Wisdom From The Tree Of Life
Stargazer’s Treasure Chest Of Inspirational Writings From Around Our World
In Poetry And Prose
Part 2
Words Of Wisdom And Truth Grown On The Tree Of Life
Seeing God In Everything
When we recognise that God is in everything
And therefore in us,
We see the Divine in a grain of sand and every flower
As an outer manifestation of the inner Heavenly realms.
God’s great plan of life then reveals itself
In everything that is and this lays the key to
Infinity into the palms of everyone’s own hands.
One becomes aware that every moment
Of our human existence is part of Eternity.
William Blake
Edited by Aquarius
Please follow the link below to take a look at God in:
‘The Animal World Of Feelings’
The Sacred Tree Of Life
The following is an extract from ‘The Mythology Of The Tree Of Life’: ‘The concept of a tree of life as a many-branched tree is an illustration of the idea that all life on Earth is related. With the help of mythology and religions, philosophies and science, time and again throughout the ages, the Angels introduced our world to the idea of a tree of life as a symbol of evolution and growth. This mystical concept draws humankind’s attention to the interconnectedness of all life on our planet and a metaphor for the common descent of every lifeform from the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.
The tree’s part above the Earth represents humankind’s earthly existence and its roots are going simultaneously down into the spirit world, the inner level of life, that which is hidden from normal earthly view and knowledge. Individually and collectively, the more highly evolved we become, the higher our branches reach into the sky and the more our roots penetrate into the wisdom and knowledge of the spirit realm. Ultimately, this process reconnects us with the conscious awareness of our oneness with God, the source of our being.
The Norse religion’s tree of life is called Yggdrasil. It represents the world and is sometimes considered to be a yew or an ash tree. Extensive lore surrounds this tree. Accounts have survived of Germanic tribes who honoured sacred trees within their societies, for example Thor’s oak, sacred groves, the sacred tree at Uppsala and the wooden Irminsul pillar. An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil appears in the Icelandic Prose ‘The Edda’ by Oluf Olufsen Bagge.
I am the root, I am the tree.
I am the soul of harmony.
I am the leaf. I am the flower.
I am the moment and the hour.
I am all-life and transient death.
I am the all-sustaining breath.
I am the Spring. I am the Fall.
I am the One, the source of all.
And though the Ash of Earth declines,
The wind of changes screams and whines,
My Will is limitless and strong.
My say: Eternal Summer’s song.
On now, on the deepest, innermost level of life,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Yggdrasil, the sacred tree of life is healing,
And all life and lifeforms with it,
From the lowest to the Highest
And from the Highest back to the lowest.
The human race and its world are healing
And so is every aspect of my being .
Pauline Brehony
Last verse by Aquarius
Because our thoughts and words create our reality on the inner level of life, so that in due course it can manifest itself on the outer plane, how about including the last verse in your daily prayers?
A Tribute To Yggdrasil
Like a basket of my good graces
I bring you this and set it at the base of the greatest ash tree.
What names once burned and turned this tree to ash?
Odin, Frigg, Thor, Balder and Tyr
Were among them.
Looking up, I catch glimpses of stars and water drops.
My faith in those dwelling on the Highest level of life
Tells me that there really are wells in the Heavens,
That this tree connects with all worlds
And that I am at its apex,
Alive and well to be able to bring you this.
Grow on, Yggdrasil.
Your roots reach deeper than I am presently able to go
And I pray don’t take me down to Níðhöggr.
The wrath of the patriarchy’s serpent
To this day is something I have to still my soul for.
Even though I now welcome the twin snakes
Of the beloved Great Mother’s wisdom and truth
And the way they are winding themselves
Peacefully and lovingly
Around the caduceus of us and our world.
At the thought of this my spirit overflows with
Gratitude and praise for
The waters of consciousness from the Heavens
That are now flowing down your trunk
Into your roots, O Tree, and my mind.
Yggdrasil, a living pyre to the ashen old and bold ones.
The coldest nights usher its leaves to your doorstep.
The hottest days bring you a thirst for its eternal wells
Of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
May you some day evolve into one of the wells
That feed and nurture Yggdrasil.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
* * *
What miracle is this?
A giant tree that stands thousands of feet high,
Its roots reach deep into the ground,
And at the same time the tree upholds the sky.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Tree Of Life’
• ‘The Mythology Of The Tree Of Life’
The Beauty, Wonder And Magic Of Trees
I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry roots are pressed
Into Mother Earth’s sweet loving breast.
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts its many arms to pray.
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in its hair,
Upon whose blossoms snow has lain
And who loves every drop of rain.
Poems were made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘In Praise Of Trees’
• ‘The Birth Of An Oak Tree’
The Long And Winding Road
On the long and winding road
Through earthly life frequently
Choices and decisions have to be made,
Solutions are hard to find
And constant downpours
Threaten to ruin our parade.
Whenever this happens,
The best thing we can do is
Turn to the living God within
And ask it to guide us into a new dawn.
Then cautiously begin to move forwards,
Whilst praying for courage and strength.
That’s how a way can always be found.
Although it’s true that the
Process of changing the course of our life
Through different thinking and behaviour patterns,
Can be exceedingly tough,
It’s best to focus on the many good things
That surely are in store for us,
As long as our intentions remain steadfast
And we patiently give things a chance to develop.
If we imagine that round the next bend of the road
Adventures could be waiting for us
We would not have dared to hope for,
Even in our wildest dreams,
That’s precisely what will happen.
So, dare to challenge the status quo
And refuse to run with the herd.
Do this because you know that this is how
Hopes and wishes may come true
And new friendships appear
In ways you cannot foresee now.
The Universe constantly offers
Fresh options to those who dare to accept
Its invitation to the dance of finding
New ways of growing and expanding our consciousness
Through visiting places we never knew existed and
Exploring realms where no other humans walked before.
So, dear Friend, don’t shy away from
Dreaming of fabulous faraway worlds
And visiting wondrous places where you will find
Warmth and affection, loving and caring
From beings who could have been waiting
For your appearance a long, long time.
Maybe they will listen with interest
To the experiences and feelings you have to share.
In the midst of these beings you may find someone
Who supports you in everything you do
And believes in you and the decisions you make,
Who accepts that you alone know that
They are the right things for you
At that particular time,
Even though they may
May be no good for anyone else.
Therefore, one foot in front of the other,
Courageously walk one step and take one day at a time,
Confident that a brighter tomorrow is sure to come,
As long as you trust your inner guidance
And follow it without looking back,
Because that’s the only safe way
For any one of us to go.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Tree Of Life Blossoms
• Nobody is worthy of our tears and those who are would never dream of making us weep.
• Don’t cry because something is over! Smile and give thanks that it has been.
• Just because someone does not love us the way we would like them to, does not mean they do not love us with all they have got.
• True friends are those who touch our hearts and souls each time they reach out for us and of whom we know that they would never do anything to hurt or harm us.
• The most painful way of missing someone is sitting by their side and knowing that things just cannot be between them and us.
• It’s not a good idea to frown, even when we are sad. Just think, there could be someone waiting to fall in love with our smile.
• Don’t waste time on those who are unwilling to spend theirs with you.
• To the world you may be just one more person, but to someone you could be the world.
• The Universal wisdom may want us to meet a few wrong people before getting in touch with the someone who is just right for us, so that when we finally encounter them we recognise them and are deeply grateful for it.
• There will always be people who let us down and willingly stick a knife into our back. Looking within for what the mistakes of the past were trying to teach us, we get in touch with our inner guidance and gradually learn to follow its advice in all encounters. That’s how we eventually get to implicitly trust the wise one within to show us who in earthly life is trustworthy and who is not and therefore best avoided.
• Considering that the law of life is evolution, instead of trying to get others to understand us, our development benefits more from making an effort to get to know ourselves and our inner motivations and then find ways of evolving into a better person.
• In all our endeavours, let’s not try too hard. The best things frequently come our way when we least expect them. Above all, never forget that whatever happens in our lives does so for a good and wise reason, which is that we should learn something from it and so grow in wisdom and understanding.
• Young and inexperienced souls frequently feel they always have to be doing something. But in truth the conservation of energy is of the greatest importance in our daily lives. Whenever things go wrong, we are tempted to rush hither and thither trying to put things right, maybe feeling that it does not really matter what we do, as long as we are doing something. Wise ones, however, know that the best way of reacting to difficult situations is by calmly and steadily making contact with the living God within, their inner connection with the eternal and everlasting source of life and strength. Any time of day or night it is ready to advise us about the best way of going about anything.
• Meditation can be practised every day by contemplating the beauty and wonder of God’s Creation and the wisdom and love that brought it into being and maintains it. In moments like that our own heart and soul are vibrating in harmony with the love and wisdom, peace and kindness for all life of the Great Father/Mother.
Walking Away From Drama
Making mistakes and falling down once in a while is an essential part of our earthly learning curve. The only thing that truly matters is getting up and gaining something from every experience that comes our way, to help us grow in wisdom and understanding. An earthly lifespan is too short for being anything but happy. On our road of entering into this state it’s essential that we learn to love and respect ourselves and our living space as much as everyone else’s. This means moving out of the reach of drama queens and kings, unless we also are one and appreciate them as audiences for our dramatic performances.
On our road to happiness, let’s leave behind everything that is negative and bad in this life and focus on that which is positive and good, right and beautiful and seek the company of people who make us laugh and treat us right. How about sending a prayer of forgiveness to those who have treated us badly and love them anyway, for they know not what kind of Karma they are creating for themselves and what in due course will be coming their way because of it? And whatever kind of Karmic experiences still have to arrive at your doorstep:
• Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe, who has the birthright to find love and happiness in its present existence.
• Trust that you are always in the right place at the right time and that you are there for a reason. If you have not yet discovered what it is, it’s up to you to find out.
• Do not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of trusting the goodness of the life that has been given to you and that it will always provide for you and your loved ones, no matter what happens.
• Use the gifts the Universe has so generously bestowed upon you for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, so that through you all life will be blessed and healed.
• Share the love the Universal Forces are constantly giving to you with anyone you encounter.
• It has taken many lifetimes to develop your earthly personality, so be thankful for it and be content with yourself just the way you are. Never forget that you have the power to change whatever you don’t like about yourself. Do this with love, for that is the law and the main substance of life, which is abundantly available to anyone who knows how to tap into it the right way. Let this knowledge penetrate your whole being until your lower self also no longer knows anything but to dance and sing the praises of the Highest.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Value Of Making Mistakes’
Every human being has the birthright to
Find a measure of happiness in earthly life.
But what is happiness?
For me it is knowing who I am,
Where I come from and am going to,
That my life fulfils a higher purpose
And this gives my life meaning and direction.
My happiness consists of the awareness
That every one of the trials and tribulations
I had to endure were not inflicted upon me
By an uncaring and vengeful fate,
A force over which I have no control,
That can neither be seen nor understood,
When in truth everything was caused by me,
Through negative thinking and behaviour patterns
Of previous lifetimes.
Knowing that there is a great plan of life and
A smaller plan within it for every human being,
That all these plans have always been
Unfolding as they should and
Forever will continue to do so;
That the things that ever happened in our world
Have always been but passing phases
Of Mother Earth’s evolution and ours;
And that a high and holy destiny.
Awaits every one of us and our world,
That is my happiness.
My happiness consists of knowing that
The whole of Creation has always and
Forever will be ruled by God’s Universal laws
Of love and evolution.
And because evolution is based on love,
Our world will not forever be ruled
By the greed of those who think that
They are working in great secrecy
Behind the scenes, when in truth
Their intentions are clearly visible
To the wise ones in charge of us and our world.
They do not wish us to get stuck in the past,
That’s why they are helping us to transmute
Our world’s harmless influences into beneficial ones
That strengthen and heal the immune systems
Of those who are in need of it.
That’s my happiness.
What more could anyone wish for?
Updated July 2020
The Guest House
Human beings are like guest houses
With daily new arrivals of
Joys, depressions and meanness.
Momentary awareness sometimes
Appears as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if a crowd of sorrows arrives,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture.
Treat each guest honourably.
They may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent by the Highest
To teach you something.
Jelaluddin Rumi
Translation by Coleman Barks
Edited by Aquarius
Questions And Answers
‚Um Antworten zu finden auf Fragen, die du jetzt noch nicht verstehst, führe dein Leben so gut du kannst. Vertraue deiner inneren Führung dir den Weg zum Verstehen zu zeigen.’ Frei nach Rainer Maria Rilke
When you are working your way through difficult and traumatic events, you may sometimes be asking yourself: ‘Why should this be happening to me, out of all people?’ Well, be patient towards everything that comes your way and the unanswered questions about it that may be troubling your heart and soul. Whenever any kind of query arises about your pathway through life, accept each one and deal with them the way you would with a room whose door is locked and books that were written in a language you do not understand.
Ask your question, but if the answer does not come to you immediately, let things be and trust that at the right moment your inner teacher, the wise one or living God within, will let you know intuitively. It’s just that sometimes if answers were given to you straight away, you would not yet be able to grasp what the events are trying to teach you. In that case you could not integrate the resulting learning into your life, so it can benefit you, as it is meant to do. The main point about humankind’s earthly existence is that everything has to be experienced by each one of us ourselves. Therefore, just live with your questions and trust that at some point in the future, when you are good and ready for it, the answers are sure to come to you.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Everything Happens For A Reason’
The Great Plan Or Book Of Life
The book of life is brief,
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.
From ‘And I Love You So’
Don McLean
• The experiences of all past, present and future earthly lifetimes are written in God’s great plan of life, also known as the book of life. There is a small one for every individual human being and this in turn is part of the Great Plan/Book of life for the whole of Creation and our world. Everybody’s lessons for each earthly sojourn are determined by these books. This shows that we are always in the right place, at the right time and with the right people. That’s how each one of us is always taking part in their predestined lessons, whilst attending to some of their outstanding karmic debts that have accumulated in their spiritual bank account.
• Every human being’s earthly lifetime is part of the progress that always has been and forever will be moving humankind, individually and collectively, steadily forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. Each one through their own experiences is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves, the world around us, the true nature of God and our own.
• We are taking part in the earthly school of our own free will. Nobody forces us to do so. Yet, whenever we return to the world of spirit at the end of each lifetime, we realise that the essence of our being is spirit/soul and that they are, like God, eternal and immortal. Once more we know that, if we ever wish to reach the end of our apprenticeship as a young God in the making, there is nothing for it but applying for another earthly lifetime. The experiences of each new one are based on the thinking and behaviour patterns we developed and brought with us from previous lifetimes and the choices we made in those days.
• This is how it comes about that, a long time before appearing once more on the earthly plane, together with the wise ones in charge of us, we look at what kind of a lifetime is going to benefit our evolutionary pathway most. We ourselves decide which one is likely to provide us with sufficient opportunities for spiritual growth through consciousness expanding experiences that help us grow in wisdom and understanding. The many challenges, tests and tribulations that are part of every human being’s pathway through each one of their earthly lifetimes in truth are essential ingredients of these journeys.
• During our times in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home, we appreciate that without difficulties our wisdom and understanding would never expand, the way all of God’s children of the Earth are predestined to do. Nothing enters our lives by accident, happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything comes our way for the wise higher reason of teaching us something. All experiences appear in a purposeful and orderly manner, as soon as we have spiritually matured enough to be able to cope with them. That’s how every one of us is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their very own evolutionary spiral of life, as well as that of the whole of humankind and our world.
• All who, at any given time, are taking part in earthly life are destined to make their own valuable contribution to the state of our world. Everybody is gifted in some special way and we have been granted the gift of our present lifetime so that, if our special talent has not yet risen to the surface of our conscious mind, with the passing of time it is likely to reveal itself.
• The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, as well as all other spirit friends and helpers, are constantly with us. Although none of them can be seen by earthly eyes, rest assured that they are there. They cannot do our spiritual work for us, but they are constantly trying to protect and guide us through every experience, as much as it’s sensible for easing our way through the lessons we have agreed to take part in.
• There comes a time in every human being’s development when we realise that the efforts of our friends and helpers on the higher and highest levels of life always have and forever will have only our best at heart. This is also true for the whole of humankind and our world. Therefore, when problems arise let’s not look for purely personal solutions. First consider the Divine principles that brought them into being and why things are happening, what wise higher purpose they might be serving.
• All earthly minds are receiver/transmitter stations for ideas from the Highest levels of life that are constantly flowing into our world. Reflections of this nature tune our mind into their frequencies and a solution may come to us intuitively that is fair and just not only for life on the earthly plane but everything that exists in the whole of Creation.
• All together let’s sing the praises of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. S/He is the highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Sun behind and beyond the Sun in the sky above our world. Every human being contains a spark of this light, even though at first only in seed form.
• All glory, honour and praise be to You for creating the visible and invisible parts of every human being, in both part of our world. The essence of our being is spirit/soul and they are eternal and immortal. Like You, they can and never will die. O wonder, every cell and atom of our physical bodies, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, was brought about by You, O Great Father/Mother of all life, from this Great Light.
Each time our earthly existence has run its course, the essence of our being, our eternal and immortal spirit/soul, goes home for rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains, tests and trials of earthly life. The earthly personality we have developed up to that point we leave behind. It has been but a mask behind which our true higher nature has been hiding. We strip it off similar to a costume that was only meant to be worn for one particular role in that lifetime.
Every rebirth onto the earthly plane is the beginning of another role we have agreed to play, because it will help us take part in the lessons we most urgently need. Unaware of what we are doing, we pick up our old personality up and get going. Each new lifetime is influenced by our environment and that is constantly adding something to our old character traits. Safely stored in the subconscious part of our being, they accompany us from one lifetime into the other. Through our responses to the world around we work on developing our earthly personality some more. Each new lifetime offers opportunities for building up and increasing its strengths and, hopefully, overcoming and leaving behind ever more of our weaknesses.
The roles we play during every one of our earthly sojourns are very similar to play-acting in schools on the earthly plane. Each role we play during all our lifetimes are cast off like masks or costumes. As they were only needed for taking part in certain lessons and are of no other value, we just leave them behind. The only things that stay with us in all Eternity is what living on the earthly plane has taught us, the way we have grown in wisdom and understanding. Everything that once was evil and ugly, in our character and our world, through this process has steadily evolved into something that is good, right and beautiful. When at last we have reached the end of our earthly education, we realise that every one of our earthly lifetimes has been but one page in the great book of our own life. Only love remains, everything else is no more.
Updated 3rd June 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘From Darkness Into Light’
• ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
• ‘Relationship Healing’
• ‘Friendship Healing’
• ‘Don’t Give Up’
• ‘You Are Special’
I Will Succeed!
‘I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world in defeat and failure does not course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be attended to by a shepherd. Because my nature is of a lion, I will never talk, walk and sleep with sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I shall simply persist until I succeed.’
I have no intention of copying or imitating anyone. I forever want to be uniquely myself. How else can I discover who or what I truly am and what I am capable of because? What I have brought with me from previous lifetimes, in the hope of bringing it to full flowering in this one? I know that, with the help and will of God and the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, all things are possible and that wonders and miracles can and do happen. Because they love us and at all times are willing to assist anyone who asks for their assistance – I can’t remember how it happened – but I must once have turned to them and requested that they let me know, intuitively, how I can best serve them. Whether it were possible for me to act as one of their channels, through whom Divine wisdom and truth can without distortions flow into our world, to be freely available to anyone who is ready to understand them; it was!
Having reached the end of my present lifetime, I am looking forward to being guided by one of the Angel of transfiguration to return to my true eternal home, the spirit realm. And so will everybody else who follows in my footsteps. With their help none of us will ever fail and succeed, always.
Augustine ‘Og’ Mandino II, 1923 –1996
From ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
The Daffodil Principle
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say: ‘Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over.’ I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my home to hers. ‘I’ll come next Tuesday,’ I promised, a little reluctantly when she asked me the third time. Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I drove there. When I finally walked into my daughter’s house, after hugging and greeting my grandchildren, I said to my daughter: ‘Let’s forget about the daffodils. The road is almost invisible in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and the children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch.’ My daughter smiled calmly and replied: ‘We drive in weather like this all the time, Mother.’ I replied: ‘You won’t get me back on the road until it clears, and then I’ll be heading for home!’
‘I was hoping you’d take me to the garage to pick up my car,’ my daughter said. ‘Okay, I’ll do it. How far is it?’ ‘Just a few blocks,’ came the reply. ‘I’ll drive because I’m used to the road conditions.’ I knew where the garage was and after several minutes in the car I asked: ‘Where are we going? This isn’t the way to the garage.’ ‘This time we’re going the long way round past the daffodils,’ my daughter smiled.
‘I don’t want to go there, can’t you hear me? Please turn the car round and let’s go home.’ ‘It’s all right, Mother. I promise you, you would never forgive yourself if you missed this experience.’ After another twenty minutes or so we turned onto a gravel road. At the end of it a small church came into view and on its far side a handwritten sign said: ‘Daffodil Garden’. We got out of the car, each took a child’s hand and we followed Carolyn down the path. When we turned a corner and I looked up, I gasped with astonishment at the glorious sight before me. It was as if someone had taken a huge vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and slopes. There were flowers everywhere. They had been planted in majestic, swirling patterns – great ribbons and swathes of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron and butter yellow. Each colour variety has been planted as a group that seemed to swirl and flow a river with its unique hue. Altogether there were five acres of flowers.
‘Who is responsible for this?’ I asked Carolyn. ‘Just one woman,’ she replied. ‘She lives on the property, it’s her home.’ My daughter pointed to a well kept house that looked tiny and very modest in the midst of the glory before us.
Walking up to the house, on the patio we found a poster that read:
‘The Answers To The Questions You Are Going To Ask’.
• 50,000 bulbs.
• One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, not much money and very little brain.
• Started in 1958.
I realised that from now on experiences of this nature would represent the Daffodil Principle for me. They would make me think of the woman who more than forty years ago had begun to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top. By patiently planting one bulb at a time, year after year, she had created something of indescribable magnificence, beauty and inspiration. She truly had changed the world in which she lives and made it into a better and more beautiful place for all.
The principle behind this is one of the greatest of all. By learning to patiently move forwards towards the fulfilment of a dream one tiny step at a time, by loving what we are doing and being really interested in it, the Universal forces reward our efforts and perseverance. They smile upon us and help us to make our vision become a reality in earthly life. By combining tiny fractions of time with small but continued efforts, truly magnificent things are achievable in the fullness of time and we can indeed change our world.
I have to admit that the sight of the daffodil fields made me a bit sad, too. I couldn’t help thinking what I might have accomplished if only I had come up with a great idea thirty-five or forty years ago. What if I had worked at it ‘one bulb at a time’ in the subsequent years? It didn’t bear thinking about what I might have been able to achieve. When I told my daughter, she paused for a moment and replied: ‘Never mind. It’s not too late. How about starting tomorrow? I believe it’s pointless to think of all the lost hours of yesterday. The best way of making learning a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is by asking: ‘How can I put this to use today?’
‘You can’t hit a home run unless you step up to the plate.
You can’t catch a fish unless you put your line in the water.
You can’t reach your goals if you don’t try.’
Kathy Seligman
And from small acorns great oak trees grow.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Gratitude For Life
A Practice For The Aquarian Age
• At the beginning of each day take time to give thanks and praise to our Creator for the gift of your life, the new day, the light, love and warmth of the Sun that even in winter keeps our world from turning into a frozen wasteland. Also thank for the air you are breathing and everything that is in your life, especially the people who have always accompanied you on your pathway through it. These things are part of your blessings. For all of them be grateful and thank the Highest Forces of life.
• From time to time, remind yourself that on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. That’s why in truth we are all one and what everybody really desires is to find happiness through loving and being loved.
• Every so often, spend a few minutes with deeply breathing in God’s wisdom and love and breathing it to everything that shares our world with you, especially the troublemakers and scaremongers. Know that every one of us a special and unique being who at all times is walking forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, that of the whole of humankind and our world.
• So keep sending loving thoughts to the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, for creating you. Thank the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, as well as all other spirit friends and helpers, for always having accompanied you and for keeping you safe, at all times.
• Direct kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to every human being, wherever they may presently be on their evolutionary journey. Give thanks and praise to the Highest for your own existence, that of our planet and everything that shares it with us.
• Take care that nothing but unconditional love constantly flows from your heart to everyone. Never forget that all of us are the beloved children of the Great Father/Mother and that each one of them carries at least a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s warmth and love in their heart. Make an effort to be kind and loving to everybody, especially those with whom it’s difficult to get on.
• Practise this no matter what may still have to happen to us and our world. Because love is humankind’s true nature, origin as well as destiny, this is the best way we can consciously be at one with the Highest Forces of life.
Updated April 2022
Trust The Veiled Hand
‘Trust the veiled hand that leads none by the path their earthly selves would choose to go. Always be prepared for changes, for the Universe’s law is ebb and flow.’ Words of wisdom from the Arabic tradition
The Divine great evolutionary plan shows that the Aquarian age has always been destined for the truth to emerge. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian energies, the less need there will be for anyone in our world to believe that the hands of the Highest Forces of life, commonly known as God, were veiled. That’s because whatever happened in our world did so for wise higher reasons. The hands never just haphazardly and at random poured good or bad fortune on any human being who was or still is taking part in life on the earthly plane. The truth why anything ever happened in our world and to this day does, when you realise that the whole of Creation and therefore also our world has always been subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law is a manifestation of God’s perfect justice and nothing anywhere happens without it. It cannot be bypassed by anything and existed long before the beginning of humankind’s appearance on the earthly plane. The law ensured that nothing ever happened in our world, or anywhere else for that matter, perchance or is an accident or a coincidence. That leads us to the next important revelations that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and action we ever released into our world.
And yet, the belief of a veiled hand ruling humankind’s destiny was necessary during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions and strange beliefs that an all-male God-head rules the whole of Creation, including our world, and that the masculine forces are superior to the feminine ones. Believing that these things are literally true, never changed the fact that the first, second and third impulses of Creation, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, are one and cannot be separated from each other by anything. They are equal partners in the process of creating life and removing it, as soon as something is no longer required. Lovingly and harmoniously they respond to each other and that will never change. The recognition of this is one of the most important items that the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has already brought to us and our world.
For the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth, it was done in three instalments. First the truth was given to humankind. This is why for a long time, people lived together in peace and harmony in the same way as our Creator. Each was then giving of their best for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole community. With the passing of time, this changed profoundly with the second instalment, when gradually ever more of the truth was withdrawn for the length of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Through this it became possible for all who were then taking part in earthly life to become familiar with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their humankind’s nature. Lying and cheating, warmongering, greed and money-spinning for supporting ever more sophisticated war efforts became the order of each day that passed by.
The patriarchy had to last for this length of time, so that all human beings taking part in this lesson, through again and again spending lifetimes on the earthly plane for taking part in the same lesson, what we learnt sank ever deeper into our consciousness. On every occasion, we piled karmic debts into our spiritual ledger, unaware that in one of our future lifetimes we ourselves would have to redeem them. This would come about through finding ourselves on the receiving end of the suffering we inflicted upon those around us, many lifetimes ago when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present day troublemakers and scaremongers are. Ignorant of why they are taking part in earthly life and that they are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, they enjoy their ability of inflicting suffering unto our world. This is how, since the beginning of human life and this planet, cycle upon cycle and circle upon circle has constantly been opening and closing, and that will forever continue.
* * *
In case you are now asking yourself: what did the invisible veil on the hand consist of? It was the old belief systems’ false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, which as we would eventually find out, were far removed from what really happens to those taking part in earthly life. These things served the wise higher purpose of creating a temporary blockage of fear. That’s what to this day is stopping far too many in our world from even trying to find out who and what our Creator truly is, who they really are and what kind of a relationship they have always had with God, who is none other than the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light and warmth.
Many lifetimes of believing that the above mentioned things are literally true, in spite of the fact that they never were, piled layer upon layer of fears into the consciousness of all who were taking part in the second instalment of our world’s lesson of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why these days, they have to work their way through these layers. One after the other they need to be removed. That can only come about through a) a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of this exercise; b) finding out the truth about who and what every human being truly is; and c) accept the responsibility for what we once did to those around us, when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. The greatest help of all is the knowledge that whatever one of us releases into our world, in due course must find its way back to us, with somewhat increased strength.
There is every reason for being grateful to the Highest Forces of life for in this way helping us to appreciate how precious and valuable the truth, and that about everything, is. Being aware of this, we understand why in one of our earlier lifetimes we had to be at the giving end of inflicting suffering upon those around us, and why in this one we are finding ourselves on the receiving end of the same lesson. And that’s what has been happening in our world for quite some time by now. The pandemic as well as another outbreak of war are essential and therefore unavoidable aspects of this lesson.
For painting the picture as complete as possible it has been necessary to repeat some of the major points of the processes that for some time by now have been troubling humankind. I hope you will forgive me for this. This is why I am repeating that every human being on the earthly plane is similar to a dog on a lead. We are the dog, our Karma is the lead and its end is firmly held by a group of Angels known as the Angels of Karma. It’s their task to ensure that every last bit of Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed, by every one of us because without it we shall never be released into the greater freedom of getting to know ever higher levels of the spiritual realm.
The knowledge that’s before you now places the rudder of your own ship of destiny and fortune into your own hands. I hope that it will help you to consciously choose in which direction you wish your ship to move, from now on. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian age’s energies, the more of us shall wake up to the realisation of who and what we truly and always have been; and that, in the fullness of time, a high and holy destiny awaits every human being, without exception. With this knowledge it’s no longer difficult to adjust our will and wishes to those of the wise one, the living God within, and follow its intuitively received directions about everything.
There is every reason why there is every reason for loving and trusting the hand, which for wise higher reasons – as we know by now – for such a long time had to veil its intentions from humankind. When the knowledge of the Great Father/Mother’s love for us and our world join forces and in our hearts and minds melt into one, our fears and anxieties of what might still have to happen to us and our world begin to dissolve on their own. Trusting that the Highest Forces of life will forever be showing us intuitively how to go about everything, quite naturally becomes easier with each passing day. What a relief it is to know that we and our world always have been safe and in all Eternity will be! Follow the link below and see for yourself how the evolutionary progress of the whole of Creation, including in our world, has always been part of the Divine great plan of life.
Never forget that for some time by now, we and our world have been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age’s energies. This is the age in which Divine wisdom and truth will be flowing with constantly increasing strength into the hearts and minds of anyone whose frequencies are tuned into those of the Highest levels of Creation. It ensures that they can receive ever more of what is constantly emerging directly from there.
Updated End of April 2022
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
To forgive does not mean giving in but letting go. Whether or not we believe that someone deserves our forgiveness, we deserve to forgive them because that is the only way of setting ourselves free from others. Holding onto anger is a way of trying to compensate for the powerlessness we felt whenever someone hurts us. It is important to find a way of letting go of our anger. This can be done by either talking with the offender, without attacking or blaming them for their behaviour, merely describing the effect it had on us and how we felt at the time. Listening to their point of view helps us to perceive things from another perspective and see it in a different light. More helpful still is a better understanding of the wise higher purpose that every human being’s existence fulfils. These things make more tolerant and show the way to true and lasting forgiveness that flows from our heart and not only from our head.
If, for any reason, it’s impossible to communicate with the person who have hurt and wounded us, writing down what happened the way it was experienced can also be a good way of releasing ourselves from them. Talking the matter over with a friend or a counsellor could be another method of letting go. I believe that forgiving does not have to mean forgetting. It is not easy to forget the pain we felt, but even partial forgiveness is beneficial, as unnecessarily re-living past painful incidents time and again increases our susceptibility to illness. That’s why forgiving is not only good for our body but also for the spirit/soul that dwells within in. Should that be more than we can handle on our own, at all times God and the Angels are waiting to show us intuitively how to go about it. They know better than anyone else that erring is human and forgiving Divine and that forgiveness brings inner peace. Meditations, quiet reflections and prayers are the best ways of finding both. Never forget that their help cannot come to anyone unasked.
Let’s forgive anyone who does not yet know that we are personally responsible for everything that ever enters our life because it was created by none other than ourselves, either earlier in this lifetime or a previous one. The Divine justice is perfect and that’s because it s based on the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. If you are now asking yourself: ‘What about freewill?’ The only freewill any one of us ever has had and will have is the right to decide how to react to whatever appears in our life.
This is because every human being on the earthly plane can be likened to a dog who is walking on a lead. We are the dog, our Karma is the lead and the lead’s end is firmly held by a group of Angels known as the Angels of Karma. Their task is to ensure that every last bit of Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed, by every one of us. Without this we shall never be released into the greater freedom of exploring and intimately getting to know ever higher levels of the spiritual realm.
Do not run away with the illusion that our human existence consists of the fragment of merely one lifetime. Even for so far spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are presently moving around in our world in physical bodies, it’s unlikely to be their first time of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. As far as spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls are concerned, this lifetime could be one of many hundreds, maybe thousands of them they already have spent on this plane. God and His/Her helpers, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle alone know. They are smiling and not telling us.
Updated May 2022
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
• ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
• ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
• ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
• ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
• ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
• ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
Letting Our Light Shine
Nelson Mandela in his inaugural address used a quote from the book ‘A Return to Love’ by Marianne Williamson, in which she says: ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe and playing small doesn’t serve the world.
‘There is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of the Universe that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, but in everyone. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.’
As soon as we are guided by our own inner light, the living God and wise one within, our earthly self no longer has any need for signs and wonders. That’s the only power whose help we require because it is at all times ready and willing to provide us with ideas for working our way through whatever obstacles present themselves. The spiritual knowledge this brings provides us with a new understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life in which we always have been and forever will be involved. Through taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, every human being is constantly gaining in wisdom and understanding. Each can only do this with the help of their own experiences. Every bit of learning we find along the pathway of our evolutionary journey increases our own inner light and that’s how every one of us at all times continues to develop and grow. That’s the light we are meant to share unselfishly with anyone who is in need of it.
In the final analysis, it does not really matter how many earthly possessions we call our own. The only thing that truly counts is how we think and what we do, and that in each one of our daily encounters. The decisive factor is whether our behaviour comes from deep within own heart and soul. Forgiveness that does not have its origin there, has no value at all. If anything, it creates some more negative entries in our spiritual ledger. True forgiveness alone has the power of dissolving all karmic debts. They were created by each one of us ourselves, earlier in this lifetime and all previous ones when we were taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
For long enough by now these debts have kept us and our world fastened to the limitations of the physical world with a strength that is similar to cast-iron chains. Because of this why we alone have the power of dissolving all our debts. First we need to forgive ourselves for setting the wheels of destiny in motion by hurting and wounding those around us. This needs to be followed by forgiving those who ever hurt or wounded us when the law of cause and effect or Karma returned these experiences to us, earlier in this lifetime as well all previous ones.
Updated May 2022
The Tale Of The Butterfly
Once upon a time, by the side of a dusty road in India sat an old beggar who was selling cocoons. He noticed that a young boy had been watching him for many days. Finally, he beckoned the boy and asked him: ‘Have you any idea of what beauty lies within my cocoons?’ When the boy shook his head, the old man continued: ‘Every one of them is the home of a beautiful butterfly. I will give you one, so you can watch how it happens. But you must be very careful and not handle the cocoon until the butterfly emerges.’
Enchanted with his gift, the boy hurried home to await the emergence of the butterfly. He laid the cocoon on the floor and while watching it became aware of a curious thing. The butterfly seemed to be beating its wings against the hard outer shell of its chrysalis. ‘The poor little thing will surely perish before it can break free from its prison,’ thought the boy. ‘I have to help it!’
And so he pried the cocoon open. Out flopped a soggy brown and ugly thing that quickly died. After a while, the boy met the beggar again and told him what had happened. ‘Ah yes,’ the old man said: ‘It is necessary for the creature to beat its growing wings against the walls of its cocoon, until they have grown strong enough to support it when it finally emerges as a butterfly. Through its struggling alone can the creature’s wings become durable enough to carry and support it. It dies when this is denied because its only chance of developing the necessary strength was taken from it.’
The butterfly is a symbol of transformation. The life cycle of each one of them represents a microcosm of the macrocosm of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process. May the walls of everyone’s cocoon be just thick enough – and no more – to support us in our struggle of breaking free from the mental prison of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions about our true nature that have kept us imprisoned on in earthly life for such a long time. May ever more of us at long last discover their spiritual wings. On them let’s take flight and constantly grow in wisdom and understanding of our true nature and, everybody else’s. May sharing this with as many as possible, help the whole of humankind to evolve into the beautiful community it has always been destined to be.
* * *
The tale of the butterfly is the best description that has ever come my way of the evolutionary journey in which every human being is required to attend the earthly school of life’s lessons. Naturally, this takes up a great many lifetimes. During stage one our spirit/soul’s earthly personality devours the experiences made possible by the ability of spreading fear wherever we go. Fear acts like juicy green leaves that life presents to us during everybody’s caterpillar developmental phase. We love devouring this food and believing that no-one can see what we are doing and therefore can get away with just about anything, one lifetime after another we eagerly pile more karmic debts into our spiritual ledger.
Unbeknown to the caterpillar, its presence enriches life on the earthly plane in quite another way. This takes us forwards and upwards on everybody’s evolutionary spiral to stage two of the chrysalis. The lifetimes we are eventually forced to spend redeeming our karmic debts, this time round we find ourselves on the receiving end of the suffering we once so enjoyed handing out to all and sundry. This is the chrysalis our spirit/soul has been weaving for itself with the help of many earthly personalities who enjoyed spreading fear. We are forced to stay within it until the law of cause and effect or Karma has returned every last shred of the karmic debts that were accumulated has been made good. And that can only be done by ourselves. Nobody can do this on anyone else’s behalf. We have to spend as many lifetimes as it takes until the contents of our spiritual chrysalis has been dissolved.
The justice of our true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, is perfect. To ensure that every one of Its beloved children of the Earth becomes sufficiently familiar with the nature of suffering, it has to be experienced by every one of us from two sides. That’s why first this is done from the giving end and much later from the receiving one, when our earthly personality’s indwelling spirit/soul has matured sufficiently to cope with whatever comes its way. For everybody’s evolutionary development both sides of this coin are equally essential. And that’s because in truth every human being is no less than a young God in the making, even though for many lifetimes we are unaware that this is so.
Let’s no take a look at our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. They are appearing in the role of ugly caterpillars and that’s because each one of them spiritually – independent of what age their physical body has reached – a young and inexperienced spirit/soul. The ruthless and merciless behaviour of these people are the background of and the reason why the ‘pandemic’ as well as outbreaks of war, for example in the Ukraine as well as other parts of our world, are necessary. In the hope of helping our present caterpillars’ spirit/souls grow strong enough to wake up from their present slumbering state, let’s keep on sending these spiritual youngsters in our midst, as often as possible, nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. They really do not know what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of Karma is bound to return to them.
Maybe we can at least alleviate what’s going to happen to them somewhat. After all, they are our younger siblings in the great family of humankind and it behoves us well to try and do what we can to help them, as much as possible. Maybe our thoughts will assist bringing about an earlier end to what’s been troubling our world for such a long time. Who knows, possibly it even creates positive entries in our own spiritual ledger, helping to restore its balance. Maybe through sharing the advanced spiritual knowledge that’s coming our way through writings like this one, it might be possible that peace comes to our world more easily, because ever more people are finding a better understanding of the wise higher purpose that every human being’s earthly existence has.
The following is the essence of a White Eagle teaching that appeared in the Lodge’s calendar August 2016: ‘Through the limitations and suffering the earthly self of every human spirit/soul has to endure, in the course of many lifetimes, it eventually emerges on ever higher and eventually highest levels of life. The development is not unlike a caterpillar who first has to move through a chrysalis phase. But the further each one of you reaches on their evolutionary journey, slowly and steadily you transform your whole being. Gradually, you change into a beautiful winged creature who loves nothing better than dancing in the warmth and light of the spiritual reality of your true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
God, Speak To Me
A little child whispered: ‘God, speak to me.’ And a meadowlark sang. But the child did not understand that this was the voice of God, so it spoke louder: ‘God, speak to me!’ A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky and thunder rolled through the valley. But the child still did not understand, so it looked around and shouted: ‘God, let me see you.’
A star shone brightly, but the child did not notice. In desperation it shouted: ‘God, show me a miracle!’ A new life was born, but the child could not recognise that this was another one of God’s responses, so it knelt on the Earth and prayed: ‘Touch me God, please let me know you are here and with me! Give me just one sign!’ In response God sent a butterfly that came to sit upon the child’s shoulder. Disappointedly, the child brushed it away and walked off, muttering to itself: ‘I knew it! There is no God.’
It’s worth our while to pay attention to what is happening around us and taking time for watching and listening carefully, because that which we are seeking as often as not is meant to be found just where we are. The trouble is that in many cases people are spiritually still too blind to perceive what the world around us trying to tell them. Together let’s pray to the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Please grant ever more of us the precious gift of inner vision. May it enable us to see the many blessings that are everywhere, in spite of what may still have to happen in our world. It’s because old outstanding karmic debts are in the process of being redeemed by the now spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls in our midst. These debts were created in lifetimes of long ago, when the now old ones still had to take part in the lessons that are necessary for every spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/soul, whose earthly self then has to play the part of troublemaker and scaremonger.
An Old Hindu Poem
Retold by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
Recommended Reading:
• ‘And A Meadow Lark Sang’
Who Cares For The Carer?
This tale contains a message for all those loving and caring people everywhere, who are in danger of forgetting their own needs over attending to those of others.
A woman who was spending most of her life with feeding and educating people in need found that in spite of her heroic efforts, she ever more felt that the task she had set herself was merely a bottomless pit. One fine day, she became so discouraged that she decided to visit one of our world’s wise women, who these days are known as counsellors, hoping that the lady might help her to discover ways of coping better with her situation. Seated opposite the wise one, our woman started to pour out her heart and said: ‘There are so many needy people, especially children, in our world that what little I can do to ease their lot ever more feels like a mere drop in the ocean. Independent of how many people I attend to, there will always be an infinite number of them who are just as needy. The older I get, the more I get the feeling that I too could sometimes do with some help. That’s why I am here.’
After a moment’s reflection, the wise one replied: ‘The best way of finding a solution to any problem that’s too difficult to attend to on one’s own, is turning to one’s inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. Ask your question and then pay attention to how it reacts through the world of your feelings. I believe that’s the only place in the whole of Creation where truly reliable and trustworthy answers can be found. You probably feel that way because this part of your being has been asleep long enough. It wants your earthly self to wake up and start asking its questions in the right place. Not outside, but within. Alas, without asking no help can come from there to anyone. It’s the small still voice of conscience that responds whenever one of us turns to it.
A good time for asking any questions that are troubling you is while you are meditating. Ask and from then onwards pay attention to what replies come to you intuitively. This may not happen immediately, but they are sure to come and you will recognise them when they do. Any advice that comes to you in this manner can be followed without hesitation. So the next day, after meditating for a while, the woman put her question forward. To her delight, the wise one or living God within her responded straight away.
This is what came to her: ‘You have been neglecting your own desires and longings. Do not continue with this. Fulfil them and you will start to feel much more happy and content.’ Thanking for this advice, the woman sent a blessing to the wise counsellor who had helped her so much. And then she went to town and bought herself a big bunch of her favourite flowers, a large box of the finest chocolates she could find as well as a dress she had been admiring for quite a while in a shop window. On top of all that, she decided to regularly to take time off for looking after her own needs, on the inner as well as the outer level of her being.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
Do Not Worry About The Future
A Message From The Angels
• There is no need for any of you to worry about the future, your own as well as that of the human race and your whole world. All life safely is held in and protected by the loving hands of the Great Father/Mother of all life, whose humble servants we are. Have no doubt that the Divine Architect’s great plan of life has always been unfolding as it should and forever will continue to do so. Each one of you has their allocated space in it and their particular role to play in the tragic-comedy of earthly life, in which each individual existence is carefully laid out and planned. We cannot tell you frequently enough that we are the executors of God’s great plan and in charge of every small design within it.
• The only thing that is required from each one of you is that you should learn to trust and have faith in the power of God’s love. Today we have come to draw your attention to the futility of worrying about what may happen tomorrow. If the things you imagine never come about, you would have been wasting the precious energies of life’s forces. But even if imagined things do happen, because your careless thinking has brought them about, instead of worrying some more, turn to us. We are with you and at any time of day or night willing to show the way to those who request our help. All you have to do is invite us into your life by asking for our assistance with everything you do. Go to bed in good time and never forget to communicate with us last thing, and get up early enough to start your day unrushed.
• Learn to say: ‘No!’ to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule. Failing to do so endangers the state of your mental health. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks to others who are capable of carrying them out. Simplify your life and get rid of clutter, bearing in mind that less can often be more. Although at times one of something may not be enough, two could be too many.
• Allow sufficient time for doing things and getting to places. Pace yourself. Spread big changes and difficult projects out over time. Don’t tackle all hard tasks at once and live one day at a time.
• Separate worries from concerns. Whenever you are concerned about something, consult with the living God within, your intuition, so we can tell you through it which course of action is best for you at that moment. Following our instructions will help you let go of uncertainties and the anxiety that accompanies them. If nothing can be done about a situation, place it in our hands and quietly attend to the rest of your life.
• If you are in search of peace of mind, learn to live within your budget and refuse to use credit cards for ordinary purchases. Have backups like an extra car key in their wallet, an additional house key that is hidden somewhere safe, some stamps and so forth. Every day do something that pleases your inner child and carry a good book with you to read when you have to wait somewhere. Get sufficient rest and eat the right things that have been prepared with love. Become organised and make sure that everything has its place.
• Listening to soothing music while driving lifts your spirit. Every day make time for meditating and spending time with us. Write down any ideas and inspirations we give you that are worthwhile keeping. Deal with small problems straight away. Don’t leave them to fester in your mind until bedtime. When bigger ones arise, remember that we are with you always and merely waiting for your call.
• Make friends with like-minded people who share your spiritual outlook on life. Keep a folder of your favourite quotes for hope and encouragement on hand. And remember that the best bridge between despair and a renewal of hope is often a grateful: ‘Thank you Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, for the many blessings that are in my life’. Every night at bedtime try to think with gratitude of at least one thing in your life for which you have never given thanks before.
• Humour and particularly laughing out loud is good for you, so keep on smiling and laughing. Take your work seriously and whenever you are in danger of taking yourself too seriously, think: ‘Blessed are those who can laugh about themselves, for they shall have endless fun!’
• Be kind to those who are unkind to you. For one thing this creates good Karma for you and for another people who behave in this manner are likely to need kindness from you most of all. Develop a forgiving attitude by bearing in mind that most people really are doing the best they can and that they just don’t know any better as yet. So, keep a firm hold on your ego. Don’t allow it to run your life for you and spoil it by creating unnecessary difficult Karmic situations on your behalf.
• Talk less and listen more. Keeping your mouth shut tight, refusing to indulge in careless gossip and confiding only in the right people, in the right places and at the right times can not only save you endless amounts of trouble, but also creating karmic obstacles. See the link ‘Guarding Our Tongues’ at the end.
• Slow down, you move to fast, just make the moment last – at least here and there. At regular intervals remind yourself that you are not in charge of the Universe and that it’s not your task to carry the world on your shoulders, because that’s God’s work and ours. The only things you are responsible for is every aspect of your being and especially the drives and urges of your lower earthly self. Learn to control them instead of those around you. Refuse to bear grudges, earthly life is too short for them. You can neither know someone else’s Karma nor the special lessons they are taking part in during their present lifetime. You are not responsible for them or the mistakes they make.
• Make peace with yourself, with the gift of life that has been entrusted into your care and the One, who created you and once brought you into being. Do not leave any unresolved issues behind when you depart from the earthly school of life. They will accompany you into your next lifetime, in the hope of resolving them this time round and that could turn out to be even more difficult. If you ask for our help, we can show you intuitively how to go about it.
• Make every effort to heal all your relationships, especially the difficult and traumatic ones. Forgive all those who ever hurt and wounded you, and forgive yourself for setting the wheels in motion in previous lifetimes. Forgiveness sets both parties free to move on to lessons of a more elevated nature. And never forget that with the help and the will of God and us any condition can be healed, crooked places made straight and mountains of unbelief or false beliefs moved. Whatever you do, call upon us, we shall never get tired of hearing from any one of you.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
• ‘Losing And Finding Faith’
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Conquering Stress
During a stress management course a woman was walking round the room with a glass of water in her hand. When she raised it, her listeners thought she was going to ask the old question: ‘Is this glass half empty or half full?’ But no, she surprised them by saying: ‘How heavy do you think is this glass of water?’
The answers varied from eight to twenty ounces. Shaking her head, the lady replied: ‘The actual weight of the water in this glass does not really matter here. I am only using it in comparison with the emotional/spiritual weight of anything we carry around with us. The heaviness of this kind of load depends on the way we tackle our lives, the problems that arise along the way and how long we do something. It’s the same with this glass. If I hold it up for just a minute, there’s no problem. But if I do this for an hour, I wind up with an aching arm. If I’d hold it for a day, it might be necessary to call an ambulance for me. Although the weight in each case is the same, the longer I carry it the heavier it feels to me.
It’s the same with stress. If we carry a burden for too long, it becomes heavier and heavier, until we feel so weak that we can no longer carry anything. The same as with my glass of water, it is necessary to every so often put down for a while any load we have to carry, so we can rest until we feel sufficiently refreshed to tackle the task before us once more. The more we practise this guarding ourselves against the stress element, the better we become at it. So, in future learn to refuse to carry any of your burdens through the evening and into the night. Make an effort at leaving them behind, so you can pick them up in the morning when in dreamtime your mind and body have been refreshed.
Also during the day, whatever you may be loaded up with, from time to time let everything go for a moment and relax. When you are sufficiently rested, pick things up again. And do not forget to remind yourself frequently that a lifetime on the Earth can be very short indeed and that each one of them is a precious gift from the Universe that is meant to be cherished by us. Through learning to handle the stress in our lives in sensible ways, life becomes much more enjoyable. It enables us to make the most of every minute for growing in wisdom and understanding and thus fulfilling the ultimate purpose of our earthly existence.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
The Tale Of The Brick
A successful business man one day was driving down a street in his neighbourhood. Being the proud owner of a new sports car, he was going much too fast. Suddenly, he spotted some children who seemed to be playing between the vehicles that had been parked by the roadside. And then a brick came flying towards him and crashed into the side of his beloved new toy. Slamming on the brakes, our man reversed in the direction from which the brick had come, to where a boy stood who looked as if he had thrown it. Jumping from his car, our man grabbed the youngster, pushing him against the car he shouted: ‘Why did you throw that brick? It’s damaged my brand new car and repairing it will be very expensive!’
Bursting into tears, the boy said: ‘I’m so sorry, Sir. My name is John and I’m fourteen years old. My brother William is two years younger and since his operation he needs to be use a wheelchair for a while. I have been taking him out in it every day and nothing has ever gone wrong. Yet, something happened today and I don’t know how. It made the wheelchair topple and my brother fell to the ground. I tried to lift him back into his chair, but that’s impossible on my own. I tried to stop other cars to ask for help. As no-one did and I was getting ever more desperate to help my brother, there was nothing within my reach that I could throw except the brick. So I grabbed it and hurled it at the next car that came past, and that was you. It all happened so quickly there was no time for thinking. I threw the brick because I didn’t know what else to do to help my brother. Would you please assist me getting him back into his chair?’
When he saw that tears were dripping from John’s chin, our man swallowed the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Together they picked William up, placed him in his wheelchair and made him as comfortable as they could. Using his handkerchief, our man dabbed the boy’s cuts and bruises, but otherwise he seemed to be all right. John gratefully thanked his helper and blessed him. My parents are not rich, but I am sure they shall want to pay for repairing your car. Their place is not far from here. If you follow me, I’ll take you there.’
‘I would not dream of it,’ our man replied. The bump will be one of honour. I shall not repair it. It will be my constant reminder that I should not move through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at me to draw my attention to what is truly important in life, namely helping whenever someone is in need of it!’ Our man’s spirit guides and helpers rewarded him with a flash of inspiration. Suddenly, only seemingly out of the blue, it came to him that in truth nothing that ever happens on the earthly plane is but an accident or a coincidence. There is no such thing. Everything happens for the wise higher purpose of teaching us something. In this case it had been waking up our man’s higher God or Christ nature from its slumbers.
These flashes of inspiration come about whenever someone is ready to find a better understanding of something. It dawned on our man that the true God of the whole of Creation, therefore also our world, is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only bon Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, This Divine Trinity is in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. Every human being taking part in earthly life has an earthly personality as well as a higher God or Christ nature. That’s the origin of the small still voice of conscience which has always tried to communicate with us through our feeling world and the whisperings that come from our heart.
Many times we are going too fast down our earthly existence’s pathway and that leaves us not enough time for noticing what’s really important, namely the spiritual value of the lessons in which we are participating in any given lifetime. To help our higher nature wake up sometimes the Highest Forces of life need to bombard us with some kind of a brick, for example through an accident or an illness. None of these things are intended to be punishments. They are merely wake-up calls that slow us down and that creates opportunities for helping us to think and reflect on the true meaning of our life and what is really important. That’s how our spirit guides help us to become aware that our present existence is ultimately not about earthly possessions and values, but spiritual ones.
Without whatever happens to us on such occasions, what’s truly important would remain unnoticed by the side of the road every one of us is constantly travelling as a spirit/soul who for a while is experiencing life on the material plane. Without our own suffering we would never be able to compassionately act about that of others who are far worse off than we are. But still they are patiently carrying their much heavier cross. That’s how the characteristics of our Christ nature of love and compassion for any kind of suffering, human and animals alike, eventually wake up.
This is how the Great Father/Mother of all life’s infinite wisdom and love assists every one us to eventually re-awaken to our true nature and discover a new set of eternal values as one of God’s beloved children of the Earth. After all, every one of us is a precious and unique being and our Divine parents love us just the way we are. The living proof of this is that at all times they are showering us with their gifts, for example food to eat and clothes to wear, places to live in, flowers in spring and new sunrises and sunsets each day. The only thing we have to do is take possession of, enjoy and be thankful for that which is on offer. All our true Divine parents demand from each one of us is that we should learn something from every one of our experiences, so that through this we constantly evolve and grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves, each other and our world.
We are all specially gifted in some way. Wise ones, who voluntarily and with loving hearts give of themselves and their talents, which may have taken many lifetimes to develop, are offered many opportunities for doing their share of making our world into a more beautiful, harmonious and peaceful world for everybody. Maybe our man was one of these and without the brick he might never have bothered to discover the values that truly matter in earthly life. He might never looked within and discovered the special gifts he had brought with him into his present lifetime. And yet, this is how someone’s worthiness as a true son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother comes to the fore. Only then can our special gifts be supported the right way by the wise ones who are in charge of humankind our world’s spiritual background.
Nobody ever promised that all of humankind’s days should be without pain and that there would be laughter without sorrow and sunshine without rain. Yet, what our spirit friends and helpers can and are allowed to do is provide every one of us with renewed courage and strength for every day, comfort for our tears, healing for our wounds and the light of their wisdom and truth to show us the way into the conscious awareness of our true nature as spirit/soul and our true eternal home, the spirit realm. And whenever one of us is struggling with the redemption of their most ancient and heaviest Karmic debts, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, as well as countless spirit friends and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm are sure to accompany us and help us work our way through everything.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
• ‘You Are Special’
Wisdom From The Tree Of Life
• Sometimes it’s necessary to meet the wrong people so that, when we finally draw the right ones into our orbit, we appreciate them as a precious gift that comes our way from the Highest levels of life. In truth, both types are equally valid because each one is merely teaching us a different kind of lesson. That’s all.
• When one door of happiness closes, another one is ready to open. Yet, if we look too long at the closing door, we are in danger of being unable to recognise the one that’s waiting to open for us.
• Life on the earthly plane teaches every one of us in its own sweet way. That’s why we usually do not know how to appreciate what we have, until we have lost it. Part of the same lesson is that we frequently do now recognise what we have been missing, until it arrives.
• The brightest future will always be based not on a forgotten, but a forgiven and healed past. We cannot successfully move on in life until we have let go of our past mistakes, failures and heartaches. Recognising and accepting each one of them as an essential part of the lessons of their present lifetime, wise ones give thanks and praise to the Highest Forces of life for every one of them. They then realise that there is no longer anything to forgive, themselves or anyone else.
• The best kind of friends are those with whom one can sit for a long time without saying a word and eventually walk away with a feeling of just having enjoyed the best dialogue ever.
• Always try to put yourself in the other one’s shoes. If it feels that something would hurt you, it is likely to do the same to the other person.
• Do something good, kind and loving for someone every single day, especially if that means leaving that person to get on with attending to their own lessons.
• Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you in return. To my mind, loving people without expecting anything from them is best of all. If your present lifetime’s lesson is learning to love the unloving, treat anyone who comes your way with love, because their heart may wake up and respond. If not, count your blessings that your store of love and wisdom has increased manifold and be thankful for that.
• True happiness waits for all who are now crying because they are hurt or have searched and tried in vain. They alone can appreciate the importance of all those who helped them work their way through the most difficult phases of their present lifetime as a physical being in the material world.
• Don’t go for looks, they can deceive. Don’t go for wealth, it fades away. Stay with those who make you smile. Many times it takes but a smile to make a dark day into a bright one. Always seek the company of those who make your innermost spirit/soul and heart smile.
• Pray for enough happiness to make you sweet, trials to make you strong, sorrows to keep you human and hope to make you happy.
• ‘To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else means fighting the hardest battle you are ever likely to encounter. Never give up.’ E.E. Cummings
• ‘Do not allow yourself to be bullied into silence and being made a victim by anyone. Accept no-one’s definition of you and your life. Define yourself by always giving nothing less than the best that’s within you.’ Robert Frost
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
The Four Agreements
For The Year 2022 :
Our World’s Greatest Transformation Ever
Agreement 1: Let’s use our world’s spoken and written words carefully to communicate with integrity; walk our talk and say only what we mean; avoid using anything that works against anyone, not only ourselves; have nothing to do with gossip and use our word power for speaking nothing but the truth and communicating with love.
Agreement 2: Refuse to take anything personally. Nothing what those around us are doing is really because of us. What they say and do is based on their personal evolutionary plan and their perception of the realities of humankind’s earthly existence. Their hopes and dreams are not yours. By making ourselves immune to the opinions and actions of others we avoid exposing ourselves to unnecessary suffering. This is particularly useful when it comes to forgiving each other. It is people’s small earthly self’s ego that gets hurt and wounded, never their higher God or Christ nature. The awareness that on the higher and highest levels of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, makes it easy not to be interested in playing ego games.
Agreement 3a: The Age of Aquarius has been with us for quite some time by now. It is the age in which Divine wisdom and truth from the highest levels of life will directly flow ever more forcefully into the hearts and minds that are open to receive their gifts. The Age of Pisces has been the age of dishonesty and deception. Let’s be glad that it is definitely over. The Aquarian symbol is the Divine Waterbearer, who for a long time has been waiting to pour the cleansing and healing waters of Its wisdom and truth into the consciousness of anyone who is taking part, at any given time, in the lessons of the earthly school of life. This age has been with us for quite some time by now.
Agreement 3b: The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are responsible for the evolutionary progress of the whole of Creation, therefore also our world. For a long time they have been waiting to teach every one of us intuitively and that means through the inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. That’s how, in due course, Divine wisdom and truth will flow directly from the heartmind of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, into every human being’s consciousness. The Divine Trinity is the source of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also us and our world. The time is over for accepting things at face value, the way we had no choice of doing during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, which fortunately has run its course for quite some time. There no longer is any need to believe the old belief systems false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The Aquarian age is bringing our world the ability to dig ever deeper into any kind of concept, until we get to their roots and discover to our greatest joy that just about every spiritual concept never was the way we once were forced to believe.
Agreement 3c: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us: ‘To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the Sun.’ Now that the age of truth is with us, let’s no longer be satisfied with assuming anything. Never forget that assuming something is likely to make an ‘ass out of u and me’. In the fullness of time, every human being will have evolved into an healer and lightbringer in their own right. The task of those who already have reached this level, need to courageously ask intelligent questions to find out what after all is everyone’s birthright to know. This is the best way of avoiding the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what for a long time was considered to be sacred texts, when in truth they brought nothing but pain, sadness and suffering to humankind. If we are only interested in the truth and nothing but the truth, we are one of the transformers that our world so badly needs. Anyone who works hand in hand with the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, is making a valuable contribution to changing our planet ever more into a place of beauty, peace and harmony.
Agreement 4: These wise ones at all times do what they can to give of their best, no matter how difficult this sometimes may turn out to be. Independent of what may still have to happen in our world, they never err from their chosen pathway. Trusting that when we earthlings do our best, God and the Angels are glad to do the rest. Every human being is an equally loved and cherished offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life, independent of which evolutionary level someone has reached at any given time. That’s why there no longer is any need for self-judgement, self-abasement and self-abuse. And when at last we send nothing but the best into our world, as soon as our last karmic debts have been redeemed, the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, ensures that in due course nothing but more of the same will ever return to us.
Don Miguel Ruiz
From ‘The Code For Living’
Edited by Aquarius
Updated May 2022
Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz, born 27th August 1952, is better known as Don Miguel Ruiz. He is a Mexican author of New Age spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts. His teachings are significantly influenced by those of Carlos Castaneda.
The Seasons Of Our Life
The world around us is a mirror that reflects what is happening to us on its innermost level. And our lives are subject to a constantly repeating succession of cycles of rebirth and death. Just like our planet we are moving through seasons of spring and summer, autumn and winter. Every year that passes they seem to be the same, but imperceptibly on the earthly plane we and our world have always been moving forwards and upwards on the individual and collective evolutionary spiral, not only our own and that of our world but, at the same time, the whole of Creation.
Earthly human lifetimes usually consist of childhood and adolescence as spring, the middle years of summer and autumn, and old age as winter. On all levels of life every winter is followed by a new spring that brings the gift of resurrection and rebirth with a renewal of life’s forces. At the end of each earthly lifetime, we leave our outworn and tired physical bodies behind and our spirit/soul returns to spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home.
That’s how time and again we are resurrected and reborn into a steadily increasing awareness of who and what God truly is and what the essence of our being is. In truth, there is no death, merely transformation or rather transfiguration. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of transfiguration releases our spirit/soul, who had been held captive in a physical body. It returns them into the spirit realm’s greater freedom where learning of a different kind is waiting for us. Could one ask for anything better?
The unceasing and relentless flow of our world’s and our own life’s seasons are clear evidence of who truly is in charge of humankind and its destiny. During the early parts of our earthly education we, with typical human arrogance, for a long time believe that we ourselves are. Yet, even the last and slowest one of God’s children of the Earth eventually reaches the developmental point when they realise that the only thing we can ever do is paddle the canoe of our existence. The steering is done by the Highest Forces of life. Because they are part of us and everything else that exists in the whole of Creation and are holding and executing the evolutionary plan for every manifestation of life, they really know the way of all things
Being aware of what’s going to happen to me when my time for departure from the earthly plane has come, I cannot say that the thought of growing old ever disturbed me unduly. Yet, now the winter of my life is here and leaving this plane must be coming ever closer, I sometimes cannot help wondering what’s happened and how did I get here so fast? Where have all those years gone? I remember seeing older people earlier in my life and thinking they were years ahead of me. The present season of my life was so far off in those days that I could not imagine what it would be like when I was as old as they were then. Nothing prepared me for the aches and pains that creep up on us with increasing age. There is no way of telling how long this particular season will last for me, but it’s good to know that when its end comes for each one of us, our lives are by no means over. I am sure you know exactly what I mean. New adventures are waiting for all of us in the spirit realm. Now, there’s an exciting thought for you!
If you have not yet reached the winter of your life, take it from me that it will catch up with you surprisingly quickly. Therefore, whatever you would still like to accomplish, get on with it and do it. Do not procrastinate and put things off any longer. Our earthly existence has a dreamlike quality and the whole thing passes by amazingly fast. Do what you can today, as you can never be sure when you will be going home. In any case, there is no promise for any one of us that we shall experience as many seasons of life as other people. That too is okay with me. Live for today and say all the things you want to tell your loved ones while there still is time. It will help them to appreciate and love you even more for yourself and not only for the things you have done for them over the years and what you will be leaving behind.
* * *
Every earthly existence is a precious gift from the Universe to those who are, at any given time, taking part in it. Ideally, the way we conduct our present lifetime should be no less than a present for those around us as well as for the whole of humankind and our world. We are here to make our stay and theirs as pleasant as we can. Yet, living modestly and in a manner that cares for and nurtures Mother Earth, instead of contributing to the robbing and plundering of her precious resources that has become ever more popular. Wise ones leave this plane of life in as good a state as possible because they are aware that if, in one of their coming lifetimes, they will be required to return to this plane, they will come as their own descendants. For a long time, we are consciously unaware that this is the case.
Wise ones appreciate that in one of their previous lifetimes they themselves could have been the people they used to think of as their great-grandparents and those who came before them. What an amazing thought! It puts quite a different slant on genealogy, don’t you think? Should further earthly lifetimes be required by us, if we act in positive and constructive ways now, we can ensure that we find our planet when it has recovered from the ravages of humankind’s thoughtlessness and greed.
Today is the oldest I have ever been and when I am honest with myself, I have to admit that I do have some regrets. Mostly they are about the things I wish I had not done, but also those I should have done and somehow did not get round to. I comfort myself that this is balanced by the many things I did well and am glad about. When you take stock of your life, you may find the same. No matter what age you presently are, it’s likely that the winter of your life will sneak up on you and that in no time at all. So make the most of every day the Universe grants you and enjoy what it brings as much as possible. Be content with whatever experiences come your way, but don’t forget to have some fun, too. The awareness that everything that happens to us in the final analysis serves a wise and higher purpose can turn even the darkest day into a good one.
Live healthily and remind yourself every so often that nothing on the earthly plane truly belongs to us. Only what we are has power and value and not the things we acquire and like to think of as our possessions. A happy and loving heart and a peaceful accepting mind are the only wealth in this life that’s truly worth having and not money. The only things that are eternally ours are spiritual riches; nobody will ever even try to take them from us. They are the only things we are allowed to take with us into Eternity. All the rest stays behind and inevitably has to go to someone else. Therefore, whatever goodness is in us and our life at any given time, let’s make a special effort of sharing it with those around us. It’s never what we gather in material goods, but what we scatter and share with others that reveals the quality of our whole being.
Have you noticed that every physical body is a masterpiece of precision engineering? But even then whatever dwells within it, someone’s spirit/soul as well as our own, is of far greater importance. Our physical body is but an outer shell is part of Mother Earth and belongs entirely to her. It’s merely a vehicle we need for getting around on the earthly plane, meant to last for but one single lifetime. We are responsible for its maintenance and wellbeing. At the beginning of each new lifetime a new one of these vehicles is entrusted into our care. When this lifetime has reached its end, the vehicle should be returned to Mother Earth in as good a condition as possible.
The same as all other earthly things physical bodies are easily hurt and damaged. Frequently they are in need of being repaired and when they have reached the end of their usefulness, the cells and atoms of its components are given back to the Earth. They are recycled because nothing in the whole of Creation is ever just thrown away and wasted. Whatever dwells within every physical body, the spirit/soul, alone survives because it is immortal and eternal. Therefore it can and will never die. That’s why in truth there is no such thing as death.
At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of transfiguration releases our spirit/soul from being imprisoned on the earthly plane. The transfiguration of Jesus never happened because the story of his life is filled with symbolisms for the many initiations in which every human being on the earthly plane has to take part in. Transfiguration happens each time when one of us moves from the spirit realm into a new lifetime and at the end returns to it. It’s the spirit/soul alone who moves on and who can and will never perish because its immortality. Yet, the degree of consciousness that has been reached by the inner self each time we leave our outer shell behind is contained in every cell and atom of our physical body.
They belong to Mother Earth, who absorbs them and because on the inner level all life is one, when one of us evolves the rest of humankind is evolving with them. So does the whole of humankind, our world and the rest of God’s Creation. This is how each one of us at all times is helping all life to move ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Having patiently and lovingly put up with humankind’s ignorant and unruly behaviour for far too long, isn’t it the highest time that Mother Earth, our beautiful home planet, is at last treated with the consideration and love it most surely deserves?
Updated May 2022
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
• ‘Drinking From The Eternal Fountain Of Youth’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
The Buck Stops Here!
At the end of their earthly education every human spirit/soul is destined to have evolved into a healer and bringer of light, in the form of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. As this is a healing journey of a thousand miles and the road of self-discovery that leads to self-mastery, the buck for everything that ever happened to me stops with me. Having discovered that I am responsible for all my thoughts, words and actions, I accept the accountability for everything that ever was and will be in the past, present and future of my life. I accept my responsibility for our world’s present state. Having done my share of bringing it about – otherwise I would not have to take part in it –, I do all I can to make good where I once sinned.
As soon as the last one of my karmic debts has been redeemed, the balance of my spiritual bank account has been restored and only that which I am these days sending into our world can return to me. That’s why I keep on sending good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. And so I shoulder the cross of responsibility for my earthly personality with all its shortcomings and flaws as well as its good qualities. The comprehension and acceptance that every part of it was created by me in previous lifetimes and earlier during this one, is proof of my constant growth in wisdom and understanding. And that enables me to concentrate my energies on working for a brighter and more peaceful future for myself, the whole of humankind and our world.
Never again will I blame loved ones and friends, bosses and/or colleagues for anything that happens to me. I no longer allow my education or the lack of it, my genetics and/or the circumstantial ebb and flow of my daily existence to influence my present and future in negative ways. I accept that my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past have brought about everything that’s in my life now. This does away with the need for blaming uncontrollable forces for any lack of success and protects me against being caught in snares of the past. These days I regard my present and future with love and hope, faith and trust in God and the Angels, the Highest Forces. They are not only in charge of me and my life, but are also guiding and protecting me. That’s why they have provided me, the same as everybody else, with my own built-in lie-detector that works like a filter. Everything I hear, see or read passes through it and the way my inner self, the wise one or living God within, reacts shows me straight away whether something is true of false.
I no longer allow past events to control my destiny. That’s because I know that right thoughts, words and actions help me to constantly move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, my own, the whole of humankind and our world. I accept responsibility for my successes as well as failures. I am what and where I am at this very moment mentally and physically, spiritually and emotionally, as well as financially because of my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. I herewith change all negative and destructive ones into positive and constructive ones.
These days, my inner guidance shows me intuitively solutions for any obstacles that occur on my pathway through life. There’s no need to dwell on past mistakes. I learn from them and let them go. I love connecting with like-minded people who, like me, are changing their approach to life in positive ways and are doing all they can to make our world into a better and more peaceful place. I share the best that is within me with anyone who is ready to understand it. Running with the herd is not for me. Neither is being led like sheep by their noses to the slaughter, or these days vaccinations that are not really necessary, because I believe that everything I hear, see or read anywhere is true.
When it comes to decision making, I pay attention to my inner guidance and follow its advice without hesitation. I accept that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, does not want me to always come up with the right decision straight away, as this would stop me from learning and growing through making mistakes. That’s no doubt why I was given me the ability to recognise the error of my ways, learning from them and then trying again, if need be time and again, until things are right. This helps me to control my thoughts and emotions. I refuse to allow the rising and falling of emotional tide waves to distract me from my chosen course. I walk my talk and whenever I make a decision, I stand behind it and follow it through without wasting precious energy on second thoughts.
My life is no longer an apology. It has become a positive statement of success. This is because I recognise that challenges are gifts and opportunities from the Highest that help us to learn and grow. Encountering problems and solving them is the common thread that runs through the lives of very successful people. With the help of my inner guidance times of adversity are no longer the problem they used to be. Thankful that I have been granted the gift of freedom of choice, I turn to my inner guidance to show me intuitively how to go about things and make wise choices. That’s why my thinking is clear now and making wrong choices is no longer for me.
Yet, being aware that difficulties are necessary preparations for achieving great things, I accept any obstacles that get in my way. I refuse to say: ‘Why me?’ and instead react with: ‘Why not me?’ Then I get on with whatever my inner guidance advises is the best way of dealing with any situation. And because the buck for everything in my life now stops with me, I am ready for great things to flow my way. I am giving of my best, safe in the knowledge that nothing but more of the same can return to me, as soon as my karmic debts are paid and the balance of my spiritual bankbook has been restored.
I accept that everything in the whole of God’s Creation life consists of cycles within cycles and is constantly moving in circles. My inner guidance tells me that this is the truth and that it also applies to my own earthly existence, the same as everybody else’s. I am happy that, within this flow of Universal energies, I have always been and forever will be responsible for everything that ever was in my life, successes as well as failures. That’s why I have no difficulties accepting the responsibility for my past, present and future and am taking charge of every one of my thoughts, words and actions. I keep my emotional world under my control and no longer allow it to control me and my behaviour.
I accept that, during my many earthly lifetimes of taking part in that school’s lessons, I must have been involved in mental/physical/sexual assaults. To ensure the best possible all-round education, for every experience this sometimes has to be on the giving end and in other lifetimes on the receiving one. Life on the earthly plane is a hard school, but considering that all of us are young God’s in the making, I accept that every one of our earthly lessons is an essential and inevitable part of the apprenticeship that prepares us for this high office. It makes sense to me to accept the responsibility for everything that ever happens in our lives, in this lifetime and all previous ones. Walking the pathway of forgiveness makes this easier for me. This part of our healing journey through life starts with forgiving ourselves for once setting the wheels of fate in motion. And that’s followed by forgiving anyone who ever sinned against us.
I am happy that on the spiritual pathway simple answers, quick solutions and shortcuts are non existent. Everything is for real in our world’s counterpart, the spirit realm. Honesty and truth are its supreme rulers and there is no faking or pretending. To paraphrase Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: ‘The mills of God work slowly, but they are grinding exceeding small. With patience the Highest Forces of life stand waiting and with the greatest of exactness grinds all.’ No-one ever gets away in the spirit world with ‘If I fake sincerity, I have got it cracked’. Wise ones in our world also know that no spiritual progress would ever be possible with that attitude. And the wise ones in charge of us and our world smile with love and compassion at such things and do all they can to help us to do better.
Updated June 2021
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Forgiveness’
• ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
• ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
• ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
• ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
• ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
• ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
• ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
How Do Human Spirit/Souls Develop?
No newly born human child in your world is an unwritten slate or an empty vessel waiting to be filled. Far from it! Because the memories from all previous earthly lifetimes of that person are stored in the subconscious part of that tiny being, from the moment of its appearance on that plane they are influencing its behaviour in everything they do. The learning that will be gathered in the coming lifetime will be stored in the next layer of soul memories, as soon as this one has run its course. The gifts and talents, which by then could have taken many lifetimes to be developed, are going to become noticeable quite soon in every new one.
Humankind’s existence consists of an uninterrupted flow that will never end. At the beginning of each new lifetime your earthly selves once again pick up all of their soul memories. They contain whatever had been learnt in all of them at the end of your most recent lifetime. The whole bundle is once again picked up when next your earthly self enters another lifetime. And so on and so forth. The best thing of all is that each one of you is an eternal student who is never going to stop learning.
The knowledge of these things places the power into your own hands to steer the boat of your destiny and to influence your life’s river to flow in a direction that’s to your heart’s desire. Because humankind’s evolutionary journey is such a hazardous one, none of you is ever just left to their own devices on the earthly plane. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of them is constantly observing the movements of every earthling. On the whole they are allowed to just get on with experiencing your world and reacting to it, each in their own sweet way. Only when things are in danger of getting out of hand are your Guardian Angels allowed to step in.
Childhood and youth are the time when each one of you brings forth, from deep within their own being, the gifts and talents you have brought with you from previous lifetimes. They may have already taken many lifetimes to develop. That’s why you brought them with you in the hope, that maybe during this lifetime it will be possible to bring them to full flowering. Because of this you have come onto the earthly plane through parents who have similar inclinations and therefore are likely to help you develop your gifts some more. The gifts and talents that become noticeable quite early on, even from babyhood, have not been inherited from your parents; they are your own.
Adulthood is the time when such gifts and talents move ever more into the foreground of your consciousness. First they are flowering, then begin to set fruit that can eventually be harvested and then stored for the winter of your life.
Old age is the winter of your life. If you have developed your gifts and talents through using them, as much as possible and this way developed them some more, your earthly personality will be able to feed itself from the fruits are stored in your spirit/soul’s consciousness. This also prepares you for your next earthly lifetime, should another one be needed.
It takes a long time until you become aware that every one of you is personally responsible for every thought, word and action that’s released into your world. Divine justice is perfect and its law of cause and effect or Karma ensures that it will forever remain this way, in the whole of Creation and therefore also on your planet. That’s why whatever one of you sends into your world, during the early stages of their earthly education, returns to them in later lifetimes when their spirit/soul has matured sufficiently and its earthly self therefore is capable of coping with whatever comes its way.
This is how it comes about that first every one of you is on the giving end and enjoys nothing more than handing out suffering to whoever comes within their reach. In later lifetimes they find themselves on the receiving end of what they once so freely and thoughtlessly handed out to those around them. Eventually, everybody gets to know both sides of anything that is ever likely to happen on the earthly plane. Because of this the love and wisdom of your Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, demand that each one of their beloved children of the Earth has to take part in every one of the earthly school of life lessons. The most important one is being familiarised with the nature of suffering, as explained above.
Being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory for every one of you. Nonetheless nobody ever forces you to take part in anything. It’s of your own free will and choice that you spend one lifetime after another on the earthly plane. But each time your spirit/soul arrives in our world, the spirit realm, at the end of another earthly lifetime, you realise that no spiritual progress will ever be possible if you just stay there. That’s why you consult with the wise ones in charge of you about the educationally most beneficial way of spending your next earthly lifetime.
This is how, time and again, you apply for another one. And that continues until eventually the earthly school cannot teach you any more, because you have sufficiently taken part in every one of its lessons, from the giving as well as receiving end. Congratulations! This means you have matured into an aspiring healer and lightbringer. You are ready to share the learning of all your lifetimes with as many as possible of those around you.
So you start bringing the light of a better understanding of what earthly life truly is about. It’s nothing more or less than a school, a place of learning, and every human being in the course of many lifetimes is obliged to take part in all of its lessons. That’s why time and again you have to experience the lessons and energies of every sign and house of the zodiac. Round and round you travel on a steadily higher level of education.
It will interest you that every one of you has been gifted, in some special way which allows them to play a significant role on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life. As many as possible are meant to contribute to easing the present difficult situations that cannot be avoided because your world is changing, step by step, from a predominantly materialistically oriented place into an entirely spiritual one.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘You Are Special’
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (1)
You And Your World Are Safe!
Rejoice, beloved children of the Earth! We want you to know that we are with you, always have been and forever will be, and that nobody on the earthly plane ever had any true power. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of what in your world is commonly known as God, are the only ones in the whole of Creation who have true, i.e. everlasting power over every cell and atom that exists anywhere.
We want you to know that we are protecting you, always have been and this will continue forever. Your world’s present ‘pandemic’ came off almost too easily and that is because it was specially designed by us. It the crescendo of all previous attempts, for example the most recent re-run of the Bird flu and the Swine flu epidemics in the years 2003 and 2009. Each one of them failed and for that time brought an end to your world’s pharmaceutical industry’ hopes for huge money-spinning benefits.
The ‘pandemic’ your world has been experiencing for quite a long time by now, is designed to act as a watershed of humankind’s development from an over-materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one. That’s why, on the surface of things, it looks as if your world was ruled by some of the greatest masters of the money-spinning art. These days, at the head are people like Bill Gates, born 28th October 1955, a Sun Scorpio, and Anthony Fauci, born 24th December 1940, a Sun Capricorn. These men, for example are creating the impression as if they were really capable of bringing about another pandemic after this one, and then another. They look forward to profiteering from the sale of vaccines which like the present ones, if anything are harmful to human health and wellbeing.
We assure you that on this occasion they will not succeed and that’s because such a development is not part of the Divine great evolutionary plan for humankind and your world. Many in your world by now are aware that Aquarius represents the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. We always have been and forever will be serving them and carrying out their will and wishes. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. God’s wisdom and truth have been waiting for a long time to start flowing directly from Its mind, on the highest levels of life, into any heart and mind on the earthly plane that’s tuned into its frequencies.
The whole of humankind as well as your world, for quite some time by now, has been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age. And the more of the energies of this sign are absorbed, the more Divine wisdom and truth emerges. And we want you to know that nothing exists between Heaven and Earth that possesses the power of interfering with this, even the slightest degree. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of humankind and its world, for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy the truth has gradually been withdrawn ever more from your world. It happened for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind learning to appreciate the value of truth.
We promise you that this will not continue forever. It existed merely for a predestined length of time. The first instalment of this lesson consisted of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. It brought some ever stranger belief systems to your world that were based on tales that had nothing in common with what really happens to humankind. For example, the existence of places called Heaven and hell. We are glad to tell you that this part of humankind’s spiritual development most certainly is over and that’s because the age of truth, for some time by now has been with you.
The truth has been hiding for long enough behind the surface words of tales and legends, for example the one about Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind. To many of you the age of truth has already brought the knowledge that nobody can save and redeem anyone. You are the only one who can do this. However, this has been explained in many earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, so there is no need to go into more detail here.
The Aquarian age is constantly bringing more truth about the strange tales and legends of the old belief systems. Gone are the days when human beings could be forced to believe that they are literally true. For the wise higher purpose of teaching your world the value of truth, step by step ever more of the truth was withdrawn. We are glad to tell you that the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more of the truth is going to emerge. Your Creator has provided every human being with the birthright of eventually discovering the truth. This most precious gift will never be lost by anyone. And that’s why at long last you are finding out why some very strange things had to happen for such a long time and why some of them still do.
Love and evolution are the main laws for the whole of Creation, therefore also your world. This means that evolution always has been and forever will based on love. Through this every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral. There never was and there never will be any moving backwards. What’s at present happening in your world is no more than the final part of the initial instalment of being taught the value of truth and because the karmic debts that were accumulated during this period are still in the process of being redeemed.
Theses debts were piled into the spiritual ledgers of those who were, a long time ago, spiritually young and inexperienced. The debts came about through wearing, time and again, on the grand stage of earthly life’s theatre, the costume of troublemaker and scaremonger towards their spiritually older and more experienced siblings, in the great family of humankind. As this process has been explained many times in previous chapters of the Aquarian writings, we feel there is no need for going into any more depth about it here.
We have mentioned it here, because that’s why the dream of one pandemic after another, with the pharma industry continuing its money-spinning efforts by supplying endless amounts of vaccine, will simply not find fulfilment. There will be no need for it because that is not part of the Divine Great Plan of Life, we assure you. You and your world are safe, always have been and forever will be. And that is because humankind’s future and destiny ultimately have always rested in our hands and never in anyone else’s.
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (2)
You And Your World Are Safe!
The Lie-Detector
For some time by now a new world order has been developing. This order is of the spiritual kind and that’s why being materially over-orientated will gradually become outdated. Having run its course, we firmly promise that it will not take long until there will be no more of it. And that’s because there has been enough suffering in your world. Humankind is ready to experience the next instalment of the lesson of appreciating the value of truth.
Independent of what anyone may still try to convince you, your world is rapidly moving towards getting rid suffering. What’s in store for humankind is everybody working together peacefully and harmoniously, helping and supporting each other, instead of exploiting and taking advantage of those around you. Your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are doing their best to continue with the old pattern. We promise you that they will not succeed.
As many of you already are aware, your world’s consciousness consists of a light and a dark stream. Each time you send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those whose earthly selves are involved in scaremongering activities, which belong to the dark stream and feed into it, you are supporting the light stream that, at the same time aims to strengthen the scaremongers’ indwelling spirit/soul. Through your efforts, it moves ever more into the foreground of a person’s consciousness and rouses their higher God or Christ nature ever more from its slumbering state. The more the light stream is supported, the stronger it becomes which enables it to absorb ever more of dark stream.
The Aquarian age is the age when the truth will return ever more to your world. And that’s why your Creator has provided every one of its beloved children of the Earth with a very special gift. From the moment of humankind’s first appearance on the Earth, this gift has been written in the great evolutionary plan for humankind’s spiritual development. Because of this, every one of you has always possessed their own built-in lie-detector. However, for the duration of the patriarchy of approx. six thousand years, this ability had to remain dormant.
Buy the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age energies, the more this gift is stirring from its slumbers in anyone whose evolutionary pathway shows that for them the time has come to find out what the truth behind everything is. For some time by now, this has been happening in your world. And that’s why intuitively, ever more of you are well aware of what the truth is. In-tuition is everybody’s inner teacher or guru. When the right evolutionary level has been reached, your intuition stirs from its slumbering state and gradually takes over ever more of your earthly self’s consciousness. Whatever spiritual wisdom and truth from then onwards flows from us, on the highest levels of life, into you is meant to be shared with as many as possible on the earthly plane through publishing it wherever this can be done.
For the purpose of gradually enabling ever more of you to discover their own truth and nothing but the truth, from the word go of humankind’s existence on planet Earth, your Creator decreed that every one of you should be provided with their very own built-in lie-detector of guidance from within through the small still voice of consciousness. Since then it has always communicated with every human being through the world of their feelings. For those who at present are sufficiently evolved to make use of this capability, will slowly but surely feel its presence ever more strongly. Your lie-detector reacts to everything that comes before you. It makes no difference whether it’s through hearing or seeing something, your innermost being reacts with either ‘this is true or false!’.
This is how in due course every human being learns how to rely upon their inner guidance. If something feels right, then that’s what it is for you, even though it may not be for anyone around you – as yet. And that applies as much to this message as to all other parts of the Aquarian writings. Gone are the days when you had to take whatever came before you at face-value. That’s what humankind had to do during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. That’s when your world’s belief systems brought forth some exceedingly strange tales and forced their followers to believe that they were literally true. Your lie-detector does away with this. The only thing you have to do is pay attention to how the wise one or living God within you reacts to whatever comes into your orbit.
This is how the small still voice of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature has always tried to communicate with its earthly personality. Because your Christ nature is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, it really does know the way of all things. That’s why it is the only truly reliable and trustworthy guru or teacher who in every one of you is waiting to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, about everything. This is the most essential equipment that will eventually be available to every human being for the Aquarian age, the age of truth.
The more highly evolved you become, the more sensitive you will become for using your lie-detector who communicates with you through the world of your feelings. After a while of practising this instrument, you will be delighted to discover that almost automatically you know what’s true and untrue of whatever comes within your reach. That’s how, with the passing of time, through your own experiences you discover that the wise one or living God’s voice within you is one hundred percent reliable and trustworthy.
Whenever you listen within to find out something, it will be our voice you perceive. That’s who has been communicating with you through the Aquarian writings, for over twenty years. We are the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who have always been in charge of the creation and development of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on your plane.
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (3)
You And Your World Are Safe!
Honesty And Truth : The New World Order
Whatever may still have to happen in your world, honesty and truth are your world’s new order towards which all life for a long time has been striving. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter. Meanwhile, your built-in lie-detector will intuitively help you understand that it’s for a wise higher reason that things are presently taking place in your world. It’s because some of humankind’s most ancient karmic debts are still waiting to be redeemed, in many of you. To this day they are occupied with attending to them because for long enough they have been waiting for it in their soul memories. As soon as these debts have been fully redeemed, there will be nothing in the way of only that which is good, right and beautiful ever more appearing in your world.
When people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci return to our realm and realise that they were unable to take even a penny of their vast earthly fortunes with them, a great sadness will overcome them to discover that spiritually they belong to the poorest. It’s then too late for them to find out that what on the earthly plane they considered to be ‘power’, was never anything of the kind. The only true power is everlasting and belongs to us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life who have always been serving the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.
Earthly power only ever lasts for a predestined length of time and when that has run its course, it simply fades away. As soon as those who thought they had power return to our realm, they realise that their power never was anything but an illusion. That applies to everything that happens on the earthly plane. In a way everything is nothing but an illusion, even though while you are taking part in it, it never feels that way.
Allowing someone earthly ‘power’ is our way of testing how spiritually evolved people in your world really are. Soon enough this reveals itself in the manner a person handles the ‘power’ they believe to have gained when the come into office. Our assessment depends on how much of their power someone uses to bring benefits to themselves and/or whether they are capable of doing anything good for the whole of humankind and your world.
Look at what Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have been doing for quite a long time and how they believe the ‘power’ they have will continue for a long time to come, if not forever. We hope that the understanding of your world’s spiritual background and its laws, will enable you not to sit in judgement over anyone. In particular this applies to the spiritually younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. It’s quite possible that they are what’s astrologically called being ‘ruled by the Stars’ and that means that they simply cannot help themselves. Please take a look at the links for Bill Gates at the end of this chapter.
Even though we, the Angles and Masters of the Christ Circle, are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, we have always been and forever will be in charge of whatever happens on every level of life in the whole of Creation, including the two parts of your world, the inner as well as the outer. We are the eye that never sleeps, who in all directions and on all its levels is constantly observing your world. Nothing ever happens there or anywhere else in the whole of Creation against our will and wishes, who are the same as those of the Divine Trinity. Everything that comes about on its outer plane does so for the wise higher purpose of someone attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.
Nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything is done freely and willingly by you. However, being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory. Nobody can get away from this and if you wish to progress on your evolutionary journey, your spirit/soul knows that applying for ever more earthly lifetimes is necessary. Everything you learn there is of the greatest value. It’s what constantly keeps you and your world moving on an eternal journey in keeping with the Divine overall plan of life. This takes every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world, forwards and upwards on a huge evolutionary spiral.
And as the great plan will never stop unfolding, you and your world are constantly moving unto a somewhat higher evolutionary levels. This is why, from the beginning of the great school of earthly life, every human being taking part in it, at any given moment, has simultaneously played the role of teacher as well as scholar or student.
We assure you that you and your world always have and forever will rest safely in our loving hands. The fate and destiny of every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world never did lie in the hands of people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, to name but two. Although at times it has looked like it and at present still does, that could never be the case. This is because love and evolution have always been the two main laws of life, throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also your world. This means that evolution everywhere has always been based on the highest love vibrations, and they are not merely caring, loving and nurturing but at the same time infinitely wise.
And whatever happens on the earthly plane only ever has been a temporary state that serves the purpose of teaching and learning the earthly school of life’s lessons. The main one of these for around six thousand years by now, has been appreciating the value of truth. Independent of what still has to take place on the earthly plane, the general trend of your race’s development and your world, always has been and forever will continue to be, moving forwards and upwards and that on several evolutionary spirals simultaneously. Nothing in the whole of Creation, including your world, ever stands still or moves backwards, even the tiniest bit.
This explains why, for some time by now, your world has been moving through a transfiguration process. The best way of assisting yourself, everybody else and your world to pass more smoothly through this process is by keeping on to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, and that as frequently as possible, to all of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. This is helpful because such thoughts feed into the light stream of consciousness of which every spirit/soul belongs, independent of what strength anyone’s spiritual understanding at any given moment may have reached.
All spirit/souls are part of the light stream and every thought that’s sent into it helps the higher God or Christ nature of every one of them grow stronger. This assists the lower personalities who, at any given moment, are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, to grow in strength. That enables them to bring forth their higher nature, from deep within themselves, a bit more. This is why we ask you to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, especially to those on the earthly plane who are as yet unaware of the effect of whatever they are occupied with, at any given moment, has and how it influences its own development, as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world.
Maybe your thoughts can help some of the spiritually young and inexperienced siblings in the great family of humankind, to become aware that the life story of the Master Jesus is but legend that was never meant to be understood as being literally true. The God-man is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. The spiritual youngsters in your midst also need to find out that Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God of Christ nature, including their own. The legend’s transfiguration, which took place after the Master had left behind earthly life, is the final initiation in which every human being on the earthly plane eventually takes part.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Happy Birthday Bill Gates’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (4)
You And Your World Are Safe!
As previously pointed out several times, death does not exist on the earthly plane of life. What happens at the beginning as well as the end of each lifetime to every human being is but a transfiguration. That’s what takes place, independent of what level of spiritual maturity any one of you has reached, at those particular moments. And that’s how, from the beginning of being educated in the earthly school of life, every human being has constantly been moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral which, at the same time, is part of this spiral for the whole of humankind and your world.
Achieving spiritual Mastership is the ultimate aim of the earthly school of life’s education. This applies to every human being and there are no exceptions. That’s how you have always taken part in all the earthly school’s lessons because you, the same as everybody else, are destined to eventually being capable of bringing forth, each can only do this from deep within their own being, the highest, best and noblest characteristics of their very own higher God or Christ nature.
It takes a long time until you realise that transfiguration happens on your world’s personal as well as collective plane and level. That’s how from earthly beings, every spirit/soul in the fullness of time has evolved into a Christed one who no longer needs to spend time on the earthly plane, where a physical body is required for getting around. This has always been the purpose of the earthly school of life’s educational curriculum.
Many of you by now are aware that the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more human beings realise that transfiguration is not something that ever happened to Jesus. And that’s for the simple reason that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked in the midst of humankind. The God-man only ever existed as a thoughtform. In truth, he is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Fully developing this aspect of their nature has always been the evolutionary pathway and ultimate destiny of every one of you.
As incredible as this may seem on the surface of things, even your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers will eventually be reaching this developmental level. Not today or tomorrow, but in the course of many earthly lifetimes which, for the time being, still are a long way ahead in the future. What you need never forget that every one of these people is your spiritually younger and less experienced sibling in the great family of humankind. You are their spiritually older and much more highly evolved sister/brother. The protective aspects of your higher nature swings into action with this realisation.
As soon as your built-in lie-detector is fully functioning, you realise that, unless you assist the higher God or Christ nature of the spiritual youngsters in your midst so it wakes from its slumbering state, and beings to grow stronger, with each passing day. Without this kind of support it could take an exceedingly long time until any improvement in your world’s present situation could come about. So do your best and do what intuitively comes to you from us, on the highest levels of life, to alleviate that which would otherwise could do nothing but find its way back to where it came from. That’s what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma does with everything that’s released into your world and with this the rest of the whole of Creation, where it affects all manifestations of life.
To change what the spiritual youngsters in your midst for quite some time have been doing to the whole of humankind and your world, we suggest that you turn to us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Highest, to ask for our help. From the beginning of life, throughout the whole of Creation, we have been in charge of the appearance and development of all manifestations of life that the Great Father/Mother of all life wishes to bring into being anywhere. Never forget that without asking no help can come to anyone from us. But whoever requests our assistance with any kind of problem, including this one, we shall always be happy to respond and to intuitively guide and show the way.
To assist the spiritual youngster in your midst, the best way of going about is by sending them, as frequently as possible, nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. It’s essential that you forgive every one of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, because so far they have no idea of what they are doing, most of all to themselves. However, it’s essential to forgive yourselves first because without having done, in previous lifetimes, what these people are doing to your world at present, the situation could not have arisen.
Many of you by now are aware that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. And never forget that, hand in hand with us, all things are possible and any condition can be healed. As soon as something comes about, it can only do so because it is in harmony with our will and wishes, which by then also have become yours. When you follow the intuitively received instructions, you will be able to use your thoughts the right way. Every thought then has the power of changing even the greatest suffering into wellbeing and happiness.
When in tune with our will and wishes, your thoughts can change the attitude of those whose greed so far made them too blind to recognise that, when the end of their present lifetime has come round, they will not be able to take a single penny of their ever vaster fortunes with them. With our assistance, your thoughts can help these people’s higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state, so that as a result their earthly selves wake up to the realisation that every human being’s existence, including their own, never was or will be merely a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle.
Ahead of every one of you is a long evolutionary journey. It consists of first spending many lifetimes with taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And when your higher God or Christ nature has completely taken over its earthly counterpart, you have evolved into a Christed one. Each needs to do this in their own right. Nobody can do the work that’s necessary to achieve this for anyone else. As soon as this evolutionary level has been reached, the earthly plane cannot teach you any more. This means that you are ready to experience the next higher level of our world, the spirit realm, through taking part in it you get to know this level. As this process has been explained frequently enough in other parts of the Aquarian writings, we believe there is no need to go into more depth here.
As many of you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world move into this sign’s energies, ever more of you will be enjoying the idea that what they are doing is in fact nothing but a performance on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life. As one of your world’s many pioneers and wayfinders, your pathway consists of helping those around you to understand the higher purpose and meaning of their earthly existence. Why they are there and what they are meant to be doing.
That’s how every one of you eventually will be able to help their younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind, to understand that earthly life is nothing but a school and a place of learning. Through its many lessons every one of you is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of all things that truly matter.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (5)
You And Your World Are Safe!
Let’s return for a moment to theme of forgiveness. It is quite a longwinded process because of the karmic bonds, which people create with each other in the course of taking part in may of the earthly school of life’s lessons. It takes many appearances on the material plane to experience both sides of every lesson that’s available and there are lots of them. The relationships in which people get involved are the Karmic bonds that are thus created. Each one of them is like a cast-iron chain that ties them to each other.
It is for wise higher reasons that as a result, they have to meet time and again, in different lifetimes. Neither has any idea that they know each other because they have been together before. And that’s how, with the passing of time, karmic chains grow ever stronger. It takes a long time before any of them is ready to be dissolved. Forgiveness is only thing that possesses the power of bringing this about. That’s why today we wish to tell you how to proceed the right way.
The first step is forgiving yourself for once having needed to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, and that one after the other. You did this because you were still a spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/soul, at the beginning of its long-drawn-out evolutionary journey. It’s the same for every one of you. The process starts with being familiarised with the lowest and darkest characteristics of your own nature. Thus far you are unaware that every other human being has them. Getting to know these character traits can only come about through experiencing each one personally, in yourself as well as those around you. Each one has to be explored, one after the other, first on the giving end and in a much later lifetime, the receiving one. Naturally, this makes many appearances on the earthly plane necessary, and that for every one of you.
You enjoyed handing out suffering to anyone who came within your reach. It was done because as yet you were unaware of what was happening to you, what you were doing and what the true motivation behind your thoughts, words and action were. It would take a long time before you became aware that, all along you were taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, one after the other. Unbeknown to you, on every occasion your behaviour piled karmic debts into your spiritual ledger, ever more of them. Layer upon layer of them were stored in your subconscious soul memories.
Since then, they have been waiting to be redeemed. The promises made by your world’s old belief systems are of no value, because they are not based on the truth. When your world had reached the age of truth, the Aquarian age, you were going to find out that no-one can redeem anyone’s karmic debts, except every one of you themselves. When the debts were piled into your ledger, that lifetime was still far ahead during a certain stage of your personal development.
You were then not to know that, in the fullness of time, somebody would be doing to you what you once did. When you were still loaded with the vigour of youthful ignorance, the same as they are now, freely and thoughtlessly handed out suffering to anyone who came within your reach. And that, beloved children of the Earth, is how every human being eventually gets to know both sides of all of the lessons that are available in the earthly school of life.
Forgiveness is a journey that consists of two parts. The second one consists of forgiving all those who ever exposed to suffering, some of them enjoy doing so to this day. They are doing this because they are still spiritually young and unevolved, the same as you once were a long time ago. Like them today, in those days you too had no idea of what you were doing and did not realise that God’s justice is perfect. You also had no idea that this justice is fully functioning at all times and that it never errs, in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world.
It comes about because the Divine justice is based on the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. This law ensures that, at just the right moment which is decided by the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, everything that anyone sends into any part of the Universe finds its way back to where it came from. That’s how, quite magically, what you once did to others, in due course returns to you.
This needs to be followed by the third and last instalment of every human being’s forgiveness journey. Eventually the time has come for thanking the Divine Trinity, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Star for its light and warmth. Let’s praise them for being everyone’s true eternal parents as well as for the endless love and wisdom with which they have been for a long time, and to this day still are teaching, every one of their beloved children of the Earth, to become familiar with the nature of suffering, first from the giving end and when the time for it has come, also from the receiving one.
Sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiven thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is likely to assist their higher God or Christ nature awake from its slumbering state. In that case another situation like the present so-called ‘pandemic’ will no longer be necessary for humankind’s joint development. When spiritually young and inexperienced lower earthly selves together with all highly evolved spirit/souls in your midst join forces, it will be much easier to establish a new golden age of consciousness in your world. There will then no longer be any need for a difference between its outer material and inner spiritual plane. This is the age towards which your whole world has for a long time been progressing with giant steps. We shall return to this age in the next chapter.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (6)
You And Your World Are Safe!
Where Do I Go From Here?
Eventually even the last human being who still has to take part in earthly life’s lessons will have become so evolved that they are capable of making their contribution to the new world order of honesty and truth, kindness, friendliness and love. We are glad to tell you that humankind is moving ever closer to the golden age when Mother Earth will have developed into a place where people are helping and supporting each other. Nobody will then be interested any more in creating the suffering with which your world’s materially already immensely rich people, to this day through lying and cheating, to this day are making your world’s masses suffer by unashamedly exploiting them, wherever and whenever an opportunity for it arises.
We are glad to tell you that this has been the old order of your world. The new one will soon be with you and we promise you that you and your world are rapidly moving towards a very different order indeed. Ever more of you are in the process of evolving into pioneers and wayfinders of the new order. Gradually and quite unstoppably, peace and harmony will be spreading and taking over the earthly plane, as ever more of you freely and willingly contribute to the new world order. The only thing you are required to do is change your thought and behaviour patterns from acting like an easily frightened and intimidated earthling into trusting the promises, which we have for quite a long time been bringing to your world through the Aquarian writings. You need to show those around you that you trust that we wise ones from the spirit realm really are in charge of humankind and its world, always have been and forever will be.
Our world, the spirit realm, is a place of thought, where the spoken word does not exist. Ever more on the earthly plane need to become aware that the intentions behind every thought, word and action that any one of you releases into your world are clearly visible in our realm. Even when some of you believe they are thinking their most secret thoughts, in our realm – your world’s innermost counterpart – such thoughts act as if that person were shouting them from the rooftops. Because of this, the intentions behind everything are well known by us and also any other spirit friends and helpers. That’s why anything that’s negative and harmful to anyone creates an instant debit entry into the offender’s spiritual ledger.
As pointed out before, nothing in your world happens against the will and wishes of the Highest Forces of life, whatever that means to you. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, always have been and forever will be in charge of carrying out the unfoldment of the Divine great evolutionary plan. The so-called pandemic is the greatest hoax that has ever been experienced in your world. We allowed it to take place because its development has reached the peak of being experienced as an almost purely materially over-orientated place. However, the great evolutionary plan for your world decrees that the Aquarian age will be the age of truth. That’s when ever more of the truth returns to your world after having disappeared from it for around six thousand years of patriarchy. That’s why, from the beginning of the Aquarian age, the truth has slowly but surely been reappearing in your world and it is helping it to change into an ever more spiritual place.
The pandemic is the crescendo of the first instalment of this development that helps us to sort the wheat from the chaff. It tells us reliably which evolutionary level any one of you has reached. People’s reactions to what for some time by now has been happening in your world, shows the wise ones in charge of you with ever greater clarity who is sufficiently evolved. They alone will be able to reincarnate unto the earthly plane and take part in whatever enjoyable things the new age will bring.
More about this in the next chapter, because first we need to consider what is going to happen to those who are insufficiently evolved. They are destined to continue their material education on a much younger and less highly evolved planet, for which their human energies will be right. The spirit/soul and their lower personalities will be assisting the new planet’s development, similar to what the highly evolved ones in your midst have been doing for your planet and that for an incredibly long time. Reincarnating on the transformed Mother Earth and thus taking part in what her new golden age offers will be their reward.
This is why we suggest that you keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody on the earthly plane, not merely the troublemakers and scaremongers, whenever possible. That’s all the equipment any one of you needs for steadily increasing the strength of your planet’s light stream of consciousness. Every spirit/soul, independent of which evolutionary level you have reached, is part of the light stream and maintained by it. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought you send provides for all spirit/souls who are dwelling within this stream. They are constantly being nurtured and ever more drawn forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral, as well as those for the whole of humankind and your world.
That’s how everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, at all times has been safe and secure within the loving embrace of the Universal Christ Star’s warmth and light. S/He is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Every human being, wherever they may be, is one of the Divine Trinity’s beloved child of the Earth. Although many in your world are as yet unaware of this, it’s nonetheless the truth.
Your thoughts are likely to help the spirit/souls who are on the verge of being sufficiently evolved. Thoughts of this nature are likely to wake a person’s spirit/soul up and strengthen it enough to benefit the behaviour of their lower earthly counterpart. Many just need a final push and it’s most certainly a worthwhile occupation for all highly evolved ones on the earthly plane. Apart from everything else, each one of your loving and understanding thoughts creates a positive Karmic entry in your spiritual ledger. We believe that you cannot have too many of them.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Colonising New Planets’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (7)
You And Your World Are Safe!
From ‘War And Peace Among Nations’
Colonising New Planets
From time to time there is talk about the colonising of new planets, but in spite of the evidence that on the purely physical level it may well be possible, I do not believe that we shall ever make any real progress in this direction. Some years ago the American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan, who was well known for his research into terra-forming of other planets, did some extensive laboratory experiments. He found that blue-green algae thrive on carbon dioxide and have a phenomenal tolerance of hostile conditions, particularly extremes of temperature. The atmosphere of the planet Venus is extremely dense and rich in carbon dioxide, which makes the surface temperature of the planet too high for human beings.
The professor suggested that terra-forming of this planet could best be achieved by changing its atmosphere. It was his idea that a number of rockets could be sent to criss-cross the Venusian atmosphere to bring this about. The nose cones would be filled with blue-green algae; they would be triggered to explode into the atmosphere of the planet. The algae would instantly begin to feed on the carbon dioxide available. This in due course would effect sufficient changes in the atmosphere to cause heavy rainfall, thus reducing the planet’s surface temperature.
Being nearer to the Sun than the Earth, but of comparable size to her, Venus would still remain warmer than our planet. However, large areas of it could have temperatures tolerable to human beings, thus making colonisation feasible. Extensive laboratory tests were carried out at the time, supporting Sagan’s theory that this idea may well be workable. Terra-forming ideas exist about Mars too, but not about any of the other planets in our Solar System.
I do not believe for a moment that we shall ever be allowed to do much damage through what we – with typical human arrogance – would like to call ‘colonising’ other planets. What a fine euphemism for subjection and domination, one of the favourite pursuits of the young and inexperienced male of the species when freely left to its own devices. Before the Angels and Masters in charge of our world allow us any significant adventuring into space, they will demand from us that we put our own house in order and restore our home planet to an acceptable state.
Only when we, individually and as a race, have become sufficiently evolved are they going to permit us venturing deep into space. I for one am glad to know that even then we shall remain under the protection and guidance of the Wise ones who look after us and our world. They will show us how to behave properly, i.e. without interfering with other life-forms, as yet unknown to us, on other planets. In my view, it is more than likely that they do exist, but unlikely that for as long as we insist on searching for planets from a purely earthly perspective and vision we shall ever be able to see them or even perceive their existence.
There are many who still believe that one day we shall succeed in taking over other planets, but I believe that more urgent and important events, issues and developments will require humankind’s utmost attention. Any kind of incursion into space always represent tests for humankind. They reveal to the wise ones in charge of us and our world to what degree people are at least trying to understand the spiritual nature of other planets and the forces that are at work behind all physical manifestations, and what kind of attitude we have towards them. Each one of us being a spark of the Divine intelligence, there cannot be any doubt that – with the help and will of God and the Angels – we are a highly resourceful and successful race.
The way I see it, we shall be allowed to stretch our imagination and ingenuity in matters of space to its full capacity. But, whatever ambitions anybody may have about the exploration of space and colonising other planets, I am sure that something will always happen to stop us before we can harm other planets and their inhabitants. In many places the residents could be much more highly evolved than we are and who therefore no longer need physical bodies for moving around. Such beings will be invisible to earthly eyes and wherever there are any, we shall not be allowed to disturb them and spoil their home planet, the way we have done and still are doing with ours.
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (8)
You And Your World Are Safe!
The New Golden Age
As promised in the previous chapter, today we are going to tell you about what kind of future is in store for the whole of humankind and what the highly evolved ones in your midst can begin looking forward to. It will not take long now until Mother Earth’s transformation from an over-materialistically oriented place into an entirely spiritual one is complete. Anyone who has become sufficiently evolved will soon no longer need to take part in the reincarnation and transfiguration process. Every so often you have to take part in them, but only for as long as you evolutionary progress demands attending the earthly schools of life’s lessons.
During that period of their development, every human being from time to time has to change from being nothing but a spirit/soul, your higher God or Christ Self who forever dwells in its true eternal home, the spirit realm, our world. A lower earthly self every so often is required because that enables you to once more attend the earthly school of life’s lessons and this requires a physical body. So you reappear in a different guise from your previous one. Once more you are reborn on the material plane, without for a long time having any idea that you have been there many times before.
At first you believe that there is but one world. But in truth it consists of two parts, the outer material one and its inner spiritual counterpart, the spirit realm. This is humankind’s true eternal home, from which every one of you emerges at the beginning of each new earthly lifetime and returns to, as soon it has reached its predestined end. Our realm offers your spirit/soul much greater freedom than the world in which physical bodies are required for getting around. Yet, when you have rested in our realm and recuperated from your most recent lifetime’s stresses and strains, you get restless.
Wise ones always have been and forever will be responsible for every human being’s development. They are in charge of everybody’s evolutionary journey. That’s why each time you turn to them to advise you regarding your next earthly lifetime. Where would it best be spent to serve your spiritual development most of all? Hand in hand with the wise ones, you decide where and with whom your next lifetime should be spent. If you agree with what they suggest, you apply for it.
This is how it comes about that, after a while your spirit/soul is reborn into a new physical body that assists you once more to experience what life has to offer you as a material being. And that’s the only way human beings can take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. Your learning provides you with the necessary equipment for another lifetime’s development and is an essential part of the whole of your own evolutionary journey. That’s how all of you, individually and collectively, have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the spiral for the whole of humankind and your world.
You will be glad to hear that your planet was not created to function as a school and a mere place of learning forever. Neither was any human being destined to remain nothing but an earthling, in all Eternity. The deeper you and your world are penetrating into the energies of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of you realise that each and every human being, and that without exception, is a young God in the making. Although for a long time of your evolutionary journey you have been unaware that this is so, it nonetheless is a fact.
The time has come for finding out that, at the moment of your creation, every one of you has been gifted in some special way. In a then still far distant lifetime, your talents would enable you to play a major part in your planet’s great transformation. By now it is proceeding ever more rapidly. These gifts have taken countless lifetimes to develop and are destined to come to full flowering in this one. To find out more about it, please follow the link at the end of this chapter. All whose talents have become sufficiently developed, when Mother Earth’s great transformation takes place, will be capable of assisting this process in some major way. The spirit/soul of these people will need no longer be involved in further reincarnations on the earthly plane as soon as the new golden age has established itself sufficiently. Their energies will then be just right for making the most of and enjoying whatever the golden age brings to your world.
There will be no room for people on your planet whose energies are not right for taking part. Good examples of this are people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the American President Joseph Robinette Biden, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Russian Leader Vladimir Putin, and so on. These people, as well as anyone else with a similarly low level of spiritual development, will be reincarnating onto a different planet that is ready for providing the next stage of human beings colonising a planet. All spiritual youngsters will continue their education there while, at the same time, assisting their home planet’s development. This will continue until all who are destined to take part have evolved into a Christed ones, each in their own right. Similar to the highly evolved ones in your midst who either have already achieved this level or maybe still are occupied with working on it.
Every one of them, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of them, had to take part in getting to know the full range of the earthly school of life’s lessons. They consist of first getting to know the lower and lowest characteristics of humankind’s nature. Everybody thus steadily moves forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral that leads to being made familiar with the higher and eventually highest qualities of your being. That’s how every one of you, in the course of a great many lifetimes, is occupied with attending to its own evolutionary tasks. This is how the target of evolving into a Christed is reached by every human being, eventually.
* * *
Undoubtedly, the same will in the fullness of time be happening to your world’s spiritual youngster who at present are enjoying playing the role of troublemakers and scaremongers. Wise ones are also most carefully attending to every one of these people’s needs. No-one ever has been or will be just dumped on a new planet, to be educated there while assisting the planet’s with its development. Rest assured that wise ones are constantly accompanying and protecting every one of God’s beloved offspring, whether they may find themselves. Even though these friends and helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, you can rely upon it that they are always there, with you as well as everybody else.
It will not take long now until we no longer use Mother Earth as a school and place for learning. The new golden age will help you to bring forth, from deep within your own being, the artistic pursuits that have taken many earthly lifetimes to develop, in the course of your world’s old order. There will be no more trying to outshine each other. During countless earthly sojourns we provided every one of you with fresh opportunities for practising your unique artform. That’s how all of them developed and shone ever more.
Because of this, when the golden age has arrived, those who have been blessed with special gifts and talents, will then be able to give of their best. They will no longer look for rewards of any kind. Their joy of being able to contribute something so unique and at the same time serving the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that will be enough of a reward.
During the new golden age there will be more of what under your world’s old order was thought of as death. Ever more of you by now realise that in truth there never was any death. Whatever looked like it never was more than a transfiguration, the process that’s already been sufficiently described in other parts of the Aquarian writings. For now, we are glad to tell you that for those who have evolved sufficiently, as this age establishes itself ever more firmly in your world, there will no longer be any need to go through any part of the transfigurative process, ever
That’s their reward for having spent so many lifetimes with learning how to leave the lower and lowest characteristics of their nature behind, for everything they had to endure during nailing them to the cross of life, where they were meant to bleed to death, overcome and left behind, forever. The cross is the oldest symbol for humankind’s earthly existence that’s known in your world. Jesus bleeding to death on a wooden cross is but a symbolism of this process. It is the last one of the initiations in which every human being must take part on the material plane.
Your world’s new order at present is occupied with leaving every one of the old belief systems behind. They are bleeding to death on the cross of earthly life for the simple reason that they are no longer required. As we pointed out many times before, love and evolution are the first two laws of life for the whole of Creation; naturally this includes your world. Life everywhere is constantly unfolding and that’s the result of the evolutionary process being based on love.
The religion of the Aquarian Age is nothing but love that is seated deep in the heart and soul of every human being. There is no need to be highly educated or look for some special knowledge because everybody understands the language of love. When each one of you was created by the Great Father/Mother of all life, the knowledge of it was programmed into your spirit/soul and through this into the human race’s evolutionary pulse. It is good to see that ever more of you these days realise that in truth:
There is but one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient,
Always has been and forever will be.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘You Are Special’
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (9)
You And Your World Are Safe!
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
Imagine there’s no Heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No Hell below us,
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
Living for today.
Imagine there’s no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.
Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.
You may say that I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one.
John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Imagine’
You can rely upon our promise that all is well with you and your world. It is because with giant steps and together with us, individually and collectively, you are marching forwards and upwards on the Divine evolutionary spiral of life, the same as you always have done and forever will be doing. Whether some in your world like it or not, nothing in the whole of Creation, therefore also on your planet, has or will ever move backwards. There is no such thing.
Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams have always been fulfilled. This is what the energies of the present Aquarian age for some time have been in the process of bringing to your world. One comes round every 25,772 years. Therefore it is actually ‘written in the Stars’ that during this Aquarian age peace, balance and harmony will begin to establish themselves as your home planet’s new order. That’s what the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and your world always has had in mind.
If you could view your world from the higher spiritual perspective, where we are and the way we do, you would be able to see for yourself that Mother Earth never was destined to function as a school of life and place of learning, forever. For long enough she has served that purpose exceedingly well, functioning as a place where every human being could be made familiar with all the lessons that are required. After all, each one of you is a young God in the making. Mother Earth as a school was designed by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ circle, in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world.
That’s how it would eventually be possible to safely release, every human being into getting to know the rest of God’s Creation. Guided and protected by wise ones, who are in charge of your development, it would eventually be possible to let ever more of you safely loose on exploring and getting to know ever higher levels of your existence. As a Divine offspring, the same powers of creating and destroying are in every one of you. It’s essential that every one of you learns how to handle them, being aware of your responsibility towards the rest of Creation, not merely the earthly plane of your world. Nothing that ever happened there has been about crime and punishment, but teaching and learning.
Humankind’s existence on life’s earthly plane is nothing more than one actor after another appearing on this stage, which in truth is the stage of a grand theatre. For a while, every one you from time to time slips into another costume. Unbeknown to you for a long time, each one is different from that which you wore in previous lifetimes. Any learning that comes your way in the course of each new lifetime, that’s the only thing you can take with you when your departure from the earthly plane has come round once more. In all Eternity, its your property that nobody will ever try to take from you.
Every one of you brings their learning from all previous earthly lifetimes with them into each new one. Stored in your soul memories in your subconscious mind, this learning has the power of influencing you and that in either positive or negative ways. This is why no newly born child that appears on the earthly plane is like an empty vessel that should be filled with as much learning as possible. It is why children are born to parents who have similar inclinations to those they are bringing with them. That ensures that many parents therefore are likely to take more of an interest in what their offspring is doing. Through this the youngster’s special gifts and talents have a better chance of being developed some more, so that in this lifetime they may eventually unfold to full flowering.
This is how each one of you always has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral, which at the same time is an integral part of the spiral for the whole of humankind and its world. And that’s why, without being aware of what you are doing and what’s happening to you, in every new lifetime you slip into the costume you are going to need for playing the role that’s destined for you, this time round. On every occasion, you bring with you everything you have learned thus far.
That’s how every human being steadily progresses, at the rate of one degree per year of the Sun sign into which you were born, in every one of your lifetimes. Round and round the zodiac every one of you has to move. You take part in every one of the zodiac’s signs and house time and again, but each time on a slightly higher level. Every one of you has to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons a predestined number of times.
While you are evolving, the same is happening to the whole of humankind and your world. Its outer material plane is destined to gradually become ever more like its inner spiritual counterpart. That’s where everything that exists in the outer material world, at any given moment, had its beginnings and was created there. And when at long last the outer world has become like its inner counterpart, peace and harmony will be ruling both. The money-spinning drives of your world’s old belief systems, warmongering and these days the pharmaceutical industry will have disappeared.
Illnesses and pain will be unknown because the Highest Forces of life, with the help of the Sun’s energies are healing and putting right whenever the need for it arises anywhere. Lying and cheating will be things of the past because honesty and truth will have become the supreme rulers of both parts of your world, the outer as much as the inner. Communism, as you know it to this day, will have gone. There will be true communism. This means that nothing belongs to anyone. Everything that’s available is there for all to share. There will no longer be any privileges and nobody has more than anybody else.
There will be no more hunger and for as long as food is required for those who still need physical bodies to get around, there will be plenty. Everybody just takes what they need and leaves the rest for everybody else. This will only be necessary for as long as the developmental aspect of needing physical bodies exists. Each spirit/soul belongs to the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Its light and warmth supports and sustains all manifestations of life that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation, naturally also your world. Buy for as long as you are still taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, the Christ light shines for you and supports you through the Sun in the sky above your world. It is the Sun behind and beyond it.
Everybody has the same rights as well as duties. And the main duty of those who are still dwelling on the earthly plane of life is sharing their special gifts and talents. At the moment of your creation by the Great Father/Mother of all life, they were bestowed upon you. There will be no more fear, because all are aware that truly there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, when the end of any given lifetime has come found. Apart from that, wise ones have always and forever will be taking good care of everybody. Constantly they are guiding and protecting every one of you. None will ever be forgotten or left behind, because that’s impossible. The only difference will be when the golden age establishes itself evermore, not just a selected few but everybody will be able to see them.
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (10)
You And Your World Are Safe!
When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (1)
Some of you are asking when will the new golden age be with us? The deeper you and your world penetrate into the energies of the Aquarian age, the more it will be possible to be recognised by all who are sufficiently evolved. This is because, as mentioned before, the sign Aquarius is the one in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will eventually find fulfilment, individually as well as collectively. The new golden age will come about in quite natural ways, because it is what the Divine great evolutionary plan of life has always had in mind for humankind. It can only come about when the energies are right and that’s what they have been since the beginning of the present Aquarian age.
The following two extracts belong to some of the messages through which we have been communicating with your world, for many years by now, through what for a long time have been known as the increasingly popular Aquarian writings. This is because from the word ‘go’ these writings have brought humankind not merely the truth, but the whole truth. The following extracts are from ‘War And Peace Among Nations’ For more details please connect with the relevant link at the end of this chapter.
‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.
‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.’
Here is the second extract: ‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.
‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.
‘The equally long promised world teacher is appearing in our midst and reveals him/herself as none other than the living God within, our inner teacher or in-tuition, who is the only reliable guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answers to any kind of question we may care to ask. Through the small still voice of our conscience this teacher has always tried to intuitively tell us right from wrong. The English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, knew about it when he wrote: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’’
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When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (2)
What About Covid?
When one of these days, because you have been burning your life’s candle at both ends through doing too much and not resting enough, you come down with what not so long ago would in your world have been called a common cold. That’s how since time immemorial human physical bodies have stepped in to protect their indwelling spirit/soul against continuing to overdo things. This is why one of you, not surprisingly every so often comes down with a cold. If you are one of your world’s wise ones, you know that this does not mean you have been attacked by the Covid virus. Oh perish the thought! You know that there never was such a virus and never will be. And because of this there is no need for you to go for a so-called Covid test.
Having learnt to pay attention to what their physical body at all times is trying to tell them, wise ones simply rest more and tune into our frequencies, so that we can let them know intuitively the best ways of shaking off what, when all is said and done, never was more than a common cold. As Shakespeare once wrote: ‘That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet!’ And we would like to add to this: ‘That which is nothing but a common cold, even though many in your world might try to convince you that you have been infected by the non-existent Covid virus, will just as much provide your physical body with a running nose and unpleasant coughing fits. Both are a nuisance and will pass, the way they have always done.’
And because we are part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, the inner spiritual part as much as the outer material one, we know the way of all things. This is why the true intentions behind every thought, word and action of all human beings who are taking part in earthly life, at any given moment. Nothing can be hidden in our realm and everything can clearly be seen by everybody dwelling there. When viewed from this perspective, as mentioned before, even the most secret thoughts of people in your world, in ours they come across as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. It’s the intention behind everything that decides whether something belongs to the category of good or evil, and whether what you are doing at any given moment creates a credit or debit entry in your spiritual ledger.
As far as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are concerned, the redemption of the debit entries they have for some time been piling into their spiritual ledgers will have to wait until future lifetimes. And they, almost certainly will have to be spent on a new planet these people will be occupied with colonising. This assists their own development as well as that of what, to them will be then known as their home planet. That’s what those who by now have evolved into spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls and their earthly selves have been doing for a long time on Mother Earth.
But let’s take another look at what Jon Rappaport wants to tell us in one of his most recent reports. He tells us that living human embryos have been and still are being used by your world’s scientists. The young and inexperienced ones among them are doing this in the hope of developing vaccines that will not be used for wiping out illnesses, like the jabs of the past. Even though on the surface of things they pretend that the same intention is the intention behind what they are looking for, the true reason is developing something that can be used to reduce the number of your world’s population, in this most sinister way. As mentioned before, the factor that decides whether what you do is good or evil, is the intention that’s hiding behind whatever you are doing.
If the scientists who are involved in this research were seriously interested in making your planet into a better place for everything that shares it with humankind, every one of their efforts would create a credit entry in their spiritual ledger. What they are doing brings about a lot of debit entries. We hope that you will be able to forgive these people, because after all they are your siblings in the great family of humankind. Forgive them, for they have no idea of what they are doing, and that most of all to themselves. This is because, in the fullness of time, the Divine Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will return to them whatever they are doing to your world now. Return it will and that with increased strength.
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When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (3)
What About Your World’s Scientists?
You will probably not be surprised when we tell you that there is an enormous difference between those who call themselves scientists in your world. Some of them are highly evolved beings who have a great sense of responsibility towards the wellbeing and health of whole of humankind and your world. Alas, there are also spiritually young and unevolved people are carrying out scientific work. Whenever someone offers them enough to satisfy their youthful greed for money and the lovely things it can buy, they willingly dedicate their whole being to developing, or at least pretending to do so, whatever someone asks them to develop on their behalf.
The situation was very different when spiritually highly evolved scientists once put all their efforts into searching for something to improve humankind’s health and wellbeing. Because the intentions behind their work showed us their genuine concern and caring, we intuitively provided them with ideas of how vaccines could be developed to assist the overcoming of illnesses that, at that time had become the scourge of humankind. Intuitively, we suggested the use of living human embryos for the development of vaccines, which would in small amounts be injected into human beings, as that would build up their own body’s resistance against the illness in question.
Although the scientists involved in this work were shying away from such methods, eventually they gave in and tried what had come to them intuitively. Lo and behold, to their greatest joy and ours, in the end their efforts were rewarded with success. We assisted them because the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind never decreed that there should be unnecessary suffering for God’s beloved children of the Earth. And that’s how, on our advice your world’s first vaccines were developed against various illnesses, so that in this way could gradually be wiped out.
As you may imagine, there is a world of difference between the scientists of those days and anyone who is now employed by the pharmaceutical industry to support ever more of their money-spinning drives. These scientists too are trying the method of working with living human embryos, hoping that it will help them to develop new vaccines that will then be used by those who believe they are ruling your world, for their evil intentions. They too are hoping that a new vaccine can be developed that will enable them to reduce the number of your world’s population.
The intention alone behind looking for any kind of means to destroy people is evil. Even though those who are getting involved in this kind of scheme are not yet aware of that after all, every human being is one of their siblings in the great family of humankind. Every thought, word and action that intends to harm people, individuals or groups of them, in whatever manner creates a debit entry in the spiritual ledgers of anyone who is involved.
It is quite different with the vaccines that were developed quite a long time ago and really worked. We supported each one because their appearance was in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind. Because the research was carried out with our assistance and supervised by us, on that occasion the attempts at creating vaccines for overcoming some of humankind’s most serious illnesses were successful. What’s presently happening in your world, no matter how hard its spiritually young and unevolved scientists may try, which they have been doing for quite a while, you have our word for it that none of their efforts will ever be crowned by success.
The present number of your world’s population is estimated to be around 7.7 billion. It’s for a wise higher reason that we allowed this figure to such an exceptionally high one. Many of those who are around in your world these days were resting and recuperating, in the spirit realm, from the stresses and strains of their most recent earthly lifetimes. Their spirit/souls applied for another one that, hopefully would turn into the last one they were going to need to complete the curriculum of their earthly education. In the spirit realm it could clearly be observed that the final great transformation, which from the beginning has been part of the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world, had entered its final stage.
Because all applications for a final earthly lifetime were granted, that’s why your world’s population has risen to this level, which is making Mother Earth’s resources creak. We promise you this will not continue for long. But that’s how it came about that, as many spirit/souls as possible, were granted the gift of another earthly lifetime. With the help of being born into another lower earthly self, their spirit/souls hope that they will be able to clear all their karmic debts, including the most ancient ones, from their spiritual ledger. They hoped that this would be the final one they needed for completing the curriculum of their earthly education. Hand in hand with us and supported by us, every one of them will hopefully soon be able to fulfil their dream of finally being released into getting to know the next higher level of humankind’s existence, through exploring and studying it.
In any case, ever more in your world by now are waking up to the realisation that in truth every human being, who ever took part in life on the earthly plane, as well those who are doing so at present, is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. These days, ever more of you are aware that wise ones in our realm have always been and forever will be in charge of every human being’s development, as well that for the whole of your race and world.
Spirit friends and helpers have always been by your side, even though you are unaware of their presence. The instructions about your development they receive from us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, and then act upon them. This is how forever every human being will be taken the greatest of care of and watched over. When you ask your spirit friends for help, they are allowed to give it as much as possible without doing any kind of work for you. Never forget that without asking, no help can come to anyone in your world. And as much as it frequently feels as if you were struggling on your own in earthly life, not a single one of you is ever really alone.
The time has come when ever more in your world realise that every human being, without exception, has never been anything less than a young God in the making. The highest and holiest destiny has been the most important aspect of the Divine evolutionary plan for the development of the whole of humankind and every one of you within it. This is the reason why the education in the earthly school of life for human earthly minds comes across as an extremely long time. However, God’s time is Eternity and within that timescale each one is no more than the blinking of God’s eyelid.
Most important of all, we are glad to tell you that what to this day is happening in your world, is an essential aspect of Mother Earth ending to serve as a school and place of learning for human beings.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Songs Of Inspiration’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
‘War And Peace Among Nations’
‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (11)
You And Your World Are Safe!
You Are Special (1)
Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.
Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.
That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.
Our set may already have taken many lifetimes to develop and we have been granted the gift of another one to provide us with many more opportunities for improving them some more. The whole range of our gifts produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. And the entire human race can be likened to a room filled with billions of musical instruments. Don’t be disturbed when you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that some instruments sound better than yours. This is intentional and due to the fact that every instrument is a unique creation and that ensures that no-one’s sound matches exactly anyone else’s. No matter how hard we may try to sound alike, it’s impossible.
Every human being is a tiny particle of a vast whole, for whose functioning the wellbeing of one is as important as anyone else’s. All of us are rare and precious in the eyes of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who holds a giant plan of life for the whole and a small one for each one of us within it. We were created in God’s image from the idea of the archetypal perfect son/daughter of God that exists in our Creator’s mind. In the course of many lifetimes we created the earthly personality that is ours. And whatever anyone imagines God to be, even the greatest sceptics are bound to admit that it’s impossible that we and our world appeared out of nothing and nowhere.
Humankind is not some kind of a random and haphazard appearance or cosmic joke. Earth life is a school and we are spending time in it so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that’s how our Creator wants us to be. Everybody contains the seed of perfection and the only thing we have to do to achieve it, is integrate every aspect of our nature, our earthly mind and body as much as our spirit and soul. By constantly giving of the best that rises from within the very core of our own being, our nature’s Divine characteristics move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness and gradually take over.
Wherever we shall find ourselves, we can be sure that we are always at the right time in the right spot. We have been placed there to do our share of making our planet a happier, more peaceful and beautiful place for those around us, whilst not overlooking our own needs. Each one of us was created to fulfil one specific task in earthly life during our world’s transition from one age into another, which for some time has been taking place. One particular job is waiting to be done by all of us. It can only be carried out by us and therefore rightfully ours. To enable us to find it, it’s essential to pay attention to the guidance of wise one or the living God within. This part of us has the ability to reveal the right way of how to go about things through the world of our feelings and our natural inclinations.
We are in this life to dream our own dreams and pursue them and not those of others, no matter how dear they may be to those around us, even our parents or grandparents. Only by never imitating or copying others can we hope to be true to our real and highest nature and attend to our special assignment. We are sure to find it when we act in keeping with Its will and wishes, say a loud and clear ‘no’ to the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature and give of our best at all times. Hand in hand with God and the Angels can we then go full steam ahead with developing own unique and precious set of gifts to its highest potential and bring it to full flowering. The success we are dreaming of is sure to come our way if we are willing to work sufficiently hard. If this does not happen in our present lifetime, it will do so in a future one. So, why not get stuck into it, now?
It’s a bit like applying for a job, but this time we shall be luckier than we have ever been before. Just imagine, out of the billions of potential applicants we alone have the right qualifications. What more could anyone ask for? However, the success that is our promise is not going to drop into our lap like manna from the Heavens. Wise ones know that insisting on living selfishly and treating life as an endless round of pleasure-seeking is not the right way to go about it. On the road to fulfilling their highest aspirations and hopes, ideals and dreams, they work for the good of the whole in keeping with the guidance they receive through the world of their innermost feelings.
Only a fool would deny that we are living in exciting times and to make the most of the opportunities they have in store for us, all we have to do is reach out for the guiding, helping and protecting hands of God and the Angels, the highest authorities in the whole of Creation. Persevering with our efforts is worthwhile, so that we don’t miss our chance for learning to walk once again in safety and peace on our beloved planet in the process of evolving into one of its healers, guardians and keepers. Each one of us is required to make their own contribution to the blessing and healing of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. These notes are part of mine.
All of us eventually have to learn how to take care of the welfare of our world, so that it slowly evolves into a better place for everybody and everything that shares it with us. This is by no means entirely unselfish, because although we are presently working for future generations, let us not forget that in coming lifetimes we may once again be walking amongst them in a different guise. And if that does not make every small effort one of us makes worth while, then please tell me what is.
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’
However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.
When wise ones think only of the good of others and aim to alleviate their pain and suffering, they are contributing to the transmutation of earthly life’s dense vibrations into higher and more heavenly ones. Anyone else who seriously longs for spiritual development and the unfoldment of their higher vision first needs to surrender their small earthly self’s desires to the will and wishes of the Divine forces. As soon as they selflessly offer themselves as channels for bringing comfort and healing to those who are sick in mind and body, spirit and soul, they are serving not merely the good of their present lifetime but all future ones.
That’s how each one of us freely and willingly will eventually be doing their share of helping God and the Angel to create a better and more spiritually advanced state of life for Mother Earth and every one of her children. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I can do nothing. On my own I am nothing. The Great Father/Mother and their Angels are doing their work through me. I am but their humble servant and channel.’ In the fullness of time this will become the leitmotif of every human being.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Our World Needs You’
• ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
• ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
• ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
You Are Special (2)
Give Of Your Best
My inner guidance says: ‘Life on the earthly plane is a place of learning. It’s a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the role of teacher and pupil. Everybody taking part in it is equally loved and all have been equally gifted by the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are humankind’s true parents and preferences of any kind are unknown to them. Every one of you has come through earthly parents, but you are not of them. You live in physical bodies and that’s your vehicle for getting around on the material plan, which is meant to last for one lifetime only. It’s the outer shell in which every human spirit/soul is temporarily clothed. Like all earthly things, physical bodies get worn out and then have to be recycled.
‘Your physical body’s genes have been inherited from the ancestral life through which your earthly parents entered their present lifetime, because all were taking part in the same lessons which they needed for a specific part of their earthly education. Your inner being, however, is something quite different. It’s uniquely everybody’s own because it was created by them alone and that could have taken many earthly lifetimes. Everything you ever learn is eternally yours. No-one ever can or will even attempt to take it away from you. The memories of everything that ever happened to you are stored in the subconscious part of your own being. This includes the weaknesses as much as the strength you’ve developed thus far. To enable you to continue working on and with these character traces, your soul memories accompany you into every new earthly lifetime. From the moment you take your first breath, they are influencing you in either positive or negative ways.
‘For some time by now, the greatest transformation that your world has ever experienced has been and still is taking place. Your planet is changing from an over-materialistically and especially money-spinning orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. Every one of you has a special and unique role to play in this transformation. What God and the Angels expect from you is basically very straightforward and simple. The only thing they are asking is that each one should share whatever is already at their disposal from their special gift. For as long as you give of your best and wish to serve the good of the whole, instead of pursuing selfish aims, they will do the rest.
‘Each one of you was gifted in some specific way, because that enables you to play your very own unique role in your world’s present transformation. It does not matter that to this day, many of you have not yet discovered their gifts. Although they are still slumbering in the subconscious part of your being, all you have to do is go in search of them and start developing the. Ask God and the Angels to help you find them. There are also many in your midst who have already spent many earthly lifetimes of unfolding their gifts. Giving of them freely and unselfishly for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that’s the only way they can come to full flowering.
‘Every one of you was brought into being and released into experiencing earthly life at a different time. Regardless of this, since then all of you have been occupied with attending to the initial part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making. This is how it’s come about that the spiritually older and more mature members of the great family of humankind were able to assist their younger and less experienced siblings to cope with their earthly existence. And that’s not different to what happens in any good earthly family. It was the love and wisdom of your Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that designed both parts of humankind’s existence in this manner. It goes without saying that the spiritually more advanced children of the Earth should help their younger and less experienced siblings to grow in wisdom and understanding. That’s how all of you have always been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, steadily and one step after another, each on their own spiral and simultaneously on the one for the whole of humankind and your world. This will forever continue.
‘Something like a veil separates your world from its inner spiritual background and us, your spirit friends and helpers. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of us have always accompanied each one of you, from the moment of your first appearance on the earthly plane. Although these helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that they have always been with you and that they will never leave you. At all times they are occupied with guiding and protecting every earthly self against damaging or destroying the essence of their being and that’s the Divine spark within every human spirit/soul. These friends never interfere with anyone’s earthly existence and the development of their unique earthly personality. Only when something is in danger of getting out of hand are we allowed to step in and say: ‘So far and no further!’ That’s our reaction to your world’s present state, in which every one of you has their own unique role to play. And just in case you have not yet have discovered what your gifts are, turn to your very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within every human being, and ask to be shown intuitively.
Aquarius is the voice of God, whatever that may mean to you at present. ‘You Are Special’ is one of the oldest and best loved parts of the Aquarian writings. For many years by now, the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life has been communicating with you through these writings. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there. I always listen but only respond when someone asks for it. You always have been and forever will be as much part of Me, as I am part of you. Never doubt that I am always with every one of you, that you have always been safe and forever will be, and that all is well with you and your world and that its reins are resting safely in My loving hands.
Updated June 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Children’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
• ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
• ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’
– To be continued. –
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (12)
You And Your World Are Safe!
You Are Special (3)
Conquer Fear Through Understanding
The other day, my dear friend and spiritual sister Susan and I were chatting about how fearful both of us have always been. Because of that someone had once presented her with a book about how to overcome fears, which to this day she finds helpful. Susan and I have known each other for over thirty years. Since our first meeting, we have been the best of friends. Our pathway through life had lots in common and one of the main things that’s always troubled us was being afraid of just about everything.
One of the Brother Grimm’s fairytales is a story about a man who ventures forth into life and because he is not afraid of anything. That’s why he wishes to learn what being afraid is like through his own experiences. Alas, the opposite had always been true for Susan as well as for me. And from where we are by now, I will soon be eighty-five and Susan is ten years my junior, it looks like both of us came into this lifetime to overcome and leave behind our fears, if possible every last one of them. But how? Both of us have already been working on it, alas not yet quite successfully.
That’s why Susan very kindly offered to send me a copy of the book ‘Fear’, which I gratefully accepted. The book was written by the well known Vietnamese Thi?n Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, who was a peace activist, prolific author, poet and teacher. He is recognised as the main inspiration for engaged Buddhism and also known as the ‘father of mindfulness’. As a major influence on Western practices of Buddhism, the last time he honoured our world with his presence was from October 11, 1926 – January 22, 2022. Born in Vietnam and having been exiled from there, for many years he lived and worked in France.
As soon as my book arrived, filled with good intentions, I started to work my way through it, hoping to do so chapter by chapter. Alas, when I reached the third one Thich spoke about humankind’s ancestors. He believed that our fears have been inherited from them. I could not have disagreed more. And that’s because my inner guidance, the living God and wise one within me, many years ago told me intuitively – the way all my writings have come into being – that every human being, without exception, in truth is their own ancestor as well as descendant. This is because every one of us has been taking part in life on the earthly plane a great many times. But, for a wise higher reason, during the early stages of our development none of us is consciously aware of ever having taken part in life in the material world before.
If we consciously knew about everything that took place during all our previous earthly sojourns, of which there have been many, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves each time our next earthly lifetime comes round. In many of them it was part of our compulsory education to take part in exploring, and through this getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of humankind’s earthly nature. What we also do not know for a long time is every human being, without exception, is a young God in the making. That’s why the pathway of evolving into this elevated status, requires an extremely thorough a grounding that familiarises every one of us with the nature of suffering.
This is why first we are on the giving end of some extremely unpleasant experiences that create suffering for anyone who comes within our reach. Without thought, we carelessly hand it out as much as possible to those around us and our world. It takes a long time until we realise that there is such a thing as the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Because of this law, in due course everything that we at any given moment create with every one of our thoughts, words and actions, unfailingly finds its way back to us. Love is the main law for the whole of Creation, therefore also our world. That’s why, many lifetimes later, when we have matured sufficiently to cope with whatever the Divine laws are returning to us, what we once dished out to those around us and that with increased strength. We then find ourselves on the receiving end of similar experiences.
The trouble is that the memories of everything that took place, in every one of our previous lifetimes, for a long time have been safely tucked away in the subconscious part of our being, so they don’t get too much in the way of our continued learning. That’s why, layer upon layer, every one of our fears have been stored that way. The intention all along has been that, as soon as we have spiritually matured sufficiently, they should be worked with, overcome and released once and for all, never to return. For every human being this is of the greatest importance, because for as long as our soul memories remain on the subconscious level of our being, they possess the power of influencing the thinking and behaviour patterns of our lower earthly self in either positive or negative ways. This includes how we perceive the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and what kind of a role we are playing within it.
Undoubtedly, that’s what has been bothering Susan and me for such a long time. The same is likely to be true for the majority of people who at present are taking part in life on the material plane. How many do you think are as still unaware that every human being, without exception, in truth is a young God in the making and that a high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us, the whole of humankind as well as our world?
It’s quite a different matter for the spirit/souls who, at any given time, are dwelling in the spirit realm. The awareness that this is humankind’s true eternal home, puts them into a much better position than anyone on the earthly plane. The spirit realm’s clear vision equips them with the knowledge that everything that ever happened in the material world, and continues to do so to this day, always has been and still is for a wise higher purpose. Their vision enables them to recognise that whoever, at any given time, is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons is a teacher as well as a student.
This is why, as soon as we have rested and recuperated from the stresses and strains of our most recent lifetime, we do not hesitate to apply for attending our next earthly lesson. We are aware that without applying for one lifetime after another, with sufficient breaks of restfulness between them, we would never be able to reach the end of our curriculum in the earthly school of life. The natural end of this education can only come about when someone’s higher or God or Christ Self, at long last is in charge of every aspect of their lower earthly counterpart, and therefore is firmly in control of its behaviour, at all times.
And that shows the wise ones in charge of humankind and its education that another one of us really has evolved into a Christed one, in their own right. It is something every human being can only do for themselves. Nobody in the whole of Creation can do the hard work this requires for anyone else.
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You Are Special (4)
Conquer Fear Through Understanding
Now it’s time for handing the microphone, so to speak, to the Angels and Master of the Christ Circle: ‘As many of you by now are aware, the final and most daunting obstacle of humankind’s evolutionary journey is overcoming your fears and leaving them behind, once and for all. This is what’s required from every one of you. Quite a while ago, in earthly terms, the beloved Thich Nhat Hanh joined our realm. Through him we once presented your world with the gift of mindfulness.
Today we have asked him to share with you what he experienced when, through the transfiguration process, he left the physical body of his most recent earthly lifetime behind. We believe that, with the help of the Aquarian writings, the former Zen Master will be able to assist ever more of you to conquer their fears, better than this was ever possible for him when he still tried to help his siblings in the great family of humankind to overcome their fears, when he still shared the material world with them.
In case you are wondering what Thich Nhat Hanh’s name means, the word thich is a title for monks and nuns in Vietnam, where he was born. They adopt this word as their new family name. Nhat means ‘of the best quality’ and hanh means ‘good’. For simplicity’s sake we asked him whether he would mind being addressed as simply Nhat. Having been equipped with a good sense of humour, which helped him to cope with some of the most difficult life situations, he was delighted to accept this name together with our offer of communicating with you here.
Nhat takes over: ‘Greetings, dear Friends on the earthly plane. I am delighted to tell you that I am by no means dead., but alive and well in the spirit realm and enjoying the greater freedom of no longer needing a physical body for getting around and look after. Having arrived in the spirit realm quite a while ago, I have rested so much that I am more than ready to support anyone in your world who wishes to conquer their fears and leave them behind, once and for all. This is much easier from where I am now.
‘First I would like to tell you what happened when I had spent ninety-five years on the material plane. With every passing day I was feeling more tired. Frequently I caught myself thinking, I have been here long enough and done lots of work to increase the wellbeing of humankind. Isn’t it time that I close my eyes forever? And so one fine day, I closed my eyes and went into a meditative state. It did not take long until a being of light entered my field of vision. It must be an Angel, I thought to myself. Radiating nothing but love, the being said: ‘I am one of the Angels of transfiguration. I have been sent to assist your spirit/soul with leaving your physical body behind. You are not going to die because there is no such thing as death.
‘If you hold onto my hand, I want to take the part of your spirit/soul that’s been with your physical body for long enough by now, back home to the one that’s true and eternal for every human being, naturally this includes you. Are you ready? Then I shall take you to where your spirit/soul’s main part has always been waiting for its smaller part to return, whenever it went forth to experience another lifetime on the earthly plane. I see you nodding, so breathe deeply whilst holding onto my hand.
‘See! There was nothing to it. That’s the physical body that served you so well. Don’t forget to thank you for it, even though now it’s just an empty shell, like the cocoon from which a beautiful butterfly has slipped. You have done well, been a messenger of peace. You were born October 11, 1926 and continued until January 22, 2022. Born when the Sun in the sky above your world was moving through Libra, the second sign that’s ruled by the planet Venus. Libra is the sign into which the peacemakers of the material plane are born. Being one of them, that’s been the predestined pathway of your most recent lifetime. You have walked this road steadfastly, never shying away from at least trying to bring peace to a world that to this day is greatly interested in warmongering.’
Back to Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle: ‘In his book ‘Fear’ Nhat told you that at the time of writing it, he still believed that all humankind’s fears have been inherited from their ancestors. As you will soon find out, in a way this assumption was correct. Yet, with the clear vision of our realm’s perspective, Nhat realises that humankind’s fears, especially the most frightening ones of death and the future in general, originate from quite a different place. They rise to the surface of every human being’s earthly awareness from deep within their very own subconscious mind. That’s were the memories of whatever happened to any of you in previous lifetimes are stored.
‘Being able to see for himself that this is so, Nhat hopes that the knowledge he has gained will enable him, with the passing of time, to reach ever more of those who still are taking part in life on the material plane. His ultimate dream is helping everybody there to understand that there truly is nothing to be afraid of anywhere. This is because spirit guides and helpers are constantly with every human being, wherever they may at any given moment be. Although these helpers are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, they can assist by showing the way – rather than doing the work for anyone on the earthly plane – whenever someone requires it.
‘Therefore, if you want your spirit friends’ help, you have to ask for it. Without asking, they are not allowed to do so. This is particularly helpful when your present lifetime is reaching its end. To help you overcome being afraid of what lies ahead, Nhat wants to share with as many as possible the first hand knowledge he has gained through this lifetime’s departure from your world that, in our realm, there truly is nothing to be afraid of and a great deal to look forward to. You will be able to see this for yourself when next time you have returned to your true eternal home. We assure you there is nowhere else for anyone to go. And when you have arrived here, we guarantee that you are going to enjoy no longer needing a physical body for getting around and the greater freedom this gives you straight away.
‘Can you imagine the joy and wonder you will feel when, at long last, you are released into exploring and getting to know our world, the spirit realm more intimately? That’s what will also happen to you as soon as your energies are right for moving forwards and upwards on your very own evolutionary spiral and continue studying ever higher levels of your existence.
‘Something like a veil has been separating the outer material plane of your world from its inner spiritual counterpart. Everything that manifests itself in the outer part has its origin and was created on the inner plane, by us, the Angels and Master’s of the Christ Circle and those who serve us on the lower levels of life everywhere. Everything happens in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, therefore also humankind and its world. We are in charge of the creation and development of all manifestations of life that exist anywhere.
Nhat takes over again: ‘In my books I talk about being and non-being. From where I am now, there is no doubt in my mind that these words should be used the other way round. Being is when, in the spirit realm transfiguration has returned our lower earthly self to its original state of being nothing but a spirit/soul, who is an integral part of the Highest Forces of life, whatever that means to you. That, to me, is God the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Being a spark of this Great Light, whether we are as yet aware of it or not, every human being wherever they presently may be is as immortal and eternal as they are. Nothing that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation, will ever be able to separate us from this, the Source of our being.
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You Are Special (5)
Conquer Fear Through Understanding
Nhat continues: ‘Since my return to the inner plane of life, I have learnt so much. For example, I found out that what in my most recent earthly lifetime I used to think of as ‘being’ is merely a temporary state of predestined length. This is because in the course of many lifetimes, every human being takes part in one lesson after another on the earthly plane. That existence is no more than school of life and a place of learning. Visiting it time and again, we steadily grow in wisdom and understanding. Each one of us a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, a spirit/soul the same as God.
‘With the passing of time, everybody’s own light increases in two ways. In the course of each lifetime that’s spent on the earthly plane, the Christ Star is drawing us towards itself. Through this our own light increases. Each through their own experiences is constantly learning something and that’s how we become ever more enlightened beings. Every one of us needs to find out for themselves that merely the outer material shell of our physical body dies, each time one of our earthly lifetimes has run its course. The inner spirit/soul is eternal and immortal, just like our Creator. Therefore, it can and will never die. And that’s why there never is any death, merely a transfiguration that changes the state of our being and leaves our spirit/soul untouched.
‘Living in a physical body which everybody needs for taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, that’s what non-being truly is, because the most essential aspect of every human being’s nature, not merely mine, is our eternal and immortal spirit/soul. Walking around as an earthly being, for as long as one is unaware of one’s higher God or Christ nature, that’s what non-being truly is. Non-being is not knowing that in truth every human being, independent of what evolutionary level one of us may have reached at any given moment, is a young God in the making, for whom a high and holy destiny is waiting.
‘Even though at the beginning of everybody’s evolutionary journey this exists merely as a potential, all of us have inherited, from our true Divine parents, the ability of creating and bringing into being whole new worlds and everything within them. As soon as they have served their usefulness, every one of us possesses the inner power of destroying and returning the atoms of their cells to their original state. However, this only comes about because this is what the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation decrees. Nothing anywhere in the whole of Creation happens against the will and wishes of God and is beyond the reach of these powers.
‘Best of all to my mind is that, everyone’s progress is constantly supervised and guided by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, who are served by zillions of spirit friends and helpers on all lower evolutionary levels. And as soon as one of us has evolved into a God or Christed one, in their own right, they are permanently released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm. This comes about when one of us has reached the end of their curriculum in the earthly school of life. That is a natural part of every human being’s development.
‘Wise ones always have been and forever will accompany us. This is because they are in charge of and responsible for every human being’s development. Accompanied and supervised by them, each one of us eventually starts exploring and getting to know, through actively taking part in the next higher level of our existence. As soon it has been dealt with sufficiently, we do the same with the level that follows. The plan for the development of every human being, as well as that for the whole of humankind, decrees that this continues until we have reached the top of our evolutionary spiral. Our energies then are right for joining the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, around the throne of God.
‘I am delighted to have discovered that, from where I am now, the intentions behind everything that ever happened on the outer material plane of life, your world, can easily be recognised. About the tales of the Buddha’s life as well as Jesus Christ, I can tell you reliably that they never were literally true. They always were nothing but legends. However, declaring them to be literally true once were an essential aspect of teaching humankind the value of truth. For its first instalment it was necessary to withhold the truth for a predestined length of time. The Buddha and Jesus Christ legends were necessary, so that during one lifetime after another, lower earthly selves believed them to be true and therefore acted upon them accordingly.
‘This is what happened to me. Can you imagine how good it is to discover that I fell into this trap for the wise higher purpose of taking part in the lesson about the value of honesty and truth? As I know now, that’s why for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy our world’s old belief systems were purposely designed, by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, so that their tales created a natural barrier of fear. This was necessary to stop humankind from finding out too early that the true meaning of all our world’s religious tales has always been hiding behind their surface words.
‘That’s how the truth was ever more removed from our world. It was the first instalment of teaching humankind the value of truth. As ever more you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. During this age the truth of the Highest will be flowing with ever increasing strength into the hearts and minds of anyone whose frequencies are tuned into it. This is why ever more Divine truth has been reaching the earthly plane for quite some time by now.
‘The truth and nothing but the truth, for example through the Aquarian writings, appearing in your world is the second part of learning to appreciate the value of truth. Ever more of those on the earthly plane, for some time by now have been benefiting from it. And being allowed to communicate with you in this way that’s my reward for the work I did, for such a long time in the material world. I gave what was good and right when it appeared, in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world – at the time.’
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You Are Special (6)
Conquer Fear Through Understanding
The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle continue: ‘As many of you are aware, the one we introduced to you in this part of the Aquarian writings as Nhat did some wonderful work in the course of his most recent lifetime. We are deeply grateful for the way he worked on helping human beings conquer their fears. Overcoming them, especially the most deep seated and frightening ones, from many of the lifetimes they spent taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
‘We are convinced that this will turn into a much more manageable task when you no longer think that your fears have been inherited from unknown ancestors but from yourself. Think of the one you were in previous lifetimes and who, after all, you still are and forever will be. This is because your indwelling spirit/soul has always remained the same, even though initially it was no more than a spark of the Universal Christ’s light.
‘In keeping with the Divine plan for everyone’s evolutionary development, that’s how one lifetime after another each sparks’ own light increases and that in two ways. During earthly lifetime each spark absorbs more of the Christ light. Simultaneous with this, through its lessons every lower earthly self constantly gains in wisdom and understanding. That’s how its light in the form of enlightenment steadily increases, adding to that of the main spirit/soul who never leaves the spirit realm. This is how every human being, in the fullness of time and after countless lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, eventually develops into a Christed one. Each one of you can only do this in their own right and through your own efforts.
‘Having once more moved successfully through the transfiguration that takes place at the beginning and end of each earthly lifetime, for every human being, Nhat has first hand knowledge that when someone has returned to our realm, they are nothing but spirit/soul. In spite of being highly evolved, this applies to Nhat. Independent of which evolutionary level someone may have reached at any given moment, each spirit/soul consists of masculine as well as feminine energies.
‘That’s why in truth you never need anyone to make you whole. You already are. Every human being, without exception, is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light that consists of masculine as well as feminine energies. They are inseparable and can only function together, the same as in our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born, i.e. visible Son/Daughter of the Universal Christ. Nothing can separate any part of this Trinity from each other and nothing in the whole of Creation exists that can separate any human being from its Creator.
‘Hoping that you would recognise who is communicating with you here, Nhat’s spirit/soul slipped once more into the costume that he wore during his most recent earthly lifetime. This time round, he spent ninety-five years on the stage of that grand theatre of life. And to assist you some more with overcoming and releasing your fears, hopefully down to the very last one, we recommend the reading of the two chapters at the end of this one.
‘We would like you to know that every word of the Aquarian writings is a gift from us to humankind which was given intuitively to the writer’s mind. She knows that understanding is the key for unlocking the bolts of the doors behind which humankind’s fears for such a long time have been hiding. Understanding opens the door that leads to the ability of comprehending the higher purpose and meaning of your own existence as well as that of the whole of humankind. As soon as you understand what’s being said in any part of the Aquarian writings, we guarantee that you will know why anything ever had to happen on the earthly plane and why, to this day, this has to continue. But only for a predestined length of time that’s only known to us.
‘We assure you that there will be no third World War because that simply is not part of what God’s evolutionary plan for humankind and your world ever had in mind. And please remember that, whenever we are speaking of God, this does not mean Jesus. As explained sufficiently in previous chapters, the God-man never existed on the earthly plane. He always has been and forever will be but a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. This aspect is destined to more and more take over the characteristics of your lower nature, at the end of your earthly education.
‘Ever more of you are ready to find out that, what for some time by now has been happening in your world, is nothing but a clearing-out process. As many know by now, wise ones always have been and forever will be in charge of humankind’s development. They operate from your world’s spiritual background and are constantly observing it. They want you to know that the present events serve the purpose of separating the wheat from the chaff in humankind. Sufficiently evolved spirit/souls are the wheat. The chaff are spiritually young and inexperienced people who enjoy nothing more than troublemaking and scaremongering for those around them.
‘Their energies are unsuitable for taking part in the new golden age, when love, peace and harmony, honesty and truth will be ruling the earthly plane the same as in its spiritual counterpart, our realm. Every day that passes takes you and your world that bit closer to this age. As explained in previous chapters, the spiritual youngsters will be reincarnating onto a new planet whose evolutionary stage is ready to accept human beings to assist with is development as well as theirs.
‘That’s the road Mother Earth, for a large part of her development has been walking together with humankind. Slowly but steadily both of them simultaneously move forwards and upwards on their evolutionary spiral. There are individual ones for every human being as well as one for the planet and everything it contains. This also happened, a long time ago, for Mother Earth when her colonisation began.
‘Eventually, a tale appeared in your world that one fine day, a saviour and redeemer would descend from the Heavens down to the Earth, to save and redeem anyone who believes that a man by the name of Jesus really exists. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of you realise that the only one who will ever be able to save and redeem anyone, including you, is you yourself. It was for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth that we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, created the God-man, half God and half human.
‘Although the story of Jesus’ life is but a legend and not literally true, inventing him has been part of the last but one instalment of humankind learning the value of truth. The final part is discovering the truth. Now that the age of truth has been with you for quite a while, ever more of you are becoming aware that they themselves are the God-man. Jesus was merely a symbolism for every human being’s very own higher God of Christ nature. Every one of you will eventually be required to bring forth that which is best, highest and noblest in them, from deep within their own being.
‘During the first part of humankind’s evolutionary program, these character qualities are there. But at that stage they merely exist as a potential in every human being’s character. The work on the self that’s required to bring these qualities forth, each can only do from deep within their own being. And that’s a task which can only be carried out by everyone themselves. This is the final part of developing every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. You are the only one, in the whole of Creation, who has been equipped by the Great Father/Mother at the moment when you first came into being, with the power of doing this. There never has been anybody between Heaven and Earth who would be capable of carrying this task out on anyone else’s behalf.
‘Basically, it’s all very simple, the way every spiritual concept is. That’s because every human being’s behaviour who, at any given moment, is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, reveals through their behaviour the state of their spiritual development. Wise ones, in your world’s inner spiritual background, always have been and forever will be in charge of it for every human being, the whole of humankind as well as your world. They know the way of all things because they are constantly observing what happens on the outer material plane. Everyone’s behaviour clearly shows who has developed the higher God or Christ aspect of their being and who has not. That’s what is telling them who belongs to the wheat category and who is so far merely chaff.
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You Are Special (7)
Conquer Fear Through Understanding
‘It takes the Earth nearly 25,000 years to complete one of the cycles that moves your whole world and everything that’s part of it through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each cycle is known as a Great Year and each sign the Earth passes through represents one Great Month, lasting for rather more than 2,000 years. The unique character of the great months strongly influences all creatures and happenings in your world.
‘After each Great Year a new evolutionary cycle usually begins. But, unlike all previous cycles, this one is going to be different. Mother Earth will no longer be used by us as a school and place of learning where the lower earthly selves of young and inexperienced spirit/souls reincarnate, time and again to attend to their education as material beings in a world of matter. This is how those who are now members of the group of highly evolved spirit/souls, a long, long time ago started their education on a different planet. Having reached a certain phase of their development there, they were placed to start reincarnating their lower earthly selves on planet Earth. That way they could assist each other with their evolutionary progress.
‘And that’s how all spiritual youngsters are going to be treated when their next lifetime as a material being in a material world comes about. To continue with this education, they are going to reincarnate on a new planet that’s ready and waiting to be colonised by them. There is no need to go into more details here, as we touched on this subject sufficiently in previous chapters.
‘As many of you are aware, with every day that passes Mother Earth’s new golden age is drawing closer. It will not take much longer until nobody on your planet will require a physical body for moving about. And as soon as the outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart, love, peace and goodwill will be ruling both parts of Mother Earth. There will be no more exploiting each other, the way it’s still happening on your planet for the time being, for the wise higher purpose of sorting the wheat from the chaff.
‘Everybody taking part in life during the new golden age, will only think of supporting each other. This will enable everyone to bring forth, from deep within their own being, only that which is best and noblest, holy and most beautiful of their character traces. The gifts the Great Father/Mother has bestowed upon every human being, at the moment of their creation – we told you about them in the two chapters ‘You Are Special’ – need to be shared unselfishly, for the highest good and the greatest joy of everybody.
‘Gifts and talents are not there to enable anyone to make lots of money, as well as fame and glory for themselves. They were given, so that in due course each one could be used for serving the enjoyment of all and, at the same time, honouring the Highest Forces of life for having brought everything into being. The more of you are following this advice, the sooner Mother Earth will have been transformed into a place of previously unknown beauty, whose supreme rulers are love, peace, and harmony. Every human being, at least potentially, is capable of making a valuable contribution towards bringing this state about.
‘This process has already taken place on many other planets. They can no longer be seen by ordinary earthly eyes, because their material aspect has been overcome and is no longer required. But they most certainly are there. As soon as you have evolved sufficiently, you will be able to see them. They most certainly are there.
‘As we have pointed out many times before and we shall never tire of repeating it, love and evolution are the two main laws throughout the whole of Creation and that mans evolution that is based on love. Naturally, this is true for your world. And that’s why life everywhere is constantly moving forwards and upwards, individually and collectively. Nothing ever moves backwards or stands still, even for the fraction of a second. So take heart and trust that we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, truly are in charge of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, including every member of the human species and its world.
‘The present troublemakers and money-spinners are your spiritually younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. Send them nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, because they have no idea of what they are doing, most of all to themselves and what is bound to happen when, in due course, the law of cause and effect or Karma returns to them every one of their present thoughts, words and actions. Naturally, the same is going to happen to you. That’s why we ask you to ensure that you contribute nothing but that which is best, holist and beautiful within you. We bless every human being, wherever someone may be at present.’
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From 'Healers And Healing' (1)
We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants
What a lot of pious talk there is on the Earth plane about the need for leaving our world in a fit state for our children and children’s children. As always there is a great deal more to this issue than meets the eye. I agree that it is the highest time that we all get our act together and do our share of taking better care of our beautiful planet. Ever more of us need to wake up to the fact that the main purpose of our earthly existence is that, when the time for doing so has come, we should each do our share of making our world into a better and more peaceful place, not just for humankind but for every one of its lifeforms. We are by no means alone with this task, God and the Angels are ready to help us with it, if we but ask.
I believe that this is just as vital for us ourselves as it is for those who come through us, our children and everybody else who will ever walk behind us. Let me explain why this should be so. As you know by now, I do not share the view that life is a one-off thing. I do believe – nay, more than that, I know – that each one of us has been before, not just once or twice but a great many times. We are placed in earthly life to grow and evolve in the course of many lifetimes from spiritual infancy, toddlerhood and adolescence into adulthood. Earth life is an educational institute and in order to reach this goal, we reappear however many lifetimes this development may take for each individual spirit and soul. Every reincarnation into Earth life brings fresh opportunities for paying some of the karmic debts we incurred in previous lifetimes, as well as creating new ones.
In some of our lifetimes we reincarnate as a woman and on other occasions as a man. And as we move along, we make many mistakes. This too is good and right, as in this way we are constantly learning something through our own experiences, and that helps our consciousness to expand. That’s how one small step after another, we grow in wisdom and understanding. Unaware of what we are doing, we are playing the role of our own forebears and in case we require further lifetimes on the Earth, on each occasion we return as one of our own descendants. And unless sufficient numbers of us do their share of making our world into a more peaceful and beautiful place right here and now, in future lifetimes we shall be newly confronted with the mess we ourselves once helped to make of our planet. How about that for a mind-boggling concept?
Let’s take a moment and join those who are in search of their roots. This takes us into the innermost core of life and the moment of our creation, when our spirit first came forth as a seed in the form of a thought from the heart-mind of God. One can only marvel at what has become of us in the meantime. There is no doubt in my mind that the person we are at present is the result of everything that happened to us from that moment onwards. All of it has been helping us towards growing ever more into the conscious awareness of our roots and origin as children of the Divine. Yet, in spite of the fact that on the outer level of life during each lifetime we appeared in a different guise, on the inner plane we remained the same. One cannot help marvelling that you were always you and I was me, and that is what we shall be forever.
Should our evolutionary program demand further sojourns through earthly life, we shall be appearing as the offspring of the one we presently are. Therefore, it stands to reason that any improvements we now make to our character and also our world are as much on behalf of ourselves as of our children’s children. This highlights the urgency of seriously getting to work on ourselves as well as finding satisfactory solutions for the issues that to this day are facing us and our world.
We live in extraordinary times of Mother Earth’s transformation and the homecoming of our race into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own. And so it is not surprising that many are feeling the urge of finding and reconnecting with their roots. For a long time we keep on reincarnating through the same family groups. But eventually we reach the point when we have become sufficiently evolved for the superconscious faculties of our nature begin to unfold and our inner and outer horizons start to broaden. And so, with the help of the wise ones in charge of us, we decide to be born into other cultures and civilisations, to become familiar with their customs, outlook on life and religious/spiritual aspirations.
For these souls it would be futile to search for their origins on the outer level of life. They know that everybody’s true roots belong to the inner dimensions and therefore can only be found through journeying inwards. In this way we reconnect with our Highest or God Self, and through this becoming aware of our oneness with God and all life.
In contrast to them, young and inexperienced souls during their early lifetimes on the Earth plane are likely to misinterpret any of the promptings they receive from their inner being. They cannot help themselves because so far their earthly self has not yet discovered that there is such a thing as a spirit and a soul as well as an inner home, and that they too have these things. This is why one finds people in many countries of our world who are busily digging in the archives of earthly life for their roots. More highly evolved souls smile at their efforts. They can see no point in the ordinary type of genealogical research, because they are already consciously walking the highway that takes all of us together up the spiritual mountain and eventually – each one on their own – home into the final reunion with God.
Now that you are aware that you have been your own ancestor, I would like to challenge you to take a good look at your family tree. When you consider the ancestral line-up in front of you, bear in mind that in some of your lifetimes you yourself could either have been an eminent person or a particularly ill-fated and unfortunate one. Should you be in danger of shedding crocodile tears and feeling your heart melting with compassion for those through whose line you reincarnated, and before your ego swells with pride for having come through such an illustrious family, think of the part you must have played in its saga.
It is necessary to find forgiveness and feel compassion for ourselves and the many ordeals each one of us has to work their way through on their way to becoming the one we are today. To provide humankind with a well balanced educational program, it is for wise higher purposes that all human souls occasionally require lifetimes on the Earth plane when wretchedly difficult and traumatic situations have to be coped with. But we can trust the Universe’s wisdom and love that it will see to it that such times are balanced by successful, prosperous and happy ones.
Understanding this, each one of us, without exception, has every reason to rejoice and be thankful for all our own experiences and everybody else’s. The time has come for making our peace and praising the Highest for the gift of life, for guiding and protecting us and keeping us safe by day and by night, and the many things it is constantly providing for each one of us. And that undoubtedly will continue forever.
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘The Power Of Gratitude’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Sins of the Fathers’
• ‘Afflictions are no Ancestral Curses’
• ‘Karma in Families’
From 'Healers And Healing' (2)
Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged
The Jesus legend tells us in the Sermon of the Mount St. Luke 6:37: ‘Judge not and ye shall not be judged; condemn not and ye shall not be condemned. Forgive and ye shall be forgiven.’ If the Jesus tale had at that time been meant to tell the truth, instead of hiding it behind its surface words, the Master would have told his disciples why this should happen to them. Knowing the truth would have helped them to avoid judging and condemning anyone. But that was not the intention then.
The Christian church and its religion was the finest instrument anyone could have wished for to familiarise us and our world with the lowest drives and urges of humankind’s unevolved nature. A veritable wolf who was hiding its intentions in sheep’s clothing, if ever there was one. Had anyone paid attention to and followed the Master’s words, the darkest chapters of our development like the witch hunts and the inquisition would have been impossible. We shall return to this theme.
It was for the sake of their lessons in the school of earthly life that the disciples of Jesus needed to think that their present existence was a one-off thing. For as long as they committed their crimes in the name of what they believed to be their God and were shielded by the protection of the organisation they served, they could not help being under the impression that they could do as they pleased. Nobody would know and dare to judge or condemn them because the Bible advised against it. For as long as no explanations why things should be the way they are, words of any kind lack the power to convince their listener or reader, even if the truth has been spoken in a way they cannot comprehend.
And as soon as we are told what happens when we judge or condemn someone, following the Bible’s advice makes a great deal of sense. At last we are allowed to know that it’s the law of Karma that sees to it that the same kind of treatment eventually finds its way back to us, so that we in turn find ourselves in situations of being judged and condemned by those around us. Something similar happens with every single one of our thoughts, words and actions, positive and negative ones alike. What the law unerringly returns to us does not necessarily come about through the same people but come it will, sooner or later, of that we can be sure.
We are our own ancestors and descendants and we ourselves are responsible for who and what we presently are. God did not create us this way, we did. If you wish to find out more about this, please follow the relevant link at the end of this chapter. The memories of the experiences of every one of our lifetimes are stored in our soul on the subconscious level of our being. For a long time we are protected against knowing of their presence. This is necessary because the earthly education of every human being includes taking part in hideous and monstrous things like those described in the next chapter.
Countless times we must have experienced gruesome and cruel adventures that were part of familiarising us with the crude and unevolved aspects of humankind’s nature, our own and other people’s. If we knew of them, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves. That’s why the love and wisdom of the Highest provides that the memories of all previous lifetimes are stored in the subconscious part of our being. From there they are influencing our thinking and behaviour patterns of our daily lives in either positive of negative ways.
When, through attending to our more recent karmic debts, we have spiritually matured sufficiently and grown strong enough to tackle the older and eventually the most ancient one of our obligations. That’s how the fears, phobias and anxieties we develop in one lifetime accompany us into every subsequent one, in the hope that one fine day we shall be able to overcome and shed them. Until that has happened they are likely to manifest themselves as feelings for which no rational explanations can be found. The same applies to depressive and addictive behaviour patterns. You can find out more about these themes by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.
Our spiritual awakening brings with it the realisation why our life has been so difficult to handle. Help is at hand because we can now ask God and the Angels to show us intuitively how to deal with the emotional ballast that for a long time has been waiting to be released from our subconscious. The law of life is love. To free ourselves of unwanted feelings that rise from there onto the surface of our conscious awareness, we first need to forgive ourselves for the transgressions against the Universal laws earlier in this lifetime and all previous ones. Then we need to turn to those who trespassed against us and forgive them. It makes no difference in which lifetime it happened. The karmic chains and shackles that connect us as if they were made of steel are of an emotional nature. Forgiveness alone can dissolve them.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Do Not Judge’
• ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
• ‘Sitting In Judgement’
• ‘Overcoming Depression & Suicidal Tendencies Through Understanding’
• ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
The Aquarian Revelations Book 2
• ‘Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged’
From 'Healers And Healing' (3)
The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust
The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.
The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.
The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.
Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.
Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.
Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.
There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.
This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.
Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.
Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
• ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (13)
You And Your World Are Safe!
The Buddha Legend
The Angels and Masters continue: The story of the Buddha’s life is a legend, just the same as the one about Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind. The Buddha also is a symbolism that represents the part of every human being’s nature, that for evolutionary reasons has to remain in a slumbering state during the many lifetimes that the initial part of their earthly education takes. Nonetheless, as this is an essential aspect of your Creator’s nature, the Buddha nature exists in every human being. It is there from the moment of everyone’s creation, when they are released into attending the first lesson of the earthly school of life.
Yet, until you have evolved sufficiently, it’s impossible to behave as if you were a kind of living Buddha on the earthly plane. Until you think and behave like one, this aspect of your nature remains in a slumbering state. And when, at long last, you feel that, for you, the Buddha faith is an agreeable option to any other belief system of your world, it is a sign that at least potentially your evolutionary journey has reached the developmental stage when the Buddha part of you is stirring from its slumbers. It’s a long and hard road that, in the end, takes every human being to think and behave like the Buddha legend’s holy man. Within a predestined length of time, every one of you reaches this point of their earthly education’s curriculum.
The indwelling spirit/soul is the most important aspect of every human being who ever dwelled on your planet, and those who are doing so to this day. This part of everybody is eternal and immortal and therefore can and will never die. And that’s why those taking part in life on the material plane have a deep inner longing for something they can believe in and hold onto, when conditions around them get tough. Alas, they all too frequently do. Every one of you needs something that helps you to grow wings to lift yourself, quite magically, above the sordidness of your earthly existence.
Time to unfold them, whenever you have had enough of the lying and cheating, corruption and money-spinning efforts which, for a long time by now, have been the order of the day in your world, one way and another. If it’s not the pharmaceutical industry with its tales about ever more non-existent viruses, the industry that supplies whatever your warmongering nations ask take over.
But every human being needs something that’s pure and clean, always has been and promises to be so forever, to reach out for and get hold of. However, joining any one of the religious/spiritual groups that exist in your world only adds credit entries to someone’s spiritual ledger if they follow the new belief because of a deep inner yearning for being able to somehow do your share of blessing and healing your world and through this making it into a better place for all manifestations of life to share.
If, however, the new belief is only used for outer show to announce to those around you: ‘Everybody take a look at me, I am a Buddhist, I am different from you.’ Our response to whenever we hear someone say that is a loud and clear: ‘So what?’ Unless someone is bringing forth their own Buddha nature, from deep within their own being, and therefore genuinely thinks and behaves like a Buddha, in kind and thoughtful ways that have nothing in mind but alleviating people’s suffering, like the Buddha legend tells you, their being a Buddhist is merely a top show.
A true Buddhist constantly tries to find ways of using the special gifts the Highest Forces of life at the moment of their creation bestowed upon them, so that one of fine day in then far distant future, they will be able to make a valuable contribution to changing Mother Earth into a better place for all. Unless you can say this of yourself, your belonging to one of the Buddha groups is of the head and has not yet touched your heart-centre. Never forget that, each time you pretend to be a Buddhist in order to gain advantages over those around you, creates a debit entry in your personal spiritual ledger.
* * *
From ‘The Astro Files – Special Events’
The Buddha Legend & The Wesak Moon
General Observations
The legends of the Buddha and Jesus are the most significant tales for the present state of humankind’s development. Our earthly existence only begins to make sense when one joins the higher esoteric meaning which, for wise higher educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of both stories. As the Jesus legend has been dealt with extensively enough in my writings, the time has come for doing justice to the Buddha legend. Let’s start with taking a closer look at the Wesak Moon.
The Full Moon during the Sun’s transit of Taurus is known as the Wesak Moon and that’s always an extra special event in our world’s spiritual calendar. In the year 2020 it took place on Thursday 7th May at 10.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came my way in ‘The Vibration of Light’ of the White Eagle Lodge’s Stella Polaris June/July 2006: ‘There is nothing that has not happened before in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. God’s wisdom and truth that existed in the beginning is as valid now as it will forever be.
‘However, through the learning that at all times is taking place, not only in your world but everywhere else, ever more wisdom and knowledge are added to this rich store. In the course of Mother Earth’s long evolutionary process certain cycles of light have come round time and again. The word light in this context means spiritual knowledge and the art of understanding it. Throughout the ages, God and the Angels from time to time released some more spiritual knowledge that brought enlightenment to those who were ready to receive it and therefore capable of acting as one of their channels, through which more light could flow into humankind’s consciousness.
‘Ever more knowledge was given in this way that slowly helped to develop humankind’s individual and collective intelligence. Simultaneous with this people’s superconscious faculties began to open and that enabled the more highly evolved of them to understand the meaning of some of God’s sacred wisdom that up to that time had been hidden from public view and knowledge, simply because nobody could as yet do anything with it. That applied as much to knowledge about your environment as to every human being’s inner world.’
The second part was inspired by ‘The Festival of Wesak’ in Stella Polaris April/May 2006: ‘Up to a certain point of every human being’s development, every bit of your world’s evil and suffering was caused by what then looks like people’s selfishness. That, however, is only what’s visible on the surface of things. In truth everything that ever happened in your world has been part of the lessons every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, has to take part in. On the deepest innermost level your spirit/soul has always been yearning to be released from this developmental stage. Your world’s suffering causes the higher part of your being to cry out and it yearns that humankind’s homecoming into the awareness of its true God or Christ nature, should be speeded up.
‘Your Highest Self knows that the next stage of it’s earthly self’s development will be the merging of its upper and lower nature into one loving union that through the gift of friendship is connected with every form of life in the whole of Creation. This is how it comes about that, what once started as a journey of spiritual infants whose explorations took them into getting to know the lowest and darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence, eventually winds up with every one of you kneeling before the throne of the Highest. The wise ones in charge of you and your world are delighted about every one of you who has evolved into mature and responsible spiritual adulthood.
‘Doubtless these things are difficult for you to imagine at present. Yet, when you look at them from the higher spiritual perspective, you will be able to recognise that everything that ever happened in your world and is continuing to do so in many parts of your world to this day, serves a wise higher educational purpose. Each time your soul is born into another lifetime on the Earth, it is nailed to the cross of earthly life, the oldest symbol known to humankind of its existence in physicality. The whole of humankind is also fastened to this cross and each one of you, who is presently taking part in earthly life was granted the gift of another lifetime for getting to know God’s true nature and your own. And everything that to this day is taking place on the earthly plane of life is an essential and necessary part of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process, on the material as well as the spiritual level.
‘Wise ones who comprehend these things feel the need to share their learning with as many as possible of their siblings in the great family of humankind. And whatever you do, refuse to fight against anything. Pay attention to your inner guidance, listen to what comes to you intuitively and respond to it by going with the flow of your life. That’s the best way of living in harmony with God’s laws and all life. As soon as this has been achieved, there is no more suffering for you. The Jesus legend’s crucifixion is a symbolism that provides humankind with a better understanding of this process. If Jesus had been a human being, his spirit/soul would have withdrawn when his physical body was crucified. As a spiritual Master he would have been able to observe the scene from the perspective of his Highest Self. And that’s how every human being eventually learns how to treat not only every one of their own earthly problems, but also those of your whole world.
‘Do not allow yourself to be crucified and tortured by anything. Instead, observe your life and everything that ever happened to you from your Highest or God Self’s angle. This empowers you to lift yourself above the tribulations of earthly life that may still be ahead for you, because of your remaining karmic debts. Make an effort to learn something from any situation. Recognise things for what they truly are, i.e. personal and collective evolutionary lessons and temporary development phases that will most surely pass. This approach will help you to rise above and cope with everything you still have to encounter, because you are then viewing it dispassionately with the perception of your highest God or Christ Self. This helps you to grow ever more into one with it.
‘Not only every individual spirit/soul but the human race as a whole has to experience the various initiations the Jesus legend describes. That’s how you, individually and collectively, each at their own pace is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This happens slowly and by degrees, and whenever a certain point of this journey has been reached, another initiation has to be dealt with. On every occasion your consciousness expands and you advance one more step towards your final destination of spiritual perfection or wholeness.
‘It has been achieved when all aspects of your higher and lower nature have been integrated and become one. The more you bring forth the characteristics of your higher God or Christ nature, the more your God-likeness increases and the more you become consciously aware of your oneness with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. This is what’s also waiting to happen for the whole of humankind and your world.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
• ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’
Find out more about the Buddha legend and the significance of the Wesak Moon by following this link: ‘Reflections On Our World’s Legends’
The Wesak Festival
The ancient ritual of the Wesak Festival is believed to have come to our world through the Masters of the Himalayan Mountains. Alice Bailey, the astrologer, writer and Christian mystic wove Eastern traditions into her work and so helped to popularise this festival in the Western world. For anyone who is also looking at our earthly existence from the spiritual viewpoint, this festival provides an opportunity for finding a better understanding of this special time of the year on the Universal level.
The Wesak Festival consists not merely of one day. It covers the whole of the three month period between the Aries Full Moon – which each year coincides with the Jewish feast of Passover – and the Gemini Full Moon. The day of its occurrence for this year is mentioned in the previous chapter. The full Moon in Taurus is the highest point of the Wesak festival, during which every year God and the Angels are presenting us with opportunities for projecting our personal group and planetary soul petitions for change and healing into the Universe.
It is no a coincidence that the Jewish Passover, the Christian holiday of Easter, the Wesak Festival and the Spring Equinox are based on the same themes: death of the old which is followed by the renewal and rebirth of life’s forces. In our world it takes place every year in springtime. This is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and with Angelic help happens on every level of life. In the Aztec Temples of Mexico, the architecture of Chitzenitza was designed around the day of the Spring Equinox. At sunrise only on that day, the shadow of the serpent – the people’s symbol of the life force, known as Chi, Kundalini or Shefa of other traditions, was seen moving up the temple walls, and the renewed life force pouring itself into the Earth was felt. The symbolic meanings of the resurrection of Easter, the freedom from persecution of Passover, the rites of the renewal of life in spring, all carry with them these energies of a new beginning after the cold and darkness of the winter months.
All manner of spring cleaning actions – inner as well as in the world around us – are most beneficial at this time. Here are a few suggestions:
• Write a petition or prayer to the Highest and put it in a place where it can be left untouched until the same time next year.
• Use one of the dates given to begin a new health practice that appeals to you, maybe a daily workout, yoga or one of the martial arts.
• Gather around you a group of friends for meditation and together pray for the blessing and healing of our world and every form of life it contains.
• Feed the homeless and/or visit a community of elderly people.
• Wesak is a good time for the renewal of old friendships, healing family wounds and making amends with those who have become alienated. Even if the falling out was not your fault, bear in mind that far too many people hand back their physical bodies to Mother Earth without having been reconciled with loved ones they are leaving behind.
• Make time to find out more about a tradition or spiritual practice that has interested you for a long time, but you never got round to studying it. Choose one and stay with it for a while.
• As the energies for new beginnings of all kinds are with us very powerfully at this time of the year, try to make good use of it, if only by going somewhere you have always wanted to see.
May the blessings of this season of rebirth and renewal
be with you, your loved ones, the whole of humankind
and everything that shares our world with us.
White Eagle On The Wesak Moon And Festival
The Full Moon during the Sun’s transit of Taurus is known as the Wesak Moon and that always an extra special event in our world’s spiritual calendar. In the year 2020 it took place on Thursday 7th May at 10.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. The following is the essence of several teachings on this theme from the White Eagle group of spirit guides.
The first one was inspired by something that came my way in ‘The Vibration of Light’ Stella Polaris June/July 2006: ‘There is nothing new under the Sun and anywhere in the whole of Creation that has not happened before. God’s truth was in the beginning and is as valid now as it will be forever. During Mother Earth’s protracted evolutionary process certain cycles of light have come round time and again. The higher esoteric meaning of the word ‘light’ is the wisdom of spiritual understanding.
'At certain intervals of humankind’s development there comes a fresh release of this light to bring illumination to anyone who is ready to receive it. As if from great transmitter stations on the higher planes it then flows into earthly life in the form of knowledge and wisdom that quickens people’s intelligence and opens their comprehension for the parts of wisdom that, for wise higher reasons, up to that time had to remain hidden from public view and knowledge. This applies as much to secrets about your environment as everyone’s own inner being.’
The second part was inspired by ‘The Festival of Wesak’ in Stella Polaris April/May 2006: ‘Every bit of evil and suffering of your world has been caused by what merely on the surface of things appears to be people’s selfishness. In truth it has been part of the lessons every human being has to experience in the course of its earthly lifetimes. On the deepest innermost level all human spirit/souls have always been yearning to be released from this developmental stage. Your world’s suffering causes them to cry out and its yearning for speeding up humankind’s homecoming into the awareness of its true God or Christ nature increases. On the deepest innermost level every spirit/soul is aware that the next stage of humankind’s development is going to consist of merging it together into one single unit of siblinghood that in friendship is connected with every form of life in the whole of Creation.
‘This is how it comes about that, what once started as a journey of spiritual infants descending into the exploration of the lowest and darkest corners of earthly life, eventually ends with each one of you kneeling before the throne of the Highest. You will then have evolved into mature and responsible spiritual adulthood of which the wise ones in charge of you will rightly be proud. Quite likely we shall allow you to join our ranks if you apply for an apprenticeship.
‘Doubtless these things are difficult for you to imagine at present, but try to look the right way, i.e. the higher spiritual one, at everything that has always happened in your world and is doing so in many parts of your world to this day. Each time your soul is born into another lifetime on the Earth, it is nailed to the cross of earthly life, the oldest symbol known to humankind of its existence in physicality. Your whole race, as one entity is also fastened to this cross and each one of you, who is presently taking part in it, has been granted the gift of another lifetime for getting to know God’s true nature and your own. Everything that has ever taken place on the earthly plane of life has been an essential part of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process, on the material as well as the spiritual level.
‘When you comprehend these things, you need to share your learning with as many as possible of your siblings in the great family of humankind. And whatever you do, refuse to fight against anything. Pay attention to your inner guidance, listen to what comes to you intuitively and go with the flow. That is the best way of learning how to live in harmony with God’s laws and all life, so that for you there will be no more suffering. The Jesus legend’s crucifixion is meant to provide humankind with a better understanding of this process. If Jesus had been a human being, his spirit/soul would have withdrawn when his physical body was crucified. As a spiritual Master he would have been able to observe the scene from the perspective of his Highest Self. And that’s how every one of you will eventually learn how to treat not only every one of your own earthly problems, but also those of your whole world.
‘Do not allow yourself to be crucified and tortured by anything. Instead, observe your life and everything in it from the perspective of your Highest or God Self. This empowers you to lift yourself above the tribulations of earthly life that are still in store for you, because of your remaining karmic debts. Always look for the learning that can be drawn from any situation. Recognise things for what they truly are, i.e. personal and collective evolutionary lessons and temporary development phases that will most surely pass. This approach will help you to rise above and cope with everything you still have to encounter, because you are then viewing it dispassionately from the perspective of your highest God or Christ Self. It will help you to grow ever more into one with it.
‘Not only every individual spirit/soul but the human race as a whole has to experience the various initiations of which the Jesus legend consists. That’s how you, individually and collectively, each at their own pace is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This happens slowly and by degrees, and whenever a certain of this journey has been reached, another initiation has to be dealt with. On every occasion your consciousness expands and you advance one more step towards your final destination of spiritual perfection and wholeness.
‘Spiritual perfection has been achieved when every aspect of your nature has been integrated. The more you bring forth the characteristics of your God or Christ nature, the more your God-likeness increases and the more you are consciously aware of your oneness with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. In similar manner this also happens to the whole of humankind and your world.’
Find out more about the Buddha legend and the significance of the Wesak Moon by reading the following chapter.
The Wesak Full Moon
What has the full Moon to do with the things I told you about in the previous chapters? Physically as well as spiritually, each full Moon reflects the maximum amount of the Sun’s light onto the Earth. Esoterically, light is God’s wisdom and knowledge that brings increased understanding to humankind.
Astrologically, the Moon is the symbol of our earthly personality and its soul that has many and varied experiences, through which it learns and grows in wisdom and understanding. Thus, our soul – the Moon – slowly gathers light, i.e. knowledge and wisdom from the Sun – our Highest Spirit Self – that disperses the darkness of our earthly self’s ignorance. When we share our learning with those around us and so lighten up their darkness, God’s eternal wisdom and truth through us enters some more into our world and in this way grows ever more powerful. The soul is the memory bank in which every bit of knowledge our earthly selves gather is stored.
One Moon cycle takes approx. twenty-nine and a half days and when the Sun and the Moon are in opposition to each other in the sky, a full Moon illuminates our world at night. This is always a very special time for giving thanks for everything that is and ever has been in our lives. It is also a time for finding enlightenment. Now, this does not usually happen through majestic earth-shattering and world-changing flashes of inspiration, like the Buddha is said to have received.
But if you watch out around the time of the full Moon in future, you may notice that you are gradually finding a greater understanding of difficult life situations and relationships. Insights may come to you that will somehow make them more bearable and it is possible to help things along a bit. If there are things in your life that are puzzling you, maybe have been doing for a long time, turn to your inner teacher, the Moon, the Universe – whichever appeals to you most – and ask your questions. The answers are sure to come, sometimes when you least expect them. To show your readiness to receive them, make sure to set aside regular quiet times for quiet reflections, contemplations and meditations.
Because of the extra mighty outflow of the blessing and healing power of the Cosmic Christ around Easter, the Wesak Festival and later the Easter celebrations as close as possible to the full Moon after the vernal equinox. And as in a physical and spiritual sense the full Moon reflects a maximum amount light of the Sun onto the Earth, humankind’s celebrations of all times have always ensured that it is received as fully as possible. Thus, the love of the Sun, who all along has stood for the Son, who in the Christian tradition became known as the only born Son of God, has gradually come increasingly alive in our world. Over the ages, it has been reborn in ever more earthly hearts that, one way or another, were being prepared by the celebrations of whatever faith they may have confessed to and followed, during any one of their many lifetimes.
I find it astonishing how the ancients, just the same as the early Christians, fixed the date of Easter and celebrated it, each tradition in its own style, without having a clue of the higher meaning of their ceremonies that to this day may still be hidden to a great many of its followers. And isn’t it amazing how through the ages humankind was always guided into doing the right things? For example, that we celebrated Easter in spite of not knowing that in truth we were taking part in a great Cosmic event, to which the Universe invites all who understand and are thus ready to consciously take part in the festivities, if they so wish. And what would you say if I told you that most of the insights I am sharing here with you came to me around the time of the full Moon before the vernal equinox? At that time the Sun and Moon are in opposition in the signs Pisces, ruled by Neptune, the enlightener, and Virgo, the healing and teaching sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods.
Some of the ancient pagan rituals and ceremonies date back to the earliest human settlements on the Earth and are still known and practised to this day. Carrying them forward into Christianity and continuing with them, in a somewhat changed format, ensured an uninterrupted flow of the great festival’s true purpose. These blessings of the Universal Christ have always taken place and will continue for as long as there is any need for them anywhere. It is astonishing to be able to see now how all this went on behind the scenes, unencumbered by any of the beliefs that are by now wildly outdated, which at any given time our world was desperately trying to cling on to.
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (14)
You And Your World Are Safe!
On The Wings Of Understanding
The Angels and Masters continue: Understanding, in the fullness of time, provides every human being with the wings that are needed to eventually lift their lower earthly self above what, at any given time has been happening in your world and why it needs to continue to do so, for only for a while. Understanding always has been and forever will be the key to unlock the doors to the secrets of humankind’s existence. Towards the end of your education in the earthly school of life, understanding provides every human being with the power of unlocking the doors behind which the purpose of their earthly education has been hiding for so long.
Towards the end of being educated in the earthly school of life, through their own experiences every one of you has grown their very own pair of wings and that’s their understanding. At the predestined time, these wings appear and propel the spirit/soul’s lower earthly self away from existing in your world’s outer material plane alone, forward to grasping that your existence consists of two planes, namely the outer material one as well as its inner spiritual counterpart. This is where everything on the outer plane has been created. Without its inner spiritual plane, there simply would be no world for earthlings to live in.
For the sake of teaching humankind the value of truth, every one of the old belief systems known to humankind, including the Buddhist faith, were created by us. It as an artificial blockage that existed in your world for a long time. But take heart, it is destined to last only for a predestined duration. That’s why for around six thousand years, the tales and legends of the patriarchy have been around. They convinced humankind that an all-male Godhead is in charge of your world and that the masculine forces of life are superior to their feminine counterpart.
Naturally, this did not change the natural order of things one bit. The masculine and feminine created forces, throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, always have been and forever will be equal partners in the process of Creation. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with their only born Son/Daughter of the Universal Christ, are the supreme rulers of everything that exists anywhere.
Many of you by now are aware that the Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. And the deeper your planet moves into this sign’s energies, the more of the truth will become known in your world. For some years it has been flowing direct from the Highest levels of life into the heart-minds who are tuned into their frequencies and therefore are able to receive what is meant to be for them. The Aquarian writings are one of these channels through which they have been reaching your for many years by now. And that’s why, to ever more human beings on the earthly plane, it is no longer a secret that in truth every one of you is nothing less than a young God in the making!
Naturally, this also applies to every one of you, independent of how far someone so far has got on their individual evolutionary journey. Every one of these journeys is an integral part of the one for the whole of humankind and its world. It is a journey that always has and forever will continue to take all of you, individually and collectively, forwards and upwards on the Great evolutionary spiral of life for the whole of Creation.
As touched upon, none of the tales and legends of the patriarchy were literally true, as humankind was told they were. The truth has always been hiding behind all surface words, so that when the age of truth had come around, ever more of the truth would be discovered. Together let’s now have a look at the Lord’s Prayer, one of your world’s most popular and best loved prayers, to discover what has been hiding behind it for the predestined length of time.
* * *
The Lord’s Prayer (1)
A Healing Mantram For The Aquarian Age
Say the following words quietly to yourself and pay attention to the feelings that rise within your innermost heart and soul:
Our Father/Mother, Thou art in Heaven . . .
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, Thy Heaven is here on Earth with me, inside my own heart. God and Goddess, Thou art as much part of me as I am of Thee. Thy Spirit is nothing but love and dwells in me. The spirit of love knows no separation. Thou art The Eternal Light. All your characteristics are waiting to come alive in each one of us, merely waiting to be brought forth by us. Thy Divine spark of the Christ Spirit is now coming alive in me. Thou art the flame of pure love and the state of Heaven in my heart.
Hallowed be Thy name . . .
With my whole being I worship Thee, o holiest of holy Mother/Father, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, God of power and might and Goddess of wisdom and love. Heaven and Earth are filled with Thy glory. Thou art omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent and everything Thou hast brought into being is sacred. It includes me and with all my heart and soul I honour and worship Thee and Thy Creation. I bless Thy Holy Name. Deep within the silence of my heart I listen to its sound, the great AUM. It renews Thy light, life, and perfection within me, for I am Thy child.
Thy Kingdom come . . .
Whenever I reflect on Thee and speak Thy blessed name, Thy light in my heart grows more powerful and grows into a blazing flame that fills my whole being. It unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun and that cleanses me and heals me by burning my weaknesses and impurities. My dark thoughts and feelings dissolve when I dwell on the splendour of Thy great love and devotion to me, until nothing but Thy shining purity of thoughts and feelings fill my whole being. By filling it with Thy light and beauty, I realise that Thy kingdom is coming alive in me and is here with me in earthly life.
Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven . . .
Thy will created me and brought me into being. With the passing of time Thy light and beauty has re-created me and that brings me ever closer to the perfection of wholeness. Please make me ever more like Thee, so that through me the world around me is blessed and healed and transforms itself into the new Earth. The more Thy light illuminates my whole being, the more I glorify and praise Thee and Thy sacred name. May the purity and perfection of the Christ Star, the symbol of Thy only born son/daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, come alive in all human hearts. May its radiance grow ever stronger, until the whole of humankind reflects Thy Glory and through us blesses and heals all life.
Give us today our daily bread . . .
O Christ Spirit, Thou art the Star of all stars, the Light of all lights and I am a tiny spark of Thee. Thou has placed me in earthly life so that I should grow and evolve and in the fullness of time respond to Thy calling. The light in me is a reflection of Thine. With every passing day it shines in me more powerfully and visibly, doing its share of removing more of the darkness of ignorance of earthly life. As I consciously open my heart to Thee, my understanding of Thy wisdom and truth increases and with every breath I take Thou and I are growing a bit more into one.
The gifts Thou art bringing me are the bread that not only nourishes my heart and soul but through me that of those around me and ultimately our whole world. The sweetness of Thy Divine spirit is coming ever more alive in me and filling the cup of my love for Thee and my gratitude to overflowing. The pure flame of Thy Divine passion cleanses, purifies and heals every aspect of my being. All my human passions and earthly desires I surrender to Thee and pray that they should be transformed into blessing and healing energies for all life.
Having created us, Thou knowest better than anyone what rebellious creatures we are and how we hate to be lorded over. But as our whole being fills ever more with Thy love, we are willing and capable of fulfilling superhuman tasks as long as they comply with Thy will and wishes. Thou art the truly beloved of my heart and soul and that is much more than a Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress could ever hope to be. Thee I follow willingly and trustingly. And the power of Thy love, when it fills our whole being, provides us with wings to lift ourselves and those around us above the concerns of earthly life and helps us to view their importance from the right angle, that of the spirit.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us . . .
By sharing the gifts you so generously bestowed upon me to all who accompany me on my pathway through life, I freely give of my love. Freely and willingly, I forgive every one who has ever hurt, harmed or wounded me. And I pray that Thou will help the ones whom I have caused pain, to forgive me, so that we may set each other free and our karmic slates be wiped clean and we are ready for the experiences of the Age of Aquarius. My soul rejoices at the knowledge that the Christ Spirit is part of all my siblings in the human family.
May Thy glory and radiance, wisdom and power work through me to bring rest, healing and peace to the whole humankind. I pray that no shadow will ever again fall between Thee and us. Please help all of us to overcome our selfishness and transform our weaknesses into strengths. And with every day that passes, help me to love Thee more dearly and to see Thee more clearly in all that is in Thy Creation – totally and unconditionally, the way Thou lovest all of us.
Leave us not when we are in temptation,
But deliver us and our world from all evil.
Help us to uplift and transmute the greatest evil into the
Highest good and the greatest joy for all life,
In keeping with the will and wishes of Thy great plan.
Thou art the only one who knows what tests and trials my soul still needs to endure until the balance of my spiritual account has been restored to wipe out my failures and wrong-doings of previous lifetimes. I know that the obstacles I am still encountering are not punishments of some kind, but were created by my thoughts, words and actions of this lifetime and previous ones. I forgive myself for this and take responsibility for the things I am still struggling to resolve. I understand that any sickness of the human physical body and mind are indications of an underlying sickness of soul and spirit. Please help all of us to heal every aspect of our being.
With every breath I take, I breathe in Thy light and breathe out Thy love for the blessing and healing of all of Creation. In this day and every day, grant me Thy help and guidance, in all I say and do. Please, give me Thy strength and courage so that I may triumphantly overcome the things that are still troubling me. My whole being is crying for Thee to come to my rescue, to heal me and re-birth me into my true Divine nature, to once again be a fully conscious child of Thine, the way I once was and on the inner level of life never stopped being. Through the difficulties I am experiencing you are teaching me to take better care of myself in mind, body, spirit and soul. I thank Thee for this most gracious lesson.
May these struggles help me to discover and release my latent healing abilities, so that Thou and the Angels can work through me. And when I have recovered sufficiently, grant me the grace to show others how they, with Thy help, can also heal themselves. As I have been helped, one of these days I shall be a way-finder for others who are suffering the way I once did, so that my life grows ever more into a blessing and a gift for our world and everything that is in it, in accordance with Thy great plan of life, will and wishes.
Grant me the gift of Thy strength and wisdom to rise above the desires and temptations of my small earthly self. Deliver me from the evil of the dark thoughts and feelings that try to keep me from reaching out for Thee and Thy goodness. By learning to fully trust Thee and Thy Divine guidance and protection, help me to shed my fears and doubts, so that I may follow in total trust wherever Thou leadest me. And whenever the feelings of my earthly self threaten to overwhelm me, knowing that they are not the work of the devil but that of my frightened earthly self, grant me the gift of Thy strength to say to this part of me: ‘It’s all right, calm down.’ Help me to rise above the lower aspects of my being and bring forth, from deep within me, my own Christ nature, so it can show me how to do that only that which is for the highest good and the greatest joy of all.
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory . . .
My life is one with Thee and it is my will that it shall be so, for ever more. Thou art the light within my spirit and soul that is now safely returning me into the oneness with Thee. Trusting that in all Eternity I shall be safe with Thee, I surrender my whole being unto Thy care. I pray that Thy will be my will and that my will be Thine, that Thy sacred words and prayers are ours, so that the great plan of life unfolds in keeping with Thy will and wishes rather than ours. Show all of us how to manifest Thy love, beauty and perfection that are also in us, although for many still in seed form. Help us to conduct our lives, now and forever in keeping with Thy Universal laws, so that our vibrations become ever more purified and be compatible with Thine.
Thou art the true Kingdom of our being and Thine is the power and the glory that is now coming alive in us and our world with the awakening of They Divine spark in ever more human hearts. May this continue until the healing power of Thy sacred love fills all our hearts and souls to overflowing. May it spread from there into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, to finally return to Thee enriched with the wisdom and understanding all of us have gained thus far in the course of our evolutionary journey up the spiral of life and back into the oneness with Thee, our Creator.
O Great White Spirit, fountain of all Holiness, Thou art the source of all life, light and healing. May all human beings be restored and regenerated, giving and receiving love, breathing out and breathing in nothing but love and light, together with Thee. By making peace with Thee, beloved Father/Mother, the human spirit and soul enters into Thy light and is cleansed and healed. Our whole being comes to rest in Thee, our body relaxes and every cell and atom of it are restored and regenerated. And when one of us healing, all humankind, Mother Earth, and all of Creation are healing with us.
So it shall be – for ever and ever,
In Thy sacred and most holy name.
May the blessing and healing power of Thy love flow through us and everything that is in our world. Through all channels who are ready to serve you, may the power of Thy love flow for the healing of humankind’s emotional and spiritual wounds of all lifetimes. All these things I am asking in the sacred name of the Universal Christ. Thou art the highest Star, the brightest light, the greatest love and the highest mind in the whole of Creation.
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘The Lord’s Prayer’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Background Of The Lord’s Prayer’
• ‘The Cross Of Life’
The Background Of The Lord’s Prayer (2)
Although the Lord’s Prayer is considered by many as the prayer of all prayers, it is an ancient one that existed in different forms long before Christianity ‘adopted’ it from the religions of the Gnostic movement. All other details of the Jesus story came about the same way. To hide this background, the Roman church after a while declared the Gnostic religions as ‘pagan’ and false beliefs. This too was part of the Age of Pisces, the age of deceptions, blind faith, martyrdom and suffering. The brightest light casts the deepest shadows and the combined force of the energies of this sign’s ruling planets Jupiter’s and Neptune’s saw to it that this is indeed what happened.
As many know by now, everything that takes place in earthly life or anywhere else in the whole of Creation does so with the will and wishes of the Highest. Nothing is ever wasted and all things serve a wise higher purpose. There is no doubt in my mind that it has been part of God’s great plan of life that, in the course of the Piscean Age, our race should fully explore the unfathomable depths to which the human small earthly self is capable of sinking. This applies especially when it comes to dealing out inhumanities towards each other and the rest of God’s Creation that we can lay our greedy hands on. What could have served this purpose better than the Jesus legend, which God and the Angels gave our world at the beginning of the Piscean Age?
The religion that developed around this tale was based on the insistence that every word of it is literally true. Anybody who dared to doubt this and speak up about it, was a heretic who needed to be removed by whatever means their tormentors could think of, the more cruel and ugly the better. The inquisition and witch hunts served this purpose well. The truth had to wait until the Age of Aquarius would be with us. It is the age of truth that flows directly from the highest levels of life into every heart and soul that tunes the receiver/transmitter station of its earthly mind into the frequencies of the highest levels of life. God and the Angels would then be revealing that Jesus never was a historical figure, that the story of his life is but a legend and that the truth every human being is in earthly life to seek has always been hiding behind its surface words.
The various stations of this legend represent the initiations which every human being takes part in during its evolutionary journey up the spiritual mountain, which for a certain length of time takes each one of us through experiencing every aspect of life in physicality. When the time is right for our inner eyes to open to the truth, we begin to recognise intuitively that the Jesus story is filled with metaphors and symbolisms that are eternally valid nuggets of wisdom and truth. Every religion that ever appeared in our world contained the same ones that were presented as yet another legend. They were carried forward and eventually presented by God and the Angels as the religion of Piscean age.
The details were skilfully woven into the rich and colourful tapestry of a new tale that was designed to capture the imagination of the people of that time. By declaring that every word of it was literally true and allowing its priesthood the freedom to stamp out anyone who did not agree with this, with the passing of time the new religion turned into an ever more effective instrument for stamping out every trace of the Gnostic movement, with its highly advanced beliefs in every individual’s direct experience of God. Their time had not yet come.
And that’s how it came about that with the help and the will of God and the Angels the Jesus story was presented as if it were based on historical facts and was about a God-man who had once appeared in the flesh in earthly life. For a long time humankind was to be kept in the dark about the fact that in truth it is a legend loaded with metaphors and symbolisms about the human evolutionary journey through earthly life. Irrespective of how unlikely the details of this tale were and how much superior the wisdom of the Gnostic religions were and the extent to which the Gnostics resisted, they were gradually stamped out.
Those who refused to go along with the Christian beliefs were declared to be non-believers. They had to be removed by any means the zealous followers of the new religion could think of, for example by beheading or burning their fellow citizens on the stake, in the name of a non-existing God. This policy was eagerly pursued by institutions like the Inquisition that were created. They played a vital part in ensuring that every last bit of the ancient esoteric wisdom of the Goddess, the feminine aspect of the Divine, had to remain hidden behind the story’s surface words for a long time to come.
The Great Architect’s plan of life decreed that this kind of knowledge should be suppressed as much as possible during the Age of Pisces, so that we as a race could become familiar with the darkest aspects of our own and everybody else’s human nature. To provide as many teaching and learning opportunities as possible, until our entry into the Age of Aquarius the most evil drives and urges of humankind’s lower nature were given free reign to express and manifest themselves. This was particularly blatant in the ranks and files of the church that sprung up around the tale. Should you now be tempted to sit in judgement over the people who took part in these things, do not overlook that it is more than likely that those who by now have matured into spiritual adulthood took part in the atrocities and corruption that for a long time were rampant in everything connected with the church. We must have been there, sometimes dishing them out and in the next lifetime being on the receiving end.
Until our entry into the Aquarian age we were not to know that God is as much part of us as we are part of God and that the Angels are in charge of us and our world and constantly observing it from its spiritual background. And that is how, with the passing of time, the Christian church served as the Angels’ instrument of evil and for ever more cutting us off from the Source of our being. Not knowing that the figure of Jesus is a metaphor for everyone’s own Christ nature was their way of hiding it from us, until we were waking up from our spiritual slumber and ready to be reborn into the awareness of God’s true nature and our own. This would enable us to seek redemption and forgiveness for even the last one of the sins that could have been committed many lifetimes ago.
Therefore, let’s not sit in judgement but bear in mind that none of us is any better than any of the young and inexperienced souls who are presently sharing the Earth with us. We older ones are merely on a different phase of our evolutionary journey, that’s all. May none of us ever forget the wisdom contained in St John 8:7: ‘Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said: ‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’
God’s great plan provides that the further we move into the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth that comes to every soul directly from the Source, the more we shall value and appreciate the morsels of wisdom we are finding along our way. Through developing discernment and learning to listen to the voice of the living God within, our inner guidance, the truth is now beginning to reveal itself intuitively to anyone who is ready and willingly pays attention. This is how ever more of us are now receiving God’s sacred wisdom and knowledge given to us and our world by the Angels around the throne of God, the Christ circle.
Plotinus, who lived circa 204/205–270 AD, was one of the most outstanding Pagan philosophers. His metaphysical writings have inspired centuries of Pagan, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Gnostic metaphysicians and mystics. All those many years ago he wrote: ‘Before we had our becoming here, we existed There, people other than now. We were pure souls. Intelligence inbound with the entire of reality, not fenced off, integral to that All. . . . And then it was as if One voice sounded. One word was uttered and from every side an ear attended and received and there was an effective hearing. Now we have become a dual thing, no longer that which we were at first, dormant, and in a sense no longer present.’
This is the kind of wisdom the Christian religion was designed to suppress. The plan decreed that it should succeed and that it would take a long time before we discovered that life is by no means a one-off thing, the way Christianity teaches to this day, but an endless and flawless continuum. However, for as long as we took the Christian teachings literally, we would think that when no-one was looking, we could sin as much and as thoroughly as the temptations of our lower nature invited us to. No, it wasn’t the devil’s voice we heard and followed, but the desires of our own as yet untamed lower animal nature. For the time being these urges would be projected onto something outside us in opposition to God, the devil whose job it was to lure unsuspecting human beings into the darkest abysses of human experience. God and the devil were forces outside of us, we were told.
If we believed in Jesus, or at least said we did, on judgement day in some far distant future He would appear again and redeem all our sins. We, in our present physical body, would then rise from our grave to enjoy Eternity with Him. All non-believers would be eternally damned and fried in the fires of hell forever and ever. If we merely pretended we believed in Jesus, no-one would know. It would take a long time before we found out that God is the name for everyone’s own higher or Christ nature. Because of this God is as much part of us as we are of God, nothing we ever think or do is unknown to God, and none of our deeds and misdeeds have ever gone unnoticed. Their memory of each one is held in the Akashic records and they are part of the soul of our world. See the link at the end of this chapter.
When we have handed our physical body back to Mother Earth and returned to the world of light, our true home, and rested there for a while, the wise ones in charge of us will show us these records. With the help of the evidence before us we ourselves assess and judge how well we managed to balance our spiritual bankbook in the course of our most recent earthly lifetime. If some of our debts are still outstanding, we can apply for another lifetime that will bring us fresh opportunities for settling them.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘God And The Devil – Is There A God?’
• ‘The Devil – Satan – Saturn’
• ‘The Lightbringer’
• ‘Jesus In The Desert’
• ‘The Akashic Records’
• ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
The Background Of The Lord’s Prayer (3)
The Cross Of Our Earthly Existence
Re-establishing our inner connection with the spirit of the Universal Christ is the birthright of every human child of the Earth. Our task as aspiring healers and lightbringers is the building of a new bridge of love between Heaven and Earth, God and all of humankind. And I hope my version of the Lord’s Prayer will help you to do this. True prayers from our heart and soul invite the stream of the Great Father/Mother’s eternal love, wisdom and truth to fill our whole being. From there it can then flow into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation. This spiritual power gradually transforms Mother Earth into a planet of healing and peace. Ignorance and fear are the two greatest evils of our world, which to this day are hindering this development. May the living waters of the Highest Mind, Its wisdom and truth, cleanse and purify our consciousness and that of our world.
May our new understanding of God’s great plan of life help us to dissolve and get rid of these evils, once and for all. Like all truly great ideas, this plan is ingeniously simple. It works as follows: every human spirit who enters earthly life for the first time is like a blank slate on which nothing has been written before. We are like newly born infants who have just left the warmth and security of our mother’s womb. Never having experienced Earth life before, all we know is that which is happening around us. We have already absorbed the influences on our mother through her bloodstream and nervous system. So that we should become familiar with the deepest and darkest aspects of our own nature and humankind’s in general, we are born into environments where they can be explored. The people around us are our only teachers and by copying their behaviour, we learn and become ever more like them.
This is what’s happening to the young and inexperienced souls who are sharing earthly life with us at present. Witnessing the uninhibited killing, maiming and the sadistic infliction of suffering of the grownups around them, as soon as they are old enough they want to be accepted as full members of society. Wishing to be like the others, these young souls have precious little choice but joining those around them in their thinking and activities. This places them into polar opposition to old and experienced souls who are in the process of developing their Christ nature. This means learning to love wisely, the way God loves all of us, His/Her children of the Earth, without exception. Each can only find out through their own experiences the truth of the saying that love understands all and because of it forgives all.
When we forgive our younger siblings for their trespasses, because we love them as children of God and our siblings in the family of humankind and all life, this does not mean we are condoning their deeds. But, considering what the future has in store for these youngsters, including reincarnating onto a much less evolved planet than the Earth, don’t you think that forgiveness and tolerance, compassion and love are more in place than anything else? No matter what age someone’s physical body may be, the one inhabiting it can nonetheless be a young soul. You don’t have to be an Angel who is watching in the background of our existence to tell a young soul from an old one. Their actions and reactions to people and situations in daily life tell us this much more easily than anything else.
Old souls know that the Universal laws ensure that any kind of suffering we inflict upon others during any stage of our development does eventually return to us, if not in this lifetime then in a future one. Yet, they are also aware that our Creator’s love and wisdom sees to it that this should only happen when our earthly self has grown strong enough to shoulder the cross we ourselves created in the ignorance of our innocence. The cross of life we are all carrying around with us is our earthly personality with all its flaws and imperfections, weaknesses as well as strengths.
However, that is not the way God created us. The small earthly self was developed by none other than us, not in just one lifetime but many. In previous ones this part of our being produced the hurdles and obstacles we now have to struggle with and try to overcome in our daily lives. Every bit of the Karmic debts one of us ever incurred in one of their lifetimes will eventually be presented for settlement and redemption, of that we can be sure, even though to come about may take a thousand lifetimes ahead. The Creator’s wisdom provides that by this time we shall be sufficiently evolved to ask the Angels for their help. We shall know that they are constantly with us and that, in spite of the fact that they can and will not do our work for us, all we have to do is humbly request their support. For anyone who asks, they are always willing to give sufficient strength and courage to deal with what has to be faced.
Whatever my fate still has in store for me and any pain and suffering I have to endure as a result, it comforts me to know that every bit of it serves the wise higher purpose of teaching me the nature of suffering. Through our own suffering the characteristics of our Christ nature begin to stir from their slumber. At the sight of someone’s else’s, human and animal alike, we now have a good idea of what they are going through. And that arouses feelings of compassion and love for them, as well as for everyone else who is afflicted in some way and anyone who is less well off in life than we are. This is usually accompanied by a deep inner urge to somehow bring relief of some kind.
From 'Healers And Healing'
The Power Of Prayer (1)
The Great Father/Mother of all life, who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, is the one who brought us into being. With the help and the will of this authority and the Angels all things are possible, any condition can be healed, crooked corners made straight and mountains of unfaith changed into mountains of faith. Our prayers have an important part to play in this. They are an extremely potent force and it is advisable that we proceed with great care when asking for something.
Why should this be so and how should we go about communicating safely? It is because God and the Angels are as much part of us as we are of them. Therefore, all our prayers are heard and replied to. It’s just that sometimes for our own good and protection the answer has to be: ‘No!’ But if we insist on asking for selfish and personal things, the Universe may wish to teach us a lesson or two by responding to our request in ways that are not at all to our liking.
Thought is the creative force of the Universe and the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. Thoughts are creative energy and prayers are form of using them that is supercharged with this energy. By learning to use its inherent power correctly, mountains really can be moved. This teaching was given in the Bible to remind humankind that the connection between those on the Earth plane and the Divine Universal Power never ceased to exist. We were to know that at all times it can be tapped into and asked for its help, even – or maybe especially – for the most difficult tasks which on the surface of things may appear well nigh impossible.
As children of the Highest, we are co-creators with God and young Gods in the making. Every characteristic and power that is in God is also in us. Becoming aware of these things opens our inner doors wide to taking charge of ourselves and our lives. This knowledge lays the tool in everybody’s hands for positively and constructively influencing the flow of our destiny. It can be done by praying for what we think we need or desire, be it for our own personal development and healing or that of the people around us. Ultimately this can be extended to the whole of the human race and our world.
The most effective prayers are based on the realisation that in order to create or change something, anything, the first step towards achieving our aim is putting it forward as a clear idea, a concept and/or a vision of that which we wish to bring into being. We need to have a clear and concise awareness of what we are going to ask for. And when we do, the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind should be fully focussed on connecting with the frequencies of the Source’s Universal intelligence.
All human beings without exception have been created so that during their earthly lifetimes they should keep growing in wisdom and understanding. As each one can do this only through their own experiences, no-one can live our lives for us. Through this, with the passing of time, spiritually we slowly but surely evolve into responsible adult beings who are capable of thinking for themselves, willing to practise self-discipline and self-mastery, and who know how to give and receive love wisely. Although this is often hard to believe, at all times we are walking the path we ourselves chose before entering into our present lifetime. It was done hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us, for they are familiar with everyone’s past, present and future. Every part of it has been outlined in the great book of life at the moment of our conception in the womb of the Great Mother.
The wise ones know exactly where during our next lifetime we shall find further experiences of a consciousness expanding nature that help our spiritual development to progress. In the course of each subsequent earthly sojourn God’s sacred wisdom and truth is brought ever closer to the conscious awareness of our small earthly selves. And just like the accomplishments of our children delight us in earthly life, it pleases the Great Father/Mother when another one of Its children of the Earth at long last develops the ability to think and behave in responsible, positive and constructive ways in all situations and encounters.
When one finally learns about the Great White Spirit, the Source of our being, and begins to understand the way it works throughout the whole of Creation and the role it plays in every human life, it becomes easy to truly love and respect it as the highest authority in the whole of Creation. It is then no longer hard to see that we and our world have always rested safely in Its splendour with its loving care and protection for all Its creatures, and forever will do so. Knowing these things the will of our small earthly self has no problem with surrendering itself and its desires to the will of the Highest.
Now we can see for ourselves that it could never have been Jesus as the lamb of God who would one day wipe away our own and all of humankind’s sins of the world. We alone can play this part, everybody for themselves. We have to become the lamb God and the more we do this and surrender our whole being, the more the sins, i.e. the drives and urges of our small self fade into the background of our consciousness. They gradually lose their hold on us, dying and breathing their last until one fine day they have gone from us for good.
The image of the emaciated corps of Jesus on the cross is a symbolism for this lower part of our being. The cross is the oldest symbol for Earth life known to humankind. And for a long time all human beings remain nailed to this cross, but eventually our true nature and origin dawns on us. As the scales fall from our eyes, our hopes and aspirations begin to reach for higher ideals. We dream of a world that is at peace, where all live together in harmony and with goodwill for each other. When we do our best to make a contribution to such a world, our Christ nature grows and expands.
The Power Of Prayer (2)
In the fullness of time each one of us will be able to safely lift ourselves and those around us above the vale of misery and tears of Earth life, with its boarded up horizons and its narrow field of vision. We are here to learn to fly on the wings of the spiritual wisdom and truth that is waiting to come to every heart and soul directly from the Source, through the intervention of everyone’s own inner guidance, the living God within. Every one of us in their own right eventually reaches the developmental point when our own life’s experiences have taught us that all our true needs will always be met, without us having to ask for anything.
The only thing we then want to do is lifting our siblings in the family of humankind and our whole world and everything that shares it with us, on the spiritual wings we have grown through the knowledge we have found along the pathway of our life, into the radiance of the Christ Star in the heartmind of God, praying for forgiveness and that healing and peace may come to all of us at last.
The Lord’s Prayer of the Jesus legend is one of the finest examples of how we should ideally pray. Not just something to be said over and over again without thoughts or feelings, like some kind of a prayer mill, but focussed and with our minds fully on the one we are communicating with. When the Jesus story was given to our world we were not yet to know that the figure of the man on the cross was but a legend and a symbolism for the many initiations each one of us has to undergo in the course of their earthly education.
For all awakened ones the time has come for praying with a deep inner conviction that our words are not only heard, but that they have the power to perform miracles, whenever one is genuinely required. Possibilities are opening for those who know the right way of projecting their thoughts and wishes into the Universe. Wise ones bear in mind that on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, and that although each prayer comes from one of us personally, it is also part of and affects the collective consciousness of our race, as well as the whole of Creation.
As far as it is practicable and possible, the Universe has always allowed each one of us to manifest whatever our heart truly desires. But, now that we are growing into spiritual adulthood, we need to come to terms with the Universal laws – God’s laws. They decree that everything must return to its source, including every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Each one inevitably has to eventually find its way back to us. As touched upon earlier, that’s why we need to be extra careful when we desire something. Should we fail to choose wisely, there is every likelihood that the Universal Force decides to teach us the glorious lesson of being more cautious in future by manifesting the object(s) of our desire in unpleasant and unwanted ways.
Here are some suggestions about how to pray the right way:
1. Have a clear idea of what you are going to pray for. When you are ready, set aside a period of quiet time. Prepare your body by being still and making yourself comfortable.
2. Let go of all other thoughts and concerns and tell your conscious mind to give you a break. Ask your Highest Self, the living God within, for its guidance and protection and to show you how to make wise decisions and requests only. Then call upon the Angels to draw close and show you how to proceed.
3. Visualise the object, event, desire, healing, better relationship, whatever it is you truly want, clearly and picture it as if it already existed in the realities of Earth life. Let no negative thoughts go with this visualisation – you have to believe and accept that what you are asking for is really necessary for your spiritual development and that of our world.
4. When you have made the connection and put your request forward, go about your life as usual and rest safely in the knowledge that the necessary changes will soon appear in your life.
5. Realise that if what you have prayed for is inappropriate for you or for those on whose behalf you are asking, it will be modified by the Angels into something that will benefit the recipient. In other words, you cannot place a curse or a bad wish onto someone when connecting with the Source of our being. Should anyone try to do it all the same, the request will be changed into something that is helpful for the recipient. Wise ones take great care not to do anything disparaging and hurtful to anyone because they know that this would inevitably rebound on them.
6. When praying for healing, instead of asking for it in selfish ways, wise ones ask that it should be for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, and for the blessing and healing of our whole world. This they do because they know that what is done for one is done for all. Therefore, when their world is healing, they are healing with it.
7. The Universe knows all our true needs and is ready to fulfil them at any given time. At the end of your prayer acknowledge the power and wisdom of the Highest with something like: ‘May my wish be granted only if it serves Thy great plan of life and my predestined pathway within it. Thy will, Great Spirit, not mine be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.’
8. Thank our Creator, in whatever form you worship Him/Her, and the Angels who are serving around the throne of God, the Christ circle, for providing that which you need and that it may be forthcoming in ways that you cannot imagine with your limited earthly field of vision.
The Jesus legend tells us in St. John 14:6: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ To this day many believe that he was a historical figure, who once walked in our midst and who one day will reappear in our world to save and redeem those who are following him, while according to the church’s creeds, all non-believers will go to hellfire and eternal damnation. Wise ones know that the esoteric meaning behind the surface words of above quote is NOT that the only ones who can get to the Father – whichever way the Bible interprets this concept – are those who believe in the existence of Jesus and flock to Christianity’s churches to declare their following for him.
The only way of getting in touch with and becoming one again with the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born son, the Universal Christ, for all human souls on the Earth plane is by bringing forth and developing their own Christ consciousness. For a long time it slumbers in seed form in every heart, but eventually each one of us reaches the evolutionary point when we are ready for leaving literalism behind. The more we become aware of our true nature and origin, the easier it becomes to recognise the esoteric truths that are hiding behind the story of the Master’s life and death.
Believing that every word of this tale is true and should be understood literally never could assist anyone with progressing on the evolutionary spiral of life. Quite the opposite is true! Convictions of this nature have for a long provided a highly effective barrier against humankind’s conscious reunion with God. It has been the Piscean Age’s instrument for keeping us away from prematurely attempting to reconnect with our Source, as this has been predestined to take place during the Aquarian Age and that for ever increasing numbers of us.
In our communications with the highest levels of life there is no need to be afraid of anything. Our Creator and the Angels surrounding His/Her throne are all love. And because we are part of God, whether we are as yet aware of this or not, at all times each one of us has always been enfolded and nurtured by the love of God’s heart, from which our spirit once emerged. As soon as we start looking for God everywhere and especially in the people around us, in whom the God part is often difficult to see, with the right kind of approach by us it may be possible to kindle their inner light and love, so that the living God within them becomes more visible.
The following is the essence of ‘The Healing Power Of Love’ from the White Eagle publication ‘The Still Voice’. This excellent little book contains many ideas for attuning ourselves meditatively to the Highest: ‘There are many methods of healing but only one true source from which all healing flows and that is the Divine love, the foundation and origin of all life. At the head of the healing ray is the Christ Spirit in the form of the Christ Star. It is the Greatest Light and the Highest Star of the whole of Creation, whose Light comes to all who truly call. No request for Its help goes unanswered, because true prayers set up a vibration in human souls that goes from their hearts straight to the Source of their being. And if you are seeking healing, the ministering Angels take you where you need to be.
‘Pure and true prayer comes from anyone who humbly kneels before our Creator on the highest levels of life. This needs to be done in total surrender of your will to the will of God. Asking for Its guidance and protection, pray: ‘Thy will be done on the Earth as it is in Heaven. Thy will be done in my physical body. Thy will be done in my whole being.’ There is no need to hesitate, as God’s will is always for something good. Rest assured that it is God’s will that the body of each one of His/Her children of the Earth should be healthy and holy, i.e. whole with all parts integrated and functioning harmoniously as one, so that the beauty and splendour of your earthly existence can be enjoyed instead of suffering from its miseries and tears.
‘We, your Masters and guides in the spirit world pray that your hearts and minds may be filled with the love and wisdom of the Great Mother, who is guiding you into the state of being that is right for you now.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra For The New Age’
• ‘Creating Abundance’
• ‘The Power Of Thought’
• ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
• ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
All Of Life Is Flowingness (3)
I trust God’s great plan of life
And the small one for me within it.
They are clear evidence how
All of life is flowingness
And that in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
There is no need to worry because
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me
And only what I am has power.
I give up my personal struggles and ambitions
And rest safely in the knowledge that
Everything that’s rightfully mine
Will always be drawn to me.
Therefore, I now let go
And put my hands into the loving hands
Of God and the Angels.
I trust the guidance I intuitively receive from them,
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.
* * *
To everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.
That’s how God and the Angels,
In the course of life’s journey
Forwards and upwards on
The evolutionary spiral of life,
Are making everything beautiful,
In God’s time, not ours.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
From 'The Best Of Kahlil Gibran'
About Prayer
Then a priestess said: ‘Speak to us of prayer!’
And the prophet replied:
‘Most of you pray only in times of need and distress,
But wise ones also pray in the fullness of their
Joy and days of abundance.
What is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ethers?
For as long as you receive comfort through pouring
Your darkness and negativity into space,
At least make an effort to create balance
By also sharing your delights and joys with the Universe.
And don’t forget to give thanks for your earthly existence
And the kind, patient and loving teachers on the
Higher and Highest levels of life are
Bringing all your experiences to you,
So that through them you may learn,
Grow in wisdom and understanding and,
With the passing of time,
Become ever more Heaven-tall.
‘For as long as earthly selves are still unaware of their true nature
And the wise higher and holy purpose of their lives,
They cannot help doing lots of weeping and complaining,
While wise ones give thanks and praise to their Creator
For everything that ever has been, is today and one day will be,
Whenever their spirit/soul move them to pray.
Until you have evolved to their level of awareness,
Let the flow of your tears bring you comfort.
At the same time reach out for the
Blessing and helping hands of God and the Angels.
Ask them to draw closer to you and bring you their healing.
Surrender all your troubles and woes to
Your highest God or Christ Self and its messengers,
So they can help your small and easily frightened earthly self
To lose its fear and start smiling again.
‘Each time you go within to communicate
With God and the Angels,
Your spirit/soul’s consciousness rises and
In the ethers meets everybody else
Who at that particular moment also is praying,
Otherwise it would be impossible to ever
Contact or meet them.
And so, for each one of you I wish that,
In the long course of your evolutionary journey,
In the fullness of time, every one
Of your visits to the inner temple of your spirit/soul
Will be for nothing but spiritual joy through your
Sweet communions with God and the Angels.
I beg of you, whenever you go there,
Forget about making demands on them.
Isn’t it enough being allowed to enter the temple
And just be there for a while,
For being recharged with their loving energies?
‘Nobody can teach you how to pray and what words to use.
The Divine does not listen to them,
Except when you are being used as their channel
And the words and prayers of the Highest
Are flowing from your heart to fill your whole being.
And as all of you can only learn from their own experiences,
Each has to find out for themselves how
The oceans, forests and mountains are praying.
It is not true that only if you were born in one of those places
You can feel their prayers in your heart.
‘Anyone who listens in the stillness of the night
Can sense their silent pleas that go something like this:
‘Our God, who art our winged self,
It is Thy will in us that willeth,
It is Thy desire in us that desireth,
And it’s Thy urge in us that has the power
Of turning our nights, which are Thine
Just the same as every day,
Also into days.
It is unnecessary to ask Thee for aught,
For Thou knowest everyone’s true needs
Long before another one of us
Is reborn into earthly life,
In keeping with Thy desires.
Thou art everyone’s ultimate true need
And through every lifetime
giving us more of Thyself,
Thou givest us all we shall ever desire.’
From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Power Of Prayer’
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (15)
You And Your World Are Safe!
The Value Of Truth (1)
The Angels and Masters continue: The final and most important lesson humankind had to take part in during its evolutionary journey has been learning to appreciate the value of truth. In the slowly moving progressions of the planets in your birthcharts, and on a much grander scale in the precession of the equinoxes, it is clearly visible that the purpose of all life is evolution. Everything in the whole of Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards in the most orderly procession, which is in keeping with the Divine great plan of life for the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane.
It takes the Earth nearly 26,000 years to complete one cycle to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac. One of these cycles is known as a Great Year and each sign the Earth passes through represents one Great Month. Every one of them lasts around 2,160 years. The unique character of each one influences all creatures and happenings on your planet. The Great Months are also known as the Ages of Humankind. The change from one month to the next does not happen as if someone on the highest levels of life were clicking a switch.
It’s a slow changing of energies and that’s why, in your world, there is no way of telling exactly when one great month ends and a new one begins. But never mind, the only thing you need to know is that, for quite some time by now, your world and everything it contains has been penetrating ever deeper into the energies of Aquarius, the fixed Air sign. And they are the energies of truth. When you observe your world more closely and from the right perspective, you will be able to see for yourself how the influence of these energies is becoming ever more noticeable.
Teaching humankind to appreciate the value of truth has and still is happening in three stages. Before the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, nothing but the truth existed on the earthly plane of life. Everybody knew that the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, was their Creator or God. Everybody was aware of who and what God is and who they, as one of the Great Father/Mother’s offsprings are. People knew what kind of a relationship they had with their Creator and were aware that all human beings contain whatever is in their Creator’s, the very best and highest qualities as well as the most ugly and evil ones. The latter were firmly kept under everybody’s control.
People knew that they themselves consisted of masculine God energies as well as its feminine counterpart, the Goddess. They aware that through her all manifestations of life have always come into being and that this will forever continue. Before the patriarchy took over on the earthly plane, men and women used to work together in sweet harmony, the way the masculine and feminine are doing in God. Everybody played their predestined role and that’s why life on the material plane was peaceful and harmonious.
The second part of the truth lesson consisted of hiding it. However, in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan for humankind and the Earth, this should merely last for a predestined length of time. And that is why, as soon as the planetary energies allowed it, the patriarchal period began on the earthly plane. From then onwards, when human beings reincarnated unto Mother Earth, your planet had gradually been turned into a place whose belief systems presented humankind with ever stranger tales. Each one was supposed to be literally true. But, as ever more of you by now know, they could not be further removed from the truth.
We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, supplied the inspiration behind each new belief system that appeared in our world. All their teachings insisted that the masculine forces of life are superior to the feminine ones, and that the masculine dominates the feminine. Because of this, every man quite naturally thought of himself as superior to any of the women he encountered. Their only reason for being was to serve the men around them.
And that’s how, with the passing of time, women got ever more out of touch with their intuitive knowledge about the right time for mating, so that another human offspring would appear, in due course. Women had to mate as frequently as their men wished, without having access to any kind of birth control. This is how your world’s population increased with steadily increasing speed to the numbers that are at present taking part in earthly life.
One lifetime after another, ever more human beings reincarnated onto the earthly plane. On many occasions they were born in a different belief system. Because that’s what God’s great evolutionary plan for humankind and your world demanded, every so often we inspired the creation of a new religion. The main purpose of each one was to provide humankind, all over your world, with ever more fear-inducing tales and legends. To this day, none of them has anything in common with what truly happens.
But this is how an ever more powerful fear barrier was purposely created between humankind and God. It's a barrier that to this day exists in far too many people who are now taking part in life on the material plane. This barrier consists of the soul memories that every one of the lifetimes in which you had to take part in life on the earthly plane, since the patriarchy came into being. These memories to this day are stored in the subconscious part of just about every human being. That’s why attending to their fears and dissolving them, down to the last ones, is the most urgent task that faces each one of you these days, as from your subconscious every one of these memories has the power of influencing your thinking and behaviour patterns in negative ways.
Layer upon layer of these memories are still waiting to be attended to and removed. It was necessary to store them in the subconscious of every one of you. Without it your conscious earthly selves would have been unable to live with themselves if they had known what they were up to in previous lifetimes. This is because most of your memories are from lifetimes when your educational program forced you to be familiarised with the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human being’s earthly nature. Getting to know each one of them is an essential aspect of everybody’s evolutionary program. Starting from the lowest point, it steadily takes you forwards and upwards on your own spiral of life, as well as the one for the whole of humankind and your world.
* * *
The Value Of Truth (2)
God’s evolutionary plan for humankind and its world, from the word ‘go’, decreed that the value of truth should be revealed to humankind, step by step, each one when the time was right for each step. These lessons came about in the three stages we have already talked about. The plan also decrees that all layers of fear that journey, should eventually be worked with, dissolved and left behind, once and for all. It makes no difference whether someone is still taking part in life on the earthly plane or resting in our world, the spirit realm. For everybody this work has to continue until every last one of their fears has gone. Time to start looking forward to when everybody on the Earth has forgotten the meaning of the word fear.
Understanding is the only tool that every one of you requires for doing this. First in line you need to understand that the two main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. Every human being’s existence always has been and forever will be ruled by these laws. That’s why, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of you slowly but steadily evolves from having started as a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light, to towards the end of your earthly education being a Christed one, in your own right.
And the time for getting on with working your way towards this high and noble destiny is NOW! Do not allow anything to stop you or get in the way of discovering ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. It’s not for nothing that you are living in the age of Aquarius, the age of truth. In keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for humankind and your world, during this age ever more of the previously hidden Divine sacred knowledge will be flowing, directly from the highest levels of life, into any heart-mind that’s tuned into its frequencies. However, this ability on its own is not enough. You also need to be willing to freely share whatever we send you with as many as possible on the earthly plane.
Whatever still has to happen in your world, be of good heart and trust what we are telling you. Never forget that without asking for help, none of it can come to anyone on the earthly plane. That’s why wise ones, who want to get rid of their fears through overcoming them, once and for all, never hesitate to ask us to help them. Only then can we advise any one of you intuitively which step is best for you to walk first. When this has been successfully carried out, we shall then be able to keep on advising you, until the last one of your fears really has gone.
The reward for these efforts is great, because without your fear you will once more be completely at one with the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. And that state will return you to part one of the truth lesson. However, the big difference between then and now will be that, as a result of taking part in a sufficient number of the earthly school of life’s lessons, you will have evolved into a Christed one, in your own right. And that’s the end of every human being’s second development phase and the beginning of the third one.
Your spirit/soul, reincarnating time and again on the earthly plane, during phase two had the desired effect. This is because in the course of each lifetime you were forced to endure whatever was happening on the earthly plane. And that’s how all who took part in this lesson, step by step, learnt to love and appreciate the value of honesty and truth. And now that it’s here, they are ready to stay with it and do whatever is necessary to defend it. In spite of everything that’s still visible on the surface of things, the truth is ever more reappearing in your world. And that, after all dear Friends, has been the purpose of the six thousand years of patriarchy. For some time by now, you have left this phase behind, in spite of the fact that many of you are still struggling with what learning then came your way.
Time to rejoice because the patriarchy is definitely over and the age of truth has been with you for quite a while. And that’s why, ever more with each passing day, the new golden age when the outer material world has become the same as its inner spiritual counterpart, comes nearer and within your reach. Never forget that time only exists in your world. It’s there to provide every one of you with an awareness that your time for staying on the earthly plane of life is limited and, before you know it, it has run out. It takes a long time until someone realises that they better get on with what they have come to do during any of their earthly lifetimes.
Without time existing it would be impossible for any one of you to progress and each has to do this on their own evolutionary spiral, as well as the one for the whole of humankind and your world. That’s why we advise you to learn as much as you can whenever you are taking part in any one of the school of earthly life’s lessons. Even for a long as you are unaware of who and what you really are, each lifetime is a unique and precious gift of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit. They are bestowing it upon all of their beloved children and offspring, wherever their development as a young God in the making may be, at any given moment.
Never forget that, whenever your spirit/soul reincarnates onto the earthly plane, each time it has to appear in a different guise and wear another costume. This is why when another earthly self of yours has been born onto the earthly plane, it’s for wise higher reasons that it is unaware of having taken part in life on the earthly plane, not only once but a great many times. Therefore you really know it very well. And isn’t it time for every human being to at last realise that the earthly plane can never be your true home? This is because everybody has one true and eternal home and that is our realm, a home that will never go away, be lost or destroyed the way it not infrequently happens to earthly homes.
Be that as it may, on every occasion you appear on the earthly plane it’s only ever for a predestined length of time. After that, one of the Angels of transfiguration takes you home to our realm. That’s the place from which every human being emerges at the beginning of a new lifetime and returns when it has run its course. For a long time of your development you do not know about any of these things.
So, is it any wonder that you are afraid of what’s going to happen to you, especially when the end of your life comes round, as it surely will? That’s why you eagerly grab hold of when anyone offers you the tale of a wonder-man who has the power of saving and redeeming human beings, not only for this lifetime, but in all Eternity. He does this for anyone who believes that he exists and therefore follows him and believes what he teaches is literally true. This tale is accompanied by a promise that, if you wound and kill anyone who refuses to believe in him and live by his teachings, all you have to do is believe and say to yourself that you are doing it in the wonder-man’s name. You believe it’s the right thing for you to do and therefore must be to your credit.
In truth, however, such enterprises cause nothing but debit entries in anyone’s spiritual ledger. And it takes a long time, in evolutionary terms, until at last you realise that there never was such a thing as this kind of wonder-man. He always has been and forever will be a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. And that is the only one who really can and will save and redeem every one of you. Nobody can do the work on your character this requires for anyone else. Everybody has to do it for themselves.
The word religion is based on the Latin ‘religare’ and that means ‘bind together’. For the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the value of truth, during the second part of this lesson, the religions that appeared on the earthly plane, instead of connecting humankind with God people were kept away from finding out too early who and what God truly is and who and what every human being is. The Divine evolutionary plan for the human race and its world decreed that this state should only last for the predestined length of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. The truth is meant to become known during the Aquarian age, the age of truth. And that’s why for some by now, ever more of the Divine wisdom and truth has been flowing from us into your world. You will be glad to hear that the times are over when they had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the religious tales and legends, on which your world’s old religions were based.
* * *
The Value Of Truth (3)
And now let’s return to basics for a moment. Many people in your world have woken up to the facts that, without exception, every human being once started its existence as a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light. And this is why every one of you is no more and no less than an offspring of Highest and that’s the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. From Its light everything in the whole of Creation was brought forth by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes your planet and everything that has ever shared it with you.
7.9 billion people these days are taking part in life on the material plane. Just imagine, every one of them is taking part in the lesson of learning to appreciate the value of truth. Not surprisingly, each is doing this in a somewhat different manner. That’s why the spiritually young and inexperienced earthly personalities in your midst, for example people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, for a long time have been occupied with hiding the truth. As you know, this is required for the truth lesson’s second part.
And that’s why, to this day, many in your world are doing their best to falsify and hide the truth, whenever another opportunity for doing so comes their way. Balancing their behaviour, on the other end of this scale, are spiritually highly evolved spirit/souls whose outer personalities are already attending to the same lesson’s third part, as ever more of the truth for some time by now has been reappearing in your world clearly shows. We promise that plenty more will continue to flow from us into your world through the channels who are already sharing the truth, with as many as possible around them.
Today we have come to draw your attention to the fact that, ultimately every human being who at this time is taking part in life on the earthly plane, is personally responsible for its state. It makes no difference whether someone is as yet aware of this personal responsibility or not. Yet, we notice with great gladness how ever more of you already realise what is resting on their shoulders and are willing to do something to honour this task. The personal responsibility exists for every human being. It makes no difference whether someone at present is taking part in earthly life or resting in our world, the spirit realm.
Every one of you, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, contributed to bringing your world’s present state about. That could not really be helped because it came about when, time and again, your spirit/soul’s lower earthly personalities were obliged to attend the earthly school of life’s lessons, all of them one after the other.
This is why now on everybody’s shoulders also rests the personal responsibility for transforming your planet into an ever more agreeable place, for all manifestations of life that share it with humankind. Every one of you is obliged to do whatever they can. This is not difficult when you make the best possible use of the special gifts and talents that were bestowed upon you, a long time ago when your spirit/soul started its evolutionary journey as a tiny spark of the Christ light.
That’s the task that awaits every human being who approaches the final part of their evolutionary journey, which provides every one of you with experiencing life as a physical being in a material world. When you reach the end of your education in the earthly school of life, you will have evolved into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own right. You will then be ready to be released into exploring the greater freedom of our world, the spirit realm. Through taking part in one of its levels after the other, your evolutionary journey continues until you have reached the highest level and have become one of us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle.
Because of what has to happen to every human being, during its first developmental stage, in which everybody has to attend all of the earthly school of life’s lessons, none of you could ever possibly be miserable worm and sinner, the way the old religion’s preachermen used to thunder from their pulpits. After all, every one of you is but a scholar and a student of the earthly school of life who, at any given moment is taking part its lessons, one after the other. Each lesson is not unlike a coin with its two sides or in this case aspects. It’s essential for every human being to thoroughly get to know both of them.
That’s why, during some of your lifetimes, you take part in handing that which is bad and evil in your own nature, therefore also in all other human beings. And everybody possesses their own spiritual ledger. A debit entry appears in it whenever someone does something nasty and evil to anyone around them, that also affects the whole of humankind and your world. Now that you know about it, we hope you will extra take good care of this your spiritual bank-account.
Let’s take another look at the past for a moment. Every so often, when your spirit/soul has rested sufficiently, you apply for another reincarnation on the earthly plane. On every occasion, your new lower personality appears in a guise it has never used before. This enables you to play another role for performing once more on the stage of the grand theatre stage of earthly life. With the help of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma the group of beings that’s known as the Angels of Karma, can then return to you what you once did to those around you. This could have taken place a long time ago.
Whatever you once hand out in thoughts as well as words and deeds, as soon as you have matured sufficiently to be able to cope with it, returns to you. Being on the receiving end of similar experiences, you are getting to know the other side of each one of them. A credit entry appears in your spiritual ledger for the suffering that your earthly personality has to endure, when once more it finds itself on the receiving end of what it once so thoughtlessly handed out to whoever came within its reach. Everything in the whole of Creation has to balance and this is how the balance of every human being’s bank account is eventually restored. That’s all.
Because of this balancing act there has to be a masculine as well as a feminine life force. That’s why the Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. This offspring of the Divine parents of all life contains nothing but the highest, noblest and best qualities of the masculine as well as feminine forces. This is why for a long time there had to be good and evil in your world. Yet, everything that’s ugly and evil in every human being, as well as your world, in the fullness of time, is destined to be transmuted into something that’s good, right and beautiful.
Two types of darkness exist on the earthly plane. On the one hand, there is the beneficial difference between day and night, a time for being active and another one for resting, relaxing and sleeping. There is a world of difference between that darkness and the one that initially exists in every human being and that’s what is ugly and evil in their character. In the course of many lifetimes, this aspect is destined to be replaced by that which is good and noble in every human being’s character. But it can only be brought forth from deep within everyone’s own being and each can only do the work on their character for themselves. Nobody can do it for anyone else.
This is how, slowly but surely, the last remnants of your world’s human darkness will eventually have been absorbed into the light of ever more of you evolving into a Christed one, each in their own right. Individually and collectively, this has been happening for many years by now. And that, dear Friends, is the evolutionary process in a nutshell.
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From 'Prayers For The Aquarian Age'
The Candle
‘There is not enough darkness in the whole of our world to put out the light of one candle.’ Robert Alden
Have you ever sat in front of a burning candle and stared into its flame for any length of time? If so, did you become aware of the feelings of warmth and comfort, of wellbeing and somehow being at home that radiate from it? And did you notice how the flame of one single candle can light up a whole room?
A candle can only do all these things by giving of itself and allowing the flame to consume its substance. Reflect upon this in your moments of disenchantment, when sometimes after your daily toiling and possibly fruitless strivings you feel as if you had given away every last bit of your strength. When you are in this state of exhaustion and sometimes begin to wonder about the sense, purpose and meaning of your efforts, the time has come for building more quiet moments of reflection into your daily life and that as soon as possible. Create a space where you can be undisturbed for a while and make yourself as comfortable as you can in it. Light a candle, look into it and then ask yourself: ‘Have I burnt myself out by being a light for others, giving them signs and showing them directions for new and better ways of being? How many candles of support am I giving to those around me, every day and throughout the whole year, trying to ease their load and lighten their pathway and through this maybe of our whole world? How about myself?’
Spiritually, light is knowledge and wisdom, and darkness is ignorance. It is true that when a candle gives of its light and warmth it can only do so until its own substance has been consumed by the flame and nothing is left. It is different for us because, whenever we attune ourselves to the stream of the Universal Christ’s consciousness, the source of all life and inspiration, every bit of light and warmth we give by nurturing others is constantly renewed by It and returned to us. The Christ’s warmth and light will never dry up or leave us, and the more of it we send into our world, the more we receive. The laws of the Universe command this. The Christ Star’s luminescence shines through all who are acting as Its channels on the Earth plane. The power of Its blessing and healing energies are constantly flowing into and through them and from there into our world, to be shared by all its lifeforms.
May the small still flame in all human hearts grow ever stronger, until the entire planet is filled with nothing but love and light, healing and peace. Instead of asking for earth- and mind-shattering enlightenments, let us pray that every single day of the coming year and all future ones will bring us and our world a constant supply of small rays of light that renews our whole race’s hope, faith and trust that the Divine great plan of life is unfolding as it should. And let’s give thanks and praise for the goodness of the life the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, so kindly provides for each one of us, God’s beloved children of the Earth.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
From 'Words Of Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life'
The Long And Winding Road
On the long and winding road
Through earthly life frequently
Choices and decisions have to be made,
Solutions are hard to find
And constant downpours
Threaten to ruin our parade.
Whenever this happens,
The best thing we can do is
Turn to the living God within
And ask it to guide us into a new dawn.
Then cautiously begin to move forwards,
Whilst praying for courage and strength.
That’s how a way can always be found.
Although it’s true that the
Process of changing the course of our life
Through different thinking and behaviour patterns,
Can be exceedingly tough,
It’s best to focus on the many good things
That surely are in store for us,
As long as our intentions remain steadfast
And we patiently give things a chance to develop.
If we imagine that round the next bend of the road
Adventures could be waiting for us
We would not have dared to hope for,
Even in our wildest dreams,
That’s precisely what will happen.
So, dare to challenge the status quo
And refuse to run with the herd.
Do this because you know that this is how
Hopes and wishes may come true
And new friendships appear
In ways you cannot foresee now.
The Universe constantly offers
Fresh options to those who dare to accept
Its invitation to the dance of finding
New ways of growing and expanding our consciousness
Through visiting places we never knew existed and
Exploring realms where no other humans walked before.
So, dear Friend, don’t shy away from
Dreaming of fabulous faraway worlds
And visiting wondrous places where you will find
Warmth and affection, loving and caring
From beings who could have been waiting
For your appearance a long, long time.
Maybe they will listen with interest
To the experiences and feelings you have to share.
In the midst of these beings you may find someone
Who supports you in everything you do
And believes in you and the decisions you make,
Who accepts that you alone know that
They are the right things for you
At that particular time,
Even though they may
May be no good for anyone else.
Therefore, one foot in front of the other,
Courageously walk one step and take one day at a time,
Confident that a brighter tomorrow is sure to come,
As long as you trust your inner guidance
And follow it without looking back,
Because that’s the only safe way
For any one of us to go.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
From 'Healers And Healing'
Miracles Do Happen!
For as long as the intention behind all our earthly efforts is a good one and we act with love from our heart and do our best, everything will always be well, and God and the Angels happy to do the rest. The Universal laws ensure that when we send our best into our world – and all worlds, for that matter – nothing but the best can come back to us. Any bread cast upon the waters of life does return, and any love that is ever given to anyone does the same, though not necessarily through the people we once gave it to. In fact, this hardly ever is the case. The likelihood is that it will come back to us at times when our need is greatest and when we least expect it. It can and does happen in quite magical ways with help suddenly appearing in the form of kind and loving hearts and hands that are reaching out to us, to comfort and hold.
After particularly traumatic and difficult times and events in our lives, we may have lost all faith in the innate goodness of people and life. However, experiencing in one’s own life that there are some truly kind people around who genuinely have our best at heart goes a long way towards restoring our lost trust. To teach us this lesson could have been the very reason why the situation that made us struggle arose in the first place. I for one am grateful to the Universe for having created opportunities from which I have learnt and still am learning that it really is safe to trust that help does come when it is required and that all my true needs are always met. Every soul can only learn from its own experiences that just when one thinks there’s nothing left inside to keep on struggling, out of the darkness from somewhere there comes a small light and new hope – and somehow life continues.
Difficult situations on all levels are necessary and vital in every life. They are steps on our evolutionary journey that in the end takes each one of us back home into the awareness of our true nature. So, let us not begrudge our tribulations but on the level of our soul and spirit rejoice that they have been created in our lives by the loving presence and the great wisdom of the Divine, not only for each one of us personally, but also nationally and internationally. Opportunities are thus created from which all must learn first hand how to work with the powers of the light and the love of the Universal Christ, the highest and brightest Star in the whole of Creation. Sticking our toes into the waters of life and trying and testing situations for ourselves presents all human souls with valuable evidence of how the power of the Great Universal love works and how it influences all life.
No matter what may ever befall us and our world on the physical plane of life, I do believe that both will go on forever and that miracles are happening at all times. It’s just that mostly we fail to perceive the miraculous ways of the Universe for what they truly are, namely the handiwork of God and the Angels. Ceaselessly, they are working behind the scenes of life to put things right again and heal people and situations when something has gone awry. The more we endeavour to be true to our real self and express the essence of our being, love, in every one of our thoughts, words and actions, the more miracles manifest themselves in our lives, because our human heart has then reunited itself with the great love of the Divine.
The legend of the Master Jesus demonstrates how, when the energies of Heaven and Earth merge into each other, a force of such magnitude is created that it is capable of healing all conditions of mind, body, spirit and soul. This is the power that can quite literally move mountains of faith, remove blockages of trust and make all crooked corners straight. It brings comfort and healing to everything that is in our world to wherever there is pain and suffering. Miracles are the Universe’s way of demonstrating to humankind the unlimited power of Its love. This is the healing balm and the panacea that needs to be applied by us earthlings to all situations in our everyday lives, all our relationships as well as to all national and international issues.
Let us stop and reflect for a moment on the wisdom of the Great Architect of life. The Universe is infinitely wise in its giving. Yet, it is even wiser in its taking. If we had never encountered the warped side of our lives and our world, we would not have been able to differentiate between good and bad, and that which desirable and undesirable. If we had never been wounded, we would appreciate what healing is like. We cannot know light, unless we have first experienced darkness. Only through the lack or loss of something or someone can we truly learn how to value what we had and also that which we are going to have, when periods of suffering finally lie behind us, as they invariable do in the end.
Such is life on the Earth plane! It has to be this way because that is how it was designed for us by our Father/Mother Creator. Who would we be to argue with Its wisdom? Take heart though – growing in understanding through difficult and traumatic experiences, the way it is required from us on the present level of our existence, is not going to continue indefinitely. All life is constantly evolving and moving forwards and upwards on a never ending spiral. When we, individually and as a race, have become sufficiently evolved, so that Earth life has nothing left to teach us, we shall be ready to move on to more advanced schooling on the higher and ultimately highest levels of life.
From 'Healers And Healing'
The Days Of Miracles And Wonders
From the evolutionary level many have reached by now, it is not difficult to see that it was quite intentional that for a long period in the history of humankind we had to live in a one-dimensional world that was filled with inexplicable dualities and false beliefs that were created through not understanding our true nature. Part of this was that we should believe that we are either a woman or a man, and that this earthly life is all there is to our existence. Such beliefs were good enough for the lifetimes of our spiritual infancy and childhood.
By now ever more of us are maturing into spiritual adulthood and ready to find out that life is an ever ongoing process, that the essence of everyone’s being is spirit and soul, and because they are part of God, they are immortal and eternal, the same as our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. The law of life is evolution and we ourselves are responsible for everything that is in our lives, good, band and indifferent alike. The world of spirit is our true home. That’s where we come from at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to at the end of it. And together with the wise ones of the spirit realm who are in charge of the spiritual development of us and our world, when we are good and ready for another earthly lifetime, we ourselves choose what special lessons our next one should consist of.
An important part of our evolution has been that we should become aware that each one of us in their own right is an individual and independent being who, at first only in seed form, contains everyone of the qualities and powers that are in God. This means that we are both feminine and masculine. To assist our character with developing into a well balanced one, before entering into yet another lifetime as earthlings we choose whether this time round we would like to appear in the outer physical shell of a woman or a man. This ensures in the course of many lifetimes, everybody gathers first hand experiences of both aspects of life.
The way I understand this life is that we once willingly gave up our immortality – oh, perish the thought! We did it because that is what the infinite love and wisdom of our Creator wanted us to do. To ensure that everybody’s needs would always be met, it was decided that Angels and Masters as well as other spirit guides and helpers should always accompany us. It’s their responsibility to see to it that all earthly lessons are learnt thoroughly and that none of us throws their earthly existence away too easily, when the going gets rough.
To help us descend ever deeper into our role as earthlings, it was necessary to create the illusion that we are separate from our Creator, even though nothing could be further from the truth. As we left the state of conscious oneness with God, known as paradise, we started to believe that we are separate from Him/Her. In the course of many lifetimes, we eventually wound up unaware that this belief is a false one that we ourselves created. Alas, many to this day are still holding onto it.
If we knew what we have been up to in past lifetimes, it would frequently be impossible to live with ourselves. That’s why the Universe in its great wisdom protects us by hiding these memories behind something that is known as the veil of consciousness from our conscious knowledge. They are stored in our soul, the memory bank of our spirit. Our reactions to every one of our daily encounters are mostly unconscious responses that are based on the learning we brought with us from previous lifetimes. For a long time, the only way of gaining access to these memories has been through our subconscious, but this too is changing.
For good and wise purposes a veil also has been shielding us against the knowledge that we regularly spend periods after each earthly lifetime in the world of spirit, where we rest and recuperate from strains and stresses of our earthly existence. The good news is that for some time this veil has been in the process of lifting and dissolving. Having fulfilled its intended purpose, it will soon be gone for good, as decreed by God’s great plan of life.
‘These are the days of miracles and wonders. These are the days of the long distance call,’ Paul Simon told us in his album ‘Under African Sky’. Prophetic words, especially when one applies them to the changes that are presently taking place in us and our world. Don’t you think it is miraculous that humankind’s long distance call should be turning out to be a surprisingly short one, namely everybody’s own inner reconnection with the living God Self within? Even though I always have been and will remain highly sceptical when claims of miracles and wonders are made, I do believe with all my heart and soul they are happening in our world at all times, regardless of the fact that most of the time we are too blind to recognise them.
To give me a taste of what can and indeed does happen, there have been incidents in my life that have shown me the nature of miracles from a different perspective. I can tell you from my own experiences that some amazing things can and do happen on the healing journey. And I am convinced that on your healing travels you will witness miracles of your own that will change your views about this aspect of life, too. Because with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible, start looking forward to them. The closer we work together with them, the more likely it is that miracles shall be worked through and for us and our world, similar to those of the Jesus legend.
The words ‘Greater miracles you shall see!’ gave us the promise of the greatest miracle of all that, in the fullness of time, would take place in us and our world, namely humankind’s spiritual rebirth that for quite some time has been taking place in us and our world. Humankind’s long quest for returning into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own is at last drawing to its natural conclusion. God and the Angels, the Masters and other spirit guides and helpers have always been working exceedingly hard to help us find our way back into the realisation of our true and eternal home. The ever increasing popularity of the spiritualist movement – from which organisations like the White Eagle Lodge grew – is sufficient proof that this is so. We shall return to the theme of White Eagle in the appendix.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
From 'The Very Best Of White Eagle'
White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles
And now I would like to share with you a collection of essences of several teachings of the White Eagle group of guides which Anna Hayward used in her excellent article ‘With Surrender Comes Release’ in Stella Polaris February/March 2014. My attention was drawn to it in September 2016 when I was in the middle of updating this part of my jottings.
‘Because your life, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is governed by spiritual laws, there is no need for you to worry about anything or for being anxious and afraid. God knows your needs and for as long as certain experiences are still necessary in your life, you may find it helpful to know that they are sent by the Great Father/Mother of all life, to assist your consciousness to expand in wisdom and understanding. So, hold up your head, walk tall and affirm: ‘This is helping me to grow in wisdom and understanding. Because I am one with God and the Angels, I will always be safe and nothing can destroy the essence of my being, my spirit/soul.’
‘At all times, make an effort to think constructively. Know that in truth the future holds only good and not evil and that even the last of the things that presently threaten your world so darkly will pass by. They too will soon be a thing of the past and forgotten. Thinking this way protects you against attracting negative people and things into your orbit. If another sorrow has to be endured by you, remind yourself that a sorrow can be like a rainy day when the light of the Sun eventually breaks through and a rainbow appears in all its glory. So it is with human life. Trust the love and goodness of the Great Father/Mother to send you nothing but good, that your loved ones are in His/Her care and that their love for them is infinitely greater than your own.’
‘When you accept with patience and sweet surrender the tests and trials that are inevitable on your predestined pathway through life, a light and life-force flows into you that has the ability to make all things new. You will then find that the circumstances in your life are gradually smoothing themselves out and things are beginning to work more harmoniously for you. This strengthens your conviction that beyond all human efforts there is a power and a love that at all times is at work behind the scenes of earthly life, endeavouring to bring peace and happiness to God’s children of the Earth.
‘Miracles are things earthly minds cannot comprehend, although in truth they are merely the natural outworking of the Divine laws on the physical aspects of life. These laws control and manipulate matter, but they can only do this when the weaker human self steps to one side, surrenders its will to the will of the Highest and allows them to happen. This means overcoming your natural instinct for self-preservation, which is part of the lower self’s nature, not of the higher.
‘The higher aspects of your being, your Christ nature, needs to take charge and convince its small and frightened lower earthly counterpart that all is well. Every one of its fears and apprehensions has to be overcome. And when we say surrender your whole being to the Highest, this does not mean you should enter into a state of apathy. True surrender has its foundation in a strong soul certainty that all life consists of miracles, that life itself is a miracle, and that miracles and wonders are possible and can happen when the conditions are right.
‘In the Egyptian mysteries, there were ceremonies through which all aspirants on the spiritual pathway had to pass. In the temples were subterranean passages through which they had to walk. This is a demonstration of the road all human beings have to travel in the process of letting go of their fears and learning to trust. It describes every human soul’s journey soul through the sadness and darkness of physical life. A great many of us are presently walking this probationary path. Take heart, we are all finding it hard when there are so many dark corners and unexpected turns and we don’t have a clue of where we are going.
‘Higher ranking guides are in charge of us, your friends and helpers in the spirit world, and even they sometimes confuse us in what they are telling us. For all of us, there remains but one thing to do and we ask you to apply this to every aspect of your present existence: ‘Keep on keeping on with a song in your heart and rest safely in the knowledge that your whole being is at all times and forever will be secure in God’s keeping. This is true wherever you may yet have to walk in the valley of the shadows and darkness of earthly life.’
‘You may sometimes think to yourself: ‘If only I could see the spirit people, I am sure they would help me.’ Take comfort from knowing that you are not meant to see or hear us. All you can do is walk – though only apparently alone. The test of old has always been the same as it is today, for as it was in the beginning it is now and forever shall be! Therefore, whenever you are in need of our assistance, remind yourself that because you cannot see us in your present evolutionary state, this does not mean we are not there. We are always with you, doing our best to help and guide you through the many ups and downs, tests and trials of earthly life every human spirit and soul has to cope with.
‘We are not allowed to do the work for you, because if we did you would not grow in strength, wisdom and understanding. But when you ask for it, we can provide you with the courage you need to keep going in all your endeavours. Every test and trial that comes your way is an initiation of some kind that reveals to us the strength of your trust and confidence in God’s love, nothing else. As you walk the spiritual pathway, confused enough about the many twists and turns of the road, others might be projecting their own ulterior motives onto you and misjudging you.
‘You are probably also sad about the mistakes you made and troubled by the problems and sorrows of your daily personal life. These things in themselves are unlikely to be your first initiation altogether. And as you walk along the pathway of initiations and pass through one portal after another, you will encounter as many tests as it takes to make your faith in God’s love unshakeable. Every initiation brings you a further expansion of consciousness and a greater understanding of the nature of God and your own. The whole purpose of earthly life is that all human beings eventually surrender themselves to the love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the supreme Spirit, who is the giver of all life.
‘It would be unrealistic as well as untrue to say that God only creates good. Everything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation was brought into being by the Great Architect and Designer, who is also responsible for the laws of life. The main one is the law of love from which the law of evolution branches out. Nothing is beyond or out of the reach of the Creator’s will and power. As above, so below and like any creative artists in your world has to do, the Divine creations at first appear in their crudest and most elementary form. From there they slowly become more beautiful and sophisticated in their constant moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.
‘In the case of humankind, in the course of many lifetime each participant slowly evolves from the basest expressions of their lower earthly nature through to the unfoldment of their Christ nature. This process eventually moves them onto ever higher and eventually the highest levels of life. The more evolved you become yourself, the more easily you can tell by looking at the behaviour of the people who share your world with you, in which evolutionary phase of human development on the evolutionary spiral of life they are presently involved.
‘Each one of us, and that includes us in the world of light, has to reach a state of absolute trust that God is good and life is good and that whatever comes our way will always be for our highest good and greatest joy and provide us with an ever increasing understanding of the Great Father/Mother’s love. When that idea is so firmly planted in your consciousness that nothing can shake it any more and nothing can obstruct your vision of the true purpose and meaning of life, only then are you allowed to enter the land of light with shining eyes.
‘Because on the inner level all life is one, everything affects everything else in some way. In earthly life you are all influenced to a degree by forces that at first seem to be beyond your control. They are the desires of your own lower earthly nature and with the passing of time each one of you must learn to take charge of and master them. When they have been shed, they form the mud at the bottom of the pond that feeds the lotus flower of your higher nature. You then no longer look at earthly life as a term of imprisonment, because you know that whether you are dwelling on the Earth or on the higher levels of life, having shed the things you no longer need, you are free. All human souls in earthly life eventually have to learn how to gain access to and use their very own innermost powers to achieve this kind of true freedom.’
From 'The Very Best Of White Eagle'
You Only See One Side Of The Picture
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.
‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.
‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.
‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.
‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.
‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.
‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.
‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.
‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, just like you did when you were dealing with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’
‘Humankind will at last find peace when the majority of earthly selves realise that they themselves are the cause of everything that has ever happened on the earthly plane and that’s true for what is taking place at any given time. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work with the greatest precision. There is an abundance of everything on the Earth. Alas, only through the lack of something can humankind learn to appreciate the value of things. That’s why sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary; they teach people the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the lust for warmongering lasts six thousand years, as that of the patriarchy, in God’s time it is merely like the batting of an eyelid.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Power Of Prayer’
• ‘The Laws Of Compensation And Balance’
• ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
• ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (16)
You And Your World Are Safe!
Finding Enlightenment (1)
The time around each full Moon is always a good one for finding enlightenment. More often than not it comes to you in the form of better understanding something that could have been puzzling you for a long time. Today is the 13th June 2022 and the Sun in the sky above your world is in Cancer, the sign dedicated to the love and wisdom of the Great Mother of all life. Lifetimes spent in Cancer are dedicated to teaching people on the earthly plane the value of home, mother and ancestry.
Each full Moon in Cancer takes place in its polar opposite, Capricorn and that’s the sign ruled by the zodiac’s stern and undeviating schoolmaster Saturn. Capricorn is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams can find fulfilment, if someone has worked hard enough to earn them. One of the finest examples is Elvis Presley. He was born 8th January 1935 and passed from your world 16th August 1977. And to this day, Elvis is known as the King of Rock and Roll. On the whole he is believed to have been one of the most significant cultural figures of your world in the 20th century. And that’s hardly surprising when you consider that Elvis was born while the Sun was in Capricorn on 8th January. Both sign and day are ruled by Saturn.
As pointed out in one of our previous messages, the word religion is based on the Latin ‘religare’. The only thing that connects human beings with life in the whole of Creation and therefore also everything that shares the earthly plane with you, are friendship and love. And as many also know by now, love and evolution are the two main laws of life everywhere. And when, at last, the dross and dregs have been removed from earthly life has been cleared away, your world will be ready for a new kind of religion. This one really does connect all human beings not only with each other but also with all other manifestation of life that can be found in the whole of Creation.
It comes about because the Aquarian sign’s energies are friendship and love with everyone, whoever they are and wherever they may be. And the new Aquarian age religion is based on nothing but these principles. And that’s why you need to understand that even though you may not like what someone does, you can still love them because they are your sibling in the great family of humankind and so is everybody else. If one of them behaves in a way that seems strange to you, remind yourself that as likely as not they are simply what in your world is known as being ‘ruled by the Stars’.
If the Sun in the sky above your world was moving through a certain sign when they were born, they simply cannot help behaving they do. For example, when you come across someone who is particularly fond of money and you are not, find out when they were born. As likely as not it was during the period when the Sun was moving through one of the three Earth signs. All of them love money, but each one does it for a different reason. The Earth signs are fixed Taurus, mutable Virgo or cardinal Capricorn. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is the zodiac’s money and gold sign. This is why Taureans are fond of both of them. Yet, not for their own sake. They love to accumulate as much money as possible because it can buy them ever more of the lovely things, golden ones in particular, that are available on the earthly plane.
Mutable Virgo is the learning and teaching sign of the zodiac. People born into this sign love money because it can buy them ever more knowledge that can first be used for widening their own horizons, later to be shared with those who are in need of what they have learnt. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the cardinals are points of new beginnings as well as preparing for them. Capricorn is the sign of old age. That’s why Capricorns like to save as much money as they can earlier during their present lifetime, for the security this will give them when they are old, as well as caring for the wellbeing of their offspring.
And now, for a moment let’s return to the part of our previous chapter in which we told you that two different kinds of darkness exist on the earthly plane. Yet, that’s not strictly correct because at the beginning of every human being’s education in the earthly school of life, another type of darkness exists in them. Not knowing and understanding is darkness. However, through taking part in every one of this school’s lessons, one after the other, the light of knowing and understanding slowly but surely enters everyone’s awareness. In the course of many lifetimes spent on the earthly plane, every one of you eventually evolves into an enlightened one, each in their own right.
* * *
Finding Enlightenment (2)
Bringing the light of understanding to ever more those who are presently taking part in earthly life that’s been the main purpose of the Aquarian writings from their earliest beginnings. And finding out about the background of something that could have been puzzling you for quite a while is particularly likely to happen in the time around the full Moon. One whole Moon cycle takes approx. twenty-nine and a half days. Each time the Sun and the Moon are in opposition to each other in the sky above your world, a full Moon illuminates it at night. That’s an opportune time for giving thanking the Highest Forces of life for everything that is and ever has been in you, your life and also your whole world.
Most of all every full Moon is an excellent time for finding enlightenment about something. Bear in mind that this does not usually happen through majestic earth-shattering and world-changing flashes of inspiration, like the Buddha legend tells were given to the Indian prince. This enlightenment took place when the Moon was full and the Sun traversing the fixed Earth sign Taurus, ruled by Venus. Its polar opposite is Scorpio, the sign co-ruled by the God of war, Mars, and the ruler of the subconscious realm, Pluto. The subconscious is the part of every human being in which the soul memories from all previous lifetimes are stored. For the whole of humankind, the subconscious is the place where everything that was ever experienced by every one of you, from the moment the first human being was introduced to life on the earthly plane
And if, from now on, you pay attention to what the wise one or living God within you wishes to tell you around the time of the full Moon, you may find a greater understanding for your difficult situations and relationships. Flashes of inspiration may enter your mind intuitively how to deal with them most beneficially, for your own evolutionary journey and theirs. This will somehow make your life more bearable because things move along more easily. Whatever you do, if there is anything in your life that is puzzling you, maybe has been doing for a long time, again turn to wise one or living God within you and ask about it. The answers may not come instantly, sometimes they arrive when you least expect them.
But now let’s return to the Buddha legend for a moment. It tells us that he was born as a prince in one of the northern Indian kingdoms around 2,500 years ago and that his name was Siddhartha Gautama. The title ‘Buddha’ means ‘Enlightened One’ or ‘one who is awake’. Siddhartha’s journey from prince to being a holy man by the name of Buddha is the basis of Buddhism. The prince was born into Hinduism, Sanatan Dharma, ‘Eternal Order’. That was the dominant faith in India during the sixth and fifth centuries when a wave of religious and philosophical reforms swept this country. Approximately, five hundred years later the Jesus legend emerged as part of your world’s Western regions.
The tale of the Buddha’s life tells you that the prince found enlightenment whilst meditating under a Banyan tree, during a full Moon in Taurus. In the Hindu tradition the Banyan represents the tree of life. As many of you realise by now, the Buddha is as much a legendary figure as the Master Jesus. It is therefore not surprising that the tales vary considerably about the length of time the Buddha sat in meditation under the tree, as well of which type of tree it really was and whereabouts all of it is supposed to have taken place. The Boddhi tree legend says that after having become enlightened, the Buddha remained there for another seven weeks to meditate and master his earthly nature.
Being a legend, the exact length of time the Buddha spent underneath this tree and what he did does not really matter. Seven weeks are allegorical and represent a symbolism for an indefinite length of time, the same as the forty days and nights the Jesus legend tells you he spent in the desert. This length of time is also allegorical. The desert represents humankind’s earthly existence that lacks the awareness of its spiritual background, as well as the knowledge of who and what God really is and that every human truly is a young God in the making. Each one has a very special relationship with its Creator.
For the wise higher reasons that are known to many of you by now, humankind’s connection with God, individually and collectively, was temporarily disturbed and disrupted by the tales of your world’s old belief systems of the patriarchy. With the passing of time, these stories became ever stranger and further removed from the truth. In spite of this, every human being’s relationship, wherever they may presently be, with the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, could never be severed. And that’s because the connection, like God, is eternal and immortal.
The Great Mother never wanted her children of the Earth to continue suffering when it’s no longer necessary for helping you to find a better understanding of the spiritual background of your earthly existence. That’s why for around twenty years through us she has been communicating with you, chapter after chapter, through the Aquarian writings. From the start they never contained anything but the truth, as whole as this was possible at the time of their appearance, in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and your world. The Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, are blessing every one of you and so are we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle.
May all who at the moment are taking part in life on the earthly plane, be enlightened by ever more of the truth behind your world’s present situation. The truth and nothing but the truth, may it be thus revealed to the whole of humankind. Rest assured that, whatever may still have to happen to you and your world, the reins for all of it are resting safely in our hands. They always have done and that will never change.
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From 'Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life'
The Sacred Tree Of Life
The following is an extract from ‘The Mythology Of The Tree Of Life’: ‘The concept of a tree of life as a many-branched tree is an illustration of the idea that all life on Earth is related. With the help of mythology and religions, philosophies and science, time and again throughout the ages, the Angels introduced our world to the idea of a tree of life as a symbol of evolution and growth. This mystical concept draws humankind’s attention to the interconnectedness of all life on our planet and a metaphor for the common descent of every lifeform from the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.
The tree’s part above the Earth represents humankind’s earthly existence and its roots are going simultaneously down into the spirit world, the inner level of life, that which is hidden from normal earthly view and knowledge. Individually and collectively, the more highly evolved we become, the higher our branches reach into the sky and the more our roots penetrate into the wisdom and knowledge of the spirit realm. Ultimately, this process reconnects us with the conscious awareness of our oneness with God, the source of our being.
The Norse religion’s tree of life is called Yggdrasil. It represents the world and is sometimes considered to be a yew or an ash tree. Extensive lore surrounds this tree. Accounts have survived of Germanic tribes who honoured sacred trees within their societies, for example Thor’s oak, sacred groves, the sacred tree at Uppsala and the wooden Irminsul pillar. An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil appears in the Icelandic Prose ‘The Edda’ by Oluf Olufsen Bagge.
I am the root, I am the tree.
I am the soul of harmony.
I am the leaf. I am the flower.
I am the moment and the hour.
I am all-life and transient death.
I am the all-sustaining breath.
I am the Spring. I am the Fall.
I am the One, the source of all.
And though the Ash of Earth declines,
The wind of changes screams and whines,
My Will is limitless and strong.
My say: Eternal Summer’s song.
On now, on the deepest, innermost level of life,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Yggdrasil, the sacred tree of life is healing,
And all life and lifeforms with it,
From the lowest to the Highest
And from the Highest back to the lowest.
The human race and its world are healing
And so is every aspect of my being .
Pauline Brehony
Last verse by Aquarius
Because our thoughts and words create our reality on the inner level of life, so that in due course it can manifest itself on the outer plane, how about including the last verse in your daily prayers?
A Tribute To Yggdrasil
Like a basket of my good graces
I bring you this and set it at the base of the greatest ash tree.
What names once burned and turned this tree to ash?
Odin, Frigg, Thor, Balder and Tyr
Were among them.
Looking up, I catch glimpses of stars and water drops.
My faith in those dwelling on the Highest level of life
Tells me that there really are wells in the Heavens,
That this tree connects with all worlds
And that I am at its apex,
Alive and well to be able to bring you this.
Grow on, Yggdrasil.
Your roots reach deeper than I am presently able to go
And I pray don’t take me down to Níðhöggr.
The wrath of the patriarchy’s serpent
To this day is something I have to still my soul for.
Even though I now welcome the twin snakes
Of the beloved Great Mother’s wisdom and truth
And the way they are winding themselves
Peacefully and lovingly
Around the caduceus of us and our world.
At the thought of this my spirit overflows with
Gratitude and praise for
The waters of consciousness from the Heavens
That are now flowing down your trunk
Into your roots, O Tree, and my mind.
Yggdrasil, a living pyre to the ashen old and bold ones.
The coldest nights usher its leaves to your doorstep.
The hottest days bring you a thirst for its eternal wells
Of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
May you some day evolve into one of the wells
That feed and nurture Yggdrasil.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
* * *
What miracle is this?
A giant tree that stands thousands of feet high,
Its roots reach deep into the ground,
And at the same time the tree upholds the sky.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Tree Of Life’
• ‘The Mythology Of The Tree Of Life’
The Beauty, Wonder And Magic Of Trees
I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry roots are pressed
Into Mother Earth’s sweet loving breast.
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts its many arms to pray.
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in its hair,
Upon whose blossoms snow has lain
And who loves every drop of rain.
Poems were made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘In Praise Of Trees’
• ‘The Birth Of An Oak Tree’
From 'Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey'
The parable of Jesus in the desert being tempted by the devil from St Matthew 4:1-11 has particular meaning for us and our world during our present evolutionary phase. So let us take a closer look at it. Reading this tale one cannot help wondering what kind of nourishment ordinary churchgoing literalist Christians, regardless of how devout they are, could possibly get from it other than: ‘What a wonderful man Jesus was! What great spiritual strength and of character he possessed. But then that’s what one would expect from a God.’
In contrast to this, seekers of God’s sacred wisdom and truth who are searching for the higher esoteric meaning that is hidden behind the surface words of stories like this one are in for an extra special treat. It may make them respond with something like: ‘What a wealth of wisdom and truth, and that in almost every word!’ It is indeed a tale that comes very much alive as soon as one approaches it this way. It’s instantly recognisable that it can tell us a great deal about the nature of humankind and its spiritual pathway.
To me, this particular story represents a description of our race’s entry into the Aquarian Age. Jesus is a symbol for the higher characteristics of all earthlings and the devil represents the initially untamed drives, urges and desires of our lower earthly nature. The desert is a metaphor for life in physicality. It represents the spiritual desert of Earth life, where Jesus spends forty days and nights. Jesus is a symbolism for our higher nature finding itself exiled on the Earth plane and trapped in a physical body, a condition that firmly nails it to the cross of Earth life.
Only when our spirit and soul have spent enough time in this way and through it our earthly self has matured sufficiently, can the Divine spark within us begin to stir from its slumbers. From then onwards the consciousness of our higher nature slowly but surely moves into the foreground of its earthly counterpart’s awareness. With the passing of time the desires and urges of our earthly nature gradually go from us. In this process we gradually die to the attractions of earthly life and are reborn into the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher nature.
Once it has woken from its earthly slumbers, the lower self hungers for the spiritual food that flows from the Heavens, the higher and highest levels of life. That’s why the human Christ nature, Jesus, replies that humankind does not live by bread alone. But still the adversary in the form of our lower self’s appetites tries to keep us fixed to our earthly existence for as long as possible. It therefore attempts to pursue us to listen to its suggestions.
A brief excursion into numerology can reveal more. Forty is a sacred number. Individually and collectively, it stands for humankind’s physical death and rebirth into its higher spiritual nature. The forty appears in the Bible as the number of waiting and preparation, test and/or punishment. It can also be an indication of a long period of undetermined length. The number 4 represents Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius, and the zero the circle of Eternity. The purpose of the four vibration is to organise, establish order and bring ideas and plans into manifestation on the Earth plane. The four stands for the order, system and routine that are necessary to make our highest aspirations and dreams become a reality in earthly life.
When the energies of zero combine themselves with those of another number, its potential becomes more powerful. This figure enhances and increases the possibilities and dimensions of all other numbers. It represents the consciousness of the Divine and can bring success and perfection to our efforts through its help and protection.
‘Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.’ To make it possible to experience how the polar opposites of Its characteristics manifest and express themselves on the Earth plane, the Spirit, the Christ Spirit, creates itself an earthly counterpart and takes it onto the Earth plane. Every human soul contains a spark of the Christ Spirit, though at first merely in seedform. Having arrived in earthly life, one by one the lower and lowest aspects of our earthly nature are explored and experienced, however many lifetimes this may take. The Karma that accrues during these earthly sojourns will be made good by none other than us in future ones through the improved thinking and behaviour patterns we shall then develop.
The Universe provides all of us with as many opportunities for bringing forth and developing ever more of the characteristics of our higher nature as we requires. For a long time Jesus, symbol of our higher nature and spark of the Divine, hangs crucified on the cross of life. Slowly its earthly self dies and the higher part of our being gradually takes over and we, the higher and lower part together save and redeem ourselves. As the earthly self breathes its last on the cross, our Spirit Self rises on the wings of God’s wisdom and truth into the realms of the Highest, although we may still be required to serve life on the Earth plane.
‘And after he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he became hungry.’ For an undetermined length of time, however long this development may take for every individual soul, the small lower self is left without spiritual nourishment of any kind in earthly life. This is because only through the lack of something can we get to know and appreciate the value of anything. So that in the end we truly hunger and thirst for it, we have to spend many lifetimes without spiritual nourishment of any kind. To establish when we are ready for commence taking part in lessons of a higher nature, the wise ones in charge of us are constantly testing us to establish which developmental level we have reached at any given time.
‘To find out to which degree we, Jesus, have absorbed the characteristics of our highest nature, the lowest aspect of its earthly counterpart, represented by the devil, enters the picture. He is a symbol for the untamed lower and lowest urges of humankind’s animal nature. Our responses, Jesus’ replies, prove that we have successfully taken charge of its instincts. They have not simply disappeared and are still there, but the way we react to people and situations reveals whether they have been successfully tamed by us and are under our control.
‘And the tempter came and said to him: ‘If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.’ But Jesus replied: ‘It is written: humankind shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’’ The tempter hopes that when a spirit and soul has been starved of nourishment for long enough, it will be ravenous and eat just about anything that is on offer. In its desperation it would ask its Highest Self, God, to perform a miracle. But our Highest nature has completely taken over our small self and therefore knows full well that: ‘It’s not earthly bread I am yearning for most of all, now. It’s spiritual nourishment I crave in the form of words of wisdom and truth that come directly from the heartmind of God.’
‘And the devil took Jesus into the holy city. He asked him to stand on the pinnacle of the temple and said: ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: ‘He will command his Angels concerning you. And on their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not even strike your foot against a stone.’ To which Jesus replied: ‘On the other hand, it is written: ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.’’ The higher and lower self working as one in peace and harmony, Jesus, appreciate why it has ever spent time on the Earth plane and that this in truth could never interfere with their oneness with God and all life. Having become aware that the human spirit is free at all times and can fly wherever it chooses, we have lost all taste for silly experiments.
‘Next, the devil took him to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said: ‘All these things I will give you, if you fall down and worship me.’ Jesus replied: ‘Go, Satan! For it is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and serve Him only.’
Mountains are symbolisms for the higher and highest planes of life. For us, Jesus, having reached our present evolutionary level, it is not difficult to see that the devil, the lowest aspect of our being, wants to test us whether we are really ready to leave earthly life and its experiences behind. It wafts the promise of ruling all the kingdoms of the Earth under the nose of the masculine aspect of our nature. In the early stages of our development we would have done anything to get into a position of what we would then have perceived as ‘power’. Such a temptation would have been impossible to resist, as the masculine contains humankind’s inheritance of the characteristics of God, the masculine aspect of our Divine parents, with Its power and Its exceedingly strong will to rule and dominate the whole of Creation.
That’s why in the early stages of our earthly education, when we are serving our apprenticeship on the road to the spirit Master’s degree, the masculine part of us has to cope with an overpowering urge for seeking power, dominion and empire-building. During the patriarchy, as time went by for many men this developed into an ever greater appetite for ruling our entire world and everything in it, by any means whatever, especially warmongering. When these inclinations have been explored satisfactorily by each individual soul, our higher nature takes over and teaches us the feminine characteristics of the other aspect of the Holy Trinity, our Divine parents, the wisdom and love of the Great Mother, the Goddess. Her only aim is to bring more beauty, peace and harmony into our world.
By the time the lower and higher parts of our nature have joint forces and our earthly self has evolved into a Christed one, we have left all powerseeking behind. We have lost our taste for it because we are aware of the fleetingness and ultimate futility of all earthly enterprises. Now, all we are interested in are matters of a higher nature and of eternal value. Our only desire now is to humbly and obediently serve the Highest. Jesus in the desert represents us during this phase of our development and we respond to the temptations of our lower nature, the devil, with: ‘No chance of me wanting any of what you can offer, mate. Thank you. If I were stupid enough to accept our offer, I’d be stuck on the Earth plane forever and that’s definitely not what I want. I have no wish to remain trapped in temples and churches. They are not for me. I am spirit and I want to be free to roam and explore the higher and highest levels of life, to see what they are offering me and what I can learn there.’
‘Then the devil left Jesus and behold, Angels came and began to minister to him.’ The lower self gives up the battle and surrenders itself freely and willingly to its Highest Self. For a long time the small self is left in the dark about the presence of the Angel, but in truth they are always with us, supervising, monitoring and steering us and our world through the many different phases of our joint evolutionary journey. All along they modestly stayed in the background of our earthly existence, standing by, watching, observing and waiting, constantly ready to help and come to the rescue when one of us is seriously in distress or in danger of getting lost on the Earth plane. As for the whole of humankind they are increasingly moving into centre-stage position of our conscious awareness and attention, there is every reason for them to rejoice and sing. I for one am joining them most heartily.
Jesus In The Desert (2)
The Great River Of Consciousness
From where we are now, it is not hard to see that the chaos and destruction the patriarchy has wreaked in the past and to this day continues to do in some parts, always has had a higher purpose to fulfil and is indeed a vital part of the great evolutionary plan of life. I feel very strongly that the Temptation of Jesus parable was specifically written as part of the Jesus legend and that with the greatest of care and loving attention to detail for us and our world at this particular time. This was done so that at the right time it would help us find a better understanding of what is happening to us and our world.
The patriarchy is a demonstration of the destructive and disastrous power the masculine’s lust for ruling and domineering is capable of unleashing on the Earth plane, with its utter disregard for the preciousness and sanctity of all life and its lack of respect for the higher values and aspects of life. Just take a closer look at the warmongering that has taken place throughout the ages, predominantly in the name of various religions and their interpretations of what God means. Witnessing their incessant power-struggles and wrestling for top position in all facets of the order of our world, one cannot help wondering whether any of the patriarchal belief systems ever deserved the name religion. A belief system that does not make us into better, kinder and more loving people, but tells its followers to go to war to kill and maim those who refuse to listen to the commands of its dogma and creed, can that be a religion?
It seems to me that to this day for some of them God serves merely as an excuse and a tool for attempting to forcefully gain power and control over others. I do not think that this kind of approach to the highest regions of life is likely to ever help them to find a constant place in the hearts and souls of the majority of our planet’s residents. The way I read the signs of our time and understand the great evolutionary plan of life, the rulership of such religions is not intended to continue indefinitely. It will not be tolerated by those in charge of us and our world for much longer. People vote on their feet and fortunately in most parts of our world by now they have the right to at least stay away and withdraw from whatever they disapprove of.
The exploitation and ravaging of Mother Earth is the direct result and heritage of sacred texts, specifically written for men and by men on behalf of the patriarchy, in which God blesses humankind and tells us things in like Genesis 1:28: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the Earth and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth.’ Those who have reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level understand that in the final analysis all of us are on the Earth plane to eventually evolve into a Master soul, i.e. to become someone like the Master of the Jesus legend. The only rulership and dominion any one of us is here to seek can only come about through taking charge of the instinctive desires of our lower animal nature.
Spiritually, dominion over other people, their belongings and countries is undesirable to the highest degree, and those who feel drawn to spiritual leadership would do well to bear in mind that the potential for it is by no means a God-given right to lead. It is something that has to be worked for very hard and earned through exemplary behaviour in the course of many lifetimes, again as depicted in the Jesus legend. The Master represents everybody’s Christ nature, the state of beingness we are here to strive for with all our heart and soul. Jesus is the symbol of the living God or the wise one within, the part of our nature that guides and protects us and – once it has woken from its slumbers – is at all times willing to show us the way and help us to work our way through any situation we may ever encounter. This is the one who communicates with you through me and speaks to the part of you he also represents. And although in neither of us it is Jesus, it makes him much more real to me than he could be any other way. How about you?
Each one of the religions of our world is a stream of consciousness and all of them together are in the course of creating a confluence. Joining forces they are forming themselves into the magnificent river of the religion of the new age. This waterway will soon be rolling along in great majesty and might through a world that is at peace. Cleansed of all impurities, the life-giving and life-supporting power of its waters are constantly pouring into and enriching the vast ocean of life.
At the moment the river is going through a cleansing and purifying process, which is going to be completed by keeping only the best of the old spiritual teachings and discarding the rest. The only things that will remain are the ones that have stood the test of time, because they are good and right, beautiful and true. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations, false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we are discarding, as they are things of the past that are no longer of use and value for us and our world.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’
• ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
• ‘The Labours Of Hercules’
Jesus In The Desert (3)
The Great Cover-Up
Extracts from ‘The Jesus Mysteries – Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’ by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
Our new account of the origins of Christianity only seemed improbable because it contradicted the received view. As we pushed further with our research, the traditional picture began to completely unravel all around us. We found ourselves embroiled in a world of schism and power struggles, of forged documents and false identities, of letters that had been edited and added to, and of the wholesale destruction of historical evidence. We focused forensically on the few facts we could be confident of, as if we were detectives on the verge of cracking a sensational ‘whodunnit’, or perhaps more accurately as if we were uncovering an ancient and unacknowledged miscarriage of justice. For, time and again, when we critically examined what genuine evidence remained, we found that the history of Christianity bequeathed to us by the Roman Church was a gross distortion of the truth. Actually the evidence completely endorsed the Jesus Mysteries Thesis! It was becoming increasingly obvious that we had been deliberately deceived, that the Gnostics were indeed the original Christians, and that their anarchic mysticism had been hijacked by an authoritarian institution which had created from it a dogmatic religion – and then brutally enforced the greatest cover-up in history.
One of the major players in this cover-up operation was a character called Eusebius who, at the beginning of the fourth century, compiled from legends, fabrications and his own imagination the only early history of Christianity that still exists today. All subsequent histories have been forced to base themselves on Eusebius’ dubious claims, because there has been little other information to draw on. All those with a different perspective on Christianity were branded as heretics and eradicated. In this way falsehoods compiled in the fourth century have come down to us as established facts.
Eusebius was employed by the Roman Emperor Constantine, who made Christianity the state religion of the Empire and gave Literalist Christianity the power it needed to begin the final eradication of Paganism and Gnosticism. Constantine wanted ‘one God, one religion’ to consolidate his claim of ‘one Empire, one Emperor’. He oversaw the creation of the Nicene creed – the article of faith repeated in churches to this day – and Christians who refused to assent to this creed were banished from the Empire or otherwise silenced.
This ‘Christian’ Emperor then returned home from Nicaea and had his wife suffocated and his son murdered. He deliberately remained unbaptised until his deathbed so that he could continue his atrocities and still receive forgiveness of sins and a guaranteed place in heaven by being baptised at the last moment. Although he had his ‘spin doctor’ Eusebius compose a suitably obsequious biography for him, he was actually a monster – just like many Roman Emperors before him. Is it really at all surprising that a ‘history’ of the origins of Christianity created by an employee in the service of a Roman tyrant should turn out to be a pack of lies?
Elaine Pagels, one of the foremost academic authorities on early Christianity, writes: ‘It is the winners who write history – their way. No wonder, then, that the traditional accounts of the origins of Christianity first defined the terms (naming themselves ‘orthodox’ and their opponents ‘heretics’); then they proceeded to demonstrate – at least to their own satisfaction – that their triumph was historically inevitable, or, in religious terms, ‘guided by the Holy Spirit’. But the discoveries [of the Gnostic gospels] at Nag Hammadi reopen fundamental questions."
History is indeed written by the victors. The creation of an appropriate history has always been part of the arsenal of political manipulation. The Roman Church created a history of the triumph of Literalist Christianity in much the same partisan way that, two millennia later, Hollywood created tales of ‘cowboys and Indians’ to relate ‘how the West was won’ not ‘how the West was lost’. History is not simply related, it is created. Ideally, the motivation is to explain historical evidence and come to an accurate understanding of how the present has been created by the past. All too often, however, it is simply to glorify and justify the status quo. Such histories conceal as much as they reveal.
To dare to question a received history is not easy. It is difficult to believe that something which you have been told is true from childhood could actually be a product of falsification and fantasy. It must have been hard for those Russians brought up on tales of kindly ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin to accept that he was actually responsible for the deaths of millions. It must have strained credibility when those opposing his regime claimed that he had in fact murdered litany of the heroes of the Russian revolution. It must have seemed ridiculous when they asserted that he had even had the images of his rivals removed from photographs and Completely fabricated historical events. Yet all these things are true.
It is easy to believe that something must be true because everyone else believes it. But the truth often only comes to light by daring to question the unquestionable, by doubting nations which are so commonly believed that they are taken for granted. The Jesus Mysteries Thesis is the product of such an openness of mind. When it first occurred to us, it seemed absurd and impossible. Now it seems obvious and ordinary. The Vatican was constructed on the site of an ancient Pagan sanctuary because the new is always built upon the old. In the same way Christianity itself has as its foundations the Pagan spirituality that preceded it. What is more plausible than to posit the gradual evolution of spiritual ideas, with Christianity emerging from the ancient Pagan Mysteries in a seamless historical continuum? It is only because the conventional history has been so widely believed for so long that this idea could be seen as heretical and shocking.
* * *
Recovering Mystical Christianity
As the final pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, we came across a small picture tucked away in the appendices of an old academic book. It was a drawing of a third-century CE amulet. We have used it as the cover of this book. It shows a crucified figure which most people would immediately recognise as Jesus. Yet the Greek words name the figure ‘Orpheus Bacchus’, one of the pseudonyms of Osiris-Dionysus. To the author of the book in which we found the picture, this amulet was an anomaly. Who could it have possibly belonged to? Was it a crucified Pagan deity or some sort of Gnostic synthesis of Paganism and Christianity? Either way it was deeply puzzling. For us, however, this amulet was perfectly understandable. It was an unexpected confirmation of the Jesus Mysteries Thesis. The image could be that of either Jesus or Osiris-Dionysus. To the initiated, these were both names for essentially the same figure.
The ‘chance’ discovery of this amulet made us feel as though the Universe itself was encouraging us to make our findings public. In different ways the Jesus Mysteries Thesis has been proposed by mystics and scholars for centuries, but has always ended up being ignored. It now felt like an idea whose moment had come. We did, however, have misgivings about writing this book. We knew that it would inevitably upset certain Christians, something which we had no desire to do. Certainly it has been hard to be constantly surrounded by lies and injustices without experiencing a certain amount of outrage at the negative misrepresentation of the Gnostics, and to have become aware of the great riches of Pagan culture without feeling grief that they were so wantonly destroyed. Yet we do not have some sort of anti-Christian agenda. Far from it.
Those who have read our other works will know that our interest is not in further division, but in acknowledging the unity that lies at the heart of all spiritual traditions – and this present book is no exception. Early Literalist Christians mistakenly believed that the Jesus story was different from other stories of Osiris-Dionysus because Jesus alone had been a historical rather than a mythical figure. This has left Christians feeling that their faith is in opposition to all others – which it is not. We hope that by understanding its true origins in the ongoing evolution of a universal human spirituality, Christianity may be able to free itself from this self-imposed isolation.
While the Jesus Mysteries Thesis clearly rewrites history, we do not see it as undermining the Christian faith, but as suggesting that Christianity is in fact richer than we previously imagined. The Jesus story is a perennial myth with the power to impart the saving Gnosis which can transform each one of us into a Christ, not merely a history of events that happened to someone else 2,000 years ago. Belief in the Jesus story was originally the first step in Christian spirituality – the Outer Mysteries. Its significance was to be explained by an enlightened teacher when the seeker was spiritually ripe. These Inner Mysteries imparted a mystical knowledge of God beyond mere belief in dogmas.
Although many inspired Christian mystics throughout history have intuitively seen through to this deeper symbolic level of understanding, as a culture we have inherited only the Outer Mysteries of Christianity. We have kept the form, but lost the meaning. Our hope is that this book can play some small part in reclaiming the true mystical Christian inheritance.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘I Am The I Am’
• ‘Christ The Redeemer’
• ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
Jesus In The Desert (4)
On The Wings Of Golden Healing Light
I am the archetypal Christ,
The God-man who for aeons has been waiting
To come alive in all human hearts.
Jesus is one of the symbols for Me.
When you become consciously aware of My presence in you
And listen to my guidance, you will always be safe
And all your crooked paths will be made straight.
Together we move towards the perfection you have been seeking,
Without knowing that this in truth
Means no more than healing together with me,
Death, once imagined by humankind
As an old black rider who was forever chasing you,
Is now becoming the friend who takes you
Into the world of light, your true home.
The only way of travelling for you now
Is on the beams of My golden healing light,
For I am the highest Star and the brightest light
In the whole of Creation and you are a spark of Me.
Together we create nothing but waves of wholeness and holiness.
Your immortal spirit and soul rise in endless flight
And reunite themselves with Me in seamless fusion.
You have got to the end of your earthly education.
Reaching for the higher and highest levels of life,
You are leaving the Earth plane behind,
As no force there can hold you back.
The illusions of Earth life have been your training ground
And although there is much truth in them,
Do not be deceived by anything you see and hear there,
As for you life fulfils a higher and greater purpose
Than the one you perceived in the past.
The presence of My Light, the Christ Spirit’s light,
Is increasing in your world and for those who have
Become aware of their true nature,
The importance of earthly concerns fades away.
To you life on your planet begins to reveal
Its and humankind’s true inner being and beauty,
As you grow ever more into the perfection,
Which each one of you, My children of the Earth,
For so long had to seek in vain.
For you the rulership of earthly masters and their dominion is over,
For your soul is drawn back to Me,
Your true Lord/Lady and Master/Mistress,
The source of your being.
You are re-entering into the conscious awareness
Of what in truth you have always remained:
A spirit and soul at one with Me.
You have woken from your spiritual slumber
And your whole being is presently in the process
Of changing into a living and breathing body of light.
The freedom of the Aquarian Age courses in your veins,
And I, the Universal Christ, am calling out to humankind:
‘Turn to Me, oh turn and be saved!
For I am waiting to come alive in all of you.
I wish to teach you and show you how
To save and redeem yourselves and your world.
The only way this can come about is
Through becoming ever more like Me,
Living and loving all life, the way I do.
I bless you all, each one.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Jesus As The Archetypal Christ’
• ‘Of Good And Evil’
The Things That Really Matter
I grew up in the thirties, forties and fifties and had very practical parents. Everybody was an original recycle queen or king in those days, long before anyone had invented a name for this kind of thing. As a matter of fact, recycling was everybody’s way of life. It certainly was in our house because my father was one of those fortunate ones who could turn his hand to anything, to fix and mend it. Both my parents have been in the world of light for many years, God bless them and keep them safe forever.
I look forward to meeting them again in the not too distant future. What a joy it will be to see them young again, the way they were in their best years in earthly life and because spirit is eternal, time- and ageless, everybody remains like that. Growing old and decaying only exists on the Earth plane. Once more having shed the roles we played in the comedy/drama of our earthly existence, the likelihood is that we did this in several previous lifetimes, once again we are merely beloved children of God. My parents will no longer be husband and wife and we shall not be coming together as mother, father and child. We shall all be sister/brothers and good friends, each pursuing their own line of studies in the spirit realm.
But let’s stay with my early days for a while. Everybody fixed, mended and darned things then, be it curtain rods, radios and oven doors. Hems of dresses were let down or lifted, as the situation demanded. For as long as things were not easy to come by, people kept and treasured them and thought carefully before discarding anything. When things became available again after the war, the Western world grew increasingly wasteful and evolved into one-way-societies.
It seemed that wasting things were signs of affluence and throwing something away was easy, because you could easily get some more. But when my mother left the physical plane of life, I learnt that occasionally there just can’t be any more. Sometimes that which we care about most gets worn out and goes from us, never to return. This led me to the conclusion that, when we have people, animals and things in our lives we treasure, it’s best to love and care for them by trying to fix them when they are broken and healing when they are sick.
This is as true for old garments, appliances and houses, as it is for aging parents and grandparents, partners and other loved ones. We look after and care for them because we love them and that’s what they deserve. And because love is the law of life and the greatest power in the whole of Creation that cannot be destroyed by anything, we can actually keep some of that which we love forever. First in line are our loved ones and friends who have left earthly life behind and gone home into the world of light. Not much needs to change in any of our relationships with the people there, but don’t take my word for it. Just find a quiet space, light a candle, calm the outer mind and listen deep into your heart. You may hear the following message:
‘Life is eternal and the human spirit is immortal. In truth, there is no death and life consists of absolute and unbroken continuity. On the inner level all is one, and you always have been as much part of me as I am of you. Nothing needs to change between you and me, just because I have gone through the great transformation before you. If we both so wish, our relationship can remain the same it always was, and between you and me life can continue to be everything it has meant to us.
‘My departure from the physical plane was no accident. It was meant to happen exactly when it did. For your sake – not mine – make an effort to accept this, the way I have done. And don’t believe anyone who tries to tell you that because I am out of your sight, I should also be out of your mind. That can only happen, if that is what you want. And if you still yearn for me, the death of my physical body is going to present us with many opportunities for coming closer to each other than it was ever possible before, when we both still dwelled in physicality.’
The rest of this message you can find in
‘Death – Where Is Thy Sting?’
And do you know something? A long time ago I realised that continuing economic growth and more and more of everything is slowly but surely destroying our planet. Because as aspiring healer and lightworker I want no part in it, for many years I have been living very modestly. When I need something, I save until I can afford items of good quality that will last me a long time and when I no longer have any need for them, they can be recycled by passing them on to someone else. To my mind the main thing that truly matters is not only the survival of our beloved home planet, but its healing and recovery from the strain of having hosted us, humankind.
The Price Of A Glass Of Milk
A boy from a deprived background was determined to get an education. He hoped that this would later enable him to find some well paid work to get himself and his family out of the poverty trap, into which his parents through a succession of unfortunate circumstances had fallen. To help him pay his way through school, in his free moments he went from door to door selling things. One day he had only one small coin in his pocket and was so hungry that he decided to ask for something to eat at the next house.
The nameplate on the door told him nothing about its occupants, the way it sometimes did intuitively. There was nothing for it but knocking and trying his luck. But when the door was opened by an attractive young woman, he lost his nerve and only asked for a drink of water. Noticing the hungry look on the boy’s face, the lady brought him a large glass of milk, which he drank very slowly. With an embarrassed smile he pulled the coin from his pocket and said: ‘I’d love to pay you, but this is all I’ve got.’
‘You don’t owe me anything,’ the woman replied. ‘When I was a child my mother taught me never to accept pay for any food or drink offered to someone, but to consider it as an act of kindness for which no money should be accepted.’ Thanking her from the bottom of his heart, the boy went on his way. His name was Howard Kelly. Before getting the milk, he had been ready to give up and quit. But somehow the encounter had made him feel stronger physically and his faith in the basic goodness of humankind’s nature had been somewhat restored.
The boy’s parents no longer believed in God and so he had never been taught to pray. But that morning he had been so hungry that in desperation he put his hands together, the way he had seen other people do when they were praying, and murmured: ‘If there’s someone out there, please help me.’ That’s all he said and the result showed that the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, and their helpers on the lower level of the spirit realms are constantly observing us. That’s why no prayer ever goes unheard. It’s just that sometimes for karmic reasons and also to keep us from erring too far from our self-chosen predestined pathway, the answer has to be: ‘No!’ However, this does not happen when someone truly needs help and asks for it. Prayer creates a special vibration that sends a signal to the Angels and their helpers that the time has come to draw closer to the distressed person and support them as best as the situation and their Karma allows.
Many years after this took place, the woman became critically ill. Her local team of doctors was so baffled by her condition that in the end they advised her to consult a specialist. His name was Howard Kelly and he discovered that the woman was suffering from a rare disease. Upon hearing her name a light of recognition flashed through his mind that made him decide to do everything he could to save her life. So she received an extra high degree of care and attention, and after struggling with her condition for a long time, she made a full recovery.
When Dr. Kelly requested that the final invoice for this patient’s treatment should be presented to him for approval, he took one look at it, wrote something on the edge and then sent it to the woman’s room. Afraid that it might take the rest of her present lifetime to pay for the treatment she had received, the woman hesitated to open the envelope. When she eventually she plucked up sufficient courage to do so, to her astonishment and delight she saw that Dr. Kelly had written on the invoice:
Paid in full with one glass of milk.
Dr. Howard Kelly
Tears of joy and gratitude came to the woman’s eyes and with all her heart and soul she prayed: ‘Thank You, Great Father/Mother of all life, for your kindness, love and generosity revealing itself through human hearts and hands.’
Each act of kindness and every bit of love we give to someone casts some bread onto the waters of life. Because of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, like everything else we think, say or do, in the fullness of time our kindness returns to us. This does not usually happen through the people we gave it to, the way it did in our story. But return it unfailingly does, frequently it comes in the form of help when we are in need of it. Suddenly it is there and to our amazement hands are reaching out to us, from unexpected people and places.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Power Of Prayer’
• ‘What Happens In Heaven When We Pray?’
The Magic Bank Account
Imagine somewhere in our world there were a competition in which the main prize is a magic bank account into which every day a deposit of £86,400 is placed. You would be allowed to spend it in whichever way you wish, within certain limitations. They are as follows:
• You may only spend the money and none of it can be transferred into other accounts.
• Everything you did not spend in the course of each day is gone at the end of it.
• At the stroke of midnight every day the bank transfers another £86,400 into your account. Any time this can end without a warning, the account is closed and you do not receive another penny.
What would you do if that happened to you? As you could not possibly spend such a lot of money on yourself each day, maybe after purchasing anything you ever wanted you would do the same for all your loved ones, possibly even for people you just meet in the street and do not know. Might you wish to spend every penny because you could be sure that your account would be replenished every day?
Do I hear you say: ‘No need to think about that. It’s a silly game that could never happen in real life.’ Well, as a matter of fact it is not a game but something that really takes place every day and that for each one of us. The account is our life and the currency in it is time. We are all winners without ever becoming aware that this is the case. This is how it works:
• At the stroke of midnight every day we receive 86,400 seconds of time – free of charge, as a gift from the Universe.
• There is no need to worry about the state of our account, because it is constantly replenished. Yet, it can be closed any time and sometimes without warning. It is always today. The notion of yesterday is part of the illusion of earthly life and has gone forever. Tomorrow in truth never comes.
• Any remaining seconds when we go to sleep at night are still ours and can be spent, but only on ourselves. In dreamtime our spirit and soul goes home to the spirit realm and our energies are replenished after the stresses and strains of earthly life. If we ask for it before dropping off to sleep, we can find healing and peace with the Angels. Every second spent in dreamstate is by no means wasted. The times there are very special and precious. The spirit world has always communicated with us through symbolisms and metaphors. Sometimes they appear in our dreams trying to help us find a better understanding of a situation.
So, what are you and I doing with the prize of 86,400 seconds received today? For many years I have been spending quite a portion of my daily quota on preparing this kind of thing for you, the members of my worldwide spiritual family. And if you gain something from my work and it helps you grow in wisdom and understanding of us and our world, I consider that part of my fortune well spent.
Come to think of it, aren’t the seconds we are given every day worth a great deal more than the same amount in pounds? Are they not precious beyond compare because not all the money in our whole world can get us even a fraction of one of them back? Therefore, from now on let’s think at least for a moment about the gift we are receiving each day anew from the Universe and give thanks and praise for it and make an effort to enjoy as much as possible what’s left of our seconds. And as time passes much more quickly than we usually realise, it’s a good idea to take good care of ourselves and our loved ones, being happy and thankful for the time we are allowed to spend together.
May every one of your days, minutes and seconds be filled with a deep appreciation of this part of the beauty and wonder of the Great Father/Mother’s Creation. Start spending your gift consciously and wisely and refuse to complain about growing old, as many never get to know the experience of so many seconds in their present lifetime.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Time’
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Hot Chocolate
A group of graduates in their late thirties and early forties, each one well established in their career, during one of their reunions decided to visit their retired science professor. It did not take long until his conversation with his former students turned into complaints about the stress they were experiencing in their working and private lives. Listening intently for a while, the professor asked whether anyone would like a cup of hot chocolate. When all replied that they would love that, he disappeared into the kitchen and soon after returned with a large pot of hot chocolate and an interesting looking assortment of cups on a tray. Some of them were made of porcelain, glass or crystal. A number of them looked expensive and elaborate, while others were more plain.
The professor invited his guests to help themselves and when each had made their choice, he said: ‘Did you notice that every one of you went for the expensive looking cups and that left behind the plain and cheap ones? Although it’s normal that you want only the best for yourselves and your dependants, to me it is a pointer to the source of the troubles you are busily creating.
‘Consider for a moment whether a cup from which you are drinking can add anything to the quality of the beverage it holds? Now, imagine that the cup is the outer world of appearances and the drink represents you, your inner being and the quality of life you are leading at any given moment. The glamour of the outside has nothing to do with the quality of the beverage. As a matter of fact, the two are frequently diametrically opposed. As a result, one fine day, even though it has been prepared with the same exquisite recipe, the drink that once deeply satisfied you begins to taste insipid. Strangely enough, each time you partake of another one you are a bit more disgruntled and sad. Increasingly a feeling of: ‘There’s got to be more to life than this!’ creeps over you and makes you shiver inwardly.
‘Every one of you for some time has been going through the midlife crisis. You have reached the developmental point when the higher aspects of your nature are beginning to move into the foreground of your perception. From the subconscious level they are knocking every more strongly at the door of your earthly consciousness. Your spirit and soul are calling for your attention because so far their interests have been neglected or maybe completely overlooked by your earthly self. It’s your higher nature that is sad and disappointed about having been neglected by you for such a long time. I believe that this is the underlying reason for your feelings of dissatisfaction.’
The professor had read somewhere that the scientists Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein had seriously studied astrology. Because of people’s prejudices against this subject at their time, the men thought it best to do this secretly so as not to interfere with the credibility of their scientific work. If two such outstanding minds became seriously interested in astrology, there has to be a great deal more to it than horoscopes and fortunetelling, the professor had thought. So, when his retirement came round, he took a closer look at the Divine science and it did not take long until he also became fascinated by it.
When his guest had finished their drink, the professor continued: ‘As some of you know, I have taken up the study of astrology in my retirement. Are you interested to find out what it might be able to tell you about your present life situation?’ All nodded in agreement, so he continued: ‘Each one of you belongs to the age group 38-45. Therefore, all of you are currently occupied with working your way through the midlife crisis. Astrologically, this is known as the Uranus Opposition and that can be exceedingly trying times for anyone. It’s a time when we become restless and maybe disenchanted with what we have achieved up to that point, so that at times we begin to ask ourselves: ‘Is this all there is to life, nothing but struggling and striving? There must be better way of living and being.’
‘This is happening because hitherto undiscovered gifts and talents we developed in other lifetimes and brought with us into this one, so they could be practised and worked on some more and polished to a high sheen. There could be issues that have been put on the back boiler because of other more urgent things demanding our attention. They are now likely to push themselves into the foreground, demanding to be considered and/or resolved, at last. To enable us and our lives to move forward some difficult decisions may have to be made. The only way of rendering things less stressful for ourselves, as I know from first hand experience, is by regularly taking stock as we move through our lives. It is unwise to allow unresolved matters to fester away, until one of the special events in our lives is upon us and forces them to a head.
‘Uranus is one of the outer or generation planets. They carry this name because they move exceedingly slow and their energies influence whole generations in a similar manner. When Uranus in the Heavens has moved to the halfway position between the place it occupied in our birthchart and where it is now, we speak of the Uranus opposition. The completion of this transit stretches over several years, and marks an important part of every soul’s maturing process in its personal evolution for its present lifetime. Most people experience the influence of their opposition most strongly from between the ages of 38-45, but in some cases this may be extended for several years in both directions. Every soul in its late thirties and early forties eventually reaches this significant turning point. At this special time the Universe presents it with many opportunities for releasing the past and making progress with taking possession of its true and authentic spirit self.
‘The Uranus opposition may cause a great deal of disruption in our lives, especially for those who thus far have insufficiently attended to their inner development and the needs of their spirit. The after-effects of the Uranus opposition can in that case affect their lives profoundly for some years to come. It is not for nothing that this time of life carries the name of midlife crisis. Under its influence people may suddenly feel inclined to make some truly drastic and dramatic lifestyle changes. And if you feel increasingly that something is wrong with you and your life, you are receiving signals from your inner self that some part of you is trying to break through that thus far has been neglected by you. Don’t ignore these signs if you wish to remain healthy and make some progress on your evolutionary pathway, of which you may also become more aware at present.
‘When things get rough, reassure yourself: ‘This too will pass!’ because it surely will. I don’t want to bore you with too many details here, but if you follow the link below, you can find out more.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘38/45 Midlife Crisis - The Uranus Opposition’
A Matter Of Attitude
I once knew a man by the name of Michael. He was one of those who manages to always be in a good mood and has something positive to say about everything and everybody. Whenever someone asked Michael how he was doing, he replied: ‘If I were any better, I would be twins!’ He was a natural motivator and when one of his employees was having a bad day, he drew their attention to the importance of looking for the positive side of every experience.
One day I asked Michael: ‘Nobody can be as positive as you are all the time. How do you do it? Have you got some kind of a secret?’ He replied: ‘It’s very simple really. Every morning I wake up I say to myself: ‘I have two choices today. I can be in a good or a bad mood.’ I always go for the first option because I know that each time something happens to us, good and bad alike, we are presented with a choice. In the case of unpleasant events, we can either look at ourselves as a victim of circumstances and feel sorry for ourselves, or accept what comes and make an effort to find out what the experience is trying to teach us and what the Universe may wish to tell us through it. The same applies when someone approaches us to complain about something. We can either go along with their negative perception of life or point out to them that there is a positive side to everything.’
‘It’s surely not that easy,’ I protested. ‘Oh yes, it is,’ Michael replied. ‘Life is all about choices. When you extract the essence of any situation, you will find that there is always some kind of a choice to be made. For example, human behaviour is not compulsive, it is chosen. Yes, God and the Angels are allowing us earthlings freedom of choice. But the way I understand the matter is that this freedom merely consists of deciding how we react to our experiences. The corollary of this is that we can choose whether we allow other people to affect our moods. Being in a good or a bad frame of mind depends on the choices we make. As the captain of the boat of our lives, we are always the bottom line. It is up to us to decide how we wish to conduct our lives.’
I reflected on what Michael had told me. Soon after I left the company we both worked with at the time and started my own business. Although I lost touch with the man, I was often reminded of his words when I had to make some choices, instead of just reacting to life, the way I had done in the past.
Several years later, I heard that Michael had been involved in a serious accident. He fell from a height of sixty feet of a communications tower. After eighteen hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was sent home with some rods that had been placed in his back.
I met him about six months later and when I asked him how he was, he replied: ‘If I were any better, I’d be twins. Do you want to see my scars?’ I declined his offer but asked him what had gone through his mind, at the moment of the accident. ‘The first thing I thought of was the wellbeing of my soon to be born daughter,’ he replied. ‘When I was lying helpless on the ground, I remembered that in this situation too I was allowed two choices. I realised that this was one of those moments when I could choose to live or die. I chose life.’
‘Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?’ I asked. Michael replied: ‘Only for a while and the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine and took me to the nearest hospital. However, the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses there told me that they thought I had no chance of survival. That’s when I realised it was time for some action. So, when one of the nurses asked me whether I was allergic to anything, I replied: ‘Yes.’ All activity stopped. They were waiting for my reply. Taking a deep breath, I said: ‘Gravity’. Over their laughter, I told them: ‘I am not ready to die, I want to live. Go ahead and do what you can for me.’ Then I asked God and the Angels to guide their hands and they did.
Michael did make it, thanks to the skill of those attending to him, his positive approach to life and the power of prayer. He is living proof of the importance of positive thinking and that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible. The way he handled the situation was living proof that our approach to life matters more than anything else in earthly life. This is because thinking is the most potent instrument in the whole of Creation. Our thoughts create our reality and a positive attitude towards life reveals our faith and trust in the ultimate goodness of the gift of life the Universe has bestowed upon us.
A positive outlook acts like a powerful magnet that not only draws good things towards us, but also people who in many different ways can help us move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Whenever we have worked our way through particularly difficult and traumatic times, the way Michael did, it’s good to know that the Universal law of compensation is activated and rewards us. This is particularly true when we steadfastly hold on to our positive mind-set and do not forget to give thanks for our life and all those who – unseen by earthly eyes – are constantly beavering in the background, to keep us going, through thick and thin alike.
There are two streams of consciousness in our world, a negative and a positive one. It’s up to us to choose into which one we tune the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly minds. The positive stream is an upwards moving spiral that attracts to us ever more of the good things of our world and everything it contains. In contrast to this, the negative stream moves those who take part in it in a downwards direction. This is the realm of the whingers and moaners of our world, who with the passing of time can no longer see anything good in anyone or anything. As a result their picture of our world becomes increasingly gloomy and with the passing of time takes them ever deeper into the abyss of depression, until eventually nothing appears to be left to them than putting an end to their misery by their own hands.
The main contributors to the negative stream are the mass media. A chill wind of fear spreads from what they are constantly bombarding us with. Don’t pay attention to any of it. Refuse to be dragged down by anything and anyone’s negativity by reminding yourself that at all times millions and millions of good things are simultaneously taking place in our world. The only reason why they don’t get published is that they neither sell newspapers nor fill airtime on radio and TV.
Do not allow the mass media to sweep you into the darkness of anxiety and depression. Switch off and concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world. There is plenty of it at all times. Focus on it as much as possible and trust that in the background of life God and the Angels are working very hard to make that which is ugly in our world beautiful and all crooked corners straight. This knowledge makes it easier to remain in the positive stream of consciousness. And that is the best way for each one of us, on a daily basis, of doing something constructive and helpful for our world and doing our share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Freedom Of Choice’
• ‘The Power Of Thought’
• ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
• ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
• ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
• ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
• ‘Positive Thinking’
• ‘All Things Are Possible’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
The Nightingale’s Wisdom
Throughout the whole of a midsummer night a man had been listening to a nightingale’s song. He was so delighted that the next night he set a trap for the bird and captured it. ‘Now that I have caught thee,’ he cried, ‘thou shalt always sing for me.’
‘We nightingales never sing in cages,’ replied the bird.
‘Then I shall eat thee,’ said the man. ‘I have been told that nightingales on toast are dainty morsels.’
‘Nay, kill me not,’ replied the nightingale. ‘If you let me free, I shall tell thee three things that are worth far more than eating my poor little body.’
The man was so intrigued that he released the bird. It flew to a branch of one of the surrounding trees and from there called:
‘First: Never believe a captive’s promise.
‘Second: Keep what you have.
‘And third: Sorrow not over what is lost forever.’
With that, the nightingale flew away.
A Fable by Aesop
ca. 620-564 B.C.
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘And The Birds Were Singing’
The Nothing People
Have you heard of the nothing people?
They do not lie, but they do not tell the truth.
They do not take, but they do not give either.
They neither steal nor stop a thief.
They do not rock the boat and never pull an oar.
They will not drag you down, but always let you pull them
And if the effort kills you, the tough luck is on you.
They do not hurt you, but they refuse to help
And never volunteer for anything.
They neither love nor hate you.
They will not burn you, but fiddle happily
While you burn.
Do you know what such people are?
They are the sins of omission folks,
Spiritual voids, neither good nor bad.
They are standing still and stagnating
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
And because they never risk anything,
They can neither learn nor grow.
At least, the good keep trying
And the bad, in their own way, work just as hard.
It’s just that each is motivated by a different conviction.
Therefore, please Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Send me either a sinner or a saint,
But protect me against the nothing people.
If someone told them that they are in danger of
Wasting a precious lifetime on the Earth,
They would refuse to believe it.
Having the courage to make mistakes,
Willingly owning up to them
And looking for what they can teach us
Helps our consciousness to grow and expand.
This protects us against merely vegetating
And becoming one of the nothing people.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Doing Our Best
‘It is neither the critic who counts nor the people who point out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are in the arena and although their faces are marred by dust, sweat and blood, they strive valiantly, erring and coming short again and again, because there is no effort without it. But still they are striving to do their best with enthusiasm and great devotion.
'These people are spending themselves in a worthy cause and at best in the end they will know the triumph of high achievement. At worst, should their endeavours fail, they have been doing something and dared greatly. Therefore, their place will never be with cold and timid souls who are unfamiliar with victory and defeat.’ In every one of our earthly endeavours let’s never forget that only if we do our best can God and the Angels do the rest.'
Theodore Roosevelt
Edited by Aquarius
Doing The Right Things
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
You don’t have to like them, but love them anyway!
They are all part of your spiritual family.
They are part of you and you are part of them.
They may not yet know it, but you being wiser,
Love them anyway!
People may project their own ulterior motives onto you,
And accuse you of having them.
Rest safe in the knowledge that the Universe
Knows their hearts as well as yours.
Do good anyway!
If being successful means that we can only win
False friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway!
The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do it anyway!
What could have taken years of building up,
Can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway!
People who are in need of our help,
May attack us whilst we are trying to help them.
Help anyway!
Give the world the best that is within you,
And should it be rejected, do not stop giving.
Give anyway!
The Universal Law of Karma ensures that what we send
Into the world, has to return to us.
Give of your best and only the best is sure to return!
Some people enjoy troublemaking and scaremongering
Because they have no idea that the Universal laws,
In due course, will return their mischief to them.
It will then be their turn to suffer like many in our midst
Are doing at present and also our whole world.
They will not know why bad things are happening to them.
But knowing that they are our younger and less experienced
Siblings in the great family of humankind,
Let’s love them anyway and forgive them,
For they know not what they are doing to themselves.
Bishop Abel Muzorewa
African Spiritual and Political Leader
Edited by Aquarius
Updated September 2020
Things That Cannot Be Recovered
Stones that have been thrown
Can sometimes be retrieved,
But not thoughts.
Once they have left our mind;
Words as soon as they were spoken;
Opportunities that have been missed
And time that has been frittered away.
We are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Each one leaves an impression on the ethers and joins either a positive or negative stream and also creates something. None of what we send into our world can ever be taken back, especially not thoughtlessly spoken unkind and unloving words. They feed into the dark stream and the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course returns them to us with increased strength. That’s why wise ones guard their tongues most carefully and get their minds into gear before saying or doing anything.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
The Value Of Wisdom
There was an old owl who lived in an oak.
The more it heard, the less it spoke.
And the less it spoke, the more it heard.
Why can’t people behave a bit more
Like that wise old bird?
Ah yes, but wait a moment!
In my view, anyone who heeds
What’s been said in my previous offering,
Has good potential for becoming
As wise as a whole tree full of owls,
Much more so than the old owl
Could ever hope to be.
Edward H. Richards
Edited by Aquarius
Yesterday And Tomorrow
Have you ever considered that
It is only ever now?
That yesterday and tomorrow
Are part of the illusions of earthly life,
Where the past is called history and
The future will always be a mystery?
Every moment we are here in the now is a gift.
That’s why it’s called the present.
Eternity is not something we have to wait for,
It’s wherever we are and every second
Of our earthly existence is part of Eternity,
So let’s not waste and fritter any of them away.
If you’ve had enough of Earth life’s tests and trials
And are yearning to move on to
Exploring the higher levels of life,
Focus on developing your Christ nature.
That’s what we do whenever we give of our best
And use our gifts for shining the light of the
Wisdom and truth that we find
Along the pathway of our life,
Into our world’s darkness of ignorance
And so alleviate its suffering.
That’s how every one of us,
With the passing of time, is destined
To evolve into their own and our world’s
Saviour and redeemer.
Updated September 2020
Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Time’
The Golden Box
Some time ago, a mother punished her small daughter for using a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper she had bought for a special purpose. The family was very poor and the mother was even more upset when she discovered that the child had used the paper for decorating a box for a Christmas present.
On Christmas morning the little girl brought the box to her mother and said: ‘This is for you, mummy.’ The mother was embarrassed by her earlier over-reaction. But when she discovered that the box was empty, she said to her daughter: ‘Don’t you know, young lady, that when you give someone a present, there’s supposed to be something inside the parcel?’ With tears in her eyes the little girl replied: ‘Mummy, the box isn’t empty! It’s filled with kisses that I blew into it until it was full. You can’t see them, but they are there.’
Ashamed of her thoughtlessness, the mother hugged her little girl and asked her forgiveness. A short time later the child died in an accident and from then onwards the mother kept the golden box by her bed. Whenever she was discouraged or had to face something difficult, she opened the box, took from it some of her little girl’s kisses and thought of the love they were bringing her. And that always provided her with renewed courage and strength.
In a very real sense, each one of us has a golden box that is filled with the love and affection of our family and friends, and also of God and the Angels and many other spirit guides and helpers. Although we cannot see them, they surely are there. And no-one could have a more precious possession than one of these boxes.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Fruit Grown On The Tree Of Life
• When one door of happiness closes, another one is usually ready to open. But if we look too long at the door that has closed, we are in danger of being unable to notice the one that is waiting to open for us.
• The love and wisdom of the Great Mother knows when to give and withhold. Through withholding something the Universal life forces are teaching humankind the value of things. The most painful lessons are the best learnt. One never forgets them.
• The best friends are those with whom one can sit without saying a word and then walking away with a feeling of having had the best conversation ever.
• Always try to put yourself in another’s shoes. If it feels that something could hurt you, it is likely to do the same to the other person.
• Every day do something good for someone, even if it’s just leaving them alone, allowing them to be and learn from their own mistakes.
• A smile costs nothing and yet it has the power of lightening up the darkest and do something that makes their hearts and souls smile again.
• We are in this life for learning how to love God’s way and that means loving wisely. So let’s accept that giving someone all our love does not ensure that they will love us. Divine love loves for its own sake and without expecting anything in return. Why not just love people and wait to see whether our love can light the candle of love in their hearts? If not, be content that they have been teaching you how to love and helped you to grow in wisdom and understanding. After all, that’s the wise higher purpose of attending the earthly school of life.
• Appreciate and value those who touched your life during the times you took part in its most difficult lessons.
• Don’t go for looks because they can deceive and with the passing of time fade away. And do not chase after material wealth, as that can disappear even quicker. Seek and enjoy the company of those who have inner beauty and spiritual wealth they are willing to share with you. Pay attention to your inner guidance whether their truth could also become yours. Such gifts are priceless because they are the only ones we are allowed to take with us into Eternity. No-one will ever try to take them from us. That’s why spiritual wealth is the only thing that’s really worth acquiring on the earthly plane. The more of it we accumulate, the closer we come to no longer requiring further lifetimes in the earthly school of life.
• Hope for enough happiness to make you sweet; trials to make you strong; sorrows to remind you that they are good and right because you are a human being on an evolutionary pathway of life. Trust that you are going to find true and lasting happiness when you go home to the spirit realm at the end of your present lifetime. This will provide you with sufficient strength to cope with the tests and trials that still need to come your way on this plane.
• When we entered into our present lifetime, we were crying while everyone around us was smiling. Yet, when we leave our physical body behind, we are the smiling ones because we are returning to humankind’s true eternal home. If those around us at that time knew what’s really happening to us, they too would be smiling and be happy for us. Instead of weeping, they would be looking forward to the moment when they will be joining us in the greater beauty and freedom of our other world.
• And wherever we may find ourselves on either side of the veil that separates our two worlds from each other, let’s enjoy the gift of the life we have been given and make the most of everything it is bringing us.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Memo From God
I am your God, the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit and Light. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and the time has come when all of you need to become aware that you are never alone. Each one of you has many friends in the spirit realm – humankind’s true home, from which every one of you – without exception – emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to when you have reached it’s end. This is where your spirit/soul rests for a while and recovers from the stresses and strains of its earthly existence. Until the time has come to reapply for another one, you enjoy the greater freedom of My world. There is no other place where any one of you can go to.
During the times spent on the earthly plane, your spirit friends are always happy to help you deal with any kind of problem that’s coming your way and that’s especially valuable at present. The main law of life is love and that your spirit guides do love you. That’s why they would not dream of doing the work this entails on your behalf. If they did, your consciousness could not grow in wisdom and understanding of yourself and the world around you. In that case it could not expand, the way it is meant to do and that would make it impossible for you to move forwards and upwards on your personal evolutionary spiral as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world.
Your spirit friends helping you is an essential aspect of their own evolutionary progress. Everybody can be assisted by them. But alas, without asking no help can come to anyone from our world. But as soon as you request it, they start communicating with you through the special gift every human being has been endowed with and that’s their inner guidance or teacher. This is the wise one or living God within, the only truly reliable guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the answers to any questions you may ever care to ask and shows you the right way of reacting to whatever may come your way, at any given moment. Refuse to believe that anyone can save and redeem you. You alone can do this and each has to save and redeem themselves. You are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions – and ultimately also for the state of your world. All of you, in many different ways have brought it about. This is because you are sparks of the Universal Christ’s sacred fire and co-creators with Me. Through this every one of you is constantly in the process of bringing something into being.
You are never alone and there is no need to be afraid of anything. The spirit world is the eye that never sleeps. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, also known as My throne, and their many groups of assistants are constantly observing everything that happens on the earthly plane. We are the eye that never sleeps and who has always been looking after you with the greatest of care and love. You are safe and so is your whole world, now and forever. The pandemic 2019/2020 will soon be coming to its natural happy ending and that in quite a surprising way, for My ways are mysterious as well as loving and caring. The truth about it’s background is bubbling ever more forcefully to the surface of your world’s consciousness. Through the present circumstances, the Christ spirit in all of you is constantly increasing in strength and with it every spirit/soul’s inborn love of honesty and truth.
The inner guidance of every one of you communicates with its outer earthly personality, through the feeling world. If it’s reactions tell you that something is right, you can rely on it that for you it is – even though it may not yet be for anybody else. Do not believe the tale that God is in Heaven and you, lost and lonely, on the earthly plane. I am everywhere and everything is part of Me and, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, so is every human being. Nothing could ever separate any one of you from Me. It was a false belief that, for a wise higher reason, created an obstacle to stop you from connecting directly with Me and My realm too early. But now the time has come for doing so!
Love and thought are the greatest powers in the whole of Creation. They can create miracles where no hope seemed to exist. They can make crooked lines straight and heal any kind of condition, including the present state of your world. Your total and unconditional love for Me, and Mine for you, has the power of dissolving layer upon layer of the blockage that we created in the course of many lifetimes through the false belief that you are separate from Me. You are not! No-one will ever be able to separate us from each other. You and your world will forever be safe and there is nothing to fear. We will always be able to show how to proceed to those whose earthly minds are tuned into our frequencies. Every human mind, at least potentially, is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly waiting to flow from our realm into your world.
If your inner guidance says that what you are reading here is true and you decide to share this with your friends, I thank you for it. You could be touching their lives in many wonderful ways that you might never be aware of, for I work in mysterious and beautiful ways. I bless you all, My beloved children of the Earth.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated December 2020
Recommended Reading:
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
Of Sublime And Essential Things
I believe that in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human being is destined to evolve into a healer and distributor of light in the form of spiritual wisdom and truth. This is the road that eventually takes every one of us up the spiritual mountain of becoming a Christed one in our own right. It is the God or Christ aspect of everybody’s nature whose strength increases through sharing the spiritual wisdom and understanding we gain along the road of each lifetime we spend in the earthly school of life. There are two streams of consciousness in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. And every good, loving and forgiving thought, especially those for the troublemakers and scaremongers in our midst, feeds into our world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its strength and its ability to absorb ever more of the darkness of ignorance that’s the cause of all humankind’s problems. All good and positive thoughts feed into this stream and it becomes more powerful. When at last we are learning to work hand in hand with God and the Angels, together with them, the stream’s light can be directed into our world’s darkest corners. With their help, any kind of harmful and dangerous influence can be uplifted and transmuted into a beneficial one for the blessing and healing of all manifestations of life that shares Mother Earth with us and from there into everything that is in need of it, anywhere in the whole of Creation.
The following is the essence of advice from the Mexican poet, A. Nervo, when it comes to sharing our knowledge: ‘About sublime and essential things do not talk to just anybody. Try to find the level of those you converse with, so as not to humble or distress them. When you are with frivolous people, tune into their understanding and from time to time gently drop a petal from the flower of your dreams into their cup of comprehending. If they are unready for your gifts, smile and be on your way, safe in the knowledge that, in the fullness of time, they too will come to what you already know. Whenever someone picks up your petal, examines it and enjoys its fragrance, carefully and discreetly grant them the gift of a few more glimpses of your magic inner garden. Tell them of the invisible Divinity that surrounds and penetrates everything. And if your only motivation is love, what you are saying is more likely to enter the other person’s mind and act as an ‘open Sesame’ for the door to the understanding of their innermost being. And that’s where human beings can find the only true and everlasting freedom for which all of us for a long time are searching in vain, i.e. the spiritual freedom of believing that which our own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, tells us is true.’
Updated December 2020
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Letting Our Inner Light Shine’
• ‘Light Up Our World’
From 'Reflections On Our World’s Legends'
Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life
‘The cause of all pain and suffering of our world is ignorance.’ The Buddha
‘One candle can light thousands of others without its own life getting shorter because of it. Happiness and light never decrease through sharing, they increase.’ The Buddha
To paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to our world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’
‘Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. You can be sure that in one of your lifetimes you have been all of these.’ The Buddha
‘Words have the power to destroy and heal. Those that are true and kind can change our world.’ The Buddha
‘Kindness in words creates confidence, in thinking profoundness and in giving love.’ Lao-tzu
‘Conquering the desires of your lower earthly self is better than winning a thousand battles. The victory shall truly be yours and will never be taken from you by Angels or demons, Heaven or Hell.’ The Buddha ‘And in my view, that’s the only battle truly worth winning.’ Aquarius
‘You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, deserve your love, compassion and affection.’ The Buddha
‘No one saves us but we ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves have to walk the path.’ Gautama Buddha ‘Sayings Of Buddha’
‘Go and work out your own salvation, with diligence.’ According to the legend, the Buddha’s last words on his deathbed.
To paraphrase the Dalai Lama: ‘Once people adopt a religion, they should practice it sincerely. Truly believing in God, Buddha, Allah or Shiva should inspire one to be an honest human being. Some people claim to have faith in their religion but act counter to its ethical injunctions. They pray for the success of their dishonest and corrupt actions, asking God or Buddha to help them to hide their wrongdoings. There is no point in such people describing themselves as religious. Today the world faces a crisis that is brought about by the lack of respect for spiritual principles and ethical values. Such virtues cannot be forced on individuals or society as a whole by legislation or by science and fear cannot inspire good and right conduct. People need to be convinced of the worth of their ethical principles, so they can conduct their lives by them.’
‘The best and most beautiful things in our world can neither be seen nor touched. They have to be felt with our heart.’ Helen Keller
‘It is during our darkest moments that we need to focus on remembering that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.’ Aristotle Onassis
‘Believe you can and you are halfway there.’ Theodore Roosevelt
‘We are what we think. All that we are was created by our own thoughts. With their help all of us together have made our world the way it is at present. When we think, speak and act with a pure mind, in due course nothing but more of the same can return to us. This empowers us to bring about happiness and contentment that follows us like a shadow that no-one will ever take from us.’ Dalai Lama edited by Aquarius
‘Oh Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and the Angels around your throne, please help me to never forget that there is nothing that can happen to me today or ever that I, hand in hand with You, cannot conquer and overcome.’ Aquarius
To paraphrase a quote from the Paramahansa Yogananda: ‘When you are living and loving God’s way, you recognise in every human being the face of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. The realisation that the light of their love is in everything enters you into a magical living relationship that unites you with the trees, the sky, the stars, people and all other living creatures. Feeling your oneness with them that is the code of Divine love.’
‘To paraphrase the 14th Dalai Lama: ‘I cannot pull anyone from the hell they created for themselves, in this lifetime and previous ones. Nobody can carry you to Nirvana than you yourself. Everything depends on your own efforts. You cannot rely on anyone, no guru in the outside world. The wise one and living God within, that’s the only truly reliable and trustworthy guru who will never lead you astray and tell you an untruth.’
From 'Songs Of Inspiration'
The Impossible Dream
To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.
To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.
This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.
And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.
From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh
In the fullness of time, the unreachable star described in the above song can and is meant to be reached and that by each one of us. Each time we spread new understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, we act as lightbringers and sowers of seeds. Through this we gradually evolve into a light and a shining star in our own right, who is becoming ever more at one with the Christ Star. In this way increasing amounts of the darkness of our world are absorbed into the light of the Star and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life.
The materialism we experience during the early stages of our earthly development has its place in the grand scheme of evolution because it gets us in touch with the power of love and the first stirrings of our higher nature. As we ascend the evolutionary spiral of life, its lower counterpart is gradually left behind. Hidden behind the hunger and thirst for material possessions felt earlier on, are the first manifestations of something quite different. They were expressions of all human souls’ longing for love.
There comes a time for all of us when our earthly self begins to yearn to make contact with something it cannot yet understand. With the awakening of its higher nature and intuition, the higher part of our being can merely be sensed vaguely. Although we are as yet unable to give love, we feel the need for it in our life and yearn to be loved by someone. This draws people into our life who are willing to love us and to show us the meaning of love.
Every human being eventually reaches the evolutionary point when we begin to sense and feel the presence of the higher dimensions of life, even though so far we do not understand them, we may not even consciously be aware of their existence. The initially tiny flame of earthly love kindles a longing in our heart and soul for reaching out and loving something that is more than earthly love, that will and cannot die and will be with us forever.
During that phase of our development, whenever we observe natural phenomena like nature’s awakening in spring, we sense that behind the manifestations of such beauty and splendour there just has to be a higher power that brings it all into being. With this comes the realisation that everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, is the product of the greatest intellect of all, known as the Divine Trinity, who creates even the tiniest parts of it. Notice how each time you reflect on this, a feeling of peace and harmony begins to fill your whole being.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Light Up Our World’
• ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
• ‘The Little Things’
Christianity : An Occult Belief System
The well-known Canadian Journalist Jon Rappaport wrote in ‘The Matrix Revealed – The Trick Behind Occult Systems’: ‘It should be obvious to readers who have been with me for a while that I like nothing better than attacking delusion in more than one place, for example political, medical and so-called spiritual systems. That’s because I happen to believe in legitimate limited government, healing and the unbounded life of every individual spiritual being.
‘What about occult systems? I believe that they propose they have a hidden secret at the core, which will be revealed after a long and exhaustive search, at best are deluded, because they are concealing CONTENT. By content, I mean information, knowledge, pattern, some facet of what already exists. This is a dead-end. There is nothing wrong with truthful information. But, suppose we had a secret society called The Inner Core Flame X42. And we sold our members on the idea that, after a series of ascending initiations, they would arrive at the X, the secret of secrets. *
‘Well, what could X be? Some nugget of information, some formula or phrase or fact or made-up fact about existence that is supposed to solve problems and enlighten consciousness. But consciousness is dynamic. It isn’t a key looking for a lock. Consciousness is dynamic because it creates. It creates new realities. It isn’t primarily a container for What Is, for what already exists. If there is a secret about consciousness, that’s it. IT CREATES.
‘So no matter what X we cooked up, it would become obsolete, of minor value. Humans are ripe for buying an X because they are trained, and train themselves, to place the highest value on What Already Exists. That’s mind control par excellence. Occult systems deliver what controlled minds expect, and that’s why they’ve flourished. That’s the only reason why. But there is another way.
‘When a person sees the ‘artistic’ blow-by-blow creation of these power structures, in progress – rather than the finished product – an entirely new consciousness arises. ‘If they can create Reality for me, I can create my own. If they are artists, I can be an artist, too – but in an entirely different direction.’ The Matrix ceases to be a monolith. It reveals itself as an ongoing weave and one can observe the process at work.
‘Then, one’s own insight operates on behalf of liberation. A person can actually see how they co-operate in the progression of accepting ‘the weave.’ [And then, with the help of their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, perceive other options.]
* In my view, that’s precisely what all religions of our world have been doing, up to fairly recently. Occult, by definition, is that which is hidden from public view and/or knowledge. And who, in days gone by, would have dared to describe Christianity as an occult belief system? And yet, that’s what it has always been because the truth all along was hiding behind the surface words of its teachings, just the same as all religions from which they were extracted.
The Aquarian age is the age of wisdom and truth and the highest levels of life, for a long time, have been waiting to pour ever more of the Great Father/Mother’s vast store of spiritual knowledge into the hearts and souls of those whose earthly minds are tuned into their frequencies. Every earthly mind, at least potentially, is a human receiver/transmitter station for bringing their ideas down to the earthly plane and making them available there.
The earliest Christians were the Gnostics of the religions that existed at that time. They were well aware that the God-man Jesus is a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The Romans literalists contemptuously called these people ‘Pagans’ and brutally suppressed them. Many of the Gnostic teachings were changed to the literalists’ requirements. And that’s how the belief came about that a God-man by the name of Jesus really once appeared in earthly life. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. Ever more of the Gnostic teachings are re-appearing because by now many are capable of understanding that such a God-man never existed.
The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Light, are the executors of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation and responsible for its development. Naturally, this includes every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. At any given time, the Angels and Masters are aware of how much of God’s sacred wisdom and truth humankind can be expected to cope with and in what form it should be presented. Through making honesty and truth disappear from our world for a while, the literalist version of the Christian teachings has been an essential part of teaching our world the value of these qualities. Thousands of years are no more than the batting of an eyelid in God’s time!
What does Christianity promise will be a person’s reward for believing that Jesus really exists and one day will come forward to act as that person’s saviour and redeemer? They go to Heaven and live there with him. Fortunately, ever more of us are becoming aware that Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to. The words are metaphors for states of consciousness, which every human being is capable of creating for themselves, those around them and our whole world.
As touched upon earlier, occult refers to things that are hidden from common view or knowledge. And because the truth for a long time has been hiding behind the surface words of the Christian teachings, and for some that’s what they are still doing, Christianity qualifies for being counted as one of our world’s occult belief systems. This also applies to the older religions on which the Christian teachings are based.
For wise higher reasons the Angels and Masters designed each one of them to take the whole of humankind somewhat closer to the discovery of God’s true nature and its own. In the fullness of time, we would all discover that every human being is a spark of the great Divine fire and a young God in the making, who is serving the first part of its education through many earthly lifetimes. By the time its end has been reached, each one of us has evolved into a Christed one, in our own right.
During the final stage of that road, our lower earthly personality needs to freely and willingly, totally and unconditionally surrender its drives and urges, fears and anxieties to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher God or Christ nature. For every one of us that’s the final hurdle that equips us with a sufficiently strong dose of the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of rebellion and revolution against the lying and cheating, corruption and dishonesty we witness around us. Bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, our own Christ nature’s love of honesty and truth is the only way of releasing ourselves into the Aquarian age’s freedom. It consists of believing what our inner guidance tells us is true and not because it was written somewhere, by whoever it may have been.
I wonder how your inner guidance will react when I tell you that even though Jesus could never save and redeem anyone for the simple reason that he never existed, the Christ can. That’s what is happening in our world now and the present events are assisting the Christ nature of ever more of us to wake up. The tale of the child in the manger is an allegory of this process. And through bringing forth the Christ characteristics and practising them in our world, this part of everybody’s being constantly increases in strength. This is how each and every one of us, in the fullness of time, evolves into a Christed one, in their own right.
A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards false conclusions. To my mind, Jesus has been the most significant red herring that ever existed in our world. And the deeper we move into the age of truth, the more of us realise the true nature of the God-man as a red herring to keep humankind away from discovering too early its own God or Christ nature. But now it’s time to bring forth, each from within their own being, their very own Christ characteristics with its love for the honesty and truth of the spirit realm as well as kindness and tolerance towards all manifestations of life.
Those are the only qualities that have the power of saving and redeeming us, the whole of humankind and our world. This is because all of us, without exception, are sparks of the Christ light and therefore co-creators with God and the Angels. Everybody is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. Unbeknown to us for a long time, through them we are constantly in the process of bringing something into being. Please do yourself the favour of not hanging around and waiting for someone to wave some kind of magic wand to save and redeem you and your world. It will never happen because the time for doing so is NOW – by none other than the likes of you and me!
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘Away In A Manger’
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Power Outside The Matrix’
You Are Special (1)
Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.
Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.
That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.
Our set may already have taken many lifetimes to develop and we have been granted the gift of another one to provide us with many more opportunities for improving them some more. The whole range of our gifts produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. And the entire human race can be likened to a room filled with billions of musical instruments. Don’t be disturbed when you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that some instruments sound better than yours. This is intentional and due to the fact that every instrument is a unique creation and that ensures that no-one’s sound matches exactly anyone else’s. No matter how hard we may try to sound alike, it’s impossible.
Every human being is a tiny particle of a vast whole, for whose functioning the wellbeing of one is as important as anyone else’s. All of us are rare and precious in the eyes of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who holds a giant plan of life for the whole and a small one for each one of us within it. We were created in God’s image from the idea of the archetypal perfect son/daughter of God that exists in our Creator’s mind. In the course of many lifetimes we created the earthly personality that is ours. And whatever anyone imagines God to be, even the greatest sceptics are bound to admit that it’s impossible that we and our world appeared out of nothing and nowhere.
Humankind is not some kind of a random and haphazard appearance or cosmic joke. Earth life is a school and we are spending time in it so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that’s how our Creator wants us to be. Everybody contains the seed of perfection and the only thing we have to do to achieve it, is integrate every aspect of our nature, our earthly mind and body as much as our spirit and soul. By constantly giving of the best that rises from within the very core of our own being, our nature’s Divine characteristics move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness and gradually take over.
Wherever we shall find ourselves, we can be sure that we are always at the right time in the right spot. We have been placed there to do our share of making our planet a happier, more peaceful and beautiful place for those around us, whilst not overlooking our own needs. Each one of us was created to fulfil one specific task in earthly life during our world’s transition from one age into another, which for some time has been taking place. One particular job is waiting to be done by all of us. It can only be carried out by us and therefore rightfully ours. To enable us to find it, it’s essential to pay attention to the guidance of wise one or the living God within. This part of us has the ability to reveal the right way of how to go about things through the world of our feelings and our natural inclinations.
We are in this life to dream our own dreams and pursue them and not those of others, no matter how dear they may be to those around us, even our parents or grandparents. Only by never imitating or copying others can we hope to be true to our real and highest nature and attend to our special assignment. We are sure to find it when we act in keeping with Its will and wishes, say a loud and clear ‘no’ to the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature and give of our best at all times. Hand in hand with God and the Angels can we then go full steam ahead with developing own unique and precious set of gifts to its highest potential and bring it to full flowering. The success we are dreaming of is sure to come our way if we are willing to work sufficiently hard. If this does not happen in our present lifetime, it will do so in a future one. So, why not get stuck into it, now?
It’s a bit like applying for a job, but this time we shall be luckier than we have ever been before. Just imagine, out of the billions of potential applicants we alone have the right qualifications. What more could anyone ask for? However, the success that is our promise is not going to drop into our lap like manna from the Heavens. Wise ones know that insisting on living selfishly and treating life as an endless round of pleasure-seeking is not the right way to go about it. On the road to fulfilling their highest aspirations and hopes, ideals and dreams, they work for the good of the whole in keeping with the guidance they receive through the world of their innermost feelings.
Only a fool would deny that we are living in exciting times and to make the most of the opportunities they have in store for us, all we have to do is reach out for the guiding, helping and protecting hands of God and the Angels, the highest authorities in the whole of Creation. Persevering with our efforts is worthwhile, so that we don’t miss our chance for learning to walk once again in safety and peace on our beloved planet in the process of evolving into one of its healers, guardians and keepers. Each one of us is required to make their own contribution to the blessing and healing of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. These notes are part of mine.
All of us eventually have to learn how to take care of the welfare of our world, so that it slowly evolves into a better place for everybody and everything that shares it with us. This is by no means entirely unselfish, because although we are presently working for future generations, let us not forget that in coming lifetimes we may once again be walking amongst them in a different guise. And if that does not make every small effort one of us makes worth while, then please tell me what is.
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’
However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.
When wise ones think only of the good of others and aim to alleviate their pain and suffering, they are contributing to the transmutation of earthly life’s dense vibrations into higher and more heavenly ones. Anyone else who seriously longs for spiritual development and the unfoldment of their higher vision first needs to surrender their small earthly self’s desires to the will and wishes of the Divine forces. As soon as they selflessly offer themselves as channels for bringing comfort and healing to those who are sick in mind and body, spirit and soul, they are serving not merely the good of their present lifetime but all future ones.
That’s how each one of us freely and willingly will eventually be doing their share of helping God and the Angel to create a better and more spiritually advanced state of life for Mother Earth and every one of her children. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I can do nothing. On my own I am nothing. The Great Father/Mother and their Angels are doing their work through me. I am but their humble servant and channel.’ In the fullness of time this will become the leitmotif of every human being.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘Our World Needs You’
• ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
• ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
• ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
You Are Special (2)
Give Of Your Best
My inner guidance says: ‘Life on the earthly plane is a place of learning. It’s a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the role of teacher and pupil. Everybody taking part in it is equally loved and all have been equally gifted by the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are humankind’s true parents and preferences of any kind are unknown to them. Every one of you has come through earthly parents, but you are not of them. You live in physical bodies and that’s your vehicle for getting around on the material plan, which is meant to last for one lifetime only. It’s the outer shell in which every human spirit/soul is temporarily clothed. Like all earthly things, physical bodies get worn out and then have to be recycled.
‘Your physical body’s genes have been inherited from the ancestral life through which your earthly parents entered their present lifetime, because all were taking part in the same lessons which they needed for a specific part of their earthly education. Your inner being, however, is something quite different. It’s uniquely everybody’s own because it was created by them alone and that could have taken many earthly lifetimes. Everything you ever learn is eternally yours. No-one ever can or will even attempt to take it away from you. The memories of everything that ever happened to you are stored in the subconscious part of your own being. This includes the weaknesses as much as the strength you’ve developed thus far. To enable you to continue working on and with these character traces, your soul memories accompany you into every new earthly lifetime. From the moment you take your first breath, they are influencing you in either positive or negative ways.
‘For some time by now, the greatest transformation that your world has ever experienced has been and still is taking place. Your planet is changing from an over-materialistically and especially money-spinning orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. Every one of you has a special and unique role to play in this transformation. What God and the Angels expect from you is basically very straightforward and simple. The only thing they are asking is that each one should share whatever is already at their disposal from their special gift. For as long as you give of your best and wish to serve the good of the whole, instead of pursuing selfish aims, they will do the rest.
‘Each one of you was gifted in some specific way, because that enables you to play your very own unique role in your world’s present transformation. It does not matter that to this day, many of you have not yet discovered their gifts. Although they are still slumbering in the subconscious part of your being, all you have to do is go in search of them and start developing the. Ask God and the Angels to help you find them. There are also many in your midst who have already spent many earthly lifetimes of unfolding their gifts. Giving of them freely and unselfishly for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that’s the only way they can come to full flowering.
‘Every one of you was brought into being and released into experiencing earthly life at a different time. Regardless of this, since then all of you have been occupied with attending to the initial part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making. This is how it’s come about that the spiritually older and more mature members of the great family of humankind were able to assist their younger and less experienced siblings to cope with their earthly existence. And that’s not different to what happens in any good earthly family. It was the love and wisdom of your Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that designed both parts of humankind’s existence in this manner. It goes without saying that the spiritually more advanced children of the Earth should help their younger and less experienced siblings to grow in wisdom and understanding. That’s how all of you have always been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, steadily and one step after another, each on their own spiral and simultaneously on the one for the whole of humankind and your world. This will forever continue.
‘Something like a veil separates your world from its inner spiritual background and us, your spirit friends and helpers. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of us have always accompanied each one of you, from the moment of your first appearance on the earthly plane. Although these helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that they have always been with you and that they will never leave you. At all times they are occupied with guiding and protecting every earthly self against damaging or destroying the essence of their being and that’s the Divine spark within every human spirit/soul. These friends never interfere with anyone’s earthly existence and the development of their unique earthly personality. Only when something is in danger of getting out of hand are we allowed to step in and say: ‘So far and no further!’ That’s our reaction to your world’s present state, in which every one of you has their own unique role to play. And just in case you have not yet have discovered what your gifts are, turn to your very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within every human being, and ask to be shown intuitively.
Aquarius is the voice of God, whatever that may mean to you at present. ‘You Are Special’ is one of the oldest and best loved parts of the Aquarian writings. For many years by now, the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life has been communicating with you through these writings. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there. I always listen but only respond when someone asks for it. You always have been and forever will be as much part of Me, as I am part of you. Never doubt that I am always with every one of you, that you have always been safe and forever will be, and that all is well with you and your world and that its reins are resting safely in My loving hands.
Updated June 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Children’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
• ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
• ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
• ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’
You Are Special (3)
The Plandemic : Twice Over
My inner guidance continues: ‘Your whole world’s most urgent need is being healed, the same as every aspect of each one of you requires healing. As soon you feel that yours is beginning, your time has come for reaching out to those around you and for sharing with them everything that your healer’s pathway has taught you thus far. That’s how every one of you can make their own contribution to the healing of the whole of humankind and your world.
For this task God and the Angels need your help as much as you need theirs. And for as long as you really are doing your best and do not forget to ask for the assistance from the Highest, they are more than happy to show you intuitively how to each one of you can make their unique contribution to transforming Mother Earth into a more honest and truthful, harmonious and peaceful place.
‘Each time one of you is proceeding in this manner, for as long as your requests are in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are more than happy to oblige and do what has been asked for. There is every reason for trusting that all is well with your world and that’s because its present state is an essential part of the Divine plan. And that’ the first reason why it’s good and right to call your world’s present state a plandemic. The second reason, as touched upon in earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, the pharma industry for a long time has been concentrating its efforts on the planning of another pandemic. The greed of the companies involved blinds them to the fact that the lying and cheating that’s necessary for sowing the fear of a non-existent virus into ever more human hearts is the very rope on which the entire industry, for many years by now, has been busy with the process of hanging itself. We shall return to this in the next chapter.
‘This is how, with every passing day, a bit more of the faith and truth the people of your world once had in the pharma industry’s products is disappearing. It’s in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan that humankind, in due course should return into the welcoming arms of the time-proven natural healing methods that always have been available to humankind. This will continue for as long as the last one of you requires them. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are delighted to observe how ever more of you these days are becoming aware that every aspect of their being, i.e. mind and body, spirit and soul, can be healed by tuning into the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels.
‘The only thing anyone needs to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into their frequencies. And that’s how every one of you is destined to evolve, with the passing of time, into a channel through which the healing energies can flow into your world. They are meant to be used first for the healing of every aspect of your own being and then for all those around you who are in need of them. All you have to do is ask and never forget: ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there and happy to respond.’
‘One of the main reasons why God and the Angels allowed a plandemic to come about is because it serves the purpose of weaning humankind from the bad habit of believing that everything they hear, see or read anywhere is true. This behaviour is a leftover from the previous age, the Piscean age, which has been over for quite some time by now. This age was co-ruled by the planets nebulous Neptune and vast and extensive Jupiter. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac in which every human being stands before themselves and has to deal with at least some of the karmic debts that up to that point have accumulated in their spiritual bank accounts. That’s what the whole of humankind had to do during the Piscean age. The negative aspects of the ruling planets Neptune and Jupiter explain why the Piscean age could not help being a period when blind faith and extreme gullibility ruled supreme.
‘We are glad to observe that the majority of those who at present are attending the earthly school of life, in the meantime have matured into responsible mature spiritual adulthood. Gullibly swallowing everything that comes their way and believing it really is true, just because it’s written or shown somewhere and someone insists that it is true, that’s not all right for anyone. Although it’s understandable for those who are still experiencing their spiritual childhood and adolescence, but for the spiritually older and more experienced ones in your midst that’s not good enough. The time for learning how to make the best possible use of your God-given right of freewill has come. And that means making your own decisions, thinking your own thoughts that are based on the reactions of your very own inner guidance to everything you see, hear or read, and only then coming to your own conclusions.
‘Every one of you has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime to enable them to bring forth, each from deep within their own being, the special gifts and talents that were programmed into the Divine spark when you first came into being. And if sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is the only thing you can do with your gifts so far, that’s good enough. People who behave like that are sure to be your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. If they were not, they would never dream of wanting to hurt or harm anyone. Forgiving them is good and right, for they really do not know what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is sure to return to them – unless you in some way helps their higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state.
‘It’s good to observe how ever more of you in your world are becoming aware that their earthly existence has an inner spiritual background; that it’s but a thin veil of consciousness that separates your two worlds from each other; and that the spirit part is a realm of thought. Even what many in your world to this day like to think of as their most secret thoughts, on our side it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. The intentions behind every thought, word and action in your world also are clearly visible in ours. It’s the thinking of those on your side that, at any given time, shows us whether someone has spiritually ripened to the state of pure wheat or should still be counted as chaff.
‘The purest of wheat are those who know that they are personally responsible for every thought, word and action they ever released into the Universe. The spiritually younger and less experienced siblings need the assistance of their elder siblings. People’s behaviour shows us, at any given time, what category of sheep they belong to. How about you? Are you glad to be led by your nose like a sheep to the slaughter or in this case taking part in being vaccinated with some of the pharma industry’s dubious products? Wise ones pay attention to how their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within them, reacts and says either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
‘As touched upon earlier, nothing on the earthly plane belongs to you. Everything is borrowed and a gift on time. Even your physical body is not yours. It’s been given to you as a vehicle for getting around in the material world and that for but one lifetime. When that has reached its end, independent of how long it may last each time, be it one day or a hundred years and more, your physical body is your spirit/soul’s outer shell that needs to be recycled, even though it may not be worn out.
‘Nothing on the earthly plane is meant to last forever. That’s why it decays, but the only exception is gold. Even if this metal has been buried underground for thousands of years, it remains unchanged. The world around you is constantly trying to tell humankind about what’s happening on the inner levels of someone’s being. The unchanging state of gold is the Universe’s way of saying that the only variety of gold that’s truly worth acquiring on the earthly plane is that of spiritual wisdom and truth. This kind of knowledge, when it is combined with the ability of not merely knowing something but also understanding it, spiritually is the purest of gold that never changes is texture or loses any of its value. This is the only thing that every one of you can take with them, when the end of each earthly lifetime has come round. It’s the only property that truly belongs to you and accompanies you throughout Eternity. No-one would dream of taking it from you.’
You Are Special (4)
Journey’s End
My inner guidance continues: ‘Your world’s present situation is the end of humankind’s long journey through the dark tunnel of not knowing the true nature of God and who and what every one of you really is. From the dark tunnel of being ignorant of these things, ever more of you are rapidly moving into the light of discovering plenty of spiritual wisdom and truth as well as understanding it. That’s why Albert Einstein, 1879-1955 wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’
‘This is how the plandemic is serving the ultimate purpose of waking steadily increasing numbers of people out of the sleeping beauty slumber of their higher God or Christ nature. The Aquarian age is bringing your world the discovery that behind the thorn-hedge that grew in the course of thousands of years of all-male religions with its web of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, the beauty and wonder of spiritual wisdom and truth has merely been hiding. It’s not gone away; it never will. And that’s how ever more of you are in the process of finding out about humankind’s origin, spiritual nature and the high and holy destiny that has always been in store for every human being, as soon as someone’s earthly education has reached its end.
‘Let’s stop for a moment to have a closer look at your world’s fairy tales. First ‘Snow White and the seven Dwarves’ and the piece of poisonous apple that in the first part of the story gets stuck in the throat of the most beautiful young maiden the world had ever seen. To cut a long story short, when Snow White bit into the poisonous half of the apple her jealous step mother offered, the girl fell down and appeared to be dead. But, as we later find out, she merely went to sleep and her great beauty remained unchanged. Eventually, the poisonous apple piece emerges from her throat, Snow White comes alive again and so does the world around her. The story is filled with symbolisms that are reaching beyond the end of the patriarchy and the age of truth.
‘The same applies to the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. It’s about a princess who on her fifteenth birthday falls into a deep sleep after pricking her finger on a poisonous spindle with which an old woman had been spinning wool. Thirteen fairies existed in the girl’s father’s kingdom and every one of them blessed the girl with some kind of a special gift. However, because the king had only twelve golden plates and sets of cutlery, the thirteenth fairy was not invited. She found out and attended the festivities when they were almost over. In her anger she cast a spell that on her fifteenth birthday the princess should fall down dead. Fortunately, the twelfth fairy had not yet given her gift. As she could not undo the curse, she softened it by saying that the princess should not be dead, merely fall into a deep sleep.
‘This is what happened. The girl fell asleep and a thorn hedge started to grow around the place where she was lying. With every passing year, it grew thicker and the thorns became more poisonous. The king was so desperate that he promised the hand of his daughter in marriage to any prince who could wake her. The sleeping girl’s beauty had become known far and wide and many princes arrived, who were willing to risk their lives trying to penetrate the thorn hedge. None of them succeeded, one after the other perished by getting stuck in the hedge and its thorns. But when the time is right, another prince appears on a white steed and, quite magically, the hedge opens on its own and its thorns change into beautifully scented roses. The prince finds the girl and straight away falls so deeply in love with her that he kisses her. She wakes up, comes fully alive and so forth. . .
‘Sleeping Beauty is another story that appeared during the patriarchy to indicate that the beauty of God’s sacred spiritual wisdom and truth has never gone from our world entirely. In both cases it’s a beautiful girl who falls into a deep slumber. The stories were trying to tell you that the feminine wisdom and love of the Great Mother of all life never went from your world altogether. It merely withdrew for the length of the patriarchy. Even though it lasted approx. six thousand years, in God’s time of Eternity it does not amount to more than the batting of an eyelid.
‘The sleeping beauty is a symbolism for the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. For the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, Her beauty fell asleep behind a hedge that had carefully been equipped with the most poisonous and deadly thorns of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that, with the passing of time, accumulated in the teachings of your world’s old religion’s. Stories like those of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were given to humankind in the hope that sufficient numbers of people would be able to recognise their symbolisms and the higher esoteric wisdom and truth that in these tales, like your world’s religious teachings, were hidden behind their surface words. In times gone by, it was a safe way of telling that in due course your world’s feminine energies would reappear; that their softening, beautifying and civilising influences were destined to wake up one day and be restored in all their glory, for the blessing and healing of your world.
‘Rejoice, because that’s what has been happening in your world for some time by now. The process of rectifying its balance at present is not quite complete. For quite a while humankind has been occupied with the gradual returning of the feminine to its rightful place as equal partner of the masculine. It’s not surprising that this is a difficult task after approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its unnatural all-male religions. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit and light of the Universal Christ, never changed. Nothing can or ever will, in spite of what your old religions to this day are telling you about who is at the head of the whole of Creation.
‘1 = first impulse of Creation, the Great Father’s masculine elements of Fire = creative ideas and Air = the power of thought that transmits them to
2 = second impulse of Creation, its counterpart, the Great Mother’s feminine elements of Earth and Water. The Father’s ideas are constantly flowing into the Mother’s womb, i.e. the whole of Creation. Her wisdom and love decides which ones should come into manifestation, first on the inner spiritual plane and then on the outer material one. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are in charge of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Serving the Great Father/Mother, they are responsible for manifesting the ideas that have been accepted and see to it that they appear wherever they are meant to go.
‘The Angelic kingdom, together with its countless spirit helpers on all levels of life, then starts slowing down the vibrations of 3 = the spirit and light of the Universal Christ. And that’s how the Great Father/Mother in close co-operation with each other and the Angelic kingdom always have and forever will be bringing everything into being that is intended to appear in the world of matter, after it having been created on the inner spiritual plane. Even though that part of your world is invisible to earthly eyes, it is teeming with millions of different lifeforms.
‘And whether you are as yet aware of this or not, every one of you consists of a masculine and a feminine part, just like your Creator. That’s why the nature of every man in your world consists of masculine as well as feminine energies. From the subconscious level the feminine aspect of his nature affects everything he does in his outer masculine physical body. And vice versa. It’s the Universe’s way of helping you to get to know your innermost being. The world around you is its outer material manifestation.
‘The re-balancing of your world’s energies could only come about in God’s time, not yours, i.e. only when the planetary energies are right. And that time is NOW. The deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth will become known to everybody in your world. The energies of the year 2022 for some time by now have been in the process of steering your world through its greatest transformation ever. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
You Are Special (5)
2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders
My inner guidance continues: ‘I would like to remind you that the 1st January 2021 in truth was the end of the year 2021 and the beginning of 2022. And that’s a year when miracles and wonders, and especially the greatest miracle of all, the transformation of your whole world, can and will happen. The numbers 11 and 22 are your world’s Master vibrations. The 222 moves the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, onto the next higher evolutionary level. The 22 being followed by the 0 = the circle of Eternity and then another 2 confirms this.
‘Monday 21st June 2021 is the day of the summer solstice and the Sun moves into Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon that’s dedicated to the Great Mother of all life. Monday is also under Her rulership and that increases the influence of Her feminine energies on everything that exists in your world, including every one of you, your loved ones and friends. The solstice day this year is under the influence of 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 = 15/6 = Venus, the planetary ruler of the earthy fixed sign Taurus and airy cardinal Libra.
‘In each sign Venus brings beauty, peace and harmony in a different way. During a lifetime in Taurus you concentrate on enjoying the good things of the Earth. You learn about the value things. Taureans above all love money because that will buy them as much as possible of the good things of the Earth. Libra is the sign of marriage and relationships in general. Lifetimes in this sign are spent by concentrating on good relationships. Libra is the peacemaker and diplomat of the zodiac.
‘The energies of the next Full Moon are going to be beneficial. It takes place on Thursday 26th June 2021 at 18.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime in the sign Capricorn. Ruled by the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac, Saturn, this is the sign in which humankind’s hopes and dreams of the highest achievements can find fulfilment, but only when you go about it the right way, i.e. with self-discipline and self-mastery. This full Moon promises to bring enlightenment to your world, i.e. a better understanding of things that could have been puzzling you for a long time. This time it is likely to emerge about the leaders of large public organisations and institutions, for example governments and their police forces, health systems and the industries that are supposed to serve them.
‘But let’s return to fairy tales for a moment. They were originally not written for the entertainment of children. Each one was an attempt to provide grown-ups with spiritual education, hope and encouragement about what’s ahead for humankind. During the time of the patriarchy, the spreading of such stories was a dangerous pastime. But in spite of that, for a long time they circled by world of mouth only. The German Brothers Grimm eventually set about collecting them and writing them down, so they could be published in bookform. The truth about your world’s situation, destiny and future at that time had to be hidden most carefully behind the stories’ surface words and they were presented to your world as fairy tales. This was necessary because at that time your world’s old religions did all they could to hide the truth. They did not shy away from wiping out anyone who dared to voice the slightest of doubts that any of their ever stranger tales was not literally true.
‘Through them, with the passing of time, layer upon layer of fear was piled into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s how the knowledge of our race’s origin, the true nature of God and everyone’s own was almost lost, but not quite. The separation from your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, left a deep inner wound behind in every one of you. During each earthly lifetime another layer of fear was piled onto this wound and stored in the subconscious part of everybody’s being. Without working your way through every one of these layers and dissolving each one of them, gaining access to the Source of your being and directly connecting with it is impossible. Yet, that is every human being’s birthright. Each layer has to be removed in a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion.
‘God’s great evolutionary plan provides that, with the help of the plandemic, ever more of you are waking up from the illusion that their earthly existence is all there is to life. Their time has come for realising that earthly life is but a school and a place of learning that exists for the wise higher purpose of helping every human being to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding. They, the same as everybody else, have been granted the gift of another lifetime to enable you to go in search of consciousness expanding experiences. The limited time of every earthly existence is precious and by no means meant to be spent with money-spinning and acquiring ever more of the good things that Mother Earth seems to offer. It seems as if they were there just for the taking, but that impression is misleading. With the passing of time, every one of you is destined to turn into a gold-digger of a very special kind. You then realise that the only gold that’s truly worth owning on the earthly plane is spiritual wisdom and understanding and that hunting that type of fortune is good and right for you.
‘This brings us full circle back to the pharma industry’s products. Your world’s natural healing methods were only temporarily pushed out of their time-proven place by them. For many of you, though only for a while, pharma chemicals seemed to work and the pharma industry worked very hard on systematically suppressing all natural healing methods. Steadily increasing numbers of you by now realise that the best the pharma industry’s products could ever hope to achieve has been suppressing the symptoms of illnesses. And that will never be a substitute for looking for and, with the help of God and the Angels, locating their underlying causes and then setting about healing them. That’s what your world’s natural healing methods have always been doing and will continue to do, for as long as anyone in your world requires them.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
• ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
• ‘Our World In Transition’
• ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘I’ll Find My Way Home’
You Are Special (6)
All About Flu And Vaccinations Against It
One of my friends wrote to me in the year 2005. This year has become known as the year of bird flu. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza has caused government officials to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with pandemic influenza. That’s when one of my friends wrote the following: ‘I swear this whole bird flu saga is something straight from some television mini-series or fiction novel. However, as you know, you couldn't make up a story like this tale of greed and political corruption.
Earlier this year, the United States placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion. It was abundantly clear that this drug was not going to help anyone with the flu, and now we find out that it has a serious potential of killing children that are vaccinated with it.
To add insult to injury, the drug companies have made a sweet arrangement with the U.S. government that they are not liable for any of the side effects from the drugs. President Bush's $7.1-billion pandemic flu plan seeks broad limits on lawsuits against producers of vaccines and antiviral drugs, but is silent on how those injured or killed by adverse reactions might be compensated.
The liability shield is contained in the Pandemic Flu Countermeasure Liability Protection Act of 2005. It would protect producers and distributors of emergency vaccines from injury suits except in cases of "wilful misconduct," a term to be defined later by the attorney general and the secretary of Health and Human Services.
So, even if these drugs or vaccines wind up killing innocent children or adults, for that matter, these companies will not be held liable. But you don't have to worry as on Saturday the FDA announced that Tamiflu was safe. Of course, this is the same agency that gave Vioxx its safety blessing, before it killed 55,000 people.
If Tamiflu kills U.S. children, Roche will plead that they had no idea it could do such a thing! They will claim reports such as this one out of Japan were unverified, and that there was no way they could have known it was a problem.
It just doesn't get much worse than that. When will America wake up and say enough is enough? If this bothers you as much as it does me, you will want to be on the alert for a special animation I have created that could make a major difference in this country by helping people realize that we are not hopeless and that we can make a difference. I plan on releasing the video the first week of January, and we hope it will gain as much national attention as the Jib Jab video did last year.
Not that they will make any great efforts to find out if it is a problem -- if you've been paying attention to the way the drug companies operate, you know that any potential problem with their drugs is something they want to find out about after it has been sold to millions of people, not before.
As you probably understand by now, drugs are rarely the answer to your health problems. And vaccinations are a dangerous alternative to simply taking care of yourself.
Vaccines, which often contain mercury, are linked to several chronic illnesses including:
Behavioral disorders
Ear infections
An essential resource for anyone interested in protecting their health and the health of their loved ones is Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal, a two-hour video by world-renowned vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The video is the culmination of Dr. Tenpenny's three-year investigation into the real story behind vaccines. The facts on several crucial areas are covered including:
1. How vaccines can cause illnesses
2. The very real link between vaccines and developmental learning and behavioural disorders in children
3. How vaccines have never been proven safe
4. The ingredients and contaminants in vaccines and why they're detrimental to your health
5. How vaccine studies are seriously flawed
If you want to avoid catching the flu , drugs and vaccines are not the answer. Your body and health are better served by addressing the reasons why the immune system is impaired, which allows it to acquire the infection to begin with. Here are some much healthier and less expensive steps you can take:
1. Avoid sugar
2. Get enough rest
3. Eat garlic regularly
4. Don't let stress overwhelm you
5. Exercise regularly
6. Wash your hands
Last but not least, here are some more of Jon Rappaport’s recent offerings that are once again spot on, especially item three. Consult your own inner guidance about everything else that’s available in Jon’s blog.
1) ‘Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous.’ On 28th May 2021 the following reached me:
2) ‘Who needs a fake virus when we’ve got opioids?’ by Jon Rappaport 2nd June 2021
3) ‘Forgotten moments from the history of vaccines; yes, history matters.’ By Jon Rappaport 9th June 2021
From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'
You Are Special (7)
All Things Are Possible
With the help and will of God and the Angels
And a better understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
All things really are possible,
Any condition can be healed,
Crooked corners made straight
And mountains of false beliefs,
Prejudices and superstitions uplifted and
Transmuted into Divine wisdom and truth.
If our minds can conceive something is possible
And we believe in it with all our hearts and souls,
God and the Angels will do the rest.
That’s why I now ask you,
O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
To grant me the gift of Your wisdom
And help me to choose wisely,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
I can serve you and together with You work
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of all,
Rising above and leaving behind
The selfish desires and destructive urges
Of my earthly nature.
May Your will be mine
And my will be Yours.
May Your inspiration flow through me,
And Your sacred words and prayers be mine
So that they contribute to the
Peaceful and harmonious unfolding of all life,
In keeping with Your will and wishes
That can clearly be seen in Your Great evolutionary plan.
Through transmuting, hand in hand with You and the Angels,
All influences that are harmful and damaging for
Us and everything that shares our world,
Into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal
Every individual immunity system
And also that of our whole world,
May the 2019/2020 pandemic soon reach its
Natural and happy ending.
In the name of love and on behalf of
The whole of humankind
I am asking for this.
Updated February 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
• ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
From 'A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran'
You Are Special – Part Eight
About Children
Holding a babe on her bosom, a woman said:
‘Speak to us of children’,
And the Prophet replied: ‘Your children are not your children;
Every human being is a beloved child of the Earth
Of the Great Father/Mother.
We are all manifestations of life that’s steadfastly moving
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral
Of the whole of Creation, one of their own as well as
One for the whole of humankind and our world.
Your children come through you, but they are
Neither of you nor from you.
Even though they are with you for a while,
They do not belong to you.
You can give them your love, but try not to make
Them think your thoughts.
From as early as possible, teach each one how
To think its own thoughts,
Come to its own conclusions and
Develop its own opinions.
Although you house their physical bodies for a while,
Their spirit/souls are uniquely their own.
In their soul memories they have brought with them
Their own hopes, dreams and aspirations
And they may not be the same as yours.
That’s what you also did when you entered
Your present lifetime and will do again,
Should you need to return to this plane
In a future lifetime, in case you have not yet
Finished your education in the earthly school of life.
Being like your children is good for you.
It keeps you young at heart with them and you continue to
Observe our world with the innocence of a childlike perception.
Whatever you do, forget about making your children like you,
As that would be holding back their development
And not do nothing to assist yours.
Sagittarius is the zodiac’s sign in which
Humankind’s superconscious faculties are developed.
It symbol is the archer, half human and half God.
Parents are the bows from which
The Great Father/Mother of all life
Is sending everyone of Its children forth like
Living arrows onto the material plane.
The members of Angelic Kingdom serve the Divine archer.
They love to shoot their arrows as far and wide as possible.
They alone can see the marks, which are invisible
To earthly eyes, that every arrow leaves behind
And how much progress it is making
On its pathway of getting to know itself
As a spark of the Great Light and
A young God in the making.
That’s how, in the course of many earthly lifetimes,
Every one of us evolves into an ever more perfect and beautiful
Manifestation of the archetype that exists in
The Great Father’s mind.
The first step of our apprenticeship as a young God
Is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
It has reached its end as soon as
We have evolved into a Christed one,
Each in their own right.
The Divine archer loves parents who not only
Give their children roots in which they can grow but also
The freedom to fly when they are ready to leave the nest;
Stepping back and setting their offspring free,
Safe in the knowledge that they will do well because
From early on they have been encouraged
To make their own mistakes, so they can learn from
Their own experiences and dream their own dream.
Support your children to fulfil their own highest potential,
As that sets you free to attend to yours.
The Archer loves wise parents and teachers,
Who tell the children in their care that they are the children of God
And that therefore each one is as precious and unique as the other;
Who appreciate that although children at first live
In smaller bodies than their own, they have nonetheless
Come into our world as a fully developed spirit/soul,
Who may have a much longer evolutionary history
Behind it than its parents;
And that their gifts and talents are not inherited from
Any of their forebears but it could already have taken
Many lifetimes to develop them and bring them
To full flowering, maybe in this one.
Wise parents tell their offspring that:
They are not some kind of appendix of them;
They have been granted the gift of another lifetime
To learn, evolve and grow some more through their own experiences,
The same as they are doing and forever will continue to do.
When their children go to school, they point out that they are
Learning for themselves and for life itself,
Not only for this lifetime, but for Eternity.
They explain that every human being is personally responsible
For every one of their thoughts, words and actions,
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them to is sender.
That’s why in each lifetime we are born to parents who are
Like the parent we ourselves were during our most recent lifetime.
Wise parents teach their children that they are personally
Responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them.
Through their example they are showing that,
If one wants to get anything of value from earthly life,
It’s essential to first put something valuable into it.
From as early as possible, wise parents encourage their children not to blindly swallow everything they hear, see or read; not to believe that something is true just because someone says so, whoever they may be; to let everything flow through the inner filter of their very own wise one or living God within, who communicates with everybody through the world of their feelings. If something is true or false, this guidance reliably lets us know.
Wise parents don’t endlessly give to their children. Through first giving something and then withholding it for a while, their offspring learn about its value. That’s how the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother have always been teaching us, their beloved children of the Earth the value of honesty and truth. And this is why our world needed approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. With the old religions unnatural all-male God-head and their steadily increasing store of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, and the insistence of their leaders that they are literally true, one step after another honesty and truth were almost completely removed from our world.
Although it seems that God and the Angels are allowing the present outburst of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, they will never cease to be the eye that does not sleep. Wise ones know that it must be happening for a wise higher reason. They forgive your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers because they really do not know what they are doing – most of all to themselves when, in due course, the law of Karma returns to them the seeds they are so happily sowing far and wide.
Wise ones know intuitively that our world’s present state is the crescendo and final instalment of being taught the value of honesty and truth. When they have reappeared, they will be appreciated and treasured beyond compare. Every one of us will ensure that they will never again go from us and our world. Wise parents realise that the Great Father/Mother together with their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, are the true parents of the whole of humankind. Earthly parents can merely act as their representatives and can only ever be substitutes for the real thing.
From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
• ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
From 'Healing Corner For Parents & Children'
You Are Special – Part Nine
What Do Our Children Learn At School?
Well, what do they learn?
That two and two make four,
And Paris is the Capital of France,
But where and when are they going to learn
Who and what all of us truly are?
Why don’t we ourselves ask them:
‘Do you know who you are?’
When they say they don’t know, tell them
‘You are a unique marvel – every human being is.
There is no-one in the whole of Creation,
Who is exactly like you or me.
What’s more, during all the millions of years
That have come and gone, since humankind
First appeared on the Earth,
In the long course of its evolution,
And however many more years of this are still to come,
There has never been another being like you and me,
And there never will be.
Humankind eagerly searches for miracles and
Loves to dig deep into all kinds of mysteries.
Why then is it so hard for us to recognise
That we are the greatest mystery of all and
That the physical bodies each one of us is living in
Is one of the greatest wonders of our world?
This means every one of us has been born
Into their own private marvel.
Take a good look at your whole body,
Your arms, hands and fingers, legs, feet and toes.
See how cleverly everything moves and works together?
It’s nothing short of a magnificent work of art and
A masterpiece of engineering.
Isn’t that’s worthy of being called a miracle, my child?
As you grow up, you will sometimes be in danger
Of despairing about the state of our world.
I say: ‘Don’t!’ You are here to do your share
Of making it a better place for all its lifeforms.
Every one of us is allowed freedom of choice
And this includes our behaviour.
Yours, the same as mine and everybody else’s,
Is never accidental, but chosen.
It’s up to us how we react to those around us
And which way we behave, at any given moment.
When everybody knows this and acts on their knowledge,
Their behaviour will always be a conscious choice.
We will then have freed ourselves and our world
From the ignorance of the lifetimes during which,
All of us together, created our world’s present state.
Only a fool would pretend that making the
Necessary changes is going to be an easy task.
It’s difficult because each one of us has
Brought with them into their present lifetime
Thinking and behaviour patterns that were
Developed in the course of many previous ones.
That’s why by now they are so deeply embedded
In our soul memories and consciousness
That shedding them is difficult.
Yet, it can and has to be done, by each one of us.
Rejoice, for you have re-entered earthly life
During the period in which the greatest transformation
And renewal of Mother Earth is taking place.
For quite some time by now, she has been changing from
A predominantly materially oriented place into a spiritual one.
This is becoming ever more visible.
God and the Angels are offering everybody the
Same opportunities for doing their share and contributing
To bringing the whole of humankind and our world
Ever closer to what so far we can only perceive in our dreams:
A world where all live together in peace and harmony,
Where lying and cheating, deception and corruption,
War- and scaremongering, exploitation of any kind are unknown.
Mentally hold onto these images, think about them often and know
Deep down in your heart that you are helping them to
Come about and that one day they will have become a reality
On the earthly plane.
In the inner spiritual background of our world,
Wise ones always have been and forever will be
In charge of humankind’s education.
Individually and collectively, they are allowing
Us the freedom to make our own choice.
This is the only real freedom we earthlings have whenever
We are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
Whilst there, we are constantly presented with choices.
That’s why, from as early as possible during each lifetime,
Choosing wisely and at the same time striving to be true
To our higher God or Christ nature,
Is of the greatest importance for every one of us.
This is because the Great Father/Mother of all life want us,
Their beloved children of the Earth, to grow ever more Heaven-tall
And, with the passing of time, evolve into ever more beautiful beings.
Every human being’s potential is unlimited and
Has the same right of developing into someone like
Mother Theresa, Saint Joan of Arc,
Shakespeare, Michelangelo or Beethoven.
Each one of us is living in their own physical body
Creates the illusion that we are all separate from each other.
Don’t allow earthly appearances to fool you because
Nothing could be further from the truth.
On the inner spiritual level, all life is one,
There is no separation between anything and
The whole of humankind is one big family.
That’s why whenever we hurt someone,
We hurt everybody, including ourselves.
Knowing that and also that everyone is a miracle and
A unique marvel in its own right, just like you,
Could you ever hurt or harm another?
Life is a precious gift and you have received this lifetime
So that you may learn that we are all on the Earth
For good and wise reasons, and that is
Learning, individually and as a race,
To love wisely, to cherish, help and support each other.
We are all personally responsible for every one of
Our thoughts, words and actions.
The law of course and effect or Karma, in due course,
Return every one of them to us.
All of us are responsible not only for ourselves
But the whole of humankind and the state of our world,
At any given time.
Learning to work together for the highest good and the
Greatest joy of all is the ultimate purpose of every human being’s
Earthly education. All of us are required to contribute to making
Mother Earth into an ever more beautiful and peaceful place
For everything that shares her with us;
A world that at last is worthy of being the home,
If only a temporary one from time to time,
Of the beloved children of the Earth
Of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.
S/He is the Light of all lights,
And the Sun of all suns, whose warmth and love
Gives and sustains all manifestations of life
Not only on our plane, but throughout the
Whole of Creation.
Pablo Casals
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021
Last But By No Means Least
Broken Promises
Mister Meant-To has a comrade,
His Name is Did-Not-Do.
Have you ever chanced to meet them?
Have they ever called on you?
These two fellows live together
In the House of Never-Win,
And I’m told that it is haunted
By the Ghost of Might-Have-Been.
The way we react to any event in our life
Is the only freedom we truly have.
To those in charge of us in the world of light
This shows the degree of our spiritual maturity.
That’s why wise ones never
Make promises they are unable to keep
And meticulously carry out the ones they give.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
• ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
• ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
• ‘Don’t Quit!’
• ‘Don’t Give Up’
The Descent Of Humankind
Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree,
Discussing things as they are said to be.
Said one to the others: ‘Now listen, you two,
There’s a certain rumour that can’t be true:
That humankind descended from our noble race.
The very idea is a disgrace!
No monkey ever deserted his wife,
Starved his children and ruined her life.
And you’ve never known a mother monk’
To leave her babies with others to bunk,
Or pass them on from one to another
Till they scarcely know who really is their mother.
And another thing you’ll never see
Is monks building fences round coconut trees,
Letting coconuts go to waste
By forbidding other monks a taste.
If I put a fence round my coconut tree,
Starvation would force you to steal them from me.
Here is another thing a monk’ wouldn’t do:
Go out at night and get in a stew,
Use a gun, a club or a knife
For taking another monk’s life.
Yes, man evolved, the arrogant ass!
But, dear friends, not from us!
Or if that’s what evolution is about,
You’re welcome to my share of it.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Recommended Reading:
• ‘All Life Is Evolution’
• ‘The Laws Of Life’
• ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’
It’s A Puzzlement
If all good people were clever,
And all clever people were good,
The world would be nicer than ever
We thought that it possibly could.
But alas, it is seldom or never
That the two hit it off as they should.
Why is it that all too often
The good are so hard on the clever
And the clever so rude to the good?
The Age of Aquarius is the age of
Friendship and siblinghood with all life.
It is bringing us the understanding that
Everybody who is taking part in earthly life
Has their own predestined pathway to walk
And different lessons to learn.
That’s how the spirit of our time,
The Aquarian Zeitgeist,
Is doing away with the need for
Behaving in the above manner
Towards anyone.
Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’
Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.
Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:
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