Age 29 1/2 - First Saturn Return

Rays Of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - Astrological Landmarks - The Saturn Returns

Every 29 1/2 years the planet Saturn in our birthchart returns to the same position it occupied at the moment we drew our first breath. The time around this event is known as the Saturn Return. The first one is one of the most important events and landmarks in the spiritual development of every human soul. At the age of approx. 29 1/2 we have completed it.

Each Saturn Return marks the end of a phase in our soul’s inner maturing process. By the time we have reached the first one, usually the set of our inner and outer defences which our personality has built for itself stretches over all areas of our mundane life. Saturn Returns can either be times of high achievement or of frustration and disappointments. This varies from one individual to another, depending on the amount of work one has done on personal development and growth.

To my mind, awareness is the key to a positive outcome of these events. Those who do not yet understand what the Universe requires from them at these special times are missing valuable opportunities for preparing themselves. And when, as a result, their Saturn Return takes them by surprise, they can be in for rather an uncomfortable and unpleasant time. However, if you are one of those fortunate ones who know what is at stake, you can roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Saturn returns are times for taking stock of our lives and for getting ready to clear away that which no longer supports our soul growth. What have we done with our lives thus far? Are we satisfied with the progress we have made? If not, clearly the time has come for making some profound changes in our attitude to life and our lifestyle. Clearing out and making the changes that have become necessary in one’s life is always a daunting prospect, as I know that only too well from my own experiences. If that is the case for you at present, may the following bring you a measure of comfort and encouragement:


Taking Risks - Rays of Wisdom - Relationship Healing - War & Peace in Relationships

To the small earthly self life frequently is
A risky and scary business.
That’s why we usually dislike and resent the changes
The Universe has in store for us,
So that we may learn and grow
From as many and varied experiences as possible.
While the personality, our small earthly self,
Detests the changes, our spirit and soul rejoice,
Because they understand that this is the only way
The earthly self will ever discover its own true nature.

Risks have to be taken so that our approach to life
And the way we perceive its purpose transforms itself.
We need to shed the deeply ingrained wrong thinking
And behaviour patterns, prejudices and false beliefs
That create the obstacles and difficulties in our lives.
We have to say goodbye to anything that has outlived
Its usefulness, including people and places. 

It is true that that life can be a risky thing when for example
To laugh sometimes means to risk appearing foolish;
To weep is seeming to be sentimental;
To reach out for another to become involved with them;
To expose one’s feelings means to reveal one’s True Self;
When one hopes, one risks despair;
When one tries, one risk failure;
When one lives, one risk dying –
So what?

Risks have to be taken,
Because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The one who risks nothing,
Does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
Souls who hope that in this way they can avoid
The suffering and sorrows of this world are mistaken;
They too are a necessary part of human growth.
The only thing one can hope to achieve that way is
To avoid precious opportunities for
Learning, changing, growing, loving and living.

Souls who allow themselves to remain enslaved and enchained
By their own false beliefs, rigid prejudices and opinions,
Forfeit the only freedom we truly have, namely
The spiritual freedom to think and believe what our inner Self tells us is true;
And to have the courage to act upon the knowledge
That we have come from love and that love alone can show us the way
Home into what we always have been: spirit and soul.

Only those who are willing to take the risk
Of loving the way God loves us,
Unconditionally and wisely,
Can truly be free.

Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Come To The Edge

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past – Come To The Edge

‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They said: ‘We are afraid.’
‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They came . . .
He pushed them . . .
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire 1880 – 1918
French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist and art critic

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!

Come to the edge!
And they came.
And we pushed.
And they flew.

Christopher Logue 1926 – 2011
English poet associated with the British Poetry Revival

Six pointed Star

Saturn Returns – Times For Decision Making

Whether we are aware of what is happening to us or not, each time one of the Saturn Returns comes round in our life, we are likely to make either conscious or unconscious decisions about the things in life that really matter to us. As often as not, we take on more responsibility, one way or another, so that another part of our being can find fulfilment that so far we left unattended and neglected.

If things have not worked out in our life, as we once hoped and dreamed, and that has left us sufficiently dissatisfied, we may well feel the need for a total change of direction. For example, we may be able to see that it is not satisfying to continue to live selfishly for ourselves and to pursue nothing but our personal aims. There may come to us the realisation that it is necessary to make some kind of a  contribution to life that makes a difference to others; that one has to put something into life, so that later one can get something out of it.

In view of this it is not surprising that at the times of their Saturn Returns some of us turn towards the caring professions and alternative practises. I know quite a few who responded in this way and never looked back from their change of direction and who, in the course of but a few years, were going from strength to strength in their new career. In any case, when there are too many obstacles in our way, on any pathway we may care to choose, it is because the Universe, in its infinite wisdom and love, is trying to signal to us that we are barking up the wrong tree and would be well advised to proceed in a different direction; wise ones heed such warnings.

Invariably, Saturn Returns are opportunities for looking at the whole defence network we have built for ourselves. We have the clarity of vision to be able to perceive what is real and what is illusory in the structures we have built for ourselves, thus far. If we have aimed towards qualities of character and spirit rather than external forms, we have built well and this period can mark a peak of achievement and the reaffirmation of our inner sense of purpose.

However, for those who have depended on and identified too much with their external attributes and circumstances, there is a possibility that everything maybe be knocked away from underneath them. It is then the momentum of our own unconscious currents that forces us to start all over again, with a different premise and outlook on life. This is because at these special times that which is transient or borrowed has to be dissolved, until eventually only that which has become a permanent attribute of our character remains.

This is the reason why many cannot help undergoing some more or less severe crises during their Saturn Returns. They are then the only way to bring about the changes in marriage, business, ideals and/or life-style that have become necessary. Saturn returns always are opportunities for viewing one’s old ego structures, in a new and frequently not all that flattering light. They are excellent times for successfully making some real and lasting changes, and for clearing out all those things within us and our world that have become surplus to requirement.

Everything that has become crystallised and outdated can now be discarded. This makes room for new attitudes to be born within and for new things and people to come into our life, who – if we choose wisely – will be able to support our highest good better than those who shared our life before. Being aware that this is so, gives us the tool into our own hands for consciously choosing and making the changes that will stand us in good stead for the evolutionary progress of our soul and spirit, which is potentially ours, during this lifetime and beyond.

The major life events, among them the Saturn Returns and the Uranus Opposition, also known as the midlife crisis, can be exceedingly trying times for anyone. Issues that have been put on the back boiler by us for some time are likely to push themselves into the foreground of our consciousness, demanding to be considered and resolved, at last. To enable us and our lives to move forward some difficult decisions may have to be made. The only way of rendering things less stressful for ourselves, as I know from first hand experience, is by regularly taking stock as we move through our lives. It is unwise to allow unresolved issues to fester away, until one of these special events is upon us and forces them to come to a head.

Traditionally, all contacts with Saturn have had a poor reputation, but living in enlightened times, as indeed we are, it has gradually emerged that this is undeserved. In truth they are aimed to help us bring forth the best from within. And the gifts and qualities that are meant to be developed under its influence can be considerable for anyone who is willing to pay attention to what the Universe demands from each one of us with regard to our personal evolution. For example, during the times when we are more strongly under the influence of Saturn’s energies than usual we may feel the need to take on more responsibilities.

This includes taking charge of our inner and outer being, our character as well as our physical body, and become altogether more self-disciplined and focused in the achievement of our goals and targets in life. At these special times we can develop the ability to envisage them and slowly work our way towards them with great determination and stamina. As Saturn is highly critical and under its scrutiny things have to be just right, an inner urge may overcome us to assess ourselves and our lives so far. Yet, there is also the danger of sometimes doing so excessively. As ever, a golden middle way needs to be striven for by not leaving love out of the equation, for ourselves and also for others.

In my view, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Finding out as much as possible about these events and their special requirements can be most helpful. To be prepared makes all the difference in the world, as equipped with one’s knowledge it is much easier to move into and through these life events without major disturbances. By taking a careful look at unresolved issues and making the decisions they demand from us, ahead of the events can ensure a much smoother passage through them. Most helpful of all is being in touch with the world of our feelings and listening to our inner guidance that our Highest Self gives through the this part of our being. This is the only authority in the whole of Creation who truly knows what is good and right for us at any given moment.

Recommended Reading: 
• By Dr. Ingrid Bacci
• ‘The Art of Effortless Living’
• ‘Effortless Pain Relief’

For further information on these books, as well as free articles about Dr. Bacci’s work, please go to

Six pointed Star

White Eagle on Saturn And Patience

Saturn as Father Christmas - Asto Files Special Events - Rays of Wisdom

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides on patience: ‘Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn* and the tenth house, and also the traditional co-ruler of Aquarius *. This planet is sometimes presented as old Father Time and when looked at from the right perspective, time * is one of humankind’s best teachers. In earthly life it will always be your master and it can be an unpleasant one. But this only applies for as long as you perceive life with the limited vision of your small earthly self.

‘The likelihood is that you are taking part in Saturn’s wisdom at this very moment. The influence of its energies causes delays and frustrations that may test you to the utmost, as Saturn is very strict with his students in the school of earthly life. Under his supervision hurried lessons, hasty sums and superficial essays are not allowed. Saturn insists that the right time is given for every lesson. That’s why time is one of the most irksome forms of discipline that has to be endured for as long as you dwell on the Earth plane.

‘But on the upside, the Saturnian energies provide you with the determination to work your way one small step after another towards a distant goal. They equip you with the desire to try and try again. Through this your endeavours get better and more perfect all the time and when they are ready to be presented and shared with your world, they are likely to be crowned with success. Saturn’s rewards * can be great, when they come. And they surely will – for those who patiently plod on. So muster yourself with patience and remind yourself that you are taking part in one of the most essential lessons for every soul on their pathway of spiritual development.

‘That’s how Saturn in the end brings true, i.e. spiritual wealth to every human soul. Think of this beneficence and refuse to see anything malefic. Instead remind yourself frequently that all of you have a great deal to thank Saturn for and that at any given time. True, the influence of this planet’s energies makes people come across as somewhat cold and too earth-bound. This serves the wise higher purpose of holding things up and delaying the actions of those who in previous lifetimes hot-headedly rushed into things prematurely without due foresight and caution. This behaviour pattern is typical for the Fire signs, Aries of the head, Leo of the heart and Sagittarius of the spirit.

‘People who have been affected by this in one or several of their past lifetimes, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of you in our world, choose a pathway in which Saturn is prominent, for example with the Sun or Moon in conjunction, opposition or square to Saturn. This forces people to move through life with great caution. Whenever they are tempted to rush into things, Saturn says: ‘No! You are here to learn how to proceed slowly and patiently, if need be trying time and again before you can succeed! If you persevere, you will.’

‘Anyone who sees this as unpleasant and resents it needs to be reminded that it is unwise to ignore the lessons of a venerable, gracious and wise teacher. And as co-ruler of Aquarius the Saturnian energies will be providing your world and ours the necessary strength and stamina, determination and perseverance for bringing Mother Earth’s new golden age into being. Saturn’s main task during your earthly sojourns consists of teaching the self-mastery that is needed to control the urges and desires of humankind’s lower animal nature.

‘After the Aquarian Age, from approx. 1900 AD – 4,100 AD, we shall be moving into the Age of Capricorn, which will last until about 6,300 AD. Capricorn is Saturn’s own sign where it’s energies are particularly strong and in the right hands can express themselves in the most positive and constructive ways. This will be helpful for the unfoldment of the new golden age in all its splendour. How great Thou art, o Great White Spirit, and how wise! We thank Thee and bless Thee.’

For those who are willing to prepare themselves, the thirties can turn into a spiritually very expansive and enjoyable decade. The three is ruled by Jupiter, the jolly and expansive planet. Sagittarius is its sign and the ninth house its natural domain. Both sign and house are dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. During the thirties the 3 = Jupiter unites itself with the 0 = the circle of Eternity. This bodes well for wise ones who have done the work the Universe demands from us, are likely to find rich rewards.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘The Sun In Capricorn’
•    ‘The Sun In Aquarius’
•    ‘Saturn As The Teacher And Rewarder’
•    ‘Saturn’s Coldness’
•    ‘Saturn – Gatekeeper Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Astrological Landmarks’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Astrological Landmarks’

Six pointed Star