Doing The Right Things

Reflections On Our World’s Legends – Part Six

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Reflections On Our World's Legends - The Buddh Legend‘To assist every human spark’s development as much as possible, the Angels and Masters in charge of you and your world, from the word ‘go’ are constantly providing each one with as much as possible of the Christ Star’s warmth and light. And as soon as one of the sparks has evolved sufficiently to understand, to ease the pathway of its development spiritual knowledge from the Great Father/Mother’s storehouse of wisdom and truth flows into its consciousness and at the same time into that of humankind.

‘This is how the Angelic hierarchy has always provided every individual spirit/soul and the whole human race’s with as much as they were able to cope with at any given time. In the past this was done with the help of myths and legends. Every so often a new one appeared that attempted to bring humankind somewhat closer to the discovery of its own true nature, who and what God really is, and the wise higher purpose of its earthly existence. For quite some time the doors of the greater freedom of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, have been opening and you are free to believe what your heart tells you is true. As a result, ever more of you are interested in the truth that has always been hiding behind the myths and legends of your world’s religions.

‘To find the truth in anything, all you have to do is pay attention to how the small still voice of conscience of your inner being reacts to it and that is by no means something new. The Angels in charge of your development are the voice of the wise one or living God within. Its reactions have always been trying to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road, alas frequently in vain. Not paying attention to this guidance has always been to humankind’s detriment. It needs bearing in mind, however, that during your earthly education’s early stages doing the right things is very different from what the Buddha teachings have in mind. You then cannot help being interested in dark, ugly and evil things and doing them, because your main life lesson consists of exploring the negative characteristics of the astrological signs and houses, one after the other. Only when you are sufficiently with them does your lifepath advance you to experiencing their higher positive qualities.

‘And that’s how every one of you moves round the zodiac, time and again. Each round starts with Aries and finishes with Pisces and/or one of their natural domains, the first and the twelfth house. Every sign and house has its own lessons to impart. There is nothing haphazard or chaotic about anything on the earthly plane. Even though it frequently appears to be that way, your experiences are at all times moving you forwards and upwards on your personal evolutionary spiral as well as that of the whole human race and its world. Even though you are unaware of what’s happening to you, every new round of the zodiac takes you onwards to experiencing a slightly higher level of life.

‘This continues until you reach the point when things like the Buddha and Jesus legends as well as astrology begin to speak to you and in the end become almost self-explanatory. You then realise that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle. The teachings of your world’s old religions were designed to create that impression, because nothing else could spread fear like beliefs of this nature, when in truth every human being’s existence is an extremely long and drawn out evolutionary process. By the time the end of their earthly education comes round, each one has evolved into a Christed one in their own right.

‘You then know that the essence of every one of you is spirit/soul and that, like God, they are eternal and immortal and therefore can and will never die. You are aware that you have taken part in earthly life many times before and that one of these days, the earthly part of your education will be finished. Your vibrations will then be right for moving on to getting to know the next higher plane of life through exploring it. You will no longer feel the need for clinging to material possessions, money or people, because you know that the only thing you can take with you into our world, the spirit realm, is that which has become your spiritual property and that is what your lessons in the earthly school of life have taught you. Whenever one of you departs from the earthly plane, they are safely stored in that person’s soul memories together with all other recollections of the lifetime they have just left behind and all previous ones.

‘These memories are the only thing every one of you can take with them. Should your education demand more earthy lifetimes, they will accompany you into each one. From the subconscious level of your being, they will then be influencing every one of your thoughts, words and actions in either positive or negative ways. The Great Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation. This is the storehouse into which the memories of all manifestations of life anywhere and at any time are constantly feeding.

‘The Angels in charge of humankind’s individual and collective development at all times are doing their best to intuitively provide whatever any one of you requires to cope better with the conditions of the stages of their education. In keeping with the God’s great plan for humankind’s spiritual development, another lesson has to be tackled by you and your world, individually and collectively, each time one of the great months or years changes into the next one. Learning of a different nature is then in store for both. Find out more about this by following the relevant link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

Six pointed Star