I Am Love

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - I Am Love
Do you want to know my name? Does it matter?
But if you insist, I will tell you.
It’s no secret, you know me anyway: I am Love.
I am in you and you are in me. We are one.
I am all of you and you are all of me.
You know me, as I know you.
We have always known each other,
For we have always been one.
You and I are in the whole of Creation.
We are love and our hearts are part of
The living, loving and beating heart
Of the whole of Creation.

Yesterday and tomorrow exist only in the illusion
Of our earthly existence.
The essential and most important part of our being is spirit.
It is immortal and eternal,
And knows no yesterdays or tomorrows.
There is only now and this now is love.
We are all there ever was and all there ever will be.
We are alive and always have been.
We cannot die because we were never born
On the material plane of life.
We are eternally young and will never grow old,
And for us there truly is no death.
Therefore death, where is thy sting?
You have no hold on us!

All there is lies within us.
The eternal fountain of youth and Shangri-La
Are neither dreams nor illusions.
They are symbols for states of consciousness
That are part of our inner truth.
That’s why the two places will never be found on the Earth.
The realities of that life are a dream and an illusion
That frequently presents us with the nightmare of being
Trapped in a physical body that acts like a black box,
Which for a long time cannot be penetrated by
The light of spiritual wisdom and truth.
But eventually it takes us back into
The awareness of our true nature and
Roots in the spiritual background of physical life.

Rejoice, dear Friend, that you and I have already woken up
And can manifest in our world that which we truly are.
For ever more of us
Trumpets are sounding and mission bells tolling:
‘Are you sleeping still? Wake up, come alive!’
Listen to the sounds of your Highest Self calling
And pay attention to the responses that rise
From the very depths of your own being.
You are the only one who can take you
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into your true inner eternal realities
And they are love.’

Something is stirring deep within all human hearts and souls.
It’s a fluttering like butterflies’ wings
That makes people wonder: ‘What could it mean?’
Until finally there comes the realisation
That there is nowhere to go and nothing to do,
Except being true to our real nature,
Going inside and gently surrendering to our Highest Self,
So It can show us ways of being once again
That which we always have been:

Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Each one of us is potentially a manifestation of the
Great Father/Mother’s love on the Earth.
Those who have matured into spiritual adulthood are required
To act as pathfinders and lightbringers for our world.
May the light of the Highest Star, the Universal Christ,
Awaken ever more strongly in you and me,
So it can flow through us into those around us.
May this continue until every last shred
Of the darkness of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That to this day exist on our planet has been absorbed
Into the Power and Glory of the Christ Spirit,
To be uplifted and transmuted into
Blessing and healing energies for all life.
The power to do this is present in each one of us,
Waiting to be discovered and developed, and then
Used responsibly, unselfishly and with great caution
Under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels.

Armageddon is the symbol of the battle
Between the higher and lower aspects of human nature
That has been taking place inside all of us for far too long,
But neither part is meant to rule supreme forever.
Ever more of us are now working on reconciling and
Healing them together, so they can work together
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of the whole,
And that is love.

There will be no day of judgement or reckoning,
No retributions and punishments,
Only a waking up and coming home into
Knowing who and what we truly are
And always have been: Love.
And then hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Exploring what that truly means.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘Armageddon’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘What Is Love?’

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The above is part of ‘Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World’.
If you would like to see more of it, please follow the link below:

‘Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World’

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