waiting to come alive again; it needs to be tapped into so that it can grow ever stronger.

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (11)

Our Two Most Intimate Relationships

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Our Two Most Intimate Relationships - Our Relationship with God

Our two most intimate and complex relationships are the one with ourselves and the one with God, not as an external force, but as the spirit of love and goodness, honesty and truth that is a natural part of each one of us that is merely waiting to be consciously accepted and integrated by us. The more we become familiar with the processes of life, the more our faith in life grows. The only way of learning to trust life and its goodness is by testing and trying it, and by living it to the full, never by retreating from it in defeat. Wise ones find that with a better understanding of the laws of the Universe, which apply to all life and lifeforms, conquering the instincts of their lower earthly self becomes easier. Being aware that the law of Karma ensures that everything has to return to its source, and that whatever they send out into the world, inevitably has to find its way back to them, enables them to create nothing but good Karma.

When you can see with your own eyes how the good you once sent out into the world does indeed return to you – though not necessarily through the people it was given to – your faith and trust in the goodness and wisdom of the One who created this life increases steadily. That is why, listening to their inner guidance, wise ones do what is good and right, rather than what is convenient. At all times they give of their best because they know that in due course nothing but more of the same will return to them. Thus their inner vision develops that enables them to see for themselves how fair and just, as well as loving and wise our Creator is. Thus their inner trust that their own life and all life truly is good grows stronger with every passing day. This continues until their faith finally can no longer be shaken or taken away by anyone, ever again.

These wise ones have found true faith, the kind we are meant to develop when all belief systems of our world have failed us and let us down, and when not a shred of faith in anything seems to be left in us. This faith does not consist of a running with any herd, but is something individual between us and our Creator that eventually awakens in every heart. To have faith then means we believe in ourselves, the purpose of our own life and all life. It is a learning to trust our ability to think our own positive and creative thoughts, which we are willing to follow up by positive actions.

When, with the help of God, we have become the master of our emotions, instead of allowing them mastery over us, we will also have learnt to trust our own reactions in all situations. As we are gathering first-hand knowledge of how God guides us, from within through the world of our innermost feelings, there slowly grows within us faith in ourselves and our ability to handle all situations. Gradually, we know that with the help of the living God within us, our inner guidance, we can achieve the mastery we all have to find, if we wish to evolve and grow sufficiently for our existence to finally rise above the physical plane.

Faith is the eternal well that springs forth from God. It nurtures our soul and spirit, who is one with God – always has been and always will be. Faith is capable of lifting us and our life above mediocrity, onto less mundane and more exciting levels of existence that have always been known to our soul and spirit. To have faith means to ever more trust our own abilities and to know that we can draw on endless amounts of inner strength, because it comes from God. It is that which is going to help us master any condition we may encounter with love, kindness and wisdom.

However, many times the emotions of our world, individually and collectively, run fierce and high. This brings us opportunities for learning how to master our earthly self by playing the part of our Highest or Christ Self and say to small self’s fears and anxieties: ‘Peace, be still, all is well with us and our world! Everything rests safely in God’s hands, no matter what happens.’ The trouble is that, when fear gets hold of people, they begin to feel resentful and think they have to defend themselves and their honour against imaginary assaults. At moments like that the voice of our Highest Self needs to reach out to these people and approach them on the innermost level to tell them: ‘Peace, be still. You are my sister/brother, I love you and would never hurt or harm you.’

The Jesus legend’s story of the Master walking on the water is a demonstration of how each one of us eventually has to take charge of every part of our being, including controlling and mastering our emotions. The water is a symbol for the world of our feelings and emotions. In our prayers, meditations and quiet reflections the waters of this world can be calmed by turning to the Kingdom of Heaven and finding the stillness and peace on the innermost level of our being. When it has been reached, the heavenly influences can pour into us to heal all parts of our being and from there flow into every member of the human family and our whole world.

I find it comforting to know that although every expression of life that is presently known on the Earth plane is still very crude, the more we advance on the evolutionary spiral of life, the expressions, forms and colours we are familiar with will not be removed. They merely become more intensified and beautiful. This means that we can be quite sure that the things we have always longed for and missed in our earthly existence will eventually manifest, just the way we would like them to be. This knowledge is an excellent star to follow. It provides us with the assurance and comfort we earthlings so urgently need.

The Soul’s Yearning
So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.

From: ‘Seliges Verlangen’
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (12)

Being Among The Lucky Ones

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among The Nations - Being Among The Lucky OnesSadly, to this day far too many still have to deal with war situations in their every day lives, maybe the only way of doing so is by psychically closing off and stumbling through each day as best one knows how to. When one cannot change the events, one has to accept them as facts of life and turn towards counting one’s blessings. That’s what I did in those days and still do, in spite of lacking all spiritual awareness in those days. After all, we were alive when millions had perished. Our immediate family was still intact, although its wider circle had been cleared of all men capable of carrying a gun – except my father.

Another reason why we thought of ourselves as lucky was that we had a fair-sized garden and my father was a wonderful gardener. I am sure it was his toiling that saved us from the worst during the near-starvation years 1945/1948. Also, the war had created millions of homeless and displaced people, while we still had our house and it had remained undamaged. As the end approached, ever more refugees came flooding into the western part of Germany, trying to get away from the Russian troops, advancing from the East. The stories told by the survivors made your hair stand on end. To me, one of the worst possible fates that can befall any human being is homelessness, physically and spiritually. All of my work aims to relieve both these conditions.

Regrettably, even when the war was finally over, for many the worst was yet to come in the form of the post-war years 1945/48. This undoubtedly increased the constantly rising numbers of souls who during these times lost all faith that a Saviour and Redeemer would ever come to their rescue. Yet, it is in keeping with spiritual law that some great new understanding comes to each soul and that of our world after having waded through the depths of suffering and pain.

From the time World War Two was at its height until its official end, when we all had to drink the bitter cup of the lessons wars intend to teach our world, come some of the finest examples of White Eagle’s teachings – see ‘Further Reading From My Bookshelf’. Between January 1943 and July 1945, as the lights on the outside of life went out over large parts of our globe, much light in the form of spiritual knowledge and wisdom entered it on the inner level.

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (13)

Life Is Cheap In Wartimes

In times of war, death is always much closer than it would ordinarily be. It seems to render life cheap and meaningless. For nearly the whole of the war we had been fortunate enough to be at least physically removed from it. When we heard that one of our relatives or neighbours had been killed, it usually happened in faraway places. One of the first to die was one of my uncles, a twenty-one year old professional soldier of junior officer rank. He went straight from the school benches of his officer’s training academy, where a high-ranking officer’s career had been planned for him.

Photos show him as a dashing and handsome young fellow in a smart uniform. It took some years after the end of the war until the authorities posthumously promoted him to full officer status, so that his widow and children could get the benefit of a much better pension. One of the first to be moved to the Russian front, he went missing in combat in the battle of Stalingrad almost immediately upon arrival. No trace of him was ever found. He left behind a nineteen-year old-widow and two children. His daughter of two he saw once and he never set eyes upon his son, who had just been born at the time of his death.

And then something reminds me of a narrow-gauge railway system, which has long disappeared. At that time it was an important part of the local transport system that connected several small towns in our area. One day almost at the end of the war, it was attacked and hit in broad daylight by a low flying aircraft. This happened when the train was about the same distance away from our house as the air raid shelter, though in a different direction. The train was so slow that it made an easy target whenever it came chugging up a hill at snail’s pace. Its lack of speed must have made it unsuitable for troop movements.

My parents’ house stood on the outskirts of town from where it was a long walk to the main shopping centre. Nobody considered that to be a problem, as everybody walked everywhere in those days. Ah, but every few hours the train did stop only about half a mile away from our house. A train ride into town was a rare treat for us children. If you were lucky enough to be considered worthy of a ride, the train could take you almost into the town centre. We had a lovely time standing on the platform, getting covered in soot, waving graciously to less fortunate mortals who had to walk, and warning each other: ‘No flower picking while the train is in motion’.

In wartimes children live as dangerously as adults, in many ways even more so. They encounter hazards that could easily be avoided by adults, as the following incident illustrates. As the war finally came to its end, many of the retreating soldiers discarded what they had left of weapons and ammunition in the extensive German forests, also in those of our part of the country. Some of these things were found by children and played with, sometimes with tragic results. For example, in the next street to ours, a twelve-year-old boy killed himself with an army revolver. He had found it in the nearby woods and as many children everywhere would probably do, he and some of his pals had been having fun practising some target shooting. The price he paid for it was his life.

Who will ever know the extent of the damage monumental struggles like wars do to those taking part? They leave behind indelible marks on our souls, even if human nature has a protective device built in, to enable us to continue living. That is why most of us as adults can no longer imagine the fears severely traumatic events aroused in us during childhood. First hand experience has taught me the difficulty of shedding them. In common with everything that is in our life, this is spiritually sound, and for the wise reason that such lessons should never be forgotten by our soul, enabling us to learn from the mistakes of the past.

As the concept of spirituality appears repeatedly in this work, in case you are wondering what it means to me, let me explain. To my mind, it is not enough to merely say: ‘I am oh so spiritual!’ There is more to it than that; being spiritual means that we have woken up to the knowledge that first and foremost we are spirit and soul. To me, that is the most important lesson this life has to teach each one of us. However, merely reading that this is so in itself is not good enough; we have to act upon what we know and make an effort to live according to spiritual laws and principles; no matter how difficult that sometimes may be.

To return to the poppies for a moment, it was the memories of the events described here that long ago helped me to decide what to do when I first encountered these flowers and the slogan ‘Wear your poppy with pride!’ Yes indeed; buying one each year and wearing it as advised was good and right for me, too. The brave ones, in whose honour they were and still are sold and worn each year, to me are the truly great ones of their time. They helped to free the rest of the world – not least us, the civilian population of Germany, from the Nazi scourge.

What it means to live and grow up within the clutches of any reign of terror can only truly be appreciated by those who experience it. In the great drama of life, the horror of the Hitler regime was our Karma and our lesson. Those who came to free us from it had been allocated the role of the conquering heroes. The former was our destiny for this lifetime and the latter theirs. In this earthly existence there is no way of knowing whether we did something similar for them in previous ones, but it has to be a strong possibility.

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (14)

My Heroes

My Heroes - Rays of Wisdom - War & Peace Among NationsIt seems to me that these days the worshipping of heroes has become a popular pastime and so inevitably from time to time, someone wants to know who mine are. Everybody appears to have some; yet, I seem to lack the capacity for that kind of worship. Maybe my early experiences taught me which people are truly worthy of my deep love and respect and which ones are not. The worthy ones to me are those who day by day quietly and patiently bear their cross and get on with their lives, as best they can, the same as those brave warriors. Also, I am more than happy to specially honour anyone who has ever played their part in trying to make our world a better place for all to share.
If it were within my power, I would personally hand an award to each one, especially to those now in the world of spirit. As that is impossible, let me do the next best thing by expressing my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to them here. Whether they survived the nightmare or not and wherever they may be now, I will always remember with gratitude and admiration the courage of those who marched, fought and gave their lives and limbs on behalf of us all. Who knows? Maybe some of them are now among our friends and helpers in the world of light, supporting us and spurring us all on to ever greater efforts. Now, there’s a heart-warming thought for you!

At the time of writing and editing this, I heard a news item about the fact that not only Germany had been bankrupt by the end of the war, but that the same was also true for the United Kingdom. On the internet I found the following press release: ‘In September 1945, its government borrowed $4.34 billion at a 2% interest rate from the USA and Canada, to rebuild the economy after hostilities had ceased. It had originally been intended that this loan should be paid back over 50 years, beginning in 1950. But it turned out that keeping up the payments was often difficult. There were six years when Britain deferred payment as a result of economic crises and pressure on the official reserves. Just before the New Year 2007, over sixty years after the end of the war, the final payment of £43m was made.’

This confirmed a belief I have held for a long time, namely that in any of the many wars our world has witnessed there never were any winners. In the end, everybody loses and everybody gets hurt – and that not only on the soul level. It is true that in the short term and on the material level, the warmongers and arms makers grow rich and fat. For anyone who still lacks all spiritual awareness, the most important lesson of their present lifetime is the recognition that no material wealth can be taken with us at the moment of physical death. Even the most materialistically minded people gain when this dawns on them upon their return into the world of spirit.

The Universal law of life is love. Any warmongering is a transgression against this law and a crime against all life, not merely humankind. The only true winners in every war are those who realise the futility of warring. Great spiritual growth is sure to come to those who appreciate the significance of the ordeals they had to endure and who know how to extract the learning they contained, individually and collectively. And if such survivors strive to spend the rest of their present lifetime in peaceful ways, they prove that they have grasped the Earth plane’s most important lesson: the value of peace.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Love – Nature And Law Of The Universe’

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (15)

Eternity Is Today

Eternity Is Today - Rays of Wisdom - War & Peace Between Nations - My Heroes 

Every new day is part of the great mystery
In which past, present and future are one.
Each moment is like a river in which all drops of water
Are as much linked to their spring on a distant mountain slope,
As they are with the oceans of our world.

In just the same way this today of ours is part of Eternity.
Every precious moment of it, that’s where we dwell.
Eternity is not something we reach when leaving earthly life.
The awareness of this demands that we live
In ways that are worthy of being eternally visible,
So that when we reflect on our present existence
From the other side of the veil of consciousness
That separates our two worlds,
We can do so with gladness and without regrets.

Now is the time for emptying
Hearts and souls of our lower nature’s characteristics,
Like anger and vengefulness, hatred and greed.
This raises our consciousness and tunes the
Transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind
Into the frequencies of the Christ Spirit.
The more we develop Its characteristics and follow
Its will and wishes rather than ours,
The more our whole being
Fills with kindness, compassion and love for all life.
Then at last we are worthy of Eternity.

Ku Sang 1984
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’

Six pointed Star

God And The Devil (16)

More Ghosts From The Past

I hope you will forgive me for returning to this theme for a moment. As far back as I can remember I have had difficulties getting to sleep. My sleeping problems were thoroughly investigated in Germany, but no-one ever came to any useful conclusions. When I came to live in Britain our GP, a kind and loving old soul who was close to retirement, one day put his finger on the cause. He knew intuitively that my problem was a reflection of the wartime experiences of my childhood; I never doubted that he was right. As a child, I had been so afraid of dying in my sleep that the older I got the harder I found it to let go – without having the slightest idea why this was so. Yet, from where I stand now, it is not difficult to see how much difference even the simplest faith and the smallest prayer could have made. Some time ago, I heard someone pray: ‘If I die in my sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.’ This sounded strange to me at first, but now that I know the power of prayer, I wonder how much difference a plea like that would have made to my earlier life.

Alas, only through the lack or loss of something can we come to appreciate its true value. Clearly, my main lesson for this lifetime consisted of appreciating the importance of spiritual matters. It was worth the long struggle through the darkness of my ignorance to come out into the light of knowing. What a precious gift it is to know that: God and the Angels at all times take care of us and our world; without them there would be no life; whether we believe in them or not, they are there, guiding and protecting us through all our experiences; and no matter what befalls us, we shall always be safe.

Each year, as the Sun moves into Scorpio and 11th November and Poppy Day in Britain comes round once again, I like to hold a small private remembrance service for those who went before us. Sun in Scorpio is a time of year that presents everybody with opportunities for using the cleansing, purging and healing energy of this sign for own healing journey. Its energy was at work when the first inspiration for this new project came to me. It is likely that this is the reason why I suddenly felt it was necessary for me to look into and talk about how the war years affected me and my life. Read more about this in ‘The Sun in Scorpio’ in the Astro Files.

This part of the jottings by now has grown into a veritable mosaic of impressions. In the first place, it was written for myself, not in a selfish way but with the aim of fulfilling several purposes. As mentioned earlier, I hope that writing about my wartime experiences will enable me to let go of that part of my past by laying some of its worst shadows to rest. This is also an attempt at helping those around me towards a better understanding of what took place on the ground level of life in wartime Germany. Finally, there is the equally important part that focuses on some of the things those experiences taught me. That sometimes these parts weave into each other is inevitable.

As pointed out in volume one of these jottings, each one of us is on the Earth plane now to find healing and thereby become a healer in their own right. Everybody’s current lifetime offers many opportunities for working on this. Most helpful I find playing the role of an interested observer of my life rather than being a participant, or worse its victim. That changes everybody’s part to that of a victor. This is why I chose the Oscar Wilde quote from volume one: ‘To become the spectator of one’s own life is to escape the suffering of life.’ as the motto and main theme for all my writings.

Searching for and finding the higher purpose and meaning of any traumatic event helps to cleanse our consciousness of its memories and effects. This is of special significance now that the long-promised spiritual rebirth of humankind is finally taking place, and we and our world are at last moving towards more peaceful times. Each has to work on this, but how can people do so for as long as they still lack the awareness of what this existence in physicality really is all about? Yet, it is everybody’s birthright to wake up and come home into their true nature. This article is part of my contribution towards helping as many as possible to do that.

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Part 4

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (1)

Love is the law of life for the whole of Creation and all other laws have their origin in this one and radiate out from it. First and foremost there is the law of Karma and another, equally important one, is evolution. Karma is created whenever the law of love is broken by any one of us. And for any kind of suffering we inflict upon one of God’s creatures – human and animal alike, and also ourselves – amends have to be made at some stage of our evolutionary pathway.

As a spark of the Divine, we come from love and love is our true nature. Only when we act in kind and loving ways are we true to it. Although they are an important part of every soul’s learning process, all negative character traces are but interim states of this. When each one of them has been mastered and overcome by us, we shall have returned to love. And we are all in this life together, so we can help each other to do just that. But what each one of us needs most of all is learning to trust God and the Angels and once again walk hand in hand with them. That’s what we did before our descent into matter and physicality took us ever further away from our true nature and the awareness of our oneness with God and all life, as the evolutionary law demanded from us.

All life is constantly evolving on a forward and upward pointing spiral. I believe that when the development of our race had reached a certain stage, the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother, decreed that each one of us should be released and go forward to develop as an individual. For this purpose a life was created in which every soul must learn to exist and get along in a physical body of their own. On the surface of Earth life this creates the illusion that we are all separate from each other, in spite of the fact that everybody’s inner oneness with the Divine, with each other and all life and lifeforms never ceased.

Spirit evolves in matter and as the matter surrounding the spirit absorbs the vibrations of everything that takes place inside it, it responds to its indwelling spirit by evolving simultaneously. Humankind came to the Earth plane to grow and learn from its own experiences, whilst at the same time helping the planet in its evolution. As we descended ever deeper into matter and the physical life, and the more the process of individualisation progressed, the more we lost our conscious awareness of our roots. In a future volume of these jottings we shall explore this theme in more depth.

What a long time it seems to have taken us and our world before finally we could be guided back into the understanding of the true purpose and meaning of this life. It is this knowledge that brings us the much needed and long awaited renewal of hope for the future of our race and our world. But what of those who do not yet know why they are here; what will happen to them? In case you are among them, please allow me to reach out a bit further.

We are all in this life together to learn about and reconnect with our highest or God Self. To ease our way and help us make some kind of sense of our earthly sojourn, many beautiful old stories came down the ages to humankind through all the spiritual traditions of our world. But only now are we ready to find the understanding that none of these tales were ever meant to be taken literally; that they all contained invaluable grains of the pure gold of Divine truths that first have to be unearthed by us. Many of the teachings that were given to us over the ages have well hidden esoteric meanings. Only when we look behind the scenes of life do they at long last begin to reveal their deep and powerful meanings, which for sound spiritual reasons until recently had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge.

Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (2)

Putting Our World In Order

Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher who lived from 551-479 BCE. His teachings and philosophies over the ages have not only deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life, but also those of the rest of our world. Many of his words of wisdom are still as meaningful to us and our world, as they were in his time, for example: ‘To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal lives; and to cultivate our personal lives we first have to set our hearts right.’

All spiritual concepts come to our world from the highest levels of life. The same as all other spiritual teachers that from time to time dwelt with us on the earthly plane, Confucius served as a channel through whom more of God’s Divine wisdom and truth were seeded into the consciousness of our race. When people’s understanding has grown sufficiently to be able to grasp the meaning of the messages that are given with the help of our guides and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life, they will gradually be accepted and become common knowledge.

This has to wait until sufficient numbers of individual souls woken from their spiritual slumbers, the way it is happening now. Another suitable medium is then found, through whom the ancient concepts are to be presented in a fresh format that speaks to and captures the imagination of the many, at that time. This is how publications like ‘A Course in Miracles’ or ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle came into being.

To attract the necessary attention they had to be pushed into the limelight, for example by powerful engines like the Oprah Winfrey Show on TV, which enjoys a wide following in the English speaking world. That is how ‘A New Earth’ had become so popular at the time of publishing this part of the jottings that it had made it onto the bestseller list. Astonishing for a book of this nature and an excellent sign of our times! To me, this is clear evidence that a mass awakening is indeed now taking place. For many souls on the Earth plane such books represent the first step on their journey back home into their true nature. Through further discoveries they will in due course be guided to move forwards, a bit more at a time, by their invisible helpers on the higher planes of life. Alleluia!

Thanks be to God and the Angels for making it all possible by providing us with ever more advanced ideas for the rapid technological progress that is one of the hallmarks of the Aquarian Age. The amazing communication tools of TV, computers and the Internet are very much inventions that belong to this age. Remember, Aquarius is one of the Air signs and they are the intellectual and thinking signs of the zodiac. Souls born into one of them, during their present lifetime, are given many opportunities for practising and developing their communication skills.

Because that’s what the Universe wishes all of us to do now, it has placed the tools into everybody’s hands for spreading and broadcasting any new ideas within seconds of finding them to all parts of our world. As always, it is every soul’s own responsibility in what manner and to what purposes it applies all its gifts. Nothing could be a better demonstration than this of what degree of spiritual awareness we have reached at any given moment. And what a heart-warming experience it is when one witnesses that someone no longer uses them for the promotion of their small self, but for the genuine spiritual advancement of our race!

Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (3)

The Internet Prayer

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - The Internet Prayer

Thank you, Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life,
For the beauty and wonder of Your Creation.
Thank you for allowing us all to take part in
The natural beauty of the planet
You have given into our care,
Our beloved Mother Earth.

Thank you for also providing us with the ideas
For the technical revolution that has been taking place
In our world for quite some time.
May Your creative ideas continue to inspire all of us,
And especially our scientists and technicians,
So they too can do their share of making our world into
An ever more beautiful and peaceful place
Where all can partake freely and equally in
The gifts that so generously flow from Your abundance.

We thank You for the miracle of the Internet
And the connections it makes possible in seconds
For meeting and getting to know
Like-minded people throughout our whole planet.
Not only they but everyone is our sibling
In the family of humankind.
We are Your children of the Earth.
Please help all of us to become aware of our true nature,
So that we may tune into Your wisdom and truth
Until our whole world, including the Internet,
Is filled with Your light and Mother Earth
Turns into a planet of healing and peace.

Guide and protect us and show us how to use
All your gifts wisely and especially
The Internet. Help us to treat it with respect
And use it for the highest good of all,
As a tool and instrument that brings
Ever more understanding into our world.
Help us to treat every one of the miracles
Of Your Creation, technical and otherwise,
With the reverence they deserve
And with love for You,
The One who brings all things into being
And who has created and constantly re-creates
Us and this splendid world for all to enjoy.

Guide and protect us and
Help us to make our contribution towards
Our own salvation and redemption,
Of each other, our world and
Everything that shares is with us.
Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
In accordance with Your will and wishes,
It shall be so, now and forever.


Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (4)

The Law Of Karma In War And Peace

The ever increasing amount of spiritual knowledge that is now flowing into humankind is an instrument the Universe places into everybody’s own hands, so each can do their level best of bringing our present evolutionary phase to a happy ending. Although I dislike repeating myself in this way, it cannot be stressed too much that understanding is the all important feature which all human souls are meant to find on the Earth plane. To grow in wisdom and understanding is the very reason why we are here. It is a prime requirement for exploring the mysteries of this world and of all life, so that we may come to terms with our present existence and find the answers to all our questions, especially the one why there is so much suffering on the Earth.

The first and most important item in our tool kit is finding out all we can about Universal laws, especially the law of Karma, of action and reaction and that means that every action causes a reaction. Another part of this same law is that everything must return to its source. As the Universal laws rule all life, it makes no difference whether one is aware of their existence or not. It is a fact of life that whatever anyone sends out into our world must always return.

As the human soul slowly progresses through one lifetime after another, it gradually accumulates ever more spiritual knowledge that helps it to grow in wisdom and understanding. And for every soul there eventually comes the magic moment re-awakening to its true nature and learning about the Cosmic laws that rule its life. This can become the turning point the soul has been waiting for, for a very long time. If it is already wise enough to apply the Karmic law wisely to its own life and relationships, it notices to its delight that both are beginning to flow much more smoothly. Eventually, the time comes when the soul’s grasp of these things is so deeply embedded in its consciousness that it prays for forgiveness for itself and others, especially those who still insist upon sinning against it.  The legend of the Master, when Jesus is nailed helplessly on the Cross, is a demonstration of how our soul then turns to God and prays: ‘O Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ St. Luke 23:34

Emotional bonds are the karmic manacles which will continue to keep us tied to Earth life and each other, for as long as we insist upon creating them. While we were still unaware of the Cosmic law of cause and effect, there was no way that we could have avoided them. Thus, in the course of many lifetimes, we created ever more suffering for each other and the chains of Karma that bind us together in our human relationships grew increasingly strong. In our ignorance of the law, whenever some of our evil-doings found their way back to us and painful events had to be dealt with, we had no idea what was hitting us. And so, we lashed out and hit back, causing more and more pain to ourselves and other. This is how the long history of belligerence of our world gradually developed and how our warfare grew fiercer and ever more destructive.

The law of Karma applies to all life, to every individual soul and also to the soul groups of people, like organisations, belief systems and whole countries. But, rejoice! This will not continue forever and for all of us the present lifetime is an extra special one, because opportunities are offered to resolve all our karmic ties, even the oldest and most difficult ones. Each one of us is here to bring theirs to their natural conclusion and to set each other free. Forgiveness alone can help us move forward and make us ready for different relationships and fresh experiences that will yield learning of a more uplifting kind. The desire to pardon comes alive in our soul, as we grasp that whatever anyone does to us now has to be made good by them in future lifetimes. Once our soul has woken up, it has no other wish than to play its part in ending all the suffering that is in our world, through releasing others.

Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (5)

Forgiveness Prayer

Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life, I come before you to ask for your forgiveness for myself and all humankind.

Please help me to forgive everyone who has ever hurt or wounded me, in words, thoughts and deeds, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime and all others. I forgive them, each one.

Please, help me to forgive myself for everything I have ever done to hurt or wound another, in words, thoughts and deeds, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime and all others. I ask each one of them to forgive me.

Please help me to forgive myself for the many times when in ignorance of my true nature I harmed myself in words, thoughts and deeds, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime and all others. Please forgive me Father/Mother, as I forgive myself.

Through forgiveness the chains and shackles of Karma are now falling from us. We are setting each other free, so that hand in hand with You and the Angels we may become the masters of the ship of our own being, life and destiny. In the name of love I ask this and on behalf of all humankind. Amen

Use this prayer twice daily for thirty days; after that only when you sense that bad feelings against another are rising within you.

Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (6)

Vengeance is mine!

Love is the law of life for the whole of Creation and all other laws have their origin in this one and radiate out from it. First and foremost there is the law of Karma and another, equally important one, is evolution. Karma is created whenever the law of love is broken by any one of us. And for any kind of suffering we inflict upon one of God’s creatures – human and animal alike, and also ourselves – amends have to be made at some stage of our evolutionary pathway.

As a spark of the Divine, we come from love and love is our true nature. Only when we act in kind and loving ways are we true to it. Although they are an important part of every soul’s learning process, all negative character traces are but interim states of this. When each one of them has been mastered and overcome by us, we shall have returned to love. And we are all in this life together, so we can help each other to do just that. But what each one of us needs most of all is learning to trust God and the Angels and once again walk hand in hand with them. That’s what we did before our descent into matter and physicality took us ever further away from our true nature and the awareness of our oneness with God and all life, as the evolutionary law demanded from us. 

Whenever we need help or do not understand something, if we but ask, the way will be shown and answers will come. That is why in Matthew 7:7-8 the Bible tells us: ‘Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to them who knock, the door is opened.’ Whenever we turn to our Highest Self and pray for its advice, quite literally we are knocking at the door of Heaven. And lo! It opens and answers us, though not from ‘out there somewhere’ but from within the very core of our own being.

When we take our small earthly self gently, lovingly but firmly by its hand, we are nailing this part to the cross of consciousness – again, as the Master showed us. It seems that from an ever increasing understanding of life’s higher purpose genuine forgiveness and compassion begin to flow freely from our heart and soul unto all those who are struggling around us. This brings healing and peace to our soul and that of our world. There is every possibility that over time a healing miracle may manifest itself in our own physical body and that of the Earth; the very atoms of both are going through a process of transformation. As we grow and heal, our whole world changes with us, because in truth, all life is one and there is no separation between anything and anyone. Every individual soul is part of the soul of our world, and that in turn is part of the great soul of the whole of Creation.

That is how it comes about that any harm done to any one of us is done to us all and also when one of us finds healing, we and our whole world are doing the same. And any knowledge any one of us acquires on this journey is always meant to be shared with others, to encourage them to start looking for their own healing. Later they in turn will be able to hand on their learning to others, and so forth. It is in this way alone, through everybody’s own efforts, that our world will at long last release itself from the darkness of the prison of its spiritual ignorance. We are all in this life together to help each other, to lighten each other’s burdens and one to light the other’s way. Should you be gaining anything from this article, why not gently try to widen someone else’s horizons?

Forget about missionary zeal; that is not what we are here for. But, you may be able to nudge open somebody’s inner doors of perception. One quiet chat with them could become their first step into gaining access to their own inner connection with the source of all wisdom and knowledge. It is enough to point out to them where it can be found; no more is required from us. This wellspring inside us is now waiting to be tapped into by everybody; it is every soul’s birthright to access it. When one person passes their knowledge onto another, a further light comes into our world. And when our whole world is filled with the light of spiritual knowledge, peace will at last be with us.

In case you are now asking: ‘What if I encounter an unpleasant reaction from someone? And what if that person is one of my friends?’ I would reply that you are now a wise one, so give thanks and praise to the Great White Spirit and the Angels for helping you to find so much wisdom. Then pray for the one who reacted badly, that they too in due course will be blessed as you have been. Know and accept that that soul’s time has not yet come; this will help you to step back from the situation and from them. Besides, you may wish to consider whether that someone who acted towards you in such a way is really your friend. Rise above by considering the whole episode as part of the invaluable lesson of learning to discriminate, which is also helping you to sort the wheat from the chaff in your life and relationships. Last but not least, do not forget to give thanks to the Universe for your having grown that bit more tolerant and wise through your present experience.

Corrie ten Boom says: ‘Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.’ Furthermore, and to my mind most important of all, it helps us to dissolve the manacles and irons of Karma.

Six pointed Star

The Law Of Life Demands Evolution (7)

Soul Healing For Our World

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Mind, Body And Soul Healing For Our World

‘War And Peace Among Nations’ is a reflection on what takes place in the psyche of any nation at war, and how its events shape and affect the life experience of even its youngest and most vulnerable members. I hope that my impressions of how the events of those traumatic times affected one small life, in one small town, in one small country, in one part of our world are sufficient proof of the sincerity and honesty that have always been my motivation. All my writings are of an intuitive nature. Written and inspired by my Highest Self, I trust that in some way they will act as one small step towards world peace. Even though my efforts are minute in view of the problems that are facing our world, for as long as there is a breath in me I shall persevere.

During the reign of the patriarchy *, humankind’s history on this planet has been one long succession of wars. But the Age of Aquarius is bringing the return of the love and wisdom of the Great Mother of all life to the consciousness of our world. Under the influence of Her energies it will not take overlong until the state of constant warmongering has been changed with the help of nothing more complicated than a better understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence and destiny.

We and our world are an integral part of God’s great evolutionary plan * for the whole of Creation, which shows quite clearly that good is going to prevail in the end. Yet, to enable our race to trust the Highest Forces again, each one of us needs some kind of evidence that the forces of light in the end will conquer every last remnant of evil and darkness that still exists in our world, because that is what they are meant to do. My substantiation of this claim can be found by following the link ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’.

For wise higher reasons suffering forms an essential part of the school of earthly life’s lessons and everybody has to experience their share of it. We ourselves are invariably the cause of any suffering we have to endure and we are responsible for every ill that ever befell us and our world. That’s why during the closing stages of one huge evolutionary cycle, everybody’s duty is to repair and make good any kind of damage we once caused to anyone. This alone can bring us the healing we are here to seek, as much for ourselves as for those around us and our world.

Healing physical bodies is commendable, but soul healing is of far greater importance *, because whenever a soul heals, the very cells and atoms of the physical body surrounding it change and heal. This is how healing miracles come about. To my mind, the healing quest can only be successful for those who are willing to carefully look at and deal with every aspect of their being: mind, body, spirit and soul. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime to provide us with opportunities for doing this. When we dig ever deeper into our own consciousness and that of our world, it does not take long until we begin to discover the gold of the spiritual wisdom that has always been hiding behind all suffering, and the new understanding this brings with it.

The memory of the underlying cause of every bit of suffering that ever was and still is in our world is stored in the individual and collective soul recollections of our world. The relevant ones are programmed into the cells of each new physical body that appears on our plane of life. For this reason it’s essential to pay particular attention to the special needs of souls inside sick physical bodies. Without first healing the soul no true and lasting healing can come to anyone’s vehicle for getting around on the Earth. And its forgiveness that sets the healing process in motion; without it no soul healing can take place. It begins to grow quite naturally from the understanding that everything that ever happened to us and our world has always been for the good and wise reason that something should be learned from it.

Unless the deep underlying cause of any illness is addressed and the issues surrounding it resolved, the complaint is bound to recur, because we are then leaving our soul no choice but to keep on knocking in this manner at the door of our earthly self’s consciousness. You can read more about this in ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’ * by following the relevant link below.

Each one of us has their allocated place in our Creator’s great plan. It provides that each one of God’s children of the Earth has to grow and evolve ever onwards and upwards into perfection, i.e. the wholeness and completeness that is in our Divine Father/Mother. Without being aware of such things, how can anyone expect our small earthly selves to sincerely love their existence and the One who created it? I for one would find that impossible.

Once we have been equipped with this kind of knowledge, it is much easier to buckle down to the lessons that have been prepared for us on the Earth plane. Understanding the higher purpose of our existence enables us to make an effort at loving wisely, the way God loves us, totally, unconditionally and with respect for ourselves and others. With the help of our inner teacher and guidance, learning to trust again the way we once did is possible. Although this may take a little time, but in the end we shall once more know for sure that we will always be safe, independent of what still has to take place on the Earth, until world peace has finally been established.

Peace can only grow from forgiveness and an appreciation that everything earthly life has to offer, in the final analysis always did serve the highest good and the greatest joy of all. Peace is a dynamic and a magnetic force that expands and attracts simultaneously. From one soul it flows into other individuals of families and neighbourhoods, groups and organisations, ethnic gatherings and nations, until it fills the whole of humankind and its world. In ever stronger waves it eventually penetrates everything else within the framework of the God’s great cosmic plan.

And because on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything, when one of us finds soul healing, the soul of our world and that of the whole of Creation are healing with us. That’s why even the smallest contribution anyone makes towards this is of great value and counts as credit in our spiritual bankbook.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘Healing Our World’
•    ‘World Healing Meditation’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 5

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Astrology - Science Or Art Form?

I believe that one of the greatest difficulties we are all facing is learning to trust the goodness of the Universe that it always takes care of us and all our needs. You may well ask now: ‘How can anyone do that after all that has happened in our world during past ages and still is taking place now?’ In my struggle to come to terms with such things, astrology undoubtedly is my most valuable tool. So, what is it? A science and an art form? By some, including myself, it is considered to be the Divine science. When the knowledge it can provide is used with humility, a loving heart and an appreciation of the source of its wisdom, it can provide us all with a better understanding of ourselves and each other, of life itself, the Universe and everybody’s place within it.

There is no doubt in my mind that astrology is a gift that was given by the wisdom of the Great Spirit, Father/Mother, to Its children of the Earth, to assist us in making some sense of our existence, and showing us the way back home into our true nature. Although it has been and still is used by many for trying to predict the future, I feel that it is much better for human souls to learn to trust that the Universe will always bring to each one of us whatever is right in any given moment. Instead of fortune telling, I prefer looking for the esoteric meanings of astrological terms and symbolisms. In that way astrology reveals itself to the astonished onlooker’s eyes as a precious tool for finding a new understanding and a fresh approach to the relationship between humankind, our solar system and the whole of Creation.

Naturally, I would not dream of stating categorically that astrology is this, that or the other for everybody. All I can tell you is what it represents for me and how I like to use it. To me, it is but a means to an end, and that is finding a firm grasp of the underlying esoteric principles of the physical presence of the planets in the sky above us. Observing how the planets, the signs and the houses relate to the character and typical behaviour patterns of every human soul on its evolutionary pathway, I find endlessly fascinating. And it is amazing how astrology can point us towards fulfilling our highest potential, and where hidden treasures might be discovered, if one digs sufficiently deep into one’s soul memories. This to my mind is of the greatest importance, because through consciously working on this is it is possible to influence our individual destiny, as well as that of the collective.

As children of the One and of life itself, it is up to each individual soul to re-align itself with the energies and the forces of the Universe. And there could be no better tool than astrology for pointing us in the right direction. Astrology is something that the Universe lovingly puts into the hands of all those who reach out for it, showing their readiness and willingness to receive it. The amazingly accurate way astrology works is proof enough for me that there really is such a thing as a Great Plan in the heartmind of God, in which every individual soul and the soul of all nations and worlds have their allocated and predestined place.

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (2)

The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Great Year And The Ages Of HumankindIn the slowly moving progressions of the planets in particular, it is clearly visible that the purpose of all life is evolution and that everything in the whole of Creation expands and moves forwards and upwards, at a steady and orderly pace. To my mind, they are one of the most striking examples of this. Let me explain the technicalities involved, as briefly as possible. It takes the Earth nearly 25,000 years to complete one of the cycles, which moves it through the twelve signs of the zodiac. One of these cycles is known as a Great Year. Each sign the Earth passes through represents one Great Month, which lasts for rather more than 2,000 years. The unique character of each one of these months strongly influences all creatures and happenings on our planet.

The Great Months are also indicators of the Ages of Humankind. No-one can tell exactly when one of them ends and a new one begins. All we know is that by now we are penetrating ever deeper into the Age of Aquarius. And when you observe our world more closely, you can see for yourself how the energies of this sign are influencing everything in our world with steadily increasing strength. The remnants of the effects of the preceding age of Pisces are still with us. Although they are hard to shake off, they have to be dealt with by us, by every one of us individually and also collectively.

From our present evolutionary level it is recognisable that the great wisdom and love of our Creator brought us into being and then into this world. It has constantly accompanied us and guided us through all our experiences, so that we should learn from them. This learning process will always continue, but now our development has reached the point when we are ready for lessons of a more elevated nature.  During previous lifetimes Divine direction came to us from the subconscious level, but this is now increasingly happening on the conscious level.

Trying to make my peace, I find it helpful to view everything against the backdrop of the full sweep of the history of our evolution, at least those parts we have access to. Some of my reflections and insights into this are included in the other parts of my writings that are available by now. With the help and the will of God, more will follow in due course.

The wisdom of hindsight reveals that two main lessons had always to be tackled by our race: a) the use and abuse of power and b) how to love wisely. Wars are but one of the evils that our world has to experience in the process of learning the lessons of power. There are a great many other ways of misusing it, and each one of them is teaching us and our world how to differentiate between good and evil. Yet, more important still is the glorious lesson that none of us, on this level of life, has any true power – it belongs to God alone. The best any human soul can do is aligning itself to God’s power and love, until they begin to work their healing miracles through us – as demonstrated by the Jesus legend.

Recommended Viewing:
•    Videos showing that the religions of our world have their origin in Sun worship ancient astrology:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Could Religions Ever Change Anything?’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (3)

The Holy Trinity  – Supreme Ruler Of All Life

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Holy Trinity - Supreme Ruler Of All Life

The more we lift our world’s fears and anxieties, pain and suffering into the light of the Highest forces of life, the more rapidly the shadows and clouds of the darkness of the past that still surround our planet are going to dissolve. The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and its only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal, and the Angels of the Christ circle surrounding their throne, rule supreme throughout the whole of Creation, the way they have always done. All together they are the light of the Sun above the Sun, who is waiting to be called upon when we are in need of relief and healing for the suffering we ourselves caused in the course of many lifetimes.

As we know by now, in the spiritual sense light is wisdom and darkness is ignorance. Spiritual wisdom and knowledge directly from the Source of our being for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. The fresh insights we are now finding are no indication that God’s eternal truths have changed. They were always valid and will forever remain unchanged. It’s just that in times gone by we were unready to understand their higher esoteric meaning. But now the time is approaching quite rapidly when the light of the Divine wisdom will have absorbed into Itself every last shred of ignorance and suffering that to this day is so troublesome in our world. It is part of God’s evolutionary plan for humankind, which came into being when our race was created, that their energies should be transmuted it into blessing and healing energies for all life.

Because each one of us is spirit and soul, temporarily encased in matter, everybody is on the spiritual pathway. It makes no difference whether people are aware of this or not. Some already have woken up to this knowledge, while others are still slumbering – that’s all. Hand in hand with God and Angels, everybody is walking the same road and climbing the same mountain. The spiritual pathway, even or maybe especially when one begins to walk it consciously, has long been known to be a difficult one. How reassuring it is to know that no-one ever has to walk it on their own, because numerous invisible friends and helpers are accompanying us. And our Highest Self has always been with us, watching, guiding and protecting us from within the very core of our own being, even though for a long time we were unaware of its presence.

 For some time now, all this has been changing profoundly and many opportunities are offered to everybody for making peace and coming to terms with ourselves, those around us and, most important of all, with our Creator. Our planet’s spiritual progress will become much more rapid when each one of us follows their inner guidance and aims for the good of the whole rather than pursuing selfish ends. My early experiences gave me a sound foundation for a lifetime spent in Libra, the sign of the builder of bridges and the peacemaker. This included purifying my own being of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that seemed to be hanging around in my unconscious as much as in everybody else’s. Through my writings, I have always tried to help others do the same for themselves.

Together let’s try to actively raise the consciousness of humankind onto a higher level and make a small contribution, so that the whole idea of wars will soon have become a thing of the past. On the healing pathway one slowly becomes ever more aware of the futility of an excess of material riches. One has better things to do than chasing after them and prefers to bring comfort to the sad and encouragement and new hope to those who have lost all faith in a benevolent Father/Mother Creator. This is best done by assisting those who have not yet woken up to rediscover their own true nature and that of God. We cannot go wrong when we do our best to create joy and beauty wherever we go and in this way acknowledge the presence of the living God in ourselves and others, as well as everything else that shares our world with us.

The ancient tale of humankind’s mystical quest for the Holy Grail is a symbol of the small earthly self’s search for God’s sacred wisdom and truth, not only during one incarnation but many of them. In truth there as many of these grails as there are human spirits and souls, in both our worlds. Every one of us has to go in search of their own Holy Grail and as soon as we open our hearts with kindness and love to those around us, the light of the Highest comes together with it, to support and guide us in our quest.

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (4)

The Mayan Calendar

The following is an extract from a site that no longer seems to be available on the web. As the insights I found there made more sense than anything else that had thus far come my way, I felt they were worthy of presenting them here – they still are. Although the author’s name was not given, I would like to honour their contribution nonetheless.

‘Over a year’s time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of the zodiac. Many of us know this by what ‘Sun sign’ is associated with our birthday. Upping the scale to the Platonic Year – the 26,000 year long cycle – we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really ‘end’ in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humankind and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way.

‘Why should we care about the Mayans today? Is there anything we can learn from them? The trees give us oxygen to breathe and help create the nourishing rains upon which we depend, sustaining life. We are missing these rains in places where the trees have been cut down or burned. Fires begin that nature can no longer extinguish. For the Mayans, trees were intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, and absolutely essential to life. They believed that without trees humankind could not survive and that with the death of the last tree the human race would die.

 ‘The ancient carved stones and the stars themselves tell us we are on the brink of a new world age. There is no reason not to take a leap of faith into imagining what may be in store. We may trust that it is time for humanity to awaken into a true partnership with each other, with the Earth, and the Cosmos. By accepting this, we may claim our birthright and become Galactic Citizens who care for and sustain the planet, thus doing the same for ourselves. This is clearly the challenge of our times. Yet, arriving just in time and on schedule is the Winter Solstice dawn on the day to remind us that we are truly Children of the World.’ End of quote.

In my heart of hearts I not only believe that many truly great things are in store for humankind, I know it. And I am convinced that, unbeknown to us Earthlings and invisible to our physical eyes, beings from much more highly evolved worlds than ours are presently already moving among us. But, they come as guests, never as aliens. To me, that word always seems to have an undertone of something threatening and hostile – and that these visitors most certainly are not! They are here to help and guide those who are ready through the difficult transition period from one age to another.

As they are far more evolved than we are, to visit us they do not need clumsy spacecraft in the style of ‘ET-go-home’. They are already capable of travelling by thought transfer, taking with them their bodies wherever they choose to go. These bodies are of a much higher vibration and finer substance than ours. In the fullness of time, when humankind has become sufficiently evolved, we shall be able to do the same and they will be the ones who will show us how we can acquire that same skill.

  Because there is so much negativity in our world at present, and especially in connection with the Mayan Calendar, including that it marks the end of the world – oh yawn, not another one! – I would like to add a few positive observations of my own. Do you wonder, as I sometimes do, whether it has ever occurred to anyone that the Mayan calendar might end in 2012 for one very simple reason? Could it have been written such an extremely long time ago that those responsible for it could not imagine that our world would continue beyond 2012? That time would then have been such a long way ahead that they might merely have thought: ‘That’s enough! We’ve toiled long and hard on this calendar. Let those who come behind us do their own work from then onwards!’ Or would that be too simplistic a view? What do you think?

The meaning of the Great Year and the Ages of humankind were explained in one of the previous chapters. To this day, there is evidence that there have been times on our planet when people worshipped the Earth element with the help of stone images, and also that – possibly the most recent one of these periods – were followed by times of worshipping the Fire element and its most obvious manifestation, the Sun. Intuitively I feel that the leftovers of such times are indications of one of the past Ages under the influence of the Earth sign Capricorn, which – unlike in the ordinary zodiac – is followed by the Fire sign Sagittarius. To enable us to see why Capricorn should come before Sagittarius we have to reach out further.

Most people know that the Earth rotates on its axis. What is less well known though is the fact that it does so with a slight wobble that is not unlike the movements of a giant spinning top. Because of this wobble the constellations situated behind the Sun have over thousands of years gradually been changing their positions. The word precession means the slow movement of the axis of a spinning body around a perpendicular. That is why almost imperceptibly, the equinoxes come round that bit earlier, all the time. This is the precession of the equinoxes and the reason why the zodiac signs of the Great Months move anti-clockwise, while those in our birthcharts do so clockwise. And just as the Sun signs in our birthcharts colour the character of each human soul on its pathway through this lifetime, every one of the Great Months has its unique quality that greatly influences all creatures and happenings on our planet.

After all that, back to the Mayan Calendar. The way I see it, maybe it was handed down the ages to our world from the ancients, during the Age of Gemini. If this was the case, the calendar would be between six and eight thousand years old. It could be an interesting evolutionary study in the mental/scientific development of our race and one of the finest examples of what the human mind is capable of perceiving. As the Age of Gemini drew to its close and the Age of Taurus began, people will gradually have lost their fascination with extensive mental explorations.

The Earth sign Taurus is the builder of the zodiac. Under the influence of this sign some of the greatest monuments that are still known to humankind, for example the Egyptian pyramids and the ziggurats of Latin America, came into being. According to archaeological estimates the pyramids were built over a period of about one thousand years, from approx. 2800 – 1800 BC.  Ziggurats and variants of them have been found in many parts of the world, from the Mesopotamian area to the Mayan and Aztec regions in South America. Some of the earliest proper ziggurats are believed to have been built by Ur-Nammu, a late Sumerian king of Ur, who lived from 2112-2095BC.

With the coming of each new age the energies of the Earth change and with them people’s interests and their occupations take on different directions, just the way ours are doing now, at our entry into the Age of Aquarius. If you look around with open eyes, the inner as well as the outer ones, you can easily observe for yourself and how we, on the threshold of an age under the influence of the Air element, are increasingly exploring the capabilities of the human mind. Many by now are attuning their earthly minds to that of the Highest, the Universal intelligence. This enables them to be used as channels for bringing Divine wisdom and truth down to the Earth plane, so that it can be used by all. To find out more about the functions and the significance of the earthly mind, please follow the link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Gemini’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (5)

Our World Did Not End, After All

Research by American scientist some time ago revealed that the calculations for the end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012 were wrong. They came to the conclusion that the true date for this was 8th November 2003. On this day a lunar eclipse and a six-pointed star formation took place in the sky above us. The six-pointed star is a symbolism for the perfected human being, the Christed one, whose earthly and Divine parts are working harmoniously together as one.

As everybody knows by the time of writing this, March 2013, our world did not end as predicted in December 2012. In fact, as predicted by many, including me, nothing happened. Yet, provided the above mentioned American scientists did not make a mistake in their calculations, their date was a far more poignant one. Be that as it may, the only meaning of the end of any calendar is that a new cycle is beginning. Six-pointed star formations are unusual, though not quite as rare as some believe. One of them occurred at the end of March 1954 and another one around the time of the lunar eclipse on 8th November 2003, when the Sun and the eclipsed Moon formed two opposite points of a six-pointed star. The opposition aspect suggests balance, in this case between spirit, our heavenly self, whose astrological symbol is the Sun, and our earthly self and personality, represented by the Moon.

One of the most useful things about formations of this kind is that they are well balanced because they consist of a mixture of harmonious as well as difficult aspects. The three oppositions in such a star create tension, but the sextiles and trines ensure that its energies flow freely. As with all astrological influences, it depends on us individually and as a race how we respond to and make use of any unusual stellar influences. The best advice is always to pay attention to and follow the inner guidance of our Highest or God Self.

I believe that such outstanding celestial patterns are symbolic messages to all of us to do our best. Even if difficult circumstances arise, it is the healer’s task to strive to gain as much new understanding from them as possible. This alone can bring us the growth and enlightenment all human beings are on the Earth plane to seek. It is always best to put our hands to the plough, whilst keeping our vision fixed on the mark at the end of each new furrow the Universe presents. No matter what happens, any event is sure to create many opportunities for us and our world for moving forwards and upwards on our evolutionary path.

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (7)

The Ancient Wisdom

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - The Ancient Wisdom

The Ancient Wisdom is a term for spiritual knowledge that has its origin in the heartmind of God. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the highest level of life, are the executors of our Creator’s * great plan of life. Through them a new part of it from time to time is released into the individual and collective consciousness our world, to help us make some sense of our existence. The knowledge of the cosmic laws that govern all life, including each one of us and our whole world, are part of this wisdom, so are the teachings of all sacred texts that ever appeared in our world.

Each in its own right, these writings were valid at the time and in the form they were originally given. The Age of Aquarius is the age of wisdom and truth that directly flows from the highest levels into all earthly hearts and souls that are ready to receive them. The new age has brought us the awareness that the myths and legends, with whose help the Angels once introduced new religions to our world, should not be taken literally. Each one of them is filled with metaphors and symbolisms that relate to the human pathway through life.

To move us and our world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, fresh interpretations of these tales are required, to dissolve the mists of illusion that for such a long time have surrounded humankind’s earthly existence. These are exciting times of re-discovering and re-entering into the wisdom and knowledge of past ages and lost civilisations. From where we are now, it is not hard to see that all symbolisms, legends and allegories, including those of the Bible – to name but one source – have always been hiding genuine golden nuggets of truth.

The task of every aspiring healer and lightbringer is the deciphering of the higher esoteric meanings of the sacred texts of the religions of past ages, as well as those that are with us to this day. Many contain the pure gold of Divine wisdom, which for a long time had to remain carefully hidden from the view of our world. To increase our comprehension of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence and that of all life, we are going to continue the process of unravelling some more of these symbolisms and applying fresh interpretations to them, which was started in ‘Healers And Healing’.

Our first calling point just has to be the tale of Adam and Eve *. This is how the Angels, with the help of the book of Genesis of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, increased the strength of the patriarchy’s rule. Not surprisingly, this presentation of our race’s first appearance in physicality is supercharged with symbolisms. First and foremost the serpent or snake * represents the spiritual wisdom that is necessary for healing. It has always brought the following message for us and our world:

‘To become wise like me, you first have to be ignorant, so you can make mistakes and learn from them. To find healing and through this evolved into a healer in your own right, you have to be hurt and wounded. Also, you have to lie and cheat and then be lied to and cheated, before you can know what effect this has on human souls. With the passing of time, you learn to appreciate the value of right thoughts, words and actions that are based on integrity, honesty and truth. Because you are magnetic beings who can only attract into their orbit that which they themselves are, only when you have become truthful and honest in all your dealings, can the same return to you from others.’

The snake represents the transformations which spiritual growth brings with it. The animal sheds its skin on several occasions during its growth into maturity. Something similar happens to every human being on its pathway to spiritual adulthood. There are many times when, through letting go of the prejudices and false beliefs we acquired in previous lifetimes, we unconsciously an old skin of not knowing into a more comfortable ones of steadily increasing understanding and wisdom.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’
•    ‘Adam And Eve’
•    ‘The Fall Of Humankind’
•    ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of  Snakes’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (8)

To Everything There Is A Season

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - To everything there is a season

To everything there is a season
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to cast away stones and
A time to gather stones together.

A time to embrace and
A time to refrain from embracing.
A time to lose and a time to seek.
A time to tie up and a time to untie.

A time to rend and a time to sew.
A time to keep silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace –

He has made everything beautiful, in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

To everything there is a season and
Everything happens for a wise higher reason.
There were times when during our earthly sojourns
We had forgotten God’s true nature and our own;
When we thought that the death at the end of
Each one of them was the end of everything;
When we didn’t know that our departure from one level of life
Means to be reborn into our true home
And returning into the awareness of our real nature.

Our ignorance sucked us and our world ever deeper
Into the patriarchy with its warmongering
That dragged us into times of ever more seriously
Hurting and wounding others and being wounded.
All human souls have to imbibe thoroughly
The lessons this brings to us and our world
To help us differentiate between conditions of war and peace.
Out of the suffering of such evolutionary periods grows
The wisdom and understanding we need
For the permission from the Highest to return into
The knowledge of who and what we truly are.
This renews and rekindles
Our kinship and friendship with all life.

Rejoice, that time is now.
A time for finding forgiveness and healing,
For ourselves, each other, our world and all worlds,
For attending to and blessing the soul wounds of all lifetimes,
Our own and everybody else’s,
As well as those of our world.
That’s what the Age of Aquarius means to me.

Ecclesiastes is one of the most ancient parts of the Old Testament. It has its roots in Judaism and from there they penetrate ever deeper into the much older spiritual traditions of the Middle East and Africa, and in particular the Ancient Egyptian religion.

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (9)

Love Your Enemies

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Love Your EnemiesThroughout the ages, the Angels have been presenting our world with parts of the Ancient Wisdom. Time and again they were re-worked and re-interpreted and although they appeared in ever changing forms, their basic meaning never changed. Spiritual teachings came to us through many different sources, but their messages for a long time were hard or impossible to understand. The Aquarian energies are revealing their true meaning to us and because of this they can now speak to us more profoundly than ever before. Receiving the wisdom of the Highest is one thing, but unearthing and understanding the esoteric higher meaning that have always been hiding behind the myths and legends of our world is quite another.

From the evolutionary level many of us have reached by now, it is no longer hard to see that many Bible quotes have always been hidden references to the law of Karma. When viewed from this Angel, many things fall into place and start to make some sense. ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,’ for example refers to the Universal laws, in particular the law of Karma*. I do not believe that the above teaching was ever intended to represent instructions of behaviour and of how we should cause pain and destroy each other, to the best of our ability. Such an interpretation could never do justice to the nature of sacred texts.

Isn’t it good to know that all life is subject to Divine laws and that each human being has always been responsible for every one of its thoughts, words and actions? Naturally, being unaware of the existence of the Universal laws and the effects they are relentlessly having on all life everywhere in the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet, never protected anyone against having to live with the consequences of what they are sending into our world.

Let’s reflect on the possible meaning of St Luke 6:27-38 ‘I say to you who hear: ‘Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. And bless those who curse you, and pray for those who compel you to carry burdens. And to those who strike you on the cheek, offer to them the other. And to them who take away your robe, do not refuse your shirt also. Give to everyone who asks you and from them who take away what is yours, do not demand it back again.

‘Just as you want people to do to you, do to them likewise. For if you love those who love you, what is your blessing? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good only to those who do good to you, what is your blessing? For sinners also do the same. And if you lend only to them by whom you expect to be paid back, what is your blessing? For sinners also lend to sinners, to be paid back likewise. But love your enemies and do good to them, and lend and do not cut off any person’s hope; so your reward will increase and you will become children of the Highest. For He is gracious to the wicked and the cruel. Be therefore merciful, as your Father is also merciful. Judge not and you will not be judged. Condemn not and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you shall be forgiven. Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken down and running over, God and the Angels will pour into your robe. For with the measure that you measure, it will be measured to you.’

When the above teaching was given, it was too early for us to find out about the workings of the Universal laws. As most people would not have understood what it was trying to tell us, the Angels thought of a simpler way of explaining to us that whatever we send into life must return to us. Naturally, this also applies to any bread we cast on the waters of life in the form of goodness and kindness. Although the benefits of such actions rarely reach us through the same people, any love given always returns to us in one form or another, just the same as everything else.

Wise ones, the more they advance of their spiritual pathway, the more they realise that in truth all of us are siblings in the vast human family and that nobody is their enemy. They know that it’s each time only for the length of a lifetime that we find ourselves in our present existence and that all of us are like children at school and as performers on the vast stage of life. Each one acts out the drama of their existence in physicality so we can all learn from each other and in this process grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life.

Wise ones meet:
Opponents: with tolerance.
Enemies: with forgiveness and the kind of peace
That grows from knowing that in truth
nobody is our enemy and that
In this life there are merely teachers who are
showing us how we do NOT want to be.
Friends with: open hearts and minds.
All lifeforms with: charity and compassion, kindness and love.
Children: as good examples they may wish to follow.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Loving People Without Liking Them’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (10)

Creating Abundance

Creating Abundance - Rays Of Wisdom - War & Peace Between Nations - The Random Jottings of a StargazerCreating abundance by the sheer force of thought appears to have become a popular pastime these days. To my mind, casting whatever bread in the form of the gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon us onto the waters of life in order to alleviate human suffering is the only healthy, i.e. spiritually correct way of tapping into the Universe’s abundance. I am aware that not everybody shares this view. But I believe that the spiritual progress of our world will be speeding up considerably when it becomes more commonly known that thought is the most powerful force * in the whole of Creation; that our thoughts have always been creating the realities of our existence; and that we are all responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

The Universal Forces know everyone’s true needs. In spite of this, whatever someone desires with all their heart and soul is given onto them, so that they may learn from it – one way or another. So, next time you wish for something, think about it carefully before asking for it, as your wish may be granted in an unexpected and unwanted manner. And forget about being jealous of other people’s achievements. Nothing disturbs the human peace of mind as much as jealousy, when in truth there is never any need for it.

Each one of us is a precious and unique being *, who has been gifted in some special way. All of us have their predestined pathways to walk and any success that crowns someone’s efforts in earthly life has to be worked for very hard at some stage. No success ever falls into anyone’s lap. Although on the surface of things this may often appear to be the case, there is no such thing spiritually. Accomplishments have to be earned, if this did not happen in the course of our present lifetime, then they are due to the credits we have brought with us from previous ones. They are part of the spiritual ledger that accompanies each one of us throughout the whole course of our development.

True and lasting peace of mind can only come to anyone through knowing and accepting that all things on our present level of existence have been created by us and are there for karmic reasons. So, whenever you are trying to achieve something, make your peace with the Universe by saying: ‘Thy will be done, not mine! If I keep on trying, success will come to me in the end, in Thy time and not mine!’

From the all-important spiritual point of view, the outcome of all our endeavours in the final analysis depends not only on what we have brought with us from other lifetimes in our spiritual ledger on the credit as well as the debit side. Our inner motivations are of equal importance. Are we hoping for material gains and wish that our enterprise should turn into a money spinner for us?

In contrast to this, wise ones as their inner guidance to show them how to make a contribution to altruistically serving life on the Earth plane and the One who created it. One course of action is alleviating the suffering of humankind by releasing ever more of our siblings from the dungeon of their false beliefs and prejudices. Each time one of us wakes up from their spiritual slumber as a result of such actions, our world moves that bit closer to the end of the suffering these things once created. Paying attention to their inner guidance, wise ones do the things they feel drawn to naturally. That’s how they always find what should be done and that which is rightfully theirs comes to them – without having to ask for it.

* Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Power Of Thought’

•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (11)

Entering Into The Master’s Joy

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Entering Into The Master's Joy

Because the law of Karma ensures that whatever we send into our world does return, for good or for ill, there really isn’t any need to peer over our shoulders for the reward for our actions. St Matthew 25:21 tells us: ‘Well done, good and reliable servant. You have been faithful over a little, I will appoint you over much. Enter into your Master’s joy!’ Some seem to interpret this quote as an indication that many earthly goodies will be given unto those who serve their Master faithfully on this plane of life. But wouldn’t that be yet another way of asking for some kind of recompense? So what does it really mean?

If this sets you wondering what my rewards are for giving away and sharing the spiritual wisdom I am finding along the pathway of my own life. In case someone thinks there is something wrong with me for not asking for anything in return for the work I am doing, I want them to know that my rewards are manifold. Least of all I ever want to become some kind of a ruler of people, never mind how many of them, now or in some distant future.

Learning to love for love’s sake and giving because of the joy of giving have been the two most important lessons of my present lifetime. I believe that this is the only way human beings can be true to their real nature. This means we are constantly in touch with our inner Master. Working under Its guidance and protection we take part in Its joys and we walk safely in the footprints of the many legendary Master souls, which the Angels brought to help us understand the spiritual background of our existence. Even though none of these masters ever took part in earthly life, they still left their footprints in the individual and collective consciousness of our world.

First and foremost, the understanding of the spiritual aspects of life I am finding with the help of my inner Master has always been my reward. And my greatest joy is when through freely sharing my gifts with someone, they slowly begin to see their way through their own life more clearly. Possessing precious gifts that can be shared with others is a rare privilege, just as much as having people with whom to share them. After all, what use would the finest gifts be if we had no-one to give them to? What more could anyone wish for? Beyond any shadow of a doubt the greatest prize of all is when someone tells me that their renewed grasp of God’s true nature and their own is helping them to find their way back to God and that their soul has made its peace with God. Let me give you an example of this.

Many years ago on my daily walk to the office, when I was still in the early stages of writing and setting up my astrological work, I regularly met a gentleman in his late seventies. He was out for his early morning stroll. After a while, we started to say hello to each other and occasionally we stopped for a chat. We became good friends, but when I first told him that I was studying astrology, he did not seem to have much time for this kind of thing. No doubt he was thinking of it in terms of horoscopes and fortunetelling. Fortunately, however, he possessed the greatest gift the Universe can bestow upon on any of us and that is an open mind.

As we got to know each other better, he confided in me that earlier in his life he had been a devout Christian. But there had been so many excruciatingly difficult situations he had to deal with that, by the time we met, he had lost every shred of faith in God, and did not believe in anything any more. He was another one of those who had been marked and wounded more deeply by the feuds within his family circle than through his first hand experiences of two World Wars. As a small child he had suffered from the privations of World War One and during World War Two he had served on the front line.

My friend was a Sun Scorpio, in essence a highly spiritual sign that cannot be truly understood from a purely material perspective. For as long as people, especially those born into this sign, fail to grasp that all their experiences serve the higher purpose of teaching them something, while at the same time they are redeeming their karmic debts, they may eventually reach the point when they cannot believe in anything any more. Alas, this usually makes them very cold and cynical towards a more spiritual vision of life. My friend had reached this developmental phase many years ago.

As time went by, I told him a bit more about the Sun in Scorpio. When he could see that the points I was making were serious ones and had nothing to do with fortunetelling, the matter clearly began to intrigue him. When he asked me whether I would do a birthchart interpretation for him, I obliged because I still did them in those days. After handing it over to him, he seemed to disappear for a while. Just when I was beginning to wonder whether he might have passed on and whether I would ever hear from him again, one fine day he suddenly stood beside me, when I was waiting to be served at one of the counters of our local Bank, out of all places.

He told me that he had greatly enjoyed my work. He wanted to thank me for it and pay something for my efforts, although I had asked him not to. When I refused to take anything from him, he told me to my astonishment that my work had helped him to understand and that through it he had made his peace with God. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and, in spite of being a gentleman of the old school, it did not embarrass him. Quietly wiping them away, he tried to persuade me to take his money. When I told him to give it to his favourite charity, he said that’s what he was going to do and walked away.

Seeing the effect my writing was having on this man, made me even more determined to continue with my spiritual work free of charge. In my view, my gifts are too precious to be paid for by money. They were freely given to me and should therefore be passed on to others in the same manner. Besides, my writings are a work of art and a labour of love and if I counted the hours I have and still am spending on them, no-one would be able to afford them. So it’s better by far for me to give them away.

Some folks do not seem to appreciate what comes to them free, but that is a risk I am willing to take. It’s their Karma they are creating with their thoughts, words and actions, not mine. To genuinely have helped someone was worth more than winning the jackpot in a lottery. When a friend of mine told me in the beginning that there are many forms of healing, it came clear to me that mine was obviously going to be the one with words. To know that, when placed in the right hands, my contributions can work wonders is a far greater reward than money could ever be. Besides, isn’t it better to light a candle, than sitting in the dark and complaining about people’s ignorance of the spiritual background of life?

And when I reflect on my life, giving joy to others by doing something kind and loving for them has always brought me most happiness. As I had no other kind of spiritual guidance up to about midlife, words of wisdom I found along the way that made sense to me and struck an inner chord became my leading lights and guiding stars. One of the most important ones to this day is:

Willst du glücklich sein im Leben,
Trage bei zu and’rer Glück,
Denn die Freude, die wir geben
Kehrt ins eigne Herz zurück.

If you want to lead a happy life,
Contribute to other people’s happiness,
For any joy that is given
Returns to our own heart.

My own life’s experiences are showing me the truth of Goethe’s words. Many years after this part of my work first came into being, whilst reading through it and updating something here and there, I realise what a great privilege and honour it is to have been entrusted with the task of bringing you a gradually increasing understanding of God’s great plan of life * and the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence within it. The rewards I am receiving from this enterprise must be typical of the joys any soul encounters on the long haul to spiritual Mastership, which all of us are walking.

To me, taking money for something as sacred and holy as my writings would feel like desecrating it, even if I donated every penny of it for charitable purposes, as surely I would do. * Serving the Highest and having something so precious to give and sharing it with many that, in my view, is the meaning of entering into the Master’s joy.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody’
•    ‘What’s In It For Me?’
•    ‘On Giving – The Prophet’

Six pointed Star

Astrology – Science Or Art Form? (12)

Doing The Right Things

 Doing The Right Things - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
You don’t have to like them, but love them anyway!

They are all part of your spiritual family.
They are part of you and you are part of them.
They may not yet know it, but you being wiser,
Love them anyway!

People may project their own ulterior motives onto you,
And accuse you of having them.
Rest safe in the knowledge that the Universe
Knows their hearts as well as yours.
Do good anyway!

If being successful means that we can only win
False friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway!

The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do it anyway!

What could have taken years of building up,
Can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway!

People who are in need of our help,
May attack us whilst we are trying to help them.
Help anyway!

Give the world the best that is within you,
And should it be rejected, do not stop giving.
Give anyway!

The Universal Law of Karma ensures that what we send
Into the world, has to return to us.
Give of your best and only the best is sure to return!

Bishop Abel Muzorewa
African Spiritual and Political Leader
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 6

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (1)

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World - Rays of Wisdom - War and Peace Among Natiions

This is such a critical time in the development of our world that it feels right to present this letter from time to time. The Old Testament’s book of Hosea goes back to the eighth century B.C. In 8:7 it sent an early warning note into the heart of humankind about the dangers and implications of all warmongering: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ This teaching has not just one but two hidden esoteric meanings. First it refers to the law of Karma, i.e. what we send out into the world must return to us.

But that is by no means all there is to it. In keeping with the Universal laws the force of whatever any one of us creates on the Earth plane through their thought processes and the actions following them increases and gathers ever more strength and momentum on its way back to us. This demonstrates that humankind’s most urgent need is taking charge of our thought processes and learning to control them. Constant practice alone can help us to become its masters rather than its servants.

May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that the civilian population had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city, a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained much of the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare.’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer expression of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that all manmade and natural disasters that have ever befallen our world were caused by us. Only then can the Universal justice of the law of Karma return anything to us. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world? A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations asked for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.

Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot extinguished by another. All  this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter, at the beginning of September 2013, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.

Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.

All spiritual talents the Universe bestows upon each one of us are meant to be used first for our own healing and subsequently for around us who is in need of them. As soon as the Universe grants one of us the gift of clear vision, that soul becomes capable of seeing into the innermost centre and beginning of all life, and what it is like to at one with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. Once this contact is made, if only for a brief moment, that soul opens as a channel through which God’s creative power and light can flow and act like a small spring of clear and life-giving water for all life.

Every spiritual development has the potential of one day growing into a mighty flowing river that has its beginnings in the above described spring in human hearts. Bubbling from the Earth plane and trickling down the hillside, it grows broader and ever stronger and faster flowing, until it has become a great river in its own right that constantly pours itself with all its might into the vast ocean of life. Each one of these rivers makes a valuable contribution towards sweeping away the debris of prejudices, false beliefs and superstitions that to this day clutter the consciousness of our world, as described in the eleventh labour of Hercules.

O Great Father/Mother of all life, please grant us the gift of Your wisdom and help us find ever better ways of dealing with crises like the present one in Syria. Hand in hand with the Angels and You, we lift all warmongering tendencies that to this day dwell in human hearts and the energies they create into the temple of healing in the heart of the Christ Star. With Your will and in accordance with Your wishes, may they be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life, so that peace and harmony may be restored in the heart and mind of humankind and our whole world, at last. In the name of love we ask this. Amen

May the Angels of Healing and Peace be with us and our world, to protect, guide and show us the way, now and forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Sowing The Wind’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (2)

Sowing The Wind

Sowing the Wind - Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Hosea 8:7 from the Old Testament attempted to strike an early warning note into human hearts and souls with its: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ Looking at the state of our world, one cannot help wondering how many ever paid attention to it.

From where we are now on the evolutionary spiral of life, it is not difficult to recognise that the Hosea teaching is a reference to the Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma and reincarnation. This law decrees that whatever any one of us projects into our world unerringly finds its way back to its sender. But that is by no means all there is to it. The force of that which we create in earthly life with the help of our thought processes and the actions that follow them, increases and gathers ever more strength and momentum on its return journey. And that draws the attention to humankind’s most urgent need, which is taking charge of our thought processes, learning how to control them instead of being ruled by them. Constant practice is required for mastering of this aspect of our nature.

God is as much part of us as we are part of God. On our own we are nothing and cannot create anything. Yet, as co-creators with God – within reason and with the help and the will of God – we can create anything. As living parts of the ever expanding Universal energies, we too are expansive and dynamic beings. This expresses itself in abstract as well as in visible terms, so that given time, all our creations enlarge. This shows in the way we learn. The more we learn the more our consciousness expands. The more we give, the more we receive, and so forth. This principle applies to everything we send out into our world and it is well worth our while to carefully watch every thought, word and action, because we are responsible for each one. Knowing this puts us in charge of our destiny and this is the only way we can take charge and ensure that only the right things return to us. 

Whatever we create, for good as well as for evil, more of the same inevitably comes flooding back to us. For example, being loving generates more love; living peacefully brings more peace, whereas war faring returns to us and our world as ever more destructive wars, as the past has clearly shown. Let us not fool ourselves! On the spiritual level of life cheating does not exist and escape from or avoiding the unerring justice of the Universal laws is impossible. The more human souls become aware that God is always with us and that therefore nothing ever gets away from the scrutiny of Its all-seeing eye, the more it is likely that we shall strive to conduct our lives with honesty and integrity. In this way we, each through their own efforts, are capable of changing the course of our own destiny as well as that of individual nations, our whole world and the whole of Creation.

It is not difficult to see how our chances of making some real progress on the evolutionary spiral increase because of all the knowledge we are now allowed access to. It really does set us free to consciously decide which way we wish to travel in future. Further down into darkness and evil or up and ever up back into the light of our true being, at one with our Highest Self, the choice is ours. Becoming aware of our true nature and taking charge of our destiny is an immensely empowering experience, but it also brings us the responsibility of choosing wisely. It’s a great time and energy saver as well, because whenever we are in difficult situations, we no longer look towards others to provide us with the answers to our questions. Instead, we go within and consult with our inner teacher and guide.

As you can see, taking responsibility for everything that is in our life is a wonderfully liberating experience. One cannot help wondering how long it will be until the leaders of our world, business, political and spiritual also grow wise to that. The Universe tests the human soul constantly to establish how much understanding it has thus far developed, and the trials of power are particularly difficult ones. Would that the consciousness of all those who are presently in leading positions throughout our world, wake up to the fact that no-one on the Earth plane has any real power. This would help them to recognise their responsibility for wisely handling any power that has been entrusted to them.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (3)

Reaping The Whirlwind

Sowing The Wind - Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations

May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that we, the civilian population, had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city and a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained all the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an absolutely exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare. . . .’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer manifestation of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that manmade and natural disasters alike are part of the Universal justice of the law of Karma. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world?’ A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations ask for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.

Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot be extinguished by another. All this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter in April 2018, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.

Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (4)

Learning To Control Our Minds

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Learning To Control Our Minds

As we know by now, thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. Our thoughts create our reality and as we think, so we become. Every thought we send into the Universe goes round in a circle and eventually returns to us in some form. In our ignorance of these things, each one of us has done their share of creating the present state of our world. Wise ones are aware of this and have no problems recognising that they are responsible for the state of our world and that if they wish the Earth to become a more peaceful and pleasant place for all, they have to think of ways of making it so.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air signs. All of them serve the development of our earthly minds and each one of them does so in a different way. Aquarius offers many opportunities for attuning the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly minds to the mind of the Highest. Each one of us is destined to evolve into a channel through which the wisdom and truth of the Divine expresses itself and enters our world. Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, the main attention of our evolutionary development is on this aspect of our nature.

There are two streams of consciousness in our world, a positive and constructive one of light and understanding, as well as a negative, dark and destructive one of fear and distrust. Do you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that our world has become place where only bad news is good news and that the news media, without being aware of what they are doing, are constantly adding to the negative stream? I believe that refusing to give way to taking part in any kind of negativity is of the utmost importance for aspiring healers and lightbringers. Rather than adding to the clouds of darkness and ignorance that surround us and our world by watching and listening to the news, it is our duty to do all we can to counteract the clouds of darkness and do our share of dissolving them.

We are responsible for what we allow our earthly minds to be filled with. I like to know what is happening in our world and therefore listen to the news once or twice each day, rather than every hour and on the hour like the BBC presents them. I pay attention until they deteriorate into what I call ‘the rape and murder cast’. At that moment I exercise my freedom of choice, reach for the ‘off’ button and think to myself: ‘This too is part of the great plan of life and rests in Your loving hands.’ There is no doubt in my mind that’s what it is.

Before opening a newspaper or watching videos on the internet, I remind myself that no-one can force anyone to read or listen to anything. For me this is the best way of protecting my mind against being bombarded with and penetrated by all the negativity our sensationalistic and media-orientated outer world is constantly trying to pump into our individual consciousness and that of the collective.

Whenever I find out that I have been missing something, my friends are happy to tell me whatever is important to them. There is nothing new under the Sun and all the things that are presently taking place in our world are sure to have done so in the past. The trouble with the technological advances of our time is that reports about them can now be served almost instantly to all who are willing to pay attention. The most lurid sensations are the best fillers of air time and sellers of newspapers.

As I prefer quality of information rather than quantity, I switch off. And if you do the same, please do yourself the favour of refusing to indulge in a guilt trip for what you are doing. Instead, be happy and rejoice, because increasing numbers of people round our world are doing the same. Think of how environmentally friendly your behaviour is and give yourself a pat on the back. Reflect on the amounts of energy you are saving in the course of a year and the forests that do not have to be chopped down because of you and all those like-minded souls round the world. Feel good about yourself and the things you are doing to help our planet in its struggle against exploitation of its precious resources through over-consumerism. Let those who are addicted to the news not fool themselves into thinking that this issue is unimportant. It is, because we are all responsible not only for our thoughts and our world, but also – as mentioned earlier – for what we allow our minds to be filled with.

More imperative still is that as awakened ones we set a good example by not dwelling on unpleasant and chaotic conditions in the world around us. Are we not privileged indeed to know that, in spite of whatever may still have to happen, there is a great plan of life and that the reigns for the whole of creation rest safely in the loving hands of the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Father/Mother of all life, the Great White Spirit?

All who once spent some of their lifetimes in the Native American tradition, as many in our midst are likely to have done, know how in those days the Great Spirit was worshipped by all. We were aware then, as we are now, that this is the Source of all being, the One from whom – with the help of the Angels – all blessings of the material plane life are constantly coming forth, including every human life. The One has always been providing us with the spiritual strength and sustenance that was required to learn our earthly lessons and carry out any special assignments that have been allocated to us.

We are part of God as much as God is part of us. The Highest levels of life communicate with us through our intuition. This is known as the living God within, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. Whenever we do so with our earthly mind, the answer from our spirit mind comes immediately. There is no need to ask anyone else. We do well to practise this constantly, so that slowly but surely our earthly mind knows that our higher spirit self is always there to show us the way in all things and supply us with honest and truthful answers at any given moment.

Throughout the ages there have been people who became inspired without at first being aware of what was happening to them. Speaking and writing intuitively they receive their information without studying books. With the passing of time they found out that all outer manifestations of life are reflections of the realities of their inner counterparts and that this applies to human thinking as much as it does to anything else in the whole of Creation. It is not the physical brain alone that does the thinking, for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life exists and can function on its own.

Without the spiritual forces in its background creating and supporting the physical plane of life there would be nothing. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s mental capacities. No earthly self on its own could ever bring itself into being. Never mind Earth life, without the help of our Highest spirit Self and our constant companions, the Angels and Masters, friend and helpers in the world of light, there would be no physical life anywhere in the Cosmos. The angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan of life and responsible for its smooth running, at all times. They are the ones who bring us into earthly life and place us in the right spots and relationships, so we can attend to our life lessons and fulfil our Karmic obligations.

Some of us developed the ability to act as channels of the Divine in previous lifetimes. They have come into this one to practise and polish this artform to a high sheen by humbly serving the Highest Forces of life. It is likely that they were scribes in far distant lifetimes, who abused their gift for selfish purposes like seeking to dominate people by frightening them out of their wits, so that they could be exploited more readily.

Anyone who took part in such things, and there have been many, by now have learnt their lessons. They are here to nail the desires of their small lower self and its fears to the cross of earthly life by placing them into the hands of the Highest. But because of the suffering they once caused others, they could have a slow, painful and protracted struggle with this aspect of their being on their hands, not as some kind of punishment, but as the redemption of their Karma and to restore the balance of their spiritual account.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Positive Thinking
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (5)

Building The New Jerusalem

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations -  Building The New Jerusalem Many believe that our world is falling apart because humankind is neglecting its duty of caring for it, and that therefore it will perish. I do not believe that this is going to happen, although it’s true that many times on the surface of earthly life there appears to be nothing but confusion, pain and suffering. For as long as we are unable to look beyond the perceptions of our earthly existence into its spiritual background, it will be impossible to notice the progress we and our world have been making throughout time.

Yet, even those whose inner vision has opened cannot tell where God’s great plan of life * wants to take us in the future. This is because it is not our place to know any of its details. The task before all aspiring healers and lightbringers is learning to trust the goodness of the life that has been given to us. Every human being in this life and our other world is part of the great stream of wisdom, love and light that for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of humankind.

Whether someone is as yet consciously aware of this or not, with the passing of time increasing numbers of us will be returning into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. As pioneers of the Aquarian Age, each one of us ultimately is here to make their contribution towards manifesting the new age’s spirit of love and siblinghood on the Earth plane. In any way possible we need to express our appreciation and love for the world that has been placed into our care and for those who contributed to bringing it into being and maintaining it.

Any small effort one of us makes in this direction contributes to the activation of the Divine spark that in seed form is still slumbering in many hearts. Each one is waiting to wake up and slowly but surely join the great flame of Divine love that is growing ever stronger in the heart and soul of humankind. To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, let us not follow where the well trodden trail may lead, but instead go where no-one has ever walked before and there is no path. Then leave a trail behind that others may wish to follow. That’s how each one of us is required to go about doing their share of building the New Jerusalem, the city of light described by St. John in his Revelation at the end of this chapter. It is revealing itself with ever greater clarity that this is not going to be a place somewhere ‘out there’, but right here and now on our planet. All along the term ‘City of Light’ has been a symbolism for this awakening of the Divine spark.

The way forward for each one of us individually and for the whole of our race, is this building of the New Jerusalem. Each one of us on their own and all together, we ourselves are its builders. As soon as an earthly self has achieved a certain degree of spiritual maturity, the Divine spark in its heart stirs from its slumbers. With the passing of time it grows stronger and develops into the living God within. This is the Christ part of everyone’s own nature, who gradually takes over the drives and urges of our lower nature and replaces them with Divine ones. This process is the building of the New Jerusalem and it would be pointless to wait until we go to Heaven or rather the spirit world. As these things can only be developed in earthly life, it’s essential to start right here and now. It is done by expressing our true nature and thinking, speaking and acting in kind and loving ways, as well as living in keeping with the Universal laws. This helps us to come into harmony with the Universal forces of life.

Anyone who is presently taking part in earthly life has been granted the gift of another lifetime for learning to trust that the Great Mother’s love and wisdom will always bring us and our world the spiritual growth each one of us needs for their return into the conscious awareness of their oneness and togetherness with God and all life. You may find it helpful to quietly affirm to yourself every so often: ‘God is part of me and I am part of God. Willingly I act as Its channel for lovingly spreading Divine wisdom and truth. From love I have come and to love I am now returning. Achieving the awareness of my true nature and reality is the purpose of my earthly existence.’

Listen carefully to the responses that rise from the innermost core of your being into our conscious awareness through the world of your feelings. This is feedback from your inner guide and God Self, who constantly tries to tell show you whether something you hear or read is true or false. Bearing this in mind, let’s take a look at the following:

St. John Revelation 21: 1-6: ‘Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. The first Heaven and the first Earth had disappeared and there no longer was any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice calling from the throne: ‘Look, how God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them. They will be His people, and He will be their God, God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death and  mourning,  sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone.’

‘Then the One sitting on the throne spoke: ‘I am making the whole of creation new. Write this, for what I am saying is trustworthy and will come true.’ Then he said to me: ‘It has already happened. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water from the well of life free to anybody who is thirsty.’ * Reflecting on these words from where I am now, it’s not hard to recognise that the events described in the revelation have already been taking place in our world with the help of writings like mine for many years. Through them the city of light has for some time been descending, in the form of Divine knowledge and wisdom, from the Heavens, brought to us by the Angels of the Christ Circle, the highest levels of life,  for the heart and soul of humankind.

Because of this there will soon no longer be any room for the sea of ignorance, which for such a long time held us captive on the Earth plane.  The false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we acquired during the part of our earthly education when we were made to believe that every word of the sacred texts of our part of the world had to be taken literally and was true. For a long time such beliefs were forced upon us and those who dared to doubt them were declared heretics and burnt alive on the stakes. These things ensured that we were kept firmly nailed to the cross * of our earthly existence, until the approach of the Age of Aquarius and its promise of spiritual freedom for all.

The scary parts of the revelations were designed to keep us firmly planted on the Earth plane, until the time and energies were right for disclosing the higher esoteric meaning of St. John’s Revelations to us – and that time is NOW. Whether we are as yet aware of it or not, the law of life is love and every transgression against it is a sin that has to be made good at some stage of our development. This is not going to be done by a God-man, who merely existed as a thoughtform *, but by us – you and me and everybody else. And at the rate we are presently moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, there soon will be no more sea of ignorance in which anyone can drown.

I believe that the New Jerusalem is a symbol for the heart and soul of humankind opening itself progressively to the light of Divine wisdom and truth, which for some years by now has been flowing ever more powerfully from the highest levels of life into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. For me, that is the higher esoteric meaning of the City of Light described in the Revelation of St. John, known as the Divine.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Not By Bread Alone’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Each Their Own Saviour And Redeemer’
•    ‘Jesus – A Thoughtform’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (6)

The Cause Of All Suffering In Our World

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Cause Of All Suffering In Our WorldLooking around our world, one cannot fail to notice the amounts of suffering that exist in it. It is because in the course of countless lifetimes each one of us has been doing their share of creating it, for ourselves and our world with the help of our thoughts, words and actions. This too did not happen without a wise higher reason. Our own suffering familiarises us with the nature of suffering. Witnessing the pain of others aids the awakening of our Christ nature; its first characteristics are compassion and love.

Alas, when the suffering we inflicted upon others’ during the earlier parts of our earthly education, returns to us in later lifetimes when we have matured sufficiently to be strong enough to cope with them, we have no idea what’s hitting us and then may well ask ourselves: ‘ Why is this happening to me, out of all people, when I lead such a good life would never dream of harming anyone?’ Wise ones reply to this: ‘No, not in this lifetime but most certainly in many others.’

Whenever we have worked our way through particularly difficult and traumatic events, we eventually reach the point when things begin to settle down again. The time then has come for taking stock and sorting the wheat from the chaff in our life by looking at what our experiences have been trying to teach us. First of all we need to forgive ourselves for having created the cause of our suffering, either in this lifetime or previous ones. To enable us to deal with our own suffering as well as that of others we need the kind of forgiveness that rises from deep within our heart and soul. It alone can bring the healing and peace we are seeking for every aspect of our being.

Forgiveness is always an act of clemency, which in my view can only be found through grasping the higher purpose of our experiences and why they were necessary. Coming to terms and making peace with the events of the past – not only this lifetime but all others – is of great importance for all of us. Because of our inner oneness, when one of us heals our whole world does the same.

I believe that the main cause of all the suffering we and our world ever had to endure is ignorance, i.e. not knowing who and what we truly are, where we came from and one day will be going to; the wise higher reason why we are here and that we and our world, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, are subject to great Cosmic laws, God’s laws. Everything that is in our lives has its origin in our own thinking and behaviour patterns, and that all things start and end with us. Therefore, if we wish to change our world, we have to begin with ourselves.

In the long course of our evolution, it became necessary that we should forget or rather lose all contact with the conscious awareness of these things. But fortunately, this amnesia was not intended to last forever. The wise higher reason behind everything that happens in earthly life is that each one of us through their own experiences should find out the difference between good and evil, darkness and light, and so forth. Alas, as a result of our memory loss, the consciousness of our race gradually filled itself with ever more false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices.

As Don Miguel Ruiz writes in ‘The Mastery of Love’: ‘The mind knows – and that’s the problem’. The earthly mind for a very long time has been thinking it knows things that are now revealing themselves as untrue. To this day, this creates all the difficulties of our world. They are hard to overcome because we need to convince the earthly mind of the truth of the knowledge that is now coming to us from the highest levels of life and help it to accept this.’

I believe that the first essential step towards ending the suffering of our world is taking a good look at ourselves, our deeply ingrained behaviour and thinking patterns and also our inner motivations. It is necessary to establish which ones, maybe even all of them, do no longer serve our own progress on the evolutionary spiral of life and that of our world. They then either need to be discarded completely or at least changed. Born of the beliefs we once saw as truth, the old ones can present serious obstacles. As we all have brought a great deal of excess baggage of this nature with us from previous lifetimes, everybody has their work cut out for them.

To paraphrase a teaching from ‘The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East’, Volume Three comes: ‘A house that is divided within itself in due course is bound to shatter and fall, but united it remains forever. Choose carefully whom you wish to serve, for division is failure and death. Yet, unity in the principle of the Great Father/Mother of all life assures eternal honourable evolutionary progress and dominion by the highest forces of life.’

The above is relevant to what is happening to everybody now. Many by now are trying to develop their spiritual nature, but are wrestling with letting go of their old fears and habits. For as long as our small earthly self and our Highest or God Self are at loggerheads with each other, we represent a divided house. The time has come for choosing between allowing the desires of our lower nature to run our life for us or turning towards to the living God within, our inner guidance, so it can show us the way. Through this the mind of our heart develops; that’s where the living God within dwells.

Shedding the emotional baggage of the past that this requires is by no means easy, as many of our beliefs are very old indeed and therefore deeply embedded in our subconscious. There is nothing for it but waiting until they surface and when they do, ask God and the Angels to show us how to deal with them. This requires patience and a great deal of courage. I find it helpful to know that any obstacles on our spiritual pathway unfailingly present us with opportunities for growing in wisdom and understanding. So let’s rejoice and give thanks and praise for our Divine Father/Mother’s wisdom and love who for every one of His/Her children of the Earth provides this kind of learning.

For as long as we refuse to pay attention to what our earthly lessons wish to teach us, time and again they will be presented to us and that in many different forms. Until our reactions show that we have got the message, we shall not be allowed to move on to studies of a more elevated nature.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘Realise Your Inner Strength’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘The Living Bread’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (7)

About Pain

Rays Of Wisdom - A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet 'About Pain'

A woman spoke: ‘Tell us of pain!’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Your pain is but the breaking of the shell
That encloses your deeper understanding.
You have to know pain,
Even as the outer shell of any fruit has to break,
So that the seed it contains can begin to grow and emerge into the Sun.

If you could but open your heart to the wonder
And the miracle that is your life and all life,
So that you could see that they are contained in everything.
If you could do that, your pain would not seem less wondrous
Than your joy.
You would then be able to accept the seasons of your heart,
Both their coming and their going,
In the same way as the inevitability of the seasons
That pass over your fields.
And you would watch yourself, with serenity and wonder
Through the winters of any grief,
Knowing with certainty that spring and resurrection
Will surely follow.
And that even in the event of the death of your physical body
You can be sure to be granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth,
For as long as you require it.

With the onset of wisdom, you will begin to recognise
That much of your pain is self-chosen and that
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you,
Your Highest or God Self,
Is trying to heal your small, sick and wounded earthly self.
Understanding this you will be able to trust
The Divine Wisdom of your very own Heavenly physician,
And drink Its remedy in silence and tranquillity.

You will then rest safely in the knowledge that
Its hand is only seemingly hard and heavy,
And that in truth the cup that now burns your lips
Is given to you by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And that this cup has been fashioned from the clay,
Which the Great White Spirit, the potter of all life,
Is moistening with Its own sacred Father/Mother tears.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (8)

Cleansing Human Consciousness

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Human Mind CleansingAs we know by now, Divine wisdom and truth directly from the Source has always accompanied us. It was just that during the early stages of humankind’s earthly development, to make the teachings they were giving easier to understand, the Angels presented them through human teachers with whom we could identify and connect with the knowledge they were bringing. By now sufficient numbers of us have grown into adulthood and are therefore ready to act as receiver/transmitter stations through which the inspiration from the highest levels of life can flow every more powerfully direct into individual beings and our whole world.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age the more powerful its energies will be influencing everything that shares Mother Earth with us. Gradually every one of the cosy notions that have been with us for a long time will be removed from the collective and individual consciousness of our world. The first one that comes to mind is that at some stage in the future a saviour and redeemer will appear in our world to cleanse all those who follow him or her from the sins of their past *. This person was a messenger and a child of God, the only one who was ever born on the Earth. All anyone had to do was follow this mythical being and regularly attend the church that had come into being around it. Once a week on Sundays was sufficient for being saved and redeemed, quite automatically.

Now that ever more of us are reaching spiritual adulthood, the true meaning of this promise is revealing itself. To reveal that it was neither a false pledge nor some kind of a hoax, the only thing required is an understanding of the underlying higher esoteric meaning of this tale, the same as all other spiritual teachings that ever appeared in our world. From the evolutionary point many have reached by now it’s not hard to see that the only way of saving and redeeming ourselves and our world is by freely and willingly surrendering our whole being with all its affairs into the hands of the Highest forces of life, known as God.

The word Islam * means total surrender to God. This is achieved by conducting a life of loving service to the One, working as Its channel for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. It denotes following God’s will and wishes to do all we can to alleviate the suffering of our world. The instructions for this we receive intuitively through our inner guidance, the living God within. Total surrender to God can never come about through inflicting as much pain and suffering on humankind as we can.

This submission includes conducting our life in accordance with the Universal laws *. With this knowledge the Divine forces are laying the instrument into everyone’s own hands for taking charge of our destiny through refusing to create difficult and painful Karma for ourselves. When we start sending nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds into our world, they are the only things that can return to us, as soon as the Karmic debts that have accrued in our spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. This is the only way they can be paid – by none other than us. And that’s how in the fullness of time every human being will redeem themselves.

One of the many cherished false beliefs of the past has been the notion that Heaven and Hell * are places ‘somewhere up there or down there’ that we go to. Are the experiences of our most difficult relationships in the here and now in themselves not sufficient proof that Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness? With the help of the thinking and behaviour patterns we brought with us from previous lifetimes, each one of us is quite capable of creating Heaven or Hell, for ourselves and those around us. Without being aware of what we were doing, we are likely to have made life unnecessarily hard to endure during the early stages of our present lifetime because of the many false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions from past lifetimes.

The realisation that what we are doing is destructive and negative, therefore wrong for the present stage of our development, is the first step towards empowering ourselves to consciously change our character traces into more positive and constructive ones. But because as earthlings we are allowed the freedom to make up our own minds about things and to make our own decisions *, it’s entirely up to us whether we want to walk this pathway or not. During the early stages of our earthly education we are largely unaware of what kind of a precious gift freedom of choice is and that it needs to be handled wisely and with the greatest of care. But as we mature into spiritual adulthood it gradually dawns on us what it truly means and the responsibilities it brings with it. For example, making conscious decisions about how our ideas of Heaven should be brought down to Earth by us through constantly practising them in our daily lives.

From that point onwards some real progress on our spiritual pathway at last becomes possible. How much of it we are making is disclosed to those in charge of our development in the spirit world – the eye that never sleeps – through our actions and reactions in daily life. In particular this applies to our behaviour towards the less evolved siblings in the family of humankind. How kind and tolerant, without condoning what they are doing, is our approach to those who do not yet know better than creating hell for themselves and those around them? These poor souls surely deserve our compassion, as so far they have no idea of what they are in the process of creating for themselves in future lifetimes *. Caught in the dungeon of their ignorance, they insist on producing ever more negative and difficult Karma for themselves, unaware that at some stage of their development it has to be made good.

At least now and then let’s spare a loving thought for these unfortunate people. In some future lifetime they too will begin to awaken to their true nature. Eventually they will discover that all human beings have the power within to transform their lives and that of others from a living Hell on Earth into a small piece of Heaven on the Earth, which they themselves will be creating. If we told them about it now, they would not believe us. But even so, whenever a person who is afflicted in this way crosses your path, gently try to nudge them in the right direction, the way someone once did with you and me.

There is a strong possibility that it could be predestined for you to be the one who assists them with walking their first step towards the great change of consciousness and initiation, which every one of us at some stage has to experience. Oh, what grandiose words! All they represent in simple terms is changing our outlook on life and with it our inner attitudes towards ourselves, those around us and our world. That is the long awaited spiritual rebirth and the more of us get involved in this process, the more the spiritual rebirth of our race and world will gather speed.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Heaven And Hell’
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (9)


Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - ArmageddonWhenever one takes a closer look at our world one cannot help getting the impression that it is in a state of utter chaos and destruction. But let this not deceive you. Reject the temptation of joining the thoughts of darkness, fear and doubt of those around you. Refuse to be drawn into this stream of consciousness and know within your heart of hearts that everything that is happening is going to lead to some kind of positive and constructive conclusion. Familiar with the Universal law of evolution, wise ones know that everything that’s ugly and destructive in our world is in the process of evolving into something beautiful and constructive. They are aware that there will always be a good ending to everything and that it cannot be any other way. Expecting it is by no means false optimism; it is justified.

That’s why wise ones make it almost a ritual in their life not to participate in negative and destructive thoughts and words. At all times they look for the good that is hidden behind everything. This helps them to remain positive and constructive, irrespective of what takes place around them. Their behaviour has the power of penetrating the darkness and mists of our world with the light of the living God within them. Because all matter is created from the Christ Star’s light, our inner light can shine through and dissolve the mists surrounding even the densest matter. Light is love and love is light and every loving thought we send to anyone creates more light and is added to that which is already there. The matter becomes lighter and less dense, the vibrations of the atoms and molecules of the cells speed up and heal.

Anyone who still believes that someone will come to save and redeem us or that Armageddon has yet to happen, to my mind, is barking up the wrong tree. The time for swinging into action and doing our share of rescuing ourselves and our world from destruction is now. It has to be done, by the likes of you and me, so please do not procrastinate and get on with it. Armageddon is not an event to come. It is an idea and a symbolism for the inner struggle between the small earthly and the Highest Self, and the forces of good and evil within each one of us, which has been taking place all along.

As far as Armageddon on the outer plane of life is concerned, I believe that the two World Wars with their grand finale of the horror of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were Armageddon and the Apocalypse rolled into one. The sad spectacle of the towering inferno of large parts of some of the finest cities of the Western world going up in smoke has been one of the outer manifestations of the clearing actions that were at that time taking place on the inner plane. To this day they are occupied with the process of cleansing us and our world of the negative energies we accumulated over the ages. To all of us they are offering valuable opportunities for balancing our spiritual bankbooks.

But still, one cannot help wondering how many more demonstrations we need of the consequences of power abuse, dangerous psychic experimenting that is combined with the irresponsible manipulation of the mass of people. When one considers the orgies of massacring each other by the millions and the wholesale destruction of material possessions of World War I and II, surely no Armageddon anyone could dream of in their wildest imaginations could be worse. And isn’t it strange that the commandment ‘Thou shall not kill’ from Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 does not seem to exist when it comes to the ‘joy’ of maiming and destroying each other in the name of a God who appears to agree with this notion?

The Commandments are a set of biblical laws relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in the Abrahamic religions. They are also known as the Decalogue, which the Angels gave to our world with the help of the Moses legend. This part of the sacred texts includes instructions for worshipping only God, honouring one’s parents and for keeping the Sabbath, as well as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, theft, dishonesty and coveting. In the Hebrew Bible the commandments appear in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Modern scholars have found that they have their origin in Hittite and Mesopotamian laws and treaties, but are divided over when they were written and by whom. The Angels are looking on and smiling. They know, but they are not telling us.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the Abrahamic religions. The sacred texts of each one of them contain the Commandments and they came down to them from preceding religions. Each one of the these three religions has always conveniently ignored the words ‘Thou shall not kill!’, pretending that taking other people’s lives in times of war and terrorist actions does not represent killing. We earthlings cannot create life and therefore have no right to destroy it, especially not wanton and randomly like in times and activities like that. Because the law of life is love, doing so creates particularly severe Karma.

Those who believe that children are created by us are mistaken. They merely come through us and are not of us. The wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother creates them through us. * Universal law decrees that before anything new can be born, something old always has to die. This is also valid for the many outdated beliefs that are still at large in our world. The more the birth process of humankind’s awakening Christ consciousness progresses, the more they are systematically removed, on the inner as well as the outer level.

Our spirit friends and helpers on all its levels for a long time have been beavering on our behalves. This will continue until even the last and slowest one of us has been guided into the awareness of God’s true nature and their own, and the predestined role * every human being has always had to play in God’s great plan of life *. Finding this knowledge is the birthright of all God’s children of the Earth as well as the right of learning how to walk hand in hand with God and the Angels. And that’s how, one small step after another, we are inexorably moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. In the end it takes every one of us, without exception, to a high and holy destiny.

The laws of love and evolution are seeing to it that under the guardianship of God and the Angels everything in our own lives and that of our world will eventually come right. Because everything is taken care of by them, there is no need to be afraid of the future and what it may bring. Even if all manner of events still have to take place in our lives in the course of paying our karmic debts, for as long as we accept that these things are part of God’s perfect justice * and therefore inevitable, they do not need to stand in the way of our happiness. This surrender of our whole being to the will of the Highest brings inward happiness and joy. Besides, it can bring about the most wonderful occurrences that make us think: ‘This has to be the work of the Angels and our spirit friends.’

As soon as we submit our whole being to the forces of the Highest, we can rely upon it that help will always be there when we need it. It may come to us in quite surprising ways and be of particularly gentle, loving and caring kind. That’s the hallmark of those working behind the scenes of earthly life. They never leave us and are always ready to bring us their blessings and some kind of compensation. Even if some hard knocks still have to endured by us, our invisible friends and helpers are sure to reward us with something.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Miracle Of Birth’
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘New Hope For Childless Couples’
•    ‘You Are Special’
‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘My Justice Is Perfect’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (10)

Of Good And Evil

Good and evil hearts - Rays of Wisdom, Kahlil Gibran 'Of Good And Evil'

One of the elders of the city said:  ‘Speak to us of good and evil.’
And he – the prophet – replied:
‘Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but the good within you
That is tortured by its own hunger and thirst
For the learning that will help you,
In the fullness of time,
To return into the conscious awareness
Of your true nature?
Because the good in you is hungry and
And your soul longs to return to its real home,
It sometimes seeks for food in dark caves
And may drink of dead waters, too.

You are good when you are at one with your Highest Self,
But when you are no longer consciously aware of it,
You are not evil. You are but a divided house,
Which does not have to be a den of thieves.
It is merely that the two parts of you,
Your Highest Self and its earthly counterpart,
Are still travelling in opposite directions.
This state of being can be likened t
To a ship without rudder that
Is capable of wandering aimlessly among perilous isles.
Yet, somehow it does not sink to the bottom.
When you have studied evil sufficiently,
With the help and the will of God and the Angels,
The two parts of you will come together again
And brought into harmony,
So that in future they work for you,
Instead of against.

Fear not, if some of the souls in your world
Still seem to be guided away from their Highest Self
And ever deeper into the morass of physicality.
Trust that for them too, the turning point will come,
As it has done for you and all other wise ones in your world.
Humankind’s evolution is a circle
That first moves you away from God,
That which is all good.
The farther you descend into matter,
The more you move downwards.

When you have reached a certain phase in your development,
You begin to move upwards and are then on your way
Into re-discovering your true nature,
That you are part of God and that God is part of you,
And that because of this
The core of your being has always remained good,
Through and through, all-loving and all-knowing,
Like your God Self
With whom you are now consciously
Being reunited and at one again.

For as long as your soul lessons require that
You move downwards, you are not evil.
Even thought your earthly self may still
Be learning to differentiate between good and evil,
Your innermost essence of your being
Remains good and of God.
You are good when you are spiritually awake
And that in thought, word and deed.
Yet, those who have not yet reached this point
Are not evil.
And if your tongue still staggers without purpose,
Know that stumbling speech also serves a wise higher purpose,
That of strengthening weak tongues.

You are good when you strive to give of yourself.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still seeking gain for yourself.
Those who are doing this are learning the lesson
Of being a root that clings to Mother Earth and sucks at her breast.
Like a tree your soul’s needs
Vary according to the evolutionary phase you have reached.
That is why the fruit of a tree
Cannot say to its roots: ‘Be like me,
Ripe and full and ever giving of my abundance.
For the fruit giving is as good a need
As the receiving is to the root.

You are good when you walk towards your goal
Firmly and with bold steps.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still approaching it with a limp.
But even those who limp are not going backwards,
For all life is evolution, moving ever forwards and upwards.
Let those who are strong and swift,
Make sure they do not pretend to limp too,
Out of misunderstood kindness for the lame.

You are good in countless ways,
And you are not evil when you are not good,
You are neither loitering nor sluggard,
You are merely still in the process
Of learning to discern between good and evil.
Have compassion too for those
Who already are moving with the speed of stags,
And believe that they can teach their swiftness to those
Who thus far only capable of moving like turtles.
Wise ones know that in God’s great plan,
The turtle has as much its place as the stag.

Your goodness lies in your longing for being at one
With your Highest Self.
This longing is in all of you.
In some, it already is like a torrent that rushes to the sea,
With all its might,
It carries with it the secrets of the hillsides
And the songs of the forests.
The longing of others is still like a shallow stream
That lingers in angles and bends and loses itself.
Yet, it too finally reaches its destination.

Each does come to the end of their journey,
In their own sweet time.
That is why there is no need for those in whom
The longing is already very strong
To say to those in whom it is still weak:
‘Why are you slow and halting?’
This is why wise ones who are truly good
Would never dream of asking the one who is naked:
‘Where is your garment?’
Or another one who is homeless:
‘What has befallen your home?’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (11)

Shedding False Beliefs And Prejudices

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Shedding False Beliefs And PrejudicesHuman beings are like snakes who shed their skins many times during the various stages of their growth. Something similar happens to our spiritual development when our consciousness cleanses * itself of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we acquired in the course of all previous lifetimes. To help us understand this process, a long, long time ago the Angels gave our world the snake * as a symbol of the wisdom and love of the Great Mother. However, during the time of the patriarchy * the feminine and its wisdom and love were removed from its religions. The declaration that the sacred texts had to be understood literally the Divine truth was systematically suppressed. Through this the snake changed into a symbol of evil that was instrumental in bringing about everything that was bad and wrong with our world.

Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation in Germany who, for the first time in its history, made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German, observed: ‘Reason should be destroyed in all Christians’ and ‘Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has.’ These words were very much in keeping with the Zeitgeist of the Piscean Age *. It was the age of lying and cheating, deceptions and corruption, deviousness and dishonesty. All of this prepared our world for the coming of the Age of Aquarius *, the age of truth and honesty, integrity and loyalty, bringing things out into the open where everybody can see and understand what’s going on. That precisely is happening increasingly. And the deeper we move into this age, the more of us will be receiving their own vision of the Divine truth, directly from the heartmind of the Highest forces of life.

The age of Pisces has been teaching us the value of the above mentioned qualities, so that when we discover them we appreciate and value them and protect as best we can. Under the cleansing influence of Pluto’s energies in Capricorn * nothing remains hidden. Eventually the scales will fall from the eyes of even the slowest of us. They too will begin to understand and start complying with the spirit of our time and conduct their affairs in keeping with it, freely and willingly responding to the demands for openness, honesty and above all: TRUTH. For that, my dear Friends, is the will of God for the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius represents the voice and will of God.

Martin Luther was also a farseeing man who wrote: ‘If I knew I had to die tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today.’ This shows that he too was working not merely for himself and his time, even more so for future generations. This means not as much for our children’s children, but for ourselves when we return to the Earth in coming lifetimes as our own offspring, because everyone is their own ancestor *. We shall then reap the rewards of our present efforts in the form being able to live on a planet where life is at peace and all work together and for each other, instead of against, which so many in their spiritual ignorance insist on doing to this day.

Such folks would to well to follow Martin Luther’s recommendation of: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ As we evolve and grow in spiritual understanding and layer upon layer of our false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are shed, the more our consciousness cleanses * itself of them, the stronger our higher nature grows and gradually takes over.

But let there be no doubt about it that Earth life is hard school. This is not only because of the wars that to this day are testing the strength of the more evolved parts of humankind’s spirit. It is also because of the astral and etheric forces to which we unconsciously respond. We have other bodies besides our physical one, which are finer and much more sensitive than their outer shell. On these bodies the thought forces of passion, hatred and bloodshed that emanate from souls in the trouble stricken parts of our world are constantly beating. And that’s the cause of much nerve strain and heartache, sorrow and fear in the rest of us on the physical plane. The finer bodies are use exclusively once the outer physical one has been cast off. These are the bodies that accompany us from lifetime to lifetime, until finally our spirit and soul has become sufficiently evolved so they can also be shed.

The soul is our emotional body; one of the vehicles every spirit uses during the various stages of its long evolution. Each individual soul is part of the soul consciousness of humankind and ultimately our world. Because of the oneness of life on its inner level everybody’s soul has always been affected by everything that any one of us ever felt. These feelings were and still are caused by all the thoughts that pass through our minds. For better as well as for worse, in this way we are constantly absorbing everybody else’s vibrations. Can you see the importance of positive thinking * and why we are told that when we harm another, we also hurt ourselves; and that we are all responsible for whatever happens in our world?

By now, there is so much suffering on our planet that when it comes to finding ways of overcoming it, there is only one realistic choice and that is asking God and the Angels for their assistance. They alone know how we, individually and collectively, can redeem the mountains of karmic debts each one of us has accumulated along the way. The only sensible thing for us is to trust God’s perfect laws and justice and patiently endure whatever our healing journey brings to the surface of our consciousness, so it can be dealt with. This not only balances our own karmic account but also that of our world. There is no easy way out and no exceptions are made, of that we can be sure. And as all of us have done our share of creating the present state of our world *, don’t you think it’s fair that everybody should make their contribution towards resolving its problems?

The power of thought * cannot be stressed too strongly. And because our thoughts build the realities of our world and determine its state, it is crucial that we learn to control our thought processes. I see the duty of every aspiring wise one and healer as making a genuine effort at sending nothing but kind and loving, understanding and forgiving thoughts into everything that takes place in our world and to everybody involved. It is our task to lift them and everything else that is causing any kind of problem, personal, national of international ones, into the light of the Christ Star, the symbol of the Universal Christ, who is the Highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation.

Each one of us being a spark that once went forth from the loving heart of the Star, its light is the Great Father/Mother to us all. At any given moment Its children have the birthright of asking for Its guidance and protection that it may come to us intuitively, through our inner guidance. As this spark has been waiting to wake up in all human hearts, let’s do our best not to disappoint it. All we have to do is ask our Highest Self to teach us how to project the radiance of Its wisdom, acting as Its channel, so it can flow through us into all human hearts and souls, evolved and less evolved ones alike, and from there into the rest of world.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’
•    ‘The Snake - Symbol Of The Goddess’s Wisdom’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•     ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (12)

Where Is The Kingdom Of God?

 Where is the Kingdom of God? Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between The Nations

Every experience that comes our way is a test to establish which level of spiritual maturity our earthly self has reached. The way we react to the people and events in our lives reveals this more than anything else. This lifetime is an extra special one for everybody because it presents all of us with many opportunities for finding some true enlightenment through being initiated into the higher and highest mysteries of life. Having a much better idea of God’s nature and our own by now, it’s not hard to see that this is highly unlikely to consist of what the Buddhists call Nirvana.

Each one of us contains God’s energies and they are of a dynamic and expansive nature. Ceaselessly creating, they are constantly bringing new worlds into being and destroying old ones that have outlived their usefulness. To my mind, human beings find their greatest enlightenment when they become aware that all life – including their own – is subject to Universal laws. Of particular relevance here are those of evolution and of Karma *.

From the moment someone becomes aware of the existence of these laws, the Universe places the instrument for their own redemption and that of our world into their own hands. Even the slowest one of us eventually grasps that if they endeavour to give only of the good and the best they are capable of, nothing but more of the same can in due course return to them.

That is exactly what is going to happen in the Age of Aquarius, as ever more focus their whole attention on sending only kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds into our world. And this, my dear friends, is the only way the long promised New Heaven and Earth can come into being. Each and every one of us has to make their own contribution towards bringing into being an ever more peaceful world and the long promised golden age of plenty *, when violence, crime and war, suffering and pain have been overcome, and greed and selfishness are no longer known.

The energies of the Aquarian Age are influencing us and everything else in our world ever more powerfully. A great deal of spiritual progress can be made be everybody who is willing to put their hands to the wheel and get to work on improving their own character by bringing forth from within themselves their own highest Christ qualities. As soon as these have taken over a sufficiently great part of our earthly self, it is no longer difficult to accept that everything that has ever happened – and still is taking place in our world – has always served a wise higher purpose.

The awareness of this, hand in hand with God and the Angels, makes it much easier to face up to any challenges that our karmic debts may still have to present us. It is good to rest safely in the knowledge that they will always be with us, ready and willing to show us the way and help us to work our way through anything. It is no empty promise that, when we do our best, God will do the rest.

The Universal law of compensation will eventually bless each one of us for everything we had to endure during our lifetimes on the Earth with a glorious reward. This recompense will not come about in some never-never-land, but in the here and now. An ever stronger faith of not merely believing but knowing through our own experiences that the Highest forces are always taking care of us is the finest gift anyone can hope to receive.

Each one of us is a special and unique being *. And the development of the characteristics of our higher Christ nature as well as the many talents the Universe has bestowed upon each one of us in rich measure can only take place in earthly life. It’s well worth every small effort we make, as once we have found both of them they will forever be ours. Once gained, our unwavering faith in God as well as our character qualities, good, band and indifferent ones, are the only things we can take with us each time we depart from this plane into the world of spirit. From there they will accompany us into all future lifetimes, wherever they may be spent.

Anyone who is willing to serve the Highest Forces by working unselfishly and unstintingly, under their guidance and protection, for the good of the whole are sure to find the Angels assisting them in many surprising ways. It is in their power to provide us with everything we shall ever require. They are in charge of our lives and always see to it that we make the right contacts and get the resources we truly need. It’s their task to assist each one of with fulfilling the purpose of their present earthly existence at this very special time of transformation and rebirth of humankind’s spiritual nature. They show where our contributions towards blessing and healing ourselves, each other and our world are most effective.

Through the Angels the spirit of the Universal Christ with the help of the Jesus legend told us: ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God’ *. That raises the age-old question: ‘Where is this kingdom?’ This tale has been their way of guiding the consciousness of our world into the gradual realisation that the whole of Creation is God’s kingdom and that God is in everything that is. This, however, would only reveal itself when the story could be understood from the higher esoteric viewpoint. In the fullness of time every earthling will be aware that God’s kingdom is not somewhere ‘out there’, but dwells in the very core of everyone’s own being.

God’s kingdom is an inner state of consciousness. It never was or will be a place to which anyone goes on a physical plane of life. It’s the realisation that on every level of life and in all lifeforms the Creator’s consciousness is present. The corollary of this is that our physical bodies are as much part of God as their indwelling spirits and souls. And whatever is in God is also in us and as above, so below applies throughout the whole of Creation. And because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything, God is as much part of our physical bodies as being our highest spiritual consciousness.

The awakening of the Divine spark of the Christ Spirit manifests itself through a constantly increasing love to do that which is good and right. This proves to the wise ones in charge of our spiritual development in the background of earthly life that we really are willingly following our inner guidance, the living God within, not merely saying so. Lip-service is no good where spiritual matters are concerned. Everything has to be for real. This ensures that, whenever we are in need of support of any kind and ask God and the Angels for it, without specifying what form it should take, it unfailingly comes.

The Angels in their role of Divine messengers are utterly dependable and trustworthy. As executors of the great plan of life *, they are familiar with the Great Father/Mother’s will. Following their instructions, they are showing each one of us our place in this plan. Part of their work is helping us to find the special task * during the transformations of the Aquarian Age that has been assigned to us. Having been taught by our own life’s experiences that it’s safe to trust implicitly that whatever guidance we receive from them intuitively will always be good and right, we do not find it hard to say: ‘Thy will, Great Spirit, not mine.’

* Recommended Reading
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are Special

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (13)

Colonising New Planets

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Colonising New PlanetsFrom time to time there is talk about the colonising of new planets, but in spite of the evidence that on the purely physical level it may well be possible, I do not believe that we shall ever make any real progress in this direction. Some years ago the American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan, who was well known for his research into terra-forming of other planets, did some extensive laboratory experiments. He found that blue-green algae thrive on carbon dioxide and have a phenomenal tolerance of hostile conditions, particularly extremes of temperature. The atmosphere of the planet Venus is extremely dense and rich in carbon dioxide, which makes the surface temperature of the planet too high for human beings.

The professor suggested that terra-forming of this planet could best be achieved by changing its atmosphere. It was his idea that a number of rockets could be sent to criss-cross the Venusian atmosphere to bring this about. The nose cones would be filled with blue-green algae; they would be triggered to explode into the atmosphere of the planet. The algae would instantly begin to feed on the carbon dioxide available. This in due course would effect sufficient changes in the atmosphere to cause heavy rainfall, thus reducing the planet’s surface temperature.

Being nearer to the Sun than the Earth, but of comparable size to her, Venus would still remain warmer than our planet. However, large areas of it could have temperatures tolerable to human beings, thus making colonisation feasible. Extensive laboratory tests were carried out at the time, supporting Sagan’s theory that this idea may well be workable. Terra-forming ideas exist about Mars too, but not about any of the other planets in our Solar System.

I do not believe for a moment that we shall ever be allowed to do much damage through what we – with typical human arrogance – would like to call ‘colonising’ other planets. What a fine euphemism for subjection and domination, one of the favourite pursuits of the young and inexperienced male of the species when freely left to its own devices. Before the Angels and Masters in charge of our world allow us any significant adventuring into space, they will demand from us that we put our own house in order and restore our home planet to an acceptable state.

Only when we, individually and as a race, have become sufficiently evolved are they going to permit us venturing deep into space. I for one am glad to know that even then we shall remain under the protection and guidance of the Wise ones who look after us and our world. They will show us how to behave properly, i.e. without interfering with other life-forms, as yet unknown to us, on other planets. In my view, it is more than likely that they do exist, but unlikely that for as long as we insist on searching for planets from a purely earthly perspective and vision we shall ever be able to see them or even perceive their existence.

There are many who still believe that one day we shall succeed in taking over other planets, but I believe that more urgent and important events, issues and developments will require humankind’s utmost attention. Any kind of incursion into space always represent tests for humankind. They reveal to the wise ones in charge of us and our world to what degree people are at least trying to understand the spiritual nature of other planets and the forces that are at work behind all physical manifestations, and what kind of attitude we have towards them. Each one of us being a spark of the Divine intelligence, there cannot be any doubt that – with the help and will of God and the Angels – we are a highly resourceful and successful race.

The way I see it, we shall be allowed to stretch our imagination and ingenuity in matters of space to its full capacity. But, whatever ambitions anybody may have about the exploration of space and colonising other planets, I am sure that something will always happen to stop us before we can harm other planets and their inhabitants. In many places the residents could be much more highly evolved than we are and who therefore no longer need physical bodies for moving around. Such beings will be invisible to earthly eyes and wherever there are any, we shall not be allowed to disturb them and spoil their home planet, the way we have done and still are doing with ours.

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 7

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (14)

The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled

The God Of The Patriarchy

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled

As the masculine aspect of the Divine had to be deprived of his feminine counterpart, the Goddess, for the duration of the patriarchy * our world had to make do with an all-male Divinity. That’s how in the consciousness of our world our Creator had to become something like an amputated God. This God had to be a reflection of humankind’s lower nature. He was portrayed as angry, wrathful and vengeance seeking and capable of frightening the living daylights out of anyone, the right characteristics on which successful warmongering is built.

The Angels presented this impression of the Highest as the Lord of warfare and destruction. This kind of God was necessary for that particular phase of our race’s earthly education during which the lowest manifestations of human nature had to experienced on a large scale. The cruelty and bestiality against each other that every human being deep down is capable of had to be taken part in, sometimes at the giving and on other occasions at the receiving end. Without exception, the training of every human being starts as a young and inexperienced soul and in the course of many lifetimes eventually reaches the highest heights. What else could one expect for a young God in the making *? Even though we are unaware that this is what in truth every one of us is, that’s what we are.

One of the first in line for creating the impression of the amputated God is the Creation legend the Angels gave us through the book of Genesis, which is part of the joint heritage of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. For the sake of the patriarchy the companion for the first man, who appeared in our world, in this tale was created from one of his ribs, out of all things. The higher esoteric meaning for this escapes me to this day and does not seem to have been found by anyone else either.

In some of our lifetimes we come as women and in others as men. For the sake of teaching us about the lower and lowest aspects of human nature, the creative masculine forces through large numbers of young and inexperienced souls whose desire nature, during their lifetimes as men, was given free reign. If, during these earthly sojourns, we suppress and exploit the women in our lives, the same will happen to us when we ourselves return as women. God’s justice is perfect, utterly fair and just.

The principle at the basis of this justice is a very simply one, the same as every other truly great idea *. Everything in the whole of Creation moves in circles and anything that goes out from somewhere in due course returns to its source. That’s the foundation on which the law of Karma rests and the reason why every one of our thoughts, words and actions returns to us in some form, either in this lifetime or a future one. They are our creations and therefore belong to us, for better as well as for worse. Whatever we hand out in one lifetime unfailingly returns to us in another one.

Even if it takes thousands of lifetimes, as soon as we have grown strong enough to cope with its demands *, back it comes. That’s why so many of us are struggling, including me. There are some in our midst who in their present lifetime are having a prolonged battle with the redemption of the karmic debts that were incurred by the abuse of power that brought about the downfall and destruction of Atlantis. You and I could be one of these people. There is no doubt in my mind that the events of Atlantis also took place under the supervision and guidance of God and the Angels. They were necessary for the sake of teaching our race some of the lessons that were right for our development at that time.

Much later it came about that for around six thousand years that we, in our earthly lifetimes as males of our species, were allowed to freely indulge the drives and urges of our lower nature. This includes killing, maiming and destroying anything that gets in its way, working very hard at suppressing and dominating, conquering and destroying each other in the course of taking possession of as great parts of our world as possible. Martin Luther, 1483-1546, was a professor of theology and composer, priest and monk who made a name for himself as father of the German Protestant Reformation. He wrote: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ * Wasn’t he a fine observer of human nature?

A fox breaking into a henhouse and massacring as many of the hens as possible, without having any intention of eating them is one of the finest examples of this kind of behaviour. For example, the testosterone driven warfare in which over 800,000 soldiers on both sides of World War I died in the blood and mud of the Ypres salient in Flanders, Belgium between 1914 and 1918. To this day the remains of dozens of men are found every year in the fields of this part of our world. By the colouring and markings of the boots in which they died it can be identified to which country they belonged.

The basic masculine drive, when allowed free reign, pursues brutally and mercilessly whatever it wants and takes it by force, if need be. Anything that gets in the way is removed in whichever fashion suits the chaser, without hesitating for a moment to kill and destroy at random. Every human being has this drive within. Without the balance of the love and wisdom of the feminine, disasters like wars and terrorist attacks are the result. Yet, there is no point sitting in judgement * over anyone who is still involved in such activities because in some of our early lifetimes all of us have taken part in such abominations. We have been there and thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for having brought us to where we are now.

It was during the time of the patriarchy when the Angels gave us the strangest story our world had ever experienced: the Jesus legend *. The strangeness of this tale is due to the fact that carefully and lovingly woven into its tapestry are symbolisms for the various initiations every human being has to undergo in the course of its long evolutionary journey through earthly life. The wisdom of the Great Mother, the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity gave us this wondrous story with the help of the Angels. How is that for utter unselfishness and boundless wisdom?

It was the Mother’s decision that the words of any new legend the Angels presented to our world should at first be understood literally. Only when the time was right should their higher esoteric meaning revealed. All along they have been hiding behind the surface words of every sacred teaching that ever appeared. The Mother did this so that her children of the Earth would know in thousands of years in Earth terms * what became of our world without the softening, balancing and civilising influence of the wisdom and love of the feminine forces of life.

Thoughtfully, the Angels built hints that something of this nature was going to happen at some future time into the Bible’s New Testament. They have always been there for all to see. Yet, only when the time was right would people understand what the following quotes were trying to tell us:

•    Mark 4:22: ‘Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.’

•    Luke 8:17: ‘For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.’

•    Luke 12:2: ‘There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.’

•    1 Corinthians 4:5: ‘Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.’

Naturally, the Great Mother never went away. She merely removed Herself from our race’s conscious awareness, even though Her presence remained and continued to manifest itself in the shape of the females of every species of the animal kingdom, including humankind. Without the Mother there would be no material world anywhere. She IS the world, the physical manifestation of all worlds throughout the whole of Creation, as well as those who are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes.

A constant stream of ideas flows from the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Father. But it is the wisdom of the Mother who decides which ones should be given life and where and when they should manifest themselves, for example on the Earth. The masculine’s power and will then shapes and moulds them as close as possible to the prototype that exists in His mind of any given species. She lovingly responds and allows Herself to be moulded and shaped. As one complete unit the two aspects of Creation peacefully and harmoniously work together.

The form of everything that exists anywhere is the Mother. All sentient beings and inanimate objects alike in our world are part of the Mother and imbued by the Father. Whole Universes and every particle of matter that floats around in them, for example planets and everything they contain, are created from the Great Light, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Father/Mother, who through this is both father and mother of all that is.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
•    ‘Young Gods In The Making’
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Sitting In Judgement’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (15)

The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story

In times gone by there was no other way of explaining to us earthlings the underlying higher purpose and meaning of our earthly existence than with the help of symbolisms and metaphors. Now, however, we are ready for the truth and nothing but the truth. And you can rely on it that it will always come your way from me. The way I see and understand things that’s my truth. Whether any of it can become part of our truth depends on how your inner guidance responds to it.

First in line in our search for truth is the birth of the Christ child *. This event is a metaphor for the awakening of the Divine spark that for a long time dwells in every human soul as a tiny glow of love that would never leave us. The creation of every individual God’s child of the Earth is conceived on the highest levels of life, i.e. it emerges from the heartmind of the Great Father. This process has nothing to do with our earthly existence until we into our first lifetime as a physical being on the Earth plane.

God, the Father, is the masculine active and outgoing aspect of the Divine Trinity. Astrologically speaking it belongs to the Fire and Air elements. Fire is the creative fire of God’s ideas which are transmitted by thought, the realm of Air, to the Great Mother, the Goddess. She is the Father’s feminine, passive and receptive counterpart, represented by the elements Earth and Water. Their only born Son/Daughter is the Spirit of the Universal Christ, of whose light every lifeform from the highest to the lowest has been created *.

Next in line is the Star of Bethlehem. It is a six-pointed star that has been used for a long time as a symbolism for the merging of the Holy Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and Christ, their only born Son/Daughter, with humankind. The Trinity is our Highest or God Self, who has always been working on merging Its energies with those of every human being’s earthly threefold nature of mind, body, spirit and soul. Ultimately, the Star represents the perfected, i.e. the whole and holy son/daughter of God in whom every part is peacefully co-operating for the highest good of all, under the guidance and protection of its inner teacher, the wise one within.

The Christ Star is also a symbolism for the healing process that for some time has been taking place between every small earthly self and the Highest Forces of life. The lower triangle stands for the lower self and the upper triangle for our Highest or God Self. As the lower surrenders itself to the higher and is gradually absorbed into it, it evolves into a miniature Christ Star and a Christed one in its own right. It then has become a channel through which the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star flows ever more strongly into our world into all its lifeforms. And that is the meaning of the consummation of the sacred marriage * between Heaven and Earth.

The whole of the Christmas story is filled with metaphoric descriptions of the events surrounding the birth of the Divine child. Of particular significance is that it took place in a stable. With its manger the stable represents the most humble place on Earth imaginable and that is the human heart. When during the redemption of our karmic debts times of great need and deprivation, spiritual and material, have to be endured, the Divine spark in us begins to stir from its slumber and longs for its true home and this helps our soul * to grow.

When in response to our soul’s yearning our earthly self at last reaches out for the blessing, healing and helping hand of God and the Angels, the Christ child is being born. From earthly human hearts the infant in all its goodness and innocence looks with increasing astonishment at the spiritual darkness of the Earth’s environment. An overwhelming desire to do something, anything to put an end to so much suffering, rises from our soul into our earthly consciousness. Attending to the needs of our soul helps the our Christ nature to thrive, so it can grow from infancy to adulthood. Willingly and lovingly we do all we can to do our share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth by making our world into a better and more peaceful place for all its inhabitants.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and each is a potential healer and lightbringer, who has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime in order to fulfil one specific task * in Mother Earth’s transformation and the spiritual rebirth of humankind. Our talents may have taken countless lifetimes to develop. Through absorbing ever more of the darkness of our world into the light of the wisdom and knowledge we bring to those around us our gifts can be brought to full flowering in this one.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem & No Room At The Inn’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘The Natural Laws And Their Cause’
•    ‘What Is Soul?’
•    ‘You Are Special’

 Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (16)

The Good Shepherds

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Good Shepherd

While shepherds watched
Their flocks by night,
All seated on the ground,
The Angels of the Lord came down
And glory shone around.

As we know by now, no human being is ever alone in earthly life or anywhere else, although it often feels that way. Others are constantly walking with us and although they are invisible to earthly eyes, in the spiritual background of our earthly existence they are always there, guiding and protecting us, even if the need arises, against ourselves. Playing the role of good shepherds in our lives, these beings were attached to us by the wisdom and love of the Highest to take care of and watch over us.

Constantly they are observing our spiritual progress and gently steering us through the inevitable ups and downs of earthly life. And whenever one of us veers too far to the right or left of our predestined and self-chosen pathway *, they nudge us back to where we ought to be. When the going gets too rough to cope on our own, it is our birthright to reach out for these hands and as soon as one of us calls for their assistance, they never fail to respond. The good shepherds are our siblings in the great family of life, who are constantly toiling on our behalves in the spiritual background of our earthly existence.

But even though our invisible friends and helpers are steering and sustaining each one of us, they can and will not do the work for anyone that is required to expand our consciousness. For a better understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth this is essential, but no-one can give it to us, we ourselves have to do the work. Each one of our spirit friends and helpers is pursuing their own individual evolutionary pathway, the same as we are, and through this all of us are growing and evolving together.

As we also know by now, light spiritually means knowledge and ignorance darkness. It’s just that each one of us perceives the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth through a differently shaped and coloured window of perception. It consists of the soul impressions that were left behind by the manifold different experiences of all our lifetimes, up to this very moment. Independent of how anyone goes about the task of working with the different illuminating rays of the Highest, all have their origin in the Great White Light.

The work the spiritual development demands from each one of us is never quite the same as anyone else’s. Other people cannot do the work for us or we cannot do theirs for them. Nevertheless, every pathway is a good one that incessantly moves every one of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. The tasks that present themselves to us at any given moment depend on the level of consciousness we have reached and the karmic debts that are still waiting to be redeemed by us, in keeping with the great evolutionary plan for our whole race and world.

Irrespective of what may still have to be faced by us and our world, our good shepherds will never fail to support us and whenever any one of us stumbles and falls and calls for their assistance, they draw very close to bring comfort and healing. The spirit world has always communicated with us through symbolisms and the shepherds of the Christmas story are a metaphor for our helpers in the world of light. In spite of the fact that they cannot be seen by earthly eyes, they are nonetheless there on the ‘other side’ of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds.

Many of them once walked the Earth, the same as we are presently doing. When they rose above and left behind the desires and concerns of earthly life, their spiritual vision opened. They look at us and our world with great compassion and love because they understand the struggles we are having with our earthly nature only too well. From where they are now they are doing their best to coax their human siblings on the Earth plane forwards and upwards on their pathway. They encourage us to follow their example and never give up, but to persevere with our efforts so that in the fullness of time our energies will be right for joining them on a higher level of life.

The Bible in St. Matthew 18:10-14 tells us: ‘Make sure you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, the Angels always see the face of my Father in Heaven. The son of man has come to save what was lost. What do you think? If a man should have a hundred sheep and one of them is lost, would he not leave the ninety nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost? And if he should find it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety nine that were not lost. Even so, your Father in Heaven does not want one of His little ones to be lost.’

What could this teaching be trying to tell us? The answer lies in its symbolisms. Let’s take a look at the little ones first. This does not necessarily mean young in age in physical life, i.e. children, but the young and inexperienced souls among God’s children of the Earth. They are our siblings in the family of humankind and the teaching advices us not to look down our noses on them or to sit in judgement * over them.

The mountain represents the highest level of life from which each one of us once descended on the road down the slopes that led us into experiencing life in physicality. At a later stage this is followed by an ascent up the steep face of the mountain that takes us back home into the conscious awareness of our true nature and oneness with God.

All God’s children of the Earth are sheep in the flock of the good shepherds. Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, at all times we can graze safely on the pastures of the spiritual mountain and that only because they were appointed by the Highest to look after each one of us every moment of our existence. This applies wherever we may find ourselves in this world or all others. It is in the nature of our race’s earthly education that for certain periods we have to stray from that which is good, right and beautiful. To become familiar with the desires of our lower animal nature, they first have to experienced. And the message of the above teaching is that if one of us gets lost along the way, our good shepherds will come to the rescue and see to it that we shall not be stuck on the lower and lowest levels of earthly life forever.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘God’s Chosen People’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (17)

The Spiritual Mountain

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Ascending The Spiritual MountainThere are many groups of spirit guides that are led by Angels and Masters from the highest levels of life. Each one of us earthlings belongs to one of these gatherings at whose head is someone like the Master described by the Jesus legend. The only difference between our friends and helpers in the world of light is that they are more highly evolved than we presently are. And because they once walked the Earth, the same as you and I are presently doing, they appreciate the difficulties and struggles, the pain and miseries of those who are walking the road up the spiritual mountain behind them. From first hand experience our spirit friends know how easy it is for us to get lost on this road and that from time to time this too is a necessary part of our earthly education.

The wise ones appreciate how steep and demanding the ascent can be and the strength of the drag of our lower earthly self’s desire nature when temptations are coming its way. But undeterred by anything that happens, our spirit friends have always kept on walking hand in hand with us, even though for a long time we were unaware of their presence. No matter what may ever befall us, they are never going to leave us, ready to catch us when we fall, comfort us when we weep and heal us when we are sick. They are the good shepherds who return us safely to our flock on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our world from theirs.

However, no-one can do our spiritual work for us or walk our predestined pathway for us. We alone can do this. But ever mindful of the difficulties this brings with it, the Great Spirit, our true Father/Mother in Heaven or rather the highest level of life, has appointed the Angelic hierarchy and the Masters and their assistants of the spirit world to take good care of us. Their task is to ensure that not one of God’s children of the Earth can ever be truly lost. The Heavens rejoice and celebrate our homecoming when that happened to us. Sometimes it takes a nudge and if need be a more severe push from the Angels to push us back unto our predestined pathway.

Who doesn’t recall the times when the small and frightened earthly self stumbled on its journey through life because it was unaware of its true nature and the spiritual background of its existence? What is it in human beings that we wait until things get so bad that we have nowhere else to turn to before we at last go down on our knees, literally or metaphorically speaking, and call for help? It’s the fear of the unknown that holds us back and we have yet to find out that in truth there is nothing to fear, except fear itself.

God and the Angels, as well as our other spirit friends and helpers are constantly waiting for a signal from any one, so they can draw closer. Whenever someone calls for their help, not to dazzle us with too much of their light – spiritual wisdom and knowledge – at first their presence may arrive as the faintest glimmer. But slowly it grows stronger and more help comes to us through a better understanding of the situation and what is required from us. As our awakening progresses, the living God or wise one within intuitively guides us to the right people, books, magazine articles and other sources of information that are helpful for pointing the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life are the executors of God’s great plan of life and have always been in charge of our race’s spiritual development. Our friends and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit world are serving them by bringing our world the spiritual knowledge the Highest have decided that is right for us at any given time. None of them ever leave us but are constantly observing and guiding each one of us through their own dark night of ignorance into the light of understanding God’s true nature and our own. Each one of us can only do this through their own experiences.

The life story of the legendary Master Jesus represents the greatest initiation of all and that is the opening of humankind’s higher nature and the earthly self’s slowly but surely rising above the drives and urges of its lower nature. Every human being reaches this stage of their development eventually. The Great Mother and Her Angels have always been standing by and observing how, with the passing of time, Her wisdom and truth have been unfolding and spreading on the Earth. And the more our Christ nature takes over, the more we feel the need to humbly and willingly serve the Highest Forces of life by truthfully and honestly sharing our knowledge in the simplest and most direct ways possible.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (18)

The Three Wise Men

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - The Three Wise Men

The three wise men are yet another symbolism from the Christmas story. They came to the baby Jesus to offer their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh – more symbols! The gold they bring is the human soul’s inherent ability to transmute the base metal of its earthly animalistic nature into the pure gold of its true spiritual self. Frankincense stands for the gift of gentleness and sweetness which the soul in the fullness of time will develop. Myrrh represents the bitterness of sorrow and pain. And this too is a gift because understanding and compassion can only grow from our painful experiences. Through them our souls grow in wisdom and understanding and emotionally and spiritually we move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And at the end of all its painful lessons on the Earth plane every soul returns into the joy of being one again with God.

The three wise men, who came to worship and adore the child by bringing their gifts are thought to have been Persian priests, astronomers and astrologers. In Christianity’s early days the men were called magi, because their activities were then considered to be magic. St. Matthew’s Gospel is the only one that mentions this fact. The men’s gifts suggest that they could have come from Babylon, Arabia, Sheba or Yemen. Later traditions gave them separate nationalities and colours of skin, as a sign that the Christ child would be worshipped by all nations. The wise ones were called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar or Casper.

It was only in the third Century that the church declared the three men to be Kings. It is likely to have been an attempt to justify the prophecy in Psalm 72:11: ‘May all Kings fall down before him.’ What a long time we had to wait until it would become clear that this meant that the earthly self of all people, including Kings and their Queens, would kneel in worship before their own Christ nature, which in the first stage of its development manifests itself as the  Christ child.

An assembly of Angels from the Christ circle are responsible for the spiritual progress of us and our world. To me, the kingship of the men is a symbolism for the elevated state of the groups of Masters and guides from the highest levels of life, who have been appointed by the Angels and are in charge of our individual and collective destiny. The groups consist of wise ones whose evolutionary pathway has taken them all the way through the experiences of Earth life and then beyond them onto the higher and highest levels of existence. Because of this the Masters and guides know and appreciate our struggles and the suffering it inevitably brings at times, to help our consciousness and souls to grow and expand.

Compassionate and immensely rich in spiritual knowledge and understanding, the wise ones rule over the human kingdom and our world like wise and loving monarchs. They wear their crown of their kingship with great humility. Just imagine, when you and I have evolved to a sufficiently high level, we may be allowed to serve our apprenticeship with them. They never leave our side and are always ready to bring some kind of assistance to those who reach out for them. They appreciate that times of great sorrow, pain, fear and loneliness are necessary for all human souls, as through these experiences our inner strength develops.

Our earthly education continues until we have matured sufficiently to be guided safely back home to the only place in the whole of creation where true safety can be found and that is in our oneness with God. Finding it, as well as genuine and lasting happiness is every soul’s birthright. Each one of us in their own sweet way is constantly seeking this state, but in my view it cannot be found on the Earth plane. Here it can only arise from the awareness of our true nature and the acceptance that whatever lessons are still waiting for us, they are sure to serve not only our own highest good and our greatest joy, but that of all life.

And even if great sorrow and pain remain to be endured by us, we can rest safely in the knowledge that we are learning something from the experience and are therefore growing in wisdom and understanding. It will comfort us to know that this is the only way in which any soul can eventually find its way back home into the greatest happiness of all, one that lasts forever, and that is the conscious awareness of our oneness with God and all life.

When you reflect on your past you are sure to recognise how you, the earthly self, quite happily and unperturbed soldiered through life, for as long as things were smoothly going your way. Yet, even at times like that we are not alone – the silent watchers are standing by and letting us get on with it. Times of suffering are necessary to shake us out of our complacency. That is why sometimes obstacles come thick and fast, until we no longer know which way to turn. But then, oh miracle! As the going gets ever rougher and we are in danger of getting lost in despondency and despair, a ray of light from somewhere penetrates our darkness. No matter how deeply a soul may be lost in its spiritual ignorance, there comes the moment when at last it goes down on its knees – if only metaphorically speaking – before God and prays for help. And as we know by now, to those who ask it will never be denied.

As good and bad times alike undoubtedly are gifts from God, it would be unwise to reject any them. Each one of them is drawn into life to act as the Christ child’s birth helper and midwife. Traumatic events invariably are Angels in disguise. As God’s children of the Earth we do well to accept our lessons and touch the hand of the Angels who bring them to us, so that the Divine spark in us can wake from its slumbers. The wisdom and understanding gained from the thorny experiences of our lives are the true saviours of humankind. In the final analysis they are hiding the glory of the infinite wisdom and boundless love of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, for every one of His/Her children.

The most precious gift of all is the comprehension of God’s Universal laws, as this knowledge empowers us to start co-operating with them instead of struggling against them. And this awakening is sure to save us and our world from chaos and destruction.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘The Good Shepherd’
•    ‘God’s Chosen People’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’

From Stargazer’s Astro Files – Special Events
•    ‘Christmas And The Winter Solstice’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (19)

A Time For Everything

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - A Time For EverythingA right time is predestined for everything and now is the one for finding a better understanding of the spiritual principles of the dualities and polarities that form the basis of all life, including that of the Earth. One of the most important aspects of life we have to come to terms with is the concept of good and evil. As this is the most vital and fundamental issue of all, every soul must study it through real life first hand experiences. And because the laws of the Universe demand that the scales of justice eventually have to be balanced, everybody must at times find themselves sometimes at both the giving and the receiving end of this lesson.

Yet, God and the Angels never leave us, and no matter how dire things may sometimes look on the surface and whatever may befall us, things will always turn out right again, if not during this lifetime then in another. The best we can do in all situations is to look towards our inner guidance and trust that we and our world rest safely in the hands of God and the Angels. All we can do is accept what comes and work our way through our tests and trials, safe in the knowledge that all evil is only in this world so that we may learn from it and that finally it will lead us and our world back to good. That, after all, is the Universe’s true nature and also our own. For as long as we always strive to remain faithful to it, trusting our inner guidance to show us the way, everything will always work out well in the end. 

There comes a time in everybody’s life when the Great White Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life, draws us towards Itself; more about this theme later. Recognising when this event is likely to occur is not difficult for me as an astrologer. As I do not want to bore you with technical details here, may it suffice to say that we can only be drawn when our energies have aligned themselves to those of the Universal life force, the Father/Mother of all life, whose super-conscious faculties every soul contains in seed form. However, they can only begin to germinate and grow when the energies are right. And even then the awakening this brings with it does not happen for each soul until it has reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity.

The journey back into the light of our true nature and the oneness with God is a natural part of the evolutionary program all human beings. The returning point has been reached when, each through their own experiences, our consciousness has expanded and we have sufficiently grown in wisdom and understanding. Assimilating and integrating the lessons of the darker aspects of life is an important part of every person’s return to its Source. When the time is right for us, the Great Father/Mother draws us ever closer. Naturally, this never comes about like the flicking of a switch; it is a development that takes a long time. As the years, months and days pass by us, gradually new feelings begin to stir within us. As they slowly grow stronger, we are instinctively drawn to people with a more spiritual and philosophical outlook on life.

There are certain times in our lives when we could be seriously in danger of ‘catching religion’, even if we previously lacked all interest in such matters.  At such times, some are known to have suddenly wandered off into the sunset with a Bible tucked under their arm. A chance meeting, listening to someone on the radio or TV, a website we stumble upon on the internet, reading a book or a magazine may suddenly capture our interest and set us thinking. Typical responses at such times are: ‘This is interesting; why don’t I look into it a bit more, maybe get a book; how about attending a workshop or lecture?’ It is worth our while to follow such hunches, because that indeed is how – one way or another – our great Father/Mother eventually draws each one of us back and invites us to come home into the oneness with It.

Interestingly, even science is now confirming that among the genes we all have in common there is one, which one of its representatives in a 2006 TV interview called ‘the God gene’. Apparently, in about half the population this gene is active, whilst in the other half it is dormant. The active gene seems to help us sense and feel the presence of the Divine in ourselves and the world around us and there then come fleeting moments of awareness of the oneness of life.

For wise reasons the God gene remains quiescent for a long time. Only when a soul has reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity and the energies are aligned in the right way, the gene in question comes alive and begins to stir within. And if any of the spiritual aspects which this work touches upon speak to you and you feel a positive inner response – even if you were never interested in such things before – to me, that is an indication that the Father/Mother are drawing you towards Them and that your God gene is in the process of awakening. For souls who so far do not feel this kind of response, the Father/Mother’s special call has not yet come. Like all great things, it’s that simple.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (20)

The Price Of Spiritual Wisdom

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Price Of Spiritual WisdomMy life has taught me what a priceless jewel spiritual wisdom is. Because it is given freely to any one of us, in my view it belongs to everybody and is there to be shared and enjoyed by all. That is why I give all my work away and why everything that has up to now been published on my website can without restrictions be downloaded free of charge. I believe that all knowledge belongs to everybody and should not only be within the reach of those who can afford to buy the latest publications.

Fortunately, many countries these days have Internet Cafés and public libraries where computers can also be used free of charge. So, even those who cannot afford a computer and an internet connection of their own at home can – if they so wish – download any part of my work from my website. What do I get in return for my efforts? My greatest reward comes each time some of my work helps someone to find a renewed faith and trust in the Universe and as a result, that person walks their pathway through life with more confidence.

As discussed in the chapter ‘The Ancient Wisdom’, Divine truths have always existed; they are eternal and unchangeable. God is the source of all spiritual knowledge and ever since the human race first emerged on this planet, it has come to us through various teachers. Over the ages, they came from the highest levels of life to walk among us and show us how to live our earthly life more meaningfully. Depending on the level our individual and collective spiritual evolution had reached at any given time, the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom were presented to us in ever different ways. Every one of the religions and belief systems our world has ever known was but a variation on the main theme of this Great Wisdom. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are three of Its most recent interpretations.

Through finding new interpretations of some of their symbolisms, my writings, for those who are ready to receive them, aim to bring a renewal of hope, faith and trust in this life. Seeking neither fame nor fortune, all my work is done for charity. If, with the help and the will of God, any of it one of these days is published in book form, all proceeds will go to the charity ‘Médecins Sans Frontières’ or MSF. It is an independent humanitarian organisation that is committed to providing medical aid where it is most needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or gender and also to raising awareness of the plight of the people they help. They work round the world for the poorest of the poor, especially in war stricken areas.

Closer to home, my favourite charity is the Salvation Army. Apart from their work with the homeless, they are also making a wonderful contribution in times of war. A friend told me that her father had fought as a soldier in the Second World War. He said that the best cup of tea he had ever had was the one that was given to him by Salvation Army volunteers, before his battalion had to move into battle.  The father said that he had never heard any of the soldiers – or anyone else – say a bad word about the Sally Bobs. My friend was also told by an ex-RAF soldier, now back home in Britain, that they are doing the same work in the Iraq crisis.

Now, I am aware that there are some people ‘out there’ who seem to have difficulties understanding my motivations for giving all my work away. Such reactions are nothing to get upset about. They are merely human. Another aspect is that it has ever been the way of spiritual establishments to try to discredit and suppress any new wisdom and knowledge that reaches humankind. Unless such organisations are wise enough to adjust themselves and go with the flow, they will become irrelevant. Even now, the way some people react to new spiritual insights is reminiscent of the religious establishment that according to the legend of his life surrounded the Master Jesus when the mass of people was shouting: ‘Crucify him!’ Does it never occur to souls, who to this day behave in this manner, that executing the messenger cannot get rid of the truth of his teachings?

As the example of the early Christians shows, through the very resistance they encountered, their resolve hardened, their support grew stronger and they gathered ever more followers. Could there be any better evidence of how, in the long run, nothing can suppress the emergence of God’s eternal truths. Depending on the evolutionary level of our race, it has been presented in various ways, at different times and through many sources. But this too has run its course and now ever more of the Great Wisdom is revealing itself directly and through different sources to us. The consciousness of our race has always been evolving, as has everything else in the whole of Creation.

Nothing can hold up progress. No matter how hard some may try to keep us in the past, we are constantly moving forward and are gradually finding ever greater understanding. No-one can deny us the gift that is known as the Ancient Wisdom; it has always come to our world from our Divine Father/Mother. And if here and there you come across souls who cannot yet grasp and accept the fresh insights you are finding, refuse to be discouraged. Be aware that they too will come to understand, but in their own sweet time, as we all do eventually – it cannot happen any other way.

Take comfort from knowing that sooner or later the time will also come for them to be drawn to the Father. Should this not happen during this lifetime, it is sure to do so in another. The Universe is endlessly patient; it is we who want everything to happen now. Just bear in mind that we have all eternity to learn and that it is true in every aspect of our life that everything comes to them who wait. If you have any missionary zeal, contain it. There is no point in wasting your time and energy trying to convert the unready. It is undoubtedly more constructive to pray for souls, who are still stuck in the dungeon of their own darkness, that they be lifted into the light of the Highest Star. Leave them to it, move on and concentrate on doing what your inner guidance tells you is right for you, in any given moment.

My feeling is that one seed carefully planted in good and fertile soil is sure to yield in the fullness of time more than any amount of broadcasting, missionary work, standing on soap-boxes or going from door to door could ever do. That kind of thing is likely to be aimed predominantly at those who cannot yet understand what we have to give. The only thing it can do in that case is drawing ridicule and suffering to ourselves. But, there are no prizes for martyrdom. And most important of all, we are not to cast spiritual pearls – well no, not before swine – but to the unready, because they would fail to grasp our message. It might even frighten people and bring out the worst in them. All too easily they could turn aggressive and maybe even attack what they perceive of getting in their way. On all levels we would thus achieve the opposite of what we set out to do.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (21)

Knowledge Is Power

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Knowledge Is PowerBecause spiritually we are all one and everybody has their allocated place in the great web of life, we are here together to grow and evolve, and so that we can help each other to constantly find a new understanding of the spiritual concepts that come our way. Through the learning from everybody’s own personal experiences, and from those of our world, the knowledge we have been gathering has constantly expanded our individual and collective consciousness. To my mind, the finest thing the Universe can bestow upon any one of us is the gift of an open mind.

Barbara Kingsolver writes in her ‘The Poisonwood Bible’: ‘Every life is different, because you passed this way and touched history.’ Forget about begrudging any of your experiences, be thankful for them instead. Hasn’t each one of them added to the great prosperity of the wealth of wisdom of the whole of Creation? And the final aim of our sojourns on the Earth plane is that we should become empowered to act as channels, through which the Divine blessing and healing power of the Highest can flow into everything that is in our world and all worlds.

It has been said that knowledge is power. Indeed this is true, though it depends on what power means to you. When God said: ‘Let there be light!’ the Great wisdom was saying to humankind: ‘Go out into the world, live your lives and gather knowledge, each through their own experiences. For knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness to the human soul.’ When we recognise that becoming a healer in our own right is the true reason for being in this life and we accept the responsibility of sharing our ever increasing spiritual knowledge with others, we take possession of our personal power and can then make a conscious decision that we wish to act as light bringers and seed carriers for all humankind.

Through the illumination we are finding the power is put into everybody’s own hands to do their share of overcoming the darkness of ignorance that still keeps large parts of our world in a kind of deathly shroud. Each one of us in their own right has the power to overcome all cruelty and violence in our world. And like any journey of a thousand miles, this one begins with one vital step – as the Chinese proverb says – and that a conscious decision of how, from this very moment onwards, we shall react and behave, in any given situation. Try it for yourself and see how truly empowering that is! Making wise decisions and choices are the power tools the Universe is now placing into everyone’s own hands to work with, until every last shred of the darkness that still is in our world has been overcome.

The most vital step for every soul on its journey of healing and home-coming, which is this lifetime, is the re-awakening to the knowledge of our true nature. Everything else falls into place from there. For how can anyone go home, without knowing where that is? The finding of such knowledge in itself and the realisation that our world is but a cultural illusion gets the healing process going. Knowing and accepting that everything that ever happened in our world, to us personally and as a race, did so for specific and wise evolutionary purposes, in itself brings a measure of inner peace. And that is but one of the first steps towards the major change of consciousness, the quantum leap of faith and trust, we and our world have for aeons been waiting for.

It needs bearing in mind though that none of us in this existence can ever have any true power; that belongs to God alone. The only power worth striving for to my mind is getting to know our true Self and our true nature, because this empowers us to rise above the drives and urges of our small earthly self. Instead of giving in to them and acting them out, as we are likely to have done many times in the past, we need to seek the advice of our inner teacher, our Highest or God Self, to show us ways of overcoming them. Only when that has been achieved and the channel of the small earthly self has been cleansed so much that it has freed itself from all its fears and anxieties, can the true power of the Highest work through us in an unhindered flow.

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (22)

Stemming The Tide

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Stemming The TideAs you go through your life, you are sure to encounter some who would like to stem the tide of new understanding that is now flowing into the consciousness of our world. When you do, forgive them and think of fate of the Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543, who established that our planet is not the centre of the Universe, and that it revolves round the Sun and not the other way round. Reflecting on how much the understanding of ourselves and our world has grown by now is clear evidence that it was as true in Copernicus’ time as it is now, that in the long run, no-one can suppress the truth.

Yet, to this day, there are many who try to do just that, in the hope that they may thus be able to hold back the spiritual development of us and our world. Knowing that it has ever been so, do not let anyone or anything disturb your peace of mind and remind yourself how Copernicus’ announcement once shook the foundations of all Christian beliefs. The Church of Rome, still all powerful at that time, did its best to undermine his credibility. However, even with the help of its ruthless and cruel tool, the Inquisition, it did not succeed. It could not because his discovery was meant to come to our world through him and at that time.

Goethe, 1749-1832, wrote: ‘Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world had scarcely become known as round and complete in itself, when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the centre of the Universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on mankind – for by this admission so many things vanished in mist and smoke! What became of our Eden, our world of innocence, piety and poetry; the testimony of the senses; the conviction of a poetic/religious faith? No wonder his contemporaries did not wish to let all this go and offered every possible resistance to a doctrine which in its converts authorised and demanded a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed not even dreamed of.’

Just imagine! Something many times more magnificent is now taking place. And you and I are here to help bring it about. Count your blessings if you are among the wise ones, who can recognise that there is no conflict between the old and the new; that in fact, there is now a coming together and a reconciliation of all the beliefs, religions and philosophies our world has ever known. Through the new understanding that is ever more strongly flowing into us and our world this is quite naturally happening.

Yet, when it comes to sharing the knowledge you find, you are likely to hit some obstacles in the shape of those who rigidly insist on clinging to beliefs that have long become outdated. Their eagerness to defend their viewpoint, may blind them towards the spiritual developments that are now taking place in us and our world. Respect their views – even if they fail to do the same for yours. Take comfort from knowing that they too will understand when their time for doing so has come and the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, will then draw them ever more into Its loving heart. Even if this takes until another lifetime, or maybe several, we all get there in the end.

The way I see it is that none of us has come into this lifetime to destroy any of the ladders our siblings in the human family are still climbing on, but gently and lovingly widening someone’s horizons never harmed anyone. You can tell by their reaction whether people are ready for what you have to give. If so, the Highest may have chosen you to be the instrument and channel for working through. Do not persevere with those who reject your beliefs, but accept that their time for grasping what you have to say has not yet come. Leave them to it, move on and let the Christ Spirit within you, your God or Highest Self, be your shepherd to guide you to greener pastures, where other sheep – like-minded people – are willing to graze peacefully, together with you.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Positive Thinking’

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World (23)

Earth’s Vibrations Are Changing

Earth's Vibrations Are Changing - Beautiful Planet Earth - Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations

‘I’ve looked at life from both sides now,
From up and down, and still somehow.
It’s life’s illusions I recall.
I really don’t know life at all.’

Joni Mitchell

I believe that our earthly existence can only be understood when one peers beneath its surface. Everything that ever took place in our world and still does to this day, only begins to make sense when one becomes aware of its spiritual background, humankind’s true eternal home from where all of us once emerged. May the knowledge that the old prophecies really are coming true in unexpected ways assist even the last and slowest one of us to find their way back home into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. I am convinced that our world is not going to perish, because I know that it is written in God’s great plan of life that we ourselves are going to save it.

Although the physical aspect of the Earth is bound to vanish in due course, the same as our physical bodies, our planet’s rich inner heritage, its spirit and soul, will never be destroyed and neither will ours. We ourselves are the world and each one of us is an integral and equally important part of it. We do not inhabit this life on our own and for quite some time by now, humankind has been part of the process of transforming our beautiful planet Earth into one of peace and healing that radiates its blessings throughout the whole of Creation. Hand in hand with our Father/Mother Creator and the Angels and with ever increasing speed we and whole world are changing and becoming ever more spiritualised. The Highest Forces of Creation are constantly adjusting and modifying the vibrations of the Earth and all its material aspects are increasingly filling with light.

Our world is changing so profoundly and in the fullness of time will be such a different place that, if this were happening too suddenly and quickly, none of us would be able to cope at all. The going for a great many at present is tough enough as it is. Whenever world events threaten to overwhelm me, I remind myself that it is a great privilege to be here at this special time of transition from one Age into the next. Therefore, let us not begrudge anything that has to be endured and as joyously as we can each make our contribution towards creating a more peaceful world. It is a great honour to be allowed to take an active part in the building of the New Jerusalem and bringing God’s Eternal Kingdom down to the Earth. So let us not begrudge giving freely and willingly of our best.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. Now that we have reached it, God’s wisdom and truth are flowing ever more forcefully from the loving heart of the Universe, the Source of all being, into the hearts and souls of those who are open and ready to receive it. And I rejoice that in the new age none of us will ever again be required to believe anything blindly. Naturally, this also applies to my writings. The Bible tells us in John 14:2: ‘In my Father’s house are many rooms [mansions]. If it were not so, I would have told you.’ In the traditional versions of the Scriptures rooms was translated into meaning mansions. However, I prefer the wording of the Lamsa Bible – see the note about it at the end and also my booklist. To me, the word ‘rooms’ comes closer to what the Jesus legend was trying to convey to our world, namely that there are many different levels of existence in our Father/Mother’s house and each one is filled with Its presence, which is love.

The Father’s house is the heart of the whole of Creation and that indeed has many rooms and therefore plenty of space for every spirit and soul and also for all the belief systems our world ever experienced. We alone can decide which one is still the right one for us or whether our spiritual understanding has already grown beyond the perceptions of religious institutions and organisations. It is true that the answers to all our questions are known within. This is because every human heart is an essential and integral part of the great Universal heart, the dwelling place of our Highest or God Self and that is the only place on this Earth where truthful answers can be found.

Only when our inner teacher, our intuition, tells us that something is true and right, should we believe whatever anyone presents to us. We neglect this inner voice to our detriment. Every time you hear, see or read something – including this – listen to the responses that come through the world of your feelings, in particular your heart. Things are only true if this part of you says: ‘Yes, this does make sense. It is true!’ Only then take it on board and allow it to penetrate your inner and outer consciousness.

When you listen to what other people have to say about any given subject, bear in mind that there is no absolute truth, and that everybody’s truth is at least slightly different from any other. Only when your heart murmurs: ‘Yes, this is true!’ then what you have found is part of your truth. Stick to it, no matter what anyone else may say about it, because your inner guidance will never deceive you, lead you astray or let you down.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (1)

Losing Faith

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among The Nations - Losing FaithMy birthchart, with Sagittarius on the ascendant and Jupiter in Capricorn in the first house, to me is clear evidence that two years before the outbreak of the war I was born into a deeply religious background. By the end of it my parents had become atheists who did not believe in anything any more. From where I stand now, it is not hard to understand how this must have come about. To illustrate the point of how and why people in times of war, more than at any other occasion, lose their faith in God, I shall take you back to the preparations for the funeral of the victims of the attack on the air raid shelter in our street, mentioned earlier.

I cannot recall the exact number of people who died in this incident, but there were more than thirty of them. Many of the parts that had belonged to them could not be identified and also because there was a severe shortage of manpower available, it was decided they should be buried in a mass grave. My father was one of the few able-bodied men in our street who had survived the war and he also had that rare privilege of being at home. Every man who was still capable of lifting a shovel toiled until they had dug a big enough hole. I imagine these men must also have had the gruesome task of retrieving the mortal remains of the victims. As far as we children were concerned, the adults must have been so busy with their own grief that no-one explained anything to us about the disappearance of those who had left this world before us and where they could possible have gone.

During the time it took digging the grave, my sister and I each day had to bring my father his lunch. The only thing I remember very keenly about those days is that they were bright and sunny with clear blue skies and the birds singing their little hearts out. Nature’s brilliance and beauty somehow made the whole scene even more painful and sad. Even the most devout Christians must stand before events like this one and eventually begin to ask themselves: ‘If there is a God in Heaven, why does He allow most of our children’s playmates and their mothers to go to such an early grave and in such a cruel and meaningless way? If He really were a fair and loving God, as promised by the Scriptures, where is His justice and His love?’

The experience was made even more painful and harder to bear by the fact that no-one – least of all we children – could begin to grasp the reasons behind the things that were happening all around us, even in our small town and street at the backend of nowhere. Events of this nature are too monstrous for the comprehension of human adult, never mind their children. That must have been the reason why no-one ever attempted to explain to us what was happening around us and why our world was falling to pieces. How can you put into words that which is unfathomable and you do not understand yourself? How do you explain to your offspring the lunacy of all warmongering, when ordinary folks – like you and me – throughout our world just want to get on with living in peace and providing their children with a better future in a world that is free from strife?

There must be many like me, who to this day are struggling to come to terms with the memories of the events of those days and similar ones, in order to heal the old wounds and let go of the impressions they left behind.  Yet, I imagine that when human beings get caught up in this kind of traumatic experiences, be it as children or adults, when they have run their course and are over, their individual souls are long past the threshold of understanding. In truth, all wars are the result of the common Karma of all who get involved in them. Suffering together is their predestined fate for their present lifetime, so that the events and the pain and deprivations that had to be endured can teach them and our world some vital lessons.

As I know by now, it has been for good and wise reasons that humankind for such a long time was not allowed to know that even the wars of our world have always served a higher teaching purpose. In accordance with God’s great plan of life, we and our world were only meant to find out that this is the case when the time for doing so was right. The only comfort we had in the days before this was that all things and happenings in our world are of a constantly changing and passing nature. Throughout the ages, God had represented for our race the only constant that forever had been and would be.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (2)

Losing Faith – Not A Disaster

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Losing Faith - Not A Disaster

Do not lose faith in humankind.
Our race is like an ocean.
And a few drops of it being dirty
Does not mean the whole ocean is like this.
It’s just that the drops are waiting
To be cleansed and purified by the ocean.

Mahatma Gandhi
Edited by Aquarius

I believe that losing one’s faith is by no means the disaster it may at first appear to be. In truth, it is a good thing and spiritually quite desirable, because it is a signal from our inner and Highest Self that our old belief was a superficial one and therefore not really a faith at all. I have reason to believe that something of this nature happened to me in one of my previous lifetimes. That’s why I can tell you from firsthand experience that if you wind up in this predicament, try not to be too sad or upset about it. Instead, take heart, look beyond the end of your nose to the vast horizons of Eternity and become aware that losing ones faith can be – and indeed is meant to be – the first step towards finding some true and lasting inner beliefs. This is going to be the kind that can no longer be shaken by anything or anyone and that no-one will ever be able to take from you.

The way I understand the matter is that there are two types of faith. The first one is a remnant from the outgoing Piscean Age, which was the age of blind faith and of illusions. The suffering, disappointments and disenchantment with the established order of the previous age are now leading us and our world into the light of the Age of Aquarius. This is an age during which Divine wisdom and truth will flow ever more strongly into each one of us directly, through our inner connection with the Source of our being. This knowledge is now waiting to pour into every heart and soul that is open to receive it and that is the second type of faith. Because we understand it from the very depth of our being, rather than from our head alone, this is a faith that gradually grows inside us.

This kind of faith has nothing to do with blindness. It is a deep inner trust that is solidly and securely founded in knowledge and constantly reassures us from deep within the very core of our being that we and our world will always be safe in the hands of God, no matter what happens. Even when things seem to go wrong on the surface, our innermost feelings will always help us to understand and accept that whatever occurs is right. This is not as difficult as it may sound, because we then appreciate that things always come to us so we should learn something.

That is how the long awaited and promised spiritual rebirth of humankind has been taking place for quite some time, which possibly is the very reason why this work came into being, so that it could find its way to you. Because of the freedom to make our own choices, it is up to you whether you make use of anything you may find here. The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more strongly its energies are going to be felt by everybody; they already are – just look around and see what a difficult time most people are presently having. The Cosmic energies affect all life and everybody is involved in this spiritual rebirth and each has to do their share of bringing in the New Age.

Many are searching for new ways and there is a slowly increasing sense of urgency in the air about matters of faith and a yearning for peace. Yet, peace and healing cannot come to us and our world merely through knowledge. For as long as we fail to act upon information of any kind it remains dead. This also goes for spiritual knowledge. It too can only come alive when we start to behave in keeping with our findings. If we want peace in our world, each has to start with themselves by paying attention to their inner attitudes and their own lives. It is essential that we first sweep in front of our own inner doors, put our house in order and make genuine efforts at living in ever more peaceful ways.

For anyone who wishes to join one of the belief systems of our world, but does not know which one, I suggest the following: Go for the one you feel naturally drawn to and look into it. If it feels good and the small still voice of your inner guidance, the living God within, says: ‘This is right!’, you have found something that fulfils your present needs. Whenever something feels right, then that’s what it is. Wise ones are prepared for the fact that eventually their time for moving on and experiencing something else may come. They rest safely in the knowledge that as long as they are paying attention to their inner guidance, they cannot go wrong.

Peace Prayer
Let there be love and understanding among us.
Let peace and friendship be our shelter from life’s storms.
Eternal God, help us to walk with good companions,
To live with hope in our hearts
And Eternity in our thoughts,
That we may lie down in peace and rise up every day,
To find our hearts waiting to do Thy will.


From the Jewish Tradition

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (3)

Finding Renewed Faith

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Finding Renewed FaithIn times of increased suffering caused by the destruction of wars, human beings are bound to ask themselves: ‘What kind of a God is the one we believe in, to allow what is happening in our world? If God cannot protect us against genocide and holocausts, and all the other bestialities human beings have always inflicted upon each other and to this day are continuing to do. What kind of monster is this God to inflict so much suffering on us and our world? I’ve had enough and would rather be an atheist than to continue following this one. As a matter of fact, can there really be a God and Creator of all this?

My parents may well have been among those who asked: ‘Jesus, if you really exist somewhere and truly are the son of God, why don’t you come to our rescue and put an end to all this misery by saving and redeeming us and our world? It was too early to find out that the story of Jesus is a legend and that the man Jesus is a symbol for everybody’s own higher Christ nature. It is our improved character and behaviour alone that eventually can and will save and redeem us and also our world. This means mastering and overcoming the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature.

The Jesus story is a kind of logbook that contains many pointers of how human Master souls should behave during their existence in physicality if they wish to evolve into true daughters/sons of God. It also gives us demonstrations of the various initiations each one of us will eventually have to experience. We need to enact the role of our Highest Self and take our frightened earthly self by the hand with love and compassion in our heart for our own suffering. We are not to condemn or blame ourselves for having caused the events in our present lifetime or previous ones. We are here to show our small self with kindness and patience that there are better ways of living and being than continuing to get lost in the illusions of Earth life with its senseless greed and grabbing for more and more goodies, violence and hatred. If we want to live according to the spirit and the laws of the Universe, it is best to quite literally rise above these things on the wings of the new knowledge we are finding.

In my parents’ time it was too early to find out that there really is a God, but that this means something quite different from what people used to believe in the past. But whenever someone on the Earth plane asks themselves some deep and searching questions like the ones above, as time goes by the answers are sure to come, especially when many have lost their faith and are wrestling with the same problem. It then slowly begins to dawn on those who query the presence of a God with ever greater clarity that yes, there is a God who is a truly kind, loving and benevolent force and nothing else.

We find out to our astonishment that the God humankind has been looking for from the earliest presence of our race on the Earth plane – and could never find, up to now – is as much part of each one of us as all of us are part of God. This brings us the revelation that the only one who can save and redeem us is we ourselves, the likes of you and me, by bringing forth our own Christ nature. Through this process in the end we evolve into a Christed one, each in their own right.

We ourselves are God and in truth every one of us is a young God in the making, an eternal and immortal being. We are responsible for ourselves and every one of our thoughts, words and actions, as well as the present state of our world. We ourselves, hand in hand with God and the Angels, created it the way it is now, so that we should learn from everything that comes our way and the mistakes we are making as we move along. And that includes the monster of warfare – it is what we wanted and what our hearts desired. Looking back from where we are now, one can only shudder at the thought! Yet, any ogres we thus created can only be un-created in the same manner.

Our personal and collective saving and redemption will never come through any outside force, but by every one of us gradually doing better and eventually reawakening to their true nature and doing their share of making our world a better, more beautiful and peaceful world for all its inhabitants and helping Mother Earth to repair the damage we have done to her and her kingdoms over the ages.  

God is not, as many still believe, somewhere ‘out there’, it is the small still voice of conscience that knows the way of all things. God is the Divine spark that at least in seedform is contained in all human hearts and souls. For aeons it has been waiting to come alive and be born in the kindness and goodness we, each one of us, God’s children of the Earth show towards each other. It’s the love of God that sees to it that Karma is not something that is set in concrete and meant to last forever. Nothing could be further from the truth. The kindness of the Universe sees to it that every new lifetime presents all of us with many opportunities for doing better and for resolving any outstanding issues that were left behind in past lifetimes and brought with us into this one to be attended to.

And so, in the darkness of the dungeon of ignorance of its own true nature, through one lifetime after another the earthly self struggles on and on,  until the moment of awakening into our true nature and as co-creators of God dawns in us. That’s when we begin to realise that if we ever want a peaceful world to come into being, all of us have to start by sweeping in front of our own doors. The first step is the retraining of our thinking patterns into kind, loving and tolerant ones towards all our companions on the way through life, irrespective of their race, colour and beliefs.

It’s a sad fact that some of the religions of our world currently still provide more excuses for warmongering than any other aspect of life. As pioneers of a new age and lightbringers we wish to do our share of putting an end to it. Aware of the power of thought and the duality that exists in this field of activity as much as in everything else in our world as well as the whole of Creation, we make a conscious decision to tune all our thinking into the stream of consciousness of positivity, light and love. Each time our thoughts are in danger of sliding into the stream of negativity, darkness and hatred – as they are likely to do all too easily in the beginning – we get hold of our thoughts and uplift and transmute them into kind, loving and caring ones.

Knowing that every one of us is required to eventually grow and evolve into a seeker of God’s wisdom and truth, we share any learning we find on our journey through life with those around us. In this day and age it is no longer done through missionary work, because we are acquainted with of the mistakes that were made in the past and can see for ourselves the misery it brought into our world. We want to do better and conduct our lives as an example of peaceful and loving ways that befits us as God’s children of the Earth and which others may wish to follow.

This is how we make our contribution towards creating, hand in hand with God and the Angels, a better and more peaceful world for all. We help the people, tribes and nations of our world to rediscover what the word ‘love’ really means by bringing ever more loving, caring and assisting each other to anyone who is in need of it, wherever they may be. We seek to serve the greatest joy and the highest good of all, rather than pursuing our own selfish interests. Our armoury consists of showing fairness and giving equal rights to all that turns old enemies into friends.

Our groups of people will no longer appear as soldiers in other countries, but as volunteers who come as friends and treat all indigenous folks, including their beliefs and customs, with the kindness, love and understanding they deserve as our siblings in the great family of humankind. The missionaries of the future will travel to other parts of our world as messengers of peace, new hope and goodwill to help the underprivileged of our world to their basic comforts of life, like clean water, sewerage, food, shelter, security and whatever else they may require and that unconditionally and without cost to anyone.

And this is how, as the knowledge of our renewed understanding of the meaning of God sinks ever deeper into our consciousness, a fresh kind of faith is born in human hearts and souls that is based on a deep inner knowingness of God. This is a faith that no-one and nothing will ever be able to rock or destroy, the way the religions of our world used to do, as one followed the other and each one of them fighting for supremacy and gaining power over and control of our hearts, minds and souls. This is the freedom of the Age of Aquarius – long may it continue!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Mystic And Finder’
•    ‘A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (4)

Christ The Redeemer

 Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Christ The Redeemer

Just when I had finished editing and partly rewriting the sequence from ‘Losing Faith’ to ‘Finding Renewed Faith’, an e-mail from one of my friends arrived in my inbox with a link for a very special video that unfortunately is no longer available. It showed two men carrying out some breathtaking repair work on the statue of Christ The Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It towers at the peak of the seven-hundred metres high Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park at an imposing height of thirty metres on a pedestal that adds another eight metres to the total height.

The statue was erected in honour of Jesus Christ and overlooks the city of Rio de Janeiro. Originally it has been a symbol of Brazilian Christianity and therefore became an icon for the city and the whole of Brazil. It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone and its construction was completed in 1931, two years before Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany on 30 January 1933.

Longingly the Christ statue, with its mighty arms that have a span of twenty-eight metres, reaches out to embrace our whole world. In Earth terms 1931 was still a long time to go before we would be allowed to find out about God’s true nature and our own. But now the spirit of the Universal Christ calls out to us with ever increasing force: ‘Listen to Me, My people. Give ear to Me, My nation. By that I mean the whole of humankind. Take a good look at this statue. It is as much in need of repairing and overhauling as your understanding of the role of Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of you and your world.

‘The time has come for taking Jesus off his cross and pedestal. You need to put him into the place where he truly belongs – the realm of myths and legends. Ever more of you are by now ready to stop perceiving Jesus as some kind of an idol or an icon, because you recognise that all along the story of the Master’s life has been a symbol of  your own God part or Christ nature. The figure of an almost naked corps of a man that is nailed to a cross represents humankind’s earthly self.

‘Emaciated from the stresses and strains of his tests and trials of Earth life, stripped of everything he once held dear in earthly life, especially the characteristics of his lower animalistic nature, the man has left his physical body behind to be consciously reunited with its Highest or God Self. His loincloth is an indication that gender becomes irrelevant when you too enter into the state the man is now in, as on the inner level – to which he has withdrawn – each one of you is no longer merely a man or a woman, you are androgynous, like Me. You then stand before your naked self, stripped of all pretences and false beliefs, ready to see yourself for who and what you really are and always have been. The final part of the story the man on the cross can tell is about the journey each one of you undertakes every time you leave your physical existence and body behind.

‘All of these things are as true for the more advanced souls in your midst as they are for those who to this day continue to look up to Jesus, hoping and praying that one day he will appear as their saviour and redeemer. Awakened souls can see that these people are praying in vain, because they know that the only God who will ever be capable of saving and redeeming anyone is My spirit, when in the fullness of time it comes alive and is born in ever more human hearts.

‘Each one of you without exception, My beloved children, does contain My spirit at least in seed form. It can only come alive when someone’s energies have become sufficiently evolved. This is how in the end even the last and slowest soul will awaken to the fact that the only way the Christ Spirit can save and redeem them is when they themselves develop My characteristics. They too need to learn how to handle all their affairs, personal ones as well as those of their world, in keeping with their true nature. This is how each one of you has to do their share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth, so that peace can come to your world quite naturally.

‘I, the Universal Christ, am the true Christ. I am the great white light at the top of the spiritual mountain and all the belief systems your world has ever known, including the ones that are still with you, have been and will continue to be no more than pathways. Each one was originally meant to lead you, the aspirant, back into your true nature and the conscious awareness of your oneness with your Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. The Christ or God part of everybody’s own nature is a vital part of Me, their only born Son, the Sun behind and beyond the Sun in the sky above you.

‘I am of My Father/Mother in equal proportion. The will and power of the Father are in Me as much as the wisdom and love of the Mother, and the same is true for all of you. I, the Christ Spirit and living God within you, am the glorious hero and all-conquering spirit who has been waiting for aeons to teach each one of you, My lower earthly counterparts, to rise above all the ills that have ever troubled and beleaguered you and your whole world. I am the aspect of your nature that can save and redeem you and teach you how to uplift and transmute all darkness into light, sorrow into joy, tears into laughter, fears and anxieties into total faith and trust in God and the ultimate goodness of the life S/He has created for us. These things play a vital part in the healing of everybody’s pain and suffering as well as that of your world.

‘The more you mature into spiritual adulthood, the easier you will grasp that everything that ever happened to you, individually and collectively, has been your own creation. Forgiving yourself and your perpetrators is made easier when you understand that all of it was necessary because the events were lessons that would eventually help you to grow and evolve into the one you have now become. Do not condemn or blame yourself for anything and treat your own suffering – the same as everybody else’s – with the compassion and love anyone deserves who is grappling with coming to terms with the spiritual purpose and meaning of Earth life.

‘Any of the unpleasant and traumatic events in your lives can only happen because of the seeds you once sowed and the repercussions of what you yourself at one time or another did to those you came in contact with, either earlier in your present lifetime or in others way back in the past. No matter what anyone sends out into the world, the Universal law, My law of Karma, decrees that everything has to return to its source. And that is why any kind of suffering, without exception, can only come about because it serves as a teaching aid that shows those at the receiving end what it feels like to be the victim of the expressions of someone’s lower nature.

‘By forgiving yourself and anyone who hurt and wounded you, you set yourself and the other one free. Forgiveness alone can cut the emotional/spiritual bonds that once existed between two people. It shows those in charge of you on the highest level of life that you have understood your lesson, and that nothing of this nature will ever be required by you again. When you have understood and accepted the necessity for the difficult and traumatic things that to this day take place on the Earth plane, you have saved yourself from the necessity of further lessons of this nature.

‘From there go forth with simple human kindness, love and compassion in your heart and redeem yourself by sharing your learning with all those who are in need of it. Living as a good example, show them new ways of loving and forgiving that they may wish to follow, so that they too can bring about their own saving and redemption and find healing and peace. And always bear in mind that in My eyes there is no such thing as failure. What your outer world likes to call a failure to Me is nothing but an opportunity for you, My beloved child,  that takes you a step forward on the road to success and your reunion with Me.

‘In both genders alike all aspects of your nature, the higher and lower as well as the inner woman in men and the inner man in women, need to be united and fully integrated. When they are working in peace and harmony together for the highest good of all, the same as they are in Me, lasting peace will come to your world. In this manner all power-seeking and warmongering will quite naturally come to its end, the way it has been written in the Great Father/Mother’s plan since the beginning of life on the Earth.

‘I bless you all, My beloved children.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’

* * *

This chapter was first released on Tuesday, 6th November 2014, the day of the full Moon in Scorpio, the sign of birth and death, rebirth, renewal and regeneration. The time around the full Moon is always one for finding enlightenment that may come to us in a flash of inspiration that provides us with a deeper understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a very long time.

The Scorpio full Moon takes place in Taurus, the Earth sign ruled by Venus. The sixth day of each month is ruled by Venus, the planet of harmony and peace that encourages us to look for compromises whenever we are in danger of getting stuck in any kind of situation. Tuesday is ruled by Jupiter, the planet responsible for the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Could there ever have been a more auspicious day for bringing the wisdom of the Highest down to the Earth by presenting it to a wider audience through my worldwide circle of spiritual friends and family?

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (5)

Lost And Found

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Learning To PrayLife itself has always been my teacher and the insights into any of the topics covered in my writings, which I have been sharing with you on an ongoing basis for a long time, never came to me as a result of book reading. They are intuitive knowledge that constantly grows from the experiences of my own life. My personal journey of a thousand miles, of healing and finding out who and what I really am, has been an exceedingly long and painful one. Having reached a ripe old age at the time of updating this chapter in December 2014, it does not feel as if my voyage of discovery were drawing to its close. And I am glad to say that I feel younger at heart now than ever before, probably because I am more in touch with my immortal and ageless spirit and soul.

In the course of many years, I have worked my way through mountains of emotional/spiritual debris that must have accumulated in my soul memories. During each lifetime they are stored in the very cells of our physical bodies, because our water body, the soul, is part of our outer shell, the physical body. That must be the reason why I frequently get a feeling that my soul is shedding layer upon layer of traumatic memories that reach ever deeper into past lifetimes. This process can be likened to the peeling of an onion and represents the emptying out that has been known to the mystics of all ages.

Now that the Age of Aquarius is well and truly with us, for all God’s children of the Earth this procedure is an essential part of the ever more rapidly progressing individual and collective rebirth of our race onto a higher level of consciousness and being. It is a mystical experience which each one of us in one of their lifetimes finally has to wade through. Pisces is a Water sign and its age served the development of our individual souls and that of our world. Aquarius is an Air sign and its age will see the development of human mental faculties to their highest potential. Eventually, this will enable all human souls to take us and our world forwards unto ever higher levels of understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.

My emptying out started many years ago and especially in the beginning was a very frightening experience indeed, as I had no idea of what was happening to me – neither had anyone else. Blessed with the gift of hindsight, it is not hard to see that this was because in previous lifetimes I closed off spiritually so much that in this one no-one ever even introduced me to praying. My birthchart confirms this. However, it is never too late for a new beginning and that’s what happened to me. One fine day, or rather night, the Lord’s Prayer came to the rescue. As it is such an important part of Western life, even I knew it by heart and that in English and German. As I have always been fond of poetry, I loved the prayer for the sheer beauty of its words.

And then one dark night, I was feeling too frightened and lonely to get to sleep. My most damaging shadows of the past must have been those of my traumatic early childhood describe at the beginning of this part of my jottings. Unable to shake them off and therefore too scared of the present and future, I could find no peace. Tossing and turning was the way I spent most nights in those days and had done as far back as I could remember. But in the end these hours of darkness turned into different ones, because suddenly the thought entered my mind: ‘Why don’t I pray?’ Never having done so before in this lifetime, I slowly started to say the Lord’s Prayer in my mind, first in one language, then in the other.

Over and over again I did this and after a while, I could feel myself calming down and eventually I drifted off to sleep. Having at least one evening prayer to say was a wonderful discovery, although even that did not always have the desired effect. Yet, it was a start. My Father/Mother did hear my prayers and recognised them as a cry for help. After a while, my Guardian Angel led me to people and things that could help me forwards – one small step at a time.

Looking back from where I am now, it is not hard to see that my prayers succeeded in awakening my Christ Self from its slumbers. It began to stir and tried very hard to get in touch with me, its earthly counterpart who, maybe in the course of many lifetimes, had become almost completely closed off from it. My whole life has been a quest for finding my very own Christ child in the manger that is my own heart. My personal road to Bethlehem, which all of us have to walk in the end, has been a hard and painful one. At the same time it is also joyous and enjoyable because it has been and still is immensely enriching and worthwhile, for I now know exactly where I have come from and where I am going to.

Having been lost once in the loneliness of Earth life, this time round I will do my very best to stay on the spiritual pathway, no matter how difficult and thorny, painful and frightening it may turn out to be at times, and how many more rocks and boulders I have to climb over on the road, I shall rest safely in the knowledge that truly, truly I am going home.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Three Wise Men’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (6)

The Road To Bethlehem  (1)

The Homecoming

The Road To Bethlehem - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers for Christmas, The New Year & Slpring

An essential part of humankind’s evolution is experiencing many lifetimes in physicality on the Earth plane. Finding our way back home from this existence into the conscious awareness of our true nature and reality and the reconnection with our Christ Self is the symbolism behind the road to Bethlehem. This is the reason why for each one of us there comes a time when we have to wade – only seemingly on our own – through the deepest, darkest and coldest night of the soul. This state comes about because our earthly self for a long time remains unaware of who and what human beings truly are, where we have come from and where at the end of each lifetime we are going to. In this sad and lonely existence we frequently get a feeling that our life lacks all purpose, meaning and direction.

Because of the initial spiritual ignorance of our race, all of us eventually reach the evolutionary point when our small and frightened lower self has to battle its own way through the labyrinth of false beliefs and prejudices that to this day abound in our world. And it takes quite some time until it finally dawns on us that it is up to us ourselves to go in search of our own truth that can help us find our way back into the comfort, warmth and light of once again knowing our true nature and origin. The journey of exploration this enterprise necessitates is a hard and lonely highway that each small frightened earthly self has to walk on its own.

And it is likely to happen to every human soul in one of their lifetimes that someone appears who promises to provide us with a redeemer of every one of our earthly transgressions, a higher being from a different world who is willing to save us and our world from certain destruction. Who would not want to follow such a good and easy way out of their predicament, if the only thing we have to give in return is our immortal soul – and we don’t even know what that means. As a result we may spend many a lifetime on the Earth looking for this being to come to our rescue, show us the way out of our present plight and release us from it, once and for all. On and on we march in this fruitless and seemingly endless search, until in one lifetime we finally come to the conclusion that nobody will ever do these things for us, for the simple reason that the only one who is capable of doing them is we ourselves.

Each one of us, including you and me, is an earthly child of the Christ spirit, whose coming has been promised humankind since time immemorial. A spark of this Divine spirit has been implanted in the deepest recesses of the memory of all human souls. There it lies slumbering dreaming of a peaceful and better place and world that exists somewhere. On and on the soul’s earthly self plods in pursuit of this vision, each lifetime reaping the fruits of the thoughts and deeds planted in previous lifetimes. For a very long time we remain unaware of this is what we are doing and all the while our experiences take us from things like hatred to love and the joy of warmongering to peacemaking, so that we should learn from them and our consciousness grow and expand.

This continues until one fine day, many lifetimes ahead, we have reached the spiritual maturity that our heart can begin to open and unfold like a flower. Our Christ qualities of compassion and love for humankind and its suffering come alive and move into the foreground of our consciousness. This enables us to enter into the pain of others and feel it with them, which enables us to freely and willingly walk with them through their experience. For the Angels and Masters in charge of us that is the signal they have been waiting for. It shows them that the living God in us has woken from its slumbers. That is a signal that the holy infant has been born in yet another heart and is in the process of evolving into maturity. And the Heavens exult that one more of God’s children of the Earth is reaching Bethlehem.

Our friends and helpers know only too well what kind of a tough and cruel road the way there can be. Until human hearts take possession of the characteristics of the Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, our true Divine parents and make these qualities their own, people cannot help growing ever colder, more selfish, greedy, judegmental and unforgiving towards the sins and suffering of others. For the wise ones who have already woken up, such things are nothing but signs that the Divine spark in the others is still asleep. For the ones who continue to insist on creating ever more negative Karma for themselves by inflicting pain and suffering on those around them, the qualities of the gentle Christ spirit of compassion and love have not yet woken up. Rest assured that in the fullness of time they too will find their first pointers and signposts for the road to Bethlehem.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (7)

The Road To Bethlehem (2)

No Room At The Inn

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - No Room At The Inn - Part B of The Road to BethlehemTo paraphrase St. John 1:5 ‘The Light always shone in the earthly self’s darkness of ignorance for the simple reason that for a very long time our lower self could not yet comprehend it.’ On and on the earthly self must plod on the exceedingly steep road to Bethlehem and many people at all times are also treading it. That is the only way it can be experienced what an existence without spiritual support and sustenance feels like. For as long as we remain in this darkened condition, when someone tries to tell us about anything related with the theme of God, we may just laugh into the other’s face and declare all of it to be a load of humbug and pretty stories for people who are a bit soft in the head, to put it mildly. When this happens, the spirit is knocking at the door of such a person’s consciousness, but cannot yet gain entry because the time for doing so has not yet come for this particular child of the Earth. That is the symbolism behind ‘No Room At The Inn’.

For every one of us there eventually comes the moment when the Christ Spirit in its early stages of development begins to stir from its slumbers and wants to be born in our heart. But if the time for this to happen has not yet come, at least for the moment, there is no room for it with us. And so, ever further we have to march on this lonely and comfortless road, alone with all our fears and anxieties about the future and in particular death, our own and that of our loved ones, sinking deeper and deeper into the mire of depression, sadly unaware that in truth we are never on our own.

But even while this fact and our true nature are still unknown to us, our climb up the spiritual mountain continues at a steady pace. In total and unconditional love and silence the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers, our good and kindly shepherds in the world of light, stand closely by. They take care of all our needs and keep watch, but they do not interfere with anyone’s progress, as each one of us has to do their own work because this is the only way our earthly lessons can truly be absorbed into our consciousness. But eventually for all of us together, earthly and Heavenly beings alike, there comes the glorious moment when yet another one of us awakens. Slumbering time is over and once more we become aware of who and what we truly are, where we have come from and what our final destiny is.

I have been there and know from first hand experience what a dark and threatening existence living without faith and hope is. It was my life’s way of teaching me what the road to Bethlehem means and what a long and winding pathway it is. It feels good beyond compare when the spark of the Divine, our own inner Christ child, has at last come alive and is born in the most humble place on Earth, the cave of our heart, and we realise that although we are still an earthly being, we are also a child of God, just like the Jesus legend tells us about the Master’s life.

In awe and wonder we then stand before ourselves and the discovery that it was the loving union of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, our true parents, who once created all His/Her children – including you and me –on the highest levels of being. Therefore, the conception of each new Christ child is indeed an immaculate one, because it takes place untouched by any earthly things, thoughts, ideas and feelings. These parents have always looked after and cared for each one of their earthly offspring. Through all our journeying and wandering, lifetime after lifetime, with much tenderness and infinite love, their wisdom has always been lighting every human child of the Earth’s path. This will forever continue, to ensure that each one of us in the end finds its way safely home and that for all God’s children of the Earth in the end the road to Bethlehem turns into a joyful one.

This happens each time when someone’s inner miracle of birth takes place, their Christ spirit comes alive and its characteristics begin to motivate that person and runs their life for them. This is the long awaited rebirth and we have every reason to be thankful and celebrate. Our heart fills with gladness, love and gratitude. The road up the mountain becomes easier and the cross of our earthly existence grows lighter, because we know that our dream and final goal, the re-union with the Godhead, is turning into a reality and we have arrived in Bethlehem.

Sure enough, the road that leads us to it has many twists and turns. This is because each one of us can only learn from their own experiences, but you can rely on it that everybody gets where we are meant to go in the end. And all the while the Angels walk with us, to ensure that nobody will ever be forgotten, left behind or truly lost. To help us grow strong and ever more Heaven-tall, they constantly accompany us, but they only step in when someone actually calls for their help. Their support is then felt more strongly and may manifest itself in many different ways. The object of their holding back is to bring forth everybody’s own inner strength and the determination to succeed against all obstacles.

The first phase of our development, to give you but one example, takes us through experiencing to the fullest humankind’s masculine aggression with is lust for power over and control of others, trouble, strife and possessiveness, warmongering and earthly and spiritual empire building. All of these characteristics are the early earthly human expressions of our Creator’s masculine energies, the God. As the history of our world over the past six thousand years or so shows, when these energies are left to their own devices and allowed to go on the rampage almost without restrictions, they have little to give to our world other than suffering and pain. The masculine needs to be balanced by the nurturing, caring, life-giving and protecting energies of its feminine counterpart, the Goddess. Both these energies are also in equal measure in each one of us earthlings. Our task is to learn to control and master them, so they can be used in positive and creative ways for the highest good of all.

That is why the next stage of our earthly education, many lifetimes later, moves us to the receiving end of the masculine aspect of our nature. Only when our Karma has sufficiently returned the result of what we planted during the first stage and we had our fill of experiencing in our own lives the fear, pain and suffering we once caused others, are we allowed to move on to the third and final chapter of our very own and personal odyssey. It guides us into the calmer waters of getting to know the value of peace and peacemaking.

All of these things are essential parts of everybody’s road to Bethlehem, because this is the only way that anyone can acquire the wisdom and understanding that is needed for the building of a happier existence on the Earth plane for all its lifeforms. For this purpose, at a certain point in our development, our Highest Self guides us away from the role of being a religious fanatic with a blinkered vision that cannot yet peer beyond the end of their nose and the boundaries of their chosen religion or the one they were born into, believing it to be the one and only holy making one. We will then be helped to develop an ever deeper appreciation of all the belief systems of our world that is based on the understanding that none of them were ever intended to represent an end in itself.

From its first appearance each one has merely provided humankind with another pathway up the spiritual mountain, which in the fullness of time would become obsolete and disappear. More and more of us are by now following the guidance of our Highest or Christ Self, the living God within, because this is the only authority in the whole of Creation who can reliably tell us the truth about anything we care to ask. Because we prefer to be taught in this way to any other, what is left of the religions our world will gradually fade away quite naturally. As each new religion that appeared in our world provided our race with yet another only too welcome excuse for bashing each other’s heads in, with fading away of the religions the warmongering will also die a natural death.

In due course each one of us will reach the point when we happily and freely give of our highest and best and share it with those who are walking behind us. Every time we do this we are kneeling before and worshipping the newly born King in our own heart, so it can also be born in the hearts of others. Whenever we give of our finest treasures and place them on the altar of life without discrimination against anyone, doing everything that is in our power to alleviate the suffering of our world, we are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and fulfilling the highest potential of humankind’s earthly existence.

And when under their guidance we do our share of blessing and healing all of humankind, our whole world and every other plane of life, the Shining ones in charge of us rejoice. They are smiling because another one of us has reached Bethlehem and on the way there has evolved into one of the saviours and redeemers of our world. They know that therefore all is well with us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Winter Solstice, Christmas And The New Year’

Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours,

With love and special blessings,

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (8)

The Road To Bethlehem  (3)

A Christmas Message From The World Of Light

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Christmas Message From The World of Light 2014

Today I would like to share with you the essence of a Christmas Message from our beloved helpers in the world of light. White Eagle acted as their spokesperson and brought it to me as one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts. My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear Friends, who made this communication possible. Happy Christmas to my worldwide circle of friends and spiritual family, too.

‘Dear ones, we are bringing you our message of love, good will and the renewal of hope, faith and trust to all of you. We know each one of you personally and we appreciate how hard, demanding and unrewarding earthly life can be at times. We want you to know that none of you have anything to fear, because on the inner level of life we are one with you and we are always with you. Today we convey to you our best wishes and hope that this Christmas you will know the joy of the true Christ Mass, which extends over the whole period of the twelve holy days and nights. This is something that can only be experienced and never be described adequately in the words of any earthly language.

‘Should you be on your own this Christmas and also if you can escape, if only for a brief moment here and there, from the merrymaking of those around you, in spirit you will not be alone – you never are. You will be in the company of us, your friends and helpers who already have the honour of sharing the glory of the Christ life in the world of light. Your loved ones are very close to you at this special time of the Christ Mass, wherever they may be at present. When genuine love has ever existed between two people, there will never be any separation between their spirits.

‘And now, turn your inner vision to the Christ Star,
the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation,
and pray that you may be used as a channel
for bringing Its healing and peace to your world.

‘God bless you all, each one.

  Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (9)

The Road To Bethlehem  (4)

Humankind On The Road To Bethlehem

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Humankind On The Road To Bethlehem

The road to Bethlehem is long.
Through the deepest, darkest and coldest night of the soul
Of failing to understand who we truly are,
And through the labyrinth of false beliefs and prejudices,
Every soul must eventually find its own way back
Into the comfort, warmth and light of recognising
Once again its own true nature and origin.
That, to me, is the road to Bethlehem.

This road to Bethlehem is hard.
It takes many lifetimes, until our small frightened earthly self
Realises that no Saviour and Redeemer
In the outer world will ever come to our rescue,
Because the true Saviour, the Christ child, promised of old,
Has always been waiting to come alive and
Be born in everybody’s own heart.
And when one fine day the human soul begins to open up
To the pain and suffering of others and endures them with them.
The love of the true Christ stirs and
The holy infant within is born and starts to grow.
The Heavens rejoice because one more human soul
Is coming home and kneels before its true Lord and Master,
The living God within, the Universal Christ,
Whose spark we all carry within.
The road to Bethlehem is tough and cruel.
Until human hearts take possession of the qualities of their Divine parents,
The Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
They cannot help growing ever colder,
Selfish, greedy, judgmental and unforgiving
Towards the suffering of others.
This is a sign that the Divine spark within is still asleep
And the qualities of the gentle Christ Spirit
Of compassion and love are slumbering with it.

The road to Bethlehem is steep.
But only for as long as the true God is still hidden from our inner view.
Regardless of that, each soul must continue its climb
Up the spiritual mountain.
While the wise ones, our guides and Masters,
The good shepherds in the world of light,
Stand closely by, take care of all our needs and keep watch,
Until the glorious moment when yet another one of us
Becomes aware of their own nature and destiny again.

The road to Bethlehem is long,
But eventually every human child of God stands
In awe and wonder before itself, when the Divine spark,
The Christ child, comes alive and is born
In the most humble place on Earth, the cave of our own heart.
The loving union of the great God and Goddess of all life,
On its highest levels, once created the child, so that
Untouched by all earthly things,
Its conception was indeed immaculate.
Father/Mother Creator, the child’s true parents,
Look upon each one of us, their earthly offspring,
Through all our wanderings, lifetime after lifetime,
With much tenderness and wondrous love.

The road to Bethlehem turns into a joyful one,
When at long last, the miracle of birth takes place,
The Divine spark, the Christ Spirit within, comes alive
And the qualities of the gentle Christ motivate us and run our lives for us.
When this happens to you, rejoice!
Your very own child has been born and you are reborn with it.
Our hearts fill with gladness, love and gratitude,
The road up the mountain becomes easier and
The cross of our earthly existence grows lighter,
For the goal, our final re-union with the Godhead,
Turns into a reality and we have reached Bethlehem!

The road to Bethlehem twists and turns.
Yet, we all get there in the end and the Angels ensure that
None of us is forgotten, left out or ever truly lost.
When we give of our best and bring forth from within
The highest we are capable of,
Sharing whatever gifts have been bestowed upon us with all
Who are walking behind us on the road,
Means kneeling before and worshipping the newly born King
In our own heart and assisting its birth in the hearts others.

Giving of our finest gifts to all, laying them
Down on the altar of life and doing our best
To alleviate whatever suffering we encounter in our world,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
We fulfil the purpose of our being on the Earth, which is
Doing our share of blessing and healing our whole world
And all those beyond.

God bless you all, not only at Christmas, but always.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Faith (10)

The Road To Bethlehem  (5)

Ave Maria by Franz Schubert 1797-1828

With New Words For Christmas In Our Time

A Prayer To The Great Mother Of All Life
A Song About Loneliness At Christmas Time
Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of  the Mother’s symbolisms.

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Ave Maria - Words Re-Written For The Aquarian Age

Ave Maria,
Most human beings dream of a life
That’s filled with tenderness,
But far too many of them are alone,
Shedding tears in lonesome days and nights.
But a few words are often enough
To show us that we are not on our own,
That strangers can become friends
And sorrows grow small.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria,
The journey of our earthly existence
Takes us through many dark nights of the soul,
Looking for a hand to hold onto,
When all we have to do is call upon the Highest Star
And ask the Angels for their help.
And if you are sad and lonely today,
Maybe someone ‘out there’ feels just like you,
Not only in this cold time of year.
Find them and by greeting them
With a smile and kind word
Show them that you want to be their friend.
Open your heart wide,
So they can feel the warmth
Of your honest intentions and kindness.
Ave Maria

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Ave Maria’

Charles and Helene Fischer
Jean Frankfurter, Bach

Sung by Helene Fischer in German
Freely translated by Aquarius

O beloved Great Mother, hear our prayer. The Age of Aquarius is with us now. It is the age of friendship and siblinghood with all life and we give thanks and praise to You for returning to the conscious awareness of our world to show us the way into a more peaceful and loving future. Please protect and guide us and grant each one of us the gift of your love, wisdom and understanding, so that new hope, faith and trust can grow in every heart and soul.

Help us to find ever more powerful ways of doing our share of making our world into the place you have shown us in our dreams by opening our hearts and reaching out for each other, not only at Christmas but throughout the whole year. May this continue until all humankind’s arrogance, fear and hostility towards each other has melted away and destructiveness, violence, crime, warfare and loneliness are no longer known in our world.

In the name of love we ask these things from You.


Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 8

The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (1)

A Celebration of the End Of The Patriarchy

And The Return Of The Love And Wisdom Of The Great Mother

Of All Life To Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds

To my mind, the best way of studying astrology is with hindsight and looking back at how the energies of the planets have been affecting us and our world in times gone by. This reveals that there really is a great plan of life and that it has always unfolded the way it should. There is no doubt in my mind that it will continue to do so forever. As the chapters of  this part of my jottings unfold before you like a vast cosmic flower, you will be able to see for yourself that there really is a great plan of life that was carefully and lovingly designed by our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and then quite literally written in the stars. The same is true for every human being’s birthchart. Each one is God’s miniature plan for that particular child of the Earth. Even though it covers only one lifetime, it clearly shows how every human life is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

In the course of several years chapter after chapter of this part of my jottings slowly came into being and I felt ever more strongly that the book of life was opening before me, to show me that there really is a great plan of life and how it has always been unfolding. This part of my work, probably more than any other, proves to me that we and our world have always rested safely and forever will do so in the hands of our Creator, the Father/Mother of all life. S/He is the Great designer and architect of life and the Angels are in charge of and responsible for the execution of the great plan.

What is before you now was written with the intention of reassuring all of us, including me, that all is well with us and our world, in spite of the fact that there have been many times – including now – when on the surface of things it appears that this is by no means the case. What better instrument could there be than astrology, the Divine Science, to reveal that there really is a great design of life, God’s Plan, which through the ages has been unfolding as it should? There is no doubt in my mind that this will continue forever.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (2)

To Everything There Is A Season

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – To Everything There Is A Season
  To everything there is a season
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to cast away stones and
A time to gather stones together.

A time to embrace and
A time to refrain from embracing.
A time to lose and a time to seek.
A time to tie up and a time to untie.

A time to rend and a time to sew.
A time to keep silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace –

He has made everything beautiful, in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

There were times when during our earthly sojourns
We had forgotten God’s true nature and our own.
When we thought that the death at the end of
Each one of them was the end of everything.
When we didn’t know that our departure from one level of life
Means to be reborn into our true home
And returning into the awareness of our real nature.

Our ignorance drew us and our world ever deeper
Into the patriarchy with its warmongering
That dragged us into times of ever more seriously
Hurting and wounding others and being wounded.
All human souls have to imbibe thoroughly
The lessons this brings to us and our world
So that we may learn to differentiate between
Darkness and light, evil and good, war and peace.
Out of the suffering of such periods grows
The wisdom and understanding we need
To get the permission of the Highest to return into
The knowledge of who and what we truly are.

This rekindles the flame of love in our hearts and
We are reborn into kinship and friendship with all life.
Rejoice, that time is now.
A time for finding forgiveness and healing,
For ourselves, each other, our world and all worlds,
For blessing and healing the soul wounds of all lifetimes,
Not only our own and everybody else’s,
But also those of our whole world.
That’s what the Age of Aquarius means to me.

Ecclesiastes is one of the most ancient parts of the Old Testament. It has its roots in Judaism and from there they penetrate ever deeper into the much older spiritual traditions of the Middle East and Africa, and in particular the Ancient Egyptian religion.

Recommended Viewing:
A Healing Gift For Humankind
•    Musical Rapture

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (3)

The Beginning Of The Patriarchy

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Beginning Of The PatriarchyMonica Sjöö and Barbara Mor in their book ‘The Great Cosmic Mother – Rediscovering the Religions of the Earth’ are coming to the conclusion that the span of our race’s existence on the Earth plane stretches over approximately 500,000 years. Of particular interest in connection with the patriarchy are the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The Stone Age was a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with an edge, a point or a percussion surface. The period lasted roughly 3.4 million years and ended between 6000 BC and 2000 BC with the advent of metalworking.

Stone Age artefacts include tools used by modern humans and by their predecessor species in the genus Homo, and possibly by the earlier partly contemporaneous genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus. Bone tools were used during this period as well but are rarely preserved in archaeological records. The Stone Age is further subdivided by the types of stone tools in use. The Stone Age is the first of the three-age system of archaeology that divides human technological prehistory into the periods of Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. On page 217 of ‘The Great Cosmic Mother’ the authors have this to say about these ages:

‘The Bronze Age marks a revolution in social organisation. There was a break with the religion of the megalith builders. The Great Goddess still ruled, but no longer supreme. Her son/lover became a more and more dominating Father God who was the God of war. He took over some of her functions and powers as his busy priests remade the old mythologies into this new image. In this they had the help of alphabets and scriptwriting invented by the women of the Goddess cultures. The beginning of the transition from matriarchal to patriarchal organisation seems to have come about in Mesopotamia, as elsewhere, through the political-social revolt of the Queen’s consort.

‘She traditionally conferred executive powers on him by allowing him to adopt her names, robes and sacred instruments and regalia. For example, the widespread custom of the king wearing artificial breasts and long robes, acting as sacred agent of the Goddess. The ‘crown’ on his head was the ‘crown of birth’ from the Goddess – as babies were still said to ‘crown’ a woman at the birth of her children. When the king revolts against this sacred role, in order to exploit the secular power of the matriarchal domain, the Mother Goddess religion starts to become distorted. With the rewriting of the old mythologies we see the rise of the Father God as secular male usurpation of social, political and economic power.

‘With the decay of the matriarchal cultures, the women’s mystery rites lost their significance as the pristine female participation in a feminine Universe. The relation of women worshippers changes to that of a young male God, who has grown from the Goddess’s infant son into an adolescent and then into a God of war. The relationship of the Mother and Her son first becomes distorted into one of a lover to his bride and then into a dominating Lord and His humble servant. And the wild women dance companions of the androgynous Dionysus are ‘legalised’ into submission, becoming weak and fawning followers of a macho-warrior Godhead, and later of a crucified Christ who denies the Mother.’

End of the extract from ‘The Great Mother’
Edited by Aquarius

Alice Walker, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of ‘The Colour Purple’, said: ‘It is one of the most important books I ever read.’ A view I share entirely. The book is an education and highly recommended. Its five hundred pages are well worth taking the time for reading it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Cosmic Mother’
•    ‘The Wisdom Of The Great Mother’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (4)

Religions Throughout The Ages Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Religions Of Past AgesThe Neolithic Age, Era or Period, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period in the development of human technology that began about 10,200 BC, according to the ASPRO chronology, in some parts of the Middle East, and later in other parts of our world. It is thought to have ended between 4,500 and 2,000 BC.

The Bronze Age is a time period characterised by the use of bronze, proto-writing, and other early features of urban civilization. This age is the second principal period of the three-age Stone-Bronze-Iron system, as proposed in modern times by Christian Jürgensen Thomsen, for classifying and studying ancient societies. These societies are defined to be in the Bronze Age because they either smelted their own copper and alloyed it with tin, arsenic or other metals, or they imported bronze from production areas elsewhere. Copper-tin ores are rare, as reflected in the fact that there were no tin bronzes in western Asia before trading in bronze began in the third millennium BC.

Worldwide, the Bronze Age generally followed the Neolithic period, but in some parts of the world, the Copper Age served as a transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Although the Iron Age generally followed the Bronze Age, in some areas, the Iron Age intruded directly on the Neolithic from outside the region. Bronze Age cultures differed in their development of the first writing. According to archaeological evidence, cultures in Mesopotamia with the cuneiform and Egypt with its hieroglyphs developed the earliest viable writing systems.

The Iron Age is the period that gradually replaced the Bronze Age. This age was marked by the prevalent use of iron. Its production is known to have taken place in Anatolia at least as early as 1200 BC, but some contemporary archaeological evidence points to earlier dates.

The early period of the Iron age is characterised by the widespread use of iron or steel. The adoption of these materials coincided with other changes in society, including different agricultural practices, religious beliefs and artistic styles. The Iron Age as an archaeological term indicates the condition as to civilisation and culture of people who used iron as the material for cutting their tools and weapons. The Iron Age is the third principal period of the three-age system created by Christian Thomsen, 1788–1865, for classifying ancient societies and prehistoric stages of progress.

In historical archaeology, the ancient literature of the Iron Age includes the earliest texts preserved in manuscript tradition. Sanskrit and Chinese literature flourished during the Iron Age. Other texts include the Avestan Gathas, the Indian Vedas and the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible. The principal feature that distinguishes the Iron Age from the preceding ages is the introduction of alphabetic characters, and the consequent development of written language which made keeping literature and historic records possible.

The influence of the Bronze Age appears to have spread throughout our world from Anatolia/Turkey, where it lasted from about 6,000 to 1,000 BC. It was a period when a kind of writing and other features of urban civilisation appeared. Early writing systems emerged in Eurasia in the early third millennium BC but not through sudden inventions. They were developments based on earlier traditions of symbol systems that cannot be called writing the way we now know it. Yet, these systems already had many characteristics that were strikingly similar to ours. These early systems are known as proto-writing. Although they used ideographic and/or early mnemonic symbols for conveying information, they probably were still devoid of greater linguistic meaning and content. These systems emerged in the early Neolithic period as early as the seventh millennium BC.

Everything that exists on the material plane of life is a manifestation of the Great Mother, i.e. every one of the stars and planets in the whole of Creation, as well as our Sun and its solar system. Mother Earth and all lifeforms she holds in her loving embrace are physical manifestations of the Goddess, the feminine love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity. She is the soul of the whole of Creation and our soul is part of Her. Soft and sensitive, passive and yielding she is the feminine feeling side of God, the masculine positive and outgoing will and power aspect of the Divine Trinity. When the intuitive feminine characteristics had embedded themselves deeply enough in the consciousness of our race, the time had come for teaching us the use or abuse, as we shall soon see, of the logical and rational thinking masculine qualities of God’s nature and our own.

From the earliest beginnings of humankind’s evolutionary journey through earthly life, the Angels and Masters, who are in charge of and responsible for us and our world, have been trying to teach us about God’s nature and our own with the help of myths and legends that could be verified by practical examples. The first religions focussed on worshipping the Goddess. Through the feminine processes and Her powers of creation and destruction, life and death, transformation and rebirth we were constantly honouring Her presence by experiencing them in ourselves and those around us. Through working with and so developing and integrating the Goddess’s characteristics, the soft and sensitive vulnerable feminine feeling side of our own nature developed. It is during this evolutionary phase that humankind’s earthly nature built itself a soul, individually and collectively.

When this development had progressed sufficiently, our race was ready for its next giant step forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. For this purpose each one of us through their own experiences had to develop the characteristics of the masculine side of their nature. To find out when the energies were right, in accordance with God’s plan of life, so this could come about in the natural course of events, in the following chapters we shall be reaching deep into the past.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’
•    ‘The Natural End Of All Religions’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (5)

Searching For God

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Searching For God

I searched, but I could not find Thee.
I called Thee aloud, standing on the minaret.
I rang the temple bell with the rising and setting of the Sun.
I looked for Thee on the Earth.
I searched for Thee in the Heavens, my Beloved.
And at last I have found Thee –
Thou art the pearl of true love that for so long had to
Remain hidden in human hearts.

Freely and willingly I surrender my whole being to Thee.
Thee I serve in all my daily encounters by
Thinking, speaking and acting with
Compassion and tolerance, patience and love,
And simple human kindness.

Thou art that which is good, right and beautiful,
Not only in me but in every human being.
As so far in some of us it only exists in seedform
And a slumbering state,
Helping it to wake up is my task.
Loving and understanding them
Are the only weapons I shall ever need.
They are part of the God aspect of my own being,
Called by some Jesus and others Allah.
My whole being is tuned into the frequencies of
The Highest Forces of life.
Their guidance and protection
Shall forever make me invincible.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (6)

The Triumph Of The Patriarchy

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Triumph Of The PatriarchyThe following is another extract from the book ‘The Great Cosmic Mother – Rediscovering the Religions of the Earth’ by Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor: ‘The triumph of patriarchy in the Bronze Age corresponded with the development of heavy metals, and their connection with professional warfare. Metallurgy, when it first appeared, was a highly ritualised and sacred art under guardianship of the Goddess, with strong taboos attached to it. Metals were light – gold, silver, tin, copper – and were mostly shaped into jewellery, ornaments, ceremonial vessels. Undoubtedly, the mystery transformation of running hot metals into ornaments and tools, using fire, moulds and ovens, was first developed by women incidental to their experimentation with pottery.

‘Once developed into a distinct art, mining and smelting seem to have been the special tasks of men who lived apart from women, under religious restriction or taboo. The only male figures found on Cretan seals were tiny bodies of smiths, scratched beside the larger figure of the Goddess. Sacred metallurgy served the Neolithic Goddess and the people wisely, but in the Bronze Age the ritual controls were broken; metallurgy passed into the male sphere entirely, becoming a secular industry (or a religious industry in service to the God of War). This opened the Earth up for the first time to violent exploitation, including struggles between male groups for control over the earth’s ores.

‘Some evidence suggests, as John G. Jackson wrote, that iron-smelting began in central Africa.’ According to Merlin Stone, the process of mining and smelting iron ore was discovered by the Aryan Hittites, circa 2500 B.C. We don’t know. The significant fact is that, compared with the copper, gold, and bronze of the Goddess cultures, iron was a much stronger and more abundant metal; in particular it provided more efficient, heavier weapons. The Aryan people kept their iron-smelting process secret for many centuries, as on it depended their technological supremacy and sole power over the more culturally and practically developed matriarchal peoples. The Indo-Europeans, for example, had no written language of their own, but adopted the script of the peoples they conquered. In this adapted script, the sign for ‘man,’ ‘iron,’ and ‘Mars’ – the War God – are the same. Further, the Goddess people used the wheeled wagon (their invention), pulled by a donkey, for daily use and trade; the Anatolian Hittites and later Near Eastern warrior-people were the first to harness up horses, turning wagons into war chariots.

‘T. C. Lethbridge in ‘Witches’ speculates that it was the development of metallurgy as a male art that brought the end of the Mother Goddess cultures. Larger and heavier metal weapons radically changed men’s experience and techniques of war, giving advantage to the emerging ‘professional warrior’ – and changing warfare from a defensive tribal skill to a whole new game stressing aggressive offence, and the spoils of victory. The new weapons mounted on wheeled wagons also allowed war to be carried on much further from home. With this war became a speciality of roaming mercenaries, while the women remained at the home village maintaining the culture.’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (7)

The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Great Year And The Ages Of HumankindIn the slowly moving progressions of the planets in our birthcharts, and on a much grander scale in the precession of the equinoxes, it is clearly visible that the purpose of all life is evolution. They are showing us that everything in the whole of Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards in the most orderly procession that is strictly in keeping with God’s great plan of life. I shall try to explain the technicalities of the precession as briefly as possible. It takes the Earth nearly 26,000 years to complete one cycle to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac. One of these cycles is known as a Great Year and each sign the Earth passes through represents one Great Month. Every one of them lasts around 2,160 years. The unique character of these months strongly influences all creatures and happenings on our planet.

The Great Months are also known as the Ages of Humankind. No-one can tell exactly when one of them ends and a new one begins. All we know is that by now we have entered the Age of Aquarius. And when you observe our world more closely, you will be able to see for yourself how the influence of its energies are becoming increasingly visible. Remnants of the preceding Age of Pisces are still with us and are hard to shake off in some parts of our world. Nonetheless all conflicts that exist to this day on our planet have to be dealt with by us, individually and collectively. Read more about this in ‘Healing The Conflicts Of Our World’.

I find it helpful to view everything that exists in our world and in particular our race’s evolutionary development against the backdrop of the full sweep of the history, at least the parts to which we have access. The wisdom of hindsight reveals that two main lessons always had to be tackled by our race: a) the use and abuse of power and b) learning to love wisely. Wars are but one of the evils our world had and still has to experience in the process of learning the lessons of power. There are many other ways of misusing it, and each one is trying to teach us and our world to differentiate between good and evil. Most important, to my mind, is the glorious lesson that none of us, on this level of life, has any true power – it belongs to God alone. All we can do is our best to live in harmony with the Universal laws and endeavour to align ourselves to the will and wishes of God’s power and love, so they can work miracles through us similar to the ones of the Jesus legend. Read more about this in ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’.

To this day, there is plenty of evidence that there have been times on our planet when people worshipped with the help of the Earth element and stone images. During other periods the Fire element and its most obvious manifestation, the Sun, were the focus and centre of our religions. Stone circles and especially the most famous one, Stonehenge, are leftovers from such times. Stonehenge is extremely old. Radiocarbon dating suggests the stones were raised sometime in 2400 and 2200 BC, but another theory places the construction all the way back to 3000 BC. These things are indications of one of the past ages under the influence of the Earth sign Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, which in the ordinary zodiac is followed by the Air sign Aquarius. However, in the precession of the equinoxes the Fire sign Sagittarius comes after it.

To find out why this is so, we have to reach out further. Most people know that the Earth rotates on its axis. Less known is the fact that it does so with a slight wobble that can be likened to the movements of a giant spinning top. Because of this wobble the constellations situated behind the Sun over thousands of years have gradually been changing their positions. The word precession means the slow movement of the axis of a spinning body around a perpendicular. Because of this, almost imperceptibly the equinoxes are coming round that bit earlier, all the time. This is called the precession of the equinoxes and that is the reason why the zodiac signs of the Great Months move anti-clockwise, while those in our birthcharts do so clockwise. And just as the Sun signs in our birthcharts colour the character of each human soul on its pathway through their present lifetime, every one of the Great Months has its unique characteristics to impart which greatly influence all creatures and happenings on our planet.

Recommended Viewing:
•    Videos showing that the religions of our world have their origin in Sun worship ancient astrology:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing The Conflicts Of Our World’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Could Religions Ever Change Anything?’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (8)

The Gifts Of The Ages

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Gifts Of The AgesI believe that the Ages of Humankind reveal like nothing else that there really is a great plan of life and that it has always been unfolding and forever will continue to do so with the precision of a giant clockwork. This applies as much to every individual human life as it does to our whole world and the rest of the Cosmos. Each one of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm and the whole Universe is contained within each one of us. We are children of the Highest, and in spite of the fact that many think of this idea as absurd, we are indeed young Gods in the making. The plan for every individual soul’s development as well as that of our race and world is an essential part of God’s great overall plan for the whole of Creation. I for one cannot help marvelling at the ingenuity of the Universal mind.

Seeing is believing and when I reflect on how the plan has been unfolding for thousands of years just as it should, I feel that the book of life lying open before me. In moments like that I know with great certainty that we and our world shall forever rest safely in the hands of God and the Angels. My whole being fills with love for them and gratitude for the thankless job they have been doing for such a long time. Now I know that the law of life is love, I realise that it could not have been any other way. The power of the love that has always taken care of all our needs and forever will continue to do so is way beyond human imagination and our own so far still quite feeble ability to love.

Being loved wisely and with detachment, time and again we find ourselves in earthly life so that in the fullness of time we should learn how to love God’s way. We are here to acquire the ability to show and express our appreciation for those around us by allowing them to make their own mistakes, so they can learn from them, while we are standing by in the background, in the manner of the Angels. Their love never flounders or withdraws the way humans all too frequently do when things are not going, as we would like them to. Loving like the Angels becomes easier from a distance when we are no longer going onto each other’s nerves from too much closeness. That’s what we find out when our loved ones have departed – at the predestined moment – into the world of light.

God’s great plan decrees that anything in the whole of Creation can only happen when the time for it is right and the planets are lined up so that their energies allow events to take place. When these conditions have been fulfilled, they come about as part of the natural order of things. As good an example of this as any is the human ability to recognise some of the ideas that are constantly flowing from the Universal mind into our earthly minds as meaningful. For our present world the skill of receiving and then communicating and spreading these ideas to a wider audience with the help of the written and spoken word is likely to have taken place during one of the ages of Gemini.

The mutable Air sign Gemini is responsible for the development of our earthly minds and the skills most of us take for granted, like walking, talking and communicating with others. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the winged messenger of the Gods. Several times he turns up in the legends of antiquity as the one who steals the fire of the God’s, i.e. the creative ideas from the highest levels of life which he brings to humankind to ease the struggles of their earthly existence.

The Angels around the throne of God, the Christ circle, are responsible for the spiritual progress of each one of us and our whole world. The fire of the Gods is a symbolism for the creative ideas the Angels are constantly transmitting to us and our world. As servants of the Great Mother and guardians of Her wisdom, they are the ones who decide which of the Divine ideas are suitable and can be understood by us at any given time. It was their inspiration that brought every one of the religions and belief systems that ever existed in our world into being. As soon as one of them had outlived its usefulness, it was removed and replaced by a new one that would take our race another step forwards on its evolutionary journey through space and time.

Every new religion that appeared evolved from the ones that came before it. Each time the Angels gave us a bit more about the spiritual background of life, but only as much as we could understand at any given time. For example, the Jewish faith is believed to have emerged as a religious tradition nearly four thousand years ago. This makes sense as part of the developments of the Age of Aries, about 2500 BC – 300 BC. A whole new cycle of experiences had begun and the idea of monotheism entered into the consciousness of our world. From now on there was only one God and during the time of the patriarchy it had to be a masculine God. Judaism has its roots in the ancient near eastern region of Canaan, now Israel and Palestinian territories. It evolved from the beliefs and practices of the people who lived in the area that is now known as Israel.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (9)

As Above, So Below

Astrological Correspondences

Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies

To paraphrase Paracelsus, 1493 – 1541 AD: Humankind is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Each one of us is a small world and a miniature Universe that contains something of every one of the stars and planets, not only of our solar system but also all others in the whole of Creation. Because we are influenced by them as much as they are by us, we are now going to take a closer look at the planets of our solar system in what ways this manifests itself.

Let’s start with the Sun in the sky above us. It is a physical and spiritual manifestation of the only born son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the spirit of the Universal Christ. This is the light of all lights, the Sun of all Suns behind the Sun of our world. Its light and warmth brings all forms of life into being and constantly recreates and sustains them. The spiritual Sun is the heart of the Universe in the same way as the heart that beats in all human chests is the centre of our being. There dwells the power that keeps our physical bodies going. Visualising the Sun at the centre of our solar system enables us to raise our own vibrations and those of our world. We can make a valuable contribution towards bringing our new world into being simply by imagining that Its rays are penetrating ever more deeply into the consciousness of our race and world and that this will continue until the Divine glory of our true nature has re-awakened in the last one of us.

The Universal Christ is the great white light at the top of the spiritual mountain, mountain of all mountains and light of all lights that gives Its light to all minor lights, including the Divine spark in each one of us. We are part of this great light that once sent us out into exploring earthly life, so that we should grow in wisdom and understanding. We can only get to know ourselves and our world through our own experiences. From the moment a spark of the Divine emerges from our Creator’s loving heart, the Angels are in charge of us. Once we have acquired a physical body as our vehicle to get through earthly life, it is their task to guide us downwards into exploring the depths of human nature. As soon as we have reached the bottom of this pit, the events of our life gradually take us upwards and forwards on the evolutionary spiral. Slowly but surely, in the course of many lifetimes, we evolve into an ever more beautiful and perfect, i.e. whole being.

The rays of the Christ Spirit contain all colours of the rainbow and have always been working on blending, healing and harmonising all lifeforms of our world. It does not matter how many and what kind of disruptions may still have to take place on the Earth plane, the Christ rays will never cease to permeate all life, drawing together the threads of destiny of God’s great plan of life. The Christ energies are working hard to weave us and our world into the glorious rainbow of colour and beauty of the spirit background of life throughout the whole of Creation. When this development has reached its height and can go no further, all colour and beauty transforms itself back into the spiritual Sun’s perfect light. The processes of creation then start all over again and it’s anyone’s guess how often this has taken place already.

By sign and house position the Sun in our birthchart represents the pull of our spirit or Highest Self. It coaxes and encourages us to reach for and develop the higher and highest qualities of the signs we are passing through in any given lifetime. The Moon represents our earthly personality and the drag of the past in the form of the habitual thinking and behaviour patterns our small earthly self developed in previous lifetimes. By now they usually have become so deeply engrained that they can be exceedingly hard to shake off.

Whatever we leave behind in unresolved relationships and issues in our present lifetime, we are going bring with us into the next one to have another go at resolving them. Whichever level of spiritual development we have reached at the time of our passing into the world of light, that’s where we shall restart next time round. Every single thread is picked up when once more enter into earthly life in search of spiritual growth, expansion of consciousness, wisdom and understanding all of us are here to seek.

The Sun governs the general flow of energy throughout and around our physical body, the earthly vehicle for this lifetime. We also have an etheric, auric and energetic body whose energies extend far beyond the physical one. First and foremost the Sun rules the creative and procreative processes, as well as the functioning of the heart, circulation, vitality, healing and wellbeing.

The Moon governs the fluid of our bodies. In the same way the Moon throughout its orbit round the Earth influences the tides of the oceans it affects the fluids in our physical body. Water retention, blood flow, digestive motion and cellular moisture all respond to the Moon’s energy.

Mercury is responsible for mental functions and equally influences both hemispheres of our brain. Clarity of intellect, creative thought and strategic calculations of the brain are part of its domain. It also rules automatic body functions like breathing, blinking and so forth. Mercury together with the Moon influences our digestive functions.

Venus governs our sensory organs. It influences the glandular products of our kidneys and veins, as well as everything connected with mouth, tongue, taste, swallowing and saliva. Our sensory perception of touch is under the rulership of Venus and also the skin, dermis and epidermis. The Venusian energies regulate the sweetness of our body through the production of insulin it balances the sugars and carbohydrates.

The red planet Mars not surprisingly has the rulership of our red blood cells and the natural oxidation of our physical body. Its energies encourage the building of muscle tissue and assertiveness. They have a strong influence on the procreative parts and the sexual organs of our body.

Vast and expansive Jupiter governs the growth of our physical body. It influences the working of liver and gall bladder and is concerned with the processes of elimination, excretion and the clearing out of toxins. Jupiter’s energies are protective and work to physically and spiritually increase growth.

Saturn is the planet of control that influences all human structures, especially the bones of our physical body and the skin. The strength of our most basic inner stability manifests itself in the skeletal systems. Saturn influences the density of bones through the distribution of calcium and other fortifying elements which shows itself in cartilages, teeth, nails and so forth.

Uranus individually and collectively governs the nervous system. It influences the functioning of our respiratory system with its bronchial tubes, lungs, diaphragm, cilia and trachea.

Neptune governs the functioning of most of our glands, particularly the endocrine glands which play a role in the secretion of hormones. These glands include the thyroid, pituitary and adrenals ones which are connected with mystical sensitivity and special talents. Neptune also influences the lymphatic system.

Pluto governs the reproductive system and all other processes of renewal, regeneration and healing. It regulates the functioning of the immune system and the constant birth, death and rebirth of the physical body cells.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (10)

Chiron And The Healing Journey

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Chiron And The Healing JourneyThe word astrology is derived from the Latin astrologia. For a long time astrology and astronomy were treated as one science. The two subjects were gradually separated by the Western seventeenth century philosophy known as the Age of Reason, when astrology was rejected as not being scientific enough. During the later part of the medieval period, people were increasingly looking at astronomy as the foundation on which astrology is based. By the eighteens century the two subjects were more and more regarded as completely separate disciplines. Astronomy, the study of objects and phenomena that originate beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, was considered to be a science and became a widely-studied academic discipline.

Many use the positions of celestial objects as the basis for astrological predictions of future events. As a form of divination astrology is regarded by many as a pseudoscience of no scientific validity. In contrast to this, my kind of astrology is applied psychology and one of the finest tools for getting to know ourselves more intimately. To me, astronomy represents the study of the physical manifestations of the planets, i.e. the part that can be seen by earthly eyes – if only with the help of ever more powerful telescopes. Astrology to me is the Divine science that provides us with interpretations of the higher esoteric spiritual realities that are at work behind all earthly life, in us as much as anywhere else in the whole of the created world. This part is invisible to earthly eyes and can only be perceived and interpreted intuitively.

Astronomy tells us that Chiron is a small icy body that orbits the Sun in the outer solar system among the giant planets. Once thought to be the most distant known asteroid, Chiron is now believed to have the composition of a comet nucleus, i.e. a mixture of water ice, other frozen gases, organic material and silicate dust. This heavenly object, whatever you may wish to call it, was discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Kowal. It was then classified as an asteroid and given the number 2060. Let’s take a peek at what this may mean numerologically.

2 = the Moon, represents our earthly self with its soft and sensitive feeling side, the soul. 6 = Venus, ruler of Libra, the peacemaker of the zodiac, supports us with its energies for making peace with ourselves. 2 + 6 = 8 = Saturn, planet of Karma, a symbol of the Divine aspect of the stern schoolmaster who demands self-discipline and self-mastery from its children of the Earth. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn, the sign in which the highest human achievements are possible, if we are willing to work for them patiently and hard enough. Saturn’s energies bring with them the ability to envisage distant goals and working our way towards them with great strength, tenacity and determination. If that’s what we do, our efforts in the end are rewarded and Saturn’s role changes from that of the teacher into the rewarder. Life itself is our teacher and our rewarder and Saturn’s position in connection with Chiron brings us the promise that, if we keep on searching even our deepest and traumatic wounds will eventually be healed. As Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of the sign Aquarius, our work at the same time prepares us well for our entry into the greater spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age.

The zero represents the circle of Eternity and 2060 containing it twice points to a reinforced double attunement with eternal life and the rediscovery of our immortal nature. Can you see how nothing happens perchance, not even the giving of a number? Isn’t that a clear indication that the love of our Creator is at all times trying to help us in some way, if only we open our eyes to perceive it? I find it astonishing that even the minutest and seemingly unimportant details like this are attended to with great care and have to be just right for the purpose they are serving. Observing this kind of thing leaves me in no doubt that with the appearance of Chiron, individually and collectively the points were set for the healing of our deepest Karmic wounds.

That no doubt is why the comet Chiron, in spite of its smallness, for a while entered into the focus of our world and attracted a good deal of special attention. The comet is about 200 km (125 miles) in diameter and travels in an unstable, eccentric orbit that crosses that of Saturn and passes just inside that of Uranus with a period of 50.45 years. In 1989 American astronomers Karen Meech and Michael Belton detected a fuzzy luminous cloud around Chiron. Such a cloud, termed a coma, is a distinguishing feature of comets. It consists of gases and entrained dust escaping from the cometary nucleus when sunlight causes its ices to sublimate, i.e. change from solid to gas without going through the liquid stage.

Given Chiron’s distance from the Sun, the sublimating ices are likely to be far more volatile substances than water ice, carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide. On the basis of that discovery, Chiron was reclassified as a comet. Additional study of historical observations showed that Chiron has been active in the past, including at the time of its discovery in 1977. Subsequently, additional asteroid-size icy bodies in orbits that cross those of the outer planets were discovered and given the class name Centaur objects. Several of them have also displayed sporadic comet like activity.

Chiron’s astronomical details are an indication that astrologically it is a link between the inner planets of the personal self and the outer ones of the collective and transpersonal consciousness of our world. Chiron’s energies provide us with a bridge from the known to the unknown, from the old to the new and from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. In our birthcharts the comet reveals the area of our life in which we were most deeply wounded in previous lifetimes. The pain of these injuries is felt with such intensity in this one to force us eventually into seeking some genuine relief and healing. Because this wound is of a karmic nature, it manifests itself early on in life as the result of behaviour and thinking patterns we brought with us. They were already deeply ingrained when we took our first breath.

Chiron’s position by sign and house is a highly sensitive point of our birth chart. In the areas of our life experiences they are an indication of our primal experience of pain and rejection. The suffering we endured in the earlier part of our present lifetime magnifies our pain with great strength. Much of the behaviour of our parents, siblings, lovers, friends and others in our environment towards us constantly adds to our inner soul wound. If we try to internalise the signals our soul is giving us in this way, the pain gradually deepens and our suffering increases.

This continues until we finally decide that something has to be done about it and so that to end our suffering, we go in search of healing. Some may wander to the four corners of the Earth in search of a cure for their pain. Cure after cure may be tried, healer after healer consulted. With each one of them we are making a step forward along the path towards healing and wholeness. Although Chiron’s position gives us pointers about the nature of our wound, there is but one effective cure which can only be found through the inner way and an ever increasing awareness that we are immortal beings and that our immortality has not vanished from us in earthly life.

My life’s experiences has taught me that Chiron’s main message is that every human soul carries within one particularly deep karmic wound that throughout all our lifetimes it has been causing us a great deal of pain and is doing so to this day. It takes a long time until we realise that the cause of this wound is our lost inner connection with our Highest Self. When the link to our inner teacher, healer and comforter, who knows the way of all things, has been consciously and fully re-established our healing process is complete and we are whole.

Developing the spiritual qualities of our Christ nature is the only way of healing this wound and forgiveness is the key to all reconciliation. First of all we need to forgive ourselves for setting the wheels of everything that is in our life in motion. But that’s by no means all. The next step is facing the fact that this part of our healing journey is usually accompanied by very powerful fears. Only when we bravely pursue and face that which we fear most can our fears dissolve and healing take place. The work involved may be a long haul that takes courage and willpower, and to our astonishment we may find out that more often than not the things we feared most never came to pass. Love is the law of life and the greatest healer of all. It dissolves fear and when we learn to love and accept ourselves just the way we are, and do the same for others, our wound closes.

Healing takes place when we get to know the source of our pain and accept it. It can be transmuted by going beyond it and using it in creative ways for the benefit of others, for example by writing about the learning we have gathered along the way and sharing it. Chiron’s wound thus turns into a means of transformation for ourselves and others. As time and again we work our way through our pain, the characteristics of our Christ nature stir from their slumber and feelings of love and compassion for our own suffering and that of others are born in us. Although pain and suffering are powerful personal experiences, they are also Universal ones. It is through our newly won awareness of the nature of pain and suffering that we begin to empathise with others and get involved with the grief of the collective consciousness of our world.

As our own latent healing abilities awaken, we feel increasingly drawn towards doing something to alleviate the suffering of every one of God’s creatures and ultimately our whole world. And that is how the wounded one in us transforms him/herself into a teacher and healer.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (11)

Chiron In Mythology

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Chiron In MythologyNow let’s take a look at how mythology presents Chiron as the archetypal wounded healer. Not surprisingly, there are different versions of the legend that surrounds him. Born half-human and half-horse, he was the result of a union between Saturn and Philyra. Repulsed by the look of her child, Philyra rejected it at birth and begged the Gods to take it away. They took Chiron and instructed him in warfare and the healing arts, music and ethics as well as astrology. He grew up into a wise teacher and mentor, healer and prophet. Later in life, Chiron was wounded in the knee by an arrow.

The wound would not heal although Chiron spent all his time searching for a cure. In spite of being an accomplished healer, he could not heal himself and because he was an immortal, not even death could release him from his wound. In his desperation he eventually swopped places with Prometheus, the Earth Titan, who had been banished to the underworld for stealing the fire of the Gods. Prometheus returned to earthly life as an immortal in exchange for Chiron’s ability to die, so he could find the much longed for freedom from pain.

In the course of many thousands of years, every so often the Angels introduced new legends and myths to our world. Each one of them was part of the great plan of life and designed to bring us a bit closer to understanding God’s true nature and our own. In aid of the development of the masculine aspect of life, its energies and the way they express themselves in human life, with the passing of time the worship of the Goddess and the feminine were substituted by tales that portrayed men as the all-conquering heroes. This continued until in the end the masculine’s only purpose in life was to take possession of and dominate the feminine and her world. With the invention of ever bigger and more powerful war machinery and the increase in warfare this brought, humankind’s healing requirements grew. In the past the healing arts had been women’s realm, but this too was soon seized by the patriarchy, as the Chiron legend of Greek mythology clearly shows.

For us as aspiring healers and lightworkers the legend of Chiron, the wounded healer is of particular significance. I have been unable to establish when it came into being. All I could find was that Homer, the Greek poet, mentioned centaurs in ‘The Iliad’. Homer is thought to have lived sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC and possibly originated from somewhere along the coast of Asia Minor. He is famous for the epic poems ‘The Iliad’ and ‘The Odyssey’. Both have had an enormous effect on Western culture, but very little is known about their alleged author. Homer’s importance to the ancient Greeks is described in Plato’s Republic, where he is referred to as the protos didaskalos ‘first teacher’ of tragedy, the hegemon paideias, ‘leader of learning’.

Back to the tales surrounding the centaur Chiron. He had been born into a breed of beings that were half human and half horse. They were known to be raucous and overly indulgent but although he was one of them, when Chiron grew into adulthood he became known as an intelligent and civilised being, a noted astrologer, a healer as well as an oracle. In one of the legends Chiron sacrificed his earthly life so that humankind could obtain the use of fire. However, having been born as son of Cronus, one of the Titans, Chiron was the son of a God and therefore immortal. There are varying accounts of how he got wounded, but all of them state that it was an arrow that had been poisoned with the blood of the Hydra. When in the end it turned out that Chiron was unable to heal himself, he willingly gave up his life. For this sacrifice the Gods honoured him with a place in the sky as the constellation Centaurus.

Chiron’s father Cronus was the Titan who fathered all Greek Gods. As his wife Rhea gave birth to them, Cronus swallowed each one because of a prophecy that he would be overthrown by one of his children. Cronus was afraid that unless he disposed of his children, the oracle’s words would come true. Zeus, who grew up to become the father of Gods, was Rhea’s last child. She hid him from Cronus and it was he who eventually forced his father to disgorge his siblings. Cronus and the rest of the Titans were then defeated by the Gods and exiled.

The Lernaean Hydra was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, both of whom were known as the Earth Goddess Gaia’s troublesome children. The creature was serpent-like with reptilian traits and numerous heads. No matter how many heads anyone tried to cut off, for each lost one two more grew. The Hydra’s breath was poisonous and its blood so powerful that even the tracks it left behind were deadly. In spite of this, Hercules killed it in the second of his twelve labours. The monster’s lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid. Beneath the waters was the entrance to the underworld, which was guarded by the Hydra.

With the coming of the patriarchy new myths were introduced that told people about the utter superiority of the masculine over the feminine, so that this false belief could penetrate ever deeper into the consciousness of our race. By the time the Chiron myth appeared, it was well established. In the new legends everything feminine was presented as an increasingly fear-inducing and loathsome aspect of life that threatened the masculine part of the population. The feminine in general and women in particular were something that had to be dominated, controlled and suppressed by the males of our species, who more and more thought of themselves as the rulers of the Universe. The Chiron legend goes as far as showing the feminine as a monster that had to be slain in order to get at the wisdom of the masculine Gods. The fact that this always has been and forever will be the Goddess’s domain in the end was forgotten.

In Greek mythology Chronos or Chronus is the personification of time itself. The word means time and is the root of chronology and other modern words, but originally it was only used in a purely poetic sense. There is no God or Goddess directly associated with time per se in the annals of Greek mythology, but there may have been a Titan of Time. Roman mythology adopted him as Saturn. Referred to as Cronus or Kronos, he was their deity of time as well as an ancient Italian corn God known as the Sower. Saturn’s weapon, as the male ruler of the Roman Gods prior to Jupiter, was a scythe or sickle. Astrologically, Saturn stands for old Father Time, who teaches each one of us through their own life’s experiences. By patiently enduring the endless delays and frustrations of the Saturnian influence, our skills eventually improve so much that in the end Saturn turns from the teacher into the rewarder.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Chiron – The Wounded Healer’
•    ‘The Homecoming’
•    ‘All About Saturn’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (12)

Sagittarius And Chiron

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Sagittarius And ChironThe domain of the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius, whose symbol is the archer and wise centaur, is concerned with the unfolding and development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The images of Sagittarius clearly link this sign closely to the symbolisms of the Chiron legend. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system which is fifth in distance from the Sun. Although they could have had no idea of the planet’s vast dimensions, the ancient astronomers who discovered it, intuitively gave it the name of the ruler of the Gods in the Greco-Roman pantheon. Jupiter is larger than all the other planets together and has an internal heat source that emits more energy than it receives from the Sun. It has its own system of satellites that emits intense bursts of radio noise. On the inner levels of life Jupiter represents the principles of spiritual growth and expansion through a better understanding of life’s experiences.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius, the ninth sign in the zodiac whose natural domain is the ninth house. Among many other things both sign and house are responsible for higher education, especially that which can be obtained from the religions and philosophies of our world, the law, long distance travelling and distant relations like in-laws. A lifetime in Sagittarius offers human souls many opportunities for expanding their whole being, mentally and spiritually as well as physically. On the whole, Sagittarians are jovial and easy-going people who are at all times ready to widen their horizons by acquiring the skills that enable their consciousness to grow and expand through many and varied experiences. Jupiter represents humankind’s super-conscious faculties and its direct connection with God.

Gemini and Sagittarius are in polar opposition to each other in the zodiac. Both signs deal with the mind. That’s why in many of the legends of our world they are represented as twins. Gemini is the earthly twin with its earthly mind and Sagittarius is its Heavenly counterpart that functions through its superconscious faculties. At some stage of our development these two aspects of our nature need to be brought together and trained so that they are no longer at loggerheads but complement each other and harmoniously work together. Only then can the two begin to play for us the role of the allegorical winged messenger of the Gods, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, Air, and of Virgo, Earth.

Mercury’s energies enable us earthlings to steal the fire of the Gods by bringing the creative ideas, wisdom and knowledge of the Highest into earthly life. As aspiring healers and lightbringers we are required to share them unselfishly with others and ultimately for the benefit of our whole world. The highest purpose of anyone who is strongly under the influence of Chiron/Sagittarius is to alleviate the suffering of our world. And the more we recognise that basically is cause by nothing but ignorance, the more we are gripped by an urge to end this sad state. We realise that this can only be done by helping others to gain their own inner entry to the light of God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Silently, we swear to ourselves that for us this work will not end until every last shred of unawareness and the misery it brings about has gone from our world for good.

With increasing maturity and spiritual awareness, it can hardly have escaped the legendary Chiron’s attention that the cause of all human fighting, quarrelling and warmaking is our race’s ignorance of not knowing that that the true nature of even the last one of us is being a child of God. Chiron eventually gave up his earthly existence because deep down he was aware of his own immortality and everyone else’s. Safe in the knowledge that in truth there is no death, he went in search of ways to help humankind gain access to the fire of the Gods, the wisdom and truth of the Highest in the first place.

Chiron is filled with good intentions, but the giant snake Hydra is defending God’s sacred fire, i.e. the all-encompassing and immensely powerful spiritual knowledge and wisdom of his feminine counterpart, the Goddess. I see the Hydra as a symbolism for human ignorance. It is a snake with many heads and as soon as one of them has been cut off, two more grow in its place. During the ages of the Goddess’s reign Her wisdom and truth had been freely available to all. But when the patriarchy gradually took over it was guarded by overzealous masculine priesthoods in pursuit of personal power over people’s souls and their worldly possessions. If people were sufficiently frightened, they would hand them over to the priests and the institutions they served in exchange for a place in Heaven.

Sagittarius is zodiacal sign of the storyteller and the con-person as well as that of the showbusiness people. Blessed with the gift of gab, garrulous Sagittarians are also the super-salespeople of the zodiac capable of selling goods and ideas with equal ease. Christianity’s sacred texts, the Bible, available in Latin only for a long time, made the fullest possible use of all these gifts. Through this the priesthood’s knowledge remained a secret that could not be penetrated by ordinary folks, who had been brainwashed and indoctrinated with the fear of God by the religions from which Christianity evolved. For a long time Christian masses were held entirely in Latin, read by a priest who had his back turned to the congregation. It was this kind of behaviour that during the Piscean Age gave the clergy great power over people’s souls.

But now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, discovering God’s truth and making it their own sets ever more individuals free from the reign of the spiritual suppression and slavery of the religious institutions of our world. Those who are brave enough to do battle with the Hydra of ignorance and who are removing one of its heads after the other, receive the Hydra’s blood, a symbol of the Goddess’s wisdom. Potential lightbringers can drink of it with relish and share it with those around them, so that their earthly self’s false beliefs and prejudices can also die and give birth to the higher aspects of their nature.

This enables them to help their own and humankind’s evolution by focussing on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world. Everything that is not yet in this state we need to lay into the hands of God and the Angels, for they know the plan and are executing it. It is all right for us to rest safely in the knowledge that everything that is still ugly and evil in our world in the fullness of time will also be made beautiful and good, because that is the truth. The radiance of the Christ Star’s light has always been and forever will be working on beautifying and perfecting, i.e. making whole, all aspects of our world. And because the Christ and Its Light is as much part of us as we are part of it, this is valid for all of us. By guiding, protecting and supporting every one of our creative and spiritual efforts, the Christ light gradually becomes part of us until eventually it has taken over our whole being and we have evolved into a Christed one in our own right.

Nothing has ever been achieved by dwelling on the miseries and horrors that for educational purposes still are necessary in our world, as otherwise they would not happen. That which in our world is not yet wholly of Christ but of the Earth with the passing of time disintegrates, because it lacks the Divine force that is responsible for the unfolding of the great plan of life and holding everything it contains on the right course. Knowing this, we can afford to watch quietly and without our trust in the Highest Forces ever shaking, the slow and inexorable gradual breaking through of the Christ light in all aspects of our world.

We can think of and feel for those who are suffering with love and sympathy, but let’s not allow anything to drag us into the quagmire of negativity the mass media are busily and happily preparing for us on a daily basis. That is not the way we can help anyone, least of all ourselves. We are here to do our share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth by raising humankind’s consciousness and bringing new hope through focussing on that which is good, right and beautiful in our present existence. This is quite realistic when one bears in mind that the law of evolution ensures that everything, including each individual human spirit and soul, no matter in what lowly evolutionary state they may presently be, will also begin to develop their higher nature eventually.

You and I have been granted the gift of another lifetime so we can conduct our lives as good examples for the younger and less experienced souls among our siblings in the human family. We are here to give of our special abilities and with their help spread happiness and increase the balance and harmony of our world through a better understanding of the processes of life and the true purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. Only that which is good and right is of God and in harmony with the first principle of life, love. If we but look at our world and everybody in it with the eyes of love, it is not hard to make our contribution towards creating a new world that is a better and more beautiful place for all its lifeforms.

The most essential part of the Great Architect’s plan is that in the final analysis the only thing anyone can do is move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. But, individually and collectively this can only come about through everyone’s own endeavours. As we know by now, on the inner level of life all is one and everything that happens anywhere in the whole of Creation affects everything else. It makes me shudder to think of how much making good is still waiting to be done by us and redeemed – by one other than us. This applies to every last bit of the damage we once did and of the pain we inflicted upon others in the course of our many earthly lifetimes when we were still ignorant of our true nature.

Nothing that ever happened in our world has been and nothing that to this day is taking place was or is outside of God’s plan and reach. A wise higher purpose lies behind everything, of that we can be sure. Bearing this in mind, may we never forget what St. John 8:7 told us about the Master’s reaction to the threats against a woman caught in adultery: ‘Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them: ‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (13)

The Tale Of The Butterfly

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology Of A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Tale Of The Butterfly

Once upon a time, by the side of a dusty road in India sat an old beggar who was selling cocoons. He noticed that a young boy had been watching him for many days. Finally, he beckoned the boy and asked him: ‘Have you any idea of what beauty lies within my cocoons?’ When the boy shook his head, the old man continued: ‘Every one of them is the home of a beautiful butterfly. I will give you one, so you can watch how it happens. But you must be very careful and not handle the cocoon until the butterfly emerges.’

Enchanted with his gift, the boy hurried home to await the emergence of the butterfly. He laid the cocoon on the floor and while watching it  became aware of a curious thing. The butterfly seemed to be beating its wings against the hard outer shell of its chrysalis. ‘The poor little thing will surely perish before it can break free from its prison,’ thought the boy. ‘I have to help it!’

And so he pried the cocoon open. Out flopped a soggy brown and ugly thing that quickly died. After a while, the boy met the beggar again and told him what had happened. ‘Ah yes,’ the old man said: ‘It is necessary for the creature to beat its growing wings against the walls of its cocoon, until they have grown strong enough to support it when it finally emerges as a butterfly. Through its struggling alone can the creature’s wings become durable enough to carry and support it. It dies when this is denied because its only chance of developing the necessary strength was taken from it.’

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation. The life cycle of each one of them represents a microcosm of the macrocosm of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process. May the walls of everyone’s cocoon be just thick enough – and no more – to support us in our struggle of breaking free from the mental prison of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions about our true nature that have kept us bound to the Earth plane for such a long take. May every one of us at long last take to our spiritual wings to aid our flight of growing and evolving into the beautiful beings we are truly meant to be.

The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle calendar August  2016: ‘Through limitation and suffering human souls emerge into the Divine light and life, just as a caterpillar moves from the chrysalis stage and transforms itself into a beautiful winged creature that enjoys dancing in the warmth and light of the Sun.’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (14)

The Ages of Humankind

The Age Of Cancer

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Cancer

The Age Of The Great Mother, The Goddess,
The Birthing, Nurturing And Caring Principle Of Life

  About 9100 BC – 6900 BC

Astrology provides us with insights into the coming and going of the ages of humankind. With its help the curtain lifts on the vast stage of earthly life and enables us to see for ourselves how, with each new age our world has ever entered, a new phase of its evolutionary pathway begins. Astrology allows us glimpses of how we, individually and collectively, have always been relentlessly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. We and our world are integral parts of the whole of Creation’s constant moving in vast Cosmic cycles and never-ending circles. The end of one cycle is the beginning of another and everything that happens affects every individual life just as much as our whole world. This applies to our own life just as much as it does to our world and the whole of Creation.

The cardinal signs of the zodiac are Aries and Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. The Sun’s entry into each one of them is a special occasion and a signal that another part of our earthly year is commencing. In Aries and Libra’s case we celebrate the occasion with the equinoxes and in Cancer and Capricorn with the solstices. When the Sun moves into Cancer, the seeds that were sown in spring have taken root and flourished. Fruits are setting and beginning to ripen and something similar happened to humankind during the Age of Cancer. And that’s the point where we start our reflections of past ages.

Cancer is the Sign of the Great Mother of all life, the Universe’s nurturing and caring principle. All worlds and the lifeforms in them are the result of the creative ideas and the will of the Great Father. They are coming into manifestation with the help of the love and wisdom of the Great Mother. Cancer, the cardinal Water sign, is the domain of our individual and collective feeling nature, the individual and collective soul of our world. It is the sign of the archetypal mother who is present everywhere in the whole of Creation. Without Her there could be no life.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The sign and planet stand for the processes of conceiving, bearing, birthing, nurturing and protecting the offspring of all species in earthly life, animal and human alike. As Cancer is also the sign of home and mother, roots and hereditary concerns, under the influence of its energies the need awakened in people for creating homes for themselves and their offspring. They looked for places that were suitable for settling down and living permanently, instead of continuing their nomadic ways of the past. Settlements began to appear with them came early signs of civilisation and the domestication of farm animals.

The Great Mother is the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity of Father/Mother and their only born Son, the Universal Christ. In all parts of our world evidence can be found that people worshipped the Mother Goddess. For example she is prominent in the legend of Isis and Osiris, the Egyptian myth of Creation. Thousands of years later their son Horus reappeared in a different guise as the central figure of the Jesus legend, having gone through various other presentations between the two of them. Greek mythology’s Creation myth is the legend of Uranus and Gaia. Read more about this by following the link at the end of this chapter. The most recent idolised symbol of the Great Mother is Christianity’s Virgin Mary and the cult that has always surrounded her.

During the most recent Age of Cancer the development of human nature’s feminine aspect and the worship of the Mother blossomed and reached an all time peak. When this had run its course, the time had come for the development of the masculine aspect of God’s nature and ours, the feminine’s polar opposite. For this purpose it was necessary that every human soul had to experience every aspect of it, its highest as well as its lowest characteristics. To provide us with a well balanced earthly education, in some of our lifetimes we play the role of a man and in others that of a woman. Everything depends on what kind of a lesson we require at any given time.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Mass Of People – Ruled By The Moon’
•    ‘When Creation Was Began – A Tale For The Aquarian Age’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘World History For Us All’
•    ‘The Grand Ages And The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (15)

The Age Of Gemini

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Gemini

 The Age Of Communication And Writing

About 6900 BC – 4700 BC

Fast forward about two thousand years and again the curtain lifts and reveals that a new phase in God’s great plan of life is unfolding before our eyes. We have arrived in the Age of Gemini, but what kind of a sign is it? Lifetimes spent in one of the Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental abilities. In each of the Air signs this manifests itself in a different way. Mutable Gemini serves the development of our earthly mind’s analytical, logical and rational thinking capabilities. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and also of mutable Earth sign Virgo. In several legends of our world Mercury is depicted as the winged messenger of the Gods who steals their fire. With our help that’s an activity he is pursuing with great vigour to this day.

Through teaching, speaking and writing the mutable signs are concerned with the spreading of ideas. To enable us to do so in the first place, languages had to be introduced. Later writing also became necessary so that the ideas we received from the highest levels of life could be shared with ever more people. During the most recent Age of Gemini these things made a quantum leap forwards. Depending on which lesson is next in store for our individual and collective evolutionary pathway, the Angels around the throne of God seed the relevant ideas into the consciousness of our world, where they can be picked up by those who were ready to act as channels.

This is how every one of the myths of our world came into being, the ones about Chiron, Uranus and Gaia, Abraham and Moses just as much as those about the book of Genesis with its tale of Adam and Eve, and eventually the New Testament’s Mary and Jesus legend. At first these stories were only passed on orally by storytellers and itinerant preacher-men. As soon as writing had been introduced, scribes appeared on the scene.

As early as five thousand years ago a Chinese Military Commander named Shen Loam in charge of that Empires Western frontier kept a written military log. Grateful for his station assignment he made it his duty to the Emperor to personally test every known edible plant for its food, non-food, medicinal and non-medicinal value. There are over twenty-five thousand edible plants on Earth. The written documentation of all these tests were his gift to the Emperor for the honour of being elevated to Supreme Commander. The Chinese language is still basically the same as it was then, so it is fairly easy for current day Chinese to read these ancient documents.

From ‘The History Of Writing Instruments’

The intention of all legends has always been to tell humankind about the spiritual realities that are the background of our earthly existence. The tales to this day are speaking to us of realms that are inhabited by higher and highest beings who created us and our world and who are in charge of us. The Chiron legend appeared when the patriarchy was established firmly. This shows in the fact that Chiron steals the fire of the Gods, when in truth it is the Goddess’s wisdom and knowledge about the healing arts. Being wounded himself and unable to find healing, Chiron surrenders his immortality in the end, similar to what happens to us when we once more agree to take part in earthly life.

With the passing of time this happened so frequently that the awareness of our true eternal nature vanished from our consciousness. Yet, no-one will ever be able take it from us for good. Like Chiron, the wounded healer, and later Jesus as the symbol of our small self, every human soul on the Earth plane of life finds itself nailed to the cross of this existence because certain lessons are waiting for us there. That’s why we have to remain until they have been learnt. This happens many times over, but eventually we have matured sufficiently into spiritual adulthood that we freely and willingly refuse to follow the desires of our lower animal nature and nail them to the cross. The spirit of our true self then metaphorically speaking rises from its tomb to save and redeem us, its earthly counterpart, and that is its resurrection and reunion with our Highest or God Self and through this with all life.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and represents the higher and lower aspects of our nature. Everything on the Earth plane is greatly affected by the energies of the sign of the age we are passing through at any given time. Although the word ‘religion’ comes from the Latin word ‘religare’, which means joining or bonding something together, as a result of Gemini’s split personality caused by its pronounced dual nature the religions of the Age of Gemini inherited these characteristics. The kind of behaviour caused by this established itself and became the norm for all souls who from that time onwards took part in earthly life. As a result the growing apart of the two aspects of human nature deepened and the religions, instead of bonding us with our Creator, removed us ever more of the conscious awareness of His/Her presence.

Because higher and lower parts of our nature could no longer understand each other, the battles that ensued between them were fought on the Earth plane. The increasingly misogynistic religions and the new institutions that sprung up around them were run by an ever more power-crazed and dominating, controlling and cruel, greedy and corrupt elitist priesthood. For a very long time their recruits were only drawn from the ranks of the aristocracy of the countries in which these religions operated. The teachings they conjured up removed humankind ever further away from the knowledge of the true role of the feminine as an equal partner of the masculine – above in the Heavens, as well as below on the Earth.

There’s no need for shedding tears over whatever happened during past ages and lifetimes. Everything undoubtedly has been necessary to teach us the lessons we required according to God’s great plan of life. All of it has been and still is the Angels’ way of teaching us to differentiate between light and darkness, good and evil, truth and lies. And that can only be done by acquiring Gemini’s highly critical nature and its ability to analyse everything down to the minutest details. For as long as this aspect of our earthly minds remained insufficiently evolved, they could not protect us and our world against the onslaught of the patriarchal religions and their priesthoods. And that in turn was possible only because they too lacked the understanding of God’s true nature, their own and everybody else’s and the duality that is an inevitable part of it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The History Of Writing Instruments’
•    ‘The Qualities Of The Sun Signs’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (16)

The Age Of Taurus

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Taurus

The Age Of Control Of The Earth And Development Of Agriculture

About 4700 BC- 2500 BC

Another roughly two thousand years have passed and once more God’s great plan of life is beginning to unfold for lessons of a different kind for us and our world. We have reached the Age of Taurus, the fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of peace and love, harmony and beauty. First let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of this sign. Taurus loves the good things of the Earth, like wine, women and song, and feels a great need to ground itself in material possessions of all kinds. It loves gold and money and clings to all its gains with steadfast determination and strength. It is impossible to know the exact time when humankind first began to dig for gold. Some of the oldest known golden artefacts have been found in the Varna Necropolis in Bulgaria. Its graves were built during the Taurean Age between 4700 and 4200 BC, but there are indications that gold mining could be much older and no less than seven thousand years old.

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Patriarchy And Warmongering Down The Ages - The Age Of Taurus - Gold & Silver

The characteristics of unevolved Taurus are an over-strong desire nature that expresses itself in young and inexperienced souls as greed and avarice, envy and jealousy, overly clinging and possessive, over-fond of material goods and possessions. Jealously Taureans guard whatever they consider to be their possession, people and things alike. Grudges are born for a long time when something goes from them. Taurus is the builder of the zodiac and this is the age when agriculture started to develop. As a continuous food supply from the Earth was ensured and had no longer be procured by hunting and gathering alone, ever more people gave up their nomadic way of life and living in tents made of animal hide. They started building homes for themselves in fertile areas where settlements appeared.

As agriculture gradually became established and working the land was women’s work, there no longer was any need for the men to spend time on endless hunting excursions to provide food for their community. As the saying goes, the devil finds work for idle hands. Hordes of bored and dissatisfied men started to gather and roamed the countryside. They stole women’s produce and general marauding and troublemaking slowly but surely gained in popularity.

Meanwhile, in Egypt the Great Pyramid and many other huge structures were built all over the country and especially in the Nile valley. Erected for the glory of the Pharaohs, the ancient Egyptian kings and queens, to this day they have remained some of the finest witnesses of what heights builders’ crafts reached during the Age of Taurus. The walled cities of Babylon and Sumeria also came into being during this time.

Ziggurats were massive structures built in the ancient Mesopotamian valley and western Iranian plateau that had the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding levels. Notable examples of this include the Great Ziggurat of Ur near Nasiriyah, Iraq; the Ziggurat of Aqar Quf near Baghdad, Iraq; Chogha Zanbil in Khuzestan, Iran; and Sialk near Kashan, Iran.

Ziggurats were built by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Akkadians, and Assyrians for their religions. Each ziggurat was part of a temple complex that included other buildings. The precursors of the ziggurat were raised platforms that date from the Ubaid period in the fourth millennium BC. The earliest ziggurats began to appear near the end of the Early Dynastic Period, about 2,900 BC. The latest Mesopotamian ziggurats date from the sixth century BC. Built in receding tiers upon a rectangular, oval or square platform, the ziggurat was a pyramidal structure that had a flat top. Sun-baked bricks made up the core of the ziggurat and for its facings on the outside fired bricks were used. They were often glazed in different colours and may have had astrological significance. The number of tiers ranged from two to seven.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Flight Of Icarus’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (17)

The Age Of Aries

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Aries

The Age of New Beginnings,
Warfare, Violence And Conquest

About 2500 BC – 300 BC

Yet another two thousand years or so have passed and once more the curtain lifts on the stage of God’s great plan for humankind. Woe betide us! We have reached the Age of Aries, the cardinal Fire sign, ruled by Mars, the planet that took its name from the Roman God of war. Aries is the pioneering and adventuring sign of the zodiac that signals new beginnings for us individually and also our world.

Male aggression and a desire for dominance and power are present in both sexes, conscious in men and unconscious in women. During the Age of Aries the time had come for our whole world to experience the negative manifestations of this sign. Among them are:

•    Arrogance and egotism.
•    Ruthlessness.
•    Wishing to impose their views on others.
•    Trying to dominate those around them.
•    Being too opinionated, forthright and pushy.
•    Insist on being right, no matter what.
•    Ready to cross swords with anyone, time and place, at the slightest provocation. If there isn’t one, an excuse can easily be found.
•    Jumping to conclusions.
•    Rushing into action without due forethought.
•    Creating problems for self and others through too much haste.
•    Shooting first, then asking questions.

With the development of agriculture sufficient useful occupations were no longer available for many men at the time when the lower and lowest characteristics of humankind’s masculine energies were moving into the foreground of our world’s consciousness. We all have inherited them from our animal forebears. Alas, as we know only too well by now, taming them was going to take thousands of years in Earth terms. The wild, untamed part of our earthly nature is a symbolism for what became known as ‘the devil’.

During lifetimes in this sign as young and inexperienced souls we are assertive and aggressive, argumentative and confrontational, seeking and enjoying disputes of any kind. Our desire nature is extremely strong and we constantly want something and everything. Impatient and unwilling to wait for anything, we want things now and walk over dead bodies, if need be, to get them. We go for what we want without hesitation and if the object of our desire isn’t to our liking, which it frequently is, we drop it like a hot potato and move on in pursuit of another conquest. These typical behaviour patterns shed some light on how it came about that men during the Arian Age increasingly turned on each other, took what they wanted, at first from each other and then also from those around them, especially their women. Warfare as an expression of the joy of maiming, killing and destroying entered into humankind’s consciousness. Using our inborn ingenuity ever more destructive weapons were thought of and developed, culminating in those of mass destructions of our time. Their use is a direct result of the Karma all of us together created in bygone ages.

The fiery Mars energies are of a very masculine nature. In both genders they are a pure sexual/spiritual force that is equally hard to handle in women and men alike. Arrogant and selfish, highly sexed and utterly convinced of their own superiority, unevolved Arians like to think of themselves as something very special and way above all others. During the Age of Aries the males of our species more and more developed the strutting of their stuff behaviour of the males of our animal ancestors. As the Mars energies are conscious in men and work from the subconscious in women, the males of our species increasingly saw themselves the masters of their Universe. All that needs to be done in this role is going out into the world and overcoming everything that stands in the way of our desires, conquering everything that comes our way, to possess, if need be by force.

What a long time it has taken until it finally came clear that the best we human beings can ever hope to become is a master of the Universe of ourselves. Yes, we are in this world to conquer and overcome, but only the drives and urges of our lower animal nature and never other people. Creating the necessary educational balance takes many lifetimes in which we appear, every now and then as a man at the giving end of barbaric behaviour towards the females in their lives, and then as a woman at the receiving end. Through these experiences we learn and grow in wisdom and understanding of our own and humankind’s nature. When at last we have spiritually matured sufficiently the Divine spark of love in our hearts stir from its slumbers and the higher aspect of our nature begin to take over.

One of these days, hopefully soon, our race will have learnt to channel its natural ingenuity into peaceful outlets, instead of inventing ever more sophisticated and deadly weapons that are blessed by the priests on both sides of the conflict, to maim, kill and destroy each other. When this part of God’s great plane is over, hopefully soon, there will be nothing that can stop us from making the dream of a peaceful world a reality in earthly life. Under the guidance of God and the Angels, in thoughts and words of affirmation, we need to project the blessing and healing power of the Christ Light into the dark forces that are still at work in our world. The radiance of the Christ Star absorbs their energies and in the temple of healing in the heart of the Star they are then uplifted and transmuted into blessing, healing and harmonising energies that flow freely into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation.

In all our spiritual endeavours we should never forget what one of the sages of our world once said: ‘Only when the power of love overcomes the love of power, will our world know peace. So, let’s humbly ask the Angels to show us how to safely go about this work. They need our help just as much as we require theirs and any time by day or night they are willing to assist us, all we have to do is ask.
Let’s now return to our reflections about the ages for a moment. With the help of humankind’s learning during the Age of Taurus, the more the influence of the Arian energies increased, the more men developed a taste for building themselves empires through invading and occupying formerly peaceful countries they grew ever bigger. By suppressing and exploiting the indigenous people of their conquered territories, they brought trouble and strife wherever they went. As ever more sophisticated machinery for increasingly brutal warfare was invented, the invaders more easily got hold of the people and their lands and confiscated their resources. This is how the empires of China, Persia, Greece, the Romans and finally the British kept on expanding.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (18)

The Age Of Pisces

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Pisces

The Age Of Karma And The Soul
And The Beginnings Of Our Present Major Religions

About 300 BC – 1900 AD

Gullibility has been one of our race’s most formidable enemies in past ages. This particularly applied during the Age of Pisces from about 300 BC – 1900 AD. The mutable Water sign Pisces is co-ruled by expansive and mighty Jupiter and deceptive, nebulous and devious Neptune. As a result of these energies, the Piscean age was one of blind faith and deception on a grand scale, as one would expect from the combined force of the sign’s two vast planetary rulers. The appearance of the Jesus legend at the beginning of the Piscean Age makes more sense when one considers that Jupiter is also the sole ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of the raconteur and storyteller, the conman and gambler of the zodiac.

With the coming of the Aquarian Age, in keeping with God’s plan, it was time to leave the negative influence of those energies behind and to start developing their highest and most positive sides. The wise higher purpose of all lying and cheating experiences, in particular those of the Piscean Age, has been to teach us and our world the value of honesty and truth in all our encounters. Those who took part in the grand Piscean lesson and have learnt from it sufficiently are ready to intuitively receive the sacred wisdom and truth of the Highest. With the help of the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light they are receiving this gift and for them book-learning is no longer necessary.

The negative aspects of Pisces that need to be overcome are carelessness, a fondness of building castles in the air, deceptiveness and going through life with our heads in the clouds. As well as being hypersensitive and irritated by discords, we may be sentimental, subversive, unstable, wandering and woolly. Overcoming these characteristics sets us free to develop the Piscean positive characteristics of artistic gifts and the ability to play our part in life in positive and constructive ways, in spite of being a dreamer and idealist. As our imaginative, inspirational and mediumistic capabilities begin to unfold, we become ever more sensitive to the artistic inspiration that flows from the higher and highest levels of life into ours. We are spiritual and subtle beings with a great love for music and rhythm.

Pisces is a mutable Water sign, its natural domain is the twelfth house. Both sign and house are of the soul and of Karma, also known as the place of our own undoing, where our sins from past lifetimes are catching up and shaking hands with us, waiting to be redeemed. The Water signs serve the development of the emotions and of the soul, individually and collectively. It was an age that taught us and our world the dangers of blind faith. But above all, in my view, the whole of patriarchy and in particular the Age of Pisces has been teaching us and our world priceless lessons of the wise use and the abuse of power. You can read more about the age of blind faith by following the link at the end of this chapter.

Pisces being co-ruled by misty, mysterious and nebulous Neptune and vast and expansive Jupiter, the ruler of the superconscious realm, it is hardly surprising that this Age was dominated by the development of the major religions of our world. Christianity with its mixture of persecution and the ideals of spiritual redemption and salvation evolved from Judaism. Islam in turn evolved from Christianity. All three religions are but twigs on the branch of religious tree of our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Preparing For The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Pisces – The Sign Of The Soul’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (19)

The Age Of Aquarius

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Age Of Aquarius

The Age Of Rebellion And Revolution
bringing Enlightenment And Spiritual Freedom

From approx. 1900 AD – 4,100 AD

So much has been said about the Age of Aquarius throughout my writing, but there is still a great deal more. Before we go any further let’s take a look at the different types of energies that are influencing us during any given age. At present we are still struggling with the change of energies between two signs that are so profoundly different in their approach to life and yet on the spiritual level of life are responding to each other very well.

Pisces as a mutable Water sign is receptive and feminine. First and foremost it is about the development of the world of our feelings and emotions, the soft and sensitive, dreamy and otherworldly realm of the soul. The energies of the fixed Air sign Aquarius are in sharp contrast with it. They are purely of the mind. People who function purely on the mind level, without the beneficial influence of their soul they are bereft of feelings. As a result they can be exceedingly cold and detached, to the point of downright cruelty.

The three Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, serve the training of humankind’s mental faculties of understanding. High among them rank all kinds of communication, so we have to learn how to express ourselves in writing and this skill enables us to read other people’s messages. Evidence is appearing everywhere that during the Aquarian Age the progress of humankind’s intellectual capabilities is moving ever more into the foreground of our attention. We have found out that thinking is the greatest power in the whole of Creation and with this discovery the time has come for learning to control our thought processes and practising things like mindfulness and positive thinking.

Among many other things Aquarius is the sign of technology and communications, friendship and siblinghood with all life. Equipped with the gift of hindsight, with which we are blessed in the year 2016, the time when I was putting the finishing touches to this new part of my jottings, it could clearly be seen that the Age of Pisces really had ended about 1900 AD. This means that the Age of Aquarius has been with us for some time now and it can be clearly seen everywhere in our world that the influence of its energies are growing increasingly powerful.

Steered by the forces at work behind the scenes of earthly life and their ideas, humankind’s ingenuity always has been and forever will be without bounds. Nowhere was there more evidence of it than in all fields of technology, especially communications. From its earliest beginnings in the late 1800s it has been speeding up at an ever increasing pace. Looking back from where we are now, one cannot call it anything but breathtaking. As communications would become ever more important during this age, the Morse code and the telephone were invented. This was swiftly followed by the technology for the development of radio, television and the Internet, making ever farther reaching communications around our world possible.

The Aquarian Age also brought us the development of travelling by air and since humankind’s first attempts at flying with the help of machinery has been making phenomenal strides forward. The patriarchal influence saw to it that at first the technology involved was employed for producing increasingly sophisticated war machinery so that we could destroy each other more effortlessly and speedily. But it did not take long until the technical scales of our world commenced to tip towards friendlier uses like building worldwide friendship rings with the help of the Internet and things like Facebook, Twitter and so forth.

Aquarius represents God’s voice and it is the birthright of every human spirit and soul, in this world and our other world, towards the end of their earthly education to return into the conscious awareness of humankind’s true nature and who and what God really is. The new age brings us a renewal of the knowledge that each one of us has an inner teacher, the living God within or intuition, who is waiting to share Its wisdom and knowledge with us. All we have to do is knock at our inner door and ask for our Highest Self’s help.

The present evolutionary phase is going to see the end of all inequalities between the genders and races of our world. The more the knowledge gets around that all of us are God’s children of the Earth, each one with exactly the same rights and responsibilities, the more easily we shall shake off the oppressive forces that to this day exist in our world as a result of the patriarchy’s erroneous belief that one gender or person is superior to the other. 

The Aquarian Age demands self-mastery and self-discipline from each one of us and if we are willing to practise it and behave in a masterly fashion, as demonstrated by the Jesus legend, the doors to this age’s enlightenment and spiritual freedom are swinging open. God’s great plan of life provides that the Age of Aquarius brings us the truth about every aspect of life. That means the end of all false beliefs and perceptions, prejudices and superstitions born from humankind’s ignorance of God’s true nature and its own. My observations of and insights into the various ages leave no doubt in my mind that this plan has always been unfolding the way it should.

Now that the religions of the past have fulfilled their purpose in the teaching process of our world, each one of them will gradually disappear. Decreasing numbers of churchgoers are confirming this. The Age of Pisces has been an age of lies, deceptions and blind faith. It’s good to know that this part of our development lies behind us and that the age of truth has dawned upon our world. For many it has already brought the rediscovery that love is God’s true nature and our own, that love is the law of life and that the reason for our being in earthly life is that we should learn to love wisely, the way God loves all His/Her Creations.

This love is one of power, justice and wisdom, handled wisely with kindness and goodness, gentleness and compassion, affection and warmth for all lifeforms. And our human hearts are at least potentially a holy Grail cup for receiving God’s love and giving it to those around us. Human relationships are so important for us because each one offers constant opportunities for learning to love wisely and thus bringing forth the highest aspects of our nature.

As we know by now, love is the supreme law of life from which all others evolved. The intention of the highest forces of life has been to get to know through humankind the polar opposite of love and that which is good. ‘I love My Creation and all creatures in it. I will send them out to explore and learn about themselves and Me. To ensure that each one of them is eventually drawn back into My loving embrace, I am passing the law of cause and effect that decrees that everything in the whole Creation has to return to its source. Acts of aggression, oppression and injustice are transgressions against law of love that created negative Karma, which eventually has to be redeemed for the simple reason that everything in the whole of Creation has to balance. That’s why at some time, either during this lifetime or a future one, every bit of our offences has to be made good, by none other than us.

Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations can find fulfilment. Programmed into and imprinted in the deepest recesses of every soul’s consciousness is the desire and dream of escaping from the hardships, tests and trials of earthly life into the state known as Paradise, the oneness with God and all life. That’s also where the wish for meeting the ideal love and lover is located. Our God or Christ Self is this perfect being who understands us and knows and responds to our heart’s most deepest yearnings. This is the one for whom we have searched in vain throughout all earthly lifetimes. Like everything that has ever been in our life,  this too fulfils a wise higher purpose. You can read more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

It is difficult to assess when one of the ages is definitely over and is making room for the next one. Some believe that the Aquarian Age started around the year 1900. When I take my nose off the canvas and look at our world from a higher perspective, I see a great deal of evidence everywhere that the great balancing act of the creative forces of Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, darkness and light, positive and negative and so forth, over the ages has constantly been gathering momentum. During the Aquarian Age the Divine marriage between the highest levels of life and our planet will be consummated. And that is the completion of its spiritualisation which has been going on every since humankind entered its realms.

I sense that the final curtain on the last act of the tragicomedy of Earth life has gently been descending for some time. Whether the play will finish with some great cataclysm or in peaceful ways depends on God’s plan for humankind. Considering that on the inner level all life is one and each one of us influences everything else, I believe that a peaceful solution is quite on the cards. As with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible and nothing happens without them, the energies of the awakening ones could eventually grow so powerful that they penetrate the consciousness of the rest of us deeply enough to rouse their Christ nature from its slumbers. Regardless of how it all comes about, I am convinced that the spiritual aspects of us and our world shall always be taken care of and be safe.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age’
‘The Sun In Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (20)

The Great Balancing Act

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Great Balancing ActIn the course of our race’s many earthly lifetimes first the characteristics of the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess, the wisdom and love aspect of the Divine, represented by the elements Water and Earth, had to be experienced by us and our world, so it could imprint itself in our race’s earthly consciousness. Through this the feminine intuitive, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling side of the soul developed in our individual and collective consciousness. For this purpose the pendulum of the Divine energies had to swing far out to the feminine side. When this aspect of our nature had grown sufficiently, the time had come for focussing our attention on the growth of the masculine characteristics of the Great Father of all life, the God, the power aspect of the Divine, represented by the elements of Fire and Air.

As above, so below. In us, both genders alike contain a feminine as well as a masculine part and energies. The masculine is the spirit and the feminine its soul. The masculine in us, the same as in God, dominates and controls its feminine counterpart. In the Great Father/Mother the wisdom and love of the Mother shapes itself and works peacefully and harmoniously with the will and power of the masculine. He loves her and would not dream to use his power for hurting or harming her in any way. On the contrary, he is making her ever more beautiful and perfect in keeping with his grand design and original ideas. Mother Earth is one of the many manifestations of the Great Mother takes care of constantly beautifying and perfecting her. Until we begin to awaken to our true nature and begin to understand what is at work behind the scenes of the material plane of life, in our ignorance we are the only ones who cause our planet pain and destroy her beauty for selfish gains.

As earthlings we are required to teach the masculine and feminine parts of our being to co-operate the way the Great Father and Mother are doing. In us the masculine energies are positive and outgoing. This aspect has the power of decision-making and – in some of us so far only potentially – the ability to analyse and think logically and rationally, the same as the creative mind of the Universal intelligence, the Great Architect behind all life and lifeforms who brings new life into being through the sheer power of his thoughts. All of us are an integral part it. The human feminine in both genders is passive and receptive, gentle, kind and loving. Because the feminine loves its counterpart, the masculine, it freely and willingly responds and shapes itself to its will and wishes.

God and Goddess are of equal importance, one cannot function without the other. An incessant stream of creative ideas pours forth from the masculine force of creation, God. But it is the wisdom of the feminine, the Goddess, who decides where and when something new should be created or things that have outlived their usefulness and become obsolete should be destroyed and removed. Together these two forces of creation attend to their task of creating and destroying whole worlds and everything they contain, animate and inanimate alike. If that isn’t magnificence, please tell me what is?

In principle this process functions the same way in us and our world. When the pendulum of the feminine and masculine energies has swung sufficiently far out into their extreme manifestations in both directions, the time has come for correcting the imbalances this has brought about. Individually and collectively they expressed themselves in the patriarchy’s erroneous beliefs. The point of equilibrium always lies halfway between two extremes and now that we have reached the age of equality, it is everyone’s task to find this point within us and to begin functioning from there. Slowly this development has been taking place in the world around us for quite some time. It will continue until the pendulum has come to rest in the middle between the two extremes of masculine and feminine. When the required balance has finally been established, there will be peace on Earth. Genuine goodwill towards all will have grown in every heart and soul because it is founded on a deep inner understanding of God’s true nature and our own.

For a long time humankind had to remain ignorant of the fact that there are higher forces at work in the background of our existence and that without them there would be no planet Earth and the life on it. The experience of the patriarchal rule of our world was placed during this period, to show us what happens when the masculine will and power aspect becomes ever more bereft of the mellowing and beneficial influence of the feminine. This is how with the passing of time our race moved further and further away from the knowledge of God’s true nature and our own, so that the cleft between our world and the world of light grew ever deeper.

Instead of connecting us with our Creator by bringing us His/Her sacred truth, the increasingly misogynistic patriarchal religions were carefully designed to take us further away from knowing who and what God truly is. For a long time these belief systems succeeded, but I believe their days are numbered. Although to this day there are churches that try to guard their followers against any grain of truth they may find along their pathway through life, constantly decreasing numbers of churchgoers prove that their efforts are crowned with less and less success.

The New Golden Age Of Plenty

Not unlike the Roman God Janus, the Saturn of mythology who looks back on the golden Age of plenty he once ruled also points the way into the future for us and our world. Janus was the spirit of doorways and archways, whose two faces simultaneously peer into the past as well as the future. Isn’t it amazing how many of the mythological concepts of the Ancients are still with us and in use now, though unbeknown to most people? For example, Saturday took its name from Saturn and the month January from Janus. Interestingly, January, the month when the Sun transits through parts of both Capricorn and Aquarius, is at the same time the doorway into another year.

Ever more of the debris of the false beliefs and prejudices of past ages, which have been weighing the consciousness of our race down for far too long, is presently washed away by the fresh knowledge the water-bearer is constantly pouring into us and our world. To me, one of the best examples of this is that in truth Saturn never was anyone’s enemy, that on the contrary the energies he represents have always been waiting to be understood in a new light. The true value of this planet’s lessons first had to be recognised before we could accept and even welcome them into our lives as one of our best friends, teachers and helpers. By practising self-restraint and freely giving of our gifts and talents to all, each one of us will eventually make their own very special contribution towards the wellbeing of our race and our whole world.

The Earth’s vibrations are speeding up now and the pace of human evolution somehow has to keep up with this. Each must make their contribution towards putting an end to the over-consumption of Mother Earth’s precious resources. Without this we shall never reach the stage when there is no more selfishness and greed. The promised golden age can only come about through everybody taking responsibility for themselves and our world, extracting from the system only that which we truly need. This is not as difficult as it may sound to some because the more one becomes aware of one’s true nature again the easier it is to rise above the desires of one’s lower earthly self. All together we have to bring Saturn’s new golden age into being. Every soul on this side of the veil of consciousness will then have sufficient to eat, clean water to drink, a roof over their heads, clothes to wear and shoes on their feet – if they wish to wear them. None other than you and me and those who come after us are going to bring all this about. We are the only ones who can and will do it, hand in hand with God and the Angels, for it has thus been decreed and is indeed written in the Stars.

Aquarius – The Sign Of Transfiguration

Aquarius is also the sign of transfiguration. By definition this means the process of changing from one appearance, state or phase to another and that is precisely what we and our world are going through at present. The further we proceed into the New Age, the more strongly the Aquarian energies will make their presence known to us all. Aquarius is the sign of spiritual rebirth, during which the long promised and awaited spiritual rebirth of humankind is taking place. Souls who respond to the call of this age and willingly submit themselves to its requirements will increasingly be presented with great opportunities for making their own unique contribution through consciously acting as channels for the Divine to bring new understanding and through it healing and peace to our world.

If during these times of transition from one age into another the Uranian energies would sometimes be all too happy to smash to smithereens everything that gets in its way to just sweep it away, Saturn steps in and prevents it. Among the sterling qualities that can only be acquired with his help are a deep inner sense of responsibility, duty, restraint, discipline and an appreciation of the values of that which has come to us down the ages from our ancestors. The Saturnian virtues can help us to preserve that which has stood the test of time and is worth preserving because it is good. Bear in mind that they could be the things we ourselves may have striven for and bled to death – maybe many times – in previous lifetimes in the role of our own ancestors, and do your best to avoid pouring the baby out with the bathwater during our rebirth. That is what we and our world at this very special time need more than anything else. Now, isn’t that in itself proof enough that Saturn most certainly is one of humankind’s best friends?

Our dream and vision of a better world is presently in the process of becoming a reality on the Earth plane. Each one of us now needs to conspire with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and the Angels and Masters to show us how to bring it about. Together with them we are calling upon the Uranian energies to help us smash the existing wobbly building of prejudices, false beliefs and illusion to bits, so that with the help of Saturn’s energies our inner and outer world can be rebuilt nearer to God’s and our own heart’s desire! As in the final analysis God is the source of all inspiration, I feel that this is the message Khayyam brought our world such a long time ago.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (21)

The Aquarian Zeitgeist

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Aquarian Zeitgeist

  Ah, Love! Could you and I with fate conspire,
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits – and then,
Re-mould it nearer to our heart’s desire?

From ‘The Rubayat’ of Omar Khayyam 1048-1123

To my mind, nothing expresses the spirit or Zeitgeist of the Aquarian Age better than the above poem. Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn, the stern disciplinarian of the zodiac, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion and revolution. Uranus was discovered as late as 1781 by William Herschel. The energies of this planet are powerful and highly disruptive, but at the same time freeing, cleansing and purifying. It did not take long after the planet entered into the conscious awareness of our world until their influence were felt by the mass of people as an overwhelming urge to smash up the old order and attempt to shake off the yoke of the ruling classes and so change the status quo for good.

The result was the French Revolution, a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799. It was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution experienced violent periods of political turmoil that overthrew the monarchy and established France as a republic. The culmination of this revolution was Napoleon’s dictatorship, which rapidly brought many of the French republics principles to Western Europe and beyond.

Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the French Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies. The Revolutionary Wars unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the French Revolution as one of the most important events in human history.

The Aquarian principles of ‘Liberté, égalité, fraternité, i.e. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ became the national motto of France. Although it has its origin in the French Revolution, at that time it was only one motto among others. It did not become the main one until the Third Republic established itself at the end of the 19th century.

The Russian Revolution is the collective term for a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and eventually led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire collapsed with the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II and the old regime was replaced by a provisional government during the first revolution of February 1917. The month of March in the Gregorian calendar, but the older Julian calendar was in use in Russia at that time. There was a second revolution in October of the same year during which the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik or Communist government.

The February Revolution in March 1917 was focused around Petrograd, now Saint Petersburg, which was then the capital of Russia. In the chaos, members of the Imperial parliament or Duma assumed control of the country and formed the Russian Provisional Government. The army leadership felt they did not have the means to suppress the revolution, which resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas’. The Soviets or workers' councils were led by radical socialist factions that initially permitted the Provisional Government to rule, but insisted on a prerogative to influence the government and control various militias. The February Revolution took place in the context of heavy military setbacks during World War One, 1914 – 1918, which left much of the Russian army in a state of mutiny.

The late nineteenth and twentieth century witnessed further rumblings in the foundations of our world’s societies. Attempts at restoring its balance were gathering momentum with the rise of the suffrage movement, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. At first the males of the common people started to fight for the right to vote. Not long after the females began to rebel against the oppression by the aristocracy and the males of their societies in general. The suffragettes fought their battles for the right to vote for women, demanding that they too should have their say in the running of our world. Thanks to these brave warriors of peace our world is progressing well on the road to total equality of the sexes, with equal rights and duties, as well as pay.

The Chinese Communist Revolution or the 1949 Revolution was the culmination of the Chinese Communist Party’s drive to power since its founding in 1921 and the second part of the Chinese Civil War. In the official media, this period is known as the War of Liberation. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, 1893-1976, wrote: ‘A revolution is not a dinner party or like writing an essay, painting a picture or doing embroidery. It cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.

‘The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of al the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution. I call on the workers, peasants, and revolutionary intellectuals of all countries and all who are willing to fight against U.S. imperialism to take action and extend strong support to the struggle of the Black people in the United States! People of the whole world, unite still more closely and launch a sustained and vigorous offensive against our common enemy, U.S. imperialism, and its accomplices! It can be said with certainty that the complete collapse of colonialism, imperialism, and all systems of exploitation, and the complete emancipation of all the oppressed peoples and nations of the world are not far off.

Mao’s words were expressing the Aquarian Age’s main theme. The struggle of all the people of our world is, however, not against US imperialism, as in Mao’s view, but against slavery and oppression of all kinds, especially of a spiritual nature. Saturn and Uranus are the co-ruler of Aquarius. This shows clearly that the freedom of the Aquarian Age will only be granted to those who freely and willingly submit themselves to Saturn’s demands of self-control and self-mastery. It means taking responsibility for ourselves and accepting that we did our share of bringing about the present state of our world and that therefore we need to do our share of putting things right. In the course of many lifetimes each one of us has developed special gifts and talents for this purpose and now the time has come for giving of our best for the good of the whole, in thoughts, words and actions. First we need to put our own inner house in order and then that of humankind.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (22)

The Change Of Energies Between The Signs

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Change Of Energies Between The SignsWith every different age we and our world enter a change of energies takes place. It is just the same when for example the progressed Moon in our birthchart moves from one sign into another and/or from one house into the next one. Each time a profound change of energies takes place in us and our lives. This never happens as if someone had suddenly flicked a switch. In the case of the Moon’s progressions about three months before the change-over the energies of the new sign and house slowly begin to mingle with those of the old one. Gradually the influence of the new energies gets stronger until after another three months they have taken over completely.

Isn’t that in itself proof enough that the Universe loves us and in its kindness never rushes us into anything? It always allows us sufficient time to get used to the new influence that are during times of change-over slowly and imperceptibly drawn into our lives. Once you have become aware of the energies that are operating at any given time, you will be able to sense this gradual change of energies. It reflects itself best and most of all in the different things one becomes interested in and each time one such change takes place new lessons and experiences are sure to come our way in the foreseeable future. For anyone who is seeking to re-establish harmony between themselves and the Universe, knowing about the energies and the effects they are likely to have in my view is invaluable.

For example, there are times in everybody’s life when one increasingly feels the need to be quiet, reflective and still, all one wants to do is retreat as much as possible from the humdrum of everyday life into the inner sanctuary, to converse with one’s soul and the Universe. When that has run its course, there comes a major rebirth and a forging ahead into the world again, during which one gathers all manner of new experiences through fresh contacts that appear out of seemingly nowhere.

At other times all one’s interests may be focused around the home and all one wants to do is to stay there and be as snug and as comfortable as possible. When that is over, slowly and imperceptibly feelings sneak in of wanting to be out into the world again, to come out of hiding and be seen and heard again. The accompanying sensations in all such situations slowly get stronger, until they can no longer be neglected. Why? Because we are then good and ready for life lessons of a different kind. And these are the energies the European Union is already beginning to experience. We shall return to this theme later.

The energies of any given set of two signs side by side in the zodiac are always profoundly different from each other. And there could be no greater change of energies we have to adjust to than the one from Pisces, Water, the emotions, Karma and the soul, to Aquarius, Air, mental and intellectual activities, rebellion and revolution. The French Revolution demonstrates how early the influence of the new sign’s energies begin to make themselves felt and that with ever increasing power.

Six pointed Star


The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (23)

The United Kingdom And The European Union

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The United Kingdom And The European UnionWe surely live in monumental times! Anyone who still doubts that the Age of Aquarius is fully with us only needs to observe the latest developments of our world where the Aquarian energies can be seen at work everywhere with ever increasing force. For a long time now the old order has been breaking down and the pace of this is rapidly increasing. Just about everywhere people are showing a growing discontent with governments, institutions and large organisations who are interfering with people’s freedom to make their own choices. The referendum on the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union and everything that has happened since then is very much part of our world’s response to the energies of the Aquarian Zeitgeist. The old Prime Minister resigned and with the speed of greased lightning a new one was installed.

Smashing up that which is stagnating and no longer satisfactory, removing and replacing it with something better and more advanced that is right for our time is very much in keeping with the nature of the Uranian energies. I feel intuitively that other European countries will follow our example and that the European Union in its present form will eventually be shattered to bits, so that it can be remoulded nearer to the heart desires of its citizens. A new and much happier union will emerge in the end and that may come about much quicker than we may imagine now. I can see the countries regrouping into a confederation with an agreement that is based on friendship, goodwill and co-operation, supporting each other in times of need, true to the spirit of the Aquarian Age.

Each country has its own soul and in days to come will once again have its own government that supported by its people decides what’s in the best interest of the nation. Every one of them will again pass its own laws and make rules and regulations that suit the requirements of the country’s unique characteristics. We ourselves shall choose how all of our taxpayers’ money should be spent instead of being forced to pile vast amounts of it into the coffers of what must amount to the most wasteful institution that has ever existed in our world. Who wants to follow the dictates of the dinosaur of a central government in Brussels that is completely detached from the realities and true needs of the citizen’s of its member states?

Let’s now take a closer look at the energies that brought Brexit about, starting with this year. 2016 is a No. 9 year, i.e. 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9, ruled by Mars, planetary ruler of Aries, the point of all new beginnings. But before they can take place, there have to endings. Maybe that’s why numerologically the nine represents endings and completions. At the beginning of this year I wrote that there will be many endings and conclusions for each one of us individually and also for our world. Although at the time of writing this the year was only nineteen days old, already many famous people had departed from the earthly plane of life.

2017 is going to be a No. 10 year and that means a whole new cycle of experiences will begin and bring us many fresh starts and this is not perchance. Nothing in this life or anywhere else happens perchance or by coincidence. It can only do so when the energies are right and therefore its time has come. The knowledge to which the Angels are now allowing us access provide us with clear evidence that there really is a plan of life and that it has always been unfolding with the greatest precision. Clearly, it’s no coincidence that Britain should leave the European Union in the year 2016, forty-four years after joining it. The previous year, the forty-third brought into play the energies of the 4 = Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, disruptions. 3 = Jupiter, the freedom loving ruler of Sagittarius, the gambler of the zodiac, expansive and beneficial, ready to take a chance on just about anything. 4 + 3 = 7 = Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces. The seventh year usually signals a time of disillusionment and disenchantment, coming down from the clouds of deceiving self and others to Earth with a bump.

And so it is not surprising that in the year that followed the seventh there was no holding us back any longer. The two fours show that a double portion of Uranian energies were affecting our country and its people. Our way of handling them was that as early as February the date of a referendum was announced that would decide whether we were going to stay in the European Union or leave it. 4 + 4 = 8 = Saturn, sole ruler of Capricorn and co-ruler of Aquarius, the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac whose demands are self-discipline and self-mastery. With this the energies were right and the signals set for retrieving the responsibility for governing our country. Under Saturn’s rulership we would be required to work extremely hard to succeed. 

As a result, the British referendum took place on 23.6.2016 = 2 + 3 + 6 + 9 (year) = 20 = the Moon, planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother of life. This is one of the days when the protection of Her energies is particularly strong. The referendum result was announced the next day, a number 21 day = 2 + 1 = 3 = ruled by expansive and mighty Jupiter. Observing how these things manifest themselves strengthens my view that there really is a great plan of life and that it is unfolding the way it should, and that therefore all is well with us and our world. What more proof could anyone want? As a friend of mine likes to say: ‘Do you want jam on it?’ Or to express it in the style of E.C. Bentley, when asked to comment on Damon Runyon’s work: ‘If you can’t see for yourself by now that there really is a plan, then you must be such a guy as will never understand anything in this world.’

Uranus represents the will of God and who would we be to argue with the wisdom of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan? Should there be some hard times ahead as a result of this breaking up of the old order – and there may not be any – knowing that something better is sure to be waiting for us in the end, will help us to endure what is beyond our power to change more patiently and without grumbling, too much anyway. Because the law of life is evolution, everything in the whole of Creation, including we and our world, are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the spiral of life and being transformed into ever more beautiful and perfect manifestations of the living God’s creative ideas.

That’s why the Uranian energies will eventually also reward our bravery and bless all of us with a more agreeable European Union and ultimately world. As disruptive as these energies can be, they invariably aim to put their recipient(s) down in better and more amenable conditions. Naturally, it’s impossible to see this while our noses are still firmly glued to the canvas of the events, but as soon as the dust of the upheaval has settled and with the gift of hindsight it can be seen quite clearly.

That’s why it stands to reason that Britain’s leaving the European Union in the long run is sure to bring nothing but good to our world. The more we trust God’s plan and affirm that beneficial things are going to happen, the more easily the plan unfolds. For those who are aware why things are taking place the best is to go with the flow. No matter what happens, our task is to show that in spite of the events unfolding around us we trust that Earth life is intrinsically good and that with the help of the Angels the wisdom of the Great Mother, together with the light of the Christ Spirit, will show us the way.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (24)

Shaking Off The Yoke Of The Patriarchy

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Shaking Off The Yoke Of The PatriarchyAll human beings, males and females alike, are somehow specially gifted. In the course of our long evolutionary journey we sometimes appear as a woman and on other occasions as a man. Each one of them serves the further development of these talents. The capable way ever more women these days are handling the power entrusted into their care is more easily understood when one bears this in mind. Each one of them is sure to have spent many past lives in preparation of the work they are doing in this one. That’s why increasing numbers of women are seizing their opportunities for displaying and practising their inborn talents, i.e. the ones they brought with them. It applies to all of us that every one of our previous lifetimes has been a preparation for what we are presently doing.

Now that women are increasingly taking over the role of rightful equal partners of the masculine powers of our world and with this are shaking off the yoke of the patriarchy’s male supremacy, there surely is hope for us and our world. The more the balance between the feminine and masculine forces as well as the material and spiritual aspects of life is being restored, the closer we are coming to the final goal of a peaceful world.

Just as I was getting this latest part of my jottings ready for presenting to the public it was announced that the United Kingdom has its second woman prime minister, Theresa May. As I do not have her time of birth, it’s impossible to establish in which sign her ascendant is and in which houses the planets of her birthchart are. However, from the details I do have I can tell you reliably that Mrs May is a very different personality from Mrs Thatcher, our previous woman head of state, who was a Sun Libra with her Moon in Leo and Scorpio ascending. In her time Mrs Thatcher was as much the right woman to take the helm as Mrs May is in ours.

Mrs May was born 1st October 1956. She is fifty-nine now and has just about completed her second Saturn Return. We shall return to what this means in the next chapter. Mrs May’s Sun is in Libra, the sign of the peacemaker and having been born on the first day of October reveals that she has excellent leader qualities and that twice over. 1 = the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, the leader. 10 = 1 ditto.

Mrs May’s Mercury, Moon and Jupiter are in Virgo and this reveals an inborn need for serving humbly and the capability to meticulously attend to any task before her. It is likely that her main motive for becoming a politician was her wish to serve her country and its people. Her destiny number 1 + 10 + 1956 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5 Virgo confirms that this is indeed her predestined pathway.

Mrs May became British Prime Minister at an extremely difficult time. There is no doubt in my mind that, in keeping with the rebellious spirit of the Aquarian Age, she will steer the boat of our country successfully through the process of freeing it from the oppression of the Brussels bureaucracy and shaking off its yoke. I believe that Mrs May is just the right person for this job. Britain’s course of action is an expression of the spirit or Zeitgeist of our times in response to the Aquarian energies. Therefore, it would not be at all surprising if other countries followed our example and one by one did their share of relieving the remaining countries of the burden of acting as paymasters for the over-elaborate Union’s institutions.

Instead of trying to make all countries subject to the same rules and regulations, which are highly unpopular and clearly are not going to be followed much longer by everybody, we shall be enjoying the rich variety of national characteristics of the European countries in which many other parts of our world have their roots. Within the framework of the new European Union that will emerge in due course, every country will have regained its autonomy, the right to rule itself and make its own decisions, especially when it comes to deciding on the level of taxation it requires.

Meanwhile in the USA Mrs Hillary Clinton has been nominated officially as one of the candidates for the forthcoming presidential elections. Mrs Clinton was born 26.10.1947, a Sun Scorpio and a very strong one at that. Her Sun, Venus, Mercury and Chiron are in this sign and Jupiter exactly on cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Her Moon in Pisces and because I do not have her time of birth, the same applies as to Mrs May. Still her birthchart tells me that she is a formidable woman who may very well be just right to take over the presidency at this difficult time of our world’s development.

If Mrs Clinton got involved in some of the shadier aspects of her profession as a politician, let no-one hold it against her. Of the three women we are concerned with here, as a Sun Scorpio she has the most demanding pathway to walk and it goes for her, the same as everybody else, that without experiencing the darkness we cannot know the light. Scorpio has three levels of consciousness and it will be interesting to observe whether Mrs Clinton will be able to reach the highest one during her political career. The first level is the Scorpion who enjoys hurting and wounding others, but in the end stings itself to death.

The symbol of the second level is the Eagle, which represents the Spirit Self. Under its wings the human soul’s Earth-bound spirit needs to learn to rise above that plane on the eagle’s mighty wings. It may take a long time until the earthly self eventually lifts itself above the concerns of the Earth and, like the eagle, flies higher and nearer to the Eternal spiritual Sun than any other creature on Earth. For another very extensive period, the human eagle is likely to behave like the lower form of the eagle, a bird of prey with an exceedingly cruel beak and claws to match.

When the human eagle has gathered sufficient experiences of using them to serve its own selfish purposes, it crash lands. The eagle must die and transform itself the dove, the Dove of Peace. This is the sign’s third and final evolutionary phase which is crucial for the soul on its pathway to perfection. At last, the Scorpio spirit rises triumphantly from the smouldering ashes of what once was its life, to willingly and unselfishly, meekly and mildly serve as a channel of blessing and healing between God and all life.

Another remarkable woman is Angela Merkel, born 17.7.1954, a Cancerian. Her Sun conjunct Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury in this sign shows that she is strongly under the influence of its energies. Before we go any further, we shall take a closer look at the day of her birth, never mind the month and year. It’s astonishing how much the day alone can reveal about us and our inner motivations, frequently more than can be gleaned from our birthcharts.

1 + 7 = 8. 1 = the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo. The Sun in our birthchart represents our Highest spirit self who is constantly trying to pull us, its earthly counterpart, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

7 = Neptune, planetary ruler of Pisces, the sign of Karma and the soul. The energies of the 7 and Neptune provide us with the ability to dream and during lifetimes in Cancer we learn to appreciate the value of home, mother and roots, physical and spiritual ones. When the Berlin wall came down, Mrs Merkel was dreaming of a reunited Germany and the restoration of her part of the country. Born 17.7.1954, her destiny number is 1 + 7 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. This increases the strength of the Neptunian energies available to her considerably and with this the creative power of her dreams.

8 = Saturn, planetary ruler of Capricorn. For highly evolved souls this is the sign in which their highest potential can be fulfilled. Mrs Merkel is known to be ambitious and extremely hard working. During her time as a student she always wanted to be best at everything. She has a brilliant mind that must have taken many lifetimes of practising and honing in preparation for the task that has been assigned to her this time round. To enable her to carry it out, all her gifts are coming together and she is making the best possible use of them through working for the benefit of the greater whole.

Before becoming politically involved, Mrs Merkel was a research scientist, she has a PhD in this field. At the beginning of her political career, the influence of the Saturnian energies provided Mrs Merkel with the strength and determination to overcome her natural shyness. That cannot have been easy because on the whole Cancerians are shy people. After all, they are ruled by the Moon who only comes out at night and does not reveal its secrets easily. It does not like the light of day and shies away from the merciless limelight of public life. However, the love for her country and fellow citizens was more powerful in Mrs Merkel. It gained the upper hand and pushed her forwards onto the political scene. And so, in truly Saturnian manner she rolled up her sleeves – metaphorically speaking – and ever since then has been working extremely hard to bring her dream down to Earth and to make it into a reality.

Mrs Merkel is a devout Christian who was brought up in the Protestant tradition. She does walk her talk and conducts her life in keeping with the principles of the Universal Christ’s spirit, who speaks to us through the Jesus legend. Her Christ nature shines as a bright light on the often murky political stage of our world and provides an example that all of us can follow. That no doubt is why the Universal Forces rewarded Mrs Merkel with the role of the leader of the united Germany.

She is Germany’s first woman chancellor, the country’s official head of state. She has been holding this office since the year 2005 and is known for her honesty, sincerity and integrity. She has a great aptitude for organising and solving problems, great and small ones alike, and for finding sensible compromises when the need for them arises. All these things have made her into one of the most influential people, never mind women, of our world.

 The energies of planetary conjunctions on the inner level work as one. The Sun and Uranus conjunction in Mrs Merkel’s birthchart means that she is a Sun Cancerian as well as an Aquarian. She most certainly is a woman for our time and her Moon in Aquarius adds some more strength to it. Cancer is the sign of the Great Mother and Uranus represent the voice of God and Mrs Merkel is strongly under the influence of both. The Great Mother’s wisdom and love are acting and speaking through her.

As a Sun Cancerian Mrs Merkel has her finger on the pulse or rather on the emotions of the mass of people and can sense what they are feeling. Does she have the guts to respond was that are right for our world now? I hope so. The coming three years or so for the European Union are going to be a good time for making some long-term plans, which with the application and perseverance of all involved are sure to work out well in the end.

If you want to get to know a Cancerian, look at their Moon sign. Mrs Merkel’s Moon in Aquarius reveals the humanitarian who sees all people as equals. Here we find the motivation for her stubborn insistence of Germany’s immigration program. As mentioned earlier, during lifetimes spent in Cancer we learn to appreciate the value of home, mother and roots. If we had the power to supply them for everybody, this is what we would do and that’s the reason why Mrs Merkel’s heart is wide open to the refugee problems of our time.

Every woman who steps forward to take her rightful place as an equal partner of men, doing her best to make our world into a better and more peaceful place for everybody, is making a valuable contribution to restoring the balance of our world. Each one of these women is a manifestation of the Great Mother and living proof that Her wisdom and love are indeed returning to us. How much more evidence could anyone want that the great plan of life is unfolding as it should and that all is well with us and our world?

So, let’s rejoice and celebrate, and willingly and happily do whatever is within our power to make our world a better and more peaceful place. This will ensure that, when we ourselves return to the Earth in future lifetimes, we shall find such a place waiting for us and for those who will then be our children and children’s children.

For a better understanding of the forces and energies motivating the three women and the direction their Highest Self is intuitively guiding them, I recommend the reading of my interpretations of their Sun and Moon signs. I have placed them in the order of their Sun sign’s appearance in the zodiac.

1.    Mrs Merkel
‘The Sun In Cancer’
‘The Sun In Aquarius’

2.    Mrs May
‘The Sun In Libra’
‘The Sun In Virgo’

3.    Mrs Clinton
‘The Sun In Scorpio’
‘The Sun In Pisces’

Further Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Soul Mates’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘The Divine Soul Mate’
•    ‘Christianity, Socialism And Communism’
•    ‘Created In God’s Image’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (25)

The Second Saturn Return

Rays Of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - Astrological Landmarks - The Saturn Returns

As mentioned earlier, Mrs May has just about completed her second Saturn Return. When I had a look at the birthchart of the European Union, I saw to my astonishment that it was formed on 1.1.1958. Therefore, this is the 59th year of its existence and with that the Union is doing the same. Comrades in arms! Let’s take a closer look at what this means. The first Saturn Return is complete by approx. age 29 1/2 and the second one around age 58/59. At the end of each period of 29 1/2 years, Saturn returns to the same position it occupied in our birthchart, at the moment of our birth. Each Saturn return marks the end of a phase in our inner maturing process. By the time the first return is complete, usually the set of inner and outer defences a personality has built for itself stretches over all areas of its mundane life.

Saturn returns can either be times of high achievement or of frustration and disappointments. This varies from one individual to another, depending on the amount of work one has done on personal development and growth. Naturally, the same applies to any kind of organisation, independent of how small or big it may be. Saturn returns are times for taking stock of our lives and for getting ready to clear away that which no longer supports our soul growth. What have we done with our lives thus far? Are we satisfied with the progress we have made? If not, clearly the time has come for making some profound changes in our attitude to life and our lifestyle. Clearing out and making the changes that have become necessary in one’s life is always a daunting prospect, but the Universe sees to it that this is what we do. And if we don’t something happens that in earthly terms is rightly called ‘force majeure’. The forces of destiny take things out of our hands and make them happen, as in this case through the British referendum.

In the approach to the Saturn returns we begin to view our defence network as a whole. It is a time when we can perceive more clearly than usual that which is real and what is illusory in the structures we have built. If we have done so well, that is if we have aimed for qualities of character rather than external forms and outward appearances, the Saturn returns can mark a peak of achievement and the reaffirmation of our inner sense of purpose. However, if we have built badly by depending on and identifying with our external attributes and circumstances only, there is a strong possibility that everything is knocked out from underneath us. Either we do this under our own steam or – if we resist Saturn’s energy and requirements – circumstances that are only apparently beyond our control may do so for us.

The momentum of our own unconscious currents may then force us to start again, though hopefully this time having found a different foundation and perspective on which to build our life altogether. Saturn returns are times when that which is transient or borrowed is dissolved, and only what has become a permanent attribute of our character is allowed to remain. When you think back you may remember how the first Saturn return affected your life, which could help you to understand the purpose and meaning of what you are going through now. You will find that coming up to the second Saturn return, circumstances often repeat themselves, sometimes in quite an uncanny and unnerving manner. You may find yourself in situations similar to those you encountered during the first return. Frequently, you will have a strong feeling of déjà-vu.

This is happening for a very good reason. The progressions of the Moon move through all the signs of the zodiac. Each sign represents at two and a half year cycle. This reflects how the Universe provides each soul with ever new learning experiences. One full sequence of these progressions lasts approx. the same span of time that it takes Saturn to do the same. One full Moon cycle takes thirty years and Saturn takes 29 1/2 years to do the same. Because our progressed Moon at the time of our second Saturn Return therefore moves through the same sign as it did around the first one, very similar experiences are drawn into our lives. This way the Universe is testing us how much we have learnt in the meantime and whether spiritually we have we made any progress at all. Only if our behaviour and our reactions to people and situations show that we have learnt from the mistakes we made earlier in life, shall we truly be ready to move on to different and more mature experiences.

There are other indicators in the Union’s birthchart that tell me the time is right for some major changes in its structure and standing in the world, and that over the coming months the pace of these developments will be quickening. For the union it’s going to be a time for bringing its inner house in order, making home improvements and maybe even – metaphorically speaking – moving house. This is likely to include a going back to Union’s roots and giving careful consideration why it was formed in the first place. The original idea was a spiritual one, namely to make sure that wars between the countries of Europe would no longer be impossible. A united Europe was an ideal to be striven for! I was part of the generation that helped to bring it into being. I was twenty-one the year it was formed and allowed to vote for the first time in my life. I even remember the date when I put my paper into the ballot box. It was a general election that took place on that particular birthday. What an event!

Maybe now I can make a small contribution towards the forming of a new union that is indeed nearer to my heart’s desire. Over the next three years or so the existing one will undergo many fundamental changes, of that I am sure. My friends and family know that I have no time for fortunetelling in general and especially not with the help of astrology. On this occasion, however, I am willing stick my neck out and say that what I wrote earlier about the future of the European Union is quite clearly written in the Stars.

To return to the theme of the Second Saturn Return for a moment, for Mrs May it clearly is a time of high achievements. After having served our country as Home Secretary for six years, which apparently is an exceptionally long time for anyone to hold this office, they are undoubtedly well deserved.

For the European Union, however, the second Saturn Return is going to be a time of disappointments and major setbacks. I see this as due to the fact that the union has been focussing purely on the material plane of life whilst completely neglecting its spiritual background, namely the ideal that once brought it into being. How this came about is more easily understood when one considers that the Moon in the European birthchart is in Taurus, the money sign of the zodiac. People born into it are fond of the good things of life, extremely acquisitive, possessive and clinging, they love money and gold.

But because the Aquarian Age is an increasingly spiritual one, I imagine the union will be forced by the circumstances of our time to go back to the drawing board and its roots. I believe it will redesign and rebirth itself as a friendly confederation of European countries along the lines described earlier, so it can rise like the legendary phoenix from the ashes of its own funereal pyre.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Stargazer’s Astro Files – The Second Saturn Return’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (26)

The Natural Laws And Their Cause

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Natural Laws And Their CauseFrom the most highly evolved to the least significant creature on any level of life has their allocated space in the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan of life. And everything in the whole of Creation consists of energies that vibrate at certain frequencies. The law of life is love and the law of evolution is part of the law of love. All worlds and every being within them are subject to these two laws. Each one of them first existed as an idea of the perfect prototype of its species in the heartmind of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity. The idea is sent out as a thought and gradually develops into a world or one of the creatures in it. The Universal laws ensure that they are constantly changing and transforming themselves into an ever more beautiful and perfect expression of the Creator’s original idea.

Without these laws all humankinds individual and collective lower and lowest character traces and everything that to this day is disturbing and ugly in our world would forever remain that way. Fortunately, the laws make this impossible. They not only demand that every human spark of the Divine has to take part in earthly life, but also that it grows and evolves. For this purpose we first have to be made familiar with every aspect of our nature.

Because of this, at the beginning of our earthly education as young and inexperienced beings, we are extremely wet behind the ears, yet filled with our own importance. So far we are unaware that we have been placed on the Earth so that we may learn how to tame the wild and raw desires and urges of our lower animal nature. As a result we wander around falsely believing that it is our right to remove everything that gets in the way of our beliefs and wishes, if need be by killing people and wiping them out. Unaware of the Universal laws and the effects they have on every life, wherever we go during that phase of our development we are piling up negative Karma and adding debits to our spiritual bankbook.

Everybody without exception once had to start their evolutionary journey by getting to know their own and other people’s darkest and most negative characteristics. Sometimes we too have been dishing out experiences of this nature to those around us and on other occasions we found ourselves at their receiving end. And it takes many lifetimes to slowly evolve from this state into a person who deserves to be called a true son/daughter of God, a young God in their own right. Unbeknown for a long time to our earthly self, all along we are being trained by the Highest Forces of life to eventually fit into their ranks. This has been achieved when the lion and the lamb of our nature are resting peacefully in each other’s presence.

Each through their own efforts must gradually work their way up the evolutionary ladder, until we can eventually bring forth, from within the core of our own being, the highest and most noble characteristics of our higher nature. The Angels know what kind of an odyssey the human evolutionary pathway is. That’s why, although unbeknown to us during the early stages of our development, they have always accompanied us. At all times they are quietly beavering in the spiritual background of earthly life. For a long time our earthly self has to remain unaware of its existence and of the Angels, but they never stop supervising and guiding us. In our state of ignorance we are all very good at digging karmic holes for ourselves, which to our chagrin have to be made good later on, sometimes many lifetimes ahead.

This principle applies as much to each one of us individually as it does to nations and our whole world. All we can do is our best and trust that God and the Angels will do the rest, as they surely will. This is how together with them, like comrades in arms, we move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Slowly our vibrations change from the heaviest and densest earthly ones into lighter and more rapidly swinging ones. It is a process of spiritualisation that does not only serve our own development but also that of Mother Earth. The more of us overcome the downwards drag of their earthly nature, the more speedily our planet’s development progresses.

In the course of many lifetimes the long and winding evolutionary road takes each one of us time and again through every sign of the zodiac. Round and round we go through one circle and cycle after another. It is a spiritual highway is that is spiked with countless thorny patches, twists and turns, hurdles and obstacles. When at last we are treading in the footsteps of the archetypal Christ, for example as depicted by the legends of Jesus Christ and the Lord Krishna, we are ready to become a Christed one in our own right. The whole experience is a healing journey which in the end takes each one of us back home into the conscious awareness of our oneness with our Creator, from whose heartmind we once emerged.

There are those who to this day believe that myths and legends, which from time to time appeared in our world as Divine teaching aids, are based on historical facts. Someone with a purely scientific mindset who is as yet unaware of the spiritual background of life, where the natural laws of our world have their origin, may well say: ‘I marvel at the life I see around me, the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, trees and flowers, birds that fly, insects that crawl and human beings who are capable of thinking, feeling and loving. They were not created by a God somewhere ‘out there’. It’s the natural laws that make our world so awesome and beautiful. Because proven and repeatable laboratory experiments have shown that nature herself, the laws of the known Universe if you like, favours ever more complex pattern-forming, there just isn’t any need for a God.’

Humankind’s observations of life over the millennia have revealed that earthly life is indeed ruled by natural laws. And now the time has come to understand that these laws are outer manifestations of the inner will and power of the Universal creative forces of the Great Father of all life, God, and His counterpart the love and wisdom of the Great Mother, the Goddess. They are the intelligence of the great Universal mind who thought of the Universal laws to take care of and protect its creations. That’s how the law of cause and effect came into being. It decrees that nothing can exist anywhere in the whole of Creation without having been caused by someone’s thought, word or deed – in that order. Following this through to its logical conclusion, it makes sense that everything that exists in our world really was caused or created by something/someone. But who or what? By none other than you and me and everybody else.

Clearly the natural laws did not create themselves either, nothing can do that. Although they have the effect of causing all things, including human beings, to grow and evolve, they are an effect nonetheless and not a cause, and by no means the end of the line. They too were caused by someone or something, but by whom? The Universal Intelligence, known to many as God. Before Its power the whole of Creation kneels in worship and gives thanks for the gifts It so generously bestows upon all lifeforms. This is the Great Architect, the designer and owner of all life. Omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient it is the One who in truth is Two – God and Goddess – and who holds the reigns of Its Creation safely in Its loving hands.

The Universal laws have their origin in the masculine logical thinking part of the Universal Life Force, the God, in co-operation with its feminine counterpart, the wisdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother. The Father is the first cause, the source of all creative idea. The Mother is the second cause and the Father’s ideas are constantly expressed through her and that throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on our small planet. 1 + 2 = 3 and everything that is created is a manifestation of the Father/Mother and therefore is Its Son/Daughter. The Mother’s love and wisdom decides where and when new worlds with all its creatures should come into being, and which ones have outlived their usefulness and are ready to be destroyed and taken away.

Until the earthly self’s superconscious faculties are at least beginning to unfold, it finds it impossible to grasp concepts of this nature. This theme is covered more extensively in the next chapter.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (27)

Tangible Evidence Of God’s Existence

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Tangible Evidence Of God's PresenceIn our quest of finding tangible evidence that there really is a God, I can think of no better starting point than taking a closer look at the juxtaposition and polarity of the astrological signs Gemini and Sagittarius. The Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, serve the development of our intellectual capabilities. Gemini is the mutable Air sign is dedicated to the progress of our earthly personality’s mind and that is the only thinking organ that is available to us for many lifetimes. But eventually in even the slowest earthly selves the superconscious faculties begin to unfold. The Universe has blessed all its children with them, but it takes a long time before they stir into life. These faculties are developed in the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius. During lifetimes in this sign our interest in the philosophical/religious/spiritual aspects of life awakens and gradually increases.

Gemini and Sagittarius are polar opposites in the zodiac. On the outer level of life the energies of each two pair of opposing signs, for example Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio and so forth, are struggling to come to terms with each other. This happens for the simple reason that at first each one is unaware of the presence and meaning of the other. The signs in polar opposition to each other are known as sleeping partners. The Sun sign is the conscious part and indicates in which direction our Highest spirit self is directing us. The energies of the opposite sign are also at work in us, but their influence is felt subconsciously.

With the passing of time the higher and lower aspects of our nature get to know each other and begin to co-operate and function as one. Our birthchart reveals that we all have every sign somewhere. And the more Gemini and Sagittarius of our nature merge, the more the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of the higher and highest levels of life in readiness for direct communications with God and the Angels. They can then begin to use us channels through which Divine wisdom and truth can flow into our world. After having spent a sufficient number of lifetimes on the Earth plane, this is how every small self in the end discovers that there is much more to life than being a mere earthling, that there are higher and highest dimensions waiting to be explored. At first we may only receive vague impressions from them and a profound thought and an idea may come to our mind here and there, but with the passing of time a clearer picture emerges.

The more our superconscious faculties develop, the more easily we grasp that there really is a God, but that the word means something quite different from what we once thought. Having at last become aware that God is everywhere, including in us and every one of our siblings in the human family, we no longer have any difficulties perceiving that our Creator truly is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Having discovered this, we observe all around us that God is a duality that manifests itself in the every aspect of our planet’s life. The obstacle that gets in the way of perceiving these things earlier on is the functioning of our earthly minds as a purely logical thinking instrument, which at all times is busily engaged in ceaseless rationalising and analysing.

This is the part of our being that for a long time manages to erect an inner barrier that functions like a brick wall to protect us against prematurely gaining access to the higher and highest dimensions of life that operate, invisible to ordinary earthly vision, behind the scenes of earthly life. With the understanding of God’s true nature and our own comes the realisation that the spiritual aspects of life behind the scenes of our earthly existence are the true and eternal realities that bring all physical life into being.

Each one of us is the result of a Divine idea and a thought and that we and our lives can be likened to pebbles that a long time ago were dropped into a still pool of water, the vast ocean of life and Eternity. Every one of our thoughts, words and actions bears the imprint of our own unique vibration and creates ripples which in some form or another return to us. The Universal laws are the cause of this because they ensure that nothing in the whole of Creation ever gets lost, least of all one of God’s thoughts. And because we are part of God and as Its co-creators the same applies to us and our thinking.

We are an integral part of the whole that in our world is generally known as God, some prefer to call it the Universe. The earthly part of our being is limited and finite in time and space. Unaware of the fact that on the inner level of life all is one, it cannot help experiencing itself through the world of our thoughts and feelings as something that is separate from the rest of humankind and all life. This has been an important part of the illusion of Earth life, to help become aware that each one of us is an individual being in its own right. With the passing of time this false belief creates a prison for the small earthly self. It last for as long as it takes to work our way through getting to know the lower and lowest aspects of humankind’s and our nature. Responding to its desires and carrying them out is what keeps us nailed to the cross of Earth life.

In that limited state of existence our ability to love is restricted to those around us, but fortunately each new lifetime is a gift from the Highest to help us learn and grow. An ever expanding mental/spiritual horizon what we are here to seek because that’s the only tool that can free us from the yoke of the many false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we picked up in the course of many previous lifetimes. They clog our perception of life until the rediscovery of our true nature and the knowledge that on the inner level all life is one and that when we are hurting one, we are hurting everybody, including ourselves. An increasing urge then overcomes us to embrace with love and compassion all living creatures, the whole of our world and the rest of Creation. We give thanks and praise to the One and the Angels for bringing everything into being and forever faithfully supporting and maintaining it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Gemini’
•    ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (28)

Can God Be Weighed And Measured?

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Can God Be Measured And Weighed?During their earthly self’s state of spiritual ignorance human beings cannot help coming to the conclusion that there is no God and there cannot be one because no proof and tangible evidence of its existence that can be weighed and measured are found anywhere. Yet, because God is in everything, we could not be further from the truth. We can see this for ourselves as soon as our higher nature has woken from its slumber. If we then ask ourselves whether God can be weighed and measured, the answer is a loud and clear: ‘Yes!’ To find the evidence we could have been seeking for a long time, all we have to do is take any object in our world and weigh and measure it. What we are then holding in our hands is a small piece of God and Goddess, the same as we ourselves are as well as anything that can or cannot be weighed and measured.

All our world’s material entities are part of the feminine aspect of the Divine, the Goddess, astrologically represented by the elements Earth and Water. They came into being by the power of the creative ideas, Fire, and the thought processes, Air, of the abstract and invisible masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, God. In this manner everything that already exists in the whole of Creation was once created and is constantly re-created and maintained by God and Goddess, peacefully and harmoniously working together and responding to each other. Everything that exists is their child, a manifestation of them and therefore their Son/Daughter. Numerologically, the Divine Trinity is expressed by 1 = the Sun, masculine, invisible, abstract, active and outgoing, God. 2 – the Moon, feminine, visible, passive and receptive. 1 + 2 = 3 = their child, the Universal Christ who is the Light of all lights. The Sun in the sky above us is but one of its many physical manifestations and so is the rest of the whole of Creation.

Gemini represents the earthly logical and analytical mind of the small self. Detached from its soft and sensitive feeling side, the soul, this mind is cold and crystal clear in its perceptions and analyses. For as long as its vision is firmly focused on daily life and the concerns of the Earth its understanding remains extremely limited. The earthly mind is a jittery and nervous part of our being that is doubtful and all too easily frightened. This is greatly relieved when during one of our lifetimes in Gemini we learn to tap into the energies of our Sun sign’s polar opposite in the zodiac, Sagittarius. Its most endearing qualities are unbounded faith and trust, but unless they are handled with circumspection these characteristics all too easily deteriorate into gullibility. The gift of a great abundance of joy and hope are another aspect of our ebullient and expansive super-conscious faculties of our Highest or God Self.

Credulity has been one of the main problems of the Piscean Age. This is hardly surprising when one considers that Jupiter co-rules Pisces in tandem with mystic, dreamy and otherworldly – but beware! also devious and deceptive – Neptune. The combined energies of these two planets produced a perfect setting for something as monumental as the Jesus legend. Considering that it was provided by courtesy of the foresight and wisdom of God’s great plan of life, it’s no wonder that it held its spell on so many for such a long time.

By getting the churches to insist that the Jesus story is based on historical facts, its spiritual and mystical components, i.e. the higher esoteric meaning and symbolism behind the tale’s surface words, were hidden away. That with the passing of time they almost got lost altogether was the Angels’ ingenious way of hiding God’s face from us, for as long this was necessary for the unfolding of the great plan of life. However, with the approach of the Age of Aquarius the time had come that the veil of secrecy should be removed and the scales slowly be taken from humankind’s eyes.

The deeper we and our world are moving into the new age, the more of us are shedding the spiritual blinds that for such a long time kept us in darkness. The age of truth is bringing humankind a renewed understanding that the Great Father/Mother of all life are our true parents. The knowledge of this helps us to renew our relationship with them and through this come to terms with the wise higher purpose our earthly existence has been serving, all along.

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone.
All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue.
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Johnny Nash

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (29)

Facing The Self – Looking For The Divine

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Facing The Self - Looking For The Divine

The following is the essence of a teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Facing the Self – Looking for the Divine’ in Stella Polaris October/November 2005: ‘In your search of evidence for the existence of the Divine, all you have to do is look into any kind of mirror because God is in everything, including you and the people around you. Everything is of God and created in God’s image and all characteristics and powers of the Divine are also in you. Therefore the things you observe in the world around you are also part of you. That’s why wise ones never judge or condemn anybody.

‘It is a sad fact of life that humankind spends much of its time running away from itself. Just take a look at the many distractions that exist in your world and the amusements people find so appealing. Please don’t get the impression that we, your spirit friends and helpers, do not recognise your need for relaxation and recreation. But as aspiring healers and lightbringers you can do better by looking for ways of taking them that connect you with God and us.

‘This is easier than you may think at the moment. Because God is as much part of you as you are of God and whenever you are singing to yourself or in a choir or maybe going for a nature walk, you are more in touch with your God nature. Just think, even your physical body does not belong to you but to God. It is a gift only for a time that has been entrusted into your care. It is your responsibility to look after it as best you know how to. Your body is a temple because the Highest dwells with you it. Being aware that this is so, refuse to squander the spirit energies of your indwelling Life Force. Your physical body is your vehicle for this lifetime. Don’t waste the precious time span that has been allocated to you for its use by desecrating it with anything.

‘No matter how depraved someone may become, the God spark is in them and their physical body belongs to God. The most important lesson each one of you has to learn is facing every aspect of your being and especially those of your lower nature. Many to this day are spending too much time running away from themselves. Through seeking dissipation and oblivion it is all too easy and tempting to avoid the genuine happiness and joy that reconnecting and healing together with God the Angels are waiting to present to every one of you. Such a beautiful world you have been given and oh, how much sorrow it contains. It is up to each one of you individually to change this state of affairs.

‘Throughout the ages there have been people who became inspired without at first being aware of what was happening to them. Speaking and writing intuitively they receive their information without studying books. With the passing of time they found out that all outer manifestations of life are reflections of the realities of their inner counterparts and that this applies to human thinking as much as it does to anything else in the whole of Creation. It is not the physical brain alone that does the thinking, for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life exists and can function on its own.

‘Without the spiritual forces in its background creating and supporting the physical plane of life there would be nothing. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s mental capacities. No earthly self on its own could ever bring itself into being. Never mind Earth life, without the help of your Highest spirit Self and your constant companions, the Angels and Masters, friend and helpers in the world of light, there would be no physical life anywhere in the Cosmos. The angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan of life and responsible for its smooth running, at all times. They are the ones who bring all of you into earthly life and place you in the right spots and relationships, so you can attend to your life lessons and fulfil your Karmic obligations.

‘The wisdom of the Divine Spirit flows into your world through those who are acting as Its channels like water. Their own experiences have taught them to trust implicitly that the knowledge they are receiving is coming directly from the heart of truth. Although it is most useful to gain knowledge without having to pore over books, we appreciate that to this day it is necessary for those who believe that, because they are seeing something in black and white before them, it has to be true.

‘This kind of gullibility is a leftover from the Piscean Age, the age of deception, when it was easy to pull the wool over people eyes. But those days have gone and ever more of you are learning to pay attention to the guidance of their very own inner teacher, the living God within or intuition. With this you are leaving behind the experience of gullibility and the dangers it brought to humankind. Whenever wise ones are reading or hearing something new, they listen to the small still inner voice to tell them through the world of their feelings: ‘This is right and true!’ or ‘That’s outdated and has no more value for you.’ As one of the Masters of your world once said: ‘Take no thought what ye shall say, for what is to be said will be put into your mouth or flow through you, in some other way.’ Following this advice, tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequency and with simple and childlike trust put your small hand into those of the Angels and your Creator, the Great White Spirit.’

From: ‘Communion’ White Eagle Stella Polaris December/January 2005/6: ‘Knowledge that flows into your heart from the Highest is true and knowing that’s what it is helps you to remain calm. Wise ones are not inclined to get involved in arguments over what they are bringing. Because the truth they are bringing is based on a deep inner knowingness, they see no need to argue about it. Anyone can experience this kind of knowing. It has nothing to do with mental arrogance that is very sure of its own cleverness but is a quiet inner knowing that does not see any point in arguing because it does not doubt that the knowledge that comes directly from God is true. You can be quite still and happy when others wish to argue about what you are bringing. It does not matter if some of those to whom you are presenting your truth cannot understand because they are unready for it.

‘Leave them to their beliefs and rest safely in the knowledge that in the fullness of time they too will receive their own truth in their own unique way. The time will come for those who still need books now, when they will no longer require them either because they have learnt to access their inner wisdom and are in possession of their own truth. All of you will eventually reach this phase of their development.’ End of White Eagle Teachings.

The Roman emperor and thinker Marcus Aurelius, 121-180 AD, said: ‘People seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores and mountains and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of people, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere is there more quiet or freedom from trouble than when human beings retreat into their own souls.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (30)

The Spiritual Desert Of Earth Life

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Spiritual Desert Of Earth LifeSix thousand years of patriarchy are drawing to its close. Six thousand years that brought our world an abundance of religions and a spiritual desert beyond compare. The Age of Aquarius is with us and six thousand years of literally Heaven-sent excuses for ever more warmongering and the design of increasingly vicious and destructive weaponry are lying behind us. In some parts the patriarchy is clinging on like grim death and that’s about all it has to offer: more death and destruction of life and earthly possessions. This too will run its course and peace come to our world at last.

The best we can do is fill our whole being with the spirit and light of the living God within, the Universal Christ, and project Its energies into all distressed areas and situations of our world. This is our task and carrying our world on their shoulders that’s the work of God and the Angels. After having spent such a long time in the desert of Earth life and dying of thirst for the support and comfort of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth, shall we ever be able to express enough our gratitude for the gifts the Aquarian Age is bringing us? But still, without the years in the wilderness we would still be unable to recognise the truth that is now coming before us with such great abundance. So, let’s not forget to give thanks and praise also for the desert phases of our individual and collective earthly education.

The way God and the Angels are rewarding us for all we have endured is moving us and our world with ever increasing speed into a period of earthly life during which we shall get to know the most positive and highest, noble and beautiful characteristics of the two mighty giants Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune being the higher octave of Venus, the planet of love and beauty, peace and harmony, these qualities are going to be high on the agenda. To assist us with bringing the new and peaceful Earth into being, these energies will be making their presence felt ever more powerfully. The influence of the positive side of Jupiter’s energies will assist the full unfolding of humankind’s superconscious faculties. All these things together are going to bring a renewal of the joy of living together in peace and harmony as children of the One and siblings in the great family of humankind, each one blessed with boundless faith and trust in the goodness of the life we have been given.

The planets Jupiter and Neptune are both of a gaseous nature. This is an indication that when they are at work the storyteller’s gift of the gab, Jupiter, joins forces with the talent for creative imagination, Neptune. For a long time the negative manifestations of their characteristics have been high on the agenda of our world. But now increasing numbers of us are using the gift of the positive qualities the two planets are waiting to bestow on all of us. When they are applied unselfishly and for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, hand in hand with God and the Angels, it will be possible to remove every last shred of the false beliefs we inherited from the Piscean Age.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan of life that is precisely what we are finding now. Among many other things this age has brought us a new vision of astrology’s true nature as the finest tool imaginable for getting to know ourselves and God. With its help it is easy to grasp how the processes of creation function. This brings a new understanding of what our Creator’s omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience means and that everything from the highest to the lowest truly is a manifestation of the Divine. Astrology is a wonderful instrument for revealing how throughout the ages God’s great plan of life has always been unfolding with the greatest precision and that there is indeed a time and a reason for everything under the Sun that lights up and warms our world, physically as well as spiritually.

Although our earthly minds find this kind of knowledge interesting and fascinating, in itself that is not enough. There is no point in absorbing spiritual wisdom intellectually only. Unless it brings about the awakening of our own inner light and encourages us to apply our learning to every aspect of our daily life, it represents nothing more than an intellectual exercise that made time pass by, which you could have been used for more wholesome purposes. In all revelations we need to look for simplicity and then examine how it can be applied to our own circumstances. There are no shortcuts on the spiritual pathway of life or gate-crashing into the inner temple, only a steady forwards and upwards climb.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is God?’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Jesus In The Desert’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (31)

What Can I Do About The State Of Our World?

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - What Can I Do About The State Of Our World?

If you are feeling helpless about many of the things that are happening in our world and are frequently asking yourself: ‘What can I do about the state of our world?’ I would reply: ‘More than you might think!’ Bearing in mind that all powers that are in God are also in us and each one of being a co-creator with God, we are powerful beyond compare. Read more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

This is our opportunity for learning how to employ the powers within us wisely and unselfishly for the highest good of all. As aspiring healers and lightbringers we can make a valuable contribution towards our planet’s sacred marriage with and spiritualisation by the highest levels of life, which for some time has been taking place. For this purpose we need to tune not only the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind but our whole being into the frequency of the Christ Star and project its radiance into the distressed areas of our world. This is how everybody can do their share of helping Mother Earth.

If that’s what you wish to do, please join me in your prayers, meditations and quite reflections by thinking and projecting nothing but light and love, hope and faith into the troubled spots of our world. Do not allow your mind to batter you with questions about any of the events that still have to take place because they are part of God’s great evolutionary plan. If they were not, there would be no need for them.

Never despair but develop an ever increasing faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life we have been granted. When our mind is calm and steadfast and our heart filled with the love of God and for all our siblings in the family of humankind, the white magic of the Universal Christ’s blessing and healing energies fills our whole being and from there flows quite naturally into our whole world.

May the Archangel Michael’s golden sword of wisdom and truth touch the heart and soul of humankind to awaken the Divine spark in every heart and turn it into a small still flame of love. As ever more of us grow in wisdom and understanding, may the blazing fire of God’s sacred truth burn away every last remnant of earthly life’s ignorance.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (32)

On The Forces Of Good And Evil

Rays of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - On The Forces Of Good And Evil

The following is the essence of three items from ‘There shall be Light!’ Stella Polaris Vol. 46:5: ‘The seeds of the siblinghood with all life that knows nothing but love is in every one of you. Do not look on the outer level of life for love but within and become more loving yourself. You are a dynamic being who can only attract that which you are yourself. The world around you is a mirror of what is happening within. So, whenever you want to change something in your world, first take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self. Each one of you has to do this for themselves because you can only recognise yourself by your reflection.

‘Never forget that each one of you has the best as well as the worst within. When you observe the ugly and painful things that are happening in your world, feelings of compassion and humility with all involved arise in you and you feel the need to pray for a purification of your own soul and that of your world to take all of you closer to God. The desire for loving and forgiving rather than hurting, criticising and resenting awaken in you. Please don’t ever think: ‘Oh, that’s too much for me!’ The only thing we ask of you is to simply keep on trying day by day. Every time you look into the mirror honestly and quietly affirm: ‘I am God’s child and I seek to obey the law of love, God’s law.’

Do Not Attack Evil – Dissolve It!

‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, a negative one and its positive counterpart, that which is good. This part is all love and with the passing of time absorbs what is known as evil in your world into itself and creates more good from it. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and humankind lives in Its heart and although many find it hard to accept that good and bad alike are within our Creator’s power. Both aspects have their origin in the life of God and proceed from there.

‘You need to know that that which is evil and ugly in your world and anywhere else is the unevolved and undeveloped part of life. All the powers that are in God are also in you. That is why when your Highest Self first starts building itself an earthly counterpart, it has to start at the lowest point, just the same as the Universal intelligence of the Almighty, whose spark you are, has to do when creating anything. The same applies to every field of human endeavour, be it the ability to conduct satisfying and rewarding personal relationships, or being successful professionally, artistically as well as spiritually. There are no shortcuts. In each case you have to start with the bottom step of the ladder, slowly and patiently working your way up to beauty and perfection.

‘Everything that to this day leaves much to be desired in your world is part of humankind’s lower earthly nature in its slowly evolving state. Evil is a consuming and destructive force. It’s a fire that first tests and tries humankind’s mettle to its utmost. Later on it is absorbed by the individual and collective development of the Christ nature. The Christ fire consumes everything that is no longer of any use and transforms it into something good. During the later stages of your development, when the thoughts, words and actions you in your ignorance of what is at stake once sent into the world return to you, the result tests and tries your whole being frequently to breaking point. The suffering endured pays the karmic debts that were incurred earlier.

‘By the time you have recovered, you have become thoroughly familiar with the nature of suffering. Your higher nature is awakening from its slumber and your heart fills with love and compassion whenever you see someone in distress. You have come to admire the people who happily share their talents with anyone who is in need of them and the work they are doing. Like them you want to become a useful member of society and assist those who are suffering the way you once did. With this the healer’s pathway is opening before you. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put it: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have experienced defeat, suffering, struggle and loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Such things do not just happen, they can only grow from within.’

‘With the awakening of the good and higher aspects of your nature, the Christ Spirit, the process of absorbing the ugly and evil parts of your lower earthly self begins. As this happens in ever more of you, with the passing of time all evil will eventually vanish from your world. And that is the only way Christ can become the saviour and redeemer of you and ultimately your whole world. Many believe that by attacking evil they can do their share of getting rid of it. But when you have become aware of God’s true nature and your own, you know that this is not the right course of action and that the best you can do to dissolve any kind of evil is by radiating the light of the Christ Star into the distressed people and areas of your world.

‘Those who view evil from the perspective we are bringing here, will have no difficulties recognising the wise higher purpose it fulfils in earthly life to this day. We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, have walked this way before you. We understand your difficulties only too well. That’s why we are volunteering to light the road every human soul must travel. We are trying to help you overcome the darkness of earthly life by showing how each one of you has to make their contribution towards absorbing it into the Christ light of love and compassion, wisdom and truth which, if only in seed form, is in every one of you. One of these days you may wish to join us and assist those you have left behind and who are still struggling in the darkness of earthly life.

Good Or White Magic

‘Good or white magic is performed with the knowledge and assistance of the Angels of Light. This ritual is carried out by people who work from their heart centre and with the highest intentions. Because they love those around them, they do not try to impose their own will upon them. Seeking nothing for themselves, they work unselfishly for the good of all. Many groups who work with the White Light will spring up all over the Earth in the days to come. Working in them allies the server with the Forces of Light and requires a spirit that is dedicated to selfless service.

‘Those who insist on working entirely for themselves, wishing to draw everything to themselves and imposing their will upon others, form an alliance with the negative forces. Awakened ones have no thoughts of themselves. Their only desire is to give love and light, to bless and raise all God’s children to a Higher state of consciousness. They give without reservations, from their loving hearts. Such selfless giving distinguishes the white from the dark magic.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (33)

The Snake – Symbol Of The Goddess’s Wisdom

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Snake, Symbol Of The Goddess's Wisdom

The ancient religions of our world regarded the snake as a symbol of the Divine Trinity’s love and wisdom aspect, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Under the rulership of the patriarchy the whole concept was turned round completely. As a result in the oldest part of the Abrahamic religions, the book of Genesis, the snake as a symbol of something entirely wholesome and good became the epitome of everything that is loathsome and evil in our world. The art of spin doctoring seems to be as old as the gift of language and storytelling and later of writing and reading. Considering the energies at work during the Age of Pisces, it’s not surprising that this artform reached new heights – or would it be better to say depths – with the Jesus tale.

Inspired by the Angels, the Roman spin-doctors got to work and crafted the story from fragments of earlier religions, especially the ancient Egyptian one. Together they constructed a legend that contained in symbolisms and metaphors, carefully hidden behind the story’s surface words, every one of the initiations all human souls have to undergo on their evolutionary pathway through earthly life. In step with the great plan and true to the principle that storytellers worth their salt do not allow the truth to get in the way of spinning a good yarn, it was used as the basis of a new religion during the Age of Pisces. The story provided humankind with a fresh range of excuses for its never ending rounds of bashing each other’s heads in and taking away other people’s possessions and countries. As neither party had the faintest idea of the true nature of the God in whose name they believed to be fighting, calling each other non-believers and infidels was a case of the pot calling the kettle grimy, if ever there was one.

What a sad catalogue of suffering to this day is following in the wake of the events of those days! The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth that comes to us directly from the heartmind of the Universal Intelligence. Thank be for bringing us the knowledge that every one of the sacred texts of our world, including the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, in the order of their appearance, have always been speaking through symbolisms, metaphors and allegories, as that is the way the world of spirit has always communicated with humankind. And praise also be for telling us how humankind’s existence in earthly life really began. Read more about this in the chapters ‘The Fall Of Humankind’, ‘On The Forces Of Good And Evil’ and ‘The Illusion’.

Now we know that the snake of the Creation story represents the wisdom aspect of the feminine aspect of the Divine, the Goddess with its powers of transformation and healing. In truth the serpent was by no means evil but wise and spoke the truth. At last the time has come for once more becoming aware that the essence of our being is spirit and part of God, immortal and eternal, and cannot die. The physical body is our vehicle for our present lifetime, a mere outer shell that is worn like an overcoat on the other lighter bodies we also have. As an empty shell the physical body returns to Mother Earth at the end of each lifetime, to be recycled while the core of our being moves on into the world of light, its true home.

What a long way we have already come since the beginning of the age of truth! Three cheers for it and our most heartfelt thanks to God and the Angels for releasing us from the prison of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, and for showing anyone who is ready and asks for it to find the truth about everything we wish to know. Already we have discovered that everything that is in our Creator is also in us, the masculine as well as the feminine, evil and good, the love and wisdom of the Goddess and the power and will of God. The Goddess is conscious in women and unconscious in men. The God part is conscious in men and unconscious in women.

Many a legend of the past told us about the underworld, a symbol of the human unconscious mind, an aspect of our nature that cannot be seen but is there nevertheless. Men can only gain access to it through their feminine passive and receptive, soft and sensitive feeling side, their very own soul. The female of our species needs to befriend the masculine active and outgoing part of her own being, her inner man, husband and lover. This inner lover, in women and men alike, is the dream lover and true soul mate, the one who at all times is kind, loving and wise, who understands every part of us without us having to say anything and who knows our true needs better than we do ourselves.

The Christ part of our being is the inner lover, the archetypal young God and only born son, who in truth at the same time is the daughter of the Great Father/Mother. Each one of us is a spark of the Universal Christ that has been waiting for aeons to wake up in our hearts and souls. Because it contains feminine and masculine energies and characteristics in equal proportion, it’s neither a He nor a She. That’s why I prefer to call it ‘It’. After the earthly self, without being aware of its own Divinity, has been nailed to the cross of a physical existence for long enough, the Divine spark begins to stir from its slumbers. Slowly but surely our Christ nature rises from its dark grave of ignorance that has held it imprisoned and tied to earthly life through the false belief of being mortal.

But eventually we reach the moment when our consciousness awakens to the joyous truth that there is no death, merely transformations into different lifestates, that the essence of our being, our spirit and soul, are immortal and in spite of what we once believed to be true has always remained at one with God. What a long time it takes until we finally realise that we ourselves are God, a being that is responsible for itself and the state of its world. No other human being can give us the wholeness we have always been hoping to find in others. No wonder our quest was in vain because the only one who can make us whole is the Divine part we ourselves carry within. That’s the only loving union that can make us whole and that means being healed and holy.

The figure of the legendary God man Jesus all along represented a metaphor for this part of our being. The conscious coming together with It has the power to transform our small earthly selves into Christed ones. The more we surrender our whole being to Its will and wishes – may Thy will be done, not mine – the more we do our share of establishing God’s Kingdom on the Earth. And that’s what the long heralded rebirth and homecoming of humankind has always been about. It is the long awaited second coming of Christ and because the story of the Master’s life is but a legend, there never was a first appearance. The awakening of the Christ spirit in ever more human hearts is the first coming of Christ. It was not for nothing that the Bible in St. Matthew 24:4-5 warns: ‘Be careful that no-one deceives you. For many will come in my name and say: ‘I am Christ,’ and they will deceive many.’ And that includes – dare I say it? – the Jesus story.

During our progress on the spiritual pathway of life our energies are constantly changing and the vibrations we emanate are gradually becoming increasingly refined. The Christ Spirit is our Highest or God Self and Master nature. For as long as this part remains slumbering within, whenever we are filled with joy, wracked by pain or we are getting emotionally too involved in earthly concerns, we are like a small boat on the high seas that is tossed about by any kind of wind. As soon as we understand that God and the Angels never leave us and that all we have to do is ask for their assistance, our outlook on life changes dramatically and we are calmer in difficult situations because we know that they are observing, guiding and helping as much as they can.

It takes a long time until we realise that each time we are calling for assistance from the Highest, we are not appealing to an outside force but the living God within. That’s why when we cry for Christ’s light, power and love to rescue us from our distress, a state of peace and calm begins to come over us. As time goes by, this helps us to become aware of our own indwelling strength. The more we call upon this power and work with it, the more easily we rise on the Christ light’s beam and discover that we can function as well on the higher planes as in earthly life. When we learn to view our life from that perspective, we can see for ourselves that every experience that comes our way in the end is nothing but a storm in a teacup and a passing phase. We realise that there really is no need for getting emotionally unduly disturbed by anything.

Water represents the world of our emotions. The parable of Jesus walking on the water was artfully crafted into the legend to demonstrate how we are expected to handle the sea of our emotions when we are learning to master our lower earthly nature. Instead of being ruled by their emotions, spiritual Masters take charge of them on the principle of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’, as suggested by Susan Jeffers in her excellent book that carries this title. 

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of Snakes’
•    ‘Adam And Eve’
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘The Divine Soul Mate’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Man’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

  Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (34)

New Ladders For Climbing Heavenwards

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – New Ladders For Climbing Heavenwards

‘Wisdom is not a flower to be plucked, but a mountain to be climbed.’

Spiritual knowledge has always been humankind’s ladder for reaching out to the higher and highest levels of life, known as the Heavenly world. All parts of my jottings were written from the highest point of my consciousness, which in turn is an integral part of the collective consciousness of all humankind, the same as yours and everyone else’s. If you are in tune with your heart, it will tell you reliably whether the truth, the way I perceive it, as God and the Angels are my witnesses, could also be yours. Somebody once asked me: ‘What – not who – are you?’ My reply was then, as it will always be: ‘I am a very ordinary person and a beloved child of the Universe, like the trees and the Stars, just the same as you and everybody else.

Because both of us are children of the One, I am your sibling and I love you. You are as much part of me, as I am a part of you. That is why, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I am sharing with you my inner truths, as my Highest or God Self urges me to do. I am aware that, when we hurt one, we hurt all, including ourselves. And because you and I in spirit and soul are one, rest assured that I would never dream of lying and misleading you or hurting and harming you in any way.

It has been said that, when the pupil is ready, the teacher will be found. Those who are ready for what I have to say will be able to understand. They will intuitively know how to pick what is of use to them and discard the rest. But if you are unready for what I am trying to convey, then no matter what I do or say will make any sense to you. It is by no means my intention to add my voice to those who want to destroy the credibility of any of the religions of our world. For one thing, they do not need my help because they are far too good at doing that job themselves. For another it is not my place to destroy the ladder on which my brothers and sisters are climbing, even though I can see that the appliance they are using is an exceedingly brittle one. Those who are sufficiently evolved know intuitively how to make their ladder stronger, for themselves as well as for others.

Knowing that the needs of the others will be fulfilled in due course, puts my mind at ease. It does not disturb me unduly that the sacred texts of our religions contain many teachings whose meanings the rank and file of its followers fail to understand. It is true that love understands all and because it understands forgives all. When the love of our Creator and for humankind and our world is our only motivation, it is not hard to be spiritually tolerant. That’s why I would never dream of attacking any of the things the religions of our world are offering. I merely would like my readers to find out that the at least some of the knowledge I carry within can enlarge and enhance what is already in their possession, creating a vision of what our belief systems could expand into, if they woke up at last.

No matter how small my contribution may be, it is my share of re-building the spiritual structure of our world now that we are moving ever deeper into the Age of Aquarius. We are presently standing on the threshold of a new golden age of plenty for all and the time is right for reconciling and healing all God’s children of the Earth by lifting each one into our Creator’s heart. After the intensive cleansing our religious institutions have already been going through, it’s good to see that many have already found a new and much stronger ladder to climb on. I dream of a world in which each child of God owns one that is so strong that no wind of change can blow it away or fears and doubts destroy it.

In keeping with the spirit of the Aquarian age each has to construct their own improved climbing apparatus for reaching into the Heavens, one that is based on the spiritual knowledge we are now receiving in growing abundance. And when our inner teacher, the living God within, our inner connection with the source of all wisdom and truth, says: ‘This makes sense. It is true!’, then it really is and we can rely upon it.

This is how the Aquarian Age is bringing us the gift of genuine faith and trust that has its roots in a deep inner knowingness and understanding of the processes of life and the spiritual background of our earthly existence and what life really is about. There will come a time when no-one in earthly life will be living in a constant state of fear and uncertainty, of life in general and death in particular. We shall find a peace of mind that is based on knowing instead of believing. It will be of solid gold compared to what we once had when all we had were mere surface beliefs that could be shaken and destroyed by just about anything. To my mind, the new age’s most precious gift for all of us is developing true and everlasting faith in the goodness of life that no-one will ever be able to take away. What could be more precious?

True to the principle that the brightest light casts the deepest shadows, the upside of Neptune’s energies is as powerful as their downside. Under their influence during the Age of Pisces mediumistic, mystical and inspirational qualities have also come to the fore and were developed by many. Pisces is the sign of the soul and of Karma. Evolved Pisceans are dreamers who can see in their imagination the ideal world we all once emerged from, the state of bliss known as Paradise, to which one day each one of us shall return.

It has been said that nothing hides the face of God as well as religion. This too undoubtedly has been part of God’s plan for the Piscean age. This ensured that in the following age many would be ready to rediscover God’s true nature and their own, and that we would make jolly sure to hold onto this knowledge and never again let it go from us. That’s why the plan provided that the outer trappings of the religions of our world would keep us from discovering such things too early. And because other vital lessons had to be attended to first, our belief systems were carefully designed by the Angels and Masters in charge of our world, to ensure that they could take place.

Now that these lessons have been learned by sufficient numbers of us, our world is ready to know that everything is God, including each one of us, and that every cell and atom of dense physical matter is made from the pulsating light of the Universal Christ or Christ Star. We are God, manifestations of our Creator’s living Spirit, the same as Jesus Christ would have been, if he had ever existed in physicality.

Some time ago, I found a brilliant cartoon in ‘Just Another Spiritual Book’ by Bo Lozoff. The drawing carried the title ‘Agnostic fleas’. It featured two fleas who are wandering around on a dog, whose bristles look like trees compared to the size of the fleas. The creatures look down-hearted and one says to the other: ‘Y’know, sometimes I question if there is a dog.’ It’s not at all difficult to see that the agnostic fleas are the human race scrambling about on God, being nurtured by God and yet wondering whether there is a God.

If in our present state of life the higher worlds are still invisible to our earthly eyes, it is for the simple reason that the atoms of our physical body are not yet sufficiently purified and our vibrations quickened to enable us to tune our whole being into the frequencies of the higher spiritual dimensions of life. Although thus far we have not yet grown the different bodies with which the higher worlds are contacted, there is no reason why we should think in terms of here on the Earth and there in the Heavens. For the time being our earthly bodies can only touch and see, smell and feel the things of the Earth, but in due course we shall develop a celestial body that will enable us to get in touch with ever higher states of consciousness.

It does so as follows: in each one of us the seed of the Christ Spirit has been implanted, initially only as a tiny spark. When our superconscious faculties begin to unfold, through our spiritual endeavours the Divine spark grows until the fire of the Christ love permeates every cell and atom of our being. Our consciousness expands our aura and radiation grows with it until we eventually become capable of reaching the most elevated planes. Life is a rhythmic breathing in and out and consists of an expansion of consciousness at will as well as a withdrawal from it at will.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Life Is Good – All Life Is God’
•   ‘Our World Is A Bridge’
•    ‘Building Bridges’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
•    ‘Baking A Rich New Cake
•    ‘Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (35)

God Is Dead – Nietzsche

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – God Is Dead - Nietzsche

Graffiti on a subway wall somewhere:
‘God is dead!’ Nietzsche

Someone scrawled underneath:
‘Nietzsche is dead!’ God
‘God is not dead, but alive and well
and working on a much less ambitious project.’

‘God is not dead and neither is Nietzsche.
Both are spirits and enjoying a full and healthy life,
always have done and forever will do.’

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900, was a German philologist, philosopher, cultural critic, poet and composer. He wrote several critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony and aphorism. Trying to find the real Friedrich Nietzsche behind what little I knew of him, took me on a journey of discovery with many surprises. On closer inspection I found to my astonishment that he was by no means an atheist but a devout Christian.

For a very long time I had been intrigued by Nietzsche’s words and frequently wondered what he may originally have said and in what context the words ‘God is dead’ had appeared. To satisfy my curiosity, I bought three of his books:

•    ‘Twilight of the Idols with The Antichrist and Ecce Homo’ (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature)
•    ‘Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future’
•    ‘Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse – Zur Genealogie der Moral’

I could have saved myself the trouble. The books were not really worth having and many of his quotes, including the one I was looking for, are freely available on the internet. Here it is: ‘God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become Gods simply to appear worthy of it?’ From ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ first published 1883-1885

The above quote reveals that Nietzsche, being a devout Christian, unhappily carried the burden of a collective guilt complex. What else could one expect from someone of his background? His father as well as his grandfather had been pastors in the Protestant church. His father died early at the age of thirty-six, deeply loved and missed very much by his son. He hated his mother and sister. More about this in his view on women.

Nietzsche’s writings came across to me as unenlightened, earth-bound, wildly outdated and downright boring. What I had hoped to find was some kind of a statement that, in Nietzsche’s view, the old perception of the meaning of God was dead because the time had come for finding a new understanding of who and what God truly is. But then I became aware that during Nietzsche’s lifetime from the year 1844 to 1900 it would have been far too early to introduce the idea that the story of the life of the Master Jesus is just that, a story and a myth, a legend and no more.

I don’t think the time I did spend on the three books was wasted. It was not a great deal I have to admit, as there didn’t seem to be much point in immersing myself into what Nietzsche had to say. The one thing his writings showed me is the quantum leap in our spiritual evolution we and our world have made since his departure from the Earth plane. My inner teacher reminded me that the ones I had attempted to read had been written almost 120 years ago. At that stage it would have been far too early to disclose the whole of the life story of the Master Jesus is an allegory of the many initiations every human soul eventually has to undergo on its individual evolutionary pathway.

True to the principle that in the realm of the blind the one-eyed is king, Nietzsche was considered to be one of the foremost thinkers of his time. His statement about God reveals what a long way we have in our understanding of the meaning of God in comparatively short time. How much progress our world has made on its spiritual pathway! And yet, the latest developments in Turkey at the time of writing this in June 2016, an attempted coup d’état shows with what vigour the remainders of the patriarchy are resisting any kind of change in the stranglehold of masculine supremacy. I am convinced that, no matter how hard they try, in the long run these forces cannot win because it is part of God’s plan that they should go.

Let Angela Merkel, German chancellor for the past eleven years, have the last word about freedom in this part of my jottings. Having spent the first thirty-five years of her life in East Germany, she has first hand experience of what an oppressive government can do to human spirits and souls. She knows the power of humankind’s yearning for freedom and that’s why she has  made it the leitmotiv of her political world view. In a meeting with President Obama and the Americans people several years ago she said: ‘History has often shown how strong the longing for freedom can be. It has inspired people to overcome their fears and oppose dictatorships. In the end, there is no chain of dictatorship, no fetter of oppression that can withstand the strength of freedom. That is my firm belief, and it will continue to guide me.’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (36)

The Soul's Pathway Through The Zodiac

Rays Of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - The Technical Aspects - The Pathway Of The Soul Through The Zodia

My earthly self fought a long and embittered battle
With my spirit and soul.
For aeons it believed that it was a lost and fallen Angel
From a misty and half forgotten galaxy of Stars.
We have made peace with each other because
Both of us are now aware that in truth we are
A spark of the Divine and a child of the Sun,
The great spiritual Sun behind the Sun of earthly life.

Our spirit once descended from the Highest levels of life.
We came to this plane to take part in it
And so learn and grow through our own experiences.
In the course of many lifetimes we have been
Wounded cruelly by the painful thrust of Mars,
Caught in Neptune’s tangled web and
Shocked and torn asunder by the sudden violence of Uranus.
Tortured by the clever lies of Mercury,
Crushed beneath the icy weight of stern and unyielding Saturn,
Hours often felt like days, days like years,
And years like eternities of frustration and waiting.

There was a time when my soul and I believed we were the Sun,
Whose exploding bursts of arrogance and pride
Scorched and almost blinded us.
Ignorant of our true self, the feminine and masculine,
Eve and Adam deep within cried helplessly.
Yet, we fought on in unrelenting fury and striking blow for blow,
Driven on by the pounding drums of Jupiter’s throbbing passions,
Stumbling at the precipice of the Moon’s enticing madness,
To fall in trembling fear before the threat
Of Pluto’s ominous tomb-like silence,
Consumed by inconsolable sadness
And the bleakness of despair.

Bravely bearing the wounds and scars of furious battles,
My spirit and soul are now coming home at last.
We are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Serenely and in quiet peace,
The way we once did.
Having gathered together the scattered pieces of our being,
We are healed and whole once more.
A great evolutionary circle is closing
And the twin serpents of the dual forces of Creation,
The Highest and lowest, masculine and feminine,
Who for a long time were opposed to each other in earthly life
Are learning to harmoniously work together again.
They are the serpents of wisdom and healing
Who are winding themselves around the Caduceus,
My own and that of all humankind and our world.

Willingly my spirit and soul together with my earthly self
Are now following the pull of the Sun.
Yielding to the attracting power of Venus,
We are leaving the enslavement of earthly existence behind.
A rainbow of light surrounds the Earth.
Under its protection humankind is coming home
Into its true nature and the oneness with God and all life.
The long promised golden land of peace and plenty
Lies within the reach of every heart and soul,
As our highest ideals and aspirations, hopes and dreams
Are finding fulfilment at last.

Following the call of gentle Venus and the call of
Our Creator’s love and guidance that never left us,
We and our world have survived the might of selfish seeking
And the downward pull of our earthly self’s desires.
Equipped with the gift of a renewed understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
A new world that is filled with tolerance and forgiveness,
Patience and peace is waiting to unfold itself
Before us and our world.

Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (37)

The Story Of Creation - Start Reading Here

The Fall Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - The Fall Of Humankind

The following is the essence of an Inner Teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides in Stella Polaris Aug/Sept 2007: ‘Without the dark you would be unable to see the light of the Sun and the stars. And without having walked in the darkness of ignorance of God’s true nature and your own, you would never even begin to realise that there is indeed something more and higher to reach for.

‘We know that our Creator is omnipotent, that His/Her great plan of life as unfailing and that nothing and nobody in the whole of Creation has the power to interfere with its unfolding. Cataclysms like the sinking of Atlantis happened because of a lack of equilibrium between the forces of good and evil, which may be regarded as accidental by some, but this is not so. The Universal forces never allow the reigns of the Universe to slip out of their hands. Nothing is outside the will and power of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the same as nothing is beyond the reach of the wisdom and the love of the Great Mother, the Goddess.

‘What some see as ‘The Fall of Humankind’ was an event of cosmic proportions that was created for the benefit of the spiritual development of God’s children of the Earth. This process eventually brings about an awakening of the Divine spark in human hearts and later the realisation of humankind’s power to choose for itself, the gift of freewill. If your soul had not entered into the darkness of matter, you would never have become conscious of yourself and the powers within you and your relationship with God. That is the true purpose of everyone’s existence in physicality.

‘The Divine light from the heart centre of light breathes tiny sparks of Itself into earthly life where each one is clothed in dense matter. The spark can be likened to a seed that is sown in the soil of the Earth. Under the influence of the darkness of its existence the seed in due course is reached and cracked open by the warmth and sunlight it receives from above to help it to grow. That also happens to every soul and the pressure of what is known to humankind as evil works on each earthly self so that with the passing of time, the suffering that has to be endured as a result forces it to reach heavenwards and grow.

‘That is how from a non-conscious spark the Divine aspect of your nature expands almost imperceptibly for a long time. Through many ages the consciousness of your small self keeps on growing. This continues until you have mastered the earthly plane of life and are capable of taking charge of yourself as well as shouldering the responsibility for the present state of your world. This shows that you have become the master of yourself. By then you have acquired various bodies or vehicles that allow you to function with equal ease on different planes of consciousness and life. Having learned self-mastery and mastery of the other planes that have become your field of action, you have become God-conscious and are therefore at one with the Great Father/Mother. You are free.

‘Every human being has a spiritual or Divine urge within, but also a small earthly self whose mind at first is at war with its indwelling spirit and soul. Good and evil are like two wheels at work that are waiting to become one. They represent the higher and lower aspects of life. The higher is called into action through the lower path of suffering, which serves the wise purpose of helping each one of you to eventually grow into a perfect son/daughter of God, a Christed one in their own right. This is the meaning of all people shall be raised up to the Son/Sun and in the end be one with and part of Its radiance.

‘While it was still unconscious of itself as an individual, the spirit came down to the Earth plane and was clothed in a physical body to help it realise its individuality and later to return into the consciousness awareness of its own Divinity and the living God within. As we have pointed out many times before, there are two aspects to your nature. One is all good, that’s the pure spirit who longs for nothing but being with God. Your earthly personality is its counterpart, who strives to assert and express itself in ways it considers as its freedom, for the simple reason that it does not yet know what that really means.

‘This continues until your earthly self learns to attune itself peacefully and harmoniously to the will and desires of its all good or God Self, submitting and surrendering itself to it completely. Your Highest Self is the pure Spirit of God, who has always been working with you on your pathway of spiritual evolution. When your earthly self has learned to work harmoniously with your Christ Spirit, your suffering on the cross of earthly life is over. As you can see, the so-called fall of humanity has been a process of evolution which was designed to teach every one of you how to take charge of the weaknesses and desires of your lower earthly nature. There never has been a violation of the Divine evolutionary plan.

‘The purpose of that which is known as evil or darkness in your world is the bringing forth of good. Out of evil cometh good and out of darkness cometh light. In the beginning there was darkness and God said: ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light. Ultimately, all dark and inharmonious conditions in earthly life are for humankind’s highest good and greatest joy by teaching you something. Rest assured that there is a great plan of life that is held safely in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. Nothing happens outside of it. A wise higher purpose is hidden behind everything that happens on the Earth plane and for every individual soul, as well as for the whole of your world, the great plan provides a final outcome that is beautiful.’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (38)

The Illusion

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – The Illusion

From ‘The Milk Is White’ by Ian Gardner
By the author’s kind permission.

Realisation is revelation. It is as if the dust and debris of time are swept away and the shining Truth is revealed. What is ‘seen’, ‘known’, ‘identified with’ in a transcendent state cannot adequately be conveyed by the written or spoken word.

What we perceive as matter in its various forms is a thought manifestation of the Creative Force from the purest form, or state, of energy which is the Creative Force Itself. Using that same creative ability given to us at our ‘birth’ we, through thought entered this ‘world’ and became attached to the pleasures it gave us. With this came pain, the opposite of pleasure, because the law of this phenomenal world is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, it is only in thought that we are here. We are standing outside looking in so to speak. It is an illusion. Perhaps dreamlike is a better word, as dreams are very real to us at the time of dreaming.

Everything is impermanent. Everything is in a state of flux. The entire biosphere is in motion in a cyclical state of matter being broken down and re-constituted from one form to another. All matter – energy – is in a state of flux – the whole universe of matter. Everything we can see, feel and possess is in a state of flux, of motion, and is transient – even our thoughts. Our mind creates, and can be observed by us creating; creating thoughts of pleasure, pain, sadness and joy, fear and anticipation and, as we observe thoughts being created, we can still the creation, and, therefore, the world it creates.

The world is of the mind and is impermanent – even our bodies are in a constant state of flux, of destruction and re-creation. Even the soul, the self, is constantly changing and evolving through our experience and the choices we make. The only unchanging aspect is the Light itself, the absolute being, that which is timeless, always was and always will be, that which simply IS. This absolute self is of the Creative Forces, it is like a water droplet touched by a vast drop, it merges completely yet retains its identity. That is our true state of being.

Thus, all is a creation only of the mind – an illusion, and we must enjoy all aspects of this illusion, whether they appear to be good or bad, as it presents itself; with joy because it is through this that we evolve; through meditation and applying the right principles; through the realisation of our true identity and, thereby, to at-oneness with the Creative Forces – the Great Spirit. The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, and we are unaffected by what appears to be.

To misunderstand this may lead to delusion. The unwise, or those whose conscience is subdued or subjugated by worldly desires, may easily assume that, because nothing in the phenomenal world is real, they may freely, with impunity, put a knife into another, wage war, steal, rape, and harm others in the many ways possible, and in other ways eschew love in all its manifestations. However, thoughts are things, as the Cayce Readings say. Thought is a force, energy, a field, as evidenced by experiments conducted by Russian scientist in the early half of the twentieth century. It ‘travels’ instantaneously and is not impeded by distance or any known substance.

In this context, the saying it’s the thought that counts is true because, as has been stated before, action is created by thought, except when it is an instinct reaction to something. It really is the thought that counts, and it is thought that attracts karma, negative or positive, as the case may be. It is understandable that the illusion is difficult to comprehend and I hope that the following may go some way to helping in this regard. If we are shown a green leaf and asked what its colour is, we will reply that it is green. However, it is not green. It only appears to be green because it absorbs all but that part of the light spectrum that makes green, and that is the part that is reflected to our eyes. A beautiful butterfly wing is not beautiful at all. It only looks that way because the tiny scales on the wings are angled in different ways to create different colours.

Likewise materials we take to be solid are not solid. Glass flows slowly in response to gravity, the hardest diamond has space between its atoms and molecules, and energy particles are passing right through all seemingly solid bodies, including our own. Nothing is as it appears. A parallel similarity to the illusion, and the way in which it manifests, is our current activity of creating Virtual Reality. In doing this we are using thought to create a perceived reality, an illusion, through the medium of technology.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (39)

The Story Of Creation - According to Aquarius

Healers And Healing - The Story Of Creation - According to Aquarius

How would you like to join me on a journey through my enchanted Universe? Are you ready? Sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. Picture yourself as the Lord of all of Creation. You are sitting on top of the highest mountain, but so far this is merely a symbolism for the highest level of life. There are no mountains because you have not yet created any or anything else for that matter. You just are. You are the consciousness of the Universe, the boss, the head honcho, the big cheese.

If you are a woman, you may find that hard to imagine. Equipped with the wisdom of the feminine, you will be glad to leave that kind of responsibility to whoever wants it. But if you are a man, especially during the early stages of your earthly development, ruling the world that’s what you are secretly or openly are dreaming of. Women and men alike are sparks of the Divine. Both of you are chips off the old block and merely expressing the characteristics you inherited from our Creator. Filled with active and outgoing energies, the masculine wants to be ‘out there’, wherever this may be, conquering the unknown and making something out of it.

Initially, this follows the selfish drives and urges of the lower self, the result of which is a great deal of suffering. When the earthly self has experienced enough of that, it yearns to do its share of alleviating it for others. The more we become aware of our true nature and the higher purpose of our existence, the more we long for nothing but to serve the Highest for the good of all. Naturally, each can only do that in their own way. We all respond to the energies that are predominant in our character make-up. And it needs to be born in mind that the masculine can be stronger in women than in men and vice versa. The energies available to us express themselves in our behaviour and general approach to life quite clearly. If you would like to find out yours, take a look at your birthchart. But back to our story.

You are pure thought, no more, and that’s all there is of Creation so far. I realise that the word Creation does not really fit here and I realise how difficult it is to describe God and the creative processes within the limits of language, any language for that matter. Let’s try anyway. So, here you are, filling All and the All has neither beginning nor end. You cannot be seen. You are abstract, a thought, an idea – the thought, the idea. There is nothing else and as the dimension of time will much later only exist in earthly life, you have nothing to compare yourself with or to measure anything by. And so you ask yourself: ‘Who am I? What am I? Good questions. How can I find out about Myself and get to know Me? How shall I go about it?’

Being the purest form of creative energy, all you know at this stage is that you are getting increasingly restless. You are feeling an ever greater urge to be on the move and to create something. But move to where and create what? You think to yourself: ‘It’s too dark here, let there be light! What if I create some tiny particles and then will them to become light? Everything I bring into being will be created from it and it shall be called the Christ light. It shall be My first born Son/Daughter who is exactly like Me and from whom all life will emerge.

From the Christ light I shall create beings who can move about and experience themselves with the help of the things they are doing and everything that happens around them. Through their actions and reactions to that which happens to them I will be finding out how My characteristics and powers are expressing themselves in different environments, which I shall create. Not knowing is darkness and knowing is light. That’s how the Christ light shall bring into being two different kinds of light. Light that can be seen and light in the form of knowledge and understanding. The latter belongs to the spiritual background of life that brings the former into being and supports it.

Yes, that’s what I’ll do. I shall call the particles atoms and they will be bonded together in molecules, which will be moving at a certain initial speed. Here is the first batch of them. Let’s see what happens when I slow down their vibrations. See, as soon as I do this sufficiently the atoms become denser and denser until a whole cluster of them looks as if it were solid, although in truth it’s nothing of the kind. I shall call it matter and from it start moulding the forms and figures whose archetypes represent Me and who are forming in My mind.

The Creator has to learn from mistakes of the past the same as we do and after a period of initial chaos and confusion comes to the conclusion: ‘I must organise this. There has to be some law and order in My creation. A plan is shaping in My mind which decrees that the whole of My creation slowly but surely will be evolving. Everything that will ever be part of this plan will be bound by strict rules and regulations. Without them chaos and confusion would become a permanent state and that’s not how I am going to rule My creation.

To guarantee that My plan works with the greatest precision and accuracy, I shall design laws by which the whole of My creation will be governed. The reins of the plan of My grand design shall forever rest safely in My hands. No-one and nothing will ever be allowed to interfere with it. Naturally, I shall obey My laws and everything in My creation will have no choice but to do the same. As without laws nothing could function properly for a design of this nature and size, the strictest law and order are essential. To enforce them I am going to create an authority that makes sure that they are adhered to rigorously, so that My Creation comes to no harm. I shall create beings of light and put them in charge of the execution of My plan. They will be responsible for its smooth running and shall be known as Angels.

I am love and My first law is the law of love and evolution. The plan for My creation decrees that everything in it should constantly be growing ever more beautiful and perfect. This first law will be a tree on which the second and equally important one, that of cause and effect, grows like a branch. This law will see to it that everything returns to its source, which ensures that nothing in the whole of My Creation can ever be truly lost. Everything in My Creation will be simplicity itself, all truly great ideas are going to be that way. The life I am going to create will be a circle that consists of many circles within circles and cycles within cycles. Together with the law of cause and effect this makes sure that every thought, word and action unerringly finds its way back to where it came from. Yes, so it shall be.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (40)

The Great Mother – Truly Beloved Of The One

Healers And Healing - The Story Of Creation - The Great Mother, Truly Beloved Of The OneI am lonely and in desperate need of a companion. That’s why I shall now create sufficient matter to bring into being the first physical manifestations of My truly Beloved, the Great Mother, My feminine counterpart. How do I want her to be? I am the One in whom all energies are perfectly balanced. I am masculine and feminine in one, but as I would like to see who I am and how the various parts of me function and behave, I will create masculine as well as feminine beings.

To enable me to get to know My Beloved I will bring some physical worlds into being. I am going to create them from the substance I have made, thus every part of physical matter is My companion. She will be known as the Great Mother of all life. The process of evolution will make her and everything that is part of her ever more beautiful and perfect. Being My other half, she will be as intelligent as I am and top of that she will be My love and wisdom aspect. Her intelligence will always express itself in kind and loving ways. Yes, it shall be so.

Whenever My creative desire becomes too overwhelming, she will be able to use her wisdom to contain me. For the benefit of My Creation, she will know when and where and what is enough, what comes into being and what has served its usefulness and is ready to go. I am Fire, I am fierce. I am Air, I am fast. I move with the speed of thought, infinitely faster than the atoms and molecules of light. My Beloved will contain me when I rush forward in My eagerness to create, for that is My nature, I cannot do anything else. I can be too fierce and she will calm Me down. Her Earth element will slow Me down and her Water will soothe and pacify Me. My perfect companion! How I yearn not to be alone any more and isn’t it astonishing how much I love her already, even before having created her? I am in love with love. Yet, that is good, too – so it shall be.

So, where do I go from here? The state of My being is love and because I am love, everything I create contains My substance and therefore is love. I love that which is good, right and beautiful, but if I want to get to know all of Me, I also have to deal with the polar opposite of good. To get to know it and because I am starting My creation from nothing, at first My ideas shall present themselves in their most ugly and crude, nasty and evil form. Knowing that they will not be left that way for long, but that everything that in the beginning had to be ugly and crude will eventually be made beautiful and good, is the creator’s greatest joy.

Now you are ready to bring a world into being. But what kind of a world do you want? You’ve decided it should be made of the matter you are busily creating. As soon as a certain amount of it is ready, you begin to shape from it your first small Universe in which many solar systems and planets are whirling around each other in the space around them. Their movement makes a wonderful sound, inadvertently making you the composer of what human beings, when they eventually appear, are going to call the music of the spheres.

This is how from the beginnings of the lightest of matter, you keep on creating spiritual worlds and beings to inhabit them. One fine day, only in a manner of speaking of course, because on your level of life in Eternity there aren’t any days, you think: ‘Why is it that I feel more restless than ever before? Having created all those worlds and their beings has not exhausted My creative urge by any means. I feel like a change. What shall I tackle next? What if I slow down the vibrations of one of the worlds I have created some more?

How about manifesting My different aspects on a planet that shall be known as Earth and bringing into being creatures who shall be called human? In this environment they are going to dwell in physical bodies that allow them to move around, so they can experience themselves and their world through themselves and the beings who are sharing their life with them. For a long time they will not know who or what they truly are. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. It’s the only way I can get to know all parts of Me properly, the rough as well as the smooth. It will be interesting to observe how the higher and lower aspects of humankind’s nature and Mine behave and are experienced in a material world. And that’s how we and our world came into being.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (41)

The ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’ Of The Universe

From ‘The Milk Is White’ by Ian Gardner
By the author’s kind permission.

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Inside And Outside Of The UniverseThis essay reached me many years after my Creation story first came into being: ‘The Universe consists, primarily, of particles of energy. They coalesce to form progressively denser matter from energy fields to rocks, planets, stars and so forth. These primary particles are dimensional and, because all other matter is comprised of them, and the Universe is comprised of this matter, the Universe is dimensional. As anything with dimensions has external limits the Universe has external limits. It is, therefore, not infinite. However, what is ‘outside’ the Universe? Stillness – ‘nothing’, as we know it. That stillness or nothing is ‘Thought’, ‘an intelligence’, or Spirit. It is non-dimensional and timeless, i.e. not of time and space. It is Peace and the essence of Love – an indescribable, all pervasive Love – something that can only be experienced.

‘In the realm of matter, motion and, therefore, time, that which exists as it does ‘outside’ the Universe is thought or spirit, which is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Omnipresent because everything and everyone on this Earth and in this Universe is composed of Spirit  and, therefore, Spirit is present everywhere; omniscient because Spirit, having created everything knows everything; and omnipotent because it is Its creative power (thought) which created everything and set in motion the principle of birth and death/creation and destruction which governs all matter. This Spirit is called The Great Spirit or God, or whatever, according to one’s choice.

‘Thought, as we usually know it, is a force; a force that is not subject to time and space. In reality there is no ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. Spirit pervades everything and is everything, including that which comprises us both in our Spirit and physical forms. There is no separation, no duality,  all is, in fact, One. It is only in our state of  ‘mind’ and our state of being at present that there is separation or duality.

‘One way to attempt to conceptualise this oneness is to look at a sheet of graph paper of 1 mm grid (a sheet with a mixed grid is not as illustrative). Select any number of sections of this grid as a unit. These may be one within another, separate, overlapping, any shape etc. No matter what you select, or how many, they are all an intrinsic part of the whole – of the one. Now, to complicate matters even further visualise that sheet folded, scrolled or otherwise altered from its two dimensions and you will get an idea of the complexity of the relationship of one with any other.’

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The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (42)

Jesus – A Thoughtform

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Jesus - A Thoughtform

Under the guidance and protection of the Angelic hierarchy and countless ranks of spirit helpers we and our world are constantly subject to the lessons of the earthly school of life. During the deepest and darkest hours of its curriculum these friends have been and forever will be accompanying each and every one of us. Skilfully they are steering us round the cliffs and through the unfathomable depths of the great ocean of life, and within it the sea of human consciousness and the world of our feelings.

It has always been part of God’s great plan that, as soon as our world was ready for a major move forward on the evolutionary spiral of life, the Angels created a new religion that would gradually overtake and replace the existing one(s). Every human soul’s final goal in earthly life is to evolve into an enlightened being, a healer and lightbringer in their own right. Part of this is an awareness of God’s true nature and our own; understanding the higher purpose of our existence as sparks of the Divine and young God’s in the making; accepting that the higher esoteric meaning of God-man Jesus as a symbol for everyone’s own Christ nature; and that the Jesus legend is a demonstration of how a spiritual Master is expected to conduct his/her life as such a shining example that we wish to follow it.

Each one of us will eventually be capable of acting as a carrier and distributor of the seeds of the Divine wisdom and truth that are constantly flowing from the Angels on the highest levels of life into our spirit guides and helpers and from there into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. Only when we have evolved into a light that shines brightly in the darkness of earthly life and we have done our share of dispersing it, can we hope to be released from our earthly duties and begin to experience the higher levels of life.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ June/July 2010 with the heading ‘Visualising the Christ Star’: ‘Every human being is a spark of God and a chip off the old block. All qualities and powers that are in God are also in each one of you, though at first only in a slumbering state and as a potential. As co-creators with God your thoughts have the power to constantly create something. Any form that you imagine or think of is created by you out of what we in our world call soul matter.

‘You are responsible for whatever you create. This is how, usually without being aware of what they are doing, writers create and build the characters of their tales on the etheric plane. Writers of fiction are the creators of their stories’ characters, but those who write historical novels tune into the vibrations of the people who have become the focus of their attention. The more intensively this is done, the more authentic their tales will feel. Whatever someone creates in this way comes alive as a thoughtform on the astral plane of life and eventually has to be absorbed into the heartmind of its creator. That is the seat of God’s and human creativity.

‘Every human being’s development at some stage includes experiencing the astral planes. If in any of your lifetimes you created some thoughtforms, that’s when they present themselves to you, so they can be absorbed into your consciousness. Because the Universal laws decree that everything has to return to its creator, it cannot be done any other way. Does that now make you wonder how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coped with it when the hound of the Baskervilles was bounding towards him? If only he had known!

‘Wise ones, however, who are aware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions is built into some kind of a form on the higher etheric plane, leave writing unpleasant and scary tales to those who do not yet know any better. Instead they spend more time on creating beautiful and peaceful conditions in their home. Even if their lifepath is a difficult one, they make every effort to think good and constructive thoughts only and use their power to create as much beauty wherever they go.

‘As the absorption of thoughtforms can only be done by the love in the creator’s heart for his/her creations, wise ones ask for the guidance and protection of their inner teacher, the living God within, when they are writing. They take great care to only bring thoughtforms of good, positive and constructive people into being, who have something to give that enriches your world and makes it a more pleasant place for all.

‘And that’s how the Angels once created the legend of the Master Jesus and the people surrounding him. When this tale has served its purpose, every one of its thoughtforms will be absorbed back into the consciousness of the Angelic hierarchy and removed. For the Jesus legend this process will be completed sooner than you may be able to imagine from your present evolutionary state. This is due to the fact that increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that the only purpose of all legends that ever appeared in your world was to assist the awakening of the living God within each one of you.

‘Every one of the thoughtforms that were thus created down the ages, with the passing of time was slowly withdrawn and absorbed into the heart of the Angelic realms, from where they once emerged. Each time an old religion is removed from your world in this manner, it loses its hold on people’s hearts and minds and that creates the necessary space for the entry of a new belief system. This is how the religions that are still present in your world are being phased out. And now that sufficient numbers of you have matured into spiritual maturity, there no longer is any need for legends. You are ready for the truth about God’s true nature and your own and capable of acting as healers and lightbringers for those around you. You are here to spread the good news of the religion of the Aquarian Age and are meant to share it through the media that are the gift of this age * for you and your world:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Recognising whether the above is speaking the truth is not difficult for those among you who once took part in the ancient Egyptian religions or any that reached even deeper into antiquity. The only things human beings have ever been able to take with them, when leaving another earthly lifetime behind, is what they have gained in wisdom and understanding. This is how many who are presently taking part in earthly life have brought knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom with them.

‘Yet, on the debit side of your spiritual bankbook such credits are accompanied by unpaid Karmic debts from those long gone by days. If this applies to you, your present earthly sojourn will be offering you plenty of opportunities for balancing your spiritual account. This is why you were drawn to spiritual service in the first place. Whenever you encounter parts of the Ancient Wisdom, you feel its calling from deep within you and need no convincing that they are speaking the truth. Having once seen into and experienced that which is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes and minds, you just know.’

* * *

To assist our search for enlightenment, the time around the full Moon *, throughout the whole year, brings opportunities for everybody to make good progress on this pathway. Knowing that Jesus never existed as a historical figure, it has been puzzling me for many years why people stick to their faith even though there is nothing but a thoughtform * behind the story of his life. On the day of the full Moon in Cancer on 9th July 2017, which took place in Capricorn, the explanation for this phenomenon came to me.

It is the follower’s faith in the Highest forces of life, in whatever form they may present themselves, that sustains believers and non-believers alike and that at all times. This support is reinforced during traumatic times like wars and famines, as well as any other kind of human-made and natural disasters *. It is people’s faith in earthly representatives of the Highest forces that supplies them with the courage and strength to deal with whatever ordeals their Karmic debts are presenting to them. When the time of their trial is over, the believer’s faith has been deepened through the experience and the knowledge of how the power of God supported and helped them.

This has been and to this day is the case with followers of Jesus. The Angels gave the legend of this God-man to our world and through this created him as a thoughtform. It is their power, love and wisdom that manifest themselves through it to those who still believe that Jesus was a historical figure who once walked the Earth as the only born Son of God. Down the ages, the Angels created many different thoughtforms in this way and every one of them has constantly been supported by the Angels for those who call for help in any part of our world.

As soon as one religion and its thoughtforms have served their purpose and therefore outlived their usefulness, the energies that were created to support it are gradually withdrawn, to be replaced by those of the new religion. The ever declining number of church attendances shows how this has been happening in our world for quite some time. The waning interest in one of the old religions is accompanied by an increase of attention for the new religion, in this case that of the new age *.

Once more I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the knowledge I am sharing with you in all my writings represents that which to this day is revealing itself to me along the pathway of my life. However, because we all perceive * things in a somewhat different way, it is rarely possible for one soul to just give its truth to another. No-one can travel on our behalf the road we ourselves have chosen for our present lifetime. As everyone is free to choose which way they would like to travel, my work can only provide signposts.

To enable us to make wise choices, it is essential to work on developing our faculties of discrimination and discernment, which are part of everyone’s Divine heritage. You alone, hand in hand with God and the Angels, who are communicating with you through your inner guidance, can tell what for you is worth keeping and what can be disregarded. Each one of us has the right to select and choose what feels right and therefore represents their truth. And when we are searching for solutions to the problems that present themselves to us, the best way of finding the right ones is by first and foremost looking at it from the spiritual perspective of life.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Enlightenment’
•    ‘Young Gods In The Making’
•    ‘Pathfinders And Lightbringers’
•    ‘The Full Moon’
•    ‘Disasters’
•    ‘You Are Your Own Creators’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’

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The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (43)

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Thank You, Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
For the miracle and wonder of Your Creation
That with every new day unfolds before us
In everything that is in our lives.

Thank You for manifesting Your boundless love
Through the abundance of Mother Earth and all her kingdoms.
Thank You for allowing us to take part in them and
Grant us the gift of Your wisdom
And teach us to recycle more and more,
Until Your gifts are available in equal measure
To all Your children of the Earth.

Thank You for Your wisdom and truth
That is flowing ever more powerfully
Directly from Your loving heart
Into ever more human hearts and souls.

Thank You for the increasing awareness
Of Your true nature and our own
And show us ways of bringing forth
The highest and noblest within us,
Until we too have become worthy of being called
One of Your beloved sons/daughters of the Earth.


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The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (44)

The New Kind Of Hope

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (45)

From A Distance

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - The Patriarchy & Warfare Through The Ages - From A Distance

From a distance
The world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains white,
From a distance.
The ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance,
There is harmony
And it echoes through the land.
It’s the voice of hope,
It’s the voice of peace,
It’s the voice of every soul.

From a distance,
We all have enough
And no one is in need.
And there are no guns,
No bombs and no disease,
No hungry mouths to feed.

From a Distance,
We are instruments
Marching in a common band,
Playing songs of hope,
Playing songs of peace
That are the songs of every soul.

God is watching us,
God is guiding us
And showing the way.
Not from a distance
But from within.

From a distance,
You look like my friend,
Even though we are at war.
From a distance,
I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting’s for.

From a distance,
There is harmony
And it echoes through the land.
It’s the hope of hopes
And the love of loves
That’s in the heart of every soul.

God is watching us,
God is guiding us
And showing the way.
Not from a distance
But in our own hearts.

Recommended Viewing:
‘From A Distance’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (46)

Wisdom From The Prophet Mohammed

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - Wisdom From The Prophet Mohammed

‘The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.’

‘Do not consider the smallest good deed as insignificant. Even meeting someone with a cheerful face is a good deed.’
‘Allah does not judge human bodies and appearances. He knows our hearts and soul and looks only at our deeds.’
‘Knowledge raises the low and ignorance brings down the mighty.’
‘Do not grow weary of your prayers because nobody has ever been destroyed through them.’
‘Be patient. It is the most important of all things.  Learn from the past and labour for good.’

‘Attaching no value to the world means attaching no undue value to others. Attaching no value to others starts with attaching no undue importance to oneself.’

‘Reflection is the key that opens the inner doors to mercy. Do you not see? One first reflects and then repents!’
‘There are three indications of a person’s greatness: not complaining in the face of calamity, not groaning in the face of pain and not praising oneself.’
‘Learn what you will, but know that so long as you do not implement what you learn, Allah will give you no reward for it.’

‘Believers are those who are aware that God is watching them. Such servants restrain their desires and prepare themselves for the Hereafter. The hijr, an obligation that lasts until Doomsday, is the road that leads from ignorance to knowledge, from forgetting Allah to seeking Him, from sin to obedience, and from obduracy to repentance.’

‘Those who show patience when they cannot obtain something, contentment when they achieve it and fortitude upon losing it have awareness.’
‘Those who love prefer to please those whom they love instead of pleasing themselves.’

‘Those who believe in Allah are like pearls. Wherever they may be, that’s where they are beautiful.’

Allah is but one of the many words that are used in our world for God.
Islam is a word for total surrender to God.
Jihad is a word for the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin,
also for the battle against the enemies of Islam,
i.e. the total surrender to the will of God.

Totally surrendering to God is when we  freely and willingly submit our whole being to God’s will and laws, for they are the laws of life. These laws are love and evolution, i.e. constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life and growing into ever kinder and more loving, compassionate and tolerant God-like beings.

To me total surrender means conducting my life in ways that refuse to do anything that is not in keeping with the Divine laws, and the advice of my wise one within, my very own inner living God, Christ and Highest Self. I refuse to take advantage of others and suppressing them and their God-given rights, like freedom of choice. I say no to hurting and wounding anyone in thoughts, words and deeds, and anything else that is not in keeping with the Divine laws and my own true nature. That’s the way I want to conduct my life, not because someone says so and is trying to force me. These are my guidelines and I follow them voluntarily because that’s the only way I can be true to my real nature as a son/daughter of God.

Total surrender to the will and power of God’s laws is the final stage of all human development on the earthly plane of life. And in that sense alone will the word Islam – not the religion – soon be taking over our whole world. God’s kingdom will then be ruling supreme through love and goodwill, tolerance and compassion towards all races and lifeforms that share our planet with us. This can only come to pass because our world and everything in it has been saved and redeemed by everyone’s own Christ nature. And that’s the only way the Christ Spirit can bring it about.

I believe that one by one the religions that still exist in our world will disappear. The more they reveal themselves and their leaders for what they truly are, the less people are going to feel inclined to follow them and swear their allegiance to them. This will continue until all that is left will be the following:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

 ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (47)

Establishing God’s Kingdom On Earth

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Establishing God's Kingdom On The Earth

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides on the theme of surrender. It appeared in one of the Reader’s Letters of Stella Polaris August/September 2017: ‘For doing your share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth, your small earthly self freely and willingly needs to surrender * its whole being to the Highest Forces of life. This does not mean entering into a state of apathy. On the contrary, it consists of the willingness to stand up and be counted as one of the healers and lightbringers of your world whose consciousness is rooted in the strong inner certainty that all life rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels. Irrespective of what may still have to happen on the Earth plane, you not merely believe but know with utter conviction that everything will work out well in the end. The main requirements for this pathway are conducting your life in healthy and wholesome ways, and learning to control your emotions and the stilling of your earthly mind.

‘The best way of dealing with and overcoming that which is evil in your world is by spreading the spiritual knowledge and wisdom we are bringing you. This needs to continue until the last person on Earth has become aware of God’s true nature and their own, and the working of the Universal laws and how it affects all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation. Encourage those with whom you are sharing your knowledge that they do the same with what they are receiving and that with as many people as possible. Without making a contribution towards dissolving that which is bad, evil and ugly in your world in the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, your efforts could never amount to more than a mere scratching of the surface of removing the evil that is caused by people’s ignorance * of their true nature and the higher purpose of why they are on the Earth.

‘When you share your spiritual knowledge with as many as possible, you are making a very real and valid contribution to the process of evolution and growth that constantly seeks to remove bad conditions and replace them with good, right and beautiful ones. Aspiring healers and lightbringers need to add their own insights that come to them intuitively from their inner teacher to the information received from us and other trustworthy sources. Through this humankind’s store of God’s wisdom and truth on the Earth will constantly be increasing. And when everybody does their share of distributing God’s light that is thus received, it will not take long until the last remnants of the darkness of earthly ignorance have been absorbed into it.

‘Please, dear Friends, do not think of any spiritual writings as set in concrete to last forever. This includes the sacred texts of the religions of your world and any teachings that were given by us earlier. Spiritual knowledge is always meant to be enlarged and enhanced by the fresh revelations that are reaching you and your world from the Angels and us. We spirit guides and helpers are merely the servants of those on the higher and highest levels of life. We are their channels of communication, the same as you are, and we can only pass onto you whatever they are giving us.

‘Generously share the knowledge that comes to you with anyone who is receptive for it in the circle of your family and friends around your world. Ask them to share with those around them, so that they too can spread the news that all is well with your world and that many good things are in store for anyone who willingly contributes to the movement that takes all of you ever closer to the new golden age * of peace and prosperity on the Earth.

‘Refuse to worry about souls who are too young and inexperienced to understand, for in due course they will be removed from earthly life. They will be spending their future lifetimes on a much younger planet *, where their spiritual development will continue there. Through this they will be assisting their new home planet with its evolution, the same as you have been doing with Mother Earth for a very long time indeed. Having received their initial training as human beings there, the young ones will take their earthly personalities and the Karma they have created thus far with them.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘They Will Rise From Their Graves’
•    ‘Colonising A New Planet’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (48)

Be The Christ Star

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Be The Christ StarThere now follows the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris August/September 2017 under the heading ‘The Gentle Brother’: ‘All human beings in earthly life, as well as those who are presently resting and recuperating in our world, are born of God’s infinite and eternal, all-loving, giving and forgiving spirit. It is the same spirit that manifests itself in the beauty of nature, the power of the elements as well as in all human beings. At least potentially each one of you possesses every one of its characteristics and powers, and also the ability to create without restrictions and boundaries.

‘Do not allow the mind of your small frightened earthly selves to get in the way of your overall vision of life and how you think about it. In your daily lives and contacts, whether you are working or resting, and even in dreamtime, do your best to move beyond the restrictions that your existence in physicality places upon you. The way any one of you perceives things is always a question of consciousness and because the power of thought * is mighty, whether you are as yet aware of this or not, what you think that’s what you are and will become.

‘Now, in your imagination create a Christ Star with its blazing light radiating into your world. You are in the centre of this Star, for in truth each one of you IS the Star. From your hearts, loving or otherwise, the vibrations of your consciousness are constantly flowing into and penetrating the ethers that surround you. And that is the place where those who have developed the ability to rise above the concerns of earthly life, receive God’s power and love, courage and strength that knows no malfunctions.

‘And because God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, S/He unfailingly knows the way of all things and the answers to every question you may ever care to ask. Wise ones trust that with God all things really are possible. They appreciate that God not only dwells within the innermost core of their own being and fills every cell and atom of their whole being, but also everybody else’s.

‘The realisation that you are God, the point within the circle at the centre of the blazing Christ Star, will help you to find the peace of mind and the deep inner peace you could never find in the past. Having found them, you are filled with Divine love and experience first hand how it expresses itself in earthly life. Every one of your thoughts, words and actions is now motivated by the Christ Spirit of the living God within you, the light of the Sun above and beyond the Sun in the sky above you.

‘The collective light of the whole of humankind is the Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The human love for the whole of God’s Creation and everything within it is this light that manifests itself in your love for nature and everything that is good, right and beautiful, and also for music and the music contained in words carefully chosen and strung together like precious strings of pearls. The Divine love makes you tolerant towards other people’ beliefs and their ways of life. You become ever more compassionate and uncritical, kind and loving, and have no longer any problems seeing the good that is contained in everything. You instinctively follow your inner guidance and intuitively know the best course of action in any given moment.

‘The six-pointed star is a symbol of the Christ Star. It represents human intelligence when spirit and matter are working together in perfect harmony and balance. This Star has a powerful vibration and its sound is part of the music of the spheres. Loving God’s way is only distantly related with what in earthly life is frequently called love with its passions and desires. The more your Christ nature takes over its earthly counterpart, the more easily flows the light of your joint compassion and beauty, wisdom and love into the world around you.

‘Alas, to this day many in earthly life are still surrounded by a kind of barrier that acts like a dense fog. This mist is waiting to be dissolved by the light of the Sun beyond the Sun, i.e. the spiritual wisdom and truth of the Highest, when the right time for the winds of the heavenly world, the highest levels of life, brings them. Each one of you is a tiny spark of the Christ Spirit and Its great light is waiting to eventually start burning in all human hearts. And you are the only person who can uncover this light inside you, to care for and nurture it until it has the power of shining so brightly that the fogs of Earth disperse before it.

‘When this light is carefully and thoughtfully applied to wherever it is needed, in the end it grows so strong that it has the power of a wind from the Heavens that blows through the consciousness of those surrounding you and gets rid of whatever is troubling them. As you mature spiritually, the conditions of your life change and the concerns of earthly life, which you found so troublesome in the past, no longer affect you this way. This is because you are now viewing everything that happens from the right perspective, i.e. as lessons that are part of the karmic debts some of you still have to pay, and therefore merely passing phases in humankind’s individual and collective development.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Candle’
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘Christ – The Light Of Our World’
•    ‘Knowledge – Light Of Our World’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘When Will The Kingdom Come?’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Learning To Fly’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (49)

The Road To Heaven

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Road To Heaven

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as a Monday Thought 4th September 2017: ‘We, your spirit friends and helpers, although we are now dwelling in the world of light, we too once walked the pathway of earthly life. That’s why we know the sorrows and difficulties of existing in a physical body that cannot yet perceive the beauty and wonders of the higher and highest worlds. We appreciate how hard the demands and temptations of your darkened road are. Yet, every one of you without exception has to walk it and eventually reaches the point when you have spiritually matured sufficiently to accept the conditions in which you find yourself.

‘When you understand that every experience that ever came your way served the wise higher purpose of teaching you something, you begin to trust that the loving arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, will forever be with you, to guide and protect and show you the way. Part of this are the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the highest level of the spirit realm. All those on the less elevated levels are serving the higher ones. Something like a veil of consciousness separates earthly life from the spirit world and all of us together, you on your side and we on our side of the veil, are God’s children and siblings in the great family of life. Aware of the trials and tribulations that are an inevitable part of every earthly existence, each time we come to you it is done with a great longing in our hearts. We wish to help ever more of you to realise your own inner powers, and to tell you about the beautiful states of life that in the fullness of time will be waiting for each one of you.

‘It’s important for you to know that even the smallest effort of helping others find their way through their present existence is worthwhile and will never be wasted. Even though you are unlikely to see the results, keep on keeping on your predestined pathway back into God’s light, your true home and sharing the learning your find along the way with those around you. They too have a right to know that this is the road that in the end leads all of you into the light of conscious awareness of your oneness with God and all life. That which is commonly known in your world as Heaven is a metaphor for a heavenly life that is filled with such bliss and peace that at present it will be quite beyond your imagination.

'So, while you are in this earthly life, dear Friends, dream what you want to dream, go where you wish to go and be what you would like to be, provided you are willing to work hard enough. If you don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter too much, as there will always be another lifetime and this will continue until the curriculum of the school of earthly life can teach you no more. Meanwhile it needs bearing in mind that whatever we do is our creation and that all life and everything within it moves in never-ending circles. As a result, that which we send into our world must return to us. This means that in every new lifetime we are sowing the seeds for all future ones.

'Those who insist on spreading fear, anger and aggression now, will inevitably have to face more of the same next time round. And for those who choose to send the Christ Light from their loving hearts as their contribution towards the blessing and healing of our world and bringing peace, their energies too on their return journey are constantly gathering in strength and becoming ever more powerful. The harvest of these wise ones is sure to be most bountiful and rich.'

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (50)

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

In Honour Of VE Day 8th May 2020

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Introduction

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls picked them, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago.
Taken husbands, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago.
Gone to soldiers, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing’.
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago.
Gone to grave yards, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the grave yards gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the grave yards gone?
Long time ago.
Gone to flowers, every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Young girls picked them, every one.
And where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to grave yards, every one
When shall we ever learn?
When shall we ever learn?

Pete Seeger

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Where Have All The Flowers Gone?’

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (51)

A Sigh

Rays of Wisdom - Words of Wisdom from the Tree of Life - A Sigh

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea, and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
Sing no more ditties, sing no more
Of dumps so dull and heavy;
The fraud of men was ever so,
Since summer first was leavy.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright and actor

* * *

Sigh no more, dear Ladies.
The patriarchy is definitely over
And with it the domination of the
Male forces of our world
Over their feminine counterpart.
A golden age already is in full swing
That with the passing of time will
Establish in our world the total
Equality of the genders,
Peacefully and harmoniously
Both of them together will be
Striving to serve the highest good
And the greatest joy of all.

But if you have to sigh, dear Ladies,
Do so for those among the males of our species
Who are finding it hard to adjust to their new role
As equal partners of the women around them.
Tap into gift of the love and wisdom
You have inherited from the Great Mother.
Use it freely to teach the men
You come into contact with
How to treat all women with
The respect they deserve as the
Ones through whom life is given.

Recommended Viewing:
Un Sospiro
By Franz Liszt
(A Sigh)

•    Video 1
•    Video 2
Best watched full screen.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (52)


The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Wisdom from the Tree of Life

Agreement 1: Be impeccable with the use of your words and speak with integrity. Walk your talk and say only what you mean. Avoid using words that work against you, refuse to indulge in gossiping of any kind and use the power of your words for speaking the truth and of love only.

Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others are doing is really because of you. What they say and do is based on their personal evolutionary plan of life, their perception of the realities of our existence and their dreams, not yours. By making ourselves immune to the opinions and actions of others we avoid exposing ourselves to unnecessary suffering. This is particularly useful when it comes to forgiving someone. Realising that it is our small earthly self’s ego that occasionally gets hurt and never the great ego of our Highest of Christ Self, in whom we are all one, makes wise decisions whether to participate in other people’s ego games or not easy.

Agreement 3: The Age of Aquarius is with us and the Age of Pisces, the age of dishonesty and deception, is over. Aquarius symbol is the Divine Waterbearer, who pours the cleansing and healing waters of wisdom and truth into the consciousness of  every individual human being and our whole world. We have reached the age of  wisdom and truth, which the Angels are waiting to bring to each one of us intuitively, through our inner guidance, directly from the heartmind of God, the source of our being. The time is over for assuming and accepting things at face value, the way we were frequently forced to do in the past. Let’s now enjoy digging deep into things to get to their roots and find out whether they really are the way they were once presented to us. Those that really are, why are they that way?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us: ‘To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the Sun.’ As the time for finding the truth has come, let’s no longer make assumptions. Yet, whenever we are tempted to do so, we need to remind ourselves that assuming something frequently makes an ‘ass out of u and me’. As aspiring healers and lightbringers we are in this life to courageously ask intelligent questions that express clearly what we wish to know. This helps to avoid the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the sacred texts that for long enough have been the cause of all the pain, sadness and suffering of our world. Wise ones who follow this rule have excellent potential for turning into the great transformers of our world. Hand in hand with God and the Angels they have the power of changing it into a place of beauty, peace and harmony.

Agreement 4: Wise ones do what they can and give of their best, even though this is likely to change from moment to moment. Naturally, it’s different when they are healthy from when they are sick. But no matter what happens to them, they do their best under all circumstances and trust God and the Angels that they are going to do the rest, as they surely will. This saves them from self-judgement, self-abuse and regret, and the Universal laws are seeing to it that in due course nothing but more of the same can return to them.

Don Miguel Ruiz
From ‘The Code For Living’
Edited by Aquarius

Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz (born 1952), better known as Don Miguel Ruiz, is a Mexican author of New Age spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts. His teachings are significantly influenced by the work of Carlos Castaneda.

Six pointed Star

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds (53)

From 'The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide'


Rays Of  Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Invictus

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
 * * *

‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

* * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

And yet, it’s good to know that:
The Highest forces of life are steering my boat
And all I have to do is row.
The Great Father/Mother is the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of earthly life.
At the end of each lifetime, they take me home
Into the world of spirit, my true home
Whose harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than any other place I have ever visited.
Each time I drop my anchor there,
The wise ones in charge of me reassure me
That all is well with me and my world,
And forever will be.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary pathway through life,
I am glad to aware that:
I am much more than a mere physical being.
The essence of me is spirit, a Divine spark that is
Part of God, eternal and will never die.
Each time I pass from the earthly plane of life
I am not snuffed out like a candle,
I merely move into another dimension and
A different level of existence, that’s all.

My destiny is a high and holy one.
I shall always be safe and never lost,
Wherever the ocean of my life is taking me.
I am grateful for everything that has been
And sometime in the future will be.
Great Father/Mother of all life,
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Thy wisdom and love.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius

For every human being there exists a small developmental plan within God’ great plan for the whole of Creation. Each new lifetime presents us with another birthchart and in the right hands it can reveal what the newly born has brought with it and indicate in rough outlines the lessons awaiting it. For wise higher reasons, however, the birthchart on its own does not give a great deal away about what’s in store for the newcomer. Ah, but wait a moment! The Moon represents our earthly personality and where we have come from. The Sun shows our spirit’s predestined pathway. That’s why to my mind the progressions of the Sun and in particular the Moon are much more revealing than anything else.

The Sun moves forward at the steady pace of one degree per year. The Moon is known as the runner because it progresses at the rate of one degree per month. When you can see for yourself how both these energies have always been affecting your own life and that of those around you, the way I have been doing for a long time, the Universe is providing you with living proof that we can but row our life’s boat. The behaviour of every one of us is comparable to a dog on a lead, which the Angels of Karma are holding it in their hands. It’s our karmic debts that determine what kind of relationships and lessons we have to encounter.

The Sun/Moon progressions show quite clearly how the Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us, is constantly pulling all earthly life, including you and me, forwards and upwards on humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary spiral and also our world. Even though we can but row the boat of our life, we are not manoeuvred like marionettes or pulled like puppets on a string. Because the Highest Forces of life have given us the precious gift of freedom of choice, at all times we are allowed to make our own decisions of how we wish to react to whatever comes our way. However, we are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actins. The Universal law of cause and effect, widely known as the law of Karma, decrees that they have to return to us in the fullness of time. This can come about later in the same lifetime or in a far distant future one, when our earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with what it once created.

Unbeknown to us earthlings for a long time, our choices have always decided what kind of Karma we are creating for ourselves, the whole of humankind and also our world. There are two streams of consciousness, a constructive positive one of light and a destructive negative one of darkness. Everything we think, speak and do has constantly been feeding into one of these streams and strengthened it. The decision which stream we wish to support from now on is ours alone. Everything depends on the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached when we find out about these things. They empower us to steer the boat of our life and destiny in the desired direction. And that shows that knowledge truly is power!

In the spiritual background of our earthly existence wise ones have always been in charge of the individual and collective development of us and our world. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, assisted by countless groups of spirit guides and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm always have been and forever will be the eye that never sleeps. Our decisions show them the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached at any given moment.

As a spark of the Great Light every human being in truth is a young God in the making. Attending the lessons of the earthly school of life is only compulsory for the initial part of our development. It has run its course when the following conditions have been fulfilled: a) all earthly lessons have been learnt; b) every aspect of our nature, i.e. the masculine and feminine, darkness and light, lower and higher personality, have been integrated; and c) when the last bit of the Karma we created in this lifetime and all previous ones has been redeemed. And that can only come about when we bravely and patiently work our way through any kind of suffering that comes our way and accepting our responsibility for creating it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•     ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Now please go to ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’ and take a look at

‘My Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.

Six pointed Star

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:

What Is New? - Rays of Wisdom - Homepage

If you would like to be notified by e-mail,
please get in touch via the Contact Page.

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