Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (1)

To The One I Love And Who Loves Me

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - A Message To The Ones I Love And Who Love Me

Now that I have departed from the earthly plane,
Release me and let me go.
You and I, we still have many things to see and do,
So do not tie yourself to me with regrets and tears.
I gave you my love and you will never guess
How much you brought to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you have shown,
But now it’s time for each to travel on alone.

So, weep a while, if grieve you must.
Though not for me, only for yourself and
For the hole my passing has created in your life.
But then let your grief be comforted by trust
And the knowledge that
It’s only for a while that part we must.
Bless the memories you carry in your heart.
It knows that no love is ever lost,
That life is eternal and goes on and on,
Not just for you and me, but everybody.

You and I now are closer than we have ever been
And I’ll never be further from you than a thought.
So whenever you need me, call and I’ll be near.
Even though you can now neither see nor touch me,
Know that I have never gone from you.
And when you listen to your heart,
You’ll feel my love there soft and clear.

And then, one fine day,
When you are coming this way,
You’ll find me waiting to greet you
And with a smile
I shall welcome you home.

Meanwhile refuse to get too upset about the
Emptiness my physical absence has created in your life.
Do your best to fill it to overflowing with a new kind of
Understanding of the higher purpose and meaning
Every human being’s earthly lifetime serves,
Including yours and mine.  

Through your contacts with me and others who have
Returned to this side of the veil of consciousness that,
For far too many in your world to this day separates them
From their true eternal home, the spirit realm,
Your fear of leaving behind the earthly plane
Slowly but surely dissolves.
That’s because you then realise that there really is no
Need for being afraid of anything in our world
And much to look forward to.

This will help you to let go easily when, one of these days,
An Angel of transformation, not of death because
There is no such thing, takes your spirit/soul by the hand
And gently lifts this part of your being from your physical body.
It’s just like slipping out of an overcoat you have worn
Long enough and are glad to leave behind.
There’ll be no struggle and no pain for you,
Just an immense relief that you no longer require
A physical body for getting around.

Fr. Pat Lennon
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (2)

Death Where Is Thy Sting?

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Death, Where Is Thy Sting?

An essential aspect of our world’s waking up to its spiritual nature, to my mind, is not thinking as dead of our loved ones who have left their physical bodies behind. They are alive and well, enjoying the greater freedom of the spirit realm without needing a physical body for getting around. At any given time, millions of them are resting and recuperating on the inner plane from the strains of their most recent earthly lifetime and building up their strength in case another earthly sojourn will in due course required by them.

The spirit world is humankind’s true home, from which every one of us – without exception – emerges at the beginning of each earthly lifetime and returns to, as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled. No sooner and no later! It’s basically that simple. The spirit realm is the inner counterpart of our material world. Everything that appears on the outer plane can only do so because it was created on its inner one. Something that acts like a thin veil, but in truth is merely a layer of consciousness, separates our two worlds from each other. It’s up to every one of us on this side of the veil to reach through it to connect with their loved ones on the other side. When ever more of us are doing this on a regular basis, this veil gradually dissolves and will eventually have disappeared altogether.

Most helpful is that by now ever more of us are becoming aware that every human being is an eternal being who cannot die. That’s why there truly is no death. And yet, to say: ‘Death is nothing!’ would belittle the significance of this transformation. What to this day is perceived by many on the earthly plane as death, when someone departs from it, is nothing but a transformation that takes all of us to a different dimension of life. It’s an initiation which every one of us is likely to have experienced many times, whenever the end of another earthly lifetime had been reached. I believe that eventually everybody will have evolved sufficiently to be able to grasp that this is so. And this is how we shall save ourselves and our world a great deal of suffering and pain that could so easily be avoided. But you don’t have to take my word for it that this is true. How about trying the following for yourself?

Find a quiet space where you can be sure that no-one will disturb you for a reasonable length of time. The best and safest way of doing this is by first asking your Guardian Angel to stand by you, to guide and protect you and show you how to go about it. Then make yourself as comfortable as you can, light a candle, look into its flame, centre yourself by listening to the sound of your breathing until your whole being has become still. When you feel good and ready, imagine that your loved one is drawing close and wishes to communicate with you. Focus on your heart centre and listen to the words and feelings that may come from there.

Protected by your Guardian Angel, you rest securely in the knowledge that they will not represent messages from some ‘other world out there somewhere’ but that they really are from your own heart, where your loved now dwells. Slowly start reading from the following paragraph. Don’t think about the words or evaluate them, but focus your attention on the world of your feelings and the responses of your heart, for they are your inner guidance. This is what your loved one wishes to tell you:

‘I have not gone from you. I have merely slipped onto a different level of life. It’s very much like going into another room because all you do is withdraw from the outer plane of life and slip into its inner level, the spirit world. That’s where all human beings go when they leave their physical bodies behind. The spirit world is not a place ‘up there’ somewhere. It is an integral part of earthly life and on its innermost level dwells the Universal intelligence known as God. This is the source and wellspring of all life, from which we all once emerged and to which each one of us in the fullness of time will return. Every step on our evolutionary journey takes us closer to this goal.

‘Although I no longer dwell on the earthly plane, I am still myself and you are you. We always shall be. And because the essence of our being is eternal and immortal, it is impossible for us to die. I assure you I have not died. If anything, I am more alive now than I ever was before because I am once more fully aware of the most important part of me, my spirit and soul. You will find the same when you join me, one of these days. As far as I am concerned, whatever we have ever been to each other, that’s what we still are.

‘There is no need for our love to die because of my departure. The infinite wisdom of the Divine has provided that, on the contrary, through the experience of death human love grows stronger, deeper and purer, if the souls involved so wish. To help this along, I ask you to call me by my old familiar names. Let them be the well-known words they always were and say them without effort. Speak to me the easy way you used to do and let there be no difference in the sound of your voice. And don’t put on a forced air of solemnity or sorrow, but enjoy the jokes that made us laugh and express your amusement the way we always did together. Play with me and smile at me. Think of me and pray for me the way you always did. Never doubt for a moment that I can hear you, that I feel your love and that I shall always be with you, wherever you may have to go.

‘Life is eternal and the human spirit is immortal. Life is an absolute and unbroken continuity and in truth there is no death. On the inner level all is one and there you have always been as much part of me as I am of you. Nothing needs to change between you and me, just because I have gone through the great transformation ahead of you. Our relationship can remain the same it always was and between you and me life can continue to be everything it ever meant to us, if that’s what we both wish and I most certainly do.

‘My departure from the physical plane was no accident. It was meant to happen exactly when it did. For your sake – not mine – make an effort to accept this, the way I have done. And don’t believe anyone who tries to tell you that because I am out of your sight, I should also be out of your mind. That can only happen, if you want it to be that way. But if you still yearn for me, the way I long for you, the death of my physical body will offer many opportunities for coming closer to each other than it was ever possible before. I shall be alive in your heart, for as long as you want me to be there. That’s where you can find me and be with me, whenever you want to.

‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and I shall never be further away from you than a thought. This is how you can get in touch with me whenever you want. It’s as simple as that. I shall always listen when you need me and when you call me, and I will do my best to help and guide you. But in spite of all that, never forget that you and I now each have different lessons to attend to – you in the material world, and I in the world of light.

‘Therefore, let’s make sure that we give each other the necessary space and time, so that when we do meet we can come closer to each other than we ever did before for the sharing of precious moments, just like we used to do. Because all life rests safely in God’s loving hands, including yours and mine, all is well and that will not change. God and the Angels are constantly with you and me. And I forever will be I and you in all Eternity shall remain you. And I shall never forget you and stop loving you.’

The lower earthly mind is the only thing that separates us in this world from that of the spirit, our true home. But as soon as we  approach it with nothing but love and gratitude in our hearts for the support our spirit helpers have always been giving us, our own clairvoyance and clairaudience begins to develop. Feeling the need to humbly stand or kneel before humankind’s spirit friends to receive the gift of the knowledge they are bringing on behalf of all humankind, signals our readiness to serve them and unselfishly act as one of their channels, so it can be brought to all who are in need of it in earthly life.  It then does not take long until we realise that none of us ever stops being at one with the spirit world and all who are dwelling there now, not merely our loved ones.

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (3)

The Prophet – On Death

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Poetry And Prose & A Celebration of Kahlil Gibran

Then Almitra said: ‘We would ask now of death.’
And the Prophet replied:
‘You can only begin to find out about the secrets of death
By looking for them in the heart of life itself,
For in truth there is no death, only transformations
When you, time and again at the end of yet another lifetime,
Return into another state of consciousness.

Birds are messenger of the world of spirit or light,
Your true home, from where you once came
And to which you return at the end of every earthly lifetime.
You have been granted the gift of another sojourn on the earthly plane,
So that you may grow in wisdom and understanding,
And with the passing of time evolve into
A seeker of God’s wisdom and truth, a human owl.

On the Earth owls represent symbols of wisdom,
But there are two types of these birds.
In the early stages of your earthly education you are like
One of those who can only fly and hunt at night,
Because their eyesight is very poor in daylight.
However, as you proceed on your evolutionary pathway
That in the end takes you back into
The conscious awareness of your true nature and
Your oneness with God and all life,
You become ever more evolved and gradually grow into
A likeness of the second type of owl, who can see
Equally well by day and night.
Because you are constantly learning something from your experiences,
You are growing wiser all the time and eventually
There comes the moment when you discover that now you can
Find what you are looking for in the darkness of the Earth,
As well as on the other side of the veil of consciousness
That in the past separated your two worlds for you
And which, for you, is now disappearing.

For as long as you remained trapped in the initial darkness
Of the dungeon of the ignorance of an earthly existence,
And remained ensnared by the belief that this state
Was your only reality and that this was all there is to life,
You could not see beyond the end  of your nose
And it was impossible for you to perceive
The vast horizons of the higher and highest dimensions of life.
For as long as you stayed on that evolutionary level,
You found it hard to grasp and unveil
The mysteries of life and death, darkness and light.

To enable you to understand the spirit of death,
The Divine spark in you first had to awaken,
So that your heart could open wide unto all other aspects of life,
Until finally you grasped that in truth
Life and death are one,
The same as a river and the sea,
Into which it pours itself, are one.

Your Creator deeply and permanently imprinted
The silent knowledge of the higher and highest aspects
Of life, your true home, into the memories of your soul.
From there they continue to surface in your hopes, dreams and
Highest aspirations, to light you the way home.
And like a seed that is waiting beneath the snow
For the arrival of spring, your soul has always continued to hope,
Waiting and dreaming of its return into that existence.
Trust these dreams, they are the key that
In due course will unlock the gates of Eternity for you.

Your fear of death can be likened to the trembling of a shepherd,
Who stands before his King, waiting that he should lay
His hand upon him in honour.
Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling,
Although he knows that he will soon be wearing his King’s mark?
But even so, before the event he is more mindful of his trembling
Than of the gift that awaits him.
And what is ceasing to breathe the air of the Earth,
But the freeing of your soul from this planet’s restless emotional tides,
So that it may rise, expand and seek God unencumbered
By a physical body and the concerns of Earth life?

Only when you drink from the river of the silence of
The world of light, your soul truly sings.
And only when you reach the top of the spiritual mountain
You really start to climb.
And only when your physical body has been returned
To the Earth, to which it belongs,
Will you once more know for sure
What your role in the great dance of life has been all along,
As one of God’s beloved children of the Earth.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (4)

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am neither dead nor asleep.
When I left the prison of my physical body,
The essence of my being, my spirit/soul,
Returned to humankind’s true eternal home,
The world of spirit and light.
Glad to tell you that I am alive and well
And that my eternal and immortal spirit/soul can and will
Never die, the same as yours and everybody else’s.
I am enjoying the freedom of being able to get
Around without needing a physical body.

One of the Angels of Transformation,
Not of Death because there is no such thing,
Came and gently invited me to follow it
Because once again, my time for returning
To humankind’s true eternal home had come.
It’s good to be fully aware of my true nature and
That the essence of my being is a spirit/soul
Who is eternal and immortal, just like my true parents,
The Great Father/Mother of all life and their
Only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
It’s good to know of  everlasting oneness with them
As well as every other manifestation of life that
Exists in the whole of Creation.
What more could anyone wish for?

Yet, if it makes you happy, weep for yourself
And the space I seem to have created in your life,
Although in truth, there isn’t any need for that either.
The only difference between you and me is that
I no longer need a physical body for getting around
In humankind’s true eternal home, the spirit realm,
Like you do in the material world.
Be glad that once more I have made the great
Transformation from the outer world to the inner.
That’s the only thing that happened.

Yet, if it pleases you, connect with me
In the old-fashioned way:
In a thousand winds that blow;
In softly falling snow;
In gentle showers of rain;
In fields of ripening grain;
In every morning’s hush
And in the graceful rush
Of birds in circling flight.

In every night’s Starshine;
In every flower that blooms;
In the quiet of a room;
In every bird that sings
And all other beautiful things
Look for me in them, by all means but
Please do me the favour of not
Standing at my grave and crying,
Because you know it’s just an empty shell
That’s getting buried there.
The essence of my being, my spirit/soul,
Is not there because it did not die
And never will, neither will yours

I am looking forward to welcoming you
When the time for your return
To the spirit realm has come.
Meanwhile I shall be supporting you far better
Than it was ever possible while both of us were
Attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Mary Frye
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (5)

Yearning For Our True Home

The Wanderer

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Wanderer

I come from highlands down to shore,
The valleys steam, the oceans roar.
I wander silent, joyless here:
My sigh keeps asking! ‘Where? Oh, where?’
Their Sun appears to me so cold,
Their blossoms limp, their life so old;
And what they speak of, empty fare:
I am a stranger everywhere.

Where are you, land, beloved home?
Imagined, sought, but never known!
The land, the land, whence hope does flow,
The land where all my roses grow,

Where friends shall never meet in vain,
Where all my dead shall rise again,
The land that speaks my language true:
Oh land, where are you?

I wander silent, joyless here,
My sigh keeps asking: ‘Where? Oh where?’
The spirits answer my distress:
‘Where you are not, there’s happiness.’

Georg Phillip Schmidt
Translated by Walter A. Aue
Set to music by Schubert

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Homesickness Of The Soul’
•    ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’

Recommended Viewing:
‘The Wanderer’
Sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (6)

The Four Friends

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Four Friends

Once upon a time there lived a woman who was fortunate enough to have four friends. She loved each one of them, but most of all the first one, whom she equipped with rich robes and treated to the finest of delicacies. Nothing but the best was ever enough for this friend.

But the woman also loved her second friend very much and showed her off at every opportunity. Yet, a niggling fear always plagued her that one day this friend would leave her.

The woman loved the third friend, too. This one was her always kind, considerate and patient confidant. Whenever she encountered problems and had to work her way through difficult times, she would confide in this friend and ask her for her assistance, which was never denied.

The fourth friend was a very loyal partner who at all times was making great contributions to everything in the woman’s life, but if the truth were to be known, she did not love her like her other friends. This one was deeply devoted to her, although she hardly ever took any notice of her when her other companions were present.

One day, the woman became seriously ill and she realised that her time on the Earth plane was rapidly approaching its end. Reflecting on the luxurious life she had led, she sadly came to the conclusion: ‘I have four friends, but when I die I shall have to leave them behind. Almost certainly I will have to make the journey ahead alone, without even knowing what is going to happen to me.’

And so the woman decided to bring her sad news to her friends. She went to the first, second and third one and asked them whether they would accompany her. Each time she got the same reply: ‘Sorry, dearest, but when you depart from this plane, I will have to go my own way.’

‘Oh, you faithless ones,’ the woman sobbed and fled into the wide open arms of her fourth friend. To her dismay the woman found that this one had almost completely withered away, looking as if she had suffered from malnutrition and neglect and was in need of comfort herself. Feeling sorry for her, the woman exclaimed: ‘You poor thing! What’s happened to you? Who has done this to you? I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance! Now I will never be able to do it because I am soon going to depart from this plane of life. Looking the way you do, might you like to accompany me?’

The friend’s voice sounded as kind and loving as ever when she replied: ‘I will go with you. I will follow you wherever you go. Now that you are preparing to leave behind earthly life, we can take care of, nurture and get to know each other again.’

Deeply touched by these words, the woman replied: ‘Truly, you are the greatest love of my life, oh faithful one. I am so sorry I almost forgot about and overlooked you in the past. Can you forgive me? Will you show me how to repair the damage I have done to you? I am so afraid of what is ahead of me. Will you help me and show me the way?’

The friend smiled and said: ‘Oh yes, I will. There’s no need to be frightened of where you are going. It’s the world of spirit or light, your true home where you belong. You know it well enough and will instantly recognise it when we arrive. You’ll see and don’t fret over leaving your earthly family and friends behind. You will be able to welcome them, when their time for returning to your other world has come.’

* * *

The four friends are metaphors and the first one stands for our physical body, the outer vehicle we need for each time we are reborn into yet another lifetime on the Earth. No matter how much time and effort we lavish on making our body look and feel good, it belongs to Mother Earth and has to be left behind when our earthly self says good-bye to her and leaves her behind.

The second friend represents our earthly possessions, status and wealth. What applies to our physical body is valid for them. None of them can be taken when we are leaving our present existence behind. The only thing that truly belongs to us is our consciousness and the increase in wisdom and understanding we have gained from the experiences of the lifetime we are leaving behind, which has been added to that of all previous ones. They are ours to keep and we take them with us into future lifetimes and eventually into Eternity.

The third friend represents family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for us, the farthest they can accompany us in earthly life is to our funeral. Yet, by the time this is taking place we shall already be resting and recuperating in the world of light, nurtured and cared for by the ministering Angels. The only way our loved ones can get in touch with us at this stage of our development and theirs is by thought communications.

The fourth and most important friend is a metaphor for our spirit and soul. Although we frequently neglect this aspect of our being in pursuit of earthly wealth, power and the rest of earthly pleasures, they alone are with us wherever life may take us and that forever. So, let’s make an effort to cultivate, strengthen and cherish them as much as we can while we are in this existence, for they are the most precious and noble part of our being and the only one that is going to be with us forever. The soul is the soft and sensitive feminine counterpart of our spirit, our feeling side. Our spirit is eternal and immortal. It was never born on the Earth plane and therefore cannot die.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (6)

Where Are Our Loved Ones?

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Where Are Our Loved Ones?It’s only a thin veil of consciousness that separates our world from the spirit realm, humankind’s true home, from which we emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to at its end. Sometimes it can take hundreds or even thousands of years in earthly time before the constellations in the sky above us are right and the people on the Earth are lined up, before we can be born into another lifetime there. Although neither party on that plane has conscious recall of how such miracles come about, the parties involved – during their spells in the spirit realm – always agree to everything that is going to happen.  

Because of this we can never be sure whether loved ones, who departed from earthly life before us, are still dwelling in the spirit realm. What if they have decided they are ready for another earthly sojourn? Shall we notice any difference in our communications when we try to connect with them as if they were still in the world of light, even though in truth they are getting on with earthly life again?

Let’s not create obstacles in our minds where in truth there aren’t any. The biggest part of everybody is their Highest God or Spirit Self, who constantly accompanies its earthly counterpart wherever it may have to go. Because our connection is a spiritual one, we can always connect with loved ones without noticing any difference. In the final analysis, does it really matter where they are whenever we cannot physically reach them? Loving and respecting each other creates an inner bond between human beings that cannot be destroyed or disrupted by anything. It is ours to keep in all Eternity.

On the inner level all life is one, there is no separation between anything and everything is connected with everything else. Experiencing life as an individual is an essential part of the illusions of Earth life. God and the Angels created this condition so that we should become aware that each one of us is an individual being in its own right, a special and unique spirit/soul unlike any other in the whole of Creation. And on the inner level everybody’s spirit is part of ours and that’s why what is done for one is done for all. This means that each time we are hurting someone we are causing pain to the whole of life and ultimately ourselves. And when one of us is redeeming their karmic debts and through this finds healing, all life and lifeforms are doing the same.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’
•    ‘All Is One In The Great Soul Of Life’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (7)


Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Hope

What do optimists do?
They hope! But what is hope?
It is not the closing of one’s eyes to
Difficulties, risks or failures.

Hope is an inner trusting that:
If we fail now, we shall not do so forever.
If we make mistakes,
We shall learn something from them
And if we get hurt, we shall be healed.

Hope is an inner knowingness that:
Life is good.
Love is all-powerful.
It can heal, mend and resolve everything,
Even the most difficult situations and relationships.

Hope is one of the Universe’s finest gifts.
It enables us to trust that in truth
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
But a new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light,
Where those who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (8)

The Sailing Ship – An Allegory

The Sailing Ship - Rays of Wisdom - Comfort for the BereavedImagine in your mind’s eye, if you will, a sailing ship. After a long break on dry land it is getting ready to once again enter into the freedom of the high seas. The ship shows great beauty and strength, as it joyfully opens its snowy white sails and offers them to the morning breeze. You are one of those left behind at the shore. Sadly, you watch the ship’s departure until you can see no more of it than a speck of white cloud on the horizon where the ocean meets the sky. A mournful voice close by says: ‘Ah, it’s gone!’

During the coming days, you keep wondering to yourself: ‘Where did the ship go?’ Finally, you come to the conclusion that this does not really matter because you know that wherever it may be now, it will be still as beautiful as it ever was, and that its mast and hull will be just as strong as when it left your shore. At that moment, as if in a dream, you sense a voice calling to you from some distant shore: ‘It’s arrived safely. It’s here!’

The death of the physical body is similar. Nothing changes, we remain the same one we always were. Our feelings and desires remain unchanged. All we have done is shedding our outer shell like a worn out overcoat. Eternity is here and now and everywhere. Each moment we spend on the Earth plane and all other worlds is an integral part of Eternity. Any loss on our present level of life is the spirit world’s gain. On the other side of the veil of consciousness each death in our world is always a happy event, because one of us is reborn into the full awareness of their true reality and is therefore coming home. We are eternal beings of light. There is no death and we cannot die. It’s just that from time to time we have to gather our experiences, so that we may learn from them and grow, on different levels of life  – that’s all.

Roger Carswell
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (9)

A Lesson Of Value

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - A Lesson Of Value

Do you know what I would do, if I could live my life all over again? I would go to bed when I am sick, instead of pretending the Earth would go to pieces and my family would not survive without me. I would burn my most precious candles before they melted in storage. I would talk less and listen more. I would invite friends to dinner, even if our carpet were stained and our sofa old and faded.

I would take the time to listen to my grandfather ramblings about his youth. I would share more of the responsibilities my husband carries and expect him to be interested in mine. I would not insist that the car windows should be closed on a warm day because my hair had just been done. I would sit on a lawn without minding grass stains. I would laugh and cry less while watching television and more by observing the world around me. I would not buy anything merely because it is practical, does not get dirty too easily or is guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I would cherish every moment and treasure taking part in the miracle inside me. I would be proud to be a woman and feel honoured that one of God’s greatest mysteries was being created through me. I would no longer call my monthly cycle ‘the curse’, because I now know that it is a precious part of the great wisdom without which the wonder and miracle of God’s most beautiful gifts to humankind could not be given. If one of my children wanted to give me a kiss, I would not say: ‘Later. Now get washed and ready for dinner.’ I would use the words ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ much more frequently. But mostly, when I come into my next lifetime, I shall seize every minute and take note of what’s happening inside and around me.
I shall not sweat over small things and worry about who does not like me, who has more than I have and who should be doing what. I shall cherish the relationships with those who love me. And I shall reflect frequently on what God has blessed me with and what I can do each day to create good health on all levels of my being, mentally, physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually. I shall treasure the good things of earthly life while I am there, be grateful for them and give thanks to our Father/Mother Creator for all their gifts. I am going to make the most of everything that has been given to me before this lifetime ends.

The above was written when my physical body was dying from cancer. Now that I have been in the world of spirit for some time, my message to you is: ‘Do not be afraid of death. I came to the other side and thought: ‘Why, there is nothing to it. I did not feel anything. Apart from being no longer in pain, I do not feel any different. I am still the same I was in earthly life.’

It’s really beautiful here, too. Everything I loved and treasured on the other side, I also have with me here. All the loved ones that ever left me and even the pets I lost are now with me. Had I known all that, I would not have been afraid of death or even illness. Who knows? Without fear my body may never have developed cancer. And when the Angel comes to take me home, I shall get hold of its hand happily and contentedly, knowing that I shall always be taken care of, wherever my destiny my wish to take me one of these days.

And by the way, do not believe it when anyone says to you that we come into Earth life with nothing and that we leave it in the same state. Take it from me: that is just not true. We are a spirit and soul, we are consciousness and that is what we bring with us into each new lifetime on the Earth. The learning we there draw from all our experiences help our consciousness to grow and expand. At the end of each one of our lifetimes we take with us into Eternity the sum total of everything we have learnt up to that moment. We bring it with us into every next earthly sojourn where it supports and sustains us.

No experience is ever wasted and my advice to you is: look for what you can learn from everything that is in your life. Make an effort to absorb the lessons life sends you, as that is the only way to grow and evolve. Know that everything serves a higher purpose, although it is often quite hard to recognise what that should be, it is always there. And do not forget to give thanks often for the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, our true parents. Thank them for creating you and allowing you to take part in earthly life, so that you may grow and mature into spiritual adulthood.

These are some of the things my most recent earthly lifetime has taught me. In all Eternity the learning I have found shall be mine. Because of it I shall be able to cope much better with earthly life next time round than during all previous occasions. This message is coming to you because I wish to share my learning with those who are still on your side of the veil, in the hope that it will help them in some way. God bless each one of you. See you around in the world of light one of these days.

Your loving sister in spirit,
Erma Bombeck
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (10)


Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Eternity

Eternity is not the hereafter.
Eternity has nothing to do with time.
It is now. This is it!
If you don’t get it here, you won’t get it anywhere.
The experience of Eternity lies in the here and now,
In the rhythms of the processes of life.
Heaven is not the place to experience Eternity,

It is here!

Joseph Campbell

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (11)

The Keys To Eternity
Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Key To Eternity

Be not anxious for the morrow,
Do not give in to thoughts of sorrow.
Yesterday has come and gone.
Tomorrow may never be born.

Cast out your fears along the way
And learn to be there just for today.
Aware of your immortality,
Walk through earthly life
With love, peace and serenity,
The golden keys to Eternity.

Elizabeth Anderson
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star 

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (12)

Look Through The Window

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Look Through The Window

Look through the window
And see the light.
Smell the sweet flowers.
See the sky bright.

Shed no more tears
When you feel I have gone.
Love never leaves.
My spirit lives on.

Talk with me often.
Your words will be heard.
I will be by your side,
As swift as a bird.

Love life and laugh.
Together we’ll be
On the right path,
While our spirits fly free.

Nora Richmond

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (13)

I Am Free

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - I Am Free

Don’t grieve for me, because I am free,
Continuing the path our Creator designed for me.
I took the Angel’s hand when I heard its call,
Left earthly life behind and said farewell to all.

I could not stay another day
For loving and laughter, singing and play.
Unfinished tasks will have to stay that way.
I’m exchanging them for the peace
That awaits all of us at the end of our earthly days.

Should my parting in your life leave a void,
Fill it with the memories of shared joys
Like friendship and laughter and also a kiss.
These are the things I too shall miss.

Do not burden yourself with sorrow,
But let the eternal Sun light all your tomorrows.
My life’s been full and I’ve savoured much:
Good friends, fine times and the loving touch.

And if my time with you appeared too brief,
Refuse to stretch it with weeping and grief.
On the wings of sacred God’s wisdom and truth
Lift yourself above the boundaries of earthly life
And in your thoughts share with me
The freedom I found when
The Angel of death set me free.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (14)

Miss Me, But Let Me Go

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Miss Me, But Let Me Go

When I have reached the end of this lifetime
And Earth’s Sun has set for me,
Forget about rites in gloomy rooms.
Why cry for a soul that is free?

Having escaped the prison of earthly life and pain,
Don’t bury my mortal remains in the ground.
Cremate them and scatter my ashes to the wind,
So my spirit can take to its wings.
You shan’t be able to help missing me,
But nonetheless let me go and set me free.

Miss me a little, but not too much and not for long.
Don’t walk around with your head bowed low,
For the love between us has not changed
And will never leave us.
So miss me, but let me go.

The road I’m travelling we all have to walk.
Hand in hand with the Angels
It’s part of the Great Master’s plan
That each must traverse it alone,
To take us forward on our journey home
Into the oneness with God.

Each time your heart aches with loneliness,
Visit someone who is not afraid of talking about me.
Then forget your woes over helping someone.
You will still miss me, but if you really love me,
Let me go.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (15)

Remember Me

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Remember Me
Remember me, when I have gone away,
Gone far away, into the silent land,
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turn and stay.

Remember me, when no more, day by day,
You can tell me of our future
That you have planned.
Only remember me.
Then you will understand
That it is too late to cancel or pray.

Yet, if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember,
Do not grieve, for if the darkness and corruption
Leave a vestige of the thoughts that I once had,
Better by far, you should forget and smile
Than to remember and be sad.

Christina Rosetti

She replies from the world of light:

‘After struggling long and hard to let go of my
Physical being and with it leaving behind
The darkness of my earthly ignorance,
I am delighted to tell you that the world
I am living in now is the realm of spirit.
This is humankind’s true home and safe haven
After experiencing the turbulent seas of
Earthly life’s problems and traumas,
Stresses and strains.

‘This world is filled with light and everything
Is of a beauty that does not compare with
Anything on the Earth.
I am well and very much alive,
And enjoying my life here.
When your time for joining me has come
And the Angel of Death calls for you,
Don’t be reluctant to let go.
Reach for its hand and follow without fear.
There truly is nothing to be afraid of here.’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (16)

Yearning For Our True Home

The Wanderer

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Wanderer

I come from highlands down to shore,
The valleys steam, the oceans roar.
I wander silent, joyless here:
My sigh keeps asking! ‘Where? Oh, where?’
Their Sun appears to me so cold,
Their blossoms limp, their life so old;
And what they speak of, empty fare:
I am a stranger everywhere.

Where are you, land, beloved home?
Imagined, sought, but never known!
The land, the land, whence hope does flow,
The land where all my roses grow,

Where friends shall never meet in vain,
Where all my dead shall rise again,
The land that speaks my language true:
Oh land, where are you?

I wander silent, joyless here,
My sigh keeps asking: ‘Where? Oh where?’
The spirits answer my distress:
‘Where you are not, there’s happiness.’

Georg Phillip Schmidt
Translated by Walter A. Aue
Set to music by Schubert

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Homesickness Of The Soul’
•    ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’

Recommended Viewing:
‘The Wanderer’
Sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (17)

Returning Loved Ones To God

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Returning Loved Ones To God

O Great Father/Mother of all life,
We bring You our dear departed ones
And place them into Your loving hands.
They were not lost to You
When You gave them to us.
In the same way we shall never lose someone
When we let go of them and hand them
Over to You and Your Angels.

You are as much in us as we are in You,
But Your giving is very different from ours.
Whatever you give is not taken away from anyone.
On the inner plane of life all is one and
There is no separation between anything and
Everything that is yours also belongs to us.

The creative power of love is immortal and
Because all life created and given by You is eternal,
Each one of us is Yours forever.
Our physical bodies pass away and turn to dust and ashes,
But the essence of our being will never die.
What our world calls death in truth is but
A passing of our spirit and soul
Into another dimension of life,
Which we, in our present evolutionary state,
Can only imagine.
Sadly, all other worlds are hidden to
The limited perception of our small earthly selves.
Beloved Great Father/Mother,
On the wings of Your sacred wisdom and truth
Help us to raise the consciousness of our world
To an increasing awareness of Your realms.
Open our inner eyes,
So that we too may perceive with ever greater clarity
That the spirit world is our true home
And that all who have passed into it
Are alive and well.
Safe and cared for by Your love,
They are enjoying themselves in the one place
Where everybody is at home and welcome.

Thank You for the knowledge of
Your Universal laws.
By observing their effects on our lives,
You are providing us with living proof that
Everything does return to its source;
That therefore no-one can ever
Get lost in the vastness of Eternity;
And that all life forever rests safely
In Your loving embrace.


Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (18)


Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Choices

We can turn our backs on tomorrow and dwell in the past
Or we can happily welcome tomorrow,
Because we have been sowing the right seeds.
We can shed tears that our loved ones have left us
Or smile and be thankful for the gift of their life.

We can close our eyes and hope that somehow they will return to us
Or open our inner eyes to the higher realities of our true nature
And remind ourselves that, although they are no longer
Taking part in earthly life, they are by no means dead.
They merely moved to a different plane of life,
The spirit world, where they are alive and well.
Having returned to humankind’s true home,
The world of spirit and light, they are
Cared for and looked after better than we ever could.

We can remember those on the other side of the
Veil of consciousness that separates our world from theirs
And become aware that although our loved ones have moved on,
Nothing in our relationship with them needs to change.
This sets us free to cherish the memories of times spent together
And to start looking forward to our reunion in the world of light.

We can cry and close our minds, feeling sad and deserted,
Turning our backs on those who say they have not died.
Or we can do what they surely want from us:
Smile and be happy about whatever shares our earthly life,
Giving it as much love as we can
Whilst getting on with what’s left of our own present lifetime,
Until the moment when the Angel of death
Gently and lovingly also takes us by the hand and says:
‘Let me take you home into the world of light.
Your loved ones are waiting.’

As ever, the choice is ours.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (19)

Moving On

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - Moving On

As every flower must fade and youth give way to old age,
So all wisdom and virtues may be valid only in their day.
Nothing but our Highest Self stays with us forever.
At life’s calling the small earthly self has to say farewell
And be ready for another new beginning.

Bravely and without sadness fresh learning can be tackled
With the knowledge that in the spiritual background
Of our earthly existence the power of the Unseen,
Even though it is invisible to earthly eyes,
Has always ruled supreme and forever will do so.
This means that wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still wish to take us,
We shall be guided and protected by
The wise ones in charge of us,
Who will encourage us and help us to live.

Knowing that the Earth is not our true home.
Allows our spirit and soul to roam freely and happily
Through space and time,
Without any shadow of a doubt that
The loving arms of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Are surrounding us and keeping us safe.
These parents do not wish to restrict any of
Its children of the Earth and tie them forever
To such a lowly existence,
When quite the opposite is true.

A high and holy destiny awaits each and every one of us.
Step by step the Universe has always been trying to lift us
Beyond the horizons of our understanding.
And whenever someone stays with one particular
Way of living for too long,
Their spirit and soul stagnate and begin to yearn for
Different kinds of learning.
This, however, can only be found
In new adventures and explorations.

The awareness that there really is no death,
That life is eternal and without beginning or end,
Makes it easier to respond to life’s demands,
When our time for moving on
Into different dimensions of life has come.
It turns the hour of our departure from the physical plane of life
Into an occasion of gladness and enjoyment about
Our rebirth into the world of light and
The approach of studies of a more elevated kind.

But even before it comes to this,
The realisation that in truth life’s call
For all human beings will never end
 Fills our whole being with good cheer.
It enables us to cheerfully say good-bye,
Whenever the need for it arises.
Having found healing and peace
In the conscious awareness of
Our oneness with God, the Angels and all life,
Willingly and peacefully we shall
Forever move forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘Stufen’ by Hermann Hesse
Freely translated by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (20)

Just A Thought Away

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Beyond

There’s a place somewhere,
Where loved ones meet
After leaving the earthly plane.
It’s not some far distant heavenly place,
But on the inner spiritual level of earthly life,
A world that is never
Further away than a thought.

It is a world of warmth and light,
Healing and love, where
Fear and anger, loneliness and pain
Are shed and left behind at the threshold.
When human spirits and souls have rested
And recuperated sufficiently from
The trauma of earthly life,
This is the place from which we eventually
Set off on yet another earthly learning quest
That helps us to grow some more
In wisdom and understanding.

Every time we have attended another round of
Earth life’s tests, trials and tribulations,
We return to this place for rest, comfort and healing.
 The ministering Angels
And many other spirit friends and helpers
Are there to attend to our needs.
Wise beyond compare,
Knowing the answers to our questions,
They accompany and advise us.

Once more we have found out
From first hand experience
That there really is no death,
And that all worlds and beings,
Including your loved ones and you,
Always have been and forever will be
Safely enfolded in the loving embrace
Of the Universal Forces.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (21)


Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved -  Afterglow

I would like the memory of me
To be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an afterglow
Of smiles when for me Earth life is done.

I’d like to leave an echo
That whispers softly in the breeze,
Of happy laughing and smiling times
On bright and sunlit days.

I’d like the tears of those who grieve,
To be dried by the warmth and love of the Sun
And the happy memories I leave
When my earthly life is done.

Helen Lowrie Marshall
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (22)

If Only

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - If Only

If only time would stand still and
We could go back,

If rainbows could sometimes be black and
Hills wear a veil,

If gaol was release and
Fire did not burn,

If tides did not turn and
You had not died
And stayed forever in earthly life,
Humankind’s higher nature would not exist
And our being make no sense
And be without meaning.

Paul Thompson
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (23)


Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - Longing

I never told you that I loved you.
I never told you that I cared.

I never thought how I loved you.
I never thought I cared.

I barely touched or held you.
I rarely talked to you at all.

I never knew the depth of longing
I would feel after you had gone.

I never knew I’d cry for you.
I never thought you would die.

I didn’t know how much I’d miss you,
For I barely knew you at all.
Please forgive me for not making
An effort to find out who and what
You really are.

O Great Father/Mother of all life,
Please forgive me
And help me to do better with those
Who are still with me,
Be grateful for their presence and
Daily show them how much they mean to me.

Paul Thompson
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (24)

I Would Give Anything I Own

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - I Would Give Anything I Own

You sheltered me from harm.
You kept me warm.
You kept me warm.
You gave my life to me.
You set me free.
You set me free.
The finest years I ever knew.
Were all the ones I spent with you.

I would give anything I own.
Give up my life and my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again.

You taught me how to love.
And what it’s of,
What it’s of.
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way.
And so I knew
From watching you.
Nobody else can ever know.
The part of me that can’t let go.

I would give anything I own.
Give up my life and my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again.
Just to touch you once again.

Is there someone you know
You’re loving them so,
But taking them all for granted?
You may lose them one day.
Someone takes them away
And they’ll never hear the words you have to say.

I would give anything I own.
Give up my life and my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again.
Everything I own.
My life, my heart, my home.
I’d give everything I own.
My life, my heart, my home.

Every little thing, every little thing –

Just to have you back again.
Just to hold you.

Anderson Rolim

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I Would Give Anything I Own’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (25)

The Golden Heart

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - The Golden Heart

When God saw you getting tired,
A cure was not meant to be found.
The Angel of Death put its arms around you
And whispered: ‘Come with me!’

With tearful eyes we watched
How you were passing away.
Although we loved you deeply,
We saw you weren’t meant to you stay.

Your golden heart stopped beating
And your hands are now at rest.
Our hearts are nearly breaking,
Yet, we accept it’s for your best.

Therese Williamson
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (26)

To Our Loved Ones In Spirit

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - To Our Loved Ones In Spirit

So far and yet so near, our spirits entwine.
There’s no divide between your world and mine.
Time is forever, no barriers exist,
Except those created by fear and resist.

Love is the solvent that breaks down all blocks.
It is the key that undoes all locks,
So I open my heart to the Highest light
And welcome its rays by day and night.

So far and yet so near, our spirits entwine.
Be still, beloved hearts.
There really is no divide
Between your world and mine.

Jennie Blowers
Edited by Aquarius
Stella Polaris December 2008/January 2009
Magazine of the White Eagle Lodge

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (27)

Crossing The Bar

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - Crossing The Bar

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (28)

In Memoriam A.H.H.

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved In Poetry And Prose - In Memoriam A.H.H.

Thy voice is on the rolling air;
I hear thee where the waters run;
Thou standest in the rising sun,
And in the setting thou art fair.

What art thou then? I cannot guess;
But tho’ I seem in star and flower
To feel thee some diffusive power,
I do not therefore love thee less:

My love involves the love before;
My love is vaster passion now;
Tho’ mix’d with God and Nature thou,
I seem to love thee more and more.

Far off thou art, but ever nigh;
I have thee still, and I rejoice;
I prosper, circled with thy voice;
I shall not lose thee tho’ I die.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (29)

The Rose

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Rose


Some say love –
It is a river that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love –
It is a razor that leaves the soul to bleed.
Some say love –
It is a hunger, an endless aching need.
I say: ‘Love –
It is a flower and we its only seed.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance.
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give.
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
When you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter,
Far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed that with the Sun’s love,
In the spring, becomes

The Rose.

Amanda McBroom

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Rose’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (30)

The Angel In Disguise

 Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Angels In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see; and to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
The living splendour, woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a tramp, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

That gift is there and the wonder of an
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with these joys,
For they conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you –
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with profound esteem and with a prayer
That for you, now and forever,
The day may break and the shadows flee away.

Fifteenth Century Prayer

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (31)

Setting The Captive Spirit Free

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Setting The Captive Spirit Free

The storm and peril overpast,
The hounding hatred shamed and still,
Go, soul of freedom! Take at last
The place which thou alone canst fill.

Confirm the lesson taught of old.
Life saved for self is lost, while they
Who lose it in His service hold
The lease of God’s eternal day.

Not for thyself, but for the slave
Thy words of thunder shook the world.
No selfish grieves or hatred gave
The strength wherewith thy bolts were hurled.

From lips that Sinai’s trumpet blew
We heard a tenderer undersong.
Thy very wrath from pity grew,
From love of man thy hate of wrong.

Now past and present are as one.
The life below is life above.
Thy mortal years have but begun
The immortality of love.

With somewhat of thy lofty faith
We lay thy outworn garment by,
Give death but what belongs to death,
And life the life that cannot die!

Not for a soul like thine the calm
Of selfish ease and joys of sense,
But duty, more than crown or palm,
Its own exceeding recompense.

Go up and on! Thy day well done,
Its morning promise well fulfilled,
Arise to triumphs yet unwon,
To holier tasks that God has willed.

Go, leave behind thee all that mars
The work below of man for man.
With the white legions of the stars,
Do service such as Angels can.

Wherever wrong shall right deny,
Or suffering spirits urge their plea,
Be thine a voice to smite the lie,
A hand to set the captive free.

John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892
For the funeral of William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (32)

The Life That I Have

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Life That I Have
The life that I have, is all that I have,
And the life that I have is yours.

The love that I have, of the life that I have,
Is yours, and yours, and yours.

A sleep I shall have, a rest I shall have.
Yet, death will be but a pause,
For the peace of my years,
In the long green grass,
Will be yours, and yours, and yours.

Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
The love that I have for the life you have given me
Is yours and yours alone.
The death I shall have on parting from this plane
Will neither be a pause nor a falling asleep.
Hand in hand with the Angel of Death
You will be sending me,
I shall go forward, without a trace of fear,
Wide awake, with open heart and mind,
Into the beauty and wonders of the spirit realm.

I bless and thank You
For allowing me to know these things.
In all Eternity my spirit and soul
Shall sing the praises of
Your boundless and unshakeable love.

Leo Marks
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (33)

I Know You By Heart

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Poetry And Prose - I Love You By Heart

 Midnights in Winter.
The glowing fire
Lights up your face in orange and gold.
I see your sweet smile
Shine through the darkness,
Its line is etched in my memory,
So I’d know you by heart.

Mornings in April.
Sharing our secrets,
We’d walk until the morning was gone.
We were like children,
Laughing for hours.
The joy you gave me lives on and on.
‘Cos I know you by heart.

I still hear your voice
On warm Summer nights
Whispering like the wind.
You left in Autumn,
The leaves were turning.
I walked down roads of orange and gold.
I saw your sweet smile,
I heard your laughter,
You’re still here beside me every day.

‘Cos I know and still love you by heart.

Eva Cassidy wrote this song for her mother.
Naturally, the same goes for any loved one
who has passed into the world of light.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I Know You By Heart’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (34)

The End Of Fear

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Fear

What do we have to fear? Nothing!
Whom do we have to fear? No-one!
Do you know why?
Consciously becoming one again with our Highest Self,
Gives us three great privileges:
Omnipotence and practising it safely in the knowledge
That true Power is with God alone,
And that this God, the living God within, will always
Show us where and how to do so.
This makes us feel intoxicated without needing any wine.
And because we have come home into the awareness
That we are eternal beings of light and immortal,
There no longer is any death for us,
Merely transformations
From one life-state into another.

St. Francis of Assisi
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘There Is No Death’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (35)

To The One I Love

A Greeting From The World Of Spirit

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Poetry And Prose - To The One I Love

Sometimes I’ll come when you’re asleep
As an unexpected visitor.
Don’t leave me outside in the street
By locking your inner door.

I’ll enter quietly, softly sit
And gaze upon you in the dark.
Then, when I have had my fill,
I’ll kiss you and depart.

Don’t think of me as dead or asleep,
For I am neither.
In fact, I’m more alive now than anyone
In your world can ever hope to be.

I have merely moved to another dimension of life.
When I left my physical body behind,
I entered into the greater freedom
And beauty of the spirit realm.

You have no idea how enjoyable it is to
No longer being chained to earthly life.
But you’ll find out for yourself soon enough,
When your time for joining me has come
And I am greeting you with wide open arms.

Nikola Vaptsarov
Edited by Aquarius

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from the StarLink January 2012: ‘Many in your world to this day believe that life stops when you leave your physical body behind. Yet, in truth life is eternal and there is no death. All lifeforms are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that means that your loved ones are neither dead nor sleeping. They have merely moved to another dimension of life on its inner level, where all is one and there is no separation between anything. They most certainly have not gone from you.

‘You can contact your loved ones any time through the power of the love in your heart and in your thoughts and meditations. At the same time this helps the development of your awareness of eternal life. The Great Father/Mother of all life is your Creator and true parent. God is love and the law of life is love and the Creator loves each and every one of its creations totally and unconditionally. God is spirit and so is the essence of your loved ones and also of you. That level of consciousness knows no death and this is where your loved ones are now, alive and well in God’s eternal love. In our world, the realm of spirit, no-one ever leaves anybody and in spirit your loved ones will always be with you.

‘Knowing all this, do not begrudge them leaving you. Having experienced it many times ourselves, when we were still taking part in earthly lessons, we can tell you first hand what a blessed relief it is not having to care for a physical body any more that’s constantly in need of attention. Cleaning and clothing, feeding, exercising and resting this vehicle for getting around in earthly life takes up inordinate amounts of time. On top of all that your outer shell is easily hurt and wounded, it can become ill in many different ways, grows old and begins to deteriorate and decay, the way everything in earthly life eventually has to do. Once you have left it behind, there is none of that for you any more. You are free, not only of taking part in physical life but also of the yoke of time, which does not exist in our world. You too have left your physical body behind many times before. It’s just that you have no conscious awareness of it for as long as you dwell on the physical plane.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (36)

Take These Broken Wings

Take these broken wings - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again,
And learn to live so free.
And when we hear the voices sing,
The book of love will open up
And let us in.

From the Eighties Song
By Mr. Mister

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Take the broken wings of humankind’s earthly existence
And teach all of us how to fly with the help
Of Your sacred wisdom and truth,
So that it flows ever more powerfully
From Your loving heart
Into every human heart and soul
And from there into our whole world.
Under Your guidance and protection
And in accordance with Your will and wishes,
Keep on opening ever more hearts,
Until each one of us acts as a channel for the
Blessing and healing power of Your love.

Grant us the gift of understanding, so that
On the wings of Your sacred wisdom and truth
We can lift our whole world
Above the woes of our present existence
By recognising them as nothing but lessons
In the school of earthly life
And passing phases.

Mend our broken spiritual wings
By helping us to re-discover
The beauty and wonders of Your world,
The spirit realm,
Humankind’s true home,
Where those who went before us
Are waiting to greet and welcome us
When our time for departure from
Earthly life has come.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Learning To Fly’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I can fly! I really can!’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (38)

From 'Love : The New World Order'

In Loving Memory

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Love : The New World Order - In Loving Memory

If you recently lost a loved one to our world, irrespective of what was written in their death certificate, they were allowed to leave your plane because the purpose of their most recent lifetime had been fulfilled. Otherwise they would not have left you. But because they have first hand knowledge of your world’s present situation, they are of the great value on our side of the veil that still separates our two worlds from each other. They are highly welcome, of that you can be sure. And as soon as they have rested from the stresses of their most recent earthly lifetime, every one of the newcomers is happy to join our ranks.

At present, they are much more urgently needed by us, because the strength of their love for you and your world is added to the blessing and healing energies that are coming your way from us. They can now see for themselves who the driving forces behind your world’s present state are. Unaware of our presence and that their outer plane has a spiritual background where every one of their thoughts, words and actions is observed by day and night, your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers believe they are working with the greatest of secrecy, when nothing could be further from the truth.

During the early part of the education in the earthly school of life, every human being lacks the knowledge of the processes of life, in which every one of you is constantly taking part. For as long as you are unaware of your existence’s spiritual background, you do not realise that the essence of every human being is spirit/soul. It’s you yourself who has chosen to once more appear on the earthly plane so that you may grow in wisdom and understanding through the adventures that will be coming your way. Many of you by now are ready to leave behind the false belief that when they leave their physical body, their whole being dies, they are snuffed out like a candle and that’s the end of them.

Those who still believe that this is what happens when someone dies are going to be very surprised indeed when – one of these days – they discover that their physical body is lying inert and dead on the earthly plane, while they obviously are alive and well. When there is no way of getting these physical bodies moving again, it will dawn on them that their spirit/soul has somehow freed itself from the earthly plane. Obviously, the essence of their being has returned to the world of spirit or light. They realise that this is humankind’s true home from which every one of us – without exception – emerges at the beginning of another earthly lifetime and returns to each time its purpose has been fulfilled.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (39)

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'


Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Memories

 Memories –
Light the corners of my mind.
Misty water-coloured memories
Of the way we were.

Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind.
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were.

Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we? Could we?

Memories, may be beautiful and yet
What’s too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget.
So it’s the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember,
The way we were. . .

Barbra Streisand

Aquarius is the sign of group consciousness and friendship with all manifestations of life. For all of us the Aquarian age has brought with it the need for healing all our relationships. First in line are the ones with ourselves and with God. But all of them and especially the difficult and traumatic relationships are waiting to be transformed into friendships. This is a must when we are reaching the end of our earthly education, because anything that’s left unattended in our last lifetime necessitates another one for dealing with this issue.  

Besides, a better understanding of how the processes of life affect every one of us does away with the need for trying to forget things. Finding it is a journey that starts with the discovery that humankind’s existence never has been and never will be a one-off thing, at the end of which we are snuffed out like a candle. The next step is the realisation that the spirit realm is humankind’s true home, from which every one of us emerges at the beginning of a new lifetime and returns to when it has run its course. Isn’t it good to know that anyone who has gone there before us is alive and well, and by no means dead?

The painful things that happen between people invariably serves the wise higher purpose of redeeming someone’s karmic debts. The parties involved, before entering their present lifetime, on the advice of the wise ones in charge of them in the spirit realm, agreed to attend to these. Knowing this makes it easier for me to reach out and connect with those who departed from this plane, without any possibility of healing my relationship with them. There were quite a few of them and without the understanding I have found by now, the memories of what happened would indeed be too painful to remember. But from where I am now, I feel a strong need to renew the love that once existed between us. It’s good to know that my suffering at their hands at least somewhat must have restored the balance of my spiritual bank account.

To me, understanding is a kind of magic key that has the power of unlocking our inner doors. That makes it easier to reach out for and forgive each other. First we need to forgive ourselves for needing the lessons that came our way, through the way we behaved in previous lifetimes. Then I like to thank the other one(s) for agreeing to play this part and forgive them for getting lost in the illusion of their earthly existence. Understanding and forgiveness together have the power of moving even the most traumatic experiences onto a higher and more mature spiritual level, where they belong.

In the inner spiritual world there is no separation between anything and all is one. Every human being who ever existed, not merely those who hurt and wounded us in any of our lifetimes, are as much part of us as we are part of them. All of us are coming from love and to love our evolutionary journey eventually returns every one of us. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of creation that connect all of us with each other, quite naturally. Nothing can wipe out or even disturb any love that ever existed between us. That’s why sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to anyone with whom we fell out, for one reason or another, works wonders for the healing process.

It’s not difficult to set this process in motion when one brings to mind the kind and noble things the other one did. As everybody has everything within, the worst as well as the highest, noblest and best, there must have been some. From the evolutionary point both of us are likely to have reached by now, their earthly personalities and the lessons we once took part in together, have faded away. Any pain we had to endure served the redemption of at least some of our karmic debts; who knows, maybe all of them.

The earthly personality is shed each time our spirit/soul returns for rest and recuperation to the spirit realm. The same happens to our physical body. It’s intended to serve as our vehicle for getting around on the earthly plane for one lifetime only. The physical body acts like an overcoat underneath which our body of light or astral body is worn. At any given time, the light body consists of as much light as our spirit/soul has so far been able to absorb from the Christ Star’s light. And each time we send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to anyone, our own light increases.

Our earthly personality with all its quirks and idiosyncrasies is left behind at the gate of the spirit realm, so to speak. The memories of it are stored in our soul and from there we pick it up again, each time we enter another lifetime for the continuation of our learning process. Yet, for as long as we are in the spirit world, we are what we truly always have been and forever will be: a spirit/soul who is immortal and will never die. In that state, we are once more consciously aware of the wise higher purpose every one of our earthly lifetimes serves. We are young Gods in the making who are serving the first part of their apprenticeship on the earthly plane.

Mother Earth is a school and a place of learning, whose lessons provide every one of us with the same kind of education. It’s final stage has been reached when we have evolved into a Christed one, in our own right. Earthly life can then not teach us any more. Although taking part in this education is compulsory, nobody ever forces us to apply for another lifetime. We come of our own free will, as otherwise our energies will never be right for being released into exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

Understanding the astrological background of the things that once irritated and annoyed me in someone’s behaviour, for a long time has been immensely helpful to me. Forgiving someone is easy when one understands that they could not help themselves, because their behaviour was part of their most recent lifetime’s lessons. It’s good to know that they agreed to play that particular role in my life, to help me redeem some of my karmic debts. They did this although my suffering at their hands undoubtedly created more karmic debts in their spiritual account. If that isn’t love, what is?

Forgiving these people is easy because I know that what happened could only come about for as long as they were what’s known as ‘ruled by the Stars’. Yet, even that is no longer with them, now the earthly personality of that lifetime has been shed. So what’s the big deal? In any case, I believe that, without knowing how the negative qualities of the Sun signs and houses can and do influence us, nobody has a chance of counteracting and uplifting negative into positive ones. That’s why I also forgive myself for not knowing any better, earlier on in this lifetime. Thanks and praise to the Highest for having learnt so much.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Memories’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (40)

More About Memories

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Memories My own life has taught me that, for a long time, we are unaware of how the qualities of zodiac’s signs and houses are constantly influencing us, without us having any idea that this is happening to us. That’s what attracted me to astrology in the first place, many years ago when a man by the name of Wilfred was recommended to me as a good astrologer. I was not particularly interested in the subject, but thought why not ask him to do your birthchart?

He did not know anything about me, apart from my name and my birth details. I later found out that my birthtime was a different one. We had met and spoken for about ten minutes only. Yet, when his birthchart interpretation arrived, I was amazed about the things he was telling me about myself. Many of what he said I really did, but was not aware of doing so. How could the man know so much about me? It intrigued me so much that, when shortly after he announced that he was going to do some teaching, I was one of the first to enrol.

By now I know that in the right hands astrology can be turned into one of the best life-helps imaginable. I have never been interested in using it as a fortunetelling instrument. I prefer to trust that, if we send nothing but that which is good, right and beautiful into our world, nothing but more of the same can return to us in due course, as soon as we have redeemed our existing karmic debts.

My main interest in the Divine science is using it as applied psychology and how the planetary energies influence us and our lives. First in broad outlines that are based on our birthchart, and second the progressions of the Moon and the Sun. Undoubtedly, astrology can do the same for you. I find it particularly helpful when it comes to healing difficult relationships with anyone who has departed from this plane before me. Should you feel like having a go at it and becoming a bit of your own astrologer, please follow the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

How about entering into a dialogue with anyone who has hurt and wounded you, something along these lines: ‘When I was suffering at your hands, I was unaware that life is not a one-off thing, but a long drawn out evolutionary journey of many lifetimes. That’s why both of us could get so utterly lost in the roles we once played. So, I forgive myself for not knowing that the experiences we shared served a wise higher purpose and that I was the one who created the necessity for them in previous lifetimes. I forgive you for what you did to me. I also hope that you will forgive me for having been the cause of the new karmic debts your behaviour towards me created in your spiritual account.

‘With the knowledge both of us have found by now, there is no point in letting anything come between us any longer. That, at last, sets us free to love each other, the way both of us probably always wanted to, but somehow could not for as long as you were still with me, on this side of the veil that separates our two worlds.’

The spirit realm is by no means somewhere ‘up or out there’. It is the inner spiritual plane of the outer physical world. Everything that exists here could not do so without first having been created on the inner plane, which is invisible to earthly eyes. We are the outer and they are the inner manifestation of the same world. And the periods we spend from time to time on the inner plane provides us with the greater freedom of being able to move around without the hindrance of a physical body that is so easily hurt and wounded.

Each time we leave the physical plane, the only thing we can take with us is that which we have learned, in the course of our most recent lifetime, as well as all previous ones. That’s the only thing that truly belongs to us; it’s ours to keep in all Eternity. And on every occasion our spirit/soul slips away from the physical world, the earthly personality we have developed up to that point is safely stored in our soul memories. From there it accompanies us into our next lifetime, when our earthly education continues.

Our spiritual bank account at any given time consists of credit and debit entries. Credits make all coming earthly lifetimes easier to cope with. the debits of our karmic debts are going to weigh us down, but only until the last one of them has been redeemed. I find it comforting that even this they can do only for a while, because everything that happens on our plane is but a passing phase. That’s why there really is no need for running away from anything that’s too painful to remember. For the wise higher reason that eventually everything has to be confronted and dealt with, trying to forget anything is impossible.

Nothing is more helpful here than a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence. This knowledge can provide us with the solution for any problem that comes our way. It empowers us to stop avoiding memories of painful and traumatic experiences and instead give thanks and praise to God and the Angels for their love and wisdom is providing us with opportunities for the redemption of all our karmic debts, even the most ancient ones.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’
•    ‘Friendship Healing’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

Messages Of Comfort And Healing (41)

From 'Comfort For The Bereaved'

Going Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Going Home

Going home, going home.
We’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day,
That’s how everybody goes home
Into the spirit world.

It’s not far, just close by,
Through an open door.
Work all done, cares laid by,
Pain and fear no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us,
Father’s waiting too.
Angels and helpers gathered
With the friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way,
Earth-bound sorrows done.
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life’s just begun.

There’s no break, there’s no end ,
Just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile,
Going on and on . . .

I’m just going home!
Without being aware of it,
I have gone this way many times before.
And it’s good to know that none of us
Ever has to do so on their own.
One of the Angels of Death held our hand and
Took us back home into the world of spirit or light.
From which every one of us emerges
At the beginning of a new earthly lifetime.

God and the Angels always have been and
Forever will be as much part of us
As we are part of them.
And wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still have to take us,
There’s no need to be afraid of anything.
They will forever be accompanying us
And showing the way.
We shall always be safe because
In all Eternity our life will rest
In the loving embrace of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

I believe that whenever the moment of someone’s departure from the earthly plane has been reached, no matter under what circumstances it comes about, that’s always the right moment. And that’s going to apply as much to you and me, as well as anyone else. The way I understand life now, is that it is by no means a one-off affair, the way our world’s old religions. Nobody is snuffed out like a candle, each time one of their earthly lifetimes has reached its end. Every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out developmental journey that is constantly taking each individual, the whole of humankind and our world, forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of all life.

The essence of every one of us is spirit/soul and they are eternal and immortal, the same as God. Only when the purpose of each lifetime has been fulfilled are our spirit/soul allowed to go home, independent of at what age and in what manner the departure comes about. To my mind, no death can be described as ‘untimely’, because that does not do justice to the infinite wisdom and love with which our Creator lovingly takes care of every aspect of the development of every human being and our world.

Our Creator is the Divine Trinity of the Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, is our Creator’s Divine Trinity. And the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. They are responsible for the development of every human being who ever took part in earthly life, the whole of humankind and our world. This is the ultimate authority who decides about everything that, in keeping with the great plan, needs to happen in the whole of Creation. They are the only ones who have any true and everlasting power. Nothing is beyond or outside of their will and wishes. And no soul’s departure from earthly life ever takes place without their consent. This is true for any kind of death, including suicide. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The only part that dies when one of us departs from the earthly plane is their physical body. But that’s merely an outer shell which every spirit/soul requires for functioning and getting around in our world, for one lifetime only. Ever more of us these days are becoming aware that leaving our physical body behind does not mean we are dead. Because the essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul, we can and will never die because just like God we are eternal and immortal. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of Death returns our spirit/soul to the world of spirit or light. It is humankind’s true home, the inner spiritual background of our world, from we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to as soon as it has run its course.

 Whenever one of our loved ones has left this plane, there is no need to think that they have gone to a place somewhere ‘up above or out there’. Even though the spirit realm is invisible to earthly eyes, it is there nonetheless. Everything that appears in our world, the outer plane, first has to become manifest on its inner counterpart. Without the inner, there would be no outer; there would be no you and me. And that’s why there is no need to ever talk of those whose physical being has left us, as if they had disappeared altogether. They most certainly have not.

Our world is not really a home. It’s but a temporary staying place, a school and place for growing in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. That’s how every human being’s consciousness slowly but steadily expands. Each can only do this from their own experiences. Nobody can do it for us. And everything that ever happens on this plane does so for a wise higher purpose that’s meant to teach those involved something.

And because I get much comfort from music, especially when it is accompanied by words that really speak to my heart, this song is now winging its way to you, in the hope that it might do the same for you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Going Home’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

The above is part of ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’.
If you would like some more support, please follow the link below:

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Access To All Parts Of 'Comfort For The Bereaved'

Part 1 – ‘Letter To A Friend’
Part 2 – ‘White Eagle On Life And Death’
Part 3 – ‘Words Of Wisdom In Poetry And Prose’
Part 4 – ‘Mourning For Beloved Animal Friends’

Six pointed Star

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:

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