Written With Love
Part of God’s Great design for all life
Is another, smaller plan for us and our world.
It is like a book that is filled with many chapters.
Each one of them represents a human lifetime
And there is a special chapter for every one of us.
God’s true nature and ours is love and
Each one of our earthly sojourns
Is similar to a story that,
Although it has been written with love,
Of necessity is filled with twists and turns,
And tells us about hopes and desires fulfilled
But also about frustrations and disappointments.
It reports joys as much as sorrows,
And many helloes as well as goodbyes.
It has to be so because every experience
Is meant to teach us something,
So that with the passing of time
We grow ever more heaven-tall and God-like.
As this takes many lifetimes to achieve,
None of the chapters ends
When the story of one of them is complete
And we move into the world of light.
There we have to wait patiently to be granted
Permission for a further earthly lifetime
That enables us to continue the work on our story.
By gradually shedding and leaving behind
The dark and evil aspects of our nature,
The highest and best that is also within us
Can come to the fore.
With the passing of time it takes over
Our whole being and nothing else remains.
The chapters of the God’s Great book have many pages.
One of them represents one lifetime.
There is one for every lifetime of the past that has been
Filled with the details of all our experiences.
There is also a page for our present lifetime and
The closer we come to our departure from it,
The less space to be filled in remains.
New pages are added for future lifetime,
As soon as one of them has passed
Its planning stage in the spirit world.
This continues until Earth life
Can offer no more learning and with that
Our earthly education is complete.
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
We are then allowed to move on
To lessons of a more elevated nature and
Forever resting safely in the knowledge
That they are guiding and protecting us.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
The above is part of ‘Words Of Wisdom, Hope & Encouragement’.
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