Thought For Today
Stargazer’s Treasure Chest Of Inspirational Writings
From Around Our World
In Poetry And Prose
Thought For Today
Marie Curie, 1867-1964, wrote: ‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.’ And as Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, pointed out: ‘Any fool can know. The point is to understand.’ You can be sure that it does not come from reading books alone. You may know something because you have read about it somewhere and still be a long way from understanding it. So, how does one find understanding? It grows quite naturally and organically within us when we just live our lives and move ever forwards, being mindfully present during all our experiences, making sure to feel our feelings and listen to the inner guidance we receive through them. That no doubt is why Søren Kierkegaard, 1813-1855, concluded: ‘Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.’
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘It is neither the critic who counts nor the people who point out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are in the arena and although their faces are marred by dust, sweat and blood, they strive valiantly, erring and coming short again and again, because there is no effort without it. But still they are striving to do their best with enthusiasm and great devotion. These people are spending themselves in a worthy cause and at best in the end they will know the triumph of high achievement. At worst, should their endeavours fail, they have been doing something and dared greatly. Therefore, their place will never be with cold and timid souls who are unfamiliar with victory and defeat.’ Theodore Roosevelt edited by Aquarius
From ‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Here is some advice from the Mexican poet, A. Nervo: ‘About sublime and essential things do not talk to all, but seek the level of those you converse with, so as not to humble or distress anyone. When with the frivolous, be as frivolous as they are, gently dropping a petal from the flower of your dreams into their cup of frivolity. If they are not ready for it, be on your way smilingly, because you know that they will come to what you have found in their own time. Should someone pick up your petal, examine it and inhale its fragrance, carefully and discreetly allow them a few more glimpses of what grows in your magic inner garden. Tell them of the invisible Divinity that surrounds and penetrates everything. Maybe thoughts and feelings of love will enter their minds, to act as a key and an ‘open Sesame’ of the door to the only true freedom there is for humankind: spiritual freedom!’
From ‘The Eternal Light’
‘Healers And Healing’
Knowing that in truth all of us are siblings in the vast human family, how could I have something against anyone? Nobody is our enemy and, when looked at the right way, everybody is our friend. For the length of one lifetime, we find ourselves time and again in earthly life and all of us together are like children at school and performers on the vast stage of life. The daily drama of life in physicality is acted out so we can learn from each other. Through this we grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life, and our consciousness expands. And that is the main purpose of our existence.
From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’
‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’
Your individual soul is an integral part of the soul of humankind and of your world as well as of the great soul of all life, the Goddess and Mother of all life. She is the wise one inside you, My feminine wisdom and love aspect, the only one in the whole of Creation who really does know the way of all things and the answer to every one of the questions you may ever care to ask. The more your soul unites itself with Her, the better she can supply you with the right replies for even the most difficult queries. She gives you the benefit of Her wisdom to find wise and loving solutions for every one of your problems, as soon as in Her view the moment for doing so has come. She is part of you and you are part of Her.
By the time your earthly self finally has consciously taken possession of this part of your being, acting in kind and loving ways and without hesitation giving of your best in each one of your daily encounters has grown into a spontaneous and instinctive reaction. That’s why I say to you now go forth and make haste. No matter what may still have to happen in earthly life, be of good cheer and rejoice, My beloved children of the Earth. The spiritual knowledge the Angels and I are making available to you is intended to be used for the good of the whole of humankind and not merely for your own benefit. Glean and gather the best from all the religions of your world. Each one in its time has been equally valuable and served one specific purpose in the curriculum of your race’s earthly education.
From ‘Finding My Truth’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Every belief system that came and went its way again contained some tiny grains of My truth. None of them ever had a monopoly on My truth, in spite of the fact that through the ages many proclaimed theirs to be the only holy-making way of life. Young and inexperienced souls to this day seriously believe this to be the case with the religion they were either born into or made the conscious choice to join. Never mind, leave them to it. They too will learn in time, so be patient with them. Be content with knowing that they, each through their own experiences, too will eventually find out that any religious conviction that has ever been held on the Earth plane could do no more than providing humankind with another temporary walking stick and support.
From ‘Finding My Truth’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Refuse to sit in judgement over anyone and anything, including the words and deeds of those who are younger and less experienced souls than you are. This does not mean you are condoning their intentions, far from it. Wise ones bear in mind that these people are only taking part in their earthly lessons, the same as they are doing – though by now in the opposite direction. Be as kind and tolerant towards them as you possibly can. In spite of the fact that they sometimes cross your path in the shape of greybeards, their behaviour leaves you in no doubt about the age of their souls. Forgiving them becomes easier when you remind yourself that, when all is said and done, they are your younger siblings in the great family of humankind, who have the same right to receive their most difficult and traumatic earthly lessons, just the same as you once did.
Take for example the time when the by now more highly evolved souls took part in the inquisition during its reign of terror of almost six hundred years. That’s what each one of you did, sometimes at the giving and other times at the receiving end. The inquisition was the strong arm of the Christian church. Although it was humankind’s most evil and infamous institution ever, it represented a vital part in the study of the use and abuse of personal and collective power over masses of people. As all human souls have to take part in the same lessons, this too was necessary.
From ‘Finding My Truth’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The karmic chains and shackles that were created between human beings at any given time are of an emotional nature. They can only be dissolved through the kind of forgiveness that grows quite naturally in you when you find a better understanding of the spiritual background and higher purpose of your earthly existence. The knowledge that everybody else is walking the same evolutionary pathway with you alone can bring the deep inner healing and peace to every aspect of your being. All of you have been looking for it in previous lifetimes, without success. But now at last the energies are right and with this the time has come for this process to take place. Therefore, do not hesitate to give of your best and make your contribution towards the blessing and healing your world and everything that shares it with you.
From ‘Finding My Truth’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Voluntarily you once came away from the state of your conscious union with Me, which in your world is widely known as paradise. When invited to do so, you agreed happily to the adventure of discovering what life might have to offer to a spiritual being in a physical environment, like that of the Earth. Aware that the law of life is evolution, you were eager to grow and evolve. So you ventured forth, happily and of your own free will, excited and motivated by the idea that every human spirit would be allowed to learn from its own experiences. You loved the thought that this would constantly add to the knowledge that already had accumulated in the Great Mother’s soul memories, long before any one of you made their first appearance. This is what ever since then all of you have constantly been doing and will forever continue to do.
At the stage of being pure spirit, you were happy to start building a soul of your own as part of the Great Mother’s soul, as this would permit you to experience life in your new environment through the world of your emotions and feelings. You agreed with everything joyously because you knew that at the end of your journeying ever deeper into any kind of thus far unknown territories, you would return into My loving embrace. Aware that the Angels would forever be by your side, watchfully and lovingly guiding and protecting you every step along the way, the decision to act as volunteers and wayfinders for ever more of you, who would follow behind, was not a difficult one either.
From ‘No Fall From Grace Or Original Sin’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘Be patient towards everything that so far remains unresolved in your heart and soul. When questions arise, accept them and love them as you would do with a room whose door is locked and books that were written in a language that is foreign to you. If the answers do not come to you naturally, do not seek them. You will know at the right moment, because if the answers were given to you straight away, you would as yet be unable to experience them. The main point about our present existence is that everything has to be lived. So if you just live with your questions, at some point in the future their answers will come to you. You will then be able to comprehend and live them.’
Rainer Maria Rilke
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘The Guest House’
‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
To paraphrase the Buddha, we are shaped by our thoughts and we become what we think. When we have cleansed our earthly minds of all destructive and negative thought patterns and we have become a channel of light and the willing servant of our Highest or God Self, the Christ within, Divine joy, happiness and laughter fill our soul. They follow us like a shadow that never leaves. Having evolved into a Master soul, the necessity for further lifetimes in physicality has drawn to its close.
Master souls are pure and beautiful. Their whole appearance radiates a love that is strong and eternal. Serving the highest good of the whole of humankind is its only aim, but it does this in wise and loving ways that know when to give and when to withhold. These souls radiate the tenderness and gentleness of the Great Mother, which is combined with the Great Father’s strength of will, power and courage. This duality of the Great Father/Mother watches over us, our world and all others. Each one of us has their being in Its tender loving care.
From ‘The True Cause Of All Disasters’
‘Healers And Healing’
The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from ‘A Time to Remember’ in Stella Polaris Oct/Nov 2008: ‘Do not be afraid of the future and the unknown. There is no need to fear your moment of death because it is but a step forward that returns you into our world, your true home, and entering into a fuller existence. Your physical body has been your vehicle for one lifetime. Leaving it behind enables you to move from life into physicality into our world of light.
‘Without consciously being aware of it in your earthly existence, it is a road you have travelled many times before. And each time the only thing you were allowed to take with you was whatever light, in the form of wisdom and understanding, you had gained from the experiences of all your lifetimes, including the most recent one. This light is stored in the memories of your soul and from there it emanates constantly. Once you have arrived in the spirit world, it reveals to you the beauty and wonders of our realm and its life.’
From ‘Do Not Fear The Unknown’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
Everything that is in our lives is meant to teach us something and death is no exception. Most of all it shows that nothing and no-one on the Earth plane has any real power. No matter how powerful and splendid someone may think they are, the Angel of Death – who is part of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love – calls them away at its bidding. Nobody leaves this plane as our inflated ego may try to make us believe, but without any kind of earthly possessions just the same as everybody else. The whole procedure of death is a demonstration that true and lasting power never belongs to any one of us earthlings. It belongs to God alone and the hierarchy of wise ones, who have been appointed to be in charge of us and who act on the commands of those superior to them on the highest levels of life.
The Angel of Death is a group of Angels. None of them has anything in common with the images of the grim reaper we know from days gone by. The countenance of these Angels is kind and loving and they radiate nothing but love. When we are ready to leave our physical body behind, one of them comes for our spirit and soul. Taking the hand of our astral body, it wraps its wings of golden light around us and takes us to the world of light.
I believe that the fear of death mostly consists of the feelings that gripped us during past lifetimes when the moment of yet again parting company with our physical body drew ever closer. As many different cultures contain a notion that we have to go to some kind of hell or purgatory when we leave our earthly existence, we are all likely to have passed through such an experience in quite a few of our lifetimes during the course of our evolutionary journey up to the present.
Through this the fear of death by now has so deeply embedded itself in our soul memories that it is one of the most difficult ones to let go of. But now the time is right for finding out that heaven and hell are not places that anyone goes to, that they are states of consciousness that human beings are so good at creating for themselves and those around them. And because humankind has been given the precious gift of freedom of choice, it is up to each one of us individually to bring our own ideas of Heaven down to Earth, right here and living them in every one of our daily encounters.
From ‘Earth Life – A Journey’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
One of the many cherished false beliefs of the past has been the notion that Heaven and Hell are places ‘somewhere up there or down there’ that we go to. Are the experiences of our most difficult relationships in the here and now in themselves not sufficient proof that Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness? With the help of the thinking and behaviour patterns we brought with us from previous lifetimes, each one of us is quite capable of creating Heaven or Hell, for ourselves and those around us. Without being aware of what we were doing, we are likely to have made life unnecessarily hard to endure during the early stages of our present lifetime because of the many false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions from past lifetimes.
From ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
The realisation that some of our behaviour patterns are destructive and negative, therefore wrong for the present stage of our development, is the first step towards empowering ourselves to consciously change our character traces into more positive and constructive ones. But because as earthlings we are allowed the freedom to make up our own minds about things and to make our own decisions, it’s entirely up to us whether we want to walk this pathway or not. During the early stages of our earthly education we are largely unaware of what kind of a precious gift freedom of choice is and that it needs to be handled wisely and with the greatest of care. But as we mature into spiritual adulthood it gradually dawns on us what it truly means and the responsibilities it brings with it. For example, making conscious decisions about how our ideas of Heaven should be brought down to Earth by us through constantly practising them in our daily lives.
From ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Do you know someone who insists on always getting their own way, by hook or by crook, and who has to be right at all times? Is there someone around you who manipulates those around them into doing exactly what they would like them to do? People who are strongly under the influence of the water signs Cancer and Scorpio are known to be the master manipulators of the zodiac. It is interesting to watch them at work! Yet, they must learn that there is no point in manipulation, because those who indulge in it will sooner or later also be manipulated by others. If this does not happen during this lifetime, it will do so in others. The worst of it is that we are then likely to find such people and their machinations mightily irritating, without having any idea why this should be so.
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In the end, we all have to reach the stage where we can recognise that everybody has a right to do their own thing and to make their own decisions, that no-one can always be right and everybody is right in some things, some of the time. The realisation of this is the beginning of wisdom. When we insist on always being right in everything, pretending to know everything better, we deny ourselves the possibility of learning something from others. Accepting our own boundaries and limitations, and everybody else’s, is a sign that we have learnt that giving in instead of being a sign of defeat or weakness can be one of strength and wisdom.
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
There is a great deal of wisdom and truth in the old saying ‘It takes one to know one’. Because we are magnetic beings, we can only recognise in others what is inside us and if a certain kind of behaviour by someone irritates and annoys us, you can be sure that projection is at work. If, on the other hand, we are aware of what the other one is doing, but find it no more than slightly amusing, we are receiving a signal from our inner self that the negative side of this particular aspect of our nature and the other person’s has already been integrated by us and developed into a positive one. Whenever this happens, we have grown in wisdom and the likelihood is that after a while the offending person will somehow go from our life, because the purpose of our encounter with them has been fulfilled.
Only when this has happened are we ready to move on to new relationships who can help us to become familiar with other parts of our character. In future, we shall rarely encounter anyone who behaves in the offending manner we left behind. Whatever we have learnt in every one of our earthly existences becomes our spiritual property. It is the only thing we are allowed to keep and take with us into Eternity, so that from one lifetime to another it can help us conduct our relationships with more ease. Gaining a better understanding of how personal relationships work speeds up our evolutionary progress considerably, as there is then no longer necessary to endlessly repeat our mistakes. Now please tell me whether projection is worth working with or not?
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
The lower earthly mind is the only thing that separates us in this world from that of the spirit, our true home. But as soon as we approach it with nothing but love and gratitude in our hearts for the support our spirit helpers have always been giving us, our own clairvoyance and clairaudience begins to develop. Feeling the need to humbly stand or kneel before humankind’s spirit friends to receive the gift of the knowledge they are bringing on behalf of all humankind, signals our readiness to serve them and unselfishly act as one of their channels, so it can be brought to all who are in need of it in earthly life. It then does not take long until we realise that none of us ever stops being at one with the spirit world and all who are dwelling there now, not merely our loved ones.
From ‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
Many of you are by now aware that everything that is in Me is also in you and that this means all My characteristics and qualities, as well as My powers, including those of creation and de-creation or destruction. For a long time each one of you spends many lifetimes on the Earth plane, thinking of yourself as nothing but an earthling, and that you can do whatever you like, hurting, maiming and killing without anyone knowing about it. But eventually for each one of you comes the moment of awakening to your true nature. The scales then fall from your inner vision about your relationship with Me and the powers that have been at work within you and your life, without you having the slightest idea of why things ever happened to you and your world.
From ‘Students And Their Teachers’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Each one of you is a unique and precious being who is of great value to Me and loved beyond compare, and who has their own unique contribution to make in the peacemaking and healing process of your world. I granted you the gift of your present lifetime to assist you with becoming aware of your Divine inheritance, so that you may learn to handle every part of it with the greatest of care and with the love, respect and devotion to Me they deserve. Because on the inner level of life all is one, in your earthly endeavours never forget that what is done for one is done for everybody. The result of this is that when one of you is healing, your whole world is doing the same, and even the smallest effort any one of you makes towards this end also benefits the whole of Creation.
From ‘Students And Their Teachers’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Many who are presently spending another lifetime on the Earth plane are unaware that the whole of My creation is teaming with life that to this day is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes. Because of this they refuse to believe in the existence of other worlds. They could not be more wrong! But in due course the doubting Thomases will also discover them.
What I am speaking about is the realm of the Angels and Masters and all manner of other beings, who are more highly evolved than most earthlings still are. The creatures who for a long time have been known by some of you as fairies and elves are part of this higher kingdom of life. They belong to the vast family of nature spirits, who have always been at work behind the scenes of humankind’s earthly existence. They are the ones who provide for every one of the true needs of every one of Mother Earth’s children, human, animal and plant life alike.
By day and night these creatures are beavering away without ever resting or sleeping. Although they do belong to the physical aspect of earthly life, being spirits they have no need for bodies like yours for getting around. Your physical body is your vehicle for one lifetime only and it gets tired and worn out and eventually becomes ill, if it does not get sufficient rest. The creatures behind the scenes of earthly life are part of Me, the same as you are. The main difference between them and you is that they are drawing all their energies directly from Me, the Great Light and the Sun behind all Suns, while you have to get the physical part of it from the various kingdoms of Mother Earth. The supply of my energies quite literally is endless and will never run out. And there will come a time when you too will be sustained the same as any other spirit being.
From ‘My House Of Many Mansions’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
All life is subject to My Divine laws and every soul has always been responsible for every one of its own thoughts, words and actions. Being unaware of the existence of these laws has never protected anyone against having to live with its consequences. Whenever you are saddened by inexperienced souls in your world, who to this day are taking the teachings of their sacred texts literally, using them as excuses for hurting and killing those who do not share their beliefs, do not despair and refuse to sit in judgement over them.
They too are learning valuable lessons. Both of you are – yours is the one of tolerance and patience with younger souls. Never forget that they are your siblings in the great family of humankind and all life. In the fullness of time, My time not Earth time, they too will wake up to their true nature again. They will then be given the same opportunities for finding the understanding you are gaining now. Each one of you in the end finds their own way back into the loving union with Me. You will then have learnt from your own experiences that all life always has rested safely in My loving hands and that this will forever continue.
From ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
For as long as someone believes that every word of the Bible is true and should be taken literally, including the Jesus story, that person could be constantly in danger of thinking: ‘I can do as I like and sin as much as I want to. The priest will forgive me and then I can keep on sinning. And even if at the end of our session s/he says: ‘Go forth and sin no more!’ I shall think: ‘What of it? I know from previous occasions that nobody knows and that nothing happens to me, so let’s do it again and again ad infinitum.’ That has been the way of the past and reflecting on where it has got us and world, one can only come to the obvious conclusion that this never has been the right way of going about things.
What a world of difference it makes when one becomes aware that Jesus is a symbolism of our higher nature and that God is part of us, and we are part of God. Therefore, God witnesses and knows everything about us, in the minutest details. Our whole perception of life changes when we find out that in truth we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, always have been and forever will be. As soon as we get a better grasp of the Universal laws, God’s laws, we realise that no priest ever had the power of forgiving anything and that their kind of forgiveness could not wipe away one iota of anyone’s Karmic debts.
From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’
‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’
The ones who are truly in charge of us and our world are our friends and siblings in the great family of life, the Angels and Masters, guides and helpers in the world of light. They are responsible for the individual and collective evolutionary development of our race. Familiar with the great plan of life, these beings are its executors. And because they are as much part of us as we are part of them, none of us is ever really alone. They never leave us and are constantly on the alert to assist whenever one of us is struggling with the problems of earthly life. Being part of God, the same as we are, their nature is love and they love us totally and unconditionally. They also are very powerful and wise.
Our spirit friends and helpers are the invisible eye that never sleeps. Spirit needs none of it. Only physical bodies get tired and need sufficient rest to be refreshed and recharged. This is what happens each time we return to our true home in dreamtime. Every moment the invisible eye watches, observes and assesses what degree of spiritual awareness we have reached, which reveals itself through our reactions to the situations and people we encounter in our daily lives. Our spirit guides care for and look after every one of us. Their work consists of supporting us and providing us with the courage and strength we need to deal with the obstacles every earthling is bound to encounter from time to time on our pathway through life. Without these hurdles there would be no way of making the progress that can potentially be made. Removing them would stop the individual’s march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life as well as that of our whole race.
From ‘Healing The Conflicts Of Our World’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
We are magnetic beings and we draw towards us that which we are ourselves, consciously as well as unconsciously. And those who are still involved in the practice of evil are aligning themselves to the forces of evil. They attract others into their orbit who are also still in need of this kind of lesson, as each and every one of us has to do in some of their lifetimes. At the end of their present lifetime, the souls who are presently involved in the lessons of evil, at the handing out end of these experiences, return to the world of light. After resting for a while and recuperating from the stresses and strains of their earthly existence, there will come the moment when, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of them, they will be reviewing what they have learnt from their most recent lifetime and all others, the way we all do.
That’s when they will realise that the most important lesson of their most recent earthly sojourn has been that the actions they carried out cannot get anyone to Heaven, i.e. being released into learning from experiencing the higher and highest levels of life. First hand they will know that:
• No matter what anyone on the Earth plane may ever promise, evil gets no-one to Heaven.
• Spiritually, nobody ever ‘gets away’ with anything.
• Missions that hurt and harm those around us make us accessories to evil. All they can hope to achieve is creating a living hell on the Earth. They will most certainly not get us to Heaven, if there ever had been such a place.
• There is no point in committing suicide at the end of an evil deed. The only thing that happens is that we have to come back to make good and create balance, for whatever harm we did to anyone.
From ‘Christ – The Light Of Our World’
‘Healers And Healing’
As my God Self guides and protects me from within my own innermost being and shows me the way in all situations, I have no need for being anxious about past, present or future. As an eternal and immortal being, there is no death for me, merely transformations into different life-states where God will forever be my dwelling place. And underneath me there will always be the ever-lasting arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life, to keep me safe. Nothing can ever touch me except God’s direct action, and like me God is love.
And so, I freely and willingly forgive all those who ever hurt or harmed me. And I forgive myself for any suffering I caused to anyone in my ignorance of my true nature and the Universal laws. Everything that once was between us is herewith forgiven and forgotten, and we set each other free. My Christ Spirit helps me to uplift and transmute any residue of resentment and bitterness that my soul still feels into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life. This frees me from the chains and shackles of all the difficult relationships of past lifetimes.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘Thought has an infinite and creative power. Thought and imagination can create in your world and in ours. Do you see what this implies? It means that man by his habitual thought actually shapes his life and circumstances. Although some of you will disagree with this, nevertheless in due time you will find it is true. As you think, so you will become, and your surroundings will evolve. In other words you are creating your conditions and environment by your own thoughts, not only you yourself, but the whole of humankind is doing this. You see how great and grave is this power? It creates humankind and its world.
‘We cannot emphasise too strongly the power of thought. Humankind thinks that thought is something private. Your thoughts are expressed in your face, in the wellbeing of your body. They are even expressed in your clothing, in your homes, in your business, in your walking, your writing, your aura – that which is hidden is shouted from the rooftops by your thoughts.
‘Thought can heal and create good health, but it can also inflict pain and disease, and disrupt and destroy the mental and soul life of humankind. Thought can do anything in your world and others. Thoughts of anger, fear and hate form the root of all suffering and wars. Thought can also bring forth beauty and harmony, feelings of kinship and everything else humankind longs for. Your scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending the power of thought.
From ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
It is true that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, but do you know why? The creative idea required to set any act of creation in motion is the masculine power aspect of the Great Architect of life, which belongs to the abstract world of intellect. Astrologically this is represented by the elements Fire, creativity, and Air, intellect. Through the feminine elements of Earth and Water, God creates and destroys whole worlds at will, by the sheer power of thought. Created in the image of God, the same truly awesome force is also part of us. Because in God all is one and there is no separation between anything, our small earthly minds are a part of the intelligence of the Universe, God’s great mind.
Would you agree that we urgently need some help to teach us the control of such forces and how to use them wisely? That is why Saturn, the planet of Karma, is such a vital and invaluable part of the great picture of life, especially at the present time. Saturn is a symbolism for the stern and undeviating celestial schoolmaster who requires that every soul must eventually achieve control over its lower nature and complete mastery of all aspects of its being. This sounds daunting but we are not alone in this, God and the Angels are waiting to be called upon to help each one of us fulfil these requirements. Saturn is the great accountant of life whose ledgers are perfect and justice is wielded accordingly, under the supervision of the Lords of Karma. For this purpose the Universe keeps on the etheric level of life what is known as the Akashic Records.
From ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
The Akashic Records are the place where at any given moment everyone’s thoughts, words and deeds on their evolutionary pathway through life is noted. Because we are responsible for them, they are recorded and each ones leaves its mark behind in the great book of life, similar to writing in indelible ink on the earthly plane of life. These files can be likened to a vast library and a bookkeeping system that, like any other, consists of credit and a debit entries and ledgers. None of these entries in the Universe’s system can ever be wiped out. It is just that the ones on the debit side can and must eventually be redeemed and balanced by our good deeds on the credit side. This continues until perfect balance has been achieved and we have grown wise to stop creating difficult Karma for ourselves and our world.
That’s the only way all of us, each through their own efforts, can and must eventually release ourselves from the wheel of rebirth into Earth life and the redemption of its karmic debts there. The Akashic Records are shown to us on ‘judgement day’, i.e. when we are back in the world of spirit and stand before ourselves. Stripped of everything that mattered to us on the Earth plane and guided by the wise ones in charge of us, we ourselves then assess our performance of all lifetimes including the most recent one. Together we then discuss our options and finally decide about the experiences we shall require to ensure our future soul growth, whilst satisfying the requirements of the law of Karma. Knowing all that it’s not hard to see why it is of the utmost importance that we learn self-mastery and especially the control of our thought processes.
From ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
The Bible in James 3:1-12 warns: ‘Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
‘When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
‘All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.’
Young and inexperienced souls behave in the manner described in the first part of the above quote, while wise and more highly evolved ones make an effort to take good care of their tongues. They do this because they are aware that the Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, decrees that everything has to return to its source. They appreciate that every thought, word and deed any one of us sends out into our world in some way must find its way back to its sender. That is why wise ones, when they have nothing good to say about someone or something, they shut up and keep quiet.
Because human beings basically are sociable and talkative creatures by nature, learning to watch the words we speak and thereby take charge of our tongues is one of the most difficult things we have to tackle on the evolutionary pathway of life. That undoubtedly is why as early as the Bible’s Old Testament told us in Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue. And those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ In ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ White Eagle adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and haste. When you do this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of the Master within you.
‘We ask you to render a service to yourself and that is holding your tongue. It is one of the hardest tasks that can be asked of you. You ought to see the mists that surround you and your world that is caused by idle chatter. When there is so much of it on the Earth, even the Angels can to nothing but bow their heads, because they are then unable to minister to you. Whenever you are tempted to say: ‘I think or believe so and so. I like this person, but I don’t like that one,’ instead of speaking, be silent and wait and see. If you can also restrain yourself from expressing any foolish opinions about the affairs and the state of your world you will greatly assist the Angels in their work.’
Since time immemorial God and the Angels on the Highest levels of life have been pouring parts of their wisdom into the pool of human consciousness and this will forever continue. Every human being, independent of where we presently dwell in this world and the world of spirit, is an integral part of this reservoir of knowledge that has been accumulated over the ages. From time to time, teachers of spiritual wisdom are reincarnating into our world in different cultures and during various ages, to share the gift of their understanding of the true meaning and purpose of our existence with the earthly part of humankind.
To my mind, the knowledge that came to our world in this way was never intended for just the privileged few. Anyone who comprehends the incoming wisdom is ready to receive it and is meant to share it with those around them. It has ever been true that when the pupil is ready, the teacher will be found. Everyone of us in their own sweet time eventually reaches the level of awareness when we are ready to be guided towards the right sources of information that can help us move forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary journey of life. Whatever insights are given to us intuitively by our inner teacher, the wise one within, should also be shared with those around us. And because the knowledge comes to us free of charge, I feel that it is good and right – for me, in any case – to give it away.
I have always aimed to give of my best at all times, so God and the Angels can do the rest. After all, that is the purpose of our earthly existence. The special gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon each one of us in such rich measure are intended to be used eventually for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. For the bringing in of the New Age we all have a special role to play and function to fulfil, in whatever capacity this may be. How can we recognise ours? Through intuitions, hunches and gut feelings that come to us through the world of our feelings our Highest or God Self is constantly trying to communicate with us, its earthly counterpart. If listen to it and follow its directions, it unerringly guides us towards the people and experiences that are right for us, at any given moment.
From ‘Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody’
I know that God is in everything and even the tiniest fraction of life contains God. Therefore, wherever I am, that is my church. Aware of my own Christ nature, Divinity and origin – as well as everybody else’s – I no longer have any need for organised religions with their insistence on dogma and creed. I am free to believe what the wise one within me tells me is true and right for me, now. God is truth and so am I and with every one of my thoughts, words and actions I express my truth. Whatever I send out into the Universe manifests nothing but my honesty and my truth. God’s love is tolerant and I have no difficulties accepting that other people’s truth may be somewhat different. And I send my loving thoughts and prayers of healing and peace to the whole of God’s Creation, to Mother Earth’s animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as to every man, woman and child in her loving embrace without exceptions, for all are God’s beloved children of the Earth.
Because on the inner level all life is one, my special attention is devoted to transmitting love and light to anyone who is still wrestling with the experiences of getting to know humankind’s lower nature and their own. No matter how hard to accept this concept may be to some of my fellow citizens, that is nonetheless what my inner guidance tells me is the truth. I act upon this knowledge by praying that the light of Divine wisdom and truth may fill the hearts and souls of all my younger siblings in the human family and that they too may re-awaken to the knowledge of their true nature and oneness with all life.
Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.
Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things * quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.
That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.
From ‘You Are Special’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’
However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic *. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.
From ‘You Are Special’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
My dear children of the Earth, for you there is every reason for rejoicing and being optimistic. The mass of spiritual information that by now has become available to you and the great interest it is finding is living proof of how the collective consciousness of your race and world is ever more opening up and expanding. As pointed out earlier, to your small earthly minds all matters of faith that were ever presented to those on the Earth plane by its very nature had to remain one giant jigsaw puzzle. Now the time has come for joining its pieces together, so that a full and clear picture of My truth can emerge. This is happening now. The sections of the mystery are falling into place and magically the spiritual life of your world as one whole structure becomes visible. Even to many earthly eyes it takes on shape and meaning.
There is no reason for looking down your noses on humankind’s spiritual perceptions of the past. They all contained some grains of My wisdom and truth and in their time made a valuable contribution to the evolution of your race. Fill your hearts with gladness, for your world has reached the converging point of all its philosophies. You will gradually be able to see for yourselves how each one in its own right, and then all of them together, were never intended to be more than a means of showing you the way back home into your true nature and the oneness with Me and all life and lifeforms.
As it was in the beginning, so it will ever be. The only thing that transforms itself from time to time is your grasp of spiritual issues; that is all. There is no conflict between the old religions and the new one. The spirit guides and Masters will continue their work behind the scenes of earthly life, the way they have done for a very long time. Until the last one of you has been released from its studies on the Earth plane, they will carry on guiding and supporting each one of you, as always.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The more your perception of life changes and your understanding of the spiritual realities that lie behind your present existence increases, the more clearly will you be able to recognise each one who accompanies you in the spirit world in their true roles as your wise elder siblings in the vast family of life. Nothing has changed as far as they and you are concerned. They are still your best friends and helpers, your good shepherds in the world of light. Being responsible for guiding and protecting the souls that have been given into their care, they diligently watch over their flocks by night, i.e. in the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the Earth. For as long as they are still needed, they will be there for you to turn to and ask for help in times of distress.
Your guides and Masters in the world of light are presently preparing you and your race to occupy its rightful place in the Universe. Know that the spiritual beliefs of your world that previously served to separate you from each other, are now drawing you together again into the awareness of what, on the inner levels of life, has always been true, namely that all life is one. The further you advance into the New Age, the more each one of you will become aware that truthfully:
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race, the race of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The mystical teachings of all ages set out a code of conduct that you, as aspiring healers and lightworkers, know intuitively and follow. For you it is no longer a question of I have to be good and I have to love others. In the process of finding illumination you begin to spontaneously express your true nature and show love, kindness and gentleness, not only to other people but to the whole of Creation. You are aware that for evolutionary purposes it was necessary that in their early stages the religions of your world had to follow many different paths. As you know and respect that every human soul has its own predestined pathway to walk and discoveries to make, you refuse to force your way of thinking and mode of travelling upon anyone else.
Although you are aware that in truth there is only one religion, you appreciate that many of your siblings on the Earth plane are still ignorant of this fact. Yet, as a true child of Mine you respect everybody’s freedom of thought and the right to make their own decisions about what they can and cannot believe. Meanwhile rest safely in the knowledge that in the end every one of your siblings in the human family of life is destined to reconnect with Me. When the time is right, they too will discover that the only true, lasting and eternal religion is the one of the heart, and that this is the kind of faith that re-unites all human souls with Me, your Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and through Me with the whole of Creation.
From ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘If I did all the things human beings ask for in their prayers and fulfilled every one of their wishes, it would be impossible for the petitioners to make progress on their evolutionary journey. In due course its experiences take each one of you from being a mere earthling into a healer and lightbringer and eventually a young God, each in their own right. From your present developmental point this may still be hard to imagine, but that is the direction in which all of you, without exception, are travelling. Would you want to deprive yourself of such a high and holy destiny? That surely cannot be what you want.
‘The law of life is evolution and that means spiritual unfoldment. To protect you from some of the desires of your earthly nature and against coming to a complete standstill in your development as a spiritual being, many times the answer to your prayers has to be a clear and simple: ‘No.’ Progressing on the evolutionary spiral of life is every human being’s birthright and eventually each one has to learn that living in and with Me requires that you surrender your whole being, everything you are and have into My loving hands. This you do when you use the gifts I have bestowed upon you to do all you can to support the spiritual advance of your whole world and everything that is taking part in it.
From ‘I Asked The Universal Christ’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Apart from giving them a helping hand when they are asking for it, their concerns are not yours. They have their own pathway to walk and lessons to learn. The earthly personality you yourselves created in the course of many lifetimes is the cross * all human beings carrying each time they enter into another earthly existence. You alone can change it and if you don’t know how to go about it, get in touch with us so we can light your way and guide you to publications and people who can help you forward with this. You karmic debts are part of this cross and, as mentioned earlier, you are the only one who can redeem them. The main task for you at present is minding your own business, not interfering with other and through this allowing them access to My gift of freedom of choice *. This is an essential part of learning to love wisely, the way the Angels and I love you and give you the freedom to make up your own mind whether you want our assistance or not.
‘When you reflect on your own life and life in general, you will be able to observe how it is constantly moving up and down in rhythmic waves. That’s why you sometimes find yourself on top of one, while on other occasions you have to wade through the depths. Knowing that life has to be that way for a wise higher reason, accept everything that comes your way and rest safely in the knowledge that whenever you reach a deep point, you are sure to rise again. Do your best and rest assured that the Angels and I will always be happy to do the rest, if you but ask for it. We bless each one of you and will forever be keeping you safe.’
From ‘I Asked The Universal Christ’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Six thousand years of patriarchy are drawing to their close. Six thousand years that brought our world an abundance of religions and a spiritual desert beyond compare. The Age of Aquarius is with us and six thousand years of literally Heaven-sent excuses for ever more warmongering and the design of increasingly vicious and destructive weaponry are lying behind us. In some parts the patriarchy is clinging on like grim death and that’s about all it has to offer: more death and destruction of life and earthly possessions. This too will run its course and peace come to our world at last.
The best we can do is fill our whole being with the spirit and light of the living God within, the Universal Christ, and project Its energies into all distressed areas and situations of our world. This is our task and carrying our world on their shoulders that’s the work of God and the Angels. After having spent such a long time in the desert of Earth life and dying of thirst for the support and comfort of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth, shall we ever be able to express enough our gratitude for the gifts the Aquarian Age is bringing us? But still, without the years in the wilderness we would still be unable to recognise the truth that is now coming before us with such great abundance. So, let’s not forget to give thanks and praise also for the desert phases of our individual and collective earthly education.
From ‘The Spiritual Desert Of Earth Life’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
If you are feeling helpless about many of the things that are happening in our world and are frequently asking yourself: ‘What can I do about the state of our world?’ I would reply: ‘More than you might think!’ Bearing in mind that all powers that are in God are also in us and each one of being a co-creator with God, we are powerful beyond compare. Read more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.
This is our opportunity for learning how to employ the powers within us wisely and unselfishly for the highest good of all. As aspiring healers and lightbringers we can make a valuable contribution towards our planet’s sacred marriage with and spiritualisation by the highest levels of life, which for some time has been taking place. For this purpose we need to tune not only the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind but our whole being into the frequency of the Christ Star and project its radiance into the distressed areas of our world. This is how everybody can do their share of helping Mother Earth.
If that’s what you wish to do, please join me in your prayers, meditations and quite reflections by thinking and projecting nothing but light and love, hope and faith into the troubled spots of our world. Do not allow your mind to batter you with questions about any of the events that still have to take place because they are part of God’s great evolutionary plan. If they were not, there would be no need for them.
From ‘What Can I Do About The State Of Our World?’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
If you, my dear reader, are one of the Doubting Thomases ‘out there’, I have a few questions for you: ‘Are you seriously interested in finding God’s truth? Do you wish that our world should become a more peaceful and enjoyable place for all, where the people of all nations live together in peace and harmony, where exploitation, greed and over-consumption, violence and crime are no longer known? If you do want these things to happen, welcome to the club of the believers that with the help and the will of God and the Angels anything can be done. The only condition for joining our fellowship is the love in your heart for all of humankind, our world and its Creator and the Angels, who bring us into being and take us out of it, and between these two take good care of us and make our earthly existence bearable.
And if you would like confirmation that what I am telling you here and in any other part of my writings is true, consult with your inner teacher the living God within, the Christ Spirit. This is the only guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answer to all our questions and doesn’t charge anything for its services. From ‘The Milk Is White’ comes the following warning: ‘It is important to be aware that there are many souls incarnate who are misguided, because they have not yet overcome their selfish desires and present themselves to us as Gurus and Masters and seek our allegiance and all that entails. Others have the spiritual knowledge but because they do not live that knowledge mislead themselves into using it for selfish purposes. Hence independent thought is very important. ‘By their actions you may judge them’ and ‘Beware the priest who is also a businessman’ is wise counsel to keep in mind.
‘There are others who, with the best of intentions, try to convince us that the texts on which they rely are the only true one. Sadly this ignorance demonstrates a lack of understanding of the Truth. Some present for our acceptance and salvation what may be likened to a beautiful bonsai – a plant whose shape is contrived, whose roots do not probe deeply and whose branches are low and do not reach into the ethers. In making any choices we should be aware that a rope incorrectly knotted is difficult to undo.’
From ‘Hoping And Dreaming’
‘The Astro Files Philosophy’
What a lot of pious talk there is on the Earth plane about the need for leaving our world in a fit state for our children and children’s children. As always there is a great deal more to this issue than meets the eye. I agree that it is the highest time that we all get our act together and do our share of taking better care of our beautiful planet. Ever more of us need to wake up to the fact that the main purpose of our earthly existence is that, when the time for doing so has come, we should each do our share of making our world into a better and more peaceful place, not just for humankind but for every one of its lifeforms. We are by no means alone with this task, God and the Angels are ready to help us with it, if we but ask.
I believe that this is just as vital for us ourselves as it is for those who come through us, our children and everybody else who will ever walk behind us. Let me explain why this should be so. As you know by now, I do not share the view that life is a one-off thing. I do believe – nay, more than that, I know – that each one of us has been before, not just once or twice but a great many times. We are placed in earthly life to grow and evolve in the course of many lifetimes from spiritual infancy, toddlerhood and adolescence into adulthood. Earth life is an educational institute and in order to reach this goal, we reappear however many lifetimes this development may take for each individual spirit and soul. Every reincarnation into Earth life brings fresh opportunities for paying some of the karmic debts we incurred in previous lifetimes, as well as creating new ones.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
In some of our lifetimes we reincarnate as a woman and on other occasions as a man. And as we move along, we make many mistakes. This too is good and right, as in this way we are constantly learning something through our own experiences, and that helps our consciousness to expand. That’s how one small step after another, we grow in wisdom and understanding. Unaware of what we are doing, we are playing the role of our own forebears and in case we require further lifetimes on the Earth, on each occasion we return as one of our own descendants. And unless sufficient numbers of us do their share of making our world into a more peaceful and beautiful place right here and now, in future lifetimes we shall be newly confronted with the mess we ourselves once helped to make of our planet. How about that for a mind-boggling concept?
Let’s take a moment and join those who are in search of their roots. This takes us into the innermost core of life and the moment of our creation, when our spirit first came forth as a seed in the form of a thought from the heart-mind of God. One can only marvel at what has become of us in the meantime. There is no doubt in my mind that the person we are at present is the result of everything that happened to us from that moment onwards. All of it has been helping us towards growing ever more into the conscious awareness of our roots and origin as children of the Divine. Yet, in spite of the fact that on the outer level of life during each lifetime we appeared in a different guise, on the inner plane we remained the same. One cannot help marvelling that you were always you and I was me, and that is what we shall be forever.
Should our evolutionary program demand further sojourns through earthly life, we shall be appearing as the offspring of the one we presently are. Therefore, it stands to reason that any improvements we now make to our character and also our world are as much on behalf of ourselves as of our children’s children. This highlights the urgency of seriously getting to work on ourselves as well as finding satisfactory solutions for the issues that to this day are facing us and our world.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘If you would like Mother Earth to become a more beautiful and peaceful place, in your mind start creating these conditions straight away. Use every spare moment to focus your thoughts on the world in which you would like to live. You can do nothing better to help it become a reality in earthly life. When you refuse to allow any other ideas about this theme to enter your consciousness, your hopes, dreams and aspirations have the power to not only raise your own vibrations but also those of your whole world. Show your trust in God’s great plan of life * by reminding yourself frequently that you and your world are resting safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. This is one of the best ways of applying the constructive forces of creative thinking to your own life.
‘Never allow your thoughts to drag you down and do not give in to feelings of being incarcerated on the Earth plane, because your thoughts are free to go anywhere they please. Travelling faster than the speed of light, wherever you direct them they can instantly reach even the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation. The moment you think about a place, you are instantly there. And when your thoughts are used in the right way, they have the power to release not only yourself but the whole of humankind from the darkness of its false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices about the purpose and meaning of their existence.
‘Most important of all, do not despair about the state of your world or dwell on the negative aspects of any situation. If you believe that much good can come out of whatever you see and that the best is yet to be, you are helping to bring it about. And refuse to be dismayed by the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the people around you. Instead, do all you can to shine the light of your knowledge into it. Cultivate love, compassion and tolerance towards everybody, as everybody is your sibling in the family of humankind, and also for all other lifeforms that share your beautiful planet with you. Whatever you do, always bear in mind that every bad and negative thought that goes out into the Universe adds to the sum of the ones that are already there and that the same is true for good and positive, kind and understanding thoughts.
From ‘Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
The Age of Pisces has been an age of blind faith. Now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, this part of the evolutionary path of our race lies safely behind us and ever more of us are finding a new faith that is very different from that of all previous ages. It is of a visionary nature that is based on the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that is increasingly flowing intuitively into every heart and soul directly from the Source of our being. This kind of faith is no longer an outer and therefore wobbly manifestation. It is an aspect of consciousness and a part that naturally belongs to every soul. It is an awareness that reveals its presence as a deep inner knowing that there really is a Great plan of life, in which each one of us has their allocated place and role to play.
When we find out and finally accept that everything that has ever happened in our world did so for good and wise reasons, we realise that the Universal Force, the Great Father/Mother of all life, really does love us and that all life has always rested safely in its loving hands. As our understanding of God’s true nature and our own grows, our faith and trust in the existence we have presently been allocated also expands. Knowing that this force has always been on our side and did know exactly what it was doing, helps us to trust that we shall be safe wherever our destiny may wish to take us and that in all Eternity.
True faith is born in human souls from the knowledge that life is good and always moving forwards on all its levels. Faith accepts that we cannot direct life but that, if we relax into it, all will be well for as long as we do not try to control its flow but learn to go with it, whilst listening to our inner guidance to tell us what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. When we do this and do our best to work with the Universe, instead of against it, God and the Angels bring healing for us and our lives. Without such faith our lives will always remain empty, lacking focus and a centre, life on the Earth plane can be an extremely frightening experience for sensitive human souls.
From ‘Reflections On Faith’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
When you are working your way through difficult and traumatic events, you may sometimes be asking yourself: ‘Why should this be happening to me, out of all people?’ Well, be patient towards everything that comes your way and the unanswered questions about it that may be troubling your heart and soul. Whenever any kind of query arises about your pathway through life, accept each one and deal with them the way you would with a room whose door is locked and books that were written in a language you do not understand.
Ask your question, but if the answer does not come to you immediately, let things be and trust that at the right moment your inner teacher, the wise one or living God within, will let you know intuitively. It’s just that sometimes if answers were given to you straight away, you would not yet be able to grasp what the events are trying to teach you. In that case you could not integrate the resulting learning into your life, so it can benefit you, as it is meant to do. The main point about humankind’s earthly existence is that everything has to be experienced by each one of us ourselves. Therefore, just live with your questions and trust that at some point in the future, when you are good and ready for it, the answers are sure to come to you.
From ‘Questions And Answers’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
No-one needs to be helpless when confronted with the suffering that still is in our world, although it often feels that way. At times like that I find it helpful to remind myself that whatever is happening can only do so as a vital part of the God’s great plan of life, otherwise it would be unnecessary. Therefore, the events must be teaching some or even all of us some invaluable lessons. Our prayers and devotions, and when we put the spiritual knowledge we are finding to practical use in all daily encounters, empower us to make a real difference. At the same time we are doing our best to restore the balance of our own spiritual account, that of the group we are presently part of and also our whole world.
Through this work the inner light of the living God within our own heart wakes up from its slumber. From there it begins to radiate into every soul we encounter and we thus fulfil our duty of assisting the re-alignment of our own energies and those of our world with the Highest Forces of life. If that sounds too scary to you, rest assured that we are never alone in any of our endeavours and that truly there is nothing to fear. The way will always be shown by the loving hands that are reaching from the Heavens to the Earth, i.e. from the highest levels of life to us earthlings. For a long time they have been waiting for you and me to grasp them and start working with them. If you are not already doing this, why not have a go now?
From ‘Learning To Trust’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
‘Every human being, when it eventually has reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level, is going to represent a different part of Me. No two of you will ever be alike and although during some of your earthly lifetimes you appear as women and in others as men, on the inner level each one of you is androgynous, like Me. I am the third aspect of the Divine Trinity. From My light the Great Father/Mother are bringing all lifeforms into being. On the inner level of life the Father provides the initial idea, the prototype or archetype of each species and the wisdom and love of the Mother decides where and when something should manifest in physicality.
‘And that’s how, with His will and power, and Her wisdom and love, together they create the required matter from My light. This is done by slowing down its vibrations until the atoms have become sufficiently dense for My light to appear as matter. This is then shaped and moulded by the powers of Creation into the desired form. * The Angels and Master around My throne are in charge of this process. Together with them I have always been pulling each one of you forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. At the moment of your creation as earthlings the Divine spark is placed in your heart. After many lifetimes spent on that plane of life, this tiny light wakes from its slumbering state and that means the Christ aspect of your nature is being born. The Jesus legend’s birth of the Christ child is an allegory of this procedure .
From ‘Who Is The Wise One Within?’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Retelling the old tales and legends, reinterpreting and newly relating to them, to this day can guide us into a deeper understanding of the purpose and meaning of our own existence and that of all life. And what better place to get started than with an exploration of the spiritual background of the Tree of Knowledge and Adam and Eve, the symbolism for the first human beings on the Earth that was given to the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam? To me, the tree is a symbol of life itself and Adam and Eve are archetypal human beings. For a very long time they served large parts of our world well to get at least some kind of an understanding of humankind’s earthly existence and its dualities. On our planet they manifest themselves in the necessity for feminine and masculine versions of just about every species.
I see Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the original creative idea of a perfect woman and man, i.e. whole and complete, the woman with the feminine/masculine and the man with the masculine/feminine energies and characteristics of our Divine parent. They are perfectly balanced and working harmoniously together, the same as in their Creator, in whom everything is one. Adam and Eve are but names for the prototypes that exist in the heartmind of God and after which each one of us has been fashioned.
Now, imagination is the source of creation. Nothing comes into being without first having been an idea and a thought, This is how our Creator first held each one of us, including you and me, in His/Her mind as an exceedingly tiny creature who nonetheless contained in seed form everything that is in God. From the very beginning of its existence the human spirit is given the power to increase in consciousness. At this point of conception, God planted a seed of His masculine spirit in us. A feminine companion part is then attached to us, a soft and sensitive feeling side, a soul, God’s and our own spirit’s feminine counterpart, through whom the new creation is going to experience and get to know itself.
From ‘The Beginning Of Human Life’
‘Our World In Transition’
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life * and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.
‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.
From ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’
‘Healers And Healing’
Say the following words quietly to yourself and pay attention to the feelings that rise within your innermost heart and soul:
Our Father/Mother, Thou art in Heaven . . .
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, Thy Heaven is here on Earth with me, inside my own heart. God and Goddess, Thou art as much part of me as I am of Thee. Thy Spirit is nothing but love and dwells in me. The spirit of love knows no separation. Thou art The Eternal Light. All your characteristics are waiting to come alive in each one of us, merely waiting to be brought forth by us. Thy Divine spark of the Christ Spirit is now coming alive in me. Thou art the flame of pure love and the state of Heaven in my heart.
Hallowed be Thy name . . .
With my whole being I worship Thee, o holiest of holy Mother/Father, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, God of power and might and Goddess of wisdom and love. Heaven and Earth are filled with Thy glory. Thou art omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent and everything Thou hast brought into being is sacred. It includes me and with all my heart and soul I honour and worship Thee and Thy Creation. I bless Thy Holy Name. Deep within the silence of my heart I listen to its sound, the great AUM. It renews Thy light, life, and perfection within me, for I am Thy child.
From ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra For The New Age’
‘Prayers & Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World’
I know that God is in everything and even the tiniest fraction of life contains God. Therefore, wherever I am, that is my church. Aware of my own Christ nature, Divinity and origin – as well as everybody else’s – I no longer have any need for organised religions with their insistence on dogma and creed. I am free to believe what the wise one within me tells me is true and right for me, now. God is truth and so am I and with every one of my thoughts, words and actions I express my truth. Whatever I send out into the Universe manifests nothing but my honesty and my truth. God’s love is tolerant and I have no difficulties accepting that other people’s truth may be somewhat different. And I send my loving thoughts and prayers of healing and peace to the whole of God’s Creation, to Mother Earth’s animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as to every man, woman and child in her loving embrace without exceptions, for all are God’s beloved children of the Earth.
Because on the inner level all life is one, my special attention is devoted to transmitting love and light to anyone who is still wrestling with the experiences of getting to know humankind’s lower nature and their own. No matter how hard to accept this concept may be to some of my fellow citizens, that is nonetheless what my inner guidance tells me is the truth. I act upon this knowledge by praying that the light of Divine wisdom and truth may fill the hearts and souls of all my younger siblings in the human family and that they too may re-awaken to the knowledge of their true nature and oneness with all life.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Spiritually, not much progress is possible for any human soul on the Earth plane until it reawakens to its true nature, becomes aware of the purpose of its earthly existence and rediscovers that all life, not only that of the Earth, is ruled by Cosmic laws. For as long as a soul fails to understand these things its sojourns into physicality often appear as unnecessarily and pointlessly cruel, dark and threatening, as if it had been placed in a cold and nasty world – and all for what? In that state the pain of life’s sorrows, limitations and hardships hits the soul hard and it suffers intensely. This is accentuated by sneaking feelings that an impersonal and unloving providence permits all these ‘bad’ things and inflicts them upon all and sundry without purpose, rhyme or reason.
A certain amount of relief comes straight away when the soul finds out about the Universal law of Karma and that because of this law a justice of a very special kind is at work in every life, a Divine justice that is so perfect and fair that human consciousness finds it very hard to grasp. But now that our race is at last moving onto higher levels of consciousness to many there now comes a renewed understanding of spiritual background of life. Alas, for a long as any knowledge remains merely of the head, it can do us no good whatever. But as some of it slowly sinks into the deeper levels of our consciousness, we begin to realise the necessity for living the truth we have found by applying it to real life situations.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The Angels have always communicated with humankind in metaphors and symbolisms. In times long past, the easiest way of explaining spiritual concepts was with the help of things people were familiar with and whose importance they understood, for example someone trying to fly. That’s why when one starts to look for the hidden meanings of the legends of our world, even or maybe especially the most ancient ones, it is astonishing how much they can tell us about us and our world. Naturally, this principle also applies to the sacred texts of all the belief systems our world had ever known, up to a certain point in our spiritual development.
Nothing happens without a reason and this is no exception. And there is a wise motive for the fact that this changed with the appearance of new religions, who decreed that their teachings had to be taken literally. The higher purpose of more than two thousand years of lying, cheating and deceptions – of the self and others – of the Piscean Age has been to teach our world the value of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity, which are of the greatest importance to us as children of the Highest.
There are signs that these qualities are slowly but surely returning to our world, now that the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, is with us. Peace will come to our world when the last residues of the Piscean Age have been cleared away, in the not too distant future. When everybody understands that nothing can remain hidden forever and that in truth nobody ever gets away with anything, there will be no point in anyone attempting dishonesties of whatever kind.
From ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
God’s great plan of life is evolution and the purpose of every aspect of life is that it should at all times expand in size and consciousness. This is how over long periods of time – in earthly terms – everything becomes ever more beautiful and sophisticated. Naturally, this also applies to our race. For this purpose all human spirits and their souls, without exception, have to spend many lifetimes on the Earth plane. Each one of us can only evolve through their own experiences of studying and exploring their own nature, each other’s and that of our world, which has been given to us for this purpose. Through this process our individual and collective consciousness slowly expands and our souls grow in wisdom and understanding.
This is how life is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Its intention is to gradually take us – each on their own and all together – into experiencing ever higher levels of existence. And each time one of us learns something and through this grows and evolves, not only our whole world does the same, but also the whole of Creation. God is life and life is God, and life will forever be humankind’s teacher. At any given time our daily lives provide all of us with sufficient opportunities for gathering ever more knowledge about ourselves and our world. In this natural process each one of us eventually develops into an enlightened being, i.e. one who is fully and consciously aware of God’s true nature and their own.
From ‘All Life Is Evolution’
‘Healers And Healing’
The ultimate evolutionary goal of each one of us is to become ever more God-like by learning to love the way our Divine Father/Mother loves us, i.e. totally, unconditionally and impersonally. The Bible tells us: ‘Love your neighbour, as you love yourself!’ To my mind, this does imply the need for loving and respecting ourselves as the precious and unique creatures we all truly are. We are magnetic beings who attract into their orbit that which we ourselves are; everything begins and ends with us. That is why, before we can attract some love into our lives, we first have to become loving ourselves. If we wish to be respected by those around us, we must first learn to respect and appreciate ourselves.
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
True faith is born in human souls from the knowledge that life is good and always moving forwards on all its levels. Faith accepts that we cannot direct life but that, if we relax into it, all will be well for as long as we do not try to control its flow but learn to go with it, whilst listening to our inner guidance to tell us what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. When we do this and give of our best to work with the Universe, instead of against it, God and the Angels bring healing for us and our lives. Without such faith our lives will always remain empty, lacking focus and a centre, and that makes earthly life an extremely frightening experience for sensitive human souls.
From ‘Reflections On Faith’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘I have not gone from you. I have merely slipped onto a different level of life. It’s very much like going into another room because all you do is withdraw from the outer plane of life and slip into its inner level, the spirit world. That’s where all human beings go when they leave their physical bodies behind. The spirit world is not a place ‘up there’ somewhere. It is an integral part of earthly life and on its innermost level dwells the Universal intelligence known as God. This is the source and wellspring of all life, from which we all once emerged and to which each one of us in the fullness of time will return. Every step on our evolutionary journey takes us closer to this goal.
‘Although I no longer dwell on the earthly plane, I am still myself and you are you. We always shall be. And because the essence of our being is eternal and immortal, it is impossible for us to die. I assure you I have not died. If anything, I am more alive now than I ever was before because I am once more fully aware of the most important part of me, my spirit and soul. You will find the same when you join me, one of these days. As far as I am concerned, whatever we have ever been to each other, that’s what we still are.
‘There is no need for our love to die because of my departure. The infinite wisdom of the Divine has provided that, on the contrary, through the experience of death human love grows stronger, deeper and purer, if the souls involved so wish. To help this along, I ask you to call me by my old familiar names. Let them be the well-known words they always were and say them without effort. Speak to me the easy way you used to do and let there be no difference in the sound of your voice. And don’t put on a forced air of solemnity or sorrow, but enjoy the jokes that made us laugh and express your amusement the way we always did together. Play with me and smile at me. Think of me and pray for me the way you always did. Never doubt for a moment that I can hear you, that I feel your love and that I shall always be with you, wherever you may have to go.'
From ‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
Some believe that faith is a second rate option and many seem to think that religions can give people faith. Yet, some of the most devout church-goers that ever came my way were utterly bereft of faith, i.e. they had no trust in the goodness of life whatever. To this day, I am wondering whether the reason why these people go to church such a lot is that they are hoping that one fine day they will find faith there. However, genuine and lasting faith cannot be imparted by religions or anyone or anything else, because it is something that has to grow from within. It makes no difference whether one follows one of the religions of our world or none at all. The kind of faith we are on the Earth plane to seek can only be found by living our life and finding out that it really is a good and fair life from the reactions of the world around us to our own actions. It is good and right to seek the support of groups and to have some input into them, but whoever they may be, they cannot give us faith.
From ‘Reflections On Faith’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
The spirit of the living God dwells within every cell and atom of everybody’s physical body. Equipped with this knowledge and its prayers and devotions, every earthly self with the help of its indwelling soul and spirit in the fullness of time slowly but surely is meant to convert its vehicle for this lifetime into a temple for the living God. The lower self rejoices as it becomes aware that it is never alone, because God – in the form of our Highest Self – is always with us. God has never left us and experiences everything with us. When we suffer, God suffers with us; when we enjoy ourselves, God does the same; and when we are healing, God is healing us and with us. Best of all, because of the inner oneness of all life, when we are healing, everything in the whole of Creation does the same.
From ‘Chiron – The Wounded Healer’
‘Healers And Healing’
We are the pioneers of the Aquarian Age and many experiences are waiting for us that have never been tried before on the earthly plane. One of them is androgyny. Although this is a state we never lost on the inner spiritual levels of life, on the outer earthly plane we are presented with totally new experiences and challenges of quite a different kind. One of the most important features of us and our world is that we all contain many puzzling dualities and polarities and that our world is one of paradoxes. Some of these we shall explore in more detail later in this part of the jottings, others in future editions.
For the moment, let us either become aware of or remind ourselves – you alone know which option applies to you – that we all contain feminine and masculine energies. This is because as sparks of the Divine everything that is in God is also in us; therefore, each one of is us both woman and man at the same time. For a very long time we have looked towards others to make us whole, but it is coming ever clearer that each one of us is already complete within themselves and that, in fact, we are on our way back into wholeness.
To be whole and holy again is every soul’s final goal and destiny. This requires taking possession of our other part, the inner man in women and the inner woman in men. When that has been achieved we shall once again be like the Angels and God; their feminine and masculine energies are in perfect balance and harmony with each other. Like them, we too are first and foremost spirit; the only difference between them and us is that we are temporarily encased in matter. Thus on the one hand, we belong to the world of matter and on the other one we are part of the world of spirit and light. For as long as we remain clothed in our physical bodies we belong to the Earth plane. However, this is only half the story; the most vital part of us is our spirit and soul and our true home is the world of spirit. Each time we leave one of our earthly garments behind, we return to this world to rest and recover from the stresses and strains of Earth life.
From ‘All Life Is Evolution’
‘Healers And Healing’
The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It was originally meant to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above all happenings on the physical plane. During its many journeys through this particular form of existence all human spirits and souls remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness that Earth life presents.
There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.
From ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
‘Healers and Healing’
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea, and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
Sing no more ditties, sing no more
Of dumps so dull and heavy;
The fraud of men was ever so,
Since summer first was leavy.
Then sigh not so,
But let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
William Shakespeare
English poet, playwright and actor
Sigh no more, dear Ladies.
The patriarchy is definitely over
And with it the domination of the
Male forces of our world
Over their feminine counterpart.
A golden age already is in full swing
That with the passing of time will
Establish in our world the total
Equality of the genders,
Peacefully and harmoniously
Both of them together will be
Striving to serve the highest good
And the greatest joy of all.
But if you have to sigh, dear Ladies,
Do so for those among the males of our species
Who are finding it hard to adjust to their new role
As equal partners of the women around them.
Tap into gift of the love and wisdom
You have inherited from the Great Mother.
Use it freely to teach the men
You come into contact with
How to treat all women with
The respect they deserve as the
Ones through whom life is given.
From ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Although the human spirit is eternal and cannot be killed or harmed by anything or anyone, our souls can at times be so suppressed and unloved that they almost perish. It is not for nothing that the Jesus legend in St. Matthew 4:1-4 and St. Luke 4:1-4 both contain the identical warning – maybe for special emphasis: ‘Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and the Spirit carried him away into the wilderness for forty days, so that he might be tempted by the adversary. He did not eat anything in those days. When they were over, at last he became hungry. And the adversary said to him: ‘If you are the son of God, command this stone to become bread.’ Jesus answered: ‘It is not by bread alone that man can live, but by every word of God.’
The above words belong to a dialogue between Jesus and Satan, also known as the Tempter or the Devil. I see the legend of the whole life and times of the Master Jesus as a metaphor for humankind’s spirit self during its many sojourns through the wilderness of the Earth plane. Satan is a symbolism for the untamed desire nature of the earthly self, psychology calls this part ‘the id’. This part of our nature seeks to dominate at all costs and is in never ending pursuit of gratifying its own selfish wants.
The evolutionary pathway of our whole race demands from us, individually and collectively, complete mastery of the Earth plane. To achieve this, it is of the greatest importance that we become familiar with all parts of our nature, so that we can take charge of them and learn how to master and control them. This applies in particular to the desires and impulses of our lower earthly self – a formidable task if ever there was one. To get started, it’s crucial to become aware that we all contain a force that at times is quite capable of behaving like a wild creature on the loose, reacting to the slightest irritations by biting, kicking and thrashing in all directions.
Getting hold of and training this part of our nature is up to us, until in the end it turns into a docile work and saddle creature who willingly toils for us instead of against, the way it frequently did in the past. For as long as this force remains uncontrolled and left to its own devices it all too happily goes on the rampage and manages to create havoc for us in our lives. Each has to teach their own inner beast how to act like an amenable and enjoyable companion, so that it can eventually carry us – and our whole world with us – forwards and upwards into experiencing increasingly higher dimensions of life.
From ‘Not By Bread Alone’
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
I believe that each individual, every country, planet and world has its own soul; this in turn is part of the Great Soul, the Mother of all life. Because on the highest level of life all is one, every individual soul, that of our world and all worlds are evolving together. This confirms the truth of the saying: ‘What is done for one is done for all.’ As well as being the memory bank of all our experiences, soul is our feeling nature, the soft, sensitive, caring and nurturing feminine aspect of both genders. Soul grows and develops through the experiences of many lifetimes. As the feminine aspect of God is conscious in women, they are usually more in touch with the world of their feelings. Because this part is unconscious in men, it is much harder for them to get in touch with it.
If you were to ask me: ‘But how can one study one’s core, which is spirit? How can one study the spirit?’ I would reply: I don’t think one can! We are not in this life to study our spirit – the spirit just IS – it always has been and will be; it is eternal immortal and indestructible. Nothing can hurt, harm or damage it. Our soul is our soft sensitive feeling nature. Every spirit, at the beginning of its epic evolutionary journey, needs to build itself a soul, so it can begin to experience itself. Spirit, our own, the same as the spirit of God is thought energy – abstract – it cannot be seen. The spirit needs to create itself a world and a soul through which this world can be felt and experienced through the world of its feelings. That is why God created us, so we can be sent out into the world, to experience and learn, so God – if you like – can get to know Itself through us, Its creations.
We are consciousness and in truth, nothing on the Earth plane belongs to us, except the amount of awareness we have found up to any given time. The purpose of all our earthly sojourns has always been that we should grow in wisdom and understanding. In its simplest forms, the spirit on the Earth plane finds out that when we cut ourselves with a knife, we bleed and it hurts. When someone speaks hurtful words to us, our soul bleeds and hurts. Through climbing to the top of a tower or a wall and jump down from it can we discover that in our physical bodies we are unable to fly.
As we evolve and grow, Mother Earth does the same. Earthly life will never be obsolete as such, but there will come the time when, having returned to the world of spirit, we and the wise ones in charge of us can see that that particular part of life no longer has anything to teach us. Only then do we, our spirit and soul that is, know that we are ready to move onto higher learning on different levels of life. We shall know it when we see it.
From ‘What Is Soul?’
‘Healers And Healing’
From time to time the question arises: ‘Why is our planet so over-crowded?’ I believe that this, like everything else in this world, is happening for sound and wise reasons. At the beginning of a new age, it makes a great deal of sense because in this way opportunities are created for as many souls as possible to be on the Earth plane. All of us are here to play our part in the process of one age being born from an old one. Mother Earth herself is presently going through a major transformation and for many of us this is bringing with it our own spiritual rebirth and an initiation into a higher level of existence.
Birth is always a painful process and this one is no exception. It too is accompanied by severe labour pains and contortions. Look around you and see for yourself how just about everybody is struggling with coming to terms with their lives, their relationship with themselves and others. I believe this is because many have brought their most ancient and difficult ones with them into their present lifetime, in the hope that at last it will be possible to resolve the outstanding issues between the people involved.
Without this no-one can move forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life. That’s why wise ones make every effort to conduct their lives in harmony with the Universal laws and willingly respond to any other demands of the new age. To those who unhesitatingly heed the call of God and the Angels, opportunities will be offered for mending and healing such relationships and so clearing some of their most ancient Karmic debts.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Much progress is possible for those in earthly life when they become aware of God’s true nature and their own, as well as the meaning and higher purpose of their earthly existence. This brings with it a renewed understanding that all life, not only that of the Earth, is ruled by Cosmic laws. But until this happens, humankind’s existence in physicality frequently appears to be unnecessarily and pointlessly cruel, dark and threatening. Earthly selves feel lost and lonely and that they have been placed in a cold and nasty world – and all for what?
In its state of ignorance of the spiritual background of life, the pain of life’s sorrows, limitations and hardships hits the small earthly self hard and it suffers intensely. This is made worse by sneaking feelings that there is some kind of an impersonal and unloving providence, who permits bad and nasty things to happen to people and who inflicts them upon all and sundry without purpose, rhyme or reason. A certain amount of relief comes straight away when we find out about the Universal law of Karma and that because of this law a justice of a very special kind is at work in every life, and that there is a Divine justice that is so perfect and fair that it is hard to grasp by humankind’s earthly mind.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Every small kindness rendered to any of God’s creatures is valuable and counts spiritually. And each time we encounter someone in distress and our first reaction is to reach out and offer a helping hand, we are true to our real nature. We are then following the instinctive and intuitive reactions of our higher nature instead of the urge of our small lower earthly self to turn away. Through this our progress on the great wheel of fortune that is this life speeds up considerably.
At times nothing can be done except giving a distressed person a friendly smile, a few words of encouragement and comfort, a shoulder to cry on and/or a hug. When they are lifted above and helped out of their present situation, even if only in such small ways, the law of Karma sees to it that any kind of thoughtfulness one fine day in some form or another returns to the one who gave it. Hence the saying that bread cast onto the waters of life finds its way back to us. In practical terms this means that help is sure to come when we require it and everybody sometimes does. It may not come about through the people we once helped. In fact, it hardly ever does, but come it will and that often quite magically and then only seemingly out of the blue.
If you want to be happy in life,
Contribute to other’s happiness,
For any joy we give
Returns to our heart.
From ‘Searching For Love And God’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
In my view, there is nothing wrong with us and our world. Each one of us was created in keeping with an idea that exists in the mind of the Great Father of all life of the prototype of a perfect human being. This means someone in whom all aspects of its nature are functioning together harmoniously and peacefully the way they are doing in God. We are not some kind of messy random appearance or cosmic joke. Each one of us has been carefully placed in earthly life so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that is the way our Father/Mother loves us and wants us to be.
The seed of perfection is within each one of us. As Cicero, 106-43 BC, wrote: ‘Human beings were created to contemplate and reflect the Universe. They are not themselves this great perfection, they are merely particles of it.’ To help us bring forth this perfection from within, all that is required from us is that we should act in kind and loving ways and always give of our best. Through this constant striving the Christ spirit shines ever more strongly from the very core of our being into the outer self, until it has finally taken over our whole being and we have become a Christed one in our own right.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
I believe that losing one’s faith is by no means the disaster it may at first appear to be. In truth, it is a good thing and spiritually quite desirable, because it is a signal from our inner and Highest Self that our old belief was a superficial one and therefore not really a faith at all. I have reason to believe that something of this nature happened to me in one of my previous lifetimes. That’s why I can tell you from firsthand experience that if you wind up in this predicament, try not to be too sad or upset about it. Instead, take heart, look beyond the end of your nose to the vast horizons of Eternity and become aware that losing ones faith can be – and indeed is meant to be – the first step towards finding some true and lasting inner beliefs. This is going to be the kind that can no longer be shaken by anything or anyone and that no-one will ever be able to take from you.
The way I understand the matter is that there are two types of faith. The first one is a remnant from the outgoing Piscean Age, which was the age of blind faith and of illusions. The suffering, disappointments and disenchantment with the established order of the previous age are now leading us and our world into the light of the Age of Aquarius. This is an age during which Divine wisdom and truth will flow ever more strongly into each one of us directly, through our inner connection with the Source of our being. This knowledge is now waiting to pour into every heart and soul that is open to receive it and that is the second type of faith. Because we understand it from the very depth of our being, rather than from our head alone, this is a faith that gradually grows inside us.
This kind of faith has nothing to do with blindness. It is a deep inner trust that is solidly and securely founded in knowledge and constantly reassures us from deep within the very core of our being that we and our world will always be safe in the hands of God, no matter what happens. Even when things seem to go wrong on the surface, our innermost feelings will always help us to understand and accept that whatever occurs is right. This is not as difficult as it may sound, because we then appreciate that things always come to us so we should learn something.
From ‘Losing Faith – Not A Disaster’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Nelson Mandela in his Inaugural Address, which by the way was taken from ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson, said: ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe and playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of the Universe that is within us. It’s not just in some of us: it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.’
Through our inner connection with the Source of all life, not just a selected few but each one of us is potentially a receiving station for the Divine wisdom that constantly flows directly from there into the whole of Creation. Bearing in mind that in the fullness of time, everybody will be acting as Its channel, to me, the message Mandela used is a prophecy of things to come on the Earth plane, when each one of us will be powerful beyond measure. Yet, this will not happen through some kind of magic, but has to be conscientiously worked on by every individual soul. Each has to strive to bring forth the best from within themselves and leave the selfish desires of their earthly nature behind.
The purpose of this existence is learning to serve the highest good of the whole and seeking to work unselfishly to make our world a better place for all. The more we endeavour to do this, the better we can be used as channels of light, through which the inspiration of the Highest flows onto the Earth plane. It guides each one of us through their intuition into right thought, word and action. On our own we are nothing and can do nothing. But as the energies of the Highest increasingly flow through us, it is possible to gradually become an ever more powerful influence in our world. All we have to do is to resist the temptation to use what we find for self-glorification, but instead celebrating and glorifying God’s infinite power, wisdom and love.
From ‘Letting Our Inner Light Shine’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
We need no signs and wonders when we are guided by our own inner light, the living God and wise one within. That’s the only power we earthlings require because it is at all times ready and willing to provide us with ideas for working our way through any kind of situation. This is how our inner light brings us spiritual knowledge and wisdom for a new understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life in which we are involved. The learning we gain from our own experiences is our light and that is meant to be shared with those around us.
In the final analysis, spiritually it isn’t what we possess but what we are that truly matters. It’s not only what we think and do, but how we live, not only with actions that can be seen and words that can be heard, but how we do so in our hearts. That’s the only thing that eventually dissolves the bonds that for a long, long time kept spirit and soul tied to the limitations of the physical world.
From ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe and that what you are presently going through is merely a passing phase. Our life moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral in two and a half year circles and I guarantee that you will not always feel the way you are doing now. God and the Angels, as well as countless other spirit friends and helpers, invisible to earthly eyes, have always been with every one of us. And because on the inner level of life they are part of us, they know our troubles only too well. They are willing to help us, but cannot do so unless someone asks for it. So, why not have a go at reaching out to them and requesting their assistance? Then sit back and observe what kind of form it may take. It often comes in quite unexpected and miraculous ways. You will be surprised, of that I am sure.
Finding great joy and lasting happiness is the birthright of every human being. In fact, the whole gamut of feelings we are capable of have to be experienced by each one of us at some time, though not necessarily all in the same lifetime. Wise ones appreciate that earthly life is filled with rights. And they bear in mind that every right brings with some kind of duty and that this includes the one of experiencing at some stage of their development the depths of depravity, pain and suffering. This is the only way we earthlings can get to know the difference between the polar opposites of God’s nature and our own.
From ‘About Pain And Sorrow’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
‘I sometimes react to making a mistake as if I had betrayed myself. My fear of making a mistake seems to be based on the hidden assumption that I am potentially perfect and that if I can just be very careful I will not fall from heaven. But a 'mistake' is a declaration of the way I am, a jolt to the way I intend, a reminder I am not dealing with the facts. When I have listened to my mistakes I have grown.’ Hugh Prather
The very nature of our earthly education is that we do not always know in advance what is expected from us and therefore what the right thing to do is. Yet, this principle applies at all times, but most of all whenever we are ready to venture forth into new experiences. While in physicality and spiritually still the equivalent to young children at school, we are bound to make mistakes. There is nothing wrong with that! Indeed, they are good for us and we are meant to make them. There is no need to become unduly upset over our errors, past or present ones. For one thing, they teach our earthly self humility, a quality it is greatly in need of. And for another, as long as we glean something valuable from any experience, we are progressing and growing, giving our soul every reason to rejoice.
By trying one or two – maybe three or four – of the wrong things, the discomfort and/or pain they cause us in the end guides us towards that which really is meant to be for us, and is therefore good and right. That does not mean the other options we tried were wrong! As they helped us in our search, they too were right at that time for us and our development. Having established that something has no value for us, we owe it to ourselves to search for what has. Clearly, we needed every one of our ‘mistakes’ of the past. Each one of them has helped us to grow into the one we are now, complete with all the learning we have imbibed thus far. From it we are constantly drawing, unconsciously and unconsciously, to make our lives more agreeable and easier to cope with.
From ‘The Value Of Making Mistakes’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Do you sincerely wish for our world to become a more peaceful place? If so, the one thing you cannot do is to sit on your behind and wait for a large hand to reach down from the Heavens and wave a magic wand. Each one of us has to do their share of bringing this kind of a world into being. To enable us to do this, first of all we require a change of heart and consciousness and that can only come about through looking at our world from the perspective of its spirit background and with the perception of that realm.
Every human being’s eventually reaches this point of their development. It then begins to dawn on us that the world of our dreams can and will not happen on its own and that it can only do so when all of us are doing our best to conduct our lives in ever more peaceful ways. This particularly applies to every one of our human relationships. As their dynamics are of an extremely complex nature, they benefit from a closer examination.
To enable us to make the progress on our evolutionary pathway that is every human being’s birthright, we first need to recognise and accept that everybody has everything within, that nobody is all good or all bad and that all of us are a diverse mixture of many different things. Some people in our lives consistently cause us problems of one kind or another and no matter how hard we try, they will not go away. Wise ones take a good and honest look at themselves to see what it is, on the outer as well as on the inner subconscious level, that is trying to bring to their attention that something is in need of change, so that things on the outer plane can improve.
From ‘The Dynamics Of Human Relationships And The Law Of Attraction’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
We are magnetic beings and the law of attraction is at work in all life, including each one of us. This law sees to it that humans can only draw into their orbit that which they themselves are. Wherever we may find ourselves at any given time, that is always the right place. We are there to integrate certain lessons and the world around us can be used to help us find out what they may be. The environment is designed to act like a mirror of our unconscious inner self. At any given time it is doing its best to help us become more whole by reflecting our inner world back to us.
That is why we can only see in others what we ourselves are. Alas, rather than living our less pleasant traits out, in a psychological process known as projection we prefer to assign them to others, rather than owning up to them ourselves. The world around us is always a reflection of the good as well as the distasteful behaviour patterns of others, which in truth are also our own. Nobody has any problems when it comes to integrating and owning the good qualities that are on display in this way. But having to deal with the less desirable and endearing ones is another matter entirely. Irrespective of how objectionable any of them are, in the process of becoming more whole it is essential that we own up to them. Even if our psyche tries to hide them from our conscious awareness, they are there nonetheless. This is proved by the fact that we can recognise them in others whilst failing to see in them in us.
If our energies and characteristics were not so similar to the ones of those who irritate and annoy us – including our nearest and dearest – we would never have drawn a relationship with them into our lives, because we would not have needed it. But, the way things have been thus far in our evolutionary plan of life, we most certainly do. For as long as we suffer intensely from the nastier character traces we observe in others, we are receiving signals from the Universe that the same is tucked away inside us, in our own subconscious, waiting to be released.
From ‘The Dynamics Of Human Relationships And The Law Of Attraction’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Each one of us is a precious and unique being, an individual in its own right and by no means some kind of a clone of our parents or other ancestors. Although we have come through this family line onto the Earth plane, we are not of them. This we did because their energies and educational requirement are compatible with and similar to ours and because Karmic links from other lifetimes connect us with each other. Yet, each has their own pathway to walk and earthly lessons to learn. Because everybody has different sequences of lifetimes with ever varying types of learning behind them, it is hardly surprising that the perception of life of each one of us is somewhat different from all others.
What makes us recognisable as human beings is not merely the outer form of our physical body, but the inner ability of thinking and making conscious decisions. It is being capable of making mistakes and learning something from every experience, so that we can do better next time we try. Through this we gradually grow in wisdom and understanding. Although during the earliest stages of our development as earthlings these aptitudes are still limited, they are there – if only in seed form. We are still human beings, i.e. a human spirit and soul who temporarily finds itself enclosed in the outer form of a physical body and in a material world, which it does not understand.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The creature described in yesterday’s posting, the same as every other human being, is a spark of the Divine, a child of God who contains all characteristics of its Divine parents, though at first only in seed form. The best and the worst is in all of us. The higher and highest aspects of our nature take a long time before they can come into the foreground of our consciousness and begin to come alive and develop. Before this can happen, the lower and lowest parts of our nature have to be explored and experienced with all its consequences.
That is how it comes about that we all view everything that is in our earthly existence somewhat differently from everybody else. There are as many variations on this theme as there are souls and that includes those who presently dwell on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds. No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. Although on the outside it may be hard to tell one from the other, inside they are unique beings. The Karma of no two people is identical, because we all have gone through different experiences and therefore reached a dissimilar evolutionary level.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Because we all have everything inside, the very best and also the worst, we do well if once in a while we take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self and ask the age-old question: ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?’ Exterior appearances can be deceiving, as most people know by now, but what lies behind someone else’s façade is none of our business – much as we would sometimes like to find out. Yet, what lies behind ours that is very much our concern and our task to explore. So, how does one go about it? In truth, it’s simplicity itself, as the Universe in its infinite wisdom and kindness is constantly providing, exactly for this purpose, each and every one of us with the finest and biggest looking-glass imaginable, and that is the whole of the world around us and in particular its people.
Astrology and especially our birthchart can also be a great help when it comes to familiarising ourselves with our hidden character traits and inner motivations, as well as in which direction the predestined pathway through our present lifetime is pointing. The Universe’s highest hopes and aspirations for us are clearly marked by the sign and house position of the planets. The Sun is of special importance as it represents the pull of our spirit forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. In contrast to this, the placement of the Moon by sign and house gives us clues about what we were up to in our most recent sojourn on the Earth plane. Thus the Sun and Moon between them reveal where we are coming from and going to.
The Ascendant is the outer mask through which we view the world and those around us sees us. Without a time of birth neither the Ascendant nor the house position of the planets can be assessed. Because of the importance of both these parts, more than half of the information that would otherwise be obtainable from anyone’s birthchart is missing whenever the time of birth is unknown. It is worthwhile any effort to try and find it.
From ‘Projection – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The One In The Glass
When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And you’re toast of the world, for a day,
Just go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what you then have to say.
It isn’t our partner, children or friend,
Who judgement upon us must pass;
The one whose verdict counts most, in the end,
Is staring at us, from the glass.
Some folks may think us a ‘straight-shooting’ chum’
And call us a person of place,
But the one in the glass says we’re only a bum,
If we can’t look ourselves in the face.
We’re the one we have to please, not the rest!
We’re with ourselves, right up to the end,
And shall have passed our most dangerous, difficult test,
If the one in the glass still is our friend.
We may fool the whole world, down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back, as we pass.
Yet, our final reward will be heartaches and tears,
If we’ve lied to the one in the glass.
From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, in whom all is one, orchestrates and conducts the wondrous symphony of life. With the help of the Angelic hierarchy they are constantly guiding and protecting every one of Its creatures. No-one is ever forgotten or left out. Mother Earth is but one of the many physical manifestations of the Great Mother. Her wisdom and love express themselves through the instinctive and intuitive behaviour of all living things, plants and animals as much as human beings. This is where they have their origin. As a result nothing in the whole of Creation is ever without Divine guidance and protection.
The feminine love and wisdom aspect of the Divine trinity is the Goddess. She is the mother of all species and the living and breathing force behind phenomena like the clever formation flying of birds during migration. She is the source of the instinctive knowledge of the animal kingdom to protect one’s young against all threats, if need be at the expense of one’s own life. She is in charge of our own body clocks as well as that of all other members of the animal kingdom. She tells Her creatures when to mate and when to abstain from it, for example when not enough food is going to be available for the raising of young. She instructs hibernating animals when and where to begin theirs and when it is safe to come out of it again – and so on and so forth.
From ‘The Porcupine Fable’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Every experience that comes our way is a test to establish which level of spiritual maturity our soul has reached. The way we react to the people and events in our lives reveals this more than anything else. This lifetime is an extra special one for everybody because it presents all of us with many opportunities for finding some true enlightenment through being initiated into the higher and highest mysteries of life. Having a much better idea of God’s nature and our own, we can see for ourselves that this is highly unlikely to consist of what the Buddhists call Nirvana.
Each one of us contains God’s energies and they are of a dynamic and expansive nature. They are ceaselessly creating, bringing new worlds into being and destroying old ones that have outlived their usefulness. What in the Buddha’s time would still have been understood as a state of total and utter bliss, to us and our world, to God-like creative beings, as in truth we all are, surely would be more like Hell than Heaven on Earth.
To my mind, human souls find their greatest enlightenment when they become aware that all life – including their own – is subject to Universal laws. Of particular relevance here are those of evolution and of Karma. From the moment we become aware of these laws, the Universe places the tool for our own redemption and that of our world into everybody’s own hands. It stands to reason that if we endeavour to give of the good and the best we are capable of, nothing but the more of the same can in due course return to us.
From ‘Where Is The Kingdom Of God?’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
The Angels and Masters together with countless groups of ordinary spirit helpers are our guardians, keepers and nursemaids in the world of light. Under the command of the Great Father/Mother they are constantly watching over our progress, ever ready to assist whenever one of us is in need of it. Their helping hands, invisible to earthly eyes, are always reaching out to us. All we have to do is ask for their help. As soon as one of us has done this, that person begins to learn how to follow their guidance and walk with them.
The Great Mother’s way of teaching us, Her beloved children of the Earth, the gift of self-mastery has always been through allowing each one of us to learn from their own experiences. The road of spiritual mastery starts with taking charge of every part of our being and ends with freely and willingly practising self-mastery and self-discipline. And when after the lessons of Saturn in Capricorn and the tenth house, we arrive in the next sign and house, Aquarius and the eleventh, Saturn has by no means left us. The planets energies and the Angels in charge of them stand guard at the sign’s gateway to ensure that none of us can come anywhere near the Aquarian spiritual freedom until we truly have become masters of every aspect of our nature.
High on the list of things to be shed from our consciousness are the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that still abound in our world. Each one of them is waiting to be replaced by our own truth, i.e. that which the living God within tells us is true, good and right for us, now – even though it may not be for anyone else. As pioneers of a new age we have to be prepared that our truth may not yet match anyone else’s beliefs. Those we come into contact with may not yet understand what we have to give.
From ‘Saturn – The Wisdom Of The Great Mother’
‘Healers And Healing’
God’s kingdom is an inner state of consciousness. It never was or will be a place to which anyone goes on a physical plane of life. It’s the realisation that on every level of life and in all lifeforms the Creator’s consciousness is present. The corollary of this is that our physical bodies are as much part of God as their indwelling spirits and souls. And whatever is in God is also in us and as above, so below applies throughout the whole of Creation. And because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything, God is as much part of our physical bodies as being our highest spiritual consciousness.
The awakening of the Divine spark of the Christ Spirit manifests itself through a constantly increasing love to do that which is good and right. This proves to the wise ones in charge of our spiritual development in the background of earthly life that we really are willingly following our inner guidance, the living God within, not merely saying so. Lip-service is no good where spiritual matters are concerned. Everything has to be for real. This ensures that, whenever we are in need of support of any kind and ask God and the Angels for it, without specifying what form it should take, it unfailingly comes.
The Angels in their role of Divine messengers are utterly dependable and trustworthy. As executors of the great plan of life , they are familiar with the Great Father/Mother’s will. Following their instructions, they are showing each one of us our place in this plan. Part of their work is helping us to find the special task during the transformations of the Aquarian Age that has been assigned to us. Having been taught by our own life’s experiences that it’s safe to trust implicitly that whatever guidance we receive from them intuitively will always be good and right, we do not find it hard to say: ‘Thy will, Great Spirit, not mine.’
From ‘Where Is The Kingdom Of God?’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
To paraphrase the English theologian and historian the Venerable Bede, ca. 673-735 AD, who wrote about his work on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah: ‘In the treasure of the prophets God has equipped me with the gift to not only embrace things old, but also to find new things that are hidden behind the veil of the old, so they can be brought forth for the use of my fellow citizens.’
Having reached the Age of Aquarius, we need to find a new understanding of the nature of God, the role of our own and our world’s existence in the great scheme of life. To enable us to do this, we should not shy away from asking ourselves some searching questions. After six thousand years of the patriarchy and the horrors it brought with it, the most urgent query of all to my mind is: ‘Is there a God?’ Can there be One and if there is a supreme being, what might Its nature be? Who am I and what is my relationship with It? Considering the sheer endless catalogue of terrifying things that have been happening in our world for such a long time and are doing so to this day, can there really be a God who loves us and cares for us? If there were one, why could He not put an end to the endless catalogue of miseries of earthly life? Why has He not made our world a more peaceful place but instead is constantly making things worse for so many?’
As our understanding of the concept of God did not stop any of these events from taking place, the only logical conclusion one can come to is that God must be something different than we were made to believe by the religions of the past. But what? Did we go wrong somewhere and lost our way? The simple answer is: we did not do anything of the kind because God’s great plan of life for our world decreed that this is how we should be taught the value of peace, truth and honesty and the other qualities of the Aquarian Age. They are appearing in our world through ever more of us endeavouring to bring forth the finest and noblest qualities of their own Christ nature. Even in the meanest of characters who ever walked the Earth they are slumbering and will burst into bloom when for them the time is right for this to happen.
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Leave us not when we are in temptation,
But deliver us and our world from all evil.
Help us to uplift and transmute the greatest evil into the
Highest good and the greatest joy for all life,
In keeping with the will and wishes of Thy great plan.
Thou art the only one who knows what tests and trials my soul still needs to endure until the balance of my spiritual account has been restored to wipe out my failures and wrong-doings of previous lifetimes. I know that the obstacles I am still encountering are not punishments of some kind, but were created by my thoughts, words and actions of this lifetime and previous ones. I forgive myself for this and take responsibility for the things I am still struggling to resolve. I understand that any sickness of the human physical body and mind are indications of an underlying sickness of soul and spirit. Please help all of us to heal every aspect of our being.
With every breath I take, I breathe in Thy light and breathe out Thy love for the blessing and healing of all of Creation. In this day and every day, grant me Thy help and guidance, in all I say and do. Please, give me Thy strength and courage so that I may triumphantly overcome the things that are still troubling me. My whole being is crying for Thee to come to my rescue, to heal me and re-birth me into my true Divine nature, to once again be a fully conscious child of Thine, the way I once was and on the inner level of life never stopped being. Through the difficulties I am experiencing you are teaching me to take better care of myself in mind, body, spirit and soul. I thank Thee for this most gracious lesson.
May these struggles help me to discover and release my latent healing abilities, so that Thou and the Angels can work through me. And when I have recovered sufficiently, grant me the grace to show others how they, with Thy help, can also heal themselves. As I have been helped, one of these days I shall be a way-finder for others who are suffering the way I once did, so that my life grows ever more into a blessing and a gift for our world and everything that is in it, in accordance with Thy great plan of life, will and wishes.
Grant me the gift of Thy strength and wisdom to rise above the desires and temptations of my small earthly self. Deliver me from the evil of the dark thoughts and feelings that try to keep me from reaching out for Thee and Thy goodness. By learning to fully trust Thee and Thy Divine guidance and protection, help me to shed my fears and doubts, so that I may follow in total trust wherever Thou leadest me. And whenever the feelings of my earthly self threaten to overwhelm me, knowing that they are not the work of the devil but that of my frightened earthly self, grant me the gift of Thy strength to say to this part of me: ‘It’s all right, calm down.’ Help me to rise above the lower aspects of my being and bring forth, from deep within me, my own Christ nature, so it can show me how to do that only that which is for the highest good and the greatest joy of all.
Extract from ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra For The New Age’
‘Prayers & Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World’
My dear children of the Earth, for you there is every reason for rejoicing and being optimistic. The mass of spiritual information that by now has become available to you and the great interest it is finding is living proof of how the collective consciousness of your race and world is ever more opening up and expanding. As pointed out earlier, to your small earthly minds all matters of faith that were ever presented to those on the Earth plane by its very nature had to remain one giant jigsaw puzzle. Now the time has come for joining its pieces together, so that a full and clear picture of My truth can emerge. This is happening now. The sections of the mystery are falling into place and magically the spiritual life of your world as one whole structure becomes visible. Even to many earthly eyes it takes on shape and meaning.
There is no reason for looking down your noses on humankind’s spiritual perceptions of the past. They all contained some grains of My wisdom and truth and in their time made a valuable contribution to the evolution of your race. Fill your hearts with gladness, for your world has reached the converging point of all its philosophies. You will gradually be able to see for yourselves how each one in its own right, and then all of them together, were never intended to be more than a means of showing you the way back home into your true nature and the oneness with Me and all life and lifeforms.
As it was in the beginning, so it will ever be. The only thing that transforms itself from time to time is your grasp of spiritual issues; that is all. There is no conflict between the old religions and the new one. The spirit guides and Masters will continue their work behind the scenes of earthly life, the way they have done for a very long time. Until the last one of you has been released from its studies on the Earth plane, they will carry on guiding and supporting each one of you, as always.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The more your perception of life changes and your understanding of the spiritual realities that lie behind your present existence increases, the more clearly will you be able to recognise each one in their true roles as your wise elder siblings in the vast family of life. Nothing has changed as far as they and you are concerned. They are still your best friends and helpers, your good shepherds in the world of light. Being responsible for guiding and protecting the souls that have been given into their care, they diligently watch over their flocks by night, i.e. in the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the Earth. For as long as they are still needed, they will be there for you to turn to and ask for help in times of distress.
Your guides and Masters in the world of light are presently preparing you and your race to occupy its rightful place in the Universe. Know that the spiritual beliefs of your world that previously served to separate you from each other, are now drawing you together again into the awareness of what, on the inner levels of life, has always been true, namely that all life is one. The further you advance into the New Age, the more each one of you will become aware that truthfully:
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race, the race of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
To me, God is the Universe, the Universal life force, whichever name for it you prefer. ‘Call Me by any name and I will be there’. Alas, many still refuse to accept that there is a Divine force behind the whole of the created world that brought everything into being, has always been supporting and maintaining it, and forever will do so. For these people the big bang theory of the origin of the Universe * appears to be proof that there is no Creator. They seem to draw the conclusion that if the Universe came into being through an abrupt expansion of energy and matter, that it happened perchance and quite on its own. And that, to them, does away with the need for a Creator.
If that is your belief too, take a good look around you and then tell me please, how could there be so many intricate different species of life on our beautiful planet alone, unless they had lovingly been designed and created by some great artist? Do you seriously believe that the big explosion, the bang, and all of this happened by sheer accident? Or do you, like me, feel deep within that there is a Great architect and designer of life who safely holds the threads of the whole of Creation in Its loving hands, that it cannot be any other way?
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Young and inexperienced souls frequently feel they always have to be doing something. But in truth the conservation of energy is of the greatest importance in our daily lives. Whenever things go wrong, we are tempted to rush hither and thither trying to put things right, maybe feeling that it does not really matter what we do, as long as we are doing something. Wise ones, however, know that the best way of reacting to difficult situations is by calmly and steadily making contact with the living God within, their inner connection with the eternal and everlasting source of life and strength. Any time of day or night it is ready to advise us about the best way of going about anything.
From ‘Tree Of Life Blossoms’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Meditation can be practised every day by contemplating the beauty and wonder of God’s Creation and the wisdom and love that brought it into being and maintains it. In moments like that our own heart and soul are vibrating in harmony with the love and wisdom, peace and kindness for all life of the Great Father/Mother.
From ‘Tree Of Life Blossoms’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
The Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, with the help of the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm once brought us the Jesus legend and the message: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ Even though it was misunderstood for a long time, the meaning of this message for us and our world always has been: ‘I am the I am. I am as much part of you as you are part of Me. I am the living God within you, who knows the way of all things and the answers to all your questions. I am the truth, the love and the life within you.’ The same voice is now telling us: ‘Rejoice, beloved children of the Earth, for at present ever more of you are waking up into the awareness of their true nature and Mine. This helps them to realise that in truth they are a spark of Me and that the essence of their being is spirit and soul and therefore eternal and immortal like Me.’
From ‘Tree Of Life Blossoms’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Whenever someone has created something unpleasant, negative and maybe downright evil, what kind of a world would ours be if someone else took the responsibility for it and made the resulting Karma go away by waving some kind of a magic wand, just because we say: ‘I believe Jesus exists.’ It wouldn’t even have to be true, but if it were possible, the whole thing would be one giant copout. Yet, spiritually there is no such thing. Everything has to be for real and carried out with the right intentions behind it. Pretending to be or do something we do not feel and are convinced of is no good and doesn’t count. Life moves round and round in circles and whatever we send out creates an impression in the ethers and our spiritual ledger. No good, kind and loving thought or word is ever wasted. They return to us in some way, but so do all nasty and unloving ones.
Everything that comes back to us was created by us and not inflicted by some unkind and unloving higher force or fate. At the end of each lifetime we return into the world of light for rest and recuperation. When this has been attended to sufficiently, as soon as we feel strong enough together with the wise ones in charge of us we ourselves decide how far we may be able to get during our next earthly sojourn with the resolving of outstanding issues and see how far we can get with repaying of karmic debts. Within the framework of our ongoing evolutionary development a suitable pathway along the route of the life lessons that are next in line for us is chosen.
From ‘The Law Of Karma’
‘Healers And Healing’
Ignorance of the Cosmic laws never could protect anyone against living with the consequences of every one of their thoughts, words and actions. The flow of our life changes dramatically and the ultimate destiny of requiring no further earthly lifetimes is approached much more rapidly when we have reached spiritual adulthood and are aware of the presence of these laws. Because we then have grown strong enough to accept our responsibilities and duties as a spark of the Divine, the true meaning of the Jesus story makes a lot of sense to us. Now we understand that the only way Christ could ever save and redeem any human being is when that person’s earthly self becomes aware of its own Christ nature, takes possession of and develops it. This we do when we freely and willingly conduct our lives in a manner that is worthy of one of God’s children of the Earth. In this process the higher aspect of our being gradually absorbs its lower counterpart, the small earthly self, into itself. With the passing of time the two parts together evolve into a Christed one in their own right.
From ‘The Law Of Karma’
‘Healers And Healing’
Darwin, Newton’s and Einstein are living proof that scientists can also be mystics and that a mystic does not have to be a person who functions through their feminine side only, and that scientists do not have to work exclusively with either the masculine or the feminine aspect of their nature. That no doubt is why the results of the work of the three above named ones could remain as influential as it is to this day. I believe that as earthlings none of us can become truly inspired until finally the masculine and feminine, higher and lower parts of our nature have been brought together and are functioning harmoniously and peacefully together as one, the way they do in our Creator.
Nothing truly worth having in the arts, sciences, mysticism and all other human fields of endeavour has ever been achieved on the Earth plane without someone’s sacrifices, hard work on many levels of their being, blood, sweat and tears, often literally and not just metaphorically speaking. When asked how he worked, Einstein replied: ‘I grope.’ On another occasion he confessed: ‘I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time, I am right.’ This is because after toiling for months and years on end and wrestling with a scientific problem, the same as in any other field of endeavour, the solution may come to us when we least expect it in a flash of inspiration that has its origin in the highest. Einstein, as well as Darwin and Newton, may have been spiritually sufficiently advanced to humbly accept that the touch of genius that crowned their work was not achieved by their earthly self, but that they were merely acting as channels through which the genius of the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the Highest levels of life could flow.
No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown. No sweet without sweat. Success never comes easily. There is no pleasure without pain or as the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once put it: ‘Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration!’ The manifold expressions of this rudimentary fact shows that once it was well known to everybody that before one could expect anything out of life, one had to have plenty of input into it. The Universal laws see to it that unless someone has sufficient positive input into it, that person has no right to expect a great deal out of it. Why is it that so many to this day, especially among the young, do not seem to be aware that life is a gift from the Universe, who owes us nothing, while we owe it everything?
From ‘No Inspiration Without Perspiration’
‘Our World In Transition’
When things are at their worst, a positive inner attitude towards life and the experiences that come our way empowers us to view any kind of situation from a different perspective. When we understand that Earth life is a place of learning, a school, we recognise that every experience is a lesson of some kind. The Universe in its infinite wisdom gives it to us, so that we may learn something from it and grow, thus fulfilling the purpose of our earthly existence. The law of life is love. The more we express our true nature and live in keeping with God’s law, the more our earthly self unites itself with our spirit and soul. The more we grow Heaven-tall, the closer we come to the heart of God.
This approach to life can turn any seemingly negative experience into a positive one and out of something apparently evil can come a great deal of good. During our darkest hours and the times of our greatest trials this kind of thinking enables us to unfold our spiritual wings. The parts of God’s sacred wisdom and knowledge we have gained up to any given moment helps us to lift ourselves above any kind of situation and perceive its value within the greater picture. When we thus look at life with the glorious vision of God and the Angels, it becomes easy to recognise the wise and loving purpose that lies behind all happenings on the Earth plane.
Every life has to have its trials and tribulations, without them we simply do not learn and our consciousness cannot expand. Bearing all this in mind, whenever future adversities come your way, ask yourself: ‘How shall I handle this? What would I like to be? A carrot, an egg or a coffee bean that is flavoursome and aromatic, enriched by the wisdom and understanding I am going to find on this part of my life’s journey?’ The choice is always ours.
To paraphrase Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Swiss Psychiatrist and Author: ‘Truly beautiful people are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and who worked their own way through these experiences, hand in hand with God and the Angels. Out of the depths of the hell of human suffering they have risen with a fresh appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving empathy with the pain of others. Beautiful people do not just happen, they can only grow and evolve on the Earth plane and that in the course of many lifetimes.’
From ‘The Carrot, The Egg And The Coffee Bean’
‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
To paraphrase the American journalist Charles Bishop Kuralt, 1934-1997: ‘It’s beneficial for our individual and collective mental and spiritual wellbeing to remind ourselves frequently that our whole world is not in flames and that there are people in our world besides politicians, entertainers and criminals, who are doing good things.’ And that’s how many small people in many small places doing small things can and indeed do change our world. I am convinced that there is much more goodness than evil in our world. It’s just that people prefer to do good things quietly in the background and therefore draw little attention.
From ‘Santa’s Retirement’
‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’
Changing The World
Do not try to change the world.
You will fail.
Try to love the world.
And lo, the world is changed,
Changed forever.
Sri Chinmoy
If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with its true purpose
And perceive it in a new light, we learn to love it and
For us, quite magically, the world changes forever.
As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.
From ‘Healers And Healing’
‘The most powerful one of the Divine characteristics is love. It is the greatest power of all in the whole of Creation which in end is going to move the mountains of unfaith that still exist in your world and change them into even higher ranges of faith and trust. In the fullness of time it conquers all evil by absorbing its energies into its own and converting them into blessing and healing energies for all life.
‘The same happens to you in the process of bringing forth and developing the higher aspects of your nature. The lower ones are gradually soaked into the higher ones and this continues until they have gone from you forever. This is the esoteric meaning of St John 1:29 ‘The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said: ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’ As you know by now, Jesus is a symbol of humankind’s higher nature. He could never have taken the sins of the world from anyone for the simple reason that he never existed.
‘In the fullness of time each one of you has to evolve into a lamb of God. And that is the esoteric truth behind Isaiah 11:6 ‘In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together, and the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.’ Humankind’s animal nature with all its untamed desires and urges is are the wolf, the leopard and the lion. The lamb is a symbolism for its Christ nature and the little child leading them is the Christ seed which eventually awakens in every human heart.
‘The Christ love lacks all interest in dominating others and dictating to people what they should believe or not, the way the religions of the past have been doing. Some of them are still trying to maintain this practice, but in due course they too will have to accept that spiritual knowledge evolves and grows the same as everything else in God’s Creation. This applies to all spiritual teachings that were given earlier. None of them were intended to be unchangeable and like set in concrete. Included in this is the wisdom the Angels have been presenting through us more recently and will continue to give.
From ‘The Coming Of The Lamb Of God’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
The Living God Within
If you search for me in Christmas,
Look for a very special star.
You won’t find me in Bethlehem,
‘Cos I’m just where you are.
You may not be aware of me
Amid the celebrations.
Look towards the Highest Star
Beyond earthly decorations.
But if you take a moment
From your list of things to do
And listen to your heart, you’ll find
I’m waiting there for you.
You’re the one I want to be with,
You’re the reason that I came,
And you’ll find me in the stillness
As I’m whispering your name.
I am the small still voice of your conscience,
Your inner guidance, the living God within,
Who knows the answers to all your questions
And never leads you astray.
Lori Ciccanti
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’
To this day there are many in our world who steadfastly refuse to accept that there is a Divine force behind the whole of the created world, as it is presently known to us. The big bang theory of the origin of the Universe to them presents an obstacle in the way of understanding its true nature, which can only be found when one has learnt to peer into the background of the higher and highest spiritual dimensions of life. Because our scientists believe that the Universe came into being through a sudden appearance and expansion of light and matter, many people seem to draw the conclusion that this does away with the need for a Creator because all of it happened perchance and quite on its own.
Should that be your belief too, take a moment or two and have a good look around you. Then please tell me, how could there be so many intricate and sophisticated forms and expressions of life on this our beautiful planet alone? How would this be possible if they had not been lovingly created by some great designer and artist? And anyway, the big bang was by no means some kind of vast explosion, as the name suggests to the layperson. It is thought that there was a sudden release and outflowing of energy into space. Does anyone seriously believe that this could have happened by sheer accident and appeared out of nowhere?
Yes, the big bang was caused by natural forces, but who or what in your view are these forces, if not the Life Force itself, known as God to some? Doesn’t this Creator constantly manifest itself and its wisdom in millions of different ways in all that is in the created world, not merely in ours? If it is not the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother that makes all animals, flowers and trees grow and decay, the same as we human beings do when our time on the Earth plane is up? Who is and who makes the wind blow, the Sun shine and the rain fall?
The law of cause and effect or the law of Karma is at work behind quite literally everything in the whole of Creation. This law knows neither rewards nor punishments, merely consequences. It explains why anything that happens can only be there because it has first been thought of by someone. That includes the big bang. It is a well known fact by now that thought is the most powerful force of all. Placed in the right hands, especially God’s, it can and does create and destroy whole worlds at will. This same power has always been at work in each one of us. Learning to harness and master this energy is our task and has to be practised until it has become our servant, instead of running us, our life and destiny for us.
Nothing in our world and all others happens per chance and on its own, or without the will of the Great Father/Mother and their child, the true only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. The Son is the light of all lights, the Sun above, beyond and behind every one of the stars and suns in the whole of Creation. It is the Highest Star and the greatest Light through whom the life in all worlds is given by the Father/Mother.
From ‘The Power Behind The Big Bang’
‘Our World In Transition’
The Universal Life Force, Father/Mother of all life, known as God to many, thinks and experiences itself through the worlds and the creatures it brings into being, including us. Any Eureka moments we enjoy on the Earth plane in truth are Its gifts. All humankind’s creative ideas have their origin in this source, although many like to think of them as their own. Ideas transmit themselves as a thought to the feminine and passive Earth and Water element, to which we and our world belong, both genders alike. Through the power of thought the positive and masculine Air element adds to whatever already is in existence or still is in the process of being created or un-created, as the case may be.
God’s ideas and thoughts are constantly flowing into every aspect of physical life, including us and our bodies of clay, made from Earth and Water. Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and the thought processes transmit the creator’s ideas, including those that come to you and me, to our feminine and receptive bodies of clay and our emotional water bodies and soul, where the memories of all previous lifetimes as well as the present one are stored. As all life is in God’s image, the same as everything else, each one of us is being shaped and modelled into what our Creator thinks of Him/Herself to be. By the power of Its intellect and thought processes the God models Its image into whole worlds and all its creatures and other lifeforms. God is the idea and thought and everything that is visible to our earthly eyes is the Goddess – and every cell and atom of it is imbued with the spirit of the whole and indivisible Divine Trinity.
From ‘The Big Bang’
‘Our World In Transition’
Symbolisms and metaphors have always been the language with which the spirit world communicates with humankind. From the earliest beginnings of its existence on the Earth, those who are taking care of you and your world on the highest levels of life have been using this mode to convey their ideas, thoughts and truths to you. At the start of your earthly education you are still unable to recognise what all symbolisms for what they truly and you cannot yet grasp their meaning. But as you progress on the evolutionary pathway, the gift of interpreting them gradually comes to us. From within your own being it unfolds and slowly provides you with an ever clearer vision of the spiritual aspects of life. It brings the gift of true clairvoyance and that is an understanding of the esoteric meaning of symbols and the spiritual truths behind all aspects of earthly life.
In the course of the Aquarian Age ever more of you are going to develop the ability to recognise the esoteric meaning of the symbolisms that for such a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends of your world. This has always applied to every one of the belief systems that ever existed and therefore also to the Jesus legend. It is the tale of a spiritual Master’s life and a demonstration of how all human beings eventually have to conduct their lives. It was given by the Angels and Masters in charge of your world for wise educational purposes and by My will and wishes. And it is with full intention that young and inexperienced souls should at first take the Jesus legend literally.
As far as the sacred texts of your world are concerned, as time went by it was inevitable that many misunderstandings and misinterpretations – intentionally and otherwise – crept into them and have stayed to this day. There is no need to begrudge any of this because all of it has been grist to the mill of your race’s evolutionary development. The misunderstandings provided invaluable teaching aids for your earthly education, when you, My beloved children, were placed there one lifetime after another.
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Sooner or later every one of you reaches the point when the bottle and spoon feeding of spiritual knowledge of the past that may or may not be true, fails to satisfy you. When you have had enough of lies and deceptions, you go in pursuit of My truth. The ways of the past have served their purpose when your soul at last is filled with a great hunger and thirst for the truth and nothing but the truth. Your longing for it turns into the incentive that in the end propels each one of you forward on your predestined path of evolving into a seeker of wisdom and truth. Each has to do this in their own right and eventually has to find their own understanding of life and learn how to work things out for themselves.
My truths do not change, but your perception and understanding of them does and has to, in the long course of your evolutionary journey. To find this out for yourself is why I never intervened in past ages when anyone falsified and corrupted parts of my truth when it was given to your world in many different forms. It has always been possible to interpret My truths in many different ways. The degree of truth you pass on to others is a measure of your spiritual integrity and loyalty, to Me, yourself, the people around you and your whole world. And that is by far the best way of testing someone’s present evolutionary state.
Because each one of you, in the fullness of time, has to find their own way back to Me and into the awareness of their own Divine nature, in past ages the Angels never told you: ‘Things are so and so!’ They gave you symbolisms and metaphors instead, so you should interpret them. The Age of Aquarius is changing this because ever more of you have become sufficiently evolved to tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly minds into My frequencies, to receive My wisdom and truth directly from Me, the Source of your being.
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Many of the deep esoteric meanings contained in the legends and fables of your world had to remain hidden from your understanding for a long time. And as reading and writing for the common people is a fairly recent development in your world, the doors were open wide to all manner of divergences from My truth. Humankind’s task has always been the unravelling of the mysteries of life, but to enable you to do this you first need to come to terms with the fact that in truth life is an ongoing process and uninterrupted flow. Ideas and concepts of this nature can only by grasped by those who are willing to look beyond the ends of their noses and lift their vision to the higher and highest realities of life.
Your understanding then enables you to go in search of My wisdom behind the surface words of every legend your world has ever known. By deciphering their symbolisms you can find a fresh understanding of their meaning. You can then see for yourself that the mythological heritage of all the cultures of your world is one vast storehouse of My wisdom and knowledge, and that many of their symbols contain messages that can speak to you to this day.
The higher you climb up the spiritual mountain into the full light of your oneness with Me, the more easily you will be able to discern that the tales and legends that surround even the most venerated ones of the teachers, who are believed to have acted as My channels, in truth belong to the realms of mythology and not of history, because they never were based on historical facts.
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
In times gone by there was no other way of explaining to us earthlings the underlying higher purpose and meaning of our earthly existence than with the help of symbolisms and metaphors. Now, however, we are ready for the truth and nothing but the truth. And you can rely on it that it will always come your way from me. The way I see and understand things that’s my truth. Whether any of it can become part of our truth depends on how your inner guidance responds to it.
First in line in our search for truth is the birth of the Christ child. This event is a metaphor for the awakening of the Divine spark that for a long time dwells in every human soul as a tiny glow of love that would never leave us. The creation of every individual God’s child of the Earth is conceived on the highest levels of life, i.e. it emerges from the heartmind of the Great Father. This process has nothing to do with our earthly existence until we into our first lifetime as a physical being on the Earth plane.
God, the Father, is the masculine active and outgoing aspect of the Divine Trinity. Astrologically speaking it belongs to the Fire and Air elements. Fire is the creative fire of God’s ideas which are transmitted by thought, the realm of Air, to the Great Mother, the Goddess. She is the Father’s feminine, passive and receptive counterpart, represented by the elements Earth and Water. Their only born Son/Daughter is the Spirit of the Universal Christ, of whose light every lifeform from the highest to the lowest has been created.
From ‘The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
In the New Age all religions will go from our world and that for the simple reason that there will no longer be any need for them. Considering how much misery and suffering they have brought and still are doing to this day, this gives us plenty of grounds for rejoicing.
Have you ever asked yourself, as I have: ‘What does religion actually mean?’ In its original sense religion signified the respect for what is sacred and the reverence for the Gods. The word stood for an obligation and the bond between humankind and the Gods. It is derived from the Latin religio, the ultimate origins of that word are obscure. One possibility is an interpretation traced to Cicero, connecting lego ‘read’, i.e. re – like in again – plus lego in the sense of ‘choosing’, ‘going over again’ or ‘considering carefully’.
Modern scholars such as Tom Harpur and Joseph Campbell apparently favour the derivation from ligare ‘bind, connect’, probably from a prefixed re-ligare, i.e. re – again – + ligare or ‘to reconnect,’ which was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius. The medieval usage alternates with order in designating bonded communities like those of monastic orders. We hear of the religion of the Golden Fleece or a knight of the religion of Avys.
Isn’t it sad that the teachings of the religions of our world and the Christian ones in particular contain such a rich store and diversity of gems of spiritual truth and that to this day far too many of them are still misunderstood and misinterpreted? What a pity that the spiritual progress of so many of the remaining religions is unnecessarily hampered by too narrow a field of vision.
Fortunately, there have always been groups and associations on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds, who were and still are genuinely working with the Highest levels of life for the blessing and healing of us and our world. With hindsight it is easy to see that what those who failed to pursue this aim did not understand that true religion is a matter of the heart and never had anything to do with dogma and creed. The only concern of true religion is the re-establishment and reinforcement of humankind’s heart relationship with our Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.
From ‘The Natural End Of All Religions’
‘Our World In Transition’
Through the Old Testament’s prophet Isaiah 43: 18-19 I told you: ‘Remember not the former things and do not consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth and you shall know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’ This was My announcement that the time would come on the Earth plane when I will make a new way for Myself and humankind’s belief in Me in the wilderness of earthly life and rivers in the desert of human consciousness. That time is now!
As you know by now, the Aquarian Age is the age of spiritual wisdom and truth that comes directly from Me. Past beliefs were of the mind, but the New Age is bringing you a fresh approach to matters of faith. There is now coming to your world a new religion, which is of the heart and free from the chains and shackles of all false beliefs and prejudices. Many of them crept in through the back door in the form of misunderstandings and misrepresentations that were caused by humankind’s low evolutionary level at that time, and the lack of spiritual comprehension this brought with it. As there are also false concepts that blatantly marched in through the front door, we shall return to this theme in a moment.
Whenever you read the Scriptures of the olden days now, bear in mind that all interpretations of My wisdom have always been limited by the degree of spiritual awareness of the ones through whom they were given. This also applies to those who translated My teachings into languages other than those in which they first appeared. The outcome of any of these efforts also largely depends on the translator’s perception of the world they are living in. This was as true for the scribes of long-gone eras as it still is for modern writers, through whom My inspiration now flows and through whom I express Myself. The scribes of yesteryear were the modern writers of their time; in some cases the same souls played that role in different lifetimes.
From ‘The Beliefs Of Past Ages’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘Because your life, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is governed by spiritual laws, you have no need to worry about anything or to be anxious and afraid. God knows your needs and it certain experiences are still necessary in your life, you may find it helpful to know that they are sent by the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life. So, hold up your head, walk tall and affirm: ‘This is helping me to grow in wisdom and understanding. Because I am one with God and will always be safe, nothing destroy me.’
‘At all times, make an effort to think constructively. Know that in truth the future holds only good and not evil and that even the last of the things that presently threaten your world so darkly will pass by. They too will soon be a thing of the past and forgotten. Thinking this way protects you against attracting negative people and things into your orbit. If another sorrow has to be endured by you, remind yourself that a sorrow can be like a rainy day when the light of the Sun eventually breaks through and a rainbow appears in all its glory. So it is with human life. Trust the love and goodness of the Great Father/Mother to send you nothing but good, that your loved ones are in His/Her care and that their love for them is infinitely greater than your own.’
‘When you accept with patience and sweet surrender the tests and trials that are inevitable on your predestined pathway through life, a light and life-force flows into you that has the ability to make all things new. You will then find that the circumstances in your life are gradually smoothing themselves out and things are beginning to work more harmoniously for you. This strengthens your conviction that beyond all human efforts there is a power and a love that at all times is at work behind the scenes of earthly life, endeavouring to bring peace and happiness to God’s children of the Earth.
From ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘Miracles are things earthly minds cannot comprehend, although in truth they are merely the natural outworking of the Divine laws on the physical aspects of life. These laws control and manipulate matter, but they can only do this when the weaker human self steps to one side, surrenders its will to the will of the Highest and allows them to happen. This means overcoming your natural instinct for self-preservation, which is part of the lower self’s nature, not of the higher.
‘The higher aspects of your being, your Christ nature, needs to take charge and convince its small and frightened lower earthly counterpart that all is well. Every one of its fears and apprehensions has to be overcome. And when we say surrender your whole being to the Highest, this does not mean you should enter into a state of apathy. True surrender has its foundation in a strong soul certainty that all life consists of miracles, that life itself is a miracle, and that miracles and wonders are possible and can happen when the conditions are right.
From ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
‘Healers And Healing’
I do not believe that there is such a thing as a stupid person, because we are all part of the Divine spirit’s intelligence. It’s just that in some of us the mind faculties have not yet been attended to sufficiently. In contrast to this, many are by now aware that thinking is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation; that our thoughts of past lifetimes are responsible for creating the individual and collective reality of our world; and that today’s thinking and behaviour patterns are bringing our future conditions into being. Negative thinking all too easily draws us into a downward spiral of negativity that, with the passing of time, can take us ever deeper into a vortex of darkness and depression, until find it impossible to see something pleasant and good in anyone or anything. That’s why the importance of training our minds to think positively cannot be stressed too much.
Negative thinking is nothing but a bad habit that can and indeed is meant to be changed, and nobody can do this for us except we ourselves. We may have brought such tendencies with us from previous lifetimes into the present one in the hope of changing it. This is our opportunity, so let’s not miss it. Wise ones develop positive thinking into a fine art form. With the help of the spiritual knowledge, which for some time has been coming our way so generously from the highest levels of life, this is not as difficult as it once used to be. The wisdom God and the Angels are providing us with enable us to recognise the good that is hiding behind anything that happens in earthly life.
From ‘The Fine Art Of Positive Thinking’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
As children of the Great Father/Mother, everybody has the same rights and duties. Knowing that our Creator loves us just the way we are, why then do we find it so difficult to do the same for ourselves? Because we are in this life to grow in wisdom and understanding, of course we are allowed to make mistakes. How else could we learn anything? The Highest levels of life enjoy with us every bit of learning that is gained and every modicum of progress made by any one of us. When we repent and show our willingness to learn from the error of our ways, we shall always be forgiven.
Only a fool, or rather someone who is ignorant of life’s true purpose, believes that in earthly life we can ‘get away with’ things. Spiritually, no-one ever does, because the wise ones in charge of us are constantly with us and observing us. Therefore, we are never alone. When the last one of us has grasped and accepted this and of its own free will changes into a responsible child of God, violence and crime will disappear forever from our world and genuine and lasting peace will rule supreme. No matter how long this development may take, every human being in the end reaches this advanced evolutionary state.
When the right moment has come for one of us, we awaken from our spiritual slumber and begin to become aware of why we are in this life and what it is all about. To our astonishment we then discover that the world around us is in truth a mirror of ourselves. It reveals to us that whatever we do not like about ourselves, we can change, and that the things we dislike in others are also in us, mirroring back to us our hidden unconscious self. We cannot transform other people – they alone can do that. But, we surely can change ourselves.
Furthermore, we find out that it makes no difference how old our physical body is. As far as our evolution is concerned, the only thing of importance is the age of our soul. And whenever some new knowledge comes our way, the only thing that does matter is how we react to it and what we do with it. The maturity of our soul shows itself in the way we use it, either for the furtherance of our own interests, for selfish ends and material gain, or do we seek to apply it for the good of others, without looking for rewards? When giving to and working for others, there never is any need to ask for something in return. For as long as any efforts of this kind are carried out unselfishly, blessings of many kinds automatically start flowing into the giver’s life.
From ‘Letting Go Of The Old’
‘Our World In Transition’
As pioneers of the New Golden Age we have every right to courageously look forward into the sparkling future that awaits us and our world in the Aquarian Age. This world cannot come into being for as long as too many of us insist on clinging to long outdated beliefs and the thoughts and behaviour patterns that are based on them. To achieve the progress that potentially is every human being’s birthright, it is necessary to let go of many of the old teachings and open ourselves to the wisdom that is coming our way through new interpretations and the understanding they are bringing.
Repeating parrot-fashion, whether something makes sense to us or not, has been the way of the past. The kind of belief this produces is good enough for those who are presently taking part in the experiences of spiritual infancy and childhood, but it is no longer satisfactory when we have evolved into spiritual adulthood. Continuing to use some of the old teachings, i.e. the ones that contain a higher esoteric meaning, makes a great deal of sense once we have become a budding mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. Our task then is picking the best of the old teachings and discarding that which no longer is of any use or value to us and our world. At that stage our main aim is helping others to peer beyond the ends of their noses into the higher and highest realities of life, so that their faith and trust in the basic goodness of life can be restored, the same as ours.
Fom ‘Letting Go Of The Old’
‘Our World In Transition’
No matter how much anyone wishes to deny that our earthly existence has a spiritual background, I believe it is there nonetheless and there are many who share my view. The New Testament’s John 1:5 tells us: ‘The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot understand it.’ The light of the intuitive wisdom and knowledge of the Highest is present in everyone. It’s just that for a long time it remains hidden from our view, like buried under some kind of boulder. Through the experiences of many lifetimes this obstacle is gradually removed, so that the inner light in the form of increased understanding can slowly begin to flow into the earthly self’s darkness.
Who Is Blind?
Those who are unable to perceive another world.
Who is dumb?
Those who cannot speak a kind and loving word at the right moment.
Who is poor?
Those who are plagued by too many desires.
Who is rich?
Those whose hearts are contented.
From ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
‘Healers And Healing’
Ever more of you have reached the final phase of your earthly development. From the cold and darkness of Earth life, you are presently returning into the loving and welcoming warmth of your true eternal home in the oneness with Me and all life. You no longer find it difficult to understand that the truth of the spoken or written words some of My messengers from the spirit world over the ages brought to you and your world, from time to time, were always written by the invisible hand and the intangible power of beauty and love of Me, the Source of your being.
But before this kind of recognition can happen to you on the Earth plane, your small lower self first has to deal with and overcome the obstacles of its existence, which to your spirit and soul feel as if they had been encased in a black box. Here the earthly self dwells in a prison that consists of the ignorance of its true nature. From this temporary state of your true being arise many false perceptions of things, misunderstandings and prejudices, which have to be shed when you reawaken into the knowledge of your true nature. The deeper your spirit and soul once descended into life in physicality and matter, the thicker the walls of this jailhouse grew. This continued until you had been cut off completely from all concerns of the spirit.
From ‘Humankind On The Home Run’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
As soon as our inner perception has opened sufficiently, we realise that things like metaphors and symbols have always been the language with which the spirit world has communicated with us. The wise ones on the highest levels of life, who are in charge of and are taking care of us and our world, have always used this mode for conveying their ideas, thoughts and truths. Alas, for a long time we had to remain unaware that this is the case. The story of Jesus in the desert is an allegory of this phase of our earthly existence. It provides us with an illustration of what happens when our Christ nature – Jesus is its symbol – takes over and rejects the temptations of our earthly nature’s desires – symbolised by the Devil. When the lower part of our being freely and willingly surrenders itself to our Highest or God Self, we lose our taste for the temptations of the Earth and our wishes adapt themselves to those of our higher nature.
It takes a long time before anything of this nature can happen. But with the passing of time it eventually dawns on us that the sacred texts of our world are filled with symbolisms. This opens our inner doors for exploring what they stand for and our superconscious faculties, which are required for interpreting them, slowly begin to unfold inside us and start to provide us with an ever clearer vision of the spiritual background of life. We are in the process of developing the gift of true clairvoyance, i.e. an understanding of the esoteric meanings of symbols and the spiritual truths that have always been hiding behind all aspects of our earthly existence.
From ‘What Is God’s Light?’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘We, your spirit guides and helpers, also once walked that pathway and therefore know how difficult it can be for as long as our physical bodies hold you tightly in its grip with its pains and afflictions of mind, body and spirit. By now we also know that all these things are the direct result of the thinking and behaviour patterns of the small self with its tiresome ego and fearful earthly mind. For a long time the lower self in its arrogance believes it knows everything when in truth it does not have a clue about anything that really matters, in particular the spiritual background of its earthly existence.
‘This is because in the course of many lifetimes the lower self gets lost in an ever denser jungle of erroneous beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The walls of this prison with the passing of time grow so thick that they enclose the small self like a black box. The atoms and molecules of the physical body’s cells eventually are so tightly packed together that they act similar to a prison cell, which for a long time cannot be penetrated by even the smallest rays of the light of spiritual wisdom. Yet, with every spell of suffering a bit more of God’s light re-enters them and speeds up their vibrations sufficiently so that sparks of understanding can seep in. With the passing of time more and more of it penetrates the consciousness of the sufferer.
‘The creation of the prison cell is necessary for the early stages of your earthly development. It ensures that the spirit and soul within it cannot escape until the learning from its lessons have been thoroughly absorbed. Thus they are forced to take part in the lessons of getting to know the characteristics of their lower and lowest nature. Without this the human spirit, whose true nature as a spark of the Divine is all-loving, giving and forgiving, would be unable to endure the extremely tough school of earthly life. If it had not been cut off from its true nature and home in God’s loving embrace, human spirit and souls could not respond to the demands of Earth’s harsh and cold, alien and frequently hostile environment.
From ‘Realise Your Inner Strength’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, a negative one and its positive counterpart, that which is good. This part is all love and with the passing of time absorbs what is known as evil in your world into itself and creates more good from it. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and humankind lives in Its heart and although many find it hard to accept that good and bad alike are within our Creator’s power. Both aspects have their origin in the life of God and proceed from there.
‘You need to know that that which is evil and ugly in your world and anywhere else is the unevolved and undeveloped part of life. All the powers that are in God are also in you. That is why when your Highest Self first starts building itself an earthly counterpart, it has to start at the lowest point, just the same as the Universal intelligence of the Almighty, whose spark you are, has to do when creating anything. The same applies to every field of human endeavour, be it the ability to conduct satisfying and rewarding personal relationships, or being successful professionally, artistically as well as spiritually. There are no shortcuts. In each case you have to start with the bottom step of the ladder, slowly and patiently working your way up to beauty and perfection.
From ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good and Evil’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘Everything that to this day leaves much to be desired in your world is part of humankind’s lower earthly nature in its slowly evolving state. Evil is a consuming and destructive force. It’s a fire that first tests and tries humankind’s mettle to its utmost. Later on it is absorbed by the individual and collective development of the Christ nature. The Christ fire consumes everything that is no longer of any use and transforms it into something good. During the later stages of your development, when the thoughts, words and actions you in your ignorance of what is at stake once sent into the world return to you, the result tests and tries your whole being frequently to breaking point. The suffering endured pays the karmic debts that were incurred earlier.
‘By the time you have recovered, you have become thoroughly familiar with the nature of suffering. Your higher nature is awakening from its slumber and your heart fills with love and compassion whenever you see someone in distress. You have come to admire the people who happily share their talents with anyone who is in need of them and the work they doing. Like them you want to become a useful member of society and assist those who are suffering the way you once did. The healer’s pathway is opening before you. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put it: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have experienced defeat, suffering, struggle and loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Such things do not just happen, they can only grow from within.’
From ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good and Evil’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘With the awakening of the good and higher aspects of your nature, the Christ Spirit, the process of absorbing the ugly and evil parts of your lower earthly self begins. As this happens in ever more of you, with the passing of time all evil will eventually vanish from your world. And that is the only way Christ can become the saviour and redeemer of you and ultimately your whole world. Many believe that by attacking evil they can do their share of getting rid of it. But when you have become aware of God’s true nature and your own, you know that this is not the right course of action and that the best you can do to dissolve any kind of evil is by radiating the light of the Christ Star into the distressed people and areas of your world.
‘Those who view evil from the perspective we are bringing here, will have no difficulties recognising the wise higher purpose it fulfils in earthly life to this day. We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, have walked this way before you. We understand your difficulties only too well. That’s why we are volunteering to light the road every human soul must travel. We are trying to help you overcome the darkness of earthly life by showing how each one of you has to make their contribution towards absorbing it into the Christ light of love and compassion, wisdom and truth which, if only in seed form, is in every one of you. One of these days you may wish to join us and assist those you have left behind and who are still struggling in the darkness of earthly life.
From ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good and Evil’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘Once the power of thought is understood, it can be used by anyone to create a life that is filled with beauty and kindness, peace and harmony. This is because whenever you practise right thinking to help others by sending them constructive and positive thoughts only, the Universal laws ensure that you receive more of the same in return. As everything one of you sends forth has to be repaid, good thinking therefore serves a double purpose.
‘The more of you are doing these things, the speedier your whole world will be filling with the goodwill of Universal love. This kind of love is no sickly sentiment but a potent force that is capable of raising humankind from the darkness of ignorance about its true nature and destiny into the light of consciously being aware of these things, as well as the duties they entail. This is how all of you are slowly but surely moving from experiencing the always brief and temporary realities of earthly life into the eternal realm of your spirit nature and the joys that are waiting for you there.
From ‘White Eagle On The Healing Work’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘All we, your spirit guides and helpers, can do is to give you broad outlines of the principles involved and the foundations upon which you yourselves have to build your new world. Knowing them empowers you to act as one of the pioneers and servers of the Aquarian Age. Never forget that your present thoughts, words and actions are vital building materials you will be using many times over in future incarnations on different planes and planets. You are not alone in your work. You may not be able to see us and not always sense our presence because doing so would not be good for you.
‘This is for the simple reason that it would prevent you from bringing forth and developing your own inner strength and learning to trust your own capabilities when you are working hand in hand with God and us. But no matter what happens, rest assured that you never have been or will be on your own. Although you were not aware of it for a long time, for as long as you have been taking part in earthly life, you have always been holding on to the hand of your true brother/sister, the Universal Christ, who blesses each one of you and us with His/Her presence.’
From ‘White Eagle On The Healing Work’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
The very reason that we have been granted the gift of another lifetime at this particular time is that the Highest expects all of us to add the learning and insights we are gaining from the experiences of our own pathway through life to the knowledge that is already available and the parts that have remained valid to this day. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, who communicate with us through our inner guidance. That’s how all together we are already in the process of baking a rich new cake from the raisins, the golden nuggets of truth, we are picking from the old religions and belief systems of our world and are adding to them the new and exciting discoveries we are now allowed access to.
Never forget that the law of life is love. In us and our world God’s love finds its most beautiful expression whenever someone is bringing forth the best that is within them, without expecting and asking for anything in return. This kind of love reaches out to all our siblings in the great family of humankind, whether or not they are known to us or as yet in harmony with our beliefs.
From ‘Letting Go Of The Old’
‘Our World In Transition’
God to me means the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. It is the Universal intelligence and the source from which fresh pure creative ideas are constantly pouring forth in the form of thoughts. God’s spirit, the same as ours, is eternal, without beginning or end and has always been. Neither our spirit nor the Divine Trinity’s will ever stand still. Both are constantly evolving, expanding and growing through the knowledge that is gathered by the being in every part of Creation, including you and me. Ever deeper insights and fresh discoveries into this, that and the other will always continue to be made by someone somewhere. This is something every human being has to come to terms with and accept that there will probably never be such a thing as absolute truth.
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
What about God’s truth? How do we know when we are finding some of it? Because of the precious gift of freedom of choice each one of us is allowed to decide what we can and wish to take on board as our truth. Yet, every right also brings responsibilities with it and any newly found knowledge puts the onus on us for choosing wisely. Any knowledge one of us gathers, of which our inner guidance says that it is true, is meant to be shared with those around us and then used for making our world a better place for everything in it, so that all lifeforms together evolve and grow. Therefore, whenever you are reading or listening to anything, make a habit of paying attention to the responses that rise from the world of your feelings into your heart. Listen attentively, as this is the voice of your inner guidance and teacher, your intuition, communicating with you. It will never let you down or lie to you, so learn to follow it in all things.
Because there are numerous gullible people in our world and just as many who are all too happy to exploit this, be careful and refuse to take anything that comes to your attention at face-value. Everything that enters our awareness in some way flows into our consciousness and we ourselves are responsible for what we allow in. To establish whether the information before you has any validity for you, you yourself have to test and try it. You are always the bottom line and you alone can decide whether you are willing to accept or reject what someone tells you, whoever this may be. Naturally, this is also valid for my writings. It has never been my nature to wish to prescribe for anyone what to believe and what not. In any case, being aware that there is no absolute truth, who would still be foolish enough to dogmatically state this, that or the other is the ultimate truth and therefore valid for everybody?
Those who are familiar with my work know that I go to great lengths to point out the necessity for choosing carefully what we accept as our truth. Never follow anyone blindly or take their words for gospel, no matter how high and holy the person or institution may seem on the surface of things. Even though the information you are receiving from such sources may have been true when it first appeared in our world, by now it could be outdated and further insights may be waiting to be given, possibly through you. If something you hear or read does not feel right, pay attention and listen to what ideas may come to you.
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, each one of you – without exception – is a young God in the making. Because of life’s oneness on the inner plane, growth by any one of you can only be achieved through constant interaction with the rest of life. My Cosmic law of evolution decrees that no individual soul in the whole of Creation shall grow and evolve in isolation, and that every part of life forever shall depend upon all others for its survival and wellbeing, or otherwise. Although superficially you may like to think of yourself as an independent being, you are still reliant upon millions of others on all levels of life, the highest as well as the lowest. They are constantly influencing you in everything you say and do.
Evolution’s ultimate purpose is to bring all aspects of life into co-operation by harmonising and co-ordinating them into one stupendous crescendo of Universal love. When all of you have successfully finished tuning your instruments, Heaven and Earth will be one. Together with the Angels you will join hands and the song every loving human heart joyfully sings will make its own contribution and add a very special note to the almighty symphony of worship, thanksgiving and praise of the whole of Creation.
From ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Every human being’s thoughts, words and actions, indeed your whole life creates a vibration and a sound. Each one of you strikes their own chord and whenever peaceful, loving and harmonious, blessing and healing vibrations go forth from you, the Angels see to it that they unerringly find their intended destination and from there wing their way back to you with ever more potency. My Universal law of cause and effect ensures that everything has to return to its source. That’s why no matter what any one of you sends out and whatever sounds you produce, it will return to you. All my laws are very exact and apply on all planes of life, therefore also on the Earth.
Because you are magnetic beings, you can only attract into your orbit what you are yourself. As soon as you have reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level that nothing but Christ love flows from your heart and loving thoughts from your mind into the whole of Creation, your whole being slowly but surely fills with harmony and peace of mind. You then draw towards you and absorb only that which is good and right, harmonious and peaceful, loving and progressive from your environment. Nothing else can touch you and fill you and your aura any longer.
From ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Where do we come from and where are we going to? Being spirit, we can only come from the world of spirit. And when our physical body returns to the Earth, where does our spirit go? Where else can it go but back to where we came from, the world of light? This does not mean some place elsewhere. It is merely another dimension of our present world. The world of light or spirit is an integral part of it that becomes invisible to our earthly eyes, each time we enter into another physical body. That is all.
We are as much part of God as God is of us and there has never been a time when we were not and not with God. This is why the Divine will never forget or leave us. Each one of us is a spark of the Great White Spirit. Being spirit, like God, we are eternal and immortal, and like God cannot die. Our spirit is masculine and attached to each spirit is a soul, its soft and sensitive feminine counterpart, who is the memory bank of all our experiences. We carry them around with us from lifetime to lifetime. This continues until they are no longer required by us and shed.
From ‘Where Do We Come From?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
For the past two thousand years or so, the Angels around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, brought our world the Jesus legend with the message: ‘The truth will set you free!’ From the moment this myth appeared in our world it has been a call from the Highest levels of life to encourage humankind to search for God’s sacred wisdom and truth. And now the time has come for the realisation that they can not be found in the surface words of our world’s spiritual teachings. Their esoteric higher meanings have always been hiding behind them. Through coming to terms with them is it possible to find a better understanding of God’s true nature, our own and our special relationship with the Divine.
As soon as we wake up to the presence of the Universal laws, in particular the law of Karma, and start to conduct our lives in keeping with the requirements of these laws, the Universe places the power into everyone’s own hands to at last free ourselves from the karmic chains and shackles that have kept us tied to earthly life for far too long. This is how we ourselves alone can release us from the wheel of Karma.
From ‘Where Do We Come From?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
With all my heart and soul I believe that there is a great plan of life in which everybody has their place. And with my whole being I trust that this plan is perfect, and that our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life holds both our worlds – as well as all other worlds – safely in His/Her loving hands. More than that: I know these things and that is a faith and a trust that no-one will ever be able to shake or take from me, for the simple reason that it is not based on something that is written in a book somewhere, but deeply engraved in my heart and soul.
When I reflect on the mysteries of life and death and the Universe as a whole, I become aware how all things work together for the good of the whole, and I realise that everything that happens anywhere in the whole of Creation has been planned and is held in the mind of the Great Architect and Master Designer of all worlds and all beings. The knowledge of this helps me to open my heart, soul and mind with confidence to the One, who holds the plan and takes care that it unfolds as it should and that therefore all life is moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life in a well ordered fashion.
This helps me to walk with a tranquil heart and an open mind to the beauty, the wonders and the glories of all the Universes that cannot be seen by earthly eyes, but only perceived by our minds. Knowing that God is in other people just the same as in me, makes it easy to be sincere and true in all my relationships. And I rejoice that truly, truly there is no death and that wherever there is love between human souls there can be no separation.
From ‘Where Do We Come From?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
All life is ruled by Universal or God’s laws. One of them is the law of Karma, which decrees that everything has to return to its source. Because of this whatever we send out into the world like a boomerang unerringly finds its way back to us. Probably one its best explanations I have ever come across can be found in James van Praagh’s ‘Reaching to Heaven – a Spiritual Journey through Life and Death’. On page 78, he writes under the heading ‘Karma: We are all familiar with the saying: ‘What goes around comes around.’ This is another way of stating the Universal law known as Karma. The word karma has its origin in Sanskrit; it literally means ‘action’. Within this law of action is built a natural cycle of cause and effect. Simply put, we have gone through lifetimes either sowing seeds or throwing rocks, and we will reap the effects of what we have created, good or bad.’
The law of Karma is the law of cause and effect and its cycles extend through many lifetimes. This is for the simple reason that it may be impossible to settle the results of our present actions during our present earthly sojourn. Karma means paying one's debts and consists of a balancing act, because we also reap the rewards for the things we did well in previous lifetimes. The Universal law of Karma in truth is a law of opportunities which are thus created as a means for our spirit and soul to progress. Once we have become aware that we are responsible for ourselves and every one of our thoughts, words and actions, that every action causes a re-action, either positive or negative, the need for creating difficult karmic situations and relationships leaves us.
However, our final release from the wheel of Karma can only take place, when we have fully grasped – on all levels of our existence – that we are eternal beings and when we are conducting our lives in accordance with the knowledge we are now finding. To my mind, the realisation that the things we could not complete in our present lifetime can be finished off in another one is the single most liberating item of spiritual wisdom the Age of Aquarius is bringing to us and our world.
From ‘The Law Of Karma’
It has been said that the answers to all our questions are within. I can personally verify that this is so; there is no need to turn to others to answer our questions. To find what we are looking for, it is best to reach out and ask God and the Angels to come to our help. Masters and guides from the world of spirit are also waiting to be called upon by us, so that they can guide and protect us in all our endeavours. They too are happy to help us find the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. White Eagle is one of these guides and part four contains a collection of his teachings on the subject of life and death. To whet your appetite, here is one of them:
White Eagle: ‘It may strengthen and comfort you to know that not one of you treads the path of life alone. From the moment of birth until physical death, you are guarded by Angels who have been appointed to carry out this task. Humankind has always walked the Earth with Angels. The human race, whether it knows it or not, lives through the Ages under the guardianship of God’s Angels.’
From ‘The Law Of Karma’
Jesus of Nazareth is but one of the many symbols used by the Angels to describe the higher nature and Christ part of every human being. With the help of the myths and legends of your world, step by step they have brought your race closer to this aspect of human nature. For a long time it had to be presented as a force outside of yourself and beyond the reach of ordinary people. But at last the time is right for revealing that figures like the Lords Krishna and Jesus, to name but two, represented the highest nature of every human being. Each one of you has this part and independent of whether you ever belonged to any of the belief systems of your world or not, whether you ever set foot in a church, temple, minaret or other buildings of this nature, in each one of you is a Lord Krishna or Jesus waiting to be born.
With the knowledge the Angels are bringing you here, they are placing the oars for rowing the boat of your life into your own hand. Whether you make use of what is on offer here or not is entirely up to you. As ever, the choice is yours. That’s what freedom of choice is about! But take care not to fall into the trap described by Wayne Dyer, one of the writers of your world: ‘The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.’
Last but not least, do not despair about the things that to this day are happening in your world. Although you cannot see what purpose they may serve, never give up hope and trust that all of it is part of My great plan and must therefore be necessary. Most of all, do not forget that the darkest hour always comes just before the dawn.
From ‘My Justice Is Perfect’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Spirit alone can create matter and matter can never be separate from spirit. Every cell and atom is not only imbued with spirit, it is spirit. Because the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the God, is spirit and therefore abstract and invisible to earthly eyes, one could say that God is formless. Everything that has taken on some kind of a form represents His feminine counterpart, the Goddess. The two are inseparable and their all-consciousness contains the most beautiful and perfect forms that the Creator imagination can conceive. In Earth terms such an ideal shape may take a very long time to manifest itself. But from the moment when its creation begins, it will always show itself in some form of expression. In the long course of its evolution the perfect form increasingly comes into being, until it has reached such beauty and glory that it is hard for human minds to visualise.
All life forms on our planet are still in quite a crude state. But, as our spirit and soul advance on the evolutionary spiral of life, they – the same as you and me and everybody else – will move on to more and more advanced levels of life and evolve into something much more beautiful than at present is possible on our planet. No original design is ever withdrawn. Each one is constantly being worked on and improved. Therefore, if the ideal something we long for is still missing here, as long as we follow our inner guidance, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation will eventually help us find it.
From ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘You may sometimes think to yourself: ‘If only I could see the spirit people, I am sure they would help me.’ Take comfort from knowing that you are not meant to see or hear us. All you can do is walk – though only apparently alone. The test of old has always been the same as it is today, for as it was in the beginning it is now and forever shall be! Therefore, whenever you are in need of our assistance, remind yourself that because you cannot see us in your present evolutionary state, this does not mean we are not there. We are always with you, doing our best to help and guide you through the many ups and downs, tests and trials of earthly life every human spirit and soul has to cope with.
‘We are not allowed to do the work for you, because if we did you would not grow in strength, wisdom and understanding. But when you ask for it, we can provide you with the courage you need to keep going in all your endeavours. Every test and trial that comes your way is an initiation of some kind that reveals to us the strength of your trust and confidence in God’s love, nothing else. As you walk the spiritual pathway, confused enough about the many twists and turns of the road, others might be projecting their own ulterior motives onto you and misjudging you.
‘You are probably also sad about the mistakes you made and troubled by the problems and sorrows of your daily personal life. These things in themselves are unlikely to be your first initiation altogether. And as you walk along the pathway of initiations and pass through one portal after another, you will encounter as many tests as it takes to make your faith in God’s love unshakeable. Every initiation brings you a further expansion of consciousness and a greater understanding of the nature of God and your own. The whole purpose of earthly life is that all human beings eventually surrender themselves to the love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the supreme Spirit, who is the giver of all life.
From ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘It would be unrealistic as well as untrue to say that God only creates good. Everything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation was brought into being by the Great Architect and Designer, who is also responsible for the laws of life. The main one is the law of love from which the law of evolution branches out. Nothing is beyond or out of the reach of the Creator’s will and power. As above, so below and like any creative artists in your world has to do, the Divine creations at first appear in their crudest and most elementary form. From there they slowly become more beautiful and sophisticated in their constant moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.
‘In the case of humankind, in the course of many lifetime each participant slowly evolves from the basest expressions of their lower earthly nature through to the unfoldment of their Christ nature. This process eventually moves them onto ever higher and eventually the highest levels of life. The more evolved you become yourself, the more easily you can tell by looking at the behaviour of the people who share your world with you, in which evolutionary phase of human development on the evolutionary spiral of life they are presently involved.
‘Each one of us, and that includes us in the world of light, has to reach a state of absolute trust that God is good and life is good and that whatever comes our way will always be for our highest good and greatest joy and provide us with an ever increasing understanding of the Great Father/Mother’s love. When that idea is so firmly planted in your consciousness that nothing can shake it any more and nothing can obstruct your vision of the true purpose and meaning of life, only then are you allowed to enter the land of light with shining eyes.
From ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘Because on the inner level all life is one, everything affects everything else in some way. In earthly life you are all influenced to a degree by forces that at first seem to be beyond your control. They are the desires of your own lower earthly nature and with the passing of time each one of you must learn to take charge of and master them. When they have been shed, they form the mud at the bottom of the pond that feeds the lotus flower of your higher nature. You then no longer look at earthly life as a term of imprisonment, because you know that whether you are dwelling on the Earth or on the higher levels of life, having shed the things you no longer need, you are free. All human souls in earthly life eventually have to learn how to gain access to and use their very own innermost powers to achieve this kind of true freedom.’
From ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
‘Healers And Healing’
A word of warning does not come amiss to those who are lucky enough to already know that you are on the Earth to learn how to become ever more like Me. Take great care never to criticise anyone who is still stuck in the illusion that their earthly existence is all there is to life. As soon as they are ready, I will start drawing them towards Me, the same as I have been doing with you for a very long time. Any souls that still appear to you as being far too earth-bound deserve something better from you, now that you have reached a somewhat advanced state. Don’t you think that instead they need your love and compassion for having lost all conscious recall of Me; and for still struggling with their lessons in physicality in the false belief that they have to do so on their own on the Earth plane?
Refuse to sit in judgement over anyone and especially not over those of your siblings in the human family of life who are spiritually less experienced than you are. Resist the temptation of thinking that they are suffering from some kind of disease. You can take it from Me, they are not! They are at present undergoing a vital part of their earthly education and what they are doing is right for them now, although it is no longer for you. Souls who have already mastered this task are submitted to tests of a different kind that assist them with integrating more of the higher aspects of their nature.
If that applies to you, rejoice and turn whole-heartedly to whatever obstacles are presently confronting you. For evolving souls – which you all are – every lesson is equally valuable. Most of all, beware of spiritual arrogance! Bear in mind that your own main lesson is likely to consist of showing tolerance, kindness and compassion towards those who are still wrestling with the downward pull of their earthly nature. Know that their time for rising above their base desires has not yet come but that in due course they too will wake up, the same as you once did and the same as everyone else does in their long evolutionary course.
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Various Masters from the world of spirit walked the Earth with you from time to time, to be your teachers. Many of the messages I gave to your world through them were intentionally misinterpreted so they could be used for the manipulation of the mass of people. As the wise use of power is one of humankind’s most important lessons, I allowed this. Your ignorance of the fact that none of you on the Earth plane ever gets away with anything, and that every offensive thought, word and action sooner or later has to be accounted for and made good, has brought about vast amounts of soul growth.
The wise ones amongst you realise that nobody on the Earth plane has any true power. I alone have power, for I am The Power. However, any power – even the smallest amount of it – I allow human souls access to in your present existence creates opportunities for testing the degree of spiritual maturity a soul has reached. There are two ways of approaching power and using it. While inexperienced souls still selfishly pursue their own ends, mature ones seek to serve the good of the whole. Power-seeking spiritual and political leaders, throughout the ages and within different civilisations, religions and belief systems, since time immemorial have been among My most valuable teaching aids for you and your world.
To this day and through real life situations, I am teaching all of you the folly of manipulating the masses into beliefs that serve the purpose of gaining control – spiritual power – over their hearts and minds. This type of power-seeking aims to serve the self of religious organisations and their priesthoods, rather than Me and the welfare of My people and the world I have temporarily entrusted into your care. You are in your present life to evolve into caretakers and guardians of Mother Earth, who are capable of loving and cherishing her the way she beyond any shadow of a doubt deserves. You are all responsible for yourselves, each other and also for the wellbeing of your planet and I expect and demand from each one of you that at the end of every one of your lifetimes you hand it over to posterity in a better state than you found it.
From ‘The Folly Of Manipulating The Masses’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Because the law of life is love and evolution, every lifeform is constantly moving forwards and upwards on an evolutionary spiral. That’s why it is quite justified – and by no means foolishly optimistic and unfounded – to expect that with the passing of time earthly life too will get better and easier to cope with. Through developing more positive and constructive thinking and behaviour patterns, each one of us is required to do their share of bringing healing and peace to us and our world.
Beautiful Things
Knowing that beautiful things are right and true,
And that beautiful actions please God,
Helps wise ones to develop their inward sense of
What is right, true and beautiful.
The highest wisdom is to trust
One’s intuition and following its guidance,
For the answer to the last appeal of what is right or wrong
Lies within everybody’s own heart.
So, trust thyself.
Aristotle 384-322 BC
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
If our first reaction, when someone is in distress, is to reach out and offer a helping hand, when this has become not our second but first nature, we are true to our real nature. When we follow the instinctive reactions that come from our Highest Self instead of the urge of our lower earthly nature to turn away, our progress on the great wheel of fortune that is this life is sure to speed up considerably. Any small kindness is valuable and counts spiritually.
Even if sometimes nothing can be done but giving a person in distress a friendly smile, a few words of encouragement and comfort, a shoulder to cry on, a hug. When the recipient is lifted and helped above their present situation, even if only in a small way, the law of Karma sees to it that our kindness some day in some form or another returns to us. Hence the saying that bread cast onto the waters of life does return. This means that help is sure to come when it is required by us. It may not come through the people we once helped; in fact, it hardly ever does, but come it will and that often quite magically and only seemingly out of the blue.
The folks who look the happiest,
Who always seem so bright,
With smiles upon their faces
And feet that are so light,
Not necessarily are they the ones
Who always lived in the Sun.
Maybe they faced
Their inner darkness,
Conquered it and won!
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
‘Know that no matter what may ever come to pass for you and your world, you will always be safe. At all times there will be a happy ending – if not in this lifetime, then in another or maybe another one still. Everything that happens is part of My great plan for all life, and nothing has ever taken place in your world or any other against My will. All is well and rests securely in My loving hands and so it shall be forever and ever. No harm can ever come to the true and eternal part of any one of you. Therefore, rest safely in My love and nurture your souls, My beloved children of the Earth, by following My guidance from deep within you, for that is where every soul’s very own special key to eternity is hidden.
‘I bless you, your world and all life in it. My blessings are for each and every one of you, during these difficult times of transformation and transition from one age to another. You and your world have always rested securely in My loving hands. Rest assured that this will continue without interruptions and that the lessons in your present school of life are unfolding exactly the way they should and in accordance with My plan.
‘None of you has anything to fear, as the Angels and I will always be with you. We are familiar with your struggles, but no matter what tests and trials may still have to be endured by you, put your trust in us and venture forth courageously, safe in the knowledge that we shall always be there to guide and protect you in all your endeavours. Never forget that we are in charge and that no-one and no force in the whole of Creation ever took the reins from My hands, least of all one of you, My beloved children of the Earth. All is well with you, your world and all worlds – and forever will be.’
From ‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
How aware are you that we are presently at the beginning of the Aquarian Age and that because of this many are in the process of discovering a new type of religion that is no longer purely of the mind, but forces its way onto the surface of our consciousness directly from the wellspring of our own hearts? The best definition that’s come my way to date I found the other day in a place where I would have least expected it, namely in Joanna Trollope’s novel ‘A Passionate Man’. Archie is the main character of this tale. His father has died and the local priest drops in and offers him and his wife to pray for the deceased. When Archie refuses, the priest points out: ‘But you are churchgoers. You are part of the Christian family.’ Archie’s patience is at an end and he bursts out: ‘I may be a religious man – I may have a deep religious sense – but I am not at all sure there is a God. Not our God, in any case . . .
‘Don’t you even know what religion means? Are you so hidebound by your colourless bureaucratic orthodoxy that religion only means to you this frightful modern Church with its doggerel hymns and playschool prayers? Religion is an awakened sense of some great controlling force, an awareness that above or beyond there is not just a freedom but a fulfilment. And this awareness of power and possibility makes us strive ever onwards, morally, emotionally, spiritually. What on Earth has such a concept to do with the dreary pen-pushing second-rate God you want to offer me?’
God is hard to describe in mere earthly words, but I will try. To me, God is something infinitely more sacred and holy, a power much greater, higher and more enlightened that is radiant with the true meaning of light, compassion and love than the teachings of the old religions of our world could ever convey. With their lack of understanding for the true purpose and meaning of Earth life and the esoteric background of their own teachings, all too frequently the Ancient Teachings, which messengers from the higher and highest levels of life from time to time brought to humankind, were misunderstood and misrepresented. Sometimes this happened – as it does in many places to this day – intentionally for the purpose of manipulating the masses into obedience and submission to the lust for power of those in charge. On other occasions the distortions were genuine because that was all our race could comprehend when new parts of the Goddess’s wisdom appeared.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
You are in Me and I am in you, you are Me and I am you, and your dreams and visions are Mine. Throughout the ages, unbeknown to you for a very long time I have been dreaming through you. At once you are the dreamer and the dreamed. From the beginning I knew that it would take an exceedingly long time until you, individually and collectively as a race, had sufficiently grown in understanding to grasp the nature of your own being. As mentioned earlier, each one of you has always been and will continue to be in all Eternity a transmitter and receiver station for My thoughts, ideas and dreams. Potentially, each one of you is a channel through which I am ready to release ever more of My wisdom into your world. The amount and depth of it depends on the degree of spiritual maturity and understanding the receiving person is able to cope with at any given time.
From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
I believe that, when it comes to the things, people and conditions that are causing us most trouble and heartache in this life, there is no point looking for scapegoats and blaming others. For as long as our hearts and minds are closed to the truth of our existence and the debts we owe everywhere in this life, we shall get nowhere. Looking for the cause of our problems in those around us is a futile exercise that gets us nowhere. All it can hope to achieve is to stop us from making the evolutionary progress that potentially is the birthright of all God’s children of the Earth.
This applies particularly to the set of parents and siblings the Universe in its great wisdom has provided us with. They were carefully chosen by the wise ones in charge of us in the world of light, long before we emerged into our present lifetime. The choice fell on these people because on the one hand they were willing to play this role and on the other their energies, as well as the energies of the environment we were born into, were compatible with the early requirements of our present lifetime. Besides, up to a certain point their life lessons are similar to ours. Even if we have come through a long family line of alcoholics, depressives or people who are suffering from any other kind of affliction, this is true.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Let no-one run away with any kind of illusions about the connections everyone has with their forebears. They are not responsible for the way we are and what is in our lives. We alone carry the full responsibility, not only for every one of our character traces but also for our affliction, be they of a mental, physical or spiritual nature. Although it often seems as if certain things had been inherited from those who came before us, agreeable and disagreeable characteristics, difficulties and limitations, but also gifts and talents, rest assured that every bit of it has been our own doing. No-one other than us should be blamed or take credit for anything, because in truth all of it was brought into being by us in previous lifetimes.
If the things we have in common with those who came before us show up in our genes, this is necessary because otherwise we could not have come through exactly the right set of parents, ours. They did agree, a long time ago in the world of spirit, to be there for us and do their best to help us, in their own inimitable way – sometimes in a positive manner and sometimes in a negative one – to take possession of our strengths, to be reinforced some more, and to convert our weaknesses into strengths. In order to work with the positive and negative character traits we have brought with us from other lifetimes, it is necessary to be utterly honest with ourselves and establish where exactly they lie.
There will then no longer be any need for us to fool ourselves by making up excuses like ‘Ah yes, you see I can’t help myself. I am this way because my Father and Mother, Granddad and Grandma and so forth made everybody’s life a misery with their violent temper/drinking problem/gambling/being a manic depressive/squandering their resources and acting the spendthrift etc. – the list is endless. Because of the teaching effect these things have on each new generation that appears, the negative characteristics frequently seem to jump a generation. But then, so it seems to everybody’s chagrin, they reappear in someone’s grandchildren or great-grandchildren. For as long as we are unaware of how the processes of life work and affect each one of us, if we remained unaffected we could be asking ourselves: ‘Why should this, that or the other be reflected in my children or grandchildren when I most certainly don’t have it?’
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
For as long as residues of difficult behaviour patterns remain in our own subconscious, they will manifest themselves time and again in the conduct of those around us. And it may take a long time until we finally realise that the world around us is like a mirror, which the Universe constantly holds in front of everybody’s eyes. And even if we are unable to recognise the challenging aspects of someone else’s personality in our own hidden selves, we can rely on it that they are there. If they were not, there would be no need for drawing this kind of experience towards us. What’s more, unless the issues involved are bravely and honestly tackled in this lifetime, we shall continue to take them with us into all subsequent ones until that particular negative aspect has finally been changed into a positive one. To get rid of all unfavourable character traits for good, they first have to be accepted by us. This moves them into our conscious awareness, from where they can then be released.
Until this has happened they will continue to bother us and the mirror will be held to our face through the actions of those around us. This is by no means intended to be some kind of punishment. It is the Universe’s way of trying to provide all human souls on the Earth plane with as many opportunities as possible for cleansing their consciousness of every trace of their lower earthly nature. When the characteristics that once used to disturb us deeply in others have been released from our own consciousness, they no longer unduly upset or hurt when we find them in the mannerisms of others. We can then shrug our shoulders and accept them as part of life’s rich pattern and someone else’s learning experience, which fortunately no longer is ours. Smilingly, though not smugly I hope, we shall watch them and say to ourselves: ‘Ah yes! Thanks be to God and the Angels that it’s their task now to work on this, their lesson and responsibility, not mine.’
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The members of our family are as much part of our Karma as we are of theirs and the problems we created for ourselves and each other in previous lifetimes are the lessons that have to be tackled in this one, by them and us, individually and together. Like powerful emotional magnets Karmic ties draw human souls into each other’s orbit, time and again. There will be no parting of the ways until all involved have learnt their lessons and solutions have been found for every one of the outstanding issues. They are likely to have kept us welded together like cast-iron chains over many lifetimes.
The only way of breaking these shackles – or rather dissolving them – is through finding compassion, love and forgiveness first for ourselves and our own suffering, and then also for those who trespassed against us. These things grow quite naturally when one finally grasps the truth about the spiritual background of life, and why the Karmic reasons for every one of the afflictions that have ever befallen us, in this lifetime and all others, for wise educational reasons had to remain hidden there for such a long time. This healing process alone can finally bring the otherwise endless repetition of the Karmic cycles to its natural conclusion. It was our Karmic debts that kept us firmly fastened to the wheel of Earth life, where one lifetime after another we found ourselves either at the giving or the receiving end of any one of the life lessons that have to be undertaken by all human spirits and their souls.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
What a lot of pious talk there is on the Earth plane about the need for leaving our world in a fit state for our children and children’s children, but as always there is a great deal more to this issue than meets the eye. I agree that it is the highest time that we all get our act together and do our share of taking better care of our beautiful planet. After all, the main purpose of our earthly existence is that, hand in hand with God and the Angels, when the time for doing so has come, we should learn how to make our world into a better and more peaceful place, not just for humankind but for all its lifeforms. The way I perceive the matter is that this is just as necessary for us ourselves as it is for those who come through us, our children, and everybody else who will ever walk behind us.
Let me explain. As you know by now, I do not share the view that life is a one-off thing. I do believe – nay, more than that, I know – that each one of us has been before, not just once or twice but a great many times. Each one of us is placed in earthly life to grow and evolve, in the course of many lifetimes, from spiritual infancy, toddlerhood and adolescence into adulthood. Until our earthly development is complete and we have reached this goal, we reappear however many lifetimes this may take for each individual spirit and soul. Each reincarnation into Earth life brings fresh opportunities for paying some of the debts we incurred in previous lifetimes, as well as creating new ones. In some of our lifetimes we reincarnate as a woman and on other occasions as a man. As we move along, we make many mistakes. This too is good and right, as all the while we are learning something from our experiences, our consciousness expands and we grow a little bit more in wisdom and understanding.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
In truth we are constantly playing the role of our own forebears and in case our curriculum requires further lifetimes on the Earth, on each occasion we shall return as one of our own descendants. And unless we take an active part in blessing and healing our world now, in each future lifetime we shall be newly confronted with the mess we ourselves once helped to make of our planet and left behind unchanged in previous lifetimes. How about that for a mind-boggling conundrum?
Let’s take a moment and join those who are in search of their roots. This takes us into the innermost core of life and the moment of our creation, when our spirit first came forth as a seed in the form of a thought from the heart-mind of God. One can only marvel at what has become of us in the meantime. There is no doubt in my mind that the person we are at present is the result of everything that happened to us from that moment onwards. All of it has been helping us towards growing ever more into the conscious awareness of our roots and origin as children of the Divine. Yet, in spite of the fact that on the outer level of life during each lifetime we appeared in a different guise, on the inner plane we remained the same. One cannot help marvelling that you were always you and I was me, and that is what we shall be forever.
And should our evolutionary program demand further sojourns through earthly life, we shall be appearing as the offspring of the one we presently are. Therefore, it stands to reason that any improvements we now make to our character and also our world are as much on behalf of ourselves as of our children’s children. This highlights the urgency of seriously getting to work on ourselves as well as finding satisfactory solutions for the issues that to this day are facing us and our world.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
We live in extraordinary times of Mother Earth’s transformation and the homecoming of our race into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own. And so it is not surprising that many are feeling an urge for finding and reconnecting with their roots. For a long time we keep on reincarnating through the same family groups. But eventually we reach the point when we have become sufficiently evolved for the superconscious faculties of our nature begin to unfold and our inner and outer horizons start to broaden. And so, with the help of the wise ones in charge of us, we decide to be born into other cultures and civilisations, to become familiar with their customs, outlook on life and religious/spiritual aspirations.
For these souls it would be futile to search for their origins on the outer level of life. They know that everybody’s true roots belong to the inner dimensions and therefore can only be found through journeying inwards. In this way we reconnect with our Highest or God Self, and through this becoming aware of our oneness with God and all life.
In contrast to them, young and inexperienced souls during their early lifetimes on the Earth plane are likely to misinterpret any of the promptings they receive from their inner being. They cannot help themselves because so far their earthly self has not yet discovered that there is such a thing as a spirit and a soul as well as an inner home, and that they too have these things. This is why one finds people in many countries of our world who are busily digging in the archives of earthly life for their roots. More highly evolved souls smile at their efforts. They can see no point in the ordinary type of genealogical research, because they are already consciously walking the highway that takes all of us together up the spiritual mountain and eventually – each one on their own – home into the final reunion with God.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
Now that you are aware that you have been your own ancestor, I would like to challenge you to take a good look at your family tree. When you consider the ancestral line-up in front of you, bear in mind that in some of your lifetimes you yourself could either have been an eminent person or a particularly ill-fated and unfortunate one. Should you be in danger of shedding crocodile tears and feeling your heart melting with compassion for those through whose line you reincarnated, and before your ego swells with pride for having come through such an illustrious family, think of the part you must have played in its saga.
It is necessary to find forgiveness and feel compassion for ourselves and the many ordeals each one of us has to work their way through on their way to becoming the one we are today. To provide humankind with a well balanced educational program, it is for wise higher purposes that all human souls occasionally require lifetimes on the Earth plane when wretchedly difficult and traumatic situations have to be coped with. But we can trust the Universe’s wisdom and love that it will see to it that such times are balanced by successful, prosperous and happy ones.
Understanding this, each one of us, without exception, has every reason to rejoice and be thankful for all our own experiences and everybody else’s. The time has come for making our peace and praising the Highest for the gift of life, for guiding and protecting us and keeping us safe by day and by night, and the many things it is constantly providing for each one of us. And that undoubtedly will continue forever.
From ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Healers And Healing’
It has been said that because two people argue does not mean they do not love each other and that because some folks refuse to argue is a sign that they do. I find it childish to fall out with each other because of a difference of opinion. When a situation has been duly considered from all angles, in all our relationships it is all right to come to the conclusion that it is better to agree to disagree than falling out. Wise ones bear in mind that whenever disputes arise, two persons can be confronted with exactly the same things and perceive them in a totally different way.
Depending on one’s point of view, all participants in any argument can be right and wrong, at the same time. That’s the way it has to be for human beings, because of the different lessons we all have to participate in on the Earth plane. With a bit of goodwill any dispute can be settled peacefully, simply by accepting each others views, even though they differ. The level of someone’s spiritual maturity reveals itself in nothing more clearly than in the ability and willingness – or otherwise – to agree to disagree with others in times of conflict.
From ‘Reflections On Life’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
‘The Buddha said: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it, or because it is spoken and rumoured by many, or because it is found written in your religious books, or because it emanates from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find after observation and analysis that anything agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to the good and benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it.’
From ‘Telling A Truth From A Lie’
‘The Astro Files Philosophy’
‘Kindness in words creates confidence. In thinking it creates profoundness and in giving it creates love.’ Lao Tzu
‘Words have the power to destroy and heal, and words that are true and kind can make our world a better place.’ The Buddha
On our pathway through life learning to watch the words we speak and thereby taking charge of our tongues is as vital an issue as any other. That is undoubtedly the reason why as early as the Bible’s Old Testament warned in Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ In ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ White Eagle adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and haste. When you do this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of the Master within you.
‘We ask you to render a service to yourself and that is holding your tongue. It is one of the hardest tasks that can be asked of you. You ought to see the mists that surround you and your world that is caused by idle chatter. When there is so much of it on the Earth, even the Angels can to nothing but bow their heads, because in that case they are unable to minister to you. Whenever you are tempted to say: ‘I think or believe so and so. I like this person, but I don’t like that one,’ instead of speaking, be silent and wait and see. If you can also restrain yourself from expressing any foolish opinions about the affairs and the state of your world you will greatly assist the Angels in their work.’
From ‘Taking Charge Of Our Tongues’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘Live every moment for sending from your loving heart the light of the Christ Star, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, My light. Continue to do this until your whole being is filled with this light, so that you gradually evolve into a light that is, like Me, capable of constantly sharing its love and warmth with all lifeforms, not only in your world but all others. Endeavour to think kind and loving thoughts only and never forget your sense of humour. Nothing lightens your vibrations more quickly and easily than the ability to see the funny side of things, to laugh about them and have fun. Above all, walk in faith and trust, My beloved children, hand in hand with the Angels and Me. Best foot forward, keep on saying to yourself:
From this heart nothing but love.
From these hands nothing but healing.
From this mouth nothing but kindness.
From this mind nothing but peace.
From ‘States Of Heightened Awareness And Illumination’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
For as long as someone believes that every word of the Bible is true and should be taken literally, including the Jesus story, that person could be constantly in danger of thinking: ‘I can do as I like and sin as much as I want to. The priest will forgive me and then I can keep on sinning. And even if at the end of our session s/he says: ‘Go forth and sin no more!’ I shall think: ‘What of it? I know from previous occasions that nobody knows and that nothing happens to me, so let’s do it again and again ad infinitum.’ That has been the way of the past and reflecting on where it has got us and world, one can only come to the obvious conclusion that this never has been the right way of going about things.
What a world of difference it makes when we become aware that Jesus is a symbolism of our higher nature and that God is part of us, and we are part of God. Therefore, God witnesses and knows everything about us, in the minutest details. Our whole perception of life changes when we find out that in truth we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, always have been and forever will be. As soon as we get a better grasp of the Universal laws, God’s laws, we realise that no priest ever had the power of forgiving anything and that their kind of forgiveness could not wipe away one iota of anyone’s Karmic debts.
No matter what any religious institution may to this day try to make us believe, we ourselves are the only ones who can pay for them and make good where we once sinned. There have been many ancient prophecies that one day someone would appear in our world to save and redeem us, individually and collectively. As we are now finding out with ever more clarity, none other than we ourselves can and have to play this role. And because on the inner level of life we are all one, as soon as one of us saves and redeems themselves, our whole world follows suit and moves one more small step forwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.
From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’
‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’
Before sitting in judgement of those who in past lifetimes committed atrocities in the name of Jesus, it is worth bearing in mind that in order to receive a well-rounded earthly education, it is more than likely that any old souls in our midst were among them in previous lifetimes. We too must have spent at least some of our lifetimes following Christianity’s beliefs, even though in our present one we could have sworn allegiance to one of the other religions or, like me, decided to remain a free spirit. Here’s a sobering thought for you: the monstrous and awful things of past ages never were a case of ‘them’ and ‘us’, but ‘us’ and ‘us’. We were there and took part, sometimes at the giving end and on other occasions at the receiving one. Consequently, all of us are responsible for the Karma that was created by the sins of those days, individually and collectively and that by all religions, without exception.
Therefore, we are the ones who have to make good and redeem the debts incurred along the way. It cannot and will not be done by any kind of outside force and certainly not by Jesus, the man who a long time ago was born in a storyteller’s mind only and nowhere else. He never was. Every one of us has the power for saving and redeeming themselves within, for we are by no means miserable worms and sinners. Humankind is not on the Earth plane because of what some of our religions see as ‘original sin’ or ‘fall from grace’. None of these things ever happened either. They are only valid for those who to this day take the sacred texts literally.
How good it is to know that ever more of us are awakening from their spiritual slumbers and realise that in truth every human being, without exception, is a beloved child of God who is attending their earthly lessons, at different grades and levels, no more and no less. Because there are many young and inexperienced souls in our midst, who have yet to become aware of these things, it frequently appears as if the development of us and our world were in retrograde motion. In my heart of hearts I know that such worries are unfounded. Looking around, I see plenty of evidence everywhere that in truth we are constantly and steadily moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Let no-one fool you into thinking otherwise.
From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’
‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’
We come from love and into this state of being we are presently returning. Only when we love and are thinking kind and loving thoughts and are doing loving and thoughtful things are we true to our real nature. We find ourselves in earthly life to experience love in its many different manifestations and expressions. This can only be done through actively taking part in life by constantly giving and receiving love in its simplest form that expresses itself in human kindness, friendliness and tolerance towards other.
Loving those who love us is easy, but the real test comes in our encounters with the unloving ones. Can we love them, too? Like everything else in the whole of Creation, we are subject to Universal laws. The most important one here is the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma and reincarnation. It decrees that every action causes a reaction and that everything has to return to its source. This ensures that the thoughts, words and actions we consciously and unconsciously project and send out into our world return to us without fail.
The Universe in its great generosity constantly provides each one of us with sufficient opportunities for learning to love and respect ourselves as well as our space and time, as much as that of others. We are dynamic beings and therefore can only attract towards us that which we ourselves are on the inner and outer level of life. As we know by now, the world around us acts like a mirror of everything that happens within. The corollary of this is that if we want more love in our lives – the way we all do – we first have to become more loving ourselves.
From ‘The Journey Of Many Thousands Of Miles’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
All struggles and conflicts on the outer levels of life are invariably reflections of those that are taking place inside us. Everybody is responsible for sorting their own issues and settling their own inner quarrels, as well as those in their outer lives. We have been placed in this life so we may learn how to intelligently deal with every one of our relationships and to heal those that are in need of it. This needs to be done with love in our hearts and consideration for the suffering of those who share our lives with us. The same is true when we are in search of healing for our own inner wounds.
And when we have finally had enough of being treated like a doormat, over which the whole world can trample without ever hearing a grumble from the mat, the time has come for taking heart and learning how to stand up for and assert ourselves. We ourselves have to set the boundaries and show the world in kind and loving yet determined ways, that this sort of treatment will no longer be tolerated by us. This is sure to surprise them at first, but we need to persevere and show them that we mean what we say. We have every right to do so, because spiritually and before God everybody is the same, equally loved and appreciated, and has the same rights and duties. Nobody has to put up with any old rubbish from anyone and there are no prizes for martyrdom.
And whenever we refuse to have anything to do with someone, because our intuition tells us that this person is not right for us, these reactions should not be interpreted as signs of intolerance. In truth, they are signals that we have learnt to love and respect ourselves, our time, as well as our space and its sanctity as much as that of others. Not only does everybody have the right to defend these things, it’s our duty to do so whenever the need for it arises.
From ‘The Journey Of Many Thousands Of Miles’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The law of life is love and as sparks of the Divine we are God’s children. Thus we have come from love, our true nature is love and the goal of our earthly existence is to return into this awareness and conduct our lives in keeping with this knowledge. Giving and receiving love is one of every soul’s most basic and urgent needs. And when the bud of the Christ nature of our innermost being at last starts to open up, we become aware of God’s all-enfolding and penetrating love and light, in which – unbeknown to us for a long time – all life is constantly immersed.
Learning to love God’s way, with simple human kindness and friendliness, thoughtfulness and consideration, patience and tolerance for those around us, is the main purpose of our existence. The more we practise this kind of loving in every one of our daily encounters, the closer our contact with the Great Father/Mother Creator’s Universal love, light and beauty gets. This is how ultimately every human is going to do their share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth. In this process the light of our own inner Divinity grows increasingly powerful and far reaching. Having learnt to accept and love every manifestation of life as being part of God’s great plan of life, we view the events of our world with ever greater tenderness, kindness and tolerance towards all its participants.
Feelings of this nature rise from a deep inner well of understanding the preciousness and uniqueness of all God’s creatures. If, as a result of them, our heart fills with love but we feel short of someone special to give it to, if we but open our eyes we soon realise that our world is filled with needy people who are searching for love and seem to be unable to find it. Just about every human soul belongs to this category and even the most advanced ones are like small frightened children before God, too afraid to ask for help. Let’s take heart and not be stingy with our love and give it freely to everything that shares our life with us. Any kind of love that is given is never wasted, especially not on those who do not yet know how to respond to our gift in the right manner.
From ‘Searching For Love And God’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Our environment and the people in it act like a mirror that is constantly reflecting our own hidden inner characteristics back to us. We are dynamic beings and can only attract into our lives the qualities in others which we ourselves have already developed. Therefore, if we want more love in our life, we first have to become more loving ourselves. How to go about it? Anything is possible for those reach out for the helping hands of the Angels, the Shining Ones, Higher and Highest Beings – call them what you like, the meaning is always the same. They are always waiting for our call and ready to show the way, if we but ask.
They wish to teach us how to rise above all earthly conditions by peering beyond the ends of our noses and the clouds of the darkness of ignorance that surround us, so that we may learn to walk with our heads above the clouds and not in them. Our feet need to be firmly planted on the Earth to do our share of making our world a better and more peaceful place for all. Each one of us has the power to bring their own small piece of Heaven down to the Earth. No matter how insignificant our contribution may appear to us now, it does make a difference to the whole and helps our world to move a bit forwards on its own evolutionary spiral.
With the help and will of God and the Angels any adversary truly can be overcome, especially the worst one: our small earthly self’s fears and anxieties. We are here for a purpose and no kind of suffering is ever for nothing. Every bit of it fulfils the purpose of teaching us something; fathoming out what that could be is our task. Yet, whenever we have reached the end of our tether, there is nothing wrong and everything right with falling on our knees, baring our hearts and souls and appealing to the mercy and tenderness of the Great Mother’s infinite wisdom and love to rescue us.
From ‘Searching For Love And God’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Approaching the Divine aspects of life is best done with the frame of mind and the openness of heart of a small child. After all, that’s what we are before the Great Father/Mother of all life. Besides, it takes a child’s simplicity to grasp the higher esoteric meanings that are hidden behind the words that were once given to our world through various teaching methods. The wise ones in the world of light, our true home, who bring us these messages, have always communicated with us not with the surface words of the myths and legends they gave us from time to time, but through the metaphors and symbolisms that have always been hiding behind them. When their meanings have been unravelled, the Divine spirit can speak unhindered to the hearts and souls of those who are ready to understand.
God manifests Him/Herself everywhere and everything that exists in this world and all others has been created from love. To come to this conclusion is the end of the search for God and love which all of us have come into this life to pursue. All human beings eventually reach the evolutionary point when they can sense and recognise the light of the spirit in all their companions. Each time they are looking into a mirror, they then realise that they are actually looking at God. This reveals that they have reached the ultimate goal every human being is incessantly working towards in earthly life.
From ‘Searching For Love And God’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
When we become aware that God, the creative forces of the Highest, is in everything and that all life is involved in a process of evolution, we realise that humankind has always been evolving away from the dark and evil side of its lower earthly nature. The aspect of God we are striving to develop, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is that which is good, right and beautiful. By bringing forth from within our own being the best and the highest of our nature, we are helping these aspects of Mother Earth and all other life and lifeforms move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.
Because the Divine is not a static force but an ever evolving, expanding and increasing one, each one of us is equipped with the power to assist God with His/Her development. The Christ Spirit is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. It is all light and love and so is Its spark, which each one of us contains. This part of the Divine Trinity gradually absorbs everything that is ugly and sick, crude and evil into itself and transmutes it into something beautiful, sophisticated and good. Crooked corners it makes straight and that which is sick, it heals. Such is the process of evolution.
From ‘Searching For Love And God’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
‘It is neither the critic who counts nor the people who point out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are in the arena and although their faces are marred by dust, sweat and blood, they strive valiantly, erring and coming short again and again, because there is no effort without it. But still they are striving to do their best with enthusiasm and great devotion. These people are spending themselves in a worthy cause and at best in the end they will know the triumph of high achievement. At worst, should their endeavours fail, they have been doing something and dared greatly. Therefore, their place will never be with cold and timid souls who are unfamiliar with victory and defeat.’ In every one of our earthly endeavours let’s never forget that only if we do our best can God and the Angels do the rest.
Theodore Roosevelt
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Doing Our Best’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Are you aware that each one of us in their own way is a special and unique being? Just imagine in the entire history of the whole of Creation there has never been and never will be another being quite like you and me! Our eyes, hands, hair, handwriting, smile, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as we have for food, music, dance and other artistic endeavours. Nobody can perceive things quite the way we do; and no-one can feel our feelings. There has never been someone who laughs exactly the way we do, and what makes us laugh or cry, can have quite a different effect on someone else.
We are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth, and we are all specially gifted in some way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, everybody has their own special and unique way of expressing themselves. In the course of our evolution as individuals and through many lifetimes, we all have developed our own set of abilities. There always will be someone who is better than we are, at one thing or another; and everyone is likely to be our superior at least in one way. But do not overlook that this is valid for each one of us.
Every human soul has been provided by our Creator with a different set of gifts and talents. They have taken many lifetimes to develop and it is important to be grateful for them, to take good care of them and further develop them, to the best of our ability. The whole range of that which has been bestowed upon us produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. The entire human race is like a room that is filled with billions of musical instruments. Listening to the symphony they are producing together, it may seem to us as if some of the instruments in some way sounded better than ours. Don’t be disturbed by this, because it’s due to the fact that every instruments is a unique creation, to ensure that no-one matches exactly anyone else’s sound. No matter how hard they may try, it’s impossible!
From ‘You Are Special’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
Love is the law and the nature of the Universe. It is humankind’s true nature too. It is a force that is stronger than the best quality steel could ever be. Steel belongs to the Earth plane, but love is of the highest levels of life, known to us as God. Steel has to decay like all earthly things. It rusts and deteriorates and its molecular components are eventually returned to the Earth, the same as anything else that consists of matter. Love, however, is of God and therefore eternal and immortal. It has the power to survive and conquer all obstacles that may ever get in our way. If two people are tied together by difficult Karma, once they have dealt with it by resolving the outstanding issues between them, they are ready to form a loving relationship that will last forever. This does away with the need for grappling any of our friends to our souls with hoops of steel, the way an old saying advises us to do.
From ‘Love – The Greatest Healer Of All’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
My experience of long-standing relationships has shown that is irrelevant whether two people are married to each other or not. Unless both partners make a genuine effort at remaining interested in each other, their union is bound to become increasingly stale, like a loaf of old bread, or as tasteless as a glass of wine or beer that has been standing too long. Even the best wine turns to vinegar when it is left unattended in the glass for long enough.
Therefore, it is hardly surprising that so many marriages these days are winding up in the divorce courts, even after thirty or forty years. Any marriage that has lost its spark so much that discoveries can no longer be made together, gets to be like an outworn pair of slippers that is waiting to be discarded. When the slippers have become so trodden down that they are increasingly uncomfortable to wear, the only way of sensibly recycling them is by putting them into the bin. And if one wishes to continue to enjoy the comfort of wearing slippers, the time has come to look out for a suitable new pair.
Everything is not lost if there is at least a degree of love and respect for each other left in our hearts and souls. Love is the greatest healer of all – it can heal anything, especially relationships. Not for nothing is Libra the sign of marriage and partnerships. During each lifetime spent in this sign, ruled by Venus, human souls can acquire the gifts they need for healing any kind of relationship. Libra being an Air sign, they start with intelligence, in particular when applied to relationships of all kinds. It grows into an ever more potent tool when it comes together with the Venusian gifts of tact and diplomacy; a strong sense of justice and fairness; an ability to perceive all sides of any situation, relationship and argument; being capable of saying the right words at the right time and so pouring oil onto troubled waters. A love of good manners, a winning smile and affectionate nature are also part of Libra’s essential equipment for learning to cope with life on the physical plane and its most difficult aspect: human relationships.
From ‘Love – The Greatest Healer Of All’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Love is the greatest power in the whole of Creation. It generates bonds that bind eternally and the same time give complete freedom. When applied to any situation, especially in relationships, a loving approach never fails to win through. No matter how difficult a problem we may have to face, be it doubts, fears and anxieties, sickness and disability, and especially when death draws near, the key to the greater freedom of the spirit world and to Heaven itself is the human heart’s love for its Creator. God source alone can provide any of us with the ideal love we have searched for, ever since our first emergence from the state of oneness in the heartmind of God.
This alone is the love that stays with us forever, that never betrays us or cheats and lies, the way human lovers are frequently temped to do. Like no other, this love unerringly stands by us, it guides and protects us wherever our evolutionary pathway may take us. This is the love we yearn to find in our human connections. Yet, ultimately it has to elude us in every earthly encounter, as it can only be found in our loving reunion with God. When at long last this love is found, the human heart is like a rose that turns its face to the blessing and healing power of God’s great light. Every soul that receives it expands in wisdom and understanding, and without needing words it knows the meaning of truth.
From ‘Love – The Greatest Healer Of All’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Every one of us is a spark of the Divine, a child of God who contains all characteristics of its Divine parents, though at first only in seed form. The best and the worst is in all of us. The higher and highest aspects of our nature take a long time before they can come into the foreground of our consciousness and begin to come alive and develop. Before this can happen, the lower and lowest parts of our nature have to be explored and experienced with all its consequences.
That is how it comes about that we all view everything that is in our earthly existence somewhat differently from everybody else. There are as many variations on this theme as there are souls and that includes those who presently dwell on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds. No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. Although on the outside it may be hard to tell one from the other, inside they are unique beings. The Karma of no two people is identical, because we all have gone through different experiences and therefore reached a dissimilar evolutionary level.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
All of us have only one window to view our world and through which the world sees us, and that is our own. The Ascendant in our birthchart is a symbol of this window, which is coloured by the energies and qualities of the sign at its cusp. The first house is the Ascendant and describes the physical appearance of the small earthly self, its demeanour and vitality, personality and instinctive behaviour in its encounters with the outside world.
It could be said that in some way the Ascendant is the most important part of the birth chart, because it represents our outer personality and acts like a mask we show to the world. One might think of it as a window through which we view the outside world and the way this world sees us. It is the filter through which all learning experiences of our present lifetime have to pass, to enable the inner self to assimilate and digest them. Through the daily experiences of the earthly self the psyche restlessly searches for enlightenment that can only be found in a better understanding of its own nature through the people and situations that are coming its way.
The Ascendant describes the part where our earthly self meets life head-on and sometimes collides with it. When this happens, it is helpful to bear in mind that this part of our being is but a mask and as such should at all times be worn lightly. Those who identify too much with their mask, i.e. the outer personality, run the risk of forgetting who they truly are and what one fine day they are sure to be again. This true spirit and higher self, however, cannot be found by any earthlings who are as yet unaware of the existence of such a part. As ever, awareness is the key for unlocking this particular door to another aspect of human consciousness.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Each one of the twelve Sun signs of the zodiac and the house position of our Sun in the birthchart reflect a different attitude towards life and all it contains. Possibly the best example of this is the polar opposition of Aries and Libra. Read more about this by following the link at the end of this chapter. The zodiac is a symbol of the wheel of life or fortune. Round and round we go on this wheel, one lifetime after another. On every one of these journeys of exploration we first encounter the get-up-and-go Aries, where the Sun is in exaltation. Here the life force supplies us with sheer endless amounts of vim and vigour, zest for life and enthusiasm for adventuring and treading new paths and scouting out uncharted territories.
But there eventually comes a lifetime in which we reach the polar opposite of Aries and that is Libra, where the Sun is in its fall and not much zest for life is left in us. A certain world-weariness creeps into our being and that is because our Highest Self is beginning to prepare us for our final departure from the Earth plane. We may feel an almost irresistibly strong yearning for home and mother. When in the end we can do nothing but give in to these feelings, we may find to our greatest disappointment that our earthly mother is not at all the one we have been looking for.
Our perception of life changes most profoundly as soon as our earthly self re-awakens to its true nature. With this comes a fresh understanding of the purpose of our earthly existence, as well as the nature of all feelings of yearning. With great clarity we suddenly realise that our deepest innermost longings for home and mother were never meant to be fulfilled in earthly life. Our small self’s craving ceases with the awareness that all along we have been dreaming of going home to our true home and parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life. Through our attunement and reconciliation with God, our soul finds peace and healing for the deep inner wounds which the disappointments of our earthly existence once left behind in its memories.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Refuse to think of time in the earthly sense. Consider only the timelessness of Eternity and look at life from the viewpoint of your Highest immortal self, Me. Know that everything that happens in your world rests safely in My hands and is part of the Great Plan of spiritualisation and bringing forth the self-realisation that enables you to recognise yourself as part of Me and Me as part of you – that in fact you yourselves are God. This process involves you as individuals as much as your planet. Fields of exploration and adventures await you that so far lie beyond the reach of your wildest dreams. Rest assured that everything will be for your highest good and greatest joy. Good is the ultimate goal of all life. True and lasting happiness and great miracles and wonders are in store for each one of you in the conscious reunion with Me and the returning home into My loving embrace.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Your planet is the only place where the concept of time exists. In truth it is always now. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. They are merely ideas that had to be created especially for your world, to assist you with setting boundaries and giving structure and shape to your earthly sojourns. Know that you are in Eternity and that Eternity is now, that attitude is everything and that there is no need for you to worry about tomorrow. All you will ever have is your present moment and every new one of them will always bring fresh learning opportunities for those who are ready to take advantage of them. Let tomorrow take care of itself. If they so wish, let others worry about it but refuse to join them.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, when one of you changes their attitudes and thinking patterns, everybody else evolves with them. If you are familiar with spreadsheets, think of humankind and your whole world as a gigantic one of these. Now, change one figure – imagine that this figure is you – and watch the effect rippling through all the others – the rest of humankind and everything else in your world. See how they too are changing – it’s pure magic! The world you are inhabiting is a wondrous place. Alas, to unaware souls who are as yet unable to look beyond the ends of their noses and below life’s surface to perceive how I, the living spirit, am at work throughout all life, the insecurity of their earthly existence can be very frightening.
Rest assured that nothing can manifest itself in your environment unless it has first taken place on the inner level of life. As a result, each time one of you consciously changes their inner perception and attitude towards life, your whole world follows suit. And when you save and redeem yourself in thoughts, words and actions, your world is saved and redeemed with you. So, go your way with your eyes wide open and prove that you are alive through taking an active interest in what surrounds you. Your intelligence is part of and one with Mine. Use it for good purposes only and strive to make your world a better place by bringing a renewed understanding of the higher purpose and true meaning of humankind’s earthly life to as many as possible. Share the knowledge you are finding here to help ignite the Divine spark in people’s hearts and souls, so that the small still flame of spiritual understanding can also come alive in them and their faith and trust renews itself in Me, your Creator, and the goodness of the life I have prepared for each one of you individually and collectively the whole race.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Assist the people you meet to become aware that in truth there is no yesterday or tomorrow, only this glorious moment of here and now, and that every moment of their lives is part of Eternity and precious. All who at any given time are dwelling on the Earth plane are aspiring to become a lightbringer and healer, who in the fullness of time can be used as a channel through which My wisdom and truth, the macrocosm, flows ever more forcefully into the consciousness of your race, the microcosm. Know that the power of creation is in you and that imagination is the source of all creation. Use yours to create the ideal world of your dreams where all live together in peace and harmony, and where warmongering, sickness and death are no longer known. By thinking about this often, you call it into being. And when you meditate and reflect upon it, through your inner guidance I will show you how you can do your share of bringing your new world about.
Rejoice in your oneness with Me and experience the elation of acting as a true child of Mine by assisting others to become aware that they also are the daughters and sons of My eternal spirit. In the name of love I ask this of each one of you. And never forget that nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted. Everything is constantly recycled time and time again. Each human life is consciousness that on the Earth plane believes of itself that it is taking place in time. In truth, the concept of time only exists in the material world, anywhere else there is no time. Life on your planet comes, earthly personalities appear, they live and eventually die. The indwelling spirit and soul move on and the physical body that is left behind apparently decays, though in reality even this aspect of your being only changes its form.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Through gaining a fresh understanding and perception of the processes of life, I hope you will be able to find out for yourself that there really is nothing to be afraid of in the realm of the spirit. For a long time something like a veil, known as the veil of consciousness, has been hiding that world from us. But this is rapidly disappearing with the help new spiritual knowledge that for quite some time has been flowing ever more freely into our world. A good example of this is a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the Lodge’s Calendar November 2006. The following is its essence:
‘Only a thin veil divides you from those who have passed into our world. These people are by no means dead. They are very much alive and no different from the way they were when you knew them in earthly life. The main difference between then and now, for them, is that they no longer need a physical body for getting around and that they are much happier without it.
‘Think of your loved ones in a world where peace, love and happiness rule supreme. Without being consciously aware of it, this is the state every one of you in earthly life for a long time seeks in vain. But eventually you need to learn how to, at least occasionally in prayers, meditations and quiet reflection, detach yourself from the toil and strife of your physical existence. All of you have to learn how to find a degree of happiness and peace with your Highest or God Self. This is particularly easy whilst listening to music that soothes and calms your whole being and when with your mind’s eye you are perceiving the golden world of God.’
From ‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
The Great Soul of all life on its deepest and innermost levels, from the highest to the lowest manifestations of life, is one amorphous mass. It was for this reason that humankind’s temporary existence on the material plane once became a necessity. When everybody wanders around and experiences life and themselves in their own physical bodies, one cannot help noticing one’s individuality. Temporarily encasing every spark of the Divine, a spirit, in matter and adding a soul to it, so that we could experience ourselves through the world of our feelings, was the only way each one of us would eventually become fully aware of ourselves as an individual being in our own right. In the course of a great many lifetimes this has successfully created the illusion of being separate from each other, which in truth we are not, never have been and never will be.
As a result of this oneness of all life, every individual soul within the Great Soul is responsible for its own spiritual wellbeing, as well as that of the others and the whole. From the Highest levels of existence the river of life feeds down to the lowliest ones, supporting, maintaining and nurturing all that is. None is ever forgotten or will be left behind. And because love is the law of the Universe, no soul ever struggles on its own, in spite of the fact that it often feels like that on the Earth plane when we are struggling to find our way back home into the conscious awareness of the oneness with our Father/Mother Creator. Help is at hand whenever we need it. All we have to do is call.
From ‘All Is One In The Great Soul Of Life’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
Earthly life with its many puzzles and issues we do not yet understand is frequently very hard to cope with. Yet, as aspiring healers, we are required to steadfastly and courageously follow the guidance from the living God within, to soldier on irrespective of what may come our way. As bravely and nobly as we can, we thus move onwards and upwards on our own individual evolutionary spiral and that of all life. We do this in the hope that the time will soon come when our Highest Self lifts us above the drudgery and heaviness of the Earth plane, so we can start gathering first hand experiences of the goodness of God’s life. May we all have the courage to live, serve and bless everything we encounter. And may we find love and tolerance in our hearts in a living faith that unerringly trusts the goodness of the life our Creator has given us.
From ‘All Is One In The Great Soul Of Life’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
Because you were born in Heaven, a metaphor earthlings use for the highest levels of life, initially your spirit consists of but a tiny spark of Me. From the safety of the Great Father’s sacred heart every one of you once started their descent into exploring life as a physical being who experiences itself and its world with the help of an earthly personality. Because it was created entirely in that environment, it’s the only place where amends can eventually be made for the damage, pain and suffering you inflicted upon others during the early stages of your education, when your earthly self was still ignorant of the higher purpose and meaning of its existence. Ultimately, that’s how every bit of the suffering that ever existed in your world has been and to this day is self-inflicted through negative thinking and behaviour patterns of the past.
This is in sharp contrast with what happens in the world of spirit, your true home, where everything is for real and can be seen quite clearly by everybody. There is nowhere to hide and nothing can be hidden, like in earthly life. There is no need for it because the qualities of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity rule supreme in this realm. On the spirit level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. Because your spirit and soul are part of this world, whatever you do to someone in earthly life, be it with good or bad intentions, in the final analysis you are doing to yourself.
From ‘Learning To Trust The Highest’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Every one of your negative and destructive thoughts, words and actions towards others in due course are experienced by you, namely when they return to you in some form or another, either in the same lifetime or a future one. Patiently enduring whatever comes your way and forgiving any perpetrators, if there are any who can be seen with earthly eyes, is the only way you can redeem yourself. But before proceeding with this, wise ones first forgive themselves for once having set in motion the chain of events that is the underlying cause of their present suffering. By the way, there is never any need to give in to the desires of the revenge thirsty part of your lower nature. My laws see to it in due course everybody gets their just desserts.
From ‘Learning To Trust The Highest’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘Ultimately, all suffering of your world is self-inflicted through everyone’s own behaviour in previous lifetimes. Because of your oneness on the inner level of life, whatever you do to somebody else, with good or bad intentions, you also do to yourself. The law of Karma, My law, commands that whatever anyone sends out into My Creation has to return to its sender, for good and for bad. That’s why all your negative and destructive thoughts, words and actions in the end find their way back to you. Their results have to be endured and then made good by you at some stage, either in this lifetime or in future ones.
‘For a long time your earthly self remains unaware of all these things and suffers intensely from – unbeknown to itself – the results of its own actions. When the going on the Earth plane gets particularly rough, the memories of your soul awake and start nudging you, it’s earthly counterpart, and reminds you of your true nature and home. Its yearning causes the Divine qualities of compassion and love to stir in your human heart. My spark within you wakes from its slumbers, comes alive and over time slowly but surely grows into a small flame.’
From ‘Written In The Stars’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Human souls during their lifetimes on the Earth are frequently suffering from severe bouts of homesickness. This is known as the Divine sickness of the soul. Its intention is to guide the earthly personality into searching for a true home that nothing and nobody will ever be able to destroy and take away. This personality has a soul that is soft and sensitive and therefore has great difficulties coming to terms with the harsh conditions of the Earth plane with its materialism, greed and selfishness, violence and cruelty. When our soul bleeds and suffers for all manner of reasons, especially the lack of understanding of our small earthly self, our soul’s consciousness grows and that of our whole world expands with it.
This, however, is precious little comfort when we, the small earthly self, are hurting like hell and have no idea that the very reason for our suffering is that our soul is trying to tell us something, while our Highest or God self looks on with infinite wisdom and ineffable love. It smiles because at long last our earthly self is beginning to fulfil the purpose of all our lifetimes on the Earth plane and that is waking up into an ever growing awareness of God’s true nature and our own.
The Wanderer
I come from highlands down to shore,
The valleys steam, the oceans roar.
I wander silent, joyless here:
My sigh keeps asking! ‘Where? Oh, where?’
Their Sun appears to me so cold,
Their blossoms limp, their life so old;
And what they speak of, empty fare:
I am a stranger everywhere.
Where are you, land, beloved home?
Imagined, sought, but never known!
The land, the land, whence hope does flow,
The land where all my roses grow,
Where friends shall never meet in vain,
Where all my dead shall rise again,
The land that speaks my language true:
Oh land, where are you?
I wander silent, joyless here,
My sigh keeps asking: ‘Where? Oh where?’
The spirits answer my distress:
‘Where you are not, there’s happiness.’
Georg Phillip Schmidt
Translated by Walter A. Aue
Set to music by Franz Schubert
From ‘Healers and Healing’
‘With the coming of the Aquarian Age the patriarchy has served its purpose. All around clear evidence is emerging that the balance between the feminine and masculine aspects of Creation is slowly re-establishing itself in our inner and outer world. However, as the love and wisdom aspect of our Father/Mother Creator is conscious in women and unconscious in men, it is hardly surprising that to this day the Goddess’s qualities can be a scarce commodity with the males of our species. Unless they take care to grow and evolve through their relationships, the way we are meant to do on the Earth plane, in their present lifetime many of them are in danger of remaining stuck in the evolutionary phase of frivolous and irresponsible little boys. Rather than patiently working their way through the difficulties that arise from the gender’s different perceptions of and approach to life, these men prefer to take to their heels.
‘Six thousand years of patriarchy of the past with its systematic and ever more brutal suppression of the feminine principle in our world, to this day have left many a male of our species bereft of the Goddess’s characteristics. Although by now good progress is being made on the road of recovery, at the time of writing this in the year 2013 and updating it in 2018, our world still has a long way to go until the required balance has fully been restored. And so, it is hardly surprising that many marriages these days all too easily turn into a deck of cards, as someone once put it. In the beginning the two people involved needed nothing but two hearts and a diamond. But, by the end both of them may well wish they each had a club and a spade instead.’
From ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Greetings to you, dear readers, and also my sincere and most heartfelt thanks to those who are toiling behind the scenes of Booksie for restoring my account, almost to its full glory. The only things that are missing are the cover images of my books. Should Booksie find it impossible to reinstate them, it will be no great hardship for me to attend to this. God bless you all and keep you safe, forever. 26.03.2018
The way I see it, when things sometimes seemingly go wrong in our lives, it is always us who are out of step with the Universe and not the other way round. It is then more than likely that the energies it is currently putting at our disposal wish to tell a different story and are trying to steer us and our life into a different direction. If one seemingly runs into one invisible wall after another, when obstacle after obstacle rears its head, it is a safe bet that the Universe is attempting to give us a message that somehow we are barking up the wrong tree. It may well be the case that it has something much better up its sleeve for us, if we but pay attention.
The world around us is a mirror of what is taking place inside us. Through the actions and reactions of the people around us it is constantly trying to provide us with some kind of feedback. This is known as Universal guidance and we do well to listen to what the Universe has to say. And whenever things in our lives are not going the way we would want them to, almost certainly this is a signal from the Highest that for us the time has come to take stock and make some changes. Making an effort to attend to the special lessons we have agreed to learn in the course of our present lifetime, long before we entered into it, re-aligns our energies with those of the Universe and we get back into harmony with ourselves and the predestined pathway of our life.
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
Whenever our lifepath requires changes, we do not have to go along with it because we have been given freedom of choice. However, wise ones pay attention to whatever guidance comes their way and when next time something appears to go wrong in their lives, they try their hand at something else and look towards channelling their energies into different avenues of expression. The Universe constantly offers us choices and no-one can force us into doing anything we do not like or to believe things that do not sound true to us. There is always a choice and it has to be made – by us. But, before we can choose wisely, we first have to become aware of the fact that we are allowed to choose. Try not to overlook that not choosing also amounts to a choice.
Humankind’s much cherished freedom is comparable to a dog going for a walk on a lead. We are the dog and our Karma is the lead which our Highest or God Self holds in its loving yet stern, undeviating and unrelenting hands. It alone knows our true needs and whatever is the right thing for us in any given moment. It constantly guides us into our next adventures on the Earth plane. For each one of us this is the only authority in the whole of Creation who really knows which lessons still have to be integrated by us and which tests and trial are necessary to lead us home into the oneness with God.
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
If at any given time evil desires of our lower nature rise to the surface of our consciousness, we are free to decide whether we wish to follow them and act them out or not. The more highly evolved we become, the easier it is to acknowledge and accept such things as part of our lower animal nature, which have outlived their usefulness. Whenever this happens, wise ones reach for the hand of their Highest Self and request its help to change and transmute the energies of the desires that are no longer in our interest into something that serves the highest good and greatest joy of all life.
It is possible to save ourselves many disappointments when we bear in mind that doors will only ever open for anyone when they are meant to. And when one of them does, the experience can be likened to something that can usually only be seen in funny films. Having so got used to pushing and shoving uselessly at far too many doors, there may well come a moment, when – metaphorically speaking – we have at last found the right one. In that case the door flies open so suddenly that it makes you feel almost as if you were shooting out through the window, at the other end of the room. Why not try it out for yourself sometime?
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
In every human being true and lasting faith in ourselves and the goodness of the life the Universe has bestowed upon us can only grow through learning from our own first hand experiences. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will even for wise ones, when they have unsuccessfully tried one door after another, yet none seems to be willing to open, no matter how hard they try, these people take a break from their efforts. They go into quiet reflection mode and enter into a bit of a dialogue with themselves that goes something like this: ‘Let me see, what I am presently trying to do cannot be meant for me. Maybe the Universe has something else for me in mind, possibly something better. If so, I’ll be patient and wait for another opportunity that will surely come, especially if I ask for it.
‘Are things really going wrong in my life or is it merely the Universe’s way of asking me to change direction? Could this be happening for my own good, because the Universe loves me and knows my true wants and needs better than I do? Might it be protecting me against myself, so I can find what is rightfully mine? Is it possible that something superior to what I had in mind is in store for me? Let’s wait patiently for a while, so that another opportunity can come my way.
‘Ah yes, I like this. What an improvement on despairing or even swearing at the Universe for not fulfilling my wishes. After all, I am a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and my true nature is love. Show me how to walk the loving way instead, with love in my heart for myself and everybody who will be touched by my enterprise. All right, here I go! I love you and trust You, Great White Spirit, as You love and trust me. Ah yes, that feels much better!’
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
If your funds are low and your debts are constantly too high, the time may be right for some soul-searching and asking yourself: ‘Why am I not taking part in the Universe’s abundance? Is it because I am not sharing my gifts and talents, of which we all have many, sufficiently with others? What about increasing my input of good things into life, so that in due course it can return nothing but more of the same to me? Do I need to be less selfish and think more about the good of the whole of society, life, our beautiful planet and the Universe? Why don’t I stick my toes into the water and see what happens?’
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘Life is eternal and the human spirit is part of God and therefore immortal. In truth, there is no death because life consists of absolute and unbroken continuity. On its inner level all is one, and you are as much part of me as I am of you. Nothing needs to change between you and me, just because I have gone through the great transformation before you. If we both so wish, our relationship can remain the same it always was between you and me, and life continues to be everything it has meant to us. My departure from the physical plane was no accident; it was meant to happen exactly when it did. For your sake – not mine – make an effort to accept this, the way I have done. And don’t believe anyone who tries to tell you that because I am out of your sight, I should also be out of your mind. That can only happen, if you so wish. But if you still want me, the death of my physical body is going to present us with many opportunities for coming closer to each other than it was ever possible, when we both still dwelled in physicality.'
From ‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
The Age of Pisces has been an age of blind faith. Now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, this part of the evolutionary path of our race lies safely behind us and ever more of us are finding a new faith that is very different from that of all previous ages. It is of a visionary nature that is based on the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that is increasingly flowing intuitively into every heart and soul directly from the Source of our being. This kind of faith is no longer an outer and therefore wobbly manifestation. It is an aspect of consciousness and a part that naturally belongs to every soul. It is an awareness that reveals its presence as a deep inner knowing that there really is a Great plan of life, in which each one of us has their allocated place and role to play.
When we find out and finally accept that everything that has ever happened in our world did so for good and wise reasons, we realise that the Universal Force, the Great Father/Mother of all life, really does love us and that all life has always rested safely in its loving hands. As our understanding of God’s true nature and our own grows, our faith and trust in the existence we have presently been allocated also expands. Knowing that this force has always been on our side and did know exactly what it was doing, helps us to trust that we shall be safe wherever our destiny may wish to take us and that in all Eternity.
True faith is born in human souls from the knowledge that life is good and always moving forwards on all its levels. Faith accepts that we cannot direct life but that, if we relax into it, all will be well for as long as we do not try to control its flow but learn to go with it, whilst listening to our inner guidance to tell us what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. When we do this and do our best to work with the Universe, instead of against it, God and the Angels bring healing for us and our lives. Without such faith our lives will always remain empty, lacking focus and a centre, life on the Earth plane can be an extremely frightening experience for sensitive human souls.
From ‘Reflections On Faith’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Some believe that faith is a second rate option and many seem to think that religions can give people faith. Yet, some of the most devout church-goers that ever came my way were utterly bereft of faith, i.e. they had no trust in the goodness of life whatever. To this day, I am wondering whether the reason why these people go to church such a lot is that they are hoping that one fine day they will find faith there. However, genuine and lasting faith cannot be imparted by religions or anyone or anything else, because it is something that has to grow from within. It makes no difference whether one follows one of the religions of our world or none at all. The kind of faith we are on the Earth plane to seek can only be found by living our life and finding out that it really is a good and fair life from the reactions of the world around us to our own actions. It is good and right to seek the support of groups and to have some input into them, but whoever they may be, they cannot give us faith.
Yet, faith is vital for our survival, as an individual and as a species, because it lifts us above a purely earthly existence and expands our consciousness to an ever increasing perception of the higher levels of life, beyond that which is familiar to most. It enables us to travel farther, and to dream bigger. Let me tell you from first hand experience that in the final analysis, Earth life remains a dreary journey that lacks direction, purpose and meaning, until one becomes aware of what and who we truly are, and why we are here.
The recognition of this alone can give us a reason for living meaningfully and for choosing wisely, at all times. Until we find out that our life, the same as everybody else’s, indeed has purpose and meaning, true faith has little chance of growing from within. With the understanding that we have come into this lifetime in order to walk a certain pathway that is meant to teach us some much needed lessons, life itself finally helps us to build our existence on solid foundations and we recognise that every experience that comes our way presents us with more opportunities for growing ever more heaven-tall.
From ‘Reflections On Faith’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
For as long as the intention behind our earthly efforts is a good one and we act with love from our heart and do our best, everything will always be well, and God and the Angels happy to do the rest. The Universal laws ensure that when we send our best into our world – and all worlds, for that matter – nothing but the best can come back to us. Any bread cast upon the waters of life does return, and any love that is ever given to anyone does the same, though not necessarily through the people we once gave it to. In fact, this hardly ever is the case. The likelihood is that it will come back to us at times when our need is greatest and when we least expect it. It can and does happen in quite magical ways with help suddenly appearing in the form of kind and loving hearts and hands that are reaching out to us, to comfort and hold.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
After particularly traumatic and difficult times and events in our lives, we may have lost all faith in the innate goodness of people and life. However, experiencing in one’s own life that there are some truly kind people around who genuinely have our best at heart goes a long way towards restoring our lost trust. To teach us this lesson could have been the very reason why the situation that made us struggle arose in the first place. I for one am grateful to the Universe for having created opportunities from which I have learnt and still am learning that it really is safe to trust that help does come when it is required and that all my true needs are always met. Every soul can only learn from its own experiences that just when one thinks there’s nothing left inside to keep on struggling, out of the darkness from somewhere there comes a small light and new hope – and somehow life continues.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
Having to deal with difficult situations on every level of our earthly existence are not only necessary but vital for our earthly education. They are steps on our evolutionary journey that in the end takes each one of us back home into the awareness of our true nature. So, let us not begrudge our tribulations but on the level of our soul and spirit rejoice that they have been created in our lives by the loving presence and the great wisdom of the Divine, not only for each one of us personally, but also nationally and internationally. Opportunities are thus created from which all must learn first hand how to work with the powers of the light and the love of the Universal Christ, the highest and brightest Star in the whole of Creation. Sticking our toes into the waters of life and trying and testing situations for ourselves presents all human souls with valuable evidence of how the power of the Great Universal love works and how it influences all life.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
Regardless of what may ever befall us and our world on the physical plane of life, I do believe that both will go on forever and that miracles are happening at all times. It’s just that mostly we fail to perceive the miraculous ways of the Universe for what they truly are, namely the handiwork of God and the Angels. Ceaselessly, they are working behind the scenes of life to put things right again and heal people and situations when something has gone awry. The more we endeavour to be true to our real self and express the essence of our being, love, in every one of our thoughts, words and actions, the more miracles can manifest themselves in our lives, because our human heart has then reunited itself with the great love of the Divine.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
The legend of the Master Jesus demonstrates how, when the energies of Heaven and Earth merge into each other, a force of such magnitude is created that it is capable of healing all conditions of mind, body, spirit and soul. This is the power that can quite literally move mountains of faith, remove blockages of trust and make all crooked corners straight. It brings comfort and healing to everything that is in our world to wherever there is pain and suffering. Miracles are the Universe’s way of demonstrating to humankind the unlimited power of Its love. This is the healing balm and the panacea that needs to be applied by us earthlings to all situations in our everyday lives, every one of our relationships and also national and international issues.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
Let us stop for a moment and reflect on the wisdom of the Great Architect of life. The Universe is infinitely wise in its giving. Yet, it is even wiser in its taking. If we had never encountered the warped side of our lives and our world, we would not have been able to differentiate between good and bad, and that which desirable and undesirable. If we had never been wounded, we would appreciate what healing is like. We cannot know light, unless we have first experienced darkness. Only through the lack or loss of something or someone can we truly learn how to value what we had and also that which we are going to have, when periods of suffering finally lie behind us, as they invariable do in the end.
Such is life on the Earth plane! It has to be this way because that is how it was designed for us by our Father/Mother Creator. Who would we be to argue with Its wisdom? Take heart though – growing in understanding through difficult and traumatic experiences, the way it is required from us on the present level of our existence, is not going to continue indefinitely. All life is constantly evolving and moving forwards and upwards on a never ending spiral. When we, individually and as a race, have become sufficiently evolved, so that Earth life has nothing left to teach us, we shall be ready to move on to more advanced schooling on the higher and ultimately highest levels of life.
From ‘Miracles Do Happen!’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Universal laws, and within them the law of Karma in particular, rule the great wheel of fortune and of life in physicality. The zodiac is its symbol. The Karma we all have brought with us into this world are the conditions in which we presently find ourselves. They were created by us in the course of many lifetimes and much of it is likely to be waiting to be redeemed, by none other than us. Yet, being a spark of the Divine, the children of God, everything that is in God is also in us – the very best as well as the worst. We are in this existence to bring forth from within the best and most noble qualities of our Highest Self, which at least in seed form each one of us contains.
This process brings us ever closer into being at one with our God Self, the way we were before the beginning of the evolutionary cycle that took us into the adventure of experiencing life as physical beings on the giant wheel of Earth life going round and round in huge cycles. We are the only ones who can release us from its drudgery. Gradually we need to overcome the desires, drives and urges of our lower animal nature, and instead nurture and develop only the best that is within us, so that our dreams and aspirations turn ever more towards the realms of the highest levels of life.
From ‘The Law Of Life’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
What a long time it has taken until we and our world at last were at last ready to understand the true meaning of the story of Jesus, the Christed one. In truth, it was never intended to be more than a legend and an allegory. For two thousand years or so it would slowly but surely take us and our world, one small step after another, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of grasping the esoteric meanings of God’s eternal wisdom. Until the time was right they had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the Jesus tale, though in due course they would be revealed, but only for those who no longer insisted on running with the limited understanding of the herd, but preferred to get ahead of it. Continuing to follow old fashioned and outdated doctrines and beliefs of the past seriously deters one’s own evolutionary progress as well as that of the whole of humankind.
Life leaves the choice to us. It is entirely up to us whether we are content with no spiritual progress or whether we would rather tread new paths and make discoveries that allow us to act as a pioneer and wayfinder for the slower ones behind. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ Uncheedah, which means grandmother in Santee Sioux, adds to this: ‘When you see a new trail or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.’ In my view, the individual and collective evolutionary progress of our world can only be ensured when sufficient numbers of us are willing to follow their advice by querying and questioning that which has been handed down to us by previous generations.
I see the Jesus legend as a re-enactment of a drama of vast Cosmic proportions of which numerous different versions were presented to us and our world, throughout the ages. Yet, many to this day still believe that the tales of the Crucifixion and the Master’s subsequent resurrection describe events that actually took place on the Earth plane, two thousand years ago. In truth, they are allegories to help us understand that life continues after the outer shell of our physical body has been shed. The Master’s life is a demonstration of how a lifetime of pure and wholesome living is meant to help each one of us gain complete mastery and control over every aspect of our being. It is for this reason that all religions down the ages brought us allegories of saviours and their ensuing resurrection and final release into their eternal home back into the oneness with their Creator.
From ‘The Esoteric Meaning Of The Crucifixion’
‘Healers And Healing’
The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It was originally meant to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above all happenings on the physical plane. During its many journeys through this particular form of existence all human spirits and souls remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness that Earth life presents.
There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.
From ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
‘Healers And Healing’
Every new day that dawns on the earthly plane of our existence the Universe offers all of us countless opportunities for learning and growing in wisdom and understanding. This continues until eventually we have rediscovered our true nature and come home into the full awareness of our oneness with God and all life. Yet, our learning does not stop there. It will forever continue. Each one of us through their own experiences slowly but surely progresses on the pathway of their individual evolution, which is part of the collective consciousness of our whole world. All of us have our own road to walk that is unlike any other. The wisdom we gather from our experiences are ours alone and that’s the only thing we can take with us into Eternity. There is no need to envy anyone what they have gained because for everybody life forever will keep on unfolding. And the Universe sees to it that at any given moment our true needs are met.
Sometimes pain is necessary to help us forward and there is no point in begrudging it, as it may well be that today’s suffering wishes to bring us the progress and pleasure of tomorrow. With joyful hearts let us therefore accept the unfolding of God’s great and perfect plan in our own lives, and rest safely in the knowledge that the ultimate goal of every human soul’s inner being is this return into our true nature and our loving re-union with our Creator, Father/Mother of all life. For this purpose all remnants of the shadows of the past have to be left behind, so that with each passing day the tasks before us can take us one more step closer to this our final destination.
From ‘Why Do We Get Depressed?’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Spending many lifetimes on the earthly plane is an essential part of every human being’s evolutionary pathway. The higher purpose of each one is to help us grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature and our own. This goes hand in hand with the discovery of the true purpose and meaning of our existence. The question of how this treasure can be found has occupied humankind for a very long time. The abundance of memorable sayings on this theme bears witness to it. So let’s take a closer look at some of them.
Marie Curie, 1867-1964, wrote: ‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.’ And as Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, pointed out: ‘Any fool can know. The point is to understand.’ You can be sure that it does not come from reading books alone. You may know something because you have read about it somewhere and still be a long way from understanding it. So, how does one find understanding? It grows quite naturally and organically within us when we just live our lives and move ever forwards, being mindfully present during all our experiences, making sure to feel our feelings and listen to the inner guidance we receive through them. That no doubt is why Søren Kierkegaard, 1813-1855, concluded: ‘Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.’
This is hardly surprising, as the very reason for granting us the gift of another lifetime is that we should grow some more in wisdom and understanding, compassion and love. This is why Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1926-2004, observed: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have gained an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen, they have to evolve.’
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
In the beginning of its evolutionary cycle on the Earth plane, our small lower earthly self, thus far unaware of its own true nature and the Universal laws that rule the whole of God’s creation, goes on the rampage. It heartily hates anything that gets in the way of its wishes and so ventures forth into killing, slaughtering, hurting and hating, if an opportunity for it arises torturing and maiming the object of its desires, sadistically enjoying and revelling in the misery of those who are at its mercy.
As a consequence of God’s laws, in subsequent lifetimes the deeds we once dished out to others return to us and we get to know first hand what suffering means. In the course of many earthly sojourns, because we now know how physical, emotional and spiritual pain feels, the characteristics of our Highest or God Self stir within us and we begin to feel more compassionate and loving towards the suffering of others. Hence Gautama Buddha’s advice: ‘Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.’ Not only sometime in our present lifetime, but in all of them is each one of us sure to have undergone these stages of development.
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
Once our earthly self is equipped with the gift of hindsight, in our reflections and meditations it becomes easier to draw the wisdom and understanding we are meant to gain from all our experiences. Every new lifetime for each one of us brings sufficient opportunities for doing so and that applies to each individual as well as to companies and other organisations of all kinds, nations and our whole world.
Our redemption consists of any kind of suffering we have to endure, be it physical, mental or spiritual and what we have learnt from it. Whether we have made any spiritual progress as a result of what we have gone through reveals itself to the wise ones in charge of us in our behaviour. We are now meeting every manifestation of life with kindness and compassion, tolerance and love, not only those who are in distress but also our younger and less experienced siblings in the family of life, who so far know no better than inflicting pain onto others.
Anything we do to alleviate someone’s suffering, irrespective of who they are and where they are coming from, helps our Christ nature to flourish. Becoming aware again of our immortality, our appetite for death and destruction goes from us forever and is replaced by our Christ nature. That’s the only way the Christ Spirit can save and redeem anyone. And because on the inner level all life is one, when one of us has gone through this process and developed their Christ nature, the whole human race and its world are simultaneously moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This is how every human being in due course is going to evolve into a saviour and redeemer of humankind and our world.
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be [healing and] recovery.’ J.K. Rowling in ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’
‘Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.’ C.G. Jung
‘Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it isn’t so.’ Lemony Snicket in ‘The Blank Book’
‘Try to understand people. If you understand each other, you will be kind to each other. Knowing a person well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love.’ John Steinbeck
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘One of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.’ Richard Dawkins in ‘The God Delusion’
‘For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.’ Carl Sagan in ‘The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark’
‘Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.’ Aristotle
‘Sometimes it’s not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don’t mean.’ Bob Dylan
‘Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and a few to be chewed and digested. That is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention.’ Francis Bacon
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
With all my heart and soul I believe that there is a great plan of life in which everybody has their place. And with my whole being I trust that this plan is perfect, and that our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life holds both our worlds – as well as all other worlds – safely in His/Her loving hands. More than that: I know these things and that is a faith and a trust that no-one will ever be able to shake or take from me, for the simple reason that it is not based on something that is written in a book somewhere, but deeply engraved in my heart and soul.
When I reflect on the mysteries of life and death and the Universe as a whole, I become aware how all things work together for the good of the whole, and I realise that everything that happens anywhere in the whole of Creation has been planned and is held in the mind of the Great Architect and Master Designer of all worlds and all beings. The knowledge of this helps me to open my heart, soul and mind with confidence to the One, who holds the plan and takes care that it unfolds as it should and that therefore all life is moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life in a well ordered fashion.
This helps me to walk with a tranquil heart and an open mind to the beauty, the wonders and the glories of all the Universes that cannot be seen by earthly eyes, but only perceived by our minds. Knowing that God is in other people just the same as in me, makes it easy to be sincere and true in all my relationships. And I rejoice that truly, truly there is no death and that wherever there is love between human souls there can be no separation.
From ‘Where Do We Come From?’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
‘Rabbit’s clever,’ said Pooh thoughtfully.
‘Yes,’ said Piglet, ‘rabbit’s clever.’
‘And he has Brain.’
‘Yes,’ said Piglet, ‘rabbit has Brain.’
There was a long silence.
‘I suppose,’ said Pooh, ‘that’s why he never understands anything.’
A.A. Milne in ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’
This contains the message that for as long as we just think about things, without applying the knowledge we are finding to real life situations to test and try them in order to learn from them, we may considered to be clever by those around us, in spite of the fact that we understand very little. Knowledge is of the head, cold and clear as crystal, without warmth. But wisdom and understanding can only grow in any one of us organically by intrepidly scaling the heights and wading through the depths of the human predicament, never through book-learning alone. Wisdom and understanding dwell in our hearts and flow forth from there with the language of love.
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
Everything that ever exists in our life is in truth a gift for helping us to grow ever more heaven-tall. The more readily we accept this and because of this knowledge endeavour to move with the flow of our lives, the more easily life itself can turn into our teacher. By accepting with grace and gratitude whatever the Universe brings, instead of struggling against it, the deeper our understanding shall grow and the swifter our evolutionary progress will move us forwards on upwards.
From ‘Humankind In Search Of Wisdom And Understanding’
‘Our World In Transition’
When the going gets too touch, anyone who reaches out for the blessing and healing hands of God and the Angels and prays for their assistance, does receive it. Our pleas align us to the Universal forces of goodness and light. When we respond in the right way to what the Highest are bringing us, with the passing of time we evolve into ever more capable channels of light who can act as lightbringers and healers for our whole world. We become valuable instruments in the hands of the Divine forces, and when they work through us we are taking part in and practising white magic. As increasing amounts of spiritual wisdom and understanding flow through us onto the Earth plane and ever more of those around us are waking up to their true nature, they too begin to feel drawn quite naturally into the energies of the higher stream of life.
That is how down the ages every individual consciousness and that of our world has slowly but surely been expanding and growing. It is a process that will continue until every last shred of darkness and evil in our world has been dissolved, uplifted and transmuted by the forces of goodness and light into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all. And when finally every one of us on the Earth plane is operating on the same positive wavelength, peace and goodwill to all life will once more reign.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
All of us together are responsible not only for our own development but also for that of our world. The right way of making a valid contribution towards achieving this state of affairs is by living not merely to enjoy ourselves, but for the beautification and benefit of our planet. Even the smallest of efforts in that direction by any one of us moves the spiritual evolution of the whole of Creation forwards and upwards. Every individual can do a great deal to help the highest forces with their work of raising the vibrations of our whole planet and all its inhabitants.
As aspiring lightbringers and healers we are aware that humankind, individually and collectively, has never struggled up the evolutionary spiral of life on it own. And it is our task to draw the attention of ever more of those around us to the spiritual powers that are constantly toiling on behalf of our race behind the scenes of earthly life. By thinking and acting in positive and constructive ways only, we need to set a good example that others may choose to follow. Behaving in such ways trains our spiritual listening to the words of power and love, wisdom and truth which the Highest Forces of life are broadcasting ever more forcefully into the consciousness of our world
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
To me, all religions and belief systems that ever helped to shape and mould humankind’s spiritual pathway and destiny, are one gigantic jigsaw puzzle that only begins to make sense when one recognises each one of them as an integral part of the whole of the spiritual backdrop of our world. In the past, all these religions and belief systems were of equal validity and importance, as each one had its own contribution to make. However, now that a new vision of humankind’s spiritual future is beginning to reveal itself to our astonished eyes, it can be seen with increasing clarity that all these things are increasingly becoming surplus to requirement. There is no doubt in my mind that it will not be long until they have disappeared completely from our world.
In the final analysis every human being, during any one of its stays on the physical plane of life, is a needy one. Everybody’s desire for finding a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence is great. After all, the very reason for our existence on the Earth plane is that in the course of many lifetimes we should grow into ever more enlightened beings. Each one of us is required to eventually develop their own philosophy of life that sustains us reliably through the inevitable ups and downs of Earth life.
Finding enlightenment in simple terms means an inner awakening and a recognition of who we truly are, of who and what God is and what our role is within God’s great plan of life. In my view, what we and our world need most of all is a renewal of understanding, a fresh approach to life and faith, in other words a change of consciousness. This is precisely what we and our world for some time now have been going through, as on the individual and collective level the spiritual rebirth of humankind is taking place. Everybody is involved in this process and slowly but surely, with every new bit of wisdom we gather, each through their own experiences, each one of us will eventually have grown into an enlightened being.
From ‘A World Filled With Needy People’
The Venerable Bede was an English theologian and historian, who lived ca. 673-735 AD. All those centuries ago, he wrote about his work on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah: ‘. . . in the treasure of the prophets, [God] has furnished me with the grace, not only to embrace things old, but also in very truth to find new things under the veil of the old and to bring them forth, for the use of my fellow-servants.’ How about following his advice and applying it to the way we perceive ourselves and our world?
To get the ball rolling, we need to ask ourselves a few searching questions. To me, the most important one of all is: ‘Is there a God?’ At the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, it becomes necessary to redefine the meaning of the word God. If there is a supreme being, what is Its nature? Who am I and what is my relationship with It? To me, God is the Universe, the Universal life force or whatever name you prefer: ‘Call Me by any name and I will be there’.
From ‘God And The Devil’
‘Healers And Healing’
From ‘The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran – Kahlil the Heretic’ comes the following: ‘What is this mystery that plays so great a part in our lives? What is this Law that drives us into a rough road and stops us just before we reach the face of the Sun, where we might rejoice? What is this power that elevates our spirits until we reach the mountain top, smiling and glorying, and suddenly casts us to the depths of the valley, weeping and suffering? What is this life that embraces us like a lover one day, and fights us like an enemy the next?’
Where does one sensibly start the exploration of such a vast theme? Maybe by first asking ourselves the most fundamental question of all, which has to be: ‘Is there a God?’ What do you think? After all that has happened and still is going on in our world, could there possibly be one? And should the answer be ‘yes’ and if our God is a loving one – as we are being told – why does He allow our world to be so full of pain, suffering, and inequalities?’ Great parts of humankind, to this day, have such a limited perception of the Eternal that they have difficulties grasping that there is a great deal between Heaven and Earth that has yet to be discovered by humankind.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Finding out who or what God is and who we are is part of the freedom of the Aquarian Age. Naturally, I can only speak for myself and I see the matter as follows: Yes, I do not only merely believe, I know that there is a God – to be more precise – a Creator. This is because I intuitively feel and that it simply cannot be any other way. Yet, I wouldn’t dream of categorically stating that this is the case. To me, like all great ideas, it’s very simple really. How could there be a Creation without a Creator? It’s got to have been created by something or someone. In my view, the answers to our questions of a spiritual nature depend on our own perception and level of awareness. In particular this applies to how and what we imagine God to be. Is it a being or is it the all-pervading energy that manifests itself in humankind not only as that which is good and right and holy, but also the lowest and most evil? The part of God all human beings on the Earth plane are ultimately striving to bring forth expresses itself in the tolerance and love we feel and the kindness we give to each other, without expecting anything in return.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Many have difficulties coming to terms with the fact that God is in everything and therefore in the best as well as the worst that is in us and our world. That which is discordant and ugly, crude and barbaric is the lower unevolved aspect which, with the passing of time, is sure to evolve into something that is good and right, beautiful and perfect. This is as much true in us as in everything else in the whole of Creation. And this must be motivated Werner Heisenberg, 1901-1976, German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics to write: ‘The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.’ There comes the point when one realises that all human scientific efforts can only ever be mere attempts at fathoming out and emulating the spiritual scientific laws of God.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
All of us have a different perception of ourselves, our world and God. Each has only one window into these aspects and that is their own. We alone can and indeed have to decide what the Divine as well as everything else means to us. To my mind, different ways of looking at the same issues with which humankind has been wrestling since time immemorial, do not render any of the conclusions someone came to wrong or in some way inferior to another. If something has been and to this day is purposely misleading, this undoubtedly too is happening in keeping with the help and will of God and the Angels, so that we should learn to appreciate and value the truth, when it eventually comes to us, as it will when the time is right. Without the support of God and the Angels nothing can take place anywhere. And that applies as much to the various belief systems of our world as it does to the different types of astrology, like Aztec, Chinese, Karmic, Mayan and Vedic astrology.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
I see us all as tiny particles of a vast whole and believe that the functioning of one of us is as important as that of all the others for the wellbeing of race and our world. Every single one of us is rare and precious in the eyes of the One who created us. And whatever we imagine this being to be, even the greatest sceptic is bound to admit that we and our world cannot have appeared out of nowhere. I believe that there is a Great Plan of life and that no matter what happens on the Earth plane, we and our world are safe. God alone – and by this I mean the Great Universal Force, Father/Mother of all life – knows the plan and holds the reigns of our world and all worlds firmly in His/Her loving hands.
For the sake of the patriarchy with its all-male Divinity, we still had to be told by the Jesus legend’s Matthew 24:34-36: ‘Even Heaven and Earth will pass away, yet my words shall not pass away. Concerning the hour and the day when this will happen, no-one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, but the Father alone.’ But now we are allowed to know that the Angels are the executors of the God’s great plan of life and they do know that this time NOW. Heaven and Earth are not literally passing away, merely the understanding of what kind of purpose they are fulfilling for the spiritual development of our race.
From ‘Is There A God?’
In my view, there is nothing wrong with us and our world. Each one of us was created in keeping with an idea that exists in the mind of the Great Father of all life of the prototype of a perfect human being. This means someone in whom all aspects of its nature are functioning together harmoniously and peacefully the way they are doing in God. We are not some kind of messy random appearance or cosmic joke. Each one of us has been carefully placed in earthly life so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that is the way our Father/Mother loves us and wants us to be.
The seed of perfection is within each one of us. As Cicero, 106-43 BC, wrote: ‘Human beings were created to contemplate and reflect the Universe. They are not themselves this great perfection, they are merely particles of it.’ To help us bring forth this perfection from within, all that is required from us is that we should act in kind and loving ways and always give of our best. Through this constant striving the Christ spirit shines ever more strongly from the very core of our being into the outer self, until it has finally taken over our whole being and we have become a Christed one in our own right.
From ‘Is There A God?’
Our life and all life is something much more beautiful and profound, as well as a great deal less complicated than any of us could ever have thought possible. Where does one start to explain? Best of all probably through an affirmation that the core of all being, including humankind’s, is spirit. We are here to find a new understanding of ourselves and to re-discover that first and foremost we are spirit. Over many lifetimes, each one of us has learnt and grown through gathering their own experiences of life in physicality. Through this, each individual and also our world developed a soul. Our own soul is part of the soul of our world; this in turn is part of the soul of the whole of Creation. Every human being is constantly feeding into it the memories of the learning that is gleaned from each experience, no matter how small or great it may be.
From ‘Is There A God?’
Now that the Aquarian Age is with us we are discovering a new type of religion that is no longer purely of the mind, but rises to the surface of our conscious awareness from the wise one or living God within who, for a long time merely in seed form, dwells in every human being’s heart. The best definition of the religions that to this day exist in our world that’s come my way to date was in a place where I would have least expected it, namely in Joanna Trollope’s novel ‘A Passionate Man’. Archie is the main character of this tale. His father has died and the local priest drops in and offers him and his wife to pray for the deceased. When Archie refuses, the priest points out: ‘But you are churchgoers. You are part of the Christian family.’ Archie’s patience is at an end and he bursts out: ‘I may be a religious man – I may have a deep religious sense – but I am not at all sure there is a God. Not our God, in any case . . .
‘Don’t you even know what religion means? Are you so hidebound by your colourless bureaucratic orthodoxy that religion only means to you this frightful modern Church with its doggerel hymns and playschool prayers? Religion is an awakened sense of some great controlling force, an awareness that above or beyond there is not just a freedom but a fulfilment. And this awareness of power and possibility makes us strive ever onwards, morally, emotionally, spiritually. What on Earth has such a concept to do with the dreary pen-pushing second-rate God you want to offer me?’
From ‘Is There A God?’
God is hard to describe in mere earthly terms, but I will try. To me, God is something infinitely more sacred and holy, a power much greater, higher and more enlightened that is radiant with the true meaning of light, compassion and love than the teachings of the old religions of our world could ever convey. With their lack of understanding for the true purpose and meaning of Earth life and the esoteric background of their own teachings, all too frequently the Ancient Teachings, which messengers from the higher and highest levels of life from time to time brought to humankind, were misunderstood and misrepresented. Sometimes this happened – as it does in many places to this day – intentionally for the purpose of manipulating the masses into obedience and submission to satisfy the lust for power of those in charge. In many cases such distortions were necessary because that was all our race could comprehend at the time when a new part of God’s wisdom and truth was given to our world.
From ‘Is There A God?’
For me God means the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. It is the Universal intelligence and the source from which fresh pure creative ideas are constantly pouring forth in the form of thoughts. God’s spirit, the same as ours, is eternal, without beginning or end and has always been. Neither our spirit nor the Divine Trinity’s will ever stand still. Both are constantly evolving, expanding and growing through the knowledge that is gathered by the beings in every part of Creation, including you and me. Ever deeper insights and fresh discoveries into this, that and the other will always continue to be made by someone somewhere. This is something every human being has to come to terms with and accept that there will probably never be such a thing as absolute truth.
So, what of God’s truth? How do we know when we are finding some of it? Any knowledge one of us finds is meant to be shared with those around us and used for making our world a better place everything in it – not just humankind – to evolve and grow. But, because of the precious gift of freedom of choice each one of us is allowed to decide what we can and wish to take on board as our truth. Yet, every right also brings responsibilities with it and any newly found knowledge puts the onus on us for choosing wisely. That is why, whilst reading or listening to anything, it is advisable to make a habit of noticing the responses that come from your own heart and learn to follow them in all things. This is the voice of your inner guidance and teacher, your intuition; it will never let you down or lie to you.
Because there are numerous gullible people in our world and just as many who are all too happy to exploit this, be careful and refuse to take anything that comes to your attention at face-value. Know that everything we become aware of in some way enters into our consciousness; we ourselves are responsible for what we allow in. It is up to each one of us to test and try things for ourselves and to establish whether the information before us has any validity for us. You are always the bottom line and you alone can decide whether you are willing to accept or reject what someone tells you, whoever this may be. It goes without saying that this is also valid for all my writings. It has never been my nature to wish to prescribe for anyone what to believe and what not. In any case, knowing what is at stake here, who would still be foolish enough to dogmatically state this, that or the other is the ultimate truth that is valid for everybody?
Those who are familiar with my work know that I go to great lengths to point out the necessity for choosing carefully as to what we accept as our truth. My advice has always been never to follow anyone blindly or take their words for gospel, no matter how high and holy the person or institution may seem to be. The information you are receiving from them could be outdated and further insights could be waiting to be given, maybe through you. If something you hear or read does not feel right, pay attention and listen to what ideas may come to you. Consult with your inner self by meditating and/or reflecting on the points in question, then wait and see what further insights may come to you. When they do, do not forget to share them with those around you. In this way we shall eventually all become channels of Divine wisdom and truth and be capable of acting as light bringers to our world. This will continue until every last shred of the clouds of ignorance that still darken our world have been dispersed and peace has at last come to our world.
The following is the essence of a teaching by the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Facing the Self – Looking for the Divine’ in Stella Polaris October/November 2005: ‘In your search of evidence for the existence of the Divine, all you have to do is look into any kind of mirror because God is in everything, including you and the people around you. Everything is of God and created in God’s image and all characteristics and powers of the Divine are also in you. Therefore the things you observe in the world around you are also part of you. That’s why wise ones never judge or condemn anybody.'
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘It is a sad fact of life that humankind spends much of its time running away from itself. Just take a look at the many distractions that exist in your world and the amusements people find so appealing. Please don’t get the impression that we, your spirit friends and helpers, do not recognise your need for relaxation and recreation. But as aspiring healers and lightbringers you can do better by looking for ways of taking them that connect you with God and us.
‘This is easier than you may think at the moment. Because God is as much part of you as you are of God and whenever you are singing to yourself or in a choir or maybe going for a nature walk, you are more in touch with your God nature. Just think, even your physical body does not belong to you but to God. It is a gift only for a time that has been entrusted into your care. It is your responsibility to look after it as best you know how to. Your body is a temple because the Highest dwells with you it. Being aware that this is so, refuse to squander the spirit energies of your indwelling Life Force. Your physical body is your vehicle for this lifetime. Don’t waste the precious time span that has been allocated to you for its use by desecrating it with anything.'
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘No matter how depraved someone may become, the God spark is in them and their physical body belongs to God. The most important lesson each one of you has to learn is facing every aspect of your being and especially those of your lower nature. Many to this day are spending too much time running away from themselves. Through seeking dissipation and oblivion it is all too easy and tempting to avoid the genuine happiness and joy that reconnecting and healing together with God the Angels are waiting to present to every one of you. Such a beautiful world you have been given and oh, how much sorrow it contains. It is up to each one of you individually to change this state of affairs.
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘Throughout the ages there have been people who became inspired without at first being aware of what was happening to them. Speaking and writing intuitively they receive their information without studying books. With the passing of time they found out that all outer manifestations of life are reflections of the realities of their inner counterparts and that this applies to human thinking as much as it does to anything else in the whole of Creation. It is not the physical brain alone that does the thinking, for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life exists and can function on its own.
‘Without the spiritual forces in its background creating and supporting the physical plane of life there would be nothing. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s mental capacities. No earthly self on its own could ever bring itself into being. Never mind Earth life, without the help of your Highest spirit Self and your constant companions, the Angels and Masters, friend and helpers in the world of light, there would be no physical life anywhere in the Cosmos. The angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan of life and responsible for its smooth running, at all times. They are the ones who bring all of you into earthly life and place you in the right spots and relationships, so you can attend to your life lessons and fulfil your Karmic obligations.
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘The wisdom of the Divine Spirit flows like water into your world through those who are acting as Its channels. Their own experiences have taught them to trust implicitly that the knowledge they are receiving is coming directly from the heart of truth. Although it is most useful to gain knowledge without having to pore over books, we appreciate that to this day it is necessary for those who believe that, because they are seeing something in black and white before them, it has to be true.
‘This kind of gullibility is a leftover from the Piscean Age, the age of deception, when it was easy to pull the wool over people eyes. But those days have gone and ever more of you are learning to pay attention to the guidance of their very own inner teacher, the living God within or intuition. With this you are leaving behind the experience of gullibility and the dangers it brought to humankind. Whenever wise ones are reading or hearing something new, they listen to the small still inner voice to tell them through the world of their feelings: ‘This is right and true!’ or ‘That’s outdated and has no more value for you.’ As one of the Masters of your world once said: ‘Take no thought what ye shall say, for what is to be said will be put into your mouth or flow through you, in some other way.’ Following this advice, tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequency and with simple and childlike trust put your small hand into those of the Angels and your Creator, the Great White Spirit.’
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Humankind’s much cherished freedom is comparable to a dog going for a walk on a lead. We are the dog and our Karma is the lead which our Highest or God Self holds in its loving yet stern, undeviating and unrelenting hands. It alone knows our true needs and whatever is the right thing for us in any given moment. It constantly guides us into our next adventures on the Earth plane. For each one of us this is the only authority in the whole of Creation who really knows which lessons still have to be integrated by us and which tests and trial are necessary to lead us home into the oneness with God.
If at any given time evil desires of our lower nature rise to the surface of our consciousness, we are free to decide whether we wish to follow them and act them out or not. The more highly evolved we become, the easier it becomes to acknowledge and accept such things as part of our lower animal nature, which have outlived their usefulness. Whenever this happens, wise ones reach for the hand of their Highest Self and request its help to change and transmute the energies of the desires that are no longer in our interest into something that serves the highest good and greatest joy of all life.
From ‘Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
From: ‘Communion’ White Eagle Stella Polaris December/January 2005/6: ‘Knowledge that flows into your heart from the Highest is true and knowing that’s what it is helps you to remain calm. Wise ones are not inclined to get involved in arguments over what they are bringing. Because the truth they are bringing is based on a deep inner knowingness, they see no need to argue about it. Anyone can experience this kind of knowing. It has nothing to do with mental arrogance that is very sure of its own cleverness but is a quiet inner knowing that does not see any point in arguing because it does not doubt that the knowledge that comes directly from God is true. You can be quite still and happy when others wish to argue about what you are bringing. It does not matter if some of those to whom you are presenting your truth cannot understand because they are unready for it.
‘Leave them to their beliefs and rest safely in the knowledge that in the fullness of time they too will receive their own truth in their own unique way. The time will come for those who still need books now, when they will no longer require them either because they have learnt to access their inner wisdom and are in possession of their own truth. All of you will eventually reach this phase of their development.’ End of White Eagle Teachings.
The Roman emperor and thinker Marcus Aurelius, 121-180 AD, said: ‘People seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores and mountains and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of people, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere is there more quiet or freedom from trouble than when human beings retreat into their own souls.’
From ‘Facing the Self – Looking For The Divine’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Let’s go backwards in time to the Age of Gemini, from about 6900 BC – 4700 BC, the Age Of Communication And Writing. The lifting curtain on the grand stage of earthly life reveals that a new phase in God’s great plan of life is unfolding before our eyes. We have arrived in the Age of Gemini, but what kind of a sign is it? Lifetimes spent in one of the Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental abilities. In each of the Air signs this manifests itself in a different way. Mutable Gemini serves the development of our earthly mind’s analytical, logical and rational thinking capabilities. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and also of mutable Earth sign Virgo.
In several legends of our world Mercury is depicted as the winged messenger of the Gods who steals their fire, i.e. he brings the wisdom and truth of the Highest levels of life down to the Earth to help humankind with on its evolutionary pathway. With the work many of us are doing that’s an activity he is pursuing with great vigour to this day.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Through teaching, speaking and writing the mutable signs are concerned with the spreading of ideas. To enable us to do so in the first place, languages had to be introduced. Later writing also became necessary so that the ideas we received from the highest levels of life could be shared with ever more people. During the most recent Age of Gemini these things made a quantum leap forwards. Depending on which lesson is next in store for our individual and collective evolutionary pathway, the Angels around the throne of God seed the relevant ideas into the consciousness of our world, where they can be picked up by those who were ready to act as channels.
This is how every one of the myths of our world came into being, the ones about Chiron, Uranus and Gaia, Abraham and Moses just as much as those about the book of Genesis with its tale of Adam and Eve, and eventually the New Testament’s Mary and Jesus legend. At first these stories were only passed on orally by storytellers and itinerant preacher-men. As soon as writing had been introduced, scribes appeared on the scene.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
As early as five thousand years ago a Chinese Military Commander named Shen Loam in charge of that Empires Western frontier kept a written military log. Grateful for his station assignment he made it his duty to the Emperor to personally test every known edible plant for its food, non-food, medicinal and non-medicinal value. There are over twenty-five thousand edible plants on Earth. The written documentation of all these tests were his gift to the Emperor for the honour of being elevated to Supreme Commander. The Chinese language is still basically the same as it was then, so it is fairly easy for current day Chinese to read these ancient documents.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
The intention of all legends that ever appeared in our world has always been to remind our race of the existence of the spiritual realities that form the background of our earthly existence. The tales to this day are speaking to us of realms that are inhabited by higher and highest beings who bring us and our world into being and who are ultimately responsible for us. The Chiron legend appeared when the patriarchy had established itself firmly. This shows in the fact that Chiron steals the fire of the Gods, when in truth it is the Goddess’s wisdom, Her knowledge of the healing arts. Being wounded himself and cannot find any healing, he eventually surrenders his immortality – just the way every human soul in earthly life does when it once more agrees to descend into experiencing earthly life.
With the passing of time this happened so frequently that the awareness of our true eternal nature vanished from our consciousness. Yet, no-one will ever be able take it from us for good. Like Chiron, the wounded healer, and later Jesus as the symbol of our small self, every human soul on the Earth plane of life finds itself nailed to the cross of this existence because certain lessons are waiting for us there. That’s why we have to remain until they have been learnt. This happens many times over, but eventually we have matured sufficiently into spiritual adulthood that we freely and willingly refuse to follow the desires of our lower animal nature and nail them to the cross. The spirit of our true self then metaphorically speaking rises from its tomb to save and redeem us, its earthly counterpart, and that is its resurrection and reunion with our Highest or God Self and through this with all life.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Gemini is the sign of the twins and represents the higher and lower aspects of our nature. Everything on the Earth plane is greatly affected by the energies of the sign of the age we are passing through at any given time. Although the word ‘religion’ comes from the Latin word ‘religare’, which means joining or bonding something together, as a result of Gemini’s split personality caused by its pronounced dual nature the religions of the Age of Gemini inherited these characteristics. The kind of behaviour caused by this established itself and became the norm for all souls who from that time onwards took part in earthly life. As a result the growing apart of the two aspects of human nature deepened and the religions, instead of bonding us with our Creator, removed us ever more of the conscious awareness of His/Her presence.
Because the higher and lower parts of our nature could no longer understand each other, the battles that ensued between them were fought on the Earth plane. The increasingly misogynistic religions and the new institutions that sprung up around them were run by an ever more power-crazed and dominating, controlling and cruel, greedy and corrupt elitist priesthood. For a very long time their recruits were only drawn from the ranks of the aristocracy of the countries in which these religions operated. The teachings they conjured up removed humankind ever further away from the knowledge of the true role of the feminine as an equal partner of the masculine – above in the Heavens, as well as below on the Earth.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
There’s no need for shedding tears over whatever happened during past ages and lifetimes. Everything undoubtedly has been necessary to teach us the lessons we required according to God’s great plan of life. All of it has been and still is the Angels’ way of teaching us to differentiate between light and darkness, good and evil, truth and lies. And that can only be done by acquiring Gemini’s highly critical nature and its ability to analyse everything down to the minutest details. For as long as this aspect of our earthly minds remained insufficiently evolved, they could not protect us and our world against the onslaught of the patriarchal religions and their priesthoods. And that in turn was possible only because they too lacked the understanding of God’s true nature, their own and everybody else’s and the duality that is an inevitable part of it.
From ‘The Age Of Gemini’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it, or because it is spoken and rumoured by many, or because it is found written in your religious books, or because it emanates from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find after observation and analysis that anything agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to the good and benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it.’ The Buddha
From ‘Our World In Transition’
As new ideas and fresh insights are constantly flowing into my existing writings from my inner guru, they are living proof of how, as one learns to live ever more intuitively, there is little or no danger of getting stuck in outdated beliefs. One gradually learns to trust that this inner voice really does know the answers to all our questions and what is good and right for us in any given moment, as opportunities have been provided by the Universe for checking this out over and over again. The more this the higher part of us takes over, the less one feels inclined to look for information from other sources. There comes the moment when one realises that this need has faded away completely. And that, in my view, is the greatest advantage of being taught by the inner guru. As valuable as some books to this day are as communication tools and educational aids, it is not hard to see in the light of this that the time will arrive on the Earth plane when they will no longer be required, because we shall then all receive our education in this manner by the long awaited new World Teacher.
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Every human soul carries deep within the memory of the perfect and beautiful world from which we once descended into physicality and to which one day we shall return. This is a world that knows nothing of sickness, pain, violence, crime and wars, and all life exists together in perfect harmony. From time to time the memories of this world come to haunt us in order to encourage us in our search for the same perfection, i.e. wholeness that is in our Creator. To achieve this goal the Great Spirit plants in Its children of the Earth an urge to grow and reach upwards, so that our consciousness may expand through learning something from every experience that comes our way.
The illusion of separateness of the physical world never existed in the Great Soul and in truth there is no separation between anything or anyone. All life has always remained one and because of this, whatever happens to one of us is inevitably shared by everybody else and when one of us heals, our whole world and everything in it does the same. This shows how every small effort any one of us makes on their own individual healing journey of a thousand miles is of the greatest value for all life.
Therefore, as often as possible let us withdraw our attention from earthly things and concerns to seek the inner silence that is of God instead. Every human soul potentially is a receiver/transmitter station that has the power to obtain impressions of beauty and heavenly things from the higher and highest planes of life, and also from other people and states of life. In deep meditation we begin to develop our finer and finest senses and are at one with God’s wisdom and truth.
From ‘All Is One In The Great Soul Of Life’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
We can only see in others what we ourselves are. Alas, rather than living our less pleasant traits out, in a psychological process known as projection we prefer to assign them to others, rather than owning up to them ourselves. The world around us is always a reflection of the good as well as the distasteful behaviour patterns of others, which in truth are also our own. Nobody has any problems when it comes to integrating and owning the good qualities that are on display in this way. But having to deal with the less desirable and endearing ones is another matter entirely. Irrespective of how objectionable any of them are, in the process of becoming more whole it is essential that we own up to them. Even if our psyche tries to hide them from our conscious awareness, they are there nonetheless. This is proved by the fact that we can recognise them in others whilst failing to see in them in us.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Because we all have everything within, the very best and also the worst, we do well if once in a while we take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self and ask it the age-old question: ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?’ Exterior appearances can be deceiving, as most people know by now, but what lies behind someone else’s façade is none of our business – much as we would sometimes like to find out. Yet, what lies behind ours that is very much our concern and our task to explore. So, how does one go about it? In truth, it’s simplicity itself, as the Universe in its infinite wisdom and kindness is constantly providing, exactly for this purpose, each and every one of us with the finest and biggest looking-glass imaginable, and that is the whole of the world around us and in particular its people.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Astrology and especially our birthchart can be a great help when it comes to familiarising ourselves with our hidden character traits and inner motivations, as well as in which direction the predestined pathway through our present lifetime is pointing. The Universe’s highest hopes and aspirations for us are clearly marked by the sign and house position of the planets. The Sun is of special importance as it represents the pull of our spirit forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. In contrast to this, the placement of the Moon by sign and house gives us clues about what we were up to in our most recent sojourn on the Earth plane. Thus the Sun and Moon between them reveal where we are coming from and where we are going to.
The Ascendant is the outer mask through which we view the world and those around us sees us. Without a time of birth neither the Ascendant nor the house position of the planets can be assessed. Because of the importance of both these parts, more than half of the information that would otherwise be obtainable from anyone’s birthchart is missing whenever the time of birth is unknown. It is worthwhile any effort to try and find it.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The negative characteristics of every Sun sign are of special significance and interest to us in the context of projection. It is only human that their expressions are likely to be suppressed even by those who are interested in polishing and improving their character makeup. It is useful to always bear in mind that most of the astrological aspects can be quite ambiguous. Everything depends on what kind of learning we have brought with us into our present lifetime and how the consciousness expanding lessons we are here to take part are going to be expressed in our lives. Besides, we can only perceive our world through one pair of eyes: our own. And we all have different karmic encounters behind us, therefore at least slightly dissimilar lessons are in store for all those born into the same sign this time round.
If characteristics are mentioned in your chart or in my interpretation of your Sun sign in which, for the life of you, you cannot recognise yourself, though you do observe them quite clearly in those around you, then projection is rearing its head. In case you do not know anything or only a little about this concept, let’s pick a random example.
If a tendency to gambling or drowning our sorrows in alcohol is mentioned and whilst reading this, we think: ‘Ha, how wrong can anyone get! It can’t possibly me. I have such a strong dislike for gambling, that I have never gambled, throughout my whole life, and I never touch a drop of alcohol!’ So far, so good. There could have been someone around us, during our childhood, who was a compulsive gambler, notorious drinker, liar or a cheat, bringing a lot of misery and pain into our life. If this sounds far fetched, believe me that it is not. As I do not know you personally, apart from what is in your birthchart, how could I pretend to know what and how you have developed what is shown by potential only?
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
There are character traits we consider to be bad, in ourselves and in others. When we have strong feelings about someone else’s failings, but are unable to recognise that we are that way ourselves, you can be sure that projection is at work. The environment is always a reflection of our inner self and the people in it are the mirror. Whatever is inside us, if we ourselves do not act it out, maybe because we are unaware of it or if we are afraid to acknowledge it, then someone around us will do so. If we make every effort to behave like the nicest, kindest and most peace-loving person on this Earth, but there is someone around us who is really nasty and causes us a great deal of suffering.
Until we become aware of how human relationships work, their purpose and meaning, and spiritual background, there is not an awful lot we can do to stop the pain that person is inflicting upon us. But don’t despair, help is on its way to you because you are now finding out about projection. Like everything in our life, this also serves a good and wise purpose, and is waiting to teach us something. A mirror is being held in front of our eyes, and if we want to get to get rid of the source of our suffering, nothing will do but a good and honest look into the mirror of the self. And even if someone’s behaviour only irritates and annoys us mildly, it can only do so because we have the same within. If that was not the case, we would be able to shrug the other person’s behaviour off as one of their foibles and idiosyncrasies.
For as long as one remains unaware of what the Universe is trying to tell us here, it is the easiest thing in the world to sit in judgement over others and to condemn them and their conduct, blissfully unaware that when looked at in the right light, they are doing us a favour. Although at first their activities are likely to force us to move in an unwanted direction, with an increasing awareness of what is truly at stake, these things can be used as pointers as to where we need to get to work on ourselves.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
For as long as we are still unfamiliar with projection, we can be forgiven for smugly and comfortably counting our blessings that someone else’s shortcomings are not ours. None of that, however, will get us anywhere, apart from the soul growth brought by the pain we are experiencing. It is more constructive, by far, to have a close and really honest look at ourselves, bearing in mind that any experience that brings us various degrees of discomfort is invariably a signal from our soul that something within is calling for our attention and the offer of an opportunity for growth and more awareness.
Unpleasantly acting people are only drawn into our orbit to show us how disagreeable our own hidden inner behaviour patterns are. Thus the Angel in disguise brings us its gifts and we are allowed to make up our own minds what to do about it. They are the kind of thing that can only be learnt through first hand experiences and in real life situations. The only reason why such encounters are so painful is to help us become aware, in the fullness of time, that they are due to something we ourselves are carrying within. That is how we frequently observe in others a reflection of one of our own disagreeable character traits. That in truth is the only reason why other people’s behaviour can have the power of touching and upsetting us deeply.
Ah yes, but as earthlings we have been granted the gift of freedom of choice. Therefore, we can and indeed are obliged to decide how we would like to react in any situation. It is up to us to make a conscious decision to no longer react in a certain manner. If someone’s behaviour and attitudes really rubs us up the wrong way or even hurts us deeply, it is a sure sign that the same is sitting in our subconscious, waiting to be looked at and accepted, not to be acted out but to be released and got rid off, once and for all.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Mother Earth can heal herself and that is what she is doing in parts of our world that have been abandoned by humankind as being too toxic or in other ways no longer suitable for human habitation. The Highest Forces in the spiritual background of our world are in charge of the development of each one of us and our world. Whenever something is recovering that has been damaged by humankind’s ignorance, it is a sign that God and the Angels are not going to allow us to ruin and destroy our planet forever. That is why, each time humans have retreated from over-exploited areas, they work exceedingly hard to restore its former beauty.
And how much you are doing for the healing of our world? Every effort one of us makes towards Mother Earth’s wellbeing counts. It is a valuable contribution towards her salvation as well as our own redemption and salvation. There is a great deal that can be done in many small ways that start with recycling whenever possible, living modestly and refusing to over-consume, thus avoiding to lean too heavily on our planet’s precious resources.
From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle calendar for the month of May 2018 added to this: ‘The spoken word has the power of filling and enveloping you with vibrations of beauty or otherwise. Unless what you have to say is something positive, constructive and helpful to someone, be silent and send vibrations of love from your heart. That’s the best way of serving the Highest and the whole of Creation with it.’
From ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
‘Healers And Healing’
The greatest challenge for aspiring healers and lightworkers is the discharging of all negative and unpleasant characteristics from our subconscious into the light of our conscious mind, so they can be integrated and added to our character’s wholeness and roundedness. We no longer wish to act them out, but nonetheless need to accept them as a part we are happy to leave behind. This will help us to eventually reach the evolutionary vantage point from which, whenever someone behaves in a manner that used to irritate and annoy us no end in the past, we can stand back and watch them, feeling nothing but a touch of mild amusement. We shall look at them with compassion for the issues they are still struggling with and the negative Karma they are busily creating for themselves in their ignorance.
From ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
God’s nature and our own is one of duality. Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, highest and lowest, Heaven and Earth and so forth. The world around us reflects these dualities and polarities. It is a realm of ideas and every one of them has a lower and higher, positive and negative aspect, and can be used for good or evil purposes. The choice is ours which side we would like to align ourselves to. Learning about the abuse of the idea of brotherhood – I prefer the words kinship or siblinghood, whilst in pursuit of power, has always been part of the equipment used by every regime our world has ever seen, religious and otherwise, at least during the history that is known to us. It is used by the countries and organisations that to this day attempt – and in many cases so far succeed – to suppress the natural and God-given rights and privileges of their siblings in the great family of humankind.
The centuries old struggle between Christianity and Islam has always been but one of the many expressions of this struggle. Yet, even this can only continue for as long as the members of the warring factions on both sides remain stuck in the past, unaware. of their true nature and therefore failing to grasp the reason why they are here. There is no doubt in my mind that this too will eventually have run its course and disappear from our world. It will do so with the passing of time when every one of the belief systems that still exists in our world returns to their common spiritual roots, when people become aware of their true nature and their relationship with the Divine. All of us will then realise that in truth there is only one God to whom the various religions have been praying in different ways. There could be no better example for this than Sufism, the seed faith of Islam that comes from the heart and teaches tolerance, love and respect for ourselves, each other and all life. The Sufis are the Gnostics of the Islamic world.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
We are all in this wondrous school of life together, so that we may act both as teachers and pupils to each other. For this purpose some of us, at any given time, may find themselves at the giving and others at the receiving end of every type of experience. Good, bad and indifferent ones alike, each one is only there to teach us something. That is the only way every soul can imbibe the lessons it requires on its evolutionary pathway back home into the awareness of its true reality and the oneness with God.
The teacher/pupil principle is also true for those who to this day are doing their utmost to lead us and our world down the slippery slope of warmongering and evil. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, all evil deeds create alliances with the dark forces of the Universe and are in fact black magic practises. The sole purpose of these experiences is to help us and our world to differentiate between darkness and light, good and evil. The lessons of evil have to be absorbed as thoroughly by each one of us as the ones of good. Only by each one of us personally wading through the suffering that is created by evil can every individual soul and the soul of our world reach the bottom of the pit of evil.
Not until we have learnt our lesson and in our desperation at last turn to God and the Angels to ask for their assistance, are they willing to show us how to find the turning point of our development. In the end all human souls through their own experiences have to reach the bottom of the evolutionary spiral of life. Only then can they begin to move in an upwards direction that consist of experiencing the polar opposite of evil in the compassion, tolerance and kindness of Universal love, again at the giving and the receiving end.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
The zodiac with the polar opposites of its signs and houses and their energies clearly depicts every soul’s evolutionary pathway through life. This is a spiral that first takes us down to experience and become familiar with the negative aspects of each sign and then gradually upwards so that we can make their higher and highest qualities our own. The zodiac is a symbol of the wheel of life or fortune. Round and round we go on this wheel, one lifetime after another. The negative Karma accrued on the downwards slope has to be made good and redeemed on the upwards one, until the balance of our spiritual account in the great book of life has been restored. That in a nutshell is the road from sinner to sainthood, which every soul on its evolutionary pathway is constantly travelling.
And when the going gets too touch, anyone who reaches out for the blessing and healing hands of God and the Angels and prays for their assistance, does receive it. Our pleas align us to the Universal forces of goodness and light. When we respond in the right way to what the Highest are bringing us, with the passing of time we evolve into ever more capable channels of light who can act as lightbringers and healers for our whole world. We become valuable instruments in the hands of the Divine forces, and when they work through us we are taking part in and practising white magic. As increasing amounts of spiritual wisdom and understanding flow through us onto the Earth plane and ever more of those around us are waking up to their true nature, they too begin to feel drawn quite naturally into the energies of the higher stream of life.
That is how down the ages every individual consciousness and that of our world has slowly but surely been expanding and growing. It is a process that will continue until every last shred of darkness and evil in our world has been dissolved, uplifted and transmuted by the forces of goodness and light into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all. And when finally every one of us on the Earth plane is operating on the same positive wavelength, peace and goodwill to all life will once more reign.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
Each one of us is responsible not only for their own development and wellbeing but also for those of our world. The right way of making a valid contribution towards achieving a satisfactory state of affairs is by living not merely to enjoy ourselves, but for the beautification and benefit of our planet. Even the smallest of efforts in that direction by any one of us moves the spiritual evolution of the whole of Creation forwards and upwards. Every individual can do a great deal to help the highest forces with their work of raising the vibrations of our whole planet and all its inhabitants.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
As aspiring lightbringers and healers we know that humankind, individually and collectively, has never struggled up the evolutionary spiral of life on its own. It is our task to draw the attention of ever more of those around us to this facts, so they too become aware of the spiritual powers that are constantly toiling on our race’s behalf behind the scenes of earthly life. When we make an effort to think and act in positive and constructive ways only, we are living as a good example that others may wish to follow. At the same time this is a way of training our spiritual listening to the words of power and love, wisdom and truth which the Highest Forces of life are broadcasting ever more forcefully into the consciousness of our world.
Finding our way back into the conscious awareness on all levels of our being that all life is one and that everything is in siblinghood and relationship with everything else in the whole of Creation, including the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the whole purpose of every soul’s earthly existence. This means shedding our sense of separateness and returning into the conscious awareness of our wholeness and at-one-ment with all life. That is the ultimate aim for all human souls which gains us access to the realm of white magic. When we finally are in complete harmony and siblinghood with all life and the love in our heart for our Creator and all life has become great enough, all power and life on the Earth and its surrounding spheres can use us. And we shall then be able to make wise, respectful and sensible use of the white magic.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
The psalms are so old that their origins are lost in the mists of time. Most of them are believed to have been written by King David and King Solomon, and that this probably took place in Jerusalem during the tenth century BC. King David lived from about 1037 to 967 BC. However, some of the psalms, if one looks carefully at the words, must have been written after the Jewish exile in Babylon when Cyrus, the King of Persia, invaded and took over the Babylonian empire.
He decreed that the Jews should be allowed back to rebuild their temple. This took place around 539BC and the years following. Therefore it is possible that the psalms were written over a period of well over 500 years. Because by the time the Jesus legend entered our world, the psalms were well established as devotional songs and poems, they were included in the New Testament. Even Jesus’ supposedly dying words on the cross ‘My God, My God. why have you forsaken me?’ were taken from Psalm 22.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
Psalm 91:4 promises: ‘He will cover you with His feathers and under his wings you shall trust. His truth shall be your shield and buckler.’ Buckler is an old fashioned word for a small round shield. It is usually held by a handle or warn on the arm, as a means of protection and defence.
Telling us such things may have been good enough when the Psalms were written. But thanks be to God and the Angels, since then our perception of the spiritual background of life, of God and of ourselves has changed and increased dramatically. By now, we know that God’s truth cannot be found in books and that, no matter how high and holy they may be, it may only be partly revealed to us there. Time and again we all have been placed in this life, so that in the end each one of us in their own right should be guided to their own conclusion that this kind of truth can only be found within.
From ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
‘Our World In Transition’
One of the main purposes of our lifetimes on the Earth plane is helping those around us to evolve into seekers of wisdom and truth, each in their own right. Irrespective of whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, time and again we are placed here to first find an ever increasing understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth for ourselves and then to share our knowledge with all those who are in need of it. And that’s how, in the course of humankind’s evolutionary journey that already has stretched over many thousands of years, the individual and collective consciousness of our world has slowly but surely been expanding. Because our knowledge of God, the Universe and ourselves will always continue to grow, a cautionary note may not come amiss here. Before God every soul stands alone, i.e. the perception of what this concept means is unique to every human being and that’s why everybody’s truth varies somewhat from anyone else’s.
From ‘The Truth About Truth’
‘Healers And Healing’
Human souls yearn for stability and security, but for as long as we expect to find them on the Earth plane, we shall be looking in vain for the simple reason that they are not meant to be found here. In our search for certainties and absolute truths we may turn to a host of sources in the hope of finding them. Yet, in the end each one of us has to discover for themselves that they do not exist anywhere. This is because all life – including ours and that of our world – is relentlessly moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life that constantly takes us and our world into experiencing ever higher levels of consciousness. This process eventually returns each one of us into the conscious awareness of our oneness with our Creator.
As established in other parts of the jottings, the law of life is evolution. Universes and the worlds within them are born, evolve and grow. When they have outlived their usefulness, they are destroyed again, to make room for new ones to come into existence. In spite of the fact that our understanding of the meaning of God has vastly improved over the ages, the only constant in the whole of Creation will always be the spirit within, the eternal presence of the spirit of God and our own. As a spark of the Divine, like God we too are immortal and cannot die. The spirit of God and our own will be forever continue. Anything else we require in the course of our evolutionary journey will eventually be surplus to requirement and shed.
From ‘The Truth About Truth’
‘Healers And Healing’
As we are sociable and talkative creatures by nature, learning to watch the words we speak and thereby take charge of our tongues is one of the most difficult things we have to tackle on our pathway through life. That is undoubtedly why as early as the Bible’s Old Testament told us in Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue. And those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ In ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ White Eagle adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and haste. When you do this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of the Master within you.
‘We ask you to render a service to yourself and that is holding your tongue. It is one of the hardest tasks that can be asked of you. You ought to see the mists that surround you and your world that is caused by idle chatter. When there is so much of it on the Earth, even the Angels can do nothing but bow their heads, because they are then unable to minister to you. Whenever you are tempted to say: ‘I think or believe so and so. I like this person, but I don’t like that one,’ instead of speaking, be silent and wait and see. If you can also restrain yourself from expressing any foolish opinions about the affairs and the state of your world you will greatly assist the Angels in their work.’
From ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
‘Healers And Healing’
An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.
Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.
From ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’
‘Become more and more loving and you will become more and more joyful. Don’t worry if your love is not reciprocated – that isn’t the point. Joy follows love whether that love is returned or not, whether the other is responsive or not. If you are loving, you are joyful and that is more than enough and more than one should expect. The beauty of love is that its result and value are intrinsic and they do not depend on the response of another.’ Osho
‘My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?’ Bob Hope
Jumping spiritual hurdles is quite possible, but they have to be dealt with one at a time. Alas, it’s in the nature of things – or rather our Karma – that no sooner the one before us has been mastered, another rears its head. Our responses depend on the knowledge we possess at any given moment, the degree of our comprehension and the way we use it in every one of our daily encounters. That’s why there would be no point in trying to get the answers to all our question at once. That too is a road that has to be walked one step at a time. And first of all our inner confidence and faith that the solutions to our problems will always come has to establish itself within. And with every obstacles that has been overcome through our inner guidance’s advice, our faith and trust steadily grows that with the help and will of God and the Angels really all things are possible, crooked corners be made straight and any condition of every aspect of our being healed.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
Through our conscious connection with God and the Angels, which each one of us can only establish through their own experiences, our earthly self in co-operation with its heavenly counterpart gradually becomes steadier and more sure of itself. We are then no longer in danger of losing the urge to keep on keeping on, regardless of what life may still have to bring us. It is best to tackle issues and situations head-on, and keeping our vision firmly focused on the knowledge that God and the Angels are helping us to work our way through them. Even though it is still necessary to proceed with caution, we can do so with confidence and love in our hearts for God and the whole of Creation, including every one of our siblings in the great family of humankind.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
All characteristics and powers that are in God are also in us and everything that is in our lives was created by each one of us ourselves. In any given moment our own thoughts, words and actions are the seeds we are sowing to bring future things and situations into being. But regardless of this, everything that appears in our lives is a gift that is freely given to us by God and the Angels. Because they love us totally and unconditionally and care for us, they are constantly providing everybody’s needs, physical and spiritual ones alike. Whatever one of us requires is there at the right moment, so that we should learn from it and through this our consciousness expand in wisdom and understanding. That has always been the purpose of every human lifetime that was ever spent on the Earth, including yours and mine.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
When in the course of any of our lifetimes something good happens to us unexpectedly, for as long as we are unaware of the working of those in the spiritual background of life, we may think of it as a miracle. And yes, that’s what it is, even though it’s something we ourselves created earlier in this lifetime or previous ones by sending something good into our world. This is how the Universal laws ensure that any kind of bread cast onto the waters of life really does return to us. It takes a long time until we realise that we ourselves created the miracle and we have the power to create more and more of them, for ourselves and our whole world. So, let’s get on with it!
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
Every human spirit and soul, from the moment of their first release into earthly life, is travelling towards their reunion with God. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not and whether they believe it or not, when you tell them about it, this is true. When the task we are involved in comes from our heart and we strive for honesty and truth at all times, and when we show nothing but kindness to everything we encounter, not merely other human beings, we begin to be blessed with Divine illumination and the loving union between us and the Great Universal Spirit is taking place.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
I believe that the story of the life of the Master Jesus was once given to humankind as an allegory of how each one of us, as soon as we have become sufficiently evolved, is required to conduct ourselves, not only in our daily lives on the outer plane but – far more importantly – on the inner level. The birth of Jesus, his temptations, illumination, crucifixion and ascension provide us with illustrations of the initiations, i.e. experiences every human spirit on the Earth plane eventually has to undergo on its way back into the full conscious awareness of its true nature and oneness with God.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
The tale of the baby in the manger and its visitors, the three wise men, contains a wealth of hidden esoteric wisdom. It must have puzzled the sages of our world for a very long time why gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh should be given to a newly born child. This was done because this particular part of the Jesus legend is filled with symbolisms. Gold stands for the Sun and material health, frankincense or incense for wisdom, and myrrh for bitterness and sorrow. All of them are gifts from the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the Highest levels. Because every child of Earth needs these gifts for a full experience of life in physicality, they are sent to every one of us whether in any given lifetime we are born to wealth or poverty. The gifts are teaching us how to deal with all aspects of the material world, with its great gifts just as much as the humble ones.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
When we have matured into spiritual adulthood and learnt how to use the gifts from the three wise men wisely, i.e. with the kindness and gratitude even the smallest present from anyone deserves, we have reached the developmental stage of taking control of everything the Universe puts at our disposal. Yet, in order to get us there we first have to learn how to deal with the gift of sorrow and bitterness that is an inevitable part of every earthly life, for without experiences of this nature we would not learn anything. The gift that arises from any kind of suffering we have to endure is the one of wisdom and sweetness. And frankincense burns within us each time we are reaching out to the Heavens in true prayers. From human hearts they rise like incense up to the Highest and call from there the responses our souls are crying for.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
The three wise men in the original prophesy were described to be kings. They are a metaphor for the Angels and Masters from the highest levels of life, who are in charge of and responsible for the development of us and our world. They have been given this task by the Great Father/Mother of all life, our true parents. They are as much part of us as we are of them and on the inner level everything is one and there is no separation between anything. This means that they accompanying every soul through all aspects of its education that for each one of us consists of experiencing all levels of life. At all times they are guiding and protecting us and no child of Earth is ever left entirely to its own devices. Becoming familiar with the sorrow and bitterness of earthly life, as well as its joys and pleasures is an inevitable part of every soul’s curriculum in physicality, without these things no growth and expansion of consciousness would be possible.
In never ending cycles and circles the evolution of all life inexorably moves forwards and upwards – and we with it – onto ever higher and more beautiful levels of experience. Humankind’s destiny is indeed a high and holy one, for we are young Gods in the making. That is why lifetime after lifetime and round and round the wheel of life, whose symbol is the zodiac, every child of Earth must wander, as in this way along it can learn from and grow, each through our own experiences.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
Every new lifetime takes us through a different sign and house of the zodiac. In each one of them different lessons are integrated and character aspects acquired, which are re-enforced each time we re-enter the same sign in other lifetimes. The more we learn to pay attention and willingly listen to what the stars can teach us, the more the signs and houses can impart their special blessings upon us. All qualities and powers that are in God are also in us and each one of us earthlings contains the very best as well as the worst. Our potential is unlimited and anything anyone else can do, we can do too. If that’s what we wish with all our heart and soul, within reason the Highest will help us to bring it in manifestation, so that we may learn from the outcome. Any spiritual gift we acquire in the form of wisdom and understanding is ours to keep in all Eternity – no force between Heaven and Earth will or can take them from us.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
Top of the list of desirable characteristics we have been placed on the Earth plane to acquire is loving wisely, the way God loves us, totally and unconditionally. This is closely followed by tolerance, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, loyalty, compassion, kindness and simple goodness of heart. We are here to develop the kind of gentleness that is by no means a sign of weakness but of strength of character. Any of these things can only be gained by living through all manner of experiences in the course of a vast number of lifetimes on the Earth plane.
In contrast to this, the material gifts the Universe so generously hands out to all of us are of a temporary nature and have to be handed back at the end of each earthly sojourn. Every child of Earth eventually has to learn to let go of them gracefully and thankfully and returning them in as good condition as possible, when the time for doing so has come. The most important material gift is a new physical body, which the Universe supplies free of charge, each time our education demands another re-entry into physicality. Our daily food and drink, clothes to wear, fuel to keep warm and everything else we find in our environment is a gift from the Creator to us, Its human children of the Earth. This applies especially to the natural world and everything that shares our beautiful planet with us.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
In my view, the Christ child, promised of old, the one we and our world have been waiting for, ever since each one of us came away from God, is the spark of the Divine, the magical child that is at present in the process of waking up in ever more human hearts. Guided and protected by our inner teacher, our Highest or God Self, we have been placed in this life so that in the fullness of time each one in their own right finds their way back home into the conscious awareness of their true nature and oneness with God.
Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Christ child, represents the heart and soul of the whole of humankind. And the Star that stands above the stable of this town in which the child is born is a symbolism for the Universal Christ, the Highest and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. From the spiritual background of earthly life S/He has always been lighting the way for each child of Earth, so that in the end its earthly self becomes of the presence of the Christ child’s seed in its own heart.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
I believe that ‘The second coming of Christ’ has always been an allegory for the awakening of the Divine seed from its slumbers in ever more human hearts. That is why in my view those who are hoping that the Master Jesus will take on another physical form to walk in our midst as the long promised World Teacher, shall wait in vain and be disappointed. Even if the Master really had existed and walked in our midst, another appearance during our world’s present evolutionary phase would be undesirable because too many would be distracted from the fact that the World Teacher is an inner exploration. And that requires a journey which every soul eventually has to undertake on its own. Instead of continuing to search for outside influences to show us our way through life, we are here to learn listening to the guidance of our inner guide and teacher, the wise one and living God within. This is the only authority who knows the answer to any kind of question we may ever care to ask.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
For me God is the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Christ spirit. This is the Universal power and light, wisdom and love through which all things on every level of life come into being. God is in everything and everything is in God. S/He is therefore present in anything that manifests itself on every level of our planet. On the inner plane life has always remained one vast living and breathing organism.
Because we are part of God and God is part of us, we too are in everything, even though during the early part of its existence in physicality our earthly self was unaware of this. Without us consciously knowing about it, we have always been in search of experiences that will help us grow in wisdom and understanding and lead to an expansion of our consciousness. For all human beings this continues until the outer as well as the inner parts of their nature have become consciously aware of the presence of God in every aspect of their own being, as well as every other lifeform in our world and all others.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
Every particle of our whole being on the physical, mental, spiritual and astral planes is part of God and its essence is infinite and eternal. We are related to God not merely because our spirit is a spark of the Divine, but because every cell and atom of our physical body contains it. God cannot be separated from anything that exists anywhere on Earth or in the Heavens, i.e. the higher and highest levels of life. And nothing anywhere in the whole of Creation is beyond or out of the reach of God’s will and power.
From ‘Away In A Manger’
God, the Great Father/Mother of all life, is alive in all of us. The God part of every human being is the small still voice of conscience that is constantly trying to communicate with us through the world of our feelings and the whisperings of our hearts. Many times we are going too fast down the pathway of our earthly life to pay attention to that which really is important in life and the spiritual value of the lessons we have come to learn. That’s why it sometimes it becomes necessary that the Universal forces bombard us with some kind of a brick, if need be one after the other in the form of accidents or illnesses.
These things are not intended to be punishments, but wake-up calls for slowing us down and creating the space and time that allow us to think and reflect on the true meaning of our life. They want to help us become aware that our present existence is ultimately not about earthly possessions and values, but spiritual ones. Without whatever happens to us at such times, they would remain unnoticed by the side of the road we are travelling as spirits and souls in a material existence. Through our own suffering and observing that of others, who could be worse off than we are and who patiently endure their much heavier cross, the characteristics of our Christ nature of love and compassion for humankind’s suffering are stirring from their slumber.
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
When our time for the awakening of our spiritual nature has come, but our earthly self somehow seems to be unable to get on with this development, the Universe in its infinite wisdom and love may have to take some more drastic measures like an illness or an accident. Every one of us is assisted in some way to eventually find out about God’s true nature and own, so that we may start developing a set of eternal values as God’s beloved children of the Earth.
Each one of us is a precious and unique being and the Great Father/Mother loves us just the way we are. The living proof of this is that the Universe at all times showers us with its gifts, like food to eat and clothes to wear, flowers in spring and new sunrises and sunsets each day. The only thing we have to do is take possession of, enjoy and be thankful for that which is on offer. All the Universe expects from us in return is that we should endeavour to learn something from all our experiences, so that we may evolve and grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves, each other and our world.
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
We are all specially gifted in some way. Wise ones, who voluntarily and with loving hearts give of themselves and their gifts, which may have taken many lifetimes to develop, are doing their share of making our world into a more beautiful, harmonious and peaceful world for all. This is how our worthiness as a true son/daughter of God reveals itself to those in charge of us in the spiritual background of our existence.
Our Creator never promised that all humankind’s days should be without pain and that there would be laughter without sorrow and sunshine without rain. But what God can and does give us is renewed courage and strength for each passing day, comfort for our tears, healing for our wounds and the light of Its wisdom and truth to show us the way home into the conscious awareness of our true nature. And whenever one of us is struggling through redeeming their most ancient and heaviest Karmic debts, the Angels and Masters, and our spirit friends and helpers are sure to accompany us and help us work our way through them.
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
The ability to design plans like those for the whole of Creation, and the smaller plans within it for our world’s individual and collective spiritual development, in its magnitude and benevolence, foresight and wisdom that are based on nothing but love, reveals more than anything else our Creator’s incomparable genius. In all its magnificence the plan is so simple that everything is clearly visible and nothing is hidden from the view of those whose inner vision has opened sufficiently. At the same time the grand design is so fair and just that it is hard to imagine for earthly minds.
The Universal laws are the foundation of every one of God’s plans, great and small alike. The most important one is love, together with the power of thought they are the most influential forces of all. They are the focal point and driven by their energies everything radiates out with astonishing simplicity and accuracy, and above all fairness and justice. Something so mighty and wondrous could only have been thought of by the greatest genius of all: the Universal force known to many as God or Allah, Jehovah, Lord Krishna or whatever else. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there!’
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
God’s great plan is based on our Creator’s love, which is so immense that it is beyond human comprehension. This kind of love is all giving and forgiving and it's therefore safe to trust that everything will eventually come right with each one of us and our world, and that all things human hearts and souls truly desire shall be given in the fullness of time. If it’s peace we want, all we have to do is ask for it, act in keeping with our request by leading a peaceful life and being prepared to wait patiently, for it will come. But, until we have evolved into perfect sons/daughters of God, whole and holy, i.e. every aspect of our nature integrated, we cannot have exactly what we request at any given time. First we have to prove by our behaviour that we have mastered the material plane and know how to handle responsibly that which is given into our care. Until then God and the Angels alone know what our true needs are and what we should have and what has to wait.
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Karma all of us created in the course of many lifetimes, individually and collectively, are the reason for the suffering and destruction that to this day have to be endured on the Earth. God’s laws demand equilibrium in all things and it’s the task of the Universal forces to bring it about. Understanding this, wise ones do not blame God when something in their lives or their world appears to be going wrong. Instead, they ensure that they are conducting their lives in keeping with God’s laws, especially the one of love. They are sending nothing but good and kind, loving and positive thoughts, words and actions into the world around them, safe in the knowledge that eventually nothing but more of this will return to them.
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
Each time wars and other acts of terrorism are trying to cast the shadows of their darkness into the souls of your world and its people, wise ones instead of giving such events of their energies by complaining and moaning about them, do their bests to restore the balance of your world by counteracting them with something good. They lift the victims as well as the perpetrators of every incident into the radiance of the Christ Star and pray that their darkness should be absorbed into Its light, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all lifeforms on the Earth and throughout the whole of Creation. If that’s what our hearts and souls truly desire, we can be sure that our wish will be granted – when the time is right.
This is how the darkness of all evil of our world will gradually be absorbed into the light of everything that is good, right and beautiful. As a contribution towards bringing this about, let’s focus our attention on the Great Light, the Sun above and beyond all Suns, which manifests itself as the Sun in the sky above us. Now visualise the spiritual Sun behind the Sun that is invisible to earthly eyes. With your inner vision see the spiritual rays descending upon humankind, how they are working in wonderful ways to penetrate humankind’s consciousness with the awareness of the glory of its Divine nature and origin. The rays of the spiritual Sun are blending, healing and harmonising things, so they become ever more perfect and beautiful.
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
Regardless of what disruptions may still be ahead of us on the Earth plane, the rays of the spiritual Sun are deeply penetrating every lifeform. They are drawing together the threads on the Great Weaver’s loom, and weaving glorious rainbow colours and patterns of great beauty, not only on the Earth but throughout the whole of God’s Creation. In the end all of it transforms itself back again into the perfect light that is the essence of the White Spirit, the Great White Light, and the creative process starts all over again.
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Weaver
My life is but a weaving
Between my Creator and me.
I cannot choose the colours,
As S/He worketh steadily.
Oft-times S/He weaveth sorrow,
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget S/He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reasons why
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver’s skilful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern S/He has planned.
S/He knows and loves and cares –
Nothing this truth can dim,
And S/He gives the best to those
Who leave the choice to Her/Him.
Created by Anon.
Adapted by Aquarius
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in a letter to friends of the Lodge October 2005: ‘Never forget that there is no such thing as chance or accidents on your plane of life or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. Everything that happens is just right for that particular moment and place. It has come about because of the Universal laws and under the direction of the Great Ones at the head who are responsible for humankind’s evolutionary progress. Even in the case of any kind of catastrophe that arises in human life, when loved ones are snatched from each other or when as a result someone suffers from severe afflictions, wise ones remind themselves that God is merciful, as well as just, and that those participating in earthly life usually can only ever see one side of any picture.
‘You have no idea about the compensation that is waiting on our side of life for those who suffer and the great love that has always been flowing into every soul that had to wade through the depths of the earthly shadows. That’s how, each soul through its own experiences, gets to know the extent of the Great Father/Mother’s love for their children of the Earth. The law of cause and effect or Karma decrees that everything must return to its source. And because on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything, none of us will ever be forgotten or left behind.
‘For those who have lost their way in their earthly existence, i.e. the knowledge of their true nature and the purpose of their being, everything possible is done by the Angels and us, your spirit helpers, to help them become aware again and so nudge them back onto the track of going home. The Jesus legend’s parable of the Master going in search of every last lost sheep and on his shoulders carrying it safely home is a depiction of this. Therefore, whenever you witness human suffering, remind yourself of God’s mercy and the compensation that awaits every human being in the end. The ministering Angels attend to anyone who is in pain and suffering. Even before they arrive in our world, it is part of their compensation that they are lovingly cared for.’
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
In ‘Stars Of The North’ January 2013, a further item of White Eagle’s wisdom on the theme of mercy appeared. This is its essence: ‘God mercy is unlimited. It freely drops like gentle rain from the highest levels onto everything in earthly life. It refreshes, comforts and heals individual souls as well as the soul of your race and world. But before any of this can happen, every soul has to take part in Earth’s lessons. The greatest turning point is reached when another one of you discovers that all life, including that of your planet, is ruled by spiritual laws that for a long time remain invisible to earthly perceptions.
‘Yet, because every human being is part of God, comforting mercy constantly flows from the Divine heart into each individual human counterpart. The Universal laws ensure that the mercy of God reaches you in equal measure with the mercy and forgiveness you feel towards your siblings in the human family. This applies especially to younger and less experienced ones, who are bound to sin a great deal more than you do. Maybe this will help you to understand the reasoning behind Matthew 7:1-3: ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?’
‘Aware of these things, wise ones in all their daily encounters focus on practising forgiveness and love. Aware of their siblinghood with all lifeforms, they act like one of them towards every human being, without exceptions, and all other lifeforms. Divine love fills their whole being and that empowers them to disperse sins. But even though they have let go of all traces of bitterness or resentment towards anyone and are forgiving freely, this does not wipe out their Karma. They still have to suffer to repay for any transgressions against the law of love, during the earlier stages of their earthly development. Knowing that no-one gets past the Universal laws, wise ones accept that no authority between Heaven and Earth can save anyone from getting their just desserts and having to pay their dues, and that only when even the last debt has been attended to, can anyone in earthly life find the true and lasting peace everybody is trying to find.’
From ‘Mercy’
‘Healers And Healing’
Everything that is in our lives is meant to teach us something and death is no exception. Most of all it shows that nothing and no-one on the Earth plane has any real power. No matter how powerful and splendid someone may think they are, the Angel of Death – who is part of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love – calls them away at its bidding. Nobody leaves this plane as our inflated ego may try to make us believe, but without any kind of earthly possessions just the same as everybody else. The whole procedure of death is a demonstration that true and lasting power never belongs to any one of us earthlings. It belongs to God alone and the hierarchy of wise ones, who have been appointed to be in charge of us and who act on the commands of those superior to them on the highest levels of life.
The Angel of Death is a group of Angels. None of them has anything in common with the images of the grim reaper we know from days gone by. The countenance of these Angels is kind and loving and they radiate nothing but love. When we are ready to leave our physical body behind, one of them comes for our spirit and soul. Taking the hand of our astral body, it wraps its wings of golden light around us and takes us to the world of light.
From ‘Parents And Children’
‘Comfort for the Bereaved’
I believe that the fear of death mostly consists of the feelings that gripped us during past lifetimes when the moment of yet again parting company with our physical body drew ever closer. As many different cultures contain a notion that we have to go to some kind of hell or purgatory when we leave our earthly existence, we are all likely to have passed through such an experience in quite a few of our lifetimes during the course of our evolutionary journey up to the present.
Through this the fear of death by now has so deeply embedded itself in our soul memories that it is one of the most difficult ones to let go of. But now the time is right for finding out that heaven and hell are not places that anyone goes to, that they are states of consciousness that human beings are so good at creating for themselves and those around them. And because humankind has been given the precious gift of freedom of choice, it is up to each one of us individually to bring our own ideas of Heaven down to Earth, right here and living them in every one of our daily encounters.
One of the many cherished false beliefs of the past has been the notion that Heaven and Hell are places ‘somewhere up there or down there’ that we go to. Are the experiences of our most difficult relationships in the here and now in themselves not sufficient proof that Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness? With the help of the thinking and behaviour patterns we brought with us from previous lifetimes, each one of us is quite capable of creating Heaven or Hell, for ourselves and those around us. Without being aware of what we were doing, we are likely to have made life unnecessarily hard to endure during the early stages of our present lifetime because of the many false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions from past lifetimes.
From ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
The realisation that some of our behaviour patterns are destructive and negative, therefore wrong for the present stage of our development, is the first step towards empowering ourselves to consciously change our character traces into more positive and constructive ones. But because as earthlings we are allowed the freedom to make up our own minds about things and to make our own decisions, it’s entirely up to us whether we want to walk this pathway or not. During the early stages of our earthly education we are largely unaware of what kind of a precious gift freedom of choice is and that it needs to be handled wisely and with the greatest of care. But as we mature into spiritual adulthood it gradually dawns on us what it truly means and the responsibilities it brings with it. For example, making conscious decisions about how our ideas of Heaven should be brought down to Earth by us through constantly practising them in our daily lives.
From ‘Cleansing Human Consciousness’
‘War And Peace Between Nations’
Each time we are sharing a nugget of God’s wisdom and truth that we are finding along the long and winding road of evolving into a Christed one in our own right, we do so in the hope that they in turn will pass their knowledge on to others. In this way slowly but surely ever more of the darkness of our world’s spiritual ignorance dissolves and turns into light. Robert Alden wrote: ‘There is not enough darkness in all the world, to put out the light of one candle.’ The same is true for every grain of Divine wisdom. Each one of them has the power of sowing a seed which, when the time is right for this to happen, creates a tiny spark of clear and distinct recognition in the receiving soul. That’s what happens when our inner guidance, the small still voice of conscience within us, upon hearing or reading something murmurs: ‘This is right, you know!’ A small shoot begins to grow within and the Divine spark stirs from its slumbers.
From ‘The Symbolism Of The Six-Pointed Star’
‘Our World In Transition’
The pace of our development has nothing to do with things like whether we believe in or compare ourselves with some kind of a God, go to church on Sundays or say our prayers before going to sleep. The only thing that matters is what kind of a person we are and how we conduct our lives at present. Please don’t pay attention to religious fanatics who try to convince you otherwise. Even if someone still believes in Jesus and says their night-time prayers to him, in spite of the fact that he only ever existed as a thoughtform and as a symbolism of everyone’s inner Highest or God Self., the bond of these people between their outer and inner self and the Angelic realm is strengthened.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
We are making a valuable contribution towards establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth when we are a good person who is kind and loving to everything that comes our way; when we are doing the things the living God within us says are the right ones for us at any given moment; and when we are making an effort to think good and constructive thoughts. In that case our spiritual development is likely to be light years ahead of those who dare not yet peer beyond the end of their religious noses.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
When we accept that anything that happens in our life can only be there because of the seeds we ourselves have sown in other lifetimes or earlier during this one, for as long as we are willing to learn something from every experience, that which used to cause us pain becomes easier to endure through transforming itself in this way into something constructive and good.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
Anyone who follows one of the religions of our world that insist its teachings should be understood literally is creating an inner blockage that prevents them from discovering the higher esoteric truths that are hidden behind the surface words of their church’s sacred texts. For as long someone lacks the courage to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions with regard to religious/spiritual matters, they have no chance of making any significant progress on their evolutionary pathway.
Being omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, God and the Angels know the difference and are never fooled by anyone or anything. They are not deceived by the hypocrisies, falsenesses and double standards that frequently lurk behind the smooth and seemingly impeccable façades of those who like to think of themselves as religious devotees.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
Do you know someone who insists on always getting their own way, by hook or by crook, and who has to be right at all times? Is there someone around you who manipulates those around them into doing exactly what they would like them to do? People who are strongly under the influence of the water signs Cancer and Scorpio are known to be the master manipulators of the zodiac. It is interesting to watch them at work! Yet, they must learn that there is no point in manipulation, because those who indulge in it will sooner or later also be manipulated by others. If this does not happen during this lifetime, it will do so in others. The worst of it is that we are then likely to find such people and their machinations mightily irritating, without having any idea why this should be so.
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In the end, we all have to reach the stage where we can recognise that everybody has a right to do their own thing and to make their own decisions, that no-one can always be right and everybody is right in some things, some of the time. The realisation of this is the beginning of wisdom. When we insist on always being right in everything, pretending to know everything better, we deny ourselves the possibility of learning something from others. Accepting our own boundaries and limitations, and everybody else’s, is a sign that we have learnt that giving in instead of being a sign of defeat or weakness can be one of strength and wisdom.
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
There is a great deal of wisdom and truth in the old saying ‘It takes one to know one’. Because we are magnetic beings, we can only recognise in others what is inside us and if a certain kind of behaviour by someone irritates and annoys us, you can be sure that projection is at work. If, on the other hand, we are aware of what the other one is doing, but find it no more than slightly amusing, we are receiving a signal from our inner self that the negative side of this particular aspect of our nature and the other person’s has already been integrated by us and developed into a positive one. Whenever this happens, we have grown in wisdom and the likelihood is that after a while the offending person will somehow go from our life, because the purpose of our encounter with them has been fulfilled.
Only when this has happened are we ready to move on to new relationships who can help us to become familiar with other parts of our character. In future, we shall rarely encounter anyone who behaves in the offending manner we left behind. Whatever we have learnt in every one of our earthly existences becomes our spiritual property. It is the only thing we are allowed to keep and take with us into Eternity, so that from one lifetime to another it can help us conduct our relationships with more ease. Gaining a better understanding of how personal relationships work speeds up our evolutionary progress considerably, as there is then no longer necessary to endlessly repeat our mistakes. Now please tell me whether projection is worth working with or not?
From ‘Manipulation’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
The lower earthly mind is the only thing that separates us in this world from that of the spirit, our true home. But as soon as we approach it with nothing but love and gratitude in our hearts for the support our spirit helpers have always been giving us, our own clairvoyance and clairaudience begins to develop. Feeling the need to humbly stand or kneel before humankind’s spirit friends to receive the gift of the knowledge they are bringing on behalf of all humankind, signals our readiness to serve them and unselfishly act as one of their channels, so it can be brought to all who are in need of it in earthly life. It then does not take long until we realise that none of us ever stops being at one with the spirit world and all who are dwelling there now, not merely our loved ones.
From ‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
Many of you are by now aware that everything that is in Me is also in you and that this means all My characteristics and qualities, as well as My powers, including those of creation and de-creation or destruction. For a long time each one of you spends many lifetimes on the Earth plane, thinking of yourself as nothing but an earthling, and that you can do whatever you like, hurting, maiming and killing without anyone knowing about it. But eventually for each one of you comes the moment of awakening to your true nature. The scales then fall from your inner vision about your relationship with Me and the powers that have been at work within you and your life, without you having the slightest idea of why things ever happened to you and your world.
From ‘Students And Their Teachers’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Each one of you is a unique and precious being who is of great value to Me and loved beyond compare, and who has their own unique contribution to make in the peacemaking and healing process of your world. I granted you the gift of your present lifetime to assist you with becoming aware of your Divine inheritance, so that you may learn to handle every part of it with the greatest of care and with the love, respect and devotion to Me they deserve. Because on the inner level of life all is one, in your earthly endeavours never forget that what is done for one is done for all. This is how it comes about that when one of you is healing, your whole world is doing the same, and even the smallest effort any one of you makes towards this end benefits the whole of Creation.
From ‘Students And Their Teachers’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
Many who are presently spending another lifetime on the Earth plane are unaware that the whole of My creation is teaming with life that to this day is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes. Because of this they refuse to believe in the existence of other worlds. They could not be more wrong! But in due course the doubting Thomases will also discover them.
What I am speaking about is the realm of the Angels and Masters and all manner of other beings, who are more highly evolved than most earthlings still are. The creatures who for a long time have been known by some of you as fairies and elves are part of this higher kingdom of life. They belong to the vast family of nature spirits, who have always been at work behind the scenes of humankind’s earthly existence. They are the ones who provide for every one of the true needs of every one of Mother Earth’s children, human, animal and plant life alike.
By day and night these creatures are beavering away without ever resting or sleeping. Although they do belong to the physical aspect of earthly life, being spirits they have no need for bodies like yours for getting around. Your physical body is your vehicle for one lifetime only and it gets tired and worn out and eventually becomes ill, if it does not get sufficient rest. The creatures behind the scenes of earthly life are part of Me, the same as you are. The main difference between them and you is that they are drawing all their energies directly from Me, the Great Light and the Sun behind all Suns, while you have to get the physical part of it from the various kingdoms of Mother Earth. The supply of my energies quite literally is endless and will never run out. And there will come a time when you too will be sustained the same as any other spirit being.
From ‘My House Of Many Mansions’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
All life is subject to My Divine laws and every soul has always been responsible for every one of its own thoughts, words and actions. Being unaware of the existence of these laws has never protected anyone against having to live with its consequences. Whenever you are saddened by inexperienced souls in your world, who to this day are taking the teachings of their sacred texts literally, using them as excuses for hurting and killing those who do not share their beliefs, do not despair and refuse to sit in judgement over them.
They too are learning valuable lessons. Both of you are – yours is the one of tolerance and patience with younger souls. Never forget that they are your siblings in the great family of humankind and all life. In the fullness of time, My time not Earth time, they too will wake up to their true nature again. They will then be given the same opportunities for finding the understanding you are gaining now. Each one of you in the end finds their own way back into the loving union with Me. You will then have learnt from your own experiences that all life always has rested safely in My loving hands and that this will forever continue.
From ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
For as long as someone believes that every word of the Bible is true and should be taken literally, including the Jesus story, that person could be constantly in danger of thinking: ‘I can do as I like and sin as much as I want to. The priest will forgive me and then I can keep on sinning. And even if at the end of our session s/he says: ‘Go forth and sin no more!’ I shall think: ‘What of it? I know from previous occasions that nobody knows and that nothing happens to me, so let’s do it again and again ad infinitum.’ That has been the way of the past and reflecting on where it has got us and world, one can only come to the obvious conclusion that this never has been the right way of going about things.
What a world of difference it makes when one becomes aware that Jesus is a symbolism of our higher nature and that God is part of us, and we are part of God. Therefore, God witnesses and knows everything about us, in the minutest details. Our whole perception of life changes when we find out that in truth we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, always have been and forever will be. As soon as we get a better grasp of the Universal laws, God’s laws, we realise that no priest ever had the power of forgiving anything and that their kind of forgiveness could not wipe away one iota of anyone’s Karmic debts.
From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’
‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’
The ones who are truly in charge of us and our world are our friends and siblings in the great family of life, the Angels and Masters, guides and helpers in the world of light. They are responsible for the individual and collective evolutionary development of our race. Familiar with the great plan of life, these beings are its executors. And because they are as much part of us as we are part of them, none of us is ever really alone. They never leave us and are constantly on the alert to assist whenever one of us is struggling with the problems of earthly life. Being part of God, the same as we are, their nature is love and they love us totally and unconditionally. They also are very powerful and wise.
Our spirit friends and helpers are the invisible eye that never sleeps. Spirit needs none of it. Only physical bodies get tired and need sufficient rest to be refreshed and recharged. This is what happens each time we return to our true home in dreamtime. Every moment the invisible eye watches, observes and assesses what degree of spiritual awareness we have reached, which reveals itself through our reactions to the situations and people we encounter in our daily lives. Our spirit guides care for and look after every one of us. Their work consists of supporting us and providing us with the courage and strength we need to deal with the obstacles every earthling is bound to encounter from time to time on our pathway through life. Without these hurdles there would be no way of making the progress that can potentially be made. Removing them would stop the individual’s march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life as well as that of our whole race.
From ‘Healing The Conflicts Of Our World’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
We are magnetic beings and we draw towards us that which we are ourselves, consciously as well as unconsciously. And those who are still involved in the practice of evil are aligning themselves to the forces of evil. They attract others into their orbit who are also still in need of this kind of lesson, as each and every one of us has to do in some of their lifetimes. At the end of their present lifetime, the souls who are presently involved in the lessons of evil, at the handing out end of these experiences, return to the world of light. After resting for a while and recuperating from the stresses and strains of their earthly existence, there will come the moment when, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of them, they will be reviewing what they have learnt from their most recent lifetime and all others, the way we all do.
That’s when they will realise that the most important lesson of their most recent earthly sojourn has been that the actions they carried out cannot get anyone to Heaven, i.e. being released into learning from experiencing the higher and highest levels of life. First hand they will know that:
• No matter what anyone on the Earth plane may ever promise, evil gets no-one to Heaven.
• Spiritually, nobody ever ‘gets away’ with anything.
• Missions that hurt and harm those around us make us accessories to evil. All they can hope to achieve is creating a living hell on the Earth. They will most certainly not get us to Heaven, if there ever had been such a place.
• There is no point in committing suicide at the end of an evil deed. The only thing that happens is that we have to come back to make good and create the balance for whatever harm we did to anyone.
From ‘Christ – The Light Of Our World’
‘Healers And Healing’
As my God Self guides and protects me from within my own innermost being and shows me the way in all situations, I have no need for being anxious about past, present or future. As an eternal and immortal being, there is no death for me, merely transformations into different life-states where God will forever be my dwelling place. And underneath me there will always be the ever-lasting arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life, to keep me safe. Nothing can ever touch me except God’s direct action, and like me God is love.
And so, I freely and willingly forgive all those who ever hurt or harmed me. And I forgive myself for any suffering I caused to anyone in my ignorance of my true nature and the Universal laws. Everything that once was between us is herewith forgiven and forgotten, and we set each other free. My Christ Spirit helps me to uplift and transmute any residue of resentment and bitterness that my soul still feels into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life. This frees me from the chains and shackles of all the difficult relationships of past lifetimes.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Even though one could frequently be tempted to think otherwise when one watches the behaviour of some of our contemporaries, there is no doubt in my mind that humankind is an intelligent race. There is no such thing as a stupid person and no matter how dim-witted many in our world are behaving, especially in connection with environmental issues, that is the truth. Our earthly minds are receiver/transmitter stations for the intelligence of the Highest Forces of life. Irrespective of the fact that for a long time we are unaware of this, every one of us is an integral and important part of it.
The development of every human being’s earthly mind is always at a somewhat different evolutionary level from that of everybody else. At the beginning of their earthly education, the mind of young and inexperienced souls can only cope with the concerns of their daily lives. Being fully occupied by them stops them from peering beyond the ends of their noses, especially as far as environmental issues are concerned. So far they cannot grasp that the damage they are causing our world ultimately affects each and every one of us. Therefore, be patient with such youngsters, even if someone reached the age of one hundred or more, that’s what they are for this lifetime. Rest assured that in the fullness of time they too will understand the way you do now, because their earthly minds will then also be more attuned to the frequencies of the Highest.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
The way I see it, when things sometimes seemingly go wrong in our lives, it is always us who are out of step with the Universe and not the other way round. It is then more than likely that the energies it is currently putting at our disposal wish to tell a different story and are trying to steer us and our life into a different direction. If one seemingly runs into one invisible wall after another, when obstacle after obstacle rears its head, it is a safe bet that the Universe is attempting to give us a message that somehow we are barking up the wrong tree. It may well be the case that it has something much better up its sleeve for us, if we but pay attention.
The world around us is a mirror of what is taking place inside us. Through the actions and reactions of the people around us it is constantly trying to provide us with some kind of feedback. This is known as Universal guidance and we do well to listen to what the Universe has to say. And whenever things in our lives are not going the way we would want them to, almost certainly this is a signal from the Highest that for us the time has come to take stock and make some changes. Making an effort to attend to the special lessons we have agreed to learn in the course of our present lifetime, long before we entered into it, re-aligns our energies with those of the Universe and we get back into harmony with ourselves and the predestined pathway of our life.
From 'Don’t Quit!’'
‘Healers And Healing’
Because we earthlings have been given freedom of choice by the Universal forces, whenever there is an indication that we should make some changes on our lifepath, nobody forces us to make them. Wise ones, however, pay attention to the guidance that comes their way in the form of something appearing to go wrong. They respond by trying their hand at something else and looking towards channelling their energies into different avenues of expression. For a long time we are unaware that the Universe is constantly offering us choices and that in truth no-one forces us to do anything we do not like or to believe things that do not sound true to us. There is always a choice and it has to be made – by us. But, before we can choose wisely, we first have to become aware of the fact that we are allowed to choose. Try not to overlook that not choosing also amounts to a choice.
Humankind’s much cherished freedom is comparable to a dog going for a walk on a lead. We are the dog and our Karma is the lead which our Highest or God Self holds in its loving yet stern, undeviating and unrelenting hands. It alone knows our true needs and whatever is the right thing for us in any given moment. It constantly guides us into our next adventures on the Earth plane. For each one of us this is the only authority in the whole of Creation who really knows which lessons still have to be integrated by us and which tests and trial are necessary to lead us home into the oneness with God.
From 'Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
If at any given time evil desires of our lower nature rise to the surface of our consciousness, we are free to decide whether we wish to follow them and act them out or not. The more highly evolved we become, the easier it becomes to acknowledge and accept such things as part of our lower animal nature, which have outlived their usefulness. Whenever this happens, wise ones reach for the hand of their Highest Self and request its help to change and transmute the energies of the desires that are no longer in our interest into something that serves the highest good and greatest joy of all life.
From 'Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
It is possible to save ourselves many disappointments when we bear in mind that doors will only ever open for anyone when they are meant to. And when one of them does, the experience can be likened to something that can usually only be seen in funny films. Having so got used to pushing and shoving uselessly at far too many doors, there may well come a moment, when – metaphorically speaking – we have at last found the right one. In that case the door flies open so suddenly that it makes you feel almost as if you were shooting out through the window, at the other end of the room. Why not try it out for yourself sometime?
From 'Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
In every human being true and lasting faith in ourselves and the goodness of the life the Universe has bestowed upon us can only grow through learning from our own first hand experiences. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will even for wise ones, when they have unsuccessfully tried one door after another, yet none seems to be willing to open, no matter how hard they try, these people take a break from their efforts. They go into quiet reflection mode and enter into a bit of a dialogue with themselves that goes something like this: ‘Let me see, what I am presently trying to do cannot be meant for me. Maybe the Universe has something else for me in mind, possibly something better. If so, I’ll be patient and wait for another opportunity that will surely come, especially if I ask for it.
‘Are things really going wrong in my life or is it merely the Universe’s way of asking me to change direction? Could this be happening for my own good, because the Universe loves me and knows my true wants and needs better than I do? Might it be protecting me against myself, so I can find what is rightfully mine? Is it possible that something superior to what I had in mind is in store for me? Let’s wait patiently for a while, so that another opportunity can come my way.
‘Ah yes, I like this. What an improvement on despairing or even swearing at the Universe for not fulfilling my wishes. After all, I am a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and my true nature is love. Show me how to walk the loving way instead, with love in my heart for myself and everybody who will be touched by my enterprise. All right, here I go! I love you and trust You, Great White Spirit, as You love and trust me. Ah yes, that feels much better!’
From 'Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
If your funds are low and your debts are constantly too high, dear Friend, the time may be right for some soul-searching and asking yourself: ‘Why am I not taking part in the Universe’s abundance? Is it because I am not sharing my gifts and talents, of which we all have many, sufficiently with others? What about increasing my input of good things into life, so that in due course it can return nothing but more of the same to me? Do I need to be less selfish and think more about the good of the whole of society, life, our beautiful planet and the Universe? Why don’t I stick my toes into the water and see what happens?’
From 'Don’t Quit!’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘When our interest in the religious/spiritual/philosophical side of life awakens, its hopes, dreams and aspirations increasingly act as our guide to doing the right things at the right moment and avoiding the wrong ones. Our inner guide, the living God within, shows us the greater picture of life and with this comes an awareness of what is truly important in this life. With this recognition we freely and willingly seek ways of doing whatever is in our power to make a difference in our world and to ease the plight of our troubled and long-suffering planet.’
From ‘The Holy Trinity’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
‘Thought has infinite creative power. Thought and imagination can and do create in your world and in ours. This means that human beings with their habitual thoughts shape their lives and circumstances. Although some of you will disagree with this; in due course they too will find out that this is true. As you think, so you become and your surroundings evolve. In other words you are creating your conditions and environment by your own thoughts, not only you yourself, but the whole of humankind is doing this. You see how great and grave is this power? It creates humankind and its world.
‘We cannot emphasise too strongly the power of thought. Humankind thinks that thought is something private. Your thoughts are expressed in your face, in the wellbeing of your body. They are even expressed in your clothing, in your homes, in your business, in your walking, your writing, your aura – that which is hidden is shouted from the rooftops by your thoughts.
‘Thought can heal and create good health, but it can also inflict pain and disease, and disrupt and destroy the mental and soul life of humankind. Thought can do anything in your world and others. Thoughts of anger, fear and hate form the root of all suffering and wars. Thought can also bring forth beauty and harmony, feelings of kinship and everything else humankind longs for. Your scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending the power of thought.’
From ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
‘Healers And Healing’
Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, but do you know why? The creative idea required to set any act of creation in motion is the masculine power aspect of the Great Architect of life, which belongs to the abstract world of intellect. Astrologically this is represented by the elements Fire, creativity, and Air, intellect. Through the feminine elements of Earth and Water, God creates and destroys whole worlds at will, by the sheer power of thought. Created in the image of God, the same truly awesome force is also part of us. Because in God all is one and there is no separation between anything, our small earthly minds are a part of the intelligence of the Universe, God’s great mind.
Would you agree that we urgently need someone to teach us the control of such forces and how to use them wisely? That is why Saturn, the planet of Karma, is such a vital and invaluable part of the great picture of life, especially at the present time. Saturn is a symbolism for the stern and undeviating celestial schoolmaster who requires that every soul must eventually achieve control over its lower nature and complete mastery of all aspects of its being. It sounds daunting but we are not alone in this. God and the Angels are waiting to be called upon to help each one of us fulfil these requirements. Saturn is the great accountant of life whose ledgers are perfect and justice is wielded accordingly, under the supervision of the Lords of Karma. For this purpose the Universe keeps on the etheric level of life what is known as the Akashic Records.
From ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Akashic Records are the place where at any given moment everyone’s thoughts, words and deeds on their evolutionary pathway through life are noted. Because we are responsible for them, they are recorded and each ones leaves its mark behind in the great book of life, similar to writing in indelible ink on the earthly plane of life. These files can be likened to a vast library and a bookkeeping system that, like any other, consists of credit and a debit entries and ledgers. None of these entries in the Universe’s system can ever be wiped out. It is just that the ones on the debit side can and must eventually be redeemed and balanced by our good deeds on the credit side. This continues until perfect balance has been achieved and we have grown wise to stop creating difficult Karma for ourselves and our world.
That’s the only way all of us, each through their own efforts, can and must eventually release ourselves from the wheel of rebirth into Earth life and the redemption of its karmic debts there. The Akashic Records are shown to us on ‘judgement day’, i.e. when we are back in the world of spirit and stand before ourselves. Stripped of everything that mattered to us on the Earth plane and guided by the wise ones in charge of us, we ourselves then assess our performance of all lifetimes including the most recent one. Together we then discuss our options and finally decide about the experiences we shall require to ensure our future soul growth, whilst satisfying the requirements of the law of Karma. Knowing all that it’s not hard to see why it is of the utmost importance that we learn self-mastery and especially the control of our thought processes.
From ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Bible in James 3:1-12 warns: ‘Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
‘When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
‘All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.’
Young and inexperienced souls behave in the manner described in the first part of the above quote, while wise and more highly evolved ones make an effort to take good care of their tongues. This they do because they are aware that the Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, decrees that everything has to return to its source. They appreciate that every thought, word and deed any one of us sends out into our world in some way must find its way back to its sender. That is why wise ones, when they have nothing good to say about someone or something, prefer to shut up and keep quiet.
From ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
‘Healers And Healing’
Because human beings basically are sociable and talkative creatures by nature, learning to watch the words we speak and thereby take charge of our tongues is one of the most difficult things we have to tackle on the evolutionary pathway of life. That undoubtedly is why as early as the Bible’s Old Testament told us in Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue. And those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ In ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ White Eagle adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and haste. When you do this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of the Master within you.
‘We ask you to render a service to yourself and that is holding your tongue. It is one of the hardest tasks that can be asked of you. You ought to see the mists that surround you and your world that is caused by idle chatter. When there is so much of it on the Earth, even the Angels can to nothing but bow their heads, because they are then unable to minister to you. Whenever you are tempted to say: ‘I think or believe so and so. I like this person, but I don’t like that one,’ instead of speaking, be silent and wait and see. If you can also restrain yourself from expressing any foolish opinions about the affairs and the state of your world you will greatly assist the Angels in their work.’
From ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
‘Healers And Healing’
Since time immemorial God and the Angels on the Highest levels of life have been pouring parts of their wisdom into the pool of human consciousness and this will forever continue. Every human being, independent of where we presently dwell in this world and the world of spirit, is an integral part of this reservoir of knowledge that has been accumulated over the ages. From time to time, teachers of spiritual wisdom are reincarnating into our world in different cultures and during various ages, to share the gift of their understanding of the true meaning and purpose of our existence with the earthly part of humankind.
To my mind, the knowledge that came to our world in this way was never intended for just the privileged few. Anyone who comprehends the incoming wisdom is ready to receive it and is meant to share it with those around them. It has ever been true that when the pupil is ready, the teacher will be found. Everyone of us in their own sweet time eventually reaches the level of awareness when we are ready to be guided towards the right sources of information that can help us move forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary journey of life. Whatever insights are given to us intuitively by our inner teacher, the wise one within, should also be shared with those around us. And because the knowledge comes to us free of charge, I feel that it is good and right – for me, in any case – to give it away.
I have always aimed to give of my best, so God and the Angels can do the rest. After all, that is the purpose of our earthly existence. The special gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon each one of us in such rich measure are intended to be used eventually for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. For the bringing in of the New Age we all have a special role to play and function to fulfil, in whatever capacity this may be. How can we recognise ours? Through intuitions, hunches and gut feelings that come to us through the world of our feelings our Highest or God Self is constantly trying to communicate with us, its earthly counterpart. If listen to it and follow its directions, it unerringly guides us towards the people and experiences that are right for us, at any given moment.
From ‘Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody’
‘Healers And Healing’
I know that God is in everything and even the tiniest fraction of life contains God. Therefore, wherever I am, that is my church. Aware of my own Christ nature, Divinity and origin – as well as everybody else’s – I no longer have any need for organised religions with their insistence on dogma and creed. I am free to believe what the wise one within me tells me is true and right for me, now. God is truth and so am I and with every one of my thoughts, words and actions I express my truth. Whatever I send out into the Universe manifests nothing but my honesty and my truth. God’s love is tolerant and I have no difficulties accepting that other people’s truth may be somewhat different. And I send my loving thoughts and prayers of healing and peace to the whole of God’s Creation, to Mother Earth’s animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as to every man, woman and child in her loving embrace without exceptions, for all are God’s beloved children of the Earth.
Because on the inner level all life is one, my special attention is devoted to transmitting love and light to anyone who is still wrestling with the experiences of getting to know humankind’s lower nature and their own. No matter how hard to accept this concept may be to some of my fellow citizens, that is nonetheless what my inner guidance tells me is the truth. I act upon this knowledge by praying that the light of Divine wisdom and truth may fill the hearts and souls of all my younger siblings in the human family and that they too may re-awaken to the knowledge of their true nature and oneness with all life.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.
Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.
That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.
From ‘You Are Special’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’
However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.
From ‘You Are Special’
‘Words Of Wisdom & Healing From The Tree Of Life’
My dear children of the Earth, for you there is every reason for rejoicing and being optimistic. The mass of spiritual information that by now has become available to you and the great interest it is finding is living proof of how the collective consciousness of your race and world is ever more opening up and expanding. As pointed out earlier, to your small earthly minds all matters of faith that were ever presented to those on the Earth plane by its very nature had to remain one giant jigsaw puzzle. Now the time has come for joining its pieces together, so that a full and clear picture of My truth can emerge. This is happening now. The sections of the mystery are falling into place and magically the spiritual life of your world as one whole structure becomes visible. Even to many earthly eyes it takes on shape and meaning.
There is no reason for looking down your noses on humankind’s spiritual perceptions of the past. They all contained some grains of My wisdom and truth and in their time made a valuable contribution to the evolution of your race. Fill your hearts with gladness, for your world has reached the converging point of all its philosophies. You will gradually be able to see for yourselves how each one in its own right, and then all of them together, were never intended to be more than a means of showing you the way back home into your true nature and the oneness with Me and all life and lifeforms.
As it was in the beginning, so it will forever be. The only thing that transforms itself from time to time is your grasp of spiritual issues; that is all. There is no conflict between the old religions and the new one. The spirit guides and Masters will continue their work behind the scenes of earthly life, the way they have done for a very long time. Until the last one of you has been released from its studies on the Earth plane, they will carry on guiding and supporting each one of you, as always.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The more your perception of life changes and your understanding of the spiritual realities that lie behind your present existence increases, the more clearly will you be able to recognise each one who accompanies you in the spirit world in their true roles as your wise elder siblings in the vast family of life. Nothing has changed as far as they and you are concerned. They are still your best friends and helpers, your good shepherds in the world of light. Being responsible for guiding and protecting the souls that have been given into their care, they diligently watch over their flocks by night, i.e. in the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the Earth. For as long as they are still needed, they will be there for you to turn to and ask for help in times of distress.
Your guides and Masters in the world of light are presently preparing you and your race to occupy its rightful place in the Universe. Know that the spiritual beliefs of your world that previously served to separate you from each other, are now drawing you together again into the awareness of what, on the inner levels of life, has always been true, namely that all life is one. The further you advance into the New Age, the more each one of you will become aware that truthfully:
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
From ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The mystical teachings of all ages set out a code of conduct that you, as aspiring healers and lightworkers, know intuitively and follow. For you it is no longer a question of I have to be good and I have to love others. In the process of finding illumination you begin to spontaneously express your true nature and show love, kindness and gentleness, not only to other people but to the whole of Creation. You are aware that for evolutionary purposes it was necessary that in their early stages the religions of your world had to follow many different paths. As you know and respect that every human soul has its own predestined pathway to walk and discoveries to make, you refuse to force your way of thinking and mode of travelling upon anyone else.
Although you are aware that in truth there is only one religion, you appreciate that many of your siblings on the Earth plane are still ignorant of this fact. Yet, as a true child of Mine you respect everybody’s freedom of thought and the right to make their own decisions about what they can and cannot believe. Meanwhile rest safely in the knowledge that in the end every one of your siblings in the human family of life is destined to reconnect with Me. When the time is right, they too will discover that the only true, lasting and eternal religion is the one of the heart, and that this is the kind of faith that re-unites all human souls with Me, your Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and through Me with the whole of Creation.
From ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’
The poet W.H. Auden, when asked why he was migrating from the United Kingdom to the United States, said: ‘I love my family, but I don’t want to live with them!’ Now, there is honesty for you and if we were all equally truthful with ourselves, many would express the same feelings. Let us not jump to conclusions though and assume that these people are hypocrites. Maybe they are the wise ones, especially if they are consciously and patiently putting up with the lessons their difficult relationships are teaching them. With sufficient awareness, ever more of us will be able to grasp the opportunities that are now on offer to help us resolve all of the Karmic ties that still exist within our families.
Auden’s comment puts the finger straight onto humankind’s Achilles heel and sorest spot. He undoubtedly knew that Karma in families is the worst or best stage – depending from which angle one views the situation – on which the great drama of life id constantly and relentlessly unfolding in all its glory and squalor, as the case may be. With its personality clashes, differences of opinion, power struggles and abuse of power present day family life holds its own when compared with the great Greek tragedies of the past. The main trouble with all of us is that – for a very long time blissfully unaware of this is what are doing – we are busily and happily creating Karma, good, bad and indifferent, some of the very best and some of the worst. Unfortunately, this is what far too many in our world are doing to this day.
From ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’
Spiritually, not much progress is possible for any human soul on the Earth plane until it reawakens to its true nature, becomes aware of the purpose of its earthly existence and rediscovers that all life, not only that of the Earth, is ruled by Cosmic laws. For as long as a soul fails to understand these things its sojourns into physicality often appear as unnecessarily and pointlessly cruel, dark and threatening, as if it had been placed in a cold and nasty world – and all for what? In that state the pain of life’s sorrows, limitations and hardships hits the soul hard and it suffers intensely. This is accentuated by sneaking feelings that an impersonal and unloving providence permits all these ‘bad’ things and inflicts them upon all and sundry without purpose, rhyme or reason.
A certain amount of relief comes straight away when the soul finds out about the Universal law of Karma and that because of this law a justice of a very special kind is at work in every life, a Divine justice that is so perfect and fair that human consciousness finds it very hard to grasp. But now that our race is at last moving onto higher levels of consciousness to many there now comes a renewed understanding of spiritual background of life. Alas, for a long as any knowledge remains merely of the head, it can do us no good whatever. But as some of it slowly sinks into the deeper levels of our consciousness, we begin to realise the necessity for living the truth we have found by applying it to real life situations.
From ‘Karma In Families’
True friendships last beyond our present earthly existence. We take them with us wherever we go and bring them with us, should another incarnation become necessary. They will then be part of our support system, so there is every reason to nurture our human relationships and look after them, right here and now. Whenever the need for it arises, it is to our advantage to aim to transform even the most difficult and traumatic ones into connections of friendship and love. True love is an eternal bond between two souls, who will always recognise each other, wherever and whenever they may meet again.
From ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’
There is every reason why you should look forward to each New Year with hope and confidence. Rest assured that everything will work out perfectly in the end. Do not be disturbed unduly by what is presently still happening in your world. Know that all these things are necessary educational tools for the unfoldment of our Father/Mother’s grand design for the human race and its planet. Each event is vital for the completion of the lessons that have not yet been sufficiently grasped by your world.
Instead of worrying and getting upset, look up and get in touch with the power of the Highest that is waiting to come fully alive within each one of you. It alone can bring you and your world the peace and harmony so many of you are by now so deeply yearning for. Trust that eventually a united world will emerge and that there will then only be one government for all of you. Gradually, all of you will become ever more aware of the fact that it is impossible for anyone to live only unto themselves and that the same is also true for countries.
Do your best to establish the spirit of siblinghood and goodwill on the Earth by conducting your own life this way. Deep in your hearts and souls know that in principle there is nothing to fear from those who to this day insist on putting themselves outside of that which is good, right and true. In due course, in God’s time rather than you own, the inner eyes of all perpetrators against the Cosmic laws will be opened too. They will then realise the error of their ways and start to mend them, just the same as you once did. In the end, everything that is no longer of use and desirable on the Earth plane will be absorbed into the first principle of life, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all.
From ‘A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma’
Changing Our World
If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.
Sri Chinmoy
If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.
As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.
This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.
Life is a gift, so make it count and never give up on what you believe in. Be brave and make mistakes, because they teach us more than our successes. Instead of feeling bad about them, it is better by far to appreciate our blunders for helping us to become better people and to acknowledge that our successes in life could only grow from what we learnt from our slip-ups.
The greatest glory is not in never falling,
But in rising again, each time we fall.
Confucius 551-479 BC
Therefore, only look down on someone when you are giving them a helping hand to get up.
From ‘Words Of Wisdom, Hope & Encouragement’
Eating disorders have become so rampant in our world by now that I have wanted to hold down some of my insights into this phenomenon for quite some time. Obesity is presently the highest on the ratings list of eating disorders in the Western World. My immediate reaction to anyone passing me by who ‘has a bit of weight’ on them, has always been the small still voice within nudging me and saying: ‘Ah, Venus!’ You can verify the truth of this for yourself quite easily. Next time you encounter somebody who fits my description, look into their faces as discreetly as you can and if possible, acknowledge them with a smile. If they respond and return it to you, you will notice that most of them have the most wonderful smile you will ever find anywhere.
This creates an opportunity for noticing how bonny the faces of these people usually are. Besides, my experience has shown that those whose physical bodies are – shall we say? – well rounded, almost invariably also have a more rounded personality than other folks. They are on the whole much easier to get along with than some of their less ample contemporaries. This tells me that in such a body there probably dwells a well rounded, though troubled, soul who is far more likely to live and let live than others, as well as being willing to allow you to be just who and what you are.
What is visible here is the gracious and beneficial influence the planet Venus has on humankind and also one of its negative qualities. Like all things on the Earth plane the energies of this planet have an upside and a downside. Venus is a hedonistic planet, whose influence – especially when affected by hard aspects – can show up tendencies to excessive indulgence and an over-fondness of the good things in life. Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus and those born into both signs experience at least traces of this influence.
From ‘The Spiritual Perspective Of Eating Disorders’
The Christian teachings tell us in St. Matthew 7:7-8: ‘Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you. For whoever asks receives and those who seek find and unto those who knock the door is opened.’ I used to be a mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. I knocked at my inner door in search of new understanding. To my amazement I found it, though not in any publication, vast or small, ancient or new, but in my own heart. Now that I have gained access to some of God’s wisdom, I know that the only one who has true power in the whole of Creation is the presence of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, known as God. This God is with me at all times and my whole being rests in His/Her loving arms.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Having waded through the darkness of my ignorance of God’s true nature and my own in the past, I now realise that God is in everything and that does not only mean in that which is perfect and good. I am aware that sickness, troubles, accidents, temptations and death have been necessary parts of my earthly education of previous lifetimes. In this one striving to bring forth God’s goodness from within in every part of my being is my highest aspiration. I understand that because my true nature is love, there was no other way of teaching me the polar opposite of perfect good other than through experiencing the downside of life through experiencing it on the Earth plane. But the wisdom of the Great Mother designed this course of action so that at the end of it, I would find my way back home into the conscious awareness of my oneness with Her. And this is now beginning to happen for ever more of us, not only me.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
In the course of many lifetimes on the Earth I have learned that the law of life is love and that every mishap that ever befell me has been part of my learning curve and was created by my own thinking and behaviour patterns. I accept that for educational reasons I had to remain ignorant of God’s Universal laws for a very long time. As a result of this I unwittingly worked against these laws, which created huge amounts of negative Karma. Every bit of it eventually had to be made good by me. I count my blessings that I have become aware that whatever I send out into the world, because of God’s laws can do nothing but return to me with ever increasing force. As good do the same, I now follow my highest aspirations only and leave the rest to those who do not yet know any better. At all times I give of the best that is in me, so that as soon as I have redeemed my negative Karma, only good things can come my way.
It was for these reasons that in lifetimes and ages gone by, the same inner well of my being had to produce sweet and bitter waters. Knowing that all of it was designed by the wisdom and love of the Great Mother of all life, to teach me how to recognise and differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong, I thankfully accept everything that comes as a necessary part of my curriculum. Knowing that there is only one way of growing ever more God-like, so that I can once again be consciously at one with Him/Her, makes changing my thinking and behaviour patterns much easier. And when at the end of each day, I reflect on God, my loving thoughts lift me up the spiritual mountain to the apex where God, my true and deeply loved Lord/Lady, resides.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
As a spark of the Divine Spirit, I am a beloved child of God. I am God and my whole being dwells in this consciousness. My whole being is filled with love and with this the last remnants of my fears are dissolving. The peace of God is with me ever more fills and I no longer have any doubts that all is well with my loved ones, my world and also with me. I have no need to be afraid of people, things or circumstances. I do not fear any part of myself, for God is part of me and shows me how to transmute the drives and urges of my lower self into the highest qualities of my own Christ nature. Being aware that God is as much part of me as I am part of God, I constantly dwell in the presence of God and I feel protected by His/Her love and safe, so that fears can no longer touch me.
As my God Self guides and protects me from my own innermost being and shows me the way in all situations, I have no need for being anxious about past, present or future. As an eternal and immortal being, there is no death for me, merely transformations into different life-states where God will forever be my dwelling place. And underneath me there will always be the ever-lasting arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life, to keep me safe. Nothing can ever touch me except God’s direct action, and like me God is love.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
I freely and willingly forgive all those who ever hurt or harmed me. And I forgive myself for any suffering I caused to anyone in my ignorance of my true nature and the Universal laws. Everything that once was between us is herewith forgiven and forgotten, and we set each other free. My Christ Spirit helps me to uplift and transmute any residue of resentment and bitterness that my soul still feels into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life. This frees me from the chains and shackles of all the difficult relationships of past lifetimes.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
I know that God is in everything and even the tiniest fraction of life contains God. Therefore, wherever I am, that is my church. Aware of my own Christ nature, Divinity and origin – as well as everybody else’s – I no longer have any need for organised religions with their insistence on dogma and creed. I am free to believe what the wise one within me tells me is true and right for me, now. God is truth and so am I and with every one of my thoughts, words and actions I express my truth. Whatever I send out into the Universe manifests nothing but my honesty and my truth. God’s love is tolerant and I have no difficulties accepting that other people’s truth may be somewhat different. And I send my loving thoughts and prayers of healing and peace to the whole of God’s Creation, to Mother Earth’s animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as to every man, woman and child in her loving embrace without exceptions, for all are God’s beloved children of the Earth.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Because on the inner level all life is one, my special attention is devoted to transmitting love and light to anyone who is still wrestling with the experiences of getting to know humankind’s lower nature and their own. No matter how hard to accept this concept may be to some of my fellow citizens, that is nonetheless what my inner guidance tells me is the truth. I act upon this knowledge by praying that the light of Divine wisdom and truth may fill the hearts and souls of all my younger siblings in the human family and that they too may re-awaken to the knowledge of their true nature and oneness with all life.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
God is infinite wisdom and love and day by day every part of me is growing ever more god-like. God’s wisdom guides me from the innermost core of my own being and provides me with the answers to any question I shall ever care to ask. My Christ or God Self transmits the replies to me through the world of my feelings. Whenever I make a mistake, It shows me how I can learn from it, so I can do better next time and move on to another lesson. In all my endeavours its wisdom is the light that shows me the way.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
God is the Universal Force that supplies me with all my resources. My true needs have always been met by this force and forever will be. I shall want for nothing. God created me and sustains me. And I trust implicitly that everything that ever happened in my life and that of our whole world, that which is now and the things that will be in the future are written in the great book of life by Divine wisdom and love, who is the eternal provider for everybody’s needs.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
God and I are one. In heart and mind, body, spirit and soul we dwell as one and are inseparable. The light and warmth of the Divine fills my heart and soul and deeply penetrates every cell and atom of my whole being, and they are healing and restoring themselves to normal healthy functioning, now. I am a spark of the Divine, a beloved Child of the Universe. The Christ Spirit is coming ever more alive in me and forever I shall dwell in my Creator’s presence. As my Christ nature saves and redeems me, the old prophecy of the coming of a saviour and redeemer for me and my world if fulfilling itself, for what is done for one is done for all. And I give thanks and praise to You, Great White Spirit, for helping us and our world to re-establish harmony within and without, and through this gradually bringing peace and healing to every one of us.
From ‘The Mystic And Finder’
‘Our World In Transition’
Spiritually, knowledge is light and not knowing – or to say it less politely: ignorance – is darkness. With every new bit of spiritual knowledge you find along the pathway of your predestined pathway through life you become more enlightened and your earthly existence through this grows into a more colourful and interesting one. Besides, everybody has gifts and talents that could have taken many lifetimes to develop, but in this one have not yet have discovered by you. With the awakening of your higher nature they are likely to rise to the surface of your earthly self’s awareness. You can take possession of them by following your natural inclinations and developing them some more, so they can be brought to full flowering. Maybe you have such hidden gifts. Who knows? Without sticking your toes into the water and trying things, you will never find out.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
There is much talk about enlightenment. But what does it mean? Spiritually, ignorance is darkness and knowledge is light. Each time we learn something we did not know before, a ray of light enters the darkness of our ignorance and disperses another bit of it. This applies in particular to spiritual knowledge and what we are finding does not have to be something as profound and far reaching as when the knowledge of the Law of Karma first reached our world. God and Angels bestowed this gift upon our world through the legend of the Lord Buddha. Truly enlightened beings are all those who not only are aware of God’s true nature and their own, but who are acting upon their knowledge in every one of their daily encounters. This reveals that their relationship with our Creator is in the process of healing.
From ‘Enlightenment’
‘Healers And Healing’
We are all in this life to evolve into seekers of wisdom and truth. Yet, the truth has as many facets as there are souls in the whole of Creation and that on many different levels. Each one of us can only see and understand things from their own perspective and perception of life, which was formed by everyone’s own evolutionary pathway that has been covered thus far. Our approach to life is also coloured by the Sun sign we were born into this time round. Cancerians work their way through life with the help of their feelings, unlike the Air signs who do it by thinking. The keyword for each of the four elements is a different one. Water says: ‘I feel’. Earth: ‘I serve’. Fire: ‘I create’ and Air: ‘I think’.
Those are the reasons why every human being’s truth varies slightly from all others and there is every likelihood that yours is quite unlike mine. I would like to illustrate this with one of the finest examples of this and that is the life of the French philosopher René Descartes, born 31 March 1596. His quote: ‘Cogito, ergo sum,’ ‘I think, therefore I am,’ to me sounds typical of someone in whose birthchart the Air signs are strongly represented, in spite of the fact that Descartes during that particular lifetime was a Sun Aries. With a stellium of six planets in this sign, it is not surprising that he was a pioneer and forward thinking man.
Descartes’ time of birth is unknown, so there is no way of telling where his Ascendant was. Never mind, his date of birth numerologically reveals a great deal about the man, his approach to life and his predestined pathway through it. The first vital clue is that he was born on the 31st March. That is always an indication that someone is strongly under the influence of Aquarius, an Air sign, and its ruler Uranus, i.e. 3 Jupiter + 1 the Sun = 4 Uranus. This also applies to those born on the 31st day of any month.
Let’s see what happens when one adds up the numbers of his date of birth: 3+1+3+1+5+9+6 = 28, which consists of 2 = the Moon and Cancer and 8 = Saturn and Capricorn. 2+8 = 1, the Sun and Leo, and that shows us his destiny number. As you can see, the components of the total are as important as the resulting sum itself. Small wonder that Descartes developed into a forward looking thinker and philosopher, a leader of people with a big ego as well as a teacher with a strong desire to let his light shine and who had much to say and give to us and our world.
From ‘Enlightenment’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘What you tell is all very well,’ I hear you say, ‘but what about telling a truth from a lie or a fake?’ I believe that the only way we earthlings can do this reliably is through paying attention to our inner guidance, the living God within, and that this is the true meaning of the Old Testament’s Proverbs 3:5-6: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rely not on your own wisdom. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.’
May the White Eagle group of spirit guides have the last word with a teaching that reached me as a Monday Thought from the White Eagle Lodge 29.05.2017. The following is its essence: ‘God is love and your heart contains a spark of it that dwells in the centre of your heart. The more you practise loving in every daily encounter, the more the quality of your soul consciousness improves. The main purpose of your earthly existence is for you to become aware of your Divine nature and learning how to love God’s way. And that means not only loving other human beings, but your whole world in the beauty and wonder that is contained in everything, even the weather – independent of what it may bring. Each time you think that every drop of rain is a cleansing and benediction for Mother Earth and all her children, then that’s what really happens. Because your thoughts have the power of constantly re-creating your reality, everything is blessed and that includes you.
‘You will find that knowing that all events ultimately serve a wise higher purpose makes it easier to show kindness and understanding for everything and everybody, loving them and forgetting about hating altogether. Just think, each time you say: ‘I love’ beneficially influences your whole being, your glands and bloodstream, but most of all it raises your soul consciousness. Take it from us, that is the truth!’
From ‘Enlightenment’
‘Healers And Healing’
Did you know that we all view everything that is in our earthly existence somewhat differently from everybody else? There are as many variations as there are souls, including those on the other side of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates our two worlds. This is because every human soul is an individual spark of the Divine and no two of us are exactly alike. No two people have exactly the same Karma, i.e. having gone through the same experiences, or have reached the same evolutionary level. Each one of the twelve Sun signs of the zodiac also reflects a different attitude towards life and all it contains.
From ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
From ‘The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran – Kahlil the Heretic’ comes the following: ‘What is this mystery that plays so great a part in our lives? What is this Law that drives us into a rough road and stops us just before we reach the face of the Sun, where we might rejoice? What is this power that elevates our spirits until we reach the mountain top, smiling and glorying, and suddenly casts us to the depths of the valley, weeping and suffering? What is this life that embraces us like a lover one day, and fights us like an enemy the next?’
Where does one sensibly start the exploration of such a vast theme? Maybe by first asking ourselves the most fundamental question of all, which has to be: ‘Is there a God?’ What do you think? After all that has happened and still is going on in our world, could there possibly be one? And should the answer be ‘yes’ and if our God is a loving one – as we are being told – why does He allow our world to be so full of pain, suffering, and inequalities?’ Great parts of humankind, to this day, have such a limited perception of the Eternal that they have difficulties grasping that there is a great deal between Heaven and Earth that has yet to be discovered by humankind.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Finding out who or what God is and who we are is part of the freedom of the Aquarian Age. Naturally, I can only speak for myself and I see the matter as follows: Yes, I do not only merely believe, I know that there is a God – to be more precise – a Creator. This is because I intuitively feel and that it simply cannot be any other way. Yet, I wouldn’t dream of categorically stating that this is the case. To me, like all great ideas, it’s very simple really. How could there be a Creation without a Creator? It’s got to have been created by something or someone.
In my view, the answers to our questions of a spiritual nature depend on our own perception and level of awareness. In particular this applies to how and what we imagine God to be. Is it a being or is it the all-pervading energy that manifests itself in humankind not only as that which is good and right and holy, but also the lowest and most evil? The part of God all human beings on the Earth plane are ultimately striving to bring forth expresses itself in the tolerance and love we feel and the kindness we give to each other, without expecting anything in return.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
The only genuine freedom that can be found in earthly life is the spiritual freedom to believe what our hearts and souls are telling us to be true. With the knowledge we are finding the Universe is laying the key to it into the hands of all who prove through their behaviour that they are ready to receive this freedom. All it takes is doing that which is good, right and beautiful and leading a good, honest and upright life. And when we show that at all times we are giving of our best, the Universal laws ensure that only more of the same will in due course find its way back to us. When someone does a nasty turn to a wise one because the last bits of their karmic debts have not yet been paid, they refuse to take vengeance as this would only create more difficult Karma and prolong their times spent in earthly life. Keen to move on to experiencing the higher levels of life, they choose to forgive and walk away.
From ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! It is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
William Shakespeare
Sonnet 116
Wise ones avoid getting into situations that endanger their relationships at all cost. Knowing that what goes around must come round, they make an effort to send only the right thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. Their hearts are filled with love for all humankind and everything that shares our world. No matter what anyone does to them, wise ones refuse to seek vengeance because they know that the Universal forces will take care of the matter in its own way. For these souls nothing ever changes the fact that on the spirit level we are all sisters and brothers, God’s children of the Earth and worthy of our forgiveness and love, so in future they can do better.
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Many have difficulties coming to terms with the fact that God is in everything and therefore in the best as well as the worst that is in us and our world. That which is discordant and ugly, crude and barbaric is the lower unevolved aspect which, with the passing of time, is sure to evolve into something that is good and right, beautiful and perfect. This is as much true in us as in everything else in the whole of Creation. And this must be motivated Werner Heisenberg, 1901-1976, German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics to write: ‘The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.’ There comes the point when one realises that all human scientific efforts can only ever be mere attempts at fathoming out and emulating the spiritual scientific laws of God.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
All of us have a different perception of ourselves, our world and God. Each has only one window into these aspects and that is their own. We alone can and indeed have to decide what the Divine as well as everything else means to us. To my mind, different ways of looking at the same issues with which humankind has been wrestling since time immemorial, do not render any of the conclusions someone came to wrong or in some way inferior to another. If something has been and to this day is purposely misleading, this undoubtedly too is happening in keeping with the help and will of God and the Angels, so that we should learn to appreciate and value the truth, when it eventually comes to us, as it will when the time is right. Without the support of God and the Angels nothing can take place anywhere. And that applies as much to the various belief systems of our world as it does to the different types of astrology, like Aztec, Chinese, Karmic, Mayan and Vedic astrology.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
I see us all as tiny particles of a vast whole and believe that the functioning of one of us is as important as that of all the others for the wellbeing of race and our world. Every single one of us is rare and precious in the eyes of the One who created us. And whatever we imagine this being to be, even the greatest sceptic is bound to admit that we and our world cannot have appeared out of nowhere. I believe that there is a Great Plan of life and that no matter what happens on the Earth plane, we and our world are safe. God alone – and by this I mean the Great Universal Force, Father/Mother of all life – knows the plan and holds the reigns of our world and all worlds firmly in His/Her loving hands.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
For the sake of the patriarchy with its all-male Divinity, we still had to be told by the Jesus legend’s Matthew 24:34-36: ‘Even Heaven and Earth will pass away, yet my words shall not pass away. Concerning the hour and the day when this will happen, no-one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, but the Father alone.’ But now we are allowed to know that the Angels are the executors of the God’s great plan of life and they do know that this time NOW. Heaven and Earth are not literally passing away, merely the understanding of what kind of purpose they are fulfilling for the spiritual development of our race.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
In my view, there is nothing wrong with us and our world. Each one of us was created in keeping with an idea that exists in the mind of the Great Father of all life of the prototype of a perfect human being. This means someone in whom all aspects of its nature are functioning together harmoniously and peacefully the way they are doing in God. We are not some kind of messy random appearance or cosmic joke. Each one of us has been carefully placed in earthly life so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that is the way our Father/Mother loves us and wants us to be.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
The seed of perfection is within each one of us. As Cicero, 106-43 BC, wrote: ‘Human beings were created to contemplate and reflect the Universe. They are not themselves this great perfection, they are merely particles of it.’ To help us bring forth this perfection from within, all that is required from us is that we should act in kind and loving ways and always give of our best. Through this constant striving the Christ spirit shines ever more strongly from the very core of our being into the outer self, until it has finally taken over our whole being and we have become a Christed one in our own right.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
One thing is sure, as you and I together are exploring in my writings, our life and all life is something much more beautiful and profound, as well as a great deal less complicated than any of us could ever have thought possible. Where does one start to explain? Best of all probably through an affirmation that the core of all being, including humankind’s, is spirit. We are here to find a new understanding of ourselves and to re-discover that first and foremost we are spirit. Over many lifetimes, each one of us has learnt and grown through gathering their own experiences of life in physicality. Through this, each individual and also our world developed a soul. Our own soul is part of the soul of our world; this in turn is part of the soul of the whole of Creation. Every human being is constantly feeding into it the memories of the learning that is gleaned from each experience, no matter how small or great it may be.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
Nothing truly worth having in the arts, sciences, mysticism and all other fields of human endeavour has ever been achieved in earthly life without someone’s sacrifices, hard work on many levels of their being, blood, sweat and tears, often literally and not just metaphorically speaking. When asked how he worked, Einstein replied: ‘I grope.’ On another occasion he confessed: ‘I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time, I am right.’ This is because after toiling for months and years on end and wrestling with a scientific problem, the same as in any other field of endeavour, the solution may come to us when we least expect it in a flash of inspiration that has its origin in the highest. Einstein, as well as Darwin and Newton, may have been spiritually sufficiently advanced to humbly accept that the touch of genius that crowned their work was not achieved by their earthly self, but that they were merely acting as channels through which the genius of the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the Highest levels of life could flow.
From ‘No Inspiration Without Perspiration’
‘Our World In Transition’
No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown. No sweet without sweat. Success never comes easily. There is no pleasure without pain or as the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once put it: ‘Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration!’ The manifold expressions of this rudimentary fact shows that once it was well known to everybody that before one could expect anything out of life, one had to have plenty of input into it. The Universal laws see to it that unless someone has sufficient positive input into it, that person has no right to expect a great deal out of it. Why is it that so many these days, especially among the young, do not seem to be aware that life is a gift from the Universe that owes us nothing and that we owe life everything?
From ‘No Inspiration Without Perspiration’
‘Our World In Transition’
Wise parents see to it that their offspring, when venturing forth into life on their own, are equipped with the knowledge of the Cosmic laws and that because of them:
• Every right brings a duty in its wake.
• We are responsible for ourselves and every one of our thoughts words and actions.
• Every action causes a reaction.
• What we send out into life sooner or later without fail finds its way back to us.
Such parents are among the awakened ones who know that there is a great deal more to humankind and our world than is commonly known to the mass of people thus far. They are happy enough to let those who do not yet know any better get on with following any kind of herd and allowing themselves to be led like sheep by whatever authority sets itself up to rule over them. In due course these inexperienced souls will also become aware of their true nature and then join the ever growing throng of those who are opening their whole being to the higher and highest creative forces of the Universe and Its intelligence.
From ‘No Inspiration Without Perspiration’
‘Our World In Transition’
‘Even though for a long time you were unaware of their presence, God and the Angels have always been with you, the same as everybody else. They are part of you and you are part of them. They could not leave you, even if they wanted to – not that they ever will. Because of this spiritually everything has to be for real and nothing can be merely faked or pretended. God and the Angels are the all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears that swing into action when the time is right for the Universal laws to return to you the seeds that were sown by you, either earlier in your present lifetime or during previous ones. And that’s how in the fullness of time everybody receives their just desserts.
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
‘God and the Angels are constantly guiding and protecting each one of you against destroying the essence of your being, your spirit and soul. They have brought you to where you are now and it is they who are showing you this. If you understand their message, reach out for them and ask for their assistance. Upon request they are ready to show any one of you how, with the help of your own Christ Self, you can redeem yourself and make good where previously you transgressed against those around you. They will never lead you astray, so trust them implicitly. Pay attention to what they may be telling you through your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, about the next step on your journey of recovering from the darkness of being ignorant of God’s true nature and your own. This is sure to cure you of the nonsense of fearing God, so you can start loving Him/Her instead. Once you understand who and what God really is, nothing will ever stop you from doing so with every fibre of your being.’
From a new part of my jottings in preparation about
‘Leaving Behind Addictions Through Awareness’
At the beginning of the Aquarian Age we are discovering a new type of religion that is no longer purely of the mind, but rises to the surface of our conscious awareness from the wise one or living God within who, for a long time merely in seed form, dwells in every human being’s heart. The best definition of the religions that to this day exist in our world that’s come my way to date was in a place where I would have least expected it, namely in Joanna Trollope’s novel ‘A Passionate Man’. Archie is the main character of this tale. His father has died and the local priest drops in and offers him and his wife to pray for the deceased. When Archie refuses, the priest points out: ‘But you are churchgoers. You are part of the Christian family.’ Archie’s patience is at an end and he bursts out: ‘I may be a religious man – I may have a deep religious sense – but I am not at all sure there is a God. Not our God, in any case . . .
‘Don’t you even know what religion means? Are you so hidebound by your colourless bureaucratic orthodoxy that religion only means to you this frightful modern Church with its doggerel hymns and playschool prayers? Religion is an awakened sense of some great controlling force, an awareness that above or beyond there is not just a freedom but a fulfilment. And this awareness of power and possibility makes us strive ever onwards, morally, emotionally, spiritually. What on Earth has such a concept to do with the dreary pen-pushing second-rate God you want to offer me?’
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
God is hard to describe in mere earthly terms, but I will try. To me, God is something infinitely more sacred and holy, a power much greater, higher and more enlightened that is radiant with the true meaning of light, compassion and love than the teachings of the old religions of our world could ever convey. With their lack of understanding for the true purpose and meaning of Earth life and the esoteric background of their own teachings, all too frequently the Ancient Teachings, which messengers from the higher and highest levels of life from time to time brought to humankind, were misunderstood and misrepresented. Sometimes this happened – as it does in many places to this day – intentionally for the purpose of manipulating the masses into obedience and submission to satisfy the lust for power of those in charge. In many such distortions were necessary because that was all our race could comprehend at the time when a new part of God’s wisdom and truth was given to our world.
From ‘Is There A God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Lebanese/American mystic, poet and writer, Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931, wrote in ‘Kahlil the Heretic’: ‘The true light is that which emanates from within humankind; it reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and contented with life. Truth is like the stars; it does not appear except from behind the obscurity of the night of the darkness of ignorance. Truth is like all beautiful things in the world; it does not disclose its desirability except to those who first feel and suffer at the hands of falsehood. Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with people the same kind of happiness and share it with the people so that they may find it, too. . . This is the truth I have learnt from the teachings of the Nazarene.’
To paraphrase the Greek philosopher Aristotle, 384-322 BC: ‘To say of what is, that it is – and of what is not, that it is not. That’s what speaking the truth means to me.’
From ‘Who Or What Is God?’
‘Healers And Healing’
‘When we honestly ask ourselves which people in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, offering solutions or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.’
From Henri J.M. Nouwen
‘The Road to Daybreak – A Spiritual Journey’
As we all know, seeing is believing and that is how the Universe in its infinite kindness and wisdom is constantly providing me with evidence that numerology and astrology work. My experience has shown that they function at their best when used together. To me numerology and Western traditional Astrology are twin subjects that cannot be separated from each other, as one explains the meaning of the other. More than anything else these two, used in tandem, are helping me to unravel the deepest mysteries of the Universe and the processes of Creation. Because of this I am gaining an ever better understanding of the forces of life that are constantly at work in the spiritual background of our earthly existence. Without these powers there would be no life anywhere, not merely on our planet.
From ‘The Holy Trinity’
‘Excursions Into Numerology’
To my mind, nothing like astrology and numerology explains the highly complex concepts of the Divine and the processes of creation, especially those that were at work at the very beginning, in such easily understood terminology. Let me give you a few examples. In numerology the one represents the first impulse of Creation, the masculine God, the spiritual Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us, the power aspect of the Divine. Number 1 = the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo. The two is the second impulse, the feminine Goddess, its counterpart, whose symbol is the Moon. Number 2 = the Moon, planetary ruler of Cancer. These two aspects of the Divinity join forces in the three. 1 + 2 = 3. Number 3 = Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and co-ruler of Pisces, together with the dreamy and other-worldly Neptune. Both signs are symbolisms for the Divine realms responsible for the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties.
From ‘The Holy Trinity’
‘Excursions Into Numerology’
For a better understanding of the Divine realms’ symbolisms we need to reach out a bit further. Jupiter stands for the principles of harmony, law and philosophical beliefs. The Sagittarian evolutionary pathway first takes us human souls, in the course of our earliest explorations of Earth life, into the exploration – alternately at the giving and receiving end – of religious bigotry, discordant and dogmatic beliefs, disharmony and injustice. At that stage of our development we are as yet unable to peer beyond the end of our nose and we fail to recognise the validity of other faiths and denominations. And because we are by nature quarrelsomeness creatures, at any moment we are ready to go to battle with those who disagree with our beliefs. We are greedy people with immoral behaviour patterns with a constant craving for pleasure and seeking satisfaction of our earthly desires and urges, and our outlook on life is still a completely materialistic one.
However, after many lifetimes of wallowing in the misery of this kind of existence we reach the evolutionary point when its demands have been satisfied. Now the behaviour we ourselves once displayed returns to us in the attitudes and actions of those around us, among them our nearest and dearest. The Karmic debts we are creating in this way towards each other are going to keep us chained together, until every one of the issues has been resolved and put to rest that stops us from living together in peace and harmony. Round and round the zodiac we go, one lifetime after another, learning from the experiences each sign and house can provide for us, and growing through them.
From ‘The Holy Trinity’
‘Excursions Into Numerology’
In one of the lifetimes spent in Sagittarius our higher consciousness begins to stir into life and our Highest or God Self increasingly nudges us into reaching for making the positive qualities of this sign our own. This awakens an ever increasing urge for growth and expansion in us that we spend more and more of our time searching for satisfaction, harmony and justice. Our approach to life changes into an outgoing, friendly and optimistic one of good living by simply being a good person. Our inclinations become more positive and constructive and the sense of moral and social obligations towards life begins to develop.
Our interest in the religious/spiritual/philosophical side of life awakens. Its hopes, dreams and aspirations increasingly act as our guide to doing the right things at the right moment and avoiding the wrong ones. Our inner guide, the living God within, shows us the greater picture of life and with this comes an awareness of what is truly important in this life. With this recognition we freely and willingly seek ways of doing whatever is in our power to make a difference in our world and to ease the plight of our troubled and long-suffering planet.
From ‘The Holy Trinity’
‘Excursions Into Numerology’
Abusive relationships are the main culprits for constantly recharging our world with vibrations of negativity, jealousy, anger and hatred. That’s why such connections are particularly badly in need of healing. The suffering they bring is caused by ignorance, like the rest of every bit of the misery and distress of our world. Most and maybe all of the anguish of those who are unhappy about their gender could easily be avoided if they understood that they themselves once chose who and what they are going to be in their next earthly lifetime, and where and under what conditions they will be spending it.
If those who are affected by this fail to learn about this before their present earthly sojourn has run its course, they are in serious danger of throwing away a whole lifetime that, instead of being a deeply unhappy and frustrated one, could have been filled with opportunities for first discovering and then positively and constructively developing the duality of their nature. With endless patience and love the Universe had it on offer for them, but not to worry. The failure merely means that the experiences of this particular lifetime have to be repeated in another one.
If we reject one aspect of our nature, instead of lovingly accepting and embracing all of them, no progress is possible for growing into a more balanced and integrated human being, who lives happily and peacefully with every part of their being. The gift of another lifetime has been granted for the purpose of learning how to heal them together, so that they can begin to co-operate with each other in peace and harmony, the way they are doing in our Creator, God and Goddess. Anyone who holds onto the past and its experiences is in serious danger of wasting their present lifetime. In that case, a repetition will be required in the hope that this time round the spirit/soul’s message will succeed to seep into the consciousness of its earthly counterpart to help it understand the higher purpose of its present lifetime. When it finally dawns on the small self that the concerns of the spirit are of far greater importance than those of its earthly existence, the long overdue evolutionary step forward has at last been made.
From ‘Healing Abusive Relationships'
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in ‘A Time to Remember’ Stella Polaris October/November 2008: ‘We shall never tire of drawing your attention to the fact that thought is the most powerful creative force of all life and of humankind’s urgent need for learning to control its thinking. This is because each one of you possesses the same creative principle that is in God. This knowledge lays the instrument for creating the right kind of vibrations and for controlling the cells and atoms of their physical body in everybody’s own hands.
‘All who are presently taking part in the school of earthly life have been granted the gift of another lifetime, so that they may learn how to use this power for good and wholesome purposes only. Deep within every human soul rests the Divine urge to create a life that is free and holy, happy and healthy, joyous and loving. This means an existence in which everybody gives of their best and renders loving service to the whole of humankind and its world, whilst never losing sight that the world of spirit and light is your true home.
‘If you would like Mother Earth to become a more beautiful and peaceful place, in your mind start creating these conditions straight away. Use every spare moment to focus your thoughts on the world in which you would like to live. You can do nothing better to help it become a reality in earthly life. When you refuse to allow any other ideas about this theme to enter your consciousness, your hopes, dreams and aspirations have the power to not only raise your own vibrations but also those of your whole world. Show your trust in God’s great plan of life by reminding yourself frequently that you and your world are resting safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. This is one of the best ways of applying the constructive forces of creative thinking to your own life.
From ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
At last we and our world have reached the evolutionary level that Buddhism describes as ‘The latter days of the law’ and Christianity ‘The second coming’. The idea behind both concepts is the awakening of the Divine spark of God’s light in all human hearts. The latter days and the second coming have arrived for those who have consciously become aware of their true nature and the presence of the Universal laws that rule all life throughout the whole of Creation. Every human soul’s final destination, no matter how low or humble our position in life at present may still be, is the reunion with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life who is the Source of our being. The only reason why the tale of the Master Jesus’ life once appeared in our world was to prepare our race for the fact that every one of us is destined to eventually evolve into a Christed one, a spiritual Master like the legendary Jesus, who in truth never walked the Earth.
Some seem to believe that with the coming of the latter days the law of Karma will cease to exist, but that could not be further from the truth. The Universal laws never change. To my mind, the latter days of the law would be more appropriately described as ‘the latter days of the human ignorance of the law and the end of their misbehaviour.’ No-one can revoke Cosmic Laws. But even if it were possible, what wiser, kinder and more loving laws could there be other than the ones we have now? For example, the law of Karma sees to it that, when certain conditions have been fulfilled, i.e. we have redeemed ourselves, our slate is wiped clean and we are allowed a fresh beginning. Equipped with our increased understanding and the wisdom we have gathered along the way we are then ready to be released into the exploration of the higher and, in the fullness of time, the highest levels of life.
Nobody in their right senses could wish to change the law that ensures that everything returns to its source and that therefore nothing in the whole of Creation can ever get truly lost. It is this law that constantly draws and guides every one of God’s children of the Earth back towards their true home and the awareness of our real nature. In the process of learning to distinguish between good and evil it is this law and the guidance of our Highest Self who in the long course of our evolution helps every soul to find its own way out of the holes we once dug for ourselves. To avoid digging more of them from this moment onwards, all we have to do is familiarise ourselves with how the law of Karma expresses itself throughout the whole of Creation, including our own life and that of our whole world.
The last day of the law will have arrived as soon as the slowest one of us has learnt to send nothing but good in thought, word and deed into our world. This will not literally be the last day of the law but of the times when the law could do nothing but return our own evildoings from previous lifetimes and present them to us in this one, whilst offering us opportunities for doing better. When we give of the best and holiest that is in us, the only things that can return to us is more of the same. And this it will do in such rich measure that we shall have enough to share with all who are in need of it. That is how the last day of the law is going to bring an end to all suffering and pain on the Earth plane. And that can only come about through everybody’s own efforts at acting on the spiritual knowledge that is increasingly flowing into our world, not merely reading and then forgetting about it.
The more each one of us makes a conscious effort to give of their best and create nothing but good Karma for us and our world, the more the Cosmic laws will reward us by returning the same to us, until finally nothing but good can come back to us and our whole world. And that, my beloved friends, will be the natural end of the expressions of the law the way we once knew it. No longer will there be any need for our individual souls and the soul of our world to grow through pain and suffering, the way it did in the past. Everyone’s soul energies and those of our world will expand through joy and love instead.
To my mind, the best way of studying astrology is with hindsight and looking back at how the energies of the planets have been affecting us and our world in times gone by. This reveals that there really is a great plan of life and that it has always unfolded the way it should. There is no doubt in my mind that it will continue to do so forever. As the chapters of this part of my jottings unfold before you like a vast cosmic flower, you will be able to see for yourself that there really is a great plan of life that was carefully and lovingly designed by our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and then quite literally written in the stars. The same is true for every human being’s birthchart. Each one is God’s miniature plan for that particular child of the Earth. Even though it covers only one lifetime, it clearly shows how every human life is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
In the course of several years chapter after chapter of this part of my jottings slowly came into being and I felt ever more strongly that the book of life was opening before me, to show me that there really is a great plan of life and how it has always been unfolding. This part of my work, probably more than any other, proves to me that we and our world have always rested safely and forever will do so in the hands of our Creator, the Father/Mother of all life. S/He is the Great designer and architect of life and the Angels are in charge of and responsible for the execution of the great plan.
From ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
Love and friendship with all life are God’s true nature and our own. This is a love that gives of itself freely and willingly to all Its creations. It asks for nothing in return and from the moment of its emergence from the heartmind of God, every soul is accompanied by this love. This is the only truly caring friend who never leaves us and will stay with us forever. Thick and thin, good and evil alike are jointly experienced by the small earthly self and its Heavenly companion, who has always been there for it and forever will be. Ready to be called upon at any time, it has shown us the way through all our past adventures. It is with us in the present and will safely guide us through the explorations that are yet to come. Each time we act as a truly caring friend towards someone, God’s kingdom on the Earth is newly established.
Friendships of this nature are of particularly great value in times of coping with the loss of loved ones. They truly are gifts from the Universe, but they have to be earned before they can be given. If we can play this role for someone, maybe many, the Universal laws ensure that we too shall find at least one of these comforting presences, whenever we are in need of it ourselves.
Thank you, Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life
For the gift of every one of our relationships.
Dwelling in the conscious awareness of our oneness
With You and the whole of Your Creation,
Help us to lift each one of our relationships,
Especially the most difficult ones, onto ever higher levels of
Friendship and total and unconditional love,
So that we may become ever more like You.
In the name of love we ask this.
From ‘The Alchemy Of Love’
The final evolutionary goal of each one of us is to become ever more God-like by learning to love the way our Divine Father/Mother loves us, i.e. totally, unconditionally and impersonally. The Bible tells us: ‘Love your neighbour, as you love yourself!’ To my mind, this does imply the need for loving and respecting ourselves as the precious and unique creatures every one of us truly is. We are magnetic beings who attract into their orbit that which we ourselves are; everything begins and ends with us. That is why, before we can attract some love into our lives, we first have to become loving ourselves. If we wish to be respected by those around us, we must first learn to respect and appreciate ourselves.
Learning to God’s way is the most natural thing for those born into the signs ruled by Venus, earthy Taurus and airy Libra. Librans are in love with love and the willingness to love for its own sake is a vital part of their journey through their present lifetime. Romantic and idealistic in matters of love, inexperienced souls may ceaselessly search for that elusive ideal love mentioned earlier to come into their lives. Quickly dropping each one that does not fulfil this requirement, off they go in search of another, which may soon provide them with the next disappointment.
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
Whatever the soul’s age may be, in Libra it dreams of a love that is capable of lifting itself above the earthly passions it is likely to have savoured to its heart’s content in earthy and sensual Taurus. Having reached Libra, the air sign, yearnings begin to stir in us for a higher more idealistic connection with a partner who knows and responds to our needs and wishes intuitively. It dreams in which the lovers use the power of thought to communicate and express their love for each other on a higher level. For a very long time in its development the soul has no idea what it truly is seeking, namely the elevated spiritual love that Earthlings can only find by attuning themselves to and reaching their final destiny of becoming one again with the Highest and Its mind.
All along the soul has been aware of the need for this reunion; that’s why it nudges its earthly counterpart to look for this kind of love on the Earth plane. The earthly self, failing to understand the messages of its soul, may have to wander for a very long time from one disappointment to another, until it learns from its own experiences that such a love cannot and is not meant to be found in its earthly companions. Realising this does not stop it from longing ever more strongly for it. On and on the soul wanders, dedicated to its odyssey of searching for its great love. Lifetime after lifetime, in some of them as a woman and others as a man, and as it gets older and more experienced also in other cultures and civilisations.
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
Having grown wiser through its own experiences it eventually dawns on the earthly self that if it wishes to solve its love problems, it must become more loving itself and start giving of itself without expecting anything in return – a tall order for one who is as selfish as all human beings initially are. Throughout their meanderings every soul’s earthly self’s selfishness creates problems in many of its relationships. When the going gets too tough in some of them, while the soul is still young, it may try to leave its problems behind by abandoning them. If need be, such souls may go as far as taking things into their own hands and putting an end to their present lifetime. Little do they know that all unresolved issues in every one of their relationships must be tackled again and again in coming lifetimes. This has to continue until satisfactory solutions have been found by the parties involved and they have made peace.
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
For every soul comes the moment when it knows intuitively that during its times on the Earth plane the love of its dreams can only be found through re-establishing its inner connection with God. The wise ones in charge of us know only too well the pitfalls of love; they look upon us with kindness and understanding, ever ready to forgive and spur us on to new learning. When two souls first meet and get involved with each other, they may well swear eternal love to each other and even mean what they are saying. The Angels and Masters forgive us whenever lovers fall out with each other and go off in search of a new love to come into their lives.
Better than anyone else they appreciate that loving God’s way requires human souls to find a different approach to life and is difficult indeed. Only in rare moments can our love approach anything like the greatness of Divine love. Total and unconditional, it is so pure that it can lift us and our whole world up and help them both, at the same time, to rise above the physical aspects of lovemaking – necessary though they are for the process of procreation. God’s love is steadfast and faithful; loyal and true in all Eternity; never wavering and fluctuating. No matter what may ever happen and try to come between It and the object of Its love, it keeps on sheltering, protecting, nurturing us and keeping us safe.
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
The more times a soul has been recycled and the more highly it therefore has become evolved, the stronger the pull of the Highest Self grows. This eventually leads every soul back into claiming its birthright and fulfilling its final destination in the loving union and sacred marriage with the One. Yet, even in their present lifetime this may only manifest itself as they get older and they have been through the mill of many kinds of suffering that have helped to cleanse their consciousness. This process continues until the soul’s energies have been sufficiently purified that the sacred merger between it and the Divine can take place. Not often found in human marriages, the one with the Divine brings healing and peace to the individual soul and – through it – to the soul of our world and by extension to that of the whole of Creation.
We bear the wounds and scars of furious battle, my soul and I.
But now we walk in quiet peace, hand in hand with our Highest Self.
Having gathered together the scattered pieces of our being,
We are whole and healed, once more.
The evolutionary circle closes and the twin serpents of the dual forces
Of Creation, Highest and lowest, masculine and feminine,
Who once were opposed to each other are now working together harmoniously.
Winding round the Caduceus, they are the serpents of wisdom and healing.
Under the protection of the pyramid shaped rainbow
Of the long promised land of plenty my soul and I are coming home,
And humankind’s highest ideals, hopes and dreams
Are finding fulfilment at last.
Crowned by gentle Venus and the victory of a love that never left us,
We have survived the might of selfish seeking
And the downward pull of our earthly self.
Having found the gift of a renewed understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
A new morning’s soft forgiveness is dawning for humankind and its world.
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘The Sun In Libra’
‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
The book ‘Anam Cara’ by John O’Donohue is of particular interest for those who are searching for a soul mate. In his prologue the author explains: ‘The Celtic understanding of friendship found its inspiration and culmination in the sublime notion of the ‘Anam Cara’. Anam is the Gaelic word for soul; cara is the word for friend. So ‘Anam Cara’ means soul friend. The anam cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden intimacies of your life. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an anam Cara, your friendship cut across all convention and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the friend of your soul.’
To this he adds in the chapter ‘Love as Ancient Recognition’: ‘Real friendship or love is not manufactured or achieved. Friendship is always an act of recognition. This metaphor of friendship can be grounded in the clay nature of the human body. When you find the person you love, an act of ancient recognition brings you together. It is as if millions of years before the silence of nature broke, his or her clay and your clay lay side by side. Then, in the turning of the seasons, your one clay divided and separated. You began to rise as distinct clay forms, each housing a different individuality and destiny. Without even knowing it, your secret memory mourned your loss of each other. While your clay selves wandered for thousands of years through the Universe, your longing for each other never faded. This metaphor explains [tries to render an explanation] how in the [first] moment of friendship, two souls suddenly recognise each other.
‘It could be a meeting in the street, or at a party, a lecture or just a simple, banal introduction, then, suddenly there is the flash of recognition and the embers of kinship of ancient knowing. Love opens the door of ancient recognition. You enter. You come home to each other, at last. As Euripides says: ‘Two friends, one soul.’’ Words in square brackets have been added in the hope that they will help to clarify the quote’s meaning.
To shed some more light into this, an Irish speaking friend of mine added the following interesting comment. ‘The word ‘Anam’ in Irish has another much more frequently used meaning, which is simply ‘Name.’ Therefore, the first question you are ever likely to ask an Irish person in Irish is: ‘Cad is anam duit?’ Its modern and surface meaning is ‘What is your name?’ However, the deeper felt underlying question it contains is: ‘What is the Soul that you have on you?’ ‘Duit’ literally means ‘on you’.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
To my mind, O’Donohue’s interpretation of the meaning of soul friends in his book ‘Anam Cara’, mentioned in my previous 'Thought For Today', was a valiant attempt by a Catholic priest, with his religion’s lack of understanding of the spiritual background of life, at finding an explanation of what up to now had to remain inexplicable. There is some truth in what he writes, but I believe that ever since coming away from God, the missing part our soul has eternally been searching for is not another person but the other part of us – our own inner woman or man. All the lovers we ever did embrace in the course of many lifetimes could only ever be outer manifestations of the God and Goddess, who had to wait along time before they could come consciously alive within us.
S/he is the dream lover we are all yearning to meet, the one being in the whole of Creation who really knows and understands all our deepest, innermost needs; who is always there for us and who will never leave us, in all Eternity. This lover is now waiting to fully become one again with each one, the inner Teacher, Healer, Master and Guru, who does have our best at heart. It is the all-wise, all knowing and all-loving being, in whom we have every reason to trust implicitly, for It will never lead us astray. It is longing to be fully reunited with us, as much as we have always been yearning for It. It is not meant to be found in another person, because It is already contained within each one, waiting to come fully alive again, to take over our whole being.
For as long as we insist upon looking for the above mentioned qualities in another human being, our human relationships, even the best, will always remain unfulfilling and disappointing. They are meant to be that way, because otherwise we would get lost in the illusion of the other one. But, for as long as we are still trying to do that, we cannot become whole and healed again. Happiness can only be found in accepting another for what they truly are: companions only for a while. They are soul and spirit, the same as you; they too have to find their own way back to wholeness and God; waiting to be reconnected and healed together with their own ideal lover, within. That’s what healing is all about, for to become whole means to be holy and healed.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
Whenever we come together with anyone, it is because during this lifetime we shall be given opportunities for working out between us some more of our Karma, as once upon a time in the world of spirit we agreed to do. And when two souls are meant to come together as lovers, partners or friends, the sometimes instant recognition they feel is a signal from their inner guide, who is trying to help them to come together again. Loving relationships, especially between soul mates, do not happen by chance, the same as everything. The same as anything good that comes into our life, they had to be worked for. If such a relationship comes suddenly into someone’s life, then the two souls concerned are sure to have worked on and suffered for their love, during other lifetimes. This then comes back to them on the credit side of their spiritual account, i.e. Karma, during this lifetime, so that they can work on their relationship some more.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
The implications of this final stage of our evolution for the societies we live in are as revolutionary as the earlier overthrow of the traditional order or the ancient patriarchal revolution once were. Ever more peace will come to our world when, instead of paying attention to the dictates of external groups, institutions or ideologies, individuals fully discover and take possession of their inner centre of authority and analysis, the wise one or living God within. This enable us to reorganise, control and create a new life for ourselves by following the instructions that have their origin in everybody’s own inner source of knowledge. Once we have learnt to rely on it for its wisdom and truth, we no longer feel the need to follow other people’s beliefs.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
The masculine principle of the living God within helps us to differentiate the world in which we live, to discriminate between the different aspects of nature and also to classify and order. This not only leads us into fully experiencing our essential individuality, but also into healing together with our God or Highest Self and, through this, with the whole of life. Although on the earthly plane we may at times stand utterly alone and we may find ourselves unsupported by institutions, personal relationships and ideologies, or by identities of race, sex and class, in truth we are never alone because on the inner higher and highest levels all life is one. There is no separation between anything. This realisation brings the extraordinary and often alarming knowledge that we can look to no-one and nothing other than to ourselves and nobody except our inner guidance can supply us with reliable directions and answers in any given situation.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
Why is there so much disappointment in human relationships? A valuable contribution towards a better understanding of this comes to us through Luise Eichenbaum and Susie Orbach in their book ‘What do Women Want?’ Don’t be put off by its title; this is not a feminist book. A better way of calling it would be ‘What do women and men want now that the New Age is with us, to help them live together more happily and harmoniously?’ But then, that would be far too long.
In the chapter ‘Dependency and Couples’ the authors come to the conclusion: ‘Showing love, exposing our need and desire for contact, touches our feelings of dependency. Letting ourselves feel our wants for another person is a kind of letting go. It is giving of ourselves. Emotional dependency, needing, wanting and giving love to another person is the fabric of intimate relationships. In their emotional lives people are both strong and sensitive. Loving someone and feeling emotionally vulnerable to them is both effortless and painstaking. It is the easiest thing in the world and the most difficult. We long for intimacy and we fear intimacy.
When we are involved in a relationship, our emotional channel is on fine tuning. We feel disappointment at the smallest thing. We are so tuned into our partner psychologically, that their behaviour or even their mood affects the way we ourselves feel.’
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
We are in this life to help us learning to love wisely, the way God loves us. That’s why everybody needs people and also someone special in their life to care for, love and appreciate and who, ideally, return this to us. For a long time in our search for the right partner it feels as if we were looking for a missing part of ourselves. However, on the inner level we already are whole and it would be folly to believe that anyone can make us that way. The only thing we have to do is get in touch with our inner man/woman and take possession of him/her. If we are fortunate enough to find someone who feels like our soul mate or twin flame, it eventually dawns on us that this person is but an outer manifestation of our inner lover, who is waiting to be acknowledged by us at last and become our best friend.
From ‘Soul Mates’
‘Healers And Healing’
Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger,
you may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know,
You know even then
That somewhere you’ll see her
Again and again.
‘South Pacific’
Rodgers & Hammerstein
Have you ever wondered whether there really is such a thing as love at first sight and if so, why and how it can be? Yes, it really does exist. Should it ever come your way, accept it gratefully as a gift from the Universe, which it truly is. It does not appear in anyone’s life perchance, but only when it has been earned by two people.
The likelihood is that in this lifetime two souls are drawn together in such a manner because, in spite of great obstacles their love had to overcome in previous lifetimes, they stuck together and loved each other deeply, sincerely and with great commitment. This has created between them such a powerful bond of love that it can never be broken by any force between Heaven and Earth. As a reward, the Universe provides that when they meet anew in future lifetimes, as surely they will, an almost irresistible attraction will flow between their two hearts and on a deep inner soul level there will be an instant and profound recognition.
If one or maybe both people at the time of their fresh encounter is seriously involved in a relationship with another, the manner in which the resolution of the resulting crisis is handled reveals better than anything that person’s present spiritual maturity. Our reaction to difficult situations like these are always the best gauge for telling the wise ones in charge of us to what a degree we are succeeding to love truly, wisely and unselfishly, the way our Father/Mother Creator love us. It reveals how worthy we are of friendships that are capable of reaching beyond the restrictions of the Earth plane into the vastness and timelessness of Eternity.
Wise ones bear in mind that, even though they too feel like that at times, other people can never be a missing part of their earthly self or soul, as on the inner level of life each one of us is a whole and complete individual in their own right, masculine and feminine, human and Divine, at the same time. Besides, there is no point in being disappointed if a relationship that has grown from a love at first sight refuses to provide you with unadulterated and never ending peace and bliss. Unfinished business and unresolved issues between the partners are sure to have been left behind by them in previous lives, just the same as in all other relationships.
When love at first sight does not work out well in the end, it does not take wise ones long to recognise that the Universe has merely been trying to provide them with unique opportunities for helping each other. Being aware of the mirror effect, they make good use of it. Working together on overcoming and resolving their character flaws and deficiencies, both partner’s chances are great for succeeding and gradually becoming ever more integrated and whole beings, each in their own right. Realising that the Earth plane is the only place where this can be done, thankfully they seize what is on offer and make the most of it while they can.
Marriages are not exactly made in Heaven, but in the world of spirit on the higher levels of life. Long before any soul ever makes its appearance in physicality, the whole plan of the coming lifetime, including the people it is going to get more intimately involved with, is carefully laid out in the great book of life. To ensure maximum room for the expansion of our spiritual growth on the Earth plane, this is done in broad outlines only. Behind the scenes of life, our God or Highest Self and the Angels plan and prepare the learning opportunities that are most suited to the requirements of our present level of development.
The relationships we are going to have, to whom we shall get married – if so – and what children will come through us or whether there will be none this time round. To offer us as many opportunities for learning and growing, and at the same time repaying some of our Karmic debts that accumulated in previous lifetimes, all these things and many more are predestined and prepared for each one of us with the greatest loving care. Now that we know that none of these things happen perchance or by coincidence, let’s be content with our lot and do our best to learn as much as possible from the experiences the Universe presents to us. This is made easier through the knowledge that in the fullness of time what we are doing now is getting us ready for exploring and getting to know the higher aspects of life.
From ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Human relationships, as difficult and nauseating as some of them can be or eventually turn into, are a vital part of every soul’s development because we learn and grow through our relationships. The best possible evolutionary/spiritual progress can be achieved when both parties are aware that each one of us is an individual and unique soul and spirit. Each partner in any kind of relationship always remains an individual. This does not change when two people are married to each other and on the same pathway of healing and improving their relationships, so that even the most difficult ones are converted into friendships. The further we advance into the Aquarian Age, the more urgently this is required from all of us.
This is especially true for the hardest relationship of all and that is the one with ourselves. As everything starts with us, if we wish to find friends, we first have to learn how to be a good friend to others and that, like any other skill, can only be acquired through constant practice. And before we can be a good friend to others, we have to learn how to be our own best friend. Without too much selfishness, we are required to safeguard and take care of our own needs, wishes and interests. If we do not respect ourselves and them, how can we expect others to do so?
From ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
True friendships last beyond our earthly existence. We take them with us wherever we go and bring them with us, should other incarnations become necessary. They will then be part of our support system. That’s why there is every reason for nurturing our human relationships and looking after them, right here and now. Spiritually we benefit greatly when we succeed in transmuting even the most difficult and traumatic ones into bonds of friendship and love. True love is an eternal link between two souls that will never extinguish. By the quality of their vibrations they will always recognise each other, wherever and whenever they meet again.
From ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
From time to time the question arises: ‘Why is our planet so over-crowded?’ I believe that this, like everything else in our world, is happening for sound and wise reasons. At the beginning of a new age, it makes a great deal of sense because in this way opportunities are created for as many souls as possible to be on the Earth plane. All of us are here to play our part in the process of a new age being born from an old one. Mother Earth herself is presently going through a major transformation and for many of us this is bringing with it our own spiritual rebirth and an initiation into a higher level of existence.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Birth is always a painful process and the present spiritual rebirth of our world is no exception. It too is accompanied by severe labour pains and contortions. Look around you and see for yourself how just about everybody is struggling with coming to terms with their lives, their relationship with themselves and others. I believe this is because many have brought their most ancient and difficult ones with them into their present lifetime, in the hope that at last it will be possible to resolve the outstanding issues between the people involved.
Without this no-one can move forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life. That’s why wise ones make every effort to conduct their lives in harmony with the Universal laws and willingly respond to any other demands of the new age. To those who unhesitatingly heed the call of God and the Angels, opportunities will be offered for mending and healing such relationships and so clearing some of their most ancient Karmic debts.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Much progress is possible for those in earthly life when at last they become aware of God’s true nature and their own, as well as the meaning and higher purpose of their earthly existence. This brings with it a renewed understanding that all life, not only that of the Earth, is ruled by Cosmic laws. But until this happens, humankind’s existence in physicality frequently appears to be unnecessarily and pointlessly cruel, dark and threatening. Earthly selves feel lost and lonely and that they have been placed in a cold and nasty world – and all for what?
In its state of ignorance of the spiritual background of life, the pain of life’s sorrows, limitations and hardships hits the small earthly self hard and it suffers intensely. This is made worse by sneaking feelings that there is some kind of an impersonal and unloving providence, who permits bad and nasty things to happen to people and who inflicts them upon all and sundry without purpose, rhyme or reason. A certain amount of relief comes straight away when we find out about the Universal law of Karma and that because of this law a justice of a very special kind is at work in every life, and that there is a Divine justice that is so perfect and fair that it is hard to grasp by humankind’s earthly mind.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Now that we and our world are moving onto higher levels of consciousness, ever more of us are finding a renewed understanding of the spiritual background of life. However, for as long as the knowledge that is now coming our way with great abundance remains merely of the head, it cannot do us any good whatever. If we wish it to slowly sink into the deeper levels of our consciousness, so that it can become our spiritual property and ours to keep in all Eternity, we need to walk our talk and live our truth by constantly applying our learning to every one of our encounters in our daily lives.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
We are in this life for learning how to love ourselves and each other the way God loves us, totally and unconditionally. From love we have come and to love we are returning. This means that when we love, we understand and that when we understand, we find it easy to forgive. The more the awareness of our true nature increases, the easier it becomes to forgive and find compassion for our own suffering, as well as for those who once hurt and wounded us.
Forgiveness is essential because its gets the healing process going and gradually brings peace to our soul. The knowledge that everything that ever has been in our lives was there purely to teach us something helps us to shed one of our main false beliefs and that is the notion that there is such a thing as good or bad fortune. And whether we like it or not, one way or another, we ourselves once set the wheels in motion for everything that now is in our lives. Understanding and accepting this makes forgiving something quite natural.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
As for a large part of our earthly development we reincarnate one lifetime after another into the same family groups, it is hardly surprising that there is more Karma waiting to be dealt with in families than in any other aspect of life. That is why family situations can be so fraught. The saying: ‘You cannot choose your family, but you can choose your friends,’ is only true up to a point. If our family background was an unhappy one, as much as we may hate this thought now, re-entering Earth life in this family was our choice. Hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us, a long time ago in the world of spirit, we ourselves decided that they were the people who could provide us with the lessons we most urgently needed.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
To this day, far too much suffering is constantly created in our world through family life – mine is no exception. And every bit of it, in my view, is due to a lack of understanding of the roles we are meant to play in each other’s lives. The living together of people in the close proximity of families, no matter how splendid their surroundings may be, puts enormous strain on everybody’s inner resources. In the intimacy of family situations grating on each other’s nerves is just about inevitable. Even in the most loving relationships sooner or later it is likely to develop. Statistics of divorce figures and people living on their own prove the point and speak for themselves.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Whenever we have to deal with depressed people, our aura is bombarded and invaded by their negative vibrations. If we don’t take care and protect ourselves against them, this can make us feel like they do and drag us into the abyss of depression with them. In any case, invasions of each other’s privacy and psychic space are constantly taking place within all families and I believe that psychic protection is of the essence. If you feel in need of some, please go to ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’ here in Booksie.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
As far as unresolved issues in relationships are concerned, each time we depart from this plane of life and return to our true home, the world of light, they are not left behind on the earthly plane. We are going to bring them with us into every one of our subsequent lifetimes on the Earth, until the relationship has finally been healed. This can only be done through finding resolutions for the outstanding issues. The work this requires can only be carried out in future lifetimes in earthly life. Once we have been released from the limitations of our most recent one, we become aware of who and what we are and begin to perceive things more clearly again. Personal stresses and strains no longer exist in this world and therefore cannot be worked on. And that highlights the importance of making every effort to convert all our troublesome relationships into friendships, right here and now.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
The intention behind the challenges encountered in human connections and the conflicts and tensions arising from them undoubtedly have always led to much soul growth for all concerned. But now that ever more of us are reaching spiritual maturity the Universe is placing the tools for learning how to rise above difficult situations and for doing better into the hands of those who are ready to receive them. Without getting to know the true purpose and the meaning behind our human relationships, nobody has much of a chance to make any progress on the evolutionary ladder.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
For as long as warring parties remain unaware of what is expected from them, the people on both sides of the fence are likely to continue with their difficult behaviour patterns. Because they have become part of their soul memories from previous lifetimes, they will be carrying these habits forward into each one of their future earthly sojourns. Until their earthly self wake up from its spiritual slumber, they can do nothing but continue to endlessly create increasingly difficult Karmic situations. They will have to be redeemed and resolved, if not during their present lifetime, then in a future one.
As long as at least one of the participating souls in a dispute of any kind becomes aware of their true nature and takes the necessary steps to release the other one from their Karmic obligation, both souls will remain trapped onto the great wheel of Earth life. Tied to it and each other, unwittingly they will be creating ever more Karmic chains and shackles for themselves. This is the kind of yoke we have all carried with us, ever since we entered into our first relationship with another human being.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
Setting each other free is sure to be done much more successfully and rapidly when both parties in thorny relationships wake up. Wise ones who freely and willingly get to work on this formidable task are sure to find that their present lifetime offers them many opportunities for transforming even their most difficult relationships into bonds of friendship and mutual respect. By taking charge of their lives and their destiny and accepting the responsibilities this brings with it, they themselves will not only be creating possibilities for balancing the scales of justice, but also for resolving any issues that had been left unattended in other lifetimes.
However, without at least a degree of spiritual awareness there is little chance of achieving this goal. The key for unlocking its gates, as always, is a better understanding of what is required from us as earthlings. Our knowledge then enables us to consciously get to work on all problematic relationships. And for the wise ones who kneel themselves into this task, there eventually comes the blessed moment when the people involved are setting each other free.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
It is good to know that, because everything in the whole of Creation always has to balance, we do not only bring our difficult relationships with us but also some good and helpful ones, so they can be built upon and further strengthened. True friendships last beyond this earthly existence. We take them with us wherever we go and we bring them with us, should another incarnation become necessary. They will then be part of our support system, so there is every reason for nurturing our human relationships and looking after them, right here and now.
Aiming to transform even our most difficult and traumatic relationships into bonds of friendship and love is in our interest and to our advantage, because true love is an eternal link between two souls, who will always recognise each other, wherever and whenever they meet again.
From ‘Karma In Families’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’
If before God we are all the same and we all contain everything, the very best and the worst in equal measure, and if everybody is gifted in the same way, why then don’t we all know the same things? Why don’t we all think and behave the same way? To be sure, before God we are all alike and each one of us has been bestowed with the same abilities and potentialities, but initially they are present in seed form only. To become ours, they have to be worked with and developed. And we all perceive matters in different ways because everybody has reached a degree of evolutionary development that is at least slightly different from anyone else’s. This makes it possible for life on Earth to be a school in which all those present at any given time can simultaneously play the role of teacher and/or pupil for each other. Hence the need for some of us to be slightly ahead of the others.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
We are children of the Universe, co-creators with God and young Gods in the making. Every one of the powers and characteristics of our Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, are also in us and because everthing was created by and is of God that means the very best as well as the worst. All of them have to be explored and experienced by us, so that we may become familiar with them and make the beneficial ones our own. Can you see why life on Earth is such a tough and demanding school? Nothing that exists here and also in our personal lives was inflicted upon us by some ancestral curse or outside force – known or unknown. Every bit of it was created by each one of us ourselves and there are no exceptions to this.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
God and the Angels in their infinite wisdom and foresight help us to bring everything our hearts truly desire into being, so that we should learn something from the experience and through it grow in wisdom and understanding. In the course of many lifetimes each one of us can do this only with the help of their own experiences. When the lower and lowest aspects of our nature have been sufficiently explored and understood during the early stages of our earthly education in the infant, toddler and adolescent classes, we are ready to leave this part of our development behind for good. We move onto the higher grades and begin to concentrate on developing the highest and noblest aspects of our nature. In this way we slowly but surely become ever more God-like ourselves.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
When one studies the lives and times of those who came before us during other phases of humankind’s evolutionary development, I believe the right way of looking at what happened to them is never a question of ‘They did this, that or the other. How terrible!’ It was not ‘them’ but ‘us’. There only ever was ‘us’, for we – and by that I mean the likes of you and me – who are among the more highly evolved souls, are likely to have taken part in many of the events of bygone days. Lots of those who are presently taking part in Earth life are very old and experienced souls. In other lifetimes we are sure to have taken part in some of the most ancient civilisations that ever existed on the Earth, their habits and religions, their ceremonies and rituals. For good and evil alike, we carried our load of whatever trials and tribulations had to be endured by humankind in those days.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Each one of us is a spark of the Divine and a child of God. And regardless of anything that happened in past lifetimes, none of us is some kind of a miserable worm or sinner, as some to this day would like us to believe human beings are. Each one of us always has been and forever will be a student in the great University of God’s Creation, which every so often takes us temporarily into earthly life, no more and no less. This is an academy where every pupil is required to go in search of their own wisdom and understanding. And the motto of this educational establishment is, to paraphrase the words of Yates: ‘The lighting of a fire and not the filling of a pail.’
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Wise ones, whenever someone brings a new item of spiritual wisdom and truth to their attention, listen carefully to what their inner guidance has to say about it. It’s responses come to us through the world of our feelings. If something is right, it feels right and if something doesn’t fit into their present belief system, they refuse to stick their heads into the sand ostrich fashion and pretend that what they are hearing is untrue and a load of nonsense. Knowing that this does not make any item of information disappear, they appreciate that it is in the nature of spiritual awakening that any existing store of beliefs is constantly in need of updating and expanding. That’s why, during their search for spiritual growth in wisdom and understanding, they are willing to let go of some – maybe all – of their long held and often cherished perceptions of what truth is. They replace them with the fresh concepts, insights and ideas they are finding whilst progressing on their predestined pathway through life.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
The earthly selves of young and inexperienced spirit/souls do not yet know any better than frequently sticking their heads ostrich fashion into the sand. This is because they cannot yet tell the importance of new parts of God’s wisdom and truth, when they are coming their way, and discern that the ones they believe to be true are outdated and in need of being replaced by fresh insights. Never mind, it’s all part of the earthly lessons of these youngsters. When they have matured into spiritual adulthood, they too will understand. They will then be able to grasp the meaning of the Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, how it has always affected their own lives and that of the whole of humankind. And that will help them to realise that certain behaviour rules are valid for every human being on the Earth plane and that following them is sure to benefit the spiritual progress of those who live by them greatly.
At that stage of their development they too will understand that we are all responsible for ourselves and also our world; that whatever befalls us in our present existence was brought about by the Karma that was created by everyone’s own thoughts, words and actions of previous lifetimes; that everything in our world at present was created by all of us together; that every one of us is accountable for its present state; and that’s because of this everybody is expected to do their share of putting things right and doing their best to make Mother Earth a more peaceful and harmonious place for all lifeforms she holds in her loving embrace.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Many to this day appear to be unaware that every right they have in this life brings with it a duty. The corollary of this is that every lifetime we are allowed to spend on this planet eventually presents us with the moral obligation of doing our best to look after and care for it. We are here to do everything that is within our power to redeem the damage we one afflicted upon it in this lifetime and countless others before. Every small effort one of us makes is an expression of our gratitude towards Mother Earth for putting up with our race’s presence, for sharing her abundance with us, for her patience and the hospitality she has always shown us.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
When it comes to the things, people and conditions that are causing us most trouble and heartache in our present lifetime, forget about looking for scapegoats and blaming others, especially not God and the Angels or any other unknown force who does not wish you well. Instead look towards yourself. You are sure to have created them. Alas, no progress is possible for as long as we unaware of our true nature and the karmic debts we owe and are paying through any kind of suffering we have to endure. Looking for the cause of any of our problems in those around us is a futile exercise that gets us nowhere. All it can hope to achieve is to stop us from making the evolutionary growth that potentially is the birthright of every one of God’s children of the Earth.
This applies particularly to the set of parents and siblings the Universe in its great wisdom provided for us. They were carefully chosen by the wise ones in charge of us in the world of light, long before we emerged into our present lifetime. We agreed with the suggestions they made because on the one hand the people were willing to act as our parents. On the other hand their energies, as well as those of the environment we were going to be born into, were compatible with the early learning requirements of our present lifetime. Besides, up to a certain point our future parents’ life lessons were similar to ours. These things are true even if we came through a long family line of alcoholics, depressives or people who are suffering from any other kind of affliction.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
Let no-one run away with false ideas about the connections every human being has with their forebears. They are not the cause of the way we are, our thinking and behaviour patterns and everything is going to come our way in the course of our present lifetime. We alone carry the full responsibility for every one of our character traces and afflictions, be they of a mental, physical or spiritual nature. And even though it may often seem as if we had inherited agreeable and disagreeable characteristics, difficulties and limitations, as well as gifts and talents from those through whom we came into this life, every part of it created by us and is our own doing.
No-one other than we ourselves should be blamed or take credit for anything. The cross is the most ancient symbol for our earthly existence that is known to humankind. Every one of us has to carry theirs on their own shoulders in the form of the earthly personality that was created by us in the course of many lifetimes. We brought it with us into the present one, in the hope of being able to work on improving it. Nobody can do this work for us and that’s how the Universal law of evolution affects all of us on a personal and also on the collective level.
From ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses’
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
What is a mystic? Well, according to the Oxford dictionary the word mystic means: ‘a) spiritually allegorical or symbolic; occult, esoteric; of hidden meaning, mysterious; mysterious and awe-inspiring. And that b) a mystic is one who seeks, by contemplation and self-surrender, to obtain union with or absorption into the Deity, or one who believes in spiritual apprehension of truths beyond the understanding [of ordinary mortals].’
So, there we have it. If mystics are people who probe into the less known and mysterious aspects of life, those that have not yet been fully explored by humankind, then they are probably not as far removed from what science is doing on a different level of life, than some of our scientists seem to think. What these people do not yet realise is that at a certain point mysticism and science converge. They too no doubt will find this out in the fullness of time. And when the two aspects eventually come together and officially join forces, even greater progress will be possible in the understanding of the scientific working of God’s Creation than in the past. This is what happened through the efforts of people like Darwin, Newton and Einstein – to name but three – when they acted as channels for the wisdom of the Divine and brought it down to the Earth for the benefit of all.
From ‘The Mystic And Seeker’
‘Our World In Transition’
If he had not been a mystic and seeker, why else would Einstein have spoken of ‘that Cosmic religious feeling’ he experienced whilst contemplating the underlying order of the physical Universe? Enlightened people like him have always appeared in our world from time to time, so they could be used as channels of the Divine to light the way and ensure humankind’s scientific progress, in spite of any kind of opposition – no matter how powerful it may have been at the time.
Some believe that there are two different types of science, a spiritual and a mundane one, one of which is superior to the other, but that at some stage the two will come together. In my view, they already are one and always have been. All any of our scientists could ever do was grapple with and search for a better understanding of God’s Creation and the laws that rule all life within them. Whether any scientist is as yet aware of this or not, from its earliest beginnings those involved in science could only wrestle with unravelling the mysteries of the Cosmos, trying to explain them to themselves and then to the rest of us.
From ‘The Mystic And Seeker’
‘Our World In Transition’
Until a scientist has woken up to the awareness of God’s true nature and their own, which every human being does in the fullness of time, the success of their scientific endeavours is likely to remain restricted. For as long as the masculine and feminine aspects of our nature are detached from each other, we have difficulties to perceive our world for what it truly is. It’s impossible to recognise the part we are playing at all times as a humble receiver/transmitter station for the wisdom of the Divine. I believe that in due course even the last one of our scientists will wake up from their spiritual slumbers and evolve into a mystic and seeker. At that point they too will let go of their cherished false beliefs, prejudices and pre-conceived ideas that to this day abound in the individual and collective consciousness of our world, which at present are holding some of our scientists back from fulfilling their highest potential.
From ‘The Mystic And Seeker’
‘Our World In Transition’
In my view, it is unlikely that any major scientific breakthrough will ever be given through one of our present day scientists for as long as they insist on playing the part of ‘pop-star scientist’. They too one day will wake up from their spiritual slumber and realise that, as James Allen put it: ‘The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.’ For them too the time will then have come to do their share of manifesting God’s dream for humankind on the Earth plane, and they may wish to follow Henry Van Dyke’s advice, doing their best so God and the Angels can do the rest: ‘Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.’
From ‘The Mystic And Seeker’
‘Our World In Transition’
The German physicist Werner Heisenberg wrote: ‘The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.’ And the way you interpret his words depends on what the concept of God means to you.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Is There A God?’
• ‘Who Or What Is God?’
Being thoroughly fed up with the deviousness and deception, lying and cheating of the Piscean Age has prepared us and our world to seek a better understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth by re-establishing our direct connection with our Creator through our inner guidance by the living God within. The knowledge that comes to us from there is not of the kind that can be imbibed by book-learning alone. Because spiritual wisdom and understanding is a constantly expanding living organism, it is impossible to find God’s ultimate truth in any kind of book, as by the time of its appearance it is likely to be outdated already. And as on top of this, everyone’s perception of truth varies slightly from everybody else’s, clearly it is best to set off in search of our own truth.
In prayers, meditations and quiet reflections our consciousness tunes itself like a transmitter/receiver station – which in truth it is – into the wavelengths of the Highest. Through regularly entering into the silence within, God’s sacred understanding of things begins to reveal itself to us. This truth is so elusive that it is almost impossible to capture and describe in words. We need to break through the limitations of our minds and the many false perceptions of our small earthly self, so that we can become one with the Universal wisdom of the Great Mother and the Cosmic intelligence of the Great Father. They alone can take us into their knowingness and that simply cannot be expressed in earthly terms and languages.
From ‘Each Searching For Their Own Truth’
‘Our World In Transition’
When one looks back over the centuries and millennia and watches humankind’s spiritual development, it is not hard to see that the religions of our world were specifically designed to stop us from becoming mystics and seekers of God’s sacred wisdom and truth before the time for doing so had come. Although finding it is humankind’s birthright and destiny, an enterprise of such vast proportions could only succeed when sufficient numbers of us and also our whole world had matured into spiritual adulthood, and when the Cosmic energies were right, which they are now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius.
To serve the purpose of keeping us away from too intimate a relationship with God, of necessity the religions of the past were organised ones and of the head. In contrast to this, the faith of the Aquarian Age is of the heart and has nothing to do with institutions and organisations. It is the kindness and compassion that is felt in our hearts and souls for the suffering of the whole of humankind, Mother Earth and all her kingdoms. Our new religion is a deep and abiding love for our Creator that is accompanied by an unshakeable trust in His/Her goodness and ability to heal every wound and make all crooked corners straight again for each one of God’s children of the Earth.
From ‘Each Searching For Their Own Truth’
‘Our World In Transition’
At long last, the time has come for each one of us to do their own work of reconciling, balancing and healing the polarities and oppositions within them into one. All the different aspects of our nature, including our human and Divine part, have to be trained to work together, until they come into the same harmony that is in our Creator and no longer work against each other, as they have done in the past and frequently still do. The legend of the Master Jesus in ‘The Gospel of St. Thomas’ of the Nag Hammadi Library described this process as follows: ‘When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female ... then you will enter [the kingdom].’
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
Healing souls is better than healing physical bodies. This is because healing of the highest order takes place on a deep inner soul level when the energies of the earthly and the Divine Highest or God Self mingle to such an extent that they grow into one. The Jesus legend supplies us with a beautiful description of how the human physical body becomes ever more imbued with the Divine energy, until finally its cells and atoms have changed so much that the two parts of Creation, Heaven and Earth, God and Goddess, become one and are fully reunited.
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
The Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, with the help of the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm once brought us the Jesus legend and the message: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ Even though it was misunderstood for a long time, the meaning of this message for us and our world always has been: ‘I am the I am. I am as much part of you as you are part of Me. I am the living God within you, who knows the way of all things and the answers to all your questions. I am the truth, the love and the life within you.’ The same voice is now telling us: ‘Rejoice, beloved children of the Earth, for at present ever more of you are waking up into the awareness of their true nature and Mine. This helps them to realise that in truth they are a spark of Me and that the essence of their being is spirit and soul and therefore eternal and immortal like Me.’
From ‘Santa’s Retirement’
‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’
To paraphrase the American journalist Charles Bishop Kuralt, 1934-1997: ‘It’s beneficial for our individual and collective mental and spiritual wellbeing to remind ourselves frequently that our whole world is not in flames and that there are people in our world besides politicians, entertainers and criminals, who are doing good things.’ And that’s how many small people in many small places doing small things can and indeed do change our world. I am convinced that there is much more goodness than evil in our world. It’s just that most of us prefer to do good things quietly in the background and therefore draw little attention. But even if not many in our world can see it, God and the Angels most certainly do.
From ‘Santa’s Retirement’
‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’
The following is the essence of a message of hope and encouragement from the White Eagle group of spirit guides with the title ‘Keep On Keeping On’ that appeared in Stella Polaris August/September 2015: ‘It is with love and joy in our hearts that we are coming to you today to tell you of some of the truths that are vital for your happiness in this lifetime and beyond. We too once walked the road you are presently treading. Because of this we are familiar with the sorrows and difficulties of living in a physical body that is as yet unawakened to the beauty and wonder of our world, the spirit realms.
‘We are aware of how hard earthly life can be for those who do not yet know about its spiritual background and the presence of spirit guides and helpers who love and care for you, just because you are. This lack of spiritual knowledge makes it very difficult to grasp that the life you have been given is basically a good one. Trusting that the love of the Great White Spirit and that His/Her loving arms have always been wrapped around you, is almost impossible in that state. But it becomes easier when you comprehend that every one of your earthly experiences serves a wise higher purpose. Because we know the sorrows, disappointments and hardships of life in physicality only too well, we are joining you here. Our only motivation is a great longing in our hearts to provide you with the knowledge of the powers that are within every human being and therefore also in you.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘We, your spirit guides and helpers, want to tell you about the beautiful states of life that in the fullness of time are waiting for you and the importance of bringing forth the best that is within you, because they are the characteristics of your higher or Christ nature. Even though you may not see any results of your efforts for quite some time, keep on keeping on. Your ascension of the spiritual mountain of earthly life is an essential part of God’s plan for your spiritual development. Your predestined pathway is to reach the end of your earthly education and that is the top of the mountain. We are here to provide you with the assistance you need.
‘Every religion your world has ever seen is one of the many roads that lead up this mountain. When at the end of your present earthly sojourn you return to our world, we shall be welcoming you in our midst. After you have recovered from the stresses and strains of earthly life and look at it from our side of the veil, you will probably be as overwhelmed as we are by the amount of suffering you see. It will occur to you how easily all of it could be avoided, if only people were aware that every bit of suffering is the result of someone’s own thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. You want to go to them and tell them that it is up to them to change, but alas you will have to tell them that it is not your job to do this work for them.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘We, your spirit friends and helpers, would love to do the spiritual work for each one of you, but are not allowed to for in that case none of you earthling would grow in wisdom and understanding. You are the only ones who can do this, while we from the spiritual background of life support and encourage you. Our main role is showing you how to avoid creating further negative Karma and accumulating karmic debts, and helping you to redeem the ones that still exist in your spiritual bankbooks. This is done through sending nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. It really is as simple as that.
‘There are many groups like ours on this side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from this one. The White Eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, whose wisdom and truth we are bringing you as best as we ourselves know it. White Eagle is the collective word for all who are working together for the benefit and wellbeing of our siblings who are struggling with their existence as spirit and soul encased in matter. Our groups are on many different evolutionary levels and working with you is an essential part of our own development. If you so wish, you can join our beginner’s group for those who have just completed their earthly education. You can serve your apprenticeship here, if you so wish. Nobody forces you to do anything, but when you watch the miseries of the life you have only just left behind, your heart is likely to melt with compassion and love and you want to help in some way, the way many of us are doing in this world.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘Waiting for every human being, who has got to the end of their earthly education, behind the spiritual mountain all of you are climbing together is the greater freedom and beauty of the spirit realm. In due course you will be exploring ever higher levels of it. Each one of you eventually awaits a heavenly state of life that is so filled with peace and harmony that it is hard to imagine in your present state. Ah yes, we can see you thinking: ‘That’s all very well, but how are we to believe that what you are telling us is the truth. In any case, how can any of it affect our present-day difficulties and problems?’ Our role is to point the way towards your goal, because as soon as your vision focuses on it, your mental and emotional attitude towards your companions and the problems of everyday life changes.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘Spiritually, knowledge is light and the lack of it is darkness. The wisdom and truth of the Great Mother of all life is the eternal light and you need its help for working your way through and over every one of your earthly hurdles and obstacles. Yet, to enable you to contact this light, the desires and cravings of your lower earthly nature first have to surrender themselves to the demands of your higher nature. But human beings frequently find it too difficult to listen and make the effort to rise in thought above their sad and traumatic conditions and reach out for the life of our world with its light and warmth, joy and tranquillity, kindness and peace. In spite of that, we are always there for you; all you have to do is ask. Without asking no help can come to you; that is the law.
‘For those who have asked and through this are showing their readiness to receive, we are bringing the truth about God’s nature and your own. We ask you to look, with love in your heart and soul, towards the higher and highest realms of life. The more you do this, the more your small difficulties shrink away, because you know that everything that happens in earthly life is transient and but a passing phase. With the help and will of God and the Angels no obstacle is insurmountable and all conditions can be healed. So do your best, refuse to worry about tomorrow and rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are doing the rest.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘What you read in my previous ‘Thought For Today, is the message of the Jesus legend’s St Matthew 6:25-32: ‘Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food and the body than the raiment? Behold the birds of the Heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life? And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you? O ye of little faith!’
‘The people of your planet have difficulties comprehending messages of this nature because many of them to this day are existing behind a kind of barrier that acts like a dense fog. Getting rid of it is everyone’s own task, but do not despair because we are here to help you. The only thing that can disperse the kind of fog we are talking about here is the light of the Highest Star, the Universal Christ Spirit, through whom all life is given. And God’s sacred wisdom and truth are the winds of Heaven that can blow away everything that is troublesome in your world.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
‘A light burns within each one of you that in the course of many earthly lifetimes has been turned down and grown very dim. You are the only one who can uncover this light and help it to shine so brightly that ever more of the Earth’s clouds of fog and darkness are absorbed into it. Every human being has a hidden power within that can act like the winds of Heaven that sweep your surroundings until everything ugly and evil, negative and destructive has been transformed into something good, right and beautiful. That’s how the conditions of the earthly existence can be moderated and improved for all lifeforms who are taking part in it.
‘You too are endowed with this power. By bringing it forth and using it wisely, eventually the things of Earth that in the past were so stressful will no longer have any effect on you. When you look at them from the right perspective, you recognise that they are but passing phases and someone’s lessons. These Divine powers are unfolding in ever more of you. You are God’s beloved children of the Earth. And with the knowledge we are bringing you the Great Father/Mother is placing into the hands of every one of you the key for unlocking the inner doors to great happiness. The secret of overcoming the oppressiveness of earthly life is perceiving them in the right light and knowing that everything is sure to work out well by the time Mother Earth has been transformed into a place of beauty, harmony and peace.
From ‘Ascending The Spiritual Mountain’
‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’
It was right for the tale of Jesus, in the depths of the patriarchy, to tells us: ‘The Father and I, we are one.' Yet, for us the time has come to pray: ‘The Great Spirit, Father/Mother, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ and I, we are one.’ The Father, Fire and Air, does all the work and the Mother, Earth and Water, shapes herself willingly to His desire and will. The Son/Daughter is the Divine spark in every child of the Earth, waiting to wake from its slumber and come fully alive in us. It is then no longer difficult for us to bend our knees freely and willingly before the Divine Trinity and say: ‘Thy Will, O Grea White Spirit, is my will and my will is Thine. Guide and protect me, please show me the way, now and forever. Amen.’
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
With the help of God and the Angels, every one of us has to work their way through layer upon layer of the ancient soul memories of all the pain and the fears we ever had to endure in previous lifetimes. This emptying out process can be likened to the peeling of an onion. The deeper one gets down, the closer one comes to the core of one’s being, but also the tighter packed and more intense the stored up feelings may grow. Should that happen to you, on no account give up, but take comfort from the knowledge that – one fine day – you are sure to reach rock bottom and return into the oneness with God. Those who persevere are sure to eventually reach the point that, when they affirm to themselves: ‘I am safe and secure in God’s loving hands,’ they can sense a response that comes from the very core of their own being with words like: ‘You are My beloved child; you are in Me and I am in you; you are safe.’
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
Do Not Judge
Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.
There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.
Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.
You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.
Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.
For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.
Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’
Only being able to ever see one side of anything they observe and that beyond a shadow of doubt everything that happens in our world is part of the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and life lessons, frequently of many people, wise ones refuse to judge anything at face value. They know that the things that are ugly and evil are manifestations of their unevolved state, and that each one of them is on its way of slowly but surely – and that may take many human earthly lifetimes – being transformed into something that’s good, right and beautiful.
This is why these sages have no need for wasting the precious energies of the lifeforce within them on complaining, whinging and moaning, getting angry and upset about the present state of our world. They prefer to spend it on looking at and contemplating on the many things and people that have already reached much higher evolutionary levels. Aware that this assists their own spiritual development as well as that of our world, wherever they are they are doing their best to bring more of it into being.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged’
• ‘Sitting In Judgement’
• ‘Love Your Enemies’
• ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
From ‘Do Not Judge’
‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’
As ever, there is more to the issue of judging people than meets the eye. Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light and the other of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and in our world their manifestations are good or evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength. If we are among the lamenters who can only see the dark side of our world, our thoughts as well as written and spoken words of complaint about its state are dragging us further into the dungeon of depression. It acts like a quagmire that pulls those affected ever deeper into the dark side of themselves and our world.
From ‘Do Not Judge’
‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’
The darkness of depression, if left unattended and unresolved, is stored in the memories of our soul each time we leave our physical body behind at the end of another earthly lifetime. The lower self has no idea that its soul is calling out ever louder that it is in need of healing. Suppressing depressive symptoms with the products of the pharmaceutical industry merely delays what is truly required. With the help of these chemicals we are going to bring the darkness, that is entirely of our own making, with us into every new lifetime. When depression hits us then, we cannot understand for the life of us why this should be happening to us.
This is bound to continue until we bravely face our depression and seriously get to work on it And that’s an extremely scary enterprise, but we do not have to do this on our own. Far from it! God and the Angels are part of us and with us at all times. Not only are they aware of our suffering, they are suffering with us. All we have to do is ask for their help. It will never be denied to anyone who requests it. So why not get on with it, now and see what happens?
From ‘Do Not Judge’
‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’
Wise ones at all times look at the bright side of things. They concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and the good that is in every human being. They know that even if it may exist only in seedform in someone so far, it is there. The evolutionary law of life will see to it that it wakes up when the time is right for this to happen. Such kind and loving thoughts and words are feeding into the stream of light and adding to its strength. They also have the power of igniting the Divine spark in those around us and assist their awakening to come about more easily than it would otherwise have done.
From ‘Do Not Judge’
‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’
‘One candle can light thousands of others without its own life getting shorter. Happiness and light never decrease through sharing.’ The Buddha
Happy Valentine’s Day
True friends are always there for us.
The only thing they want
Is that we should be ourselves.
Because they understand that we all have
Everything within, good and evil alike,
It feels safe with them
To reveal the very depths of our heart.
Such friends are like the shade of
A great tree in the noonday heat
Or a home port with our country’s flag flying,
When we reach the end of a long journey.
In the trouble and strife of Earth life
They are impregnable citadels of refuge.
Whenever they reach for our hand,
They touch our hearts and help our souls to heal.
Their belief in us restores our faith
In the basic goodness of our existence.
The presence of the Divine shines through
Their kindness and compassion.
This restores our faith in human nature
And reassures us that it’s a good Universe
In which we live, after all.
Aware of the higher purpose of Earth life
And conducting their lives by the Universal laws,
Friends of this calibre never stab us in the back or betray us.
They are spiritual oases in the desert of earthly existence,
Antidotes to despair, elixirs of hope
And tonics against depression.
They will be our friends in all Eternity.
From the world of light they will still be our friends,
Guiding and supporting us as best they can.
Responding to their friendship,
Unstintingly and without reluctance,
Is the most natural thing in the world.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Here is a Valentine’s Day greeting, especially for you.
Please follow the link below:
‘Valentine’s Day Card’
With love and light,
A word of advice from an unknown wise one: ‘Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail. Uncheedah, a Santee Sioux, added to this: ‘When you see a trail or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.’
‘When we are young we sneak out of the house to go to parties. When we get old we sneak out of parties to go home.’ Anon.
To paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to our world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’
The Importance Of Humour
The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle calendar March 2019: ‘. Nothing lightens the vibrations of your physical body as much as cultivating a good sense of humour. We like to see your happy smiling faces and how you refuse to deal with anything too heavily and seriously. Knowing that in earthly life all things pass away, that everything eventually has to come to its natural end and that, in the fullness of time, God and the Angels will be making all crooked places straight, smile and let things take their course, just be.
Because love is the law of the Universe, no-one every forces us to do anything. We ourselves are ultimately the bottom line as far as our evolutionary pathway is concerned, but spending a certain number of lifetimes on the material plane is compulsory. To achieve the developmental progress that is necessary for eventually leaving the school of earthly life behind, there is nothing for it but to apply for one more lifetime and however many more may still be required. While resting and recuperating from the stresses and strains of earthly life in the spirit world, we ourselves, i.e. our spirit/soul together with the wise ones in charge of us, choose the pathway we are going to walk during our next earthly sojourn, where and through whom we shall be entering it.
That’s why Samuel Butler said: ‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row. We are steered by fate.’ English folk wisdom adds to this: ‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’ And the Greek statesman and poet Solon, circa 638 – 558 BC, having grown immensely wise in the course of many lifetimes, noted: ‘If all our misfortunes were laid in a common heap from which each has to take an equal share, most people would be content to pick up theirs and depart.’
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
So far we have only searched for the higher esoteric meaning behind the surface words of our world’s belief systems. But how do numbers fit into this concept? Well, let’s start with the number 1, a very good place to start, as Rodgers and Hammerstein told us in ‘The Sound Of Music’. The 1 represents the first impulse of Creation, the masculine God or the Great Father, astrologically represented by the elements Fire and Air. Fire = the ideas of the creative force of life. Air = the thought processes of Creation that brings everything into being.
The number 2 is Creation’s second impulse, the feminine Goddess or Great Mother, astrologically represented by the elements Earth and Water. Earth = creation of matter to manifest in physicality. Water = emotions and the soul. 1 and 2 come together in the 3, the Universal Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and Sun of all suns. This is the only born Son/Daughter who consists of the 1 and 2, having been created by them. From its light the Father and Mother create matter and bring physical life into manifestation.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
The construction of the Universe is based on mathematical principles and because God is in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, the numbering system used in our world is sacred. The first ones represent the energies of one of the planets of our solar system. 1 = the Sun. 2 = the Moon. 3 = Jupiter. 4 = Uranus. 5 = Mercury. 6 = Venus. 7 = Neptune. 8 = Saturn. 9 = Mars. 0 = the circle of Eternity. 12, 40 and 144,000 are among the most outstanding ones that are of significance in various religious movements and the ancient prophetic belief systems in which the modern religions have their roots.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
Sacred Numbers
12 = 12 signs and houses of the zodiac; months of the year; hours of day and night; disciples of Jesus.
40 = the parable of Jesus spending forty days and nights in the desert. The higher esoteric meaning of the way the number is used here is a description of every human being’s pathway on its evolutionary journey that takes us through experiencing life in a physical environment. This road starts at the lowest point and takes us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral to the highest as a Christed one in our own right. Night represents the spiritual darkness of that environment where every one of us spends an indefinite number of lifetimes. To rest and recover from the tests and trials of the spiritual desert of that existence, at the end of each earthly sojourn we return to the world of spirit. Days represent an indefinite number of periods of indefinite length spent in the light of knowing who we really are and what purpose our existence serves.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
The number 144,000 = appears in chapter 14 of the Book Of Revelation. I have taken the liberty to paraphrase it as follows: ‘I looked and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Sion. With him were 144,000 who had his Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from the Heavens that sounded like many waters and great thunder. I also heard the sound of harpers playing their instruments. They were singing as if it were a new song before the throne, the four beasts and the elders. Nobody could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed in earthly life and who were virgins because they had not been defiled by contact with women. They were following the Lamb wherever he went. Redeemed from among the people of the Earth, they were the first fruits unto God and the Lamb. In their mouths was found no guile and they were without fault before the throne of God.’
It was with full intention that the Angels and Masters, who are responsible for every level of humankind’s development, presented this prophecy in a nonsensical form that would keep people puzzling for a long time what these words might mean. And when, with the coming of the Aquarian Age, ever more earthlings would be waking from their spiritual slumber, their only reaction could be: ‘This doesn’t make any sense whatever. It cannot possibly be true. Some kind of symbolisms and metaphors has to be hiding behind those words, but what?’
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
That’s when their inner teacher, the living God or wise one within, could reveal to them – it’s a revelation, after all – that those who have the word God written on their foreheads represent people who still believe that the sacred texts of their religions are literally true. Being young and inexperienced spirit/souls, they would happily be following religions that are merely of the head. The concept of heart knowledge would not yet be known to them. The energies and emanations of such people will be unsuitable when our Mother Earth’s transformation is complete and our planet has become a place where peace and harmony rule supreme.
These youngsters will not be allowed to reincarnate into earthly life. They will be continuing their education in a physical environment on a much younger and less highly evolved planet. Its vibrations will be much slower and therefore suitable for what the newcomers have to offer. That’s where they will continue their studies of the material plane of life. During their present earthly existence they are as yet unable to make up their own minds about what they can and want to believe. This is why they behave like lambs, i.e. young sheep who are willing to be led by their noses by those who assume the role of leadership.
In truth, the leaders are as unevolved as their followers. If they were not, they would not dream of encouraging others to burden themselves with karmic debts of the severity brought about by terrorist attacks and mass killings. Inciting others to carry our monstrosities of nature out weighs just as heavily in the scales of God’s eternal justice. Because God and the Angels are part of us and we are part of them, the Divine justice is by no means as blind as its earthly counterpart sometimes can be. It is the all-seeing eye that never sleeps and therefore never errs.
In one of the lifetimes, in the far distant future on their new home planet, something disastrous and traumatic is likely to happen to these young and inexperienced spirit/souls. It will be something similar to what they are inflicting upon people in this one. Having by then evolved into good, well behaved and law abiding citizens, they will be asking themselves: ‘Why me? I lead such a good life, would never do harm to anybody or anything. It’s just not fair!’ Alas, it is.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
It is impossible for us to understand what happens to us when disaster strikes, until we find out that this is how the bill for any kind of trespass against the law of love, which we committed in one of our lifetimes, will eventually be presented in another one. The Universal laws ensure that in the fullness of time, and that could be hundreds of lifetimes ahead and maybe even on a different planet, the circle closes. Through the suffering our debt is paid and redeemed, the balance of our spiritual account restored – by none other than us.
Someone asked me the other day whether I believe that our subconscious can know the future in the same way as it may reveal the past to us – in meditation, if this is desirable for our present stage of development. I do not think it would be good for us to know too much of either the future or the past. In my view, the veil of consciousness is there for our protection. If we had to live with the conscious memories of everything that ever happened to us – not in one lifetime or maybe two or three, but thousands – if we knew all the things we once were capable of doing, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves. I believe that we are here at this particular time, so that we may re-learn to trust the goodness of life and that it will forever lead us to where we need to move next for our highest good and greatest joy.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
To my mind, we are not meant to know the future, for if we did it would be available and easily accessible to us, which it is not – undoubtedly for wise reasons. And I for one am glad about this. What would happen to the thrill and excitement of the explorations that are always waiting for us, to lead us onwards and upwards on the spiritual mountain with ever more new discoveries? What would be the point of knowing their outcome in advance? That’s why I am no friend of using astrology as a tool for predicting the future. I am satisfied with familiarising myself with the energies that are at our disposal at any given time, personally and collectively, and the general trends they bring with it. This to me is helpful when it comes to paddling the canoe of my life on the great river of all life, steering it through the rapids and down the waterfalls.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
Let’s take another look at the 144,000. From the developmental level ever more of us are reaching by now, it is no longer hard to recognise that there is truth in statements like the one from the Christian Revelations mentioned earlier, but that it can only be found through peering behind its surface words as well as its numbers. So, what is this particular part trying to tell us? Mount Zion stands for the top of the spiritual mountain, which can only be reached when we surrender our whole being to the Highest Forces of life. But what is the sacred number 144,000 trying to tell us? The same principle needs to be applied here as that of the 40 days and nights of the parable of Jesus in the desert parable, i.e. the 144,000 represents an undefined number of people.
The 144,000 was never intended to be understood literally. But as soon as, hand in hand with God and the Angels, a sufficient number of highly evolved human spirits/souls are working together for the highest good of our whole world, with the passing of time the energies created by this group will become so powerful that it is capable of pulling the rest of humankind through to the completion of one particular part of our spiritual development. More about this theme later.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
In preparation now.
There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
The belief of the new age is one of the mind in or of the heart, the dwelling place of the wise one or living God within. It is the religion of truth and that’s a very uncomplicated one. The only thing it asks from its followers is that they love of God, the whole of humankind and the rest of Creation, independent of the religion they may still be following.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Wise ones who are in tune with their inner guidance, intuitively know the truth and what is right or wrong for them in any given moment. Everybody’s Highest or God Self has always been trying to communicate with its earthly counterpart being through the small still voice of conscience. When the lower self is at last united and at one with its higher or Christ nature, it no longer has any need for being by others what to do and say, who or what to believe and whom to follow or not.
When this point of our development has been reached, mind and heart, i.e. the energies of Aquarius and Leo are working together peacefully and harmoniously. The initial phase of being in polar opposition, the way they are in the zodiac, has been left behind. Getting these two aspects of their nature to function the way they are doing in the Great Father/Mother, is the task of every aspiring healer and lightbringer. The Father is the mind and Mother the wise and loving heart, through whom the masculine creative ideas are brought into manifestation.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Let’s take a look at the energies involved in the creation process. Aquarius, the Air sign, belongs to the realm of thinking and Leo, the Fire sign, to that of the Divine creative sparks, i.e. ideas from the heartmind of God. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and lifetimes spent in one of them are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental capabilities. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the Fire signs. Lifetimes spent in one of them concentrate on studying the safe and responsible handling of the Divine fire. In Aries these ideas consist mainly of head knowledge, in Leo they are of the heart and in Sagittarius of higher knowledge, especially of the spiritual kind. The more highly evolved we become, the more our lifetimes in Sagittarius and the ninth house, this sign’s natural domain, turn into quests for a better understanding of the concepts of the philosophies and religions of our world.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Although the belief systems of the past were purely of the head, it was impossible to comprehend them. This was right for humankind’s requirements in the early stages of spiritual infancy, childhood and young adult life. But now that sufficient numbers of us have matured into spiritual adulthood, under the influence of the Aquarian energies, the religion of the new age is of the heart as well as the mind. It is one of truth and simplicity that seeks to get to the heart of any matter and has no time for gobble-de-gook. It talks to us in an uncomplicated language that can be understood by anyone. You frequently find the word because turn up in my writings. I make no apologies for this fact because I have never been satisfied with someone telling me that something is so and so, without giving me a good reason why it should be that way. That is no longer good enough for our time.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
The ultimate purpose of every human being’s earthly existence is returning into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own. The old religions were designed to successfully keep us away from this discovery, while the new one does its best to show us the way. On the road up the slopes of the spiritual mountain of life we reach the point when we freely and willingly surrender the lower drives and urges of our earthly nature to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher or God Self. Through our efforts of bringing them down to Earth, so they can become a reality there, with the passing of time we develop into an ever more potent receiver/transmitter station and channel through which God’s sacred wisdom and truth can flow for the blessing and healing of everything that shares the earthly plane with us.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Jesus is a symbolism of the higher aspect or Christ nature of every one of us. Its unfoldment is the only thing in the whole of Creation that actually can save and redeem us and our world. To paraphrase Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, in the school of earthly life every human being, without exception, has to experience lifetimes of sinning and inflicting pain on others. In future ones the Universal laws return our misdeeds to us. Others then create similar kinds of suffering for us and that is what redeems our former trespasses against the law of love.
And that is how many small people in many small places can not only change our world but save and redeem it. That’s what they are then constantly in the process of doing. Through every one of us bringing forth, from deep within our own inner being, the highest and noblest qualities of our Christ nature, this is how towards the end of our earthly education all of us eventually evolve into healers and lightbringers. Working hand in hand with God and the Angels, we are then fully occupied with the saving and redemption of ourselves and our world, for when we are healing our whole world heals with us.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Top of the agenda for every earthling is learning to love God’s way, i.e. from the heart and without judgement, totally and unconditionally, loving whatever comes our way just because it exists. The more we practise sending nothing but kind and loving thoughts into our world and beyond, the more the mind in our heart develops. And this is how eventually even the last and slowest one of us is going to develop the power of influencing our world’s evolutionary pathway in many different beneficial ways. One of them is sharing with those around us the spiritual knowledge that comes our way and to which our inner guidance responds with: ‘This is true!’
The more the recipients, with the help of the knowledge they are receiving, feed into our world’s good or God stream of consciousness, the more powerful this flow becomes. Its ability increases to absorb the dark clouds of ignorance that to this day exist in our world, so they can be uplifted and transmuted by God and the Angels into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Towards the end of their earthly education, every human being evolves into a healer and lightbringer who is walking and working hand in hand with the Highest Forces of life. The purpose of our earthly existence has then been fulfilled and we are no longer under the obligation of further lifetimes in the physical part of our planet. When one has endured the suffering that is an inevitable part of redeeming our most ancient karmic debts, who would want it in any case?
Maybe when Mother Earth’s transformation is complete and she is a place where people co-exist in peace and harmony, supporting instead of exploiting each other, where warmongering, violence and crime, even sickness and death are no longer known. I would not rule it out then.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
The spirit realm’s traditional way of communicating with our world up to now has been through symbolisms and metaphors that were skilfully hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends. From time to time the Angels and Masters in charge of our world brought us another one that was meant to take humankind’s understanding a step forwards and upwards on the journey up the spiritual mountain of life. The deeper we enter into the Aquarian age, the more the Divine Waterbearer will be bringing us God’s sacred wisdom and truth directly from its Source on the highest levels of life, known as the heartmind of God. For some time by now, from there it has been flowing with steadily increasing strength into the hearts and minds of anyone who is ready to receive it.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Regardless of the patriarchy and dominance of the masculine, the sacred number of 144,000 has been present in many belief systems of our world, the latest one being the before mentioned one of the Christian Book of Revelations. In spite of appearing in the depths of the patriarchy with its all-male Divinity, the presence of the Great Mother or Goddess has always remained clearly visible to those who are in possession of the key to deciphering the code. Let’s see what we can find. As mentioned earlier, the 12 is one of the sacred numbers and zero represents the never ending circle of Eternity. 12 x 12 = 144 add to this the circle of Eternity three times over and you get the sacred number 144,000.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
The components of 144,000 are: 1 = the masculine first impulse of Creation, the Great Father of all life or God. 2 = the feminine second impulse, the Great Mother or Goddess. 1 + 2 = 3 = both together are manifesting themselves and finding expansion in their Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, Sun of all suns and Light of all lights. 0 = the circle of Eternity = three times over, i.e. 3 x 3 = 9 = the number of completion, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another in the 10. The average gestation period of a human baby is roughly nine months. 9 is the number of completion and an indication that a new cycle of experiences is about to begin and that applies as much to parents as their babies as to humankind and its world.
9 = Mars, planetary ruler of Aries, the point of rebirth and new beginnings, as well as co-ruler with Pluto of Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth, degeneration and regeneration. Before anything new can be born, something old has to die. The signal is loud and clear that, when the truth about the number 144,000 appears at the end of the old regime’s patriarchal religions, the time has come for the religion of the new age to move into the foreground of humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. The energies are beneficial for spreading far and wide the new gospel that there is only one God, the God of love and only one religion, the religion of love and so forth.
From ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
In preparation now.
Aspiring healers and lightbringers have to be the builder of bridges, not only between the various kingdoms of the Earth, but also between all other worlds and existences. Our two worlds, the one in physicality, and the other in the world of spirit, where we come from and return to, at the beginning and end of each lifetime, are waiting to be reconciled and fused into one. To this day, many still believe that getting in touch with the world of spirit means communicating with the dead. Such a view could not be further from the truth. Looking at our world, whilst bearing in mind everybody’s true nature and home, one cannot help coming to the conclusion that many on this side of life are the dead ones, i.e. unaware of who and what they really are.
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
Eventually everybody finds their way back home into the awareness of their true nature and wakes up to the realisation that in truth we all are young gods in the making who are serving their apprenticeships in earthly life. Even though from its spiritual background God and the Angels are accompanying and guiding us, everybody has to make the journey up the spiritual mountain of returning into the oneness with our Creator on their own. There are as many pathways as there are spirit/souls on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds from each other. Help is always available and never fails to come to those who ask for it, but in the final analysis before God and themselves everybody stands alone. The coming together and healing of the Divine aspect of our being and its earthly counterpart is the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth. This mystical experience is different for every soul and cannot be shared by anyone.
From ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
‘Healers And Healing’
Refuse to think of time in the earthly sense. Consider only the timelessness of Eternity and look at life from the viewpoint of your Highest immortal self, Me. Know that everything that happens in your world rests safely in My hands and is part of the Great Plan of spiritualisation and bringing forth the self-realisation that enables you to recognise yourself as part of Me and Me as part of you – that in fact you yourselves are God. This process involves you as individuals as much as your planet. Fields of exploration and adventures await you that so far lie beyond the reach of your wildest dreams. Rest assured that everything will be for your highest good and greatest joy. Good is the ultimate goal of all life. True and lasting happiness and great miracles and wonders are in store for each one of you in the conscious reunion with Me and the returning home into My loving embrace.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Your planet is the only place where the concept of time exists. In truth it is always now. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. They are merely ideas that had to be created especially for your world, to assist you with setting boundaries and giving structure and shape to your earthly sojourns. Know that you are in Eternity and that Eternity is now, that attitude is everything and that there is no need for you to worry about tomorrow. All you will ever have is your present moment and every new one of them will always bring fresh learning opportunities for those who are ready to take advantage of them. Let tomorrow take care of itself. If they so wish, let others worry about it but refuse to join them.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, when one of you changes their attitudes and thinking patterns, everybody else evolves with them. If you are familiar with spreadsheets, think of humankind and your whole world as a gigantic one of these. Now, change one figure – imagine that this figure is you – and watch the effect rippling through all the others – the rest of humankind and everything else in your world. See how they too are changing – it’s pure magic! The world you are inhabiting is a wondrous place. Alas, to unaware souls who are as yet unable to look beyond the ends of their noses and below life’s surface to perceive how I, the living spirit, am at work throughout all life, the insecurity of their earthly existence can be very frightening.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Rest assured that nothing can manifest itself in your environment unless it has first happened on the inner level of life. And there is no separation between anything there, each time one of you consciously changes their perception of life and attitude towards it, your whole world follows suit. And when you save and redeem yourself in thoughts, words and actions, your world is saved and redeemed with you. So, go your way with your eyes wide open and be alive by taking an active interest in what surrounds you. Your intelligence is part of and one with Mine. Use it for good purposes only and strive to make your world a better place through bringing a renewed understanding of the true purpose and meaning of your earthly existence to as many as you can. Share the knowledge you find to help ignite the Divine spark in people’s hearts and souls, so that the small still flame of spiritual understanding comes alive in them and renews their faith and trust in your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and the profound goodness of your existence. When its higher purpose reveals itself to your lower earthly self, it becomes clearly visible.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Assist the people you meet to become aware that in truth there is no yesterday or tomorrow, only this glorious moment of here and now, and that every second of their lives is part of Eternity and precious. All who at any given time are dwelling on the Earth plane are aspiring to evolve into healers and lightbringers who, in the fullness of time, can be used as channels through which My wisdom and truth, the macrocosm, flows ever more forcefully into the consciousness of your race, the microcosm. Know that the power of creation is in you and that imagination is the source of all creation. Use yours to create the ideal world of your dreams where all live together in peace and harmony, and where warmongering, sickness and death are no longer known. By thinking about this often, you call it into being. And when you meditate and reflect upon it, through your inner guidance I will show you how you can do your share of bringing your new world about.
From ‘About Time’
‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’
Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.
Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below: