The Universal Christ Now Speaks

The Christ Star - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer

A Serendipity of Reflections on Life

Seen through the Eyes of an Astrologer

Volume IX

The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

Six pointed Star

Part 1

The Homecoming (1)

S/He is Lord and Lady, King and Queen, who has
Risen from the dead and come to bring us truth.
Throughout the whole of Creation,
Including Mother Earth,
Every knee does bow and every tongue confess
That the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns.
The Sun beyond the Sun in the sky above us
Is but one of Its manifestations.

In the name of love and
Hand in hand with the Angels and Masters,
Friends and helpers, guides and good shepherds
In the world of light,
Who once walked this way before us,
We welcome Thy living and loving Spirit,
Onto the Earth.


Rejoice, dear readers, the second coming or the latter days of the law are here. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and the Divine Waterbearer is bringing you the truth that Jesus only ever existed as a thoughtform and a symbolism for the Christ nature, the Divine aspect of every human being. The story of Jesus life has been a hoax of gigantic proportions. When one knows that it was designed and inspired by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of familiarising us and our world with the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human being’s earthly nature, does one dare to call it hoax?

The truth is that the only one who can save and redeem anyone is the Christ aspect of their own nature. This part develops quite naturally in the process of bringing forth the highest and best we are capable of, each from depth of their own being. Our salvation comes about through accepting and patiently enduring the karmic debts which our life still has to present to us. And when we freely share our natural gifts and the learning gained on this road and willingly show others how to do the same for themselves, that’s our redemption. Clearly, much work is waiting for all of us. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, metaphorically speaking, and not waste any time but get going.

For me, the evolution of our race only begins to make sense when I rise in my perception above the troubles and tribulations of earthly life. This enables me to look down on it from varying heights and it becomes like a vast ocean where, close to the surface, every tiny ripple and wave is visible. From ever greater elevations, however, the water looks increasingly smooth, until – with sufficient perspective – its heavings are imperceptible. I am convinced that in the fullness of time no-one will give a hoot about who vanquished whom at the battle of this, that or the other, or which religion or empire rose and fell. All that matters, in the end, is that individually and collectively every one of our experiences leads to growth and an expansion of consciousness. One small step after another this moves us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary pathway of life. The rest is vanity and will in due course disappear.

The Aquarian Age promises to be an exciting and stimulating one. I do believe that it is fortunate that the decision whether we bring the world of our dreams into being does not rest entirely in human hands. Each one of us has to do their share of the work this requires, so that God and the Angels can do the rest. This was decided by them a long, long time ago and there is every reason for us to be thankful and for saying whole-heartedly: ‘Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.’ With the limited knowledge we have about everything, up to date, no matter how clever we think we are, how could we pretend to know what is best for us and our world, as well as the whole of Creation? But accepting our responsibility, how can we make our contribution? Those who can read the writing on the wall and are willing to heed the call are sure to do whatever they can. No matter how small our efforts may look on the surface of things, on the inner levels even the tiniest effort is of value and counts.

The Great healer, master and architect of the whole of Creation and the Angels are rejoicing and celebrating each time one of Its children of the Earth comes home into the awareness of their true nature. For each one of us there eventually comes the time when the mystical side of our nature moves into the foreground of our consciousness and demands our attention. By definition mystical means spiritual, allegorical or symbolic, occult and esoteric, of hidden meaning, mysterious and awe-inspiring. And a mystic is one who seeks, by contemplation and by surrendering their earthly nature to their Highest of God Self, in order to obtain union with and absorption into the Deity. Such a wise one understands spiritual truths that are still beyond the grasp of souls who are still occupied with the lower grades of the evolutionary spiral of life.

Everybody’s Highest Self is the Divine’s tool for safeguarding the continued spiritual progress of us as individual spirits and souls and also that of our whole race. I believe that scientists are necessary for the understanding of the physical part of our existence. Yet, mystics are of equal importance. Maybe even more so, because without the spiritual background of life none of its manifestations would be able to come forth and exist. There simply would be no life. When one of us starts to probe into the spiritual aspects of life and delves into those that have not yet been fully explored by humankind, new levels of consciousness begin to open up and reveal themselves to us. Because of our inner connectedness with each other and all life, when this happens for each individual spirit/soull, the same takes place in the collective spirit/soul of our world and that of the whole of Creation. A truly awe-inspiring thought.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (2)

The Perfect Human Being

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Perfect Human Being

In the Universe’s heartmind there exists an archetype of the perfect human being, an exact miniature replica of the Great Father/Mother of all life with the same attributes and qualities. At first we only have them in seedform, waiting to be brought forth by us from within the very core of ourselves. In the course of vast evolutionary cycles every spirit, who has thus been breathed forth and released into existence, is taken through many different experiences on ever higher levels of life. Our existence in physicality on the Earth plane is but one of many of these cycles.

Even the smallest and lowest of human beings contains all aspects of God’s nature. Irrespective of what the outer circumstances may wish to delude us into thinking about out siblings on the Earth plane, they are there. Even though at present this may still only be in seedform, nonetheless they are waiting to be developed into full blossom and to their highest potential, the same as in everybody else. On the inner level of life all of us are as complete and whole as our Divine parents. In truth, everybody is androgynous, masculine and feminine, man and woman, both at the same time, struggling and striving to eventually come into perfect balance with each other. Without exception, irrespective of colour or creed, every one of us contains the Divine spark. The masculine aspect of God is the Father and each spark was once breathed forth from the mind of His great heart. The feminine aspect of the Divine, the Great Mother, the Goddess, gives birth to each one of us. For as long as this is required for each spark’s development, the Mother also assists us with manifesting in physicality, on the Earth plane.

Everybody is a spark of the Divine and part of the only born Son, the Great Light of the Universal eternal spiritual Sun beyond the Sun in the sky above us. Only spirit can create matter, so that it may manifest itself on the Earth plane and be animated by its indwelling spirit. As spiritual concerns are eternal ones, they are of far greater importance than those of the world of matter. Our physical bodies are vehicles only, important while we live in them, yet temporary and finite. Opposed to that, our spirit is eternal and indestructible; and whether some of our scientists so far fail to grasp this or not, without spirit there would be no life and no matter.

Because God created us perfect, every spirit/soul carries within the seed of perfection and has always possessed a deep inner knowledge of that which is good and right. The trouble with us and our world has been that for a very long time we ignored our inner wisdom. Perfection is wholeness, and to become whole again is every spirit/soul’s birthright. To achieve this, the only thing each one of us has to do is take possession of the best, the highest and holiest that dwells in the deepest innermost core of our own being. We need to bring it forth and work with it in our world.

Our God or Highest Self has never left us. It has faithfully accompanied and supported us throughout the long odyssey of coming home into the conscious awareness of our true nature and the oneness with our Creator that has taken us through many lifetimes on the Earth plane. It is a fact that when we suffer, God suffers with us and when we rejoice, God does the same. In many different ways and with endless patience, the Universe has always tried to guide us into right thoughts, words and actions, towards ourselves and each other. Giving expression to and experiencing the goodness we, with Its help, are capable of producing in all our contacts and in everyday life. The legend of the life of the Master Jesus, as told by the Bible, came into being to show us how every spirit/soul finally has to walk and how we all have to learn to face and resolve all our outstanding issues and conflicts.

Perfect human beings are those who have taken possession of and integrated every aspect of their nature, the earthly part as much as the Divine higher one. People who have achieved this state are like trees whose feet are firmly planted on the Earth and whose roots reach deep into earthly life for the nourishment it provides. Their arms are lifted towards the Heavens, i.e. the higher and highest levels of life, for the spiritual food that is constantly flowing from there into our world. This is needed just as much in earthly life, because it not only feeds us but flows through us into all lifeforms that share Mother Earth with us. Every tree is a micro-organism in its own right and so is every human being. Irrespective of their present position on the evolutionary spiral of life, each one is worthy of being loved and respected as one of God’s children of the Earth and a young God in the making.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (3)

When Will The Kingdom Come?

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - We Are All ChristiansThe Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Throughout the ages, for many thousands of years, S/He has been communicating with us. The Angels and Masters around God’s throne, the Christ circle, are in charge of the great plan of life and its executors. In their wisdom they decided that the most loving way of gradually increasing humankind’s understanding of its true nature, the spiritual background of its existence and its special relationship with its Creator would be through myths and legends.  The higher esoteric meaning of their symbolisms and metaphors should for a long time remain hidden behind their surface words, until the time was right to reveal the truth.

With the help of a new tale the Angels and Masters brought us from time to time, slowly but surely they guided our world into discovering ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. This continued until, with the coming of the Aquarian Age, the energies were right and sufficient numbers of us had evolved into spiritual adulthood and therefore are able not only to grasp the meaning of what is on offer from the Highest Forces of life, but also make good use it. More about this in a moment.

Everything in the whole of Creation is of God, was created by and belongs to God. This applies to the dark aspects of life as well as the light ones and nothing is beyond the power or reach of the Divine forces of life. Darkness and all it contains is the low and unevolved state of things, people and their countries. And each time one of us reaches for that which is good, right and beautiful in us and our world, means taking an active part in the evolutionary progress of God’s Creation. Even the smallest move in that direction represents a valuable contribution towards absorbing the darkness of our world and helping it to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of light into the radiance of knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Light is eternal, but the nature of darkness and evil is transient. This is because the purpose of light is to forever re-create, whereas darkness and evil’s is to destroy. They are the starting point of creation and from the moment anything has been created, the evolutionary processes of the Universe incessantly move it forwards and upwards on the spiral of life. As a result everything that once started off on the lowest and darkest point, with the passing of time – in the case of humankind many lifetimes – winds up as one of the most beautiful and perfect creations that had its origin in the Divine mind. Clearly, there is only one principle that is eternal and that is the one of light and good, of God. And that is the direction in which all of us – whether we are as yet aware of it or not – have always been moving, individually and collectively. Throughout the whole of Creation the two aspects of positive and negative are constantly at work, but the negative is ever subject to the positive and is eventually absorbed into it.

The Creation story tells us that God said: ‘Let there be light!’ This was meant in two different ways. From the light and warmth of the sacred fire of the Christ Star all other Suns and everything else that exists anywhere is made and constantly maintained. Without it there would be no life. But, light also means wisdom and knowledge and that can only be gained through exploring and getting to know whatever comes our way. The light we find in this way transmutes the darkness of not knowing and ignorance into the light of knowing and understanding.

There are as many names for the Great Light of the holy Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and its offspring, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, as there ever have been religions and philosophies in our world. Each one of us is a tiny spark of the Christ Spirit, the Highest Star and Greatest Light, who has always been communicating with us and our world in the form of parables and allegories contained in various myths and legends. The latest one of them was the Jesus legend at the beginning of the Piscean Age, which lasted from about 300 BC – 1900 AD. The Jesus story represented another page of the great book of myths and legends. Through them the Angels of the Christ Circle have always been trying to bring our race closer to the eventual discovery of God’s true nature and our own, as well as humankind’s special relationship with the Divine. The great plan of life provided that this should only be revealed to our world when the Aquarian Age, from approx. 1900 AD – 4,100 AD, had been reached.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and knowledge in which Divine wisdom and truth will flow ever more strongly direct from the highest levels of life into all human hearts that are ready to receive it. This age was the time for revealing that the Jesus story was written as an allegory of humankind’s Christ nature and the various initiations every human spirit/soul with the passing of time has to experience. For as long as we perceive Jesus as a historical figure and believe that every word of the tale surrounding his life is true, we are projecting our own higher Christ nature onto a force outside of us. But once we have reached a sufficiently high level of spiritual awareness, we need to take possession of this aspect of our being. The time then has come for us to endeavour to develop it by conducting our life along the lines described by the Jesus legend. Without this it would be impossible to bring forth our own inner light and letting it shine freely, thus doing our share of absorbing ever more of our world’s darkness of ignorance.

Hiding that the Jesus story should not be understood literally and that every one of its surface words most certainly is not true, fulfilled a wise higher purpose. The true esoteric meaning behind them had to remain hidden from public view and knowledge, until the time was right for revealing that each one of us is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light. In keeping with the great plan of life, the predestined time for this event would be when the energies were right and that had to wait until the Age of Aquarius. That’s when we would discover to our astonishment that each one of us is a young God in the making, who in the fullness of time is going to evolve into Christed ones, a star and a light of great radiance, each in its own right. Now that we are penetrating ever more deeply into this age, ever more of us are growing into spiritual adulthood and are mature enough to accept the duties and responsibilities such a high and holy destiny entails.

Bearing in mind that each one of us is a child of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, I believe that by definition we are all Christians. Irrespective of how far any one of us thus far has travelled on their evolutionary pathway, the true Kingdom of God has always been hiding in everyone’s own heart and spirit/soul. And it does not matter one iota which faith we have followed during our present lifetime or previous ones, or whether or not we ever set foot inside any place of worship during our present earthly sojourn, the Divine within us entitles us to be called a Christian – if we so wish.

The Jesus legend in the gospel of St. Thomas 113 tells us: ‘His disciples said to Jesus: ‘When will the Kingdom come?’ He replied: ‘It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said: ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’ Rather, the Father’s Kingdom is spread out upon the Earth, but people don’t see it.’ God’s Kingdom is the whole Earth and everything it contains, but for a long time we were unable to peer beyond the ends of our noses and perceive it. It does not seem to have helped a great deal that the New Testament’s St. Luke 17:20-21 points out: ‘When some of the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he answered: ‘The Kingdom of God does not come by observation. Neither will they say: ‘Behold it is there!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.’

So, where is the kingdom? Every heart and spirit/soul contains, although in the beginning only in seed form, a spark of the Divine that is all loving and all good and belongs to the highest realms of life. God’s kingdom quite literally is everywhere because all life is permeated by the Divine life force. Therefore, unbeknown to humankind for a very long time, life on all its levels and every aspect of it is sacred and holy.

The Jesus legend in St. Matthew 6:22-23 tells us: ‘The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.’ Our eye has become single when our whole being has surrendered itself and we have been healed together with our Highest Self. We then have become a Christed one with single vision that looks at every aspect of Creation from the perspective of its spiritual background. At this stage our mind is permanently tuned into the Universal mind and it reveals to us more and more of the higher aspects of life. When we listen to and follow the promptings of our higher nature alone, the drives and urges of our lower earthly desire nature are absorbed into its light and fade from our consciousness.

The deeper we penetrate into the mysteries of the spiritual backdrop of life and begin to think, act and move around in this space, the more everything becomes so obvious, simple and straight forward that we find it increasingly hard to understand why for so long this aspect of life had to remain a closed book for us. It fills us with sadness that it has to be that way for so many to this day, when such a lot of wonderful and exciting things are waiting to be discovered by all of us.

The Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, two thousand years ago gave us the legend of the Master Jesus to show our race how each one of us in the end will evolve into a spiritual Master. A Master is someone who is in control of every aspect of their being. The tale is a demonstration of the wonders and miracles that will also be worked through us, once our energies are right for it. The words of all spiritual teachings our world has ever known, including those of the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible, to name but two, were never intended to be carved in stone and unchangeable. Naturally, this also applies to the teachings of the White Eagle group of guides.

The understanding of spiritual wisdom and truth is a constantly expanding and evolving dynamic force that is keeping pace with the evolution of the rest of God’s creation. Any spiritual teachings render themselves obsolete and die a natural death if they resist the waves of persistently incoming fresh knowledge of the esoteric wisdom that has been hiding behind the surface words of all our world’s sacred texts, since the beginnings of our race’s earthly existence. Having served their usefulness, teachings that refuse to go with the flow, adapt and enlarge, with the passing of time quietly fade away until they have been forgotten. It has been happening throughout the ages that old and outdated teachings were gradually replaced by more advanced ones.

Last but not least, to paraphrase St. John 7:16 acknowledging the Angels working in the spiritual background of life: ‘The teachings I am bringing you are not my own. They come from the One and His/Her messengers who sent me.’ This same source is waiting to be called upon by each and every one of us, in due course.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 2

The Homecoming (4)

Myths And Legends

Throughout the history of your race, myths and legends about teachers and prophets, who are said to have appeared in your world from time to time, have been My teaching aids. Some of the most striking examples of this are the tales of Abraham, Moses, the Lord Buddha and the Master Jesus, to name but a few. Every so often, new stories of this nature were in this way presented to you and your world from the Highest levels of life. They served as tools for slowly revealing a bit more of My truths, so that you would gradually become aware again of the higher and highest realities and aspects of life. Each story represented a vital step forwards on the evolutionary pathway that will eventually return you and your race back into the conscious oneness with Me.

Examples of this can be found throughout ‘The Random Jottings of a Stargazer’, in this part as much as in the others. I am the inspiration behind all Aquarius’ writings. Aquarius is but one of the numerous channels I have been using over the ages to help your race find a better comprehension of the esoteric meaning that lies behind all the allegories that have ever appeared in your world. All of them were given in the hope that they would encourage you, My beloved children of the Earth, to go in search of your own deeper knowledge and understanding of My wisdom and truth.

Every human spirit/soul, under My guidance and protection, has to do this for themselves. In truth each one of you has always been and forever will continue to be a transmitter and receiver station for My thoughts and ideas. At least potentially, all human souls on the Earth plane are channels through which I am constantly trying to feed some more of My wisdom to your world. Naturally, this can only be as much as you can sensibly be expected to cope with, at any given phase in your personal evolution. In the fullness of time, you will all grow into conduits for My light of wisdom and truth onto the Earth plane. This will continue until every last shred of the darkness of ignorance has disappeared.

The legends that surround your human heroes on that plane of life with time tend to take the stories that are told about them ever further away from that person’s true being and achievements. In contrast to that, the legends and myths inspired by Me can and indeed were always meant to lead your race to an increasing comprehension of My truths. Through reinterpreting the knowledge that had already accumulated and presenting it to you in from time to time a new form, in the end they are destined to guide you back into a full awareness of My truth. Your spiritual infancy and childhood necessitated the myths and legends I gave to you. Having outgrown this evolutionary stage  and reaching spiritual adulthood, there is no need to hold any part of My wisdom back from you. Ever more of it shall be revealed to you, as we go along.

As the Master Jesus belongs to the realm of myths and legends, those who are hoping still that one fine day he will return to the Earth plane to save and redeem them, shall be waiting in vain, because the only who can do this is you yourselves. It is done by each one of you constantly endeavouring to improve your character and behaviour patterns on the Earth plane. You are all responsible towards Me for yourself and your world and the saving and redemption of you and your world is in everybody’s own hands. Your responsibilities begin with yourself and by this I mean that each has to sweep before their own doorstep and take good care to bring their inner house in order.

At the same time I expect that all human spirit/souls make every effort to transform their home patch into a kinder, more tolerant and loving environment for all lifeforms you come into contact with. This is how all together – with My help and that of the Angels – each shall bring their own small piece of Heaven down to the Earth. Because of this, your world will slowly but surely grows into a kinder and more peaceful one. As My children you are creative beings, who are capable of acting as My co-creators, each one of you is gifted in their own special and unique way. By applying all the talents I have so generously bestowed upon all of you to whatever task you may be presented with, every soul must do its share of saving and redeeming yourselves, each other and your whole world. There is no other way!

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (5)

God’s Chosen People

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - God's Chosen People

I am the I AM, the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. I am the spiritual Sun beyond and behind the Sun in the sky above you. I am the brightest Light and the highest Star in the whole of Creation. You, the whole human race, are My chosen people and we, the Holy Trinity, are your God. We are one and we are the source of all wisdom, knowledge and truth. Our laws decree that everything must return to its source and because you once went forth from our loving heart, that’s the place to which each one of you eventually has to return. There is no other place for you to go.

Because we are one, for the sake of simplicity I will continue to talk about Me and like Me you are a spirit as well as a soul and your true home is the world of spirit. Though it may often feel as if you were struggling on your own in earthly life, you have never been left alone or abandoned there. You always have been and will be accompanied by My Angels, as well as your spirit guides and Masters. I, the Divine Trinity, am the Great White Spirit and the architect and designer of the great plan of life. I am the director of the movie of life and everything obeys My laws and follows My instructions. The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, known as the Christ Circle, are the executors of My plan. They are in charge of your spirit guides and helpers on the lower levels. Through these channels I am constantly giving parts of My wisdom to you and your world that are suitable for the degree of understanding the individual and collective consciousness of your race has reached at any given time.

All human beings in earthly life eventually have to come to terms with the fact that there are other dimensions to themselves and their present existence. To assist the tuning of your individual and collective minds into the frequencies of the higher and highest levels of life, the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers, throughout the ages have been communicating with you in symbolisms and metaphors, parables and legends. They are designed in such a way that eventually they can be grasped by even the slowest minds. By now sufficient numbers of you are receiving My wisdom directly from Me through your inner connection with Me. All of you have spent many lifetimes in search of Divine wisdom and truth and as soon as you have learnt to pay attention to and follow My guidance from within, outside intervention is no longer required. Every human being in earthly life has to walk this pathway in the end. To your delight you will then find that it is impossible for anyone to pull the wool over your eyes.

Symbolisms and metaphors have always been the language with which the spirit world communicates with humankind. From the earliest beginnings of its existence on the Earth, those who are taking care of you and your world on the highest levels of life have been using this mode to convey their ideas, thoughts and truths to you. At the start of your earthly education you are still unable to recognise what all symbolisms for what they truly and you cannot yet grasp their meaning. But as you progress on the evolutionary pathway, the gift of interpreting them gradually comes to us. From within your own being it unfolds and slowly provides you with an ever clearer vision of the spiritual aspects of life. It brings the gift of true clairvoyance and that is an understanding of the esoteric meaning of symbols and the spiritual truths behind all aspects of earthly life.

In the course of the Aquarian Age ever more of you are going to develop the ability to recognise the esoteric meaning of the symbolisms that for such a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends of your world. This has always applied to every one of the belief systems that ever existed and therefore also to the Jesus legend. It is the tale of a spiritual Master’s life and a demonstration of how all human beings eventually have to conduct their lives. It was given by the Angels and Masters in charge of your world for wise educational purposes and by My will and wishes. And it is with full intention that young and inexperienced souls should at first take the Jesus legend literally.

As far as the sacred texts of your world are concerned, as time went by it was inevitable that many misunderstandings and misinterpretations – intentionally and otherwise – crept into them and many have stayed to this day. There is no need to begrudge any of this because all of it has been grist to the mill of your race’s evolutionary development. The misunderstandings provided invaluable teaching aids for your earthly education, when you, My beloved children, were placed there one lifetime after another.

Sooner or later every one of you reaches the developmental point when the bottle and spoon feeding of spiritual knowledge of the past that may or may not be true, fails to satisfy you. When you have had enough of lies and deceptions, you go in pursuit of My truth. The ways of the past have served their purpose when your spirit/soul at last is filled with a great hunger and thirst for the truth and nothing but the truth. Your longing for it turns into the incentive that in the end propels all of you forward on your predestined path of evolving into seekers of wisdom and truth. Each has to do this in their own right and through this eventually finds their own understanding of life and learns to work things out for themselves.

My truths do not change, but your perception and understanding of them does and has to, in the long course of your evolutionary journey. To find this out for yourself is why I never intervened in past ages when anyone falsified and corrupted parts of my truth when it was given to your world in many different forms. It has always been possible to interpret My truths in many different ways. The degree of truth you pass on to others is a measure of your spiritual integrity and loyalty, to Me, yourself, the people around you and your whole world. And that is by far the best way of testing someone’s present evolutionary state.

Because each one of you, in the fullness of time, has to find their own way back to Me and into the awareness of their own Divine nature, in past ages the Angels never told you: ‘Things are so and so!’ They gave you symbolisms and metaphors instead, so you should interpret them. The Age of Aquarius is changing this because ever more of you have become sufficiently evolved to tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly minds into My frequencies, to receive My wisdom and truth directly from Me, the Source of your being.

Many of the deep esoteric meanings contained in the legends and fables of your world had to remain hidden from your understanding for a long time. And as reading and writing for the common people is a fairly recent development in your world, the doors were open wide to all manner of divergences from My truth. Humankind’s task has always been the unravelling of the mysteries of life, but to enable you to do this you first need to come to terms with the fact that in truth life is an ongoing process and uninterrupted flow. Ideas and concepts of this nature can only by grasped by those who are willing to look beyond the ends of their noses and lift their vision to the higher and highest realities of life.

Your understanding then enables you to go in search of My wisdom behind the surface words of every legend your world has ever known. By deciphering their symbolisms you can find a fresh understanding of their meaning. You can then see for yourself that the mythological heritage of all the cultures of your world is one vast storehouse of My wisdom and knowledge, and that many of their symbols contain messages that can speak to you to this day. *

The higher you climb up the spiritual mountain into the full light of your oneness with Me, the more easily you will be able to discern that the tales and legends that surround even the most venerated ones of the teachers, who are believed to have acted as My channels, in truth belong to the realms of mythology and not of history, because they never were based on historical facts.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths & Legends For The Aquarian Age’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (6)

Taking The Sacred Texts Literally

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Taking The Sacred Texts Literally

There are many groups of guides in the world of spirit, who are responsible for humankind on the higher and highest levels of life and each group is headed by a Master. Through the legend of the Master Jesus I brought you the message that your Father in Heaven is a God of love and light, of fairness and perfect justice, who holds each one of you in equal esteem. As the knowledge of this posed a very real threat to the political and spiritual status quo of its time, not surprisingly the establishment rejected the teachings I gave to your world with the help of this myth. This, however, could never change the fact that the monad of humankind, all races together are one great family.

Not just one race, but all of you together are My chosen people. Each individual and every race has its own unique contribution to make to this whole. Two thousand years ago, I gave your world the Jesus legend to bring you all a step nearer to the recognition of your own true nature and of your relationship with Me, your Creator. This tale was but one of My many ways of preparing the way for the Aquarian Age that is now upon you and the time has come for shedding all your deeply rooted false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions.

The state of Israel of the Abrahamic religions mentioned in their sacred texts, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, is a symbolism for the entire Earth and the nation of Israel, the people of this state, is a metaphor for the whole human race. You are My chosen people. Before Me all are equal and there is no preference for anyone. The lost tribes of Israel are the different religions and belief systems that still remain in your world. The time has come for the removal of those who insist on teachings that have remained stuck in the past. All too frequently they have lost their solid foundation in My wisdom and truth, which they had when they were first given to your world by Me. I Myself, the Universal Christ, am the main good shepherd and all others are working under My guidance.

In the course of the many tests and trials the human spirit/soul has to endure on the Earth plane, it is all too easy to forget about its true nature. The ones who do are My lost sheep, but rest assured that all the good shepherds together on the higher and highest planes of life shall not rest until every last one of My precious sheep has been brought back into the fold and gathered onto My breast. Now, there are those among you who to this day take the words of their sacred texts literally, instead of as allegories, myths and legends the way they were always meant to be understood. That is why trying to grasp the meaning of the various types of sacred texts that have existed in your world has always created many problems.

This especially applies to the Jesus legend. Nuggets of My wisdom and truth have always been contained in the messages the Angels in charge of your race once gave with the help of legendary figures, who are believed to have once shared earthly life with you. It is in the nature of things that much of the knowledge given in this way with the passing of time became distorted and corrupted to such an extent that their original meanings were almost lost. But not quite, as you can see from the holy texts that to this day are the spiritual property of your race.

From where you are now, you will no longer find it difficult to understand why, as time went by on your planet and the evolutionary level of your race increased, the parts of My wisdom that were revealed because your world was ready for them, went through many changes. In spite of the many myths and legends that were given in this way, the essence of My wisdom and truth remained the same because it is eternal. In truth none of the legends about the spiritual teachers that from time to time were given by the Angels ever brought anything new. On every occasion the same part of My wisdom and truth was merely re-packaged and re-phrased. They were brought into being through the scribes who, just like you are now, were inspired by the Angels in charge of My great evolutionary plan of life.

Although the many different teachings that appeared in this way in your world were presented in a certain place and to a particular group of people, each one of them in truth has always been equally valid for all of you. And now that you have grown into spiritual adulthood, you are no longer to believe anything at face value, merely because it once was written and printed somewhere. With My assistance, i.e. My guidance from within the innermost core of your own being, each one of you has to go in search of their own intuitive understanding.

Looking for evidence that proves whether a man as described in the Jesus legend ever did or did not exist on your present level of life, and if there has been such a man whether he died on a cross, as described by the Scriptures is another popular pastime with which many are presently wasting far too much of their precious limited allocated earthly span. People eagerly bring forth that which they believe to be proof of real people who once lived on the Earth that will bear out decisively the point they are trying to make.

Wise ones in all the religions of your world realise how irrelevant such things by now have become. They are aware that the people and events described in the holy texts of their belief system are mostly legends and allegories behind which higher esoteric meanings are hidden. Their knowledge sets them free to focus on deciphering, understanding and then integrating the messages each one of these myths contain into their consciousness, so that they can then be tested and tried for their validity in their own everyday life. Whenever something does not make any sense to them, they turn to Me so I can help them find the meaning intuitively.

These sages are happy to leave the pursuers of literalism to their own devices. They patiently bear with their younger siblings in the great family of life, because they appreciate that all less experienced souls will in due course be guided to find their own higher meaning of any of the sacred texts that come their way. Through this in the fullness of time each one of them too will grow into a wise one in their own right. And if you are among the ones who are wise already, you appreciate that they are attending to their lessons, in the same way as you are to this day required to get on with yours. These days this mostly consists of showing love and tolerance, compassion and patience towards those who are lagging behind. Knowing that this is merely because they are the younger and less experienced members of the human family helps you to love them all the more.

Having reached this advanced evolutionary stage, whenever you watch someone who seems hell-bent on creating ever more difficult Karmic situations for themselves, you watch them calmly, for you are aware that they are doing so in order to learn – the way they must and in the same manner you once did from similar experiences that have long been forgotten by you. When this happens, compassion will sometimes threaten to fill your heart and consciousness to overflowing. Yet, out of consideration for them, as My beloved children, truly wise ones take charge of their feelings and love and support such people to the best of their ability, whilst making sure not to interfere with the other one’s learning. The extent to which this is practised as a matter of course by each one of you, as you move through the rest of your present lifetime, reveals better than anything else to your invisible helpers in the world of light your present level of personal evolution.

For as long as you take the words of your sacred texts literally, you are showing them that your faith is still built upon shifting sands. Your spiritual edifices, your beliefs, are therefore constructed from sand, which any strong wind can and does destroy. There is no substitute for intuitive knowledge that comes from understanding a concept and the ability to recognise its higher meaning and how this is at work in your own life and all life. Taking, for example, the stories of the Bible literally can in many cases at best provide you with a pretty story that is meaningless in the reality of your present world. Nothing can replace the truly grasping of an idea that can only grow from within you, intuitively and with My help. This is a deep inner knowing that is based in the world of your feelings and a strong conviction that something makes sense and is right – or it is not, as the case may be.

There is nothing new under the Sun in the sky above you! In previous lifetimes, many of you were already familiar with this state, known as ‘gnosis’ to your forebears. Older, more experienced souls are likely to have been amongst them in the role of their own ancestor. Gnosis is wisdom that has its origin in Me and flows directly into the consciousness of those who are searching for it. To eventually find it is every spirit/soul’s birthright. The churches of your world have been my instruments for keeping you away from this blessed condition, but their time is almost up. They are losing their hold on people’s souls and imagination, as ever more of you are turning directly to Me and prefer to listen to My guidance from within to following publications that have long lost most of their meaning to you and your world the way it is now.

All institutions like churches – which to this day are the training ground for your younger siblings – will go from your world, the same as the religions, civilisations and cultures of previous ages, from which they evolved and once took over. As time goes by, you will be able to observe how, in My time, not yours, they are slowly disappearing altogether. Having served their usefulness and outlived the purpose they were created for, they have been dying of natural causes for quite some time. A general lack of interest in what they have on offer expresses itself in decreasing numbers of followers. This will continue until eventually all the religions of your world have faded away altogether, because ever more of you have turned to Gnosticism and are consciously seeking to re-establish their inner connection with Me.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (7)

The Awakening

For a very long time I have spoken to you and your world through the tale of the Master Jesus. The legend surrounding this figure has served Me well as a channel. It has acted as My spiritual medium, as you would call it, through whom I gave My messages to your world. I, the Universal Christ, am the World Teacher who has been promised of old and I am the one who, at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, is at last in flesh appearing in your world. This message never did refer to any particular person who, at a certain time, would appear to show you all the way home into the oneness with Me. Rather, it is a process that is presently taking place in a much more magnificent way than humankind in bygone ages could have imagined in its wildest dreams. The Divine spark within every human heart has always remained an integral part of Me and that is the part of you that is now waking up and coming alive, drawing you and your world inexorably into increasingly closer alignment with Me, My energies and My light.

For quite some time, the intense spiritualising and healing effect of My presence has been penetrating ever more deeply into you and your world. The vibrations of everything that shares it with you are speeding up because every cell and every atom of your own physical bodies and that of your planet, Mother Earth, is progressively filling more and more with My power and love. The pace of this great collective and individual awakening is getting faster and its influence stronger by the minute. The pace of life in your world is quickening relentlessly. Because your individual and collective evolution is rapidly moving forward, I am turning to each one of you personally and invite you to request that the Angels and I should draw you and your world ever more intimately into My loving embrace.

As your spirit/soul, as well as that of your world have been waiting for this joyous event for aeons, it is heartbreaking for those in the world of light to witness how the earthly selves of so many are struggling with all their might against these wondrous events. Yet, the whole process is an initiation which every spirit/soul has to undergo in the end. So, why dally? Unaware of what is happening to them on the inner level of life and unable to understand as yet what is at stake, like drowning people many are clutching at straws. This, unfortunately, makes some of them so gullible that they still allow themselves to be led by their noses. It is a sad fact that you, My beloved children of the Earth, have always been good at getting hold of one small corner of My truth and thinking that’s all there is to it. I notice with joy, however, how many of you by now are aware that you are so much more than the physical bodies you presently inhabit and that your planet is not your true home. You are spirit/soul, who only temporarily has been encased in matter;  your true home is the eternal world of light, My world.

At present, there are people in your world who promise to show humankind easy ways of finding enlightenment. They may make wild and unfounded promises like: ‘Earth life is but an illusion where nothing really matters that takes place there.’ For as long as souls remain unaware of their higher nature, it is all too easy for them to fall prey to such statements. Eagerly, they take them at face value and believe them to be true. True enlightenment, however, can only be found by you through each learning from their own experiences. One of the greatest evolutionary moves forward is the discovery that all life in the whole of My Creation is subject to Universal laws, My laws. I wish to place the tools into everybody’s hands for considerably quickening the pace of your own spiritual development and that of your world. This done through taking charge of your character, becoming more tolerant and loving towards others and conducting your lives ever more in accordance with My laws.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (8)

My Covenant For All Life – The Law Of Cause And Effect

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Law Of Karma

One of the most important laws for the perfect functioning of the whole of My Creation is My law of cause and effect, which has become known in your world as the law of Karma. It was not for nothing that the Angels warned you in Isaiah 3:10-11 of Christianity’s Old Testament: ‘Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with them, for the reward of their hands shall be given to them.’

Before I ever brought any part of the created world into being, I thought long and hard about the most loving way I could look after the wellbeing of all the worlds I was going to create and the beings inhabiting them. The result was the above mentioned law which decrees that every action is followed by a reaction. This ensures that everything is kept in balance and that is particularly important for your world. Furthermore this law sees to it that everything in the fullness of time returns to its source, no matter how long this may take in terms of humankind’s earthly existence. The law not only guarantees that none of you will ever be lost in the vastness of space and Eternity, but also that every one of you is eventually reunited with Me.

When you come home into the conscious awareness that you are My child and that your true nature is love, you also find out that all My powers and characteristics are in you, too. You understand that because each one of you has everything within, the best as well as the worst, it would be unwise for you to sit in judgement over anyone. You recognise that there is a great plan of life, My plan, which provides that every human spirit has to grow itself a spirit/soul and that this applies to each one of you individually as well as for the whole of humankind.

The soul is the soft and sensitive feeling side of your nature, which at the same time is the memory bank of all your experiences, good, bad and indifferent ones alike. The pathway of every spirit/soul consists of as many lifetimes on the Earth as are required for the expansion of its earthly self’s consciousness, so it gradually evolves into spiritual maturity. Every earthly sojourn provides you with fresh opportunities for growing in wisdom and understanding and that is only possible through each making their own mistakes and learning from them.

Let me illustrate with an example how the law may manifest itself in your world. If you act as a persecutor in one lifetime, you will be the persecuted one in another. This is My way of teaching both of you the same lesson of getting to know the darkest aspects of your own nature and in this particular case of the evil intolerance and persecution. That also redresses the balance required by My law. You will have noticed that your world and you yourself consist of the dualities that are in Me, i.e. Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, negative and positive and so forth. In Me these things are perfectly balanced, but in you during the early stages of your earthly education they do not understand each other and therefore are frequently at loggerheads.

When with the passing of time you become aware of what is going on inside you, you can take the various aspects of your nature in hand and begin to train them to work together. By then you will know that My justice is perfect and that any unpleasant events that are drawn into your life only come to restore the balance of your spiritual accounts. To grasp this concept better, look around you and observe the workings of My law, as it reveals itself to you in your own life and that of the people around you.

Do this bearing in mind that for every pain you caused another living creature, human and animal alike maybe many lifetimes ago, the effect is the suffering you have to endure in your present lifetime. Should you be afflicted by an illness for which no cure can be found, rest assured that it’s not something you have inherited from one of your ancestors. Everything that is in your life is of your own creation, including any kind of affliction you have to bear. It too is the effect of something you once caused another. It’s coming to you not as some kind of punishment, only to teach you what it feels like to be at the receiving end of whatever unpleasantness is in your life. Your redemption comes through nailing your earthly self to the cross and patiently enduring your burden whilst bringing forth your Christ nature and being a good, kind and loving person, willing to forgive yourself and anyone who hurts you. And that is the only way that I, the living God within you, can save and redeem you.

Now that you have grown so much in wisdom and understanding, when you reflect on the various religions the Angels brought to your world down the ages, you will be able to recognise how My wisdom and truth has always been My light for My people. However, guided by their wisdom the Angels at all times merely imparted as much knowledge as humankind’s individual and collective consciousness could be expected to understand. Each part of the knowledge they brought you is the light that in the fullness of time securely guides the spirit/soul of each tired wanderer of earthly life back home into the awareness that their true nature is love.

My first law of life is love and the law of Karma is its most essential component. I am love and so are you. From love you have come and to love each one of you without exceptions eventually returns. The law is My covenant for all life and not just for you, My beloved children of the Earth. To make provisions that everything unfailingly finds its way back to Me, the Source of all being, I thought of the law long before the creation of your planet. When I brought into being the first human spirits from the prototype that exists in My heart, I knew that no matter where they would be required to venture during their growing up explorations, My law would eventually guide each one back into the safe haven of their oneness with Me. And so that none would ever get lost or left behind, I appointed the Angels and Masters, guides and helpers to tenderly watch over every step that each child of Mine shall ever do, in all worlds and all levels of existence that are still waiting to be discovered by you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’
•    ‘You Are Never Alone’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (9)

My Justice Is Perfect

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - My Justice Is Perfect

Many of you are aware by now that spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness, literally being in the dark. It is part of My great plan of life that the deeper one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, descends into life in physicality, the more you forget about your true nature. It is then as if you were living inside a black box that can no longer be penetrated by the tiniest rays of understanding My wisdom and truth. To counteract this, the Angels have been sending you spiritual teachers from time to time to bring your world a bit more of the light of My eternal wisdom. The light of their messages is designed to enable ever more of you to release yourself and those around you from the gloom of your self-made earthly prison of ignorance.

Independent of how long this process may take for individual souls, in the end the Angels are guiding each one of you safely home into the light of consciously knowing your true nature, that from Me you have come and that to Me you will be returning in the fullness of time. When you have found a better understanding of the processes of life, you begin to think of the Karmic law with gratitude. And when you are true to your real nature and love all life the way I love you, your only motive and desire will be serving life by giving of yourself and of your best. You and I know that you have come home as soon as you freely and willingly share your special gifts with everything that requires them in your world, the same as mine are available to all.

I am the Creator of all worlds and beings. In your role as My co-creator everything that is in your life now was brought into being by you. Unaware of the fact that you are responsible for yourselves and also your world, all together you have caused the present state of your world. All together you have created it and all together you have to put things right and make good where you once transgressed against My laws. Being ignorant of them never protected anyone against their effects. But having become aware of them, you will have no difficulties recognising that each one of you has to do their share of making the inner and outer changes that are necessary to transform the Earth into an ever more peaceful and beautiful place where all live together in perfect harmony. Do not be daunted by the size of this task, but rest safely in the knowledge that the Angels and I are here, waiting for your call to hold everyone’s hand and show them how to go about their part of the work in hand.

The law of cause and effect has always ensured that there is perfect justice in your world, the same as in all others. This law is so just and perfect that it can be hard for earthly minds to grasp that whatever you experience in any given moment can only be there because it was created by your own thoughts, words and actions during an earlier development stage, either in this lifetime or previous ones. The law sees to it that whatever you create in any given moment does return to you, sometime – today, tomorrow, next week, month, year or many years ahead.

You are its creator and come back to you it must, either later during this lifetime or maybe ten, twenty, maybe a hundred lifetimes ahead. When you are ready to cope with the effects of the hurting and wounding thoughts, words and actions you thoughtlessly send out into your world in the early stages of your earthly education, every one of them will come back to you like a long forgotten boomerang you once hurled into the sky with all your might. That is the law and My justice is so unerring that no spirit/soul can escape it. Saturn is the planet of Karma where the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma live and work. In charge of supervising the law, they are keeping a set of books called the Akashic Records, in which everything you do is recorded, be it of a good, bad or indifferent nature.

These Angel guardians of the law are stern and undeviating and because on the inner level all life is one, nothing gets past their vigilance. They take care that every good deed gets its just reward and that every bad one is sooner or later made good and redeemed by its perpetrator. No matter how long this may take, the Angels are making sure that every spiritual debt is paid eventually. Saturn as the planet of Karma is a symbol of their energies and the influence they are having on all earthly life. Contrary to popular beliefs on the Earth plane, the law of cause and effect was not designed as punishment for humankind. When you have become aware that the law of life is love, you realise that the Karmic law is rooted in the even greater law of love.

True love only wants the best and highest for the beloved and My laws create plenty of opportunities so each one of you can find it, that’s why chastisement of any kind has never has been part of My equation. Concepts like anger and hatred, aggression and violence, greed and avarice, punishment and revenge have no place in My love. They are part of your small self’s characteristics and belong to the experiences of earthly life. But when you begin to bring forth the best that is in you and your higher Christ nature takes over, all earthly things are gradually left behind by you. The lion resting with the lamb is a symbolism for this stage. The imagery depicts the need for the taming of your lower earthly nature by your higher nature, until they have learnt to comfortably live together inside you.

I am your Christ nature, the living God within you, and this is the only way the Christ in the end saves and redeems each one of you. It is My law that over the ages has provided all of you with sufficient opportunities for learning and growing, so that each through their own experiences slowly but surely evolves into an ever better and more beautiful being. An essential part of every spirit/soul’s evolutionary pathway, while it is still ignorant of its true nature, is to be supplied with enough opportunities to make up for any kind of pain and suffering it inflicts on one of My creatures along the way.

The final destination of every human spirit/soul is to be consciously reunited with Me. Through your daily actions and encounters in the here and now you have the power to positively influence the flow of your destiny on the way back home into the oneness with Me. This, by the way, does not change your identity as an individual spirit in its own right. All you have to do to speed up your homewards bound journey is to seriously get to work on overcoming your weaknesses. They need to be transformed into strengths so that you can bring forth your Christ nature and through giving of your best fulfilling your own and humankind’s highest potential.

The Angels decide whether you will require further lifetimes in a physical environment or whether you will be allowed to move on to exploring a higher level of life. Everything depends on how much your energies have been cleansed and purified of your lower desire nature’s downwards drag. If your vibrations have become sufficiently etherealised by the time you reach the end of your present lifetime, you will be moving on.

To get you there, you need to know that I am your Highest or God Self and that your earthly progress depends on how much you follow the forwards and upwards pull of My spirit. The Sun in your birthchart is its symbol. The sign and house position of the Sun points to the two signs whose highest qualities you have come to develop some more. The Moon in your birthchart by sign and house position reveals about the downwards drag of the past and the earthly personality you developed in previous lifetimes. You brought it with you into this one in the hope of improving it.

Jesus of Nazareth is but one of the many symbols used by the Angels to describe the Christ part of every human being. With the help of the myths and legends of your world, step by step they have brought your race closer to this aspect of human nature. For a long time it had to be presented as a force outside of yourself and beyond the reach of ordinary people. But at last the time is right for revealing that figures like the Lords Krishna and Jesus, to name but two, represented the highest nature of every human being. Each one of you has this part and independent of whether you ever belonged to any of the belief systems of your world or not, whether you ever set foot in a church, temple, minaret or other buildings of this nature, in each one of you is a Lord Krishna or Jesus waiting to be born.

With the knowledge the Angels are bringing you here, they are placing the oars for rowing the boat of your life into your own hand. Whether you make use of what is on offer here or not is entirely up to you. As ever, the choice is yours. That’s what freedom of choice is about! But take care not to fall into the trap described by Wayne Dyer, one of the writers of your world: ‘The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.’

Last but not least, do not despair about the things that to this day are happening in your world. Although you cannot see what purpose they may serve, never give up hope and trust that all of it is part of My great plan and must therefore be necessary. Most of all, do not forget that the darkest hour always comes just before the dawn.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice 3’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (10)

The Power Of Thoughts And Words

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Power Of Thoughts And WordsTaking the religious teachings of your world at their face value and believing that every word of them should be understood as being from God and true, for a long time has served the wise higher purpose of making human beings think during the early stages of their earthly education: ‘Great! No need for doing anything. I can satisfy my lowest urges and desire and behave any old way. It doesn’t matter, no-one is watching me.’ The earthly curriculum of young and inexperienced spirit/souls contains that lesson to this day. It was designed that way by the Angels and Me.

However, the small earthly self of every human being eventually reaches the developmental point of waking up from their spiritual slumber and finding out about their true nature and the spiritual background of their  present existence. For quite some time this has been happening to steadily increasing numbers of you. This is an essential part of the long awaited spiritual rebirth and the birth of the true Christ child, the saviour and redeemer of humankind, for whom your world for aeons has been preparing itself.

Christianity proclaims this event as the ‘Second Coming’ when in truth it is the first one. The Master Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. The story of his life was merely the birth of a new legend, which the Angels and I gave to your world as a preparation for what is presently taking place. The birth of the legend’s Christ child in the stable, one of the humblest places on Earth, is the symbol of this event and the stable represents all human hearts. Bethlehem is a metaphor for the whole of humankind.

The awakening brings with it the realisation that each one of you through their own thoughts and words are constantly in the process of creating something, like Me. You are personally responsible for the conditions of your life because you yourself created them. And on the spiritual pathway, which eventually takes every one of you back home into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me, there never was any room for easy options and escape routes and there is no substitute for hard work in life on all its levels. Spiritually, everything that happens anywhere in the whole of Creation is for real and has weight and value, and that includes every thought you think and every word you speak.

All of them are noted in the Akashic Records, as you will be able see for yourself when you have once more returned to your true home, the spirit world. As soon as you have rested and recovered there sufficiently from the trials and tribulations of earthly life, the wise ones in charge of your development – with the help of your very own Akashic Record – invite you to take a look at the sum total of the understanding and wisdom you gained from all your lifetimes, including the most recent one. Nobody sits in judgement over you. You are the only one in the whole of Creation who assesses what your weaknesses and strengths are. You decide which lessons you feel strong enough to tackle in your next lifetime and which karmic debts you will try to redeem.

The Angel merely suggests the best ways of going about this, but you are the bottom line. The choice is always yours and nobody ever forces you to do anything. But you know that if you wish to make the progress that is potentially yours, you have to go forward. Wishing to be released from studying in the school of earthly life as soon as possible, so you can continue with them on the higher and eventually highest levels of the spirit world, you agree. And that’s why wise ones in your world, who are aware of what’s at stake, before speaking take a deep breath that allows them to think carefully about what they are going to say. This they do because they appreciate that, even though on the earthly plane words seem to be worthless unless they are followed up by positive and constructive actions, every one of them leaves an impression on the etheric level and weighs either for or against people in the unerring scales of justice of their spiritual bank account.

If you want to establish reliably what is right and wrong for you in given moment, instead of asking other people or looking for books for advice, call upon Me, your inner teacher or guru, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question you will ever care to ask. I have always been with you and for a long time have been trying unsuccessfully to communicate with you through the world of your feelings. I am the small still voice of your conscience. Alas, initially you push Me away, so I cannot warn you whenever you want to do something, which in the final analysis turns out to be damaging and destructive for you. You ignore this voice and the feelings that rise from your innermost being to your detriment, as you are going to discover later. In itself there is no harm in this because it is a valuable part of your learning curve in the academy of earthly life.

But when your spiritual development has advanced enough for you to know about the importance of paying attention to the reactions of your inner world, you discover that beliefs like taking the religions of your world literally and their teachings at face value are no longer valid for you. You realise that they were part of the illusion that humankind’s earthly existence is a one-off affair and that when one of them hands their physical body back to Mother Earth, they are snuffed out like candles. The knowledge that the essence of your being is eternal and immortal and therefore can and will never die, tells you that nothing could be further from the truth. As a result of this awakening your whole attitude towards life changes and with it your thinking and behaviour patterns.

The Angelic hierarchy are the executors of My great plan of life and the small plan for ever individual being within it. The Angels and Masters, together with countless numbers of spirit friends and helpers on many different levels, are in charge of you and responsible for everyone’s development. The degree of your spiritual maturity reveals itself through your thinking and behaviour patterns to those who are toiling without respite for the wellbeing of your whole world and everything that takes part in it, including you. And because they know that the outcome of their spirit/soul’s destiny influenced beneficially by even the smallest efforts at bringing forth the best that is within them, wise ones at all times strive to develop the character traces of their Christ nature. Being aware how important every choice they make is, encourages them to stop and think before speaking and swinging into any action.

It has ever been true in your world that in the land of the blind the one-eyed is king. Such people are placed on thrones and declared to be leaders. People willingly allow themselves to be led by your noses and like sheep to the slaughter by them. For a long time that’s much easier than thinking and deciding for yourselves what is right or wrong, but such behaviour seriously hampers people’s spiritual progress. A great awakening is waiting for anyone who is still going for that only apparently easy option, without knowing what they are doing to themselves. And when they return to the world of spirit, at the end of their present lifetime, they are likely to be sad to realise they have been wasting a whole lifetime.

Never mind, they can apply for another one that provides plenty of opportunities for their earthly self to discover – and hopefully that’s what it will do – that there is only one guru in the whole of Creation, who is truthful, utterly trustworthy and reliable, and that this is Me, the wise one or living God within, who communicates with you intuitively. And that’s the long promised world teacher, who cannot be found anywhere in the world around you because connecting with Him/Her is an inner experience. Oh, how I am waiting to be asked by ever more of you, to show you how to sort the wheat form the chaff, and to tell truths from untruths.

A long time ago, I told you through the Hebrew Bible and Christianity’s Old Testament in Psalm 107:20: ‘He sent out His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.’ But before any healing can take place for any one of you through My words, you first have to find out where they are and what they truly mean. This is what, through reading this, you are doing right here and now. The key to unlocking the healing power of the words of your religious texts is the discovery that none of them should be taken literally. Yes, I have tried to communicate with you through them, but their language could only be understood by those who learnt to decipher the higher esoteric meanings of the symbolisms and metaphors the Angels and I have been hiding behind the surface words of our world’s sacred texts.

Until fairly recently they had to remain that way in the many myths and legends the Angels, on behalf of Me, the indivisible Divine Trinity, have been giving to you during the rule of the six thousand years of patriarchy. The Angels and I decided that for this time span the feminine influence would be more effective if it were withdrawn altogether from your world. The most effective instrument for bringing this about were the religions of your world. The truth had to remain hidden in the background of their teachings and would gradually be revealed when the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, had been reached. You would then receive ever more of My wisdom and truth directly from My realms and understand why for such a long time it had to remain hidden in the background of the sacred text, for which the Angels and I provided the inspiration.

I am the Holy Trinity that cannot be divided into separate parts, even though the will and power of My masculine aspect is the God, the Great Father of all life. The love and wisdom of My feminine part is the Goddess, the Great Mother. The spirit of the Universal Christ is My only born Son/Daughter, the Light of all lights and the Sun above and beyond all Suns in the whole of Creation, through whom Father and Mother bring their creations into being. The three aspects of My nature are perfectly balanced and are constantly working harmoniously together. And you are a spark of Me and a ‘chip off the old block’, as the saying goes in your world. Every one of My powers and characteristics are also in you and it takes a long time until you are capable of mastering them, the way I do.

An essential part of My  powers is the ability to create through thoughts and words. Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and every word you speak is an outer expression of an inner thought. It is essential for you to become aware that your thoughts are by no means secret, as you would like to think. Because of the imprint they make on the inner etheric level of life they are visible to your spirit guides and helpers. To them it is as if you were shouting your thoughts from the rooftops. That’s why every one of your prayers is heard by those who are working very hard on your behalf in the background of earthly life to fulfil your wishes, whenever possible. It’s just that sometimes for your own protection and highest good, the reply has to be a firm and decisive: ‘No!’ It makes no difference to the wise ones behind the scenes of earthly life whether a spirit/soul is young or old. All of them need their care and attention and receives them, depending on which earthly lessons they are taking part in at any given moment.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Latter Days Of The Law Or The Second Coming’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Birth Of The Christ Child’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘The Power Of Kind Words’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 3

The Homecoming (11)

 The Living Bread

You have no idea of how long I have been yearning for your homecoming and communicating with each one of you directly again.  In St. John 6:44-51 I told you: ‘No-one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws them; and I will raise them up on the last day. For it is written by the prophet: They shall all be taught by God. Everyone therefore who hears from the Father and learns from Him will come to Me. No-one can see the Father, except those who are from God; they can see the Father. Truly, truly I say to you: Those who believe in me have eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness and yet, they died. This is the bread that people may eat of it and live. I am the living bread, because I came down from Heaven. If any person eats from this bread, they shall live forever. And the bread which I will give you is my body, which I am giving for the sake of the life of the world.’

It has taken your world almost two thousand years to clarify the meaning of teachings like the one above. How was this possible? From the beginning of human existence on the Earth plane, some of My knowledge has accompanied you. It is known in your world as the Ancient Wisdom. I have always been with you and throughout the Ages, spiritual knowledge from My level of life has constantly been flowing into the collective consciousness of your race through legends about a diversity of masters, teachers, prophets and healers. During the outgoing Age of Pisces it was still necessary to present their main characters as if they had been people like you who once walked in your midst.  

Probably the best example of this is the Jesus legend. Had this man ever existed on your present level of existence, it could only have been in the role of one of My children, the same as you and everybody else. Many of you by now have spiritually matured sufficiently to grasp that esoteric meanings are hidden behind many of the words and parables of this myth, and that all along I have been speaking and teaching through every one of the spiritual leaders who came into the consciousness of your world. It makes no difference whether they were mythical or allegorical figures or real people, it was always Me, the Spirit of the Universal Christ. I am the I Am, the Great Light, the spiritual Sun above and behind the Sun in the sky above you, born of the great Father/Mother of all life.  

I have never left you. Not that it would want to, but I could not leave you if I wanted to, because you are as much part of Me as I am of you. You and I we are one. Each one of you contains a spark of Me, you are all My children. I am what is known as your Highest or God Self, whose all good and all loving characteristics you are to manifest on the Earth plane. Through your constant efforts of bringing them forth from within you, you become ever more like Me. Although in many to this day this part is still in seed form and slumbering, potentially, every spirit/soul is like Me. I created you in My image and I work and speak, think and experience Myself through each one of you. My message for you and your world is now as follows:

In the beginning I said: ‘Let there be light!’ Light is love and love is light. Love is the law of the Universe, My law. I am love and so are you. From love you have come and to love you are now returning. Love attracts more love, the way in your world a magnet draws and holds steel in its grip. Like the Universe itself, love is a dynamic force that grows and expands. The more you love, the more love you draw into your life. It is inevitable because that is the law. Through the trials and tribulations of your life, light enters your being in the form of wisdom in the form of a renewed understanding of yourself, people, circumstances and therefore of life itself.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (12)

Of Good And Evil

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World Now - Of Good And Evil

Created in My image, the core of your being is all good. No matter what your earthly self will ever be doing, your inherent goodness is unchangeable and will always remain good. Yet, each one of you must experience evil, to enable you to recognise the goodness inside you and also in others. This is only possible through encounters with evil, doing evil and having it done to you.  Evolution is the law of life and that means learning; each must do so through their own experiences. Life constantly moves forwards and upwards; when you are looking back you are wasting precious time. To recognise any quality in yourself and those around you, you must get to know the other side of every coin, its polar opposite.

The only way the human spirit/soul can come to appreciate the meaning of good and evil is through its very own first hand experiences. By taking part in both it begins to differentiate between the two polar opposites. In future, whenever someone commits an evil deed, against you or someone else, remember that the spirit inside the offender is still good. Never forget that such people are merely working on integrating a very important lesson, in the same way as you are presently occupied with another one, namely practising tolerance and understanding towards all people. No matter what Karmic tasks may still be waiting for you on the earthly plane, may the knowledge you are finding here help you find in your heart love and forgiveness for every spirit/soul. May the mastering of this lesson lead each one of you onto ever higher levels of learning.

To know the value of peace each must know war. To know healing you must know what it is like to be sick and wounded. To know comfort you must taste the bitterness of tears. To tell truth from lie you must experience both. To know rebirth you must die. And to re-discover that in truth you are an eternal being of light, whose inner core nothing can destroy or harm, you must die a great many times. And finally to know what homecoming is you must go out into the world and completely get lost in it. This teaches you the true value of home. In the fullness of time, you will be able to recognise that what you now consider to be your home is but a temporary and therefore false one. You must first get to know the sense of insecurity that accompanies this kind of home; otherwise you would be unable to recognise your true home when you rediscover it. This also ensures that once having found it, you will take extra good care never to lose it again.

Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. And the wisdom you are gaining through all your experiences is constantly adding to My light as well as yours. That is why I say to each one of you: do not begrudge whatever comes your way. I am your inner teacher who, from deep within your own being, is constantly giving you feedback and granting you insights into your life situations. Any understanding you are finding this way is meant to help you cope better, not only during this lifetime but also all coming ones. The more light you acquire, the more your inner strength increases and a deep inner awareness grows in you that there really is such a thing as Divine love that guides and protects you.

As time goes by, you will all know intuitively that whenever you reach out for Me, I will come to your help and show you how to go forward, without fear and with love in your heart for the life that has been given to you and for Me, the One who created it. This is the only way any human spirit/soul can learn to feel safe and to trust that the goodness of the life is constantly attending to every one of your true needs. Each has to find out for themselves that no matter what happens, I will never leave or forsake any one of you. My dear children of the Earth, this kind of trust is hard to come by, but it is worth struggling for because it is the single most precious gift I can bestow upon anyone.

Light is the giver of life, without it there is no life. Light also means truth, My life and My truth, which in the fullness of time needs to become yours. I have created you in My image and I have given you life. My light is with you at all times. It brought you into this lifetime and for as long as you are true to your real higher nature and trust Me and My guidance from within, I will take you ever onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Through the legend of the Master Jesus I told you: ‘I am the light of the world.’ I am the light that shows every spirit/soul its own way back home into My kingdom.

My everlasting arms are constantly around all life on all its levels to guide, support and protect it. My infinite love enfolds everything that is in all worlds. I am omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. As there is no place where I am not, no human heart and spirit/soul ever needs to be without Me. And because I am part of you and with you always, I suffer with you in the depths of depravity and the deprivations of Hell on the Earth plane, and I rejoice with you when you are reaching for the highest heights. To paraphrase one of the poets of your world: ‘Every hair is numbered and every grain of sand. Not a sparrow falls from the sky without My grief and mercy.’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (13)

Humankind’s Ascent From Darkness

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Humankind's Ascent From Darkness Ever more of you by now are aware that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and Me, the spirit of the Universal Christ. My light is the Light of all lights, the Star of all stars, the Sun of all suns, and the Sun behind and beyond the Sun in the sky above your world. For quite some time we, the Divine Trinity, have been communicating direct with you and your world. With the help of My light, everything that exists in the whole of Creation was brought about by us in peaceful and harmonious co-operation. The three aspects of the Divine cannot be separated from each other because they are one and function as one. As My light is most easily distinguished from humankind’s earthly perspective, I am speaking as their voice.

The expression that I am their only born Son/Daughter is not really correct, because the Divine aspect that earthly eyes can see are manifestations of the Great Mother. They were created through Her, from My light, by the Father. He is the spirit behind and within everything, who will always be hidden from your view. You can know about His presence, even though you cannot see Him, but you can understand the importance of His role in the creative process. And that’s the difference understanding makes. Spiritually, knowledge and understanding it is light and the lack of it is darkness. As Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, one of your world’s most eminent scientists, once said: Any fool can know. Understanding is another matter.’

Today I would like to tell you that the first human appearance on the earthly plane was by no means a fall from grace. It has been a descent into matter, but it came about in a different manner from what the religions of your world are telling you about this event. Humankind’s existence, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, has been and forever will consist of an ascent on the evolutionary spiral of life. It is a journey that has always started with taking every new human spirit/soul from experiencing its crude and unevolved earthly personality, as an almost purely earthly being in a material world. Lifetime after lifetime each spirit/soul constantly moves forwards and upwards until, at the end of its earthly education, it has evolved into a Christed one in its own right. Its studies continue with exploring and being part of ever higher levels of life.

In the beginning the Great Father had an idea of God-like creatures, who one day – many millions of years ahead, in earthly time – would be walking the Earth as its guardians and keepers. When the right time for it had come, there would be a group of people who were sufficiently evolved who, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, would then be transforming their planet into one of healing and peace. These energies will be radiating into the whole of Creation and flow to wherever they are required. A special need for it exists on young planets and their equally inexperienced human inhabitants, who are still walking in the darkness of being unaware of the higher purpose of their existence. The light of the healing energies will not only increase the strength of their Divine spark and assist the awakening of everybody’s own Christ nature, the general spiritual progress of that planet and all its inhabitants, not merely human ones, will also benefit.

But let’s return to the beginning. To make all of this possible, one of my sparks was planted in the heart of an animal species whose evolutionary journey had carefully prepared it for this very special task. From the moment the first one of the creatures containing the spark had appeared, it – and all those who followed – was naturally included in constantly being drawn, by My light, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, the same as the rest of the whole of Creation and everything that exists within it. That’s how all manifestations of life come ever closer to Me and into My loving embrace.

Every lifetime the newly born spirit/soul spark spends on the earthly plane increases its own light and also that of the Earth, and that in two ways. Gradually, each spark literally absorbs more of My light and grows in strength. At the same time, through its own experiences, its lower earthly counterpart grows in wisdom and understanding of its own nature and its environment. That’s how, lifetime after lifetime, My light has always been drawing all manifestations of life and your whole world towards Me. As, with the passing of time, each spark’s light increases the Great Father’s idea of God-like human beings becomes ever more visible. And that’s how all crude initial manifestations of life gradually evolve into something beautiful, perfect and therefore holy. You have reached spiritual perfection when all powers and qualities of your lower and higher nature have been experienced, accept and integrated and your whole being is under the control of your higher God or Christ nature.

Through each one of you, I experience Myself and find a better understanding of Myself, the same as you are doing. Every shred of knowledge one of you gathers increases the amount of wisdom that exists not only in you and your world, but also in the whole of Creation. In the long course of each individual evolutionary journey, every one of you slowly but surely ascends from the darkness of an almost purely earthly existence and your spirit/soul is but a tiny spark of My light. As, in the course of many lifetimes your spark literally accumulates ever more light, its strength increases. And as you grow in wisdom and understanding of yourself and your world, light also comes to you in the form of enlightenment, i.e. knowledge about My true nature, yours and the special relationship every human being has always had and forever will have with Me.

For long enough humankind has been stumbling through the darkness of not knowing these things. Rejoice because ever more of you have definitely reached the end of the dark and lightless chapters of humankind’s evolutionary pathway. The light you and your world for some time have been receiving from the Angels and Me is slowly but surely dissolving the remaining darkness of your world. And that will continue until every bit of it has gone.

Without the way there is no going.
Without the truth there is no knowing.
Without the light there is no living.

Thomas à Kempis
1380 – 1471

Without light there is no life and life cannot exist without light. At the beginning of the creative process, all matter is very tightly compressed light. But even then every cell and atom of your physical bodies consisted of My light. Without Me and My light there would be no atoms or cells; there would be no you, no material world, no anything. And, as touched upon earlier, life in the whole of Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. There is no standing still or going backwards, not even for the briefest of moments. And every one of you and also your whole world eventually reaches the developmental point when increasing numbers of you become aware of their true nature and that God is a great deal more than the old religions were allowed by the Angels and Me to tell you.

The Divine Trinity is the life force that has brought everything in the whole of Creation into being. It is part of everything that exists and maintains it. It takes a long time until human beings become aware that God is life itself and that all life is God. You are in Me and I am in you. You yourselves are God and each one of you is a young God in the making. Each one of you is responsible for themselves. With every one of your thoughts, words and actions you are constantly in the process of creating something. You are also responsible for the present state of your world, because in That’s why you are expected to do whatever you can to put things right. No-one is alone in this mammoth enterprise. The Angels and I are waiting for the call of anyone who is sufficiently evolved to be able to take part in it. All you have to do is ask for our help, so we can show you intuitively what kind of contribution you can make.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (14)

Everybody Their Own Lord And Master

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Everybody their Own Lord And Master

If you want your planet ever to become a place where honesty and truth are the supreme rulers and where people live and work together peacefully and harmoniously, each one of you first has to sweep in front of their own door and do what you can do bring this state about. There is no other way and no-one can do this work for you. The choice whether you take part in this enterprise or not is yours. As a starting point, you need to know that God is in everything and everything is part of God. All powers and qualities that are in God are also in every one of you, the highest as well as the lowest. The aspect of the Divine you are on the Earth to bring forth, from the depth of your own being, is your contribution to bringing about only that which is good and peaceful, beautiful and right.

The earthly school of life’s curriculum is designed to assist every one of you with taking charge of aspects of your nature. That which to you appears to be dark, ugly and evil in you and your world is meant to be overcome and left behind and transformed, by none other  than you, into something that is good, beautiful and right. Bringing forth the best that is within you is every human being’s birthright. We, the Angels and I are your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who are waiting to show you intuitively how to go about it. You will find that your daily life becomes much easier to cope with when you pay attention to what you receive from us. Trust us, stick your toes into the water and watch what happens. That’s how life itself, each through their own experiences, wants to show you the trustworthiness of our guidance, so that eventually you will follow it without hesitation.

When you feel ever more drawn towards that which is good, right and beautiful, it’s a signal that the God or Christ part of your nature is taking over your whole being. The desire to give in to and act out the drives and urges of your lower nature will eventually have gone from you when you have matured into spiritual adulthood. You then realise that there is no point in praying: ‘O Lord, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, wash and cleanse me of mine!’ You no longer believe that Jesus was a historical figure who once walked the Earth and recognise that the story of his life is a legend and that the God-man is a symbolism of every human being’s own God or Christ nature.

The lamb is not an outer but an inner experience, that comes about for every human being when the light of their Divine spark has increased sufficiently, in both ways, that its higher nature wakes up. At a certain point of your development you discover that Jesus is a legend and that there really is a God and Angels, who have always taken care of you and forever will do so. They can be asked for guidance and protection, but without asking it cannot come. When someone goes down on their knees and requests our help, it is never denied. Each one of you has to learn through their own experiences and with the passing of time, that our intuitively received advice never leads you astray and is utterly trustworthy. Your lamb part then gratefully accepts what it receives from us and eventually follows it without hesitation. The sinful ways of your lower nature are no longer of interest to you. And that’s the only way Christ, i.e. not Jesus but your own Christ nature, really does take away the sins of the world. Recognising for what they are and rising above them, the lion aspect of your nature makes peace with that of the lamb and they rest together.

Nobody needs to wave some kind of magic wand in order to save and redeem you, because you are doing this work yourself, aware that a high and holy destiny awaits every human being at the end of their earthly education. It has been reached as soon as you have taken charge of every aspect of your nature, are in control of all of them, they are working together peacefully and harmoniously, the way the are doing in the Great Father/Mother. You are your own Lord and Master when you have mastered and overcome the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature. Of your own free will, you have left them behind together with the darkness of your own ignorance and that of your world. This means you have evolved into a Christed one, in your own right.

The more You know about God’s true nature and your own, as well as the purpose of your earthly existence, the easier it becomes to shed your fears, once and for all. One after the other, they need to be nailed to the cross of not knowing why you are on the Earth. The cross is humankind’s oldest symbol for this existence. And the emaciated man bleeding to death on the Christian cross represents humankind’s lower earthly nature, in readiness for its higher God or Christ nature to lift itself above the miseries of its earthly existence. Eventually, this part of the human nature needs to  completely take over everybody’s whole being. The cross of your world’s Celtic traditions to this day is surrounded by the circle that is the symbol of the Angels’ and My protective presence. For the Christian religion the circle was removed so that, humankind seemingly was left to struggle on its own with the  starkness of its earthly existence.

Without gaining spiritual Mastership over your earthly nature, none of you can hope to be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age and most certainly not let loose, without our guidance, onto other parts of Creation that are away from the Earth. Without Mastership every human being’s earthly education is incomplete. The lion is a symbolism for the masculine aspect of every human being’s earthly nature. The unadulterated lion nature is proud and arrogant. He has a high opinion of himself and his importance in his own kingdom, wherever he finds himself. He will do his best to dominate, subdue and exploit others to gain personal advantages, whenever an opportunity for it arises.  These lion traces are part of both genders. It’s just that in men it is conscious and women are affected by it from their subconscious because it is part of their inner man.

The ultimate purpose of every human being’s earthly education is to evolve into its own lord and master, who seeks to dominate nothing but the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature. This process eventually turns the human lower nature into a lamb who meekly prays: ‘May Your will be done, not mine. And may Your words and prayers be mine.’ Yet, this can only come about when the lion’s animal energies freely and willingly surrender themselves to their own higher God or Christ nature. The earthly self then no longer has any problems with kneeling at our feet and asking for our help. And without asking, it cannot come to anyone. Each time another one of you steps forward, we are happy to oblige. It is our signal for starting to guide you intuitively, through the world of your feelings and also the small still voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within.

Having reached that developmental stage, you realise that in truth nothing in earthly life belongs to you. Everything is on loan and borrowed and, in due course, has to be returned at the end in as good condition as possible. We are glad to observe that ever more of you are becoming aware that all My powers and characteristics are every human being’s Divine inheritance. But at first the qualities of your God or Christ nature only exist in seed form and are slumbering. Nonetheless, they are the most essential gift that I am bestowing upon every one of you. It’s up to each individual to bring them forth, from the depths of their own being, into the conscious awareness of their earthly personality. In the course of many earthly lifetimes they are developed and eventually brought to full flowering. When you have matured into spiritual adulthood, practising them is your contribution towards making Mother Earth into a more pleasant and peaceful place.

For every one of you, each new lifetime creates fresh opportunities for working on this task. Because Angels and I always have been and forever will be with you and, provided you ask for our guidance, intuitively showing how to go about it, there is no need to be afraid of anything. However, even during the age of truth, any spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is coming your way does not automatically become your spiritual property. After verifying with your inner guidance that what is before you really is true, it can only become your property through testing and trying it in all your daily encounters, and that in thoughts, words and actions.

The kind of understanding every human being is on the Earth to seek, cannot come about through merely reading this, that or the other publication, or endlessly attending workshops and seminars. Understanding can only grow through everyone’s own experiences. That is how any earthly knowledge matures into the kind you take with you into Eternity. At the end of each earthly lifetime, you take it with you and it will accompany you into all future ones and beyond. It’s yours to keep forever and makes your life easier to cope with, wherever you may find yourself.

Never forget that everything that the highest as well as the lowest is in Me and therefore also in each one of you. That which to you appears to be evil, dark and ugly in you, the people and world around you, serves only one purpose and that is to be overcome and transformed, by each one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, into something that is good, right and beautiful. Regardless of gender, creed, colour of skin and the status you have within the society in which you are presently taking part, every one of you can only grow more Heaven-tall and like Me through their own experiences. Godliness shows itself in human kindness and goodness, friendliness and goodwill towards all, as well as patience for and tolerance with your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. The more you bring the qualities of your higher nature forth, the more you are like Me and at one with Me. Every earthly lifetime is a gift from Me, given in the hope that these things will come about in this one.

All who are taking part in earthly life, even though many of you are not yet aware of this, are aspiring healers and lightbringers. The task before each one is acting upon the knowledge the Angels and I for some time have been giving to your world in your own lives, as well as sharing it with as many as possible. In view of the damage that was brought about by the proselytising of the past, show your willingness to act as one of our channels. Then wait until we start showing you intuitively how you can help those around you with their spiritual awakening.

That’s the only way how even the last and slowest ones in your midst will eventually be able to leave behind the darkness of not knowing who and what they are and the high and holy destiny that is in store for every human being, without exception. They too have the birthright to find out that the life story of the Master Jesus is a legend that, a long time ago, it was inspired by the Angels and Me to  eventually show ever more of you how, by walking in the Master’s footsteps, spiritual Mastership over the earthly plane is meant to be achieved by every human being. Knowing the truth about Jesus, we hope that ever more of you will be encouraged to conduct their lives with the same goodness and kindness, patience and tolerance towards all manifestations of life.

Updated July 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (15)

The Road From Sinner To Sainthood

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Road From Sinner To Sainthood

Beloved children of the Earth, love is the law of life for the whole of My Creation. For the duration of the Piscean Age the Jesus legend has served as My teaching aid. From the moment it was brought into being the intention behind it has been to demonstrate to all of you, the qualities of love, compassion and tolerance a Master spirit/soul feels and shows towards all those who in some way or another have sinned by transgressing against this law. Each one of you, without exception, was created so that in the fullness of time you will evolve into a spiritual Master spirit/soul in your own right. And now that you have entered the Age of Aquarius, ever more of you have become sufficiently evolved to comprehend the esoteric meaning of My wisdom and truth behind the words of the Jesus myth.

Those who have reached the end phase of their earthly education are growing into their predestined role of healers and lightbringers. Potentially, each one of you is a Star and a Sun in its own right, whose light in the fullness of time will shine ever more brightly on the Earth plane. In this way ever more of the darkness of ignorance and not knowing, which to this day abounds there, is gradually absorbed until none of it is left. When you have arrived at this point of your development, you freely and willingly choose to walk in the footsteps of the legendary man from Galilee.

You are a spark of Me and I am your Highest or God Self, your teacher and guide. I am the small still voice of your conscience who has always tried to communicate with you in this way, alas not always successfully. Because for a long time you were unaware of My presence, you frequently found it too uncomfortable to listen to My voice and preferred following the desires of your earthly nature. But once you have woken from your spiritual slumbers, it becomes easier for Me to make Myself known to you and to encourage you to bring forth, from the very core of your being, your own Christ nature, the highest and best that is in you.

This is every human spirit/soul’s Divine heritage. But in the beginning of your lifetimes on the Earth it merely exists as a potential and in seed form. For a long time the tiny spark has to wait patiently before it can eventually stir into life. Only when you have become sufficiently evolved, do you know intuitively that your time for taking possession of your inheritance has come. Slowly but surely you begin to integrate ever more of My characteristics and through constantly working with them in your daily encounters, they gradually become your spiritual possession. That is something no-one will ever be able to take away from you and will be well on your way of becoming a spiritual Master.

Your most urgent requirement on this pathway is learning forgiveness that flows in all sincerity from your heart and spirit/soul to that of the other one. First you need to forgive yourself for having created the difficult and painful experiences in your life in previous lifetimes. Furthermore you need to forgive everyone who has ever hurt and wounded you, not merely earlier in your present lifetime but also in all previous ones. As soon as you understand the motives that lay behind the things that once plagued and tortured you, your heart quite naturally begins to melt with compassion and love, not only for your own suffering as well as that of your whole race and your world.

The same happens when on a deep inner level you grasp that experiencing and living out even the most despicable and atrocious things have been and still are an essential part of the early stages of every human spirit/soul's development that cannot be avoided by anyone. The knowledge of this helps you realise that you too once behaved the way your younger and less evolved siblings in the family of humankind are doing to this day. Never forget that regardless of everything that has ever happened on the Earth plane, My spark has always been present in all human hearts, the same as it is in yours.  You can be sure that in due course the Divine seed in every heart will eventually commence to sprout.

From where you are now it may be hard to imagine, but it is nonetheless true that even the most obnoxious characters known to you will evolve and in the end unfold into a bloom of exquisite fragrance and beauty. However many lifetimes on the Earth plane this may require, it unfailingly happens to all human souls. The song of the rose describes this pathway of all human souls to perfection.

Some say love –
It is a river that runs the tender reed,
Some say love –
It is a razor that leaves the spirit/soul to bleed,
Some say love –
It is a hunger, an endless aching need.
I say: ‘Love –
It is a flower and we its only seed.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance,
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance,
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give,
And the spirit/soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely,
And the road has been too long,
When you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter –
Far beneath the bitter snows –
Lies the seed that with the Sun’s love,
In the spring, becomes

The Rose.

Amanda McBroom

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Rose’

Astrologically the Moon represents the past and the earthly personality you have developed in the course of all your lifetimes up to now. This is the part of you that tries to hold you back in the past. The Sun stands for Me, your Highest or spirit self, who has always encouraged you to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, as this alone can take you back to your true home and the oneness with Me. Follow the dynamic pull of the Sun.

The Moon by sign and house position reveals where you come from and with what lessons you were primarily occupied with in your previous lifetime. The Sun by sign and house position shows where you are going to, i.e. your life lessons for this one. Try not to hark back to the past unnecessarily, but accept what happened and be thankful for whatever it brought you. After all, it helped you to become the one you are now.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (16)

Mercy And Forgiveness

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Road From Sinner To Sainthood - Mercy And ForgivenessCompassion and love, mercy and forgiveness are the Divine characteristics that awaken in you quite naturally when you finally grasp that whatever once happened on the Earth plane – and still does in some parts of your world – has always been and to this day is doing so for wise educational reasons. This is My way of teaching all of you, as a race of young Gods in the making, your most vital evolutionary lessons. Once you have gained the gift of hindsight, you will be able to see for yourself that for all of you there is every reason to be grateful for the experiences of the past.

Before Me, each one of you is of equal value and loved totally and unconditionally, and that this is true from the most highly evolved souls down to the smallest and least significant, the dirtiest, smelliest and most miserable members of the human race. The more you work with and practise My Divine characteristics, the more your consciousness expands and your energies and vibrations grow lighter. And that is the only means by which human souls can draw ever closer into the loving reunion with Me on the highest levels of life.

Wise ones, who are aware of these things, refuse to peer down their noses onto anyone and that includes those who at present have to do battle with experiencing the depths of human depravity and desolation. At the sight of the suffering of these poor souls the wise one’s own spirit/soul memories stir within and an aching feeling of compassion and love opens their hearts. Their whole being fills with a great yearning to help their younger siblings and do whatever is within their power to alleviate any kind of suffering that is in your world.

For each one of you it is also necessary to look at yourselves and your ways of the past with compassion and love. This becomes easier when you understand that what you experienced in your role as one of the sinners of your world is an essential part of everyone’s evolutionary pathway. The first section of this road takes you down into experiencing the lowest and darkest corners of human existence and the deepest depths of deprivation, humiliation and despair. And for each one of you it is true that every step of the way, for a very long time unbeknown to your small earthly self, I, your Highest or God Self, the living God who is part of you, is with you.

Never forget that each time you reach the bottom of any kind of a pit, there is nowhere to go but in an upwards direction. When you truly have had enough of exploring one field of experience and cannot take any more, I am the one, your Spirit Self, who mercifully takes you out of it. This is how slowly but surely, lifetime after lifetime your Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light, on My behalf and demand move you forwards and upwards. This continues until you are at last ready to return into the conscious awareness of your true nature and your oneness with Me. The Christian hymn below is speaking the truth, although it is not Jesus, a force outside of yourself, but Me and My messengers who accompany you on the highways and byways of life that lead every human spirit/soul from the state of sinner to that which is known as sainthood and spiritual Mastership.

You shall cross the barren desert,
But you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety,
Though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words to foreign men,
And they will understand.
You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come, follow Me
And I will give you rest.

 If you pass through raging waters,
In the sea you shall not drown.
If you walk amid the burning flames,
You shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the power of hell
And death is at your side,
Know that I am with you through it all.

And when I told you in the Bible’s St. John 6:40: ‘My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.’ When approached from a higher standpoint, it is easy to see that this teaching is neither a lie nor an empty promise, because esoterically the last day stands for the final stage of every spirit/soul’s earthly curriculum. When all its lessons have been successfully absorbed by you and this plane of life has nothing left to offer you, you will be allowed to leave Mother Earth’s environment.

As soon as no further lifetimes in physicality are required by you, the Angels will lift you out of it and take you to continue your studies on ever higher and more exalted levels of life. Up to the highest every one of you will eventually journey, back into the fully conscious oneness with Me. All your friends and helpers in the world of light, and especially the Angels will then no longer be invisible to you and travelling incognito with you. You will be able to see them and talk with them to your heart’s delight. But to ensure that these things will come to pass for you, it is of vital importance that you patiently and willingly surrender your ego desires and submit yourself to whatever earthly lessons are still in store for you, so that even the last one of your Karmic debts will be paid in full.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (17)

Know Yourself And You Will Know God

Rays of Wisdom - ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’ - Know Yourself And You Will Know God

Rolling stoned, gathering no moss
nothing ever gained, so nothing lost
don’t stop to count the cost

Rolling stoned, feeling no pain
burned out memories, no shame
ready and willing to play your game

Rolling stoned, there’s nothing to hate
bad things happen, that’s just fate
can’t change the past, it’s way too late

Rolling stoned, can’t find peace
the needle offers no relief
still too many secrets to keep

Rolling stoned . . . maybe it does gather moss
I can’t count how much hell it cost
and how damned much I have lost

Julia WF

All you human souls in distress, the stone of the misery of your fears and anxieties about the future and the unknown, the fragility, uncertainty and precariousness of your earthly existence, has come rolling to My feet. Through the Jesus legend I told you in St. Matthew 11:28: ‘Come to me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ The figure of the man Jesus is but a symbolism for Me, the living God within you. Because I am part of you, not one of the tears you ever shed and your plaintive cries have been unseen and unheard. I have always been with you and I am now picking you up and taking you into My loving heart. Never again will I  let go of you and allow you to dwell in the misery of thinking that you are alone in the tests and trials of earthly life.

Bring Me your burdens. Tell Me about them and then listen within, so I can help you to work your way through and find resolutions even for the most difficult relationships and situations you encounter. Whenever you do not understand something, do not judge hastily and as a result of this react in the wrong way. Leave your problem with Me and wait until I show you intuitively how to proceed. Discrimination is one of the most vital lessons of Earth life for you at present. Take care to discern between advice you receive from Me, your Highest Self, and that which has its origin in your small earthly self, the small and frightened part of you that loves to jump to conclusions and acting in too much haste and without due forethought.

All of you are longing for safety and certainty. Yet, for as long as you search for it on the Earth plane, you are bound to fail. True and everlasting  security can only grow in you organically when you get to know who and what you truly are, what kind of a destiny awaits you, where you have come from and where one day you will be returning to. So that in the end you find your back to Me and my world and its values, your true home, Earth life has purposely been designed to keep you from finding the things you are longing for most there. And for as long as human souls lack the awareness that life serves a higher purpose to which they can and indeed are required to dedicate their life’s work, it is all too easy for them to get sucked into a downwards spinning maelstrom of feelings of futility and hopelessness.

When the going gets rough and you cannot see a way out of your misery, as it has to do for all of you now and again, Earth life may seem like a depressing dark and endless tunnel that seems to have no light shining at its end. You may seek oblivion in alcohol and drugs of any kind, but it does not take long until you discover for yourself that they are not the answer. The temporary relief they bring with time only pulls you deeper into the moods of despondency and despair. For all human souls there eventually comes a moment of awakening when you realise with ever greater certainty that you must be on a wrong track and that it may be time for looking whether life could have some higher things to offer you.

Eventually you go off in search for Me. For a long time during this quest, you may roll to the ends of the Earth and bark up any tree that looks promising, unaware of the fact that in order to find Me all you have to do is go within. There comes a moment when you wait no longer and look around inside you now, to see what might be there for you and come to greet you. After having tried all the wrong ways first, at last you are now on the right track. Now every step of your pilgrimage through Eternity consciously takes you back to Me.

Your feelings of being lost and alone on the Earth plane were part of My grand design of life, in which nothing anywhere happens perchance or by coincidence. This plan has always provided that some real progress on the evolutionary spiral of life can only be made by those who make it their business to find out who they truly are and who I am. Hence the old adage: ‘Woman/man know yourself and you will know God and the Universe.’

Those who to this day think of Me as some far distant force that is outside of you and beyond your reach, you could not be more wrong. Being part of you, I know you and your true requirements better than you will ever be aware of yourselves. I am familiar with all the suffering and pain that ever had to endured by you. On the long road from sinner to saint I am with each one of you, from its very beginning to the end. It is a long and demanding pathway, to be sure, but what else would you expect for aspiring young Gods?

Only when the demands of this section of your education have been satisfied and your vibrations have become sufficiently lighter, can the Angels and I move you forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. You then begin to experience its higher manifestations and from this point onwards you gradually proceed on to the highest levels of life. Bearing in mind who you truly are, it is hardly surprising that this thoroughfare, along which every earthling has to travel back home into the oneness with Me, is strewn with stones of all shapes and sizes. They range from the smallest pebbles to the biggest boulders and each one of them represents one of the obstacles you have to grapple with and learn to overcome.

Soren Kierkegaard spoke the truth when he wrote: ‘God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but God does what is still more wonderful: s/he makes saints out of sinners.’ As always, there is much more to this than meets the eye. No-one will come and make a sinner into a saint for you. You alone can and have to do it, for you are the one who is in command of the ship of your whole being. It is the God part of you, the living God within, who gradually pulls you forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. I am this aspect of your nature and I am the one who, in the fullness of time helps every last sinner of the Earth plane to evolve into one of its saints.

And if My words are speaking to your heart and spirit/soul, even if you only get a small amount of relief from them, if you know someone who is suffering like you, do not forget to share what you are finding here.

Dedicated to Julia, who inspired this new chapter of my jottings,
and to all those who are searching and suffering like her.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (18)


Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Road From Sinner To Sainthood - Mercy

God, the Great Father/Mother of all life
Is love and the law of life is love.
The Divine life forces are
Omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent,
All loving,  giving and forgiving,
And because they know the way of all things,
They forgive everything.

God as the designer and architect of the great plan of life,
Also of every small individual plan within it,
Is familiar with everyone’s development,
From its earliest beginnings to its very end. 
And it’s always been part of God’s plan
That we should be the only ones
Who can save and redeem ourselves.
This is how the wisdom and love of the Divine
Lays the tools into everyone’s own hands
To evolve from being one of the sinners of today
Into one of our world’s saints.

No-one has the right to dwell upon
Sins that have been truly repented
And forgiven by God.
And what God has forgiven
Surely can also be pardoned by us.
Wise ones pay no attention to the transgressions
And shortcomings of their neighbours.
They prefer looking for their own imperfections instead,
So they can make the necessary changes.

Eckhart von Hochheim
Circa 1260 – 1327
Known as Meister Eckhart
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (19)

You Never Walk Alone

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Road From Sinner To Sainthood - You Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on, through the wind.
Walk on, through the rain.
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never walk alone.

Richard Rogers

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (20)

Knowing My Mind

I am your God, your Creator. Many of you know by now that I am your real Father and Mother, and that unlike the parents in your physical existence, the Father and Mother of the spirit that dwells inside your physical body is one and functions as one. There is no division between any of the aspects of Me. And as I created you in My image, on the inner level the same is true for you. In spite of the fact that you are one with Me and each other, when you first came away from Me, you needed to become aware that you are an individual being in your own right. That is why each one of you must dwell in their own physical body and gather experiences of earthly life women and men. To ensure that your energies remain well balanced you may choose to experience both genders in different lifetimes.

The powers that are in Me are also in you and the final evolutionary aim of Earth life is that the human spirit/soul should realise that it contains the same. Each must eventually take possession of them and learn their wise use. As your race descended ever deeper into physicality you lost your sense of being one with Me. For many of you that evolutionary phase by now has run its course. And as soon as one of you is ready, I draw that spirit/soul ever closer to Me; I am waiting to be their only teacher and guide. For them the time has come to consciously develop the highest aspects of their being, their Divine faculties. Knowing their true nature makes this a much easier task.

You have every reason to celebrate for this is humankind’s homecoming, not only to Me, your God Self, but also to yourself – your true and Highest Self. Do not be afraid anything; there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Know that I am always with you and waiting for your Call. With Me you can overcome anything or anyone, even your worst adversary and that is you yourself. But even then, just call upon Me and the Angels. We are waiting to show you how to work your way through and overcome whatever may be troubling you. Know that you are never alone and that we are always with you.

In many the true or God Self is beginning to break through the tough outer shell of their earthly self, and for some this is going to be a painful and also frightening experience. Listen to the murmurings of your heart and follow the guidance you receive from there. Know that the feelings that rise are from Me and that I am with you, trying to help you bring harmony and love into every aspect of your life, for that is your true nature.  Working on bringing forth your slumbering Christ qualities and thus giving of the highest and the best you are capable of, you grow ever more like Me.

Your earthly mind is part of My Universal mind. Become aware that this mind is the most powerful tool in the whole of Creation and remind yourself frequently that good thought is God thought. And if you want to know the mind of God, take care of your own earthly mind and examine it closely. Guard it and make sure that no negative influences and destructive thoughts creep into it; whenever you find some, release them and let go of them – you no longer need them. You are true to yourself, your eternal self and are coming into ever closer re-alignment with Me, each time you think a positive, kind and loving thought; when you look for the good in all people and situations; and whenever you endeavour to make your world a better place for someone. You are then acting as My representative and God in your world.

In the Scriptures I told you that no-one can see the Father, except those who are from God. Know that you are rapidly approaching the phase in the spiritual development of your race when every spirit/soul will be able to see Me. The more you become  aware that each one of you is a spark of Me; that you are from Me; that I am in everything and that the same therefore applies to you, the better you will be able to see Me. Wherever you then may look, all you can see is God – including yourself. As you peer into the mirror, you can honestly say: ‘I myself am the resurrection; the Universal Christ has come alive in me! I myself am the light, the way and the truth!’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (21)

Those Who Believe In Me Have Eternal Life

In the Jesus legend I told you: ‘Those who believe in Me have eternal life.’ For as long as you believed that the Master had been a person who once walked amongst you on the Earth plane, rather than a mythical figure, you had not choice but to follow him. For souls who are still in their spiritual infancy and adolescence this belief is as good now as it once was for you. But if you have been guided to find this and are reading it, you are among the fortunate ones who are reaching their full spiritual adulthood. You are the ones for whom I am bringing much more than a mere belief. Your very own share of My wisdom is on offer to you. To find out whether some spiritual knowledge really does come from Me, in whatever form it may present itself to you, all you need to do is listen to the responses that rise from the depths of your own heart through the world of your feelings. They are My guidance. When your innermost feelings say that something right, then for you it is right – even though it may not be for someone else.

As early as the Jesus legend I conveyed to you the message: ‘I am the bread of life.’ In Earth terms it seems to have taken a long time until sufficient numbers of you to be able to comprehend that the bread I spoke of was never meant to be of the physical kind, but that all your experiences, your joys as well as your sorrows, are the bread of life that every human spirit/soul is constantly receiving from Me. This bread is given to you for your spiritual growth and wellbeing, so that in the fullness of time you may leave Earth life behind you altogether and move on to ever higher levels of learning; each must do this through their own experiences. Your improved understanding of things and the spiritual wisdom and knowledge you are gaining from your experiences are the only food that is suitable for nurturing your spirit/soul.

In the Jesus legend I said through the Master: ‘I am the way, the light and the truth.’ You are sure to know by now that the higher esoteric meaning of these words cannot be found by considering mere surface words of by looking towards others. Instead, you are required to gaze within and become aware that all the teachings I gave to your world with the help of this tale and all others before and after it, were designed to act merely as signposts. They were given to show all human souls at the end of their earthly education their way back home into the conscious awareness of their own true nature as an integral part of Me, the living God within you, your inner eternal reality.

Love is My nature and also your own. Love is the most important one of the laws of the Universe, My laws. In order to find your way back home into the oneness with Me, each one of you in their own right has to learn how to conduct their lives in ways that are in keeping and harmony with all My laws. Do not ever forget that you are part of Me and I am part of you. Making a genuine effort at acting wisely, honestly and truthfully in all your dealings is a vital part of every spirit/soul’s eventual homecoming. That is the only way you can be true to your real or highest nature and of remaining faithful to Me, your true and Highest or God Self. When you go about your business with a loving attitude towards all life, including your own, and are constantly sending your inner light out into your world and all worlds, your light will shine ever more brightly, until you have gradually grown into a radiant star in your own right.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (22)

Eating Manna In The Wilderness

The allegory of your forefathers eating manna in the wilderness and yet they died no longer needs to puzzle anyone either. As lifetime after lifetime you came down the ages, you yourself many times played the role of your own forefathers. Through this, each one of you partook in some of the most beautiful and some of the most gruesome experiences of earthly life. Yet, for as long as you lacked the awareness that you are first and foremost spirit/soul, hence immortal and cannot die, each time you passed from your physical body, you believed you were dying. That is how you came to fear death. To help you dissolve not only that fear, but also all others, I am now bringing you the manna of the knowledge that there is no death.

All bread of spiritual wisdom and knowledge that ever appeared in your world was sent from the highest levels of life, by Me, for I am the Source of all wisdom and knowledge. This bread is presently flowing ever more strongly into your consciousness and that of your world, to cleanse your whole race from the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the past. I am that bread. Partake of it and know that it is Me. First of all, become aware of your immortality again and shed your fear of death.  Through knowing that I am alive within you, waiting to be called upon to guide and protect you in every aspect of your life, down to the minutest details, get rid of your fear of life, too. Eat as much as you like from this My bread. It will not make you fat, but merely expand your consciousness. And I do keep My promises. Through overcoming your fear of death and of life, you learn to live your life to the full, namely on all levels of existence, the pledge I made to you in the Jesus legend.

 I am the bread of life and the Source of all life that comes down to your Earth from the Heavens, i.e. the highest level of existence. The time has come for communicating directly with you and your world, just like I once did through the story of the Master. The difference between then and now is that your spirit/soul and that of your world has earned the gift of greater understanding. As this can only grow from suffering, every individual spirit/soul and that of your world has to experience it by wading through its depths. The anguish this causes has purpose and meaning. It is never randomly inflicted upon anyone or in vain. You and your world had to take part in vital lessons which each one of you can only learn from their own experiences. Having done so, it is every spirit/soul’s birthright to find what is now before you. Take it, work with it and use it, never for merely selfish purposes an self-aggrandisement but  for the highest good of all.

It was not for nothing that I promised you in the days of yore that those who eat from My bread shall live forever. As more of My wisdom sinks deeper and deeper into your consciousness, do not allow anyone to distract you from what you know to be true! I am the wisdom and the knowledge of the whole of Creation. And you are My child who is, like Me, an eternal being of light. You now triumph over and laugh at death, because you know that there is no death and that the essential you does live forever. It was never born and therefore cannot die.

My body is the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of all ages; they are stored in Me and are therefore also in you. This is the bread I am now offering each one of you. You and I together have created the state of the world you are presently living in. For the sake of the love you have for Me and this world, I am offering each one of you access to My body. But, this can only come about through everybody re-establishing their own inner connection with Me.

My message to each one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, is now: Eat my bread safe in the knowledge that the law of life is based on love. Love is light and light is love, and without light there is no life. Eat the bread of your life and accept your Karma, as it presents itself in your daily life, and know that the wisdom and understanding you are gaining from all your experiences are the only food that can nurture your spirit/soul and help it to grow. Therefore, live your life to the full and drink as you can deeply from the cup of the life that has been given to you by Me. And rest safely in the knowledge that whatever may befall you has been prepared for you by My love. Partaking in life in this manner inevitably takes you back into love and the oneness with Me, for love is your true being and the fulfilment of the law.

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 4

The Homecoming (23)

Climbing The Spiritual Mountain

I am your God Self and you are My children of the Earth. For a very long time, the spark of Divinity in your heart has been waiting to come fully alive. I work and express Myself through each one of you. I learn about and get to know Myself through you. Some of you are spiritually already more awake than others. They need to help those who are still slumbering and therefore struggling more than you with their homecoming. Although you are all walking up the spiritual mountain together, each has to find their own way, whether you are as yet aware of this or not.

Great teachers have from time to time emerged in your world, to act as your pathfinders. Benefit from their efforts by walking in their footsteps, but know that you can and indeed are meant to help each other and to guide those behind you. Try to ease their burden as best you know how to, but never take away the lesson they have come to learn and do not try to do things for them which can only be done by them. As already pointed out, you are in this life to work on improving your character by bringing forth the best that is within you. As you grow and evolve in this way, the whole human race and everything in your world is doing the same.

You are My children; you have come into this lifetime to learn to love wisely, the way I love all of you. My love excludes nothing and no-one is left out. In My eyes you are all equal and loved in the same way, totally and unconditionally. Never compare your progress with that of another. Beware of spiritual arrogance and remind yourself frequently that climbing the mountain is not some kind of competitive sport or chase. Before Me, each one stands alone. You are all at different levels in your personal evolution and each has to go at their own pace. Where you are on your spiritual path at any given time reveals itself to Me through your thoughts and actions; words on their have never been enough.

Love is the law of the Universe. You were born from love and to love you are now returning. Like the whole of Creation, love is a dynamic and ever expanding force. In seed form it is in every heart and from there alone can it grow. You are in your present life to develop your Divine qualities and to become ever more like Me. Everything that is in your life is always a gift from Me and designed to teach you something. In this way, with My help, you learn to recognise the true value of things in general and also of the people in your life and your personal possessions.

There is much talk of love in your world, but to this day far too many of you fail to understand the true meaning of this word. Passions, sentiments and even pity are frequently mistaken for it, but the vibration of true love can only arise from your reunion with Me. It is the feeling that wells up from the innermost centre of your being when you still the passions of life and on the deepest innermost levels of your own being and all life you become at one with Me. The life of the Master Jesus was written as an allegory, to demonstrate to humankind what Divine love really means.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (24)

On Your Own You Can Do Nothing

As a spark of Me, you are creative beings and when you work on the development of the gift of My creativity, as it expresses itself in you, you will discover the joy of giving and soon know from your own experiences how giving truly is much more satisfying than receiving. On your own you can do nothing and you are nothing, but with Me you are in everything and all things are possible. In every endeavour you are walking hand in hand with Me, for I am the One who creates – through you – your contributions in the world I have created for all of you to share. In the fullness of time your love and Mine will bring blessings and healing into the farthest and remotest corners not only of your world, but all of them.

Never mind where you presently are, where you have been, where you are going to and which degree of spiritual awareness you have reached; it really does not matter! In all your endeavours just do your best and love as much as you can. Let all your thoughts and actions towards everything and everyone be guided by nothing but love. Look around you and see how most people are struggling with their relationships. First work on healing yours through making peace with yourself, with those around you and with Me, for that is the main reason why another lifetime has been granted to you. Then teach others how they can do the same for themselves.

As I told you before, your character determines your destiny and if you work sufficiently on improving yours, your present lifetime may well turn out to be the last one that is required by you in physicality. From previous lives all of you brought negative and destructive thought and behaviour patterns into this one. And every spirit/soul has the same chances of changing them now into creative and positive ones by diligently applying itself to this task. For all who get this right, it may turn out that life in physicality cannot teach you any more, in which you will be allowed to move on to lessons of higher learning on different levels of life.

In view of this, every spirit/soul has brought some of their oldest and most problematic conflict and discord laden relationships with them into this lifetime, as this creates many opportunities for resolving them and making peace with each other. Leaving behind any unresolved issues and relationships will necessitate further lifetimes of coming together, in the hope of eventually settling your affairs and learning your lessons. Therefore, My children, bearing in mind who you truly are and why you are in this life, choose wisely, focus on what is now at stake and always work with love in your hearts towards a peaceful outcome in everything.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (25)

The Desire Nature

Mars, the planet of desire, rules the astrological sign Aries; it also co-rules, together with Pluto, the sign Scorpio. These planets and the two signs are configured somewhere in everybody’s birthchart; this is an indication that the desire nature is strong in each one of you. Mars is the force, the energy that once brought you onto the Earth plane, with the burning desire to experience life in physicality in order to find out what experiences it has to offer human souls that will expand their consciousness and help them to grow.

Desire is at the basis of all life and the energies of the planet Mars are the pure creative/spiritual/sexual ones that fuel all your desires. As you know, there are a great many. In the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, human souls come into being and all their desires and interests are still focused on themselves. They are propelled into life by the desire to build themselves an earthly personality that will help them to carve out a niche for themselves and maintain it. In the second sign, Taurus, the desire for all the good things of the Earth and especially earthly possessions are explored. In the third sign, Gemini, the spirit/soul concentrates this precious energy onto developing its abilities to communicate. In the fourth sign, Cancer, it learns the value of home, mother and tradition. In the fifth sign, Leo, it becomes aware of itself and its own creative powers. And so forth.

At present all of you are struggling with resolving your most difficult Karmic relationships, as well as with the Karma of your whole world. Without exception, each one of you created these difficulties through the behaviour patterns which, to this day, are displayed by young and inexperienced souls on the Earth plane who are born into Aries and Scorpio. If you wish to learn about the way you once were, pay attention to the behaviour patterns described in the ‘Sun in Aries’ and the ‘Sun in Scorpio’. That is how each one of you behaved in earlier lifetimes, even if during this one you behave like an Angel, a true lady or gentleman with the highest moral standards and ideals.

Pretending these things never existed will get you nowhere. Facing up to everything that is inside you is better by far. Because it was created by you – with My help – take responsibility for your life and everything that is in it, including your less pleasant characteristics. They are still a part of you, but now they are waiting to be shed once and for all. Yet, before this can be done, you first have to own up to them and accept them. By no means does this make any human spirit/soul into a miserable sinner, as some to this day would like to make you believe. Earthly life is a place of learning and each one of you is on an evolutionary pathway. In this school there are no sinners and no losers, only students. For as long as you are willing to learn and grow through every experience, you will always gain something.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (25)

Human-Made And Natural Disasters

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Man-Made And Natural Disasters

As you know by now, I have always accompanied you through all your experiences, good and bad alike. I was there with you, even if for a very long time you did not know that this is so.  Nothing was ever beyond My will or out of My control. Everything that ever took place on the Earth plane did so for wise reasons, namely to teach you and your world some crucial lessons. I sense the responses that are coming from many earthly minds in response to this. They are saying: ‘And what about times of tyranny, wars, holocausts, human-made and natural disasters, ranging from the torture of individuals, to mass exterminations?’ My beloved children of the Earth, such things too have been and still are part of your curriculum.

More of this in a moment, but first I wish to repeat what I told you in the chapter ‘2012 And All That’ of ‘Our World In Transition’, when the end of your world had been prophesied for the year 2012, because that’s where the Mayan Calendar ended: ‘Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012. Look around you and see the profound changes that are now taking place in your world. Its evolutionary march forward is unstoppable and progressing well. This will continue in the year 2012 and beyond, the same as it is doing now and the way it has always done. Your world is changing rapidly before your very own eyes. In the year 2008, an important part of this was the new President of the USA. He brought with him a renewal of hope for your world. He, the same as everybody else, is guided by Me and the Angels. Never doubt that you and your world are resting safely in My loving hands.’

From time to time throughout the ages, I have given to you and your world new legends about prophets, seers and sages, who genuinely had the good of humankind at heart. Among them are the ones about the Lord Buddha, the Master Jesus and the Prophet Mohammed, to name but three. Gullibility has always been a problem in earthly life and to this day, some assume the role of soothsayers who are only too happy to take advantage of this. Did you know that sooth is an old-fashioned word for truth? Alas, on your present level of life it is still in the nature of things that the predictions of these people grow ever wilder, the more those around them believe in them and clamour for more. You can observe for yourselves how, when the masses show through their reactions how frightened they are, the forecasts of the professional gloom and doom mongers in your midst take on an ever more outrageous and less likely to be true colouring.

You have to bear in mind that oracles of this nature, of past and present, still lack all sense of responsibility for their creations, which are their forecasts. Negative Karma is created through causing suffering and pain to any of My creatures. Little do your fortune-tellers know that they, the same as every other spirit/soul, are directly responsible to Me for every single one of their thoughts, words and actions. If they knew that instilling fear – especially the fear of God – into people’s souls is a spiritual crime that weighs more heavily than many others, they would soon turn the focus of their attention to more positive aspects of life.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Disasters’
Part A – Healing Prayer For Disaster Victims
Part B – The True Cause Of All Disasters
Part C – All Things Are Possible
Part D – The Power Of Prayer
Part E – You Only See One Side Of The Picture
Part F – Mercy
Part G – Reflections On Hope
Part H – Bridges Between Heaven And Earth

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (26)

My Thoughts Are Not Like Your Thoughts

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - My Thoughts Are Not Like Your Thoughts

Through Isaiah 55:7-11 I told you: ‘Let the sinner forsake his way and the wicked man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not like your thoughts, neither are my ways like your ways, says the Lord. For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from Heaven and returns not thither, but water the Earth and make it bring forth and sprout and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall do what I please and it shall accomplish that for which I sent it.’

The book of Isaiah is one of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament, which dates back several hundreds of years before the birth of the legend of the Master Jesus. The prophecies I gave to you at Isaiah’s time were as much of My wisdom and truth as your race could in those days be expected to cope with. Yet, My dear children, measuring your progress on the evolutionary scale, your understanding of the concepts of the life and the times of the Jesus myth has come a very long way, That is why by now not merely a selected few but a great many are ready to grasp that in truth I experience and get to know Myself through you and that at all times I create through you.

You are in Me and I am in you, you are Me and I am you, and your dreams and visions are Mine. Throughout the ages, unbeknown to you for a very long time I have been dreaming through you. At once you are the dreamer and the dreamed. From the beginning I knew that it would take an exceedingly long time until you, individually and collectively as a race, had sufficiently grown in understanding to grasp the nature of your own being. As mentioned earlier, each one of you has always been and will continue to be in all Eternity a transmitter and receiver station for My thoughts, ideas and dreams. Potentially, each one of you is a channel through which I am ready to release ever more of My wisdom into your world. The amount and depth of it depends on the degree of spiritual maturity and understanding the receiving person is able to cope with at any given time.

Do not be disturbed by the fact that at the beginning of the Aquarian Age many will have difficulties to accept that the spiritual knowledge I am imparting to your world through Aquarius and anyone else who is ready to receive them, are My truth. The inability to perceive such matters is but one of the passing phases of humankind’s earthly education, which every spirit/soul has to take part in. Eventually, all who are presently in this stage of their development will also be able to receive my messages directly and distribute them, the way many are already doing.

Those who object to the positive visions of the year 2012 I am presenting through these channels would do well to ponder on the following questions. ‘Why should this perception be less valid than the negative ones of the past and present which, for far too long, have been pumping ever increasing amounts of negative thoughts into the pool of consciousness of your world, which has been full to overflowing for far too long? Do you not know that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation? That your thoughts create your reality and that you are responsible towards Me for each one of them? Moreover, do you not like the idea of a peaceful world? Do you not want to do your share of making Mother Earth an ever better and beautiful place through nothing more than thinking positively? Or are you too addicted to your negative thinking patterns that you are unwilling to exchange highly destructive views of your world into constructive ones?’

The insights I once gave to your world through the legends of the lives of the Lord Buddha and the Master Jesus remain as valid now as they always have been and forever will be. The only way of freeing yourselves from the wheel of rebirth into earthly life and creating a world that is entirely to your liking is through taking charge of the drives and urges of the lower animal nature of your small earthly selves, especially its mind. Learning how to control and discipline its thoughts, words and actions into good, right and positive ones and that at all times, is every spirit/soul’s main task on the Earth plane. All the disasters that have ever taken place in your world were created by the accumulated mass of human negative thinking and the vicious words and actions that resulted from them. Whatever you do, never forget that you are responsible for every part of your being and especially your thoughts. Conduct your lives in keeping with the knowledge that your thoughts are part of the greatest and most powerful force in the whole of Creation.

You are answerable to me not only for yourselves, but also for the whole of your world. Although for a very long time you were unaware of this, through negative and destructive thinking you yourselves have been the makers of all the wars the Earth plane has seen and is experiencing to this day. Even the events you still regard as natural disasters are brought about in the same manner – through thinking. The only way of preventing the sad catalogue of wars and disasters repeating themselves endlessly in future lifetimes is by altering your individual thinking patterns into positive and constructive ones, now. A constant and conscious effort is required from each one of you to guide and focus your thoughts, when they are trailing off into the old thinking patterns, on that which you recognise as good, beautiful and right in your world.

In keeping with My Universal laws every one of your thought, words and actions in due course brings you its just results and rewards. In every lifetime your thoughts and actions are the seeds you sow on the Earth plane, from which your future life grows. Whatever you find in the present is the result of what you planted during the earthly sojourns of past lives. So, if in future ones you hope to return to a peaceful place, where sickness and hunger, violence and crime are no longer known, start changing right here and now, so that with every passing day you grow into a kinder and more peaceful and loving person.

Let us stay with My laws for a moment. As you know by now, all life in the whole of My Creation is subject to them. However, be aware that these laws can be interpreted and viewed in many different ways and from various angles. As your evolutionary journey takes you ever further into the higher and eventually the highest realms of life, your perception and understanding of My laws will gradually change. Even when it comes to the wisdom and truth you receive from Me, avoid fixed idea and do not close your mind to anything. Do not become like a record that goes on and on repeating itself, but let your thinking move on until your whole being plays the harmonies of the Heavens.

Should you encounter something that does not fit into the picture of life you have developed at any given moment, do not reject that which you hear. Tuck it away at the back of your mind and then wait and see what develops. In the fullness of time this will enable you to recognise how wonderful every one of the many aspects and diverse interpretations of the knowledge you receive from Me truly are.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (27)

Is There Really Chaos On The Earth?

Although on its surface it may often appear to be so, I assure you that nevertheless all life on this plane, the same as on all others, has always proceeded in a most orderly fashion and in accordance with My plan. On the inner levels, My eternal realm, in spite of all humankind’s beliefs to the contrary, the reins of every aspect of the whole of My Creation have never slipped from My hands. This applies to the parts that are visible to human eyes and also the invisible ones. I alone have the Great Plan of Life and everything within it unfolds by it, in accordance with My design, will and wishes. No force exists that is outside of Me or beyond the reach of My power.

You may find this hard to grasp now, but it has always been humankind’s great lust for power that showed itself in the culmination of the above described events. Why did I allow them to happen? Because as My children and young Gods in the making, each one of you must eventually realise your utter dependence on Me and My resources, that on the Earth, the same as in the rest of the whole of Creation, you cannot achieve anything on your own and that without Me you are nothing. All must wake up to the fact that your lives have to be conducted in keeping with My Universal laws and that your strong self-will and small ego has to be willingly surrendered onto Me and My will.

In the book of Genesis 1:28 I told you: ‘And God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild bests that move upon the Earth.’ From the evidence you can see all around you in your world you can surely see for yourselves by now that this is a metaphor which, like so many others, has been misinterpreted. My intention never was to provide your race with a carte blanche for subduing your planet and raping it of all its precious resources. I tolerated it because I knew that you could only learn through your own experiences what this would eventually lead to.

You are on the Earth to seek dominion over your own lower earthly nature, but not over the planet who so kindly is providing you with a home as well as a place of learning, for a time – neither over its people and nations or even its animals. Human life has evolved through the animal kingdom and is therefore an integral part of it. That is why your small earthly self is subject to the same desires, drives and urges as all the other animals and because on the inner level of life all is one, in truth the animals are your brothers and sisters. Before harming any of My creatures, you do well to remind yourselves from now on that in coming lifetimes you will have to live with the consequences of your thoughts, words and actions, because you are fully accountable for each one of them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Let Them Have Dominion’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 5

The Homecoming (28)

Humankind’s Lust For Power

You are aware by now that the same powers that are in Me are also in you. Every spirit/soul can only get to know the creative and destructive force of the powers inside you through its own first hand experiences. The masculine in Me and also in you, women and men alike, is the power aspect. In Me this part naturally dominates its feminine counterpart, the Goddess, the love and wisdom aspect of Me. She is part of Me and I am part of Her; we are one and inseparable. To develop the male aspect of humankind, in your world the male of the species for a very long time has been seeking dominion over the women in their lives. My feminine aspect willingly subjects itself to My masculine counterpart.

Make no mistake about it; the masculine in both genders craves power. In the long course of the evolution of your race, human desires and appetites for dominion and power over others grew ever larger and more ludicrous. Individually and as a race, you eventually reached the evolutionary stage when power over small numbers of people was no longer enough to satisfy this urge. You wanted more of it, over whole nations of people and their countries, eventually whole continents and – humankind’s greatest dream – over the whole Earth!

To stop anyone from condemning the male gender, let me remind you that to receive a well rounded, balanced and fully comprehensive education, it is necessary that in some lifetimes you come as women and in others as men. Every spirit/soul has to go through the whole gamut of earthly experiences sometimes at the receiving end and at other time the receiving one. The most basic one of these lessons is the handling of energies of the planet of desire, Mars, the God of war of antiquity. 

In its most basic expression on the Earth plane Mars is a force, a drive that makes souls who are still inexperienced on this level of life feel and shout loudly: ‘I want, want, want – and I want it NOW! If anything gets into the way of the force of the Martian desires by refusing to do as such a spirit/soul wants, the unwilling ones get suppressed, shouted down, bullied and, if need be, in some other way still manipulated into submission. At worst Mars walks over dead bodies to get what it wants; it goes to war and unthinkingly destroys everything that does not surrender itself to its will. Arians are quite capable of doing this with any of the objects of their desires.

Mars energy moves the newly created Divine spark onto the Earth plane where it needs to build itself an earthly personality. By each spirit/soul dwelling in its own physical body it begins to recognise and experience itself as an individual. With the help of its developing earthly personality the spirit/soul finds itself a place in its new environment. It maintains this place by bursting forth with all its youthful vigour and vim and the enthusiasm for the enjoyment of life that is typical of the Fire element and the signs it rules. Mars is a force that in young spirit/soul expresses itself like a wild mustang that has to be caught, tamed and harnessed before it can be ridden wisely. To master this energy, the same as all others, every human spirit/soul has to spend sufficient lifetimes on the Earth plane. Eventually there comes the time when you are ready to learn how to conquer and dominate this part. By riding on the desires of your Highest Self, i.e. following the directions of Me, your inner teacher, back home into the oneness with Me.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (29)

Reaping The Whirlwind

It is in the nature of all education that the older pupils have to tackle more demanding lessons than the younger ones. The same is true for spirit/soul age; the more experienced your race grew, the more severe your schooling became through ever more gruelling its tests and trials. Yet, they were never randomly dished out. The only decisive factor for the severity of the lessons your whole world had to undergo was the Karma that had been created by you and your race, individually and collectively.

This part of your evolution is behind you now and more peaceful times are ahead for those who are ready to respond to My call and are willing to do their share of helping others with their awakening into their true nature. First of all they too have to be made familiar with the fact that they are responsible for every one of their actions. You need to explain to them that this is due to the workings of the law of Karma and that, because of this law, every action causes a reaction. For every one of your actions you are responsible. Though unbeknown to you for a very long time, you are constantly living by the consequences of your actions. This applies to every individual as it does for groups, organisations, nations and also your whole world. It is one living and breathing organism and each one of you is an integral part of it. All parts have their role to play and are of equal importance.

Individually and collectively, your thoughts create your reality and hateful thinking is the original cause of conditions like wars, holocausts, human-made and natural disasters, ranging from the torture of individuals, to mass exterminations. Souls who incite others to commit detestable actions are eventually held responsible not only for their own thoughts, but also for the thoughts they have sown into the minds of those around them. Being accountable, in the fullness of time they will have to make some major contribution towards the wellbeing of your race and world, until the debts they have incurred in the spiritual ledger of life have been paid in full.

As far back as the times of the Old Testament I warned you through Hosea 8:7:  ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind; it has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal; and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ This teaching has not just one but two hidden meanings. The first is the message of the law of Karma, which we already talked about. The second one indicates that the force of what you create through your thoughts and actions will always increase, gathering ever more strength and momentum. The dictum that practice makes perfect applies to all aspects of life on all its levels. The more you work on something, anything, the better you become at it.

By now, you know that you are part of Me as much as I am part of you. On your own you are nothing and certainly cannot create anything, but as co-creators with Me – within reason and with My help and will – all things are possible and anything can be created. As living parts of the ever expanding Universal energies, you are expansive and dynamic beings. This expresses itself in abstract as well as in visible terms, and given time all your creations enlarge. This shows in the way you learn; the more you do so the more your consciousness expands; the more you give the more you receive, and so forth. This principle applies to everything you send out into our world and it is well worth your while to carefully watch every one of your thoughts, words and actions. The knowledge of these things puts you in charge of your destiny, because this way you can indeed ensure that only the right things return to you.

Whatever you create, for good and evil, more of the same must inevitably flood back to you. Love creates ever more love, but so does everything else. Let no-one try to fool themselves! On the spiritual level of life cheating does not exist and escape from the unerring justice of My Universal laws is impossible. The more the human spirit/soul becomes aware that I am always with you and that therefore nothing can get away from the influence of My all-seeing eye, the more likely it is that such a spirit/soul is going to make a real effort to live with honesty and integrity. And this is how through everybody’s own efforts the course of each individual destiny changes and through this, also that of whole nations and worlds.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (30)

Older And Younger Souls

Whatever your problems may be, I am waiting for you to call on Me to help you solve them. I am with everybody, including all those who do not even know that this is so. But, once any spirit/soul reaches out for Me, it does not take long until it discovers that its earthly life is beginning to flow with much more ease. Up to the time of their awakening, however, souls are constantly in danger of asking the wrong things from their lives. They expect that life should be their servant when, in truth, all of you have been placed on the Earth to serve the life that I have created for you. Ignorant of this and My Cosmic laws, young and inexperienced souls wish that life should instantly fulfil all their desires. My laws ensure that this does not happen and that all human souls must have some input into life before they can expect to get anything of value from it.

For as long as you fail to understand the spiritual background and the foundations of life, you keep on changing your mind. You do this because you do not yet know what is truly good for you, what serves your greatest joy and your highest good, namely your spiritual development. Young and inexperienced souls still have thousands of desires that are expressed all too happily. It is good and right that you should have them, but expecting that all your whims should be satisfied is utter folly. You are on the Earth plane to learn to discriminate between the different types of desires that rise from within the very core of your own being.

The older and more experienced in spirit/soul age you are the easier it is for you to distinguish between the ones that rise from your lower earthly nature and the ones that come from Me, your Highest or God Self. You may still find that your small earthly self desires the things of the Earth and is driven by the urges of your lower animal nature, but given time you are less and less likely to succumb to its temptations. To enable you to rise above them, you first have to recognise them for what they truly are. You are in this life to gain mastery over all aspects of your earthly nature. Your spirit/soul must be in charge of your vessel, your earthly self. I showed you through the legend of the life of the Master Jesus how you need to give Me command of your whole being. Only when you have learnt how to do this the way he did, can I reliably guide you from within the very core of your own being and protect you against all the wrong enticements and influences that will ever come your way.

If all that sounds far too difficult for you, do not be discouraged.  All will be always be well in the end for those who put their small and easily frightened earthly self trustingly into My hands and courageously venture forth. I am waiting for the inner call of each one of you to help you overcome and rise above the pull of the desires of your earthly nature. Nail its doubts and fears to the cross of Earth, your earthly existence and rest safely in the knowledge that I, your God Self and Divine consciousness, am with you at all times. Whatever tests and trials may come your way, trust that with My help all crooked corners can be made straight and all conditions, even your most difficult relationships, healed. I dwell in your heart; listen to it, follow its desires and let Me guide you into finding the special task you have come to carry out in your present lifetime.

You have been granted the gift of another lifetime to help you bring forth the very best from within you. You are on the Earth not to endure endless misery and suffering, but to finally wake up so that by fulfilling your highest potential you may find genuine and everlasting happiness and joy. To help you with this task, appoint Me and the Angels.  And before sending your future wishes out into the Universe, go within and consult with Me. Let My laws be your guide; they apply to life on all its levels and the law of gravity is an extension of the law of Karma.  Spiritually, you are just like any juggler on the Earth plane, who can only catch that which was sent up in the first place.

For as long as your wishes are still of a selfish nature, your desires may sometimes rebound on you with surprisingly harsh results. This is not intended to be some kind of punishment, but you better pay attention and learn from the experience to be more careful when next time you wish for something. All problems can be avoided by listening within. When you follow the small still voice of your consciences, My voice, and allow only good dreams and wishes of love and light to flow from your heart into the heart of the Universe. Like stars send them up to the highest Heavens, so that they may bring more of the same back to you. Listen to your heart and trust its desires; the heart knows which dreams and wishes are worth pursuing and which ones are not.  Do your best, so the Angels and I can do the rest.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (31)

Navigating The Ocean Of Life

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Navigating The Ocean Of  Life

Desire is at the basis of all life and the energies of the planet Mars are the pure creative/spiritual/sexual ones that fuel all your desires and as you are well are of by now there are a great many. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, represents human souls experiencing their primary encounter with life when of necessity all their desires and interests are still focused on themselves. They are propelled into life by the desire to build themselves an earthly personality that will help them to carve out a niche for themselves and maintain it. In the second sign, Taurus, the desire for all the good things of the Earth and especially earthly possessions are explored. In the third sign, Gemini, the spirit/soul concentrates this precious energy onto developing its abilities to communicate. In the fourth sign, Cancer, it learns to appreciate the value of home, mother and tradition. In the fifth sign, Leo, it becomes aware of itself and its own creative powers. And so forth.

It is good and right that the human earthly self wants the things of the Earth, but once you have woken up from our spiritual slumbers, you need to learn how to rise above and overcome these desires. At first the temptations of your earthly nature will continue for some time to rise into the consciousness of your lower self. However, the more you recognise them for what they truly are, i.e. tests and trials that are meant to help you grow, the easier you will find it to resist them. Your present existence is meant to teach you mastery over its lower planes. To achieve this, your higher God or Christ nature needs to take charge of its earthly counterpart, learning to ride its desires instead of being ridden by them.

Your mind and your physical body are like a ship with whose help you, with the passing of time, are learning how to navigate the great ocean of life successfully and to your advantage. Your God or Christ nature is the captain who is in charge. But, I am the Admiral of the Fleet, your supreme commander, and each one of you is responsible to Me for their own wellbeing, that of their craft and also the state of your world. My Universal laws have always ensured that that the ocean of life would never be reigned by chaos and that will continue forever. For young spirit/souls taking part in the lesson of the earthly school of life is compulsory. It’s essential that in some of your lifetimes you are placed at the giving end of one of its lessons and in others on the receiving one,.

In the beginning of your earthly education you are unaware that life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also yours and that of your world, is subject to My laws. But when you have matured sufficiently, your consciousness expands to  understanding the necessity for my laws. This  knowledge empowers you to take your destiny into your own hands, but even then only up to a point. You will always be answerable to Me and the gift of your present lifetime has been granted in the hope that this time round you will be able to gain control over every aspect of your being, the feminine and masculine, the higher as well as the lower.

I am the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Pole Star, whose light consists of spiritual wisdom and understanding. By this beam you will, in due course, be able to steer the vessel of life back home into the conscious awareness of being at one with Me. Every night before going to sleep and especially when the end of your present earthly lifetime comes round, place your whole being into My loving hands. Rest safely in the knowledge that there is no death, that you will merely be moving into different dimensions of life and that in all Eternity you will be secure with Me. Each one of you is the centre of their own Universe and all the love, wisdom and power that has ever become manifest in the whole of My Creation is also in every human being, wherever you may eventually find yourself.

Lay your hands trustingly into Mine, so I can tell you intuitively the best and wisest use of your inner resources. Your earthly self is filled with doubts and fears. When they come to trouble you and threaten to overwhelm you, turn towards Me, your God Self and Divine consciousness. I am with you always and will help you overcome any adversary, even the worst one and that is everybody’s small lower earthly self. Many of the ghosts and the shadows from your past are still waiting to be released, so that the wounds of all lifetimes can be healed. Whenever you are in trouble of any kind, call upon Me and I will show you the way. Learn how to walk hand in hand with the Angels and Me, so I can teach you how to do your share of blessing and healing, saving and redeeming yourself, your world and everything that is in it. I love you all and I bless each one.

It may surprise you to hear that I am longing, just as much as you are, for the moment when all My children of the Earth can receive and comprehend My whole truth. During the spiritual infancy of your race this was impossible, as much of the knowledge you are receiving now would have frightened you to death in those days. That is why I only small part of My truth were given through the teachers I sent to your world from time to time. When you look back, you will be able to see for yourself how, as humankind slowly progressed on the evolutionary spiral, every so often another instructor appeared to relate to you the same story in a somewhat different manner.

This is how it came about that I gradually revealed ever more of My truth to you and your world. By the time I gave you the Jesus legend, many of you had grown into their spiritual adolescence. The stories about the Master’s birth and life seeded into the consciousness of your race some new and essential parts of My truth about the initiations every human spirit/soul on its evolutionary pathway eventually has to undergo. Upon reaching spiritual adulthood, you begin to grasp the underlying esoteric meaning of all the teachings I ever gave to your world through fresh myths and legends that from time to time appeared. The degree of understanding of their concepts reveals to the Angels and Me when another one of you is ready to be taught, guided and protected exclusively by Me, your inner teacher and guide, the living God within.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Mystery Of The Oceans’
•    ‘The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’

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Part 6

The Homecoming (32)

Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

In the course of the past two thousand years, many of the higher esoteric meanings of the wisdom I brought to your world through the Jesus legend have been misunderstood and misinterpreted – some were lost altogether. To spread My messages, translations from one language to another became necessary. It was inevitable that many distortions crept in. Matthew 5:3 is as good an example of this as any. Some Bible versions present it as: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.’ In recent times, there came to your world a new translation of the Bible that is based on the Peshitta, the original ancient Eastern texts in the Aramaic language, which the Master would have spoken if he had been a historic figure who once took part in earthly life. In this Bible the same text has become: ‘Blessed are the humble, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.’

In My eyes the truly poor in spirit are not souls who give away all their earthly possessions. To renounce them altogether is as wrong as getting lost in them. The point of balance, as always, lies halfway between these two extremes. It is true that you are still in this world, even when you already know that you are not of it, namely when you have found your true home. You are on the physical plane of life to awaken to the fact that your earthly possessions, including the body you are living in, are imbued with My Divine essence, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation. The atoms of everything that is in the created world – not merely the one you live in – are held together by My will; without it no material manifestations are possible.

Everything that is in your possession has merely been given into your care temporarily and is on loan only. Even the body you live in is not your own; neither is anything else. The only thing that truly belongs to you is your consciousness. Therefore, take good care of it and ensure that it grows and expands, for that is what you are here for. Your spirit/soul is always trying to communicate with you through the very cells of your physical body. And whenever there is an illness or a disease of your spirit/soul somewhere within you and you fail to pay attention to it, given time it will manifest itself on the outer level. Illness, pain and discomfort of any kind are always signs that some part of you is suffering; it is ill at ease and crying out for help.

The gift of another lifetime has been given to you so that you can learn how to deal with everything that is in your life, in spiritually responsible ways. You are constantly tested as to how much wisdom you have gained thus far. Only through experiencing first hand what a burden an excess of material possessions becomes with time, is it possible for any one of you to learn the value of fewer of them. Avoid the temptation of looking upon individuals, groups and whole societies who are still chasing after ever more earthly goods, as if they were suffering from a type of mental disorder.

In My eyes, the over-materialism of your world never has been nor will be some kind of madness. Whenever you see it around you, remind yourself that life itself is teaching the souls of those involved the invaluable lesson of recognising the true value of material possessions. If you have already mastered this, rejoice and leave others to their learning. Move on to that which is now required from you and recognise that what you are seeing around you in itself is your very own test. Your next lesson consists of learning to grow more tolerant towards souls who are still struggling with integrating the lesson you are fortunate enough to have learnt already. You are all in this earthly life to simultaneously act as teachers and pupils to each other. Do not forget that actions speak louder than words and that the best way of teaching anyone is by living as a good example. This you do when you can be seen as a keeper and guardian of the Earth who recycles and who does not over-consume.

Whenever an opportunity arises, do what you can to help those who are poor in spirit, so that they too may come into their awakening, for truly deprived are only those who have not yet found their way back home to Me. They do not yet know that they have a Highest and God Self, who is waiting to be called upon to protect and guide them, from within their own being. They deserve your compassion because they – like you until recently – have forgotten that they are one with Me.  Unaware that I am with them always and that it is their birthright, the same as anyone else’s, to return into this blissful state, they are likely to suffer intensely, the way you did before waking up. Never sit in judgement over anyone; I alone know every spirit/soul’s Karma and the lessons each one has come to integrate, during any given lifetime.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (33)

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

In St. Matthew 5:8 I told you: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’ They shall see Me in all life and to them everything in it is a holy sacrifice, because they recognise it as a gift from Me. When your heart has been sufficiently purified and you can see for yourself that I truly am in everything and everyone, you realise that this never was an empty promise. In that blessed state you will no longer look down upon the poor ones, but show them tolerance, compassion, kindness and love instead. Find the same also for yourself, as you look back at the past and the times you were still struggling with learning to trust that I could help you rise above your deepest and gloomiest existential fears.

Remind yourself frequently that the poor ones you encounter cannot yet recognise that they themselves have created their own suffering, if not in this lifetime then in another. Upon meeting someone who is still walking in the dark shadows of the same ignorance which you may have left behind only recently, remember what a cold, lonely and threatening existence the valley of not knowing is. This more than anything will make you want to reach out to them, take them to your heart and love them all the more because of what their present ordeal.

If such poor ones are willing to listen, reassure them that I am always with each one of you, and that the more intensely anyone suffers, the closer My Angels and I draw. Tell them that because we love each one of you, we never interfere with anyone and that unless someone asks for our help, we remain in the background, quietly observing; yet, guiding and protecting; that no-one is ever left on their own on the Earth plane; and that wherever there is suffering, we always bring comfort and special blessings. Help the poor ones to begin to store spiritual riches by drawing their attention to the fact that everything in their life is part of the lessons they have come to learn, during this lifetime. They too need to know that the events and the people they draw into their orbit are mostly determined by the Karma they created, either in this lifetime or another. Point out to them that they too have been given freedom of choice, but that this is limited to choosing how they wish to react to any given situation; that is all.

It is the task of all awakened ones to patiently, gently and lovingly try to show anyone who is suffering the way towards their own inner light, where the answers to all their questions can be found. When something is troubling a slumbering one, tell them that My help will not come to anyone, unless it has been asked for. Whenever an opportunity arises, take sisters and brothers to the water but be careful never to push anyone’s head into it. Those who are unready will not thank you for this and you could be doing more harm than good that way. When they have learnt their lessons and finally wake up, as everybody does in the end, they too shall be rich in spirit and able to share their wealth with others, the way you are doing now.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (34)

To Him Who Has, It Shall Be Given

In St. Matthew 25:29 I told you: ‘For to him who has, it shall be given, and it shall increase to him. But he who has not, even that which he has shall be taken from him.’ The sages of your world have puzzled over the meaning of these words ever since they first appeared, and for centuries human beings have asked themselves: ‘How could any higher authority act as unfairly as that?’ All along I have been trying to tell your world through this teaching – and I am repeating it now – that these words do not refer to material belongings but spiritual ones. Through misunderstandings like this one many false beliefs took root in the consciousness of humankind. For as long as you still believe them to be true, you will be one of those who is poor in spirit. As convictions of this nature seriously get into the way of your personal and collective development, at some stage they have to be taken from you again.

Through the experiences of great need and suffering like wars, famine, pestilence and other traumatic times people lose what little faith they may ever have had that a benevolent higher authority exists, who will send someone to rescue them. The end-result is a total loss of faith in everything. This is a good state, because it eventually leads the human spirit/soul to a search for truth. It starts asking itself: ‘If that wasn’t the truth, then what is?’ The small still voice of conscience – My voice – from within nudges and urges you on: ‘There’s got to be something else, something or someone to save me and my world! But who, what and where?’ And when you start looking and ask that truth be shown to you, you do find and you will be given what you ask for. After having taken possession of those first spiritual belongings – knowledge – you will be given ever more. And if you humbly ask to be shown God, there will eventually come to you the glorious realisation: ‘I am in God and God is in me. This is great, I am God and I am the one who has to save myself and my world. My Highest Self will help me!’

Coming home into the awareness that you are spirit and an integral part of Me, the eternal Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life, you find a fresh way of looking at yourself and the life you are in. Through listening to Me, your inner teacher, you are moving onto a different level of consciousness and I can now show you the areas of your life in which you need to make changes.  At the same time, you will be ready to help others to view their life from a different perspective; they too can then recognise that they cannot continue to live the way they once did. You will soon be able to see for yourself how the inner changes you are making reflect themselves in the people around you.

Take note of how as you alter something inside yourself, others unconsciously respond to you by doing the same; thus you can all help each other to wake up to your true nature. When the ones around you later take their turn at helping others in their environment with their awakening, ever more are coming home. Through this process your world is constantly transforming itself. This evolutionary development, in earthly terms, takes up a lot of time and is by no means something new but has been happening in your world all along.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (35)

About Time

ABout Time - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World

Refuse to think of time in the earthly sense. Consider only the timelessness of Eternity and look at life from the viewpoint of your Highest immortal self, Me. Know that everything that happens in your world rests safely in My hands and is part of the Great Plan of spiritualisation and bringing forth the self-realisation that enables you to recognise yourself as part of Me and Me as part of you – that in fact you yourselves are God. This process involves you as individuals as much as your planet. Fields of exploration and adventures await you that so far lie beyond the reach of your wildest dreams. Rest assured that everything will be for your highest good and greatest joy. Good is the ultimate goal of all life. True and lasting happiness and great miracles and wonders are in store for each one of you in the conscious reunion with Me and the returning home into My loving embrace.

Your planet is the only place where the concept of time exists. In truth it is always now. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. They are merely ideas that had to be created especially for your world, to assist you with setting boundaries and giving structure and shape to your earthly sojourns. Know that you are in Eternity and that Eternity is now, that attitude is everything and that there is no need for you to worry about tomorrow. All you will ever have is your present moment and every new one of them will always bring fresh learning opportunities for those who are ready to take advantage of them. Let tomorrow take care of itself. If they so wish, let others worry about it but refuse to join them.

Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, when one of you changes their attitudes and thinking patterns, everybody else evolves with them. If you are familiar with spreadsheets, think of humankind and your whole world as a gigantic one of these. Now, change one figure – imagine that this figure is you – and watch the effect rippling through all the others – the rest of humankind and everything else in your world. See how they too are changing – it’s pure magic! The world you are inhabiting is a wondrous place. Alas, to unaware souls who are as yet unable to look beyond the ends of their noses and below life’s surface to perceive how I, the living spirit, am at work throughout all life, the insecurity of their earthly existence can be very frightening.

Rest assured that nothing can manifest itself in your environment unless it has first happened on the inner level of life. And there is no separation between anything there, each time one of you consciously changes their perception of life and attitude towards it, your whole world follows suit. And when you save and redeem yourself in thoughts, words and actions, your world is saved and redeemed with you. So, go your way with your eyes wide open and be alive by taking an active interest in what surrounds you.

Your intelligence is part of and one with Mine. Use it for good purposes only and strive to make your world a better place through bringing a renewed understanding of the true purpose and meaning of your earthly existence to as many as you can. Share the knowledge you find to help ignite the Divine spark in people’s hearts and souls, so that the small still flame of spiritual understanding comes alive in them and renews their faith and trust in your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and the profound goodness of your existence. When its higher purpose reveals itself to your lower earthly self, it becomes clearly visible.

Assist the people you meet to become aware that in truth there is no yesterday or tomorrow, only this glorious moment of here and now, and that every moment of their lives is part of Eternity and precious. All who at any given time are dwelling on the Earth plane are aspiring to evolve into healers and lightbringers who, in the fullness of time, can be used as channels through which My wisdom and truth, the macrocosm, flows ever more forcefully into the consciousness of your race, the microcosm. Know that the power of creation is in you and that imagination is the source of all creation. Use yours to create the ideal world of your dreams where all live together in peace and harmony, and where warmongering, sickness and death are no longer known. By thinking about this often, you call it into being. And when you meditate and reflect upon it, through your inner guidance I will show you how you can do your share of bringing your new world about.

Rejoice in your oneness with the Great White Spirit and the Angels and experience the elation of acting as a true child of God by assisting others to become aware that they too are sparks of Me, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, and therefore My daughters and sons. In the name of love the Divine Trinity asks this of each one of you. And never forget that nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted. Everything is constantly recycled time and time again. Each human life is consciousness that on the Earth plane believes that it is taking place in time. In truth, the concept of time only exists in that world, anywhere else there is no time. Life on your planet is a constant coming and going. Earthly personalities appear and exist there for a while, then their outer form dies. The indwelling spirit/soul moves on and the physical body that is left behind apparently decays, but in reality even this aspect of your being merely changes its form.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Do Not Think In Terms Of Time’

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The Homecoming (36)

The Religion Of The New Age

The Religion Of The New Age - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our WorldMy dear children of the Earth, for you there is every reason for rejoicing and being optimistic. The mass of spiritual information that by now has become available to you and the great interest it is finding is living proof of how the collective consciousness of your race and world is ever more opening up and expanding. As pointed out earlier, to your small earthly minds all matters of faith that were ever presented to those on the Earth plane by its very nature had to remain one giant jigsaw puzzle. Now the time has come for joining its pieces together, so that a full and clear picture of My truth can emerge. This is happening now. The sections of the mystery are falling into place and magically the spiritual life of your world as one whole structure becomes visible. Even to many earthly eyes it takes on shape and meaning.

There is no reason for looking down your noses on humankind’s spiritual perceptions of the past. They all contained some grains of My wisdom and truth and in their time made a valuable contribution to the evolution of your race. Fill your hearts with gladness, for your world has reached the converging point of all its philosophies. You will gradually be able to see for yourselves how each one in its own right, and then all of them together, were never intended to be more than a means of showing you the way back home into your true nature and the oneness with Me and all life and lifeforms.

As it was in the beginning, so it will ever be. The only thing that transforms itself from time to time is your grasp of spiritual issues; that is all. There is no conflict between the old religions and the new one. The spirit guides and Masters will continue their work behind the scenes of earthly life, the way they have done for a very long time. Until the last one of you has been released from its studies on the Earth plane, they will carry on guiding and supporting each one of you, as always.

The more your perception of life changes and your understanding of the spiritual realities that lie behind your present existence increases, the more clearly will you be able to recognise each one in their true roles as your wise elder siblings in the vast family of life. Nothing has changed as far as they and you are concerned. They are still your best friends and helpers, your good shepherds in the world of light. Responsible for guiding and protecting the souls that have been given into their care, they diligently watch over their flocks by night, i.e. in the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the Earth. For as long as they are still needed, they will be there for you to turn to and ask for help in times of distress.

Your guides and Masters in the world of light are presently preparing you and your race to occupy its rightful place in the Universe. Know that the spiritual beliefs of your world that previously served to separate you from each other, are now drawing you together again into the awareness of what, on the inner levels of life, has always been true, namely that all life is one. The further you advance into the New Age, the more each one of you will become aware that truthfully:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (37)

The Purpose Of Individuality

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Purpose Of Individuality

Never forget that as My children you are young Gods in the making. Created in My image, each one of you in their own right is a very special, precious and unique being, who has been granted the gift of another lifetime to enable you to do your share of bringing a new Earth into being and of launching the religion of the Aquarian Age. For this purpose you have been equipped with an earthly mind and, My super-conscious faculties. Although to this day the latter exists only in seed form in many of you, it is there nonetheless. To become helpful to you instead of a hindrance, you need to take possession of every part of your being. Your masculine and feminine nature, as well as the mind of your lower and higher nature, which is part of My super-consciousness, are all in need of being trained and mastered by you. It is your task to teach them to work together as peacefully and harmoniously as they do in Me.

All human souls are created so that in the fullness of time they will evolve into shining lights, each one a Star and a Sun, a Christed one in their own right who has a high and holy destiny to fulfil on the higher and eventually highest levels of life. In My ever growing and evolving Creation new worlds and Universes will eventually be waiting to be brought into being – by none other than you. Don’t let the prospect of this frighten you and do not worry that you may not know how to go about such a formidable task. You will always be walking hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of you and Me, the same as you are doing now. You will forever be guided, protected and utterly safe. The only difference between your present state and that of the future will be that you are going be more consciously aware of our presence.
Taking part in Earth life is necessary and therefore compulsory for the education of all human spirits and souls. To help you become aware that you are individual beings, every lifetime in physicality provides you with a new physical body of your own. Each one of them provides you with another step forward on the journey of discovering the self and individuality. With the passing of time this has created an illusion that you are separate and detached from each other and from the rest of life. Nothing could be further from the truth, as on the inner level of life you have always remained one with each other and also with Me. When you come to realise that the impression of separateness exists on the Earth plane only, yet another one of your false convictions can be discarded.

For all of you there eventually comes the moment when your small earthly self is ready to surrender itself unto Me, your Highest or Christ Self. Let no-one run away with the idea that this means sinking into a vast ocean of spirit and dissolving into nothingness. If anything, quite the opposite is true. Your individuality will never be absorbed into anything. Yet, before it can freely and willingly be submitted to Me, it has to expand sufficiently and grow. This continues until finally, instead of merely being a small earthly creature, you have become like Me, namely someone who is consciously aware once again of their oneness with all life and Me.

You will always be you and you will never fade into nothingness, as on the evolutionary spiral of life you are relentlessly moving upwards and onwards in keeping with the cycles you are involved in, until you finally reach and have grown into one with the awareness and consciousness of the Great Whole, known to you as God – Me. Your spirit is pure consciousness, a spark of Me who will forever be one with Me. In your earthly existence you remain unconscious of this for a long time, but eventually you re-awaken into the awareness of your true nature and oneness with Me and all life.

The illusion of separateness has been an essential part of your development of becoming aware of your individuality and of the fact that each one of you is a being in its own right. Every time you leave Earth life, with the shedding of your physical body this misapprehension goes from you. But even in the world of light, your true home, you are still clothed in your astral body. It is yet another vestment your spirit wears until you have matured sufficiently to leave that one behind, too.

The mystical teachings of all ages set out a code of conduct that you, as aspiring healers and lightworkers, follow intuitively. For you it is no longer a question of I have to be good and I have to love others. In the process of finding illumination you begin to spontaneously express your true nature and show love, kindness and gentleness, not only to other people but to the whole of Creation. You are aware that for evolutionary purposes it was necessary that in their early stages the religions of your world had to follow many different paths. As you know and respect that every human spirit/soul has its own predestined pathway to walk and discoveries to make, you refuse to force your way of thinking and mode of travelling upon anyone else.

Although you are aware that in truth there is only one religion, you appreciate that many of your siblings on the Earth plane are still ignorant of this fact. Yet, as a true child of Mine you respect everybody’s freedom of thought and the right to make their own decisions about what they can and cannot believe. Meanwhile rest safely in the knowledge that in the end every one of your siblings in the human family of life is destined to reconnect with Me. When the time is right, they too will discover that the only true, lasting and eternal religion is the one of the heart, and that this is the kind of faith that re-unites all human souls with Me, your Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and through Me with the whole of Creation.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (38)

The Higher Mind And The Lower Earthly Mind

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Higher And The Earthly MindMany are aware by now that you have two minds: your higher or super-conscious one and your earthly one. The earthly one scrutinises and studies; it sorts, classifies and orders your impressions. I am the super-conscious mind; I am boundless and am in all that is. That is why I gave you, My children, an earthly mind to help you set boundaries and limitations, to separate and discern, for without this faculty you would not be able to tell anything apart from anything else. Also, you could not sort the wheat from the chaff in your life, as is required from you. All your experiences and impressions have to be digested by you, so that you can learn from them. It is your task to assimilate that which is good in your life, because it leads to learning and growth. Whatever is no longer of any use has to be discarded. Failing to do this on a regular basis leads to the digestive disorders that have become so rampant in your world.

If you are afflicted by this, there is no need to despair; it is but one of many experiences that are trying to teach you something. As you know, the purpose of this life is spiritual growth through every experience that comes your way. Whatever you are suffering from, recognise it as a signal and a cry for help from your inner self and your spirit/soul. Then go within and take a deep and honest look at your life and scrutinise everything it presently contains. Take stock and get rid of any excess baggage, including people and relationships that no longer serve your highest good. Only when you have done this, will you be ready to move on to your next lesson.

Your earthly mind is designed to help you think logically and rationally, so that you can make sense of your surroundings, understand your experiences and learn from them. Without you being consciously aware of it, this mind constantly analyses, sifts, classifies and sorts mental images; it helps you tell one thing from another, one person from another. You first perceive a mental image of something or someone; by giving it a name you define it. The basic function of the earthly mind is to separate one thing from another; one person from another.

This faculty has been given to you to help you recognise yourself as an individual, as different and apart from others. The heart knows about the oneness of all things; it loves and therefore tries to re-unite whatever has come apart. Now the human mind and heart must learn to work together under the guidance and protection of Me and the Angels, so that the part that is known as the mind in the heart can develop. This is the only way of finding understanding for the higher and Highest spiritual realities and truths.

Your earthly mind is the part of you that makes you believe that you are separate from each other and from Me, in spite of the fact that this is impossible, for I am in everything and everything is in Me. I am all that is.  Nothing and no-one can ever separate anything or anyone from Me. The holy Trinity is a symbolism for the three aspects of Me. There is no split between them; they always have been and will be completely one. Throughout the whole of the created world, and all other dimensions of life, we are working harmoniously together.

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (39)

The Higher And Lower Mind Explained By Astrology

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Earthly Mind And AstrologyEverything in the whole of My Creation, including all life on your planet, is a gift from me. Astrology is no exception. I created it so that in due course it would help you, My children of the Earth, find a better understanding of the great Cosmic principles that apply to all life and therefore also that of the Earth. Astrology can be used as a tool for explaining in the simplest of terms concepts that would otherwise be almost impossible for your small earthly minds to grasp. As sparks of Me, by getting to know yourself and familiarising yourselves with all aspects of your own nature, you are going to find out ever more about Me.

Take for example the planet Mercury. It represents humankind’s lower earthly mind and is the ruler of the astrological signs Gemini and Virgo, as well as the third and the sixth house, their natural domains. As some of the negative features of these two signs are being overly analytical and critical, the behaviour of those born into them can lead to attempts at mercilessly dissecting everything, and paying attention to even the tiniest flaws and faults that abound everywhere in your world. For such souls there eventually comes the time when they can no longer find anything good or positive in anything or anyone. Because they can no longer think of anything other than constantly embarking on fault-finding missions with anything that comes their way, they develop into the whingers and whiners of your world.

Wise ones steer clear of such destructive thinking and behaviour patterns. They are aware that this all too easily draws human souls into a downward spiral of negativity that takes them ever deeper into the vortex of a depression that has its roots in nothing but false beliefs and prejudices, and the things they believe to be true about themselves and their own worth – and everybody else’s. For example, in previous lifetimes and maybe earlier during this one, you may have been programmed and brainwashed by someone into believing that you are an unworthy and miserable sinner. As soon as you re-awaken to your true nature, you learn to appreciate yourself and everybody around you as a precious and unique child of Me, who only from time to time takes part in Earth life so that you may grow in wisdom and understanding of your true home and origin.

Sagittarius rules vast topics, like religions, philosophies and higher education. Not surprisingly priesthoods and the clergy are natural parts of its domain. Sadly, I notice that to this day, some of the followers of the old religions predominantly display the negative Sagittarian characteristics, such as gullibility, overly dogmatic spiritual views and opinions, and intolerance towards the beliefs and philosophies of others. An obsession with trivia, lacking depth and insight, and too much time spent on minutest details can be the Achilles heel of souls born into Gemini and Sagittarius.

Wise ones take care not to fall into these traps and therefore and therefore avoid the danger of missing the underlying purpose and meaning of every one of the experiences of their lives. They refuse to have anything to do with the ceaseless prattling, going on and on about nothing, and gossiping and malicious rumour spreading that can be the worst aspects of lifetimes spent in Gemini. As a warning in some of the old myths of your world, Mercury was presented as the equivalent of Hermes. The latter was known for his cunning and shrewdness, and among other things reputed to be the God of thieves and thugs.

Your earthly mind is a valuable tool – let no-one convince you otherwise. It was into your care and all negative uses of this precious instrument are regrettable and require corrective work by you. Wise ones who want Me to assist them with fulfilling their highest potential, have to make an effort at using their earthly minds wisely by learning to rise above all negative thinking patterns that were developed in other lifetimes and brought across into this one.

All souls will eventually evolve sufficiently so that their lower earthly minds at their best become capable of turning into finely tuned channels through which My inspiration can flow ever more freely to bring new hope, faith and trust, wisdom and understanding and through it healing to your world. The legend in which Mercury served humankind as the winged messenger of the Gods is a metaphor for this development of the human mind. Mercury stole the fire of the Gods, a symbolism for the realm of My creative ideas, to bring healing and enlightenment for the alleviation and eradication of the suffering of your world.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and your rational logical lower mind represents the earthly twin. The Heavenly twin represents Me and My superconscious mind. In the zodiac Gemini and Sagittarius demonstrate this to you by being in opposition to each other. Sagittarius is the sign of your super-conscious faculties. In the long course of humankind’s evolution, the earthly and Heavenly twin in each one of you became more and more separated, and with it the negative characteristics of both Gemini and Sagittarius moved ever more into the foreground of your race’s consciousness and behaviour.

As time went by and the deeper you moved into physicality, the conscious contact of all earthly twins with Me decreased. As a result the human personality, its ego and earthly self felt ever more lost and frightened on the Earth plane and some extremely strange behaviour patterns developed. The time for shedding them has come, so that at long last some real progress can be made by your race on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Gemini’
•    ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’

Six pointed Star

The Homecoming (40)

Baking A Rich New Cake

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Baking A Rich New Cake

Never forget that you, My beloved children of the Earth were created in My image and that what is in Me is also in you. Now that your individualising process is drawing to its natural conclusion, each one of you is on their way to becoming one fully integrated being, a whole and holy trinity, just like Me. The three aspects of your being are mind, body and spirit. I dwell in everybody’s own heart and during this lifetime I wish to teach you from there how to co-ordinate all parts of your nature and heal them together into one harmoniously functioning unit.

This process includes integrating the Divine aspect of your nature and learning to love from the heart, the way we spoke about earlier. Love always tries to bring back together that which has become separate. What your earthly minds once split off for evolutionary reasons is waiting to be brought back into unity again by each one of you. The love in your hearts alone can achieve this and when you make a genuine effort at sending nothing but loving thoughts, words and actions into your world, the mind in your heart develops.

And if you wish to find the nuggets of genuine wisdom that are buried in all the belief systems your world has ever known, call upon Me. I am your inner guidance and the living God within, waiting to be called upon to help you train your earthly minds and to teach you its wise use, so in future you will never again fall prey to false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions. I am the only one in the whole of Creation who can and does reliably tell you truths from untruths and false beliefs from true ones.

Take possession of the tool this places into everyone’s own hands, as the time has come for treating each one of the remaining old faiths of your world like a cake. I am ready and waiting to show all of you how to recognise and extract the raisins and cherries of truth each one of  them contains. Your task as aspiring lightbringers and healers consists of keeping and conserving their best, that which is true and of value for all humankind. The rest needs to be discarded. Through gathering and joining together the manifold treasures you are going to find in this way, you and I together are lovingly baking a rich new cake that is of such wealth of My spiritual wisdom and truth as thus far has been unknown in earthly life. Getting their hands on their very own portion of this delicacy is every spirit/soul’s birthright.

As young Gods in the making, because of life’s oneness on the inner plane, growth by any one of you can only be achieved through constantly interacting with the rest of life. My Cosmic law of evolution decrees that no individual spirit/soul in the whole of Creation shall grow and evolve in isolation, and that every part of life forever shall depend upon all others for its survival and wellbeing, or otherwise. Event though on the surface of things you may like to think of yourself as an independent being, you are still reliant upon millions of others on many different levels of life, from the highest to the lowest. They are constantly influencing you in everything you say and do, as much as you are influencing them.

Evolution’s ultimate purpose is to bring all aspects of life into co-operation by harmonising and co-ordinating them into one stupendous crescendo of Universal love. When all of you have successfully finished tuning your instruments, Heaven and Earth will be one. Together with the Angels you will join hands and the song every loving human heart joyfully sings will make its own contribution and add a very special note to the almighty symphony of worship, thanksgiving and praise of the whole of Creation.

Every human spirit/soul’s thoughts, words and actions, indeed your whole life creates a vibration and a sound. Each one of you strikes their own chord and whenever peaceful, loving and harmonious, blessing and healing vibrations go forth from you, the Angels see to it that they unerringly find their intended destination and from there wing their way back to you with ever more potency. My Universal law of cause and effect ensures that everything has to return to its source. That’s why no matter what any one of you sends out and whatever sounds you produce, it will return to you. All my laws are very exact and apply on all planes of life, therefore also on the Earth.

Because you are magnetic beings, you can only attract into your orbit what you are yourself. As soon as you have reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level that nothing but Christ love flows from your heart and loving thoughts from your mind into the whole of Creation, your whole being slowly but surely fills with harmony and peace of mind. You then draw towards you and absorb only that which is good and right, harmonious and peaceful, loving and progressive from your environment. Nothing else can touch you and fill you and your aura any longer.

Recommended Viewing:
•    Videos showing that the religions of your world have their origin in Sun worship based on ancient astrology:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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Part 7

Losing And Finding Yourself (1)

Another one of My teachings that has long baffled humankind is Matthew 10:39: ‘He who is concerned about his life shall lose it and he who loses his life for my sake shall find it.’ How can you go looking for something without first having lost it? Yet, first you have to become aware of having or being something, before you can know that you have lost it – as and when you do. Through knowing a child loses its innocence; only through having found knowledge can it later realise that it once was innocent. The same applies to spiritual childhood. To be able to find anything in your earthly existence you must first lose it. But, for as long as you are unaware that something does exist, you cannot find it; you cannot even start looking for it. This is particularly true for spiritual wisdom.

When you became earthlings you had to forget that you are spirit. But now the time is right for retrieving this knowledge and for re-discovering that although your earthly existence is lost at the end of each lifetime, your spirit is eternal and cannot die. If you lose your earthly being in the awareness that in truth you are one with Me, your passage from one phase of life to the next will be greatly eased. You are creatures of habit who take things for granted. There was no other way of teaching human beings the vital lesson that in truth  they always remain one with Me, other than by first letting them live in the belief that they are on their own in the cold, dark and threatening earthly world, without Me.

That’s why you had to lose the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me before you could find it. As no spirit/soul can be spared this experience, I tried to comfort you through the legendary Master Jesus’ words that you have to lose in order to find. And for ever more of you the time has come for shedding the belief that they are nothing but earthlings and re-discovering that the essence of their being is spirit/soul. To find yourself – your true self – once more you have to lose, this time your earthly self. Recognising it for what it truly is helps you to do so and the less you respond to the desires of your earthly nature, the weaker they will grow, until you have shed them altogether.

To become aware that I am the inner teacher who dwells in everybody’s own heart, it was necessary that you lost your conscious contact with Me, and forgot that the answers to all the questions you may ever care to ask can only come from Me, the omniscient and omnipotent One, who is as much part of you as you are of Him/Her. I guide and protect each one of you from within and through the world of their feelings. Life itself is your teacher, for I am Life. I am the light of your world that is now waiting to come alive in every heart. As over time, you find out from your own experiences that I never lie to you or lead you astray, your faith in Me grows and you increasingly turn to Me with all your questions and problems. Listening within and following my guidance at all times, you are learning to walk hand in hand again with Me and the Angels, My messengers and helpers.

I am your Highest or God Self – your Heavenly twin – and as time goes by, I gradually take over and fill the whole being of you, My earthly twin. The more you make an effort to listen to Me, to think and act with Me, the quicker your whole being heals and we shall be fully one again. As My influence grows, the shadows and ghosts from your past dissolve. Your most ancient spirit/soul wounds are the leftovers from many lifetimes of suffering. They are now healing and the chains and shackles of karma are uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energy by you and Me. And that is the only way you, the earthly twin, can lose and find yourself – your true self – in Me, your Heavenly counterpart. At the pace the one increases, the other decreases and shrinks away, until finally you and I are completely one again. We shall then be one heart, one mind, one body and one spirit, working together peacefully and harmoniously for the Highest good of all life – under My guidance and in harmony with My will and wishes.

Can you now see for yourself that it was necessary for your previous evolutionary phase that you should gradually lose all memories of your true self and your oneness with Me; and that in order to become an individual being each had to find and develop their own earthly identity? The deeper you descended into physicality, the more this part of you slowly lost its conscious contact with Me. This continued over many lifetimes until the memory of your true nature and your real home had faded completely. Spiritually, you fell asleep – though only for a time. Many have not yet woken up, but as My waking call goes out into your world ever more powerfully, more are constantly shaken from their slumbers.

As soon as the process of forming your earthly identity is complete, for all of you the slow ascent out of the mere awareness of the physical aspects of your life back home into the awareness of your true spiritual nature begins. To souls who are ready for this process My calling gradually increases. Slowly but surely, I draw them ever closer into the oneness with Me. For those who are fortunate enough to read this, your personal journey to make this possible could only start because your time had come and I was calling, coaxing, pushing and pulling you. Believe you Me, you were as hard a case as any one of those you are presently observing in the world around you. If the behaviour of such souls still goes under you skin and irritates you greatly, you need to take a good look at yourself. Could it be a sign that you are spiritually not yet as enlightened and superior to them as you might like to think you are?

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (2)

Sitting In Judgement

A word of warning does not come amiss to those who are lucky enough to already know that you are on the Earth to learn how to become ever more like Me. Take great care never to criticise anyone who is still stuck in the illusion that their earthly existence is all there is to life. As soon as they are ready, I will start drawing them towards Me, the same as I have been doing with you for a very long time. Any souls that still appear to you as being far too earth-bound deserve something better from you, now that you have reached a somewhat advanced state. Don’t you think that instead they need your love and compassion for having lost all conscious recall of Me; and for still struggling with their lessons in physicality in the false belief that they have to do so on their own on the Earth plane?

Refuse to sit in judgement over anyone and especially not over those of your siblings in the human family of life who are spiritually less experienced than you are. Resist the temptation of thinking that they are suffering from some kind of disease. You can take it from Me, they are not! They are at present undergoing a vital part of their earthly education and what they are doing is right for them now, although it is no longer for you. Souls who have already mastered this task are submitted to tests of a different kind that assist them with integrating more of the higher aspects of their nature.

If that applies to you, rejoice and turn whole-heartedly to whatever obstacles are presently confronting you. For evolving souls – which you all are – every lesson is equally valuable. Most of all, beware of spiritual arrogance! Bear in mind that your own main lesson is likely to consist of showing tolerance, kindness and compassion towards those who are still wrestling with the downward pull of their earthly nature. Know that their time for rising above their base desires has not yet come but that in due course they too will wake up, the same as you once did and the same as everyone else does in their long evolutionary course.

At all times I am there, watching, guiding and protecting each one of you; you are all known to Me personally. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your deepest innermost heart and spirit/soul, as well as its motivations. Because I am part of you and you are part of Me, I instantly know about everything you do, every thought, word and action. Thus, I know when you are lying and when you are cheating. I also  know when you acting like a hypocrite and faking things or doing them for real. Rest assured that you, your world and everything in it, the same as all other worlds, rests safely in My hands.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (3)

The Beliefs Of Past Ages

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Beliefs Of Past Ages

Through the Old Testament’s prophet Isaiah 43: 18-19 I told you: ‘Remember not the former things and do not consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth and you shall know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’ This was My announcement that the time would come on the Earth plane when I will make a new way for Myself and humankind’s belief in Me in the wilderness of earthly life and rivers in the desert of human consciousness. That time is now!

As you know by now, the Aquarian Age is the age of spiritual wisdom and truth that comes directly from Me. Past beliefs were of the mind, but the New Age is bringing you a fresh approach to matters of faith. There is now coming to your world a new religion, which is of the heart and free from the chains and shackles of all false beliefs and prejudices. Many of them crept in through the back door in the form of misunderstandings and misrepresentations that were caused by humankind’s low evolutionary level at that time, and the lack of spiritual comprehension this brought with it. As there are also false concepts that blatantly marched in through the front door, we shall return to this theme in a moment.

Whenever you read the Scriptures of the olden days now, bear in mind that all interpretations of My wisdom have always been limited by the degree of spiritual awareness of the ones through whom they were given. This also applies to those who translated My teachings into languages other than those in which they first appeared. The outcome of any of these efforts also largely depends on the translator’s perception of the world they are living in. This was as true for the scribes of long-gone eras as it still is for modern writers, through whom My inspiration now flows and through whom I express Myself. The scribes of yesteryear were the modern writers of their time; in some cases the same souls played that role in different lifetimes.

Six pointed Star

The Folly Of Manipulating The Masses

Various Masters from the world of spirit walked the Earth with you from time to time, to be your teachers. Many of the messages I gave to your world through them were intentionally misinterpreted so they could be used for the manipulation of the mass of people. As the wise use of power is one of humankind’s most important lessons, I allowed this. Your ignorance of the fact that none of you on the Earth plane ever gets away with anything, and that every offensive thought, word and action sooner or later has to be accounted for and made good, has brought about vast amounts of spirit/soul growth.

The wise ones amongst you realise that nobody on the Earth plane has any true power. I alone have power, for I am The Power. However, any power – even the smallest amount of it – I allow human souls access to in your present existence creates opportunities for testing the degree of spiritual maturity a spirit/soul has reached. There are two ways of approaching power and using it. While inexperienced souls still selfishly pursue their own ends, mature ones seek to serve the good of the whole. Power-seeking spiritual and political leaders, throughout the ages and within different civilisations, religions and belief systems, since time immemorial have been among My most valuable teaching aids for you and your world.

To this day and through real life situations, I am teaching all of you the folly of manipulating the masses into beliefs that serve the purpose of gaining control – spiritual power – over their hearts and minds. This type of power-seeking aims to serve the self of religious organisations and their priesthoods, rather than Me and the welfare of My people and the world I have temporarily entrusted into your care. You are in your present life to evolve into caretakers and guardians of Mother Earth, who are capable of loving and cherishing her the way she beyond any shadow of a doubt deserves. You are all responsible for yourselves, each other and also for the wellbeing of your planet and I expect and demand from each one of you that at the end of every one of your lifetimes you hand it over to posterity in a better state than you found it.

As pointed out earlier, you, My children of the Earth, have a great lust for power. Over time this has gradually resulted in a world that has become spiritually so impoverished that by now many have forgotten their Divine origin. They are the ones who to this day are getting lost in the illusion of Earth life. Yet, do not look down on the present over-materialistic outlook of your world and accept that this too serves a wise purpose. It is only through over-feeding your desire for earthly goods that with time you will be able to feel growing within an emptiness that cannot be satisfied by material things. Only through a lack of spiritual nourishment can you eventually become aware of what it is that you are truly hungering and thirsting for.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Humankind In Pursuit Of Power’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (4)


Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - DiscernmentThe quality humankind most urgently needs to develop is discernment. It is one of your first and foremost requirements, for without it you will never be able to tell a truth from a lie. I am the only one who can help you find and develop it. I am the small still voice of your conscience that speaks to you, through the world of your feelings, from within your deepest and innermost being. If you listen carefully to My guidance, you will have no difficulties integrating this precious faculty into your character make-up.

The more highly evolved you become and the characteristics of your Christ nature come to the fore of your consciousness, the more often you will feel an inner emptiness and a hunger and thirst for something of which you cannot really tell what it is you are longing for. The lying and cheating, violence, crime and wars in the world around irritate and annoy you ever more strongly. They sicken you and you yearn for a better world where these things do not exist. Occurrences of this nature are signs that your higher nature is in the process of breaking through the earthly self’s protective shell of ignorance. You realise that for you the time has come to peer beneath the surface of life and look within for a better understanding of its processes.

By now you know that the world around you acts like a mirror and that it reflects back to you what you are on the inner level of life, that which is hidden from your view in your subconscious. You realise that for some time you have been surrounded by people who relish in lying and cheating, while you long for honesty and truth in your life, but seem to be unable to find it.  ‘Why should this be so,’ you ask yourself one fine day and I, your inner guidance, reply: ‘The only way humankind can learn how to appreciate the value of anything in their lives is and always has been through the lack and absence of it.

Through experiencing the suffering other people’s falsehoods, lies and cheating are causing you, there eventually comes the moment when you decide – consciously or unconsciously – that you do not wish to be like them and that from now on you will always do your best to be honest and upright in all your dealings. All of you are magnetic beings who can only draw into their orbit that which you are yourself. And so, as you grow into an honest and truthful person yourself, you draw others of the same calibre towards you. People trust you because they soon get to know and love your honesty and integrity. You are finding truth because those in charge of you on the higher and highest levels of life know that you can be entrusted with handling it in the right way by unselfishly sharing it with those around you.

Growing ever richer in spirit, it is coming clearer in your mind why it was necessary that you and your world first had to become poor in spirit? My message to all of you, My beloved children of the Earth, whether you are spiritually awake or still slumbering, is: blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall go in search of truth. When they look for it, they will find it, not in big books – new or ancient – but each within their own heart, the only place on Earth where My eternal truths are known. What they find there will help them cleanse their consciousness of the accumulated false beliefs and misinterpretations of past ages. Their spirit will then be pure again and they shall see God. They shall recognise Me in themselves and others, as well as in everything that is in their world and all worlds. They shall find understanding and through this healing and peace will come to them and also to their world. I am the truth and I alone can set each one of you free.

All I ask from you is that you trustingly turn to Me and ask for My guidance and protection, so I can show you how to re-connect with Me. Rest safely in the knowledge that no outside forces are involved in this process. All you have to do is follow the feelings that rise from your very own innermost being, your heart. When your earthly mind willingly surrenders itself to Me, the mind of the Highest, and becomes My faithful servant, I can begin to use you as a channel for my power and love to flow. This is how slowly but surely your super-conscious faculties develop, until I, the Christ Spirit, have taken over your whole being.

As our two streams of consciousness merge, all remaining shadows of the past and your earthly ego structure dissolves. Each one of you eventually grows into such a channel, My lamb of God, who is coming home into the oneness with Me and all life. The long awaited time when the earthly and Heavenly twins are re-uniting and working together again, instead of against each other, is here. There is nothing to fear and every reason to rejoice.

As I have created you in My image, whatever is in Me is also in you. In Matthew 5:48 I told you: ‘Therefore become perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect.’ Over the ages, this too has been much misunderstood, but I am telling you now that the perfection you are seeking is wholeness, which means the blending of all aspects of your nature into one. To this end, you need to take possession of everything that is within you, your femininity and masculinity, your earthly self and your God or Highest Self. Everybody has to take charge of these parts and bring them together. When they are functioning as one you have become perfect like Me, whole, healed and holy.

All the religions your world has ever known were inspired by Me and came directly from My mind. Let no-one think otherwise. In the beginning they were pure and unadulterated, but as time went by My wisdom became more and more distorted by the desires of humankind’s lower earthly nature and mind. As one generation and one lifetime of yours followed the other, humankind’s earthly mind gradually filled to such an extent with fears and anxieties that the meaning of My original teachings eventually almost entirely lost the power they once had over people’s hearts and souls. My wisdom, love and power are within each one of you. But, if they are used without love in your heart and for selfish purposes, they turn against you and destroy you and that which you intended to create. The days of the patriarchy have shown you how, when these powers are stimulated to bring out the worst in humankind, they are capable of turning into the greatest evil and enemy your world has ever known.

The only way of counteracting this is through love, for love is the key to unlocking all doors, including this one. No spirit/soul can force its way into Heaven, i.e. the oneness with Me. The door to Me can only be unlocked by love. The greatest intellects of your world will never solve My mysteries, but they can certainly go a long way towards destroying them – for themselves and those who listen to and believe their words, rather than Mine. The humble, kind and loving human heart alone can unravel the mysteries of love, life and Me. And that is why at some stage in each spirit/soul’s evolutionary development the Divine spark that dwells in every heart, the Christ-child, stirs within you and yearns to come alive. This it can only do through love.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (5)

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth - The creatures of the Earth - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our WorldIn St. Matthew 5:5 of the Jesus legend I told you: ‘Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.’ This message to your world is as valid and true now, as it was when I first gave it to you. Many of you, My human children, are among the meek who are patiently and willingly beavering away in the background of life working on your own healing process. Even if nobody in your world has ever heard or seen them, every step of the way we, the Angels, Masters, friends and helpers and I are observing, guiding and protecting them and keeping them safe.

In spite of all that the only true meek ones your planet has ever known were never human souls, but the small creatures of the Earth. Since time immemorial, they have been her true inheritors, especially the worms and insects that crawl about on her, and the microbes and bacteria that are invisible to earthly eyes without a microscope. Pay your respects to the essential work these labourers are doing for and with Mother Earth and therefore also on your behalves. They do not expect anything in return and demand nothing apart from being allowed to pursue the lives they have been given without too much human interference. These creatures are the great recyclers of the Earth who were there long before any of you appeared on the scene. They will still be there and continuing with their work long after every last one of you, my beloved human children, has outgrown their need for spending further lifetimes in physicality.

Once more I remind you that there is no death. There is only one life that is constantly pushing forwards and upwards in vast evolutionary cycles. It will forever move you, your world and all worlds on to new and higher levels of existence, bringing new learning and understanding through fresh first hand experiences for every single one of you. Many by now are realising the dreamlike quality of life in physicality. They are right, it really is a dream and an illusion, but nonetheless it has to be dealt with in the appropriate manner by each one of you. Your earthly education can only be left behind when your thought and behaviour patterns prove to Me that your time for doing so has come.

Each one of you has been placed on the Earth to eventually wake up to the realisation that you yourselves are God. It was you who created the earthly dream world and simultaneously you are the dreamer and the dream. You and I are one. I dream My dreams and speak My sacred words and prayers through you. Those who listen intently enough can join them and consciously become one with Me. Humankind’s age-old yearning for a peaceful world to come is a manifestation of My vision in you. Although thus far it had to remain but a dream, now the time has come when hand in hand with the Angels and Me you will be making this dream into a reality.

The wars of your world have been and still are My teaching aids to show all of you the value of peace, so that when it finally comes you are sure to cherish, value and support it with all your might. Having known wars and all manner of other troubles and strife in the past, you will then sing My praises for having found true and lasting peace, within and without. From then onwards this is going to be your most treasured possession. You will safeguard it and make sure that no-one and nothing can ever disturb and upset it again. Unfortunately, this is the only way I could teach you, my human children of the Earth, the value of peace.

You are experience. You are life itself and you are life experiencing itself. Over the ages, through your prophets I told your world many times that earthly life is but a dream. Yet, for a long time you could not grasp that these words were trying to make it clear to you that in truth you are always in Eternity. The deep inner understanding this requires can only grow in human souls, each through their own first hand experiences and learning from them. But now that you are at last waking up to the realisation of your true nature, I beg of you not to delay putting into practice whatever wisdom you find until you have reached what you once used to think of as Eternity. Your work is on the earthly plane. This is your school and here you must learn.

Those who diligently pay attention to the education it can provide will never fail and whatever may befall them, they cannot lose. There are no losers in the whole of My Creation. As long as you learn willingly and apply your whole being to making the Earth a better place for everybody, you can be sure of counting among life’s winners. There is every reason why you should trust Me implicitly because it always has been a vital part of My great plan of life that good must prevail in the end. No matter how dire things may sometimes look on the surface of life, good will eventually triumph over every bit of evil that still exists in you and your world. My light is My knowledge and wisdom, your power and Mine. I share them with you to assist you with conquering every last shred of darkness within and without.

Rest assured that you, your true eternal Self, will never, never die – it cannot die. As I rise into your conscious awareness and gradually take over your whole being, you will discover that you yourself, each one of you, are the resurrection. You are the life, the way and the truth. Live it, take possession of it and endeavour to use whatever comes your way for the highest good of all life, for you yourselves are God and everything that is in your world and all worlds has been placed into your care and ultimately is your responsibility. The people you encounter in our earthly existence and also the things you require for your stays there were never meant for you to cling onto like grim death. Each one is a gift from Me. You borrow them for a certain predestined period only. I expect you to return them to Me in at least as good condition, ideally in an improved one, as you once received them.

For as long as your race has populated My beautiful planet Earth, I have allowed you free access to all lifeforms that share it with you. Now that you are evolving into spiritual adulthood, your hearts and souls are beginning to understand Mother Earth’s suffering and dilemmas. As a result, the wise ones among you are now willing to take better care of her and all life that is in her loving embrace. Having learnt from the mistakes of the past, these pioneers and pathfinders for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius are showing their love and respect to all of you by acting in ever more responsible ways. By living simply and modestly, they have left behind their role of one of Mother Earth treasures’ plunderers and are now playing the part of one of her guardians and safe-keepers.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Shall The Meek Inherit The Earth?’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (6)

Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God

The psalms are one of the oldest parts of the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All wisdom that is in your world has its origin in Me, including that of the Psalms. It was brought by My Angels to religions and cultures that came and went again, before Judaism evolved from those that came before it. To ensure the required evolutionary progress, as well as teaching humankind invaluable lessons, all things in your world eventually must vanish.

In Psalm 4:3-5 I told you: ‘The Lord will hear when I call to him. Be angry and yet sin not. Commune with your own heart and meditate upon your bed. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord.’ As you can see, even in those days I advised you to do that which is good and right and to trust Me, the living God within your own heart, to show you right from wrong. Through various teachers I have always given you messages like this one from the earliest point of humankind’s descent into matter. I gave them to you because it has always been true, as indeed it is to this day – not merely from the days when the Psalms first appeared in your world – that to those who follow their intuition, the living God within, in due course only that which is good and right can return.

That is why, from the earliest stages of your earthly existence, through the teachers I sent to your world, I presented you with the message that whenever anger threatens to overwhelm you, you should find safe and loving ways of expressing yourselves. Recognise all your feeling for what they truly are, including this one. Anger is but one of the signals I send you through the world of your feelings, to draw your attention that something is amiss and that some kind of corrective action is required from you. I am the small still voice of your conscience that has always been with you, trying to guide and protect you and to lead you into doing that which is right, whilst keeping you from destructive and detrimental things that do not serve you well. And if you meditate upon Me and My presence regularly, especially last thing at night before going to sleep and if in all your activities you learn to listen within for My advice, you simply cannot go wrong.

The wisdom contained in the Psalms of the Christian and Islamic sacred texts was taken from those of the Jewish tradition. In the case of the Christian Church, it was brought together and freshly presented to you by its founding fathers in the New Testament of what was in due course become known as the Bible. That’s why the gospels at times present you with almost identical messages, for example: Matthew 6:31-33: ‘Therefore do not worry or say: ‘What will we eat or what will we drink or with what will we be clothed? For worldly people seek after all these things. Your Father in Heaven knows that all of these things are also necessary for you. In almost identical words ’St. Luke 12:29-31 ‘So do not be anxious about what you will eat or what you will drink and let not your mind be disturbed by these things. For worldly people seek after all these things and your Father knows that these things are also necessary for you. But seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you.’

As you know by now, My kingdom is everywhere in the whole of Creation – it is within and without of you. And to clarify the meaning of the above Bible teachings, I inspired the translators of later editions to write: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness’. This addition, however, was not intended to indicate that the Bible in its present form and you, when you are quoting from it, should always be right. It was merely a reminder of the necessity for human souls to make every effort at doing what is good and right in words, thoughts and actions. Because I fully intended that throughout the ages ever more understanding of My wisdom should come to your race, the words of all the sacred texts that have ever appeared in your world were never intended to be cast in concrete or carved into stone – far from it!

My Divine qualities are in each one of you in seed form. Your most important task in your present existence is learning to master the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature. Instead of being driven by them, the way all of you have been in past ages, now you are required to bring forth from within you My highest characteristics, because they are also yours. Through constantly practising My kind of righteousness and at all times giving of your best, each one of you slowly but surely grows into the role of being a fully fledged and responsible young God in their own right.

You will then be able to draw the great abundance of the whole of My Creation towards you. I will place it your disposal. Yet, because of your ever increasing awareness that the concerns of the spirit are of far greater significance than worldly possessions and money, you will only desire as much as you require for your survival and comfort on your present level of existence. Your ever growing sense of responsibility towards all life, including Mother Earth and all her children, not merely human ones, will ensure that none of you will place too much of a burden on any of the resources I shall put at your disposal.

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Part 8

Losing And Finding Yourself (7)

Adam And Eve

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Adam And Eve

From the earliest days of its descent into matter, humankind has asked questions like: ‘Who am I? Where do I come from and where am I going to? And how did we all come into being?’ You have a right to search into these things, in fact you are meant to do this and you are entitled to find out the truth, as much of it as any given time your race can digest and cope with. For a very long time you had to make do with allegories about a great many things, including the one about the first human beings. But, as by now sufficient numbers of you have grown into spiritual maturity to be able to grasp more of the full truth, the time has come for revealing to you that the tale of Adam  and Eve is but a metaphor. It stands for the fact that the inner invisible part of every man is woman and that of every woman is man.

About the first human beings in the book of Genesis of the Abrahamic religions I told you in 2:26: ‘Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild beasts of the Earth and over every creeping one that creeps on the Earth.’ So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them. Male and female He created them.’ In Genesis 3:18 and 21-23 My teaching continued with: ‘Then the Lord God said: ‘It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper who is like him.’ … So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept. And he took one of his ribs and closed up the place with flesh in its stead. And from the rib the Lord God had taken from Adam He made a woman and brought her to Adam. And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.’ This involves a play on words – wo-man is contained in man – works in the English language, but none of the others.

I am the Father of the whole of Creation. My spirit is the masculine aspect of the Divine, known in your world as God, Fire and Air, creative ideas and the thought processes and intellect to communicate them to My feminine counterpart, the Goddess. She is the Mother and the soul of the whole of Creation. The elements Earth and Water represent My soft sensitive feeling side through whom I express My idea and bring them into manifestation in your world and all others. Created in My image, all these things are also in you.

The story of Adam and Eve has provided a large part of your world with an allegory of the creation of the first human beings and the highly complex psychological processes of initiation that every human spirit that goes forth from Me has to undergo. The tale was invented to explain them in the most simple terms possible, which could be easily be grasped by ordinary men and women at that particular phase in humankind’s evolution. The esoteric truth behind it is that Adam, the man, represents Consciousness and Eve, the woman, psyche, the man’s soul. Each one of you contains both and the two, in every one of you, are inseperable, as they are in Me.

In My mind I first the perfect prototype, which means that like Me he is whole because he contains all My aspects and characteristics. From this emerged the primordial being Adam of the sacred texts, where his pre-conscious state is described as a deep sleep. In this state I took one side from him – not a rib, as it was misinterpreted in later versions of My teachings about this process of Creation. This part of My wisdom is very old indeed because I gave it to your world in ancient times. It found its way into the Judaic tradition from the much older traditions of the ancient Greeks. They in turn had extracted their spiritual knowledge from the ancient Egypt culture that predated them, and so forth. The part truth that Eve was created from Adam’s side was lost in translation, because people in those days could simply not yet grasp that this did not mean one side of his physical body, but his inner self and subconscious.  The whole truth, which you are now ready to receive, is that Eve, the woman, was and always will be an individual spirit, who is whole in her own right, the same as Adam, the man.

But, now you are ready to grasp that Adam is a symbolism for My consciousness and also yours. In both genders he represents the masculine aspect. Eve is his feminine counterpart, psyche or soul. You can surely see for yourself that the Fall from Eden is a metaphor for humankind’s psyche taking its consciousness into the identification with its physical body. It was no fall or accident, but a necessary evolutionary step for helping each one of you to become aware that in truth you are an individual spark of Me, My child, each one whole and complete with its own masculine consciousness and feminine soul aspect, just like Me.

The purpose behind creating you as men and women has been and still is the development of these parts in equal proportions. The two eventually have to be perfectly balanced in you, the way they are in Me. To achieve this, all human spirits have to reincarnate sometimes into male physical bodies and on other occasions into female ones. It was for evolutionary purposes that your other half had to remain hidden from your own view for a very long time. That’s why you were provided with two levels of awareness, a conscious and a subconscious one.

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Losing And Finding Yourself (8)

The New Golden Age Of Plenty

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The New Golden Age Of Plenty

Aquarius is the sign of group consciousness and humanitarian pursuits, of technological and scientific progress, as well as of hopes and dreams. In the Age of Aquarius humankind’s highest hopes, aspirations and dreams will find fulfilment for those who have achieved self-mastery. Hand in hand with the Angels and Me you yourselves are going to create the ideal world of your dreams during this age. It will come about through ever more of you becoming aware of your true nature and acting in keeping with the spiritual knowledge you are finding.

The time is closer than you may think when everybody unflinchingly will give of their best to the whole and take out only what they need. In this way hunger and thirst or any other kind of want and suffering will gradually become unknown on your planet. You will no longer insist on amassing too many worldly possessions, because by then you will know only too well what an encumbrance they in truth are. They tie you like leaden weights to your present existence and stop you from growing the spiritual wings you require for the fulfilling of your highest potential in grounding your greatest spiritual aspirations and creative/artistic accomplishments on the Earth plane. They will be your contribution towards making your world into an ever more beautiful, peaceful and harmonious one. Can you see what a magnificent new world is waiting for you?

Know that no matter what may ever come to pass for you and your world, you will always be safe. At all times there will be a happy ending – if not in this lifetime, then in another or maybe another one still. Everything that happens is part of My great plan for all life, and nothing has ever taken place in your world or any other against My will. All is well and rests securely in My loving hands and so it shall be forever and ever. No harm can ever come to the true and eternal part of any one of you. Therefore, rest safely in My love and nurture your souls, My beloved children of the Earth, by following My guidance from deep within you, for that is where every spirit/soul’s very own special key to eternity is hidden.

I bless you, your world and all life in it. My blessings are for each and every one of you, during these difficult times of transformation and transition from one age to another. You and your world have always rested securely in My loving hands. Rest assured that this will continue without interruptions and that the lessons in your present school of life are unfolding exactly the way they should and in accordance with My plan.

None of you has anything to fear, as the Angels and I will always be with you. We are familiar with your struggles, but no matter what tests and trials may still have to be endured by you, put your trust in us and venture forth courageously, safe in the knowledge that we shall always be there to guide and protect you in all your endeavours. Never forget that we are in charge and that no-one and no force in the whole of Creation ever took the reins from My hands, least of all one of you, My beloved children of the Earth. All is well with you, your world and all worlds – and forever will be.

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Losing And Finding Yourself (9)

The Tears Of Your World

‘I am He who comforts you, who are you to be afraid?’

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Tears Of  Your World You are on the Earth plane so that, in the fullness of time, each one of you can grow into a seeker of My wisdom and truth, instead of gullibly swallowing – as you were required to do in previous ages and lifetimes – what others placed before you. To expand their consciousness there eventually comes a moment for all human souls on the Earth plane when they begin to increasingly feel an urge to go in search of their own wisdom and truth that gives them a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of their existence and in the end takes their whole being back into the oneness with Me. Evolving into a fully conscious integral part of Me for all of you is an extraordinary journey of exploration and discovery of a thousand miles that may consist of many thousands of lifetimes on the Earth.

Tears have always been one of the most essential and valuable ingredients of your pathway through any of these sojourns. That’s why I told you through the Jesus legend in St Matthew 5:4: ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.’ You may often have wondered how this should be. The Bible speaks of a comforter who in due course will come to you. However, in truth this solace giving being is a part of you that has always been with you. It is Me, I am the one who comforts you. How do I do it? By dwelling inside you. Since time immemorial, during periods of struggle and trauma, no matter of what nature and how severe, I have been with you. When you have finished thrashing about and sit down to have a good weep, through the tears you shed I am the one who brings you comfort and healing. Crying causes a chemical reaction in your system that releases endorphins into your bloodstream and from there flows into every cell of your physical bodies.

The ancient folk wisdom that crying is good for your health is based on this and by now has been confirmed by the scientific researchers of your world. In every part of it crying has always been one of the main outlets for all earthly selves to release and let go of the inner pain and suffering of their souls. Up to recently the only thing you knew about crying was that traumatic events, prolonged stress, loneliness, loss, pain and frequently just simple daily upsets and struggles can trigger it. Tears of rage and frustration, impotence and helplessness, remorse and guilt are as much part of the gamut of the world of your feelings, as those of happiness and joy. This is one of the great paradoxes of Earth life that demonstrates to you how closely related all your feelings are.

The more spiritually mature you become, the better you will grasp that in the final analysis every pain and sorrow you have to endure is also an essential part of your joy, because in times of suffering you grow closer to Me and My world, your true home. Wise ones who already have grown sufficiently in wisdom and understanding no longer begrudge their tears, but welcome them as My harbingers of healing and peace. If you suffer from a spiritual guilt complex, let go of it. You are not some kind of worm or miserable sinner, as some to this day would like to make you believe. You are nothing of the kind. Each one of you is My beloved child, a young God in the making.

As many different kinds of evolutionary lessons had to be imbibed by each one of you, individually and collectively, your pathway up to now has been an extremely tough and stormy one. But, unbeknown to you for a very long time, I never left you. As the small still voice of conscience, I have always guided and protected you from within the very core of your own being. My Angels and your Masters on the higher and highest levels of life are watching every step one of you makes. Whenever someone reaches out to them, they are only too happy to help – for those are My instructions.

I have never left you and your world without a witness of My eternal truths. Through a general lack of understanding much of them have been misinterpreted and even abused for personal gains. However, the further you and your world move forwards into the enlightenment of the Aquarian Age and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, there will be less and less need for these distortions, as by now ever more of you are ready to receive My wisdom directly from me.

You are as much part of Me as I am of you. I am merciful and I love you. I do not enjoy your painful experiences any more than you do. I have never left you and will in all Eternity be with you. Whenever traumatic events cannot be avoided in your life because that is the only way for you to learn a certain lesson, all you have to do is reach out for the helping hands of the Angels and Me. Your own life alone can teach you total and utter trust in Me and My truth, and the fact that I will never leave or fail you and that I will eternally be there for you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Woman’s Tears’
•    ‘The Healing Properties Of Tears’

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Losing And Finding Yourself (10)

The Health Benefits Of Crying

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Health Benefits Of Crying

How often and for what reasons you weep can be influenced by many factors, for example gender, age, perception of events, the attitudes of the societies surrounding you, health, personality characteristics and so forth. In the past, all you knew about weeping had come from poetry, fiction writing and films. At last, medical and psychological studies have been added onto this that provide strong and consistent evidence that crying does indeed have significant health benefits.

Your researchers now recognise that four biological mechanisms function as catalysts for the amount of tears you shed at a given time. Genetic influences are to be considered, as well as dietary factors, hormone levels and circadian rhythms, which means that you are more likely to cry when you have been deprived of sleep and at certain times of the day. Once the tears start to flow a complex interplay of psychological and neurobiological processes gets going. Although very little is as yet known about the processes that initiate the starting and ending of an outburst of tears, recent studies give strong clues as to how and why crying is essential for your wellbeing. This is mostly experienced through the sense of relief you feel after an intense bout of crying.

You now know that its onset has been caused by a significant increase in toxic stress hormones, which your body releases as a cry for help from its indwelling spirit/soul into your physical body. When there is enough build-up and you are willing to open the sluice gates, the tears begin to flow and releases them from your system. If you refuse to pay attention and give in, they are left undisturbed and get to work on damaging and interfering with all your physical functions. Serious damage to the cells of your brain are caused this way, especially to the parts known as hippocampus, hypothalamus and pre-frontal cortex. The harmful hormones attack the very brain sites that perpetuate mood disorders and damage the sites that are capable of healing you by reducing or eliminating them.

Studies have also revealed how stress hormones negatively affect virtually all your body systems, namely the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, musculoskeletal and immune ones. This shows how crying is safety valve through which your physical bodies to rid themselves of substances that would otherwise be harmful to you. At long last, you have the scientific proof – so essential to many – of My wisdom that provides all of you with a facility for crying as a natural and essential biological function with which you can eliminate the harmful stress hormones which, as by now you know, are the cause of all stress related health problems.

That’s the reason why you feel relieved after a good cry. It’s the highest time that ever more of you find out about the health benefits that can be gained from regular outpourings of your souls. Finding out that crying really does bring them will go a long way towards removing the stigma about crying that to this day exists in many people’s minds. Having tried and tested it, wise ones are aware that crying makes them feel refreshed and renewed after each good outpouring. When they feel a bout of weeping close, they look for a quiet place where they can be undisturbed and without disruptions for a while. Then they give into their weeping and call for the healing Angels and their gifts, which never fail to come.

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Losing And Finding Yourself (11)

Let Them Have Dominion

The Old Testament, and the book of Genesis in particular, is filled to overflowing with some of My most profound thoughts. It can give you many vital clues about the highest hopes I hold for you, My human children of the Earth. Allegories within allegories are hidden in all parts of the sacred texts of your world and particularly so the book of Genesis. Genesis 2:26 is one of the finest examples of this: ‘Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild beasts of the Earth and over every creeping one that creeps on the Earth.’

Almost every noun in that passage hides a different higher esoteric symbolism. Its mystery would in due course have to be discovered, unravelled and reinterpreted by you. When that time had come, you would at long last be able to grasp the true meaning of My words and recognise the importance of conducting your lives in accordance with My words. Until that had actually taken place, no peace would come to your world. That time is now. The scales are taken from your eyes and My truth flows into your world like a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis. As it takes to its wings, you begin to perceive with great clarity the true purpose of your earthly existence.

What about the meaning of the above mentioned words? In truth, they are references to the masculine and feminine elements of your nature. Air and Fire, Water and Earth are yours, the same as they are Mine. The birds of the air are a metaphor for the Air element, your intellect and thoughts. Thoughts are the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and the time has come for learning to control most carefully. Fire is the creative spark within you and Me that creates life and brings all things into being. Fire in the right place is life creating and supporting light, warmth and love, which is pleasurable and can heal. Misplaced, however, it hurts and wounds and when finally nothing inflammable is left, it turns in on itself and destroys itself. Anger is one of its expressions on the Earth plane.

The sea and its creatures represent the Water element, your emotions – as you know, very hard to manage. Earth relates to your physical body. You are responsible for it and to fulfil the purpose of each lifetime satisfactorily, your present one in particular, I advise you to love the outer protective shell of your being and to take extra good care of it. The things that creep on the Earth are an allusion to snakes, who are symbols of wisdom. Lifetime after lifetime you serve your earthly time by working your way through one sign of the zodiac after the other. Round and round the zodiac you go, time and again and through this, slowly but surely, you become ever more familiar with the elements of your nature and learn to handle them more skilfully. This continues until full mastership has been achieved, but this can only be done in your present existence – without a physical body it is impossible.

So, use your time well while you are here and start by making a great effort at guarding your tongues most carefully. As you know, the laws of the Universe, My laws, decree that everything must return to its source. This not only ensures that no spirit/soul can ever get truly lost in the vastness of space and time, but also that every thought you think and every word you utter does in some way at some stage return to you. To those who take care to send kind and loving thoughts and words only out into your world and all those which to this day may still be beyond your present comprehension, in due course nothing but goodness and kindness can return.

 Wise ones, who are constantly watching you and your progress, are in charge of you on the higher and Highest levels of life. As soon as you prove to them through your words, thoughts and actions that you have fully mastered all aspects of your being, you will be moved on to ever higher levels of learning, until you are finally released into the freedom of My Creation. There many opportunities will be presented to you for demonstrating that you have indeed grown into a responsible and masterful young God in your own right – your creations will reveal this quite clearly. As you will be able to see for yourself from your world’s experiences of the past, the kind of dominion your race has been seeking all along is over its own lower earthly nature and its negative expressions, drives and urges whose results are the power-seeking, violence and greed that have brought and still are bringing such a lot of suffering to all that dwells on the beautiful planet I have placed into your care.

That’s why I say to you now, dominion yes, but not over other people, nations, the Earth herself or any of her creatures. From the moment you consciously and willingly nail your small earthly self to the cross of consciousness or awareness, you die to the above mentioned things, which are part of the old part of you. The more you do this, the more I, your Highest or God Self, move into the foreground of your consciousness and take over. Following My guidance from within, the rest falls into place on its own.

All of you who are presently here, in some of your lifetimes have partaken in the destructive lessons of the past. You now have to reap the results of the actions you took and that is why you are witnessing what raping and plundering Mother Earth and her precious resources inevitably leads to. The good news is that all who are showing their readiness by doing the required work on themselves, willingly listen to Me and follow My guidance from within to show the way, are moving ever more forcefully into their predestined rightful places first as healers, then as caretakers and guardians of your planet. Rest assured that when you do your best towards the blessing and healing of yourselves, each other and your whole planet, the Angels and I are only too happy to do the rest. We shall see to it that all crooked corners come straight, wounds of the past are healed and all things are put right again on the Earth plane.

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Losing And Finding Yourself (12)

Welcome Prayer

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Welcome Prayer

O Universal Christ, Lord and Lady Spirit,
You are waking from Your slumbers
In ever more human hearts and souls.
The same as in the rest of Your Creation
Our knees bow and our tongues confess that
You are Mother Earth’s true Master and Mistress.

We rejoice and give thanks and praise to You
Now that you are really taking it over
And ruling supreme from human hearts
Through the love and goodwill
We are showing each other,
Our beloved home planet and everything
That shares it with us.

Aware that this the only way Your Spirit can
Save and redeem us and our world,
Hand in hand with the Angels and Masters,
Spirit guides and good shepherds
In the world of light,
Who are walking the same evolutionary pathway,
We welcome You, the living loving Spirit,
Onto the Earth.
In the name of love we are doing this,
Your true name and ours.


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Losing And Finding Yourself (13)

The Wake-Up Call

The Wake-Up Call - The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World - Rays of Wisdom

Listen to Me, My people. Give ear to Me, My beloved Children of the Earth. As pointed out in the chapter ‘Myths And Legends’, throughout the history of your race, myths and legends about teachers and prophets, who are said to have appeared in your world from time to time, have been My teaching aids. Some of the most striking examples of this are the tales of Abraham, Moses, the Lord Buddha and the Master Jesus, to name but a few. Every so often, new stories of this nature were in this way presented to you and your world from the Highest levels of life. They served as tools for slowly revealing a bit more of My truths, so that you would gradually become aware again of the higher and highest realities and aspects of life. Each story represented a vital step forwards on the evolutionary pathway that will eventually return you and your race back into the conscious oneness with Me. You can find out more about this by following the link at the end of this chapter.

This is how it came about that for a very long time I have been speaking to a great many of you through the life story of the Master Jesus, the most striking example of modern times. I rejoice because sufficient numbers of you by now have reached the right level of spiritual maturity to understand that this was a myth. Those who accept this are ready to communicate with Me without the need for any outside intervention. You know that each one of you is a spark of Me who has inherited every one of My Divine characteristics. In all human souls in the beginning this is in seed form only, but eventually My spark in you comes alive. First it develops into a small flame. By and by this glow awakens in all human hearts. When it unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, the resulting blaze is capable of burning and removing from you and your world every last bit of dross from the past and its shadows.

In St John 10:10 of the Jesus myth I told you: ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’ And in St. John 8:31-32: ‘If you abide by my word, you are truly my disciples. And you will know the truth and that very truth will make you free.’ None of these things were empty promises. However, the only truth that can set you free from the false beliefs and superstitions of past ages is finding out about your own true nature and Mine and the relationship we have with each other. The time has come for healing our relationship. In this process most of your most common health complaints like fatigue, weariness and exhaustion, inconsistency and instability of character and all manner of fears, as well as despair and depression will eventually be unknown on your present level of existence.

To heal and resolve all your problems, including the ones mentioned before, you have to dig deep into yourself to find their roots because they are deeply buried in your subconscious thinking and behaviour patterns. Their negative influence is capable of taking over your whole being and placing you into situations that are undesirable for your spiritual development. These are natural impulses that once were necessary for your development as an individual, but with time they have become surplus to requirement. Because of the bond that exists between your conscious and subconscious mind, you are anything but free. Up to the present most of you have lived in the grip of the ego of your small frightened earthly self. This was essential for the growth of your consciousness as an individual being and the building of the personality of your small earthly self. This process left you tied to the emotional responses of the small self with its limited understanding of the purpose and meaning of life, of yourself and of your present existence.
The good news is that for ever more of you the time has come for finding genuine enlightenment. It is waiting for all sincere and steadfast seekers who gladly follow the path that leads your sspirit/soul back into the loving union with Me, the consciousness of the Universal Christ. Those who walk the Christ way by willingly following My call and in all their actions and reactions to life constantly strive to become ever more like Me, connect with Me in their prayers, meditations and devotions. New understanding comes to them through the topmost areas of their brain. Here new cells are constantly seeded with fresh knowledge. You alone can tell whether you are ready to work with Me. If you are beginning to receive My messages and understand their meaning, then you are. If you persevere, you may be able to feel your top chakra opening up like a flower to the Sun.
The more your consciousness strives to attune itself to Mine, the more powerful your inner connection with Me becomes and the thoughts of your small earthly self and its ego cease to dominate you and your life. As your consciousness freely and willingly subjects itself to My guidance in total self-surrender, your small earthly self slowly but surely breathes its last on the cross of the Earth. My wisdom and knowledge then fill your vision to the exclusion of all else. You have become a clear channel for radiating the frequencies of My Kingdom into your world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths And Legends’
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’
•    ‘The Cross’
•    ‘The Divine Healing Enzyme’
•    ‘The Healing Process’

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Losing And Finding Yourself (14)

Christianity’s Symbolisms

Carrying the cross of the Earth - Christianity's Symbolisms - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our WorldUpon further investigation you will find that not only the cross but all other major components of the Jesus myth are by no means unique to Christianity. They are much older than Judaism, from which Christianity once emerged. Judaism too did not suddenly appear out of nowhere. Its roots in turn are deeply buried in the traditions and beliefs of the surrounding cultures, mainly those of ancient Egypt. The Jesus legend was presented to your world because once again your race was ready for a major change. Therefore, the well known traditional stories had to be spun into a new yarn that spoke better and appealed more to the hearts and souls of the people of that age.

The result was a fresh rendition of one of the most ancient myths known to humankind. To take you another step closer to the discovery of your own true nature and Mine, it was set into what was then modern times and environments. The new tale hoped to encourage all of you to search for the esoteric meanings that are hidden behind its numerous symbolisms, metaphors, allegories and parables. In the final analysis, the legend represents a roadmap that charts the course of the spiritual development of all human souls. It starts before the Master’s birth with the immaculate conception and the virgin birth. Step by step it moves through the events of his life until death on the cross and rising from the dead, crucifixion and resurrection.

The cross itself is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity but merely taken over and adopted from the religions and cultures that came before it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but to point you to the goodness and the blessings of your earthly existence. Originally it was designed to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above any problem of the Earth plane. By moderating your thinking and behaviour patterns you yourself have to find ways of liberating yourself from the need for further lifetimes of carrying the cross of the Earth on your shoulders. Until this has been achieved, your earthly self remains firmly nailed to it.

This evolutionary phase is characterised by a gradual withdrawal from the kind of life you previously enjoyed. Your thoughts become ever more purified and you find yourself responding to situations, events and people in more detached ways than you ever did before. You are emotionally less involved with people, as you are entering into a state of loving like Me, totally and unconditionally. As a result, you do everything with an eye upon the highest good of others instead of pursuing your own interests. You care much more than you used to for people’s wellbeing, their spiritual growth, nutrition, healing and protection. Whenever possible you see to it that their needs are met within the system of law and order of the society you live in. You love more deeply than ever before, yet your love is free of the emotional attachment that to this day causes too many problems in human relationships.
On your way to gaining true inner knowledge, you shed and transcend all emotional baggage. In your devotions, prayers and meditations you draw on My energies and feel how each time a fresh supply enters your system and provides you with a buoyancy you never knew before. You feel the need to laugh and play more. You find happiness in little things and learn to love everything that shares your world with you. You are grateful for every small blessing that comes your way and you can see the evidence of how My blessings multiply and shower upon everything you touch.
When you free yourself from your ego, all your fears go from you. You refuse to give in to fearful thoughts that your world is falling to pieces, because you know better and trust that it and everything in it rests safely in My loving hands and is evolving in accordance with My great plan of life. You know that this includes you, your family and friends, and that wherever any one of you goes you are guided and protected by the Angels and Me, as indeed you always have been and forever will be. Although you may have to experience some potentially dangerous situations, each time you emerge unscathed. You no longer have any need for weapons to defend yourself, as you are now naturally protected by Me presence against any negative influences, wherever your lifepath may take you. You are no longer afraid of sickness because you know that I, through the very cells of your body, at all times am keeping you healthy and fit.
Knowing that your true needs are met, you never need to wish for anything to make your life happier and more comfortable. You constantly sing my praise and give thanks for everything you have received already and that which is yet to come. As you are shown the way and guided by the Angels and Me, you always find yourself at the right place at the right time. Aware that you can request whatever you may need and that the responses are sure to come swiftly, you are careful about what you ask for. This does not cause you any problems, as your requests now emerge from the highest aspect of your being and you never plead for anything selfishly. You only pray for things that are good for your environment and community, family and friends, and therefore ultimately also for you.
You keep an open mind because you appreciate that God’s Divine truth is infinite and forever expanding. New understanding ceaselessly arises from the evolutionary processes that at all times are taking place in every part of Creation. You know that because of this further dimensions will always be waiting to be explored. This delights you because it is going to make life on all levels, and especially in the Celestial realms of consciousness, endlessly interesting and exhilarating. In your daily life as an enlightened spirit/soul, you wake up with nothing but praise and gratitude for your life, all life and everything it contains. You give thanks for your daily work and for the energy the Universe provides you with for doing it. You fulfil your tasks happily and contentedly, without any inner resistance or reluctance to get and keep on going. As a result of this, you never waste your precious energies on anything. If for any reason you have to go against someone’s suggestion or if there is any kind of bullying, you do so calmly and reasonably without feeling irritated or rejected.
You become a dispassionate observer of life who does the right things at the right moment. Patiently you wait to be guided by the Angels and Me, so that the necessary doors may open for you. You listen within for My guidance to show you whether any plans you are making are indeed divinely willed to come into manifestation through you, your resources and energies. This is how in the fullness of time you grow into a true channel of My Father/Mother consciousness on the Earth. Women and men alike use their feminine and masculine characteristics in equal measure. Striving to express Universal love, they learn how to love wisely and intelligently, with loving detachment, courage and strength, determination and a good sense of direction.
If instructions are needed by someone, My words of kindness and goodness come to you instinctively. The person you give them to is uplifted by your presence and Mine, through you. If healing is needed, you ask the Angels and Me to show you how to go about it, so that the sufferer may be healed, if their Karma permits it. All these things I lovingly commend to you. The path to Christ consciousness is outlined in these My words and I invite you to join it. If you do, very soon you too will be able to rejoice and say it was worth every moment of the difficult and traumatic times you may still have to endure to reach this phase of your spiritual development. Take comfort from knowing that soon they will lie behind you forever, as I teach you to climb into ever more elevated dimensions of life. Each one will bring you new experiences of joy and happiness that have thus far been undreamed of in earthly life.

Recommended Viewing:
•    Video Part 1
•    Video Part 2
•    Video Part 3

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (15)

States Of Heightened Awareness And Illumination

Illumination And Heightened Awareness - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our WorldYou are bound to have noticed that occasionally someone has the good fortune of passing through periods of exceptional understanding and illumination. It is sure to have happened to you, but do you remember how, when you attempted to tell about or write down such occurrences, the result consisted of a mass of words that in no way conveyed the accompanying feelings. Language on its own was never meant to provide any one of you with a great deal of spiritual truth, as there is no substitute for the first hand knowledge that can only be found in loving re-union with Me.

Have you ever asked yourself why states of heightened awareness do not last and why they are so hard to hold on to and describe? Have you noticed how the harder you try, the quicker they slip from your grasp? The brief flashes of understanding the way of all things you sometimes get are a taste of things to come, when your consciousness is fully re-united with Mine. Then you will truly understand the way of all things and that at any time, not just in quick glimmers. Sometimes they come to you as a reward after an illness. a bereavement or an affliction patiently endured by holding onto your faith and trust in Me. Any of these things are gifts from Me, to whet your appetite and to keep you thirsting and searching for more and ever more of My wisdom and truth.

Sometimes you enjoy prolonged periods of heightened awareness and understanding. Have you noticed that they are frequently followed by times of great spiritual dearth? To your greatest disappointment, you come down to Earth with a bump and are faced with an increasing need for attending to the more mundane aspects of your life. This happens because your energies have changed and you are required to attend to life lessons of a different nature.

I am the wise one, the living God within. For as long as you are willing to enter into My silence with Me, you can always reach Me, tap into and draw from the well of My infinite wisdom and knowledge. Should you try to write down what happened to you, you will see for yourself how elusive My nature is and how impossible to describe to others. Yet, whenever one of you breaks through the limitations of their earthly personality and becomes one with Me, an understanding is found that cannot be expressed in words. That is why you will never find truth, complete truth, in any book.

Regardless of how hard some of you try and many have done so in the past, spiritual books and other writings of this nature can only ever remain attempts at describing My form or formlessness, as the case may be, and My ideas. It is in the very nature of such publications that no matter how recently they were printed, by the time they reach you they will always be at least somewhat outdated. Books are excellent teachers and way-pointers, but they can never be a substitute for unearthing your very own wisdom and truth. This is every human spirit/soul’s birthright, but it can only be found in direct contacts with Me. Because they are constantly updated, you are far better off with publications like ‘The Random Jottings of a Stargazer’.

As pioneers and wayfinders of a new age and founders of a fresh order on the Earth,  you are spearheading a great leap forward in your own and your planet’s spiritual evolution. Over the coming years, this message of Mine will penetrate ever deeper into the collective consciousness of your race. This will continue until every last one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, has been taught by the Angels and Me to live together in peace and harmony with each other and everything that shares your world. This process is already coming to pass – with each passing day it intensifies. Meanwhile you have no choice but to patiently endure in good faith that which cannot be avoided because of the Karmic debts you still have to pay. Whoever welcomes My words into their consciousness and entrusts their guidance and protection to the Angels and Me, you will eventually be able to take part in a beauty, joy and harmony that hitherto has been unknown on the Earth. My Universal laws guarantee that every small effort in your daily tasks that serves the highest good and the greatest joy of all, in the fullness of time does bear a rich harvest.

You are the only one who can release you from the chains and shackles of your earthly existence. This cannot happen until every one of your Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed – by none other than you. When there are no further entries on the debit side of your spiritual ledger, but only on the credit side and your account shows a credit balance, the purpose of your education on the Earth plane has been fulfilled. You are then set free to move on to higher levels of experiences and existence.

As you can see for yourself now, the truth can and indeed will set you free. The wise ones amongst you appreciate that this could never happen through a legend. They know that it can and is being done by unravelling the esoteric truths hidden behind the myths and legend’s parables, symbolisms and metaphors and by conducting their lives in accordance with the teachings they contain. Each one of you has to act as their own saviour and redeemer by doing their share of the work humankind’s great liberation demands.

This is a healing journey of a thousand miles and its first step is the discovery of My true nature and yours. The second stride is a better grasp of the workings of the processes of life and of My laws that govern every aspect of My Creation. Only by constantly striving with all your might to respect these laws and living in harmony with them, will your spiritual ledger eventually be balanced. This alone can open the doors of the self-created prison of consciousness of the Earth plane, to release you into the greater spiritual freedom that is waiting for all in the Age of Aquarius.

Live every moment for sending from your loving heart the light of the Christ Star, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, My light. Continue to do this until your whole being is filled with this light, so that you gradually evolve into a light that is, like Me, capable of constantly sharing its love and warmth with all lifeforms, not only in your world but all others. Endeavour to think kind and loving thoughts only and never forget your sense of humour. Nothing lightens your vibrations more quickly and easily than the ability to see the funny side of things, to laugh about them and have fun. Above all, walk in faith and trust, My beloved children, hand in hand with the Angels and Me. Best foot forward, keep on saying to yourself:

From this heart nothing but love.
From these hands nothing but healing.
From this mouth nothing but kindness.
From this mind nothing but peace.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (16)

Healing Prayer For Your World

Healing Prayer For Our World - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

All glory, all honour and all praise be to You,
O Holy Trinity, Great Spirit, Father/Mother and
The Universal Christ with the Angels around Your throne.
We bless You, O golden light of the Heavens,
Sun of all Suns, Star of all Stars and light of all lights,
And look up to You for guidance and protection, always.

You are the Source of all life, wisdom, knowledge and truth.
We worship You, we give You thanks,
We praise You for Your Glory.
You are the Great Teacher of all worlds and beings,
Promised of old and now in flesh appearing
In our hearts and souls.

Flood us and fill us and our whole world and all other worlds
With the blessing and healing power of Your sacred love,
For You are the only born Son of the Great Father/Mother.
We pray that your Divine spark may now come alive in every heart and spirit/soul.
Aligning ourselves with the sacred Fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun,
We return into the conscious loving union with You.

May each spark in its own right grow into
A blazing flame of love that, with Your help,
Burns away the dross of all darkness and fear
That still lingers in the consciousness of humankind.
May it absorb the remnants of the clouds of ignorance,
False beliefs and prejudices that to this day
Abound in us and our world.

May the gift of Your Divine radiance and illumination
Flow ever more strongly through each one of us
Into our world and all worlds, so that
All unwanted negative and destructive influences
Are transmuted and uplifted
Into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life,
In accordance with Your sacred will and wishes.

In the name of love we ask this from You
On behalf of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms,
And every other part of Creation,
For You are the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory.
And so it shall be, forever and ever.


Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 9

Losing And Finding Yourself (17)

The Grand Mosaic Of Life

The Giant Mosaic Of Life - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

As you know by now, it is My Will for each one of you to become masters of your own destiny. Begin by taking charge of everything that is within you and shape and mould your character until you have become the one you would really like to be. As young Gods in the making, you are required to become a bit more godlike with each passing day by increasingly bringing forth My characteristics in all your daily encounters. The gift of another lifetime on the Earth has been granted to you so that you can take advantage of the quantum leap forwards in your personal evolution and that of your whole race that has been taking place for quite some time by now.

So, roll up your sleeves and get to work on yourselves. You cannot afford to waste precious time, for you are the only ones who can fulfil the hopes and dreams I have always nurtured on behalf of your race. Hand in hand with the Angels and Me, courageously learn from the mistakes of the past and do your share of building a better future, for all. The wise ones amongst you who genuinely wish for peace in you world first look into themselves. They reconcile the opposing forces within them and make their peace, with themselves and Me, and everybody else. When you make peace within, peace without is guaranteed to follow.

You are all My children and everybody is of equal value to Me. As long as you are willing to allow life itself to be your teacher, it is of no importance which role has been allocated to anyone, during their present lifetime. In the vast drama called life, of which I am the author and director, I cast the roles. This is necessary to ensure that all lifeforms evolve at an even pace, for I am the Master and the only one who knows My great plan of life. Rest assured no-one is inferior to anyone, and no-one is superior in any way. No matter which role you are playing at any given time, you simply cannot go wrong, if you bear in mind that whatever you are doing it will always only be for a time. On Earth nothing lasts forever, quite literally, and you are sure to cope so much better with your part, when you remind yourself of this once in a while.

Not even the Earth herself is going to last forever in her present form. When her physical manifestation has served its usefulness, she will transmute into an altogether more spiritual being that is filled with light. It’s a similar process as the one you going through at the end of each lifetime, when you leave your physical body behind. Although this will be the end of Mother Earth as you have known her, she will continue because she too is a spiritual entity, known to some as Gaia, the same as you are first and foremost spirit. And like you, she will forever continue to exist.

Innumerable lifetimes you have spent on the Earth plane in search of a way home into the knowledge about your true nature and Mine. To help you find a better understanding of this, new religions and belief systems with revised teachings based on My ancient wisdom appeared periodically in your world that tried to light your way. One of the latest ones was Judaism, which later branched off into Christianity and Islam. They are the Abrahamic religions. All three make use of what in your world is called the Old Testament.

As one typical example of how My wisdom has been treated by humankind over the ages, let us take Christianity’s sacred text, the Bible. The same as all other sacred texts of your world it contains many grains of truth. Yet, by no means every word of it is true. It’s up to you, My human children of the Earth, to search for the nuggets of gold this book and all the others contain in the form of mere grains of truth, for they are meant to guide you through your earthly existence. To find My truth anywhere, it is necessary to pick and choose very carefully what, for you, represents truth. With patience and practise you should be able to filter anything you read or hear through your heart, as that is where I, your inner teacher and guide, dwell. You need to become so much in tune with your physical body that eventually you will be able to listen to the responses your receive from Me through the world of your feelings. I will help you discern intuitively what is right or wrong, a truth or a lie.

The time for sorting the wheat from the chaff has arrived for your race. Keep only the best and rigorously discard that which is of no use any more and abandon the erroneous ways of the past, once and for all. Whilst shedding all this ballast, take care not to throw the baby out with the bath. As the human race has been far too good at this in times gone by, many valuable lessons and knowledge were lost this way. Take care and learn from that mistake, too. In truth, the many religions of your world were not created to separate you ever further from each other, as they indeed they have done in times gone by and to some extent still manage to do.

Quite the opposite is My intention for you and your world. Soon, very soon all of you will be able to recognise that each new belief system that appeared from time to time on your planet contained some nuggets of My truth. All of them were merely attempts at showing you the way back home into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me, your Creator. This is the union every human spirit/soul hopes to find during each one of its earthly sojourns. When everybody has grasped that this is the case, it will be possible to integrate the religions that still exist in your world into one single powerful force that unites humankind instead of separating you from each other in the manner the religions of the past used to do.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (18)

Finding My Truth

My Truth - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

Only the response that each one of you individually has to the higher and highest levels of life, where the Angels and I dwell, can bring any of you the realisation of My truth. You have an unconscious and a conscious reaction to them. It reveals itself in the fact that in your daily encounters you do not stop to analyse things and reason them out to their logical conclusions, which is good and right because that’s why you have been equipped with an earthly mind. Yet, the more you become one with Me, the more your earthly self reacts spontaneously to the positive stimulus and feedback you receive from Me, your Highest of Christ Self also known as the living God within. .

Your individual spirit/soul is an integral part of the spirit/soul of humankind and of your world as well as of the great spirit/soul of all life, the Goddess and Mother of all life. She is the wise one inside you, My feminine wisdom and love aspect, the only one in the whole of Creation who really does know the way of all things and the answer to every one of the questions you may ever care to ask. The more your spirit/soul unites itself with Her, the better she can supply you with the right replies for even the most difficult queries. She gives you the benefit of Her wisdom to find wise and loving solutions for every one of your problems, as soon as in Her view the moment for doing so has come. She is part of you and you are part of Her.

By the time your earthly self finally has consciously taken possession of this part of your being, acting in kind and loving ways and without hesitation giving of your best in each one of your daily encounters has grown into a spontaneous and instinctive reaction. That’s why I say to you now go forth and make haste. No matter what may still have to happen in earthly life, be of good cheer and rejoice, My beloved children of the Earth. The spiritual knowledge the Angels and I are making available to you is intended to be used for the good of the whole of humankind and not merely for your own benefit. Glean and gather the best from all the religions of your world. Each one in its time has been equally valuable and served one specific purpose in the curriculum of your race’s earthly education.

Every belief system that came and went its way again contained some tiny grains of My truth. None of them ever had a monopoly on My truth, in spite of the fact that through the ages many proclaimed theirs to be the only holy-making way of life. Young and inexperienced souls to this day seriously believe this to be the case with the religion they were either born into or made the conscious choice to join. Never mind, leave them to it. They too will learn in time, so be patient with them. Be content with knowing that they, each through their own experiences, too will eventually find out that any religious conviction that has ever been held on the Earth plane could do no more than providing humankind with another temporary walking stick and support.

Refuse to sit in judgement over anyone and anything, including the words and deeds of those who are younger and less experienced souls than you are. This does not mean you are condoning their intentions, far from it. Wise ones bear in mind that these people are only taking part in their earthly lessons, the same as they are doing – though by now in the opposite direction. Be as kind and tolerant towards them as you possibly can. In spite of the fact that they sometimes cross your path in the shape of greybeards, their behaviour leaves you in no doubt about the age of their souls. Forgiving them becomes easier when you remind yourself that, when all is said and done, they are your younger siblings in the great family of humankind, who have the same right to receive their most difficult and traumatic earthly lessons, just the same as you once did.

Take for example the time when the by now more highly evolved souls took part in the inquisition during its reign of terror of almost six hundred years. That’s what each one of you did, sometimes at the giving and other times at the receiving end. The inquisition was the strong arm of the Christian church. Although it was humankind’s most evil and infamous institution ever, it represented a vital part in the study of the use and abuse of personal and collective power over masses of people. As all human souls have to take part in the same lessons, this too was necessary.

The karmic chains and shackles that were created between human beings at any given time are of an emotional nature. They can only be dissolved through the kind of forgiveness that grows quite naturally in you when you find a better understanding of the spiritual background and higher purpose of your earthly existence. The knowledge that everybody else is walking the same evolutionary pathway with you alone can bring the deep inner healing and peace to every aspect of your being. All of you have been looking for it in previous lifetimes, without success. But now at last the energies are right and with this the time has come for this process to take place. Therefore, do not hesitate to give of your best and make your contribution towards the blessing and healing your world and everything that shares it with you.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (19)

Picking The Raisins From Each Cake

Picking The Raisins From Each Cake - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our WorldMy intention behind any new religions that appeared in your world was to provide you, My beloved children, with yet another ladder on which you could climb, so that bit by bit you would come ever closer to the re-discovery of the higher and highest aspect of your own nature and Mine. Their memories are stored deep in every human spirit/soul. For each one of you there eventually comes the moment when they begin to stir and you increasingly long to express them in all your daily encounters. The degree in which you succeed to keep this promise to yourself shows Me when you are ready to be taught directly by Me.

Every belief system you have ever encountered and become interested in was yet another preparation for this stage of your personal evolution and that of your race. Each one represented a tiny, yet vital piece in My giant mosaic of life. When you rise above your present level of existence on the mighty wings of the wisdom and knowledge you are now receiving directly from Me, enabling you to take the higher view of life, can a clear picture emerge. I am the mosaic’s designer and architect, conductor and choreographer, ballet- and choirmaster. Your task, as My actors, singers and dancers on the vast stage known by you as life, is to make the most of everything I am presenting to you at any given time. In spite of the trials and tribulations that are an essential part of every spirit/soul's evolutionary journey, endeavour to enjoy as much as you can playing your part in your unique and individual fashion.

No matter where fragments of My wisdom appear and by whom they are found, they were never meant for the privileged and selected few. Every part of My truth was always meant to be shared by all. Your object as healers is to pick the raisins from the cake of every religion. Pour them into the great melting pot that is the pool of human consciousness. Then take as big a spoon as you can lay your hands on, carefully stir and blend the resulting mixture into a new religion that unites you and leads every one of you back home into the conscious awareness of your loving union with Me. Having reached the Age of Aquarius, ever more of you are ready to receive that which is suitable of My wisdom directly from Me. Soon, very soon there will be no more need for religions because all of you are being taught by Me. I am your inner teacher and guru, the living God and the wise one within. I know the way of all things and I have the answers to any question you may ever care to ask. I bless you all, each one.

Once more I assure you that each and every one of you is a unique and beautiful being, special and precious beyond compare, loved and protected far more than you will ever be able to imagine.  Regardless of what kind of lowly position in life you may at present occupy, a high and holy destiny awaits you all, so do not allow anyone to convince you that you are nothing but a miserable worm and a sinner before Me. That just is not true and regardless of what someone may say, you are nothing of the kind. As My beloved child, you are a student and a learner in the vast academy of life I designed for all of you, no more and no less.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (20)

No Fall From Grace Or Original Sin

No Fall FromGrace Or Original Sin - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

Voluntarily you once came away from the state of the conscious union with Me, widely known in your world as paradise. Every human spirit initially is but a tiny spark that nonetheless contains every one of My powers and characteristics. Like Me, you always have been spirit/soul, masculine/feminine, darkness/light, goodness and evil. To enable you to enter into earthly life, the first thing the Angels and I had to provide for you was a physical body that has potential for developing its own earthly personality through which your spirit/soul can manifest and express itself. In the course of many lifetimes on the Earth these faculties enable you to get to know every aspect of your lower and then higher nature. To show you both sides of every coin, in some of them you appear as a man and in others as a woman. In spite of this you always remained the same spirit/soul whose consciousness gradually expanded through your lessons in the earthly school of life.

Freely and willingly you once went forth into the adventure of discovering what life offers spiritual beings in a physical environment, like that of the Earth. You ventured forth because the laws of life are programmed into your being. That’s how you knew that the law of life is evolution and that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma in the end will always take you back home into the conscious awareness of your true nature and your oneness with Me. You were eager to grow and evolve, excited and motivated by the idea that lots of you would be taking part in this adventure and that every one would always be allowed to learn from their own experiences. You loved the thought of being able to constantly add to the knowledge that was already stored in the spirit/soul memories of the Great Mother, dating back to long before human beings made their first appearance.

At the stage of being pure spirit/soul, you were happy to develop your own spirit/soul which is an integral part of the great soul, the Mother. You liked the idea of living in a physical environment in which you would have an inner world of emotions and feelings for experiencing it. You agreed with everything joyously because you knew that at the end of your journey of entering ever deeper into many different kinds of thus far unknown territories, you would unerringly find your way home into My loving embrace. Aware that the Angels would forever be by your side, watchfully and lovingly guiding and protecting you every step along the way, it was not difficult to decide whether you wanted to evolve into a pioneer, wayfinder and lightbringer for those who would be following behind.

You are by no means Angels who have fallen from My grace. Each one of you started their existence as one of My creative ideas = Fire. The will and power of My mind turned you into a tiny spark of My light of the Christ Star, from which everything that exists in the whole of Creation has been made in the same creative process. Every human being was created so that in the fullness of time it can fulfil its destiny of illuminating the darkness of earthly life with its light, i.e. the wisdom and knowledge that have been gained in the course of countless lifetimes spent in the great school of Mother Earth’s loving embrace.

There never has been such a thing as original sin and you could not be Angels who fell from My grace because the Angels are on a different evolutionary pathway than humankind. The two run parallel and are inter-twined, but that is all. The Angelic hierarchy on My behalf and by My will and wishes filled the patriarchal religions with concepts of this nature so they could be used as teaching aids to bring forth the destructiveness of the masculine when it is without the guiding hand of the love and wisdom of the feminine to show the way. Each one of you had to gather first hand experiences of what happens when the masculine’s thirst for power and possession, conquest and dominion over others is let loose in your world without restrictions, when it is allowed to force anything into submission that it can lay its hands on, by whatever means available. Sometimes you would find yourself at the giving end of events and later on the receiving one, either in this lifetime or a future one.

Every male of your species is an earthly manifestation of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, and every female of the feminine and the Goddess. The present state of your world came about when the Angels, with the help of the patriarchal religions, presented Me as an all-male Deity. It would take a long time before humankind discovered that this is impossible because the aspects of the Divine Trinity cannot be separated from each other, the same as they are in you. Without the feminine there would be no world for you to live in, the feminine IS the world. The astrological elements show this quite clearly. Earth and Water are feminine, while Fire and Air are masculine. Your physical bodies consist of matter = Earth and your world of feelings and emotions = Water. The invisible part of you is spirit = Air, the realm of thought, and creative ideas that are made manifest through the feminine aspect = Fire. Your soul is also invisible and its memories are stored in the waterbody of your our vehicle. Spirit/soul are one. No force between Heaven and Earth exists that will eve be able to separate them.

Through alternatively giving and receiving you have always been taught the value of things. This is how over thousands of years humankind first was made familiar with the love and wisdom of the Great Mother and the feminine orientation of your world. Based on truth, it was a peaceful one. In the course of the following approximately six thousand years, these values were gradually withdrawn. They were substituted by the rule of the masculine and the will and power of the Father principle that in Me dominates the feminine. This necessitated the systematic suppression of the love and wisdom of the Mother, the feminine and the rule of truth and peace.

The memories of lifetimes spent on Mother Earth during her earlier peaceful period of human habitation are stored in the collective spirit/soul of your world. Every individual spirit/soul is part of it and from the collective spirit/soul this knowledge radiates into them. Having once known the truth and peace, the innermost deepest part of everyone’s own being has been yearning for them ever since.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (21)

The Patriarchal Religions

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Patriarchal ReligionsThe Angels purposely designed the patriarchal religions of your world so that, with the passing of time, the masculine forces would increasingly be left to their own devices and do as they pleased. Through supporting and encouraging the growing expansion of the masculine lust for power, warmongering and destruction, seeking dominion over people, their belongings and their land. Especially at the administering end of these belief systems they have been bringing out the worst in human beings.

The result was conditions the likes of which had never before existed on the Earth. These lessons had to continue for such a long time in order to create sufficient opportunities for all of you to learn, each through their own experiences, about the suffering the lower and lowest desires of the masculine forces are capable of inflicting upon you and your world. Every spirit/soul needs to eventually recognise for themselves the ultimate futility of these things for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life ever belongs to any one of you.

The behaviour of the masculine gradually got ever more out of control. Young and inexperienced spirit/souls, for as long as they are unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence, to this day tend to be vain and arrogant, aggressive and full of their own importance as males of the species. They like to think of themselves as the owners and masters of their particular small patch of My Creation. Lost in the illusion of earthly life frequently finds them in pursuit of what they believe to be their rightful share of the power, glory and wealth of your world. It takes a long time before such youngsters, independent of the age of their physical body, finally grasp that everybody is equal before Me, that all of you have the same rights as well as duties, and that every right is accompanied by a corresponding duty.

Independent of where anyone finds themselves at present on the spiral of their personal evolutionary journey, everybody has the right as well as the duty to be educated on the Earth plane, because that is the only way human beings can evolve and grow in wisdom and understanding. Even the last and slowest one of you in the end will reach the developmental point when they realise that everyone’s most honourable right and duty is having sufficient input into transforming your planet into a better and more peaceful place that can be enjoyed by the inhabitants of all its kingdoms. They too will then become aware that the only things they are meant to control and master are the desires, drives and urges of their lower animal nature.

For those who wish to make the progress that is their birthright and potentially possible, their first duty is practising patience, tolerance and kindness with those who are not yet as highly evolved as they are. When they observe the misbehaviour of these people, wise ones are comforted by the knowledge that everybody eventually gets to where all of you are going. And when you bear in mind that all of you can only do so at their own pace and in their own time, it will no longer surprise you that so many in your world are struggling with their awakening, just the same as you once were and in spots still are likely to do.

Refuse to believe that any of the latecomers and strugglers you see around you is lost. They are not! Rest assured that no spirit/soul will ever be left to its own devices or lost, neither in earthly life nor in the spirit world. Every human being is working as hard as you have been and still are on transforming their weaknesses into strengths, even though they may as yet not be consciously aware that this is the evolutionary process in which every all of you have always been involved. Independent of where it is on the evolutionary spiral of life, deep down every spirit/soul knows it possesses My highest qualities and strengths, even though at first only in seed form. And assisting those who are having difficulties with the development of their higher nature is the noblest task for aspiring healers and lightbringers. To be one of them is the easiest thing in the world. The only thing you have to do is being true to your real self, behaving towards everybody with equal kindness and friendliness, with compassion and loving in thoughts, words and deeds.

Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and yours have a far greater effect, not only on the development of your own spirit/soul but also on that of others, than you would ever have believed to be possible. Just think of each one you encounter as one of My children, just the same as you are, and recognise that everybody in the long course of their own individual and collective evolutionary journey basically has identical needs. All have to endure the same tests, trials and tribulations on the road of transforming their inner darkness into light and their weaknesses into strengths. This is the only path that in the end leads each one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, back home into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me and all life.

Focus your attention on the image of the rising Sun as an outer manifestation of My Light that by now ever more forcefully radiates into your race’s individual and collective consciousness. Let the light of My wisdom and knowledge guide, protect and help you find your way through any experiences that may still have to come your way as part of the redemption of your most ancient karmic debts. Turn your face towards the Sun in the sky above you and in your imagination lift yourself and the whole of your world into the power of My radiance, so it can flow through you and manifest itself in everything you come into contact with.

Make peace with Me, yourself, your life and everything it has ever contained. All of it happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching you some kind of a lesson that at the same time helped you to redeem your Karma. Refuse to exploit anyone and give of your special talents freely and lovingly. They could have taken many lifetimes to develop for this particular purpose. Let every one of your thoughts, words and deeds be simple, true and pure. Do not lean unnecessarily on other members of the animal kingdom, for each one of them also is your sibling in the vast family not only of Earth life but the whole of Creation. Do whatever is in your power to alleviate the suffering of your world, wherever you encounter it. This alone can move you and your whole world onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and of the re-discovery of the Great Mother and the value of the love and wisdom of the feminine. Every earthly mind is potentially a receiver/transmitter station for My ideas. And the deeper you and your world are entering into this age, the more the Angels will be bringing the parts of My wisdom and truth, directly from My loving heart, that will help all of you to move ever forwards and upwards. Everything is given through the inner guide and teacher, the wise one or living God within, i.e. intuitively to those whose minds are sufficiently tuned into My frequencies and theirs. The Angels and I are delighted to observe how ever more of you by now are conducting their lives in keeping with the truth My messengers have already brought you. That is the only way that true and lasting peace can slowly but surely come to the Earth.

Knowing and appreciating the value of truth and peace, wise ones cherish and treasure both and are willing to defend them, if need be with their earthly life. That’s no longer such a big deal for those who have discovered that life is an eternal and never ending process and by no means a one-off thing. No-one is snuffed out like a candle when they leave their physical body behind. The essence of everyone’s being is their spirit/soul and at the moment that is known as death in earthly life, it merely moves into a different dimension of life and is released into the greater freedom of My realm, the spirit world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Fall Of Humankind’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (22)

Flying On Eagle’s Wings

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Flying On Eagle's Wings

One of the finest pieces of prose the Angels once gave to your world is Psalm 91. Although it belongs to one of the oldest parts of the Abrahamic religions’ scriptures, it has to this day lost none of its power to deeply touch and stir human hearts and souls.

He who dwells in the protection of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord that He is my refuge and my fortress, my God. In him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and vain gossip.

He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, for the arrow that flies by day,
the conspiracy that spreads in darkness and the pestilence that wastes at noonday.

Though thousands shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, nothing will come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you behold the reward of the wicked. For thou, O Lord, art my trust. Thou hast established Thy habitation in the highest.

No evil shall befall you and no plague come near your dwelling. For he shall give his Angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

You shall tread upon the viper and adder and you shall trample under foot the lion and the great serpent.

Because he has loved Me, therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

This sacred text to this day is much revered and loved by humankind and is part of Jewish burial ceremonies, to bring comfort of those attending the funeral. It reassures them that not only the spirit/soul of the departed but also their own will forever rest safely in My loving hands. The ones who return into the world of light, your true home, have no longer any need for hearing things of this nature. By the time their outer earthly shell of their physical body has been interred or cremated, they know from their own experiences how well protected and guided every one of you is by the Angels and Me, at all times.

While you are still spending lifetimes in the nursery classes of your evolutionary development during its earliest part, you are encouraged to take the texts of any of the scriptures of your world that come your way literally. Each can only find out through their own experiences that in spite of any promises such texts contain, none of you is ever spared any of the things they say they are protecting you against, if only you take their words literally. Irrespective of whether you as yet believe in Me and My presence or not, and whatever this may mean to you, each one of you has to take part in all aspects of your race’s earthly education. It is for good and wise reasons that sometimes you find yourself at the giving end of some of the worst and most traumatic experiences imaginable. On other occasions you will be at the receiving end.

This process helps you to gradually grow in wisdom and understanding, until eventually you awaken into the realisation that not every word of the sacred texts of the religions of your world speaks nothing but the truth, My truth, and therefore should be taken literally. You will then know that any kind of sacred text contains it to a certain degree and you will appreciate why it had to remain hidden behind their surface words for such a long time. To your mind this does not invalidate any of the teachings the Angels once brought humankind. On the contrary, this fact makes them more precious still. And when for example a psalm tells you: ‘Only with your eyes shall you behold the reward of the wicked,’ you know that this cannot possibly mean anyone’s earthly eyes, but their inner vision and perception.

With time your spiritual wings grow through the knowledge you are constantly gathering in the course of the many lifetimes you are spending on the Earth plane. These metaphoric wings empower you to lift your own vision as well as that of those around you above the parts of your earthly existence, which of necessity are still dreary and sad. They too will find it helpful to know that a great deal of My wisdom and truth is hidden behind the surface words of many sacred texts and you can explain to them why this has been necessary.

To wise ones psalm ninety-one reveals with great clarity that the essence of a whole message can be true and therefore immensely precious, in spite of the fact that not every one of its words is intended be taken literally. The wise ones know that many of them were merely chosen for the sake of  poetic licence, and that this psalm in particular always had a special message to bring comfort and healing to your world. The essence of this communication from the highest levels of life always has been that, in spite of everything that may ever happen to any one of you on the earthly plane of life, the most precious and valuable aspect of your being, your spirit/soul, will forever be safe. Being an integral part of Me, like Me they are eternal and immortal.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (23)

Hold Your World

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Hold Your World

Beloved children of the Earth,
Take good care of Mother Earth.
Hold her in your loving hearts and hands
And recognise her as the precious jewel she truly is.
Her wellbeing and health is closely connected with yours.
Look at her and the way she has been and still is
Suffering at the hands of humankind.
The time for action has come for those of you
Who are aware of their own and Mother Earth’s
True nature as a spiritual being
And the higher realities that lie behind
Every physical manifestation of life.

Give Mother Earth all your love.
With every breath you take, send it to her.
In each one of your thoughts, words and actions
Express it and make it known.
Realise that she is a living breathing organism,
Who for aeons has taken care of all of you,
Regardless of how you maltreated her,
Because of the lessons each one of you has to learn.
Once you have woken up to your true nature,
Your time has come for redemption and making good
Where you once sinned.
Care for her now and stand up and be counted
When it comes to defending her needs,
In preference to your own.

Aspiring lightworkers and healers
Know their responsibilities towards themselves and their world.
They have come to act as your planet’s guardians and keepers.
Therefore, they do whatever is in their power to put an end to
All future exploitation of Mother Earth’s precious resources.
So, take up the good fight against contamination
And further damages to your beloved home planet.
Especially make a stand against fracking,
Where water holes are drilled into the Earth,
Into which a high-pressure mixture of
Water, sand and chemicals is injected
To force the gas contained in the rocks
To the head of the well.

Do all you can to veto the decisions of
The companies involved and their shareholders,
Whose greed will never be satisfied until
Our whole planet has been ruined and it is too late.
Don’t allow it, for this is the only planet you have.
The Angels and I will are not going to
Allow your race to disturb another one
By raping and pillaging its resources,
The way you were for wise higher reasons
Were once permitted to deal with the Earth.
Do your best, so the Angels and I can do the rest,
To protect her and keep her safe for the occasions
When you, as your own descendant,
Return to her in future lifetimes.

* * *

‘When our interest in the religious/spiritual/philosophical side of life awakens, its hopes, dreams and aspirations increasingly act as our guide to doing the right things at the right moment and avoiding the wrong ones. Our inner guide, the living God within, shows  us the greater picture of life and with this comes an awareness of what is truly important in this life. With this recognition we freely and willingly seek ways of doing whatever is in our power to make a difference in our world and to ease the plight of our troubled and long-suffering planet.’

Extract from ‘The Holy Trinity’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (24)

Humankind On The Home Run

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Humankind On The Home RunEver more of you have reached the final phase of your earthly development. From the cold and darkness of Earth life, you are presently returning into the loving and welcoming warmth of your true eternal home in the oneness with Me and all life. You no longer find it difficult to understand that the truth of the spoken or written words some of My messengers from the spirit world over the ages brought to you and your world, from time to time, were always written by the invisible hand and the intangible power of beauty and love of Me, the Source of your being.

But before this kind of recognition can happen to you on the Earth plane, your small lower self first has to deal with and overcome the obstacles of its existence, which to your spirit/soul feel as if they had been encased in a black box. Here the earthly self dwells in a prison that consists of the ignorance of its true nature. From this temporary state of your true being arise many false perceptions of things, misunderstandings and prejudices, which have to be shed when you reawaken into the knowledge of your true nature. The deeper your spirit/soul once descended into life in physicality and matter, the thicker the walls of this jailhouse grew. This continued until you had been cut off completely from all concerns of the spirit. The tale of ‘Jesus In The Desert’ tells you more about this phase of your evolutionary journey.

Because in the early stages of your earthly development the mind of the small lower self has great difficulties grasping things of a more elevated nature, it finds it hard to believe that any kind of wisdom and truth could be hiding behind many of the surface words of the sacred texts of your world. That’s why St John 1:5 tells you: ‘And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.’ The darkness represents this small self with its earthly mind and its limited grasp or even complete ignorance of spiritual matters and concepts. The light is a symbolism for My Wisdom and Truth, which the earthly self begins to understand when the Divine spark within you awakens from its slumbers. You can read more about this theme in ‘The Road To Bethlehem & No Room At The Inn’. Please follow the link here or at the end of this chapter.

As soon as your understanding has increased sufficiently, you will know intuitively that messages like psalm ninety-one, mentioned earlier, was brought to you by the Angels. Whenever it comes your way again, wishing to communicate with human hearts and souls once again, in the hope that it will be better understood each time. These parts of any human being have their seat in the deepest innermost core of their being. It can only be accessed when someone is ready to open their your whole being and that means mind and body, spirit/soul to the inflow of love that is constantly pouring from the highest level of life, My heart, into all life and lifeforms. Your true nature is love and when this aspect of your nature opens wide, your energies are again in harmony with Me and My infinite, Universal and all-embracing love. This is the place from which you once emerged and your innermost being, your spirit/soul, have always remained at one with it. And that is the state to which ever more of you are presently returning.

It is of vital importance that you should refuse to give in to the constant chattering and battering of your earthly mind with its trivial questions, fears and negative attitudes. With a better grasp of life’s true purpose and the meaning of all events that ever took place in your life and everybody else’s you will find it increasingly easy to cultivate a steadfast faith in life’s goodness and the ultimate purpose of your individual and collective evolution. Train your mind to become steady and calm and fill your heart with love for Me and the whole of My creation and in particular for your siblings in the human family, so that My energies can flow through you into them without hindrance. For you, as My beloved child of the Earth, this is a perfectly natural happening and when it begins to happen to you, you will be astonished to discover that you no longer know weariness and dreariness of mind, body, spirit/soul.

The Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light are constantly with you. They are guiding and supporting you and many of them have travelled the same road you are presently treading. They are familiar with the weakness and fatigue of your physical body that sometimes overcomes you. That’s why they now can tell you from first hand experience that it is possible to constantly renew our energies simply through your awareness of My presence in your life and your faith and trust in Me.

For the time being planet Earth still appears to be a very dark place, but its vibrations have gradually been quickening for some time. Pay no attention to those who say that your world will never be perfect. You know that My great plan of life is evolution and that therefore they are wrong. As time goes by, Mother Earth is becoming ever more etherealised. She is in the process of evolving into a planet of light and life on here in the not too distant future will be very pleasant indeed, for that is her destiny and also yours. And as I have told you many times before, each one of you is here to make their contribution towards creating a brighter and more beautiful world.

Remind yourself frequently that you are living in a Creation of thought and that what you think affects all your actions, as well as every particle of physical matter that surrounds your inner self, much more than you can imagine at present. Know that thought power is capable of quickening your planet’s vibration, so that eventually Mother Earth will not only be spectacular to look at but also good to live upon. Unbeknown to yourselves, from the moment of humankind’s first appearance in earthly life, all of you together have been slowly but surely raising your planet’s vibrations. This will continue until every last bit of the darkness of ignorance has been dissolved.

Train your whole being to become still and peaceful. You will then notice that you are receiving ever more true impressions and feelings from the higher and highest levels of life. The greatest power that can assist you with anything you hope to achieve is Mine and that of My  messengers, the Angels, who are sent to you by My will and under My command. Never shut us out, but remain still and calm whenever are with you. In your daily lives, attend to one thing at a time quietly and serenely, as this opens your channels of communication for the inflowing of our powers. This state of peace can only be achieved through learning how to control your earthly mind and your emotions. Endeavour to control and direct them wisely, for that is the razor edge upon which all of you as My disciples have to walk. Do not suppress the world of your feelings but learn to control it instead.

As you know by now, the whole of My creation is ruled by two streams of consciousness and thought: a negative and a positive one. The power of thought is the greatest force of all life. It is far more powerful than you may at the moment be able to appreciate.  Because on the inner level all life is one and humankind is one great monad, you are always highly responsive to the mental influences of those around you. That is why during this phase of your development it is essential that you tune the transmitter/receiver station of your earthly mind into My higher and highest positive forces of love and goodwill.

The time has come for leaving the negative things of earthly life behind and for rejecting out of hand anything and anyone who tries to drag you down. The purpose of your present existence is that you should become aware of your individuality and your own inner God-qualities. Make every effort to bring them forth in all their glory, so that they can shine and radiate the blessing and healing power of My love into your whole world. In your thoughts and with the help of your creative imagination rise into and join the spheres of light, as that makes you receptive only to the Universe’s constructive forces and My creative power.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Jesus In The Desert’
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem & No Room At The Inn’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 10

Losing And Finding Yourself (25)

Total Surrender to God – Becoming The Lamb Of God

‘We can only judge our progress by the courage of our questions,
the depth of our answers, and our willingness
to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.’
Carl Sagan

Recommended Viewing:
‘Carl Sagan’s Speech About Humankind’

* * *

The Times They Are A-Changing

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – The Times They Are A-Changing

Now that the Age of Aquarius is with you, for the majority of those who are presently taking part in earthly life this brings the final stage of their education as a physical being. For these spirit/souls a vast cycle of experiences is closing. I shall tell you about what is going to happen to your younger and less experienced siblings in one of the later chapters. For all who have matured into spiritual adulthood and are willing to proceed, the Aquarian age brings the demand for total surrender to Me. In the following chapters we shall explore the meaning of this age-old concept and the way it expresses itself in the realities of Earth life.

One of the main laws of life, My laws, is evolution – more about this later. Because of this everything in the whole of Creation is relentlessly changing, as it moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. It is impossible for life to stand still and go backwards, not even for the tiniest of moments. Naturally, this includes you and everything that shares your world with you. And so it is hardly surprising that many of you are presently struggling with coming to terms with their earthly existence. The main reason for this is that those who are taking part in the final evolutionary grade in the school of Earth life have brought with them into their present lifetime their most ancient Karmic debt that are still waiting to be redeemed. This has to happen before any one of you can be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian Age. We shall return to this theme.

One of the protest singers of your world, Bob Dylan, way back in the sixties in one of his songs declared: ‘The times they are a-changing.’ As your planet’s vibrations are being speeded up with ever increasing intensity, this is indeed what they have been doing for quite some time. Nothing and no-one can hold back the march of time and progress. And who in their right senses would want to do it in any case? Humankind’s spiritual progress and that of your world happens all the time whether some of you, My beloved children of the Earth, like it or not. My great plan of life provides that each one of you individually and all of you together, the same as every other form of life in the whole of Creation, is slowly but surely evolving into ever more beautiful and perfect specimens.

This is particularly true for all members of the human family and especially while they are playing the role of earthlings. In the course of many lifetimes each one of you is meant to steadily grow wiser and kinder, more thoughtful, tolerant and respectful towards yourselves and those around you, as well as everything else that exists on your planet. Through the learning that is gained from working your way through your own experiences, each subsequent earthly sojourn helps you to slowly but surely grow in wisdom and understanding.

One major turning point in your earthly education has been reached when the Divine spark in you wakes up from its slumber and your earthly self begins to understand that all life, including yours, is subject to My Universal laws. The most relevant one for you earthlings is the law of cause and effect, known as the law of Karma. It decrees that everything has to return to its source. The corollary of this is that any kind of suffering you inflict on those around you, human and animal alike, during any one of your presences on the earthly plane does unerringly return to you like a boomerang. When any kind of emotional/spiritual/physical suffering you once caused comes back to you in this way, you find out first hand what pain is and feels like. Through the suffering you then endure you gradually evolve into a more compassionate and understanding, loving and kind, honest and truthful being.

What about the suffering of Jesus when allegedly he died as a human being on the cross? In truth the story of Jesus and his life is a legend that depicts the pathway every human spirit/soul is walking on the Earth plane. Considering the crimes that have been committed in his name – warfare, inquisition, witch hunting and so on and so forth, is it not better that Jesus never existed? Every part of his life story represents one of the many initiations which every one of you in due course has to take part in. The Jesus tale was once given to humankind by the Angels, so that in the fullness of time, when ever more of you had matured into spiritual adulthood, you would be able to recognise the wise higher purpose of this story. Eventually every one of you will be able to understand that the esoteric meaning, which for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the various parts of the Master’s life story, provides you with signposts of how you, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, slowly but surely evolve into a Master and a Christed one in your own right.

Wise ones who have progressed to this level of understanding, freely and willingly take responsibility for themselves and their whole world. They are doing this because they appreciate that, just as the myth of the Master Jesus’ life describes, every human being at the end of their earthly education needs to freely and willingly surrender the aims and desires of their small earthly self to Me and My will. You too will be happy to do this because by then you will have learnt to trust and rely upon the directions you are constantly receiving intuitively from Me, your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. This is the channel of communication through which the Great Mother’s love and wisdom have always been trying to flow into each one of you. The Angels and Masters in the world of light, together with all other spirit friends and helpers are the go-betweens who relate Her messages to those who are ready to receive them intuitively on the earthly plane. We shall return to this theme in the chapter ‘Total Surrender To God’.

The spiritual guidance you need to seek at your entry into the Aquarian Age does not come from somewhere ‘out there’, maybe another planet and its beings, supposedly channelled by someone from there onto the Earth plane. Even if they talk with a funny voice and a foreign sounding accent to convince you that you are listening to messages from outer space, do not be taken in. The only truly reliable guidance can only come to you from your own innermost being. The Angels and Masters of the spirit realm have been waiting for a long to time to bring it to you through everyone’s own inner guru and teacher, your intuition, the above mentioned wise one or living God within.

I am this teacher and guide and My advice is freely available to any one of you, at no cost whatever at any time of day and night. I never leave you because I am part of you and you are part of Me. Yet as always, the choice is yours. You are allowed to make up your own mind which kind of guidance you prefer and to whose voice you are willing to listen.

Your earthly personality is your small lower self and I am its counterpart, your Highest or God Self. You are a spark of Me, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, in whom all life is one. Naturally, this includes the whole human race and its world. The upper and lower aspects of your being seem to be separate and often at loggerheads with each other. This has been a necessary part of the illusion of Earth life to assist you with becoming aware that each one of you is an individual being in their own right. Yet, in truth on the inner level all is one and there never has been any kind of separation between anything. Read more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

Because of this oneness all aspects of your nature, the higher and lower, feminine and masculine, and so forth also have always remained one single unit. To help the impression of separateness along, with the passing of ever more lifetimes on the earthly plane humankind’s small lower self gradually lost the awareness of its inner connectedness with Me, its Highest Self, and all life. Rejoice, for at long last the time has come to re-establish and heal your connection with Me and through this with the whole of My Creation.

Wise ones in your midst are not bothered whether or not any of the teachers, who allegedly formed the focal point of the many myths and legends the Angels throughout the ages brought to your world, ever did appear in earthly life or not. It is immaterial to them because they are aware that the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers are constantly with all of you, that they always have been there and are very real. With them being at all times ready and willing to lend a helping hand, what more could anyone wish for? And why should it make any difference to those who are presently walking the Earth whether any of the mythical figures ever appeared as physical beings? Does that really matter?

Unfortunately, it has ever been your race’s weakness to over-focus on the messengers who brought stories of this nature to you from the world of light. During past ages – many are falling into this trap to this day – humankind mistook their central figures as the most important part of their appearance. Through this they frequently missed the esoteric meaning behind the surface words of such messages. But many of you by now have spiritually matured sufficiently to be able to see that in truth this was the only thing that ever really mattered about the age-old message. Many different legendary couriers brought it to your world.

This is how time and again it appeared in manifold disguises that were chosen by the Angels down the ages because they considered it as appropriate for that particular state of humankind’s spiritual development. The esoteric meaning behind the message always remained unchanged, namely that each one of you is a spark of the Divine. In truth you are young Gods in the making and you, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, are part of My great plan of life. You and your world will forever be moving on the evolutionary spiral of life, ever forwards and upwards and never back.

From now on, when someone comes along to you to complain that in their view your world is in retrograde motion, you can tell them with the greatest of confidence that it merely seems to be that way because to this day the Earth is a training ground for young and inexperienced spirit/souls. Reassure them that there is no need for despair or giving up hope for anyone. Know that whenever you are speaking words like these, you are speaking the truth because you and I we are one and in such moments, I take over and am speaking through you. Those who are ready for it will grasp the meaning of what you are saying. They will know from the resonance they are feeling deep within their own being, that it is indeed the truth they are hearing.

Never forget that each one of you is on a different level of spiritual awareness and therefore at any given moment can only take part in the lessons that are right for that particular phase of their development at that time. Being aware of this makes it easier for you to step back from those who fail to comprehend what you have to give. Leave them to their own devices and rest safely in the knowledge that they too will understand when their time for doing so has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (26)

Students And Their Teachers

 Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Students And Their TeachersMany of you are by now aware that everything that is in Me is also in you and that this means all My characteristics and qualities, as well as My powers, including those of creation and de-creation or destruction. For a long time each one of you spends many lifetimes on the Earth plane, thinking of yourself as nothing but an earthling, and that you can do whatever you like, hurting, maiming and killing without anyone knowing about it. But eventually for each one of you comes the moment of awakening to your true nature. The scales then fall from your inner vision about your relationship with Me and the powers that have been at work within you and your life, without you having the slightest idea of why things ever happened to you and your world.

Each one of you is a unique and precious being who is of great value to Me and loved beyond compare, and who has their own unique contribution to make in the peacemaking and healing process of your world. I granted you the gift of your present lifetime to assist you with becoming aware of your Divine inheritance, so that you may learn to handle every part of it with the greatest of care and with the love, respect and devotion to Me they deserve. Because on the inner level of life all is one, in your earthly endeavours never forget that what is done for one is done for everybody. The result of this is that when one of you is healing, your whole world is doing the same, and even the smallest effort any one of you makes towards this end also benefits the whole of Creation.

Every individual spirit/soul is an important part of its country’s spirit/soul. Each one of them belongs to the national spirit/soul which in turn is art of your whole world's spirit/soul soul of your whole world. And that is an integral part of the spirit/soul of the whole of Creation. As a result of the inner oneness of all life, not a single one of you will ever be able to live just for themselves. Everything any one of you thinks and does contributes towards either the evolutionary progress or the retreat of the greater spirit/soul. Every small step you take towards becoming more God-like, for example by endeavouring to be good and kind at all times and think high and noble thoughts only, raises not only your own spirit/soul and that of your world into My loving heart, but also the spirit/soul of the whole of Creation.

As you know, life on Earth is a school and a place of learning and all those in it, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. Know that no two evolutionary pathways throughout the whole of My Creation could ever be alike. The whole of humankind is one great family and those who at any given time are walking the Earth are there to assist others with their task of learning and growing in wisdom and understanding.

In this institution life itself is the teacher and at all times each one of you is simultaneously acting as student and teacher for those around them. And it is for this reason that at any given time some very young and inexperienced souls, maybe completely new ones exist in your midst. The same as in any earthly educational establishment this one consists of different grades and classes of learning. The first ones for beginners are followed by those that serve souls who have reached the middle ground.

The task of the most highly evolved souls in top grade three is to lead by good example. They need to show their younger siblings the right way of behaving themselves and conducting their lives in a fashion that with the passing of time enables them to develop into true sons/daughters of God. The ultimate duty of each one of you is to do your best to bring your own small peace of Heaven down to the Earth and thus doing your share of establishing God’s kingdom ever more firmly on your planet.

Taking every word of the Bible literally for a long time has been a necessary part of the earthly education of the earliest stages of humankind’s development, so to speak your spiritual infancy, childhood and adolescence. As you mature and gradually grow into spiritual adulthood, you begin to realise that the truth of the words of the Bible and all other sacred texts of your world is hidden behind their surface words in the form of higher esoteric meanings. Having become aware of this, wise ones in every one of their daily encounters do not overlook that to this day many of the people they encounter are still working their way through the early stages of the earthly curriculum. They know that it is because of this that such spiritual youngsters – even though they may be a hundred years old – believe that every word of the sacred texts before them is true and based on historical facts.

Those who re-awake to their true nature soon begin to realise that literalism has actually been a way of temporarily bringing humankind’s spiritual progress to a halt. It is the kind of belief that puts human souls into a state of stagnation, because for some time they are denied access to taking responsibility for themselves. This stops them from prematurely becoming aware of their own Christ nature and through growing ever more God-like develop into a Christed one in their own right. That is the only way you and your world will ever be saved and redeemed, not by Me but by each one of you yourselves.

And now, please pause for a moment and take a closer inspection of your world. You can then not help noticing that the behaviour, actions and reactions of those who share Earth life with you reveals those who are your younger siblings in the human family and what kind of life lessons they are presently attending. Showing tolerance towards such youngsters, regardless of what someone’s age in Earth terms may be, being patient with them and forgiving their transgressions does not mean that you condone their deeds. Wise ones do not need to be reminded that they, the same as you, have come from love and that one day they too will have matured sufficiently to become aware of their true nature again. We shall return to the theme of your younger siblings shortly.

Humankind’s true nature is love and the only way of doing justice to it is when you love and show understanding and compassion, kindness and tolerance towards everybody, human beings and animals alike. You practise these things each time you forgive one of your younger siblings, the same as you are always forgiven by the Angels and Me, even for your worst misdemeanours of the past or present. Once you have learnt to truly love from the heart you know for yourself why it has been said that love understands all and forgives all. It does this because it understands – it could not be any other way.

Having reached your present level of awareness, you can see how even in the year 2016 of Earth time the warmongers of your world and the principles they represent are beginning to look ever more like creatures from the past, veritable dinosaurs and their beliefs. The time will soon come when humankind learns how to use the creativity and ingenuity I have always so generously bestowed upon each one of you, for positive, constructive and peaceful purposes, in preference to the negative ways of the past of hurting and maiming, killing and destroying each other. Immense strides forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life will then be possible for all of you much more rapidly.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The School Of Earth Life’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (27)

My House Of Many Mansions

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – My House Of Many MansionsMany who are presently spending another lifetime on the Earth plane are unaware that the whole of My creation is teaming with life that to this day is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes. Because of this they refuse to believe in the existence of other worlds. They could not be more wrong! But in due course the doubting Thomases will also discover them.

What I am speaking about is the realm of the Angels and Masters and all manner of other beings, who are more highly evolved than most earthlings still are. The creatures who for a long time have been known by some of you as fairies and elves are part of this higher kingdom of life. They belong to the vast family of nature spirits, who have always been at work behind the scenes of humankind’s earthly existence. They are the ones who provide for every one of the true needs of every one of Mother Earth’s children, human, animal and plant life alike.

By day and night these creatures are beavering away without ever resting or sleeping. Although they do belong to the physical aspect of earthly life, being spirits they have no need for bodies like yours for getting around. Your physical body is your vehicle for one lifetime only and it gets tired and worn out and eventually becomes ill, if it does not get sufficient rest. The creatures behind the scenes of earthly life are part of Me, the same as you are. The main difference between them and you is that they are drawing all their energies directly from Me, the Great Light and the Sun behind all Suns, while you have to get the physical part of it from the various kingdoms of Mother Earth. The supply of my energies quite literally is endless and will never run out. And there will come a time when you too will be sustained the same as any other spirit being.

Your race’s other world and true home, the world of spirit or light, also belongs to the Earth plane. This is where the Angels and Masters in charge of humankind are at work. They in turn are under the direction of the Angels on yet higher and the highest levels of life. Together with your guides, friends and helpers the angelic hierarchy is caring for and serving humankinds spiritual development. They are constantly accompanying and guiding all of you through your happiest moments as well as the most painful and traumatic lessons that have to be gone through in the great school of earthly life.

The whole of Creation is My house and it consists of a great variety of mansions on many different levels. One of them is Mother Earth with her rich multitude of manifestations of life. Throughout the Universe there are millions of such mansions, most of which are still waiting to be discovered and explored by you. How about that for an inviting and exciting thought? As soon as you begin to perceive life from the spiritual viewpoint, you will be able to see for yourself that the things I am telling you about here in truth could not be any other way.

Many of you, My beloved children of the Earth, think of yourselves as incredibly clever. This you do in spite of the fact that in your current state of development you actually know and understand very little of the true realities of life and the things that are really important. By this I mean that which for Earth life’s limited field of vision is taking place behind its scenes, the spiritual aspects of life. As you are about to find out, these are by far life’s most important and interesting ones. The evolutionary pathway for human souls is a journey of discovery. It starts off with each one of you individually having to take part in and becoming familiar with the lowest, most despicable and negative characteristics of your lower earthly nature, as well as everybody else’s. The kind of adventuring this involves familiarises you with them.

However, unbeknown to you for a very long time, you have always steadily been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. You climb out of the abyss of human suffering, on its giving and receiving end, continues until the good and positive traits of your Christ nature begin to come to the fore of your consciousness. In the course of many lifetimes you learn how to develop them and this continues until you have brought forth from within you the finest, noblest and highest qualities of human nature. When this has been achieved you have become a true daughter/son of the living God on the Earth.

The ultimate aim of for each one of you is to fully integrate every characteristic of human nature, the highest as well as the lowest. When you are in charge of all of them, you have evolved into a perfect or whole and holy, a Christed one in your own right. It stands to reason that such a monumental task cannot possibly be carried out in one single lifetime. This may take thousands of them, maybe more. You are not to know how many, but one thing is sure and that is that all of you get there in the end.

How long do you think it might have taken you to develop from the earliest and most primitive stages of your earthly beingness into the splendid and adorable creature you are now? Let no-one run away with the illusion that any one of you was instantly created like this, because that is simply not true. And when you look around you, if it sometimes seems as if the evolutionary spiral of life were taking humankind in a downwards rather than upwards direction, this is due to the fact that at any given time there is a steady inflow of young and inexperienced souls onto the Earth plane.

Wise ones appreciate that for many souls it is their first lifetime in earthly life. This helps them to react with tolerance and patience, mercifully and with understanding towards anyone they recognise as being less experienced than they are. Aware that each one of you is on a different evolutionary level, such wise ones appreciate the presence of these youngsters because they are providing the tests and trials that are needed by the more advanced students in the school of earthly life. The behaviour of the older souls towards their younger siblings reveals to those in charge behind the scenes which evolutionary level any one of you truly has reached.

The Karma created during the earliest phases of your development draws you back into taking part and experiencing life in physicality, time and again. More Karma, good and positive as well as destructive and negative, is created each time round. It all depends on the degree of difficulties of your lessons. As you move slowly but surely move ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, every aspect of the spiritual debts that are thus incurred have to be redeemed by you eventually. Only when the last bit of that which you owe has been duly attended to, will you be allowed to leave earthly life with its desires and urges of your lower animal nature behind.

Until you have grown into spiritual adulthood and with it a sufficiently high spiritual evolutionary level, so that Earth life can no longer teach you anything, for each one of you there will always be more lifetimes. But eventually all of you will be able to proceed onwards to lessons of a more elevated nature on the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (28)

Messengers And Their Messages

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Messengers And Their Messages

A Truth Seeker Speaks:

Preacher man or woman,
Can you save my soul
Or is your Bible just for show?
Tell me the truth. I need to know

Preacher man or woman,
Heaven sounds like a cosmic place,
Where grief disappears without a trace
And there is no shame or disgrace.

Preacher man or woman,
Can I get forgiveness for MY sins,
Forget who I am and what might have been,
Start all over and be born again?

Julia WF

My beloved children of the Earth, do not pour your wrath onto the poor souls who stand on pulpits and podiums to assure you that every word of what to them is a holy book is true. It is all they know and that so far is their truth. They are your younger and less experienced siblings in the family of humankind and that is all there understand at present, and in the fullness of time they too will discover the advanced knowledge that has already come to you. Pray that it will keep on flowing and be thankful for this blessing.

Forgive them because they themselves have been misled, so have those they are working for. Now that humankind’s great awakening to the revelations of My wisdom and truth is taking place, you can be sure that they will resist it and fight against it, for as long as anyone lets them get away with it. The Christian church’s predestined role from its earliest beginnings has not been the bringing of My wisdom and truth to the human race, but to hide and suppress it for as long as possible. It will do them no good to continue with this. Either they adjust to the religion of the new age – see the link at the end of this chapter – or they will just dwindle away and perish, because people will no longer interested in what they have to offer. In the long run spiritual progress cannot be held up by anyone.

The tale that a saviour and redeemer would one day appear to make good all humankind’s sins and save you and your spirit/soul and forever keep it from harm, that's no more than a legend. The truth is that you alone can save and redeem your spirit/soul. You are responsible for its wellbeing. It’s up to you to nurture and protect it by filling it with good and positive thoughts and seeking uplifting experiences. They are the things you need to do to save your spirit/soul and no-one can do them for you, neither on the earthly plane nor in the world of light. Strive to create good Karma at all times, so that nothing but more of the same can return to you, in the fullness of time. This is done by simply being a good person and not through ostentatiously being good, whilst behaving like an impersonation of the devil towards those around you.

Opposing forces like those of masculine and feminine, good and evil, darkness and light are part of God’s duality and our own. They are at work on all levels of life and therefore also constantly manifesting themselves on the Earth plane. Darkness means the absence of light. Light is the giver and supporter of all life. In its presence all darkness soon disperses. Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. The light of spiritual wisdom and truth slowly but surely absorbs the darkness of all ignorance into itself, until the whole scene has been lit up and no darkness is left.

This process is similar on the material plane of life, as you can watch every morning when the Sun rises over the horizon of your world. Its light penetrates the darkness and disperses it. As the darkness of not knowing on the Earth plane gradually gives way to the light of My Wisdom and Truth, this is what for some time has been happening on the inner level of life to the hearts and minds of humankind. As time goes by, it is making itself known more and more on the Earth plane.

Whenever you want to find some of My wisdom and truth, there is no point in going to a preacher man or others of his kind. Instead look into your own heart and listen to what it has to say. Your heart knows the truth and tells you about it through the world of your feelings. It reveals it to all for whom the time is right and if you are reading this and your heart says: ‘Yes, this is true!’ then for you it is. Forgive those who do not yet share what you know to be true, because your heart tells you so. Pay attention to your heart, for that’s where I dwell and from there I am guiding you. Do this each time some new spiritual knowledge comes to you, no matter where you find it.

Many Christians to this day are focussing too much on the legendary figure of Jesus, when in truth the story of the Master’s life from the moment of its conception merely served as My messenger. Those who are still taking this tale literally are missing its most important parts, namely the messages that all along have been hiding behind its surface words. The Jesus story came into being as My awakening call to humankind. It was written the way it is so that in due course each one of you would once more become aware of their own true nature and the responsibilities and duties being a child of Mine brings with it. It has always been part of My great plan of life that this will not merely happen for the odd one here and there, but for each one of you.

For many it is time to come to terms with that there will never be anybody who can or will make good and forgive everyone’s sins and to save and redeem you and your world. The only one who can do this is every one of you for themselves. The impression that one fine day someone from the highest levels of life would appear in your world to wave a kind of magic wand and speak some magic words to do these things for you is a wrong one. Believing such things was good enough for you during your spiritual infancy and childhood, as during that phase of your earthly development it would have been impossible for you to comprehend the truth.

Wise ones who have grown into spiritual maturity recognise that each one of you individually, as well as all of you together, is responsible for themselves, the state of your world and everything that shares it with them. They appreciate that in the final analysis every human spirit/soul has been placed on the Earth to evolve through growing in wisdom and understanding. In the course of many lifetimes each one of you assists your planet with its evolution and slowly but surely grows into the role of its keeper and guardian.

If humankind’s ways of the past and present were to continue and your education demanded further lifetimes in earthly life, you would then have to live with the consequences of ages of exploitation, raping and pillaging of Mother Earth’s precious resources. Not wishing to reincarnate onto a ruined and devastated planet, you do your best during this one to put a halt to such irresponsible behaviour and protect the Earth as best you can. And I am here to show you how to go about it.

Therefore, in all your efforts listen to Me, your inner guidance. Rest safely in the knowledge that whenever you are following My advice, you cannot go wrong and that everything I show you is the right thing and for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. If you hear something that feels detrimental, negative and destructive to you, stop and say to yourself: ‘This must be the instincts of my small and mean earthly self speaking. I do no wish to follow its desires when at the same time my higher instincts and impulses are telling me that it is wrong. I refuse to do it.’

No highly evolved spirit/soul would dream of causing pain to someone and thinking: ‘If I hurt others, it’s okay. Why are they getting in my way? Who am I to know whether my own evolution does not depend upon me trampling on others, so that I may gain some satisfaction from every one of my experiences? Anyway, whenever someone tells me I’ve been sinning, I’ll go to church, confess to my priest and be forgiven by him or her. Then I can do it again. What a life!’ It is understandable when young and inexperienced souls behave in such a manner, for this too is an essential part of the phase of their earthly education they are undergoing at that moment.

Unaware of the fact that there is such a thing as Universal or God’s laws and in particular the law of cause and effect, the law of Karma, young and inexperienced souls go ahead and kill and maim to the content of their lower earthly self’s desires. Because the first law of life is love and My love knows no chastisement or retribution, but constantly gives of itself without expecting anything in return, the law of Karma was never intended to punish any one of you. It is about learning and teaching and that is why either later in your present lifetime or in future ones, through the lessons you receive life presents you not only with opportunities for learning but also for making good and redeeming yourselves.

In this manner the law constantly provides each one of you with gateways to new experiences and more advanced studies. It shows you how you can do better where once you went wrong and sinned, simply because you did not yet know any better. This is how life itself assists each one of you with the things and experiences you need to grow in wisdom and understanding. This continues until you succeed to bring forth from within the very core of your being the Christ qualities of decency and honesty, tolerance and patience, compassion and love.

As you can see, Karma is neutral and in itself cannot save anyone. And because on the inner level all life is one, that which is done for one affects all of you and is done for everybody. That is how in the process of redeeming and saving yourself, you are doing the same for the whole of your race and your world. Love is the law of life and the greatest force in the whole of Creation. In love and on the inner level of life there is no separation, all is one. And when you work for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind, on the inner level of life your love connects you with every one of your siblings. They are your sisters and brothers in spirit. Your love creates a bond and a link between you and them which nothing and no-one will ever be able to destroy. Contact with any one of them is always possible for you in your thoughts and meditations.

You are on the Earth plane to rediscover the awareness that life is eternal and ever renewing itself. When you know that I am love and that I love each one of you totally and unconditionally, you cannot help loving Me, your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. Every human spirit/soul is part of Me and immortal, for in My consciousness there is no such thing as death. Those who have left earthly life before you have their being in My love and are alive in it. They are as much part of your spirit as they are of Mine. Therefore they are with you and will never leave you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (29)

The New World Teacher

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – The New World TeacherBecoming a saviour and redeemer first of yourselves and then also of your world is every human spirit/soul’s highest potential. To achieve this, each one of you first has to learn how to work hand in hand with the Angels and Me, your Highest Self, the living God within. This is done by praying for our guidance and protection, so that we can come to your help and even for the most mundane things show you how to go about things. The more you learn to do this and the more highly evolved you become, the more you discover that you no longer have any need for the teachings of those who came before you, be they legendary figures or people who really once walked the Earth.

Try us and you will soon find out that I, your Highest Self, truly do know the answer to all your questions. They are coming to you intuitively = your inner teacher. As soon as you appoint this part of your being as your guru, you no longer require the prophecies and forecasts of others. I am the wise one who has always dwelled in the core of your being, your heart. I am the small still voice of conscience. I have always tried to bring you the wisdom and truth of your Highest or God Self, the living God within, so each one of you can find out for themselves that I do know the way of all things.

I am the long awaited new World Teacher, promised of old. For aeons I have been waiting for the time when increasing numbers of you will be calling upon Me and be willing to listen to Me and follow My guidance. Neither the man of the Jesus legend nor any of the Sainted ones of your world of past ages are going to appear in your midst, to lead and show your race what is expected of all of you. The Age of Aquarius is with you now and it is an age of equal rights and opportunities for all. This quite naturally also means the same duties and responsibilities. In the not too distant future neither human leaders nor followers will be required any more. All shall lead by giving of their best for the highest good of all and everyone will be glad to follow their example.

Occasionally you will find that the insights I am giving you into one theme and another differ from those that already exist in your world. This is not surprising because I am trying to help your world to find a better and more advanced understanding of the spiritual background of earthly life. As I have pointed out many times before, spiritual knowledge was never meant to be carved into stones, cast into moulds or set in concrete. It grows and evolves like all other parts of life throughout the whole of My Creation, including humankind. Evolution is an essential part of the law of life and constant expansion is of vital importance for it. The evolutionary spiral of life never stands still or moves backwards, only forwards and upwards. Naturally, your race’s understanding of My wisdom and truth is subject to this law. It too has to grow and expand with the passing of time.

For a long time now Stargazer writings have been providing Me with a channel for bringing new hope, faith and trust in the basic goodness of My great plan for all life. The development of your race is an integral and important part of it. This applies as much to your present existence on the Earth plane as to all other levels of life you will eventually be reaching, individually and collectively. Stargazer’s jottings are constantly bringing you fresh interpretations and a renewal of understanding of My sacred wisdom and truth, My true nature and your own. These writings are doing their share of establishing My Kingdom on the Earth. They are an integral part of restoring the balance of your world. This will continue until genuine and lasting peace has come to every part of it.

Rest assured that all your prayers are heard and especially those who ask the way St Francis of Assisi once did:

Make me a channel of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love,
Where there is injury, Your pardon,
And where there is doubt, true faith in You.

Make me a channel of Your peace.
Where there is despair in life,
Let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there is sadness, ever joy.

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love.
Where there is injury, Your pardon
And where there is doubt, true faith in You.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all people that we receive,
And in dying that we are born
To Eternal life.

O Master, grant that I may not seek
So much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand
And to be loved as to love
With all my heart and spirit/soul.

No-one can tell you how to open your inner doors for entering into the oneness with Me and My Divine life, which exists on the inner level of life and not as once believed somewhere ‘out there’. Trying to do this mentally is pointless. On the contrary, it is necessary for you to let go of all thinking, so you can connect with Me through the world of your feelings and the love you feel in your heart for Me and the life I am creating each day anew for all of you.

The only way of reconnecting with Me and My world is by making every effort to bring forth from your innermost being My characteristics of meekness, gentleness, humility, patience and peace of spirit, for they too are yours. In your meditations and quiet contemplations dwell on nothing but peace, goodwill, thankfulness, joy, beauty and as many of your own highest attributes you can think of. The more you become like Me, the more you are at one with Me.

So, in all your endeavours attune yourself to My Spirit as best you know how to. When faced with a particularly difficult situation, before acting think to yourself: ‘How would God react to this?’ Contemplate on My nature, My compassion, wisdom and love. Let everything else go and dwell with Me in My spirit. By constantly living this way the small point of light, the Divine spark in you, gradually expands more and more until your whole being has become a golden Sun and a Christed one in its own right.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (30)

The Laws Of Life

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – The Laws Of LifeI, your Creator, am the great architect and designer of all life and the Universal laws are My laws of life. The first law is love, from which all other laws radiate out. The law of evolution and the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, are extensions of the law of love. Evolution is the purpose of life for the whole of My creation. Even the smallest and insignificant part of it is a work of art that is incessantly growing and evolving into a more beautiful and perfect manifestation of Me. Every part of My Creation is loved totally and unconditionally by Me. You usually have similar feelings towards your own creative artistic efforts.

Without ever stopping or resting even for the fraction of a second in Earth time, I am working on improving and perfecting all aspects of My Creation. Naturally, this also applies to you and your world. Mother Earth is one of the many physical and spiritual manifestations of the Great Mother. Everything that exists in your planet’s animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms – the same as in all other worlds – is constantly in a state of evolution. The whole lot is an expression and manifestation of Me, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and My love. Through each one of you, My human children of the Earth, for a very long time I have been getting to know Myself, who I am, complete with all My characteristics, weaknesses as well as strengths.

Younger and less experienced souls in your midst may as yet be unable to grasp what evolution really means. That’s why, whenever I am telling you about the spiritual background of life and evolution, they jump to the conclusion that I am not speaking of evolution at all. As so far they can only perceive the world around them from a purely scientific standpoint, they will have to continue with their belief that the concept of evolution is nothing but a theory and at best an assumption. In their ignorance they are proud that to them as scientifically minded people a theory is an accepted truth in the absence of practical evidence.

As you can see, they cannot help being as sceptic as they are of My words about this theme. Never mind, leave them to it and rest assured that in due course, they too will understand. For them too there will come a time when their superconscious faculties begin to open and their interest in and understanding of the higher concepts of life starts to develop. When they have finally reached this evolutionary landmark, with the passing of time they will also be able to recognise that the Jesus story cannot possibly be meant to be taken literally and that all along it has been but a myth, which never was based on historical facts.

All of you have these superconscious faculties, but at first only in seed form. At a certain point in your development they awaken and you slowly begin to gain access to the higher aspects of My nature and your own. For as long as this part of your being is still shut tight, you are bound to be afraid of losing the concepts you think of as true. Because of this you cling to them like to dear life itself. And when one fine day somebody comes along to reveal to you that the story you have understood literally for a long time is merely a legend, you may react with anger and become aggressive.

People behave like this because it is a basic human need to believe in something and when they have found something that seems like the truth to them, they adopt it. As a result, when someone comes along to tell them that their belief is a false one, they are afraid of once again being left without something to believe in. At a later stage these souls could be asking themselves, if only subconsciously: ‘If my old belief really is a false one, how can I be sure that what this person is telling me is the truth?’ If their moment of awakening has come, which in due course it does for each one of you, I will let them know through the world of their feelings and the small still voice of their conscience, My voice, whispering: ‘Yes, what you are hearing makes sense because it is true.’

Whenever you encounter souls who are unready for what you have to give, you will soon sense their mindset of non-comprehension and resistance. In that case it is best to retreat from the scene rather than casting the pearls of your wisdom – not before swine – but the unready. The recipients would not thank you for your gift and if you insisted on pushing the matter, as likely as not they would attack you in some way or another. At best they might accuse you of making things up and at worst they could express their fear and anger in physical actions, because they fear that you have come to destroy their security – as illusory as it is in reality – the very foundations upon which up to now they have built their existence.

All you would be doing in that case is wasting the most precious resources you have on the Earth plane, your time and energy. Trust that when these people are ready for what you are offering, the Angels will help them to find it and they will then understand. Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to step back and to rest safely in the knowledge that they too are being taken care of, just the same as you always have been and forever will be. Whenever you have done your best, let your unseen friends and helpers behind the scenes of Earth life and Me do the rest, for that is what we are doing in any case, at all times.

You can rely upon it that we are always there in the background, watching, guiding and protecting each one of you. It is enough for you to sow a few seeds and when the other one’s moment of awakening has come, they will begin to sprout and your work – although this is hard to imagine at the time – in the end is going to bear the richest and juiciest of fruits. This is likely to happen in spite of the fact that it could take a long time after you have moved on to greener pastures where people are ready to receive and appreciate your gifts. Wise ones do not get upset about the lack of success their efforts have at times. They appreciate that people vary in their understanding of the purpose and meaning of life and the Universal laws that rule all life throughout the whole of Creation.

These wise ones know that the law of evolution is particularly important in this connection, even though to this day many in your world approach the matter from a purely material viewpoint. For as long as these people’s spiritual horizons are still safely boarded or bricked up, they simply cannot grasp that there is such a thing as a spiritual background of life. In their present evolutionary state how are they to appreciate that this is by far the most important part of life? Wouldn’t they be surprised if they discovered that without this backdrop and the spiritual beings, who inhabit that world and under whose direction all life unfolds – or evolves – there would be no life on Earth or anywhere else?

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (31)

Was I Ever A Dinosaur?

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Was I Ever A Dinosaur?

An essential part of My nature and therefore also of yours is its duality. Whether some of you like this or not, there are two aspects to everything, including you yourself and the world in which you presently exist. Both of you consist of a material part, the outer one, and a spiritual part, the inner one. Throughout the whole of My Creation the spiritual has always been by far the most important aspect of life. Everything that has ever existed in the material world, including all things and beings on the earthly plane, has always been doomed to eventually perish and die. The inner aspects remain because they are immortal and eternal. And that is the realm where your own and everybody else’s spirit/soul have always dwelled and forever will do.

For as long as you fail to comprehend the true meaning of the concept of evolution the biggest mystery to you will always be you yourself. In that case you may well be tempted to think that you once evolved from the tiniest cell into a Homo Habilis, who within a time span that could barely be counted as a tick of the evolutionary clock of about two million years, evolved into a Homo Sapiens. In your lack of understanding of the evolutionary process you may even imagine that you once walked the Earth as a Tyrannosaurus as well as a Brontosaurus, whose form remained unchanged for approximately fifty million years. And so on and so forth.

Wise ones know that evolution works in quite a different way from the way it is commonly believed. They are aware that humankind as a species has not been taking part in Earth life for the whole length of your planet’s existence. The development of your small earthly selves began after I had decided to remove the creatures that were there, as they were unsuitable for achieving the ultimate purpose of the Earth’s evolution of being spiritualised. Each one of you has for a long time been taking part in the process of assisting her with this task.

As the first stage of My evolutionary plan for the Earth had gone well, the planet was ready for the next step. So that the new phase of Mother Earth’s development could begin, I wiped the slate clean. My plan was that this time round one of the new animal species would in due course become sufficiently evolved to be capable of hosting the first human spirits and souls. They would be brought into the picture at the right moment. Look at the primates of the animal kingdom and you will have no difficulties recognising your animal ancestry.

Therefore, as much as I hate to disappoint some of you, My beloved children, none of you ever roamed the Earth as a cockroach, a Tyrannosaurus or a Brontosaurus. From the moment of your creation, when you emerged as a pure thought from the mind of My heart, you have been you. You always were you and forever you will be, and that applies to all human spirits. Although in each subsequent lifetime you appeared in another guise and with a different name, basically at all times you have remained you. There are sure to be some of you who are as yet unable to perceive such a scenario and grasp its truth. Yet, whether someone likes it or not, that is My truth.

My plan for humankind from its beginning has provided that each one of you should time and again take part in Earth life, and that this would continue until you had become so highly evolved that that particular plane could no longer teach you anything new. Accompanied by the Angels, you would then be allowed to move on to continue your studies on the higher levels of experience. Life is a spiral that constantly strives to take the whole of My Creation into ever higher and eventually highest realms of existence.

This spiral has neither a beginning nor an end. It always was and forever will be and all lifeforms will keep on moving forwards and upwards. Evolution is a procedure which, with the passing of time, transforms inferior and ugly things and people into perfect and beautiful ones. Although this concept is basically very simple, it is also a highly complex one. But all you need to be aware of at present is that all life fulfils the wise higher purpose of growth and progress.

Equipped with this knowledge you will be able to recognise that the things, which to this day appear to be in retrogression in your world, in the final analysis are progressing nonetheless. Never lose sight of the fact that no matter what still has to take place to fulfil the requirements of the law of Karma, all life including your own and that of your whole race and world, will keep on constantly moving forwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Every one of your experiences of yesterday and today have been preparing you for what is going to happen tomorrow. This in itself has slowly been transporting all of you, individually and collectively, onto a higher level of life that has its own unique vibrations.

Every spirit/soul is involved in this process and each new cycle of experiences takes you that bit further than the previous one. At all times the individual and collective spirit/soul consciousness of your world has been and still is unfolding. Each new stage of this development enables you to comprehend a bit more of the higher truths with which the Angels and Masters in charge of you are presenting you.

For as long as you remain unawakened to your true nature and origin, your understanding remains limited to the concerns of your earthly existence. As far as those of the spirit are concerned, you are living as if you were surrounded by something like a black box which renders you unable to grasp that there is such a thing as a great evolutionary plan of life, My plan. Unaware of the all-important spiritual background of life, without whom there would be no life anywhere, including your own, in your innocence you then believe that matter creates itself and that planets and whole worlds bring themselves into being somehow, without having any idea of how. Incapable of peering beyond the end of your nose, you are likely to think that cockroaches – to give you but one example – have evolved on their own and without any help from anyone, least of all Me. Cleverly they did this in a manner that ensured their survival for millions of years.

During that phase of your development, in the arrogance and blindness of your present beliefs, you may well say that you do not need any spirit guides to tell you that these creatures will be around long after humankind has disappeared from earthly life, again all on their own, naturally. And that to you is living proof of the beauty and ugliness of evolution. Although cockroaches are repulsive to you, you cannot deny that as far as survival is concerned they are perfect. But, why should any creature be ugly? Is it because some of them get in the way of human beings, who invade the spaces that have been theirs millions of years before human beings appeared?

If cockroaches weren’t such a nuisance to people, you in your unevolved state would be able to recognise and appreciate their beauty and sophistication as a species that helped them to survive for such a long time. It may take many more lifetimes before you understand that basically everything in My created world will one day be beautiful and that, if something is still ugly, through the process of evolution it will gradually become more and more beautiful. Who would any one of you be to say that the cockroaches – unlike many of you, My dear children of the Earth – in the long time of their earthly existence have not already evolved into the perfect creatures I designed them to be in the first place?

For the duration of the patriarchy your race has been nurturing lots of false beliefs. One of them was that you were appointed by Me to act as the lords and masters of the Earth. Yet, in truth none of you ever really played that role. In the beginning of your earthly education all human souls slowly evolve from the status of ugly and greedy parasites, who are unwilling to share the abundance I place before them with everybody else.

With increasing spiritual maturity, however, you start to see for yourself that the exploitation and pillaging of Earth’s resources cannot go on forever. When at last you awaken from your spiritual slumbering, you begin to recognise the error of your ways of the past. Freely and willingly you then change your thinking and behaviour patterns from those of one who greedily grasps any of the riches and thrills Earth life has to offer into wishing for nothing more than to make good and redeem yourself and your world. The Angels and I are rejoicing each time another one of you joins the ranks of guardians and keepers of the Earth, who value and relish her beauty and wonders and want to protect them. Hallelujah! From a gluttonous over-consuming freeloader you have turned into a useful, modest living and recycling carer of your home planet.

There is none so blind as those who will not see
And nobody as deaf as people who refuse to listen,
But we must not close our minds and free our thinking
From past false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions,
For every hour that passes our world gets a bit older
And human beings grow in wisdom and understanding,
As all together we constantly move forwards and upwards
On the vast evolutionary spiral of life.

Now is the time to realise that
Beauty lies in the eyes of its beholder
And that when viewed from the right perspective,
Everything is beautiful in it’s own way,
Like a starry summer night
And a snow-covered winter’s day.
Everybody is beautiful, each in their own way and
Under God’s Heaven, guided and protected by
Angels and Masters, friends and helpers,
Our world will surely find its way.

Ray Stevens
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (32)

You Are Never Alone

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – You Are Never Alone

‘Know that you are never alone.
God and the Angels are constantly with you.
They are holding, comforting and loving you,
totally and unconditionally,
no matter what may ever befall you.’

Some people believe that you, My beloved children of the Earth, on that plane of life are completely left to your own devices and can do whatever you like. This is a false belief that could not be further from the truth. Nothing in your world or elsewhere is a coincidence or happens perchance. A wise higher reason lies behind everything. And wherever you may find yourselves at any given moment, the events of your life could only ever come about because they are part of My great plan for the evolution of all life. The Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ Circle, are the executors of My plan. They are also responsible for the development of every aspect of you and your world. All life in the whole of Creation is subject to the close scrutiny of the Angels and Masters, and many other groups of guides and helpers in My world, the realm of light. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, let no-one run away with the idea that they do not exist. They are the eye that never sleeps.

For educational reasons spirit/souls of different evolutionary levels are at any given time taking part in earthly life. At any given time there are younger and less experienced spirit/souls in your midst who are undergoing the first grade of their earthly schooling. Because so far they are unaware of the true higher purpose and meaning of their existence, it is inevitable that they are interfering with the smooth functioning of your world. That’s how the Angels and I are providing the tests and trials for their older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind.

When some of them hunt one or the other of the animal species of your world to the brink of extinction, the Angels inspire those of your scientists, who are in the process of waking up to and are beginning to follow the motivations of their higher God or Christ nature, with ideas for avoiding this. As soon as one of them becomes seriously interested in the welfare of your planet and its animal population, we can use them as channels through whom our wisdom and truth can flow into the consciousness of your world. This is how it comes about that the development of processes like the cloning of endangered species is entrusted into the care of spirit/souls who have reached the second and middle phase of their earthly education.

For the people involved this creates opportunities for redeeming some of the negative Karma they incurred during the lifetimes of attending the lower grades. Love and evolution together are My first Universal law of life. The law of cause and effect, also known as that of Karma and reincarnation in your world, is the first law’s main subsidiary that fulfils the function of a homing device. This law ensures that everything returns to its source and that in the vastness of My Creation’s space and time nothing will ever be lost for good. That includes human spirits and souls. Regardless of how many earthly lifetimes it may take every single one of you eventually returns into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me.

The law of Karma has nothing to do with revenge or punishment. Quite the opposite is true because it creates opportunities for new learning as well as redeeming and paying off the karmic debts you accumulated in the course of past earthly sojourns. Every aspect of My Creation is constantly in search of balancing and the law of Karma ensures that everything eventually does. The Angels are supervising the working out of all My laws and the effects they are having on everything on the earthly plane. They see to it that, independent of how long this may take, the scales of life and justice for each one of you and your world are finally brought into perfect equilibrium.

As many of you know by now, the whole of My Creation consists of dualities and polarities. In Me they are working together harmoniously and are perfectly balanced. Even though you are unaware of this for a long time, the same is also at work in each one of you. For as long as you lack the understanding of your true nature and the forces and energies that are affecting you and everything that happens to you during the early stages of your earthly education, the heavenly and earthly aspects of your nature are bound to struggle against each other. It takes many lifetimes before you have mastered the art of getting these two parts to co-operate and function together peacefully and harmoniously the way they are doing in Me.

And because wise ones are aware of these things, they would never dream of sitting in judgement over anyone. They simply send love and healing from their own hearts and aura, and refuse to criticise or question others. Advice they only give when it has been asked for, because they understand that every spirit/soul can only move forwards one small step at a time and through learning from their own trials and errors. This is the only way spiritual illumination in the form of wisdom, self-control and mastery can be achieved by any one of you. All of you are young Gods in the making who are presently serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane of life. Each one is an aspiring master spirit/soul in the process of learning how to become dispassionate and capable of meeting any kind of event with tranquillity.

So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.

From: ‘The Soul’s Yearning’
Original Title ‘Seliges Verlangen’


Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (33)

Total Surrender To God

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Total Surrender To God

For a long time the Angels and Masters, together with all your other friends and helpers in the world of light, have been working on preparing you and your race for occupying your rightful place in the Universe. The spiritual beliefs of your world that previously served to separate you from each other, are in the process of changing into bridge building ones. And the awareness that on the inner level all life is one draws all of you closer together. The further you advance into the New Age, the more you will become aware that truthfully:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race, the race of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.

And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Each one of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a branch of the same tree. Or to be more precise, they are twigs of the same branch of the religious tree of your world. None of them represents the tree itself. One of these religions evolved from the other and Judaism grew from the religions that existed before it. Islam, the most recent arrival, was the last one of the patriarchal religions to emerge. It does therefore not come as a surprise that it developed into the fiercest and most fearful belief system that focussed on the systematic suppression of all aspects of the feminine, and that it is the last one that tries to cling onto the in other parts of the world long outdated patriarchal customs.

In Islam the patriarchy’s masculine lust for oppression and exploitation, dominion and empire building is attempting to have one final fling. It represents the last bulwark against granting equal rights for all My children of the Earth, which is everyone’s birthright and the most essential part of the blessings the Aquarian Age is bringing to your world. Knowing that this is the right thing to do for them, wise ones do not allow their peace of mind to be disturbed by the sabre-rattling of the warmongers. They muster themselves in patience and dispassionately watch the scenery, safe in the knowledge that it is part of My plan of life that this too will crumble away.

With the help of their inner guidance wise ones are seeing plenty of evidence that, on the principle of ‘give them enough rope and they will hang themselves, the behaviour of some of Islam’s most ardent and fanatic followers is eagerly occupied with bringing about the destruction of their belief system. These ‘freedom fighters’ without exception are first graders in the school of Earth life. The vibrations of these people will be incompatible with those of Mother Earth, once her transformation into a more etherealised form is complete. In due course these young souls will return into the world of light.

From there they will be reincarnating onto a much younger planet, where they will continue their education as physical beings. Such inexperienced spirit/souls are unaware what kind of ‘freedom’ they are actually fighting for through their spreading of destruction, trouble and turmoil, pain and suffering in your world. Wise ones cannot help wondering how these youngsters would behave if they knew that their hopes and dreams are a long way from the freedom of the Aquarian Age, because that means the liberation of your world from all kinds of domination and oppression, especially the religious variety. Surely it is not hard to see that the trespassers are badly in need of your forgiveness, for they simply do not know what they are doing to themselves. By following the link at the end of this chapter you can read more about the fate that awaits them.

The earthly personalities these first graders developed during their lifetime(s) on the Earth plane and every bit of the Karma they created is going to stay with them. Those who reached the lowest part of the first grade on the Earth will be taken by the Angels to their new home planet. There they will be moving up the slope that takes them to grade two. Completely new souls will be waiting to practise on them and by enduring what these newlings are handing out some of the karmic debts of the second graders may be paid.

However, without at least a degree of awareness of My Universal laws not much of this is possible in the early stages of everyone’s spiritual development. It takes a long time before the small earthly self’s superconscious faculties start to open and you get your first inklings that there are higher and eventually highest aspects of life. This usually happens at the beginning of the final phase of the curriculum of life in physicality, the third grade.

When you have reached it you can see for yourself that it would be impossible for anyone to hold back the tide of evolution. Nobody can suppress the flow of the living waters of consciousness of My wisdom and truth, which the sign of Aquarius, the Divine Waterbearer, has been bringing to your world for some time by now. It will continue to sweep before it everything that gets in the way of the evolutionary progress of your race and world.

The spiritual knowledge that is now coming your way shows you quite clearly that Islam is neither superior nor inferior to any of the religions that ever existed in your world. Like all others this one has been partly misunderstood and partly misinterpreted purposely for the domination and suppression of people and their beliefs. Best of all the religions of the past have been at providing humankind with endless excuses for more powerseeking and warmongering. This happened individually as well as collectively when one country was seeking dominance over another/others. Most evil of all have been and still are civil wars in which one faction of the population of a country rises against another, families and tribes destroying each other over nothing more than a belief, which in the end turns out to be based on a legend.

To those in charge of you behind the scenes of earthly life the original concept of Islam, since its first appearance, has been that it should be a symbolism for the next step forward in your race’s spiritual development. Its basic idea is the final stride towards establishing the religion of the Aquarian Age on the Earth and with it My Kingdom of peace and goodwill towards all. This, however, cannot be achieved through endlessly praying to a force outside of yourselves, which you do not understand.

It is the living God within, your own Highest or God Self you have all along be looking for and seeking to reconnect with. My relationship with each one of you is the most intimate and loving one you will ever have with anyone in the whole wide world. It is now within everyone’s reach and waiting to be entered into. The only way My kingdom can become a reality on the Earth is when ever more of you conduct your lives with nothing but love and compassion, kindness and generosity, tolerance and patience towards each other and everything that shares your world with you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (34)

The Lamb Of God

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – The Lamb Of GodAll of you are on the Earth plane to bring forth your Christ nature, meaning that which is best and holy in you. When you practise it at all times and in every one of your encounters, it moves more and more into the foreground of your consciousness until you truly behave like a son/daughter of Mine and a young God in the making. Christ the redeemer has been born in your consciousness and heart. This is how in the fullness of time it will appear in all human hearts and souls.

That is the message the Jesus legend with its image of the child in the manger in a stable at Bethlehem has been trying to bring to your world all along. Bethlehem and the stable are metaphors for the human heart, the most humble place on the Earth. Only by coming alive in human hearts can Christ the Saviour and Redeemer be born. Thus the old prophecies will be fulfilled at last.

The depiction of Jesus as the beloved lamb of God is an allegory of this final initiation that awaits every human spirit/soul at the end of its earthly education. Having grown tired of the trials and tribulations of Earth life, every spirit/soul reaches the evolutionary point when it is ready to be released from it. Freely and willingly you then turn to Me and surrender every part of your being, especially your will, to Me and My will. All your sins, i.e. the drives and urges of your lower nature, have been left behind. Through lack of use they fade ever more from your consciousness until they have been dissolved and gone from you for good. The motto ‘use it or lose it’ applies to all aspects of your being, the higher as well as the lower ones.

And that is the only way anyone can be cleansed from the so-called ‘sins of the world’. The only desire that then fills your whole being is to serve Me as a channel for bringing healing and peace to your world. This you do whenever you help one of your spiritual siblings to rediscover their true nature, origin and destiny, as that enables them to find their own way back into the oneness with me.

Neither Jesus, even if he ever had existed, nor anyone else can do this work for you. You alone are responsible for yourself, your character and your destiny. You on your own, with the help of the Angels and Me, have to freely and willingly walk in the footsteps of a spiritual Master and become one yourself. A Master is someone who with every passing day grows more thoughtful and considerate, kind and loving, patient and tolerant. This has always been the hidden esoteric message of the Jesus legend.

The original idea of Islam represents the initiation when the human spirit/soul re-awakens to its true nature and re-establishes and heals their relationship with Me. The more you surrender yourself totally and unconditionally to Me, your Highest or God Self, the more your lower earthly nature fades away. As you increasingly pay attention to and follow the guidance you receive from Me, the living God within you, the earthly self slowly dies on the cross of its earthly existence. As often as not this is quite a painful death. Jesus nailed to the cross depicts this phase of your development.

With the passing of time your trust in Me, My guidance and protection grows so much that eventually you follow the instructions you receive from within without hesitation. The more you do this and place your whole being into My loving hands, the more we grow into one. My desires and hopes, dreams and aspirations for you and your world have always striven to bring about the highest good and the greatest joy for all of you. These dreams are yours now, too.

Total surrender to God is the principle and most fundamental teaching of Islam. In Arabic, the word ‘Islam’ means submission or surrender. It has its origin in the root word ‘salam’, meaning peace and safety. Many people feel that Islam implies some sort of enslavement to Me. Yet, surrendering your whole being into My loving hands, to be guided and protected by Me and shown the way at all times has nothing to do with selling your spirit/soul into some kind of slavery.

Many religions contain the idea of surrender to Me. To encourage it, Jewish history speaks of a time when the ancient Hebrews obeyed My commands and because of it enjoyed a long period of prosperity and stability. In Christianity, surrendering to Me is a way of putting your life into hands that are more capable than earthly ones: Mine. That is why in the Jesus legend the Master asks his disciples to surrender their livelihoods and follow him. The esoteric meaning behind these words is leaving the desires of your lower nature behind and following those of your Highest or God Self, Mine. That is what I ask from each one of you as budding Masters, each in your own right.

Allah is the Muslim word for Me and it is true that when you obey My commands and trust My wisdom and truth, not because it is printed in an ancient book that has long become outdated, but as each one of you can now receive it intuitively and directly from Me. That is the only way any one of you can find the peace Islam promises its followers. In its original and most profound meaning this religion never did represent a one-sided relationship with Me, in which the believer is My slave. Instead of this it points to the fact that a covenant and a special agreement has always existed between humankind and Me, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and My only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, the light of all lights.

As you know, the law of life is love and when you endeavour to conduct your life strictly in keeping with this law by being kind and loving, thoughtful and generous, patient and tolerant to everyone you meet, all you are doing is being true to your real nature. When you are taking your character and with it your destiny into your own hands and place them into Mine, in total faith and trust that no harm will ever come to you, isn’t that freedom of the highest kind? Not by any stretch of the imagination could it be interpreted as enslavement. Many are afraid of losing their identity when they surrender their small earthly selves into My loving hands. Rest assured that this fear is totally unfounded. Read more about this by clicking the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

When you follow the instructions you receive from Me, the living God within, through the world of your feelings, you are surrendering yourself to Me. And when you surrender your will to Mine you are doing it in exchange for the gift of living in peace and safety, and that not only in your present earthly existence but forever. Look forward to the times when you once more walk hand in hand with the Angels and Masters, your friends and helpers in the world of light, seeing them and communicating with them. If you so wish, you will be allowed to join them in their work of helping those who are struggling on the Earth plane, the same as you are doing now. I do not think anyone could wish for more.

Muslims believe that the Quran is the verbatim word of God as it was revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. They also follow the sunnah teachings and practices of Muhammad as recorded in traditional accounts called hadith. Muslim is an Arabic word that means one who submits to God. Many of them to this day have yet to discover what total surrender to Me entails, namely by obeying My laws, in particular the laws of love and Karma, as well as that of equal rights and duties for all My children of the Earth.

Total surrender to Me means letting go of your small earthly self’s ambitions for self-aggrandisement, powerseeking, empire building and the endless warmongering these things bring in their wake. When instead in your visions to see yourself as unselfishly serving Me in some kind of fashion, you are ready to be used as a channel for bringing renewed hope, faith and trust to your world, so that peace and goodwill may come to it at last. That’s when you are surrendering your small earthly self and nailing it to the cross of the spiritual ignorance of Earth life.

The more you act kind and loving, thoughtful and compassionate, tolerant and patient towards everything that crosses your path in all your daily encounters, the more God-like you are becoming. As are doing your share of establishing My kingdom on the Earth for all members of the human race and everything that shares it with you, your final loving reunion with Me grows ever closer. There is no need for anyone to wait for it until you have left the earthly plane. When I, your Highest or God Self, have finally taken over your whole being – while you are still dwelling there – you have evolved into a Christed one in your own right.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (35)

Opening Your Inner Vision

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Opening Your Inner VisionAs touched upon earlier, a covenant has always existed between Me and humankind. It consists of a special agreement that the Angels and I are constantly taking care of everyone’s true needs as well as those of all creatures that share your world with you. This will forever continue, but for as long as humankind’s inner vision remains closed to the higher realities of life that are constantly unfolding in the background of your earthly existence, life to you may at least at times appear to be grossly unfair and unjust.

However, as soon as you awaken to your true nature and become familiar with the workings of the Universal laws, My laws, especially the law of Karma, the scales fall from your inner eyes. For the first time you will then be able to see for yourself that in sharp contrast with your former beliefs life is at all times utterly fair and just, in fact so much so that it can be hard for your small earthly self to comprehend. Life itself has always been your teacher and Earth life in particular has been specifically designed so that everybody at all times is acting as teacher and pupil for each other.

To help you become familiar with every aspect of your nature, the highest as well as the lowest, the first part of your journeys of exploring your existence as physical beings takes you into the deepest and darkest recesses of human depravity and recklessness. When you have reached the bottom of this abyss of darkness, there comes a turning point. However, the curriculum of your earthly education decrees that on your way down you should forget who you truly are, where you are coming from and will one day be returning to. This is how it comes about that while one section of human spirits and souls in earthly life is occupied with learning how to kill, hurt and destroy, another one is busy with developing their skills of repairing and healing and bringing good from the evil they spread during their downwards journey.

As you move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, it will eventually no longer be necessary for you to wait until you have moved into your other world and true home, the world of light, before you understand how all this works. Whilst still on the Earth plane your consciousness and with it your inner vision gradually opens and you begin to perceive things how they really are. The true purpose and meaning of your own existence, that of your world and everything in it, as well as all other parts of My Creation, then reveal themselves to you. These are gifts every spirit/soul develops in the third and final phase of your earthly scholarship.

This is a far cry from the periods you spend as a first grader of Earth life. During those lifetimes you exist like in a dark box that cannot yet be penetrated by any glimpses of the light of spiritual wisdom and truth. All you can see is darkness. It takes until the end of the first grade and the beginning of the second one that you begin to catch the occasional first glimpses of this light and they start to seep through the protective blinkers you have been carrying for so long over your inner eyes.

And that is why first graders in the school of life have difficulties accepting that the Jesus story is not meant to be taken literally. At that stage of your development you are convinced that Christianity murdered Jesus, although in truth he never existed. It is for this reason that to this day many followers of this religion cannot accept that the story of the Master’s life is but a legend. It is too early for them to recognise that the true esoteric meaning of this tale up until quite recently had to remain hidden behind its surface words, which after all are the foundation of their religion.

The belief that the Jewish race murdered Jesus Christ has been a false one and the cause of much suffering that has been inflicted on Jewish people throughout the ages. Included in this is the Nazi regime which, during its fortunately short-lived reign, extended and deepened a false belief and defamation that has been haunting Judaism for much more than two thousand years. Isn’t that in itself a good reason for humankind to rejoice and be glad that the story of Jesus is but a myth and a legend, that the murder never took place and that therefore there is no need for guilt complexes or looking for scapegoats, who can be blamed for humankind’s atrocities of the past?

Independent of what anyone in your world believed, said or did down the ages and is doing now, the basic spiritual concepts of life have remained unchanged. The law of life always has been and forever will continue to be love and branching off from it is the law of evolution. This law decrees that everything throughout the Cosmos, including humankind and its world, ever since they first came into being have constantly been changing, growing and evolving.

Most of the religious teachings that are still used in your world were given during the depth of the patriarchy. They were designed to drive humankind and its world deeper and deeper into experiencing the ever more destructive and devastating effects of the masculine’s lust for personal power, empire building, dominion and warmongering. Only through the absence of something can you, My beloved children of the Earth, learn to appreciate anything. The patriarchy has been My way of teaching your world the value of peace. The exclusive rulership of the masculine force has served this purpose well, but by now it has run its course and is therefore in the process of crumbling away.

Through the suffering the patriarchy inflicted upon you and the Karma it brought about, individually and collectively, you and your world have grown in wisdom and understanding. And the new spiritual wisdom and truth the Angels and I are now bringing to you from the highest levels of life are endeavouring to keep pace with your race’s growing capacity for comprehending spiritual concepts. This ensures that the awakened ones in your midst keep on growing and evolving, some of them to such an extent that many of your younger siblings are finding it hard to comprehend what they are talking about.

Many times before I have pointed out in other parts of Stargazer’s writings that the words of none of the sacred texts your world has ever known, for example those of the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, to name but a few, have ever been intended to be carved in stone and unchangeable. As this is a vital part of your earthly education, I am telling you once more that the knowledge of spiritual wisdom and truth is a constantly expanding and evolving dynamic force that has to keep pace with My evolutionary plan for the whole of My Creation.

Spiritual teachings render themselves obsolete and die a natural death when they resist the waves of fresh understanding of the esoteric wisdom that for a long time had to remain hidden from humankind’s view for the simple reason that you would have been unable to understand it. Having served its usefulness, any teaching that refuses to adapt itself and enlarge, with the passing of time is bound to quietly fade away until it has been forgotten.

As you grow into spiritual adulthood and are maturing the way you should, you will be required to make up your own mind about what you can and want to believe. You are then expected to come to your own conclusions about spiritual matters and have your own insights, instead of swallowing things wholesale the way you did in the past, believing them blindly just because they were printed somewhere. Rather than regurgitating parrot-fashion what someone else wrote – no matter how long ago or recently, how revered the writer may be or have been by the mass of people, and how sacred the texts still are to some – each one of you is taking part in earthly life to evolve into a healer and lightbringer.

Spiritually light is knowledge. Eventually you will be required to add something of  your own to that which others found before you. In the beginning this will only happen occasionally, but with practice you will soon be able to constantly make your contribution to the spiritual wealth of your world. To fulfil these requirements it is essential that you listen to Me, your inner teacher, so that with My help you can learn to discern and discriminate truths from untruths, and right from wrong.

And then, one of these days the inner vision of every one of you will have opened up. Your religious/theological/spiritual horizons will then have expanded sufficiently for you to comprehend that the new spiritual knowledge you are presently receiving poses in no way a threat to the old religions of your world. There will come a time for all the belief systems that are still with you when all their followers, not merely the more highly evolved souls among them, will be able to perceive that every word of My newly arriving wisdom and truth is meant to be an extension, enhancement and enlargement of the ancient spiritual texts of your world.

The fresh knowledge you are receiving forms an essential part of the natural renewal process that is presently taking place for the whole of your race. It brings to those who are ready to receive it an improved understanding that reveals the connection of all scriptures with the realities that lie beyond the horizons of earthly life. As time goes by, ever more of you will be ready to receive into their hearts and consciousness the wisdom and truth that now flows directly from My heart into yours. From there it proceeds, with the help of the Angels on the Highest levels of life, into the heart and spirit/soul of your whole race, thus assisting you and your world with moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Sooner than you may think the day will come in earthly life when all of you will be able to understand. There will then no longer be any need for anyone to doubt the correctness and truth of the spiritual knowledge that your world for some time has been receiving in ever increasing abundance. Throughout the ages many myths and legends appeared from time to time in your world. They were given by the Angels and Me for the simple reason that this was all you, My beloved children of the Earth, could understand and connect with during the various phases of your earlier spiritual development. This also applies to the Jesus legend.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (36)

The Archangel Michael’s Golden Sword Of Truth

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – The Archangel Michael's Sword Of Truth

The Archangel Michael wields a golden sword that represents spiritual truth. For the time being, I the Universal Christ, can only get the Angel to place a miniature version of this tool into a limited number of hands that are ready to receive it. But in due course even the last one of you will have tuned the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into My frequency, so that the Angels around My throne can at last bring My truth to all of you. I takes a long time until the Divine spark in human hearts and souls during their earthly lifetimes stirs from its slumber and the child in the manger, the Christ child is born in yet another one of them.

To this day there are many in your midst who have the greatest difficulties grasping that with My will and the help of the Angels all things are possible, every crooked corner can be made straight and any condition healed. Although for the time being these people are finding it impossible to believe that this could be true when they can see, with their limited earthly perception, that so much is amiss with your world and in their view downright wrong. Take heart, for these souls the moment will also come when their inner vision opens and they too will understand that in spite of what they are witnessing around them, life on the earthly plane – the same as everywhere else – is unfolding in accordance with My great plan.

The Archangel Michael’s sword of truth will eventually enable even the last one of you to cut through the Gordion Knot of prejudices, superstitions and false beliefs that has held humankind in bondage to their earthly existence for long enough now. For sufficiently evolved souls the time has come for setting themselves free. That’s why the Angels are placing the sword of truth into their hands so that they can begin to cut themselves and the whole of your world free.

The Gordion knot gave its name to a proverbial term for problems that can only be solved by a bold action. In 333 BC Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius. The yoke of the vehicle was lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot whose end was hidden. According to a local tradition, this knot could only be untied by someone who was going to be the future conqueror and ruler of Asia. It is thought that Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword and this how the expression ‘cutting the Gordian knot’ came to denote finding bold solutions to complicated problems.

Be that as it may, whatever you do spiritually has to be for real and the spiritual truth you receive directly from Me, through your inner guidance, is the St. Michael’s sword the Angels and I are placing into your hands. When it is correctly applied, i.e. unselfishly, with honesty and integrity for the highest good of all, this weapon guards and protects you in every crisis you may yet have to encounter. It provides you with the strength of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love, which helps you to overcome all obstacles on the inner and outer planes of your existence. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything, but attune yourself to the Angels, so that they can work through you and show you how to manifest their power in your daily life.

As the Divine spark in ever more of you awakens and develops into a small still flame of love, My light in you grows ever brighter, so much so that it gradually dissolves all darkness of the earthly life around you. The dream I have for you, My beloved children of the Earth, consists of a flood of light, joy and thanksgiving that increasingly flows from all human hearts and souls on the Earth plane. The spiritual light of My wisdom and truth that for some time has been dawning in your world can be likened to a beautiful sunrise. My light is flowing ever more powerfully into each one of you and from there into the whole of your planet. And the Angels and I rejoice that the dark night of humankind’s and the Earth’s spiritual winter is almost over.

You are all individuals and each one of you on their own, though hand in hand with the Angels and Me, has to pass through their very own mystical spirit/soul experiences. To encourage you to persevere, we occasionally allow you to catch glimpses of My eternal light and the heavenly splendour and glory that are waiting for each one of you on the highest planes of life. When this happens, for fleeting moments you have the impression of knowing and understanding the way of all things, as indeed you do during these breathtaking occurrences. They are sometimes given to earthly souls to give them a better idea of the bliss of the place that is their true home. This place has always been waiting for each one of you at the end of another lifetime on the Earth. There would be no point in trying to hold on to such precious visions. It is impossible because they are a matter of feelings that cannot be described in the words that are available to you.

The spiritual development of every spirit/soul proceeds in a different manner and each one of you has to follow their own individual path back home into the oneness with Me. Truly, there is no point in attempting to design plans for the enlargement of spiritual powers that would work for all of you. And any kind of endeavour at trying to bring the whole of humankind onto one particular spiritual pathway, if need be by force, is bound to fail. It is part of My great plan of life that each one of you can only see the highest levels of life through their own individually shaped and coloured window of perception. All of you together, but still each one at their own sweet pace, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. This continues until for you the rays of My light have finally become a single one, the Great White Light, in whom all colours of the rainbow are blended into one.

Do not allow the heaviness of Mother Earth’s vibrations to keep you tied down, but try to release yourself from them. This you do by constantly seeking My help and guidance and bringing forth from deep within your own being the highest and the best you are capable of. Reach up to the highest forces of life, the vibrant power of the Angels and Masters, so they can help you to resolve all earthly concerns and issues. They are happy to assist anyone who wishes to evolve into a Master spirit/soul and a Christed one in their own right. This you do when you walk in the footsteps and follow the example of a Master spirit/soul, like the one depicted by the Jesus legend. Showing you how to go about it has always been the true purpose and meaning behind this tale.

Although the Masters in the world of light dwell on a higher plane of life, do not think of them as something super-human. In truth they are probably more human than any one of you who is still treading the pathway of evolving into a Master spirit/soul in its own right. They have travelled the same road as you are doing now and therefore had the same obstacles to overcome and the stones that are cutting your feet now, also once made theirs bleed and hurt. Master souls are not some kind of magnificent beings who dwell apart from humankind. True to their real nature, they are tender souls who empathise and feel with you in every hardship and disappointment you have to endure. They know your weaknesses and they enjoy your strengths. The Masters of the spirit groups that support you invite you into their aura, so that you may learn to love they way do, totally and unconditionally, like Me.

And when you walk hand in hand with the Angels and them, and practise your truth in all you do, with the passing of time they are going to help you to develop the art of listening to the spoken words of the highest forces of Creation. You will then be able to tune into their thoughts that are traversing the ethers on the inner plane of life. If you still needed it, this will provide you with some definite proof of the Angels and Masters at work. In your daily spiritual practice, quiet reflections and meditations communicate with them. This does in no way set you apart from the events of everyday life around you. As time goes by, it will help you to become ever more powerfully conscious of the all-pervading spiritual forces that are constantly working behind the scenes of earthly life.

This is how the wheel of life and progress, whose symbol is the astrological zodiac, will keep turning forever. Out of the long chain of the experiences of many lifetimes every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, eventually reaps the rewards and blessings that your own Divine characteristics and consciousness are creating and then bringing to you. To all of you in the end this process takes you into the perfect unions and the peaceful and harmonious existence your spirit/soul has been yearning for and dreaming of in the course of many lifetimes.

And because the law of evolution demands that whenever one earthly lesson has been learned by one of you, their spirit/soul has to move on to their next educational phase. That is why people at times cannot help behaving in a manner that is hard or even impossible to understand by those around them. Being aware of this, wise ones are tolerant and refuse to criticise or sit in judgement over anyone. They know only too well that the only freedom of choice you have in earthly life is how to respond to any of the experiences that come your way. Recognising the guiding hand of the Divine behind all happenings on the Earth plane enables wise ones to walk the pathway of their lives humbly and to cultivate nothing but love and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness in all their encounters.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (37)

Explorations Beyond Earth’s Solar System

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Explorations Beyond Earth's Solar SystemIrrespective of how highly evolved you may become, more heights will always be waiting to be climbed by you. Eventually they will be reaching way beyond the solar system of your present world. Heights of consciousness and experience are in store for you that in the present state of your development you cannot yet imagine or understand. But this how all life, including yours, moves ever forwards and upwards and becomes more glorious and beautiful. Yet, for as long as you still dwell on the Earth plane, there is much you can do to help your siblings as well as yourselves by simply being true to your real nature and loving everything that comes before you.

As many know by now, thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creations. Everything that is in your individual life and that of your world is your own creation. As much as you may initially hate this thought, through your thinking and behaviour patterns of the past you yourself once brought every bit of it into being. Now you are here as pioneers of the Aquarian Age and its people like you, simple folks, who are given the power of shaping and moulding in their thoughts the new world of your dreams and visions. It is a narrow path you are presently treading, but only for the time being. In due course many will follow in your wake.

The Angels and I are pleading with you that in all your endeavours you make an effort at rising above earthly conditions and its limited horizons. So far they have to remain safely boarded up for your younger and less experienced siblings, because of the lessons they still require. In your role as wayfinder of a new age, let them see that you are capable of peering beyond the end of your nose and willing to share with them your visions of the new world that is in the process of emerging on the Earth plane. Paint for them the picture of a place where people co-exist in peace and harmony and with goodwill, love and respect for themselves and each other. By focussing on such a world, talking and thinking about it frequently, you are making a vital contribution towards bringing it into being, for in your thoughts you are then creating this world.

In preparation for this task, sit in the silence and commune with the invisible as often as you can and become aware of the praise and thanksgiving that flows from My heart. Initially it may seem strange to you to think of Me giving thanks to you. But reflect on the idea of Me pouring forth thankfulness. I created the world, your world and all others and everything they contain. And I give thanks when I behold My Creation. Keep in your heart this thought of a continual outpouring of thanksgiving and join into it by being grateful for everything: for the mystery of life, your own and everyone else’s, for food and drink and for the joy of being alive and allowed to be present in your world at this very special time of transformation and transmutation. Do not forget to include in this the difficult and traumatic experiences, which on the surface of things may appear to have been bitter, as each one of them held a special blessing for you, My beloved child of the Earth.

Reflect on the idea of giving thanks for everything you have received as well as for the things you are capable of giving. Give thanks to Me, the Great Father/Mother of all life for the Universe and all that is, ever has been and one day will be. Notice how your inner gates of praise and thanksgiving open as soon as you enter into the innermost sanctuary to worship Me. They open quite naturally when one of you has reached the point on its spiritual journey when it has learnt how to rise on the wings of My sacred wisdom and truth from the Earth plane into the heavenly fields on the higher and highest levels of life. When you dwell there for a time, you become aware of the praise and thanksgiving that incessantly flows from the highest levels of life. You can join this great symphony whenever you choose.

The more highly evolved you become, the more you feel your oneness with Me and through it with all life. For you there no longer is any separation between anything. Unless you suddenly start to behave in ways that are no longer worthy of you, the being who for a long time has been acting as your guide gradually grows into one with you. You live and breathe as one, you are one.

Each one of you is on the Earth to eventually become aware that you are a spark of Me, the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation. Therefore, you yourself are a light and the sooner yours begins to shine into the darkness of earthly life the better. The final aim of all your earthly lifetimes is to teach you the wise use of matter, including the cells and atoms of your physical body. Rather than allowing them to dominate you, you need to take charge of them and learn how to raise the vibrations of your whole being by filling the heavy atoms of your physical body with My heavenly light. Miracles happen when My spirit thus gains power of control over it. When your spirit and Mine finally have joined forces and become one, we can manipulate physical atoms and use any of the elements at will.

At all times the concerns and ideas of the spirit have to be your master and that master is your own spirit, who is part of Me, the Divine Master and Son/Daughter of the Great White Spirit. Mastery over yourself and your life can only be gained through obeying and living in accordance with the Universal laws, My laws, first and foremost the law of love. In this way highly evolved souls can not only gain mastery over their whole being, they also learn how to co-operate with the elements.

Seeking to defy their power has been humankind’s way of the past. Look around you and you will see evidence everywhere to what kind of an effect your race’s attempts at seeking to control them have had on your poor planet. Aware of what is at stake, wise ones endeavour to work harmoniously with the elements and approaches them with love and wisdom, as well as the kindness and respect they deserve.

The Bible’s Book of Genesis 1:28 once told you: ‘And God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful, and multiply. Fill the Earth and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle and over every living thing that moves upon the Earth.’ These words were given to your world so that in due course you would be able to learn from your own experiences that this was a mistake and simply could not continue. Having reached your present evolutionary level, you cannot help coming to this conclusion when the consequences of humankind’s struggle with nature, of trying to conquer and subdue it, are clearly visible just about everywhere. All natural disasters and catastrophes that ever took place on the Earth have been and still are the result of this kind of behaviour. The crowning glory has been and to this day is humankind’s disrespect for Mother Earth’s precious resources, and their ever more greedy and reckless exploitation for material gains.

Aware that nothing in earthly life is yours to keep forever and that everything has to be handed back at the end of each lifetime, wise ones recognise the futility of such enterprises. Knowing that the only thing human souls are on the Earth plane to conquer and subdue are the desires and urges of their lower earthly nature, like avarice and greed, jealousy and hatred, sufficiently evolved souls work hard on overcoming such traits once and for all. The duty of each one of you is to make their contribution to putting things right on your planet, taking a stand and calling a halt to all destructive actions against it.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (38)

Present Events On The Earthly Plane

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Present Events On The Earthly Plane

Many of you by now are aware that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It is through the thinking and behaviour patterns you developed in the course of many lifetimes, each one of you for a long time has been doing their share of making it that way. Because of this all of you together are responsible for the present sad state of your world. Yet, those who are reading these words may have reached the major turning point of their spiritual development which they have been waiting for a long, long time. With the knowledge the Angels and I are bringing you we are laying the tools into everyone’s own hands for making this earthly lifetime into one that is different from all those experienced up to now.

The law of life is love and for those whose inner eyes have opened and are therefore ready to act on the wisdom before them, the present earthly sojourn is filled with countless opportunities for paying the spiritual debts with the people around them as well as your whole world. Every one of you, without exception, is offered plenty of chances for making good where you sinned against the law of life during the lessons of the early parts of your earthly education. There is no need to get unduly upset about the things you did in the past and for the crimes that were committed, many of them in the name of a God you did not yet understand. Every part of it has been an essential ingredient of My great evolutionary plan of life, to help you and your world to learn from your own experiences and through this grow in wisdom and understanding. But this is not meant to continue indefinitely.

The time will come on the Earth when the last one of you has woken from their spiritual slumber and gradually matures into spiritual adulthood. When you have reached that stage of your development, you freely and willingly wish to do everything you can to put things right in your world and treat Mother Earth, your host for a time, with the respect and love she so richly deserves. You will then be treading the path of the mysteries and to enable you to do this successfully, you need to take good care of every aspect of your being as well as your surroundings. In all your endeavours seek to create peace and harmony and aim to be precise in your thinking, for this is the foundation on which the whole of spirit life is built.

Rest assured that whenever one of you is doing their best, the Angels and I are only too happy to do the rest. And the time has come when aspiring healers and lightbringers, through the power of their thoughts and with the help of their inner guidance, are going to be taught by the Angels and Me how to tap into and wisely work with the power of My healing magic that is part of the positive stream of consciousness of your world. Every one of you possesses psychic gifts, at least in seedform, that are waiting to be developed. This is an essential preliminary to gaining access to the gifts of My Christ power, which for some time has been coming alive in ever more human hearts and souls.

Many things that still have to happen in your world appear to be terrible on the surface. In spite of this, wise ones are capable of keeping their peace because they appreciate that what they are seeing is necessary for the clearing out process of some of humankind’s most ancient individual and collective karmic debts that have been waiting for a long time to be redeemed. Everything that is presently taking place is also an essential part of the breaking down of the old order. The events have the purifying and cleansing effect on humankind’s earthly mind that is required to bring about the opening of its heart centre. As you are living in times with an ever speeding up pace of scientific and technological progress, it is of great importance to see to it that your earthly mind does not become so powerful that it takes over your whole being, as this can cause the closing down of your heart centre.

The wise ones who are toiling by day and night behind the scenes on the higher and highest levels of life on humankind’s behalf are aware of its difficulties. They have always been working hard on opening of human hearts, for they are part of the Universe’s great loving and compassionate heart. The more widely yours opens the better the Angels and Masters can use you as a channel through which the blessing and healing power of My love can flow into your world. This is how in every human heart the spark of My light eventually stirs from its slumber. It is born each time one of you brings forth, from deep within their own being, their highest, best and noblest characteristics.

At the moment of their conception, every human being inherits these qualities from Me. Developing and working with them is the only way of salvation that has ever been available to the human race. The awakening of the Christ spirit in you and working with it is its true and only redeemer. So, go forth with thankfulness in your heart for the Divine wisdom and truth that for some time by now has been flowing with increasing strength into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. As the Angels and I promised you in the Jesus legend, greater miracles than the ones described in this tale you shall see. In due course, the Angels and I will be able to work them through each and every one of you.

But before this can happen, many of humankind’s outstanding oldest karmic obligations are outstanding and waiting for their redemption. That’s why more suffering is still necessary and has to be endured by you and your world. But I promise you that it will not take long until you will be able to see with much greater clarity plenty of evidence of how My Divine will and power, love and wisdom are at work and spreading everywhere on the earthly plane. There is no need for shying away from anything that comes your way. All will be well in the end, I assure you.

Wise ones appreciate that what they used to think of as being in the Heavens above and therefore infinitely removed from them, is actually within them. This is how every human being has a strong affinity with every level of life, from the lowest up to the highest. On the physical and mental, etheric and spiritual level identical life atoms are as much present in each one of you as they are in spheres far away from the Earth. And within each one of you there is a connection with the energies and influences of the planets, not only of your solar system but also all others in the whole of Creation.

There are many in earthly life who have chosen their present lifetime not to play the role of the pleasure seeker but for helping humankind’s spiritual progress in some way. That’s why they have no time for endlessly attending meetings and workshops or ostentatiously doing good works. It’s their very presence that brings joy and comfort to those around them, for example the families into which they were born and those where they are attending to the duties of parenthood. And whatever your present occupation may be, your best work is done when you are true to your real nature as a son/daughter of God and provide comfort and love, warmth and light for every flower that blooms in the garden of your life, wherever you may find yourself.

After all, you are a spark of the Divine, of Me, a chip off the old block, as you might say. From love you have come and to love you are returning. Through the Jesus legend the Angels and I to this day are providing your world with many demonstrations of what can be achieved when the power and glory of My love, the Christ love, comes alive in human hearts and manifests itself as light that gradually grows powerful enough to radiate it into the farthest and remotest corner of My Creation, to wherever it is needed.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (39)

The Divine Trinity In You

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Divine Trinity In YouTo this day it comes as a surprise for many in your world that the Divine Trinity is something quite different from the way it was presented to you during the six thousand years of patriarchy. In keeping with My great plan it held sway over your world for wise educational purposes. You will be glad to hear that this sad chapter of humankind’s development has definitely run its course, now that the Age of Aquarius is with you. This age, in sharp contrast with the previous one, is the age of wisdom and truth. By now they are flowing into increasing numbers of human hearts and souls that have opened and therefore are ready to receive them intuitively, directly from the Angels and Me.

The time has come for telling you that the Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me. I am their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all Suns and Light of all Lights. In Me God and Goddess are inseparable and the same is true for you. The physical aspect of your existence is the outermost edge of My Creation. Although you in that world you appear in the role of woman or man and you tend to think of yourself in that way, because you are sparks of Me all My powers and characteristics are also in you. That’s why the masculine/feminine and spirit/soul are in every one of you and, like in Me, they cannot be separated from each other. As above, so below!

The Angels and Masters around My throne are in charge of the great plan of life and the whole of the Angelic hierarchy is its executor. As soon as the Christ-consciousness within you is stimulated and wakes from its slumbering state, you begin to respond to the emanations of My light. You do not have to be particularly intellectual or clever for this. If anything, an over-developed earthly mind can be a serious obstacle that keeps the door to your superconscious faculties firmly closed. You then have difficulties grasping the existence of other more highly evolved worlds and their beings in the spirit realm on the higher and highest aspects of life that have much higher vibrations than the earthly ones.

It is for this reason that some of your scientists are struggling with this concept and they fail to understand that the spirit realm is of the greatest importance for everything that happens on their plane of life. Without its spiritual background there would be no Earth and no other planets that can be seen by earthly eyes and telescopes, no matter how powerful they may be, anywhere in the whole of the created world. They would simply not exist. For as long as the door to the superconscious faculties of people with this lack of vision remains closed, they will find it impossible to comprehend anything that requires peering beyond the ends of their noses and reaches above their limited horizons.

Whenever wise ones encounter people like this, they know that the best way of dealing with them is to patiently wait for their awakening to happen and meanwhile respecting and loving them just the way they are. Wise ones have no difficulties with this because they are aware that every human eventually reaches the developmental point when they too understand that the Universe is teeming with life that is invisible to earthly eyes. And that’s the way all of you in the end are going to learn how to treat the whole of humankind. Why not start now by being as tolerant and compassionate, kind and loving as you can in all your encounters, especially when coming across your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind? And because your imagination is a powerful tool, whatever kind of experiences may still have to come your way, take care not to create obstacles in your mind where in truth there aren’t any. Each time you think of the young souls around you and imagine the way they one day surely will be, you are helping them to bring their higher evolved state about.

Your imagination is part of Mine and in both of us it is the source of the creative process. In Mine I am constantly holding the whole of My Creation and each one of you exists in it somewhere as a minute creature that has something of Me in it. This means that is also has the power of growing and evolving into a more beautiful and perfect being, i.e. one who is whole and holy, and whose consciousness and understanding is at all times expanding. I am spirit/soul, God/Goddess, masculine/feminine, all in one and inseparable and so is each one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, for you are sparks of Me and contain My seeds. And in the fullness of time you will be able to grasp that every one of My seed atoms within you, even in its initial state, contains the whole of the Universe.

And when you have spiritually matured sufficiently you not only wish that your friends and family but the whole of humankind and your world should find everlasting health, happiness and peace, the power is within you to do something about it and to ensure that it happens regardless of what events may still have to take place on the physical plane of life. Besides, every one of you possesses psychic powers and in many of you they already developing very well. Your intuition is part of this. The Angels and I have always been trying to communicate with you through it. We always have been the small still voice of your conscience that knows the way of all things and never leads you astray. Whenever in the past you ignored My calling, it was to your detriment. Yet, once you realise what kind of a gift your intuition truly is, you will never want to do anything without us.

With our guidance and under our protection you will eventually be walking the pathway of your life feeling utterly safe and at peace because you know you are always doing the right things. This does not stop when you leave the earthly plane behind and your explorations and studies are taking you onto ever higher levels of My Creation. But before this can happen, your earthly personality with its physical body and mind, spirit and soul through clean living and thought processes needs to be transformed by you into a pure white temple where kindness and goodness rule supreme. Only then can the light of My Spirit fill your whole being and shine through you to touch and heal everything you come into contact with.

My message to those who are struggling with pain and suffering and who are thoroughly weary of everything Earth life has to offer, is: just keep on keeping on. Reach out for the hands of the Angels and Me, so we can help you work your way through the last ones of your karmic debts. You are safe and no harm will ever come to you, for we are with you and will never leave you. Your spirit/soul are indestructible and nothing and nobody can destroy them. And I would like every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to know that as sparks of Me there is nothing too high or too great that you – with our help – cannot achieve in the end.

I am your Highest Self and the more the Christ aspect of your nature takes over your small earthly self, the easier it becomes for the Angels and Me to work through you. Performing similar healing miracles and even greater ones like those I showed you in the Jesus legend are then quite on the cards. The healing Angels will gladly work a miracle for you when the last one of your karmic debts has been redeemed. Alas, this can only be done through finding yourself for a sufficient length of time at the receiving end of the suffering you once caused others. So be patient and work on developing a positive and constructive attitude towards your existence. You will not fail if you combine this with good, kind and loving activities in earthly life and exemplary behaviour towards every lifeform that shares your world with you. That’s when the healing Angels in co-operation with the Lords or Angels of Karma are sure to decide that for you a healing miracle is justified.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (40)

Nearer My God To Thee

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Nearer My God To TheeGrasping the meaning of the spiritual knowledge that for quite some time has been flowing ever more forcefully into the individual and collective consciousness of your world is different from merely reading it. Understanding has the power of raising your whole being into the consciousness of the infinite and eternal world of spirit, your true home in which you will forever have your being. This is your preparation for when you have reached the end of your earthly education and, after handing back to Mother Earth your present physical body in as good condition as possible, you are going to be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm.

For every lifetime this is the case when its purpose has been fulfilled, the work you came to do has been carried out, the lessons you wanted to take part in have been absorbed sufficiently and the right amount of your karmic debts has been paid. Can you remember what kind of a relief it was when you first realised that in truth there is no death, that when you leave your physical body behind your spirit/soul merely moves into different dimensions of life? The knowledge of this is the birthright of the whole of humankind and every one of My children within it.

Every new earthly lifetime is designed to take you that bit nearer to Me. All of you eventually discover that your God is not someone who is sitting on a throne in a far distant place that exists high above the clouds of your world somewhere. You will be glad to learn that I am by no means a wifeless Father who sits on a throne with his Son, who has neither a mother nor a companion to support him. What a sad existence that would have been, if it had been true. The Angels and I inspired this unlikely tale and provided you with religions that would do their best to suppress the shreds of truth, which were given by the Great Mother’s love and wisdom from behind the scenes of earthly life, and dared to rear their heads.

Any method was good enough for the purpose of suppressing the truth, especially the most cruel ones that were the essential ingredients of the violence and warmongering of those days. Much of the old and most ancient karmic debts that were created then are presently being redeemed through the suffering of your world. And because some young and inexperienced spirit/souls still need lessons of this nature, this kind of thing has not yet ceased to exist in some parts of your world. Can you imagine the mountains of negative Karma that were brought about in this way and the spirit/soul growth that followed in its wake, as well as those that such actions are creating to this day?

It is through withholding and giving that the Mother’s wisdom teaches your world the value of concepts and things. The ideas about truth and peace for a while disappeared almost entirely from your world, so that when they eventually re-established themselves, people would treasure them highly and guard them most carefully, allowing nothing to wipe them out again. Let’s start with the fact that I am your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that you are My beloved child of the Earth and that you have a very special relationship you have with Me.

Hearing such things at first surprises you, but in due course the feeling that they make sense and are right rise from your innermost being into the consciousness of your earthly being. This is how I have always tried to guide you intuitively and at last you are becoming aware of My presence and start to respond to it. And next time when you are out and about in Mother Nature, enjoying the greenery around you and the sweet sound of bird’s voices communicating with each other, and feel particularly near to Me you enjoy the thought that in truth we are much closer than that. It is likely that by then the Divine spark within you has transformed itself into an inner light that is doing its share of illuminating the darkness of the earthly plane of life. Knowing that spiritually light is knowledge and ignorance is darkness, you do not hesitate to share your learning with anyone who is in need of it. In the fullness of time, this is how every human being is required to make their contribution towards transmuting their own and your planet’s heavy atoms of matter into light and vibrant spiritual ones.

Through this process Mother Earth is going to be transformed into a planet of healing and peace. Each one of you was created for one specific task in this work and has their own pathway to walk, role to play, work to do and truth to find. In your search for truth, forget about finding it in history books, for they were written to promote the glory of the winners. Therefore, not surprisingly, they are filled with untruths. Look into your own heart instead and learn to listen to Me, the small still voice of your conscience, the wise one or living God within. Bear in mind that your life’s work can only be done by you and that your neighbour’s role cannot be played by you.

Never forget that all the religions that ever appeared in your world have been but different roads that lead up the same spiritual mountain of the oneness with Me. Every belief system is all equally valuable and good and is doing justice to the evolutionary level the people following it have reached at any given moment and the Karma they brought with them from previous lifetimes. Rest assured that everything that ever happened in your world has been part of My evolutionary plan for all life and that this will forever continue. The design for humankind’s spiritual development is an integral part of the great overall plan.

Even though during the early stages of their earthly education human beings are unaware of this, I have always been with you and you with Me; this will forever be the case. This is why every prayer is heard and none of anyone’s thoughts, words and actions are secrets to the Angels and Me. Divine love does not command or force anyone to do anything. That’s why you have been granted the gift of freedom of choice and nobody on My side of the veil that separates your world from Mine would ever dream of forcing you to do anything. The outcome of this is that when one of you wants My help, it has to be asked for. There is no other way. When you are in dire straits and the need for praying overcomes you, it’s not that I am drawing closer to you. Being one with you, this is impossible. Your prayer is the necessary first step that opens the communication channel and direct link with the Angels and Me. It is you who in this way is coming nearer to Me and you need to do so freely and willingly, of your own accord that has its origin in a deep inner need. That’s the only way it can be done. Read more about this by following the link ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’ at the end of this chapter.

Human hearts that have opened to loving My way have no need for commandments to tell them not to kill and harm any creature. This is in sharp contrast to the behaviour patterns during the early stages of humankind’s earthly education. During the six thousand years of patriarchy, the ten commandments of the Abrahamic traditions had been given and were well known. As it was not yet known that all of you are responsible for every thought, word and deed, in spite of what the sacred texts of your religions taught, for example in the Talmud, the Bible and the Koran, people were forced to kill and destroy, hurt and wound each other and that by the millions.

Let’s round things off by paraphrasing Søren Kierkegaard, 1883-1855, the Danish theologian and poet, social critic and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher: ‘Praying does not change God, it changes us.’ Prayer is the beginning of your homeward bound journey into the conscious oneness with Me. I am in everything and everything is in Me, the good as well as the bad and indifferent. That which is good, right and beautiful in your world is the higher evolved part, i.e. good = God. This is the one every human being has been striving for from the moment of its conception in the heartmind of Me. Every good, kind and loving thought, word and deed adds to the power of good or God and decreases that of the lower crude and unevolved part, known to you as bad and evil or in the olden days as the devil.

In Kierkegaard’s time God was still thought of as a constant static and unchanging force, but you will now be able to see for yourself that in truth it is a constantly changing and expanding one. And if you think that what is before you here is good, right and beautiful and decide to share it with as many as possible of those around you, you will be making a valuable contribution towards increasing the God force of your world and decreasing its evil counterpart.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’
•    ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (41)

Walking By Faith

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Walking By FaithThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the book ‘Festivals & Celebrations’: ‘As a spark of the Divine every human being is a young God in the making and whenever one of you tunes their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest, vibrations of peace are created. Through making an effort to think nothing but good, constructive and positive thoughts and directing your hopes, dreams and aspirations towards the highest forces of life, the Christ consciousness in you expands and grows. In this process you gradually evolve into a vortex of spiritual light that, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, has the power of changing the dark, evil and destructive elements of your world into good, right and beautiful ones that are filled with light.

‘This is how, with the passing of time, your confidence in the Highest Forces of life grows and you develop true faith that is accompanied by feelings of deep inner peace and harmony. You have read ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’ and your inner guidance tells you that it is speaking the truth. From that time onwards you have been walking the pathway of your life by the kind of faith that has its roots in a deep inner knowingness that, with the help of God and the Angels, all things are possible and miracles really can be worked as soon as the conditions are right. You have every reason to trust because you not merely believe but know that many different forces of life are working in the background of the earthly plane for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world. On the deepest innermost level of your being you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that everything will be well in the end for the simple reason that the cycles of life always have been and forever will be moving forwards and upwards on God’s eternal evolutionary spiral.

‘In spite of long spells of darkness, for example the six thousand years of patriarchy that kept humankind trapped in the prison of ignorance of spiritual matters and the evil that was created through this state of affairs, individually and collectively you and your world have been progressing nonetheless. To help the opening of humankind’s heart centre, God’s heavenly light has always been penetrating as deep as possible into the individual and collective consciousness of your world. As a result, increasing numbers of you by now are manifesting their Christ or God nature and are behaving with love and compassion, goodwill and patience towards all lifeforms in Mother Earth’s loving embrace. The legendary Master Jesus represents the Christ aspect in every human being. Regardless of the fact that for a long time it exists merely in seed form as a tiny spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, it has always been there in every one of you.

‘Through taking possession of the spark and developing it, in due course all of you will be doing their share of assisting your planet with its transformation into one of healing and peace that radiates its energies into the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation, to wherever it is needed. And when at last you have reached the end of your earthly education and you are free to explore the higher and eventually highest regions of life, you will never be let loose on your own on anything in the spirit realm.

‘The Angels and Masters and we, your spirit friends and helpers, will always be by your side to show you where to go, what to do and the things that are in keeping with God’s great plan of life and those that are not and therefore would be unacceptable. This is no change from how we have always been guiding you and that on a reasonably long leash. You never have been alone and you never will be. God bless you all and peace be with you and your world. When St. Paul is said to have written in the Corinthians 5:7: ‘We walk by faith, not by sight.’, who would have thought that the time would come when the true meaning of the Jesus tale had been revealed and ever more of you would really be walking that way?

‘To assist you with this, we are glad to tell you that there is a great deal more to every one of you than can be observed on the outer physical plane of life. You are multi-faceted jewels and many of the components of your whole being are still hidden from your conscious awareness, waiting to be discovered by you. Some have difficulties coming to terms with the concept that they are eternal beings who cannot die and that they have taken part in earthly life many times before. We hear them ask: ‘If this is true, why don’t I have any recall of what happened to me?’

‘The memories of all your previous lifetimes are stored in your spirit/soul on the subconscious level of your being. From there they are influencing everything you do in many different ways. This is how you bring with you into every new lifetime the earthly personality that has thus far been developed by you and it’s for your own protection that you are shielded against knowing about what went on before. That’s because you have taken part in every aspect of humankind’s earthly curriculum, as all of you have to do and therefore have experienced some of the best as well as the worst the earthly plane has to offer.

‘To help you become aware of both sides of the picture, you sometimes found yourself at the giving end and on other occasions on the receiving one of every situation. If you knew about the things you did and have been involved in, you would find it impossible to live with yourself in the realities of each new lifetime with its fresh beginning. This is why the Great Mother’s wisdom and love are guarding you against the knowledge of your spirit/soul memories until you have spiritually matured sufficiently to deal with them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are A Precious Jewel’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Learning To Trust The Highest’

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (42)

A Vision To Hold At This Time

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - A Vision To Hold At This TimeThe following is the essence of two White Eagle teachings. The first one appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ August/September 2005: ‘We, your guides in the spirit world, are seeing a glorious future for humankind, when injustices have been righted and all those present have learned the conduct your lives in keeping with God’s laws and the way of wisdom. We perceive a natural and beautiful coming together of all nations who are united and at one as one family. The time is coming when your race has understood its responsibilities towards all life and especially the animal kingdom. An expansion of consciousness lies ahead when all of you will be capable of looking beyond the ends of their noses and even the astral planes to the celestial world where the Universal Christ with His/Her Angels and all other companies of the Highest are dwelling.

‘All those who to this day insist on holding other nations and their people in subjection will gradually be withdrawn from earthly life and there will be an end to dominion, empire building, persecution and warmongering. Everybody will be occupying their rightful place in the country that once was created for them by their own group spirit/soul. Although each country has its own, in the process of evolution all of them will gradually merge into one great nation and that is your whole world. There is going to be a growing sense of partnership between the countries in which every one respects the culture of their neighbours whilst continuing to enjoy its own.

‘This new world is ready and waiting for you beyond the veil that to this day separates your world from ours. Do not doubt and do not fear. Instead live consciously in the company of the shining ones, the Angels and Masters, your friends and helpers of the spirit. Do not be misled by commonsense and reason of your earthly minds. They were given to you for good purpose and wise reason and have their place because they provide you with the balance you need between the earthly plane and the highest realities of life. Do not be blindfolded by the reactions of your earthly mind. On the wings of the spiritual knowledge that we are bringing you rise above and look beyond the realities of Earth life to that which is truly important, namely that which lies behind it with its eternally true values. God bless each one of you with Its vision and truth.’

From Stella Polaris Feb/March 2008 ‘Transmutation’: ‘When humankind fully recognises its birthright, there will no longer be any wars and no-one will be subject to disease and poverty. Even death will be overcome when the Christ Spirit, the living God within, has achieved mastery over all atoms of your physical body. In the days to come the powers of the spirit will be so highly developed that you will be able to read at a glance the thoughts of your companions. Yet, no-one will be entrusted with this gift who does not yet know how to treat it with reverence.

‘We are explaining these things to help you understand that there is a great need for spiritual growth in every one of you, so that the finer gifts of the spirit can eventually become yours. The more you work selflessly and from a loving heart, the more your vision and perceptiveness of the spirit increases. In the fullness of time the power to heal and all other talents the Master Jesus possessed, according to the legend of his life, will also be yours. The highest forces will then be using you as their channel and the Master’s prophecy will come true that even greater miracles than the ones he performed will eventually be worked and that through each one of you.

‘The final and complete overthrow of death is waiting for humankind. Each one of you will discover for themselves that there is no death and that there never will be any. We hear you ask: ‘Do you mean no death of the physical body? But that would be against nature!’ What we mean is not death the way you know it today. When your small earthly self has surrendered itself completely to the Christ Spirit within and you have become a Christed one in your own right, a transmutation of the cells and atoms of your physical body takes place. This takes them onwards and upwards to higher vibrations where decay like that of the Earth plane does not exist.’

Updated March 2016. Considering that some of the earliest White Eagle teachings appeared as far back as 1937, it stands to reason that by now some considerable progress in our individual and collective spiritual development must have been made. Therefore, it is likely that we are a good bit closer to the above vision becoming a reality in earthly life.

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (43)

Healing The Earth

Rays of Wisdom - Words And Prayers Of Comfort And Healing - Mother Earth

Can you imagine what it would be like
If the Earth’s circumference was only about a mile
And it floated just above the ground?
Come with me and see what happens:

Visitors are arriving from far and wide.
They’re walking around on the Earth,
Marvelling at its big and small pools of water,
And the water that flows between them.
Admiring her mountains and valleys,
They’re wondering at what kind
Of wisdom it was that thought of surrounding
The globe with a thin layer of gas,
In which water is suspended
To sustain all its lifeforms.

The guests are watching the
Great and wondrous diversity of Earth’s living things.
Not merely the upright walking human beings,
But also its animal and plant life.
Some of the creatures are walking about
On the surface of the globe and others live inside it,
And more of them still exist in its waters.
Marvelling at all these things,
They can see that the globe
Is a unique and precious jewel.
Their scientists looked into it
And could not find another one quite like it
Anywhere in the whole of God’s Creation.
Realising this, they cherish the Earth
And all the visitors that come
Wish to do their best to protect the globe,
To make sure it doesn’t get hurt or damaged by anyone.

Realising what kind of a wonder and a miracle the Earth is,
People wish to get to know it and its spiritual background better.
That’s when they discover to their astonishment that
The globe’s beauty is a reflection and outer manifestation
Of their own inner roundedness and exquisiteness,
Which many of them to this day have yet to discover.
Wise ones, however, know that such a superb work of art
Can only have been created by the Divine heart and hands
Of the Great Architect and Designer of all life,
The White Spirit, who is also their own Father/Mother.
Bending their knees in awe and admiration,
Brings healing and peace to every aspect of their being,
Mind and body, spirit and soul.

Through what they are seeing,
And finding out that their lives,
Their own wellbeing and wholeness,
Depends on that of the planet.
Ever more visitors love and respect the Earth,
And are ready to defend it,
If need be with their whole being.

Can you now see how wise people would become,
If the Earth’s circumference was only a mile?
Well, why can’t more of us, like them
Wake up from their spiritual slumbers,
Before it’s too late?
So that the first signs can appear
That humankind’s age-old
Dreams, visions and highest aspirations
Of a world that is at peace
At last find fulfilment.

The Earth is now being transformed
Into a planet of light, peace and healing.
Rapidly we are approaching the time
When only those who know how to
Live and work in peace and harmony
With each other and all lifeforms that share
Our precious jewel, the Earth, with us
Will be allowed to reincarnate here.

All of us will then know that everything we see around us
Is part of us and merely
An outer manifestation of our own inner world.
How much are you doing to make this
Dream into a reality on the Earth?

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Wilderness’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Losing And Finding Yourself (44)

Mother Earth

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Comfort & Healing - Mother Earth Sees Herself

Our planet is a manifestation
Of the Great Mother of all life,
Who experiences Herself
As physical beings through us.
She looks at Herself with our eyes
And perceives earthly life through our senses.
Like us she awakens
To the miracle of each new day.

Each one of us has been granted
The gift of another earthly lifetime,
So that we may evolve into one of our planet’s
Guardians and caretakers,
Doing our best to put a halt
To the robbing and plundering
Of its precious resources.
Through us and our efforts
Mother Earth is now transforming herself
Into a place of healing and peace.

Thanks and praise be to Thee,
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And Thy only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ.
With all our hearts and souls
We welcome Thee, O living loving spirit
Of wisdom and love,
Truth and honesty,
Loyalty and integrity,
Onto the Earth.

Mother Earth can heal herself and that is what she is doing in parts of our world that have been abandoned by humankind as being too toxic or in other ways no longer suitable for human habitation. The Highest Forces in the spiritual background of our world are in charge of the development of each one of us and our world. Whenever something is recovering that has been damaged by humankind’s ignorance, it is a sign that God and the Angels are not going to allow us to ruin and destroy our planet forever. That is why, each time humans have retreated from over-exploited areas, they work exceedingly hard to restore its former beauty.

And how much you are doing for the healing of our world? Every effort one of us makes towards Mother Earth’s wellbeing counts. It is a valuable contribution towards her salvation as well as our own redemption and salvation. There is a great deal that can be done in many small ways that start with recycling whenever possible, living modestly and refusing to over-consume, thus avoiding to lean too heavily on our planet’s precious resources.

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 11

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (1)

The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

For as long as you do not know who I truly am, where I dwell and who you are, you cannot find Me and come to Me. You cannot even begin to look for Me. So, who am I? I am part of what is known in your world as the Divine Trinity. We are the undividable Holy Spirit and consist of the masculine will and power aspect of God, the Great Father, who is balanced by His feminine counterpart the Goddess, the Great Mother, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine. I complete the Trinity by being their only born Son/Daughter, the Christ Spirit, the Sun of all Suns and the Light of all lights. I am feminine and masculine in one, the same as they are and because you are a spark of Me, this also applies to you.

Until you realise that I am as much part of you as you are of Me and therefore are an inner experience that cannot be found on the outer levels of your present existence, you are feeling lost and lonely even though on the inner spiritual level of your being you never have been or will be. It takes a considerable length of time, i.e. many lifetimes in physicality, before the awareness of your higher nature stirs from its slumbering state in any one of you, my beloved children of the Earth. This awakening is accompanied by the discovery that life in the whole of Creation is ruled by My Universal laws. The first one is love and evolution. In itself this will probably help you realise that it cannot possibly be true that a saviour and redeemer would appear in your world and, provided you said you believed in him, he would wave some kind of a magic wand to save you and wipe away and redeem all your transgressions against the law of love.

I hate to have to tell you this, but if you still believe in this story you are being deceived big time and that by none other than the Angels and Me. Well, you were and you were not and there is no need to get upset about any of it because it happened for wise higher reasons. Let me explain. As you know by now, the Great Mother is the feminine love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity. Through alternatively giving and withholding things She has always been teaching you and your world the value of things. With the help of suppressing My truth for the past six thousand years of patriarchy and the dominion of the masculine forces in your world with its systematic suppression of the truth, it was Her infinite love and wisdom that has been teaching your whole world the value of truth and peace. You can take it from Me that it will not be too long until they have taken over the supreme rulership of your world.

Anything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation is taking part in the evolutionary process and belongs to the plan, from the lowest to the Highest. And that which you perceive as ugly and evil in human nature and anywhere else around you is nothing but its crude lower unevolved part in the process of being transformed into something good, right and beautiful, exactly the way you still are. That’s why wise ones never look down their noses onto anyone or anything. Every human being is on an at least slightly different evolutionary level, so that you can all learn from each other.

Everything that ever happened and will do so in future is in keeping with God’s plan and therefore the Great Father/Mother’s will and wishes. Nothing in the whole of Creation occurs outside of the plan or is beyond its reach. This not only applies to your world but all others, of which there are many on the higher levels of life, of whose presence you are not yet aware. And each one of the deceptions that ever took place on the earthly plane has been an essential and inevitable part of the evolutionary plan of life. But since your entry into the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, you and your world have been entitled to find out more and more of the truth about everything.

It’s good to see that increasing numbers of you are capable of grasping that the Jesus story, from the moment of its first appearance in your world, in the end was intended to reveal itself as a legend. It could not be any other way because it is written in the great book of life that in the end nobody but each one of you yourselves can save and redeem you. You are the only one who can dissolve the karmic chains and shackles you yourself created through your thinking and behaviour in the course of many lifetimes. Don’t you think it’s fair that every human being has to do their own saving and redeeming itself and that at the same time this is your contribution towards the saving and redemption of your whole race and world?

The purpose of the many different myths and legends, which the Angels and I brought your world throughout the ages, was to make you familiar with the facts about every human being’s higher nature and the special relationship all of you have always had with Me. The tales we gave you did contain the truth, but – as you are finding out now – it had to remain hidden in the higher esoteric meaning of the symbolisms and metaphors behind each story’s surface words. The truth had to wait until the right time for revealing it had come. When looked at from this perspective, you can see that none of the tales were lies. They were not intended to be deceptions, not even part truths because they contain the full truth. It’s merely a case of not yet possessing the ability to recognise it.

The Angels and Masters around My throne are in charge of the great evolutionary plan of life and its executors. They are responsible for the spiritual development of every one of you and your whole world. Helped by countless friends and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm, they have always taken great care only to share with you the parts of My truth that were right for your evolutionary development at that particular time. The Angels gave what the mass of people in your world would be capable of understanding at least in broad outlines so that at least some of it could be absorbed into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness.

The Angels and I are rejoicing so many of you by now have matured into spiritual adulthood sufficiently to be able to grasp ever more of My wisdom and truth. The spiritual knowledge we are bringing you are My light. In the fullness of time every single one of you will evolve into a transmitter/receiver station and a channel through which the blessing and healing power of My light can flow to wherever someone requires it. In due course the whole of your race’s consciousness will be filled with nothing but the light of My truth. Every last shred of evil and darkness will have been absorbed into it.

What a long time I have been waiting for the time when even the last and slowest one of you has learnt how to call upon the Angels and Me, so we can teach them how to go about acting as the saviour and redeemer of themselves and your world. Their first requirement, the same as it once was yours, is finding out about My true nature and their own and the special relationship I have always had with them, even though there were unaware of it. Tell them that there never has been an interruption, irrespective of the fact that it looked like that for a long time. Let them know that Earth life is a school whose main purpose is helping every one of My beloved children of the Earth to grow and evolve in wisdom and understanding. Share your light with them, so that in due course they too will have become seekers of My wisdom and truth, and Christed ones in their own right.

Whenever someone wishes to find truth, tell them to stop looking for it on the outside. It cannot be found there. They need to listen to the world of their feelings and their heart instead, for that’s where I dwell. I am waiting to come fully alive in them and during times of quiet reflections, prayers and meditations it is easy to re-establish and strengthen their inner connection with Me. I then can once more teach and protect them, the way I used to do a long time ago.

My aim is to help all of you to trust Me when I show you what is right or wrong in any given situation. The only thing you have to do is pay paying attention to the feelings that rise from within the very core of your own being into your conscious awareness. That’s how I have always been trying to guide you intuitively into right thoughts, words and actions. Your life force flows more easily when you live intuitively with the Angels and Me, hand in hand, for I am your inner teacher and guide. I am the only truly reliable guru in the whole of Creation, who never leads you astray and who really does know the answers to any question you may ever care to ask.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Myths & Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (2)

Creating A Picture Of My Truth

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Creating A Picture Of My TruthAlthough all belief systems your world has ever seen was but another piece of the great jigsaw puzzle of all life, to this day what is left of them considers itself to be the only holy-making religion because its leaders and followers believe that their belief alone is in possession of the truth about Me. The truth of the matter is that each one was merely intended to act as one of the many pathways with which the Angels and I that have always been trying to guide humankind up the spiritual mountain. This is the road that in the end returns all human beings into the conscious awareness of My true nature, their own and the oneness with Me. The teachings of every belief system contain some golden nuggets of truth, but for wise higher educational purposes they have to remain hidden behind the surface words of their sacred texts for a long time.

The leaders of every religion are nurturing the false belief on their bosoms that what they think of as truth is unchangeable, as if it were set in concrete or hewn into granite. Human beings in general have been taught to perceive Me as a static and never changing force, but this is by no means the case. Like you, I am constantly evolving and changing and so is my truth. Both of us are expanding as fast as new knowledge is added to that which already exists. And if you wish that a picture of My truth emerges, join the religious texts of your world like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. I am asking you to do this because time and again down the ages, the Angels have been sharing another aspect of My truth with you.

On every occasion it was presented in the form of a myth or legend, as they were easier to come to terms with for humankind’s spiritual innocence. I refuse to use the word ignorance when someone does not yet understand something. Through taking the religious tales at their face value better learning opportunities were created by the suffering people inflicted upon each other, at first at the giving and later at the receiving end. Much later when the time was right, it would begin to dawn on ever more of you that the stories could not possibly be meant to be understood literally, as they had been during humankind’s early developmental stage. As a result, the tales had over and over been interpreted, re-worked and translated from one language into another, but in spite of the errors that crept into them, intentionally and otherwise, the meaning of their basic contents never changed.

That’s how gradually more and more of My wisdom in the form of symbolisms and metaphors was revealed through various outlets. But with the passing of time increasing numbers of you approached spiritual adulthood and it occurred to many of these spirit/souls that the stories that formed the basis of the religions they were following was so weird and strange that they could not possibly be meant to be taken literally. Many asked themselves if that is the case, there must be some other kind of meaning, but what?

The advance of your world into the Aquarian age brought many of you the realisation that My wisdom and truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of the religion you are following. Wise ones discovered to their surprise that as soon as their perception was beginning to open to the presence of the higher levels of life, nobody could pull the wool over theirs any more and even the most ancient texts could now reveal their esoteric higher meaning. It is then no longer hard to recognise that many quotes from the teachings of your religions contained hidden references to My Universal law of Karma, without being mentioned anywhere.

One of the best examples of this are quotes like ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ To this day many are mystified about what it might want to tell them, but with the understanding you are finding here it is not difficult to see that they are a clear reference to My Universal laws, in particular the one of cause and effect or Karma. When you have reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level, you know that such words could never have been intended to instruct human beings to go out of their way to cause pain and destroy each other. Your true nature and Mine is love. From love you have come and in the fullness of time will be returning to. The further you advance on this road up the spiritual mountain, the clearer it becomes to you that such interpretations were a gross injustice to your true nature and Mine. Therefore, they could not possibly be true and must have some other meaning.

At this stage of your development you find out that life in the whole of Creation is subject to My Divine laws, that all of you have always been responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions, and that being unaware of the existence of My laws never protected anyone against having to live with the consequences of whatever they sent into your world. And whenever you are saddened by inexperienced souls around you, who to this day are taking the teachings of their religions literally and are using their lack of knowledge as excuses for hurting and killing those who do not share their beliefs, do not despair and refuse to sit in judgement over them.

By the time the redemption of their present sins comes round, you could be one of their spirit friends who is trying to help them work their way through the pain and suffering that inevitably will be coming their way, just the same as you are being assisted by helpers that are invisible for earthly eyes, now. As much as you would like to do the work for them, you will not be allowed to do this because it would interfere with the learning of their lesson. You love them because they exist and are your siblings in the great family of humankind. That’s why you will do anything that is within your power to ease the burden of the cross they are carrying that was created by their outrageous thought and behaviour patterns of the past.

In the evolutionary process of growing into an ever more God-like being you acquire the ability to love totally and unconditionally, wisely and without expecting anything in return, like I do. Loving that way and viewing things from My perspective of life is the destiny of every human being. Those who have completed this development know that it would be unwise to interfere with anyone’s lessons, because your own experiences of earthly life have taught you that the most painful ones are never forgotten and therefore the best learnt ones. Having learnt to love My way, you would not want anyone to deprive of their learning opportunities.

Wise ones comfort themselves with the thought that they too once were young and inexperienced. That’s why they send the youngsters nothing but loving thoughts and quietly in their minds forgive them, for they clearly have no idea what they will be drawing towards themselves in the fullness of time. They will be no different from anyone who is groaning presently under the load of redeeming what could be their most ancient karmic debts. Never forget that the spiritual youngsters of your world, even when they are living in physical bodies that are one hundred years or more old, are entitled to learn their lessons. Naturally, the same applies to you and your task is learning how to be tolerant and patient with the youngsters.

That’s a difficult task, I know. But you will find it helpful to remind yourself frequently that, after all, they are your spiritual sisters and brothers who in the fullness of time, My time not Earth time, they too will wake up and become aware of their true nature again. Rest assured that in due course they will be given the same opportunities for reaching the same level of wisdom and understanding that is yours at the moment of reading this. And that’s how even the last and slowest one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, hand in hand with the Angels and Me and therefore never without assistance, works their own way back into the conscious awareness of their loving union with Me. Beyond a shadow of a doubt you will then know that everything in the whole of Creation has always rested safely in the loving hands of the Angels and Me and that this will continue, forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (3)

God : The Great Mystery

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - God : The Great Mystery

Programmed into every spirit, at the moment of its release into earthly life, is the concept of a higher authority that is in charge of it and who cares for its wellbeing. Who and what it is and where it can be found that is the great mystery every one of you eventually has to unravel for themselves. All the religions and philosophies that ever existed in your world were created to assist you with this task. That’s the reason for each one of them containing a minute portion of the great Cosmic truths about Me and the wonder and miracle of My Creation. And when you now take a closer look at one of these belief systems after the other, you will be able to recognise that the new myths and legends the Angels and I presented from time to time were based on the knowledge that already existed in the consciousness of humankind.

Regardless of the fact that they were presented in different parts of your world, every new religion was designed to move your race’s spiritual development another step forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And that could only be achieved by familiarising you with another aspect of My truth. Even though they all were building up on each other, none of your belief system ever contained My whole truth. The Christian teachings come close, but only when they are viewed from the higher esoteric perspective and the symbolisms and metaphors behind their surface words.

This is how it came about that at any given time, we brought you the knowledge that was right for the state of your race’s spiritual development, which reached from its individual and collective spiritual infancy, toddlerhood, adolescence and finally the maturity of adulthood. In this way with the passing of time, ever more stories and legends came into being. The intention of each new one was to assist the growth of consciousness in the part of your world in which it was given. And the deeper you are penetrating into the Age of Aquarius, you will find that the more of My truth is going to be revealed anyone who is ready to receive and understand it.

We notice with gladness that the number of those waking from their spiritual slumber by now is growing quite rapidly. Ever more of you are grasping that each one of the old religions held but tiny fragments of My truth, which on their own made very little or no sense. This is because in days gone by matters of faith in earthly life were meant to provide humankind with mysteries and puzzles. And now the principle of the jigsaw puzzle has moved into the centre stage of your world. It was with full intention that every new religion could only provide people with some scattered fragments of My truth. A sensible picture of it could only emerge when, in the fullness of time, the pieces of all belief systems would be joined together. That’s when the spiritual life of your world, as if touched by a magic wand, would reveal itself as one whole structure that has no lack of shape, purpose and meaning.

When you have read this and then take a closer look at all religions your world has ever seen, you will be able to recognise the pieces of the fragments of My truth each one of them contained. And when you add to them the pieces of what you now know about the spiritual background of earthly life, My realm, you will be able to see for yourself that they are a perfect fit. The whole and holy picture of the higher purpose and meaning of your earthly existence emerges. From the developmental point you have reached, your inner vision will tell you that it has been for wise higher teaching purposes that the knowledge of the spiritual background for such a long time was withheld from humankind’s view.

It has always been part of My great evolutionary plan that the discovery of My true nature and yours, and the special relationship every human being has with Me, would have to wait until your world had entered into the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth directly from Me. The sign’s astrological symbol is the Waterbearer. I am S/He and the knowledge I am bringing you is the water of wisdom that flows from the receptacle I hold in My loving arms. Up to the time when you start joining the pieces of the great puzzle, as described above, there is no picture of Me and My wisdom and truth. But as soon as you link the fragments, an image that makes a great deal of sense appears before you and you understand the wise higher purpose everything that ever happened on the Earth has always served. You then realise that the great picture of the whole of life is nothing short of beautiful and filled with wonders and miracles.

The Great Mother is the feminine love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity. Through alternatively giving and then withholding She has always been teaching your world the value of concepts and things. That is also the reason why the knowledge that each one of you is a spirit/soul, a spark of My light, a young God in the making whose true home is the world of spirit or light, was withheld from humankind up to quite recently. This was necessary because that was the only thing that could stop you, My beloved children of the Earth, from leaving your earthly existence in droves and never wanting to return to it when the going got rougher and rougher, as it had to do during the lessons of the early stages of your development. Your lack of knowledge and understanding was the instrument the Angels and Me I used to keep the doors firmly locked and bolted. This protected you against discovering too soon about the nature of humankind’s true home, from which each one of you emerges at the beginning of another earthly sojourn, and returns to for a spell of rest and recuperation from the inevitable stresses and strains of your life on the physical plane.

To stop you from wishing to head back home too soon, the religions of your world closed you off from knowing about its existence for a certain number of earthly lifetimes. That’s why something that acts like a veil of consciousness was erected between your world and Mine. Since the Aquarian age has been with you, the veil has been getting thinner; in due course it will disappear altogether. It is for the same educational reason that at the beginning of your existence as earthly beings you are clothed in a physical body whose cells and atoms are so dense that for a long time they cannot be penetrated by the light of spiritual wisdom and truth. In keeping with your growth in wisdom and understanding, the components of every new physical body you receive for another term in the school of earthly life, are of a slightly higher vibration and less density.  Spiritual knowledge and understanding it is the meaning of light and the more you spiritually mature and advance on the evolutionary spiral, the more your physical body fills with light.

Part of the Great Mother’s educational program has been that the concepts of  truth and peace for a long time should disappear almost entirely from your world. As a result, when they eventually have re-established themselves, you are going to treasure them most highly and guard them carefully. The whole of humankind will allow nothing and nobody to ever take them away again. Another aspect of the same plan has been taking the religions of your world at face value. This kept you away from discovering the life of your spirit/soul and your inner being, and that knowing and meeting Me is inner experience and not an outer. For as long as it has been necessary, your  false beliefs protected you against any kind of understanding of your true nature and Mine and My world, the spirit realm.

It has taken a long time for the majority of you to find out that without the spiritual background of life, there could be no material world. There would be nothing and none of you would exist as a physical being. The spirit world is the most important part of life where that which is to manifest on the earthly plane first has to be created. Alas, there are a great many who still do not know these things. Telling them about them is the task of every aspiring healer and lightworker. Those who are still thinking of God as the greatest mystery of your life are in for a surprise when they discover that human beings themselves have always been the greater riddle by far.

Your world is rapidly changing and so is everything in it. The more you share your knowledge with those around you, the faster you will be moving towards the new golden age of the Earth. All its inhabitants, human and animal alike, will then freely and willingly give of their best and co-exist in peace, harmony and friendship. However, a gift of such magnitude cannot drop like manna from the Heavens, each one of you has to do their share of bringing this age into being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (4)

Loving God’s Way

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Loving God's Way

The rose is a symbol of love. It is the queen of the flower kingdom that for a long time has occupied a special place in the religions of your world. And to this day, its colours have a distinct meaning: red is the lover’s rose that stands for enduring passion; white for humility and innocence; yellow for wisdom and also for friendship and joy; pink for gratitude, appreciation and admiration; orange for enthusiasm and desire; lilac and purple represent enchantment and love at first sight. Apart from its beauty, the rose also has thorns and, like love, when it is not handled with the care and reverence that something of such exquisite beauty and fragrance deserves, it has the power of providing those who pick it carelessly with a painful sting.

A new commandment
I give unto you:
That you love one another,
As I have loved you,
That you love one another
As I have loved you.
If you have love for each other,
All people shall know that
You are My disciples.

Roy Crabtree
Adapted by Aquarius

Love is your true nature and the Source of your being. The above song is based on the Bible’s St. John 13:34 and to this day it is misinterpreted by many in your world. That is not surprising because of humankind’s limited understanding of its own true nature and Mine, and what love really means. I am the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and every one of you is a spark of Me. I am the voice of the Divine Trinity who speaks to you intuitively. I am your inner teacher, your in-tuition, the living God or wise one within you, the long promised new teacher of your world.

I am every human being’s higher or God nature and with the Jesus legend the Angels and I provided humankind with illustrations of the initiations that are in store for all of you when the end of your earthly education approaches. At the right moment, the birth of the Christ spirit takes place in every heart and spirit/soul. This brings with it the resurrection of the highest and noblest qualities that are every child of the Earth’s Divine inheritance. The love of honesty and truth are part of this development. The birth of the Christ child is a symbolism of this process.

During your lifetimes as an earthly being you eventually reach the point when the drives and urges of your lower nature begin to be of less interest and are leaving a bad taste in your mouth behind. Your interest in pursuits of a higher nature awakes and you happily to surrender to them. This is happening because from deep within you, the characteristics of your higher or God nature are pushing to the surface of your consciousness. They are helping you to turn into a kinder, friendlier and more loving person. The more this aspect of your being takes over and your true self emerges, the more you discover that you are happiest when you are loving for love’s sake and giving for the joy of having something to give and someone to give it to.

Life itself has always been humankind’s teacher and each can only grow and evolve through their own experiences. Now you are learning that wishing to command or possess others has nothing to do with love but is merely an expression of small and frightened earthly selves who try to cling, with all their might, onto whatever they think they own and love. It takes a long time until you realise that what many on the Earth plane think of as love is nothing of the kind.

The ultimate aim of your earthly curriculum is to become ever more God-like and that includes learning to love My way, i.e. loving for love’s sake in a manner that has nothing to do with people’s earthly personalities at any given moment but is detached from it. My love is total and unconditional, without expecting or asking anything in return. This does not mean condoning other people’s behaviour and their misdeeds, but treating them with the love and respect they deserve as My children and your spiritual sisters and brothers. Even if you do not like someone, you can still love them and to the wise ones in charge of you in the background of your earthly existence your way of reacting to anyone reveals the degree of your spiritual maturity. And the time will come on the Earth when all of you are loving My way. Every one of your thoughts, words and deeds will then be proof of your Divine origin and that you truly are My children.

But so that this can happen in the fullness of time, we need to return to the Jesus legend for a moment. By the way he behaves, especially when he commands his disciples to love each other, from where you are by now it is not hard to recognise that the God-man. A genuine spiritual Master would not dream of ever commanding anyone. There would be no need for that because his disciples would also be highly evolved spirits who want to walk in their Master’s footsteps and become ever more like him. The words of the commandment are one of the finest examples to show your world that Jesus was no spiritual Master, as he would have been if he had ever existed in earthly life and walked in your midst.

But what is he? A thoughtform created by the Angels and Me who represents the higher or God nature of every human being. To evolve into someone like the legendary Jesus, half God and half human, that is the aim every one of you has always been striving for since you were first placed in earthly life. The words of the commandment were purposely kept as if they had been composed by someone who had no idea about the nature of My love. This was done so that later – when the time for discovering the truth about Jesus had come – it would not be difficult to see who and what he really was. The Age of Aquarius is the time your world has been waiting for and the religions of the past with their misunderstandings and misinterpretations, intentionally and otherwise, are in the process of making room for the religion of the new age, which is based on honesty and truth. The old religions were of the head, but the new one is of the head and heart. Aquarius, the sign for the development of humankind’s mental faculties, is in polar opposition with Leo, the sign for learning how to love from the heart. On the inner level the two signs are one and when in you they are joining forces and are working together, your heartmind takes over your whole being and life.

From first hand experience you then know that Divine love does not seek to dominate or possess anyone. It never makes prisoners of others, but has only the wellbeing and spiritual progress of the loved one(s) at heart. This love gives you the freedom to conduct your life the way you wish it to be and allows you to make your own mistakes. Doing so is good for you because otherwise you would be unable to learn anything. That’s why you want this for every human being and you would not dream of interfering with anyone’s life lessons. Because humankind’s earthly existence has always been one of trial and error, you leave them to find things out for themselves. The same as you have to do, your loved ones need to stick their toes into the waters of life and see what happens. That has always been the only way human beings can grow in wisdom and understanding so that, in the course of many lifetimes, they learn how to make wiser decisions and choices.

A true spiritual Master would tell his disciples about these things and then instruct them to go out and spread the joyous tidings far and wide that the truth about My being and yours is no longer hard to find. All people have to do is look beneath the surface words of the sacred texts of the religions of your world for the symbolisms and metaphors that have always been hiding there. Now that the Cosmic energies are right and the age of the Divine Waterbearer and of truth is with you, every one of you potentially is My disciple. All of you eventually reach the evolutionary point when they are ready not only to receive but also to understand the sacred wisdom and truth the Angels on My behalf are constantly pouring into your race’s individual and collective consciousness.

As above, so below. For those who are loving My way good manners are a matter of course because they are part of humankind’s higher nature. The Angels and I are delighted when grateful words of love and devotion for gifts received are spoken by those who are waking from their spiritual slumber and realise that whatever they are receiving does not just happen but has to be produced by someone. For example, their daily bread. Yes, the farmer sows the wheat and harvests it. But who makes it grow and thrive? The beings who are toiling, invisible to earthly eyes, by day and night and in this way are providing for humankind’s every need.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loving People Without Liking Them’
•    ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’
•    ‘Soul Mates’
•    ‘Love At First Sight’
•    ‘Of Marriage And Partnerships’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’
•    ‘Friendship Healing’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (5)


Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - ConclusionsOccasionally, human love comes your way. The same as everything else in your life it is a gift from your spirit friends and helpers, but not without having been earned by you in the first place. It’s the Universal laws’ way of returning to you something you created in previous lifetimes and earlier in this one. The Angels and Masters are making sure you are drawing it towards yourself at the right moment. You have deserved the love of other human beings and now it’s up to you how to deal with it. Your behaviour and reactions show the wise ones in the background of your earthly existence how far you have come on the road of learning to love My way, complete with wisely knowing when to give and when to withhold something.

Respond to the loves that enter your life as best you know how to and never forget that nothing in earthly life belongs to you, least of all people. At the end of each lifetime everything that was given to you was on loan and has to be handed back in as good condition as possible. The only thing you can take with you into Eternity is the spiritual growth you have achieved in the earthly school of life. This wealth will be yours forever and do not underestimate its value, because the belief that human beings enter earthly life with nothing and leave it the same way is a false one. Spiritual riches are of enormous value, for they are also the only possession you bring with you into every new lifetime. At any given moment they are stored in the memories of your spirit/soul and accompany you into every future lifetime.

On every occasion you are bringing with you the thought and behaviour patterns you developed in the course of all previous earthly sojourns. Included in this are your fears and anxieties, false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions. They are waiting to be changed and overcome, respectively, through more enlightened ways of being that expand your consciousness through new knowledge that will be coming your way. All of this is stored in your subconscious mind. From the moment you draw the first breath of a new lifetime they are influencing everything you think and do, in either positive or negative ways. And what kind of a person you are going to be more than anything else depends on the evolutionary level you reached before entering into your present lifetime.

Nothing in earthly life belongs to you. Everything is a gift on time and all together you are attending the earthly school of life so you can act as teachers and pupils at the same time. The people you draw into your orbit and with whom you fall in love are the ones who are teaching you how to love. After many lifetimes your higher nature wakes up and you start to bring forth, from deep within your own being, your better, finer and nobler character traces. Slowly but surely you then evolve into someone who is like Me, who loves people the way I do, totally, unconditionally and in a detached manner that knows nothing of needfulness and has no time for possessing and holding onto anything. Loving My way is easy when you can see the whole picture and are aware that on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything.

Love and thought are the greatest powers in the whole of Creation. Bonds of friendship and love that have been created between individuals and also within groups cannot be destroyed by anything. Being aware of these things, you refuse to make a prisoner of anyone and when someone you love wants to leave you, you set them free. Safely you rest in the knowledge that, if there really is love between the two of you, the spiritual aspect of this relationship will never die. On the contrary, it is bound to increase the more physical distance is between you, maybe sufficient for the loved one to return to you physically, too. That’s how the saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ came into being.

Loving My way never forces anyone to do anything. My kind of love may coax and cajole and invite loved ones to take part in something, but no more. This is how I have always treated every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, and that will forever continue. There is no need for clinging onto the life I have given to you or anything within it. Let your heart be filled with faith and trust that when one door in your life closes, another one is already open and waiting for you. So take the hand of the Angel when it comes to free you from your earthly shackles and chains. By acting upon this knowledge and letting go whenever the time for doing so has come can save you a great deal of suffering that could easily have been avoided.

Once you are loving My way, you will discover that this feeling is not like a switch that can be turned on and off. Now you are loving people for who they truly, independent of how they behave and what they do to you. My love for every human being is not about who you presently are in earthly life and what you are doing. Loving with this kind of detachment is a freeing experience. When you and with it your ability to love has moved onto the necessary level of consciousness, you will find that whenever someone stops loving you, you do not feel like doing the same to them. You cannot see any point in that. When you understand who and what people truly are, where they have come from and what kind of high and holy destiny is in store for every one of you, forgiving and continuing to love them is the most natural thing in the whole wide world for you.

Getting to this state of consciousness is much easier than you may think. The only thing you need is a better understanding of your opponent’s motivations. There is no finer instrument than astrology for getting to know someone’s predestined pathway in broad outlines. No casting of horoscopes or intensive studying of the subject is necessary. All you want to know is people’s main life lessons and the struggle they are likely to have with overcoming the negative aspects of their Sun and Moon signs and integrating the positive ones into their character make-up. See the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

It’s not that loving My way makes you blind, far from it. When you are looking at life with the vision of the greater picture, i.e. complete with the spiritual background of everybody’s present existence, you can still see people’s flaws and idiosyncrasies. But you know that everybody is on the same evolutionary pathway and will eventually have grown into a God-like being. Besides you are aware that all human beings have everything within, the very best as well as the worst; that you can only change yourself and not others, and that what they are going through is but a passing phase of their evolutionary pathway and a tiny piece in the great jigsaw puzzle of life. This knowledge frees you to love people, not merely your nearest and dearest but everybody, just the way they are.

Words like vengeance and retribution have no room in the dictionary of loving My way. My Universal laws were designed with love and so that in the fullness of time everything would take care of itself. There is nothing but teaching and learning in the great school of life that is the whole of My Creation, including the earthly plane. Through their own experiences and in the course of many lifetimes everybody in your world gets to know all aspects of My nature and their own, starting with the lowest level and each working their own way up to the highest. Even though for a long time human beings are unaware of this, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, every one of you is relentlessly searching for consciousness expanding experiences that help you to grow in wisdom and understanding. All of you are as much part of Me as I am of you. Each one of you is a manifestation of life through which My knowledge constantly increases.

The religions and philosophies the Angels and I once presented to your world still are vital parts of the great jigsaw puzzle of humankind’s earthly existence. Yet, for as long as the majority of people lacked the knowledge of the spiritual background of their existence, for wise higher educational reasons they turned into nothing more than obstacles. And if you now took a closer look at your world, without bearing in mind the spirit realm and the part it plays, you could not help the feeling that not a great deal on the Earth is making much sense. I would not hold it against you, if you then asked yourself: ‘Where is the love the religions of our world are speaking of? I cannot see much evidence of that. Are we born merely to die, after however many years of being here, after all? What’s the point in that?’

In spite of the warmongering and open hostilities are still rampant in some parts of your world, and the havoc that is created by religions that have long lost their validity and usefulness, take heart, My beloved children of the Earth. These belief systems are in the process of being replaced by a new religion that supports humankind’s spiritual progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. When it rules supreme, as it soon will be, there will be no more excuses for slaughtering, robbing and maiming adventures for the testosterone driven patriarchal religions. Their remnants have not yet gone from your world, but they soon will do.

For quite some time, the Angels and I have been working on preparing your race for its rightful place in the Universe. A vast evolutionary cycle is closing and with the coming of My truth the religious beliefs that separate human beings from each other, are disappearing. They are replaced by the religion of the new age that tells you:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

I hope that for you the pieces of the great jigsaw puzzle of life are falling into place and for you an ever more beautiful picture of humankind’s high and holy destiny emerges. The White Eagle group of spirit guides has the following message for you. The following is the essence of what appeared in the White Eagle calendar March 2010: ‘Nothing lightens the vibrations of your whole being as much as cultivating a good sense of humour. We like to see your happy smiling faces and how you refuse to deal with anything too heavily and seriously. Knowing that in earthly life all things pass away, that everything eventually has to come to its natural end and that, in the fullness of time, God and the Angels will be making all crooked places straight, smile and let things take their course, just be.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretation Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Jesus – A Thoughtform’
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother And The Feminine To Our World’
•     ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    'I Believe In Miracles'
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (6)

Turn To Me

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Turn To Me

 Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me.
I am the spirit of the Universal Christ,
The only born Son/Daughter of the
Great Father/Mother of all life.
Their qualities are Mine and because
You are a spark of Me,
Everything that’s in Me is also in you.

I am the living God or wise one within you,
The one who comforts and heals you.
No outside forces are involved.
You will always be safe with Me.
Even when you leave earthly life
And shed your physical body like an outworn garment,
You’ve no need to be afraid of anything.
All that happens to you is that
My Angels take you back
To  the spirit realm,
My world and your true home.

Do not look for Me
Somewhere ‘out there’.
You will not find me there.
I am your Highest or God Self,
The wise one within,
Your inner guidance.
Search for Me deep within your own being.
You are My child and
My highest qualities are also in you.
I am waiting for you to start bringing them forth,
So your own Christ nature can save and redeem you.
You are the only one who can do this for you.

Listen to Me, My people,
Give ear to Me, My nation,
A law went forth from Me
Long before life on the Earth began.
The knowledge that brings you the understanding
That the justice of My laws is perfect and unerring,
That’s my light for you, My beloved children of the Earth.
Equipped with this knowledge,
Lift up your eyes to the Heavens
And look at the Earth down below.
Your understanding of the meaning of
The Heavens then vanishes like smoke
And you know that your existence in physicality
Is but a passing phase
And that each one of you awaits a
High and holy destiny,
Forever safely guided and protected by the Angels and Me.

Throughout the whole of Creation
My laws have always been ruling supreme.
They ensure that everything returns to its source
And none of you can ever be truly lost
In the vastness of space and time.
During the course of your evolutionary journey
You are constantly being drawn back into the oneness with Me.
The knowledge of this is part of My light
And that for all of you,
My beloved children of the Earth,
Not just a selected few.

Yet, what good are My laws to you
For as long as you lack the understanding
Of their presence and how they work,
Affecting every lifeform in the same way,
Therefore also you and your life.
Religions that are supposed to serve Me,
But insist on looking after their own interests,
Who refuse to grasp My laws and their justice
And learn how to work with them,
Are not serving the highest good
Of My people of the Earth.
They are no good to either you or Me.
That’s why before long they will disappear.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (7)


Rays of Wisdom - Words of Wisdom for Friendship & Relationship Healing - Affirmations

As you move along the pathway of your present lifetime, whenever your needs change be creative and make up new affirmations. Here are a few examples to help you on the way:

•    O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, may Your will and wishes as well as Your words and prayers be mine. In my life may Your will be done this day and always. Today is a day of completion and healing, for which I give thanks and praise. Divine healing miracles are constantly taking place in my world and therefore also in me. Your miracles and wonders shall never cease.

•    My love for You floods my whole being and fills every cell and atom of my physical body and restores them to perfect health, happiness and wellbeing. With every breath I take the love and warmth of Your sacred fire flows through the painful parts into their deep underlying causes and dissolves them.

•    Before going to sleep, I affirm that in dreamtime energies that are no longer good for me will be flowing through my feet into the sacred fire of Mother Earth. I ask the Angels of healing and peace to uplift and transmute them into blessing and healing energies for all life. No other energies can enter my consciousness.

•    My earthly personality is the cross I have been carrying for a long time. I now hand it over to you, Great White Spirit, the wise one or living God within. You communicate with me intuitively and at all times are showing me where and how I can best serve You.

•    God and the Angels are guiding and protecting me and forever will continue to do so. Nothing can hurt or harm me because I now walk in the light of the Universal Christ, Your only born Son/Daughter. My fears and anxieties are dissolving because they are no longer required.   

•    I only need to remember the things that are worthy of keeping. So I let go of that which no longer serves my highest good and greatest joy and the wellbeing of our whole world.

•    Knowing that Your evolutionary plan is perfect and that this also applies to the millions of small plans, one for every human being, within  the great plan, the fire of Your Divine enthusiasm eases me forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Intuitively, You and the Angels are showing me ways of fulfilling my highest potential and how through this make my contribution to the healing of our world.

•    My pathway up the spiritual mountain of life now lies open and inviting before me. You and the Angels are guiding me through the tests and trials that still have to come my way until my last karmic debt has been paid and the path for a healing miracle is clear.

•    My inner light of Your wisdom and love fills my whole being and flows into everything I touch with my thoughts, words and actions. This is my way of bringing my own small corner of Heaven onto the Earth, so it can be shared with the whole of my spiritual family.

•    I am consciously aware that You have always been and forever will be with me and part of me. This means I have re-entered the state of Paradise and the knowledge of my oneness with You and all life fills my whole being to overflowing with a new kind of hope and faith, trust and devotion that is unshakeable. And my gratitude for the goodness of the life You and the Angels have always given us is boundless.

•    You are the small still voice of my inner being. At all times I pay attention to Your directions and follow them without hesitation. I hear with Your ears and joyously perceive the Angels’ glad tidings of the new golden age of our world, when Mother Earth has become a place where people and animals co-exist peacefully. I see how hand in hand with You and the Angels, everybody harmoniously works together for the highest good and greatest joy of all manifestations of life.

O Great White Spirit,
All glory, honour and praise be to You,
For You are my inspiration,
Revelation and illumination.
I know that with the help and will
Of You and the Angels
All things are possible,
Every condition can be healed
And crooked corners made straight.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
•    ‘What Happens In Heaven When We Pray?’
•    ‘Prayers For Our Time’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (8)

What Happens In Heaven When We Pray?

Praying Angel - What Happens In Heaven When We Pray - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Wisdom From The Tree Of LifeThe other night in dreamtime I went to Heaven. One of the Angels welcomed me and showed me round. When I asked what happens here when we pray, it replied: ‘No prayer is ever unheard or unanswered. It’s just that after being filtered through the receiver station of the Akashic Records * on one of the highest levels of life, where they are constantly arriving. They are then checked by the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, who are in charge of the records, and the answer sometimes has to be a downright ‘No!’ or something quite different and unexpected. Because the law of life * is love and evolution, these Angels decide about the nature of the gift that should be given. The outcome depends on which lessons are likely to be most beneficial for the applicant’s present spiritual development.

This information is passed on to the Angel and its helpers in the first section of a department of the heavenly workshop which we are about to enter, so we can take a closer look at it. ‘This is the Receiving Section where the Lords’ responses to every one of the petitions that reached God are sorted,’ my Angel said. It was an extremely busy place with an Angel as supervisor and a great many spirit guides and helpers, who were following the instructions of the Lords. Each one is passed on to the relevant group of spirit guides and the Angel in charge of it, there are a great many, to be made a reality in earthly life.

Our next stop was the Packaging and Delivery Department. The Angel continued: ‘This is where every gift that has been asked for by anyone in earthly life is processed. Whatever has been granted is produced here and then despatched to the recipient.’ And because the hierarchy of the Angels is in charge of providing for the true needs of every human being, everybody in this section was working extremely hard. I had never seen such a busy place before!

But what a contrast, when we reached a door at the end of the department. We entered a very small room where, to my greatest surprise, only one Angel was sitting and doing nothing. ‘This is the Acknowledgment Section,’ my Angel friend murmured, obviously very embarrassed.

‘Why isn’t anyone working here?’ I asked.

‘Ah, it’s sad,’ sighed the Angel. ‘When people have received the things they asked for, very few have the presence of mind and good manners to thank us for it in acknowledgment.’

Never having given much thought to it myself, I queried: ‘What is the right way of acknowledging God’s blessings?’

‘It’s very simple,’ said the Angel. ‘It takes only a moment to quietly say: ‘Thank you, Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator and the Angels for taking such good care of me and my loved ones.’
‘But what are the blessings we should give thanks for?’ I queried.

‘First of all give thanks and praise to your Creator for the gift of your life and everything that’s in it. For example, if there is food on your table, in your larder and/or refrigerator, and if you have clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place for sleeping, maybe even a comfortable bed, you are richer than seventy-five percent of your spiritual siblings in earthly life. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and maybe a bit of spare cash somewhere, you are among the top eight percent of the world’s wealthy, and if you can read this on your own computer, you are part of the one percent who can do so.’

‘If you woke up this morning in a reasonable state of health rather than being ill, you are more blessed than the many who will not live to see another day on the Earth. If you have never experienced the fears of having to take part in a battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the hunger pangs of starvation, you are ahead of about seven hundred million people in your world. If you can attend church services without having to be afraid of harassment, arrest, torture or death, you are more blessed than three billion others in your world. And if you can hold up your head and smile, you are not the norm but an exception compared to the millions who live in doubt and despair in your world.’

‘I see what you mean and would like to do better in future,’ I said. ‘But where should I start?’

The Angel replied: ‘If you have received this message and can read it, you are already in possession of a double blessing because someone loves you enough to have sent it to you. On top of that you are more blessed than over two billion people in your world who cannot see and/or read at all. And that is by no means all. When this appears before you, you are blessed many more times. For starters, someone gave unselfishly of themselves and their most precious resource in earthly life and that is their time. Unstintingly, they are sharing their skills to serve as our channel for writing this and then bringing it to you. All of that is done without asking anything in return other than that you should find a better understanding of what happens on the higher and highest levels whenever someone prays on the earthly plane of life.

The next blessing is that their gift is coming to you with the help and will of God and us, the Angelic hosts. Without them nothing happens in the whole of Creation. And finally, those who are reading this are closer to God’s heart than they ever thought possible. This is what brings about healing miracles and they are constantly happening with the help of the energies of the Universe’s white healing magic. I suggest you begin by giving thanks and praise to the Highest for all these things.’

Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life,
May all who read this find rest, peace and healing in You.
Thank you for each one of them being part of my life.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life’
•    ‘White And Black Magic’
•    ‘Reflections On Prayer’
•    ‘On The Wings Of Prayer’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (9)

True Prayer

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - True PrayerThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘The Achievements Of Prayer’ Stella Polaris April/May 2017: ‘Did you know that there is such a thing as true prayer? If you are now asking yourself whether someone’s prayers are ineffective until they have learnt to access the power of this kind of prayer, rest assured that every sincere request is a true and effective one. The best way of praying in our view is with the simplicity of a child’s heart. Before God that’s what you truly are, after all. Children on the whole still have the ability to trust completely. Their prayers come from their hearts and go straight to God, whatever this means to them and that depends on into which civilisation they were born in their present lifetime. However, the understanding of the concept of God has for some time been in the process of changing, as increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that there is only one God.

‘Generally speaking, for praying truly it is not necessary for human beings to wait until they have become initiates or even be particularly highly evolved. Simplicity, genuine humility and sincerity are the three most important factors in this context. Always bear in mind that prayer is a very powerful instrument, so consider very carefully what and how you wish to pray for anything specific. The best way of praying is by asking for something very simple, for example that the inflow of God’s love and light should constantly increase into everything taking part in earthly life. The finest way of praying is not for yourself but so that others may be blessed and healed with the help of your loving thoughts and words.

‘So, dear friends, together let us pray for the Divine spark of God to awake in ever more human hearts and for the blessing and healing of all humankind, the whole of your world and all other worlds and beings. Naturally, when all life is healing you cannot help doing the same. At the end of your prayer resign everything to God with the words: ‘May these things be done not my way, Great White Spirit, but Thine. Into Thy loving keeping I place all those I love and that is everybody. May Thy will be done on the Earth as much as anywhere else in the whole of Creation.’

And this is the essence of another teaching that reached me through the White Eagle Lodge’s Monday thought 3rd April 2017, after having just completed the above item: ‘When you sit devotedly in meditation and contemplation and open your heart to the inflow of the Divine love, it is possible to become so raised in consciousness that you may be able to see the Angels. Hand in hand with God and the Angels each one of you will eventually reach this state of ecstasy and glory. It is a spiritual gift and this developing and bringing forth the Divine Fire through the love in your heart is every human being’s goal. Developing the sixth sense or psychic power is as nothing compared with it. When your spirit/soul can see the Angelic hosts, you are dwelling in the abode of Christ, the spirit realm and that's your true eternal home.

‘We are not decrying psychic gifts, but in the natural course of evolution they eventually come for every human being. These gifts have their place, but they are very ordinary and by no means the be all and end all of anything. No-one should be content with developing them and then remain on that level. It is necessary for each one of you to reach beyond it to ever higher and eventually the highest levels of life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘About Angels’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (10)

Heaven And Hell – An Allegory

Rays of Wisdom - Healers and Healing - Heaven And Hell - An AllegoryAfter having spent a difficult earthly lifetime without any spiritual sustenance whatsoever, a man returned to the world of spirit. When he had rested and recuperated there for a while, he still felt very confused. So he asked one of the ministering Angels: ‘What is this place? Where am I, in Heaven or in Hell?’ The Angel took him by the hand and said: ‘Heaven and Hell are not places that anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness that only exists in the earthly minds of human beings. Let me show you what I mean.’

The Angel took the man to a room where people were sitting at a banquet table that was laden with delicacies of all kinds. Clearly a fest was in progress and each participant had a spoon with a very long handle attached to both hands. All of them looked emaciated and were clearly on the verge of starving in spite of the abundance before them. They were desperately trying to feed themselves, but because the handles of their spoons were far too long, not one morsel reached their mouths. Sadly and longingly, they were looking on the food kept on falling from their spoons onto the table and could not be reached by them.

A group of Angels stood silently around the gathering, watching the sufferers with concerned and sad expressions on their faces. The Angel accompanying the man explained: ‘We are your guardians and keepers. Although we are in charge of you, we are not allowed to interfere with any of the lessons you are receiving. Only when someone goes down on their knees, it is enough to do so merely metaphorically speaking, do we have permission to come to your help, as surely we do only too gladly. Let me show you something else.

The Angel took the man to another room where people were seated round another banquet table laden with delicacies, just like the one in the other room. Here, however, the participants of the feast were happily tucking in, joking and laughing, chatting and generally having a great time. They had an identical type of spoon fastened to both their hands. But in spite of this handicap, they were not starving because, helped intuitively by the Angels they had discovered that when they fed each other instead of themselves, as much food as anyone liked was available for all.

Noticing the astonished look on the man’s face, the Angel said: ‘The situation in these two rooms is a reflection of what happens in earthly life. There as well as here, the only thing that really matters is that you become aware of your true nature as one of God’s children of the Earth. You find yourself in that existence from time to time so that you may learn to behave in keeping with your true nature, which means loving each other so much that you to want to share with those around you everything your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, makes available to you.

‘In the final analysis, it’s everyone’s own attitude to themselves and each other and the behaviour this brings about towards those around you that makes the difference between a heavenly and a hellish lifetime. Spiritual knowledge is food from the Heavens, the higher and highest levels of life. It is a veritable treasure, but merely reading it and selfishly keeping it to yourself does no good to you or anyone else. New knowledge that comes your way is meant to be tried and tested by you through applying it to your own life’s experiences. That’s the only way the wealth contained in any of the information received can penetrate your consciousness and so become your property. Only then can it expand and your comprehension of life increase in the manner it is meant to do.

‘During each earthly lifetime you are taking part in another stage of your very own healing journey of a thousand miles that eventually takes each one of you back into the conscious awareness of your loving union with God and all life. And there is nothing nobler and finer, more fulfilling and rewarding for any one of you than sharing with others the learning you are gleaning from every one of your experiences. Whatever is gained in wisdom and knowledge should not be kept to yourself. The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, wants you to use it for the feeding and blessing, healing and comforting of anyone who is in need of it. If you ask for our advice through your inner guidance, your intuition, we will show you what each one is ready to receive.

‘First and foremost all of you, without exception, are God’s children of the Earth, spirit/soul, the same as your Divine parents. Spiritually young and inexperienced ones in your midst, during the early stages of their earthly education you can only learn through their own experiences. This is how they have to find out that a lack of understanding of God’s true nature and their own, and not yet knowing the true purpose and meaning of their existence, leads to a gradually increasing severe deprivation of spiritual nourishment. Every bit of the Divine wisdom and truth your Highest Self is bringing you through your inner teacher is essential spirit/soul food, not for the selected few but for every human being on the Earth. Only when someone’s earthly self has been sufficiently starved of this kind of sustenance does it begin to feel its spirit/soul's hunger and thirst. In the end this motivates it to go in search of it.

‘When you reflect on what is known of humankind’s history, you can see for yourself how all of you together, during the early stages of your race’s earthly development, each one of you made their contribution towards creating a living Hell. Without as yet being aware that you are responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions, you first did this for those around you. And when the law of Karma brought the reactions to your misdeeds back to you in other lifetimes, you did the same for yourself. It took a long time until you realised that this came to you by no means as some kind of punishment, but so that you should learn through your own experiences about the existence of the Universal laws and feel the effects they are having on everyone’s life.

‘Alas, to this day Hell on Earth is created by those who insist on using their gifts and talents for selfish purposes and material gains, rather than for the benefit of others to show them how they bring their own small pieces of Heaven down to the Earth. An existence that so far knows nothing but satisfying the desires, drives and urges of its small earthly self, sinks ever deeper into selfishness and avarice, belligerence and greed. In this process it constantly creates for itself and others a state of living Hell on the Earth.

‘However, God is love and the law of life is love, and each life that is filled with love is a heavenly one. So, love as much as you can – the supply is endless. The more you give, the more you will receive. No love given is ever lost because the Universal laws decree that whatever you send out must return to you. In its purest and most innocent form love expresses itself in simple human kindnesses like a loving thought, a word of understanding and/or the touch of a hand.

‘When it comes to adding credits to your spiritual account in the great book of life, being a good, kind and loving person rates much more highly than merely doing good. It means being godly and in God-like fashion welcoming the living, loving spirit onto the Earth so it can manifest itself through you and make your world into a better and more beautiful place for everything that dwells there. All of this has nothing to do with religions and everything with bringing forth your own Christ nature. This is how each one of you is required to eventually make their contribution towards establishing God’s kingdom, the realm of that which is beautiful, good and right on the Earth, thus bringing Heaven down to your planet.

‘Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air signs. Each one in a somewhat different way serves the development of the human intellect and mind. Aquarius represents the Universal mind and during the Age of Aquarius every earthly mind will gradually attune itself and come into harmony with the Great Mind, known to you as God. You are all together on the Earth, so you can help each other in whatever manner it may be required. To support you in these endeavours, we have given you the Internet and showed you how to develop it to its present state of sophistication.

‘Can you see how with the worldwide web we are placing into everybody’s hands the spoon with the longest handle that ever existed? By e-mail, through forums, social websites like Facebook and Twitter, and whatever other means of communication will eventually be at your disposal, this feeding device is capable of reaching into the farthest and remotest corners of your planet. We ask you to use your spoon for good purpose and feed God’s children wherever you find some who to this day are deprived of God’s sacred wisdom and truth that is now flowing so freely directly from the source of your being into all human hearts that are open to receive it. All are your siblings in the great family of humankind and many to this day are crying out to be fed by you. Do not allow anyone to die of starvation but wield your spoon and act by sharing your abundance.

‘Whenever some spiritual knowledge comes your way, first turn to your inner guidance to establish whether it is true. If the wise one within says: ‘Yes, this is true!’ take the good news on board and spread it as much as possible. Do so in the spirit of friendship and love, in which it was given to you, and forward it on to your worldwide Internet connections of whom you know that they will be interested in what you have to give. Please do not forget to add a reference to the source of your information, i.e. that it came to you from Rays of Wisdom, where lots more of this nature is available and can be downloaded free of charge any time of day or night.

‘As spiritual knowledge is a living organism that will forever continue to grow and evolve, new, original and exciting dishes are constantly in preparation and being served in the form of updates and additional chapters, for you to be enjoyed and fed to others with your own long-handled spoon. How about supplying them with some links, so they too can partake as much as they wish of the feast we have prepared for you with the help of Aquarius?

‘It is through generously distributing your finds and nurturing others that you yourself will never fail to be fed and sustained by us and ultimately the Life Force itself. The more you manifest your Christ nature and conduct a life that is filled with love for everything that shares it with you, the more you will be able to see for yourself how every one of your needs is constantly met and that frequently before you have become aware of it yourself. If that isn’t everybody’s idea of Heaven on Earth, please tell us what is?’

I am the Divine Trinity,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ,
Through whom all life is given.
Freely, freely you are receiving
My wisdom and truth.
In our name now go forth and
Freely share it with those around you.
And because you not only believe
But know that we really exist and live
Inside of every one of you,
They too will no longer be lost in earthly life
Because they know where to find us.

Inspired by Carol Owen
Adapted by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (11)


Rays Of  Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Invictus

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
 * * *

‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

* * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable spirit/soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my spirit/soul.

And yet, it’s good to know that:
The Highest forces of life are steering my boat
And all I have to do is row.
The Great Father/Mother is the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of earthly life.
At the end of each lifetime, they take me home
Into the world of spirit, my true home
Whose harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than any other place I have ever visited.
Each time I drop my anchor there,
The wise ones in charge of me reassure me
That all is well with me and my world,
And forever will be.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary pathway through life,
I am glad to aware that:
I am much more than a mere physical being.
The essence of me is spirit, a Divine spark that is
Part of God, eternal and will never die.
Each time I pass from the earthly plane of life
I am not snuffed out like a candle,
I merely move into another dimension and
A different level of existence, that’s all.

My destiny is a high and holy one.
I shall always be safe and never lost,
Wherever the ocean of my life is taking me.
I am grateful for everything that has been
And sometime in the future will be.
Great Father/Mother of all life,
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Thy wisdom and love.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
•    ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’

Six pointed Star

The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life (12)

Who Is Blind?

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers Of Comfort & Healing - Who Is Blind?

The one who can’t perceive another world.
Who is dumb?
The one who fails to speak a kind and loving word at the right moment.
Who is poor?
The one who is plagued by too many desires.
Who is rich?
The one whose heart is contented.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 12

  I Asked The Universal Christ (1)


Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - I Am The I Am

One night in dreamtime I saw the Master Jesus
Walking in solitude along a golden beach.
He looked just like the artists of our world
Have been depicting him since the Middle Ages,
With long hair and beard,
A flowing white robe and sandals on his feet.

‘Come with Me,’ he said.
Glad to follow his invitation,
We walked for a while and
All we were leaving behind were our footprints.
Across the wet sand covered in seaweeds we wandered
And over some rock pools, where I imagined
Even the tiniest creatures would be
Thrilled by his passing.

After a pause I dared to ask timidly:
‘Who are You, Master?
‘Am I seeing you in the past,
When you walked by another sea?
Or are you showing me a future time,
When you will reappear in our world,
To save and redeem all those who followed you,
While those who don’t have to burn in the
Eternal fires of hell?’

His reply seemed to be coming to me from the primal darkness of humankind’s first beginnings, but finally he pointed me in the direction of how each and every one of God’s children of the Earth will eventually be able to fulfil their highest potential by seeking and finding wholeness and perfection. His first words were: ‘No, my child, it’s not at all like that. I am the I Am, a representation of the Spirit of the Universal Christ, who for a long time has been communicating with you through the words of a legend. In days gone by, for wise reasons this was necessary. And so it was done with the help of a tale that became known to you and your world as the Jesus story.

‘However, now that you have reached the Age of Aquarius, ever more of you are spiritually mature enough to understand the truth. And that truth is that I am a thoughtform who never existed on the physical plane of life. I was created by a tale that was so convincing that millions of people in earthly life in the end believed me to be a real being, who once had walked in their midst. If you are wise, as I believe you are or I would not have come to you in this way, do not hang around, procrastinate and wait for someone to come and wave a magic wand to save and redeem you. It will not happen, so get going by taking responsibility for yourself and begin with saving and redeeming yourself. The first and most important step on this road is watching carefully every one of your thoughts, words and actions. The main law of life is love and all other laws radiate out from this one. For as long as everything you think and do is in keeping with the Universal laws, God’s laws, you have nothing to worry about.

‘Instead of pursuing selfish hopes and dreams, which in your present existence can only ever be of a temporary and passing nature, wise ones seek to work for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. They strive to enlighten humankind to release it from its dungeon of ignorance and do their share of dispersing the clouds of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that have been darkening the horizons of your world for long enough. Wise ones never forget that in truth they are serving all life and working for Eternity and that in any case, that which is good for the whole also benefits them.

‘The legend of my life and death was created by the Highest Forces of life, to prepare you for the fact that in truth each one of you is the long promised son/daughter of God, the saviour and redeemer of all humankind, who would one day appear in person on the Earth plane. This person is none other than you. The Universal laws decree that everything has to return to its source. Naturally, this also applies to thoughtforms of any kind. Each one of them eventually has to reabsorbed into the heart energy of its creator. In my case this will not be difficult, as I am the personification of love, a symbolism for the highest and noblest aspects of humankind’s nature.

‘You assimilate me and my energies when you accept me as a thoughtform and a metaphor that describes the best part of your being. For a long time it had to remain invisible, even to your own eyes, but now the time is right for becoming aware of your Divine characteristics and taking possession of them, for they are your inheritance. It is your birthright to bring them forth by applying them in real life situations to every of your daily tasks and encounters. By taking charge of every part of your being and doing your share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth by making your world a more agreeable place for all, with the passing of time you become ever more whole and holy. Slowly but surely you evolve into a Master spirit/soul and by the end of your present lifetime you will have become a Christed one in your own right and all parts of your being shall be healed and holy.

‘To illustrate the various stages of this development to you has always been the true purpose and meaning of the legend of me and my life. It came into being to reveal to you your highest potential and the things each one of you too will be able to achieve in the fullness of time, as well as the wonders and miracles that are still waiting to be performed through you. The myth of me was presented to your world in the format of a picture book. In due course it would be discarded by all those who have matured into spiritual adulthood and therefore are ready to become aware of their hidden self, their very own Christ nature and its characteristics. And that is the tool which in the fullness of time will enable each one of you to fulfil their highest potential as a true daughter/son of the Highest.

‘You are co-creators with God and like our Creator, you are constantly in the process of creating something. Just the same as God, you are ultimately responsible for each one of your creations. Any writers among you, when they become aware of this, do well to consider carefully what kind of beings they wish to create for populating their stories, as each one of them in the end has to be reabsorbed into your being.’

Thou shalt know Him when He comes,
Not by any din of drums,
Nor the vantage of His airs,
Nor by anything He wears,
Neither by His crown, nor His gown.
His presence shall be known to you
By the peace and harmony
His awakening creates in you.

Created by Anon.
Ca. 1500
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Esoteric Meaning Of The Crucifixion’
•    ‘Flying On Eagle’s Wings’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (2)

My Direct Line With God

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - My Direct Line With GodThe Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the great Father/Mother of all life, in whom we are all one. S/he is the wise one in you and me, the living God within, who for a very long time could only communicate with us and our world through the metaphors and symbols of the legends that with the passing of time appeared in our world. The life story of the master Jesus was the most recent one.

The Angels and Masters from the highest levels of life are in charge of us and our world. They are the ones who brought these tales to us. Now they want us to become aware that all of us are sparks of the Christ Spirit’s great light, and that the time has come for these tiny lights to wake from their slumber. As this has been happening for quite a while, many of us are by now communicating with the Christ Spirit through having established their own direct line from His/Her heart to theirs.

This is done by simply tuning the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest in our times of prayers and meditations, also quiet reflections when we are searching for the purpose and meaning of our existence. In this quest we may ask ourselves questions like: ‘Is there a God? *’, ‘Why is there so much suffering in our world? *, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people? * or ‘Will Jesus really ever come again and save us and our world? *

The reception of our direct line gradually gets stronger and clearer the more we practise. For me the breakthrough came when one fine day I found myself praying: ‘O great Father/Mother of all life, my whole being seems to be filled with fears and anxieties and I have so many bad habits that are causing me lots problems. I wish I could just hand them over to you. Can You please take them from me?’ For a while there was no reply, but then quite magically I perceived a small still voice that was speaking to me, from deep within my own being. That must be the voice of my conscience, the living God within, I thought to myself because I had often heard people mention this concept, without understanding what was meant.

The voice replied: ‘There never was a man by the name of Jesus who walked in earthly life. He has always represented the God aspect of everyone’s own nature. The Angels gave this legend to your world because it was too early for the mass of people to find out, at that time, that each one of you in truth is a spark of Me, The Universal Christ, and therefore a young God in the making. Although you are My beloved child, it’s not for me to take any of the things you mentioned from you. If I did, you would never learn anything. Is that what you really want? If you wish to grow into the person you would like to be, you have to be willing to do the work that is necessary for the changing of your thinking and behaviour patterns. You alone can do this and as a reward your character make-up evolves into a better and higher one that’s more to your liking. The same as I cannot change you, you cannot change others, only yourself.’

On another occasion I pleaded: ‘Please, make my handicapped child into a healthy and normal one.’ To my disappointment once again the Christ reacted with a clear: ‘No!’ Then he continued: ‘Through the experiences this state brings with it you are taking part in some invaluable lessons and at the same time redeeming some of your karmic debts. I would not want to take any of this from you. You need to know that both of you yourselves have chosen this particular pathway. When you were resting and recuperating in the world of spirit, your spirit/soul and that of the one who, for this lifetime alone, is playing the part of your disabled child agreed to it, as this would enable both of you to learn and grow stronger through the experiences that would be coming your way as a result of this decision.

‘Spirit/soul is the innermost core of every human being. They are part of Me and therefore immortal and eternal, untouchable and indestructible, the same as I am. Rest assured that even though at present your child is disabled, nothing will ever hurt, harm or destroy its true being. I hope that knowing that the whole experience is serving such a high and holy purpose will enable you to patiently endure whatever comes your way.’ I replied: ‘Knowing everything I know now, I would not want to do anything else. But can you help me by granting me the gift of Your Divine patience.’ Alas, the Christ replied: ‘This too cannot be given. It has to grow and emerge from within you, through working your way through the trials and tribulations that are coming your way in earthly life because of the karmic debts you brought with you from previous lifetimes.’

Undeterred by what I had heard so far, I pleaded: ‘My loved ones are my safety. Why do you take them from me? Why do they have to leave me and die? Can’t you just make them stay? Why do you give them to me, only to take them away?’ To this the Christ replied: ‘My dear child, understand that whenever a loved one goes from you, they are by no means dead. They merely have moved into a different dimension of life where they are not even asleep, but alive and well. Their passing first of all reminds you of your own mortality and that the span of every lifetime is limited. Furthermore it demonstrates to you that true security is impossible to find in earthly life, never in the people who walk with you or in earthly possessions. It only exists with Me and everything that happens on the higher and highest levels that is the background of your present existence.

‘Rejoice, My child, and revel in the knowledge that there is no death and that no-one ever dies. There is only transformation and moving on to a different level of existence and that is all. You loved ones were given to you for a multitude of reasons, but the main one is to assist your learning how to love others unselfishly and respect them. When you have reached a more advanced stage of your development, this lesson will include learning to love wisely and with detachment, the way I love each one of you. You will then be able to find out through your own experiences that love is eternal and can conquer anything, even death. When one of the Angels of Death has carried someone you love into your other world, nothing needs to change between the two of you. Whatever you have been to each other in this lifetime, you can continue to be, if you so wish, forever.

‘Now that you know that none of your relationships finish with the death of a person’s physical body, as your time for departure from the earthly plane draws closer do your best to leave only good connections behind. Make special efforts to improve difficult ones, for they will accompany you until every last one of the issues that are outstanding between you have been resolved. Whatever is left unfinished in one lifetime has to be completed in another. Where you have sinned, you will have to make good, and any wounds you have received or inflicted upon someone in one of your lifetimes eventually have to be healed by you. Until the last one of the karmic chains and shackles that exist between you and others have been dissolved through forgiveness, love and respect for each other, your energies will remain unsuitable for moving on to more elevated levels of experience.

‘Take heart and do not allow yourself be intimidated by any of the above. No matter how difficult anything that comes your way may turn out, the Angels and I shall always be with you, to guide and protect you. So, go in peace, My beloved child, and rest securely in the knowledge that you and your loved ones always have been and forever will be safely held in My loving arms. Because you are eternal beings, your learning is going to continue forever. Send as many loving thoughts as you like to those who are ready to depart from your plane of life. But then let them go and give them the freedom to attend their lessons of a different kind that are waiting for them, the same as you have to deal with yours in earthly life. How else could either of you grow in wisdom and understanding other than through the new experiences that are waiting for both of you?’

* Recommended Reading:
‘Christ The Redeemer’
•  ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Tale Of The Fig Tree’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (3)

You Are A Precious Jewel

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - You Are A Precious Jewel

One evening after a particularly trying day, at bedtime I prayed: ‘Please, give me happiness!’ The Universal Christ as the living God within me replied: ‘Though the blessings I give each one of you are many, the true and lasting joy * human beings are hoping to get from people and earthly things is part of the illusion of life in physicality. They are not meant to be found there, only in the renewal of your awareness that you are one with Me, always have been and forever will be. In due course this can bring you a kind of happiness that is beyond all earthly understanding. It’s very simple to find. All you have to do is reach out for the Angels and Me, take our hands and walk with us. This is the ultimate happiness that can be found in your present existence and that, My dear child, is what you have always been seeking. You could never find it in the past, for the simple reason that you did not know what you were looking for.

Another day I was in great discomfort and prayed: ‘Please, relieve me of this pain!’ To this the Christ responded with: ‘Each one of My children of the Earth has to become familiar with pain. Until you have gone through painful experiences yourself, it is impossible for you to know the depth of another’s suffering and because of this the Divine qualities of empathy and compassion cannot be born in you. That’s why a measure of suffering and worldly cares are essential parts of every human being’s earthly education. They are My Divine teaching aids that in due course help to begin the unfolding of the characteristics of your own Christ nature. Without them your energies would never be right for being fully re-united with me.

‘Therefore, instead of complaining, rejoice! The more profound your struggles and the deeper your pain, the more thoroughly your energies are cleansed and purified and the closer yourspirit/soul can be drawn into Mine. That is how, though for a long time unbeknown to your small earthly self, your consciousness expands and your spirit/soul grows. Naturally, this can only come about through each living their own lives, gathering their own experiences and learning from them, feeling their feelings, sadness as much as joy and happiness as much as pain.

‘Whenever something seems too hard or heavy for you to bear, wherever you may find yourself, never despair, but reach out for the hands of the Angels and Me, call for us and never doubt that that we are hearing you and will come to the rescue by supporting you with our courage and strength. It will always be with those who ask. We are glad to help you work your way through every one of your experiences, joyful and sad ones alike. And although you are but one tiny twig on the tree of life and knowledge, each one of you is a many-faceted jewel, priceless, precious and loved beyond compare and of immense value to me. You are one of the most beautiful flowers in My eternal garden and I am the gardener, who prunes you constantly, so that you may flower and mature and at the right time bear fruits and bring a rich harvest. ’ *

Never mind, I thought to myself. I’ll try again with something more general, so ventured forth: ‘Please, give me only the things of life I enjoy.’ The Christ replied: ‘My dearly beloved child of the Earth isn’t it blessing enough that I have created you and given you life? From love you have come and to love you are now returning, for love is My true nature and you being a spark of me, it is also yours. You are on the Earth plane, so that in the fullness of time you will find and enter into My wisdom and truth. The more this gift comes your way, the better you will be able to recognise that in truth everything in the whole of Creation is a loving sacrifice from Me, and that this includes all things, people and every experience that already have come your way and will continue to do so in the future.

Everything the Christ said was making a great deal of sense to me and so I prayed: ‘I would like to love others the way you love me. Can you help me with that please?’ With a sigh of relief the Christ Spirit replied: ‘Ah! At last, My child, you are getting the idea of why you have been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime, namely for learning to love wisely. If you want to become more and more like Me, it’s simplicity itself. The only thing you have to do is love everything to your heart’s content that each new day brings to you and at all times do your best, so the Angels and I can do the rest. And this is true for every human being, not just you.

‘So go in peace now, My child. Walk into your world and enjoy everything that’s in it, for you are as much part of it as I am. Therefore, accept and love it whole-heartedly. All I expect of each one of My children of the Earth that, by the time the end of your earthly education comes round, you will behave in a manner that befits an apprentice God. Making your contribution towards transforming your world into a safer and more beautiful, peaceful and loving place for everything that shares it with you, shows the Angels and me how close you presently are to this goal.

‘Even if some days you can give someone nothing but a smile, a hug or a kind and encouraging word, sometimes maybe only a loving thought, every effort counts and makes you worthy of being called one of My children. And whatever you do and wherever the roads of your life may take you, never forget that with the Angels and Me all things are possible. Never be fooled by mere surface words like ‘impossible’. As soon as you invite us into any kind of situation, that word turns into ‘I am possible’ *.

‘Yet, if I did all the things human beings ask for in their prayers and fulfilled every one of their wishes during the early part of their earthly curriculum, it would be impossible for the petitioners to make progress on their evolutionary journey. In due course the experiences of this pathway take each one of you from being a mere earthling into a healer and lightbringer and eventually a young God, each in their own right. From your present developmental point this may still be hard to imagine, but that is the direction in which all of you, without exception, are travelling. Would you want to deprive yourself of such a high and holy destiny? That surely cannot be what you want.

‘The law of life is evolution and that means spiritual unfoldment. To protect you from some of the desires of your earthly nature and against your development as a spiritual being grinding to a complete halt, many times the answer to your prayers has to be a clear and simple: ‘No.’ Progressing on the evolutionary spiral of life is every human being’s birthright and each one of you eventually has to find out for themselves that living in and with Me requires the total surrender into My loving hands of your whole being, of everything you own and are. That’s what you are doing when you apply the gifts I have bestowed upon you to do all you can to support the spiritual advance of your whole world and everything that is taking part in it.

‘Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Apart from giving them a helping hand when they are asking for it, their concerns are not yours. They have their own pathway to walk and lessons to learn. The earthly personality you yourselves created in the course of many lifetimes is the cross * all human beings carrying each time they enter into another earthly existence. You alone can change it and if you don’t know how to go about it, get in touch with us so we can light your way and guide you to publications and people who can help you forward with this. You karmic debts are part of this cross and, as mentioned earlier, you are the only one who can redeem them. The main task for you at present is minding your own business, not interfering with other and through this allowing them access to My gift of freedom of choice *. This is an essential part of learning to love wisely, the way the Angels and I love you and give you the freedom to make up your own mind whether you want our assistance or not.

‘When you reflect on your own life and life in general, you will be able to observe how it is constantly moving up and down in rhythmic waves. That’s why you sometimes find yourself on top of one, while on other occasions you have to wade through the depths. Knowing that life has to be that way for a wise higher reason, accept everything that comes your way and rest safely in the knowledge that whenever you reach a deep point, you are sure to rise again. Do your best and rest assured that the Angels and I will always be happy to do the rest, if you but ask for it. We bless each one of you and will forever be keeping you safe.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (4)

Who Is The Wise One Within?

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Chatting With The Universal Christ

Many times I had heard it said that our inner guidance is the wise one or living God within, who knows the answers to anything we may ever wish to find out. Time and again the following popped into my mind: ‘That’s all very well for people to say, but can this really be? If it is, I would like to know what’s behind it.’ There was nothing for it but to find out from the horse’s mouth, if that’s not too disrespectful an expression in this context. Eager to peer into the secrets of what goes on in the spiritual background of our earthly existence, as soon as I could be sure of being undisturbed for a sufficient length of time, I went into reflective mode and prayed that I would like to ask a rather unusual question.

My prayer must have tuned the receiver/transmitter station of my earthly mind into the right frequency because a small still voice within me said: ‘Would you like to talk with Me?’ ‘If You have the time, I would be most grateful,’ I replied. ‘All Eternity is mine and yours also and that leaves both of us plenty of time for everything. Go ahead, what is it you want to know?’ Encouraged by this, I ventured forth: ‘I know You are my inner guidance, but who and what are You. And just as important who and what am I?’

The wise one responded: ‘I am the spirit of the Universal Christ, your Highest or God Self, in whom all human beings are one. I always have been and forever will be your inner teacher and guide. From the moment of your creation I have accompanied you and, unbeknown to you for many lifetimes, I have constantly been trying to communicate with you through what became known to humankind as the small still voice of conscience.

‘You are a spark of My light and therefore My child. All My characteristics are also yours and each one of you represents a different aspect of Me. Your relationship with Me is quite unlike the one with your earthly parents. As each one of you is a unique individual in its own right, you could never be a replica or carbon copy of them. You came through them, but you are not of them and that could only happen because your energies were compatible with theirs and the lessons you were going to take part in were similar to theirs. Never forget that they, the same as you, have their own pathway to walk, lessons to learn and karmic debts to pay, which cannot be the same as yours. *

‘‘Even in the case of  twins that does not change. By this I do not mean lovers who like to think of themselves as ‘twin flames’, but people who were born at the same time in the same place and within a short time of each other. Although they look alike on the outside and will always have a strong psychic connection with each other, they are still two unique individuals within. In spite of the facts that their astrological birthcharts are just about identical, each has its own predestined pathway to walk.

As early as at the moment when twins take their first breath of their new earthly lifetime, numerology can shed light on the differences between the two newly-borns. The energies of the planet that rules each letter of their first names can provide clues about the character and inclinations of the earthly personality each one developed independently from the other one in previous lifetimes. They have brought their own with them, so they can continue their evolutionary task of improving and polishing their character make-up.

‘Earthly parents believe that they are the ones who are choosing their children’s names. But in truth the name of every child that enters the earthly plane is given to the parents intuitively by the Angelic hierarchy. At My will and command they are in charge of the great plan of life and the zillions of smaller plans within it, for example that of your whole world and another one for every one of its inhabitants of the kingdoms of humans, animals and plants alike. The Angels supervise the development of even the minutest aspects of each one of them.

‘Every human being, when it eventually has reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level, is going to represent a different part of Me. No two of you will ever be alike and although during some of your earthly lifetimes you appear as women and in others as men, on the inner level each one of you is androgynous, like Me. I am the third aspect of the Divine Trinity. From My light the Great Father/Mother are bringing all lifeforms into being. On the inner level of life the Father provides the initial idea, the prototype or archetype of each species and the wisdom and love of the Mother decides where and when something should manifest in physicality.

‘And that’s how, with His will and power, and Her wisdom and love, together they create the required matter from My light. This is done by slowing down its vibrations until the atoms have become sufficiently dense for My light to appear as matter. This is then shaped and moulded by the powers of Creation into the desired form. * The Angels and Master around My throne are in charge of this process. Together with them I have always been pulling each one of you forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. At the moment of your creation as earthlings the Divine spark is placed in your heart. After many lifetimes spent on that plane of life, this tiny light wakes from its slumbering state and that means the Christ aspect of your nature is being born. The Jesus legend’s birth of the Christ child is an allegory of this procedure *.

‘Your physical body acts like a coat of armour for your spirit/soul. Initially, the vibrations of this body’s atoms are so slow and its cells are so dense that not the slightest ray of My love in the form of wisdom and understanding can get through to your innermost being where your spirit/soul for quite some time are trapped like in a black box. This is the meaning of the Bible’s ‘the light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness cannot perceive it. *’ In this state you experience yourself through following the lowest of the low instincts of your earthly desire nature and inflicting the results unto those around you. But for each one of you there eventually comes the first lifetime when your Karma inflicts upon you the suffering you caused others during your earlier lifetimes. This means that your time for learning about the nature of suffering has come.

‘When, as a result, you are sometimes so deeply in distress that you have nowhere and no-one left to turn to, in your anguish and despair you are likely to go down on your knees in the end and pray, maybe for the first time: ‘Is there someone out there who can help me?’ With words like these a small chink appears in the armour of your earthly body that allows the initial minute rays of My wisdom and love to penetrate your innermost being where your Divine spark is slumbering in the recesses of your heart. This causes the characteristics of your Christ nature of love and respect for others and their suffering, compassion and unselfish love, mercy and forgiveness to begin to stir in your spirit/soul at last. I only work on the frequency of love and as soon as these qualities are stirring in you, you are able to consciously tune into My wavelength.

‘You now have reached the stage of your development when you become aware of the importance of taking charge of your attitudes and the world of your feelings. Instead of allowing your emotions to be in charge of you and run your life for you, every earthling eventually has to become their master. Wise ones appreciate that it takes but a few seconds to deeply hurt someone you love and that it may take many years for such wounds to heal again. Every one of you is taking part in earthly life to learn to love and every relationship you enter into serves this purpose. Do not look askance at the difficult ones, for they provide you with the finest practise grounds imaginable for asking for forgiveness as well as granting it to others.

‘Dream your dreams and by all means let it be great ones, but become aware that they do not require enormous wings, only good landing gear for grounding them. Now that you know your responsibility for every one of your thoughts, words and actions, consider very carefully the information you receive from any source. Pay attention to My reaction to it and then decide whether it should best be kept to yourself or whether it might benefit others and they could learn something from it. Wise ones appreciate that those who plant gossip sooner or later have to reap a bitter harvest of intrigues and lies in their own lives, and that those who plant love and consideration for the wellbeing of others, whilst not overlooking their own needs, are sure to find great happiness in doing so. As ever, the choice is yours.

‘I created you in My image and everything that is in Me is also in you. As above, so below. True lasting and eternal happiness cannot be found in fulfilling earthly goals and ambitions, but only through your re-union with Me. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching those who, as they strive to bring forth from within themselves My highest qualities, grow ever more like Me. To these souls I say: ‘Make happiness a conscious decision. It is up to you whether you wish to be happy and content with what has been given unto you or whether you make yourself miserable and ill with envy and jealousy of the things that in your view are lacking in your life. I have given you the freedom to choose and it is your duty to exercise and practise this gift whilst using wisdom and discretion in doing so. As in all things, practice makes perfect.

‘Whatever you do, bear in mind that in keeping with the laws of the Universe, My laws, whatever you send out into your world inevitably has to find its way back to you like a boomerang. That is why those who in all their dealings are honest and trustworthy with themselves and others will go far in this life, for in due course nothing but more of the same can return to them. Those who prefer lying and cheating have to learn through their own experiences what kind of harvest this is bound to yield. The way you see everything that is in your life depends on the personal vision you yourself have thus far developed, in the course of all your lifetimes. This is the reason why in your world two people can look at the same thing and perceive it in quite a different way. * That’s why there is no point in fighting and arguing over varying opinions and points of view.

‘Yet, whenever someone needs a shoulder to cry on, do not hesitate to offer yours. Even though you may sometimes think you cannot go on and have nothing more to give, because I am part of both of you and your experiences, I will always provide you with the strength and courage you need and right words will come to your mind to comfort people and ease their pain. Be aware that nothing can be achieved by holding on to loved ones, when the time for their departure from your present existence has come. As long as there has been love between you and another spirit/soul on the Earth plane, when you willingly let go of each other at the right moment, on the inner plane of life – to which your loved one has withdrawn – you will remain together and united in love.

‘Although love has many different meanings in earthly life, do not allow the word itself lose its value by over-using it. Loving words are necessary but loving actions are of much greater importance and value. They always did and forever will speak louder than anything that is merely spoken. Above all things learn to be gentle in your human relationships and forget about arguing the point about anything. Your small earthly mind belongs to your physical body. Do not allow it to argue you out of being gentle, kind and loving with anyone you meet. When tempted to react otherwise, remind yourself that Master souls are all love and gentleness, humility and kindness. This behaviour alone can take you through the gate of your present existence into the world of heavenly light and perfect harmony. There alone can the complete and perfect love that forgives all because it understands everything. This is the kind of love your spirit/soull know from My world, the true home of every human being. It is impossible to find in the wilderness of earthly life and you long for it in vain there.

‘And now, after everything I have been telling you, I hope you will no longer find it difficult to love and respect every one of your siblings in the family of humankind. Independent of anyone’s present status, you as much as they are many-faceted and precious jewels and each one has practically unlimited potential. So go forth in peace, My beloved child, and when you share what I have told you, do not forget to mention that none of you has to do anything extraordinary to make Me love them. I love each one of you in just the same way and that is without reservations, totally and unconditionally. No matter what anyone may do or what may ever befall them, My love will never change.

‘Last but not least, tell your brothers and sisters that constantly remaining in touch with Me is as essential for your spiritual as your physical wellbeing. Prayers, meditations and quiet reflections are the quickest and surest ways of tuning into my frequency and reaching Me. I bless you all, each one.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Truth About Parents’
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘The Light Shines In The Darkness’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (5)

The Rose

Yellow Rose of Wisdom - Rays of Wisdom - Comfort for the Bereaved - The Rose

Some say love –
It is a river that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love –
It is a razor that leaves the soul to bleed.
Some say love –
It is a hunger, an endless aching need.
I say: ‘Love –
It is a flower and we its only seed.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance.
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give.
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
When you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter,
Far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed that with the Sun’s love,
In the spring, becomes

The Rose.

Amanda McBroom

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Rose’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (6)

Healing Our World

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Healing Our World

O Holy Trinity,
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother,
You are the true Lord and Lady,
Master and Mistress of all life and
The Spirit of the Universal Christ
Is Your only born Son/Daughter.
S/He is the spiritual Sun above and beyond the Sun,
And the light of all lights,
At the top of the spiritual mountain,
Which all of us are climbing.

We are Your children of the Earth,
Your people and the sheep of your flock.
Heal us when we’re wounded,
Comfort us when we’re in pain,
Be with us when we’re lonely
And strengthen us when we’re weak.
May Your trusted Angels and Masters,
Guides and helpers in the world of light
Be the good shepherds who lead
Each one of us safely back home
Into the loving union with You.

Help us to know Your love,
So that we may practise and
Manifest it throughout the Earth.
And may Your Divine laws and unerring justice,
Now and forever be the foundation of
All our earthly issues and concerns.

Help us to believe mightily,
Hope joyfully and love You,
Our beloved Creator, Divinely.
Renew us, so that we may do our share of
Saving and redeeming ourselves,
Each other, our world and everything in it.
May the blessing and healing power of Your love
Fill every one of your children of the Earth
And through us flow
Into the farthest and remotest corners of
Your Creation, to regenerate and restore
Every cell and atom within it
To its normal healthy functioning.

In the name of love we ask these things.
We give You thanks and
Praise You for Your glory.


Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Sunsets’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (7)

Learning To Trust The Highest

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Learning To Trust The HighestThis is the story of one in pursuit of fame and glory by climbing single-handed a mountain that was known to be unsuitable for this kind of adventuring. But our man hoped to prove generations of experienced mountaineers wrong. The crowning glory of his foolishness was that he felt no need for taking along some camping gear. One fine day he started his climb. Alas, when night time came round, he was nowhere near the top of the mountain and so he decided to keep going. It turned out a particularly dark night with a visibility of zero and everything seemed just black. As it was the time of the New Moon, the Moon was invisible and even the stars were covered by clouds. When our man was climbing a ridge at about one hundred meters from the top, he slipped and fell. Down, down, down he went with a feeling of being sucked into Mother Earth’s gravity.

Feeling that he was about to die, images from the events of his present lifetime flashed through the climber’s mind. But suddenly he felt such a jolt that he thought it was trying to tear him into two halves. Like any good mountaineer he had staked himself to the mountain with a long rope, which he had tied round his waist. Hanging suspended in midair, he shouted: ‘Help me God, please help me!’

To his surprise, a voice that sounded as if it were coming from the Heavens replied: ‘What do you want from me?’

‘Save me.’

‘Do you really believe I can save you?’

‘Yes, I do.’

‘Then unhook your rope.’

A moment of silence and stillness followed, but our man just held tighter to his rope. The next day a rescue team found him, frozen to death and still clinging to his rope, two feet off the ground.

Yet, there is no need to be upset about the apparently sad outcome of this tale. In truth it ended happily in the way even the most difficult and traumatic events in our world always unfailingly end. The Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the all-loving and understanding Father/Mother of all life, was sadly watching the Angels of Death taking the climber’s spirit/soul back to his true home, the world of spirit. S/He said: ‘My poor beloved child of the Earth, you are but one of the many who do not yet know that, I really do know the way of all things. I am part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore the advice I give can be trusted utterly.

‘I have always tried to communicate with you. In earthly life I am known as the small still voice of conscience, i.e. everyone’s higher nature. On many occasions failing to follow its suggestions, you went wrong and as always later had to live with the consequences of your actions. At present you are a child in the school of earthly life, but your learning will forever continue. As soon as you have sufficiently recovered from the stresses and strains of your most recent lifetime there, the wise ones in charge of you will take you to the Akashic Records *.

‘You will then be able to watch the events of every one of your past earthly sojourns with the vision you have when you are consciously taking part in its spiritual background. Seeing both sides of the picture of what happened during your mountaineering adventure and how the Angels tried to come to the rescue, will strengthen your trust in your inner guidance and the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

‘The memories of anything that ever happened to you and the knowledge you gained along the way are stored in your spirit/soul and are carried forward into all future lifetimes. Through this earthly life gradually becomes easier to endure and cope with for your small lower selves. The good qualities you have developed at any given point as well as the bad ones accompany you. *

‘As a result, the older a spirit/soul gets, the more the ratio of what on the Earth plane is known as ‘nature and nurture’ changes. The older thespirit/soull, the higher the percentage of ‘nature’, i.e. the nature of your own earthly personality, which you yourself developed in the course of all earthly lifetimes thus far. You all have everything within, the highest as well as the lowest, the best and also the worst. Changing that which is bad and ugly, evil and negative in you into something good and beautiful, positive and constructive can only be done in earthly life through bringing forth, from deep within you, the characteristics of your own Christ nature.

‘Every human spirit/soul is an integral part of that of the whole of Creation. This spirit/soul is an essential aspect of the Great Mother of all life because it is the storing place for any knowledge that has ever been gained by anyone. Through re-establishing your inner connection with Me, in the fullness of time each one of you will learn how to get access to any part of the wisdom that is stored there.

‘And now let’s return to your most recent lifetime for a moment. The Angels * accompanied you from the beginning to the end of your mountaineering expedition, the same as they always are with each one of you. Yet, only when you finally decided to call for My help, could they intervene. Through your inner guidance told you intuitively to let go of the rope. The voice you heard was the small still voice of your conscience, the wise one of living God within.

‘Because you were born in Heaven, a metaphor earthlings use for the highest levels of life, initially your spirit consists of but a tiny spark of Me. From the safety of the Great Father’s sacred heart every one of you once started their descent into exploring life as a physical being who experiences itself and its world with the help of an earthly personality. Because it was created entirely in that environment, it’s the only place where amends can eventually be made for the damage, pain and suffering you inflicted upon others during the early stages of your education, when your earthly self was still ignorant of the higher purpose and meaning of its existence. Ultimately, that’s how every bit of the suffering that ever existed in your world has been and to this day is self-inflicted through negative thinking and behaviour patterns of the past.

‘This is in sharp contrast with what happens in the world of spirit, your true home, where everything is for real and can be seen quite clearly by everybody. There is nowhere to hide and nothing can be hidden, like in earthly life. There is no need for it because the qualities of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity rule supreme in this realm. On the spirit level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. Because your spirit/soul are part of this world, whatever you do to someone in earthly life, be it with good or bad intentions, in the final analysis you are doing to yourself.

‘Every one of your negative and destructive thoughts, words and actions towards others in due course are experienced by you, namely when they return to you in some form or another, either in the same lifetime or a future one. Patiently enduring whatever comes your way and forgiving any perpetrators, if there are any who can be seen with earthly eyes *, is the only way you can redeem yourself. But before proceeding with this, wise ones first forgive themselves for once having set in motion the chain of events that is the underlying cause of their present suffering. By the way, there is never any need to give in to the desires of the revenge * thirsty part of your lower nature. My laws see to it in due course everybody gets their just desserts.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘About Angels’
•     ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (8)

The Cross Of Earthly Life

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Cross Of Earthly Life‘The source and the law of life is love and everything in the whole of Creation is subject to its energies. Part of this is the Universal law of attraction which, like a giant magnet, eventually draws each one of you back home into the oneness with the Great Father/Mother and Me, the Universal Christ. As their only born Son/Daughter, every human being is our offspring and everything that is created is in our image. All life moves in circles and the Divine laws ensure that in the vastness of space and eternal life nothing can ever be truly lost.

‘Nothing that ever takes place on the earthly plane does so perchance or is an accident. Everything there has its roots in someone’s thoughts, words and actions. And if in one of your past lifetimes, and that could have been hundreds or even thousands of them ago, you had not created the painful and traumatic events that are coming your way this time round, they simply could not happen. The Angels and Masters and many other spirit guides and helpers are in charge of humankind’s development. At the end of each earthly lifetime you return to the world of spirit for rest and recuperation and there is nowhere else where any human spirit/soul can go.

‘The above named wise ones look after humankind’s physical and spiritual wellbeing in both worlds, as far as conditions allow it. As soon as you have recovered sufficiently to once more shoulder the cross * of another earthly sojourn, those attending to you present you with the choice of a suitable lifetime. The idea is to enable you to attend to some of the debt entries in your karmic ledger and that hopefully they can be balanced by some new ones on the credit side. The wise ones see to it that none of you ever has to shoulder a cross that is too hard and heavy to carry. Each new lifetime that will be offered to you will provide you with plenty of opportunities for learning how to tap into and developing your inner strengths. At the same time you will be redeeming yourself and at least a degree of the balance of your spiritual account restored.

‘During your spells in the spirit world, when the illusions of earthly life with their lack of understanding and false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions have fallen away, your vision clears itself and once more you can recognise the higher purpose of your existence. You then realise that, unless you agree to the wise ones’ suggestions, no further progress will be possible for you on your individual evolutionary journey. Hoping to settle as many of your karmic debts as possible and that this will allow you to move on to lessons of a more elevated nature, you decide to have a go. You do this even though no-one forces you and you are allowed free choice, as always. This is hard to believe during your times on the Earth plane, but it is nonetheless the truth.

‘It takes a long time until your earthly self becomes aware of its true nature and the higher purpose of its existence. Therefore, it frequently has to suffer intensely from the outcome of its foolish actions of the past. In principle there is nothing wrong with that because it’s an essential part of the great learning curve of humankind’s earthly education. It’s during the moments of your greatest anguish and despair that your spirit/soul nudge their earthly counterpart ever more strongly with the help of feelings of a great yearning for home and mother stirs within you, but in truth it’s an attempt at trying to remind you of your true home and parents in the spirit world.

‘Through your own suffering you get to know what pain feels like and your heart opens. The qualities of your Christ nature of compassion and love about the distress and torment you are witnessing around you and are noticing ever more are born in you. That’s a signal that the Divine spark in you is waking from its slumbers and growing into a small flame of love. And it’s words like ‘please help me’ are the magical key that is required to unlock the jail of your physical body to our realm. This connects you with us and opens the prison door enough to allow the initial rays of the blessing and healing power of My light to penetrate the cells of the physical body that for so long have enclosed your spirit/soul like a coat of armour.

‘Your physical body is the vehicle you need for getting around on the Earth. It enables you to experience yourself and life as a physical being and also as an individual in your own right.* This body is a protective overcoat that is worn on top of your bodies of a finer substance underneath, which serve your spirit on different levels of life. For as long as necessary, the outer shell fulfils the function of keeping your spirit/soul trapped like in a dungeon. Its doors slowly begin to creak open when your small lower self has finished the early stages of its earthly curriculum, which consists of getting to know the lower and lowest aspects of human nature, including your own. When this phase of your development is complete, the qualities of your higher nature begin to appear in your thinking and behaviour patterns. The birth of the Christ child is a metaphorical description of this process. *

‘At the end of each earthly lifetime the outer shell is shed and your spirit is once more free to enjoy the greater freedom of the spirit world. A new physical body to house your spirit/soul is grown at the beginning of your next adventuring session on the physical plane. The memories of the experiences of all previous lifetimes are stored in the spirit/soul. From the subconscious level they determine the thinking and behaviour patterns of the seemingly new being, who in truth could be a very old one indeed.

‘The earthly personality that is developed in the course of your earthly education is the cross you are carrying throughout every one of your earthly lifetimes. And because you alone are its creator, it’s your responsibility and your task to eventually get to work on improving your character make-up. Like every truly great idea, this is a very simple one. All you have to do is bring forth from within the core of your being the qualities of your higher nature. Each time someone asks for help from the Heavens, whatever that means to you at that moment, is the starting point for its emergence. The vibrations of your words join My energies. They can then reach the spark in your heart, to ignite it and transforms it into a tiny flame of love.

‘Through lovingly serving earthly life to the best of your abilities the sacred flame of love keeps on growing in your heart and radiates from there through your whole physical body and then out into your world and the whole of Creation. By uniting itself ever more with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, your whole being gradually develops into a radiant blaze of fiery spiritual light and you act like a miniature version of Me and My light. The heat of the spiritual fire that flows from you has the power of burning away the emotional/spiritual dross of many lifetimes that has accumulated in your own consciousness and that of your whole world.

‘Anyone who freely and willingly surrenders to Me and without hesitation follows the guidance from the Angels and Me are well on their way of becoming a Master and Christed one in their own right. We are the only ones who really know the way of all things. Because we have the plans for every aspect of life and are not only part of everything that is, but also in charge of its evolutionary development. That’s why we can reliably show each one of you how to make their unique contribution towards changing your world into a more peaceful and beautiful place. Even though not much of it may as yet be visible on the surface of earthly life, rest assured that it is happening in its spiritual background. As many of you know by now, nothing can become manifest on its outer plane unless it has first been created on the inner level.

‘You are also aware that I am as much part of you as you are part of Me and that because of this each one of you is a young God in the making, an apprentice God, so to speak. As co-creators with Me, you are constantly in the process of creating something. Every single one of your thoughts, words and actions brings something into being. As a consequence, many small people in many small place doing many small things truly can change your world. Everything has its beginning and ending in you and through thinking and behaving in ever more peaceful and loving ways each needs to do their share of helping your world to gradually evolve into the kind of place humankind for a long, long time has been dreaming of.

‘The best way of making your contribution towards bringing this new world into being is by helping those around you as much as you can in thoughts, words and deeds. Kind and loving, positive and constructive thoughts are the most effective of all, for they have the power of not only benefiting your own spirit/soul development but that of many others and also your world. Perceive everybody as My beloved child, just the same as you are. Although the Angels and I are the only ones who know the pathway of each one of you, you can do a lot of good by bearing in mind that everybody has and is part of the same spirit as you, and therefore has their own set of struggles and weaknesses, desires and issues to cope with and attend to.

‘Be at peace and give of your best, My beloved children of the Earth, so the Angels and I can do the rest. Never forget that every thought and word that flows from you into your world and ultimately the Universe causes a vibration that wraps itself around you as either something beautiful or otherwise. Wise one bear this in mind and unless what they say is positive and constructive and helpful to someone, they remain silent. Instead of speaking they send forth thought vibrations of love and hope, faith and trust in the goodness of the Highest forces of life. That is the best way of serving Me and the whole of My Creation.

‘With a light and loving heart accept the responsibility of working for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. The only way you can tell what that is, is by following the instructions you intuitively receive from us. I bless you and thank you, each one, for acting as channels through which the blessing and healing power of our energies can flow into your whole world. Whatever you do, never forget that the Angels and I need you just as much as you need us.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Learning To Trust’
•    ‘The Triumph Of Good Over Evil’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (9)

Doing The Right Things

 Doing The Right Things - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
You don’t have to like them, but love them anyway!

They are all part of your spiritual family.
They are part of you and you are part of them.
They may not yet know it, but you being wiser,
Love them anyway!

People may project their own ulterior motives onto you,
And accuse you of having them.
Rest safe in the knowledge that the Universe
Knows their hearts as well as yours.
Do good anyway!

If being successful means that we can only win
False friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway!

The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do it anyway!

What could have taken years of building up,
Can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway!

People who are in need of our help,
May attack us whilst we are trying to help them.
Help anyway!

Give the world the best that is within you,
And should it be rejected, do not stop giving.
Give anyway!

The Universal Law of Karma ensures that what we send
Into the world, has to return to us.
Give of your best and only the best is sure to return!

Bishop Abel Muzorewa
African Spiritual and Political Leader
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (10)

The Be-Attitudes

The Be-Attitudes - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

For The Aquarian Age

Blessed are those who can see the funny side of things,
Refuse to take themselves too seriously
And laugh about themselves,
For they shall have endless fun.

Blessed are those who can laugh with people, rather than at them,
For their lives will be filled with laughter and smiles.

Blessed are those who can see beyond the ends of their noses
Into the higher and highest realities of life,
For they shall go far.

Blessed are those who can smile in adversity and forget to frown,
For the light of the Highest Star lights their path.

Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill,
For they shall be spared many troubles.

Blessed are those who take responsibility for their mistakes
And learn from them rather than looking
For scapegoats and someone to blame,
For they shall become wise.

Blessed are those who know when it is better
To shut up and listen,
For they shall learn many new things.

Blessed are those who are attentive to the needs of others
And do not think of themselves as indispensable,
For they are the sowers of joy.

Blessed are those who take small things seriously
And approach large issues sensibly and peacefully,
For they shall climb high on the evolutionary ladder of life.

Blessed are those who send good, kind and loving
Thoughts, words and actions only into life,
For nothing but the same shall return to them,
In the fullness of time.

Blessed are those who can keep quiet and smile,
Even when someone cuts them off in mid-sentence,
Contradicts them and/or treads on their toes,
For this is how they prove that they
Are already dwelling in the presence of
The One light that unites us all.

Blessed are those who look for the good
In all people and situations,
For they are on the upwards winding spiral of life,
While those who focus on the negative aspects
Are sucked ever deeper on the downwards spiral
Into depression and thoughts of how to escape this world
And ultimately suicide.

Blessed are those who recognise Me, the living God within,
In everything that is, including themselves,
For they have gained access to My unconditional and everlasting
Wisdom and truth, light and love.

Blessed most of all are those who leave complaining
About the things that still appear to be
Negative, wrong and ugly in your world
To the people who do not yet know any better.
Trusting that in My time, not humankind’s,
All wrongs will be righted, crooked corners be straightened
And ugly things made beautiful,
These wise ones are doing their share
Of bringing these things into being.

Aware that their thoughts create the realities of their lives,
They focus on that which is
Positive, good and beautiful on the Earth.
They never cease to wonder
About how much of it there is already,
And they will never know how much closer
To My loving heart they are than they can imagine.

Created by Anon.
Adapted by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (11)

God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age

The Great Sun - Sun of all Suns - Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World

I am the great Sun, but you do not see me.
I am your husband, but you turn away.
I am the captive, but you do not free me.
I am the captain, but you will not obey.
I am the truth, but you will not believe me.
I am the city where you will not stay.
I am your wife, your child, but you will leave me.
I am that God to whom you will not pray.
I am your counsel, but you will not hear me.
I am your lover whom you will betray.
I am the victor, but you do not cheer me.
I am the holy dove whom you will slay.
I am your life, but if you will not name me,
Seal up your soul with tears
And never blame me.

Charles Causley
From a Normandy Crucifix of 1632

Six pointed Star

I Asked The Universal Christ (12)

The Aquarian Age Response Of The Great Sun

The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Aquarian Age Response Of The Great Sun

I am the Great Light, the Star of all stars,
The spiritual Sun behind the Sun
In the sky above you.
I am the giver and nurturer of all life,
Your true Father/Mother.

Far too long you have failed to recognise Me.
But now ever more of you are stirring from
Their spiritual slumbers and becoming aware
Of Me and My presence,
Not as an outside force but within.
I am your inner teacher and guide,
Who really knows the answer to every question
And can help you find solutions to any problem.
That’s why many are turning
Trustingly towards Me.

I am as much in you as you are in Me.
I am in husbands, wives and their children,
As well as everybody else.
I am everyone’s faithful eternal lover,
Best and most intimate friend,
Who never left you.
I am the soulmate you have yearned for
And could never find in human relationships.
I am the Saviour and Redeemer your race projected
Onto forces outside itself in days gone by.
Yet, My highest qualities have always been
In each one of you, but initially only in seed form
And hidden from the vision of earthly life.

The true saviours and redeemers of themselves
And the whole of your world are those
Who unselfishly serve Me and
Do their best to make
Mother Earth into a better,
More peaceful and beautiful place
For all lifeforms that share her with you.
All others will evolve into this role
When their time for it has come.

For a long time, unbeknown to your earthly selves,
My Spirit has been the prisoner of the darkness
Of humankind’s ignorance of its true nature and Mine.
The false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
This brought about are now in the way of
Many a spirit/soul's personal evolution
And that of your world.
The time has come to free yourself
Of such restrictive ways of thinking
By letting them go, one by one.

Each one of you is responsible for themselves,
The whole of humankind and your world.
Every one of your thoughts, words and actions
Is noted and recorded somewhere.
You are the captain of the ship of your own life and destiny,
But even though you are in charge of it,
You will always be accountable to Me,
For I am the Admiral of the great fleet of humankind
In the vast ocean of life of the whole of Creation.

I am the Supreme Commander of all beings and things.
I am the small still voice of conscience inside you.
Day by day practise listening to Me, as I speak to you
Through the world of your innermost feelings.
Follow the guidance you receive from there and
Stop running for advice to other people.
Instead turn within and pay attention to Me,
So I can show you how safe it is to trust Me.

Follow My directions joyously and accept them,
For I am the Great Navigator,
Who has always known and forever will guide
The pathway of all human spirits and their souls,
In this world and all others yet to come.

I am the way, the life and the truth
And the purpose of your being on the Earth
Is that in due course you re-awaken to
Me and My presence in you
And your oneness with Me.
My great plan of life for the Earth
And the one for you within it,
Decrees that in their present lifetime
Ever more of you shall once again
Find total and utter faith and trust in Me.
This cannot be given to you by anyone,
Except you yourselves and
Each through their own experiences.

I am the Eternal City humankind
Has been seeking for aeons.
To the ends of the Earth you have travelled
In search of it and Me,
Unaware that they are part of you and inside you.
Human hearts are the holiest places on the Earth,
For that’s where I dwell and you with me,
Forever and ever.

I am your God and you have every reason
To trust Me and to pray to Me,
For I am also the long promised
World teacher and guide of humankind,
The wise one who is part of you
And lives inside you,
Whose counsel is trustworthy
And can be followed without hesitation.

I am the eternal lover,
Who never betrays or leaves anyone.
Stop thinking of yourself as life’s victim
And let me show how to become one of its victors.
I am the Holy Dove who blesses and heals
The inner and outer wounds of all lifetimes,
Not only yours but those of your whole world.

I am your true Lord and Lady,
Master and Mistress and the time has come
When each one of you needs to accept
Their responsibilities and duties towards Me.
Joyfully make Me welcome on the Earth
And never stop singing My praises,
For when you understand My true nature and yours,
The purpose and meaning of your existence,
And that everything that is in your life
Is there by your own doing.
My beloved children of the Earth,
Can you see for yourself now that
There no longer is any need for tears
Or blaming others for your own shortcomings,
Especially not Me.

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 13
Miracles And Wonders (1)

True Miracles

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - True Miracles

To update what the Angels and I told you in the Jesus legend’s St. John 14:12: ‘Truly I tell you, in the fullness of time every one of you will also do the works that I am believed to have done. You will be performing even greater ones, because unlike Me you really exist and are one with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and the hierarchy of their Angels.’ Now that the age of truth is with you, the time has come for even the last one of you to discover that in truth the Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. There never has been a separation between us and you. We have always been at one with every human being, regardless of what the religions of your world tried to make you believe.

Jesus was not a historical person but merely created as a thoughtform, the higher esoteric meaning of the miracles this God-man performed for long enough have been hiding behind the surface words of the tale that was woven around him. Having reached the age of truth, your world has the right to know that a) because the miracles were part of a myth, like Jesus they never existed in the realities of earthly life; b) Jesus is the symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. As soon as another one of you has evolved into a channel of My Light, the Angels of healing and peace can manifest ever greater true wonders and miracles through them. See the first three links at the end of this chapter.

Sharing with as many as possible the knowledge the Angels and I for some time have been bringing to your world, potentially provides every human being with the power of making the blind see and the deaf hear. It’s as simple as helping those, who so far have been blind and deaf to their true nature and the wise higher purpose of their existence, find a better understanding of these things. The esoteric meaning behind Literally and metaphorically speaking, feet represent humankind’s understanding and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples is a symbolic description of this process.

The world of your emotions is ruled by the Earth element water. And the parable of Jesus walking on the water represents getting hold of the world of your feelings and mastering them, so that they no longer rule you and your life. Being in charge of this aspect of your nature is one of the most vital lessons on the road to gaining spiritual Mastership. Every human being – whether someone is as yet aware of it or not – has always been walking this pathway. The whole of the Jesus legend depicts the behaviour and reactions to people and circumstances that is expected of those who have mastered the earthly part of their being and through this evolved into a Christed one in their own right.

However, no spiritual progress is possible for as long as you are holding onto false beliefs like Jesus as a historical figure, it will remain impossible for the Angels and Me to work any kind of miracle through you. Your small earthly self needs to freely and willingly, totally and unconditionally surrender itself to its heavenly counterpart, your God or Christ nature, of which Jesus is a symbol. When your higher nature has completely taken over its lower counterpart and they truly have become one, you are at one with the will and wishes of the Divine Trinity. As soon as you are following without hesitation the guidance you receive intuitively from the Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ Circle, and when the last one of our karmic debts has been redeemed, by none other than you yourself, healing miracles can come about. The first one is relieving you of your afflictions and when, as a result, our energies are flowing unhindered through you, also for those around you. Only then!

The selfish desires of your earthly nature for fame, glory and mountains of earthly possessions have to be left behind by aspiring healers and lightbringers, pathfinders and miracle workers in waiting. when of your own free will you have be nailed them to the cross of your present existence, nothing will stand in the way of unselfishly serving Me for the highest good and the greatest joy of all humankind as laid down in the Divine great plan of life. And that’s how eventually even the last and slowest small earthly self will evolve into a channel through which our energies can flow with ever increasing strength into Mother Earth and all her kingdoms for the blessing and healing of all their lifeforms.

The spirit/souls of the human race were created specifically to assist their home planet with the evolutionary journey from a purely material place to a spiritual one. Every one of you started their existence as an idea in the Great Father’s mind. As a minute spark of My Light it enters its physical counterpart, the small earthly self. For all of you the education in the school of Earth life is compulsory. Naturally, it starts at the lowest point of the evolutionary spiral which moves everything in the whole of Creation slowly but surely forwards and upwards. This continues until the highest levels of life have been reached by all manifestations of life. In the case of humankind this means the lower earthly self, in the fullness of time, evolving into a Christed one in its own right who behaves and acts in full consciousness of its true higher nature and oneness with the Divine Trinity.

Each new earthly lifetime, regardless of how hard and difficult it may turn out to be in the end, was not inflicted upon you by anyone or anything in the whole of Creation, especially not by your Creator. They were chosen by none other than each one of you yourselves. Even though your lower earthly selves are unaware of it for a long time, the spirit realm is your true home from which you emerge anew at the beginning of every new earthly sojourn and to which you return at the end of it. You stay there and enjoy a period of rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains of earthly life. But eventually you realise that if you ever wish to progress sufficiently on your evolutionary journey to be released from spending more lifetimes in physicality. There is nothing for it but applying for another spell of taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, to assist you with maturing into spiritual adulthood.

No-one ever forces you to do anything. You are always the bottom line, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of you, you decide what kind of a lifetime looks like the most promising one for propelling you forwards and upwards on your ascent of the spiritual mountain of life. The Divine spark in every earthly self at some stage of your development stirs from its slumbering state. Slowly but surely the lower part of you then becomes consciously aware of who and what you truly are and that you have always remained at one with your Creator.

Wise ones are under no illusions while they are resting in the world of spirit. They know full well that earthly life is a hard road that is strewn with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes. They appreciate that it is also a thorny one where plenty of enticing sweetly scented roses flower by the roadside that need to be handled with the greatest of care because they have some nasty thorns. This does not surprise them because they are aware that each one of you without exception, My beloved children of the Earth, is a young God in the making. Every human being is a ‘chip off the old block’, as the people of your world like to say. Indeed you are, but of Me and not of your earthly parents. You merely come through them. You are not of them and do not belong to them, you belong to Me. The essence of you is spirit/soul and your true home is My realm.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (2)

Co-Creators With God

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Co-Creators With GodAlthough at first they are present merely in seedform, every human being has inherited all my characteristics and powers and is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the whole of Creation. The way the parts of your physical body correspond to the planets of your solar system is clear evidence of this. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter. You are My co-creators and therefore constantly in the process of creating something. Whatever is in your life at any given time was created by you alone and you are responsible for every aspect of it. Your earthly personality is your own doing and what kind of parents you get in each new lifetime depends on how you behaved towards your offspring in previous ones.

Every one of you was created after the prototype of the perfect human being that exists as an idea in the Great Father’s mind. Initially untouched by anything that happens on the earthly plane of life, His will and power in close co-operation with the love and wisdom of his feminine counterpart, the Great Mother, once created the beginnings of the human race there. And that is the higher esoteric meaning behind the tale of the immaculate conception.

You are young Gods in the making and manifestations of the Great Father/Mother and Me, as well as the rest of the whole of Creation. In the course of many lifetimes each has to serve their apprenticeship through taking part in the lessons of the school of earthly life. To assist you with becoming familiar with every aspect of any kind of experience that is available on that plane and to ensure that your curriculum is thoroughly learned and never forgotten, it is of the greatest importance that all of you get to know both sides of every picture. That’s why in some of your lifetimes you find yourself at their giving end and in others on the receiving one.

The Sun in your birthchart is the symbolism of Me. I am the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above your world. I am the Sun of all Suns and the Light of all lights. Your birthchart’s Sun shows your small earthly self the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. The Moon is doing its best to hold you back and keep you in the past. But because of its directness My Light is more powerful and this is how I am constantly drawing all lifeforms, not merely those of the Earth, into My loving embrace.

The Moon represents the personality of your easily frightened lower earthly self. With its fear of the unknown and the future it clings to that which it knows as tried and tested to be good. You will not find this surprising when you consider humankind’s history and the harrowing lifetimes every one of you is bound to have experienced in the early stages of their earthly education. This applies particularly to the approx. six thousand years of the patriarchy’s with its expressions of the masculine lust for power, empire building and warmongering. And the all-masculine patriarchic religions provided the males of your species with ever more excuses for warring, in the name of a God who never existed, against those who followed different belief systems. To teach you the value of peace and truth, that’s how the characteristics and powers of the Great Father – in the absence of the love and wisdom of His feminine counterpart – expressed themselves in your world in ever more cruel and destructive ways.

This false belief was purposely created for the above mentioned reason by the Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ Circle. Regardless of this, the will and power of the Great Father and the love and wisdom of the Great Mother have never ceased to move the whole of Creation from the lowest point of the evolutionary spiral with its crude and unevolved state forwards and upwards to something that is more beautiful and perfect. In your world, with its lack of understanding of this process, lower states are perceived as bad, ugly and evil, for example in the case of young and inexperienced spirit/souls. But in truth they too are on their personal journey of growing into something that is good and right, beautiful and perfect, in keeping with the idea of the Father’s mind.

On the whole you reincarnate one lifetime after another into the same groups and families. But the more spiritually mature of you also take part in the cultures of other countries around your world, to become familiar with and practise their belief systems. That’s how old and experienced spirit/souls are likely to have taken part in Christianity’s inquisition and witch hunting, as well as the human sacrifices of the Inca religion in the part of your planet that is now known as Latin America. Through this they have been getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of humankind’s nature, both at the giving and also the receiving end.

The Divine spark of the earthly personality of every one of you is a tiny part of Me through which I am experiencing and getting to know another expression of Me. When your earthly self has reached a certain developmental point, this tiny light begins to stir from its slumbers. Your lower self’s superconscious faculties that are your conscious connection with Me start to unfold and the gift of understanding the higher levels of life seeps into your consciousness. The ultimate aim of every human being’s earthly education, independent of which lessons they are presently taking part in, is to evolve into a healer and lightbringer. And at the end of this part of your curriculum each one of you in their own right will have evolved into a Christed one and miracle worker.

As often as not, this is a road that takes you through some kind of serious illness. The most important thing in your search for healing is reminding the age-old sayings: ‘First healer heal thyself!’, ‘God helps those who help themselves!’ and ‘When the need is greatest, God is nearest.’ They most certainly are true. During particularly trying times the Healing Angels and I can come much closer to you, but only if you invite us in and pray for our assistance. Spiritually, knowledge is light and not knowing darkness. And we are the only ones who can provide you with the light of truth that is required by those who wish to act as co-creators of healing miracles, first for themselves and then for those around them.

Accidents or coincidences do not exist in your world. Everything that happens to you was created by you. The unpleasant and painful things that enter your life do not do this for nothing but for the wise higher duel purpose of redeeming some of your karmic debts and teaching you something. Therefore, do not begrudge anything that ever came your way and do not be afraid of what may still lie ahead. If you ask us, we shall be there to help you work your way through it. When severe tests and trials that are coming your way, sometimes thick and fast, know that they only do so because you are spiritually mature and strong enough to cope with them. Knowing that it was you who chose this pathway, live in hope with faith and truth in our blessing and healing powers in your heart. Refuse to give in and feel sorry for yourself or resentful.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies’
•     ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•   'I Believe In Miracles'
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Healing Miracles’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (3)

Earthly Life’s Summit

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Earthly Life's SummitThe spirit realm is a place where honesty and truth rule supreme. That’s why for those who wish to progress spiritually on the earthly plane things have to be for real. Pretending and faking something, lying and cheating, some of the most popular pastimes of past ages and especially during the Piscean one, merely produce negative Karma. In some future lifetime it has to be redeemed and that by none other than you.

Rest assured that the Angels and Masters in charge of you and your world know you better than you do yourself and the intentions behind every one of your thoughts, words and actions are clearly visible to them. With it being impossible to hide anything here, no-one can hope to join their ranks and files without having reached spiritual Mastership. It is for this reason that Saturn’ energies have always provided the lifepath of every human being with delays and frustrations galore.

Saturn is a symbolism of the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of the Divine Trinity. Its main purpose of this planet’s energies is teaching you self-discipline and self-mastery. Saturn is also known as the planet of Karma that is the home of a group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma. In charge of humankind’s spiritual bank account, for the whole of race and every spirit/soul within it, these Angels are working in close co-operation with many other groups of their hierarchy and especially the Healing Angels. All together the Angels are responsible for the care of earthly life’s wellbeing and its evolutionary progress on all its levels.

Saturn together with Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, and also its natural domain, the eleventh house. The Saturnian energies are the guardians and keepers of the spiritual gates that lead into the freedom of the Aquarian age that consists of the ability to believe what your heart and spirit/soul tell you to be true. No human spirit/soul will ever be capable of walking through these gates without its earthly self having achieved spiritual mastery and having redeemed every last one of its karmic debts. It’s the manner in which you deal with the obstacles that are getting in your way that shows the wise ones in My world who are in charge of you the degree of your spiritual development.

That is the decisive factor whether, at the natural end of your present lifetime, you will require further lessons on the earthly plane for the completion of your education there. If the vibrations your whole being emanates have become so refined that you will be able to continue your studies on the next higher level of life. The more highly evolved you become, the more you choose lifetimes in which you are strongly influenced by the Saturnian energies. Although your earthly self may find this hard to believe, it is nonetheless the truth that you are seeking the test and trials, delays and frustrations of such a lifetime. They are assisting you with developing your spiritual strength, resilience and determination with which to reach out for far distant goals and the ability to slowly but surely, cautiously hand over hand work your way towards it.

It’s not for nothing that Saturn rules Capricorn, the tenth sign and house of the zodiac. Together with Uranus this planet co-rules Aquarius, the eleventh sign and house. During lifetimes in Capricorn the highest achievements potentially are within the reach of those who are willing to work for them, because they are unlikely to drop into anyone’s lap. They usually only come about after a long and hard slog and patiently enduring the hurdles and obstacles that are sure to present themselves on your way through earthly life. You are the only one who can transform them and don’t allow anyone to try to convince you otherwise.

Aquarius is the sign of friendship and siblinghood with all life. In this sign humankind’s highest dreams and aspiration can find fulfilment if you go about it the right way. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution against the old established order of things. The aim of its energies is to bring freedom to you and your world. As the breaker of chains and taboos that brings down and destroys false idols by revealing the truth about them, they have the power of freeing you of the many false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that in the course of many lifetimes have accumulated in your race’s collective and individual spirit/soul memories. The main aim of the Uranian influence has always been speeding up the movement of you and your world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Alas, only when the dust has settled after one of the disruptions this causes the progress that has been made is very real and beneficial. And the deeper you are entering into the Aquarian age, the more noticeable this will become.

The trouble is that during your times in earthly life you will only ever be able to see one side of any picture and that, on many occasions, will be less than half of what is actually there. Yet, in all your endeavours never forget that, with the help of the Angels and Me, any condition can be healed and all crooked corners made straight. And never forget that miracles can only come about for you if you request our assistance. Only then can we guide and intuitively show you how you can contribute to making them happen. When your earthly self has totally and unconditionally surrendered itself to its higher God or Christ Self and us, the end of your apprenticeship’s first phase has been reached. Without this it’s impossible to remove yourself from the obligation of further earthly sojourns.

When the drives and urges of your lower nature have been nailed to the cross of earthly life and died there, and your higher nature has taken over completely, you have evolved into a Christed one in your own right. This is the summit of your earthly education. Your own experiences have taught you to trust our instructions and when, as a result, you constantly work hand in hand with us, you have become worthy of playing the role of pioneer and wayfinder for those who wish to walk in your footsteps. The points then have been set for a miracle to happen to you and through you. They will not be denied to anyone who asks for them. They are sure to come about, but in My time and My ways, and not yours.

The more patiently and lovingly you handle the tests and trials that are bound to come your way, without thinking of them as some kind of undeserved punishment and instead recognise them as opportunities for making good where you once sinned, the more easily your spiritual bankbook’s balance will be restored. That alone allows the unhindered flow of My healing energies through your whole system to regenerate and heal every part of it. Potentially, every one of you is a healer and worker of miracles and this new part of the Aquarian jottings is My personal invitation to become one for all those who are reading it. If you seriously want peace to come to your world, please share it with as many as possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Walking By Faith’
•    ‘Seeing The Greater Picture’
•    ‘You Are Your Own Creators’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•     ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross We Bear’
•    ‘The Higher Purpose Of Suffering’
•    ‘All About Saturn’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (4)

Revealing The Truth

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Revealing The Truth

No true and lasting healing can take place in anyone’s physical body unless their indwelling spirit/soul has been healed first. This miracle can only come about through the patient coming to terms with and accepting the following:

1.    Humankind’s true nature.
2.    The higher purpose of everyone’s earthly existence.
3.    The working of the processes of life.
4.    The affect the Divine Universal laws have on all life throughout the whole of Creation, including humankind.
5.    Who and what is constantly toiling behind the surface of your earthly existence on the behalf of you and your world.
6.    Things can only manifest themselves on the earthly plane after they have been created on the inner spiritual level. No-one should run away with the idea that anything can happen on its own. It most certainly does not!
7.    Everything that has ever taken place has been in keeping with the Divine great plan and the myriads of small plans within it.
8.    Thought is the most powerful force of all in the whole of Creation.
9.    As co-creators with the Great Father/Mother and Me, you are constantly in the process of bringing something into being. With every one of your thoughts, words and actions you are creating it.
10.    Whatever one of you sends out into the Universe in this manner has to return to you in the fullness of time. Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of lifetimes, it cannot do anything else.

How can anyone mature into spiritual adulthood without knowing these things? Spirit/souls who are less experienced than you also have to find out about My dualities and polarities and that they are an essential part of every human being’s character make-up, including theirs. In all of you the forces of masculine and feminine, darkness and light, good and evil, higher and lower nature, and so forth are constantly at work and affecting in thoughts, words and deeds everything you do.

In Me every aspect of the dualities and polarities are equal partners. They are working peacefully and harmoniously together and lovingly respond to each other. For as long as they are still at loggerheads, the main task facing you is reconciling and healing them together into one well functioning unit like Mine. It takes some earthly selves a long time before they realise what is at stake here. Until that point of someone’s development has been reached, they are likely to project the unseen subconscious parts onto the people around them.

This is because your environment acts like a mirror and the qualities you recognise in others in truth are also yours. You can only see in them what in you as well. That applies as much to good, pleasant and noble characteristics as bad, evil and ugly ones. Your world has purposely designed to reflect the inner invisible aspects of your earthly personality. They are constantly rising from your subconscious into your conscious awareness. Wise ones, who are aware of this, address and correct in themselves that which they recognise as irritating and annoying in others. They know that embracing and owning up them is the right way of letting them go, once and for all. They can still see those characteristics in other, but it does no longer bother them unduly.

The God-man Jesus represents the higher and lower aspects of your nature. As many of you know by now, he is not a historic figure that once walked in your midst. The story of his life describes the initiations that all human beings have to go through on their evolutionary journey up the spiritual mountain of earthly life. The itinerant preacherman and wonderworker is a symbolism of you when you start sharing, with as many as possible, the learning you have gathered along the pathway of your present lifetime.

Many in your world are searching for a soulmate in the hope that such a person will make them whole, but in truth I am the one all of you are looking for. You do not need other people to make you whole; you already are or rather you will be as soon as you have integrated the polarities within you and through this fully re-connected with Me, your highest God or Christ Self. The ultimate purpose of your earthly education has been fulfilled when you understand your true nature, the higher purpose of your existence and the high and holy destiny that awaits every human being. Earth life then has nothing left to teach you.

When you have been spiritually blind and deaf and begin to realise that the essence of your being is spirit/soul who is immortal and will never die, and that it is this part of your being that is trying to tell you about its special needs through an illness of your physical body, the Angels and I rejoice because you are paying attention at last. Whenever someone asks for our help with healing their afflictions, their higher nature is waking from its slumbers and the miracle of making a blind one see and a deaf one hear is happening for you.

You then discover that the spirit world has always communicated with humankind in myths and legends, metaphors and allegories. It dawns on you that insisting that every word of such tales is true and should be understood literally has been an excellent way of hiding the truth. You realise that revealing it had to wait until the right time for doing so had come. Working out, each for themselves, the higher esoteric meaning that has always been hiding behind the surface words of such tales is every human being’s task on the earthly plane. This is a slow and gradual process that, towards the end of your present lifetime, assists you with developing the ability that is known as true clairvoyance.

You then no longer have any difficulties recognising the esoteric meaning behind the strange interlude of the Jesus legend when the Master washes the feet of his disciples. Knowing that literally and metaphorically speaking the feet represent humankind’s understanding, wise ones appreciate that it is an allegory of how, on the road to spiritual Mastership, it eventually becomes every human being’s duty to share the wisdom and knowledge the Angels and I are giving to your world through those who are acting as their channel. Each time you are helping someone find a better understanding of their true nature and the higher purpose and the meaning of their existence, you are washing their feet metaphorically speaking.

And that’s how every Divine spark on its evolutionary journey slowly but surely lights up and changes first of all into a small still flame of love. Shedding its light into your world, it keeps on growing. The more it unites itself with others, the more the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, both manifestations of the Great Father/Mother and Me, cleanse and purify all lower energies and transforms them into blessing and healing energies. In this way, with the passing of time, the flame grows into an ever more powerful blaze that gradually absorbs the dark clouds of ignorance and fear that are still filling not only the person’s own but also your whole world’s consciousness. This sacred fire alone has the power of uplifting and transmuting them into total faith and trust in the blessing and healing power of the Angels and Me that freely flows into the heart and spirit/soul of humankind.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘Soul Mates’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (5)

Sharing Your Gifts

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World -  Sharing Your GiftsThe ultimate purpose of every human being’s earthly lifetimes is learning to love the Divine way. This means totally and unconditionally loving everybody and all lifeforms, without prejudice. As soon as you grasp this, you realise that this kind of loving is not mere a feeling for a person or a group of people, not even for the whole of humankind and its world but for the whole of Creation and everything that exists within it. This recognition awakes in you a slowly increasing need to do what you can to lessen humankind’s suffering and make a contribution towards putting an end to it for the entire planet. With the passing of time it dawned on you that all of it has its roots in the lack of knowledge and understanding of the spiritual background of your earthly existence and that therefore all suffering is basically unnecessary.

Intuitively inspired by the Angels and Me, you then start using your special gifts, which have taken you many lifetimes to develop, to bring new hope, faith and trust to humankind through a better comprehension of the high and holy destiny that is in store for every human being, independent of where presently may be on the spiral of their personal evolutionary development. You set about doing giving of your best to explain to as many as possible the pathway that leads to the fulfilment of this destiny, so we can do the rest of helping those who are ready to find your gift.

In the fullness of time, the endeavours of all human beings are going to be part of loving for its own sake. Everything you then do is carried out with love – walking and talking, eating and breathing, thinking and studying, dreaming and sleeping. That’s how all your organs, cells and faculties slowly start attuning themselves to the will and wishes of the Great Father and the Great Mother’s sacred wisdom and love. More and more you are at one with them. Gradually you work is increasingly instilled with the power of the Highest to create goodwill, healing and peace not only for your readers but for your whole world. It is a permanent state of consciousness that fills your entire being with the Divine energies and everything you do is a song that has a sweet melody of its own, waiting to be share with as many as possible.

When you are loving the Divine way, you no longer love people for this, that or the other quality you perceive in them. You love them just because they ARE. You will find that it is possible to love someone without liking them or rather their behaviour and what they are doing. You not condone them. Love that understands all, the way the Angels and I do, and because of this love forgives and loves all. You too will have no difficulties loving and forgiven people as soon as you have grasped that sometimes they cannot help themselves because of the earthly lessons in which they are presently taking part.

And because the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life love you and your world and want you to assist your progress on the evolutionary spiral, they are constantly providing fresh ideas for the communication technology that’s available to you at any given time. They want you to share with those around you what the pathway through your present lifetime has taught you with as many people as possible. That’s how every human being potentially has the power of decreasing the number of those who to this day are struggling through their earthly existence blind and deaf to their true spiritual nature. Helping them to see and hear are among the miracles that the Angels and I are delighted to perform through you.

Bearing in mind how much misery and suffering proselytising the false beliefs of your world’s religions of the past once created, you will be glad to hear that this is no longer desirable. Besides, modern communication systems are rendering that kind of thing unnecessary. For as long as you are doing your best to make full use of the talents that have been bestowed upon you and willing to make them available free of charge wherever someone is likely to be in need of them, the Angels and I will intuitively guide you to such places and tell you how to go about it.

By bringing your gifts to ever more of those who are ready to have their feet washed, metaphorically speaking, you together with us will be assisting them with moving forwards and upwards on their individual healing journey. Steadily increasing viewing figures shall be your reward and the signal that none of your efforts has been for nothing and is appreciated. Most important of all, never forget that each time one of you heals, the miracle is multiplied many times over because not only your world but the whole of Creation is healing with you.

What a long way you and your world have already come. Rest assured that there is a great deal more in preparation and all of it, for those who go about it the right way, good. And because every birthday is in truth the end of a year and not its beginning, this also applies when another year of your calendar has come to its end. This means that the New Year 2019 was really the beginning of the year 2020. Let’s take a look at what numerology can reveal about what was then ahead of you. The 2 is ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer and the Great Mother, the mothering, caring and nurturing aspect of the Divine Trinity. And for the whole of the year 2019 the Mother has been providing you with the double strength of the civilising, balancing and harmonising influence of Her energies of wisdom and love.

2019 has been a period in which your world was ruled by the master vibration 22 and this is true not only for that year but for the whole of the decade ahead. And because 2 + 2 = 4 and the 4 is under the rulership of Aquarius, it will also be much more strongly under the influence of the energies of the Divine Waterbearer, the astrological symbol of Aquarius. In support of humankind’s efforts, the civilising and peace-loving influence of the feminine wisdom and love energies are going to become more prominent and noticeable in both genders and that throughout the whole of the decade. The strong presence of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing energies can be tapped into to assist you with improving and healing your relationship first with yourself and then with those around you. From there they can then be directed to flow into the welfare of your planet and all lifeforms that are sharing it with you.

As the year 2020 is the beginning of 2021, the energies available to you for the year ahead are going to be ruled by 2 + 2 +1 = 5. 2 = The Moon, ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac that represents the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. 1 = The Sun, ruler of Leo, representing the Great Father’s will and power. 5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, the sign of your siblings and the world around you, as well as Virgo, the teaching, healing and harvest sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of corn in her arms. The energies of this sign have the power of bringing the spiritual harvest down to the Earth.

In Roman mythology Mercury was the winged messenger of the Gods. He stole their sacred fire, i.e. their wisdom and knowledge and brought it to the Earth to relieve the suffering of humankind and all lifeforms that are sharing your planet. And that’s what Mercury is waiting to help ever more of you to do. His efforts are supported by a double dose of the Mother’s feminine love and wisdom, assisted by the masculine will and power of the Father. Notice how He no longer dominates the earthly scene but has moved quite naturally into the background of what is happening.

Anyone who tunes into the frequencies of the Angels and Me and whose intention is to unselfishly work with our energies for the highest good and the greatest joy of your whole world, together with us wields the power of bringing all of you closer to the promised new golden age that lies within your reach now. Avarice and greed will by then have gone from your world and everybody merely takes what they need. The rest is left for those who are walking behind and that’s why hunger and starvation will no longer be known. Goodwill and peace, harmony and happiness will be the supreme ruler of your world. Sickness and diseases will have been overcome because all those taking part in earthly life have learnt how to heal themselves, those around them and your world, assisted by the healing miracles that could be performed by us through these people.

This is how the cells and atoms of their physical bodies are gradually filling with so much light that this their vehicle for getting around on Mother Earth slowly but surely is becoming more ethereal. The vibrations of everyone who turns to us to request our guidance and protection are speeding up. As their bodies grow lighter and brighter, the same happens to your planet. Bodies that are filled with light no longer need to perish, the way they used to do in times gone by. And that’s how the notion of death and the fear of it with the passing of time will fade away. You know that the Universal laws rule life throughout the whole of Creation and that whatever you send into your world and the rest of the Universe can do nothing but return to you. It enables you to do only that which is good, right and beautiful so that in due course nothing but more of the same can come back. This knowledge will gradually free your race and world from the fear of the future and the unknown.

My beloved children of the Earth, as you will be able to see for yourself by now, there really is no need for being downhearted. So be of good cheer! For as long as you live in hope and with your whole being trust the blessing and healing power of the Angels and Me, everything will be well and in the end work out for the highest good and greatest joy of you and your world. Because of the laws of love and evolution it cannot be any other way.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘Dreaming Of A World Without Fear’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (6)

Where Is The Truth?

Rays Of Wisdom - ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’ - What Is Truth?I am the voice of the Divine Trinity, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and that is the truth. In six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male religions this truth has never changed because it is one of those that are unchangeable and will forever remain the same. As they were yesterday, so they are today and in all Eternity will be, regardless what anyone may say to contradict this. That particularly applies to the organisations that established themselves around these religions. The only thing that down the ages has altered and that many times is the way the Angels and I have been presenting the Divine truth through the many different belief systems that we gave to your world. The wise higher purpose behind creating them was to steadily increase your race’s understanding of the spiritual background of its earthly existence.

All lower selves on the earthly plane are constantly occupied with learning how to deal with this part of humankind’s individual and collective unceasing and relentless march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And every one of you eventually reaches the developmental point when doubts begin to creep into your mind whether the sacred teachings of your world really are literally true, the way they say they are. You then begin to ask yourself: ‘If they are not true, what is the truth?’ Potentially, I am every human being’s inner teacher and guidance, the wise one or living God within. That is the only truly reliable and trustworthy guru in the whole of Creation, who is waiting to stir from its slumber all of you. The more you work with Me and follow My advice, learning to trust what comes to you intuitively, the more of the Divine wisdom and truth I am going to reveal to you.

Nothing in the whole of Creation happens without the Great Father’s will and wishes, the Great Mother’s wisdom and love as well as the knowledge of the wise ones in the spiritual background of your earthly existence. In charge of every aspect of the development of you and your world, they are the eye that never sleeps and nothing is beyond their reach. If you believe you can sneak something into your world without anybody on our level noticing it, you could not be more mistaken. You are magnetic beings and every one of your thoughts, words and actions has a certain vibration that imprints itself on the etheric level and is registered in the Akashic Records.

During your education in the earthly school of life, it takes many lifetimes before you realise which truths are unchangeable. For example, every human being is a co-creator with God, who is constantly in the process of creating something; everything in the whole of Creation is ruled by Divine Universal laws; whatever you send into your world affects the rest of life everywhere and causes either a positive or negative reaction; this creates what’s known to humankind as Karma. You are responsible for every bit of it and at some stage of your journey up the spiritual mountain of earthly life things unerringly find their way back to you – good and bad ones alike. The realisation of this empowers you to create only that which is good, right and beautiful in your life. This ensures that in due course nothing but more of the same can return to you.

The ideas for the new tales and legends that appeared during certain stages of humankind’s development were provided by none other than the Angels and Me. It was done for the specific purpose of bringing a new belief system to your world for which sufficient numbers of you were ready. To update the Bible’s St. John 8:31-32 for the Aquarian age: Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him: ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth and that will set you free. The sacred teachings of your world have always contained some Divine wisdom and truth. But they can only be found when you search for them in the right places and that is the esoteric higher meaning that is hidden behind the surface words of their parables and tales. You then understand that the story of my life is but a legend, that I never existed as a historical figure who once walked in your midst, and that this is the unchangeable truth about me and my work.’

When you are faced with the task of dissolving your inner blockages and freeing your earthly self of all its fears, especially those of God, of life and death, of the future and the unknown, nothing but the truth and the whole truth is good enough. It alone can free you from the religious slavery of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were spread by the old belief systems of your world. As the executors of My great plan of life, the Angels and Masters around My throne are responsible for the development of you and your world on all its levels. They are My voice that speaks to you from your innermost heart, My dwelling place.

The guidance you receive intuitively from there is the most powerful protection imaginable that enables you to enjoy the freedom of the Aquarian Age that consists of believing what you intuitively know as true and what is not. You are then marching to the tune of your inner drum and no longer have any need for being led by the nose and following any kind of herd. Guided and protected by the Angels and Me you are finding your own truth and happy to share it with those around you. That’s how in the new age everybody will gradually be developing into simultaneously leading and following.

As soon as you have spiritually matured sufficiently, that’s how with the passing of time we are going to reveal to you ever more of the true higher esoteric meanings of metaphors and allegories of all belief systems your world has ever known. You will then be able to perceive that each one of them has taken humankind that bit closer to the revelations and enlightenment of the Aquarian Age, the age of truth. It has always been part of My great plan of life that My sacred wisdom and truth should then start to flow directly from the minds of the Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ Circle, into the receiver/transmitter stations of the earthly minds that have been tuned into our frequencies. This shows their readiness for functioning as our channels through whom My wisdom and truth flow with increasing abundance into your world.

The road that leads to this phase of humankind’s development is a tough and demanding one. In the course of many lifetimes your spirit/soul is the prisoner of its earthly counterpart, the small and easily frightened lower self. It suffers correspondingly and its pain manifests itself as illnesses in the human physical body. For as long as you are unaware of what is happening to you, you will experience days of despair when it seems impossible to break the bond between your spirit/soul and its outer vehicle for the present lifetime. No matter how hard you try to work on freeing yourself, you cannot do this on your own. Until your earthly self has finally surrendered itself totally and unconditionally to its heavenly counterpart, your very own God or Christ nature, so that through this it can grow stronger day by day, you cannot be released. But eventually something magical takes place on the inner level and without any external changes, oh wonder of all wonders you are free!

Things that had previously been obscure to you become clear in your mind and your problems and difficulties appear to resolve themselves. This can only come about when the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth, your higher and lower nature, is taking place. The light of Me, your God or Christ Self, then gradually absorbs the fears and anxieties which its earthly counterpart in the course of many lifetimes stored in the memories of its spirit/soul. In every new one they are programmed into the cells and atoms of its physical body.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘The Six-pointed Star – Symbol Of Perfection’
•    ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘Without The Truth’
•    ‘Systematic Suppression Of The Truth’
•    ‘The Whole Truth, Nothing But The Truth!’
•    ‘Nothing But The Truth’
•    ‘What Is Truth?’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (7)

The Acceptable Time Of The Lord

Rays Of Wisdom - ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’ - The Acceptable Time Of The Lord

The six-pointed star is a symbolism of the healing process that leads to what the Christian teachings call ‘the acceptable time of the Lord’. The Lord represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Trust this part of your being to bring about the healing miracle. It surely will do so as soon as the right conditions have been created. This is the case when the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were stored in your soul memories have at last been dissolved. Never give up hope that at the right moment this will also be the case for you and that sooner or later you will get there. So be as still as possible and wait for the unfoldment of your very own healing miracle. Keep on keeping on doing your best and living with hope in your heart and trusting that God and the Angels are going to do the rest, as they surely will.

Everything in the whole of Creation consists of My light. The vibrations of that which is visible to earthly eyes have merely been slowed down and that also applies to every cell and atom of all physical bodies, human and animal alike. Now that you are aware of this, imagine that every part of your being is filling more and more with My light and the white healing magic of My energies that has always been flowing into everything that takes part in earthly life. It flows through the rays of the Sun in the sky above you. I am the Sun of all suns, the Light of all lights and the Sun behind your Sun. Even if the sky is covered by thick clouds, My rays still penetrate it.

Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted. Everything is recycled and used again somewhere else. The fears and anxieties of all human spirit/soul memories that resulted from the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, spread by the religions of your world and to this day by the mass media, are stored in humankind’s individual and collective spirit/soul memories. For as long as they remain stored in the cells and atoms of any physical body, that person will remain trapped on the earthly plane.

Tell those who are hoping for a healing miracle of their own that they are waiting to be absorbed into the light of Me, their higher God or Christ nature. In the temple of My loving heart they need to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies that are flowing to wherever they are needed, and especially when someone asks for them anywhere in the whole of Creation. Share with those in search of a healing miracle that the only way of bringing it about is through dissolving layer upon layer of the spirit/soul memories that are stored in the cells of every human physical body and affecting their lower self on the subconscious level. As this process is similar to the peeling of an onion, encourage people never to give up. The older and more experienced their spirit/soul is, the more layers have to be removed.

This continues until one fine day they are going to feel that some real progress has been made. This means they have reached ‘the acceptable time of the Lord’ mentioned earlier. On this road they may get easier days when they think that they really are moving forwards. But alas, to their greatest disappointment the next day may well be as hard and difficult to cope with again as any of the previous ones, creating the impression of moving one step forwards and two back. This, however, is definitely not the case. It’s just that on the difficult days it’s nose to the grindstone and, together with their Highest Self, getting on with shedding another layer of their spirit/soul memories and of the blockage.

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (8)

The Quantum Leap

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Quantum Leap

Mother Earth and every one of her creatures, including humankind, for quite some time have been undergoing a major frequency shift that represents a quantum leap in the development of your race’s spiritual awareness. The knowledge of this is helpful for those who are spiritually sufficiently mature to play an active part in your planet’s transformation into a more spiritual and ethereal one. Aquarius is one of the Air signs and the most essential requirement of the Aquarian Age are physical bodies that consist more and more of air and light for getting around on Mother Earth. This is because with every passing day you are moving deeper into this age and the power of its energies are constantly increasing.

That’s why, in keeping with My great plan of life, the Angels in charge of your planet’s wellbeing for some time have been changing the physical bodies of humans and animals alike from consisting mostly of water into being predominantly filled with air and light. It stands to reason that, when the cells of your body contain less water, there is more room for the atoms of My light. As the amount of light in your physical bodies increases, the vibrations of their atoms at the same time are being stepped up to a higher frequency. Through this your whole being is more in harmony with the higher levels of life.

And because your spirit/soul memories are stored in your waterbody, the more you work with the Angels and Me and let go of the shadows of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of past lifetimes, the more room there is in your physical body that can be filled with the light of Divine wisdom and truth. Each time you have worked your way through yet another difficult day of shedding another layer of yourspirit/soul’s reminiscences, making you feel as if you were not progressing at all, you will notice on your next easier day that new knowledge has come to you. You will be astonished about how much you have grown not only in spiritual wisdom but also in understanding it and the ability of assisting others with their grasp of these matters.

You will then know with great clarity that for quite some time you and your world have been going through the major transformation of humankind’s rebirth into the awareness of its true higher God or Christ nature. Many in your midst are finding the changes this inevitably brings for every one of you extremely difficult to cope with. This applies especially to those who are insufficiently evolved and therefore unable to take part in the present evolutionary march forwards. In due course, one way or another, the lower selves of these spirit/souls are going to leave the earthly plane behind.

And that’s because their vibrations will be unsuitable for Mother Earth when the present transformation is complete. They will be reincarnating onto a younger and less evolved planet whose energies better suit their requirements. The spirit/soul memories and any credits and debts that have accrued in your spiritual bankbooks accompany every human spirit/soul wherever it may eventually find itself for continuing its learning process. That which was acquired in the school of earthly life will enable young and inexperienced soul/spirits to play the role of pioneers and wayfinders on their new home planet for those who are even less evolved than they are.

If your spirit/soul memories show the wise ones in charge of you in the spirit world that you departed from one of your previous earthly lifetimes through suicide, they know that your earthly self has already taken part in the lesson that there is no point in ending your present existence by your own hands. This is because the problems you hope to escape in one lifetime most certainly have to be faced by you again in the next one and however many more it may take to deal with and resolve the questionable issues satisfactorily. Suicide attempts can only be successful for those who still are in need of this essential part of your learning.

Whatever happens to you and wherever you are going to find yourself, your spirit guides will always be with you and doing their best to show you the way. However, they are not allowed to do the work on yourself, your earthly character and its spirit/soul memories for any one of you. They are constantly hoping that, when someone has tried to kill themselves unsuccessfully often enough, they will eventually come to their senses, go down on their knees and pray for the help of the higher forces of life. Without this no help from the Angels and Me can come to anyone. And that is why no matter how often and how hard some people may try, they will never succeed to end their present lifetime by suicide. The spirit guides and helpers are not going to allow you to do this. The only thing they can hope to achieve is creating more entries on the debit side of their spiritual bank account because of the suffering and heartache they are bringing to those around them.

The trouble is that, if one of your most recent earthly sojourns ended in this manner, your desire for running away from the obstacles that are presenting themselves on your pathway through life could be so strong that you cannot resist having one go after another. As you will not be allowed to indulge in your escapist tendencies, regardless of how many attempts you make, the wise ones will bring you back from death’s door time and again. That’s why we advise you to take note of the people around you and look out for those who do not understand why such things are happening to them.

Many want to end their lives because they are feeling lost. Do your best to reassure them that all is well and explain to them what is happening to you and your world. Some people want to hide and countless numbers are seeking refuge in the products of the pharmaceutical industry, because so far they have no idea of the wise higher purpose their earthly existence serves. Explain to them that a complete overhaul is taking place on the inner level of every human being and that of your world. Take heart, beloved children of the Earth, keep on keeping on, live in faith and with trust and hope filling your whole being that eventually your own and Mother Earth’s transformation will be complete. A new team of guides from a higher level of My realm is then likely to accompany you to show the way.

Every one of you was created for playing a specific role during this transformation. When it is complete you will have been instrumental in creating a New Earth and the new Golden Age of peace and harmony and of plenty for everybody. So do your best and pour all your energies into working for the whole of humankind and its world during this time of ever more rapidly expanding consciousness. Knowing that you are walking hand in hand with the Angels and Me will help you to focus your entire being on fulfilling the high and holy destiny that is in store for every human being at the end of their education as a physical being in a world of matter. Each one of you eventually evolves into a Christed one in their own right. You will then freely and willingly and unselfishly serve the Angels and Me as pioneer and wayfinder, healer and bringer of light in the form of Divine wisdom and truth, so we can bring them to wherever someone is in need of them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’
•    ‘The Candle’
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’
•    ‘Being A Channel Of Light’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (9)

A Thrill Of Hope

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Thrill Of Hope

O Holy Night,
The Stars are brightly shining,
It is the true Saviour’s birth.
The blessing and healing power of Christ Star’s
Light is penetrating ever deeper into
All human hearts and souls and that of our world.
And ever more of them joyously respond
By opening wide.

For long enough our world has been
Suffering and pining in the prison of humankind’s
Ignorance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
Rejoice, because for some time the greatest
Wonder and miracle of all times has been taking place
And that is the rebirth of humankind
Into the awareness of its true spiritual nature.
Archangel Michael with the golden sword
Of sacred knowledge that flows directly
From the heartmind of the Highest into our world
Touches the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That in the course of many lifetimes have
Accumulated in the memories of our souls.
This contact transmutes them into
Total faith and trust in our Creator
And the basic goodness of the life
That has been given to us and our world.

Fall on your knees, O hear the Angels voices.
O night Divine,
O night when the true Christ child is born
In every heart and spirit/soul, and that of our world,
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by the cradle we stand,
Because we now understand its true meaning.
Led by the Christ Star’s light sweetly gleaming,
The wise ones from the spirit realm are guiding
And protecting us, helping us to recognise
The symbolisms behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.
They are telling us intuitively that the child’s parents
Are the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Who never left us and have always been with every one of us.
Lovingly they are watching us and our world,
Assisting the true Christ child’s birth
In ever more human hearts,
Whose symbol is the manger and
The little town of Jerusalem
Represents the whole of humankind.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God
Have always been in charge of the development
Of us and our world.
They know the needs of everyone and,
As far as our Karma allows,
Are at all times doing their best to fulfil them.
That’s why they are now providing us with
The courage and strength to master
The drives and urges of our lower nature.
When we nail them to the cross of our earthly existence,
From deep within everyone’s own being,
Our God or Christ nature can then take over.

Glory be to our world’s true King And Queen
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Light of all lights and Sun of all suns.
Before them we kneel in adoration,
Giving thanks and praise for allowing us to know that:
The main Divine laws are love and evolution,
Their gospel is peace;
Everybody is our sibling
In the vast family of humankind;
When we love and forgive each other,
The karmic chains and shackles dissolve.
We ourselves created them in past lifetimes
When we were ignorant of our true nature and
The presence of God’s Universal laws.

The knowledge of these things takes our world
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into the new Golden Age when slavery and oppression,
Warmongering, violence and strife will no longer be known.
That’s why songs of joy and peace, faith and trust
Are flowing from our hearts and souls,
And we give thanks and praise to the Divine Trinity’s
And bless its sacred name.

Each time another one of us becomes aware of their real nature
And starts conducting their life in keeping with it,
Another Christ child is born in Bethlehem.

Adolphe Charles Adam
Adapted for our time by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Christmas Mean In Our Time?’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘O Holy Night’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (10)

Let It Be

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Let It Be

The Angels and Masters in the
Spiritual background of earthly life
Are in charge of us and our world.
They are the voice of the Great Father/Mother
And of my conscience.
Whenever I’m in trouble,
Their wisdom and love speak to me:
‘Be still, My child,
There’s a reason for everything
And answers to all your questions.
Let Me show the way and
Refuse to rush into things.
For a while let them be,
So I can show you  intuitively
How to respond.
Just let it be.

In my deepest, darkest hours
This voice whispers: ‘Let it be.’
And even if the broken-hearted people
Of our world as yet cannot recognise this presence,
The only thing they need to do is ask
For their guidance and protection
Which will never be denied.

That’s how, in due course,
Everybody learns about the living God within
And through their own experiences finds out
That God is as much part of us as we are of God,
That no-one is ever apart from God,
And that with the help and will
Of God and the Angels,
 The right way of handling
Any situation is sure to be found.
Just tell them about your troubles
Follow their advice
And let it be.

Spiritual wisdom and truth are God’s light.
Whenever my life clouds over,
I ask for the radiance of this light
To shine onto my problems
And intuitively show me the way forward.
Knowing that it is always the right one for me,
Even though it may not be for anyone else,
And that this will continue forever,
It’s easy to let people and things be.

That’s how in any difficult situation
Divine love and wisdom can soon take over.
And I hear my inner guidance whispering: 
‘Look for the lesson, be patient, My child.
Allow yourself to be and rest safely in the knowledge
That the answers to all your questions will
Never fail to come and light your way.

Just let yourself be and enjoy the voyage
Of your earthly existence as much as you can,
Bearing in mind that it’s merely a passing phase
On spirit/soul’s long evolutionary journey.’

Paul McCartney
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Let It Be’

‘Being part of and at one with the Great Father/Mother of all life, your soul is psychic and therefore as familiar with the past as the present and future. The Great Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation. She is the wise one within who knows the answers to every one of your questions. All She desires is to protect the human race against destroying itself. She has always been with you and part of you. When you laugh, she enjoys herself with you. And when you are sad and lonely or in pain, She suffers with you. We speak most earnestly to all of you and urge you to bring forth and develop the highest and noblest qualities of the Great Mother. The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend as the mother of God is but one of Her many symbols.’

Extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides in
‘Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding A Growing Organism’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (11)

The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
•    ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Miracles And Wonders (12)

Only A Shadow

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Only A Shadow

O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother Creator of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
The love we have for You,
Is only a shadow of Your love for us,
Your deep abiding love
That has never left us.

Our belief in You, O Creator,
Is but a shadow of Your faith in us,
Your deep and lasting faith
That has always accompanied us
On our journey forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.

O Angels and Masters,
Spirit guides, friends and helpers,
Our lives are in Your hands.  
We would not want it any other way.
And with a better understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
Our love for You,
The Highest Forces of life, steadily grows.
Your Light fills our whole being
And shines ever brighter into
The individual and collective
Heart and soul of us and our world.

The dream we have of the future that
Is in store for every human being is but
A shadow of Your plan for us and our world
Of the new Golden Age that,
In the not too distant future,
Will be our planet’s reality for all
Lifeforms that are sharing it with us.

The only thing we have to do is
Pay attention to our inner guidance,
You, the wise one or living God within,
And follow Your instructions so that
Humankind’s highest hopes and aspirations
Can find fulfilment at last.
Mother Earth will then have become a place
Where peace and harmony rule supreme.
Sickness, hunger and starvation are unknown.
The lust for warmongering, trouble and strife,
Lying and cheating, greed and corruption
Have been overcome.
Even death, as we know it,
Has been left behind.

The joy that fills our whole being
About such a future for our world
Is but a shadow of the joy of You and the Angels
About our homecoming into the awareness
Of our true spiritual nature
And through this being able to
Meet You face to face.

Carey Landry
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.

Six pointed Star

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:

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