Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World - Rays of Wisdom - War and Peace Among Natiions

This is such a critical time in the development of our world that it feels right to present this letter from time to time. The Old Testament’s book of Hosea goes back to the eighth century B.C. In 8:7 it sent an early warning note into the heart of humankind about the dangers and implications of all warmongering: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ This teaching has not just one but two hidden esoteric meanings. First it refers to the law of Karma, i.e. what we send out into the world must return to us.

But that is by no means all there is to it. In keeping with the Universal laws the force of whatever any one of us creates on the Earth plane through their thought processes and the actions following them increases and gathers ever more strength and momentum on its way back to us. This demonstrates that humankind’s most urgent need is taking charge of our thought processes and learning to control them. Constant practice alone can help us to become its masters rather than its servants.

May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that the civilian population had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city, a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained much of the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare.’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer expression of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that all manmade and natural disasters that have ever befallen our world were caused by us. Only then can the Universal justice of the law of Karma return anything to us. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world? A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations asked for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.

Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot extinguished by another. All  this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter, at the beginning of September 2013, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.

Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.

All spiritual talents the Universe bestows upon each one of us are meant to be used first for our own healing and subsequently for around us who is in need of them. As soon as the Universe grants one of us the gift of clear vision, that soul becomes capable of seeing into the innermost centre and beginning of all life, and what it is like to at one with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. Once this contact is made, if only for a brief moment, that soul opens as a channel through which God’s creative power and light can flow and act like a small spring of clear and life-giving water for all life.

Every spiritual development has the potential of one day growing into a mighty flowing river that has its beginnings in the above described spring in human hearts. Bubbling from the Earth plane and trickling down the hillside, it grows broader and ever stronger and faster flowing, until it has become a great river in its own right that constantly pours itself with all its might into the vast ocean of life. Each one of these rivers makes a valuable contribution towards sweeping away the debris of prejudices, false beliefs and superstitions that to this day clutter the consciousness of our world, as described in the eleventh labour of Hercules.

O Great Father/Mother of all life, please grant us the gift of Your wisdom and help us find ever better ways of dealing with crises like the present one in Syria. Hand in hand with the Angels and You, we lift all warmongering tendencies that to this day dwell in human hearts and the energies they create into the temple of healing in the heart of the Christ Star. With Your will and in accordance with Your wishes, may they be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life, so that peace and harmony may be restored in the heart and mind of humankind and our whole world, at last. In the name of love we ask this. Amen

May the Angels of Healing and Peace be with us and our world, to protect, guide and show us the way, now and forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Sowing The Wind’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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