Leaving Your Fears Behind

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eighty

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - Leaving Your Fears Behind

‘When it comes to letting go of your deepest and darkest fears, finding out how the processes of life and death have always been affecting your earthly existence will help you more than anything else. For example that, only when the purpose of one of your earthly lifetimes has been fulfilled, an Angel of Death takes the physical part of your being by the hand and releases your captive spirit/soul into the greater freedom of your true home, our world, the spirit realm. That’s the place from which all of you, without exception, emerge at the beginning of another lifetime. You return to it when the end of it has been reached, in whatever way this may come about. You rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of life in physicality in our world.

‘If your apprenticeship as a young God in the making demands further earthly lifetimes, you yourself together with the wise ones in charge of you, decide where and when you will be spending it. This is not as difficult as it may sound to you now, because the wise ones advise what kind of lessons will be most helpful for progressing on your predestined pathway. You alone decide which karmic debts your earthly self has grown sufficiently strong to tackle in the forthcoming lifetime.

‘For as long as you are in our world, you are aware that there is nothing to be afraid of, because even though for a long time your earthly self is unaware of our presence, we have always been with you, guiding and showing the way. Whenever there is a real need for it, we step in and protect you. We shall always be there for you, helping and supporting you. This is also true during every one of your earthly sojourns. But if someone wants our help, they have to ask for it. Without asking none of it can come to anyone and when you do, it will surely come about and that frequently in quite magical and, to you, inexplicable ways.

The following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle Lodge’s Newsletter of 4th October 2020: ‘Humankind is in the midst of re-discovering its true eternal higher nature and becoming aware that everyone’s existence is not merely a passing phase, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle. The time has come for becoming aware of the presence of God and the Angels, for learning how to live and working hand in hand with them, in harmony with to earthly eyes invisible members of the angelic, etheric spirit kingdoms. Through this, slowly but surely, life on the Earth will become ever more beautiful.

‘The more people understand that in truth life is eternal and ever renewing itself, that there really is no death only a moving onwards to different dimensions of life, the sooner the fear of death and the unknown will disappear. Through the seasons that first bring forth flowers that ripen into fruits that can be harvested to provide sustenance for all her children, Mother Earth herself demonstrates life’s ability to constantly renew itself. What you are experiencing every year anew is an outer manifestation of your world’s inner ability to bring this about. At all times, invisible to earthly eyes, spirit beings are beavering away to bring forth everything that’s needed by God’s children of the Earth for their health and wellbeing.

‘And when ever increasing numbers of you endeavour to do only that which is good, right and beautiful, humankind is leaving that which is dark, evil and ugly in its character make-up, individually and collectively. This is how, in the natural course of events, hand in hand with us and through the contribution of every one of you, your world is in the process of evolving into a better and more peaceful place for everything that shares it with you. The right way of dealing with those who are still trying to walk the ways of the past, for you, their more highly evolved siblings, is to keep on sending them kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, for they really do not know what they are doing. Love always has been and forever will provide solutions to all your world’s problems. You may not like what people are doing, but that doesn’t need to stop you from loving them.

‘Love is the main law of life and the love every one of you feels in their heart has nothing to do with outside forces. It’s the Divine fire of your own Christ nature. Instead of perceiving these feelings as something from outside your own being, it needs to become the only force that motivates and guides you in all your endeavours. This needs to continue until nothing but that which is good, right and beautiful flows from you into your world in thoughts, words and actions. Even though to this day many in your world think of Jesus as their Lord and Master, he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only ever existed as a thoughtform, which God and the Angels have been removing for quite some time.

‘For as long as people believe that Jesus or some other higher force is something that belongs to something that’s outside of their own being, the backbiting and gossiping that’s frequently found in places of worship is bound to continue. But it will stop when people realise that the love in their hearts is their own higher God or Christ nature expressing itself. The nature of this love is Divine and it loves for its own sake. It enables you to recognise the good in everybody and also in everything that happens. You want to help those around you in any way possible. You do what’s good for them and protects them against harmful influences. This love motivates you to do loving things. You just do them, without thinking about it. It’s your natural way of reacting.

‘When the Christ love awakes in human hearts, they need no-one to command them to love people not merely this, that and the other one, but everybody. It’s a very simply love, the same as all truly great concepts are. It loves everything and everybody; it recognises the good in people although in some of them it is still invisible. Hearts that love this way know that in due course it will most certainly become visible, even in the last and slowest ones of its siblings.

‘Thinking of Jesus as an outside force stops people from progressing on their predestined pathway of evolving into healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers of themselves, humankind and your whole world. To delay this development until the time or rather the energies were right, in God’s time, has been the Jesus legend’s purpose. And that’s why since your entry into the age of truth, God and the Angels have been in the process of removing this thoughtform. And that’s why ever more of you are becoming aware that they are sparks of the Universal Christ’s great light and each one a young God in the making, who is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions.

‘What about those who were brainwashed as children into believing that the love in their heart belongs to Jesus and that this is their Lord and Master, or maybe they brought this belief with them from previous lifetimes? They may find it difficult to accept that their feelings of love are a natural part of their own God or Christ nature and that this is the true Lord and Master or Lady and Mistress of every human being’s lower earthly self. Everybody’s developmental plan provides that eventually their Christ nature wakes up and begins to take over and rule the higher as well as the lower aspects o that person’s being.’

Recommended Reading:
•   ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•   ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•   ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•   ‘Away In A Manger’
•   ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•   ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•   ‘Walking On Water’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Our World In Transition’

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