About Pain And Sorrow
Know that you are a beloved child of the Universe and that during every difficult and traumatic event in your life you are paying some of the karmic debts you have brought with you either from earlier in this lifetime of previous ones. Each one is also meant to teach you specific lessons and it’s for you to work out what that could be. In any case, everything is but a passing phase in our earthly existence. Every human life moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral in two and a half year circles. If you are currently going through a dark and depressing time, I guarantee that you will not always be feeling this way.
God and the Angels, as well as countless other spirit friends and helpers, invisible to earthly eyes, have always been with every one of us; therefore also with you. And because on the inner level of life they are part of us, they know everyone’s troubles and difficulties only too well. They are willing to help us, but cannot reach us unless someone asks for it. So, why not have a go at reaching out to them to request their assistance? Then sit back and observe what kind of form it may take. It often comes in quite unexpected and miraculous ways. You will be surprised, of that I am sure.
Finding great joy and lasting happiness is every human being’s birthright. In fact, the whole gamut of feelings we are capable of have to be experienced by each one of us at some stage of our development and not necessarily in the same lifetime. Wise ones appreciate that earthly life is filled with rights. But they also bear in mind that every right brings with it duties and that includes having to experience in some of our lifetimes the depths of depravity, pain and suffering. That’s the only way we earthlings can learn about the polar oppositions in God’s nature and our own.
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘About Pain’
• ‘Joy And Sorrow’
• ‘The Dual Nature Of God And Humankind’
The above is a chapter from ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:
‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’