Amazing Grace (2)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Part One

Rolling The Rock From Humankind’s Tomb Of Ignorance

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Rolling The Rock From Humankind's Tomb Of Ignorance

O Divine Trinity of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ’s spirit and light,
Thanks and praise be to You for
Returning honesty and truth to our world.
How sweet their sound, after enduring
The lesson of six thousand years of
Patriarchal all-male religions,
With their lying and cheating,
Deception of the self and others,
When the blind were leading the blind
With false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices.
After all that, we and our world are more than ready
For Your gift of honesty and truth.

Thanks be to You and the Angels that, since our world’s entry into the Aquarian age, ever more of Your sacred wisdom and truth have been flowing directly from You, with steadily increasing strength, onto our plane. Thanks be for revealing ever more of the truth that’s always been hiding behind the surface words of the legends that from time to time appeared in our world. Thanks be for the age of truth and that humankind will soon have reached the developmental point when none of its members will ever again have to spend time in the prison of falsely believing that our earthly existence is a one-off affair, at the end of which each one of us is snuffed out like a candle, so that no trace of our being remains.

How good it is to know that Heaven and hell never were places that anyone went to, because in truth each one of these words describes a state of consciousness that the old religions were so good at creating for everything that came in touch with them. God is not really in Heaven and the devil in hell. God is everywhere and part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on our planet. The God-man Jesus is a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The devil represents its counterpart and that is the lower nature of every one of us, at the beginning of our education in the earthly school of life. At that point, this part of our being is still in its crude and unevolved state. Its drives and urges are waiting to first be tamed, then overcome and eventually left behind, for good.

Because every human has evolved from a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, all of us have the best and noblest characteristics as well as the worst ones. At first both are present in seedform only and this is why nobody has ever existed in our world who was either all good or bad. It has always been for wise higher reasons that, during the first part of their earthly education, human beings believe that for as long as nobody can see them, they can sin as much as they want to. It takes a long time until we discover that this is by no means the case, because every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and action that goes into our world.

Many of the leaders of our old religions to this day seem to be ignorant of this. The blind leading the blind, they insist that if someone sins in the name of what they say and probably believe themselves is literally true, even the grossest of sins are all right and enjoy the blessings of what they believe is God. People who die committing them go straight to Heaven. No messing about. They are going to sleep there until, one fine day, a saviour and redeemer appears. He is equipped with some kind of magic wand that enables him to save all sinners and redeem even the last ones of their sins.

Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You for helping ever more of us realise that the only one who will ever be able to save and redeem us is we, each one for themselves and then reaching out to the whole of humankind and our world. No outer influences are involved in this process because You and the Angels are as much part of us as we are part of You. For this purpose each needs to bring forth, from deep within their own being, the highest, noblest and best characteristics of their very own higher God or Christ nature. Through manifesting them on the earthly plane and then applying them to everything that comes our way, the Christ spirit of the whole of humankind will at last be rising from its tomb of an over-materialistic approach to life.

Thanks and praise be to You for helping ever more of our world’s spiritually blind people to see. Thanks for removing the blinkers from the eyes of our race’s inner vision through revealing that the teachings of our old religions never were literally true. Thanks be for telling us that Your sacred wisdom and truth has always been growing and expanding through every bit of new learning that somebody somewhere, not merely in our world but all others, is adding to the existing store. None of Your wisdom and truth was ever meant to be treated as if it were unchangeable because it’s carved in stone or set in concrete.

Thanks be for letting us know that there never was a man by the name of Jesus who once walked in our midst; that the story of his life is but a legend and that the truth of this tale, the same as all other legends, from the word ‘go’ has been hiding behind its surface words. The story of Jesus’ life is a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Alas, it is still sleeping in our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. Their lying and cheating, deception and corruption are responsible for our world’s present state. And whether these people like it or not, spiritually they are responsible for every bit of suffering they have brought to our world with their tales of non-existent life-threatening viruses. To this day, they are scaring the living daylights – or rather the ability to breathe freely – out of those who promptly respond by becoming ill through a virus whose true name is FEAR.

And yet, the so-called ‘pandemic’ serves a wise higher teaching purpose. In the first place it provides sufficient opportunities for the redemption of old outstanding karmic debts which the experienced spirit/souls in our midst have brought with them from all previous lifetimes. This is why they are now on the receiving end of the suffering that their younger less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind are inflicting upon our world. That can only happen because these youngsters – independent of what age their physical bodies have reached, that’s what they are –, do not yet know that the most essential part of their being is their higher spiritual God or Christ nature, and that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also on our planet, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.

Like in any good family, the older siblings are supposed to assist the younger ones whenever possible. This is what we do each time one of us sends kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to out less experienced siblings, who so far have no idea of what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, will return to them, unless we do our share of rousing their Christ nature from its slumbering state. Compassion and love for our youngsters and at the same time doing our bit to present the need for another so-called ‘pandemic’ hitting our world at a later stage, isn’t that motivation enough?

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Two

The Rock : Lack Of Knowledge And Understanding

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Rolling The Rock From Humankind's TombAmazing Grace, the sound of Your truth that is rolling ever more of the rock of not knowing and understanding from this tomb of humankind is sweet indeed. Because You and the Angels have been doing this for quite a while, ever more of us by now are aware that: a) You are as much part of us as we are part of You; b) The most essential part of every human being always has been and forever will be their higher spiritual God or Christ nature; c) The essence of everybody is spirit/soul, who are eternal and immortal, the same as You; d) Because of this, nobody in our world ever has really died and in all Eternity nobody ever will do.

For long enough has humankind’s lack of knowledge about its spiritual nature and the spiritual background of its world kept too many of us imprisoned in a web of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The most damaging one is the belief that earthly life is all there is to our existence and that, as soon as it has reached its end we are snuffed out like candles and not a trace of the fact that we ever existed remains. Thanks be for showing us that nothing could be further from the truth of what really happens. Once You and the Angels have equipped us with sufficient knowledge about living and dying, the end of anyone’s earthly lifetime, including our own, ceases to be a big deal.

Thanks be for Your great evolutionary plan of life and that, since the beginning of humankind’s existence on the Earth, it has constantly been unfolding in keeping with Your will and wishes. It’s good to know that by now we have reached the Aquarian age and that this is the age of truth and of spiritual freedom. Its Zeitgeist, among many other things, consists of the spirit of rebellion and revolutions. In Your time, which means when the energies are right, this spirit will help us to throw off the yokes of oppression and slavery, which the authorities and organisations of the material outer plane, religious and otherwise, to this day are trying to inflict upon humankind.

To help us move forwards and upwards on our evolutionary journey, thanks and praise be for the gift of Your sacred wisdom and truth, which by now is flowing with ever increasing strength directly from the highest levels of life into the individual and collective consciousness of humankind. That’s how we found out the following things. Earthly life is a place for learning, a school, no more and no less. Taking part in its lessons is compulsory for every human being. It’s a tough training ground and that’s not surprising because we are young Gods in the making. We are serving the first part of our apprenticeship by playing the role, on the grand stage of earthly life, of a physical being in a material world.

For a long time we do not know who and what we truly are and that the essence of our being, the same as everybody else’s, is spirit/soul and that they are eternal and immortal, the same as our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. S/H is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also us and our world, and that’s why every one of us actually is God. This is true, even though at the beginning of our development we are nothing but a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light and fire. This is what God and the Angels are placing in the physical body of each newly created earthly human being. Each one of them is destined to evolve, in the course of many lifetimes spent on the material plane, into a Christed one in their own right.

Thanks be for at last relieving humankind of the yoke that, during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, enslaved humankind with the false beliefs that an all-male God-head is in charge of the whole of Creation, therefore also us and our world. During that time, the masculine forces alone were commanding the direction in which the human race’s ship, individually and collectively, had to sail. This has been God and the Angels’ way of teaching our world the value of the feminine. The last instalment of this lesson has been the legend about a God-man, by the name of Jesus, who once dyed on a wooden cross in Golgotha. The cross is the oldest symbol known to humankind of its earthly existence.

Thanks be for allowing us to know that Your wisdom and truth have always been hiding behind the surface words, not only of the Jesus legend but all other religious teachings that been declared to be sacred and therefore untouchable. It’s good to find out that the God-man Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked in our midst; that in truth it represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature; that this aspect is in the process of waking up in ever more of us; that this is the only one who really can save and redeem us, the whole of humankind and our world; and that this manifestations of the human Christ spirit, in the fullness of time, will be the true ruler Mother Earth and all her kingdoms.

Thanks be for paraphrasing St. John 12:31-33 for our time: ‘There is no judgement day. In the world of light every one of us stands naked, not before God but before ourselves. Everybody is their own judge and jury. Lying and cheating, deception of the self and others have for long enough been the outer material world’s supreme rulers. The deeper we and our world are moving into the age of truth, the more of us are going to gain access to God’s sacred wisdom and truth that for a long time has been hiding behind our world’s religious teachings. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, always have been in charge of attending to all aspects of God’s great plan of life for the development of the whole of Creation, including humankind and its world. The truth and nothing but the truth has been flowing directly from them into any human mind that had been tuned into their frequencies.

‘The Piscean age has been the age of lying and cheating, deception of the self and others, when false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices were the order of the day and so flourished. During this age, the gifts received from the highest levels could be treated by the scribes of their time in any kind of manner that suited the requirements of their employers. This can still be done in the age of truth. Yet, the deeper we move into it, the more those who refuse to run with the herd and prefer telling the truth will stand out from the crowd. The way intuitively received gifts from the Highest are being treated reveals to the wise ones in charge of us and our world which level of spiritual maturity a person has reached. The right level has been reached when all they want to do is unselfishly sharing the truth they have found along the pathway of their present lifetime with as many as possible.

‘God’s main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love. The closer these two laws are working together, harmoniously and peacefully , the way all things are doing on the highest levels of life, the sooner they will bring about the end of the lying, cheating and deception that have ruled our world for such a long time. The truth received directly from the Highest will eventually enable every one of us to lift themselves, as well as those around them, above believing that they are nothing but earthlings, because their eternal and immortal spirit/soul are the most essential aspect of everybody’s being.

‘By revealing the truth about ever more concepts like these, God and the Angels are drawing ever increasing numbers of us into the loving embrace of their wisdom. Finding it is not hard when one knows that the truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of our world’s religious teachings. Love and understanding are the only keys that are needed to unlock the doors of humankind’s prison of not knowing about its spiritual nature. The realisation that the most important aspect of everybody’s earthly existence is its inner spiritual background, that this is the place where everything that’s to appear on the outer plane has to be created before it can come into being on the outer, rolls the rock from the tomb of our ignorance, as if by some kind of magic, almost on its own.’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Three

Revelations For The Age Of Truth

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Revelations For The Age Of Truth

The Bible’s Revelation 21:3-4 tells us ‘And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’

Amazing Grace, thanks and praise for letting us know that these things are already in the process of coming about as follows: ‘The Aquarian age is the age of truth. For some time by now you and your world have been moving ever deeper into it. Through the steadily increasing influence of the Aquarian energies, ever more of you are becoming aware that God is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also you and your world. Everything there as well as everywhere else is part of God.

‘Even though the human race for a long time did not know about these things, God has always not only been dwelling with each one of them but has been part of them. In truth, every member of the human race is one of God’s chosen people, a young God in the making who is serving the first part of its apprenticeship in the earthly school of life. During this development’s early stages, none of you could help praying to God, without having any idea of who and what God really is.

‘This is in the process of changing profoundly. Since your world’s entry into the age of truth, ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth have gradually been revealed. That’s why increasing numbers of you by now are aware that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also everything that exists on the Earth, has always been and forever will be subject to God’s Universal laws. Of particular importance is the law of cause and effect or Karma. This law simply decrees that everything has to return to its source.

‘The knowledge of how this has always affected life on the earthly plane, in due course is going to empower even the last and slowest ones in your midst to steer the boat of their destiny in the desired direction, i.e. constantly moving forwards and upwards on life’s evolutionary spiral, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan. Those who are already aware of this are doing their best to send only good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions into your world. They rest safely in the knowledge that God’s law will see to it that, as soon as all their remaining karmic debts have been redeemed, nothing but more than that which is good, right and beautiful can return to them. That’s how, with the passing of time, suffering on the earthly plane will come to an end. And every one of you needs to contribute to bringing this about.

‘The idea of death, the way it used to be perceived on the earthly plane, for some time has been in the process of changing profoundly. This is because increasing numbers of you are discovering that in truth they are eternal and immortal beings, who never have died and never will. Truly there’s never been any death on the earthly plane, merely a moving into different dimensions of life at the end of everybody’s lifetime. The more this awareness spreads, the less need there will be for mourning and crying over the loss of loved ones. You will just be happy to know that they have not really left you, but are alive and well in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. Their disappearance from the outer plane is no big deal when you know that this is the place from which every human being – without exception – emerges at the beginning of another earthly lifetime and returns to as soon as it has run its course.

‘From that realm your loved ones can support those they left behind on the outer material plane, better than it was ever possible while they too were still encumbered by a physical body that almost constantly needs some kind of attention. None of your loved ones ever went from you. The only thing that’s happened is that, for the time being, they have been released from having to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. Although your earthly eyes can no longer see those who have departed to the other plane, it’s likely that you can sense their presence. And because on the inner level all is one, to your delight you will probably discover that you are now closer to each other than you could ever be for a long as both of you needed a physical body as a vehicle for getting around on the earthly plane. This is not something that’s going to happen in some distant future. Many of you are already experiencing this right here and now.

‘The knowledge that on the inner spiritual plane all life is one and that there is no separation between anything, brings with it the realisation that whenever you are hurting someone, you are in truth making yourself suffer. The same applies when you cause problems for those around you through lying and cheating. In due course, probably in a future lifetime when you have no recall of what you once did to others, their problems are going be yours. It will be because of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Yet, knowing about this law alone is not enough. It’s no good to those who do not yet understand how it always has affected them and their lives, the same as everything else’s in the whole of Creation. Without understanding this you will never know why something it hitting you and why, because you know that in your present lifetime you are a thoroughly good person.

As your world’s eminent physicist Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’ This is why in the Aquarian writings we have pointed out, time and again, that it’s a very simply law which merely decrees that everything must return to its source. This law was designed with great love, foresight as well as wisdom. It ensures that whatever someone does to others on the earthly plane, in due course finds its way back to the offender. Because of this, sooner or later, they are going to find themselves at the receiving end of what they once did to those around them. The ever wider spreading knowledge of this law will eventually bring peace and harmony to your world.’ To be continued in the next chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Four

The Value Of Honesty And Truth

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Value Of Honesty And TruthRevelations for our time continued: ‘With the passing of time, humankind’s constantly increasing spiritual awareness will gradually make the outer material plane like its inner counterpart, where everything is for real. Faking, lying, cheating and make belief do not exist because everything is clearly visible to all who dwell there, including the intentions behind every thought, word or action of the outer material world. The more that world becomes like its inner counterpart, the more peace, balance and harmony are going to establish themselves on both side of the veil that to this day separates the two parts from each other. And the more humankind’s ignorance of the wise higher purpose of its earthly existence and its own higher spiritual God or Christ nature passes away, the less tears will flow in your world.

‘The same is true for the fear of God, death and the unknown. For some time by now they have been dissolving in the steadily increasing flow of wisdom and truth that for quite a while has been flowing directly from us on the highest levels of life into your world. To take part in it, all you have to do is tune your earthly mind, the receiver/transmitter station for our ideas, into our frequencies and open your whole being to freely and willingly bring the truth and nothing but the truth to your world. Every one of you contains a blockage that consists of the fears as a result of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of our world’s old religions. The blind leading the blind, they insisted on talking about God without knowing what that means.

‘As many of you know by now, the Piscean age has been an age when lying and cheating, deception of the self and others were the order of the day. For the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, God and the Angels at the onset of the Piscean age inspired political organisations to oil the wheels of their propaganda machinery with their interpretations of the sacred wisdom and truth that by then had reached the earthly plane.

‘Since time immemorial, behind religious façades our world’s religions with their all-male God-heads have been hiding their true intentions of satisfying the masculine lust for warmongering and empire building. The bests and easiest way of achieving this has been, and to this day is, by feeding on people’s resources like shoals of piranha fish. Because they have not yet developed a sense of honour and responsibility towards anything, such fish are not bothered that the thus gained funds are not rightfully theirs, and that as soon as they have nibbled the body of our world’s resources to its bones, that body has to die and their money will be useless.

‘Blinded by their greed, for as long as it can be applied to ever more troublemaking and scaremongering that will continue to make parting people from their resources as easy as it has been so far, spiritually unevolved people will be happy. Yes, it’s sad but irrespective of how old someone’s physical body is, spiritually they are youngsters. They cannot yet help that the masculine urges of their lower animal nature are still so strong. One day, they too will know that such desires are remnants of humankind’s development that’s taken your race’s evolutionary journey a long way from the animal kingdom’s primates to its present state.

‘That’s why to this day those who lie, cheat and deceive good enough, so that the majority of your world’s population starts believing that the yarns the storytellers are spinning must be true because they sound so convincing. The troublemakers and scaremongers have enough money to hire and pay well the most skilful scribes available, who like their employers have not yet started to develop their higher God or Christ nature. As a result, your world’s religious organisations, with the passing of time, managed to reach the top of the tree they were hoping to reach one day.

‘This is how the old religion’s false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices came about. It is for long enough that they have kept humankind away from connecting directly with God and the Angels, on the highest level of life. But the deeper your world enters into the age of truth, the more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth is going to flow onto the earthly plane and intuitively received by the scribes of your time. Because of this, ever more the old false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices are melting like snow before the Sun.

‘Humankind’s fears, anxieties and apprehensions are no longer required. They too are like snow and when treated right, they behave like snow and dissolve. All any one of you needs is the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, in the form of spiritual knowledge. And that’s why for quite a while it has been flowing with constantly increasing strength, directly from the highest levels of life into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are working very hard at helping as many as possible on your plane with shedding their fears and leaving the past behind. The space they once filled needs to be filled with renewed hope, faith and trust in the goodness of life that’s been given to you.’

Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You for telling us that what You said about our world’s religious organisations also applies to its present state. Thank You for saving humankind from the wretched destiny of forever being at the mercy of a selfish and irresponsible pharma industry and governments, who pretend to protect humankind when in truth far too many of their members cannot resist the temptation of filling their already bursting coffers with whatever else they can lay their hands on. Naturally, it’s all done in the greatest of secrecy, so they think.

That’s because so far they do not yet know about our world’s spiritual background and that all life on that plane is one. There is no difference between anything. Everything is for real and there is no faking or pretending. The intentions behind everything that manifests itself on the our material plane in thoughts, words and/or deeds are clearly visible to those in the inner world. What on the outer plane is thought of as most secret, on its inner counterpart is perceived by all who are dwelling there as if it were being shouted from the rooftops.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Five

Truth : The Aquarian Age Teacher

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Truth : The Aquarian Age Teacher

Amazing Grace, thanks be to You and the Angels for Your wisdom and truth that for some time by now have been flowing from Your plane into ours through all whose hearts and minds are tuned into your frequencies.  This is how they have become ever more capable of acting as Your channels for bringing ever more advanced spiritual knowledge to our world. Thank You for releasing increasing numbers of us from the past’s main false belief that we are struggling with our earthly existence on our own. It’s good to know that in all Eternity this can never happen because You have always been as much part of us as we are part of You, in spite of our world’s old religions telling us that You are up in the Heavens somewhere and we down here on the Earth, on our own.

Thanks be for the truth about the pharma industry’s true intentions, of its greed and the corruption that for a long time has been taking place behind the scenes; how to keep the momentum flowing, anyone who is willing to serve this industry as their troublemaker and scaremonger is welcome and most generously rewarded; and how, for many years by now, the companies involved have been throwing many fine sprats in order to catch the mighty mackerel of a ‘plandemic’.

Goethe, 1749-1832, possibly the best loved poet and philosopher of the German speaking world wrote: ‘There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action.’ However, thanks be for this situation and for how well it is serving the purpose of assisting the rise of humankind’s collective higher God or Christ nature from the tomb of its over-materialistic approach to life. Thank You also for freeing ever more of us from falsely believing that the earthly plane is all there is to humankind’s existence. Thank You for revealing the truth about the pharma industry as the driving forces behind our world’s present situation. For long enough have the companies involved succeeded with their pretence of taking care of humankind’s wellbeing.

Thanks be for the greed of their leaders and shareholders. Their actions are making the industry’s true intentions of money-spinning and profiteering ever more clearly visible. This is how ever more of us are gradually going to wake up to the main aim that for many years has been the driving force behind any of its products. The more people recognise this, the more they will shy away from using them and be glad to learn that with the help and will of You and the Angels, all conditions can be healed. Finding out how to go about it is easy. The only thing one has to do is turn to You and ask for Your help. Quiet times of reflections on life, meditations and prayers are best for doing this.

Thanks be for the truth that the love in our human hearts is the dwelling place of You, the wise one or living God within. Whenever we turn to You to ask for help about something, You willingly and happily show us intuitively the best way of going about things. And whenever one of us wants to know which natural healing methods are best for restoring the health and wellbeing of our whole being, mind and body, spirit and soul, You will not fail them.

Your guidance from within everybody’s own being is the only truly trustworthy and reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things, has an answer to any questions we may ever care to ask and will never lead us astray. In our world’s present state, gaining access to this part of our being is of the utmost importance. Without it we are lost and find ourselves at the mercy of any kind of unpleasant and harmful influence that’s floating around on the etheric plane. The only way of unfolding this part of our being is through consulting You about everything that comes our way and then paying attention to how You react through the world of our feelings. That’s Your way of communicating with us. Therefore, if deep down inside something feels right, then it is right for us – even though it may (not yet) be for anyone else.

Thanks and praise be to You and the Angels for freeing ever more of us from the yoke of believing that every word of the old religions’ scriptures is literally true, the way we once were forced to believe. You, the wise one or living God within will soon be everybody’s only teacher and guru. You are the only truly reliable and trustworthy teacher in the whole of Creation because You also are out built-in lie detector. Everybody can only learn from their own experiences that it’s detrimental to disregard the way You, their hidden inner being, reacts to what they are doing or are planning to do. The Aquarian age is the age of freedom that can only come about through everybody’s own efforts, through learning from past mistakes and doing better.

The freedom humankind has always been longing for is of a spiritual nature and that can only come about through reliably finding out what is truth and what is not. True freedom consists of believing what our inner guidance tells us is true and what is not. Everybody’s inner guidance is the gateway into knowing whether the following is true:

There is only one religion, the religion of love, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’
•    ‘Friendship Healing’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Six

Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal Theatre

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Earthly Life : A Wide And Universal TheatreAmazing Grace, we thank You and the Angels for allowing us to know that we are by no means miserable worms and sinners, like our world’s old religions told us. It’s good to know that at any given moment, every one of us is nothing but a child in the great school of earthly life, where all of us are simultaneously functioning as teachers and pupils or students. In this establishment’s curriculum there is no space for guilt or vengeance. The only purpose it serves is learning and each can only do this through their own experiences.

They are the instruments we need to grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves, each other and everything else that happens in our world. And through this our consciousness is slowly but surely constantly expanding. For a good all-round education, it’s essential that at first we find ourselves at the giving end of unpleasant experiences. In one lifetime we hand them out. And yet, only when we have matured sufficiently to be able to cope with being at the receiving end of those happenings, the Universal law of cause and effect returns our unpleasant thoughts, words and actions from long ago to us.

It takes many earthly lifetimes until we have matured sufficiently to understand why such experiences cannot help coming our way, because we ourselves created them and that could have been many lifetimes ago. The knowledge of this makes forgiving much easier. First we need to forgive ourselves for being the cause of such a lesson. Even though things happened a long time ago and we are not consciously aware of what we did during our earthly education’s early stages. However, the justice of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma is so perfect and unfailing that there’s no need to doubt that it was our own thoughts, words and actions that once set the wheels of fate in motion and brought the unpleasant and traumatic events to us. To set ourselves free from each other, we need not only forgive the offenders, but go one step further by thanking them for their willingness to take part in teaching us one of our lessons, which added some more debt entries to their spiritual ledger.

There are no enemies in the earthly school of life. Everybody is either our sister or brother. As soon as we grasp the true meaning of the concept of God as the highest authority of the whole of Creation, it’s no longer hard to recognise that the Divine is everybody’s best friend who has nothing but love and evolution in mind for every one of His/Her children of the Earth. Because of this, from the moment of our creation we are constantly moving forwards and upwards. Each is doing this on their own evolutionary spiral and at the same time that of the whole of humankind and our world.

Aquarius is the sign through which our Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, have always been communicating with us direct. That’s why it is not surprising that the Aquarian age, among many other things, is about siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet. With every passing day we and our world are moving deeper into the Aquarian age. And in keeping with God’s great plan of life, the time has come for healing all our relationships, especially the difficult and traumatic ones. That’s how every one of us is required to do their share of bringing, one small step after another, peace, balance and harmony to our world.

This is much easier when one realises that everybody in truth is a friend who has something of value to give to us that will help our consciousness to expand and increase our wealth of wisdom and understanding. All of us always have been and to this day are play-acting on the stage of the grand theatre of humankind’s earthly existence. It’s no longer a question of who is guilty or not, but of understanding the wise higher purpose of everybody’s earthly existence, including our own, and then finding forgiveness for ourselves and everybody else.

Ignorance of the Universal laws, especially the one of cause and effect, could never protect anyone against having to harvest the bitter fruits of the seeds every one of us once sowed with all their thoughts, words and actions. Don’t you think it’s only fair and square that every bit of suffering we once inflicted upon any kind of manifestation of life has to be made good and redeemed by none other than us? Isn’t it the love and wisdom of God and the Angels that ensures that this does not happen until our earthly self has matured sufficiently to cope with whatever comes its way? It’s their kindness that takes every one of us to rest and recuperate in the spirit world, humankind’s true home, from the stresses and strains of our earthly existences.

When our departure time has come, one of the Angels of Death takes our spirit/soul by the hand and takes them to the inner spiritual counterpart of the earthly plane. There is nowhere else to go for anyone. And as soon as we have recovered sufficiently, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us we take a good look at all our earthly performances thus far. Together we consider everything that happened to us and how we dealt with it. On the inner plane no-one judges us and there never was and will be anything like judgement day, the way our world’s old religions, to this day, are brainwashing their followers to believe.

Because we are part of God and each one is a young God in the making, nobody judges us except we ourselves. And when this happens after having spent only a few lifetimes on the material plane, we realise why Shakespeare wrote in ‘As You Like It’:

This wide and Universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene, wherein we play.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one person, in their time, plays many parts.

It’s how God and the Angels inspired one of our world’s by now most famous poets, long before this kind of thing became more common knowledge, that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which we are snuffed out like candles. They wanted us to know that in truth every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, plays many different parts. And to ensure a well rounded education, we sometimes appear as a man and on other occasions as a woman. The most important women in a man’s life, like their mother, wife or other main partner are outer manifestations of his own inner woman, and vice versa.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Seven

Earthly Personality : A Mask

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Earthly Personality : A MaskAmazing Grace, we thank You and the Angels for telling us why we are standing naked, so to speak, not before God but ourselves in the world of light on judgement day. All material possessions and attributes have been left behind and so has the role we played for the length of one lifetime only. Its personality has been taken off like a mask behind which the essence of our being, our eternal and immortal spirit/soul, hides during the times we spend on the earthly plane. And that’s what happens at the end of each one of our earthly lifetime.

Once again we then realise that there are two worlds in which every human being exists. The earthly part is but a temporary stop-over on our long evolutionary journey. Its counterpart is the inner spiritual realm, humankind’s true home. Something like a veil separates these two worlds from each other. Each time we get to its other side, it dawns on us again that quite literally nothing on the outer earthly plane ever belonged to us. All our possessions were borrowed and merely gifts on time and that even our physical body does not belong to us. It has to be returned to Mother Earth at the end of each lifetime and that in as good condition as possible.

The only thing that ever truly belongs to us, so that no-one can or will even try to take it from us, is the spiritual growth that comes about through a gradual better understanding of ourselves and our world, as well as the higher purpose that every human being’s earthly existence serves. Spiritual wisdom and understanding are the only possessions that are truly worth striving for in the material world. The only way of getting of finding them is through learning, which each can only do from their own experiences. This is how every human being, in the course of many lifetimes, steadily grows ever more Heaven-tall and their consciousness expands. Those are the only things that really belong to us and that in all Eternity.

And as soon as we have arrived in the world of light, once again we realise that we never truly were either a woman or a man. This is because every human being’s true nature is androgynous. The same duality that is in God is also in us. It consists of a masculine aspect and its feminine counterpart and the two cannot be separated from each other. Peacefully and harmoniously they are working together in our Creator, one constantly responds to the other and only together are the two aspects complete. With the passing of time, the task of every human being on the earthly plane is teaching the two parts of their nature to stop working against each other. This is what they tend to do at the beginning of our earthly education because they do not yet understand themselves, never mind those around them.

However, in the course of many lifetimes the two aspects of our nature gradually get to know each other and learn ever more how to respond and co-operate, just like the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light always have done and forever will do. The Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns, the light of all lights, and the power behind the Sun in the sky above our world. Nothing about this has ever changed, in spite of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy during which our world’s religions did their best to brainwash their followers that an all-male God-head rules us and our world. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of the softening, beautifying and civilising influence of the feminine energies. Through withholding something for a while, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom have always been teaching humankind its value. Even if one of these whiles lasts six thousand years, in God’s time of Eternity that does not amount to more than the batting of an eyelid.

To help us gain a better understanding of what wise higher purpose every human being’s earthly existence serves and to familiarise us with that life’s complexities, throughout the ages Divine wisdom and truth have steadily been flowing into humankind’s consciousness through many different channels. Shakespeare, 1564-1616, probably the most famous poet of the English speaking world, was but one of them. Do you find it as astonishing as I do, how long it can take to grasp the wise higher meaning that’s always been hiding behind many of the surface words of the tales and legends that were given to our world a long time ago? A fine example of how the Angels and Masters on the highest levels sometimes inspired one of our poets to write:

Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! It is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.

Love’s not time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet 116

And now, just for a moment, let’s return to the grand stage of humankind’s earthly existence. Mother Earth’s greatest transformation of all times of changing from an over-materialistically orientated place into an entirely spiritual one is complete. Humankind’s evolutionary journey has reached its end, our world’s outer plane has become like its inner counterpart and the collective higher God or Christ nature is now its supreme ruler. There no longer is any need for the outer material plane behind which  the spirit/soul of every human being for a long time had to hide, so the lower self could take part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. From the lowest up to the highest each one of us has to travel. No exceptions are ever made.

But now curtain has descended on the final scene of this tragedy/comedy and all human spirit/souls are lined up in front of it. The roles we play in each one of our earthly lifetimes are like costumes and masks behind which the spirit/soul of our higher God or Christ nature hides for a while. Once more they have been shed. Reaching out for each other and holding hands, the whole of humankind forms a circle around Mother Earth.

Our audience in the middle of this circle consists of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. As executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan, they have always been and forever will be in charge of the development of humankind, individually and collectively. Their smiling faces tell us how pleased they are with the evolutionary progress we and our world have made. In this ceremony they are releasing all of us from the obligation of taking part in further lessons of the earthly school of life. Whoever wishes to return to that plane for another lifetime, can do so voluntarily and apply for it. Those who would rather be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm to continue their education through exploring the next higher level of life as well as visiting the spirit realm’s halls of learning.

So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.

From: ‘The Soul’s Yearning’
Original Title ‘Seliges Verlangen’

Goethe 1749-1838

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’
•    ‘Friendship Healing’
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Eight

Ideas Like Golden Eggs

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Ideas Like Golden EggsAmazing Grace, thank you for allowing us to know that Your realm has never communicated with us and our world by simply telling us the meaning of something. From the beginning of humankind’s appearance on the earthly plane it has been done through myths and legends, allegories and metaphors, parables and symbolisms. Trying to understand them through fathoming out what they may want to tell us and our world You and the Angels always left up to each of us. The way we went about that and what kind of conclusions we came to showed You, more clearly than anything else could ever have done, the degree of our spiritual maturity or immaturity.

It’s good to know that for quite a while this has been changing and that the deeper we and our world are penetrating into the Aquarian age, the more You and the Angels will be communicating with ever more of us directly. This is because Aquarius is a fixed Air sign and the Air signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental capacities. Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn, the planet of Karma, represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Creator and parents, the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

You demand from every one of us, Your human children of the Earth, that when the end of our education in the earthly school of life draws close, we are in command of our whole being. The energies of Saturn, in the course of many lifetimes, are teaching us self-discipline and self-mastery. Saturn is the sole ruler of Capricorn, the cardinal Earth sign in which highest achievements are potentially possible for every human being. However, they can only come about when Saturn’s demands have been complied with and we, with the help of self-discipline, have mastered the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature. Without this, we shall never be released from having to take part in the earthly school’s lessons and set free to start exploring the next higher level of the spirit realm’s greater freedom, unencumbered by a physical body.

The Saturnian demands are the keepers at the gates into Aquarian age’s spiritual freedom. Saturn is the planet of Karma. It belongs to a group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma. They are taking the greatest of care that none of us will ever be able to enter the greater freedom of this age until our behaviour, in thoughts, words and actions, proves that we have achieved complete self-mastery. This means being in control of the lower and lowest drives and urges of our earthly nature.

Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius with Saturn, is the planet of rebellion, revolution and liberation. The Lords of Karma need to be satisfied with our efforts before the Uranian energies can enter the picture and help us, individually and collectively, to shake off the yokes of all kinds of oppression, religious as well as material ones. First in line are the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices with which our world’s old religions have been holding sway over humankind in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its pretence of a quite unnatural all-male God-head with it’s teachings that have long been outdated. Their words were never meant to be set in concrete or carved into stone.

The time has come for understanding the old tales the right way and that’s easy when one looks for the higher esoteric wisdom and truth that have always been hiding behind their surface words. The old versions need to be left behind once and for all. Without this it’s impossible to enter the Aquarian freedom. It consists of believing only that to which our inner guidance reacts, through the world of our feelings, with a loud and clear: ‘This is true or not true!’ That’s the voice of the wise one or living God within every human being. It has always tried to communicate with its lower earthly self, to guide and protect us. As for a long time we were unaware of its presence, initially its advice is frequently ignored and that’s always to our detriment.

But eventually we discover our inner guidance and find out that this is the only truly trustworthy and reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. At any time of day or night, whenever we need its help and ask for it, it shows us intuitively what we are looking for. It is the best lie-detector that ever existed and the best thing about is that everybody has their own built-in one. Thanks and praise be for it. And the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more urgent it becomes for all of us to discover this extremely valuable aspect of our being. The best way of brining it to full unfoldment is through constantly using it.

Our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within is clear evidence that You and the Angels always have been and forever will be in charge of us and our world, and that You never left us. It’s good to know that Your realm is the outermost material aspect of our world and that nothing but a thin veil of consciousness separates these two parts from each other. And thank You for allowing us to know that every bird that exists on our side is one of Your messengers whose mere presence contains some kind of guidance for us, Your human children of the Earth.

You have never communicated with us through telling us the literal meaning of anything, but preferred to do so through allegories and metaphors, myths and legends, fables and even fairy tales. Each one of them has always been spiked with symbolisms and higher esoteric meanings, but they had to remain hidden until the age of truth had been reached and that time is NOW.

Divine ideas were always introduced to our world by the Angels in charge of our development like golden eggs. The ideas are like bird’s offspring that so far only consist of minute signs of new life, soon after the mating of its masculine and feminine parents. The ideas emerge from our Creator’s masculine mind through the elements Fire and Air. Fire = creative ideas. Air = the thought processes. They mate with their feminine counterpart of humankind’s earthly existence that consists of Earth and Water. Earth = grounding them. Water = emotional world of feelings, the soul. The Great Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation and that’s the storehouse in which the memories of all experiences that were ever gathered anywhere, including every human beings, are stored.

That’s how the Highest levels of life have always introduced new ideas to the earthly plane. Whenever another idea arrives, like a bird’s egg it is wrapped in a delicate outer casing that’s invisible to earthly eyes. This protective cover can only be broken by the creature that’s developed inside the egg, when the time is right that it appears in our world. And that’s decided by You and the Angels, because You always have been and forever will be in charge of us and our world.

You alone know when a certain stage of humankind’s development has been reached, individually and collectively, what kind of bird will emerge from which egg and into what kind of an offspring it will, with the passing of time, evolve. And because You have given us earthlings the right to make up our own minds and choose which way we wish to walk, every idea that You and the Angels ever introduced in our world could either be used for good, right and beautiful purpose or bad and evil ones. It’s not hard for You and the Angels to see what intentions are behind everybody’s thoughts, words and actions. This is the decisive factor that clearly shows You the degree of someone’s spiritual maturity or immaturity.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’

 Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Nine

The Egg’s Hatching

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Egg's HatchingAmazing Grace, how sweet it is to know that in Your realm there is no separation between anything and that all is one. Everything is for real and there is no faking and/or pretending. And what we earthlings like to think of as our most secret thoughts, words and actions, on Your plane it is as if we were shouting them from the rooftops. It’s no secret there what kind of a creature will eventually emerge from the ideas that You and the Angels deposit from time to time in the nest of humankind’s consciousness. You know who is going to hatch which egg, what the product of any of them will be and after what length of time the truth about it is going to emerge.

The Jesus legend provides us with one of the finest examples of how this process manifests itself in our world. Before this tale ever appeared, You and the Angels had decided that it should first be used by the propaganda machinery of a political organisation that had its seat in Rome. Skilfully handled by the scribes it employed, the life story of the Master Jesus would be suitable for helping them to continue their empire-building and warmongering efforts. Untrue fear-inducing stories were woven into the Jesus legend and all together they were presented as if they were literally true.

This is how stories about Heaven and hell, God and the devil came about, even though they never existed the way each new religion’s teachings insisted was literally true. Never mind that they only ever were products of someone’s imagination, they were good for separating the easily frightened people of the Earth from as much as possible of their earthly resources. Money and land possessions were particularly desirable.

The pretence that every word of their teachings is literally true, turned every new religion that appeared in our world into one of its most lethal and evil instrument ever. From the emergence of every new religion, its leaders used this tool most skilfully for setting people and nations against each other, so they did not hesitate to go to war and kill each other, in spite of the fact that the Old Testament’s commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill!’ The Old Testament is shared by the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Alas, all these things were necessary for teaching every one of us earthlings the value of honesty and truth. When we had been without them for long enough, we surely would appreciate and treasure them when, in times to come, they at last returned to our world. Amazing Grace, thanks be that this time has come and for allowing us to know that higher esoteric wisdom and truths have always been hiding behind just about every one of or world’s myths and legends, including the one of the Master Jesus’ life.

What a long time we had to wait until the Aquarian age, the age of truth, came round and began to reveal ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth to anyone who was looking for it. That’s how ever more of the truth behind the surface words of Jesus tale have already emerged. Thanks be to God and the Angels for telling us that, if we wait in all Eternity, no saviour and redeemer will ever appear and wave some kind of magic wand to save us and redeem all karmic debts that, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, have accumulated in everybody’s spiritual ledger. The only one who really can save and redeem us is our own higher God or Christ nature. Its characteristics need to be brought forth, by each one of us, from deep within our own being. The more they are used in all earthly encounters, the more peaceful and pleasant a place our world becomes for all manifestations of life that are sharing it with us.

That’s how the Christ spirit can and will eventually reveal itself as the saviour and redeemer of each one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. Everybody can only learn through their own experiences that it cannot come about through any kind of outside influence. This is because Jesus is not a historical person who once walked in our midst. He merely represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, whose characteristics are that which is best, highest and noblest in humankind’s nature. It exists in every one of us, even though at first only in seed form. Every one of us is required to bring these qualities forth from the depths of their own being. The more another one of us applies them to anything that exists on the earthly plane, the less need there will be for tears to flow there.

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), the Nazi regime’s propaganda minister, said: If you tell a lie that’s big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and therefore by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

This is what happened with the Jesus legend and all other similar tales before them. Each one represented a new idea that like an egg was placed in the nest of humankind’s consciousness by God and the Angels. One of these stories was a rumour that one fine day a man would appear in our world who had the power of saving and redeeming every human being, the whole of humankind and its world. All people had to do was believe that he really existed. This tale had been doing the rounds for a long time, when Christianity’s story of Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind appeared.

For a better understanding of what really happened, I warmly recommend the following books by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy: 1) ‘The Jesus Mysteries – Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’ 2) ‘Jesus and the Lost Goddess’ and 3) ‘The Laughing Jesus – Religious Lies And Gnostic Wisdom’. Apart from each one of these books being a good read, they are mines of valuable information about much of our world’s religious background. They show that there never has been anything new under the Sun in the sky above our world, and how the early leaders of the Christian religion were merely walking in the footsteps of previous belief systems.

Following their example was all the pharma industry had to do to successfully launch it’s ‘plandemic’. And if it’s cause really were a virus, it should be renamed FEAR. The whole experience is very similar to the one that no Jesus or Buddha ever existed on the earthly plane. Both were merely legends. And just like the God-man was part of the methods used by the Christian religion’s propaganda machinery to frighten the living daylights out of the masses, so they could easily be exploited and relieved of as much as possible of their resources, that’s how the pharma industry brought about our world’s present state. Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You for allowing us to know that all these things were necessary, that they have been and still are essential parts of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•    ‘Walking On Water’
•    ‘Leaving Your Fears Behind’
•    ‘Further Reading From My Bookshelf’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Ten

Old Religions : Cuckoos In Humankind’s Nest

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Old Religions : Cuckoos In Humankind’s NestSome extra powerful outpourings of the Christ energies are flowing into our whole world on a number of occasions, for example around the time of the Wesak Moon and the Christ Moon, as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices or the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. Regardless of whether we live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, they simultaneously reach and influence all life on our planet equally strongly. The reversal of the seasons in the hemispheres does not make any difference.

The next major flow of the Universal Christ energies’ blessings will be reaching our world seven weeks after Easter Sunday, which in the year 2021 took place on 4th April. It will come our way on the day of the full Moon in Gemini, known as the Christ Moon, on 26th May 2021 at 11.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. To this day, Christianity celebrates the Christ Moon as Whitsunday and Whitsuntide. That’s how the Christian religion once pushed the egg/ideas of it’s predecessor’s festival of Beltane or Beltain out of humankind’s nest. This Gaelic May Day festival to this day is celebrated by many on the first day of May as well as about halfway between each spring equinox and summer solstice.

That’s how, a long time ago, the new religion Christianity eventually managed to push the traditional Gaelic religion’s beliefs and habits out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness. It was mainly done with the help of a story about a religious Master, who once walked on the Earth and was called Jesus. Although many to this day believe that every word of this tale is literally true, ever more people in our world by now realise that Jesus is a symbol of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature.

But let’s return to the Christ Moon for a moment. With the help of numerology, let’s take a closer look at how the energies involved are likely to beneficially influence every one of us and also our whole world. The Christ Moon takes place seven weeks after Easter. 7 x 7 = 49 days and that makes a great deal of sense. 4 = Uranus, co-ruler of Aquarius, the voice of God. 9 = Pluto, co-ruler with Mars of Scorpio, sign of the subconscious. 4 + 9 = 13 = 1 = the Sun, 3 = Jupiter. 1 + 3 = 4 = the Christ energies are the purest and most exalted love energies. That will be God’s voice communicating with particular strength before, during and after the Christ Moon and that with every one of us from the subconscious level of our being that’s invisible to earthly eyes but can be perceived in prayers, quiet times of reflection and meditations.

As mentioned before, God and the Angels never communicated with us and our world by simply telling us the meaning of something. From the beginning of our race’s appearance on the earthly plane they have been using myths and legends, allegories and metaphors, parables and symbolisms. Trying to understand them through fathoming out what they may want to tell us and our world the Highest Forces of life always left up to each one of us. The way we went about it and what kind of conclusions we came to showed them, more clearly than anything else could ever have done, what level of spiritual maturity or immaturity we had reached.

That’s why every so often God and the Angels gave our world a new religion. Each belief system was carefully designed to keep humankind away from discovering too early the true nature of its Divine parents as well as who and what every human being really is. God’s great plan of life for us and our world decreed that it would take a long time before we found that we are one with God and all manifestations of life that exist in the whole of Creation. Only towards the end of our education in the earthly school of life would we discover that every human being has a special relationship with the Great Father/Mother of all life that cannot be disrupted or destroyed by anything or anyone.

At a predestined time, ideas for another new religion entered the nest of humankind’s consciousness. It came about in similar fashion to an egg that God and the Angels, metaphorically speaking, added to the number of eggs they had already placed in this nest. With the greatest of loving care and Divine ingenuity, wrapped in something like a fragile bird’s egg, in this case cuckoo’s egg, ideas for each new religions were placed into the minds of those who, at that time, were destined to play the role of inflicting some more of suffering onto those who were ready to redeem the karmic debts that had accumulated in their spiritual ledger, in the course of earthly lifetimes when they belonged to the group of newly arrived human spirit/souls. That’s how God and the Angels placed their ideas for each new religion into the nest of the belief system that had most recently appeared.

The host parents failed to notice that the hatchling that emerged from one of the eggs in their nest, could not possibly be one of their offspring. As a result, they fed the hungry newcomer so well that in no time at all it was forcing their own eggs, one after the other, out of the nest. Lacking the gift of foresight, the parent religion at first warmed the inflowing ideas that the egg contained. But even when hatching time came round they did not notice that the emerging creature was in fact a budding new religion.

That’s why they kept feeding the greedy youngster, so that with their help it grew to ever more enormous proportions. It was too late when the parents at last noticed that something was seriously wrong with their offspring. Never having experienced anything of this nature before, they failed to notice how their nest’s hungry occupant, one after the other, pushed their own eggs that contained the ideas that God and the Angels had given to them, out of the nest. They smashed on the ground, no longer of interest to anyone.

This happened because the leaders of each new religion, the same as all other human beings, were occupied with getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of the human masculine nature. Let’s not judge anyone because of this because that’s what all of us have inherited from our animal predecessors. Competing and fighting is a natural aspect of masculinity and that’s present in every man and woman alike. It’s conscious in men and unconscious in women, that’s the only difference. Watch the animal kingdom and observe how males are wrestling and fighting with each other for the position of Alpha male, especially within herds.

The people at the head of each new religion never could help following the drives and urges of their masculine instinctive nature. That’s why every new leader, who appeared in our world, did not hesitate to satisfy his inborn lust for troublemaking and warmongering. Hoping to make his dreams of empire building a reality on the earthly plane, each did his best to get hold of as many treasures as possible and then tried to keep them. Each time a new religion appeared, this is what happened. And that’s how the ideas of this particular cuckoo’s egg gradually forced the older belief system’s ideas out of what they thought of as their nest.

It needs bearing in mind that everything that ever took place in our world, including that which is happening now, has been for the wise higher purpose of teaching us, individually and collectively, a lesson – no more and no less. Through the absence of honesty and truth, and that for quite some time, God and the Angels have been teaching us the value of these qualities. Once this lesson has been learnt sufficiently, we shall be ready to move on to the next instalment of humankind’s great evolutionary plan. The earthly school of life’s learning process is basically not different from that of any educational institution on the outer material plane.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Eleven

How Sweetly Does The Cuckoo Really Call?

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - How Sweetly Does The Cuckoo Really Call?In the so far eighty-three years of this lifetime, I have only heard a cuckoo calling once. It happened around twenty years ago during a walk in Germany’s Arnsberg Forest. After having climbed to the top of a hill, we stopped for a moment to gaze across a valley to another hill that was as densely wooded as ours. That’s when we heard a cuckoo calling. To this day, I remember it as a strangely haunting and attractive sound that seemed to come from far away, almost as if someone were calling from another world, inviting me to follow to where it might want to lead me. When I reflect on this now, that makes a great deal of sense. It’s because at that time I had placed myself in a situation that would eventually turn out to be no more than a cuckoo’s egg in the nest of my present lifetime. It managed to get in the way of fulfilling its ultimate purpose of emerging as the author of ‘The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’, but only for a while.

Be that as it may, the cuckoo is a secretive bird who can often be heard, but hardly ever seen. On the outer material plane the male cuckoo’s sweet calling tells us that it’s springtime and that he is looking for a female companion who, in the course of one season, can lay of up to twenty-three eggs. Every one of them the female places with great caution and unequalled audacity into the nests of other birds. And whenever God and the Angels decide that springtime has been reached once more for humankind’s spiritual development, they think of ideas for a new religion that will take our race another step forwards and upwards on its own evolutionary spiral and that of Mother Earth.

And so they start placing ideas for the next religion in the minds of those who are destined to play leading roles in this operation. Many people by then have become tired of the old religion’s promises because with the passing of time, their promises have revealed themselves as being empty ones. Curious about what a new religion offers, they are likely to be interested in what this one seems to offer. Insisting that their God is a vastly superior one to all previous ones, that’s how in times gone by, each new religion attracted increasing numbers of people who were willing to follow the sweet callings that were emerging from the ideas contained in the latest cuckoo’s egg God and the Angels had deposited in the nest of humankind’s consciousness.

On every occasion, it did not take long until those who were unwilling to believe that the teachings of the newly emerging religion were literally true, could be got rid of by the religion’s followers with the help of anything they could lay their hands on, encouraged by the movement’s leaders. Find out more about this by taking a look at the link about the inquisition at the end of this chapter. That’s how Christianity once dealt with anyone who refused to believe that their promises of a saviour and redeemer who exists on the higher levels of life, who helps anyone – no matter how much they have already sinned and will be sinning, when told to do so, especially in the name of Jesus, by the leaders of this religion.

To be saved and redeemed by this God-man is very simple. All one has to do is say that one believes that the story of his life is literally true and that he is a historical figure, who once walked with humankind on the earthly plane. And as ever more of us are finding out, that’s just about as far as one can get from the truth about Jesus, who is merely a symbolism of the higher God or Christ nature, not of a selected few, but every human being. We shall return to this theme later.

For the moment may it suffice to say that things went from bad to worse for our world after the reformation, when some parts of our world successfully shed the yokes of religious oppression and exploitation of the Roman Catholic church. The reformation begun when Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. The separation of Catholic and Protestant Christians provided each side with plenty of fresh excuses for  fighting and maiming, killing and exploiting each other resources. Both were doing this in the name of the non-existent God-man by the name of Jesus.

Even though they must be aware of the Old Testament’s commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill!’, priests on both sides blessed the weapons of their soldiers and prayed for the victory of their side, to a non-existent God. How crazy could our world get? Oh yes, it could and that came about when God and the Angels laid the cuckoo’s egg/idea of a pandemic into the nest of humankind’s consciousness. What can you and I do about it?

To my mind, there is nothing but forgiving ourselves and each other, because all of us have taken part in this kind of thing and that not in just lifetime but many. Changing from the giving end of suffering to the receiving one, and back again, time and again. Enduring our world’s present state is the redemption of what’s left of the karmic debts that accumulated during those earthly sojourns. So let’s not waste time and breath with complaining about what’s happening but accept that we must have done our share of bringing it about. Otherwise we would not be here, having to take part in it – whether we like it or not.

All together let’s rest safely in the knowledge that this too will pass, the same as all earthly things eventually do. And rejoice because the Aquarian age, the age of honesty and truth, is with us and the Piscean age is definitely over. What we are dealing with at present are what’s left of this age of lying and cheating, deception of the self and others, as well as blind belief. It was a time when our world’s religious authorities, with the help of ever more outrageous and outlandish tales equipped themselves with the lethal weapon of fear. That’s how people could once be forced to blindly believe that their teachings are literally true and so is anything else that appears in other ancient tomes.

This is also what the pharma industry is trying to do at present with us and our world. But I do not only believe but know for sure, because that’s what my inner guidance is telling me, that hand in  hand with God and the Angels any condition can be healed and everything can be overcome. Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You that the lying and cheating part of humankind’s development is definitely over. That’s why since our entry into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, ever more spiritual knowledge has been flowing steadily, from Your highest level of life directly into all receiver/transmitter stations that are tuned into Your frequencies.

Yet, as Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’ I could not agree more. This is why I have never just shared the fresh insights that are almost constantly coming to me intuitively. All along, I have not merely been telling you that this, that and the other just is a certain way, but why this is so. To my mind, if something is meant to be of value to you, my dear readers, you need to be able to understand its meaning. This is the reason why, throughout my writings, the most frequently used word is ‘because’. I make no apologies for that. And as I also have pointed out many times before, you are only to take on board that to which your own inner guidance reacts with: ‘Yes, this makes sense. It is true!’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twelve

Cycles Within Cycles

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Cycles Withiin Cycles

As touched upon earlier, everything in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles. The end of each one of them is the beginning of another. God and the Angels thought that approx. every five hundred years our race had progressed sufficiently on the great evolutionary spiral of life to justify the release of ideas for a new religion into humankind’s consciousness. Simultaneous with this, they deposited another batch of newly created human spirit/souls they had equipped with a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light, onto the earthly plane.

For a long time, newcomers are unaware of what’s happening to them. They do not know that they are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons and that in truth, from the word ‘go’ every one of them is a young God in the making, who has to serve the first part of its apprenticeship as a physical being in a physical world, without knowing why. Only after having spent many lifetimes in this condition, it gradually dawns on them that the Earth is a place of learning and a school.

For every human being the circle of their earthly existence begins with getting to know the low and lowest drives and urges of their instinctive animal nature. To ensure an all-round thorough education, we first find ourselves on the giving end of suffering. We inflict it upon those for whom this developmental phase closes a circle. In some cases that can be their final one. At any given time, some of us are destined to suffer at the hands of young and inexperienced souls, who as yet know no greater pleasure than hurting, wounding and exploiting those around them. That’s how oldsters redeem the karmic debts that accumulated in their spiritual bank account when they, and that could have been many lifetimes ago, were a newcomer to earthly life.

Even though final lifetimes can turn out particularly difficult and trying, with the closing of an oldster’s circle a new one opens that is guaranteed to take them, slowly but surely, forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral. Each new circle takes them onto a somewhat higher level of experiencing themselves and the world around them. This is a process that’s very similar to the appearance of each new religion. As soon as a sufficient number of human beings are thought to be capable of coping with a fresh inflow of spiritual ideas, God and the Angels are ready to place another cuckoo’s egg into humankind’s nest. Simultaneous with this, they introduce another new generation of spirit/souls to experiencing life as physical beings in a material world, so they can get to know the drives and urges of their lower animal nature through practising them in real life situations on the earthly plane.

 A new circle opened for all who were taking part in the pharma industry when it first came into being. Inspired by God and the Angels, highly evolved beings at that stage of the industry’s development were intuitively shown how to develop products that would mean the end of some of humankind’s worst illnesses, for example polio and smallpox. With the help and will of the Highest, nothing in our world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation happens without this, it did not take long until the industry had evolved into one of the main benefactors of humankind. Our world’s present state closes this circle with the blessing that by now ever more of us are becoming sufficiently evolved to recognise the background of what for some time has been happening to our world.

Increasing numbers are realising the true intentions behind the pharma industry’s ‘armoury’ against what, by now, is becoming ever more widely known not as a pandemic but a plandemic that serves anything but humankind’s wellbeing. It’s becoming ever more clearly visible that the a virus that’s so dangerous that, if left to its own devices, has the potential of wiping the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, simply does not exist. That’s the most monstrous lie that was ever launched upon humankind. At the same time, it’s one of the greatest money-spinning exercises ever that’s making this industry’s already immensely rich shareholders richer still and, in direct proportion, the whole of humankind poorer.

Recognising that the pharma industry for quite some time has been walking in the footsteps of our world’s religions is not difficult. In truth, each one of our religions has been and to this day is nothing but a political organisation. For teaching our world the value of honesty and truth, this was necessary but only for a while. That’s why God and the Angels designed our religions in this manner. Isn’t it good to know that nothing in the whole of Creation, not merely in our world, happens without the help and will of the Highest?

This is why humankind’s Divine evolutionary plan provided that from time to time a new religion should appear that was hiding, behind the façade of religious teachings which to this day consist of nothing but lies and deceptions, it’s true intentions. The favourite masculine hope and dream of young and spiritually inexperienced men in our midst is still about ruling the whole of our world, brought about through empire building and warmongering. This is how at the same time all old religions for a predestined time kept humankind from discovering God’s true nature and everybody’s own.

Let’s forgive the old religions because each one of them has been a necessary instrument with which God and the Angels have been teaching our world the value of honesty and truth. That’s why the cuckoo’s egg for each new religion that appeared during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its beliefs that an all-male God-head is our world’s supreme ruler. Each new cuckoo’s egg that was placed by the Highest Forces of life into the nest of humankind’s consciousness during that time contained more ideas that could be used for making up ever more tales for frightening the living daylights out of individuals as well as the mass of people.

It did not take long after the first appearance of such stories that, as with the previous religions, the blind were leading the blind. It was because after a while each leader of the new religion was convinced that their teachings were literally true. When they had spent many more lifetimes on the earthly plane, in one of them it would dawn on these people that the teachings of all old religions have nothing in common with what really happens to human beings, in particular when their time for saying goodbye to earthly life has come round. With relief they too will eventually discover, without being aware that their present lifetime is merely one of a great many, that there is no such thing as death and that the human spirit/soul is immortal like God and can never die. It merely moves into another dimension of life and that happens at the end of each lifetime.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Thirteen

Natural Healing Methods Return To Our World

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Natural Healing Methods Return To Our WorldThe best news of all is that each one of the old religions, from the word ‘go’ was predestined to exist in our world for a certain length of time only. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more they will disappear, one after the other. It’s a natural part of the process of honesty and truth returning to our world. The more one recognises the damage their lack is causing to almost everybody, the more one appreciates them when it emerges somewhere. Added to this is the awareness that we are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions. We have to live with their consequences because each one in due course returns to us in a somewhat strengthened manner. The more one realises these things, the less one wants to take part in the systematic spreading of lies and untruths.

And that’s precisely what the members of the pharma industry have been doing for quite a long time. The thoughts, words and actions they used to manipulate the masses into accepting their vaccinations against a non-existent virus have returned to them and are the cause of the plandemic. On the surface of things it looks as if this time round the pharma industry had succeeded. Yet, I shudder to think what kind of consequences in due course are bound to return to every one, who took and to this day is taking part in this operation. And that’s merely because they are as yet unaware of the above mentioned concepts.

To my mind, one of the best examples of how lying and cheating was successfully used for manipulating the mass of people, for a while. This is how Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, worked. He was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. Goebbels was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. He wrote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

And that’s the rope on which the pharma industry for quite a long time has been working exceedingly hard to hang itself. The upside of these efforts is that ever more of us realise that the true driving force behind this industry’s products is a money-spinning exercise that exploits humankind’s precious resources for the benefit of a few. At the same time, it’s an attempt at robbing every one of us of their right to personal freedom of movement.

By now, increasing numbers of us recognise that these are the true symptoms of our world’s present sickness. Because of this ever more of us already have lost or are in the process of losing their faith in the pharma industry’s products. And that’s happening because it’s becoming ever more widely know that with the help and will of God and the Angels any condition of mind and body, spirit and soul, can be healed. In particular this applies to our world’s present sickness. But where does one and gain access to the healing vibrations of the Highest?

They are freely available to anyone who ask for them. By turning within and that’s why ever more of us are interested in gaining access to their very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God, who is waiting to stir into action within everybody. This is the one and only truly reliable teacher or guru, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any questions we may ever wish to ask. That’s where we need to turn whenever we are searching for natural healing methods that are just right for us and our condition. The answer will come to us intuitively.

Don’t be disheartened if it does not do so straight away; sometimes it takes a while. Each time we ask for help in this way, we automatically tune into the white healing magic that’s constantly flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. All one has to do is learn how to tap into it. And that’s the most vital aspect of weaning humankind from the habit of looking towards the pharma industry’s products when something in our physical body and mind, through pain and discomfort is pleading for our earthly self’s attention.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle Lodge’s Calendar 2021 for the month of May: ‘Everything that grows on Mother Earth is charged with a different aspect of the blessing and healing energies that are constantly flowing from the Highest levels life into the earthly plane. Every tree, plant and flower has an affinity with some part of the human organism and therefore has the power of putting things right when something has gone wrong. Wise ones have known for a long time that a herb exists somewhere in your world that contains the power of healing anything that has gone wrong with human beings as well as animals.

‘At last the time has come for humankind to return to the long known natural healing methods and, inspired by God and the Angels, adding and developing ever more new ones. That’s how it will soon be possible to restore the natural equilibrium and wellbeing of every human being in mind and body, spirit and soul.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Fourteen

Plandemic : The Grand Finale

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Plandemic : The Grand FinaleI believe our world’s present situation is the grand finale of humankind’s spiritual development on the Earth. It was necessary for the redemption of whatever karmic debts were still waiting unpaid in the spiritual ledgers of several older generations of highly experienced spirit/souls. So that as many as possible of them could take part in this karmic clearout, that’s why our world had to be become so heavily overpopulated for a while. These ‘oldster’s also once started their earthly education like the young and inexperienced spirit/souls in our midst are doing.

Similar to them, we did not have a clue of what in due course would be bound to return to us, unless our older and more experienced siblings assisted our God and Christ nature to grow strong enough to emerge and take over its earthly counterpart. Alas, that does not seem to have happened during our spiritual childhood and adolescence. In those days, we were taking part in one or maybe even all of them, one after the other, of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. How long will it take until every one of those who still follow these belief systems understands that their religion has outlived its usefulness and that its teachings are becoming ever more outdated through the wisdom and truth that’s flowing with ever increasing strength into the individual and collective consciousness of humankind?

The cuckoo’s eggs that for a long time successfully contained the ideas for the untruths of these three religions, are being pushed out of their owner’s nests by the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age. Its teachings consist of the wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, honestly and truthfully presented throughout. This age is supremely ruled by total and unconditional love for every human being, regardless of what colour their skin is in this lifetime and what kind of creed they are following.

There is only one religion, the religion of love, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Through Judaism God and the Angels once introduced the idea that there is but one God and that is our world’s supreme ruler. The Judean teachings tells us that it’s an all-male God who brings wrath and woe upon those who refuse to believe in Him and follow the commandments He gave to humankind through a Hebrew man by the name of Abraham, who is known as the founder of Judaism. God made a special covenant with Abraham and as a result this man and his descendants were chosen to create a great nation. Christianity’s story about the God-man Jesus outshone the Jewish tales. To this day, there are many in our world who believe that every word of such teachings are literally true.

The last religion to arrive on the scene was Islam. The word means ‘surrender to God’. This new belief system went one step further by confirming Christianity’s belief that Jesus was a historical figure, but that he was merely a prophet and by no means a God. Since its first appearance, this cuckoo’s egg/idea has been working extremely hard on pushing the egg of Christianity out of humankind’s nest through a legend about the Prophet Mohamed and his teachings. The Islamic leaders, just like all predecessors on our world’s religious scene, declared that every word of their legend, as well as the teachings accompanying it, is literally true. And because the original Mohamed was declared to be a very wise man indeed, any instructions he left behind must be followed. The command that any non-believer of the Islamic religions should either be converted or removed from the face of the Earth, by whatever means available to this religion’s followers.

The saddest part of all three Abrahamic religions is that, for a long time by now, their leaders believe to be acting in the name of God, regardless of the fact that they do not yet understand who and what God truly is. The good news is that ever more of us these days are aware that higher esoteric meaning and truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of every one of these three religions’ legends and teachings and that, in each case, almost the exact opposite of what they are saying is true. That’s how to this day spiritually blind people are leading their equally blind followers. The greatest pity, to my mind, is that through this the leaders of our world’s remaining religions are encouraging their followers to pile ever more karmic debts into their spiritual bank accounts.

Finding out the truth behind the surface words of our world’s religious teachings is going to be the cuckoo’s egg that, with the passing of time, will push ever more of what’s left of the old religions’ bloodthirsty hopes, dreams and aspirations, their lust for warmongering and empire-building, out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness, once and for all. The pharma industry shareholders’ greed was caused by another cuckoo’s egg that God and the Angels placed in the nest of humankind’s consciousness, quite a while ago. And for some time by now, the circle of this experience has been in the process of closing. I believe it won’t take long until the pharma industry’s products of our time have been pushed out of humankind’s nest altogether. The more clearly the industry’s intentions behind its present money-spinning exercise, the likes of which has never before been experienced in our world, become visible the more the masses will lose their faith in that industry’s products.

That’s why these days ever more are already turning towards natural healing methods and are keen to learn about tuning their earthly minds into the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. The lies and deceptions that brought the plandemic about are part of the golden cuckoo’s egg/ideas they placed in the pharma industry’s nest, a long time ago when it started as a true benefactor of humankind. However, the Divine great plan of life decrees that, as soon as the energies are right, the truth about the plandemic will emerge – in all its glory and quite unexpected ways.

It has been for wise higher reasons that every one of us earthlings has been given the right to make up our own mind about any of the ideas that are constantly flowing from the Highest level of life into the receiver/transmitter station of the earthly mind of those for whom an idea is intended. That’s how in any given moment, the way we react shows the wise ones in charge of us and our world, on the inner plane of life, which degree of spiritual awareness we have reached.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Fifteen

The Patriarchy

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - The Patriarchy

The recognition that Judaism’s tales of Abraham and Moses, as well as Christianity’s of Jesus are merely legends and not literally true is an essential aspect of the cleansing process our world has been going through for some time. The Old Testament is shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Getting to know the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind  the surface of these stories, and others like the one about the creation of humankind and that our race began with Adam and Eve, God and the devil, Heaven and hell an so forth are part of this operation. Each one of these tales started its existence as an idea that flowed into our world from the mind of the Highest Forces of life. Like a cuckoo’s egg the Angels and Masters in charge of our world’s development once placed these ideas, so that their true meaning would, when the time for doing so had come, reveal itself as being this egg’s rightful hatchlings.

The revelation of the truth is part of humankind’s final assault on the spiritual mountain of life. Each religion has made its own contribution, in its own inimitable way. In spite of the differences between the belief systems that God and the Angels ever gave to our world, all of them had been carefully designed for moving our race, steadily forwards and upwards on the spiral of its spiritual development. Each religion with its strange tales was designed to mislead humankind in a different way. That’s how all of them managed to keep us away from discovering God’s true nature and our own too early. Withholding honesty and truth from our world and especially the religious scene, for a certain predestined length of time, happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind their value. In keeping with God’s great plan of life, this  withholding operation started with the beginning of the patriarchy approx. six thousand years. That’s how long a while can last in God’s time, which is Eternity. And that has nothing in common with our earthly perception of time.

Six thousand years of patriarchy provided sufficient opportunities for familiarising every human being with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their animal nature. That’s why in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of us was first placed on the giving end of suffering when we did not hesitate to inflict it upon those around us – probably even enjoyed it. Yet, only when we have spiritually matured sufficiently and therefore are able to cope with it, the love and wisdom of the Highest place us on the receiving end of what we once so liberally handed out to others. And that’s how ultimately our world’s religions served God and the Angels as instruments for teaching humankind the difference between good and evil.

Without first getting to know evil, each can only do this through their own first hand experiences, we would never be able to understand the meaning of this word. To help every human being with acquiring first hand knowledge of good as well as evil, both have to be experienced and worked through. That’s why, to provide us with a sufficiently thorough education, we first find ourselves at the giving end of good and also evil, and later at their receiving end. Otherwise we would never be able to understand the nature of these concepts and what the difference between them is.

From our present level of spiritual development, it’s hard to imagine that our earthly existence, the same as everybody else’s, once started without the knowledge of anything. Our consciousness was like a slate that had never been written on. From the word ‘go’, the Divine spark of every human being is constantly in need of light and that in two ways. The Divine Trinity is our parent and It’s light is constantly pulling all of us round and round the zodiac, through every one of its signs and houses. Simultaneously, that’s how we steadily absorb ever more of Its light. The knowledge we gather along the pathway of each earthly lifetime is everyone’s own way of growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves and the world around them. And that’s the second meaning of light.

Don’t you find it a comforting thought that this is how every Divine spark begins its existence as a human being? First God and the Angels place us on the earthly plane, so that we can begin our apprenticeship of young Gods in the making through getting to know ourselves as a merely physical being in a world of matter. This continues until our spirit/soul’s Divine spark has grown strong enough and our earthly self starts to realise that the earthly plane is not all there is to human beings.

It’s difficult to believe that you and I also once believed that tales like those of the Abrahamic religions are literally true. Yet, that’s what really happened. How can anyone still believe such things and yet, many do. That shows us what a long way you and I have come. And that gets me wondering how many earthly lifetimes it might have taken us to get us where we are now. What kind of roles could we have played? One thing is sure and that is that we also initially belonged to a generation of young and inexperienced earthly beings who could think of no better pastime than hurting and harming those around us. Perish the thought, but we too once enjoyed exploiting and ravaging humankind’s precious resources, the way the pharma industry has been doing successfully, with ever increasing greed, for quite some time by now.

I believe the best way of dealing with anyone who has got involved with supporting their hopes and dreams is through forgiveness. Yet, before forgiving them, we first need to forgive ourselves. After all, we were the ones who, probably many lifetimes ago, set the plandemic’s wheels in motion through thoughts, words and actions that aimed to harm the mental and economic wellbeing of humankind and its world. The plandemic is what the Universal law of cause and effect has returned to who once was on the giving end of similar kinds of offences. The next step takes us to forgiving anyone on the earthly plane, who has and still is contributing to our world’s present state.

They are the spiritual youngsters in our midst. From the developmental point you and I have reached, it’s not hard to forgive them for they really are as yet unaware of the consequences of what they are doing to humankind. And that ultimately, they are doing this to themselves. They would run a mile if they already knew about the law of cause and effect and what – unless we help their Christ nature to wake up – this law is bound to return to them, in due course. What a shame they do not yet understand that every human being’s earthly existence fulfils a wise higher purpose and that a high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us, as soon as our earthly education has reached its end and has nothing more to tell us.

Ultimately, every human being during its lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school  of life’s lessons has been placed there for enabling it to grow in wisdom and understanding, of God’s true nature and its own.  Even though for many lifetimes we are unaware of this, it’s a journey of exploration, learning and discovering new aspects of it. I believe the best starting point, as soon as someone’s spiritual nature begins to wake up,  is a steadily increasing awareness that: earthly life is not all there is to every human being’s existence; it has an inner spiritual counterpart in which all life is one and there is no separation between anything; everything that happens in our world is clearly visible to the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the inner level.

In spirit realm, our other world, everything is for real and there is no faking and pretending anywhere and the intention behind every thought, word and action of the outer world are as clear as crystal to everybody on the inner plane. When the outer has become like it’s inner counterpart, honesty and truth will be the supreme rulers of our world. There will be as much peace and harmony on both planes. It will then no longer matter what race we ever belonged to during any of our lifetimes, which colour our skin was and what creed we may ever have followed. In the final analysis the only thing that matters is that we have grown in wisdom and understanding and that not through reading books, but each through living through their own experiences.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Sixteen

Jon Rappaport : Not Always A Voice Of Truth

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Jon Rappaport : Not Always A Voice Of Truth

Someone who would greatly benefit from finding out about these things, would be the American writer and journalist Jon Rappaport.  Until recently he came across to me as a voice of truth. This is because the part of his work to which my attention was first drawn, was spot on. To each one my inner guidance reacted with: ‘Yes, this is the truth.’ Alas, this has changed since the arrival in my e-mail inbox of his most recent offerings:

1) ‘COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe,’ of 10th May 2021. My guidance’s response to this one is that Jon’s perception of our world’s present state this time is way off the mark. See what yours says when you follow the link below:

2) ‘Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money. Financial shock and awe.’ Arrived 12th May 2021

My inner guidance tells me that the direction in which Jon is moving with these offerings is way off the mark. They are reminding me of the German proverb: ‘Wenn’s dem Esel zu gut geht, geht er auf’s Glatteis und bricht sich ein Bein.’ When things are going to well for donkeys, they step onto black-ice and breaks a leg.’ Donkeys aren’t known for their smartness. This saying warns us that doing something in too high spirits can turn out to be harmful. In Germany it is used when someone does something and they should have known better. People might only shake their heads and say: ‘When the donkey. . .’. That’s usually enough, because just about everybody knows the rest of this proverb. An English saying also comes to mind and that’s: ‘Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched!’

About Jon’s latest offerings my inner guidance adds: ‘Yes, things of this nature could happen, but only if God and the Angels were not in charge of humankind and its world. Fortunately, they are and the Divine great plan of life has something quite different in mind for all of you. The Aquarian age, for some time by now, has constantly been moving humankind’s spiritual development forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Nothing on the earthly plane can interfere with, disrupt or even bring it to a halt, for the briefest of moments. With every passing second and minute, hour and day your whole world is moving closer to a new golden age. Every one of you will be provided with plenty of what they truly need. That’s all you take and you’ll be happy to leave the rest for those who come after you. The prime rulers of your world will be peace and love, honesty and truth together with goodwill towards all manifestations of life that share Mother Earth with you. Metaphorically speaking, that’s what’s ‘written in the Stars’ for humankind.

‘For long enough it has seemed on your world’s outer plane as if nobody were in charge of it. Let no-one be fooled by such appearances. Your world was created this way for the wise higher purpose of enabling every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, to become familiar with the drives and urges of its lower earthly nature. The only way of doing this is through exploring each one to the fullest, and that on the giving as well as the receiving end of the experiences this brings with it. That’s why every human being has been granted the gift of freedom of choice. At all times, it allows you to make up your own mind about which way you would like to travel whenever a new idea or concept comes your way.

‘The present state of your world serves the redemption of all unpaid karmic debts that to this day are waiting to be paid in humankind’s spiritual ledgers. Please note that it’s for simplicity’s sake that, throughout the Aquarian writings, the Highest Forces of life are called God and the Angels. This authority never interferes unnecessarily with life on the outer material plane of Its realm. Only when things are in danger of getting out of hand, it does step in and says: ‘Whoa!’ That’s what it is doing with what’s before you now.’

If you would like confirmation that what you are finding out here as well as in all other parts of my writings, is true, it’s best to consult with your own inner guidance or the living God within. To my mind, this is the only trustworthy and reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation who knows the way of all things and has the answer to any question we shall ever want to ask. Best of all, this teacher never charges anything for its services.

From ‘The Milk Is White’ comes the following warning: ‘It is important to be aware that there are many souls incarnate who are misguided, because they have not yet overcome their selfish desires and present themselves to us as Gurus and Masters and seek our allegiance and all that entails. Others have the spiritual knowledge but because they do not live that knowledge mislead themselves into using it for selfish purposes. Hence independent thought is very important. ‘By their actions you may judge them’ and ‘Beware the priest who is also a businessman’ is wise counsel to keep in mind. [Jon Rappaport owns a publishing house.]

‘There are others who, with the best of intentions, try to convince us that the texts on which they rely are the only true one. Sadly this ignorance demonstrates a lack of understanding of the Truth. Some present for our acceptance and salvation what may be likened to a beautiful bonsai – a plant whose shape is contrived, whose roots do not probe deeply and whose branches are low and do not reach into the ethers. In making any choices we should be aware that a rope incorrectly knotted is difficult to undo.’

Be that as it may, the Piscean age has been the age of blind faith and blindly believing of what our world’s religious teachings are saying that they are literally true. This age was a period during which lying and cheating, deception of the self and others, were the order of the day and practised by many. All of it came about with the help and will of God and the Angel during the Piscean age. It was an essential part teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, when in the course of the Aquarian age they would gradually re-appear. The deeper we penetrate into this age, the more of these qualities will re-establish themselves in our world.

How does one remove that which still is ugly and evil on this plane, once and for all? To my mind, the best way is by absorbing it by sending good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions in its direction.  Each one of them feeds into humankind’s light stream of consciousness and that increases its strength. This is how, with the passing of time, the power of our world’s own Christ light gradually absorbs ever more of our world’s remaining unwanted and superfluous darkness into itself. If we but ask, God and the Angels transmute these energies into blessing and healing ones that happily and freely flow to wherever someone is in need of them.

God and the Angels are part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also our world. Being the eyes that never sleep, they are part of everything that happens anywhere and nothing ever comes about without their consent or is beyond their reach. And because earthly life is a school and place of learning, whenever God and the angels permit something to come about here, it merely does so because it serves a wise higher purpose of some kind. Without exception, it is part of someone’s lesson and in many cases for the whole of humankind.

This most certainly is the case with the plandemic. It’s the result and aftermath of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, during which the love and wisdom of the Highest Forces of life systematically removed honesty and truth ever more from our world. That was the only practical way and most sensible way of teaching the whole of humankind the value of these qualities. And the deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the less need there will be to blindly believe anything that was written by someone somewhere.

Thanks and praise be for everyone’s own inner guidance, the wise one and living God within, and for the protection it has always provided for anyone whose earthly mind is tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. And because erring is human and forgiving Divine, lets forgive those who to this day are trying to pull the wool over our eyes and deceive us. Once we have learnt to use our built-in lie-detector, paying attention to its reactions and following its advice, this is impossible. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for its truly magical protection.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Seventeen

Of False Prophets, Messiahs And Experts

Updated for the Coronavirus Outbreak 2019/2020/2021

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Of False Prophets And MessiahsBe particularly careful each time you come across another medical Doctor and others who call themselves experts on the Coronavirus outbreak 2019/2020/2021. Reflect on who, from the background, might be pulling their strings and how much and by whom they might be getting paid for making statements that are obviously designed to frighten some more of the living daylights out of people and especially the governments in whose hands the spending power of their countries rests. With the means of communication that are now available to just about everybody, it has been easy to bring about a pandemic by turning the handle of the fear-making machinery of our world’s troublemakers.

To find out whether something is true or false, pay attention to how your inner guidance reacts to whatever you are hearing or reading. For example when ‘experts’ tell you that wearing facemasks is completely harmless. Having tried them, I believe that cannot be true. I could not possibly stand wearing one for more than ten minutes for the following reason: our lungs bring oxygen into our bodies when breathing in and send carbon dioxide into our world when we are breathing out. It is a waste gas that the cells of our body produce and a high concentration of it displaces the oxygen in the air. If less of that is available to breathe, symptoms such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upsets and fatigue can result. As less oxygen becomes available, nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma and death can occur. How is that for harmlessness?

And for everyone on the spiritual pathway a word of warning may not come amiss and that is: ‘Whatever you do, beware of false prophets and messiahs!’ To this day, they are sure to be encountered by all of us in the form of people who are trying to take us in. The only one hundred percent reliable teacher in the whole wide world dwells inside everybody’s innermost heart and is waiting to be called upon and spring into action. Yet, even in these communications with our inner Master, the living God within, it is essential that we use our discriminatory faculties, so they can be developed to their highest potential.

Sorting the wheat from the chaff is now more important than it ever was before. Do not believe anything or anyone, including me and my writings – not that I would call myself a prophet or messiah, but I am sure you know what I mean – without verifying the information before you with your inner guidance first. In order to do this, whatever you hear or read anywhere, let it flow through the filter of the world of your feelings, especially your heart, as that is the only place in the world where truth dwells. Listen carefully to what it tells you.

Our inner guru, also known as the living God within, has full access to every bit of wisdom and knowledge that has ever been gathered anywhere in the whole of Creation. S/He is the final authority on recognising and telling us the difference between right and wrong, truths and lies. Learn to listen to this teacher carefully, with love and respect. Test and try it, time and again, and it will amaze you how much it can and will tell and help you, even down to tackling your most mundane tasks. This authority in everybody is waiting to help us understand what is happening in our world, within and without, with ever increasing speed. It is waiting to be called upon to show us how to overcome all our fears and how to transmute our negative thoughts and feelings into positive and constructive ones.

To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:15-20: ‘Beware of false prophets who present themselves in sheep’s clothing when in truth they are ravenous wolves. That’s how everybody needs to learn how to recognise others by their fruits. Is it possible to gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, good trees bear good fruit while bad trees can only bear bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit. This separates the wheat from the chaff. The trees that do not bear good fruit during this lifetime are not going to be allowed to reincarnate into earthly life, when the present transformation of your planet is complete. Their energies will only be suitable for continuing their education of the material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet. That’s how by their fruits anyone’s true value can be recognised, not only by you but also your invisible friends and helpers in the spiritual background of life.’

Six pointed Star

From 'Our World In Transition'

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Eighteen

The Built-In Lie Detector

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Built-In Lie-Detector‘The fear of death and the unknown has always made people easy prey for the greed and avarice of those who offer something that’s going to keep them safe. If the wind keeps on blowing in the right direction for long enough, the victims will never find out that in truth the makers of such promises merely pretend they have something of value to offer. After all, they are generously paying people with imaginative minds. They have no problems inventing things that sound as if they were true, when they could not be further away from it. Never mind, if what they are saying gets the wheels of their employers’ propaganda machinery going and, for as long as no strong enough resistance has built up, keeps them turning.

‘People involved in such schemes believe that they are working with the greatest of secrecy and that therefore nobody can observe them, they don’t mind using any kind of means that promises to deceive those around them, when in truth they are deceiving themselves. It’s not really evil that you and your world are up against but ignorance. That’s always been the greatest obstacle on humankind’s individual and collective progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Not knowing and understanding breeds fear. And that in turn brings forth young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are only too happy to ruthlessly exploit humankind’s fears with tales that have been specially invented for the purpose of pumping them up to previously unknown heights.

‘And because the age of truth for quite a while has been with you, once more we have come to tell those who are still looking for someone to save you and your world from this kind of menace. Nobody in the whole of Creation will ever come and wave some kind of magic wand on your behalf or anyone else’s, to bring this about, least of all Jesus. He never was in a position to respond to requests of this nature for the simple reason that he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only existed as a thoughtform that was inspired by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world some invaluable lessons of discernment, i.e. the ability to recognise whether someone is telling the truth or a lie.

‘Every one of you needs to be able to do this for themselves and that about everything that comes your way on the earthly plane. Don’t worry, you all have a built-in lie-detector and that is your inner guidance, the wise one of living God within. As soon as your earthly education has reached a certain point,  the time has come for learning how to consciously tap into its communications. Through the world of your feelings this aspect of your being has always tried to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road of doing the right things at the right time, i.e. that which is beneficial for your development. It’s the small still voice of your conscience that’s ignored to your detriment. For every one of you, paying attention to its reactions has always been the only truly reliable way of telling whether something, at that particular moment, is right or wrong, false or true. When this ability has been developed and you look at any kind of knowledge that comes your way, especially in the form of religious teachings, your lie-detector will either react with ‘this is true or untrue’.

‘To assist every human being with developing this part of their being is the wise higher reason why, for the duration of the patriarchy, your world had to be misled about your Creator’s nature and your own, as well as the special relationship all of you are having with the highest authority of all. The imbalances that were created by the old religions’ beliefs, with their all-male God-heads, for some time have been in the process of being removed. It is coming about through the truth that your Creator always has been and forever will be the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light. It’s good to observe that ever more of you are waking up to the realisation that the only one who can save and redeem you and your world is every one of you for themselves.

‘Every physical body, animal and human alike, has always been equipped with the inborn natural gift of healing itself and that in mind, body and spirit/soul. Unfortunately, the products of the pharmaceutical industry all too frequently interfere with the functioning of this aspect of their being. That’s why we are telling those who are in need of healing that, with our help and will, any condition can be healed. As without asking no help can come to you from us, turn to us so we can guide you to the natural – these days so-called ‘alternative’ – healing methods that will really do you good. If you pay attention to your inner guidance when trying those you feel drawn to, you will intuitively know which one(s) are right for you.

‘Stick your toes into the water and find out what each one can do for you. And do not forget to tap into our healing energies that are available free of charge to anyone who asks for them. Learning how to tap into them is the only thing you have to do. When you do your best, we are always happy to do the rest. And that’s how your trust in our presence and our ways of helping those who ask for our assistance steadily grows. This is the most essential ingredient for the process of shedding your fears and anxieties. The spiritual wisdom we have for quite some time been bringing to your world, through many different channels, is providing ever more of you with the key for unlocking the doors to their innermost being, where the memories of all your previous lifetimes have been stored, good, bad and indifferent alike.

‘The lack of understanding to this day is making far too many of you is into gullible victims of the pharmaceutical industry’s tales about the pandemic 2019/2020. They are the driving force behind events of this nature. They have tried before and did not succeed and we assure you that they will not do so this time. To bring about the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth, we need the help of as many of you as possible. It’s up to every individual to release themselves and your  whole world, once and for all, from the darkness of the prison that time and again was created by the machinations of your world’s professional troublemakers and scaremongers, employed by the pharmaceutical industry.

‘Like a poisonous spider, this organisation sits in its web that consists of falsifications and lies, ready to devour any victim that believes its tales and is willing to act upon them. Their favourite hiding places are the façades of once well respected organisations, like the World Health Organisation. The pharmaceutical industry hopes that eventually the government of all countries are going to pass a new law that forces people to take part in compulsory mass vaccinations. They are dreaming that this would come about in dictator fashion, with each country’s police force behind its government to ensure that their law is obeyed. But that harks back to the ways of the past, in sharp contrast with the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of freedom from all yokes of oppression and slavery. This age is about friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, reaching out for each other, helping and supporting people instead of exploiting and taking advantage of their fears.

‘As nothing could contravene that spirit more, there is no chance that attempts of this nature will be tolerated. Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. The deeper you move into this age, the clearer it will become that the Uranian energies are providing people, individually and collectively, with the courage, strength and determination to go on the barricades in order to shake off anything that can no longer be tolerated, for example the yoke of continued lockdowns.  The protest meetings and marches that are already taking part in many parts of your world are a clear sign that the influence of the Uranian energies with every passing day are growing more powerful.

‘The instrument for rendering any kind of human-made trap ineffective is through every one of you overcoming and letting go of their deepest innermost fears, because that enables you to move from your role as victim into that of a conqueror. The magical key for bringing this about is an improved understanding of the processes of life, especially those of birth, death and rebirth. For long enough your fears, individually and collectively, have been making prisoners of your earthly selves. The knowledge that has been coming your way for quite some time is meant to assist ever more of you to unlock the inner doors of the dark dungeon of their ignorance about the spiritual aspects of life.

‘The Aquarian age’s freedom consists of believing only what the lie-detector of your inner guidance tells you is true. To enable you to fully take advantage of what it offers, your inner doors need to be opened wide. Only through using the knowledge we are bringing and in this way digesting it, can any of it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever take from you. It will be yours in all Eternity.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Nineteen

Our World’s Religions : Each One A Cuckoo’s Egg

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Our World’s Religions : Each One A Cuckoo’s Egg

Whenever our world was ready for another religion, God and the Angels placed a different cuckoo’s egg in the nest of humankind’s consciousness. For the Abrahamic religions it contained the beginning of the idea that there is only one God. As part of the patriarchy, it could only be an all-male God-head. He is not only kind and loving but also stirs up feelings of hatred against each other between people and nations. This God commands the followers of the first Abrahamic religion, Judaism, to wipe out those who don’t believe this its teachings are literally true. They contain some of the strangest tales ever.

The first one is how the Earth came into being. It is followed by the one about the creation of the first human beings, Adam and Eve, where they have come from and why they are there. In each case the tale has nothing in common with what really happened; how the Earth came into being and in the course of zillions of years evolved into the way we know our planet today; and how humankind appeared through the animal kingdom and, again in the course of millions of years, evolved into what we are today. When I start looking for the higher esoteric meaning that’s hiding behind the surface words of metaphors and allegories of religious tales, my inner guidance seems to enjoy helping me to find them.

Some of our world’s religious tales that to this day are treasured by many have their roots in much older teachings. Each belief system our world has ever experienced was started by another cuckoo’s egg in its own right. On every occasions the Angels in charge of humankind’s spiritual development restructured and retold the same ideas. They were then presented in a somewhat different and a bit more advanced form that aimed to take our race, individually and collectively, another step forwards and upwards on humankind’s evolutionary spiral of life.

From the beginning of life throughout the whole of Creation, God’s great evolutionary plan decreed that, in the course of approx. six thousand years honesty and truth would gradually be withdrawn from our would. That’s why the civilising, softening and beautifying influence of the feminine energies, with the passing of time, disappeared ever more from our world. What’s left of the old religions show this clearly. The plan provides that, only when the Aquarian age, the age of truth begins to dawn, honesty and truth will gradually reappear. Bit by bit, the truth and nothing but the truth about everything, would then begin to re-establish itself in our world. And the deeper we penetrate into this age, the more clearly God and the Angels are revealing it to us.

The most recent religions are the Abrahamic ones. Alas, when they were given to our world by God and the Angels, each one presenting its own cuckoo’s egg with a different and slightly more advanced idea, it would still take a long time until it dawned on the collective humankind that, in truth, the Divine Trinity always has and forever will consist of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The Universal Christ spirit is their only born Son/Daughter. From Its light everything in the whole of Creation has been created and is constantly nurtured and maintained by the Great Father/Mother in loving co-operation. The different aspects of the Divine Trinity are one; they cannot be separated from each other. The light and warmth that radiate from the Universal Christ is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns. It is behind the Sun in the sky above our world and the driving force behind all its manifestations of life, including you and me.

Let’s take a closer look at the next cuckoo’s egg ideas that the Highest Forces placed in the nest of humankind’s consciousness. This one was destined to bring Christianity to our world. The Roman scribes of that time turned the ideas that came to them into a legend about a God-man by the name of Jesus. They knew that it is a long way from the truth that this man once walked with humankind on the earthly plane. Aware that the greater a lie, when it has been skilfully surrounded by some tales that frighten the living daylights out of people, they more easily they are willing to believe that was invented by the story the scribes, an essential part of any propaganda machinery of its employers, is literally true. The Roman political leaders were delighted with this tale. From its appearance they decreed that those who dared not to believe that it is true should be removed from the face of the Earth.

To convince people that it really is an all-male God-head who rules the whole of Creation and therefore also our world, it was necessary that the influence of the feminine energies of the Great Mother of all life should ever more be withdrawn from our world. By the time Christianity was given to our world, they had already disappeared for quite some time. God-head from our world’s religious teachings. What our world had experienced so far was nothing compared with what happened when Christianity’s Protestant branch came into being. It was even more radical.

Although the almighty all-male God-head in the Protestant version of the Christian teachings still is the sole ruler of the whole of Creation, and therefore humankind and its world. The original version that the feminine is with God, as His servant who quietly sits at His feet and adores Him. The Protestant teachings got rid of Virgin Mary cult, who still is the Mother of the God-man Jesus, but that’s where her significance ends.

Amazing Grace, thank You that pulling the wool over people’s spiritual perception and understanding, with the help of teachings that have nothing in common with the truth, now that the age of truth is with us, is slowly but surely disappearing from our world. It’s good to know that ever more of us are waking from their spiritual slumber and realise that the Jesus tale is but a legend and that the God-man is a symbolism the represents the higher God or Christ nature of every human being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty

Surrender To God

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Surrender To GodThe next cuckoo’s egg that God and the Angels placed in humankind’s nest were the ideas that brought Islam into being, approx. five hundred years after Christianity’s appearance. The word Islam means ‘surrender’. This religion’s word for God is Allah and surrendering to God, to its pseudo-religious leaders means being one of its followers who believes that every word of the Prophet Mohammed’s teachings was inspired by God and therefore is literally true. The higher esoteric meaning that’s always been hiding behind the surface words of this tale is that surrendering to God consists of slowly but surely overcoming and leaving behind the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature. This is what happens quite naturally in the course of every human being’s long evolutionary journey.

And that’s a voyage that takes every one of us, time and again through every sign and house of the zodiac. Lifetime after lifetime, we take part in what each sign and house of the zodiac can teach us. That’s how we slowly but surely leave our lower nature behind and become more interested in responding to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher God or Christ nature. That which is highest, best and noblest in every human being are its qualities. For a long time, they are slumbering within. But eventually our higher nature stirs from its slumber. We then begin to bring these characteristics forth, as by and by ever more of them emerge from our own innermost being. The more highly evolved we become, the less interested we are in using our gifts for selfish purposes and the more we prefer applying them for the benefit of the whole of humankind and our world.

Alas, the political leaders at the time of Islam’s first appearance were a long way from understanding things of this nature. But they knew a great deal about using the propaganda machinery for their purposes. The more monstrous and scary a lie one invents and presents it to the mass of people, the more they are frightened and likely to do what the scaremongers want them to do. On the surface of things their advice needs to come across as if it were sound. On the strength of this, most people respond by freely and willingly allowing access to their earthly resources, whatever it is the troublemakers are after. What the pseudo-religious leaders always desired most was money to support their warmongering and empire building efforts. But they also welcome land and other possessions someone might like to give them out of gratitude for not having to fry forever in the fires of hell and instead being taken straight to Heaven, in keeping with the Old Testament’s teachings.

And that’s how, to this day, leaders of organisations that are pursuing the same or similar aims, employ scribes who know how to skilfully handle any kind of idea that comes to them and seems suitable. Changing anything into a lie presents no problems, because these scribes are spiritually as young and unevolved as their employers. As long as something sounds good and right, as if it were true – if possible literally –is acceptable. This is how it came about that ever more people accepted that the only right way of surrendering to God is through becoming a follower of Islam since and going to war against non-believers. That’s how this religion in some parts of our world still dominate the political scene.

The deeper we penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more clearly people will see that all religions that God and the Angels ever gave to our world were practised by political organisations who managed to hide their true intentions of warmongering and money-spinning behind religious façades. To succeed, the only thing every new religion had to do was follow the example of the existing ones by scaring the living daylights out of people. This task became ever easier when Christianity and Islam emerged. All their leaders needed to do was add some newly written teachings to Judaism’s most terrifying tales, which to this day are being presented by the two newcomers as the Old Testament.

The most thorough groundwork for all three of the Abrahamic religions was done by the Jewish scribes. They were asked to convert the ideas that flowed from the Highest levels of life into our world, because the time had come for Judaism to appear. In keeping with their instructions, the scribes converted the ideas of this cuckoo’s egg into stories about God and the Devil, Heaven and hell, and what happens to those who, when they depart from the earthly plane without declaring that they believe that these tales are literally true. The only thing Christianity and Islam needed to do was inventing one or two more tales of their own that, like Judaism’s, had nothing in common with the truth. This is how each one of the Abrahamic religions with a fresh lot of scaremongering created for itself the easiest access imaginable to humankind’s earthly resources, so they could be exploited to the heart’s delight of their leaders.

This is how, for some time by now, the pharma-industry has been walking in the footsteps of our world’s religions. It is working on the same principle that the more monstrous a lie, the more easily people will swallow it and believe that it is true. The religions’ façade has been the saving and redeeming of humankind. All the pharma industry had to do was pretend that it cares about the physical and mental wellbeing of humankind. Christianity’s most powerful instrument has been the non-existent God Jesus, who once walked the earthly plane and one day will come again to save and redeem all those who believe that he really exists.

It seems like for many healthcare by now has replaced the hole in the middle of our being that once was filled by one religion or another. And it is for quite some time by now that the pharma industry’s products are filling this hole. Each one of our world’s religions in truth was a political organisation in disguise. In similar fashion, the pharma industry’s warfare consists of the pretence that all of its products are merely for the benefit of humankind’s physical and mental wellbeing. The most powerful weapon of its warfare against humankind is a non-existent virus and its offshoots. How much longer will it take until the truth about the religions as well as the pharma industry brings our world’s present state to a natural and – hopefully – happy end?

But let’s return to Islam for a moment. To this day, Islamic leaders haves not given up trying to force as many followers as possible of all other belief systems out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness. How long will it take until they too recognise who and what they truly and who and what God is? What a long way we have come since the patriarchy’s old religions forced us to believe that the God-head that rules the whole of Creation, therefore also our world, is an all-male one who likes nothing better than spreading hatred, wrath and destruction.

Womankind is of no consequence, apart from satisfying men’s lust because that results in giving birth to as many children as possible. This is good because it provides God with the necessary cannon-fodder for making war against the non-believers of Islam. That’s why Allah is said to decree that women should hide their faces. The religion’s followers can’t help what they are doing. After all, it’s their God who commands them to do these things. It’s He who instructs them to wipe all those from the face of the Earth who refuse to join Islam’s ranks and files and go to war to defend its beliefs. This God says it’s good and right to do this, because anyone who does not believe that the Islamic teachings are literally true, is unworthy of living on the Earth and – in keeping with the Old Testament – deserves to be fried alive in the fires of hell, forever and ever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-One

The Second Coming

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - The Second ComingFor long enough by now, Christianity has been trying to convince humankind that a saviour and redeemer, by the name of Jesus, will one day re-appear in our world for all who believe that what has been told about him is literally true. The legend promises that the God-man will appear a second time on the earthly plane and that this will mean the end of all suffering. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the clearer the higher esoteric meaning that’s always been hiding behind the surface words of the Jesus tale emerges. Yes, there will indeed be a second coming. But it’s not going to come about in the shape of the God-man Jesus. That’s because the story of his life is but a legend. He never was a historical figure who once walked in our midst.

Jesus only ever existed as a thoughtform that had been created by God and the Angels, so that when the right time had come for discovering the truth this tale, the idea of it would ever more be withdrawn from our world. And that is what’s been happening for quite some time by now. The second coming consists of the waking up of the Christ spirit in ever more human beings. The plandemic is one of the instruments for bringing this about.

That’s why the cuckoo’s egg with the idea of Jesus, which God and the Angels once deposited in the nest of the Roman political leaders when their earthly empire kept on shrinking away. The Jesus idea came into their minds and turned out to be most useful for gaining power of a different kind over ever larger portions of humankind. And so they employed the most efficient scribes of that time and ordered them to invent a tale about a God-man by the name of Jesus. That was the beginning of the Christian teachings insisting that it is literally true that a man by the name of Jesus once walked among human beings on the earthly plane.

This man was said to have the power of saving people from destruction and forever burning in the fires of hell, as written in the new religion’s Old Testament and therefore is literally true. Every human being, who declared to believe that Jesus really exists and that everything that the Christian teachings are saying about him is literally true, will be saved and redeemed by him. When everybody had reached this state of development, the whole of humankind would be saved and redeemed by Jesus. Ever greater miracles and wonders would be created through this man.

The deeper we penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more people become aware that higher esoteric meaning has always been hiding behind the surface words of all religious tales. First in line are what the old religions liked to tell us about God and the devil, Heaven and hell, and Jesus. It’s good to know that: a) places like Heaven and hell never existed; b) there is no death, merely a moving into different dimensions of life, into a world that is filled with light and love; c) Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked in our midst. The story of his life is a legend.

The God-man is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature which, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, slowly but surely comes to the surface of our consciousness. By the time our education in the earthly school of life reaches its end, our Christ nature has emerged from deep within our own being. As soon as it has fully unfolded, earthly life can teach us no more. When the natural end of that lifetime comes round, our energies are right for being released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm. Guided and protected by God and the Angels, consciously now, every one of us is an eternal student whose learning then consists of exploring the next higher level of humankind’s existence.

Alas, for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, the telling of lies and untruths were necessary and that for quite a long time, approx. six thousand years. It was for this reason that Jesus first had to appear in our world as a thoughtform and that, with the passing of time, it developed into a very powerful one. When Judaism had been around for long enough, the idea of the existence of the God-man Jesus was the next carefully prepared cuckoo’s egg that the Highest Forces of life placed into the nest of humankind’s consciousness.

Each time new ideas appeared, God and the Angels wrapped them carefully into eggs that were intended for those who were ready to receive and understand them. They were also capable of recognising the ideas’ potential for being developed into tools that were going to allow their political ‘owners’ to manipulate the masses into submission, so that they could exploit their resources. The organisation’s true intentions of warmongering and empire building, in those days, could be hidden behind pseudo-religious façades that consisted of ever more hideous lies and untruths that supposedly were literally true. And that’s how, with the passing of time, every one of our world’s new religions was successfully turned into one of the most efficient money-spinners of all times.

What about the First and Second Coming of Jesus in our world? Yes, there will be two of them. The first one was the appearance of the Jesus legend. However, the second one will be very different from what the Christian teachings to this day are promising. My inner guidance tells me that it has been with our world for quite some time by now. The Christ spirit can and indeed will save and redeem every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. Yet, the only way Jesus will be involved in this process is as follows: a) with the passing of time, ever more of us are going to realise that the life story of Jesus is but a legend; b) Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature; c) the only person in the whole of Creation who can save and redeem you and me, and that’s we ourselves.

That’s why I believe that there is no point in waiting for a Second Coming. This is it, it’s already with us, right where we are. God and the Angels are calling those who spiritually are sufficiently mature to understand what’s at stake. Each one needs to do their best to contribute to the saving and redemption of our world. First we need to do this for ourselves. The next step is helping the Christ nature of our younger and less evolved siblings in the great family of humankind to wake up from its slumbering state. From there we need to reach out to the whole of humankind and our world.

My inner guidance tells me that sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, as many times as possible, is the best way of assisting the emergence of someone else’s Christ nature, and also that of our whole world. This is how every human being on the earthly plane can make a valuable contribution to taking us closer to the new golden age of friendship and kindness, honesty and truth that is ‘written in the Stars’, i.e. God’s great plan of life, for us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Two

The Latter Days Of The Law

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Latter Days Of The LawEvery new religion that appeared in our world was carefully designed by God and the Angels. This is how it came about that, with the passing of time, humankind was ever more removed from knowing who and what God really is; who and what every one of us is; what kind of wise higher purpose our earthly existence serves; and that a high and holy destiny is in store for every human being. The closer we come to the end of the earthly school of life’s curriculum, the more we realise that in the course of many earthly lifetimes we have been occupied with the process of evolving into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own right, nobody can do it for us.

Because they were still a long way from knowing such things, the leaders of our world’s old religions never hesitated to abuse their elevated position for fleecing humankind’s resources to their heart’s content. And that’s how each one of them turned into another instrument for familiarising humankind with the lower and lowest drives and urges of everybody’s nature. It was for this reason that God and the Angels provided our world with approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. This is how they ensured that as many of us as possible were provided with plenty of opportunities for experiencing these characteristics.

As a result every one of us, in the course of several lifetimes, sometimes was on the giving end of suffering. We generously handed it out to those around us and – it has to be admitted – we even enjoyed it! We did this because we are as yet unaware that life in the whole of Creation and therefore in our world is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. It would take a long time until it dawned on us that whatever we send into our world, in thoughts, words and actions, is bound to return to us in one or maybe even several of our future lifetimes. But only when we have spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the law brings to us. The bill for what we once did to others is then  presented to us and we find ourselves at the receiving end of suffering, without having a clue why something of this nature is happening to us.

The plandemic is an essential part of redeeming the still outstanding karmic debts that were accumulated during those lifetimes. That’s how each new religion offered humankind fresh opportunities for assaulting the spiritual mountain of life that was intended to transport us, individually and collectively, onto the next higher level of awareness. The new religion’s sweet calling, with its tales and promises that have nothing in common with what’s really going to happen to its followers on the earthly plane, especially not spiritually, has a similar effect to the cuckoo’s calling in a forest.

It used to be springtime on the religious scene whenever sufficient numbers of people were dissatisfied with the old religions promises. It’s not surprising that none of them could ever be kept, because of necessity all religious tales – for as long as one believes that they are literally true – could not help consisting of lies and untruths. That’s why none of their promises could ever be kept, on the earthly plane or anywhere else. Unaware that each new religion could not help doing just the same, because they were designed that way by God and the Angels, they attracted ever more followers who were hoping that the new religion would be different. And that’s how, with every one of them, the hatchling from the new cuckoo’s egg slowly but surely pushed ever more of the present owner’s eggs out of the nest it had prepared for itself.

My inner guidance responds to the concepts of Heaven and hell, and Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind with this: ‘Heaven and hell never were places that anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness that each one of you has always been capable of creating for themselves and those around them. No-one except you yourself can release you from the hellish state of consciousness that you created, in your present lifetime and all previous ones. Nobody can save and redeem you or bring about the state of Heaven, Paradise or Nirvana on your behalf. It’s up to each and every one of you to make their contribution towards bringing about a constant state of bliss for themselves, the whole of humankind and your world. And the only way that can come about is through ever more of you making honesty and truth the sole ruler of their whole being, inner and outer. From this centre, with the passing of time, slowly but surely ever more peace radiates into the whole of humankind and your world.

‘Let’s take a closer look at the ideas that once brought Buddhism to your world. They too were the contents of a cuckoo’s egg that God and the Angels deposited in humankind’s nest. One of these ideas was that your race would eventually reach the latter days of the law. The legend of the Buddha introduced the understanding to your world that all suffering on the earthly plane is due to the fact that the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. It’s a very simple law that decrees that everything must return to its sender. But only when your spiritual nature stirs from its slumbering state, it begins to dawn on you what kind of benefits can be gained from knowing about this law and the effect it has always had and forever will have on your life and evolutionary pathway, the same as everybody else’s.

‘This means you have reached the natural end of believing what your world’s religions to this day insist is literally true, i.e. that earthly life is a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle so that not a trace of you remains. Knowledge is power and the knowledge of the law can empower anyone to open the doors to their inner vision with the realisation that every human being, without exception, is on a long evolutionary journey. It consists of re-appearing, time and again, for taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. This continues until you have reached the end of its curriculum and the vibrations you emanate are right for being released into exploring the greater freedom of the spirit realm.  

‘By the way, the latter days of the law is not something that will come about in three stages, the way many Buddhists believe. These days will have arrived as soon as the spiritual nature of ever more of you has woken up and they realise that every thought, word and action that one of you sends into your world, or anywhere else in the whole of Creation, can do nothing but return to you and bring more of what you once sent out.

God and the Angels require your help as much as you need theirs to bring the true latter days of the law about for your whole world. They are asking every one of you to make their contribution through sending nothing but that which is good and right, loving and beautiful into your world. Nothing else is good enough at this very special time of humankind’s spiritual development. That’s how every one of you can ensure that nothing but more of the same returns. And as soon as the last karmic debts from every human spiritual ledger and that of your world has been redeemed, peace and harmony will reign.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
•    ‘The Second Coming Is Here’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Three

The Shedding Of Fears

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Shedding Of Fears

My inner guidance continues: ‘Ever more of you by now are aware that your earthly minds are receiver/transmitter stations for the creative ideas that are constantly flowing from the Highest levels of life into your world. Every human being has been given the precious freedom of deciding what to do with the ideas that are coming their way. Every one of them has the potential of being used for either good and wholesome purposes or evil and abusive ones.

Your decisions depend on which stage of your journey forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life you have reached at any given time, in which lessons you are presently taking part and what karmic debts have you agreed to redeem in your present lifetime. The way you react shows the wise ones in charge of you how far you have got on their evolutionary journey, up to that point.

‘That’s how every one of you is simultaneously occupied with attending to their own individual development by walking their predestined pathway, as well as those of the whole of humankind and your world. At any given moment, ideas from the Highest level only enter the minds for whom they are intended to be. And because the ideas they receive relate to the lessons in which they are at that time taking part, they know how to make use of them in a manner that’s been predestined by God and the Angels, so the result can be used for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world a certain lesson. This is how the plandemic, with the consent of the Highest came into being, because nothing in the whole of Creation and therefore also in your world happens without it.

‘God’s great evolutionary plan decrees that the Aquarian age will be a period of approx. 2,500 years in which honesty and truth are destined to return to our world. To the whole of humankind this age will be bringing a steadily increasing awareness of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on the earthly plane but throughout the whole of Creation. That’s how the Zeitgeist or spirit of this age in due course will connect all human beings, on the earthly plane and those in the world of light, with each other. And the deeper you move into this age, the more it will become noticeable that the eggs or ideas of all older belief systems are steadily being pushed out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness, making room for the religion of the Aquarian age.

‘All birds are messengers from our realm, the world of spirit or light. Each bird’s behaviour is one of the ways the wisdom of the Great Mother has always been trying to tell humankind something about its own nature and the predestined pathway forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Every one of you has always been walking it, each in their own sweet way. For many lifetimes you do not yet know that this is what’s happening to you.

‘When people allow themselves to be led by their noses like sheep to the slaughterhouse, or in your world’s present situation to be vaccinated and that not only once but several times, that’s an indication that they do not yet know how to tap into their inner guidance, the wise one or living God, who knows the way of all things and the answer to any questions one of you will ever care to ask. In every one of you this guidance is alive. It’s just that in many of you it is still waiting to be connected with. For anyone who already is in touch with this guidance, from deep within their own being comes this response: ‘What you are being told about a pandemic is in truth a plandemic and a lie! It’s one gigantic hoax!’

‘It could only happen because in too many of you this natural part of their being is covered by too many layers of fear. Each one of them consists of what the old religions’ untruths left behind in your soul memories. All soul memories, beneficial as well as detrimental ones, are stored in the subconscious part of everybody’s being. From there they have the power of influencing everything you do in thoughts, words and actions. Every one of your fears, since they first came into being, serves no further purpose than waiting to be shed and left behind, once and for all.

‘This process is similar to the peeling of an onion. The only solvents that have the power of melting one layer after another are kindness, love and compassion with your own suffering of previous lifetimes, and also everybody else’s. In the course of many lifetimes, every one of you has been taking part in the same lessons of the earthly school of life. Love and compassion rise from your innermost being into your conscious awareness quite naturally, the more you become aware that humankind’s earthly existence has always served the wise higher purpose of steadfastly moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral and all together on that of the whole of humankind and your world.

‘That was the only way every one of you could keep on growing in wisdom and understanding. Each can only do this through their own experiences; nobody can do it for you. However, the more you understand that all of it was necessary because a high and holy destiny is in store for every human being, at the end of their earthly education. It has been reached when another one of you has evolved into a Christed one, in its own right. The earthly school of life then has nothing left to teach you and you are ready for continuing, hand in hand with God and the Angels, your education with the exploration of the next higher level of humankind’s existence.

‘The true cause of your world’s present state are layers of fear that to this day are stored in the soul memories of many of you. For long enough have they stopped the whole of humankind from connecting and then starting to communicate directly with the source of their being, the God-mind. This is from where every one of you, one after the other, emerged as mere thoughts/ideas. Each was released as a tiny spark into the heart of a newly born human being who in this way was starting the development of its spirit/soul through enrolling in the lessons of the earthly school of life.

‘Each spark consists of love in its purest and most exalted state. Every spark is an integral part of the Universal Christ’s light and spirit, who in turn is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. This Divine Trinity is every human being’s true parent. Placed on the Earth every one of you, in the course of many lifetimes, has to work their way through all signs and houses of the zodiac. This happens not just once but many times over. That’s how each one of you has constantly been growing in wisdom and understanding. Everybody can only do this through their own experiences. That’s how their consciousness expands and they are steadfastly drawn ever closer into the Divine Trinity’s loving embrace.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Four

Humankind’s Spiritual Development

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Humankind's Spiritual DevelopmentMy inner guidance continues: ‘As touched upon in another part of the Aquarian writings, for around thirty years Aquarius has been working her way through layer upon layer of fears, without for a long time having any idea of why this was necessary. The whole of the ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ are the insights that, with the passing of time, came to her intuitively from me each time another layer had been shed. In the meantime she has found out that every part of the human body corresponds to one of the astrological signs.

‘The Sun in the birthchart of Aquarius is in Libra, the sign of the peacemaker, in the ninth house, the natural domain of Sagittarius. The most relevant astrological connection for her own healing journey of a thousand steps points in the direction of the hips of humankind. In every one of you they are connected with Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is a half-human and half-God being who at all times aims to shoot the arrows from its crossbow far and wide. Every human being’s inner connection with God takes place through the hips, the Great Mother on the left side and the Great Father on the right. Interestingly, hip replacements are one of the most common joint replacement operations in the United States, where more than three hundred thousand of them are performed each year, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

‘And whatever may still have to happen in your world, let no-one run away with the idea that there ever was anything random or haphazard about humankind’s spiritual development, even though on the surface of things it has always looked as if it were. Individually and collectively, everything that ever took place was in keeping with the Great Father/Mother’s most carefully and thoughtfully designed loving great plan for the whole of humankind and its world, as well as every human being who ever took part in its lessons. Even though for a long time you are unaware of what’s happening to you, each one of you has always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Every human being does this at the same steady pace. There are no exceptions. Find out more about what happens in the next chapter with the title of  ‘Invictus’.

‘Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be for the sound of Your love, honesty and truth that’s been speaking through Aquarius and her ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ for a long time. It’s good to know that six thousand years of the patriarchy with its habitual lying and cheating, and systematic exploitation of the masses with the help of ever more monstrous lies and untruths has definitely reached its end. It makes no difference that to this day some of your world’s religious leaders manage to deceive themselves and their followers, who are still allowing themselves to be (mis)led by their noses.

‘Thank You, Great White Spirit, for guiding humankind and its world safely to the end of the period in which lying, cheating and deception of the self and others for a long time have been the order of the day, for the sake of teaching them the value of honesty and truth. Thanks be for Your great plan of life that shows how, the deeper humankind moves into the Aquarian age, the less desirable this kind of thing will be. Having served its purpose, the time will soon come when You and the Angels will no longer tolerate it. This is part of moving humankind and its world ever closer to the new golden age when honesty and truth are going to be that world’s supreme rulers. With the passing of time, its outer material plane will gradually become ever more like its inner spiritual counterpart. And if any part of the Aquarian writings are helping some of you to work their way through your world’s present predicament, then her present lifetime and lifelong struggling with the shedding of fears have not been in vain.

‘Last but by no means least, for a moment let’s return to the cuckoo. It’s not surprising that these birds exist in just about every part of your world, because their behaviour can tell you a great deal about what has been and still is happening to humankind on its evolutionary pathway. About fifteen thousand breeding pairs exist in the United Kingdom alone. And that’s an astonishing number for such a comparatively small island that does not possess a great deal of forestry. In springtime the male cuckoo begins to call because he is looking for a female with whom he can mate, so she can start producing their eggs and depositing them in the nests of birds whose eggs look similar to the cuckoo’s. On average the female cuckoo lays about twenty-three of them. Although she chooses most carefully into which nests she places her eggs, around twenty percent are rejected and so never hatch.’

‘For you shall be in league with the stones of the field;
And the wild beasts shall surrender [their wisdom] to you.’
Job 5:23

‘But ask now the beasts and they shall teach you;
And the fowls of the air and they shall tell you;
Or speak to the Earth and it shall teach you;
And the fishes of the sea shall declare to you.’
Job 12: 7-8

The world around us is an outer manifestation of the inner life of our race, individually and collectively. It acts like a mirror that constantly reflects its state back to us. Subtly and in many different ways, the Universe has always been trying to guide us and teach us by showing us better ways of living harmoniously with each other and our world. The German monk Martin Luther, 1483-1546, forever changed Christianity when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg castle in 1517. This was the spark that got the Protestant Reformation going.

Luther was the first one who ever made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German. He observed: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ The same applies to all other parts of the world around us. Much new understanding can be found through observing the environment and intuitively interpreting what kind of messages it may contain. That’s why in the next chapter we are going to take a closer look at the cuckoo’s behaviour and what it can tell us about our world’s old religions as well as the plandemic.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrological Correspondences’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘When Will The Kingdom Come?’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Five

What Guidance Has The Cuckoo For Our World?

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Cuckoo As Animal Totem

 I hope you will forgive me for dedicating a whole chapter to the cuckoo’s behaviour. To my mind, it reveals a great deal about how our world’s old religions once went about establishing themselves, one after the other. The only thing every new belief system had to do was follow in the footsteps of already existing ones. This is what the pharma industry did in preparation for world’s present state, the plandemic. So here we go:

The sight of a little warbler or pipit feeding an enormous cuckoo fledgling, six times the size of its foster parent, has astonished human observers for centuries. How does the cuckoo get away with such outrageous behaviour? In fact, they need extraordinary trickery to get past host defences, for the hosts are on the lookout for cuckoo eggs and if they detect one, they puncture it and eject it from the nest.

Two favourite hosts in Britain are reed warblers in marshland and meadow pipits in moorland. Individual female cuckoos specialise on one host species and there are genetically distinct cuckoo races. Reed-warbler-specialist cuckoos lay a greenish spotted egg, just like those of reed warblers, while meadow-pipit-specialist cuckoos lay a brownish spotted egg, just like those of meadow pipits. Both these hosts reject eggs unlike their own, so the specialised cuckoo-egg mimicry is essential to fool them.

The female cuckoo also needs secrecy to succeed, because if the hosts see her at their nest they are alerted to inspect their clutch more closely. She glides down to the host nest from a hidden lookout perch, removes a host egg, lays her own in its place, and is off – all within a ten second visit. As she departs, she often gives a chuckle call, as if in triumph. This is perhaps the most remarkable trick of all. The chuckle is similar to the rapid call notes of a sparrow-hawk, and that diverts the hosts’ attention away from noticing changes in their clutch and towards their own safety instead. So the female cuckoo has the last laugh as she flies away.

Given that hosts are on the lookout for odd eggs, it seems strange that they accept a cuckoo chick that’s so different from their own. But the cuckoo chick has a special trick, too. Its loud and rapid begging calls sound like a whole brood of hungry host young, and this fools the foster parents into bringing as much food to a cuckoo chick as the would to a brood of their own.

If you think you’re a good birdwatcher, you’ve nothing on the female cuckoo. Perching motionless in a tree she will lay in wait, monitoring the nests of her potential victims. When the host is away feeding, the cuckoo strikes, silently swooping into the empty nest and gobbling down one of the host’s eggs so that her own, which she speedily lays, is offered better incubation. Her job done she zooms off, never to see her offspring again. The entire operation takes just ten seconds.

While this mimicry is fantastic, the real jaw-dropping moment comes when the chick is born. The cuckoo’s egg has a head start, requiring half-a-day’s less incubation than the host’s clutch, possibly due to the fact that newly laid cuckoo eggs contain partly developed embryos. The chick’s homicidal tendencies are just as developed. Within hours of hatching the blind and naked infant pushes any remaining eggs from the nest. If any other chicks have had the misfortune of having already hatched, they’re also pushed out and fall to their death.

Alone in the nest, the cuckoo now has the sole attention of its foster parents, who will dart around to feed it and that leaves them no time fir breeding again for the entire season. But even if the host had been hoodwinked into incubating a perfectly matched egg, surely they notice that their baby is twice their size? Early in his research, the investigator wondered if the chick’s immense proportions were the reason that the hosts were confused into feeding the chick, which eats about the same amount as four ravenous reed warblers. Yet when he replaced a cuckoo chick with a similarly sized blackbird, the reed warblers cut back on feeding. Then he twigged that while the mother cuckoo uses visual trickery, the baby uses aural.

‘The cuckoo chick has this amazing begging call,’ he says. ‘It sounds like a whole brood of hungry chicks. So we repeated the blackbird experiment, giving it a helping hand in the form of a little loudspeaker next to the nest. Every time the blackbird begged, we played the cuckoo begging call through the speaker.’ The effect was instantaneous; the reed warblers doubled their efforts to feed the chick.

As the chick gets older the intensity of its begging cry increases to make the hosts work harder, victims of what Darwin called ‘mistaken instinct’. The host is hard-wired to feed its hungry young and that’s why the con works. After nineteen days the cuckoo is literally bursting from its nest but will still be supported by its poor foster parents for a further two weeks, before abandoning them and heading in the direction of Africa.

With long, pointed wings, a long tail and barring underneath, the common cuckoo looks rather like a bird of prey. Only male cuckoos call ‘cuck-oo’. The bill is opened for the ‘cuck’ and closed to form a sound chamber for the ‘oo’. In flight, a cuckoo can often be confused with a sparrow-hawk with its long, pointed wings and grey-flecked under parts. It is thought that this mimicry may be a deliberate ruse to frighten a smaller bird off its nest, enabling the female to lay her own egg there.

While it may be easy to hear the call of the cuckoo, which carried over long distances, sightings are harder as they have a dull plumage and tend to hide within leafy cover. The male cuckoo is famous for its distinctive ‘koo-kooo’ call. It has been imitated by clockmakers around our world. The cuckoo clock, instead of the clock chiming, it makes a koo-kooo sound. Females have a bubbly chuckle sound that’s quite different from the male’s call.

Adult cuckoos move back to Africa as soon as the breeding season is over and that’s as early as the second half of June in southern England. Young cuckoos follow their parents to Africa several weeks later. The cuckoo spends nine months of the year in tropical Africa, where it has never been heard to call.

An old rhyme describes the Cuckoo’s way of calling, which in the United Kingdom goes like this:

 In April I open my bill.
 In May I sing night and day.
 In June I change my tune.
 In July far, far I fly.
 In August away I must.

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a parasite with good PR. Despite deceiving other birds into hatching its eggs and raising its young, often at the expense of the cuckolded dupe’s legitimate offspring, the cuckoo seems to have emerged with its reputation not only intact but enhanced. William Shakespeare may have labelled the cuckoo call a ‘word of fear unpleasing to a married ear’, but people far and wide still willingly invite the sound into their homes to mark the hourly passing of time.

The female of the species is sneakier than the male. Whereas the proud and visible male cuckoo is responsible for that famous two-note call, it’s the female that does the actual dirty work of leaving usurpers in the homes of others. And her call is very different and rarely heard. But, as it turns out, it too is part of the parasitical package. It mimics the call of a hawk to distract nest-owners. The female has a rich bubbling chuckle, but the male’s call is the very familiar ‘cuckoo’. If you hear a Cuckoo calling, you will probably not see it until it stops and that’s when it flies away from its post.

From ‘Countryfile Magazine’
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Six

Preparing For The New Golden Age

Golden-age2  Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Preparing For The New Golden AgeMy inner guidance continues: ‘The plandemic is the biggest scam and hoax that your world has ever experienced. Yet, at the same time is serves the wise higher purpose of cleansing the spiritual ledgers of the whole of humankind and its world from outstanding karmic debts. And that’s a very necessary part of preparing them for the coming of the new golden age of plenty, when peace and harmony, honesty and truth will return to your world and these qualities will be its supreme ruler. Be of good heart, because with every passing day you are moving closer to this goal. And the more each one of you contributes to bringing it about, the more smoothly this transition will come about.

‘The behaviour of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers show the wise ones in charge of them on the inner level that spiritually they are young and inexperienced. Otherwise they would not dream of getting involved in something like starting and maintaining something like a plandemic. If, in spite of the continued efforts of you, their older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind, the Christ nature of these youngster’s refuses to wake up from its slumbering state, their energies will not be right for reincarnating  on planet Earth when its spiritual transformation is complete. Because of this they will be unable to take part in the new golden age towards which you are ever more rapidly moving.

Those whose spiritual nature is insufficiently evolved will have to wait for the next golden age to come round, in about twenty-four thousand years. Spiritual age has nothing to do with the age of someone’s outer shell, i.e. the physical body which they are presently using as their vehicle for getting around on the earthly plane. Regardless of that, they are still young Gods in the making. They will be continuing the first part of their apprenticeship through experiencing themselves as physical beings in a material world, not on the Earth but a younger and less highly evolved planet, whose energies are a better match for theirs.

‘Back to the plandemic for a moment. Because it is the greatest scam that your world has ever experienced, there is no need for taking part in vaccinations. So avoid them as much as possible. Yet, at the same time do not grumble about what’s happening. Instead count your blessings and be thankful because the plandemic serves the wise higher purpose of cleansing the karmic ledgers of the whole of humankind, including yours. That’s why you have been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime. It’s the very reason why you are here.

‘It is also why your world has become so heavily over-populated. With the passing of time, the population figures will be going down again quite naturally and not because people are being wiped out by non-existent viruses. They will pass into our world because their present lifetime has served its purpose and they are allowed to go home. So do not be afraid when your turn has come. Remind yourself that you are not going to die and that you never will, because the essence of your being is spirit/soul. Like God, this part of your being is eternal and immortal and will never die. You merely move into another dimension of life.

‘When your time for doing so has come round this time, instead of resisting – the way you used to do in previous lifetimes – reach out for the loving hand of the Angel of death. Smile and know that it has come to set you free from the toils and troubles of earthly life. Ask the Angel to take your spirit/soul by the hand and move you into our world, the realm of spirit and light. That’s humankind’s true home, from which every one of you emerges at the beginning of a new earthly lifetime and returns to when it has run its course. Each time you arrive on our side of the veil that separates your two worlds from each other, you are much more alive than you ever were whilst on the earthly plane.

This is because you are once more aware of your true and eternal nature as spirit/soul who is a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Every human being once started their evolutionary journey as a tiny spark of their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. Each lifetime you take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons expands your consciousness. They help you to grow in wisdom and understanding and that’s how you grow ever more Heaven-tall. When the end of your present lifetime comes round, never mind what you are leaving behind on the earthly plane, especially with regard to the plandemic. Remind yourself that everything in that world is of a temporary nature and not meant to last forever.

‘You will be of more use to your loved ones, when you are supporting them from this side of the veil. The more you observe earthly life from here, the more you will be able to recognise that it’s been a long time since the pharma industry began to dream of creating another plandemic of previously unheard proportions. You will be able to watch how their dream of ever increasing sales of pharmacy products, one of these days is going to burst like a soap bubble that’s been blown into the air. There will then be no further filling the pockets of its already immensely rich shareholders that at the plandemic’s start were already overflowing, at the expense of the resources of the whole of humankind.

‘Another German proverb comes to mind and that is ‘Die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen!’ All along, the companies involved have been pursuing their ‘Enterprise Plandemic’ without asking to work with the help and will of your world’s hosts. And that’s none other than God and the Angels. Your world and everything within it is their permanent property. Nothing on the earthly plane belongs to any one of you. Everything is borrowed and a gift on time from the Highest. And everybody who ever reaches a leading position, whether they are as yet aware of it or not, can only do so because their intentions are supported by the will and wishes of the Highest, for the teaching/learning of certain lessons.

‘That’s why in some of your lifetimes you find yourself in the role of teacher and in others as student. Naturally, this also applies to those who are now in leading positions and that will continue for as long as temporary leaders are still required on the earthly plane. Eventually it dawns on the least evolved ones in your midst that everything that exists on the Earth is of a temporary nature and that, naturally, this also applies to them. We shall return to this theme.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Seven

The Loving Eyes That Never Sleep

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – The Loving Eyes That Never SleepMy inner guidance continues: ‘God and the Angels are the loving eyes that never sleep. Nothing happens in the whole of Creation without them knowing about it and agreeing that it should come about. Naturally, your world is not exempted from this rule. It’s for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the most important lesson of all – the one of honesty and truth – that, with the help and will of God and the Angels the greatest scam of all times was allowed to happen. And that’s also the reason why, on the surface of things, the pharma industry seems to be getting away with ever more outrageous lies and deceptions.

‘First the bird flu and later the swine flu provided your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers with plenty of practice. Each time, the wise ones in charge of your world stopped them from blowing each one of these bubbles into the proportion of a plandemic, for the simple reason that the time was not yet right for it. On this occasion, however, the industry was allowed to succeed, but only up to a point. Their greed has blinded them to recognise that a plandemic would be the best way of how the industry itself could produce its own rope for hanging the faith and trust that people used to have in any of their products. This is why increasing numbers of you are in the process of discovering the true intentions behind any of the pharma industry’s efforts and that, for a long time by now, none of them have truly been for the benefit of humankind’s wellbeing.

‘In truth, the whole operation from its very beginnings has been nothing but one gigantic money-spinner. When looked at from the right perspective, you will be able to see for yourself that this has been one of the pharma industry’s easiest enterprises ever. All it had to do was walk in the footsteps of your world’s old religions with their by now well known lying, cheating and deceptions, of the self and others. It did not take the pharma industry long until it dawned on the companies involved that the more monstrous a lie about the threat of an illness they invented, the easier it would be to frighten the living daylights out the masses. Like sheep they would follow the industry’s invitation to mass vaccinations, not just one, but two or maybe even three.

‘The sky seems to be the limit, but is it really? How long will people allow themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughterhouse or, in this case vaccinations that make them feel as if they were safe and protected against a non-existent health threat? This, however, is only intended to continue for a predestined time. The more people realise that the pharma industry’s money-spinning exercise is the true reason for and the driving force behind the plandemic, the more they are going to lose faith in whatever this industry may still want to present to your world. And that’s how the industry itself is turning the ideas they received from God and the Angels into a cuckoo’s egg. It was deposited in the nest of the natural healing methods that many wise ones in your midst to this day have not forgotten. Their ever increasing popularity is living proof that they really are returning to your world. More about this in a moment.

‘First let’s take a look at how ideas for effective healthcare products were initially placed in humankind’s nest of consciousness. Just like the ideas for your world’s old religions, they appeared one after the other. This was because God and the Angels gave their ideas to people who in those days really were interested in improving humankind’s living conditions and health. Intuitively, they were shown how to go about developing remedies that would help to conquer the main illnesses that up  to then had been the scourge of humankind, for example polio and smallpox. Through the products of those early days and other excellent ones that followed, like antibiotics, humankind’s faith and trust in the pharma industry’s products was steadily built up.

‘Alas, eventually the time would come when the ideas for new pharma products would be turned by the companies involved into ever more cuckoo’s eggs. Each hatchling would do its best to push the already existing eggs and hatchlings out of the host’s nest. The host was none other than humankind. That also happened to your world’s old religions. Yet, the deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more clearly steadily increasing numbers of you will be able to see for themselves how, one after the other, religions as well as pharma products are being pushed out of humankind’s nest.

‘This creates the necessary space for natural healing methods. Ever more of you theses days are reaching out for the blessing, healing and helping energies of God and the Angels. This is because the knowledge is spreading that in truth there is only one God, the God of love and one chosen people, the whole of humankind, and so forth. Combining these two natural healing methods is the most effective one of all. This is how ever more of you discover that with the help and will of God and the Angels any kind of condition really can be healed. And that applies in particular to your world’s present sickness. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘After having worked exceedingly hard and that for quite a long time, on forcing the natural methods out of their nest, ever more of you recognise the true intentions behind any of the pharma industry’s products. That’s why they are losing their faith in all of them. Do you recognise the pattern of what goes round comes round? You are witnessing the closing of another circle of experiences and that’s because the time has come when the pharma industry slowly but surely succumbs to the same fate as your world’s old religions.

‘We, your spirit guides and helpers, are glad to see that steadily increasing numbers of you these days are searching for more reliable and trustworthy healing methods. That’s why the age-old natural ones are enjoying a great revival and their popularity is constantly increasing. Also, inspired by God and the Angels, new natural healing methods are being discovered and developed in your world.’

On 21st May 2021 something came my way that had been written by a lady who has first hand experience of how the pharma industry has been working for a long time: ‘I worked for over ten years in pharmacy and trained to be a dispenser. I did consider becoming a pharmacist, but saw the concern especially with 'old school' pharmacists about the changing role of pharmacy, and the concern they had about the hold of BigPharma on the entire profession.

‘I was blessed to work with pharmacists who treated me as an equal. It was the advantage of working for an independent community pharmacy. It was my experience and what I had been told during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic of 2009 and the complete contrast back in March 2029 to all I had been told in 2009 that alerted me to something not adding up. Masks were an absolute no no when people came in to the pharmacy wanting to purchase them, natural herd immunity was talked of, and when the vaccine was introduced in the autumn of 2009, the Superintendent Pharmacist was emphatic that she was not having the vaccine, and strongly advised us not to have either, because – using her words - vaccines generally take ten years to develop safely.

‘I started to do research and came across many eminent medical professionals such as Prof Michael Levitt, Professor Delores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Judy Mikovits of Plandemic fame, Dr Vernon Coleman and more besides. Eventually late last summer I discovered UKColumn and that has been such a breath of fresh air. Journalism with integrity. This is now my only real news resource and 'go to' if I want to find well researched information.’

From ‘The UK Community’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•     ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Eight

Time For Taking Off Our Masks

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace – Time For Taking Off Our Masks

My inner guidance continues: ‘Every one of you eventually reaches the evolutionary point when it dawns on you that each earthly lifetime consists of simultaneously playing several roles. What you are constantly occupied with is very similar to play-acting in a school on the earthly plane. This is what all of you have always been doing on the great stage of earthly life. Alas, it takes many lifetimes before you become aware of it. Some in your midst believe that your earthly existence is but an illusion. Earthly life is a place of learning, a school. Taking part in it is real enough for as long as you still need to learn the many lessons this school alone can teach you.

‘However, the true nature of this school and the value of all its lessons can only be recognised and fully appreciated when you have returned to humankind’s true home, our realm. For many lifetimes you do this every so often, but only temporarily. Eventually, this school cannot teach someone any more. Your spirit/soul is then released into exploring the greater freedom of our world. Until your development has reached this point, each time you have recovered sufficiently from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence with us, there comes the moment when the wise ones in charge of you, invite you to look at the many different roles you have been playing, including the most recent one, in the Akashic Records.

‘You are happy to agree because this enables you to judge your own performances. Nobody judges you, except you yourself. Nobody forces you to return to the earthly plane; it’s your decision alone. Knowing that every one of you is a young God in the making and if you ever wish to reach the end of the initial part of your apprenticeship, it’s essential that you finding out what your weaknesses and strengths are, so you can work with them, increasing your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses. And that enables the wise ones in charge of you to design a wise and sensible plan how this can best be attended to in your next earthly lifetime. Only if you like their plan, you agree and you usually do.

‘At the end of everyone’s earthly education, only that which is good, right and beautiful remains. Everything else has gone. The only purpose it ever served was equipping you for the roles you once played. The main part of your equipment for each earthly interlude was the mask and costume you needed for playing each role. It took many earthly lifetimes before it at last dawned on you who and what you really are; that every human being is an eternal and immortal spirit/soul and a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life; and that this also applies to you. Your mask and costumes were required for taking part in this, that and the other of the earthly school of life’s lessons. As all of them have been sufficiently absorbed, you no longer need anything connected with them.

‘You no longer need anyone to tell you that on the inner plane of your being you have never been either man nor woman, as well as a brother or sister of all your siblings in the great family of humankind. You can see for yourself that on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. And because every human spirit/soul once started their evolutionary journey as a tiny spark of the Great Divine Light, every one of you like God is androgynous, man and woman, male and female, God and Goddess all in one. Forgiving yourself for taking such a long time to understand God’s true nature and your own, comes to you quite naturally. You know why Shakespeare in ‘As You Like It’ wrote:

This wide and Universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene, wherein we play.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one person, in their time, plays many parts.

‘To help you gain a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence and the complexities that have always been hiding behind its surface, throughout the ages the Great Mother’s love and wisdom have been presenting the truth about why you need to take part in earthly life. In spite of Her temporary withdrawal from the earthly scene, in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy and all-male God-heads, the Mother’s wisdom never ceased flowing into your world and many different channels. Shakespeare was but one of them.

‘Lack of understanding has always been humankind’s main obstacle on the evolutionary journey, individually and collectively. As soon as you sufficiently comprehend life in general and your own existence within it, you realise that there is no need to forget anything, but that for you the time for forgiving has come. And so you first forgive yourself for every bit of suffering you, in your ignorance, once handed out to anyone. As by then you already have a long evolutionary journey behind you and you have taken part in every one of the earthly school of life’s lessons, there must have been many. To ensure that each one really had been understood, you sometimes found yourself at the giving end of suffering while in other lifetimes you were on the receiving end.

‘When you have reached this developmental point, you realise that ultimately no human spirit/soul has ever been guilty of anything, in the course of their many earthly lifetimes. That’s because each one of you, whilst taking part in life on the grand stage of Mother Earth, in some of your lifetimes merely ever played the part of pupil or student, while in others you appeared as teacher and wise one. That’s all!

‘As soon as Mother Earth’s transition from a mostly material planet into a purely spiritual one is complete, the new golden age of plenty will be with you. This will be the case when your world’s outer plane has become like its inner counterpart. Because everybody will take only that which they need and leave the rest for everybody else, there will no longer be shortages of any kind. Hunger and starvation, sickness and even death, as human beings once knew it, will have been overcome. Honesty and truth, loving kindness and supporting each other will have replaced the masculine lust for warmongering and empire building. The yokes of exploiting and taking advantage of people’s weaknesses, the main one having been fear, will by then have been overcome and forgotten. Peace, balance and harmony will exist in both parts of your world, on its inner plane as much as on the outer.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’
•    ‘Friendship Healing’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Wisdom From The Tree Of Life'

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Nine

The Great Plan Or Book Of Life

Book of Life - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers from the Wisdom of the Tree of Life

The book of life is brief,
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.

From ‘And I Love You So’
Don McLean

•    The experiences of all our lifetimes, past, present and future are written in God’s great plan of life, also known as the book of life. There is a small one for every individual human being, which in turn is part of the Great Plan/Book for all life. There really is no need to go in search of the lessons of our present lifetime, because they are written quite clearly in both these places and therefore destined to come our way in any case. The plan for every human being decrees that we shall always be in the right place and with the right people, because through them we are receiving our lessons and at the same time paying some of our karmic debts.

•    Each new earthly lifetime is part of the constantly ongoing individual and collective evolutionary process of humankind’s expansion of consciousness and growth. And the quality of our experiences has always been decided by everyone’s own will, which is based on the thinking and behaviour patterns we developed and brought with us from previous lifetimes and the choices we made then, as well as up to the present moment of our present one.

•    A long time before entering into another earthly sojourn, we ourselves in the world of light, our true home, together with the wise ones in charge of us, decide whether another lifetime on the Earth would benefit our development. Each new one provides us with countless opportunities for gaining some more in wisdom and understanding through the inevitable challenges, tests and tribulations that are part of every human being’s educational curriculum.

•    On the innermost level of our being we know full well that without them it would be impossible for us to grow in wisdom and understanding, the way each one of God’s children of the Earth is meant to do. That’s why, when we have rested and recuperated sufficiently in our other world, we ourselves – together with the wise ones in charge of us – decide on which pathway will most benefit our spiritual development in our next lifetime.

•    Nothing enters our lives by accident, happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything comes our way for a perfect, the wise and higher reason of teaching us something. All experiences appear in a purposeful and orderly manner, so that they can provide us with the lessons that, when handled in the right way, constantly move us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

•    Everyone who is presently taking part in earthly life was created for carrying out some highly specialised work. We have been granted the gift of this lifetime so that with the passing of time it can reveal itself to us. This, however, it can only do when our inner vision has developed sufficiently, so we can recognise it when the Angels are presenting us with it.

•    The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, as well as our friends and helpers on various other levels of the spirit world, at any given moment are providing us with exactly the right lessons.

•    We are in this life to learn that the mind of the Highest always sees and works for the good of the whole. Therefore, when earthly problems arise let’s not look for purely personal solutions, but first consider the Divine principles on which they are based. This tunes our minds into the frequencies of the Highest realms and a solution comes to us intuitively that is fair and just not only for those concerned in earthly life but the whole of Creation.

•    Every human being contains the Christ spark, even though at first only in seed form. And there is every reason why we should sing the praises of the highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Star of the Universal Christ, the Sun above and beyond all Suns. All glory, honour and praise be to You,  Great Father/Mother of all life, you created the visible and invisible parts of my being. My spirit and soul are part of You, the same as the Christ Spirit. Every cell and atom of our physical bodies, the same as everything else in the whole of the created world, You brought about from Its light.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Thirty


Rays Of  Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Invictus

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
 * * *

‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

* * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

How good it is to know that:
Even though I am responsible for every one of
My thoughts, words and actions,
The Highest forces of life have always been
Steering my boat. All I ever had to do was row.
You, O Great Father/Mother  of all life
Are the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of my earthly existence.
At the end of each lifetime, one of Your Angels takes
Me into the world of spirit and that’s my true home.
It’s harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than those of any other place I have ever been.
Each time my anchor is dropped there,
I can see plenty of evidence that
All is well with me and my world,
And that forever it will be so.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary journey,
It’s good to know that:
Every human being is a great deal more than
A mere earthly personality.
The essence of everybody is spirit/soul.
A long time ago, it’s existence started as
A tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light.
In the course of many lifetimes,
The strength of everybody’s own light
Constantly increases.

Every human being is as much part of God
As God is part of every one of us.
We are eternal beings who can and will never die.
The spirit realm is our true home,
From which all of us emerge at the beginning
Of each new lifetime and return to,
As soon as it has run its course.
Nobody is ever snuffed out like a candle.
One of the Angels of Death takes our spirit/soul
By the hand and moves us into
Another dimension of life, that’s all.

A high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us.
And because spirit guides and helpers are constantly
Accompanying us, we shall never get lost in
The vastness of the Universe’s space and time.
That’s why we shall always be safe wherever
The lessons of the earthly school of life
May still need to take us.
Everything that ever happened there served
The wise higher purpose of teaching humankind,
Individually and collectively, something.

So let’s be grateful for everything that has been
And be glad that, for as long as we send nothing but
Good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions
Into our world, nothing but the same will return to us,
In due course, when our karmic debts have been paid.
O Great Father/Mother of all life and Your
Only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
We stand in awe and wonder before the
Greatness and beauty of Your Creation.
Forever we shall be singing the praises
Of Your wisdom and love that have
Brought us and our world to this point,
Each on their own evolutionary spiral
And all together that of our world.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated February 2021 

For every human being there exists a small developmental plan within God’ great plan for the whole of Creation. Each new lifetime presents us with another birthchart and in the right hands it can reveal what the newly born has brought with it and indicate in rough outlines the lessons awaiting it. For wise higher reasons, however, the birthchart on its own does not give a great deal away about what’s in store for the newcomer. Ah, but wait a moment! The Moon represents our earthly personality and where we have come from. The Sun shows our spirit’s predestined pathway. That’s why to my mind the progressions of the Sun and in particular the Moon are much more revealing than anything else.

The Sun moves forward at the steady pace of one degree per year. The Moon is known as the runner because it progresses at the rate of one degree per month. When you can see for yourself how both these energies have always been affecting your own life and that of those around you, the way I have been doing for a long time, the Universe is providing you with living proof that we can but row our life’s boat. The behaviour of every one of us is comparable to a dog on a lead, which the Angels of Karma are holding it in their hands. It’s our karmic debts that determine what kind of relationships and lessons we have to encounter.

The Sun/Moon progressions show quite clearly how the Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us, is constantly pulling all earthly life, including you and me, forwards and upwards on humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary spiral and also our world. Even though we can but row the boat of our life, we are not manoeuvred like marionettes or pulled like puppets on a string. Because the Highest Forces of life have given us the precious gift of freedom of choice, at all times we are allowed to make our own decisions of how we wish to react to whatever comes our way. However, we are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actins. The Universal law of cause and effect, widely known as the law of Karma, decrees that they have to return to us in the fullness of time. This can come about later in the same lifetime or in a far distant future one, when our earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with what it once created.

Unbeknown to us earthlings for a long time, our choices have always decided what kind of Karma we are creating for ourselves, the whole of humankind and also our world. There are two streams of consciousness, a constructive positive one of light and a destructive negative one of darkness. Everything we think, speak and do has constantly been feeding into one of these streams and strengthened it. The decision which stream we wish to support from now on is ours alone. Everything depends on the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached when we find out about these things. They empower us to steer the boat of our life and destiny in the desired direction. And that shows that knowledge truly is power!

In the spiritual background of our earthly existence wise ones have always been in charge of the individual and collective development of us and our world. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, assisted by countless groups of spirit guides and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm always have been and forever will be the eye that never sleeps. Our decisions show them the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached at any given moment.

As a spark of the Great Light every human being in truth is a young God in the making. Attending the lessons of the earthly school of life is only compulsory for the initial part of our development. It has run its course when the following conditions have been fulfilled: a) all earthly lessons have been learnt; b) every aspect of our nature, i.e. the masculine and feminine, darkness and light, lower and higher personality, have been integrated; and c) when the last bit of the Karma we created in this lifetime and all previous ones has been redeemed. And that can only come about when we bravely and patiently work our way through any kind of suffering that comes our way and accepting our responsibility for creating it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•     ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’

Six pointed Star

From 'Wisdom From The Tree Of Life'

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Thirty-One

The Buck Stops Here!

Rays of Wisdom - Words OF Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Buck Stops Here

At the end of their earthly education every human spirit/soul is destined to have evolved into a healer and bringer of light, in the form of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. As this is a healing journey of a thousand miles and the road of self-discovery that leads to self-mastery, the buck for everything that ever happened to me stops with me. Having discovered that I am responsible for all my thoughts, words and actions, I accept the accountability for everything that ever was and will be in the past, present and future of my life. I realise that I am the cause of any problems that to this day are coming my way. This understanding helps me to make my peace with the fact that it is bound to continue until the last one of my karmic debts has been paid.

I now shoulder the cross of responsibility for my earthly personality with all its shortcomings and flaws as well as its good qualities. The comprehension and acceptance that every part of it was created by me in previous lifetimes and earlier in this one, is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge I have gained enables me to get to work on creating a brighter future for myself, the whole of humankind and our world.

Never again will I blame loved ones and friends, bosses and/or colleagues for my present situation. From now on, I will not allow my education or the lack of it, my genetics and/or the circumstantial ebb and flow of everyday life to influence my future in negative ways. I no longer blame uncontrollable forces for my lack of success and therefore will never again be caught in the snares of the past. I now look into the present and forward to the future with love and hope, faith and trust in the Highest Forces, who are in charge of me and my life. I do not let my history control my destiny, but am taking charge of it myself.

I accept responsibility for my successes as well as failures. I am what and where I am at this very moment mentally and physically, spiritually and emotionally, and also financially because of choices I made that were based on my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. I now let go of all negative and destructive ones and change them into positive and constructive ones.

My mind now occupies itself with finding solutions for the present and future and I refuse to dwell on past problems. I only connect with like-minded people who are also striving to make positive changes in our world. With them I share the best that is within me. I avoid those who are satisfied with running with the herd and remaining stuck in the rut of their own past and that of our world.

Each time I am faced with decision making, I pay attention to my inner guidance and follow its advice without hesitation. I understand that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, did not provide that I should always come up with the right decisions straight away, as in that case I would not learn from my mistakes. Instead, it has given me the ability to recognise the error of my ways and for putting things right.

I control my thoughts and emotions. I refuse to allow the rising and falling of emotional tide waves to distract me from my chosen course. I walk my talk and whenever I make a decision, I stand behind it and follow it through without wasting my precious energies on second thoughts.

My life is no longer an apology but a positive statement of success, because I recognise that challenges are merely gifts and opportunities for learning, and that encountering problems and solving them is the common thread that runs through the lives of truly great people. Following my inner guidance, in times of adversity I have no problem dealing with what comes my way. I have been granted the gift of freedom of choice and I turn to the wise one or living God within, to show me how to choose wisely. That way my thoughts are clear and my decisions the right ones.

I am aware that difficulties are necessary preparations for achieving great things, so I accept obstacles along the way and no longer say: ‘Why me?’ Instead I say: ‘Why not me?’ Then I get on with whatever is waiting to be done. Because the buck now stops with me, I am ready for great things to flow my way. I am giving of my best, safe in the knowledge that nothing but more of the same can return to me when the balance of my spiritual bankbook has been restored.

In the whole of God’s Creation life consists of cycles within cycles and everything constantly moves in circles. The same is true for our earthly existence. Within this flow of the Universal energies I am responsible for everything that ever was in my life, successes as well as failures. My inner guidance tells me that this is the truth. That’s why I have no difficulties accepting the responsibility for my past, present and future and taking charge of my thoughts and words, actions and emotions.

In the course of many lifetimes I have been mentally/physically/sexually assaulted – work with the option(s) that are relevant to you. I now know that this could only happen because in previous lifetimes I sinned against others in a similar manner. I accept the responsibility for everything and choose to tread the path of forgiveness. First I forgive myself for once setting the wheels of fate in motion for these things and then for anyone who sinned against me.

On the spiritual pathway simple answers, quick solutions and shortcuts do not exist. Everything has to be for real. To paraphrase Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: ‘The mills of God work slowly but they are grinding exceeding small. With patience S/He stands waiting and with exactness grinds all.’ There is no way of getting away with things like ‘If I fake sincerity, I have got it cracked’. The wise ones in charge of us know that genuine spiritual progress is impossible with such an attitude. They smile with sympathy and compassion at such things and then try to help us to do better.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’

Six pointed Star

From 'War And Peace Among Nations'

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Thirty-Two

Searching For God

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Searching For God

I searched, but I could not find Thee.
I called Thee aloud, standing on the minaret.
I rang the temple bell with the rising and setting of the Sun.
I looked for Thee on the Earth.
I searched for Thee in the Heavens, my Beloved.
And at last I have found Thee –
Thou art the pearl of true love that for so long had to
Remain hidden in human hearts.

Freely and willingly I surrender my whole being to Thee.
Thee I serve in all my daily encounters by
Thinking, speaking and acting with
Compassion and tolerance, patience and love,
And simple human kindness.

Thou art that which is good, right and beautiful,
Not only in me but in every human being.
As so far in some of us it only exists in seedform
And a slumbering state,
Helping it to wake up is my task.
Loving and understanding them
Are the only weapons I shall ever need.
They are part of the God aspect of my own being,
Called by some Jesus and others Allah.
My whole being is tuned into the frequencies of
The Highest Forces of life.
Their guidance and protection
Shall forever make me invincible.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Thirty-Three

The Wesak Moon 2021

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Amazing Grace - The Wesak Moon 2021

Today is Tuesday, 27th April 2021 and at 03.31 a.m. Greenwich Meantime the full Moon in Taurus, also known as the Wesak Moon took place. The Buddha legend tells us that this is the time when for forty days and nights a man once sat underneath a Banyan tree meditating why there is so much suffering in our world. This sentence is filled with symbolisms. The Banyan tree is the first one that represents humankind’s earthly existence. The second one is forty days and nights. Spiritually, this number represents an unlimited period of time, in keeping with God’s will and wishes.

The number 4 = ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion and revolution. Together with Saturn, the zodiac’s stern and undeviating schoolmaster, Uranus rules the sign Aquarius and its natural domain of the eleventh house. In both of them, individually and collectively, humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations can find fulfilment. They represent the voice and will of the Highest Forces of life whom, for simplicity’s sake, I like to call God. 0 stands for the circle of Eternity. For forth days and nights the aspiring Buddha meditated. The 4 and 0 joining forces show that, to achieve Buddhahood, every human being needs to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons for a predestined time, the length of which is unknown to the participants. This is in keeping with the will and wishes of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

The number forty also appears in the Jesus legend where it has the same meaning, even though that tale was given by God and the Angels to our world approx. five hundred years after the Buddha story. After having spent forty days and nights in the desert, Jesus meets the devil. Jesus is the symbol of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. And the desert represents humankind’s earthly existence without knowing who and what we truly are. For a predestined time that’s only known to God and the Angels and for a wise higher reason, every one of us is ignorant of their true nature, our world’s spiritual background and that this is humankind’s true home.

The devil represents the initial stage of every human being’s earthly education which is about familiarising us with the crude and unevolved lower animal nature with its strange desires and wishes. Everybody needs to experience them, first at the giving end and later, when we have matured sufficiently, at the receiving end. Jesus is the higher God or Christ aspect who responds to the devil’s demands in keeping with this.

In the whole of Creation everything consists of energies that are either working for or against each other. Astrology is an excellent tool for showing which ones are at work and when the time is right for something to happen. We have been told that they can only do so in God’s time, not ours. But why should this be so? It’s because the energies have to be right before something can come about. Numerology allows us to fine-tune into which energies are influencing us and our world at any given time, and when something is likely to happen.

But let’s return to the Buddha legend for a moment. It tells us that a man who was born with the name of Siddhattha Gotama or Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha Shakyamuni, eventually became known as the Buddha. He is said to have lived as a spiritual teacher and religious leader in the region of Nepal in India during the fifth to fourth century B.C. in the age of Aries. This age lasted from about 2,500 B.C. to 300 A.D. Aries is the point of all new beginnings, irrespective of the fact that the ages of humankind, because of the precession of the equinoxes, are moving in backwards order instead of forwards, as they do normally do in the zodiac. Read more about this in ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’ link at the end of this chapter.

And as the Sun in the sky above our world rises in the East and sets in the West, God and the Angels towards the end of the Arian age presented our world with the gift of the Buddha legend. That’s how, the foresight the wisdom and love of the Highest Forces of life, with the help of this tale introduced a knowledge of the greatest radiance. In the fullness of time, it would enable ever more of us to discover that the whole of Creation, therefore also everything that exists in our world, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Like all truly great things, this law is simplicity itself. It merely decrees that everything has to return to its source.

God and the Angels knew that the awareness of this law would become most helpful when, in God’s time, not ours, humankind at last had entered the Aquarian age, the age of truth. Ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth would then be revealed, not through old and long outdated teachings and scriptures, but it would come to all who were ready to receive them directly from the wise ones on the highest levels of life. Steadily increasing numbers would then be finding out the truth about the wise higher purpose that humankind’s earthly existence always has served.

The knowledge of the Buddha legend were the first rays of spiritual understanding’s light that appeared in the Eastern part of our world well before the beginning of the Piscean age, from approx. 300 B.C. to 1900 A.D. was a period when lying and cheating, deception of the self and others ruled supreme on the earthly plane. That’s when God and the Angels inspired the scribes of the Roman empire, whose worldly power was seriously waning, to invent the Jesus legend. And that was just one of our world’s political authorities, who were successfully hiding their true intentions of warmongering and empire building behind façades of strange fear-inducing tales that had been given a religious colouring.

Carefully cobbled together for the purpose of scaring the living daylights out of people, these stories provided political authorities with wonderful instrument for brainwashing ever more people into believing that every word of their tales is literally true. Clever politicians that the Romans were, it did not take them long to recognise that the Jesus legend was particularly useful for their purpose of gaining much greater influence over our world’s masses than before, just in a different way. Little did they know that the Divine evolutionary plan for our planet all along had decreed that the radiance of God’s spiritual wisdom, knowledge and truth would be setting in the Western world, as soon as it had reached the Aquarian age. Ever more people would then be able to recognise that the life story of the Master Jesus was never meant to be understood literally, that higher esoteric meaning has always been hiding behind its surface words. and that the God-man himself represents the higher God or Christ nature of every human being.

Because the Buddha legend is not centred on some kind of a God figure, it enjoyed the good fortune of being considered a philosophy and not a religion by our world’s troublemakers and warmongers and therefore not worthy of their attention. That’s how the Buddha legend was spared the fate of inflicting ever more suffering onto humankind, the way the old religions did and the pharma industry, walking in its footsteps, to this day are doing.

From the beginning, the Buddhist teachings did their best to tell us that every human being is the creator of their own suffering but that, through the right kind of thoughts, words and actions, everybody has the power of bringing about not only the end of their own suffering but also make a valuable contribution towards ending that of our whole world. This is how Buddhism not only maintained its peace bringing position in our world but steadily increased it. Through recognising that we ourselves are God and responsible for the state of our world, at any given moment, everybody can empower themselves to evolve into a master of their own destiny. Understanding is the only way it can come about and that’s also how, with the passing of time, our whole world will eventually free itself from all kinds of suffering.

The time around the Full Moon, in every sign, not merely when the Sun is moving through Taurus, is always a period when it’s possible to gain a better understanding of things that could have been puzzling us for a long time. It doesn’t have to be anything as majestic as the Buddha’s enlightenment, but the Full Moon every month can provide us with answers to questions that could have been niggling us for quite some time. This can be felt with greater strength than usual during the Sun’s transit through the fixed Earth sign Taurus. And that’s because it’s polar opposite and sleeping partner is the fixed Water sign Scorpio that provides earthlings with a secretive nature and the ability of feeling deeply. Individually and collectively, Scorpio is about the subconscious part of our being, the soul. And that’s the place where our own memories of all lifetimes, including the present one, as well as all those of the whole of humankind up to the present moment are stored. I wonder what kind of enlightenments this Full Moon might have in store for us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

This is one of my ‘Songs Of Inspiration’.
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