The Guest House
Every human being is like a guest house
With constantly new arrivals
Of joy and sorrow.
Unexpected visitors also appear sometimes.
Welcome them and entertain each one.
Even if sorrows turn up that appear
To temporarily sweep the house
Of all your belongings.
Treat them honourably,
Because these guests wish to
Prepare you for some new delights.
When dark thoughts, feelings of shame and
Grudges you hold against some people
Knock at your door, invite them in.
Be grateful that they came, now that you have found
A better understanding of the wise higher purpose
Of every human being’s earthly existence.
Thank these visitors and bless them,
For each one provides you with another
Opportunity for transmuting that which
To this day is dark, evil and ugly in you,
Into something that is good, right and beautiful.
And don’t forget to give thanks and praise
To the Highest for that.
Jelaluddin Rumi
Translation by Coleman Barks
Edited by Aquarius
Updated November 2020
The above is part of ‘Words Of Wisdom, Hope & Encouragement’.
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