White Eagle On Life And Death
White Eagle Teachings On Life And Death
A Selection Of Teachings From
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides (1)
In the course of many years, I have gathered a collection of words of wisdom from White Eagle on the mystery of life and death. I am sharing them with you here in the hope that they may bring you a measure of comfort when you come to terms with and make peace with the departure of your loved ones from the material plane of life.
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (2)
You Are Born Into Flesh
The following items are the essences of several White Eagle teachings. From ‘The Lightbringer’: ‘You are born into flesh, but in truth you are a spirit and soul who is spending time in earthly life so that your spirit may quicken and grow and once again become conscious of its Divine inheritance. You are by no means limited by your present existence, although to this day millions of people still believe that when their physical body dies, their whole being dies and that’s the end of them. What a surprise they will have when they see their physical body lying inert and dead, and they are still consciously living, in spite of the fact that they have no power to get the earthly body they left behind moving again. This is how your spirit and soul are set free and return into the world of spirit, your true home which is part of the Earth plane.
From ‘Memories of Reincarnation – White Eagle’s Work in the Present Day’: ‘Love is the Universal law of life and God’s will is that you learn how to love wisely, all people and everything else that shares your life with you. This you do by constantly sending out goodwill and light to all. We, your guides in the world of spirit, are working, for a long time unknown to you, on human minds and hearts. The years have been speeding by and we are glad to tell you that humankind has passed the darkest stages of its evolutionary journey.
‘Ever more of you are presently awakening to the inner light of the Christ that is waiting to teach each one of you how to become a perfected son/daughter of God and the human race. As you overcome the desires and passions of your lower animal self, you make room for the living God within you, the Christ Spirit, to manifest in you and your life. The growth of this part of you is our Divine heritage and constant progress in spiritual evolution is your destiny. What you begin today you will continue tomorrow. And in the world of spirit or light you will still be working to guide, inspire and bless humankind, in the same way as many of you are doing, now.’
‘The mystery and the miracle of life is continually making itself known and manifests itself through all your experiences. But those of death reveal themselves when you re-enter into world of spirit and with it regain the conscious awareness that life is eternal. As the spirit and soul withdraw from earthly life they escape into the freedom of their true home, where they are free to explore other levels of existence. Why do you grieve when your loved one has entered into such a much fuller and richer life? Or are you weeping because you are feeling lonely? There is no need for shedding tears over souls who have gone onward to a greater happiness than the Earth plane can offer.’
From ‘Illumination’ first published 1937: ‘Death is a mystery only because you do not understand. As a child is received into earthly life with love and rejoicing, can you imagine with how much more joy returned souls are welcomed to the spirit world? Could you but understand, you would rejoice with them and say: ‘Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, I thank You that my loved one has entered into the fuller and richer life of your realm.’
‘Would you chain your loved ones down, keep them in a dark cell of age and pain, just because you love them so dearly? Would true love want that? Doesn't your heart then cry: ‘Beloved, I raise myself with you into the light. On the inner level we are one and you are never going to leave me. You will always be with me. When the Angel of death calls, do not hesitate to get hold of its hand and let is take you to our realm. Enjoy yourself there and in due course I shall be joining you.’
From the Lodge Calendar February 2008: ‘Words can be cheap and may fall as dead ash in the end. However, if you base your life on that which is good, right and beautiful in thoughts, words and deeds, you have the influence of a God-conscious being in our world of light where the only genuine and lasting happiness and perfection can be found. Therefore, walk the narrow path of doing what your inner guidance tells you is right. Never forget that you are not walking alone and that not only your Guardian Angel but also the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are with you and supporting you in all your endeavours. Whenever you are ready to know more about yourself, God and the world you are living in, they will show you intuitively how to proceed.'
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (3)
There Is No Death
The following is the essence of two different teachings of the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one is an extract from a talk at a Remembrance Service that appeared in ‘The Way of the Sun’: ‘There is no death. Of what are you afraid? You may look upon an empty shell or a chrysalis and say: ‘This is death!’ We say: ‘No, this is not death. It is rebirth and a renewal of life, which always continues. It always has been and forever will continue to do so.’ We, who have passed the great initiation called death before you, can come to you because of the love you are giving us is creating a bridge.
‘God, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, has so created you and your bodies – the physical and the higher ones – in a way that in due course gives you the power to communicate with those you love in our world, the world of spirit and light, your true home. Each one of you possesses the material to construct their own bridge between your physical world and the dimensions of the higher ethers. We have crossed the bridge that connects our two worlds before you and are now trying to teach you how to join us in full consciousness.
‘Together with us, your spirit companions, each one of you can be a builder of bridges between you and the higher dimensions of life whilst still taking part in it on the earthly plane. The wherewithal for these constructions you all carry within and that’s the love in your hearts. Those who have accomplished the task of building this bridge can see for themselves that the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are with you to inspire and assist you with anything you may have to encounter in your present existence. This, however, does not mean that anyone can shift their responsibilities onto them. It’s up to you to conduct your lives in keeping with the Divine laws of the Universe.
‘Some people seem to think they can sit back and let God and the Angels do this work for them, but that is not the case. Each one of you is on the Earth to learn about God’s true nature and their own, and to find out how the Divine manifests itself in earthly life, once its spark within awakes from its slumber. Only through your own daily experiences can you learn to express it by acting and reacting with great care and love, kindness and thoughtfulness. Lip service is never good enough when it comes to concerns of the spirit.’
The second teaching is from a White Eagle Message from the Star Link 7.12.2013: ‘Love is the law of life and the greatest force in the whole of Creation. In love and on the inner level of life there is no separation, all is one. Your loved ones are not dead. Your love for each other has created a bond between you that nothing and no-one will ever be able to destroy. They have not gone from you and contact with them is always possible for you in your thoughts and meditations.
‘You are on the Earth plane to rediscover the awareness that life is eternal and ever renewing itself. God, the Great Father/Mother of all life, is love and loves each one of you totally and unconditionally. And when you become aware that there really is a great plan in which everything has its place and unfolds in its allocated time, and that you will always be safe wherever you may be, you can do nothing but love your Creator with your whole being. Every human spirit and soul is part of God and immortal, and in God’s consciousness there is no such thing as death. Because your loved ones are alive in that love, where your spirit self dwells, they are always with you and will never leave you.’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (4)
Heavenly Breezes
The following is the essence of the Monday Thought 23.05.2016 from the White Eagle group of spirit guides: ‘A woman once came to us and said: ‘It’s all very well what you are saying about our loved ones in the world of light, but I do not want to perceive my dear departed husband in some kind of spirit robes. I shall only be happy when I can see him once more in his tweeds wielding a golf club.’ We, your guides from the spirit world, understand her point of view. Do not think of us as unsympathetic, but if you lift your eyes above earthly things like tweeds and golf clubs, you will be able see all your loved ones in the shining robes they are wearing now.
‘What you will be seeing is their spirit and that is the part of them you have always loved, even though at times their behaviour towards you left much to be desired. The spirit is everybody’s eternal and lovable part, not merely of your nearest and dearest. It’s the aspect of human nature that unfortunately all too frequently remains hidden behind the façade of the small earthly self’s character traces. During the early stages of everyone’s earthly education this part has to remain invisible. None of you was ever born an Angel. In all human beings the higher angelic or rather Christ nature can only begin to grow and evolve with the passing of time.
‘Whenever you perceive the presence of someone’s spirit self, you may feel their touch like a gentle heavenly breeze on your face, hands or arms. You could then be tempted to brush it away and push to one side the feelings this evokes in you, thinking to yourself: ‘Here we go, it’s my imagination working overtime again.’ Don’t be too sure that this is the case, yet remain wise and balanced. Be open and receptive to the heavenly breezes and the light that is the white garment. You too will be wearing it in the fullness of time when you have joined your loved ones on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours. The light and the breeze are part of the gentle touch and the comforting sweet music of the Heavens, the higher levels of life.’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (5)
Death, The Great Enemy
The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one appeared in ‘The Way of the Sun’: ‘Far too many of you to this day believe that death is humankind’s greatest enemy on its journey through earthly life. You are afraid of it only for as long as you are unaware that the physical body’s death is nothing more than one of the Angels of transfiguration, sent by the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, to remove your spirit/soul to our realm. For as long as you think that the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old belief systems are literally true, you will try to cling as much as possible to your material existence.
‘Obviously, this creates serious obstacles when for another one of you the moment has come when its spirit/soul is ready to be taken home by one of our Angels of transfiguration. Whenever one of them wants to release that person’s spirit/soul into our realm, the earthly self resists but only for as long as it is unaware that this is humankind’s true eternal home. Every one of you emerges from it at the beginning of each lifetime of taking part in another one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. When this has been attended to sufficiently, one of our Angels of transfiguration wants to set the earthly personality’s spirit/soul free. This enables them once again to enjoy the greater freedom that’s possible when you no longer need a physical body as a vehicle for getting about.
‘There is no other place than our realm for any human being to go to. And as soon as another one of you has arrived in our realm, once again their spirit/soul knows from its own experiences that the death of its physical body truly is humankind’s best friend. Around six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male God-head and many other beliefs that were far removed from the truth, served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth. The Aquarian age is the age of truth and the deeper humankind moves into this age, the more truth is returning to your world. That’s why ever more of you, for some time by now, have been finding out that the physical body’s death is humankind’s enemy is most certainly not true.
‘Alas, those who are aware of this and therefore no longer are afraid of leaving the earthly plane behind, may still be afraid of spiritually being lonely there. We assure you that there is no need for this either, because none of you is ever truly on their own. Many spirit friends and helpers are constantly accompanying you and those who were dear to you on the earthly plane, do not go away when their spirit/soul slips from its physical body.
‘They will always be close to you and that’s because they are one with you and a part of you. They are familiar with what you are thinking and that is true for everybody else in our realm. Even what people on the material plane think of as their most secret thoughts, it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops in our world. They can see that you are not grieving excessively because you have lost the material aspect of their being.
‘Observing how you enjoy the knowledge that the loved ones spirit/soul is alive and well, in our realm, releases them into making the most of the greater freedom that’s possible when the outer shell of the physical body has been shed. In their present state their love for you is much more powerful than it ever was when you were still together in the material world. In your thoughts you can still communicate with them and ask for their help and advice, whenever you need it.
‘All life is one and because for a long time the mind of the small earthly self cannot comprehend that there are other dimensions of life that bring everything on the material plane into being and maintain it, this does not mean they do not exist. They are eternal and will never go away, unlike the fleeting temporary realities of humankind’s earthly existence. People in our world think too much about time. They believe that they have only so much of it for carrying out certain tasks and accomplishing the things they would like to do.
‘This is altogether a wrong way of perceiving your present existence. All Eternity is yours and if you are reading what we are saying here and understand it, for you the time has come to start viewing your life from the perspective of your spirit/soul and that life will eternally be yours. Through this your consciousness expands and you develop the quality of your higher God or Christ nature, which in the course of many earthly lifetimes evolves into an ever more glorious light.
‘There is no death, only a stepping onward to a more beautiful existence that constantly takes you closer to your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit. Get rid of the idea of here and there, Heaven and Earth as separate from each other, because life is one eternal whole and there is no separation between anything. The more you conduct your daily life in keeping with the spiritual laws, the more you will be growing in spirit and tasting – at first only in many small and simple ways – a steadily increasing awareness of the manifestations of life, on other planes, that might still be invisible to earthly eyes.
‘No longer will you then regard death as something to dread. The knowledge that you will never be dead, but alive and well, constantly moving forwards and upwards on your individual evolutionary spiral will help to dissolve your lower earthly self’s fear of death. You will then know that death does not change you in any way and that when you leave behind your physical body, underneath you are wearing another one that acts like a garment. And that’s the body of light which you yourself have been creating in previous lifetimes and the one you will take with you into Eternity, when the end of your present earthly sojourn has come around.
‘Never forget that, even if the span of a human lifetime should last one hundred years or more, that still would be nothing but the blinking of an eyelid in eternal terms, God’s time. And for each one of you it won’t be long until you also know from first hand experience that there really is no death and that your loved ones are alive and well. It was just that they transformed into a more harmonious state of life that offers more opportunities for evolutionary development and self-expression for them.
‘Life is eternal, continual and timeless, ever growing, evolving and expanding, filled with increasingly interesting things and activities. The more you unfold on the earthly plane and develop spiritually, the more you will be able to take possession of the wonderful life that exists in its spiritual background, even while you are still taking part in life on the material plane. Obeying the Divine law of love will enable you to ever more enter into the glory of Universal spirit life. When your whole being is filled with nothing but love for your Creator and His/Her Creation, as well as faith and trust in the great plan of life, you have every reason to courageously look forward to the future and the hope in your heart will increase, with the passing of time.
‘The evolutionary period is not far away when the veil, which for so long has separated your material world from our spirit realm, will disappear altogether. Our realm inter-penetrates with the earthly plane. The separation between the two has only ever existed in humankind’s earthly minds. In your imagination come to our world as often as possible, for whenever you visualise it you are taking part in it. Through the vibrations you will then be giving forth, you can be of greater use to the human race and also feel a deeper beautiful happiness within.
‘Try it out for yourself and you will soon know that there is nothing to fear when you step over the border into our realm of light, honesty and truth. And whenever you are in difficulties of any kind, turn to the wise one or living God within you. Close its doors against the lower mind’s intrusion and emotional responses. As soon as your spirit/soul is still, our light soon comes to your help.
‘In all your endeavours you never work alone. The Angels and Masters and many other spirit friends and helpers are constantly watching over you. We know you and everything you do. We are pouring our compassion and love into you to bring you healing on all levels of your being, mentally and physically, as well as spirit/soul. Love that expresses itself as wisdom is the greatest power of Creation because it creates light and radiates it into everything that is in need of healing and comfort. Each one of you has their own Master in our realm. Picture yours as a powerful light, a beautiful personality with a gentle spirit whose aura is reaching out to touch and restore you at all times.’
* * *
The second teaching is from ‘The Way to the Age of Spirit – The Lightbringer’: ‘We shall never get tired of telling you that there really is no death. When you have passed what in the early stages of your earthly education appears to be a great barrier, you will know that this is true. As soon as you have returned to our realm, at first you might think to yourself: ‘Am I dead? I did not feel anything and I haven’t changed one bit.’ There really is no difference because all you have done is your spirit/soul leaving its physical body behind.
‘You took that body off like a garment because it had outlived its usefulness and therefore no longer of interest to you. That is all physical death means because every human being is truly an eternal being of light. That’s what you are today and also in all Eternity. The more you consciously work on bringing forth that which is good, right and beautiful in your nature, the more light enters your whole being, in two different ways. The first one is light in the literal sense, which every human being absorbs in the course of each earthly lifetime from its source, the Universal Christ’s light whose spirit consists of nothing but love. The wisdom and knowledge that’s gained in the course of these lifetimes, is light in the form of enlightenment.
‘The more you consciously attend to this, the more you will be able to enjoy the generous gifts the Great Father/Mother of all life has in mind for every human being. And that’s why every human being is steadily moving forwards and upwards. Each is doing this on their own individual evolutionary spiral, which is part of the one for the whole of humankind and your world. To this day, a veil of consciousness still separates the material and the spiritual aspects of your world from each other. For a long time it has been in the process of disappearing. One of these days, it will have gone forever. That’s when the new golden age will be with you.’
Updated September 2022
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (6)
Sunshine On A Rainy Day
The essence of two more teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one is under the heading ‘Have No Fear’ in Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2003: ‘A sorrow can be likened to a rainy day when the Sun’s light and warmth breaks through the clouds shines onto rain that’s still falling somewhere and a rainbow appears in all its glory. This also happens many times in human lives. Look to the light of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Christ Star. Know that from them can come nothing but the best and the highest, that your loved ones are in their care and their love for them is greater than yours could ever hope to be.’
‘We are aware that many have to endure much suffering before they are allowed to depart from earthly life. It would help their development if they became aware that all human afflictions are not ancestral curses or were thrown upon people by a vengeful God. They themselves bring them about through faulty thinking and behaviour patterns, either in their present lifetime or previous ones, probably both. * Accepting this concept is helpful for the learning and healing process. It shows that you understand and have grown in wisdom because you are taking responsibility for yourself and everything that is in your life. It enables you to forgive yourself and ask anyone you have hurt and wounded in past lifetimes, wherever they may be now, for their forgiveness.
‘All kinds of suffering cleanses human souls of the shadows of the past and makes good the spiritual debts that were incurred and left behind in previous lifetimes. This redemption combined with forgiveness brings the desired healing and peace. And that eventually sets you free to apply for another earthly sojourn in which you can practise kindliness and goodwill towards Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, and looking for the good in all people and situations. Sending nothing but positive thoughts and vibrations into your world empowers you to consciously add to the Universal positive stream of consciousness and that of your world.
‘At the end of such lifetimes, when someone’s moment of departure not only from the earthly plane but also from the need for a continuation of their education in the material world has come, they are rewarded with the happy ending of the great initiation into the spirit world and the full consciousness of God’s love. This state of bliss, commonly known in your world as Heaven, is one of the most beautiful experiences imaginable. We too went through it when our earthly education had run its course, the same as many of you are presently experiencing.
‘That’s how we can tell you that there really is no death and that it’s but a very thin veil that separates those on the Earth plane from the ones who are already in our world. They are still alive, just the way they were when you knew them. Because they have left their physical bodies behind, their spirit is flying freely. Therefore there are much happier than it ever was possible during their times in the physical state of being. With earthly eyes you will never be able to see anyone in our world, even though in its own way the body in which they are presently moving about is as real and solid as yours. The great hope of your loved ones is that their friends and families on the other side of the veil will awaken into the awareness of the spiritual background of earthly life while they are still taking part in it.
‘In your world it can be extremely difficult to see that our Creator is indeed the God of love and that the life you have been given is a good one. This is not the case from our perspective and we would like to give you an example of some of the beautiful things that happen in our world. Souls who newly arrive here may at first feel a little strange. But each time a loved one is thinking of them in earthly life, a ray of warm golden light reaches them that tells them that a loved one is thinking of them. This is particularly strong when someone thinks of departed ones with joy and says: ‘I know you are alive and happy. Knowing it brings me contentment and happiness. Go forward into the life that is now yours, beloved. I know that there is a great deal of work waiting for you.’ By thinking along these lines, you in earthly life can do a great deal for your loved ones in our world.
‘When it comes to applying for another lifetime on the Earth while resting in our world, human souls are like the sailors of your world. After a while of being at home, they long for distant horizons. When these have been explored sufficiently, they yearn for home, mother and other loved ones. We hope that what we are telling you here will help you, when for you the moment of departure from your earthly existence has come, to let go and willingly reach for the hand of the Angel who has been sent to take you home.
Hopefully, after heaving read what we are telling you here, you will no longer think of Earth life as a vale of sadness and tears, but recognise it for what it truly always has been. It is a vast exercise ground that at all times is flowing over with golden opportunities for human beings to grow in wisdom and understanding, each through their own consciousness expanding experiences. Supporting you the way we are doing here furthers the evolutionary pathway of each one of us and our whole group, the White Eagle group of spirit guides.
From ‘The Gentle Brother’ Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2003: ‘We know how difficult it is for you not to be sorrowful and mourn about the loss of loved ones. Our task is to help ever more of you to become aware of their life in the spirit world. Do not think of them as being separated from you. It is only the lack of their physical body that creates an impression of separateness. Yet, in truth all life is one and there is no separation between anything. Your thoughts can reach your loved ones and the happier they are, the more content they are.
‘Our spirit world is a beautiful place and having arrived in it, your loved ones are finding themselves in most agreeable circumstances. Knowing this will surely help you realise that there is no need for grieving, merely rejoicing. When you wish you could help your loved ones in some way, think of them with nothing but happiness. Each time you rise to meet them in spirit and in a communion of light, you are blessing them and are being blessed.
‘Every rainbow in earthly life is a special blessing and a benediction that brings healing to all who are seeing it and also the soul of your whole world. It is a gift from the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the spiritual Sun behind the Sun in the sky above you. And every drop of rain that falls from it is a manifestation of a tear someone in your world is shedding. Each drop clears away a bit of the suffering that caused the tear.’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (7)
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘A Time to Remember’ in Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2008: ‘Do not be afraid of the future and the unknown. The essence of your being is spirit/soul and there is no need to fear the moment when you part company with your physical body. Each time you do this you are merely moving forwards into a different dimension that is your true home from which you emerged at the beginning of your present lifetime. Our world with its greater freedom offers you a fuller existence. Your physical body has been your vehicle for one lifetime and whenever you leave it behind, all you do is joining us in our world of light.
‘Without consciously being aware of it whilst taking part in earthly life, this is a road most of you have travelled many times before. The only thing you can bring with you each time you return to us is that which you have learnt in the course of all your earthly lifetimes, including the most recent one. The purpose of your taking part in the school of earthly life is searching for consciousness expanding experiences that help you grow in wisdom and understanding. Each can only do this through their own experiences. The learning you accumulate with every new lifetime is added to that which is already stored in the memories of your soul. They are the only things you can take with you every time you depart from the physical plane of life.
‘The common belief that people come into earthly life with nothing and leave it in the same state is a false one. You bring the memories of the learning of all your lifetimes with you into every new one. From the moment of your birth and from the subconscious level of your being they influence everything you do, helping or hindering you, as the case may be. Have you noticed that some newly borns look like very old women or men? It’s because that’s what they truly are. That’s why some children come to terms with learning how to walk and talk much quicker than others. Because they have done these things many times before, they just want to get on with whatever else their present lifetime has to offer.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (7)
When Death Draws Near
The following is the essence of teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one is from ‘The Divine Mother – The Creation of Form’. The second one appeared in ‘White Eagle Spiritual Unfoldment Two ‘Companioned by Angels’:
‘For all human beings there eventually comes the moment when they leave their physical bodies behind and die, as it’s called in earthly life, although in truth the only thing that happens to these bodies is that their indwelling spirit and soul withdraws from it. Leaving the body through the head, the outer garment is discarded like an empty shell. Nobody is ever alone in this process. Each time this happens to someone the Angels are in attendance and assisting the departure of one aspect of your being from the other. The Angelic hierarchy is responsible for humankind’s development and when matters of birth and death are concerned, they are serving the Great Mother of all life. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of her many symbols and so is the Egyptian Goddess Isis. They were just two of the many names God and the Angels gave to your world to illustrate the Great Mother’s influence down the ages.
‘For as long as all you can see are the physical aspects of life, you are likely to think of death as something terrible. Even though to you someone’s departure from that plane may often seems to be accidental, this is never the case because the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma are observing everything that happens on the Earth most carefully. Each time the predestined moment of death for one of you is approaching, they make their preparations and give notice to the Angels of Death to get ready. And these Angels are by no means the repellent figures and gruesome spectres people imagined them to be in the past.
‘If you could look through the veil of consciousness that to this day separates your world from ours, you would be able to see that their appearances are of an ethereal beauty that is hard to describe in earthly terms. As manifestations of the Great Mother’s unconditional and all-embracing love, the Angels of Death emanate compassion, kindness and love. At the moment of your departure from earthly life these Divine messengers bring about the separation of your spirit/soul from your earthly existence. The Angel helps you to let go and then returns you safely to your true home, the world of spirit and light. They also assist you with your rebirth in our world, where loved ones are greeting you with celebrations that are very similar to those of earthly life when new babies arrive.
‘In case you are wondering how you can best help someone whose departure from earthly life is near, the power of thought can be more effective than any spoken or written words could ever hope to be. It is possible to help those in the ‘departure lounge’ by sending them optimistic thoughts about the fact that in truth they are eternal beings who will never die. In your mind hold kind and loving, hopeful and constructive dialogues with them that there is nothing to be afraid of because there really is no death, that what’s ahead of them is but a passing into another dimension of life.
‘And then, in your imagination, take the person into the blessing and healing rays of the Christ Star, to be bathed in the powerful light of the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother. By attuning the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind to the Star’s healing rays you can send these rays at any moment to those of whom you know intuitively that they will benefit from them. In any kind of distance such ministrations are as effective – more so in many cases – than physical ones like ‘hands on’.
‘We sincerely hope that what you are reading here will help you to overcome your own notion that the worst that can happen to any human being is the passing from their physical body. Whenever you catch yourself thinking that way, remember that those who do are by no means dying and that in truth they are heading for another rebirth into our world. Ours is a realm of infinite beauty and wonder, love and joy where pain does not exist and where all those who pass from your world continue to live and thrive, explore and study, so there really is no need for expressions of grief and sorrow. Let there be compassion but not pity.
‘The American poet John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892 described this most beautifully in his poem for the funeral of William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879: ‘Death is the Angel sent who draws the unwilling bolt and sets the captive free’.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Setting The Captive Spirit Free’
• ‘About Angels’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (8)
Excessive Grief And Sorrow
‘Grieving is a natural process that manifests itself in different ways for every human being and has to run its course. But you will find that this changes profoundly when your inner guidance, through the world of your feelings, reacts to the knowledge we are bringing you with: ‘It’s the only thing I have ever heard about death that makes sense. It is true!’ When you have digested everything we have come to tell you today, you will be able to see for yourself that excessive grieving and sorrowing by those left behind on the earthly plane of life is unjustified. It is also undesirable because it seriously impairs the progress of those who have arrived in our world.
‘Please bear this in mind whenever sadness threatens to overwhelm you. Remind yourself that although the other one’s spirit has passed from your outer world, in truth you will always be close. As a matter of fact, when one of you has moved on, you will be closer than it was ever possible for as long as you both dwelled on the outermost plane of life in physicality. Wherever there is love between people, no power between Heaven and Earth will ever be able to separate them from each other. Their loving has created a bond that will forever connect them.
‘The awareness of this will help you to shed your sense of separateness. It once was necessary to help you become aware of your individuality, but for you the time has come for letting go of it. Now you know that even though in earthly life everybody inhabits their own physical body, on the inner level all life has always remained one. We are all part of each other and of God. There never will be separation between anything and because of this you have always remained at one with the whole of life and will continue to do so in all Eternity.
‘Love is the greatest power in the whole of Creation. An essential part of it is the Universal law of harmony and union and that’s what connects us behind the veil of consciousness that separates our world from those in earthly life. And because we once took part in that state of life, we have first hand experience of what a hard school it can be. But the more you connect with us and your loved ones in our world, the more you consciously take part in the limitlessness of spirit life and that is bound to make your earthly existence more bearable. Knowing that your loved ones really are waiting and reaching out to welcome you home is sure to ease your passage, when the time for your own departure has come.
‘Rest assured that all life is safely held in the loving hands of God and the Angels. In keeping with their will and wishes, the spirit realm provides tirelessly for everyone’s requirements on the physical plane. And that includes making preparations for the important events in every earthling’s life. Let there be no doubt in your mind that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, known as God or Allah to many, loves each one of you in just the same way, totally and unconditionally. And no matter what may ever befall you, you will never be forsaken. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘Every hair of your head is numbered and not a sparrow falls from the sky without God and the Angels knowing about it.’ At all times you are closely held in their loving arms and cared for.
‘Everybody’s true needs will always be supplied. Naturally, this covers a wide range of possibilities, for example periods of hunger and thirst, physically and spiritually. To teach humankind the value of food and drink, they have to be withheld from you in one of your lifetimes. And if there is anything you think you really must have, all you have to do is go to the right place, i.e. knock at your inner doors that lead to us and ask. Be careful though what you request because, to teach you a lesson you will never forget, your wish could be fulfilled in unexpected ways you may not find agreeable at all. But for a long as you proceed in the right manner, you can be sure that the spiritual and physical blessings of the Heavens will come to you in full measure, in due course. This is decreed by Divine laws and they never fail.
‘Never forget that life is eternal and that the whole of God’s Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. This happens in cycles that can be observed in the coming and going of the seasons of the world around you and, because human beings are not exempt from these processes, the different stages of your own life. There have been other golden ages on the Earth when the Angels moved hand in hand with people in full consciousness. One of these ages comes around at the end of every Great Year. The whole cycle of one of these years takes approx. every 25,860 Earth years.
‘The coming golden year is going to be an extra special one because God and the Angels are transforming Mother Earth into a planet of healing and peace. We advise you to take full advantage of the opportunities for progressing on your own spiritual pathway, as every small step one of you takes on this road benefits the whole of humankind and your planet. We are well aware that you have known easier earthly lifetimes than the present one. Naturally, this fulfils a wise higher purpose, the same as everything else that happens in your world. And when you observe your world, you are bound to notice how everywhere people are struggling to come to terms with their existence and are trying to understand why things are happening to them. This is because many have reached the end of their earthly education and they are in the process of redeeming some of their most ancient and difficult karmic debts. Until this has been seen to, they cannot be released onto the greater freedom of our realm.
‘Wise ones appreciate that shedding too many tears over someone who has departed from the earthly plane of life would most certainly not be a sign that the mourner loved them more than anyone else. It merely shows that, because they fail to understand the purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence, they selfishly and endlessly wallow in self-pity over the hole the departed left in their life. Wise ones save their energies and spend them on helping such people to find a better understanding of the processes of life and its spiritual background.
‘So, do all you can to share your knowledge and assist anyone in need of it to understand that physical death, when seen in the right light, is an event for rejoicing rather than weeping. As far as your own life is concerned, no matter what obstacles you are still encountering, never give up hope and do your best until every last shred of your Karmic debts has been redeemed. One of these days this will be the case. Trust that hand in hand with God and the Angels all will be well in the end and everything will work out for the highest good of all, as surely it will, therefore also for you.
‘Each time one of you returns to our world, its wonders and beauty are revealing themselves anew. You rediscover the joy and the freedom of being able to move around without the encumbrance of a physical body that is almost constantly in need of attention and very delicate and easily wounded. This applies in particular to those who spent their most and maybe all of their recent lifetime suffering, as many have chosen to do for the redemption of their karmic debts.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
• ‘Absent Or Distant Healing’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘I Asked And I Was Given’
• ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (9)
Developing The Higher Christ Nature
The law of life is love and evolution that has its foundations in love. Each one of you has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime so that you may evolve into a healer and lightbringer in your own right. The healing light you are meant to bring to your world is the wisdom and knowledge you are finding along the pathway of your life. It is meant to be shared as much as possible with anyone who is in need of it, to support their efforts at coping with their present existence. When you look around you, you cannot help noticing that there are needy people everywhere in your world who are hungry and thirsty for spiritual knowledge and the healing it can bring. Once you start giving of your best and unselfishly serving the needs of others and through that the whole of life, ever more opportunities for doing so are sure to come your way.
‘That’s how, simultaneous with the work you are doing on behalf of others, your higher Christ nature develops and gradually takes over the fears and anxieties of its earthly counterpart. Some of you are working upfront, while others are toiling quietly in the background. Yet, all contributions are equally valid and greatly appreciated by God and the Angels and us, your ordinary spirit guides and helpers. The sole cause of the suffering of your whole world is humankind’s ignorance of the spiritual aspects of life and the meaning of its existence and the higher purpose it serves. Even the smallest efforts anyone makes to alleviate this sad state of affairs is of the greatest value and appreciated by those who are observing your efforts and supporting you, from our side of the veil of consciousness. That’s the only way the whole of your world can move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.
‘When you are enjoying Mother Earth’s beauty, do not forget to give thanks and praise to those who are incessantly toiling on your behalves in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, for bringing all of it into being and constantly maintaining it. As you know, in every soul the spiritual fire of the Divine spark is present, though at first only in seed form. This is how the spiritual fire of love within you slowly but surely grows more powerful. There will come a time when you begin to notice that, whenever you reach out to someone with a kind and friendly smile, there is nobody who does not respond in the same way.
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (10)
Human Life Is Infinite And Eternal
The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one appeared in ‘Morning Light – Neither Death nor Separation’: ‘You are a beloved creature of light, a many faceted jewel and the essence of your being is infinite and eternal. There has never been or will be a time when you were not. But even if you are already aware of these things, you still cannot help asking yourself from time to time: ‘Don’t I have the right to get tired of endless rounds of incarnations, when earthly life is so difficult and burdensome?’
‘That is the very reason why your days in physicality are limited and each incarnation lasts only for a comparatively short time. Even if you should be around for a hundred years or more, in terms of Eternity, God’s time, it represents the mere batting of an eyelid. This is also why, at the end of each lifetime, you leave your physical body behind like an outworn garment. For a period of rest and recuperation your spirit/soul joins us in our world, your true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime.
‘In your daily lives you do not mind moving from one house to another, when the time for a change has come. You may still love your old home, but when you have had enough of it, you say good-bye to it and move on. In just the same way, in the course of every one of your earthly sojourns you eventually reach the point when you have become weary and tired of your physical body, especially when it has grown old and you are almost constantly in pain. You have dealt with that part of your development and are ready for the next stage. That’s why God and the Angels eventually remove you from the old one.
‘When you have arrived here, you will be amazed about the kind of freedom and the ease of movement you have in our world. Your spirit/soul intensely enjoy its happiness that truly is a world apart from the limitations and boundaries of your earthly existence. But still in the end, you reach a point when you have rested sufficiently and the lessons of your most recent earthly existence have been assimilated. Your interest in a further incarnation that will help you to progress on the evolutionary spiral of life in you quickens. That’s the signal that for you the time has come to apply for another lifetime on the Earth.’
The second teaching is from ‘The Source of All Our Strength – No Death’: ‘Death is by no means the dark vale it was made out to be by your world’s religions of the past. It is but a passage that takes you forward to be re-introduced to our world of beauty and light. At the moment of your passing, you will not know when you are taking your last earthly breath. For a short while you are unconscious, but then you begin to feel much lighter and realise you are free! You may be asking yourself: ‘Lo, what’s happened to me? Why was I so afraid when people were talking about death? There really is nothing to fear. It’s like going to sleep that leads to an awakening into a more radiant and harmonious existence that soon makes you forget earthly life.’
‘All of you are eternal beings of light and as you are today, so you will be tomorrow and forever. With the help of your thought processes you can consciously recreate yourself by filling your whole being with ever more spiritual atoms. This prepares you for fully enjoying that which is waiting to be explored by you, as soon as your earthly education is complete and your energies are right for moving on to explore the higher and eventually highest levels of life.
‘The spirit realm is by no means geographically distant from your world. It is part of and within you, the inner layer of everybody’s own consciousness. And the light of the higher worlds can only be reached by those who are conducting their lives on the frequency of love and who freely and willingly surrender themselves to the will and wishes of God and the Angels. What in Earth terms is known as death is but an initiation into our world for your spirit/soul. Without losing your identity of earthly life, you then move into an ever increasing consciousness of God’s eternal light.’
Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day – we’re all going home.
It’s not far, just close by, through an open door.
Work all done, care laid by – fear and hurt no more.
Mother’s there, expecting us – Father’s waiting too.
Angel folks are gathered with guides and friends we know –
Guides and friends we know.
Morning Star lights the way – Earth-bound dreams all done.
Shadows gone – break of day – real life’s just begun.
There’s no break, there’s no end – just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile – going on and on.
Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
It’s not far, just close by – through an open door.
Going home, going home, I’m just going home.
Though I have gone before you,
I did not do so alone and neither will you,
When your time for saying goodbye to the Earth plane has come.
God and the Angels are forever with us,
Keeping you and me safe.
No matter where we may ever find ourselves,
We shall always rest securely in God’s loving hands.
William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’
‘God bless all of you and keep you safe, always.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
• ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
• ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
• ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (11)
Proof Of Spirit’s Presence
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought on the 8.2.2016: ‘Whenever you are seeking contact with your loved ones in the world of spirit, very little material evidence of their presence will come your way, if any. Even though there could be nothing for writing down and presenting as proof of your meeting, when you sit in communion with loved ones you may discover that there is a flow of love that passes between your hearts.
‘By a touch, a scent or certain words and phrases, a line from a song or a poem that come to your mind you know intuitively that you are in touch with the spirit of your loved one. Sometimes in absolute silence an action or an atmosphere is created that reveals their presence to you. Such things happen because communications of this nature are taking place on the highest spiritual level the other one has been able to reach during their most recent earthly lifetime.’
And this is some feedback I received from a friend in response to the above: ‘After completing a meditation in which I communicated with a beloved friend who committed suicide eighteen months ago, I logged on, and read what you had written and posted three hours ago. I was astonished to find that the words you were using described almost exactly what happened in my meditation. Although it provided me with comfort, it also left me feeling bereft and lonely.’ P.T. But twenty-four hours later he reported that he was feeling a strong presence of her around him.
To me, the incident is clear evidence of the following: 1) Our loved ones really are where they are said to be: in the world of light. 2) It’s the guiding and protecting hands of our spirit friends and helpers that connects us with them. 3) Whether someone believes in them or not, both our loved ones and the Angels are there. 4) Last but not least it provides me with proof that the wise ones in charge of us in the world of light are communicating with our world through me. And that confirms the authenticity of the work I am carrying out on their behalf. The original White Eagle teaching must have been very old, because the transmissions of this group of guides through Grace Cooke, the medium they used, stopped many decades ago. They chose me to update the message and through this bring further understanding to us and our world. In all humility I kneel before them and thank them for all the help with which they are providing each one of us individually and our whole world.
Regardless of so much evidence of their presence, my friend very much doubts that Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light really exist. This is because he does not like the idea that humankind should have some kind of Overlords. In my view, that’s what the wise ones on the other side of the veil of consciousness most certainly are not. They are our older siblings in the great family of life, who love us and want to help their younger siblings.
The White Eagle teaching was received by e-mail on Monday about lunchtime. I found it so good and valuable that I dealt with it immediately by re-interpreting it. Yet, for some reason, not consciously known to me, I delayed the sharing of it until the next day. If the whole of that incident doesn’t prove the guiding and protecting hands of those in charge of us and our world at work, please tell me what does. There is no doubt in my mind that they were the ones who prompted me to write, my friend to meditate, and me to post my insights only when they saw that the right moment for it had come. By both of us doing these things independent of each other and without having any idea of what the other one was doing, they wanted to provide us with proof of their presence. What more could anyone want?
Contrary to what W.E. taught through Grace Cooke, our friends and helpers are neither men nor women, brothers or sisters. In the world of light on the inner level of life we are once more aware of our true nature as spirit and soul. We are whole again, i.e. the masculine and feminine aspects of our being are consciously working together as one, unlike the way we are in earthly life when these two all too often are at loggerheads with each other. The original W.E. version that the spirit guides are our brothers was given because at that time too many would have been unable to grasp the concept of androgyny.
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (12)
Learning To Love God
Some believe that life stops at the moment of physical death and that it is a one-off thing. Wise ones, however, appreciate that in truth life is eternal, constantly moving forwards and upwards on a never-ending evolutionary spiral and that therefore there is no death. Just think: when you entered into your present earthly lifetime you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for happiness comes when you depart from this life and the ones around you, who cannot yet appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and may have to linger in their spiritual darkness until their time for joining you in the world of light has come.
The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the StarLink Message January 2012: ‘Your loved ones who have left the earthly plane of life have not gone from you. They are by no means dead, but alive and well in the world of light, our realm. That’s where all human spirits are constantly dwelling. It’s just that from time to time a small part of it ventures forth into earthly life where it inhabits a physical body that serves as a vehicle for getting around and experiencing its new environment. This body is equipped with a rational and logical mind that has very limited horizons that separate the earthly part from the spirit aspect of its being. During the early stages of its earthly education this small self can not yet peer beyond the end of its nose.
‘For a long time the lower mind is focused on coming to grips with earthly terms only. In this state of ignorance the spiritual side of life is dismissed out of hand. Everything that cannot be seen, weighed and measured is rejected as humbug and imaginations. Yet, through the learning the earthly self gains from its own experiences it slowly grows in wisdom and understanding. With the passing of time over many lifetimes the vision of its consciousness gradually expands. At a certain point of its development the spirit nature of the small self stirs from its slumbers and it begins to take an interest in the spiritual aspects of life. Eventually, it comes to terms with the meaning of the concept of God as the eternal spirit, who has brought everything that exists anywhere into being.
‘This awakening brings the understanding that the spirit realm is not somewhere ‘out there’ but on the inner level of Earth life and that in this world there is no separation between anything. And that’s where, in your quiet reflections and meditations, you can contact your loved ones through the power of thought. This enables you to see for yourself that what we are saying is true and that life really is eternal. Because each one of you is a spark of God’s great light and having been created by Its eternal spirit, it could not be any other way.
‘God is love and the law of life is love and if you wish to know God, all you have to do is be yourself and conduct your life with love, for that is your true and eternal nature. God is in everything and everyone, including you. If you treat everything that is in your life with the love and respect it deserves, you are paying homage to the Great Father/Mother of all life and His/Her Creation. On the higher and highest levels of life death does not exist and that’s where your loved ones are now. Once your loving thoughts have connected you with each other, there will no longer be any doubt in your mind that you will always be together.
‘That’s when for you the time has come to comprehend that all healing consists of taking into your physical bodies the radiance of the eternal Sun, the Sun behind and above the Sun in the sky above the Earth. Each one of you has been granted the gift of another lifetime so that you may learn how to call upon this light and live by it. When you consciously breathe it in, ever more of God’s light can enter the cells of your physical body and control them. We suggest that you breathe this light in for the healing of every aspect of your own being, mind and body, spirit and soul, and breathe it out as your contribution to the restoration of your whole world.
‘At the beginning of everyone’s earthly existence the atoms of this body are so heavy and the pull of matter and material life is so strong that you temporarily forget about the existence of the light of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and its power to re-create, heal and make good whatever is in need of it throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, this also applies to you and the cells of your body.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Can God Be Weighed And Measured?’
‘Is There A God?’
• ‘God And The Devil – Who Or What Is God?’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (13)
You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas
A White Eagle Christmas Message
‘When you entered earthly life you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for smiling comes when you depart from your present existence and the ones around you, who do not appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and have to wait until their time for a better understanding of the processes of life has come. May your spiritual awareness help you to live your life to the fullest. Isn’t it sad that to this day so many think that life finishes with the death of their physical body, when in truth there is no death and life is eternal and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral?
‘Your loved ones are not dead and they have not gone from you. They are now enjoying the greater freedom of our realm, the world of spirit or light. On this level all life is one, there is no separation between anything and everything is for real. Lying and cheating, deceptions of any kind are unknown. When during your times of quiet reflections and meditations you contact your loved ones with the help of your thoughts, your inner consciousness of the eternity of life grows. The main law of life is love and God has nothing but love for you. Love the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, not just with your heart but with your whole being. Know that in the Divine consciousness there is no death and that your loved ones are living in that love and on the inner level they are as much part of you as you are of them. On that level nothing can separate you from anyone you love.
‘During the Christmas period human hearts tend to yearn and ache even more than at other times for some kind of contact with their loved ones in our world. Whenever such feelings threaten to overwhelm you, remind yourself that all they have done is leaving the darkness of earthly life behind. They are not dead but alive and well in the world of light because in truth there is not death. Take advantage of the energies of the Christmas period, when the power of the Christ love can be felt much more direct and powerful than at other times. The Christ energies are bringing your loved ones closer to you. This enables them to pour their love into your heart and it also makes it easier for you to fill them with your love.
‘And now, in your imagination picture a temple that is filled with the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ. In its centre stands a huge evergreen Christmas tree that is aglow with millions of lights. The tree is a symbol of God’s eternal and unshakeable love and the lights represent the Divine spark in the heart of every human being. Not merely at Christmas but always seek the shelter of this love and especially when you feel the need for being closer to friends and other loved ones, who departed from the earthly plane ahead of you and have returned to the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.
‘In your prayers and meditations during the Christmas period, each time you focus your thoughts and the feelings of your innermost heart upon the beauty and power of the Christ Star on the Highest levels of life, listen to message the shepherds of the Jesus legend who were watching their flocks by night on a hill near Bethlehem, a long time ago, if the God-man had ever really existed. He is one of the many symbolisms of the God or Christ nature of every human being, the loving goodness and kindness that are part of your higher nature. At a certain point of your development this aspect of your nature stirs from its slumber and begins to make itself known on the earthly plane.
‘The shepherds represent us, the groups of spirit guides and helpers who are in charge of looking after their flock, a group of human beings. The hill indicates that we are attending to you from your world’s spiritual background on its higher inner plane. Bethlehem is a symbolism of the earthly plane. And the event taking place at night shows that it’s something happening on humankind’s inner subconscious level.
‘The deeper you are moving into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more delighted all your shepherds are to observe that the character traces of the true Christ child are waking up in ever more human hearts. And that’s how, instead of Jesus, the Christ Spirit is slowly but surely revealing itself as the only one who truly can save and redeem every one of you, the whole of humankind and everything else that’s taking part in Mother Earth’s spiritual development.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Good Shepherds’
• ‘A Thrill Of Hope’
Recommended Viewing:
‘Christmas Blessings’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (14)
To The One I Love
A Greeting From The World Of Spirit
Sometimes I’ll come when you’re asleep
As an unexpected visitor.
Don’t leave me outside in the street
By locking your inner door.
I’ll enter quietly, softly sit
And gaze upon you before me in the dark.
Then, when I have gazed their fill,
I’ll kiss you and depart.
Don’t think of me as dead or asleep,
For I am neither.
In fact, I’m more alive now than anyone
In your world can ever hope to be.
I have merely moved to another dimension of it.
When I left my physical body behind,
I entered into the greater freedom
And beauty of the spirit realm.
You’ve no idea how enjoyable it is to
No longer being chained to earthly life.
But you’ll soon enough find out for yourself,
When your time for joining me has come
And I shall be greeting you with wide open arms.
Nikola Vaptsarov
Edited by Aquarius
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from the StarLink January 2012: ‘Many in your world to this day believe that life stops when you leave your physical body behind. Yet, in truth life is eternal and there is no death. All lifeforms are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that means that your loved ones are neither dead nor sleeping. They have merely moved to another dimension of life on its inner level, where all is one and there is no separation between anything. They most certainly have not gone from you.
‘You can contact your loved ones any time through the power of the love in your heart and in your thoughts and meditations. At the same time this helps the development of your awareness of eternal life. The Great Father/Mother of all life is your Creator and true parent. God is love and the law of life is love and the Creator loves each and every one of its creations totally and unconditionally. God is spirit and so is the essence of your loved ones and also of you. That level of consciousness knows no death and this is where your loved ones are now, alive and well in God’s eternal love. In our world, the realm of spirit, no-one ever leaves anybody and in spirit your loved ones will always be with you.
‘Knowing all this, do not begrudge them leaving you. Having experienced it many times ourselves, when we were still taking part in earthly lessons, we can tell you first hand what a blessed relief it is not having to care for a physical body any more that’s constantly in need of attention. Cleaning and clothing, feeding, exercising and resting this vehicle for getting around in earthly life takes up inordinate amounts of time. On top of all that your outer shell is easily hurt and wounded, it can become ill in many different ways, grows old and begins to deteriorate and decay, the way everything in earthly life eventually has to do. Once you have left it behind, there is none of that for you any more. You are free, not only of taking part in physical life but also of the yoke of time, which does not exist in our world. You too have left your physical body behind many times before. It’s just that you have no conscious awareness of it for as long as you dwell on the physical plane.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Time’
The White Eagle Group Of Spirit Guides Messages (15)
Nothing Ever Dies
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the Lodge’s calendar September 2012: ‘Before any kind of new growth and building can take place anywhere, there has to be a clearing of the land. This requires ploughing the Earth and cleansing the soil. The same is true for every human being. As soon as the physical conditions surrounding them have served their predestined purpose, they are cleared away. Yet, in truth nothing ever dies, neither the spirit and soul that dwells inside every physical body nor the atoms of that body. They too merely change their form and from the dust and ashes left behind at funerals new life is created.’
If you would like to read some more White Eagle teachings, follow the link below:
‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’
A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’