Shaking Off The Yokes Of The Past
The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Four
Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light;
You, with your own vision –
And I, with my insight.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth. During this age Divine wisdom and truth are going to flow, with steadily increasing strength, directly into all human minds on the earthly plane of life that are ready to receive them. At least potentially, each one is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that always have constantly been flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. This is the only instrument every human being needs for shaking all kinds of yokes of oppression. The first yoke that’s most urgently crying for attention is that of not knowing who and what God truly is, who and what we are, where our true home is and so forth.
As soon as everybody knows about and grasp these things, it will be impossible for anyone to pull the wool over our eyes. The old religions could get away with their strange fear-inducing tales and false beliefs. It was easy for them to take advantage of and exploit humankind’s resources because of humankind’s general ignorance of the spiritual concepts of life. Even though we have come a long way since then, the plandemic could only come about because the pharma industry is walking in the religions’ footsteps. To this day far too many in our world still do not understand our world’s spiritual background and the reason why they are here, it has been comparatively easy to bring it about. We shall return to this theme, but first let’s concentrate on:
Everybody Their Own Saviour
Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me,
I call your name.
I am He who comforts you,
Who are you to be afraid?
Your flesh that fades
Is made like the grass of the field,
Soon to wither.
John Foley
Forget about the God-man Jesus. He never existed.
He is not a historical figure who once walked among
God’s beloved children of the Earth.
He is a thoughtform that was created by
God and the Angels as part of the lesson of teaching
Humankind the value of honesty and truth.
The story of Jesus’ life is but a legend that describes
The evolutionary pathway every human being walks,
In the course of many lifetimes,
Spent in the earthly school of life.
The Jesus legend is about the initiations every one of you,
At certain points of their development
As young Gods in the making takes part in.
Jesus is a symbol of everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature.
This is the wise one or living God within everybody.
That’s your built-in lie-detector who knows the
Way of all things and has the answer to any questions
Any one of you may ever care to ask.
This wise one communicates with every one of you
Through the world of their innermost feelings.
If it tells you that the plandemic is the greatest
Hoax and scam that’s ever been known in your world,
It’s an even greater lie than that the Jesus tale
Is literally true, when it first appeared in your world.
If you wish to be saved and that all the sins you
Committed on your long evolutionary road
Should redeemed, never mind looking for a force
Outside of yourself to do these things for you.
No help can come that way to anyone.
But if instead you go within and pay attention to
What I, the wise one or living God within you,
Are willing to tell you about any kind of situation
That may ever come your way,
Just call for Me.
Call Me by any name and I shall be there
To help you work your way through it.
The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me 28th June 2021 by e-mail from the healing department of the White Eagle Lodge: ‘Even though on the earthly plane of life you frequently feel as if you were alone and wandering in a wilderness, never forget that the Great Father/Mother, your true parents, are as much part of you as you are part of them. That’s why they could never leave you. They have always loved you and had only ever your best in mind.
‘That’s why we ask you to tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of God and the Angels, so that their sacred wisdom and truth can flow from them directly into you. At any given time, this is the light that has always been waiting to shine for every human being to show the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, your own and the one for the whole of humankind. This has always been happening, in spite of the fact that many in your world to this day are not yet aware of its presence.
‘The energies of the Universal Christ have always been providing every one of you and your whole world with the warmth and light of the Sun in the sky above you. There were times when these energies were known as the light of Osiris. He is but one of the many symbolisms of the Universal Christ, and Isis, His companion and lover, his feminine counterpart. The Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ. They are the Divine Trinity and cannot be separated from each other, they are one. Its energies are the messenger and comforter within every one of you who says: ‘I am. I am within every one of you. I am the truth and the love within you. I am the life within you, on the earthly plane and wherever else your evolutionary pathway may ever take you. You and I are eternally one. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from each other.’
Recommended Reading:
• ‘Legends For The Aquarian Age’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
• ‘The Second Coming Is Here’
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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