The Laws Of Life
I, your Creator, am the great architect and designer of all life and the Universal laws are My laws of life. The first law is love, from which all other laws radiate out. The law of evolution and the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, are extensions of the law of love. Evolution is the purpose of life for the whole of My creation. Even the smallest and insignificant part of it is a work of art that is incessantly growing and evolving into a more beautiful and perfect manifestation of Me. Every part of My Creation is loved totally and unconditionally by Me. You usually have similar feelings towards your own creative artistic efforts.
Without ever stopping or resting even for the fraction of a second in Earth time, I am working on improving and perfecting all aspects of My Creation. Naturally, this also applies to you and your world. Mother Earth is one of the many physical and spiritual manifestations of the Great Mother. Everything that exists in your planet’s animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms – the same as in all other worlds – is constantly in a state of evolution. The whole lot is an expression and manifestation of Me, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and My love. Through each one of you, My human children of the Earth, for a very long time I have been getting to know Myself, who I am, complete with all My characteristics, weaknesses as well as strengths.
Younger and less experienced souls in your midst may as yet be unable to grasp what evolution really means. That’s why, whenever I am telling you about the spiritual background of life and evolution, they jump to the conclusion that I am not speaking of evolution at all. As so far they can only perceive the world around them from a purely scientific standpoint, they will have to continue with their belief that the concept of evolution is nothing but a theory and at best an assumption. In their ignorance they are proud that to them as scientifically minded people a theory is an accepted truth in the absence of practical evidence.
As you can see, they cannot help being as sceptic as they are of My words about this theme. Never mind, leave them to it and rest assured that in due course, they too will understand. For them too there will come a time when their superconscious faculties begin to open and their interest in and understanding of the higher concepts of life starts to develop. When they have finally reached this evolutionary landmark, with the passing of time they will also be able to recognise that the Jesus story cannot possibly be meant to be taken literally and that all along it has been but a myth, which never was based on historical facts.
All of you have these superconscious faculties, but at first only in seed form. At a certain point in your development they awaken and you slowly begin to gain access to the higher aspects of My nature and your own. For as long as this part of your being is still shut tight, you are bound to be afraid of losing the concepts you think of as true. Because of this you cling to them like to dear life itself. And when one fine day somebody comes along to reveal to you that the story you have understood literally for a long time is merely a legend, you may react with anger and become aggressive.
People behave like this because it is a basic human need to believe in something and when they have found something that seems like the truth to them, they adopt it. As a result, when someone comes along to tell them that their belief is a false one, they are afraid of once again being left without something to believe in. At a later stage these souls could be asking themselves, if only subconsciously: ‘If my old belief really is a false one, how can I be sure that what this person is telling me is the truth?’ If their moment of awakening has come, which in due course it does for each one of you, I will let them know through the world of their feelings and the small still voice of their conscience, My voice, whispering: ‘Yes, what you are hearing makes sense because it is true.’
Whenever you encounter souls who are unready for what you have to give, you will soon sense their mindset of non-comprehension and resistance. In that case it is best to retreat from the scene rather than casting the pearls of your wisdom – not before swine – but the unready. The recipients would not thank you for your gift and if you insisted on pushing the matter, as likely as not they would attack you in some way or another. At best they might accuse you of making things up and at worst they could express their fear and anger in physical actions, because they fear that you have come to destroy their security – as illusory as it is in reality – the very foundations upon which up to now they have built their existence.
All you would be doing in that case is wasting the most precious resources you have on the Earth plane, your time and energy. Trust that when these people are ready for what you are offering, the Angels will help them to find it and they will then understand. Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to step back and to rest safely in the knowledge that they too are being taken care of, just the same as you always have been and forever will be. Whenever you have done your best, let your unseen friends and helpers behind the scenes of Earth life and Me do the rest, for that is what we are doing in any case, at all times.
You can rely upon it that we are always there in the background, watching, guiding and protecting each one of you. It is enough for you to sow a few seeds and when the other one’s moment of awakening has come, they will begin to sprout and your work – although this is hard to imagine at the time – in the end is going to bear the richest and juiciest of fruits. This is likely to happen in spite of the fact that it could take a long time after you have moved on to greener pastures where people are ready to receive and appreciate your gifts. Wise ones do not get upset about the lack of success their efforts have at times. They appreciate that people vary in their understanding of the purpose and meaning of life and the Universal laws that rule all life throughout the whole of Creation.
These wise ones know that the law of evolution is particularly important in this connection, even though to this day many in your world approach the matter from a purely material viewpoint. For as long as these people’s spiritual horizons are still safely boarded or bricked up, they simply cannot grasp that there is such a thing as a spiritual background of life. In their present evolutionary state how are they to appreciate that this is by far the most important part of life? Wouldn’t they be surprised if they discovered that without this backdrop and the spiritual beings, who inhabit that world and under whose direction all life unfolds – or evolves – there would be no life on Earth or anywhere else?
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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’