Positive Thinking
The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more we realise the power of thought and the importance of learning to control the thinking processes of our earthly minds. Let’s take a closer look at why this should be so. Aquarius is one of the Air signs; the other two are Gemini and Libra. During lifetimes in one of them the capacities of our human mind develops in a different way in each sign and on another level every time we take part in one of them. Our long evolutionary journey takes us many times round the zodiac through every sign and house.
That’s how we, each through our own experiences and in the course of countless earthly sojourns, become ever more familiar with the characteristics and qualities of every sign, the negative as well as the positive ones. Through this our spirit and soul builds itself an earthly personality who slowly grows in wisdom and understanding of the processes of our existence. At the end of numerous lifetimes of taking part in the school of earthly life we awaken to our true nature, our oneness with God and all life. Eventually we realise that on the inner level none of this was ever lost.
Each new journey round the zodiac takes us onto a somewhat higher level of experiences. Up, up, up the evolutionary spiral of life we move, starting at it lowest point as an earthling who has no idea that there are higher dimensions of life and that they are our true home and that from there we enter into each new lifetime. That’s how each one of us slowly but surely works their way steadily onwards and upwards, until earthly life can no longer teach us anything and we are allowed to begin our explorations of the higher levels of life.
By the way, I do not believe that there is such a thing as a stupid person, because we are all part of the Divine spirit’s intelligence. It’s just that in some of us the mind faculties have not yet been attended to sufficiently. In contrast to this, many are by now aware that thinking is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation; that our thoughts of past lifetimes are responsible for creating the individual and collective reality of our world; and that today’s thinking and behaviour patterns are bringing our future conditions into being. Negative thinking all too easily draws us into a downward spiral of negativity that, with the passing of time, can take us ever deeper into a vortex of darkness and depression, until find it impossible to see something pleasant and good in anyone or anything. That’s why the importance of training our minds to think positively cannot be stressed too much.
Negative thinking is nothing but a bad habit that can and indeed is meant to be changed, and nobody can do this for us except we ourselves. We may have brought such tendencies with us from previous lifetimes into the present one in the hope of changing them. Well, this is our opportunity for doing so, let’s not miss it. Wise ones develop positive thinking into a fine art form. With the help of the spiritual knowledge, which for some time has been coming our way so generously from the highest levels of life, this is not as difficult as it once used to be. The wisdom God and the Angels are providing us with enable us to recognise the good that is hiding behind anything that happens in earthly life.
First of all everything is always trying to teach us something, occasionally it is for us individually and at other times for the whole of humankind. But apart from that, and this point is as vital as the first one especially in case of difficult and traumatic events, we can be sure that they are dealing with the redemption of karmic debts and restoring the balance of spiritual bank accounts. Nothing exists in our world that does not have its roots in either positive or negative Karma we ourselves created in the past, sometimes many lifetimes ago when we walked the Earth as our own forebears. Time and time again we have taken part in it, without having the slightest idea of what we were doing to ourselves and our world. By telling us about this now, the Universal Forces are laying to tools for creating the world of our dreams through the fine art of positive thinking.
Focussing on these aspects, whilst trusting the utter justice of the Divine laws, trains our minds to remain positive in any kind of situation. Changing our thinking patterns in this manner is a life-changing and empowering experience. It puts us in charge of our character make-up and enables us to actively and positively influence the flow not only of our own destiny but that of our whole world. One of the almost immediate effects of positive thinking is that our outlook on life as a whole becomes brighter. This makes us more attractive to those around us. As you can see, it’s well worth every small effort to train our mind. Here are a few tips of how to go about it:
• At the start of each new day remind yourself that you are worthy of love and of all the good things life has to offer. In front of a mirror say to yourself things like: ‘I am a special and unique being of light and I deserve the best.’ ‘I love and I am being loved.’ ‘I am courageous and strong.’ ‘I know I can cope.’ And so on and so forth. Use your creative imagination to make up sentences that feel right for you. Doing this may initially seem silly, but it does work. If you practise believing in yourself in this manner, after a while the accompanying positive feelings begin to rise quite naturally from within.
• However, if you encounter the resistance of your inner child self that cannot accept what you are suggesting – as I frequently do – you might like to try the following. Stand or sit in a meditative frame of mind, hug yourself. Imagine that it is your vulnerable and inner child you are hugging, then try to enter into a dialogue with it. For example, as if gently musing to yourself, say: ‘Do you know that you are a special and unique beloved child of the Universe and that you have a right to be here?’
When I approach my inner child in this way, it seems to be more willing to listen and accept my suggestions. After all, what I am telling my child self is the truth, as I know it now, alas did not when I was a child. Again, be creative and experiment. Feel within what you need right now and set about finding what works for you. If you develop a good method of your own, do not forget to pass it on to others and please also tell me about it.
• Learn to recognise negative language, yours and that of others. Ban all talk of ‘If only. . .’ or ‘I am so stupid’ or ‘I am fat, ugly and whatever else’. A friend of mine told me how, when she wanted to lose some weight, she observed that when she caught herself thinking: ‘I am fat and ugly’, she automatically reached for something sweet. However, when she said to herself: ‘I am slim and beautiful’, there was no craving for sweet things and she felt taller and enjoyed better posture.
• Cut down on your contacts with negative thinkers. If you live with one, spend as little time as possible with them and look for the company of those who have a more positive approach to life.
• If you cannot avoid meeting people who irritate and annoy you, it helps to make a list of their good points before seeing them. Focussing on them makes meeting these contacts more bearable and in due course may even become enjoyable.
• As much as possible avoid the whingers, whiners and moaners of this world. People who are constantly saying things like: ‘Isn’t it all awful!’ and ‘Look what state our world is in!’ are no longer appropriate company for you. They are in a negative mindset and it’s all too easy to get stuck in it. In your mind present them with a packet of whinger biscuits and then leave them to their own devices. As aspiring healer and lightbringer, you owe it to yourself to seek the company of likeminded folks with a positive outlook on life. With a bit of effort and practice, you will soon be able to see that there is something good in everything and everybody, if you but open your inner eyes and look for it.
• Thank all the people in your life who treated you badly, forgive them and do not forget to thank them. ‘Why on Earth should I do that?’ I hear you ask. Look at them from a different perspective and you will be able to recognise that they have been among your best teachers. Aren’t they the ones who helped you most of all to become the one you are now? Through their behaviour they have shown and still are demonstrating to you the way you do not wish to be. And that makes them into the best teachers the great wisdom of life could ever be sending anyone’s way. Come to think of it, this is a prime example of the art of positive thinking for you.
• The more frequently we remind ourselves of our abilities and ambitions, the more likely we are to reach our goals. Therefore, make lists of them and think about all your achievements and of the good things that are coming your way. When something goes wrong, it is likely that negative feelings rise into our consciousness. This is the way we have been reacting for most of this lifetime, so we cannot help it, but we can choose how we respond to adversity. Take time to feel your anger, disappointment and/or sadness, but then resolve that you wish to learn from the experience. That’s how something good can come out of anything that happens.
• • When you are getting up and it’s raining, don’t take one look outside and spoil your day by groaning: ‘What a miserable day!’ Some feel that every drop of rain that falls cleanses and purifies, blesses and heals the Earth. And because thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and we are one with God, if this is what we think it really does happen. Bear this in mind and open your window wide. Take a few deep breaths and savour the purified and cleansed air that’s greeting you. Listen to the rain, enjoy its sound and affirm that with every drop of rain that falls upon the Earth everything in her loving embrace is being cleansed and purified, blessed and healed. If it’s coming down heavily, rejoice and give thanks to the Highest Forces of life for providing for all our needs, including this one. We and our world are in dire need of every bit of the cleansing and healing power of the waters from the Heavens the Universe sends us.
Remember that the power of these Forces are infinitely wiser than you and I are ever likely to be. So, every day make the most of whatever comes your way. Each one of them is a good one because it is a gift from them. Rest safely in the knowledge that there really is a sound and wise reason for everything that happens anywhere in our world and remind yourself that those who look for the good are sure to find it in everything.
• If you can spare the time, get into some weatherproof clothes and footwear. Take an umbrella and go for a walk, ideally where you can be with trees, so you can feel and take part in their enjoyment of the blessing we are receiving from the Heavens. Splash in some puddles, like a small child – your inner child is sure to love this! Listen to the drumming of the rain on your umbrella and know that this is music of a very special kind. Stop every so often, breathe in and out extra deeply and through this consciously take part in Mother Earth’s purifying process.
• When the Sun reappears, notice how everything looks bright, clean and refreshed. Know that this is an outer expression of what is happening inside you and don’t forget to give thanks and praise to Father Sun in the sky and Mother Earth, for they are physical manifestations of our great and loving Mother/Father Creator and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. With the help of Its light all life is brought into being, nurtured and sustained.
Open your heart wide and breathe in Its golden healing light, so it can flow into you unhindered and directly from the temple of healing in the heart of the Sun beyond the Sun. Feel he love of God flowing from the Sun into and through you into Mother Earth and every one of her kingdoms and how it blesses and heals every lifeform she holds in her loving embrace. And at the end of each day, do not forget to offer thanks and praise to God and the Angels for another day of healing and peace, which with your help it has been for all life.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Power Of Thought’
• ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
• ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
• ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
• ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
• ‘Present Events On The Earthly Plane’
‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’