Doing Our Best
‘It is neither the critic who counts nor the people who point out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are in the arena and although their faces are marred by dust, sweat and blood, they strive valiantly, erring and coming short again and again, because there is no effort without it. But still they are striving to do their best with enthusiasm and great devotion. These people are spending themselves in a worthy cause and at best in the end they will know the triumph of high achievement. At worst, should their endeavours fail, they have been doing something and dared greatly. Therefore, their place will never be with cold and timid souls who are unfamiliar with victory and defeat.’
And whenever we are working for a worthy cause and are doing our best, God and the Angels will be happy to do the rest. Help then frequently arrives from unexpected quarters.
Theodore Roosevelt
Edited by Aquarius
The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’