The Great Aquarian Age Transformation
The Great Aquarian Age Spiritual Transformation
The Old Order Is Breaking Down
The darkness of our world
Is not knowing and understanding;
Light can only come when we
Make it our business to find out.
Ca. 470 – 399 B.C.
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part One
Returning To Natural Healing Methods
Throughout the whole of Creation one of the most important laws of life is that something old has to give way, die and disappear, so that something new can be born and move into the space that’s been created. Naturally, this applies as much to every human being’s inner attitudes and perceptions of life as to every world’s outer manifestations, not only ours. This is how the renewing and rebirthing creative forces of the whole of Creation are constantly occupied with moving all forms of life forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. The plandemic 2019/2021 is very much part of this process.
This is because the birth of humankind’s higher God or Christ nature, individually and collectively, for some time has been progressing so well in our world’s inner spiritual background that God and the Angels had no choice but allowing something drastic to happen that would break down our world’s old order. People’s steadily increasing over-materialistic attitude towards their earthly existence, with the passing of time left less and less ‘room at the inn’ for the birth of the Christ child in most people’s consciousness. The Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper our world moved into it, the more urgent an issue this became. Something had to happen that would take ever more of us by the scruff of our necks and shake people so that they would wake up from the illusion that earthly life is all there is to humankind’s existence.
Acquiring ever more material goodies is not why we have been granted the gift of another lifetime. By far the most important part of every human being’s educational journey through the earthly school of life is the development of their higher God or Christ nature. The plandemic has been and still is acting as a major wake-up call for this aspect of many people’s being, which at the beginning was still slumbering in far too many of us. Fortunately, there are encouraging signs everywhere that ever more of us are responding in the desired manner.
The plandemic also serves the purpose of revealing with ever increasing clarity the true intentions behind the pharma industry never ceasing money-spinning efforts. There can be no doubt about it that they, as well as everybody else who is involved, are walking in the footsteps of our world’s old religions. Humankind’s fear of death and the unknown are deeply ingrained in everybody’s soul memories, waiting to be dealt with and released. And that’s the instrument with which the pharma industry for quite some time has been exploiting humankind’s resources with constantly increasing success. The greed of those who are benefiting from the present situation, like our world’s governments and their services, the medical profession and health care associations, seems to blind them to the fact that all together they are working hard on creating the rope on which the pharma industry’s products for quite a while have been in the process of hanging themselves.
This creates the necessary space for our world’s return to natural healing methods. These methods are the cuckoo’s egg that the pharma industry’s chemicals once pushed out of the cosy nest of humankind’s resources. To find out more about what the cuckoo as an animal totem can tell us about our world’s present state please follow the link ‘Amazing Grace’ at the end of this chapter.
The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Lodge’s Calendar ‘The Gift Of Healing’ for the year 2019: ‘Healing physical bodies is good, but healing their indwelling spirit/soul is better and of much greater importance. This is because the physical body but a vessel and a vehicle so that they can get round and experience earthly life. Your spirit/soul is constantly trying to communicate with its outer manifestation, the physical body. If something is amiss with any aspect of your life, they send signals to their outer earthly self, in the hope of being heard and acted upon the right way. Your physical body shows symptoms that something is in need of attention within.
‘As soon as you have stepped onto the healer’s and healing pathway, you discover that using the pharma industry’s products to suppress the signals your inner being is giving you is no longer good enough for you. You now prefer to venture forth into finding out what the underlying cause of your physical body’s dis-ease. We recommend that whenever it needs to be comforted and healed, as much as possible look towards the age-old tried and tested remedies that have always been available to humankind through Mother Earth. You are sure to find everything you need there. And the deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the more your medical practitioners will turn to the natural healing methods that have always been provided by the herbal kingdom, colour rays, sound vibrations – especially music.
‘And praying by far is the most powerful tool on the healing journey. Every human earthly mind is, at least potentially, a receiver/transmitter station that’s capable of working with the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. That’s your direct connection with them. The old religions with their false beliefs and untruths created a blockage in every one of you that consists of layer upon layer of fears. With the passing of time, ever more layers were piled into every human being’s soul memories. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you move into it, the more urgent it becomes that even the last and slowest ones in your midst learn how to tune their earthly minds into our frequencies. This is the only way we can tell you intuitively which treatments are best for you, when you are in need of them.
‘With the passing of time, ever more new natural healing methods are going to be discovered and developed. So far some of the pharma industry’s products as well as the skills of your world’s surgeons are still required and much appreciated. But both will eventually have disappeared and that for the simple reason that they are no longer required.
‘For a long time the requirements of many people’s spirit/soul as well as that of your whole world have been neglected. Do not begrudge this. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind some valuable lessons that the earthly existence of the majority of you gradually focused ever more on the material aspects of your being. The crying of your world’s spirit/soul is the cause of its present illness. With every vaccination that takes place anywhere in your world against a non-existent virus, the strength of your world’s crying increases. Do everything that comes to you intuitively to counteract it and heal your world. Each time one of you steps onto the healer’s pathway and starts their healing journey, the whole of humankind and your world is healing with you. God bless you all. We are with every one of you, and that all the way.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The New Golden Age’
• ‘Building Our New World’
• ‘Past, Present And Future’
• ‘The Future Of Humankind’
• ‘All Things Are Possible’
• ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
• ‘Hold Your World’
• ‘Healing The Earth’
• ‘Mother Earth’
• ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
• ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
• ‘Only A Shadow’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Two
The Aquarian Energies
To my mind, Aquarius is the most versatile sign of the zodiac. This is not surprising because it represents the will and voice of the Highest levels of life, which for simplicity’s sake I call God. Among many other things, Aquarius and its natural domain, the eleventh house, are the sign and house of transmutation. Our world’s energies for some time by now have been ready to be transmuted and moved onto a higher level of existence. That’s the wise higher reason why God and the Angels allowed a plandemic to come about.
The Aquarian astrological symbol is the waterbearer. To my mind the right image for this sign is not a man but a woman who holds a container in her hands from something that looks like water is flowing. That’s why to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the meaning and energies of this sign. Contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is not one of the Water signs, which rule the emotions. It’s one of the three Air signs which are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental capabilities, in a different way in each sign. The other two are Gemini, mutable, and Libra, cardinal. Aquarius is a fixed sign. This is an indication that if you were born with your Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant in this sign, you are stubborn and find it hard to change your opinions. Read more about this by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.
Cancer is the sign dedicated to the Great Mother of all life through which she has always been communicating with Her beloved children of the Earth and teaching us. From Her vessel She has been and forever will be pouring the waters of consciousness into each one of us, humankind and our world. Cancer is the zodiac’s forth sign and the number 4 is ruled by Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius. Our world’s old belief systems, through superimposing their calendars onto its natural order that’s dictated by the energies of our planetary system, for a long time have been disturbing the natural rhythms of life, not only of our world but also of the whole of Creation. Our solar system is part of its greater order.
The beginning of each year is marked by the Sun’s entry in to Aries, the point of all beginnings. The first day of January takes place in the Capricorn, the zodiac’s tenth sign and house. There is every possibility that the Sun’s entry into Cancer this year, with each passing day will bring us closer to finding out the truth about the plandemic’s background. Its New Moon takes place on Sunday 10th July 2021 at 01.17 hrs Greenwich Meantime. In every sign the New Moon is a point of new beginnings and the energies of this one promise to be particularly beneficial for our world’s present state. Sundays are under the rulership of Leo, the sign dedicated to the Great Father of all life. The number 10 = 1 + 0 = Leo + the circle of Eternity. This shows that the Great Mother’s energies in Cancer on this day will be enjoying an extra portion of the double support of Her companion.
For the purpose of teaching humankind the value of things, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom has always first been giving our world something and that applied to many different things. A period then followed during which they disappeared and only when the predestined right time had come, they reappeared. The lack of them by then has enabled us to recognises their value. As a result, we appreciate and hold onto them and defend them against all onslaughts, so that for all affected by this lesson there will never be any need for them to disappear again. And that’s what happened to the qualities of honesty and truth in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, during which they ever more disappeared from our world. In God’s time of Eternity, where the concept of times does not exist, six thousand years in earthly terms amounts to no more than the batting of an eyelid.
And that’s what the liquid flowing from the waterbearer’s container is about. It represents the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that have always been pouring from the Highest levels of life into humankind’s earthly consciousness. First for the teaching of all kinds of lessons; when they have been imbibed sufficiently, the liquid cleanses our individual and collective consciousness from what the lessons left behind that’s no longer required and of no value; and then the liquid then revives us and our world with its steady inflow of fresh insights and ideas. That’s how, from the moment of our race’s first appearance on the Earth, all of us have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the spiral of life, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
And because Aquarius represents the energies and voice of God, it is the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and nations, and all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation. Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations can eventually find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as collective level, as soon as sufficient groundwork has been done. I hope you will forgive me for using the word siblinghood instead of brotherhood. For my liking it belongs to the developmental period we shall hopefully soon have left behind for good, with its patriarchic religions and the systematic suppression of the feminine. The Aquarian Zeitgeist for some time by now has been bringing our world ever more equal rights and opportunities for all.
The deeper we penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more powerful its energies are going to influence us and our world. And that’s why for quite a while by now, all together, we have steadily been coming ever closer to the fulfilment of humankind’s highest hopes and most ancient dreams of a new golden age when love and peace, goodwill and harmony, honesty and truth will once more be our world’s supreme rulers, the way they once were. This, however, cannot come about through the Highest levels of life wielding some kind of a magic wand to make it happen for us. Every one of us can only be their own saviour and redeemer. If that sounds like a daunting task to you, that’s what it is. However, many groups of spirit friends and helpers for a long time have been working exceedingly hard to help those on this side changing the thinking and behaviour patterns that have long outlived their usefulness.
To paraphrase what Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1821 – 1881, wrote in one of his short stories: ‘The vision of the Golden Age may be a dream, but it is one that makes our earthly existence worth living, even though it’s unlikely that such an age will ever become a reality on this plane. Indeed, this dream makes living here worthwhile.’ My inner guidance assures me that, in the fullness of time, the new golden age really will come about. That’s why, in my view, there is every reason to trust that this is going to happen and that we and our world are moving in the right direction.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘Amazing Grace’ (2)
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Three
How Did The Months Get Their Names?
As the above image of an Aztec calendar stone suggests, calendars have been with humankind for a very long time. But did you know that celebrating the new year on the 1st January is a relatively new phenomenon? The earliest recording of new year celebration is believed to be from Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 BC, but in those days the new year still occurred around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March. A variety of other dates that are tied to the seasons and the astrological calendar were also used by various other ancient cultures. For the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Persians the new year began with the autumn equinox, and for the Greeks on the day of the winter solstice.
January originally owed its name to the Janus, the God of gates, doors and beginnings, who had two faces, one looking forwards and the other one back. The first month of our year to this day takes its name from this deity. This confirms that our New Year’s celebrations are founded on pagan traditions, as all other festivities of the Christian calendar undoubtedly always have been. The custom among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands was to exchange gifts on New Year’s day. This was a pagan custom deplored by Saint Eligius, who died about 660. He warned the Flemings and Dutchmen: ‘Do not make vetulas, little figures of the Old Woman, little deer or iotticos or set tables for the house-elf at night or exchange New Year gifts or supply superfluous drinks, another Yule custom.’ The quote is from ‘the Vita of Eligius’ that was written by his companion, Ouen.
In 1582, on the instructions of a Pope by the name of Gregory the Roman calendar was adjusted and as a result most Western nations began to celebrate the start of each new year on the first day of January. This new calendar became known as the ‘Gregorian calendar.’ Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted the 1st January as New Year’s Day somewhat before they accepted the Gregorian calendar. England and the American colonies continued to celebrate the new year on the date of the spring equinox in March. It was not until 1752 that they too finally adopted the Gregorian calendar.
Have you ever wondered how the months of the year got their names and would you be surprised to find out that January has not always been the first month of the year? The ancient Romans used a different and more natural, i.e. cosmically aligned calendar system. Their year began in March and ended in February. Even though our modern system is quite different from that of the ancient Romans, they gave us something very important and that is a name for each month of the year. This is how they went about it:
March: In ancient Rome all warfaring ceased during the time of the celebration between the old and new year. When the Sun enters into Aries on the day of the spring equinox, astrologically this is the point of all beginnings that signals the rebirth of all life. In keeping with this, March was the first month of each new year in ancient Rome. Some believe that it was named March after Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries and the Roman God of war. This to me makes a great deal of sense.
April: Three theories exist regarding the origin of April’s name. The first one is that it derived from the Latin word for ‘second’, April being the second month of the ancient calendar. The second one is that the name comes from ‘aperire,’ the Latin word for ‘to open,’ because during this spring month the buds of the plants, flowers and trees are opening. Still others think April could have been named after the goddess Aphrodite.
May: May takes its name from Maia, the Earth Goddess who embodied the concept of growth.
June: This month was a popular one for weddings. The Romans named it after Juno, the queen of the Gods who is also the patroness of marriage and weddings.
July: In 44 BC July was named after Julius Caesar. Before that time it had been called ‘Quintilis,’ Latin for ‘fifth.’
August: Originally this month had been called ‘Sextillia,’ Latin for ‘sixth.’ During the biggest part of this month the Sun moves through Leo, whose planetary ruler is the Sun. Considering himself to be an offspring of the Sun, Augustus Caesar in 8 BC decided this month should be called August, after him.
Although these days we think of September, October, November and December as months 9, 10, 11 and 12, in the ancient Roman calendar they were 7, 8, 9 and 10. And that is how they got their names.
September: September comes from septem, Latin for ‘seven.’
October: October comes from octo, Latin for ‘eight.’
November: November comes from novem, Latin for ‘nine.’
December: December come from decem, Latin for ‘ten.’
February: Around 690 B.C., Numa Pompilius 753–673 BC and reigned 715–673 BC. He was the legendary second king of Rome who succeeded Romulus. This ruler turned a period of celebration at the end of the year into one that lasted a whole month and named it after the festival Februa. This is how February got its name.
January: Later, Pompilius added another month to the beginning of the year and called it January after Janus, the God of beginnings and endings, mentioned earlier.
Recommended Viewing
• Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Four
Shaking Off The Yokes Of The Past
Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light;
You, with your own vision –
And I, with my insight.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth. During this age Divine wisdom and truth are going to flow, with steadily increasing strength, directly into all human minds on the earthly plane of life that are ready to receive them. At least potentially, each one is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that always have constantly been flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. This is the only instrument every human being needs for shaking all kinds of yokes of oppression. The first yoke that’s most urgently crying for attention is that of not knowing who and what God truly is, who and what we are, where our true home is and so forth.
As soon as everybody knows about and grasp these things, it will be impossible for anyone to pull the wool over our eyes. The old religions could get away with their strange fear-inducing tales and false beliefs. It was easy for them to take advantage of and exploit humankind’s resources because of humankind’s general ignorance of the spiritual concepts of life. Even though we have come a long way since then, the plandemic could only come about because the pharma industry is walking in the religions’ footsteps. To this day far too many in our world still do not understand our world’s spiritual background and the reason why they are here, it has been comparatively easy to bring it about. We shall return to this theme, but first let’s concentrate on:
Everybody Their Own Saviour
Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me,
I call your name.
I am He who comforts you,
Who are you to be afraid?
Your flesh that fades
Is made like the grass of the field,
Soon to wither.
John Foley
Forget about the God-man Jesus. He never existed.
He is not a historical figure who once walked among
God’s beloved children of the Earth.
He is a thoughtform that was created by
God and the Angels as part of the lesson of teaching
Humankind the value of honesty and truth.
The story of Jesus’ life is but a legend that describes
The evolutionary pathway every human being walks,
In the course of many lifetimes,
Spent in the earthly school of life.
The Jesus legend is about the initiations every one of you,
At certain points of their development
As young Gods in the making takes part in.
Jesus is a symbol of everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature.
This is the wise one or living God within everybody.
That’s your built-in lie-detector who knows the
Way of all things and has the answer to any questions
Any one of you may ever care to ask.
This wise one communicates with every one of you
Through the world of their innermost feelings.
If it tells you that the plandemic is the greatest
Hoax and scam that’s ever been known in your world,
It’s an even greater lie than that the Jesus tale
Is literally true, when it first appeared in your world.
If you wish to be saved and that all the sins you
Committed on your long evolutionary road
Should redeemed, never mind looking for a force
Outside of yourself to do these things for you.
No help can come that way to anyone.
But if instead you go within and pay attention to
What I, the wise one or living God within you,
Are willing to tell you about any kind of situation
That may ever come your way,
Just call for Me.
Call Me by any name and I shall be there
To help you work your way through it.
The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me 28th June 2021 by e-mail from the healing department of the White Eagle Lodge: ‘Even though on the earthly plane of life you frequently feel as if you were alone and wandering in a wilderness, never forget that the Great Father/Mother, your true parents, are as much part of you as you are part of them. That’s why they could never leave you. They have always loved you and had only ever your best in mind.
‘That’s why we ask you to tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of God and the Angels, so that their sacred wisdom and truth can flow from them directly into you. At any given time, this is the light that has always been waiting to shine for every human being to show the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, your own and the one for the whole of humankind. This has always been happening, in spite of the fact that many in your world to this day are not yet aware of its presence.
‘The energies of the Universal Christ have always been providing every one of you and your whole world with the warmth and light of the Sun in the sky above you. There were times when these energies were known as the light of Osiris. He is but one of the many symbolisms of the Universal Christ, and Isis, His companion and lover, his feminine counterpart. The Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ. They are the Divine Trinity and cannot be separated from each other, they are one. Its energies are the messenger and comforter within every one of you who says: ‘I am. I am within every one of you. I am the truth and the love within you. I am the life within you, on the earthly plane and wherever else your evolutionary pathway may ever take you. You and I are eternally one. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from each other.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Legends For The Aquarian Age’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘The Second Coming Is Here’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Five
Dying On The Cross Of Earthly Life
The cross is the oldest symbol of humankind’s earthly existence that exists in our world. And the emaciated body of a dying man who hangs on the cross represents the drives and urges of every human being’s small lower earthly nature, which is part of our development as a young God in the making. Each one of us eventually reaches the stage when the demands of this part of our being begin to fade into the background of our consciousness. This creates the necessary space for the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher God or Christ nature to move into the foreground. We begin to lose interest in our lower nature’s desires and start to freely and willingly give them up, so that with the passing of time they shrivel away and die.
Leaving the old self behind, every earthly self eventually takes to the wings of their higher nature and learns how to fly. We are just like any bird who is ready for leaving it’s parent’s nest and eager to get on with flying. Learning to do it is by no means easy, neither for young birds or us. Yet, under the supervision of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their helpers, spirit guides and helpers, with the passing of time every one of us eventually masters the fine art of spiritually flying. This process is similar to a beautiful butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. For a predestined time only this outer shell had been the home of the first stage of the butterfly’s development as an ugly caterpillar, just like humankind’s lower earthly nature. Its empty shell is eventually left behind by everybody while their beautiful higher nature takes to its wings. It has now been endowed with the ability to lift itself above that which to this day is still ugly and unevolved on the earthly plane.
Each newly emerged butterfly has no need to worry about any of it. Having first hand knowledge of the transformation process that’s necessary to change everything into something that’s good, right and beautiful, butterfly trusts that everything else in its own time is bound to grow and evolve in similar fashion and emerge as something perfect and beautiful. By taking to the spiritual wings of a better understanding, every one of us can develop the ability of soaring above our world’s present state. Because we rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are in charge of our world, and not the pharma industry or anyone else on the earthly plane, we know that everything that’s come about is an aspect of an essential lesson for all who are taking part in it. Otherwise it would not have happened. It comforts us to know that, like anything on the earthly plane, the plandemic is but a passing evolutionary phase and of a temporary nature, the same as everything else that ever happened here has been.
Naturally this also applies to the Jesus legend. To paraphrase St. John 14:11-12: ‘The story of my life is but a legend. The Angels and Masters around the throne of life, the Christ Circle, are the executors of God’s great evolutionary plan. They created this tale. I am not a historic figure that once existed in earthly life. I am but a thoughtform. When the end of every human being’s education in the earthly school of life draws to its close, each one has evolved into a Christed one in their own right. You have become a channel of light. Your emanations will have changed so much that God and the Angels will be able to bring about, through you, much greater healing miracles than those described in the legend of my life.
‘When sufficient numbers of you understand this, it will not take long until everything in your world comes right, for the simple reason that you really exist on the earthly plane and I never did. The parables of my wonders are spiked with symbolisms and metaphors, the same as higher esoteric meaning has always been hiding behind the surface words of all your world’s religious teachings. The Jesus legend is about the initiations every human being experiences in the course of their long evolutionary journey up the spiritual mountain of life. When understood the right way, the Jesus tale can assist you with walking in my footsteps and, like the God-man, working hand in hand with God and the Angels.
‘Quite literally every one of you is a chip of the old block. The main aspect of our apprenticeship is assisting Mother Earth to develop into a more spiritual and ethereal place. God is part of you and you are part of God. That’s why, whenever you look into a mirror or into someone else’s face, especially their eyes, for they truly are the mirror of someone’s spirit/soul, you are in fact looking at God. Every cell and atom of your physical bodies is permeated by the energies of the Creator’s spirit and because of your inner oneness with Him/Her, when one of you suffers, S/He suffers with you and so does not only all of humankind and your world, but the whole of Creation. When you are enjoying yourselves, God does the same.
In her novel ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ Barbara Kingsolver writes about the confused state of humankind’s perception of its earthly existence of past times. ‘The soul speaks: ‘Misunderstanding is my corner-stone. It’s everyone’s, come to think of it. Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilisation.’
Isn’t it good to know that for quite a while we have been shedding more and more of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that for a long time filled humankind’s earthly existence? Increasing numbers of us these days realise that the ultimate purpose of our earthly existence is to stop believing everything that comes our way and instead look for the truth that’s frequently hidden behind surface words. There is only one place where truth can be found and that is within every one of us ourselves. This waking up is at best an uncomfortable experience and at worst a lengthy, frightening and painful one. Most helpful of all I find the knowledge that, no matter what may ever happen to us on the earthly plane, the essence of our being will never die and we shall not ever be alone because:
• We are eternal beings, the essence of our being is light
• Each one of us is a many faceted jewel. The innermost core of our being is spirit/soul who cannot be harmed by anything and who will never die.
• Our earthly existence is only half of the whole reality of our being.
• Although each lifetime we appear in a different guise, every one of them, in terms of Eternity, amounts to only a temporary state of brief duration.
• Wise ones in the spirit realm are in charge of the development of every one of us. Their task is to help us find our way home into the conscious awareness of our higher God or Christ nature.
• Every human being’s development as a young God in the making is long evolutionary journey. The first part of our apprenticeship consist of taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life and that takes a great many lifetimes.
• Nobody will ever be forgotten or left behind on this journey.
Therefore, let us joyously accept the responsibility for taking care of our planet and everything that shares it with us, so that at long we can play our predestined role as its guardians, keepers and caretakers. Wise ones willingly make their contribution and unselfishly live as good examples that others may wish to follow. Knowing that no heroic deeds are required, they are making a constant and sustainable stream of many small efforts. That by now has become their second nature. Although much of what they are saying and doing is no more than common sense and therefore obvious, they don’t overlook that it could still be news to many. Having taken their own small easily frightened earthly self by the hand, helping it first to walk and then to fly, it has learnt to trust that the highest forces of life will forever be taking care of all its true needs.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘From Darkness Into Light’
• ‘The King Is Dead – Long Live The King!’
• ‘The Law Of Karma’
• ‘Miracles Do Happen’
• ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
• ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
• ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
• ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
• ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
• ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
• 'I Believe In Miracles'
• ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
• ‘Healing Miracles’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
• ‘ Miracles And Wonders’
From 'Songs Of Inspiration'
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Six
Be Your Own Saviour
Turn to Me, beloved Children of the Earth.
I am Your Creator, the Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
S/He is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights.
The Angels and Masters around My throne,
The Christ Circle, and I are waiting for your call.
The Aquarian age has been with your world
For quite a while and now the time has come when
Ever more of you need to be instructed by us,
Intuitively through everyone’s own inner guidance,
How to go about saving and redeeming
Yourself and your world.
Nobody can do this for you and no-one will come
To wave some kind of magic wand,
To bring it about.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth.
This brings your world the knowledge that
The Master Jesus is not a historical figure,
Who once walked in your midst.
He is a symbolism that represents
Every human being’s own
Higher God or Christ nature.
I, the Divine Trinity, am your God.
There never was or will be any other.
Help could never come to you and your world
For as long as you kept asking for it the wrong way.
But at last the time has come for waking up
To the fact that the Angels and Masters
Around My throne are the executors of
My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
They are also responsible for that of your world
As well as the individual ones for every one of you.
They are in charge of the evolutionary progress
Of every level of all worlds,
Including yours.
At the beginning of the creative process
A law went forth from Me.
In your world it is known as the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law decrees that everything has to return to its source.
When the light of understanding how this law
Has always affected every one of you and your world,
And that this will forever continue, has reached
The darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence,
There will be peace on the Earth.
The comprehension of this law provides you
With a power tool of the highest calibre.
It places the power into everybody’s own hands
For recognising the spiritual background
And cause of the 2020 pandemic.
You may then wish join the ranks and files
Of your world’s miracle workers.
Hand in hand with the Angels and Me,
They are occupied with blessing and healing
Humankind and your world.
And that’s how the Covid-19 outbreak at present is
Slowly but surely reaching its natural happy conclusion.
Every miracle worker, at the same time, is creating
Credit entries on their spiritual ledger
For the balancing of its debit entries.
Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
As co-creators with Me,
It has always been in everybody’s own hands
To create either one or the other,
Wherever you may find yourself.
And your world’s present state creates endless
Opportunities for bringing your own small piece
Of Heaven down to the Earth.
All you have to do is turn to Me and the Angels.
They are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively
How you can take part in your world’s recovery
From the living hell of psychological warfare
Between good and evil, which is the background
And true cause of the 2020 pandemic.
Every miracle worker’s positive and constructive
Thoughts, words and actions are feeding into
Your world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its power to absorb ever more
Of the darkness that fills and surrounds
Your world’s troublemakers behind the scenes.
As creators of its present hellish state
They are feeding into the dark stream.
John Foley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated Beginning July 2020
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘How Did It All Begin?’
• ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
• ‘Of Good And Evil’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Seven
Humankind’s Evolutionary Journey
St. John 14:16 ‘And I will pray to the Father that he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. The Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.’ The Aquarian age of truth has been with you for quite some time by now. And the deeper your world moves into this age, the more of you are going to find out that I never existed as a historical figure, who once walked on the earthly plane among human beings. God and the Angels created me as a thoughtform that’s an essential aspect of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth. To enable you to recognise these qualities when they appear in your life, it was necessary to remove them for a certain period ever more from the earthly plane.
‘God’s great evolutionary plan for your world decrees that, when the age of truth has come round at last, the energies will be right for finding the truth. That’s why by now ever more of you realise that it is almost impossible to find on the outer plane of life. In particular this applies to the teachings of your world’s religions, even though their leaders are still trying to make people believe that they are literally true. But because I never existed, I cannot heal and comfort anyone. The comforter your world has been waiting for is the discovery that it is none other than everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature. The false belief that I really exist is a false one. Unless it disappears from your world, this aspect of your being cannot move into the foreground of your consciousness and slowly but surely take over its counterpart, your lower earthly self.
‘When you have been lied to and cheated sufficiently, the desire to find the truth grows ever stronger in you, so that eventually you come to the conclusion that it cannot be found on the outer plane, you are drawn to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. You discover that through your feeling world it reacts to everything that comes before you with a strong feeling of ‘this is right’ or ‘this is a lie.’ Without this guidance you are lost in your world’s present difficult situation. That’s why so many are still allowing themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter – in this case to be vaccinated, not just one but twice and maybe more.
‘More than ever before, everybody needs to learn that their inner guidance is the only truly reliable and trustworthy teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question any one of you will ever care to ask. They come to you intuitively and that’s how every one of you will eventually be taught by none other than God and the Angels directly. The truth that’s received from that the source of your being is meant to be shared with as many as possible. As soon as they too have tuned their earthly minds into the frequencies of the Highest, they are required to share their insights with those around them, including you. That’s how your world’s wealth of Divine wisdom and truth for some time by now has constantly been growing and expanding. What a refreshing change after the stagnant state of the patriarchal religions with their false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that pretended to be eternally true and unchangeable, as though their teachings had been cast in stone or set in concrete.
St. John 16:7 ‘But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.’ The belief that I can save and redeem anyone has been a false one that for some time has been disappearing from your world. And that enables the higher God or Christ nature of ever more of you to take over for the sake of comforting and healing their lower earthly self. For as long as people believed that the story of my life really is literally true this was impossible. Unbeknown to humankind for a long time, this tale was always meant to be understood metaphorically because higher esoteric wisdom and truth are hidden behind many of its surface words. The same is true for all other religious teachings. As soon as you release the truth from this prison, you will have no difficulties grasping what higher meanings they were designed to bring humankind. That’s the only way your race, individually and collectively, will be able to at last move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, every one on their own, as well as humankind’s and your whole world’s.
‘A blockage exists in every one of you that is made up of layer upon layer of fears. In the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, every one of these layers was created by following your world’s religions with their unnatural all-male God-heads and false beliefs. Each new religion that appeared on the scene did its best to outdo all previous ones by inventing and then spreading ever more strange fear-inducing tales. The more outrageous, far-fetched and as far away as possible from the truth their stories were, the more suitable they were for frightening the living daylights out of people. That’s what is happening to anyone who to this day believes that they are literally true.
‘The pharma industry is following in the footsteps of these religions. They are pursuing the same principles by spreading tales about a virus that has the power of removing the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, unless of course people accept the saviour they are offering: being vaccinated. These stories have been so successful many by now appear to be quite happy to accept two vaccinations and do not mind waiting for a third one. How many more? Basically, nothing has changed in our time. It’s just that Jesus, the old religion’s non-existent saviour and redeemer of humankind, has been replaced by being vaccinated with the pharma industry’s products. Both are equally ineffective and yet, just as efficient at bringing about what the inventors and spreaders of scaring tales always had in mind: achieving new record heights of money-spinning.’
As touched upon earlier, everything in the whole of Creation is cycles within cycles and circles within circles. Our world’s present situation closes one of them. A new generation of spiritually young and inexperienced troublemakers are doing their best to bring suffering to their old and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. With every passing day, the youngsters are pilling more karmic debts into their spiritual ledgers whilst helping the others to redeem theirs.
If the pharma industry were destined to keep on getting away with their lying and scaremongering, the sky would indeed be the limit. Yet, God and the Angels are placing the instrument for stopping them into everybody’s own hands. The greatest problem that always existed for humankind is finding the truth about anything. The only way of reliably doing it is with the assistance of everybody’s own built-in lie-detector and that’s our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. Being familiar with all things, the way our feeling world reacts to whatever comes before us tells us reliably whether something is true or false, a lie and deception. That’s what every one of us needs most urgently when we hear or read something about the so-called virus and its variants. Each new one is supposed to be adding to the severity of a ‘threat’ to humankind’s earthly existence.
The further such tales are removed from the truth, the better they suit the pharma industry’s purposes. The age-old tried and tested method is the greater a lie, the better it works for scaring people to death. This is particularly effective for as long as people are as yet unaware that every human lifetime, without exception, is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which we are snuffed out like candles and nothing remains but mortal remains for worms to feed on. What a sad tale and so untrue! Because every one of us is a young God in the making, there really is no such thing as death. Our true parents are the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Like them every one of us is an eternal and immortal being, who will and can never die. Naturally, this high and holy destiny demands that every one of us serves an apprenticeship. Our development is a long evolutionary journey of many lifetimes that, time and again, take us through every sign and house of the zodiac.
Our physical body is merely an outer shell that’s left behind each time the end of another earthly lifetime has been reached. It’s a process that’s similar to a butterfly shedding its empty chrysalis. As soon as the creature that developed in it has matured sufficiently, it takes to its wings. And that’s how, at the end of each earthly lifetime, every human spirit/soul time and again is released from the prison of its physical body. Once more we enjoy the greater freedom and beauty of the spirit realm. This is our eternal home, from which every one of us emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to as soon as it has run its course. If we know what’s ahead and are looking forward to it instead of being afraid, when one of the Angels of death or rather transformation calls for us, we just let go. In that case our departure from the earthly plane is similar to the shelling of a pea that slips from the pod that housed us during another growing period.
Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the value of our world’s old religions and the pharma industry’s tales better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’
George Orwell: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’
Mark Twain: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Eight
Never Mind Earthly Treasures
To paraphrase Matthew 6:19-20: ‘Do not look for earthly treasures that can be destroyed by moths and rust. Thieves can break in and steal them. Apart from that, you cannot take any of them with you when for you the time has come for leaving behind the earthly plane and returning to your true home, the spirit realm. Worldly belongings are useless there, you can’t take any of them with you. Once you have shaken off the yokes and shackles that the false beliefs of your world’ religions placed around your consciousness, worldly treasures reveal themselves as nothing but burdens. That’s why wise ones concentrate on looking for the heavenly treasures of spiritual wisdom and truth. They enjoy building up an ever increasing store of them and rest safely in the knowledge that they will belong to them forever and ever.
‘There is no point searching for spiritual such treasures in any of your world’s religious teachings. None of them are literally true. But as soon as you start looking behind the surface words of the tales and legends God and the Angels, through the various religions, once brought to your world, you are guaranteed to find a better understanding of humankind’s long evolutionary journey and treasures beyond compare that are eternally be yours. No-one will ever attempt to take them from you. However, knowledge on its own, of the spiritual kind or other subjects, is never enough without the ability of comprehending it. Only then can it be applied to first improve your own life and then reaching our for making your world into a better and more peaceful place for everybody.
‘Christianity’s main false belief is the tale that I, Jesus, really exist, that I can redeem all of everyone’s sins and save anyone who accepts that I am a historic figure who once walked on the earthly plane is by no means literally true. The story of my life is a legend. The false belief of my existence was created by the Highest forces of life for the wise higher purpose of creating a barrier between God and humankind. As a result, for a predestined length of time it was impossible for humankind to communicate directly with its true parents and Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. This, however, never changed every human being’s birthright of acquiring this ability. False beliefs could not wipe it out, merely delay this development.
‘This cannot happen without the realisation that the Jesus tale is not literally true; that everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature is the long awaited true comforter and healer; and that this is the only force who not only really can but eventually will save and redeem every one of you, the whole of humankind and its world. The deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more everyone’s own higher nature is going to wake up and make its presence felt in many beneficial ways. And that is the true meaning of the long promised and often talked about ‘Second Coming’ of the Christ. It is happening right here and now, in every one of you. And unless the appearance of the Jesus legend counts as one of the comings, this is indeed the first one.
‘The awakened ones in your midst are required to first find healing for themselves and then share what this journey has taught them with as many as possible, so they too can set about healing themselves. When this has been achieved, the time has come for reaching out and healing all of humankind and your whole world. This is how ultimately all of you together will be occupied with doing this. And that’s how the greatest healing miracle of all times, which for some time by now has been in the process of unfolding on your plane, will come about. Every one of you is required to give of their best, share their gifts and contribute as much as possible to this event.
‘The Jesus legend’s stations describe in picture book fashion the initiations in which every human being, all of humankind and your whole world have always been taking part. Each one on their own and all together, you have constantly been marching forwards and upwards on God’s great evolutionary spiral of life. Every stage of the Master’s life story depicts another part of the spiritual journey during which, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of you eventually evolves into a spiritual Master and Christed one, each in their own right.
‘The Christ child’s birth represents the time when the lower earthly self’s higher God or Christ nature begins to stir from its slumbering state. That’s why at a certain point of the lower self’s development it dawns on you that humankind’s earthly existence is not all there is to you and your life. Your higher nature’s hopes, dreams and aspiration begin to stir from deep within your own being. Feeling much more interesting than what you have been doing up to that point, you decide to follow them instead of giving in to your lower nature’s drives and urges. At a certain point of every human being’s evolutionary journey the awareness of the higher dimensions of life wakes up and steadily increases. Until then you do not know what to do with spiritual knowledge whenever some of it comes your way, so you reject it as imaginary nonsense. That’s why, when some of it knocks at the door of our consciousness, quite literally for you there is ‘no room at the inn’.
‘Every human being’s development consists of a long and protracted evolutionary journey that starts with taking part in every one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. At the beginning, the higher God or Christ nature in every one of you is but a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light. The Jesus legend’s ‘immaculate conception’ stands for each spark coming into being without having been touched by anything on the material plane. This is how every one of you once started their own journey and in the course of many lifetimes your Divine spark’s light constantly increases. This continues until it has grown strong enough to positively influence the thinking and behaviour patterns of its earthly counterpart, the small lower self.
‘The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life rejoice when they observe that the Christ nature of another one is waking up and that a new Christ child is being born on the earthly plane. Every one of you once started their existence as an idea in the Great Father’s mind. It was subsequently planted in the innermost heart of a creature as a tiny spark of the Christ light. In close co-operation with the Great Mother your development on the earthly plane of life began. Constantly being nurtured and cared for by the Universal Christ’s light and warmth, in the course of many lifetimes the spark in every lower earthly self eventually grows so strong that the characteristics of its higher God or Christ nature move ever more into the foreground of its consciousness.
‘Death and resurrection are descriptions of the process your spirit/soul experiences when your small and frightened earthly selves freely and willingly nail the drives and urges of their lower nature to the cross of matter, so they can die there and be no more. The cross was not invented by Christianity but is the oldest known symbol for humankind’s existence in physicality. And the resurrection of the Jesus legend represents the waking up of every human being’s true God or Christ nature. By the time this event comes about, it has been waiting for the predestined time to slowly but surely take over its small lower earthly self. This part begins to realise that on the inner spiritual level there is no separation between anything and all is one and that, therefore, everyone’s whole being, not merely their spirit/soul, has always been one with God and the Angels.
‘Your whole planet and everything that’s taking part in the present development also experiences this kind of initiation. It consists of a long drawn out process in which you and your world for a long, long time have been involved and that with steadily increasing intensity. This is how all of you together have, since the beginning of humankind’s presence on the earthly plane, always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into an ever more spiritual and etherealised future. Because of this, with the passing of time, your world is ready to change into a place where physical bodies will no longer be required for getting around.
‘Although for the time being you may find this hard to imagine, but you and your world are moving towards times when the coming and going of earthly lifetimes will no longer be necessary and therefore cease. This is because your planet has always been evolving together with humankind. Try not to think merely about your present lifetime. Refuse to get stuck there, but extend your vision to the future when this kind of thing is guaranteed to come about.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘The Second Coming Is Here’
• ‘The Road To Bethlehem & No Room At The Inn’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Nine
Renewal Of Faith, Hope And Trust
‘What your world is currently experiencing is not a spiritual rebirth. It is the birth of the higher God or Christ nature of every one of you, all of humankind and your whole world that for some time by now has been taking place. A renewal of faith, hope and trust in the blessing and healing power of God and the Angels is waking up in ever more of you. Deep down every one of you has always known that they truly are in charge of humankind’s development, individually and collectively, on all levels of your existence. Independent of whatever happened on the outer plane, everybody’s deepest innermost roots have always remained planted firmly in the heartmind of the Great Father/Mother. They are everybody’s true parents. At any given time, earthly parents are merely temporary substitutes. Depending on which lessons you intended to take part in and which karmic debts you were hoping to make good in the course of any one of your earthly sojourns, you were provided with a with a different set of parents.
‘The birth of a new and very different world is in the process of coming about and that’s why your world’s existing order has to break down. That’s why it is essential that the outstanding karmic debts of as many of you as possible should be redeemed. And it’s good that ever more of you are waking up into the awareness of their true nature and that no power between Heaven and Earth, especially not your world’s old belief systems, ever had the power of disturbing everybody’s basic oneness with God and the Angels. And that’s for the simple reason that they always have been and forever will be as much part of you as you are part of them.
‘If anything really existed that could remove the whole of humankind from the earthly plane, every one of you would be tenderly attended to by the Angels of death or transformation and allowed to enter the greater freedom of the spirit realm. Wouldn’t it be heavenly to leave behind the earthly plane’s troublemaking and scaremongering? How about no longer having to take care and that by day and night of a physical body that can become ill and is easily damaged? If it were part of the Divine evolutionary plan for your world and all individuals within it, and therefore in keeping with the will and wishes of God and the Angels, that all of you should be released like butterflies from their chrysalises, wouldn’t that be the most wonderful end to your world’s present situation? It’s not going to happen because that would be far too easy. Nothing could be learnt from such a solution and what do you think would happen to everybody’s unfinished lessons in the earthly school of life?
‘Fortunately, after having been taken in by your world’s traditional religious teachings for long enough, thinking of them as being literally true, every one of you eventually reaches the end of their curriculum in the earthly school of life. Every human being, without exception, is destined to have evolved by then into a seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, a healer and lightbringer in their own right, who accepts nothing but the truth, the whole truth. Your belief that there is a force outside of you, by the name of Buddha, Jesus, Hare Krishna and so forth, has been exchanged for the awareness that each one of these is merely another symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. At first it is but a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light. But in the course of many earthly lifetimes, the light of this spark constantly grows while the consciousness of its small lower self keeps on expanding.
‘When this inner light has grown strong enough, it begins to stir from its slumbering state and wakes up. It then slowly but surely takes over as the comforter and healer of its counterpart, everybody’s small lower earthly self. From there it reaches out to others and eventually to the whole of humankind and its world as well as everything that shares takes part in it. As the energies of the Christ light wake up and take over in ever more of you by now, the greatest healing miracle of all times is in the process of unfolding in your world, even though to this day can be seen with a merely earthly vision. Every one of you is required to part in it and make their contribution by unselfishly giving of their best and sharing their God-given gifts with as many as possible.’
The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me in e-mail of the White Eagle Lodge 4th July 2021: ‘The clouds of mist and fog that were created by your religions’ false beliefs, in the course of many centuries, to this day are what’s keeping many of you away from directly connecting with God and the Angels. Being unable to receive their share of Divine wisdom and truth, is the result of not yet knowing that everybody will eventually be taught by their very own inner guidance, also known as the wise one or living God within. This is everybody’s very own built-in lie-detector who, through the world of your feelings, has always reacted to everything that came your way with: ‘This is true or false!’ Your world’s present state came about because of this lack of knowledge.
‘The Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. And every one of you is a spark of this light that for a long time has been waiting to wake up and come fully alive in ever more of you. So that this can happen, each one of you has to work their own way through an inner barrier that consists of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions. There is a rich store of them in every human being’s soul memories. Layer upon layer are waiting to be dissolved, so that the blessing and healing power of the Universal Christ’s light can flow with ever increasing strength first into you, to heal every aspect of your being, and from there it flows into everything else in your world that’s in need of it.
‘The fresh insights into ancient themes that for quite a while have been coming your way, have already provided many with a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. Viewing your world’s present state from the spiritual perspective, these fortunate ones are aware that everything that ever happened in your word – and is doing so to this day – has always served the wise higher purpose of teaching certain lessons. In spite of the plandemic they are feeling safe. This is because they know that it is necessary and that the Christ Light will forever be shining into and through everything in the whole of Creation, therefore every one of you, the whole of humankind and its world.
‘The Angels and Masters of the Christ circle are part of their consciousness. Their love has always been working hard to beautify and heal every aspect of it, from within as well as without. When you tune your earthly minds into their frequencies, you are welcoming the presence of their energies. When you work with them, they mingle with yours and through your penetrate everything that shares your world with you.
‘In the whole of Creation life consists of a magnificent blending of the rays of light. And each time you look out at the stars at night, straight away you are connected with the great cosmic ocean of life and your own solar system’s planets. Allow your thoughts to wander beyond it and systems further and further away from your world. Give thanks and praise to God and the Angels that all of them are linked in one great powerful life and that’s by no means something automatic. It’s God’s intelligence that’s working through all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation from the tiniest insects to you and your world.’
O Great Father/Mother of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power through-out the Universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Carl Boberg
Swedish Pastor
Adapted by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘God – The Great Genius’
• ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
• ‘What Is Truth?’
• ‘What Is Faith?’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Ten
Message From A Hopi Native American Chief
The following is the essence of a message from Bas Ha, the Hopi Indian Chief. It recently came my way with comments about our world’s present state: ‘The way every one of us handles this situation decides whether we ourselves turn it into a door that can be walked through or a hole into we have fallen. The decision of which option we prefer is up to each individual. If we allow ourselves to swallow the information the mass media are relentlessly pumping into our world, we cannot help supercharging our consciousness with negativity. In addition to this, if we believe that whatever we see or hear is true, without consulting our inner guidance of the wise one and living God within, whether it really is, we are creating such a state of nervousness, pessimism and fear for ourselves that we cannot help falling into the hole.
Wise ones perceive our world’s present state as an opportunity for taking a closer look at themselves, their inner motivations to find out which ones are ruled by fear, especially the worst and deepest innermost ones. A subsequent effort at finding a better understanding of the processes of life and death, with the passing of time helps wise ones to shed their fears. Leaving them behind enables them to take better care of all aspects of their own being, not merely the outer shell of their physical body, as well as of those around them. Having become aware that the spirit realm is humankind’s true eternal home, motivates these sages to frequently connect with their brother/sisters in that world to ask for their help whenever they feel in need of it. And that enables them to walk through the door easily.
Our world’s present state is a crisis of physical dimensions that have never before existed on this planet. But its spiritual aspects are of even greater importance. Their perception of the wise higher purpose that every human earthly existence serves enables those who are truly wise to lift themselves, those around them and our whole world above the situation. The wings of a better understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of this event provide them with a much greater vision. Like a White Eagle they soar above it.
The social demands of this situation cannot be separated from the spiritual ones. Otherwise the danger of falling into the trap of fanaticism, in either direction, would be too great. Without the spiritual dimensions, that of falling into the trap of pessimism and futility cannot be avoided. To enable us to deal successfully with this situation, this is how we need to equip ourselves. First look into our inner toolbox and use all tools at our disposal. See what can be learned from how the Indian and African peoples successfully survived attempts of being exterminated by those who invaded their lands.
Those left behind never stopped singing and dancing. They lighted fires and did their best to enjoy themselves, in spite of what was happening around them. They kept on attending to the arts, especially music. Making as well as listening to it are equally beneficial, in particular when singing. They never forgot to regularly count our blessings. As far as we are concerned, first in line is an understanding of what’s happening in and to our world and why it is necessary. There’s no need for sadness or feeling guilty about not taking part in the vaccinations. Such feelings deplete our energies and that’s never helped anyone. Joyfulness creates resilience. Let’s rejoice about the situation’s spiritual aspect and that is that our whole world’s spiritual nature is waking from its slumbering state.
Feelings of inner joy make us strong and positive, in spite of it everything that’s happening in our world and even because of it, and that is every human being’s birthright. Let’s maintain as beautiful, cheerful and as bright an outlook on life as well as a physical posture as possible because that’s a tested and tried strategy of resistance. It enables us to be serene in a storm; keep calm and don’t forget to meditate daily. No matter what happens, we shall never give up hope that the truth, and nothing but the whole truth, will soon become known ever more widely in our world.
The awareness of its sacred background brings with it the knowledge that spirit friends and helpers have always been with us. They are ready and waiting to be contacted and asked for their help, because without requesting it they are not allowed to do so. Enjoying the arts, living with hope, faith and trust filling – not only our heart but our whole being – that our world’s situation is in the process of resolving itself for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and our world, that’s the best way of building up the resilience of all aspects of our being.
A new perception of the wise higher purpose that our world’s present state serves makes it easier to walk through our inner doors of understanding. All our fears need to be overcome and left behind. This is only possible when one faces them, one after the other, without shying away from the fear of death and the unknown. Dealing with fears and anxieties is no longer difficult when one knows, and one’s inner guidance confirms that this is true, that every human being – without exception – is an eternal and immortal being who will never die; that the whole of humankind, our world and everything that shares it with us, has always rested safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and that this will forever continue.
The awareness of these things opens our inner doors to the understanding that there really is no death, merely a moving into different dimensions of life. Equipped with this knowledge, leaving behind our physical bodies is no longer a particularly big deal. Even if it were part of God’s great evolutionary plan that the whole of humankind should at this point be removed from the face of the Earth by a virus, there would be no point in getting unduly upset. God’s justice is perfect and that’s why, without good reasons, something of this nature could never happen.
Because the law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course, returns everything that’s sent into our world to its sender, the persecutors of the American and African Native people of the past are these days being pursued by demands that every human being should compulsorily be vaccinated with the more than doubtful products of the pharma industry. The plandemic is the natural follow-up and result of persecutions that took place in times gone by, when some folks were exploited and illegally removed from the lands they had once inherited from their forebears.
Everything in the whole of Creation is cycles within cycles and circles within circles. That’s how the plandemic was created by the pharma industry’s greed and lust for money-spinning. Our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are employed by this industry and generously rewarded for their efforts of spreading the greatest lie and deception that have ever affected humankind. This is only possible because, for a long time and in the course of many lifetimes, countless crimes were committed in the name of a non-existent invisible God by the name of Jesus. In this way ever more karmic debts accrued in spiritual bank accounts, which until recently were still waiting their redemption.
And because humankind as a whole, for some time by now, has been approaching the end of what the earthly school of life’s lessons can offer it, the plandemic was necessary. Through the suffering that was brought about by the invention of an equally non-existent and invisible fiend, which this time is known by the name of Covid-19 virus, the redemption of some of the most ancient karmic debts has been taking place for quite a while by now. This is due to the fact that every human being has to take part in the same thorough all-round education that can only be found in the earthly school of life. Every lesson it offers has to be experienced twice, first at the giving end and later the receiving one. That’s how in later lifetimes, when we have matured sufficiently to cope with the suffering we once inflicted upon those around us, we find ourselves at the receiving end and are in fact our own ancestors. On every occasion, one more big circle closes.
White people once brought our tribes a non-existent God by the name of Jesus. In his name they felt justified to systematically exterminate as many of us as possible, so they could take possession of our lands and possessions. But our people’s the love and respect for the natural forces of life and our spiritual connections with them were stronger. That’s why the invaders of our lands did not succeed to rob us of them by destroying them, the way they did with our physical bodies and other material belongings. Our tribes’ spirits were stronger. That’s why nothing could ever stop us from continuing to love and honour Mother Earth and practising the ability to naturally heal whenever something went wrong with any part of someone’s being. In the course of many generations, this knowledge had steadily been built up so that it became ever more sophisticated.
Our world’s present situation is occupied with the closing of yet another giant circle that has been brought about by ever more people losing faith in the whole range of the pharma industry’s products. The plandemic is the rope on which this industry for quite a long time has been occupied with hanging itself. It was their products in general that’s now followed by an increasingly urgent call for ever more mass vaccinations, that once removed our world from the natural healing methods that had been developed by generations of natural healers in just about every part of our world. These healing methods are in the process of returning with ever increasing force. Inspired by God and the Angels, new ones are being discovered and developed, all the time. And that’s how yet another circle within a circle is closing.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Eleven
Knowledge Is Light
The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, the Universal Christ. The will and power of the Father are the first impulse of Creation. The wisdom and love of the Mother is the second. And the third is the Christ Star’s light through which the Father/Mother express and manifest themselves. This is how by and by they have been getting to know ever more about who and what they are. Because spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing darkness is the reason behind the Father’s command: ‘Let there be light!’
Helen Keller, the blind and deaf author, political activist and lecturer, said: ‘Knowledge is love, light and vision.’ Alas, this does not apply to any kind of knowledge. Searching for enlightenment through the right kind of knowledge that has always been why every human spirit/soul has to spend many lifetimes in the school of earthly life. Until we have evolved sufficiently to receive the right kind of knowledge and understand it, we are prisoners of each temporary vehicle for getting around on the Earth, the outer shell of our physical body. It takes a long time until the initial darkness of not knowing who and what we truly are dissolves.
Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, we have always been and forever will be searching for experiences that increase our wisdom and understanding of our existence and the wise higher purpose it serves. Each step every one of us proceeds towards the goal of finding full enlightenment in the knowledge of God’s true nature, our own and our special relationship with the Divine, not only expands our personal consciousness but also that of Mother Earth and the whole of Creation. The discovery that life on our home planet has always been unfolding in keeping with God’s great plan of life is a major move in the right direction. I believe that astrology in the right hands can be turned into a most helpful instrument for recognising and understanding the wise higher purpose of our solar system’s planetary arrangements. When one takes a closer look at it, it becomes clear that it was designed with the greatest of care like a giant clockwork that functions with astonishing accuracy.
But that’s by no means the end of anything. The plan for the development of our world is part of the design for the whole of Creation. Within both of them there are also zillions of small plans for the evolutionary progress of every human spirit/soul that down the ages has emerged from our Creators heartmind. From the moment of their first appearance in earthly life every one of us has carried around in their heart a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ. The warmth and love of the Christ light are constantly drawing every one of these minute lights towards itself. From the word ‘go’, each one is guided and protected by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, as well as the guides and helpers who are serving them in the lower ranks of the spirit realm.
Intuitively, these friends have always tried to show us the way. They are the voice of the wise one or living God, the small still voice of our conscience who knows very well what is right and wrong, even though the earthly self, to its detriment, for a long time is reluctant to follow its advice. In spite of this, supported and nourished by the Christ Star’s light, the strength of each spark’s own light slowly but surely increases. With the passing of time, the tiny sparks who once found themselves exiled on the strange and unfamiliar material plane, begin to stir from their slumbering state. Their earthly self’s love nature wakes up and with every passing lifetime this aspect of our nature grows stronger. This development continues until the spark has evolved into a shining light that’s doing its best to do its share of dispersing the darkness of ignorance, whose clouds to this day are filling and surrounding our world’s consciousness.
The right kind of knowledge for every earthling is the awareness that the dot and circle in the middle of our birthcharts represent our Highest Self in whom we are all one. They are a symbol of the Great Sun of the Universal Christ, only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the Light of all lights and the Sun above and behind the Sun in the sky above us. Everything that exists in the whole of Creation has been created from this Star’s light and every one of us, without exception, started their evolutionary journey as one of Its sparks. With the help of Its light and warmth the Divine Trinity constantly draws all lifeforms, not merely that of the Earth, closer into its loving embrace. Increasingly beautiful and perfect manifestations of everything that once emerged as a mere idea from the heartmind of the Father are the result. Perfect in this context means all characteristics accepted and integrated, and all dualities and polarities working peacefully and harmoniously together, the way they are doing in our Creator.
It is in the nature of evolution that the predestined pathway of every human spirit/soul begins with experiencing itself as a physical being in a world of matter who can do nothing but manifesting the drives and urges of its lower nature. Through the spiritual wisdom and understanding that comes our way in the course of many lifetimes our consciousness keeps on expanding, under the influence of the Christ light the amount of light in the cells of our being increases correspondingly. Through our earthly self gradually bringing forth ever more of the characteristics of its God or Christ nature, every one of us slowly but surely evolves into a Christed one in their own right and one of the finest and most noble and perfect specimens of our race. Perfect here means whole and holy, i.e. all aspects of our nature integrated and healed into one.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Away In A Manger’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Let There Be Lights In The Firmaments’
• ‘How Did It All Begin?’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Thirteen
Welcoming Our Spiritual Nature
The way people react to whatever comes before them, at any given moment shows the wise ones in charge of their development in the spiritual background of our world which level of spiritual awareness someone has reached. With the help of the plandemic the Highest Forces of life are sorting the wheat from the chaff on the earthly plane. The energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be right for re-incarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation from a predominantly material place into a completely spiritual and ethereal one is complete and the new golden age is with us. And that’s the direction in which our world has been moving for quite a long time by now. Anyone who is insufficiently evolved will be continuing their education as a physical being in a material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet, for which their energies are right.
The spiritual aspect of our nature is the most precious part of every human being. For as long as we try to ignore and deny its presence, instead of welcoming and embracing it, it cannot do anything but push itself ever more forcefully into the foreground of the consciousness of its earthly counterpart, the small and easily frightened lower self. This development cannot be avoided and who in their right senses would want to when its attempts at pushing through are sure signs that our earthly education is drawing to its close. For wise ones who know how to go about it the right way, there will be no need for spending further lifetimes on the Earth. If only more of us knew about this, so that they could also start to co-operate with their higher God or Christ nature and reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of God and the Angels in preference to what’s on offer from the pharmaceutical industry. This is why this new part of my jottings came into being.
What everyone needs to know is that when something of this nature happens to them, it’s their very own God or Christ nature who, from the deepest innermost core of their being, is doing its best to work its way through the layers of the negative and destructive things with which we were indoctrinated by the religions of past lifetimes. Stored in our soul memories, from the subconscious level of our being to this day they are influencing everything we think, say and do. And the older and more experienced spirit/soul we are, the more layers of such recollections have been piled on top of the innermost connection with the Source of our being.
Part of these layers are extremely powerful fears that were instilled by the preachers and the teachings of the various religious organisations we once followed in the course of many lifetimes. Let’s forgive them for they did not know any better themselves than threatening those who refused to believe in Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind with eternal hellfire and damnation, to use but one example. True believers were only those who followed the religion that developed around this legend. They were expected to donate generously of their money and earthly possessions thus enriching the churches’ coffers more and more. Anyone who dared to think otherwise was declared to be a heretic and became the victims of the inquisition and witch hunting mania.
Layer upon layer, similar to the peeling of an onion, the soul memories of such events and the feelings that to this day accompany them and have the power of troubling us from the subconscious level of our being, eventually have to be peeled away by the small and easily frightened earthly self of every one of us. But how to start this process when someone has no idea of why they are feeling the way they do? When all is said and done, it’s a labour of love that can only be carried out by each one of us ourselves. After all, we are young Gods in the making, who are serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane. It’s a task that befits this elevated status and that’s why no-one can do it for us or on our behalves.
Nobody can wave some kind of a magic wand to make the frightening feelings go away – least of all the products of the pharmaceutical industry. And as many of us know by now, the tale that a saviour and redeemer would come to take away the sins of past lifetimes is but a legend. Our spirit guides and helpers are not allowed to do the work for us either. They can only encourage and coax us along, providing us with their strength and courage, and that’s all.
If only one could explain to those who had a breakdown or are in danger of having one, that as soon as one views it from the right perspective, the spiritual one, one recognises that life on the Earth is by no means merely a vale of tears and sorrow. It is a place that is filled with opportunities for learning, a school in which human beings can grow ever more Heaven-tall. How can we tell them that God is something very different from what people used to believe and certainly from what is likely to be hidden in their soul memories about this theme.
Our earthly existence is basically much more simple and straight forward than anyone could ever have imagined and with the help and will of God and the Angels crooked corners can be made straight, problems solved, ugly things made beautiful, any condition healed through wonders and miracles that with their assistance can come about for all those who know how to go about it the right way. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter. All we have to do is reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of the Highest Forces of life to request their help. Whatever we ask for with our whole being will never be denied.
To paraphrase what Jack Hodgins in his novel ‘The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne’ wrote about the basic human reluctance against change: ‘Maybe there is something in all of us that tries to hold us back on familiar territories. Did our cave-dwelling grandparents and we, as our own ancestors in previous lifetimes, whose memories have been shrouded by the mists of forgetfulness, once fought hard to resist standing upright? Or hate the person who did this first to show those around them how it’s done? Did we panic when hair on our shoulders began to thin out? Did we fight the beginnings of speech? Could it be that, crouched in the dark caves of our ignorance of such matters, we still object to anything that wants to take us forward and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life?’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Is There A God?’
• ‘Who Or What Is God?’
• ‘God : The Great Mystery’
• ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
• ‘Soul Healing For Our World’
• ‘World Healing Meditation’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
• ‘Developing Discernment’
• ‘Colonising New Planets’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Fourteen
More Astrological Background
Aquarius is the sign of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on our planet but throughout the whole of Creation. It is also the sign of group consciousness and in the course of the present Aquarian age, a period of approx. 2,500K years, ever more of us will be learning how to march to the tune of their own inner drum, the wise one or living God within. This is the antidote to what the mass media, richly rewarded by their employers, the pharma industry, for quite a long time by now, methodically and with steadily increasing success, have been pumping into our world. Their messages are making the masses believe that our race is in danger of being extinguished and wiped from the face of the Earth, due to an invisible fiend by the name of Covid 19 and its variants. Ever more of them are said to be appearing and all for the sake of keeping the pharma industry’s money-spinning efforts going at top speed.
What the companies involved do not know is that Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. These energies are designed to assist humankind, in the fullness of time, to shake off the yokes that, for long enough by then, will have been restricting humankind’s freedom to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This freedom consists of believing what everybody’s own inner guidance says is true. And that’s usually not what was written a long time ago and is outdated. In particular this applies to our world’s religious teachings that are supposed to be literally true. And yet, all of them contain the truth. Alas, it’s futile to look for it in their surface words because for a predestined length of time their higher esoteric true meanings had to remain hidden behind them. They are meant to be discovered when the age of truth has been reached. That time is NOW and the deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of the truth is going to be revealed.
Leo is the sign dedicated to the Great Father of all life. In the year 2021, a mere two days after the Sun had entered this sign, on the 24th July at 02.37 hours Greenwich Meantime a full Moon will be taking place. Leo’s polar opposite in the zodiac is Aquarius. The times around the full Moon in every sign being one for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a long time, how much of the truth about the background of our world’s present state can this full Moon bring to our world?
Nobody can hide the truth forever and this is for the simple reason that it’s not meant to remain hidden. Cancer is the sign of the Great Mother that’s ruled by the Moon. Its energies are shy and withdrawn, affecting everybody mostly on the inner subconscious levels. Having left the Cancerian energies behind, the Great Father’s influence takes over and steps onto our world’s stage. How much of the truth will His energies have in store for His beloved children of the Earth? And how much longer will it take until the Aquarian Zeitgeist has grown sufficiently strong to bubble to our world’s surface to start shaking off the plandemic yoke that’s suffocating our economies because of the pharma industry’s selfish greed that already has brought about many personal breakdowns, as well as national and international ones?
But let’s return to taking a closer look at lifetimes in which we are more in danger of suffering from personal breakdowns than others. First in line are Pisceans with their proneness for slipping into deep depressions that may wind up in breakdown. Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces in the zodiac. Through its inner connection with this sign, Sun Virgos are similarly affected. The same applies to the polar opposition of Sagittarius and Gemini. When the Sagittarian superconscious faculties are trying to wake up a lower earthly self to Its presence, that part could be reluctant to move forward to getting to know the new dimensions of life that are meant to be discovered. The small and easily frightened lower is frightened of getting to know the most beautiful and precious part of its being, its very own higher God or Christ nature.
The Chinese call Gemini the monkey sign, because of the ceaseless mental activity of their earthly mind, which all of us eventually have to learn how to take control of. Being a mental and not an emotional sign, Geminians may prefer spending their time in endless small talk and revelling in the minutest details of the most trivial things, rather than reaching into the depths of their world of feelings and emotions. Sagittarius, the procrastinator of the zodiac, would rather go jet-setting round the globe in pursuit of some illusory greener pastures than looking for them within, guided and protected by their Highest Self. As a result, both signs are likely to wind up in a breakdown.
Scorpios may suffer from depressions because of their reluctance to reveal their true feelings. At times they can be too deep probing and intense for their own liking. Deeply feeling and highly sensitive to the emotional vibrations of those around them, they are particularly good a hiding their true feelings away from themselves. The inevitable result is that in the fullness of time they sink into depression. Pisceans, ruled by Neptune, are under similar influences, as the danger of deceiving oneself and others always loom large wherever this planet’s energies come strongly into play.
Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, the Roman God of War, and Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, a symbolism of the subconscious level of our being. The Plutonian energies ensure that, when the time for the appearance of something that was formerly hidden is right, the truth about it comes bubbling to the surface of our own consciousness. This applies as much for us individually as collectively for the whole of humankind. The cathartic purging and cleansing effects of the Plutonian energies are designed to cleanse us and our world of the drives and urges of our race’s small lower selves. Find out more about this by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.
The Christ Star’s light eventually absorbs that which is no longer desirable and of use on the earthly plane of life and uplifts and transmutes its energies into blessing and healing ones for the whole of Creation. Every earthly self’s highest potential in all signs and houses of the zodiac and especially Scorpio and it’s natural domain, the eighth house, is to lift itself, the whole of humankind and our world on the mighty spiritual wings of the Great White Eagle above the concerns of our earthly existence into the blessing and healing power of the Highest Star and the healing light of the Christ Star. This eagle represents the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the warmth and light of the Universal Christ’s spirit.
Breakdowns occur more frequently when we approach our first and second Saturn return at the age of 29 ½ and 59 years respectively. This also applies to the Uranus opposition or midlife crises. See the respective links below.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘My Interpretation Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
• ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
• ‘Age 29 1/2 - First Saturn Return’
• ‘Age 58/59 - Second Saturn Return’
• ‘38/45 Midlife Crisis - The Uranus Opposition’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘Love : The New World Order’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Fifteen
The Spiritual Rebirth Of Humankind
Ah, Love! Could you and I with fate conspire,
To shatter our world’s sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits – and then,
Re-mould it nearer to our heart’s desire?
Omar Khayyam
1048 – 1123 AD
Adjusted for our time
By Aquarius
This new part of my jottings was launched in January 2020 when the Sun had just moved from Capricorn, the densest of the Earth signs, into Aquarius, one of the Air signs devoted to the development of humankind’s intellectual and mental capabilities. From the energies of gloom and doom loving Capricorn everything in our world for thirty days will come increasingly under the influence of forward looking Aquarius, the sign of truth and honesty through which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations eventually are going to find their fulfilment.
The deeper we go forward into the Aquarian age, the more the time has come for leaving behind the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that the religions of the past have been piling up in our soul memories. The Aquarian energies are providing us and our world with the iconoclastic powers of smashing them into smithereens, so they can be absorbed into the warmth of the Christ Star’s light to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation. They are flowing to wherever they are needed and especially when someone asks for them.
Because every human being is potentially a young God in the making, the Aquarian energies can be used by our earthly selves for lifting ourselves and our whole world on our spiritual wings into the blessing healing energies of the Christ Star’s warmth and light. Through this, with the passing of time, we slowly but surely evolve into a miracle worker in our own right who can make a valuable contribution towards the blessing and healing of humankind, our world and ultimately the whole of Creation.
‘The Indians tell us that the phoenix can rise
From the smouldering ashes that once were my eyes
And watch beautiful colours from black and from grey
Be formed into wings and take me away
To where evil is darkness and goodness is light.
And love is the lightning that cuts through the night,
And strikes only once in a dark place in time,
And forms a gold stairway that all of us climb.’
From the song ‘Chain Lightning’
By Don McLean
That’s how the spirit/soul of ever more of us is learning to rise like a phoenix from the smouldering ashes of its own funeral pyre, into the conscious awareness of our own true God or Christ nature. The cross is the most ancient symbol known to humankind of our earthly existence. And the emaciated body of the man who, nailed to a wooden cross is breathing his last, represents the process of freely and willingly surrendering the drives and urges, the dark and ugly aspects of our lower nature, to our highest God or Christ nature. The more we pay attention to and follow the instructions we intuitively receive from our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, the more our lower nature dies a natural death and breathes its last.
The rebirth of a whole race and its world into the conscious awareness of its spiritual nature is a birth like any other. There is no doubt in my mind that every one of the crises that have been and still are taking place on the earthly plane is necessary and indispensable aspect of the labour pains of this event. Therefore, they cannot be avoided during the time our world spends waiting to emerge as a more beautiful and peaceful place for all lifeforms that share it with us. In keeping with the will and wishes of God and the Angels, individually and collectively, everything that is evil and ugly, i.e. the crude and unevolved parts of our character and our world by now have become old and outdated. That which is no longer of any use and value to us needs be removed in order to created the necessary space for the birth of that which is good, right and beautiful, i.e. the higher evolved aspects of our nature and that of our world.
Isn’t it comforting to know that whatever happened for us and our world in the past and is doing to this day, has been and still is for the wise higher reason of teaching us urgently needed lessons? And wherever any one of us presently may find themselves, in earthly life or the spirit realm, all of us are taking part in and have our predestined part to play in the powerful drama of humankind’s rebirth. The steadily increasing flow of knowledge about the spiritual background of our race and the wise higher purpose that our earthly existence serves is the most valuable contribution. It enables those who can understand the knowledge that is coming our way to observe for themselves how, the deeper we penetrate into the Age of Aquarius, God and the Angels are removing from the consciousness of our world ever more of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of past ages that have held our race captive for such a long time.
The inner and outer walls of this dark prison of ignorance are crumbling away. The Highest Forces of life, in their infinite wisdom, created these obstacles for the teaching of important lessons as well as for keeping us earthlings away from finding out about God’s true nature and our own too early. Bearing these things it mind it’s no longer surprising that the by now outdated belief systems of our world to this day insist that their false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are literally true. In the course of many lifetimes, every one of us absorbed their share of them. Stored in the soul memories of the subconscious part of our being, they are waiting to be shed once and for all. Until this has been attended to, from there they have the power of influencing every one of our thoughts, words and actions.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
• ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
• ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
• ‘The Cross Of Life’
• ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
• ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
• ‘The Cross We Bear’
• ‘The Higher Purpose Of Suffering’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Sixteen
Earth’s Energies Are Changing
Long before humankind ever appeared on the Earth, our planet has constantly been taking part in Cosmic events of vast proportions. And for quite some time the tempo of humankind’s individual and collective spiritual development and march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral has been steadily increasing. Since our entry into the Aquarian age, this has become ever more noticeable in the world around us.
There have been Aquarian ages before and each one has led to a new Golden Age. It’s a time when people are going to live together in peace and harmony, helping each other wherever they can rather than exploiting and taking advantage of those around them, the way it is happening in our world to this day. This is because many of us are still unaware that everything they we send into our world in due course is bound to return to us, if not in our present lifetime then in a future one. In the case of unpleasant and painful events, if by then we have become sufficiently evolved the time has come to forgive ourselves for causing them.
Approx. every 2,200 years a new Aquarian age comes round. Each time a new batch of spirit/souls has evolved sufficiently to be released from taking part in the compulsory education of the earthly school of life as a physical being. For a long time Mother Earth alone could provide it, but on this occasion things are going to be different. God’s great plan for us and our world decrees that during this particular Aquarian age our race’s rebirth into the individual and collective conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own will take place. This is because the time of experiencing Mother Earth as a place of learning has run its course. As we only recently entered into the latest Aquarian age, even if it takes several lifetimes there will be plenty of time to reach this goal for those who are presently being prepared by God and the Angels to continue their education on the next higher level of life. The Golden Ages do not come about on their own. Everybody has to do their share of creating them through conducting their lives in the right manner in the here and now.
And what about the troublemakers of our world? They are young and inexperienced spirit/souls who are receiving their earthly initial training and through this provide tests and trials that are needed for the lessons of us older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. Through the suffering we ourselves brought about with the help of our thinking and behaviour patterns of previous lifetimes, this one serves the wise higher purpose of familiarising us with the nature of suffering that brings us opportunities for redeeming some of our karmic debts. If we react to and deal with what comes our way in the right manner, the doors of forgiveness for ourselves and others open. And that enables us to attend to all our debts and so restore the balance of our spiritual bankbook. It’s comforting to know that our young and inexperienced siblings are not going to reincarnate on Mother Earth. They will continue their education on a younger and less evolved planet. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter.
The change of energies that takes place each time we move from one sign of the zodiac into the next is always a big and unsettling one that takes a lot of getting used to. This applies as much to our whole world as it does to the progressions of every individual birthchart. Because of this change of energies for quite some time just about everybody has been struggling with their own problems as well as those of our world. The silver lining of this cloud is that the Aquarian influence is equipping us earthlings with a greater ability to grasp the realities of our existence’s spiritual background. These energies are steadily growing stronger and that’s why, with the passing of time, understanding the new age’s requirements and responding to them is going to get easier.
But first let’s take a closer look at astrological background of the energy change. Behind us lies the Age of Pisces, the age of blind faith, deceptions and self-deceptions, cheating, lying and the suffering they are causing to this day. The present Age of Aquarius started around 1900 AD and will continue until approx. 4,100 AD. It is a period in which the character qualities of our God or Christ nature like truth and honesty, faith and trust, integrity and loyalty will gradually emerge as the supreme rulers of our world. A sure sign of this is the ever increasing amount of spiritual wisdom and truth that for quite some time has been flowing with steadily increasing strength directly from the Universal mind of the Highest into the consciousness of our world.
It takes the Earth nearly 26,000 years to complete one whole cycle that takes us through every one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. One of these cycles is known as a Great Years and each sign the Earth passes through represents a Great Month. Every one of them lasts for about 2,200 years and the unique character of their energies strongly influences and manifests itself in all creatures and happenings on our planet. The Great Months are also known as the Ages of Humankind’s development. No-one can tell exactly when one age ends and a new one begins. Yet, the evidence of its presence that is appearing everywhere in our world leaves no doubts in my mind that the Age of Aquarius is with us. When you observe your environment more closely, you will be able to see for yourself how the Aquarian energies are influencing everything in our world ever more forcefully, regardless of the fact that remnants of the Piscean age are still with us. As hard as they are to shake off, individually and collectively every one of us has to deal with them and can only do so in their own way.
Pisces is the most fluid one of the Water signs and Aquarius is the most fixed Air sign. Many human problems are arising because our physical bodies as well as our planet’s physical appearance are changing from consisting predominantly of the water element to that of air. The former represents the emotional part of our nature while the latter is dedicated to the development of humankind’s intellectual capabilities of thinking and problem solving. Bearing this in mind, it’s not surprising that many are experiencing various types of mental disorders. And because thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, walking on water, i.e. taking charge and learning how to control our emotional world and also our thought processes are everybody’s first and most urgent requirements of the Aquarian age.
Pisces being the twelfth sign of the zodiac and its natural domain is the twelfth house, both are thought of as the dustbin of the zodiac. Everything that was left behind unattended is waiting to meet us here. Sign and house are clearing stations for our karmic debts and we are offered opportunities for redeeming at least some parts of them. This is what for quite some time has been happening ever more forcefully and urgently to us and our world in general. Not yet having had a great deal of experience of how to deal with this kind of thing, that’s the underlying cause of many of the problems we individually and collectively are encountering.
To find solutions for overcoming them that really work, the assistance of God and the Angels is most urgently required. And that’s why at long last ever more of us are discovering that they have never left us and that they are as much part of us as we are of them. Because of this they could never have left us, even if they had wanted to. And because they have always loved us totally and unconditionally and are familiar with our difficulties, that was never an option for them. It was just that we did not know about it and that without asking for their help it cannot come to anyone. So whenever we are struggling with anything, let’s do ourselves the favour and request it.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The New Golden Age’
• ‘Building Our New World’
• ‘Past, Present And Future’
• ‘The Future Of Humankind’
• ‘All Things Are Possible’
• ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
• ‘Hold Your World’
• ‘Healing The Earth’
• ‘Mother Earth’
• ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
• ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
• ‘Only A Shadow’
• ‘Colonising New Planets’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Seventeen
Who Is The Captain Of My Soul?
‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
* * *
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.
And yet, it’s good to know that:
The Highest forces of life are steering my boat
And all I have to do is row.
The Great Father/Mother is the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of earthly life.
At the end of each lifetime, they take me home
Into the world of spirit, my true home
Whose harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than any other place I have ever visited.
Each time I drop my anchor there,
The wise ones in charge of me reassure me
That all is well with me and my world,
And forever will be.
Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary pathway through life,
I am glad to aware that:
I am much more than a mere physical being.
The essence of me is spirit, a Divine spark that is
Part of God, eternal and will never die.
Each time I pass from the earthly plane of life
I am not snuffed out like a candle,
I merely move into another dimension and
A different level of existence, that’s all.
My destiny is a high and holy one.
I shall always be safe and never lost,
Wherever the ocean of my life is taking me.
I am grateful for everything that has been
And sometime in the future will be.
Great Father/Mother of all life,
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Thy wisdom and love.
William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
• ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’
• ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
• ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
• ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
• ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Eighteen
The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies
The sign Aquarius and the eleventh house, its natural domain, are co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents’ nature. Before any one of us can safely be released into the freedom of the Aquarian age, our thinking and behaviour patterns have to prove that we have achieved self-discipline through mastering and overcoming the drives and urges of our lower earthly being. Because of the iconoclastic nature of the Uranian energies this is essential. They are most helpful when it comes to shedding the ballast of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions which the old and by now outdated belief systems have planted deep into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. But the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, this is bound to gradually become easier for all of us.
Basically, there is nothing wrong with the old belief systems. They are only outdated for as long as one misinterprets them as being literally true, when nothing could be further from the truth. You will be surprised to find how any one of the tales and legends that God and the Angels from time to time gave to our world can come alive. They quite happily reveal the higher esoteric meanings that, for wise educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind their surface words. Of particular interest to us and our world is the story of the life and times of the Master Jesus.
Now that the age of truth is with us, it is becoming ever more widely known that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked the Earth. He is a symbolism of the God and Christ nature that exists in every human being, even though for a long time merely in seedform. The Master Jesus always was and to this day remains a thoughtform that was created by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of teaching our world values like honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The infinite wisdom, patience and love of the Great Father/Mother has always taught us children of the Earth the value of things by first providing us with them, then temporarily withholding them and later returning them to us. The length of this process depends on how important the lessons are for us and our world.
The six thousand years of patriarchy with its testosterone-driven all-male religions, which fortunately by now have just about run their course, is probably the finest example of how something of this nature manifests itself on the earthly plane. The patriarchy has been a valuable teaching aid for the Highest Forces of life. We were shown what happens when the masculine aggression and lust for powerseeking and empire building is allowed to rule our world and express itself in ever more destructive warmongering. The feminine with its loving, caring and nurturing qualities is the masculine’s natural counterpart throughout the whole of Creation. And that’s how all of us, in the course of many lifetimes, each through their own experiences, were taught how our world reacts when the balancing and civilising influence of the feminine is withdrawn.
Aided and abetted by the old religions, the patriarchy created endless opportunities so that every one of God’s children of the Earth could find out first hand, sometimes at the giving end by handing the ugly and nasty traces of their earthly nature out, and in other lifetimes finding themselves at their receiving end, how the characteristics of humankind’s unevolved lower and lowest nature express themselves in earthly life. That’s been the Great Father/Mother’s way of teaching us lovingly and with endless patience the value of the best and noblest characteristics of our God or Christ nature. For a long time they are slumbering in every human being’s innermost self. How much of this part of their nature we ourselves thus far have developed depends on the point we have reached at any given moment on our individual evolutionary journey.
But let’s return to Aquarius for a moment. The astrological symbol of this sign is the Waterbearer and that is a man who holds a bowl in his arms from which water is flowing. This sign does not belong to – as many believe to this day – the Water element but to that of the Air. The Water signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s emotional world, while the Air signs are doing the same for the intellectual capabilities of our earthly minds. Aquarius represents the Great Universal mind, of which everyone’s earthly mind is an integral part. It’s good to know that we are in the process of leaving behind the emotionalism of the Piscean age – Water at its most fluid. At present our physical bodies consist predominantly of water, but with the passing of time this is going to change into air and light. As a result of this, the spoken and written word is going to gradually disappear from our world. It will be replaced by thought transmissions, the spirit realm’s method of communication. Every human spirit/soul belongs to and is an integral part of that world.
The monumental adjustments and changes these transformations demand from us and why they are necessary by no means merely apply to the selected few. They concern everybody and we are all involved. And because many have no idea of what is expected of us and our world, it is hardly surprising that breakdowns are very common, on the public scene as well as in individual lives. By the way, I believe that the reason for the present severe over-crowding of our world is due to the fact that all those who are sufficiently evolved and therefore agreed, before entering into their present lifetime, to take part in humankind’s rebirth are either already here or will be appearing shortly. However, this state of affairs will not go on forever. It will continue up to a certain point and then the birth rates will quite naturally go down to manageable levels again. The timing of when this will come about is known to the Highest Forces only.
Also, I believe that every crisis that anyone in our world has to endure is an outcry of our collective spirit/soul to those in charge of us in the spirit realm to come to our help. They know the way of all things and are equipped with the ability to guide and show us how we can free our race from the emotional baggage of past times through which we and our world became ever more materialistically orientated. Undoubtedly, this has too been for the wise higher reason of teaching us and our world another valuable lesson. But signs are emerging everywhere that this part of our race’s development is waiting to be left behind.
There is every reason for being glad and rejoicing because the saddest part of our evolutionary journey is over and the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom truly is definitely with us. It is bringing us the freedom to believe what the dwelling place of our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, our heart tells us is true and there is no longer any need to believe that the misinterpretations of our world’s sacred texts are true. In a nutshell that’s what the freedom of the Aquarian age means. Wise ones leave those who are as yet unready to comprehend such things to the beliefs that for the time being are dear to them. They rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are showing every earthly self the way when their time for waking up from their spiritual slumber has come.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Christ The Redeemer’
• ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
• ‘The Great Cover-Up’
• ‘Away In A Manger’
• ‘Loaves And Fishes’
• ‘The Wedding At Cana’
• ‘Walking On Water’
• ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Nineteen
The Admiral Of Life’s Fleet
Our Creator is a Trinity that consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and the light of the Universal Christ is their only born Son/Daughter. Together they are the admiral who commands the fleet of the whole of Creation, including us and our world. S/He is also the architect and designer of the great plan of life, which clearly shows how the boat of our world as well as that of every individual human spirit/soul within it, with the help of the Christ Star’s light is constantly being drawn ever closer into the loving embrace of its source.
The Universal Christ’s light is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights in which everything that exists in the whole of Creation has its origin. It is this light that always has been and forever will continue to move all manifestations of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. For every earthling this means being steered time and again round the zodiac. This is how each through their own experiences grows in wisdom and understanding. Our consciousness expands through taking part in the lessons that the different signs and houses of the zodiac can teach us.
Everything in the whole of Creation consists of wheels within wheels and cycles within cycles, as the great plan of life clearly shows. And every human being’s birthchart is a small individual plan within the great one for that person’s present lifetime. The small plan at the same time and is an integral part of the great plan for the development of our race, our world and also the whole of Creation. Our world’s solar system is designed like a giant clock that works with astonishing accuracy and precision. Everything in our world is under the influence of our planet’s energies and that includes you and me as much as every other part of our world. Pulled along by the Christ Star’s light each one of us individually and all together at the steady pace of one degree per year are progressing and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral.
In the beginning of every human being’s earthly education the spirit/soul is but a spark of the Great Light. The Sun in our birthcharts is a symbol of this tiny light. Its sign and house position show the lessons in which each newly born earthly self is destined to take part in its coming lifetime. The progressions of the Sun indicate how the radiance of the Great Light persistently pulls every spark towards itself at the rate of one degree per year. That’s how it grows in two meanings of the word light and so does the whole of our world with us. Spiritual wisdom and knowledge, as well as the understanding of them, is light and their absence is darkness.
The Moon represents our small lower self who anxiously tries to cling with all its might onto that with which it is familiar and so does its best to keep us back in the past. But to provide us with as many experiences as possible during each lifetime, by progression the Moon moves through the zodiac’s signs and houses much quicker than the Sun. One degree per month it leaves behind so that every one of them only takes two and a half years. That’s why the Moon is also known as the runner. When you reflect on your life so far, you will probably be able to recognise how about every two and a half years your interests changed and new people were drawn into your orbit.
The more signs and houses we travel through and the more we learn through our experiences, the more the spark is strengthened and the amount of Christ light in every cell and atom of our earthly self’s physical body increases. Every human spirit/soul is part of the higher aspects of our planet’s nature and each through its own learning constantly contributes to the Earth’s development. One of the main purposes of humankind’s earthly existence has always been to assist the unfolding of Mother Earth’s spiritual nature. In return God and the Angels through her are providing for everyone’s true needs.
The Sun’s progression for me personally mean that although I was born into the fifth degree of Libra, at the age of twenty-five the energies of my birthsign started to come together with those of the next sign, Scorpio. And that explains why from about midlife up to the age of fifty-five my interests turned increasingly towards the themes that are of interest to Scorpios. For example, searching for the truth about God, the higher purpose and the meaning of our earthly existence. Part of the result were looking behind its surface and probing into the occult, i.e. that which is hidden from common view and/or knowledge.
The start of my interest in astrology goes back to this period and with the passing of time it became an ever more important part of my writings. I must have brought at least some of the knowledge about this subject with me from previous lifetimes, because as soon as I began studying it, time and again I had strong feelings of déjà-vu. When our teacher explained something to his class, there were six of us, it was frequently as if I knew it already. It did not take me long to realise that without bearing in mind the continuity of our existence and knowing about the Universal law of Karma and reincarnation, astrology does not really make much sense. In that case it would be no more than yet another kind of fortunetelling and I have never been interested in any of them.
Astrology makes a great deal of sense as soon as one recognises that humankind’s existence is a never ending relentlessly forwards and upwards marching on the evolutionary spiral in which all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation are taking part. ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’ is proof of the fact that in the right hands the Divine science can be can be worked as a firsts class instrument for finding our way through our present lifetime, as well as previous ones more easily. That’s how I know that up to the age of eighty-five the energies of my lifeforce will remain strongly influenced by those of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of our superconscious faculties.
If I have to be around for as long as that, my energies will then be more under the influence of Capricorn, the ambitious and exceedingly hard working Earth sign that’s ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents who demands self-control and self-mastery from us earthlings. Until they have been developed, we have to continue taking part in the school of earthly life’s lessons. However, as soon as the Capricornian energies are handled the right way, Saturn’s role changes from teacher to rewarder. When this point of our development has been reached, the rewards will truly be worthwhile.
Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. The Aquarian age is going to be a period during which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will come to fulfilment. Saturn’s demands are the gatekeepers to the freedom of the Aquarian age. The deeper our world penetrates into it, the closer we are getting to another golden age of plenty. But the energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be suitable for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete and this comes about. All spiritual youngsters will be continuing their education as physical beings in a world of matter on a younger and less highly evolved planet, that matches their energies. Through colonising this planet they will be contributing to its own development. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
• ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’
• ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘Colonising New Planets’
• ‘The New Golden Age’ (1)
• ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’ (2)
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty
What’s Truly Ahead Of Humankind?
To my mind, the best way of studying astrology is being equipped with hindsight rather than peering into the future and making more or less wild assumptions of what may lie ahead. I never had time for programming people into expecting negative or positive things and so probably helping them to come about. The older I get, the more I enjoy reflecting on how the energies of the planetary dance in the sky above our world have always been influencing the flow of all our lifetimes, past and present ones. All of us being integral parts not only of humankind and its world, but the whole of Creation, it’s not hard to recognise why astrology is also known as the Divine science. In my view, this name is justified in view of the clarity with which it has always been revealing anyone’s predestined pathway, including that of our world.
Astrology has taught me an infinite number of things, and for every one of them I am deeply grateful. Is it any wonder that, with the passing of time, I became ever more fascinated by this subject? For example, with its help I discovered first hand that the Aquarian age really is going to be the age of truth. That’s why ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth for quite some time has appeared in our world and that in many different ways. My writings is but one of them. God’s great evolutionary plan for our world clearly shows that for a long time our world has steadily been moving towards a period when there will be no point trying to hide anything from public view and knowledge. That’s because, with the passing of time, ever more of us will prefer being taught, guided and protected by their inner teacher, the wise one and living God within everybody, every one’s very own built-in lie-detector.
This is the only truly reliable teacher in the whole of Creation, who really knows the way of all things and the answers to any questions we shall ever care to ask. This teacher assures me that there are no concentration camps and/or communistic take-over bids ahead for humankind. It’s not going to happen for the simple reason that such things would mean moving backwards on the evolutionary spiral of life for the whole of Creation, therefore also every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. The Universal main laws are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love and therefore never moves backwards, merely forwards and upwards. The first laws are closely followed by that of cause and effect or Karma. With the knowledge of Universal laws God and the Angels are placing the rudder for steering the ship of their fate in the desired direction in everybody’s own hands. The knowledge of them enables everybody to start sending nothing but good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions into the ethers. As soon as our karmic debts have been attended to and redeemed, by none other than us, nothing but more of what we are sending will ever return to us. It’s as simple as that!
That’s what my inner guidance says and it has never told me an untruth or led me astray. It is telling me that the TRUTH will always come out, but in God’s time and not ours. That means when the energies are right, the sufficient amounts of karmic debts have been redeemed and no new ones were created. Safely stored in their soul memories, every bit of theirs is going to accompany the spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls to their new home planet, each time they are occupied with continuing their education as physical beings in a material world. At the hands of another new generation of troublemakers and scaremongers, they will then be taking the part of the older generation on the receiving end of the suffering they, in their present earthly lifetime, are creating for our world. And that’s how another one of the vast circles of life will then be closing.
And yet, because today’s troublemakers and scaremongers are unaware of what they are doing to themselves and what eventually is bound to return to them, why not try to lighten that burden for them by continuing to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts? To my mind, that’s only fair. After all, it’s what we did in previous lifetimes when we were spiritually as young and inexperienced as they presently are, attending the same lesson in the earthly school of life. Otherwise we would not have to take part in our world’s present situation. The longer the plandemic continues, the more karmic debt entries are likely to accumulate in the spiritual bank book of the spiritual youngsters. Because of this, the less compatible their energies will be for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation into a spiritual and ethereal planet is complete, at the predestined time that’s in keeping with God’ great evolutionary plan. Naturally, the age of someone’s physical body has nothing to do with the maturity of its indwelling spirit/soul.
And as soon as one contemplates the situation and views it from a higher spiritual perspective, it emerges that nobody in our world is really guilty. Spiritually, isn’t every one of us is merely a temporary student in the earthly school of life? Aren’t we all nothing but children attending our lessons and doing our homework? Because every one of us has to start at point zero of a journey that takes us constantly forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, how could anyone accuse us of being guilty of spiritual ignorance during the early and middle stages? It’s a journey that for everybody consists of a predestined number of lifetimes that takes us from the beginner’s class to having evolved into a Christed one, each in their own right.
‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.’
In view of all this and in preparation for the new golden age that is surely coming our way, let’s reach out to everybody and start forgiving. First we need to forgive ourselves for once setting the wheels of fate for this, that and the other in motion. The next step is reaching out to all those who ever took part in the play-acting of the earthly school, for getting so lost in the roles that were played during each lifetime. The unpleasant things could only happen because we were as yet unaware of: a) why we were on the earthly plane; b) why we insisted doing them to each other and even enjoyed it; c) that ultimately whatever we do to anyone, we are doing to ourselves. And that’s because of the law of cause and effect or Karma, which in the fullness of time returns to us everything we send into our world in thoughts, words and actions.
‘Your forgiveness should be such that the person who is forgiven does not know that you are forgiving them. They should not feel guilty about their mistake. This is the right type of forgiveness. If you make someone feel guilty about a mistake, then you have not truly forgiven them.’ Patanjali Yoga Sutras ‘The Art of Living’
P.S. My inner guidance tells me that the following Jon Rappaport items are the truth and nothing but the truth.
1. ‘COVID-19 is the murder of old people.’ By Jon Rappaport 2nd August 2021
2. ‘If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?’ By Jon Rappaport 3rd August 2021
3. ‘The Vaccine War: who really has the upper hand?’ By Jon Rappaport 3rd August 2021
4. ‘Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation. Easy as pie.’ By Jon Rappoport 5th August 2021
‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ George Orwell
‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ Mark Twain
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The New Golden Age’
• ‘Building Our New World’
• ‘Past, Present And Future’
• ‘The Future Of Humankind’
• ‘All Things Are Possible’
• ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
• ‘Hold Your World’
• ‘Healing The Earth’
• ‘Mother Earth’
• ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
• ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
• ‘Only A Shadow’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-One
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part One
All Is Well With You And Your World
The following is the essence of several messages from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that landed in my inbox over that past few days from the White Eagle Lodge. The first one relates to something that appeared in ‘White Eagle on Festivals and Celebrations’: ‘The foundation of the greatest works in the whole of Creation, not merely on the earthly plane, is love. Human love is dear to all human hearts, but spiritual love is something quite different. Loving that way widens people’s horizons and lifts their whole being above the earthly plane. The more you respond to your true higher nature God or Christ nature, the more your love evolves into the Universal variety. On any plane of life, there exists nothing more powerful than love and that applies whether it expresses itself in material gifts or serving activities. Love cannot help creating something good and beneficial; it never loses its power to do so.
‘The more you not only feel love for individuals, the whole of humankind and your world, but also do your best to express it in some form, the more you are contributing to raising the vibrations of your world. Love transforms everything that exists in the whole of Creation, on the outer material plane as well as its inner spiritual counterpart. As soon as you love people and everything that happens in your world totally and unconditionally, because you understand why it is happening, you are loving the way God loves everything that exists in the whole of Creation. This is the only thing that, in the fullness of time, can and will not only save and redeem humankind and all other manifestations of life that share your world.
‘We advise all of you never to stop loving and giving to whatever comes your way, so that eventually loving vibrations fill your whole being and not merely your heart, flow through you and bring blessing and healing energies to wherever they are needed in other parts of Creation. This is as true for your world as it is for ours. And so, with love filling your whole being never forget to give thanks and praise for the wisdom and love of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ who, in close co-operation have always brought everything into being and taken good care of it. This will forever continue, in spite of the many false beliefs with which your world’s old religions used to feed humankind and for a long time managed to succeed convincing your world’s masses that they are literally true.
‘Refuse to sit in judgement over those who ever took part in this. Do not condemn them because every one of those who are presently taking part in earthly life are likely to have done so and that not only once, but in the course of many lifetimes. The lying, cheating and deceptions of past ages, as well as that which is still taking place, happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth. That’s why humankind had to be kept away from it for a certain predestined period. But the deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you are going to find out that humankind’s earthly existence never was a one-off affair, at the end of which everybody is snuffed out like a candle. Nothing could be further from the truth!
‘Humankind’s true home is our realm, the world of spirit or light. Every one of you, without exception, returns to it as soon as the purpose of one of your many earthly lifetimes has been fulfilled, i.e. lessons have been learnt and some of your karmic debts redeemed. Closing humankind’s earthly consciousness against finding out the truth about almost anything happened in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, the soul memories of every one of you would eventually be filled with a sufficient amount of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The most essential aspect of this is the tale that an all-male God-head, without its natural feminine counterpart, rules your world as well as the whole of Creation.
‘Next in line is the false story of Heaven and hell. God and the Angels gave it to your world temporarily for the times when the going became too tough for people’s liking on the earthly plane, during the patriarchy. Had it been commonly known what really awaits every one of you at the end of each lifetime, too many earthlings would have chosen to leave behind their earthly existence by committing suicide. It successfully stopped the majority of people from leaping off earthly life’s edge like lemmings throwing themselves into the sea. Why should anyone put up with that when a better and more peaceful world is waiting? It stands to reason that the greater freedom of the spirit realm can be enjoyed much more when, for getting around, you no longer need the cumbersome burden of a physical body that’s in need of being looked after and cared for by day and night.
‘The soul memories of those lifetimes are stored in the subconscious of anyone who took part in the patriarchal events, and that’s about everybody who is presently sharing the earthly plane with you. The fear of death and the unknown are the main yoke around humankind’s neck. The best news we are bringing you today is that the iconoclastic powers of the Uranian energies, for quite some time by now have been occupied with assisting humankind to smash every one of its yokes of oppression and exploitation to smithereens. What’s still left of them is guaranteed to follow, in God’s time, i.e. when the energies are right. In truth, there is nothing to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to, and that not only for a few chosen people but every one of you.
‘And that takes us back to the concepts of Heaven and hell. They never were places anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness every one of you has always been capable of creating, for yourself and your world. What’s widely known there as Heaven is not ‘out there’ somewhere; it’s the innermost aspect of everyone’s own being. And when your world’s outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart, the outer will be as peaceful a place as the inner, where honesty and truth are the supreme rulers. The more people respond to the hopes and dreams of their higher God or Christ nature, in the process of overcoming and leaving behind the drives and urges of their lower earthly selves, you yourselves quite naturally will be bringing about Mother Earth’s new golden age.
‘No-one was ever able to stop humankind’s evolutionary progress, individually and collectively. Everything that’s ever happened on the earthly plane has been an essential aspect of its growing and evolving process which necessitates constant changes. Because of God’s Universal laws, first in line those of love and evolution, nothing in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation could ever remain static. The development of you and your world is similar to that of plants. Like them, every human being has to grow and only with the passing of time, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, can each one slowly but surely discover and then unfold ever more aspects of their whole being. Every human being is like a flower whose buds cannot remain closed forever.
‘In the process of living and existing for every one of you constant changes of form and being are necessary. That’s why you reappear in one lifetime after another and each time take on a different role in the great tragic-comedy of earthly life that will help you cope with the earthly school of life’s lessons. In one of their coming lifetimes your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are going to be part of the older and more experienced generation. It will then be their turn of being on the receiving end of what they are so thoughtlessly and generously pouring into your world, these days. Its’ merely a case of one circle closing for an older and more experienced generation and a new one opening for some of their younger siblings in the great family of humankind. It’s never a question of being guilty or not. The only thing that ever matters is that both generations are attending the same lesson in the earthly school of life. And that’s how, in some way, all of you are constantly playing the roles of teacher and student, at the same time. This is the greatest beauty of this unique and ingenious establishment.’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
All Is Well With You And Your World
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Two
Welcome To Humankind’s True Home
‘Some people in your world insist that humankind’s earthly existence is nothing but an illusion. We say it’s real enough for those who are still forced to take part in the lessons of that school of life. It’s not like an illusion when in some of your lifetimes you are struggling to cope with being on the giving end, and in others at the receiving end of that which is ugly and nasty on that plane. As young Gods in the making, everybody has to experience their share of them and that at the giving as well as the receiving end.
'Ending one of any of your earthly lifetimes by your own hands never offered a way out. That’s because in your next one you will have to return and attend to the issues and people you were hoping to escape. As they would then be covered by a new layer of soul memories, their resolution could turn out to be more difficult still. If you ask us to help you work your way through anything that’s too difficult to handle on your own, we are happy to respond by guiding you and showing you intuitively the way forward out of any situation. Alas, without asking no help can come to anyone.
‘As far as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are concerned, we perceive the spiritual nature of each one of them as a tiny bud that in the predestined length of time will begin to open its whole being, just like their spiritually older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind are doing. In response to the light and warmth of the spiritual Sun, the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above your world, every human being eventually unfolds into a unique flower of great beauty. If from time to time one of them seems to be covered by dew, almost as if they were weeping, it does not mean that there is something wrong with them. On the contrary, everything is right with shedding tears while you are taking part in earthly life, because they refresh and cleanse your whole being.
‘We advise you to peacefully accept any changes and upheavals that may still have to come your way for the simple reason that they are necessary for everybody’s evolutionary development. They are part of the steadily increasing strength of the Earth’s permeation with the light of spiritual understanding. That’s what constantly brings the need for changing conditions to humankind, individually and collectively. As they cannot be avoided by anyone, do your best to respond to the flow of your life and rest safely in the knowledge that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed and put right. And because love and evolution are the prime laws for the whole of Creation, know that ultimately everything works together for the highest good and the greatest joy of everything that exists anywhere, therefore also every one of you.
‘Naturally, this also applies to the plandemic. Although that’s difficult for those on the earthly plane to see, much good will emerge from it in the end. On our plane it serves the purpose of a watershed that not only separates the sheep from the goats, but also the wheat from the chaff. Sheep are those who blindly believe that whatever the mass media come up with is literally true. Such people in your world are known as sheeple. They willingly allow themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter or, in this case, to be vaccinated with something of a doubtful nature that at best is harmless and at worst could be doing them some serious harm.
‘Capricorn is the astrological sign in which high achievements are possible, provided that one goes the right way about it and that means with the help of self-discipline and self-mastery. Capricorn’s astrological symbol is the goat. Goats are those who, during the present the present events, are behaving like highly evolved spirit/souls who are spending one of their lifetimes in this sign. Well aware of the dangers involved, they cautiously place one foot in front of the other and envisaging their distant goal on top of your world’s spiritual mountain, with the sure-footedness of mountain goats they slowly but steadily climb towards it. These people are by no means naturally patient. Quite the opposite is true! But this is the Universal Forces way of teaching their beloved children of the Earth not only patience but also how one can move with ever increasing agility through earthly existence.
‘The intentions behind everything that happens in your world are clearly visible in ours. The same is true for what those on the earthly plane think of as their most secret thoughts. From our perspective it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. And the way someone reacts to the present circumstances shows the wise ones in charge of you and your world their true level of spiritual awareness. Chaff are the spiritually young and inexperienced ones in your midst. The energies of their spirit/souls will not be right for allowing them to reincarnate onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete.
‘Yet, even though the spiritual youngsters are going to continue their education as physical beings in a material world on another planet, within the span of their predestined time they too will have evolved into a Christed one, in their own right, who no longer need to be educated on any kind of material plane. It’s just that they have a much longer stretch of their evolutionary journey before them than many of you have. They too will then be able to support younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind, who still need to attend the lower classes of the earthly school of life. It will be no different from the way we, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing our best to support you.
‘As far as your world’s present situation is concerned, don’t you think that those who have arrived on our side of the veil are the truly blessed ones, independent of how, where and when their departure from the earthly plane came about? Isn’t that especially true during the plandemic? Everybody in our world has the advantage of being able to observe its true background with the greatest clarity. The intentions behind the pharma industry’s activities as a whole, as well as of the ranks and files of their helper’s helpers, each weaving its own web of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, are no secret in our world either.
‘If anyone on your side needs our assistance, all they have to do is request it. Without asking no help can come to anyone in your world from ours. As soon as it has been requested, we are more than happy to respond and support all your efforts by telling you intuitively the best way of going about things. And should one of our Angels of Transformation, known in your world as Angels of Death, call for you, do not be afraid. Welcome it and reach for its hand. Leaving your physical body behind is similar to the shelling of a pea that is released from the protective pod it needed during its growth period. Its like slipping from your outer clothes, each time you return to our world in dreamtime and your spirit/soul leaves its earthly self behind, to be restored and regenerated as well as healed. Do not forget to ask for it before dropping off to sleep.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
• ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
• ‘Our World In Transition’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Three
Leaving All Your Fears Behind
‘After having rested sufficiently in our world and recovered from the stresses of the earthly plane, you will be invited to join one of the many groups of spirit friends and helpers for those on the other side of the veil that separates our worlds from each other. You will then no longer be bothered whether your most recent death certificate states that its cause was the Covid virus. You will be able to see for yourself that there never was such a thing as a life-threatening virus by that name, and that the true cause of the illnesses it is supposed to bring about in the masses of your world should by rights have quite a different name and that is FEAR.
‘The most urgent task that awaits everybody on the earthly plane is the shedding of fears. Every one of them has served the purpose of keeping you away from things for which you were unready. Having done so for long enough, they are merely waiting to be left behind, once and for all and one after the other. This first thing that’s needed for this process is the knowledge that in truth there never is anything to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to. Until recently, the fear-inducing false beliefs of the patriarchal religions about concepts like Heaven and hell, and the processes of life and death, have kept the doors to our realm firmly locked and bolted in the individual and collective consciousness of humankind. These tales were purposely designed to scare easily frightened earthly selves in many cases quite literally to death.
‘Yet, every one of you has made this journey of to and fro between your two worlds many times, in some cases thousands of them. Why is it that you don’t recall anything about them? It is because the memories of what you experienced in all your past lifetimes for a long time needed to remain tucked away in the subconscious part of your being. Because you would not be able to live with yourself if you were consciously aware of what you have been up to in those lifetimes, these memories are inaccessible under normal circumstances. And that’s why working with them for the purpose of letting go of them, once and for all, is difficult. Yet, never forget that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, and that without asking for help it cannot come to anyone.
‘The old religions were purposely designed to keep humankind’s inner doors firmly locked and bolted, until your world had reached the Aquarian age, the age of truth. In order to teach humankind the value of honesty and truth, these qualities were purposely withheld from your world during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, so they would be cherished and valued beyond compare when at last they reappear on the earthly plane. The deeper this age is penetrated, the more inner doors are opening and that ever more widely, in spite of the many false beliefs that piled layer upon layer of the fears of death and the unknown into every human being’s soul memories. Having served that purpose, they are merely waiting to be removed. The truth will help you to remove them carefully and lovingly, one after the other in a process that’s not unlike the peeling of an onion.
‘We believe that the best way of overcoming all human fears is through a steadily growing understanding of how the processes of life really work and how, independent of what your world’s old religions ever brainwashed their followers into believing, they have always been affecting life in the whole of Creation, therefore also every one of you and the whole of humankind. The most urgently needed bit of wisdom for the shedding of fears is the knowledge that in truth there is no such thing as death. There never can be and will be, and that’s because the essence of every human being is spirit/soul. And that’s why like God, you are an eternal and immortal being who can never die.
‘The only thing that happens when one of you leaves their physical body behind, at the end of another earthly lifetime, as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled, is that your spirit/soul slips from the vehicle it needed for getting around on the earthly plane. This outer casing is meant to last for one lifetime only. Whenever one of you is ready to depart from the earthly plane, one of the Angels of Transformation appears and assists you with your journey from the material dimension of life into our realm of spirit or light, humankind’s true eternal home. Irrespective of what anyone’s death certificate ever stated as the cause of their departure from your plane, one of these Angels only appears when the purpose of that particular lifetime has been fulfilled, one way or another. Only then is anyone allowed to return to their eternal home, for rest and recuperation. For those who are unafraid of what’s ahead and maybe are even looking forward to the greater freedom that awaits them when they are no longer encumbered by a physical body, there is struggle. They just quietly slip away from the earthly school of life.
‘Participating in every one of its lessons is compulsory for all human beings. And yet, nobody ever forces you to do anything, either on your plane or ours. During your rest periods here, the decision whether to go ahead with applying for another earthly lifetime is entirely up to every one of you. But you can then for yourself that without further earthly sojourns you will never be able to reach the end of the earthly school’s curriculum. And as without this no further developmental progress of any kind will be possible for you, you turn to the wise ones in charge of you and seek their advice. In consultation with them you work out where, when and with whom your next earthly lifetime will be spent. And while you are here, if you feel like continuing your studies, you can go to our world’s Halls of Learning and kneel yourself into any subject that’s of interest to you.
‘That’s how you find out that since time immemorial God and the Angels have been trying to help humankind to understand their earthly existence by providing them with guidance about the behaviour of members of the animal kingdom. For example, every one of the bird species is a messenger from our realm that can tell you a great deal about yourself and your own behaviour. Swallows are of particular interest when you seek to understand what happens to every human being during the first part of its apprenticeships as a young God in the making. The springtime migration of the swallows to your world’s cold Northern climates represents humankind’s existence as physical beings on the material plane where they have to work hard on developing the various aspects of their being. Its equivalent are the periods the swallows spend in the Northern climes where they rear at least two broods of young. In particularly favourable years this can rise to three.
‘When this work has been done, the swallows leave the Northern shores behind and migrate to warmer African countries. To illustrate the value of group consciousness to humankind, swallows stick together and support each other. It’s rare to see one swallow on its own. Safely guided and protected by the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom, in huge swarms swallows every year without fail migrate to and fro between your world’s different climate zones. There is no breeding for them in Africa, they merely feed and rest, enjoying their freedom and building up their strength for their next journey to the North. This is the equivalent of the periods every one of you from time to time spends in our world. Free to enjoy yourself, you rest and recover from the coldness and stresses of the material plane and work on building up your strength for another lifetime on the earthly plane.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
• ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
• ‘In The Halls Of Learning’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Four
The Golden Age Of Honesty And Truth
‘Let’s return to the Covid virus for a moment. Because it does not exist, it’s impossible that anyone should die from it. To this day, people on your plane of life are leaving their physical bodies behind for just the same reasons as before Covid ever appeared on the scene. The only difference between times gone by and now is that steadily increasing numbers of you realise that when this happens to them, they are not really dying but merely moving to another dimension of life that’s invisible to earthly eyes. As always, for any one of you this can only come about when you have sufficiently taken part in the lessons you promised to the wise ones in charge of you, during your most recent resting period on our plane. At the same time, that lifetime enabled you to redeem a sufficient amount of your karmic debts. There’s no more to any human being’s earthly lifetime than that; there never was and never will be.
‘Every one of them is part of their long evolutionary journey. From the time of their creation, when the heart of their first earthly self was equipped with a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light, they have been walking a pathway that unalterably moves all of you forwards and upwards. Each does this on their own evolutionary journey as well as the one for the whole of humankind and your world. By the time every one of you has reached the end of their education in the earthly school of life, they have evolved into Christed ones, each in their own right. All who have reached this goal continue their education and begin exploring the greater freedom of our realm and start exploring, getting to know and taking part in ever higher levels of life.
‘Rest assured that every one of you, without exception, has a great deal to look forward to. Truly, there never is any need to be afraid of anything. Therefore, do not be downhearted or unduly concerned about your world’s present state. Every one of you will forever be safe and, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, guided and protected by God and the Angels in their journey forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually and collectively.
‘Make the best possible use of the gift of earthly time that’s been allocated to you for your present lifetime. Also apply the talents that have been bestowed upon each one of you so generously by your true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother. That’s how each one of their beloved children of the Earth is required to make a unique contribution to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced in your world. Everything that ever happened and is presently doing has always served the wise higher purpose of teaching certain lessons. At the same time, it ensures spiritual as well as material progress, individually and collectively. We assure you that all is well with you and your world and forever will be. This is because its reins have always rested safely in the hands of God and the Angels. Nobody on the earthly plane ever has had or will have any real, i.e. everlasting power whatever.
‘Ever more of you by now are becoming aware that humankind’s imagination is one of the most powerful and valuable tools during the periods you spend on the earthly plane. It occupies the second place after the power of thinking. Every one of you is a young God in the making, one of the co-creators of God. As God’s creative powers are in you, you are constantly in the process of bringing something into being and that from the moment you start your education in the earthly school of life. Although for a long time you are unaware of what you are doing, whatever you think about and/or see in your imagination that’s what you are creating. Everything that’s in your life at present was in that way created by you, in the course of many lifetimes.
‘You are personally responsible for the consequences of every one of the thoughts, words and actions you ever sent into your world. And every detail of whatever happened to you, in the course of all your earthly lifetimes, at the end of each one winds up as another one of your soul memories. Layer upon layer of them is stored in your subconscious. From the moment you are born into another physical body, they have the power of influencing your behaviour from there in either positive or negative ways. The negative ones are waiting to be changed, by none other than each one of you yourself, into positive ones.
‘That’s why these days, no newly born human baby in your world is an unwritten slate or an empty vessel waiting to be filled. Far from it! Because the memories from all previous earthly lifetimes of that person are stored in the subconscious part of that tiny being, from the moment of its appearance on that plane they are influencing its behaviour in everything they do. The learning that will be gathered in the coming lifetime will be stored in the next layer of soul memories, as soon as this one has run its course. The gifts and talents, which by then could have taken many lifetimes to be developed, are going to become noticeable quite soon in every new one.
‘Humankind’s existence consists of an uninterrupted flow that will never end. At the beginning of each new lifetime your earthly selves once again pick up all of their soul memories. They contain whatever had been learnt in all of them at the end of your most recent lifetime. The whole bundle is once again picked up when next your earthly self enters another lifetime. And so on and so forth. The best thing of all is that each one of you is an eternal student who is never going to stop learning.
‘The knowledge of these things places the power into your own hands to steer the boat of your destiny and to influence your life’s river to flow in a direction that’s to your heart’s desire. Because humankind’s evolutionary journey is such a hazardous one, none of you is ever just left to their own devices on the earthly plane. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of them is constantly observing the movements of every earthling. On the whole they are allowed to just get on with experiencing your world and reacting to it, each in their own sweet way. Only when things are in danger of getting out of hand are your Guardian Angels allowed to step in.
‘And that takes us back to the power of thinking and imagining things. When someone reads about the Covid virus and the symptoms of the illness it is thought to bring about, and then starts thinking about and imagining them, that gets their human creative power going. The person feels the symptoms are beginning to develop. Their test result shows positive and hey presto! Time for retreating from the outside world for prescribed length. Some of you are more sensitive to responding in this way than others. Particularly endangered are those with their Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant in one of the Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are dedicated to the development of humankind’s subconscious emotional nature. Your world masses are ruled by Cancer.
‘People who are strongly under the influence of the Cancer energies are most endangered of all at the present time. Like sponges they absorb any negativity that’s floating around on your world’s subconscious plane. That’s why at all times and especially now, they are most in need of psychic protection. Find out more about this by following the relevant links below.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Power of Thought’
• ‘Psychic Protection’
• ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Five
All Is Well With You And Your World
‘In keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for your world, with every passing day you are drawing closer to the new golden age. By, as frequently as possible, imagining and thinking about what it is going to bring to your world, every one of you can make a valuable contribution to ushering this age in. All you have to do is think about what future might be in store for Mother Earth. Then visualise her as a place where hunger and thirst of any kind are no longer known and that this has come about quite naturally, because everybody merely takes what they need and leaves the rest for those behind. Mahatma Gandhi told your world a long time ago: ‘The Earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not for their greed.’
‘There will no longer be any room for what in your world used to be known as religions. The word itself is based on the Latin ‘religare’, which means connecting. Instead of connecting humankind with God, the old religions kept you away from finding out who and what God truly is, the true nature of every human being and what kind of a special relationship you have with the Divine. The deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more people are going to find out that the true nature of everything that exists in the whole of Creation is love. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, is everybody’s true God and eternal parent.
‘The more time passes, the more people will quite naturally behave in keeping with what their inner guidance tells them is true. Eventually, all will be working together, peacefully and harmoniously, for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole. Unselfishly everybody will apply the talents that have so generously been bestowed on all of God’s children of the Earth, to contribute to making your planet into an ever more agreeably peaceful and beautiful place. Death has been overcome because physical bodies will eventually no longer be required for getting around.
‘Pursuing selfish aims of glory and honour for themselves and accumulating ever more material possessions are things of the past, because people know that spiritually they are worthless. Everybody is supporting everybody else. Lying and cheating, deception of the self and others are unknown. Truth and honesty have become your world’s supreme rulers. With the passing of time, its outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart. Everybody is aware of who and what they truly are and why they are taking part in earthly life. Dreams and ambitions of winding up as the materially richest person in your world have been left behind.
‘Love is the law of life and also the new religion of the Aquarian Age. As it has its seat in the intelligence all human hearts and souls possess, there is no need to be highly educated or being equipped with exceptional knowledge to understand its language. At the moment of the creation of every new human being the knowledge that this would one day come about is programmed into the spark of the Universal Christ’s light in their heart. That’s why the knowledge of this evolutionary outcome is known on the deepest innermost level of the whole of humankind. Deep within every one of you knows that in truth:
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
‘If your inner guidance responds to the above and tells you that it is true, then for you it is – even though it may not yet be for those around you. When you know about this new religion and understand it from the depths of your own being and heart, you will forever feel safe and cared for by the Great Father/Mother’s wisdom and love. This is the freedom that the Aquarian age has in store for every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth. There is no need to argue with anyone over what you know is the truth, trying to convince them because they too will wake up when the moment for this to happen has come round for them, at the predestined time.
‘They too will then know that everything always has been and forever will be well with you and your world and that this is because its reins have never left the hands of God and the Angels. They appreciate that everything that ever happened in your world was necessary for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the many different lessons, which each one of you in their role as a young God in the making, is obliged to take part in during the first instalment of their apprenticeship. That’s what all of you are, independent of where anyone may still be on their individual evolutionary journey. And although for a long time earthlings are unaware of our presence, we have always been with every one of you and that will forever continue. All the way, to wherever you may still be required to continue your education, we shall be with you, guiding and protecting as ever. And because you then know about our presence, there will never be any need for being afraid of anything again.
‘One of the earthly school’s most vital lessons has been and to this day is the one that deals with honesty and truth. Withholding these qualities very largely from your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy provided sufficient numbers of you with plenty of opportunities for learning to appreciate their value. That’s why in some of your past lifetimes you were at the giving end of lying, cheating and deceiving yourself and those around you. To enable you to recognise both sides of that coin, during later earthly sojourns you found yourself at the receiving end of these things. Your world’s present situation is the closing of this circle with its crescendo of lying, cheating and dishonesty.
‘Without first having been made familiar with both sides of the honesty and truth issue, you would still be unable to recognise dishonesty and untruths as unpleasant and unworthy of God’s children of the Earth and young Gods in the making. And if you were one of those who does not yet know the difference between material and spiritual wealth, you would also spend your material wealth for the pursuit of supposedly humanitarian purposes, when your true intentions are quite the opposite. You would then also be unaware that everybody has a spiritual bank account and that the only way of accumulating entries on its credit side is by sincerely working for the good of humankind and everything that shares your world with you.
‘This is why we are asking you to continue sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those who to this day are blind enough to spend their material resources as well as their time with thinking of and carrying out money-spinning exercises, on an ever grander scale. These people do not yet know that the time that’s been granted for their present lifetime is their most precious and valuable resource. For as long as they unaware that the world in which they are living has an inner spiritual background, they do not know that what they think of as their most secret thoughts in our realm are as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. The intentions behind every thought, word and deed of your world can be seen with great clarity by all inhabitants of ours. Forgive them, for they really do not yet know not what they are doing!
‘None of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers is your enemy. Nobody ever truly is. Everybody is your sibling in the great family of humankind. The spiritually younger and less experienced ones in your midst deserve the compassion of their elder and more experienced siblings because they understand that what the youngsters are constantly in the process of creating, God’s law of Karma is bound return to them in full measure, in due course. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought that’s sent their way by any one of you adds some of your light to that of the other person’s higher God or Christ nature, and increases its influence on their lower earthly self’s development. Besides, whatever you do to help them creates a credit entry in your spiritual bankbook.
‘On the 22nd August 2021 the full Moon in Aquarius took place at 12.02 hrs Greenwich Meantime. Shortly after at 21.05 hrs GMT this was followed by the Sun’s entry into Virgo, the zodiac’s teaching and healing sign. The first encouraging bit of news about the end of the plandemic that landed in the Aquarian inbox was the following on 23rd August 2021: ‘Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci Have Lost a Lawsuit Filed by Robert F Kennedy Jr. and a Group of Scientists!’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Six
The Truth Must Be Out
‘On the inner level of your world all is one and there is no separation between anything, just the same as there isn’t between anything that exists in the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. That’s why what’s done for one, in positive and/or negative ways, is done for and to all. And because every human being is but a child and a student in the earthly school of life, spiritually and before God the question of guilt does not exist. All are known as the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth, as a Divine offspring and young God in the making, each in their own right. Everybody at any given moment has reached a different developmental stage, that’s the only difference between all of them. Although it may sometimes not look like this on the earthly plane, every one is equally loved, totally and unconditionally.
‘Everybody’s true needs are constantly being attended to, with the greatest of loving care. It’s just that sometimes that are not to your liking. But whenever something unpleasant happens to someone, there is a wise higher reason for it. As the main law of life for the whole of Creation is love, this applies to sinners against this law just as much as when someone has reached the last phase of their earthly education and is evolving into a Christed one, in their own right. Not merely the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, but all your friends and helpers in our world are aware of this. We only see everyone’s wholeness. We know that the highest, best and noblest characteristics are in every one of you, even though it may still take a long time for them to emerge from some people’s innermost being and become visible on the outer plane. Never doubt that these equalities are there nonetheless.
‘These people, the same as all other manifestations of life in the whole of Creation, are incessantly being drawn forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral. At the same time, they are taking part in the development of the whole of humankind and your world. It takes many earthly lifetimes of being taken through every sign and house of the zodiac, and that time and again, before the characteristics of someone’s higher God or Christ begin to become visible. Only through constant practising in the course of many further earthly sojourns can anyone’s gifts and talents eventually burst forth to full bloom.
‘Many of those who for a while are recuperating in our realm from the stresses and strain of their most recent earthly lifetime enjoy that from here they can support the loved ones, whom they had to leave behind on the earthly plane, much better than when both parties still took part in it. On top of that, they love the many things that are only available on this side of the veil that separates our two worlds. Most popular of all is that the true intentions behind everything that happens on your side are clearly visible behind the scenes, so to speak, in our realm. They love consulting us, their spirit friends and helpers, about the whole picture of what’s behind and ahead of not only their loved ones on your plane, but the whole of humankind and your world. That makes it much easier for them to understand that whatever may still have to happen there, individually and collectively, is for a wise higher reasons.
‘We hope that ever more people on your side know by now that the Age of Aquarius is the age of truth, and that this age has been with you for quite some time. The deeper your world penetrates into it, the more of it is being revealed. Nobody can hide the truth forever for the simple reason that this would be against the will and wishes of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their evolutionary plan for planet Earth and humankind’s development, on all levels. The truth about anything that exists in your world and all others MUST eventually become known. That’s what the evolutionary plan had in mind when it decreed that, for the sake of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, it was essential that people in many of their earthly lifetimes took part in what became known as the patriarchy, which lasted for around six thousand years.
‘During this period ever more outrageous lying, cheating and deceptions of the self and others were not only allowed but encouraged in your world. It came about with the help and will of God and the Angels, because nothing in the whole of Creation ever happens without them. That’s how ideas for an all-male God-head and ever stranger purposely fear-inducing tales about life and death, Heaven and hell, God and the devil were seeded into the minds of those who would know how to exploit them, to support their lust for acquiring power over ever increasing numbers of people. They could then be exploited to support their rulers ever grander money-spinning ideas. That’s how layer upon layer of fears were systematically built into the soul memories of all who were destined to take part in earthly life during that time. Each one of these layers was stored in people’s subconscious minds. From there they have the power of influencing their earthly selves so they are petrified of anything that’s invisible. That’s what to this day is making millions in your world into what’s become known as ‘sheeple’.
‘They are people who willingly allow themselves to be led by their noses and being vaccinated with something that at best could be harmless and at worst might cause considerable harm. They believe that what the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery for quite some time has been churning out really is true. That’s why they wish to be protected against a non-existent virus that is supposed to have the power of wiping the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, when nothing could be further from the truth. These people don’t mind how many more times the industry’s propaganda machinery invents further variations of that virus and with their lies convince them that further jabs are necessary.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘In The Halls Of Learning’
• ‘You Are Special’
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Seven
Do Not Believe Anything At Face Value
‘It’s good and right that you should not believe that anything that comes your way is true, just because someone says that’s what it is. That was never the right thing to do and most certainly is not these days. It’s not for nothing that your Creator equipped every one of you with their own built-in lie-detector, so that with the passing of time each would learn to pass everything through the filter of the wise one or living God within. That’s everybody’s inner guidance who has always been trying to communicate with you through the world of your feelings. Its reactions have for a long time been ignored to the detriment of many. Never has it been of more vital importance to pay attention to how it responds to everything.
‘If something feels right, for you it is – even though it may not yet be for anyone around you. This part of you is a very special and precious gift that’s put in the cradle, so to speak, of every human being by their loving and caring eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother. People ignore this gift to their detriment, especially with regard to all kinds of religious teachings, including some of the most ancient ones. It also applies to what the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery produces to convince humankind that there really is a Covid virus, when in truth it never existed. God and the Angels are waiting for your call so they can show you intuitively how to go about uplifting and transmuting the negative and damaging energies of these troublemakers and scaremongers into blessing, healing and harmonising ones that will not only benefit you but also the whole of humankind and your world.
‘After all, you have been granted the gift of this particular lifetime because it offers more opportunities than any previous ones to assist ever more of you with reaching the ultimate goal of the school of earthly life’s education, from which every human being, in the fullness of time, is destined to emerge as a Christed one, in their own right. The only way this can come about is through dedicating what’s left of your present lifetime to making a unique contribution to bringing healing and light in the form of a better understanding of the purpose of humankind’s earthly existence to as many as possible in your world. As ever the rule applies of first healer heal thyself! And from that point reach out to those around you, so they can learn from what’s come to you during your personal healing journey of a thousand miles, which for every human being starts with one single step. Never forget that whenever one of you is healing, the whole of humankind and your world are doing the same. This is how every one of you in due course evolves not only into a healer and bringer of light, but also a saviour and redeemer of yourself, the human race and your world.
‘How about starting on this road with telling those around you that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle so that nothing remains. That’s the main false belief that needs to go from your world because in truth, every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out evolutionary journey that starts with many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. If that were true, humankind’s earthly existence would be very unfair and unjust and that most certainly is not the case. We shall return to this theme in a moment.
‘Life in the whole of Creation is subject to Divine justice. This justice is so fair and just that it is hard to grasp for anyone who is still taking part in the initial stages of their evolutionary journey in the earthly school of life. As many of you know by now, God’s justice is based on the law of cause and effect also known as the law of Karma, which has already been extensively covered in previous parts of the Aquarian writings. Like all truly great ideas, the concept of this law is simplicity itself. It decrees that everything that’s sent by anyone in the whole of Creation, in thoughts, words and actions onto the etheric planes, in the fullness of time has to find its way back to its sender. On its return journey it gathers some more of the energies of the intentions that others on the same wavelength have added to the stream of consciousness in which everything in your world feeds, adding to the darkness or light that already exists.
‘If it were true that humankind’s earthly existence is a one-off affair, how would it come about that some in your world are ultra rich and others desperately poor? Why should some be as fit as fiddles and others struggle with health issues all their lives? That would only be possible if their existence came about in haphazard fashion and that most certainly is not the case. Life on the earthly plane always has and forever will unfold in the most orderly fashion, the same as everywhere else in the whole of Creation. Every one of you, one small step after another, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on God’s great evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively. Nothing illustrates our Creator’s genius and its loving and caring ways better than the law of cause and effect because it ensures that nothing and nobody can ever get lost in the vastness of time and space in the whole of Creation. Everything in due course quite naturally has to find its way back home into the loving embrace of their true and eternal them. That’s why it’s impossible for anyone to ever be left by them.
‘The law of cause and effect is an expression and practical application of the first two laws of life: love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. As a result, everything that’s ever been brought into being anywhere in the whole of Creation, with the passing of time – and that can be thousands or millions of lifetimes in earthly terms – evolves from its crude initial stage to something ever more beautiful and perfect. Perfect in this sense of the words means all aspects of their nature, especially in the case of human beings, have been taken possession of and developed. That’s how every small earthly self, in the course of countless lifetimes, evolves into a Christed one, each in its own right, who is then capable of using all their gifts and talents for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind, Mother Earth and ultimately the whole of Creation.
‘We have come to reassure you that all is well with you and your world and this is because all of you together are constantly penetrating ever deeper into the Aquarian age. As many of you know by now, it is the age of truth during which the wisdom and truth from the Highest levels of life will be flowing with ever increasing strength into all earthly minds who are ready to receive and understand its messages. Every earthly mind always has been a receiver/transmitter station for their ideas, without for a long time realising that this is what’s happens on the earthly plane. Every human being is destined to take charge of this instrument and develop it, so that in due course all of you will be capable of serving God and the Angels with the same kind of accuracy and efficiency.
‘Nobody can hide the truth forever and that is for the simple reason that, in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for your world it is only intended to remain hidden for as long as it takes to teach the whole of humankind the value of honesty and truth. The first essential part of this lessons has been making your world familiar with what kind of effect dishonesty, lying, cheating and deceptions have when everyone is – seemingly – allowed to practise them to their heart’s content. By now this has almost run it’s course. The plandemic is the final outburst of these characteristics. At the same time it serves the purpose of redeeming the karmic debts that were incurred by the majority of those who presently have to take part in earthly life and are at the receiving end of what your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers enjoy handing out, without having a clue of what God’s perfect justice, in the fullness of time is bound to return to them. That’s the price many in your world are paying now for once having been at the giving end of lying and cheating. And with this another large circle of learning experiences closes.
‘Everything that is in your life at present was in some way created by none other than you yourself. It’s your own doing because each one of you is responsible for every thought, word and action that’s sent into your world. This applies to all of your lifetimes, those of long ago as well as the most recent one. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, without being aware of what you were doing, you brought every bit of it into being. This is because, unbeknown to you for a long time, you are young Gods in the making, children of the Great Father/Mother of all life, co-creators with them. Every one of you is at present serving the first part of their apprenticeship by taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, as a material being in a material world.’
P.S. A few more items from the voice of truth:
1) ‘Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretence of ‘safe and effective’.’ By Jon Rappaport 17th August 2021
2) ‘Yes, Trump did tell RFK Jr. to investigate vaccine dangers. And why it matters.’ By Jon Rappaport 23rd August 2021
3) ‘Breaking: FDA gives full approval to COVID vaccines; no public hearing; no transparency; no open review of vaccine data.’ It all happened behind closed doors. By Jon Rappaport 23rd August 2021
4) ‘Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What?’ By Jon Rappaport 25th August 2021
5) ‘God finally consents to an interview about COVID.’ By Jon Rappaport 25th August 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘God – The Great Genius’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two
Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Eight
Circles Opening And Closing
‘Let’s return for a moment to some of the patriarchy’s false beliefs. One of the most significant ones has been that, in due course, a saviour and redeemer by the name of Jesus would appear in your world to keep all those who believe that he exists from frying forever in the fires of hell. Something similar has for some time by now been happening in your world with the help of an equally non-existent virus. It’s good to see that ever more of you by now realise that this virus is but a figment of imagination, the same as Jesus. He never was a historical figure, who once walked in the midst of humankind and that’s because the story of his life is but a legend. The truth behind the surface words of this tale had to remain hidden for a long time, because that’s an essential part of humankind’s lesson about the value of honesty and truth.
‘The Aquarian age is the age of truth. That’s why by now ever more of you are waking up to realisation that there is but one true saviour and redeemer and that is their very own inner higher God or Christ nature. This function never had anything to do with outside forces. In every one of you the characteristics of this aspect of your being had to remain dormant until their lower earthly self reached the developmental point when it begins to stir from its slumbering state and the wise one or living God within wakes up. Slowly but surely your higher nature then starts to influence its earthly counterpart in many beneficial ways. This continues until the energies of your God of Christ nature have become so strong that they completely take over from the lower ones. That’s when everyone’s own inner guidance then reveals itself as the only truly reliable teacher and guru that exists in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question its earthly counterpart may ever care to ask.
‘The lust for money-spinning and greed once were the true intentions behind the invention of a non-existent saviour and redeemer of humankind, approx. two thousand years ago by the name of Jesus. This has been repeated with the pharma industry’s invention of a virus called Covid. And the most powerful and only truly effective protection against deceptions of any kind, including the two mentioned here, is the Divine gift of everybody’s own built-in-lie-detector. It is available free of charge as soon as you discover its existence, tune into it and start using it. If you don’t know how to go about it, ask for our assistance. At any given moment we are only too happy to help you with anything that’s troubling you. However, without asking for our assistance, it cannot come to anyone.
‘Should you be asking whether the truth will emerge and how much of it, when and how it is destined to be revealed and by whom, it’s not up to us to reveal it to you. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are smiling and nodding: you will be able to discover this for yourselves when the time is right. Everything can only happen in God’s time and not yours, i.e. when the energies are right to allow it. All we can tell you at present is that every one of you and your whole world have much to look forward to. There really is no need to be afraid of anything, especially not when your time has come for returning to our realm.
‘Your enjoyment starts with being able to move around without the encumbrance of a physical body that’s in almost constant need of attention. Nobody forces you to do anything here. You are like one of the swallows when, at the end of each summer they return to the warmer climates of Africa and leave behind your world’s cold Northern climates. Guided by the love and wisdom of the Great Mother, they find the way to wherever they may be going, the same as every one of you does. In Africa the swallows merely feed and enjoy themselves and that strengthens them for their next visit to the Northern countries. Resting in the warm climate of Africa helps them to recover from the hard work of rearing their offspring, three to five of them in one brood; in good years they manage two of them. The swallows’ behaviour is Universal guidance for the whole of humankind, because that’s how every one of you behaves each time you return to our realm.
‘As after a while doing nothing gets to be boring, anyone who wishes to can visit our halls of learning and study any subject that’s of interest to them. This is particularly useful for further development of the special gifts and talents the Great Father/Mother bestowed upon you at the moment of your creation, before you were released into taking part in the earthly school of life for the first time. Everything in the halls is available free of charge and if you discover new subjects that attract you, you are invited to stick your toes into the water and try them without any obligation whatsoever.
‘And wherever you may one of these days find yourself , either in your world or ours, rest assured that we shall always be with you, more than happy to guide, protect and show the way along your predestined pathway through life. Although it frequently looks as if you were struggling on your own on the material plane, none of you is ever simply ditched there and left to their own devices. We are always accompanying you and helping those on your side of the veil that separates our two worlds, as much as possible. That is what’s always happens for every one of you, even though for a long time you are unaware of our presence. If you want our assistance for anything, we are glad to oblige. However, we cannot do any of the work that your pathway demands from you, as you would then be unable to learn from your experiences. They could not help you to grow ever more Heaven-tall and assist with expanding your consciousness.
‘In that case you would never get to know the processes of life, how they affect you, the whole of humankind and your world. You would never understand that the Divine justice is perfect and is not about crime or punishment, like its earthly counterpart. What represents a crime on that plane is nothing but a learning experience that simultaneously opens and closes a circle in the education of two or more of the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth. One of them closes each time when those who are occupied with redeeming the karmic debts of past lifetimes in this one find themselves at the receiving end of something they did to others in previous lifetimes.
This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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