The Esoteric Meaning Of The Crucifixion
Rejoice, dear readers, the second coming or the latter days of the law are here. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and the Divine Waterbearer is bringing us the truth that Jesus only ever existed as a thoughtform and a symbolism for the Christ nature, the Divine part of every human being. The story of Jesus life has been a hoax of gigantic proportions. When one knows that it was designed and inspired by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of familiarising us and our world with the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human being’s earthly nature, does one dare to call it hoax?
The truth is that the only one who can save and redeem anyone is the Christ aspect of their own nature. This part develops quite naturally in the process of bringing forth the highest and best we are capable of, each from depth of their own being. Our salvation comes about through accepting and patiently enduring the karmic debts which our life still has to present to us. And when we freely share our natural gifts and the learning gained on this road and willingly show others how to do the same for themselves, that’s our redemption.
Clearly, much work is waiting for all of us. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, metaphorically speaking, and not waste any time and get started with the higher purpose and meaning of our existence. The way I understand the matter is that spirit evolves in matter and matter evolves with its indwelling spirit. The whole of Creation is constantly evolving and growing, and spiritual wisdom and knowledge are doing the same. Through finding an ever greater understanding of God’s true nature and our own, we are not only assisting ourselves but also each other and our whole world to move onto a higher level of consciousness.
Evolution has always been the main purpose of our race’s existence on the Earth plane. Yet, because in times gone by we were spiritually too immature to grasp the higher esoteric meaning of God’s wisdom and truth, they had to be presented to us in the more easily understood form of myths and legends. This was good enough during our spiritual infancy and childhood. But, on the threshold of another Age of Aquarius, many souls have matured into spiritual adulthood and are therefore ready to receive God’s wisdom and truths directly from the source of our being, the living God within who communicates with us through our intuition.
Much progress in our race’s understanding of the spiritual aspects of life had been made by the time of Rudolf Steiner, 1861 – 1925, the Austrian philosopher, social thinker, architect and esotericist. At that stage of our race’s evolution the need had not yet arisen for becoming aware of the full truth that had been hiding behind the Jesus legend for such a long time. Steiner was a devout Christian, who in one of his visions saw the Earth at the time of the crucifixion from a vantage point above our planet. He perceived it as a ‘black spiritual void’ in the spiritual landscape of the Cosmos. His imagination conjured up an image of how, when Jesus died on the cross, the instant his blood touched the ground, the Earth began to radiate spiritual light from its entire circumference into the farthest and remotest corners of the Cosmos. Steiner believed that from that moment onwards the physical Earth literally became the physical body of what he called ‘The Christ’.
What a long time it long it has taken until we and our world at last are ready to understand the true meaning of the story of Jesus, the Christed one. In truth, it was never intended to be more than an allegory, which is filled with symbolisms. Grasping the esoteric meanings of God’s eternal wisdom behind the legend’s words would take humankind another two thousand years or so of slowly but surely moving us and our world, one small step after another, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Until the time was right, God’s truth behind the surface words of the tale had to remain largely unrecognised, so that in due course they could begin to be revealed to those who refused to run with the limited understanding of the beliefs of the herd and preferred to get ahead of it.
As pioneers of the Aquarian, healers and lightbringers, these people reject the concept of following old fashioned and outdated doctrines and beliefs of the past, which can only deter one’s own evolutionary progress as well as that of the whole of humankind. We are always the bottom line and life leaves the choice to us which road each individual soul wishes to walk. It is entirely up to us whether we are content with no spiritual progress or whether we would rather tread new paths and make discoveries that allow us to act as wayfinders for the younger and less experienced slower souls who are walking behind.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ Uncheedah, which means grandmother in Santee Sioux, adds to this: ‘When you see a new trail or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.’ In my view, the individual and collective evolutionary progress of our world can only be ensured when sufficient numbers of us are willing to follow the advice of these wise ones by querying and questioning that which has been handed down to us by previous generations.
I perceive the Jesus legend as a re-enactment of a drama of vast Cosmic proportions of which numerous different versions were presented to us and our world, throughout the ages. Many to this day still believe that the tales of the Crucifixion and the Master’s subsequent resurrection describe historical events that really took place on the Earth plane, two thousand years ago. Regardless of this, in truth from the beginning they were designed act as allegories, which in the fullness of time would help ever larger numbers of us to understand that life continues after the outer shell of our physical body has been shed. The Master’s life is a demonstration of how a lifetime of pure and wholesome living can assist us with the process of gaining complete mastery and control over every aspect of our being. It is for this reason that all religions down the ages brought us allegories of saviours and the ensuing resurrection of their spirit self’s final release into their eternal home. For all of us that is the oneness with our Creator.
The crucifixion story of the Master Jesus is no exception. It represents the Earth initiation, which is the highest initiation every human soul eventually has to take part in. When the indwelling spirit has finally gained complete mastery of the atoms of its physical body, the process is complete. This is what the Universe requires from each one of us, so that we may be allowed to move on to lessons of a different nature on other levels of life. And that is why, as soon as we have reached a certain evolutionary point, there is a big change in our interests. Our earthly self, guided and protected by our indwelling spirit and soul, then slowly but surely starts to set itself free from the materialistic outlook of our present plane of existence by reaching out ever more towards the concerns of the higher and eventually the highest levels of life. This continues until our whole being has fully and consciously been re-united with God.
The crucifixion demonstrates how a Master soul whole-heartedly and willingly forgives everything and everybody, especially those who have at some stage betrayed it. Although Jesus never actually walked the Earth with us, we are meant to follow in his, a Master’s footsteps, so that with every passing day we become more of a master in our own right. In particular this applies when it comes to forgiving those who delivered us to be nailed to some kind of a cross or another. Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus and the Master’s forgiveness is an example of how to avoid the creation of further difficult Karma between such souls.
We are required to deal with our opponents in the same masterly fashion and forgive all those who ever trespassed against us, not only in this lifetime but also in all previous ones. Even our worst opponents, or rather especially these, have to be treated in this manner, as this alone can set both of us free from the heavy Karmic chains of the undesirable emotional bonds that we, in our ignorance of Universal laws, once created with and for each other. Forgiveness that comes directly from our hearts and souls is the only way such shackles can be dissolved. This process is worthy of being attended to with the greatest diligence, as it alone can eventually release us from the need for requiring further educational lifetimes on the material plane.
Recommended Viewing:
Part 1
• Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Part 2
• ‘The Astrotheological Foundations of Christianity’
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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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