How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (25)

Healers And Healing

Thought  For Today 19th August  2022

How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer  (1)

For every human being there eventually comes the time when their higher God or Christ nature stirs from its slumbering stage. That’s an essential and necessary part of the first instalment of everybody’s evolutionary journey, in which every human being is obliged to take part in all of the earthly school of life’s lessons. Kneeling before someone like the God-man Jesus is but one example of what is likely to happen and when it does, it’s a necessary part of your curriculum in that establishment.

This, however, begins to change profoundly as soon as you reach the second instalment of this education. You then no longer feel the need to do things of this nature. That’s because it is dawning on you that the  only true God is the one who brings into being all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation, including you and everything else that shares the earthly plane with you.

You wake up to the realisation that, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan,  every bit of it was brought into being by none other than the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of Universal Christ, and that we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are its executors. We always have been and forever will remain in charge of bringing into being all manifestations of life that exist anywhere, taking good care of their development and everything they require.

As soon as you become aware  of this, you no longer feel the need to kneel before entities like, to name but one example, the legendary God-man Jesus. Knowing that he was used by us as a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, you feel the urge to kneel before your true God and Creator and go in search of it.

Exceedingly painful knees are becoming an ever greater problem in your world. This is because to this day far too many still believe that Jesus is their God, Lord and Master, who possesses the power of saving and redeeming human beings. They think that, one fine day, Jesus will reappear on the earthly plane to take with him to Heaven anyone who believes that he really exists.

Eventually, the time comes for every human being to find out that, in truth, no-one can save and redeem anyone else. Everybody has to this for themselves and through this make their very own valid contribution to acting as one of the many saviours and redeemers for the whole of humankind. That’s when you discover that every human being, wherever they may presently be on their evolutionary journey, possesses a direct connection with their Creator. This connection is everybody’s birthright. It is similar to the umbilical chord with which human babies, each time only for a while, are connected with their earthly mother. Through the necessity of teaching your world the value of truth, everybody’s direct connection with their Creator temporarily had to be darkened – it could never be cut off completely – by the false tales of your world’s old and by now outdated belief systems.

Let’s return to knee replacements for a moment. By 2030, total knee replacement surgeries are projected to grow 673% to 3.5 million procedures per year. The waiting time for one of them in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service is sixteen months and a private operation will set you back approx. sixteen thousand pounds for one knee. However, the picture changes profoundly for those who are aware that their true God and Creator is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, whose light consists of love.

A tiny spark of the Christ Star’s light is placed in every human being, from the moment it first comes into being. If you accept that this is your  true God and start to kneel before it, a healing miracle gets going and, probably to their own greatest surprise, even the most problematic knees begin to heal quite naturally.

The following is an extract from ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’ from ‘Healers And Healing’: ‘The words ‘Greater miracles you shall see!’ provided our world with the promise that, in the fullness of time, the greatest healing miracle ever was going to take place in our world. It is an integral part of humankind’s spiritual rebirth and that, for quite some time by now, has been taking place. Our race’s long quest for returning into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and everybody’s own is at last approaching its natural end.

‘The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, as well as countless other guides and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm, have always been working exceedingly hard to assist humankind with finding its way back home into the realisation of everybody’s true nature, as sparks of the Universal Christ’s fire. The spirit realm is the human race’s true eternal home, that can and will never be taken away by anyone or anything. The ever increasing popularity of the spiritualist movement, from which organisations like the White Eagle Lodge have grown, is sufficient proof that this is so. Updated August  2022  

And this is why, beloved Friends, your knees will begin to heal quite naturally when, at last, you kneel before your true God and Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ with its life-giving and life-maintaining light and warmth. As part of humankind’s lesson of getting to know the value of truth, a barrier of darkness and fear was created by us with the help of your world’s old belief systems.

This burden was placed on top of the direct connection that every human being quite naturally has with their true Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light and warmth. When, in ever more mindful ways, you kneel before them, slowly but surely, the barrier begins to dissolve and your natural direct connection with your Creator is gradually restored. That’s what causes your knees to heal.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (26)

Healers And Healing

Thought  For Today 20th August  2022

How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer (2)

During the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male God-head and the female supposed to be subservient to the masculine, when in truth in every human being, the same as in our Creator, they have always remained equal partners. In both, one cannot function without the other. The barrier of fear that was created between the Divine and humankind through the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the patriarchal religions, from the word ‘go’ was destined to be a temporary one, the same as the religions.

This was done for a wise dual purpose. The first one was an essential part of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why we withheld it for such a long time. It enabled every human spirit/soul, through time and again appearing in yet another guise of a different earthly personality, to be familiarised with that which, until then, was still dark, evil in ugly in God’s nature. Therefore it’s also part of every human being. The more humankind’s higher God or Christ nature evolves, individually as well as collectively, the lower aspects are destined to be overcome and left behind, once and for all.

However, none of you was to find out too early that, without exception, every human being truly is a young God in the making. This is because, a long time ago, every one of you once began their evolutionary journey as a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light, which consists of nothing but the highest vibrations of love. But now that your world is penetrating every deeper into the Aquarian age energies, the higher God or Christ nature of human beings is waking from its slumbering state, in which it has spent lots of time. This is happening now in constantly increasing numbers.

That’s why, for those who decide to have a go at healing their troublesome knees, will no longer need to replace them with something artificial. Never forget that every human being is, at least potentially, is destined to become their own healer, saviour and redeemer. Through sharing how you went about healing your knees, with our help, when they really have healed, you will at the same time be acting as a bringer of light to those around you. The light you will, in that case, be capable of sharing with others will be in the form of enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of who and what every human being truly is as well as the true nature of your Creator.

To keep humankind away from finding these things out too early, the old religions’ barrier of fear really was necessary, as you know by now. Now that it has served this purpose, if what we suggest speaks to you and you decide to have a go at healing your knees, also anything else that’s troublesome in your physical body, your reaction shows us that you are a chosen one who is ready. With our help, it’s within your power to start working as a healer, saviour and redeemer. First of yourself and then of those around you. Every thought you spend on this project will at the same time be dissolving a small amount of the fear blockade. For you there will be no need to join the queue that’s waiting for one or the other, maybe several of their joints to be replaced.

And when a friend, with whom you have been in quite close contact for several years, starts to complain that one of their knees is becoming so painful that a replacement is inevitable. After a while the other knee is affected in the same manner. If your friend is a devoted Christian believer who goes to church every Sunday, you hesitate to explain that the one to whom they are praying, Jesus Christ, has never walked the earthly plane. You hate to destroy the ladder on which they so far seem to be spiritually climbing.

That’s why you don’t want to tell them that your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within you, informed you a long time ago that  the story of the God-man’s life always has been and forever will be nothing but a legend. At the same time it is a symbolism of the higher God or Christ nature of every human being. How about telling your friend that this guidance urges you to explain that, if they accept these things about Jesus, they are by no means turning away from him. They are merely opening a wider perspective of who and what the God-man truly was and forever will be.

Therefore, if any of your friends is a ‘church on Sundays Christian’, who experiences trouble first with just one knee and after a while, the second knee follows suit, do not shy away from telling them what, in your view, their physical body is trying to tell them. It’s their indwelling spirit/soul who wants its lower earthly personality to realise that there is no point in kneeling, metaphorically speaking, before Jesus. That’s because he never existed and never walked the earthly plane, the way you and your friend are doing at the present time. In every human being, including you and your friend, the God-man represents their higher God or Christ nature.

Joints start being ever more painful when someone’s God part has woken from its slumbering stage and, quite reasonably, wants to connect with their true God and Creator. Alas, that’s impossible for as long as their earthly personality is convinced that this is Jesus. Basically, this is the problem with which all owners of painful knees are struggling. Do you really want them to remain ignorant of what’s truly happening within their physical body? What about the pain they have to endure while waiting for their knee replacement operation, even thought it might be within your power to help them? Hip replacements are so similar that there is no need to go into further details about them here.

Having pointed you in the direction of how you can help your friend, how about the many people who are affected by this? Do you seriously want to deny any one of them the understanding of what’s really happening within their physical body? After all, it is merely like an outer garment that everybody wears on top of their soft and sensitive inner spiritual spirit/soul.

Never forget that every human being who, at any given moment is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, is destined to eventually mature into a healer and lightbringer, a saviour and redeemer first of themselves and then ever greater portions of the whole of humankind. The light every one of you is meant to bring to your world is enlightenment in the form of a better understanding of a multitude of things. For example, that every human being in truth is a young God in the making. Life on the earthly plane is nothing but a school. The wise higher purpose of being educated there serves the purpose of learning and understanding such things as well as a multitude of others.  

Having done this already, do you think you have the right to withhold the knowledge that has flown your way from us, on the Highest levels of life, from any of your friends? On the inner level every one of them is your sister/brother in the great family of humankind. Does loving them and not wanting to interfere with the spiritual ladder, on which some of them to this day are trying to climb and yet can not, because they are kneeling before the wrong kind of God? A God who never existed and never will. Does that give you the right to leave them to struggle with their pain and eventually have an operation that will not remove the problem, and therefore in truth doesn’t help them at all? Do you really want to do this, in spite of the fact that your friends painful knees show you quite clearly that they are ready to find out the truth about how to go about restoring their natural connection with their true God and Creator?

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (27)

Healers And Healing

Thought  For Today 21st August  2022

How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer  (3)

A direct connection with their Creator is the birthright of every human being, however far anyone’s evolutionary journey has so far taken them. At all times, every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world have always been moving forwards and upwards on their various evolutionary spirals. Independent of whichever way your world may to this day still look on its outer material plane, this will forever continue.

That’s why we are asking you today whether you want to deny anyone the joy of kneeling before their true God and Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Those who do are re-establishing the direct connection that, as many of you are aware of by now, for wise educational reasons was withdrawn from humankind for such a long time. Don’t you think that’s crueler than anything that ever had to happen when all of you compulsorily had to take part in the dark and unpleasant lessons of the earthly school of life?

Who would any one of you be to deny those around you the knowledge we are bringing you here, namely that their indwelling spirit/soul is trying to communicate with them through what’s happening to their physical body? Do you think you have the right not to tell people that, although their spirit/soul’s education in the earthly school of life by now has reached the Master class, because their earthly personality still believes in Jesus, that’s impossible? Don’t you want to tell them that he is not the promised saviour and redeemer, who one of these days will re-appear on the earthly plane, to take those who believe in him into his loving embrace and transport them to a heavenly world, which does not exist either?

Is it right that many people’s spirit/soul in your world cannot take part in the Master class, which their educational program has reached, because their lower earthly personality insists on kneeling before a God who only ever existed as a thoughtform? It’s necessary that they are somehow told that Jesus never walked in the midst of humankind, a long time ago. He never was a God, but was merely used by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, who always have been and forever will be in charge of you and your world.

The Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper your world moves into its energies, the more of you need to become aware that Jesus was used by us as a teaching instrument, during the period of withholding the truth from humankind. None of you was to discover too early that Jesus has always represented every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, because all of you are young Gods in the making. Now that the time for it has come, everybody has the right to discover this because all have been equipped with the same birthright of doing so.

Every human being, without exception, is destined to slowly but surely evolve. This can only come about through attending all of the earthly school of life’s lessons. At the end of its curriculum, every one of you has evolved into a healer and bringer of light, in the form of enlightenment, in their own right. Each can only do this for themselves and that requires working hard on overcoming the lower drives and urges of your earthly personality. Nobody can do this work on anyone else’s behalf. You are the only one who can bring it about. Others can assist you and help you understand, but they cannot do the work for you.

And that’s how, when one of you has healed any part of their being, not merely their knees, through the knowledge provided by us, for example through the Aquarian writings, that person is meant to share the learning of how they went about healing themselves with as many as possible who are suffering the way they once did. By telling others how you went about healing yourself and what happened, step by step from beginning to end, every one of you is destined to add their own observations and insights to the knowledge that, at any given time, is already available to humankind.

However, do not forget what we told you in our previous message about leading horses to the water and resisting the temptation of pushing their heads into the water of what we are bringing you today. Every one of you needs to not only get used to the idea that they have their very own inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, but turn to and work with it. When someone with painful knees looks at what we are telling you here and their inner guidance reacts with: ‘This looks interesting, let’s have a drink!’, it’s a sure sign that they are ready for what’s coming their way.

The waters we have always brought, for example through the Aquarian writings, are the waters of consciousness that bring new knowledge and understanding. As soon as one of the horses that’s been led to these waters, has tasted them and found them much to its liking, we promise you they will never want to stop drinking from them.

This will enable people to grasp that, each time they prayed in the past to Jesus Christ, they were kneeling before a non-existent God and therefore ‘barking up the wrong tree’, as this kind of thing is called in your world. They will have no problems taking the matter further and understand that it’s been their indwelling spirit/soul who was trying to communicate with them. Ever more painful knees were its attempt to tell them who truly is the only God that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also the earthly plane. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit, that’s the only true God and Creator who ever existed anywhere and forever will.

Those who kneel before their true God are doing the right things and, we promise you, their knees will heal, quite naturally. Every one of your world’s old belief systems was brought into being by us. Their false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions created a barrier of darkness and fear between humankind and God. Each time one of you connects with their true God, part of this blockage dissolves and will be gone for good. The truth of who the only God and Creator of all life is was withdrawn from humankind, but as many of you know by now, not forever. Merely for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its non-existent all-male Godhead. It was used by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. The deeper your world moves into its energies, the more of you will be waking up from their spiritual slumber. They too will then realise that, every human being, without exception, in fact is a young God in the making who, when the right evolutionary level has been reached, will realise this. At last, they will then kneel before their true God and Creator, in thankfulness for the many things the earthly school of life’s lessons have taught them.

Do not be too upset by what’s presently happening it your world. All of you together, whether someone is aware of it or not, are working their way through the greatest watershed ever. That’s because your world is occupied with changing from a materialistically over-orientated place into a completely spiritual one. Every bit of what you observe around you is an essential and necessary aspect of ‘sorting the wheat from the chaff.’

Wheat are those who are sufficiently evolved so that their energies are right for taking part in the new golden age, when it establishes itself ever more. Chaff are the young and inexperienced spirit/souls of the troublemakers and scaremongers in your midst. Their energies will not be right and their education will continue through reincarnating onto a new planet. They will be helping each other to evolve and grow. That’s how, a long time ago, the highly evolved spirit/souls on planet Earth, started their education as young Gods in the making. So please refuse to draw the wrong conclusions about the behaviour of people, towards money in particular. What anyone in your world is doing reveals quite clearly to their friends and helpers in our realm their spiritual awareness, or the lack of it.

Your world soon will no longer be used by us as a training ground for spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls. The new golden age, when the outer and inner parts of your world have at last become the same, is approaching with giant strides. Those whose behaviour reveals that they are unready to reincarnate onto Mother Earth when the new golden age has come round, will be doing so in another planet that’s ready to be used as a training ground. Those whose present behaviour shows that they are ready to take part in the new golden age can decide for themselves whether they want to reincarnate into another physical body. On the whole they will gradually become a thing of the past. There is no need to go any further into this theme, as it has been dealt with in previous chapters extensively enough.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star 

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (28)

A Variety Of Thoughts For Today : 22nd August 2022

How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer  (4)

From 'Healers And Healing'

All Of Life Is Flowingness

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - All Of Life Is Flowingness

I trust God’s great plan of life
And the small one for me within it.
They are clear evidence how
All of life is flowingness
And that in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
There is no need to worry because
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me
And only what I am has power.

I give up my personal struggles and ambitions
And rest safely in the knowledge that
Everything that’s rightfully mine
Will always be drawn to me.
Therefore, I now let go
And put my hands into the loving hands
Of God and the Angels.
I trust the guidance I intuitively receive from them,
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.


* * *

To everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

That’s how God and the Angels,
In the course of life’s journey
Forwards and upwards on
The evolutionary spiral of life,
Are making everything beautiful,
In God’s time, not ours.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
•    ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

All Things Are Possible

All Things Are Possible - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

With the help and will of God and the Angels
And a better understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
All things really are possible,
Any condition can be healed,
Crooked corners made straight
And mountains of false beliefs,
Prejudices and superstitions uplifted and
Transmuted into Divine wisdom and truth.

If our minds can conceive something is possible
And we believe in it with all our hearts and souls,
God and the Angels will do the rest.
That’s why I now ask you,
O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
To grant me the gift of Your wisdom
And help me to choose wisely,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
I can serve you and together with You work
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of all,
Rising above and leaving behind
The selfish desires and destructive urges
Of my earthly nature.

May Your will be mine
And my will be Yours and
May Your inspiration flow through me
With Your sacred words and prayers
That ensure the harmonious unfolding of all life
In keeping with Your Great evolutionary plan.


Love is the nature of the Universe and also its law. This force wants all its creatures to grow and evolve through learning from their own experiences. The true nature of humankind also is love, as from love we once came and into the state of love all of us in the end return. Any unloving thought, word and/or action is a transgression of this law, which in due course returns to its sender. It has to be made good and redeemed by the offender in some form, at some stage in their evolutionary development. Any act of aggression, terrorism and war – irrespective under what name it may present itself to our world – is a breaking of the law and a crime against humankind, Mother Earth and the whole of Creation.

From the moment of its creation, the human race has been growing slowly but surely in wisdom and understanding of its own character, the nature of its world and its God. That’s how, in the natural course of our evolution, we also have moved forwards from the more profound understanding of these things that for example the Native Americans had. Thus, we know by now that everything that exists in our world in the final analysis has been created by us. Even the weather, the tsunamis and hurricanes are outer reflections of happenings on the inner plane of life. The Earth is a living and breathing spiritual being, the outer manifestation of all that takes place within. She is indeed Gaia Sagrada, the sacred Earth, as she is known by the natives of the high Andes. She too is only temporarily encased in matter, the same as we presently are. Even if Earth’s physical form has already existed for billions of years, it has always remained in a state of transition. As ever more of her human children become aware of their true nature as beings of love and light, she gradually transforms herself into a planet of Light.

In the final analysis, the true cause of all disasters is the temporary forgetting of our true nature and the reason why we are on the Earth plane. But, rejoice! Ever more are rising from their spiritual slumbers and the likes of you and I, the same as everybody else, are here to help them with this, as much as we can and with whatever gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon us. We need to help them become aware that every evil that still exists in our world is a test and a valuable opportunity for those aspiring to become healers and light workers in their own right. They need to know that our reactions to all situations reveal the degree of spiritual maturity a soul has reached at any given time. This is how those in charge of our race on the higher and highest levels of life are constantly testing every one of us, wherever we may find ourselves.

So, when disasters are caused by human intervention, a great deal is revealed by a person’s readiness to lift all concerned – and I mean everybody and especially the perpetrators – into the light of the Highest Star, the Sun above the Sun, who loves and cares for every one of its creations. Events of this nature present all of us with special openings for reaching out ever more for the helping hand of God and the Angels, so that through us our world and everything that shares it with us can be blessed and healed. That’s what learning to walk hand in hand with God and the Angels means.

Only through constant practice of anything can we hope to get better at something. This is also true when it comes to learning to live once more in total trust that we and our world and all it contains is safe in God’s hand. The Angels really do know the will of God and the way each one of us needs to walk, as well as the task that is uniquely ours. As healers we are required to rise above the clouds of our earthly existence, especially when the going gets tough. Earth life means to teach humankind how to fly on the wings of the nuggets of truth that are hiding behind the spiritual wisdom of works like the Bible, the Koran, the Torah and White Eagle’s teachings – to name a few. As there is no preference, they are listed in alphabetical order. Wise ones are aware that it is in the nature of spiritual wisdom that book knowledge on its own is of no use whatsoever. It will remain dead until we ourselves bring it alive by applying it to every aspect of our daily lives.  

In my view, nothing builds up human faith in the goodness of this life as regularly contemplating in our prayers and meditations the fact that in spite of all the nasty things that are happening occasionally, it is still a wonderful and beautiful world which God created so that all His/Her creatures should learn to co-exist peacefully and harmoniously, so that its life can be enjoyed by all. It is a great gift and a privilege to be allowed to take an active and conscious part in the spiritual rebirth of our race and our whole world. Our task as light workers is to focus on overcoming the temptation of indulging in negative thought patterns that dwell on the darkness of the ignorance that to this day is very strong in our world.

The darkness and sadness, fears and anxieties, suffering and pain of the past and present of all Mother Earth’s kingdoms are waiting to be lifted into and absorbed by the radiance of the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star. This is the only place in the whole of Creation where they can be uplifted and transmuted into beneficial energies that flow back into our world for the healing and redemption of all life. The symbol of this star on the Earth plane is the six-pointed star. The lower triangle represents to whole and healed human soul who has been reunited with its Highest Self, the upper triangle. This is achieved by constantly working together, so that the earthly and Divine energies ever more mix and mingle. Every individual soul has to ask for itself for the guidance and protection of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and the Angels. They alone can show and teach us how this task should be carried out, in accordance with the will and wishes of the Highest, as well as our own. And that’s  how, in the fullness of time, every one of us will gradually grow into a saviour and redeemer of ourselves and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Love – Nature And Law Of The Universe’

Six pointed Star

From 'Healers And Healing'

Bridges Between Heaven And Earth

We are bridges between Heaven & Earth - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & HealingWe are bridges between Heaven and Earth. Like those of the trees, our roots need to go deep down into the Earth, to draw from her all the nourishment and strength she is capable of giving. Our hands and arms are like branches for reaching high up into the Heavens, to bring down the blessing and healing rays of the Highest Sun and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star. Through the visible Sun in our sky it shines in every heart and soul. We are here to illuminate and warm, bless and heal everything that shares our world with us. Our loving respect and devotion for Mother Earth and Father Sun can do more than anything to enable the wise ones in the world of light to heal – through us – all parts of Creation back into the oneness they once came from.

Those who are here now, are allowed the rare privilege of welcoming and celebrating the conscious return to humankind of the gentle and infinite wisdom of the feminine, the Great Mother, the nurturer, through whom all life is given. No longer do we need to be orphans or semi-orphans, who only have a Father in Heaven, a metaphor for the highest levels of life. Both our Divine Parents are returning into the conscious awareness of our race. Ever more of us are beginning to understand that they are in us and with us, and that they will never leave us in all Eternity.

Our Mother, The Earth
Praise be to You, O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life.
Mother Earth is our sister, who carries us in kindness
And supports us with her strength.
Her beauty is a reflection of Your love
And we thank you for allowing us to share
In the abundance of her many gifts,
Like the trees, fruits, flowers and meadows.

Thank You, O Father/Mother,
For giving us firm ground to walk on,
Fruit that grows for us,
Flowers to please us,
And the shade of trees for resting beneath.

The Earth is Yours.
She is our home but for a time.
You have given her to us,
So that we should ‘build on her and care for her’.
(1 Moses 2, 15)
Thank You, beloved Father/Mother.

St. Francis of Assisi
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From 'War And Peace Between Nations'

As Above, So Below

Astrological Correspondences

Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies

To paraphrase Paracelsus, 1493 – 1541 AD: Humankind is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Each one of us is a small world and a miniature Universe that contains something of every one of the stars and planets, not only of our solar system but also all others in the whole of Creation. Because we are influenced by them as much as they are by us, we are now going to take a closer look at the planets of our solar system in what ways this manifests itself.

Let’s start with the Sun in the sky above us. It is a physical and spiritual manifestation of the only born son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the spirit of the Universal Christ. This is the light of all lights, the Sun of all Suns behind the Sun of our world. Its light and warmth brings all forms of life into being and constantly recreates and sustains them. The spiritual Sun is the heart of the Universe in the same way as the heart that beats in all human chests is the centre of our being. There dwells the power that keeps our physical bodies going. Visualising the Sun at the centre of our solar system enables us to raise our own vibrations and those of our world. We can make a valuable contribution towards bringing our new world into being simply by imagining that Its rays are penetrating ever more deeply into the consciousness of our race and world and that this will continue until the Divine glory of our true nature has re-awakened in the last one of us.

The Universal Christ is the great white light at the top of the spiritual mountain, mountain of all mountains and light of all lights that gives Its light to all minor lights, including the Divine spark in each one of us. We are part of this great light that once sent us out into exploring earthly life, so that we should grow in wisdom and understanding. We can only get to know ourselves and our world through our own experiences. From the moment a spark of the Divine emerges from our Creator’s loving heart, the Angels are in charge of us. Once we have acquired a physical body as our vehicle to get through earthly life, it is their task to guide us downwards into exploring the depths of human nature. As soon as we have reached the bottom of this pit, the events of our life gradually take us upwards and forwards on the evolutionary spiral. Slowly but surely, in the course of many lifetimes, we evolve into an ever more beautiful and perfect, i.e. whole being.

The rays of the Christ Spirit contain all colours of the rainbow and have always been working on blending, healing and harmonising all lifeforms of our world. It does not matter how many and what kind of disruptions may still have to take place on the Earth plane, the Christ rays will never cease to permeate all life, drawing together the threads of destiny of God’s great plan of life. The Christ energies are working hard to weave us and our world into the glorious rainbow of colour and beauty of the spirit background of life throughout the whole of Creation. When this development has reached its height and can go no further, all colour and beauty transforms itself back into the spiritual Sun’s perfect light. The processes of creation then start all over again and it’s anyone’s guess how often this has taken place already.

By sign and house position the Sun in our birthchart represents the pull of our spirit or Highest Self. It coaxes and encourages us to reach for and develop the higher and highest qualities of the signs we are passing through in any given lifetime. The Moon represents our earthly personality and the drag of the past in the form of the habitual thinking and behaviour patterns our small earthly self developed in previous lifetimes. By now they usually have become so deeply engrained that they can be exceedingly hard to shake off.

Whatever we leave behind in unresolved relationships and issues in our present lifetime, we are going bring with us into the next one to have another go at resolving them. Whichever level of spiritual development we have reached at the time of our passing into the world of light, that’s where we shall restart next time round. Every single thread is picked up when once more enter into earthly life in search of spiritual growth, expansion of consciousness, wisdom and understanding all of us are here to seek.

The Sun governs the general flow of energy throughout and around our physical body, the earthly vehicle for this lifetime. We also have an etheric, auric and energetic body whose energies extend far beyond the physical one. First and foremost the Sun rules the creative and procreative processes, as well as the functioning of the heart, circulation, vitality, healing and wellbeing.

The Moon governs the fluid of our bodies. In the same way the Moon throughout its orbit round the Earth influences the tides of the oceans it affects the fluids in our physical body. Water retention, blood flow, digestive motion and cellular moisture all respond to the Moon’s energy.

Mercury is responsible for mental functions and equally influences both hemispheres of our brain. Clarity of intellect, creative thought and strategic calculations of the brain are part of its domain. It also rules automatic body functions like breathing, blinking and so forth. Mercury together with the Moon influences our digestive functions.

Venus governs our sensory organs. It influences the glandular products of our kidneys and veins, as well as everything connected with mouth, tongue, taste, swallowing and saliva. Our sensory perception of touch is under the rulership of Venus and also the skin, dermis and epidermis. The Venusian energies regulate the sweetness of our body through the production of insulin it balances the sugars and carbohydrates.

The red planet Mars not surprisingly has the rulership of our red blood cells and the natural oxidation of our physical body. Its energies encourage the building of muscle tissue and assertiveness. They have a strong influence on the procreative parts and the sexual organs of our body.

Vast and expansive Jupiter governs the growth of our physical body. It influences the working of liver and gall bladder and is concerned with the processes of elimination, excretion and the clearing out of toxins. Jupiter’s energies are protective and work to physically and spiritually increase growth.

Saturn is the planet of control that influences all human structures, especially the bones of our physical body and the skin. The strength of our most basic inner stability manifests itself in the skeletal systems. Saturn influences the density of bones through the distribution of calcium and other fortifying elements which shows itself in cartilages, teeth, nails and so forth.

Uranus individually and collectively governs the nervous system. It influences the functioning of our respiratory system with its bronchial tubes, lungs, diaphragm, cilia and trachea.

Neptune governs the functioning of most of our glands, particularly the endocrine glands which play a role in the secretion of hormones. These glands include the thyroid, pituitary and adrenals ones which are connected with mystical sensitivity and special talents. Neptune also influences the lymphatic system.

Pluto governs the reproductive system and all other processes of renewal, regeneration and healing. It regulates the functioning of the immune system and the constant birth, death and rebirth of the physical body cells.

Six pointed Star 

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (29)

Healers And Healing

Thought For Today 23rd August 2022

How To Be Your Own Healer & Lightbringer (5)

Today is Tuesday 23rd August 2022. And that’s the day when this year at 03.16 GMT the Sun entered into Virgo, the zodiac’s healing and teaching sign. There could be no better time for this to appear in your world. And that’s because Tuesdays are ruled by Mars, antiquity’s God of war, planetary ruler of Aries, the point of all beginnings, and also the co-ruler with Pluto, the God of the underworld or subconscious aspect of humankind’s nature.

The sages of times gone by knew that if anyone in your world wishes to heal what’s troubling them, they first have to find healing for themselves. That’s why they said: ‘First healer heal thyself!’ And we suggest you do this for yourself, especially if your knees, or any other part of your physical body, has become so painful that for you there seems to be no option than having these parts replaced. As soon as you have healed these parts in natural ways through following our advice, you are meant to share what you have learned with anyone who also is in need of it.

We are glad to notice that ever more people these days are becoming aware that every human being always has been and forever will continue to travel forwards and upwards, each on their personal evolutionary spiral as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world. As soon as another human being has evolved sufficiently, they have matured into playing the part of aspiring healer and lightbringer. The light you are then bringing is enlightenment. In this case it’s the knowledge of how you went about healing yourself. The time for you then has come to share your learning with as many as possible, who are still suffering the way you once did. This applies to anyone whose knees have become so painful that a replacement operation appears to be inevitable.

When you tell these people that your healing came about through the realisation that the life story of Jesus Christ is not meant to be understood as literally true. Jesus never walked on the earthly plane. The tale of his existence is but a legend which, step by step, represents the different phases of every human being’s evolutionary journey. And Jesus, the Christed one, is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, which eventually wakes from its slumbering stage.

If you turn to us and ask that the right words should come to you, the sufferers are likely to grasp the meaning of what you are saying. Proceed as gently as you can and explain that accepting that their true their true God and Creator, is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and not Jesus. Accepting the God-man as a symbolism, does not mean someone is running away from Jesus. It’s merely accepting him for what he truly always has been and forever will be.

Hurting knees, as well as hips, are a sure sign and a hallmark of someone’s readiness for taking part in the earthly school of life’s Master Classes. Alas, this is impossible for as long as someone insists of kneeling before the wrong kind of God. Such beliefs, with the passing of time, have created layer upon layer of a blockage of darkness and fear that is now stored in people’s soul memories, in the subconscious part of their being. That’s what causes the physical body’s pain. Unless knees and/or hips are healed in the natural way of turning to humankind’s true God and Creator, the afflicted ones will have to return to earthly life in another lifetime. And that could so easily avoided.

Yet, if someone’s inner guidance, the wise one or living God within them, reacts to when you are telling them about these things with: ‘This is true!’ that person is likely to be ready for the natural healing process. It begins as soon as they start their very own healing journey with kneeling before the only true God and Creator who exists in the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes every one of you and your world. We have always been with you and in all Eternity we shall never leave you. You and your world are safe. Happy healing!

* * *

From 'Healers And Healing'

The Wedding At Cana

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - The Wedding At Cana‘The Bible in St. John 2:1-11 tells you: ‘At a place called Cana in Galilee the mother of Jesus as well as he and his disciples had been invited to a wedding feast. Mother Mary was concerned about what might happen when later during the festivities the wine supply for the guests would ran out. So she told her son about it, but he merely replied: ‘What does that have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.’ Never mind, mother thought and instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus told them.

‘When the wine supply was beginning to run low, Jesus spotted six stone water jars that were used for the Jewish rites of purification. Each one held twenty to thirty gallons and Jesus asked the servants to fill the jars with water. As soon as they had done this, Jesus said: ‘Take a sample of what’s in the jars to the master of ceremonies.’ After one sip the master knew that the water had been turned into wine. Having no idea where it had come from, he called the bridegroom and said: ‘Serving the best wines first and after people have imbibed freely of them they are usually followed by poorer quality ones, that’s the usual thing for festivities. What I would like to know is why you kept this exquisite wine until now.’

‘And that’s how quite early the story of the Master Jesus’ life tells us about the miracle that now, when things are coming to full circle, turns out to be the most significant one. Let’s take a closer look at the proceedings. The wedding is a symbolism of the loving union between Heaven and Earth during which humankind, God’s beloved children of the Earth, are the guests. At first they get served the old religion and that is the wine that’s the best one for that particular stage of the human race’s development. Now that the Aquarian age is fully with all of us, the old religion has run its course and served its usefulness.

‘In keeping with God’s evolutionary plan, the love and wisdom of the Great Mother are retuning to your world and She once more reveals Her presence. The Angels, on Her behalf, are telling you the higher esoteric truth that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world. They are revealing that the tale of the Master’s life is but a legend and should not be taken as literally true. Increasing numbers of you by now are spiritually mature enough to grasp that Jesus has always represented every human being’s own higher or Christ nature. He never was a historical figure but merely existed as a thoughtform and did not appear any other way.

‘The Mother wants you, Her beloved children of the Earth, to know that there will not be a second coming because there never was a first one. If anything at all, the appearance of a legend could be considered to be a first coming and the revelation of the truth about the God-man Jesus as the second. Finding out about these things is part of the sacred wedding between Heaven and Earth in which the two parts at last are joining forces and healing together into one.

‘The Jesus story, from the moment of its conception, was intended by God and the Angels to be used, at first not as a legend which it truly is, but as the most far-fetched and far-reaching deception that your world has ever seen. And each time you are helping one of your human siblings in the great family of all life to comprehend this, for them you are changing the water of the Jesus tale into the wine of the truth about him. The discovery that it has been for wise educational reasons that the higher esoteric meaning of God’s sacred wisdom and truth had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the sacred texts of your world for such a long time, means they are partaking in the eternal-life-giving wine. Through this experience their consciousness expands sufficiently to allow their entry into the magnitude of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. That in turn is accompanied by a steady expansion of their faith and trust in the Highest Forces of life.

‘They too will then know that God is not somewhere ‘out there’, that it is an inner experience. It’s the wise one or living God within, who has always been trying to communicate intuitively with every human being, but alas for a long time in vain. Becoming aware of its presence makes it possible to hear Its voice and listen to its advice. And that means you have been instrumental in the wonder of making blind ones see and deaf ones hear. This is another one of the symbolical meanings of the healing miracles that the Bible’s New Testament reports as being performed by Jesus. The parables of the loaves and fishes and the transformation of water into wine belong to the same category.

‘Every one of you is destined to eventually walk in the footsteps of the legendary Jesus and evolve into a spiritual Master, i.e. one who has mastered and is in charge of every aspect of their being. That’s how each in their own right, with the passing of time grows into a Christed one and a miracle worker. You do not have the power of bringing about anyone’s awakening, because this can only happen when the right moment has come for them. But if you ask frequently that the right words should come to you, you will know intuitively what to say. Be satisfied with gently sprinkling a few of your finest seeds into the cup of the wine of people’s consciousness. Then step back and let God and the Angels do the rest, as they surely will when for that person the time for waking up has come.

‘The virgin Mary is one of the many symbolisms of the Great Mother, the Goddess. Every feminine creature on the earthly plane is one of Her manifestations. As you know from other parts of the Aquarian jottings, Her wisdom and love were withheld from your world for around six thousand years of the patriarchy’s male dominance and why this happened. Rejoice that this by now lies behind you. For quite a while the Mother’s energies have been returning to your world and their strength is steadily escalating. Read more about this in ‘2019 – A Very Special Year’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘Under the guidance and protection of the Angels and their helpers wise ones tune into the Mother’s energies and work with them for the highest good of the whole of humankind. The more of you are doing this, the more easily and speedily using religions as excuses for violence and warmongering will disappear from your world. And the more the religion of the new age takes over, the more the artificial creating of trouble and strife will gradually fall by the wayside in the natural flow of events. We can tell you reliably that this is going to happen and will become increasingly visible during the coming decade with the growing of the influence of the Mother’s energies.

‘The two ends of a vast circle of humankind’s development are meeting. Through their drawing together one of the saddest chapters of its history is coming to its natural conclusion. It can clearly be seen by everybody that this is destined to happen because it is written in God’s evolutionary plan of life. That’s why you and your world are provided with the energies that will allow everybody to make their contribution to bringing it about.

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘The religion of the new age is one of the heart and that’s where love dwells. Loving hearts know the truth and what is right or wrong, without having to be told what to do and say at all times. Wise ones who listen to their hearts know that for a long time to come Jesus will remain a symbol of Universal love and compassion, kindness and goodness, tolerance and patience towards every manifestation of life. That’s how not the God-man Jesus but the legend of his life is one of the immortal roses that will continue to flower on the cross of earthly life, for as long as it is going to exist.

‘Last but not least, to paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to your world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything just because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can something become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Jesus – A Thoughtform’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘From Losing Faith To Finding Renewed Faith’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘2019 - A Very Special Year’

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth

The Greatest Deceptions Ever!

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – The Greatest Deception Ever

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in My name and because you know
And understand who and what I truly am,
Others can do so, too.

Carol Owens 1972
Adapted by Aquarius
February 2021

George Orwell wrote: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ And this is what Mark Twain thought: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ That’s why today I have come to share with you the truth behind some of the greatest deceptions and lies that for a long time have been the most serious obstacles on the road of humankind’s spiritual development. Together we shall look at some of the most important ones as follows:

•    ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32 True. Every word of the Bible is from God and therefore literally true. Untrue! The truth, in the form of higher esoteric meaning, has always been hiding behind the surface words of your world’s religious teachings. For a long time, that’s where they remained, but the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world are moving into this age, the more of you will find their way into its freedom. It consists of believing what the wise one or living God within you, your inner guidance, tells you is true, irrespective of what may be written somewhere or what anybody else may say. The beginning of this freedom is discovering who and what I truly am, who and what every one of you is, and what kind of a relationship all of you have always had with Me, in spite of the fact that for a long time you did not know about it.

•    I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and My great evolutionary plan for the Earth and humankind decrees that through some of the greatest deceptions and lies that have ever been experienced in your world, humankind should be taught the value of honesty and truth. When the right age for them to return has been reached, these qualities will gradually re-establish themselves. Since your entry into the Aquarian age that’s been happening with steadily increasing force. True!

•    The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father, his only born son Jesus, who sits at the Father’s right hand side and the Holy Ghost. Untrue! Jesus was immaculately conceived by a virgin called Mary, who gave birth to him in a stable surrounded by animals. For all times she will remain seated below Father and Son to serve them. Untrue! Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine over the feminine have been the greatest deception that was ever experienced in your world. God and Goddess are equal partners in the creative process. Lovingly they respond to each other. The masculine provides the ideas and the love and wisdom of the feminine decides which ideas should be used, where and when. By slowing down the vibrations of the Christ light to the right frequency, matter appears. And that’s how God and Goddess harmoniously working together have always brought everything that exists on the earthly plane into being. This will forever continue.

•    The false beliefs of your world’s religions have been our instruments for helping humankind to become familiar with the darkest and most evil aspects of human nature. These beliefs encouraged those in leadership positions to abuse their power by dominating their religion’s followers and relieving them as much as possible of their earthly resources, especially money. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you generously handed out the suffering this caused. And each time My law of cause and effect returned such actions to you, you were the one who suffered. For a well balanced earthly education it’s essential that each one of you spends some of your lifetimes hurting, wounding and exploiting people, while in others you are on the receiving end of what you once did to others.

•    Jesus is a historical figure who once walked on the Earth. Untrue! Jesus is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. True! The tale of his life is literally true. Untrue! The story is a mere legend. It was inspired by Me and the Angels to tell humankind in picture-book format about the initiations every human being experiences, in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. The state of your initial ignorance of your true higher God or Christ nature is described by the birth of the Christ child and no room at the inn. The story ends with the God-man, everybody’s lower nature, bleeding to death on the cross of its earthly existence, so that your spirit nature can rise and take over completely.

•    Jesus was conceived immaculately by the Virgin Mary. Not literally. Immaculate conception means that the idea of the Christ spirit to come alive on the earthly plane has its origin on the highest levels of life, in My mind.

•    Jesus was born in a stable, surrounded by animals. Not literally. A long, long time ago, the idea of placing a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light in every human being’s heart came forth from My mind. The stable is a symbolism for the most humble place on the Earth: the human heart. And the animals surrounding the child’s crib represent the lower animal nature of the leaders of your world’s religions.

•    Heaven and hell are places where people go, either when they follow one of the other of our world’s religions or refuse to believe in them. Untrue! Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that every human being has the power of creating, for themselves and those around them.

•    Every one of you is a miserable worm and sinner. Untrue! All of you, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. And I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit’s Light. This is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns, the Sun behind and shining through its physical manifestation in the sky above your world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

And please don’t share any of what we are bringing you with anyone unless your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within you, has reacted to it with: ‘Yes, all of it is true!’

  Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (30)

From ‘Healers And Healing’

Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody

Since time immemorial God and the Angels on the Highest levels of life have been pouring parts of their wisdom into the pool of human consciousness and this will forever continue. Every human being, independent of where we presently dwell in this world and the world of spirit, is an integral part of this reservoir of knowledge that has been accumulated over the ages. From time to time, teachers of spiritual wisdom are reincarnating into our world in different cultures and during various ages, to share the gift of their understanding of the true meaning and purpose of our existence with the earthly part of humankind.

To my mind, the knowledge that came to our world in this way was never intended for just the privileged few. Anyone who comprehends the incoming wisdom is ready to receive it and is meant to share it with those around them. It has ever been true that when the pupil is ready, the teacher will be found. Everyone of us in their own sweet time eventually reaches the level of awareness when we are ready to be guided towards the right sources of information that can help us move forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary journey of life. Whatever insights are given to us intuitively by our inner teacher, the wise one within, should also be shared with those around us. And because the knowledge comes to us free of charge, I feel that it is good and right – for me, in any case – to give it away.

I have always aimed to give of my best, so God and the Angels can do the rest. After all, that is the purpose of our earthly existence. The special gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon each one of us in such rich measure are intended to be used eventually for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. For the bringing in of the New Age we all have a special role to play and function to fulfil, in whatever capacity this may be. How can we recognise ours? Through intuitions, hunches and gut feelings that come to us through the world of our feelings our Highest or God Self is constantly trying to communicate with us, its earthly counterpart. If listen to it and follow its directions, it unerringly guides us towards the people and experiences that are right for us, at any given moment.

We live in special times, for we and our world are now ready for the re-awakening of the core knowledge within us of who and what we truly are, and always have been. Well then, what are we? Each one of us is a spark of the Divine, of the Great One, one of whose many names is God. We are always one with our Creator, the Universal force that freely flows through all creatures and beings, and is also an integral part of all inanimate objects. No life exists outside of or without God. There is a Great Universal Plan, in which everything and everyone has their place and their role to play. And there is no power in the whole of Creation that can separate anyone or anything from God, but one and that is our earthly minds.

I believe that each one of us has been through many lifetimes, not just one or two, and that there is a very special purpose of coming into this one. We are all offered the potential for consciously re-connecting and becoming one again with our Creator, whilst living in physicality. In this process we become whole and holy – that is what healing truly means. And that is why presently fresh opportunities are constantly available from the Universe for every human soul. But, as humankind has been granted the gift of free will, it is up to us as individuals to decide whether we wish to take advantage of what is on offer or ignore it.

As the two parts of our being, the human and the Divine, merge into each other, slowly but surely we are becoming ever more whole, holy and healed – the way we once were. Our sense of separateness and of being lost disappears and we shall again be one with our Source, each other and all life, healed in mind, body, spirit and soul. This is the birthright of every soul, whether we are as yet consciously aware of this or not. And every tiny effort that is made by anyone to achieve this state is worthwhile and noted by God and the Angels. Because in God all is one, when one of us heals our world and everything in it does the same. When this healing process is at last complete, there will be peace within us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (31)

Thought For Today 26th August  2022

The God-man Jesus was but one of the Divine personalities we presented to your world, through various belief systems, in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Each new belief claimed that the story on which it was based was literally true and that it’s hero really had once walked in the midst of humankind. In the case of Jesus Christ, the religion surrounding him, to this day promises that its hero is capable of saving and redeeming everyone who believes that he really exists. And that, during the time he spent on the earthly plane, he really performed miracles and wonders beyond compare.

As ever more of you by now know, the patriarchy has been over for quite a while. Since your world’s entry into the Aquarian age, the age of truth has been dawning. Read more about this age in the next but one chapter. But let’s stay with the various Divine personalities for a moment longer. Every one of them we presented to your world in the form of a legend. For wise higher educational reasons, it was necessary during the patriarchy to claim that every one of these stories was literally true. Nonetheless, none of these miraculous personalities ever existed as a physical being on the material plane. Rejoice, dear children of the Earth, because the age of truth is bringing you the knowledge that every one of them only ever was a thoughtform.

For helping us to teach humankind the value of truth, every last bit of the truth was gradually withdrawn. You will be glad to know that this was not intended to last forever but merely for the duration of the patriarchy with its strange beliefs. For example, the all-male God-head and the false belief that in the creative process the feminine is subservient to the masculine. As many of you know by now, this is impossible because the two in truth are one. They are inseparable. One cannot function without the other because they complement each other and work together in perfect and close harmony. This is as true for every human being as it is for our common God and Creator and that’s the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. From Its light everything that exists in the whole of Creation, including your world, has been brought into being.

Jesus the Christed one represents the higher God or Christ nature of every human being and that without exception. That’s why those who insist on continuing to kneel before Jesus and praying to him like a God, who after all he is not, is kneeling and praying to none other than themselves. Small wonder then that your world has got into its present state. Yet, help is at hand and readily available to anyone who follows our advice and kneels before their true God and Creator. This gets going the process of bringing about the greatest healing miracle ever, first for yourself and then following suit for the whole of humankind and your world. And that’s because kneeling and praying the right way has the power of gradually restoring the direct link with your true God and Creator. Every human being, wherever they may be at the moment, has had this link from the moment they were first called into being.

Because of this, every one human being is a potential healer, saviour and redeemer. First you need to heal yourself. Then follows connecting with those around you who are also in need of being relieved of whatever may be troubling them. And that, dear Friends, is just about everybody. In due course, this will result in healing not only the whole of humankind, but also your world and everything that’s taking part in it.

Rest assured that nobody can save and redeem you or any other human being, wherever they may presently be. It makes no difference whether at the moment someone is active on the earthly plane, or resting and recovering in the spirit realm, humankind’s true and eternal home, from the stresses and strains of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. With our assistance, each one of you can only save and redeem themselves, indeed has to. The next step that’s waiting for every human being on the evolutionary journey is the realisation that the spirit realm is humankind’s true eternal home. Nobody will ever be able to destroy or take it away.

* * *

From ‘Our World In Transition’

Be Your Own Saviour

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Turn To Me

Turn to Me, beloved Children of the Earth.
I am Your Creator, the Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
S/He is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights.
The Angels and Masters around My throne,
The Christ Circle, and I are waiting for your call.
The Aquarian age has been with your world
For quite a while and now the time has come when
Ever more of you need to be instructed by us,
Intuitively through everyone’s own inner guidance,
How to go about saving and redeeming
Yourself and your world.

Nobody can do this for you and no-one will come
To wave some kind of magic wand,
To bring it about.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth.
This brings your world the knowledge that
The Master Jesus is not a historical figure,
Who once walked in your midst.
He is a symbolism that represents
Every human being’s own
Higher God or Christ nature.

I, the Divine Trinity, am your God.
There never was or will be any other.
Help could never come to you and your world
For as long as you kept asking for it the wrong way.
But at last the time has come for waking up
To the fact that the Angels and Masters
Around My throne are the executors of
My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
They are also responsible for that of your world
As well as the individual ones for every one of you.
They are in charge of the evolutionary progress
Of every level of all worlds,
Including yours.

At the beginning of the creative process
A law went forth from Me.
In your world it is known as the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law decrees that everything has to return to its source.
When the light of understanding how this law
Has always affected every one of you and your world,
And that this will forever continue, has reached
The darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence,
There will be peace on the Earth.

The comprehension of this law provides you
With a power tool of the highest calibre.
It places the power into everybody’s own hands
For recognising the spiritual background
And cause of the pandemic.
You may then wish join the ranks and files
Of your world’s miracle workers.
Hand in hand with the Angels and Me,
They are occupied with blessing and healing
Humankind and your world.
And that’s how the Covid-19 outbreak at present is
Slowly but surely reaching its natural happy conclusion.
Every miracle worker, at the same time, is creating
Credit entries on their spiritual ledger
For the balancing of its debit entries.

Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
As co-creators with Me,
It has always been in everybody’s own hands
To create either one or the other,
Wherever you may find yourself.
And your world’s present state creates endless
Opportunities for bringing your own small piece
Of Heaven down to the Earth.
All you have to do is turn to Me and the Angels.
They are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively
How you can take part in your world’s recovery
From the living hell of psychological warfare
Between good and evil, which is the background
And true cause of the pandemic.

Every miracle worker’s positive and constructive
Thoughts, words and actions are feeding into
Your world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its power to absorb ever more
Of the darkness that fills and surrounds
Your world’s troublemakers behind the scenes.
As creators of its present hellish state
They are feeding into the dark stream.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated Beginning July 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

From 'War And Peace Among Nations'

The Age Of Aquarius

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Age Of AquariusThe Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD  and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing *. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided  attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be  reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.

The equally long promised world teacher * is appearing in our midst and reveals him/herself as none other than the living God within, our inner teacher or in-tuition, who is the only reliable guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answers to any kind of question we may care to ask. Through the small still voice of our conscience this teacher has always tried to intuitively tell us right from wrong. The English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, knew about it when he wrote: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’

When all have become attuned to and are following the guidance of this, everyone’s own teacher, there will be peace in our world and no longer any need for religions. One after the other is in the process of disappearing for the simple reason that they have served the purpose they were created for and are no longer required. All my writings are insights and observations of the monumental changes this is bringing with it and how helpful new perspectives on all aspects of life are beginning to reveal themselves to us.

The collective consciousness of our race is opening up and everywhere there is an increasing awareness of the ‘facts of life’ about our true nature and eternal reality. The realisation that each one of us is an immortal and eternal Divine spark shows us that life is an absolute continuum and that there is no such thing as death. The limited perception of our earthly existence as a one-off thing is rapidly changing into the awareness that one cycle of life emerges from the previous one.

Guided and protected by God and the Angels, all life inexorably moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life *. We are moving with and every one of us is slowly but surely evolving into a more whole and beautiful being who yearns for reaching the experiences of the higher and highest levels of life. On our way there, everything that has outlived its usefulness in due course is removed and disappears.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Latter Days Of The Law Or The Second Coming’
•    ‘The Great Balancing Act’
•    ‘The Aquarian Zeitgeist’
•    ‘The Coming World Teacher’
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’

Six pointed Star

From 'Comfort For The Bereaved'

Going Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Going Home

Going home, going home.
We’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day,
That’s how everybody goes home
Into the spirit world.

It’s not far, just close by,
Through an open door.
Work all done, cares laid by,
Pain and fear no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us,
Father’s waiting too.
Angels and helpers gathered
With the friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way,
Earth-bound sorrows done.
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life’s just begun.

There’s no break, there’s no end ,
Just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile,
Going on and on . . .

I’m just going home!
Without being aware of it,
I have gone this way many times before.
And it’s good to know that none of us
Ever has to do so on their own.
One of the Angels of Death held our hand and
Took us back home into the world of spirit or light.
From which every one of us emerges
At the beginning of a new earthly lifetime.

God and the Angels always have been and
Forever will be as much part of us
As we are part of them.
And wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still have to take us,
There’s no need to be afraid of anything.
They will forever be accompanying us
And showing the way.
We shall always be safe because
In all Eternity our life will rest
In the loving embrace of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

I believe that whenever the moment of someone’s departure from the earthly plane has come, no matter under what circumstances, it’s always at the right moment. And that’s going to apply as much to you and me, as well as everybody else. The way I understand life now, is that it is by no means a one-off affair, the way our world’s old religions tried to make us believe. Nobody is snuffed out like a candle, each time one of their earthly lifetimes has reached its end. Every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out developmental journey that is constantly taking each individual, the whole of humankind and our world, forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of all life.

The essence of every human being is spirit/soul and like God, they are eternal and immortal. Only when the wise higher purpose of any given lifetime has been fulfilled, one of the Angels of death takes our spirit/soul’s home into the world of spirit or light. This is independent of what age our outer shell, the physical body, may be and in what manner our departure comes about. To my mind, no death can be described as ‘untimely’. It would be an injustice to the infinite wisdom and love with which God and the Angels in charge of our development are taking the greatest of care about attending to every detail of everybody’s evolutionary pathway.

Our Creator is the Divine Trinity of the Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, is our Creator’s Divine Trinity. And the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. They are responsible for the development of every human being who ever took part in earthly life, the whole of humankind and our world. This is the ultimate authority who decides about everything that, in keeping with the great plan, needs to happen in the whole of Creation. They are the only ones who have any true and everlasting power. Nothing is beyond or outside of their will and wishes. And no soul’s departure from earthly life ever takes place without their consent. This is true for any kind of death, including suicide. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The only part that dies when one of us departs from the earthly plane is their physical body. But that’s merely an outer shell which every spirit/soul requires for functioning and getting around in our world, for one lifetime only. Ever more of us these days are becoming aware that leaving our physical body behind does not mean we are dead. Because the essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul, we can and will never die because just like God we are eternal and immortal. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of Death returns our spirit/soul to the world of spirit or light. It is humankind’s true home, the inner spiritual background of our world, from we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to as soon as it has run its course.

 Whenever one of our loved ones has left this plane, there is no need to think that they have gone to a place somewhere ‘up above or out there’. Even though the spirit realm is invisible to earthly eyes, it is there nonetheless. Everything that appears in our world, the outer plane, first has to become manifest on its inner counterpart. Without the inner, there would be no outer; there would be no you and me. And that’s why there is no need to ever talk of those whose physical being has left us, as if they had disappeared altogether. They most certainly have not.

Our world is not really a home. It’s but a temporary staying place, a school and place for growing in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. That’s how every human being’s consciousness slowly but steadily expands. Each can only do this from their own experiences. Nobody can do it for us. And everything that ever happens on this plane does so for a wise higher purpose that’s meant to teach those involved something.

And because I get much comfort from music, especially when it is accompanied by words that really speak to my heart, this song is now winging its way to you, in the hope that it might do the same for you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Going Home’

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Miracles And Wonders (32)

Thoughts For Today 27th August  2022

From ‘Healers And Healing’

The Saviour And Redeemer (1)

The Symbolism Of The Cross

The Symbolism Of The Cross - Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing

The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. The cross’s vertical bar stands for the God’s Will, as it reaches down from Heaven to Earth. The horizontal one is the symbol of humankind’s will for as long as it crosses the Will of God and struggles against it. When the two bars at last have been taken apart and are lying peacefully side by side and working harmoniously together, there is no more cross and there is PEACE!

In its original sense it never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It is intended to convey the idea that the human spirit with the assistance of its Highest Self is capable of overcoming and rising above everything that happens on the physical plane. The cross contains the message that until all human spirits and souls in their earthly existence, have imbibed their lessons in the course of many lifetimes. Until they have become sufficiently evolved, they have to remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness of earthly life.

There is no point in fighting against any of this because the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is essential for our individual and collective evolutionary development. That’s why it is compulsory and unavoidable for all of us. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever presents itself to us. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.

In due course this gradually brings us back into the conscious loving union with God and the Universe we are all on the Earth to seek. Any knowledge we discover along the way is meant to be shared with our earthly siblings. With our loving support they too will eventually be able to grasp the special meaning of the evolutionary phase we and our whole world are presently moving through. For those who are ready to receive the seeds we are sowing they will fall on fertile ground and germinate. By helping to see their problems in a different light we can assist their ascent above the physical plane. It would be unreasonable to expect an immediate ending of someone’s suffering straight away, but through a fresh understanding it can at least be alleviated. An increasing awareness of what this life is all about and what is at stake can and indeed frequently does bring a spontaneous measure of relief, comfort and healing. 

Misunderstood for a very long time, the legend of the Master Jesus has tried to bring us new hope by showing us how, like the Master, every human spirit and soul will eventually be capable of withdrawing from the suffering of its physical body. We all have the power within to lift ourselves on the wings of our Highest,  God or Spiritual Self, above all earthly difficulties. The underlying esoteric meaning of the events of Easter always have been a hidden allegory to reveal to us how each one of us will eventually reach the evolutionary point of viewing our present existence from an ever higher perspective.

This empowers us to watch all its proceedings in the right light and with the necessary detachment. Each one of us is required to walk in the Master’s footsteps and deal with things the way he did. In my view, this is only possible when one perceives the troubles of our present existence in the above described manner. Instead of allowing ourselves being tortured and crucified by the trials and tribulations of this plane, we then become capable of dealing with them ever more objectively and dispassionately. The more one recognises them as personal and collective evolutionary lessons and passing phases of our earthly existence, the more this comes about quite naturally.

It seems to me that many of the happenings in our world, which all too easily can be perceived as people’s pure and utter selfishness, are but outer manifestations of the inner yearning of the soul of our whole world to find healing and peace. Deeply embedded in every individual soul and also in the collective is the sacred knowledge of humankind’s homecoming into its true nature and the togetherness and oneness with God and all life. Bearing this in mind, are all the struggles we presently observe around us in truth pleas that the home coming process into our true nature should be speeded up by those in charge of us on the highest levels of life?

During this difficult evolutionary phase it is hardly surprising that times are frequently difficult for all of us and that the mettle of so many is being tested and tried, almost to breaking point. So, with feet planted firmly on the ground, hearts and minds steadily focused on the highest level of life, in our role as aspiring light workers let’s keep our eyes firmly fixed on the spiritual background of this life, so it can reveal to us ever more of the truth about the higher and highest purpose and meaning not only of our present existence, but of the way all life truly functions.

Astrology can help us gain a better understanding of the many obstacles all of us are presently encountering on our journey back home into the full conscious awareness of our true nature. Never forget that Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus, in that order. Saturn here acts as the gatekeeper for the Aquarian age. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that so many of us are struggling and that on many different levels of our being. In the course of teaching us self–discipline, Saturn tests and tries us to the utmost of our endurance. Until self-mastery has been achieved none of us will be released into the greater spiritual freedom of the Aquarian age.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Could Religions Ever Change Anything?’

Six pointed Star

The Saviour And Redeemer (2)

Each Their Own Saviour And Redeemer

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Salvation And RedemptionNo-one in the whole of God’s Creation can save and redeem us except we ourselves. This process begins when the Christ part of our nature at last awakens from its slumbers. Our hopes, dreams and aspirations slowly but surely rise above the desires of our lower earthly nature, which in previous lifetimes caused us to sin against the law of life: love. As soon as we start to live in the light of the Christ Spirit, through our changed thinking and behaviour patterns we somehow bring this light into our world. Gradually the drives and urges of our worldly nature are left behind and eventually we reach the point when they can no longer touch us. We have been saved from them and that is the esoteric meaning of salvation.

Salvation and redemption cannot come about through believing in a specific person and/or following the religion they represent, or any of the other belief systems of our world. The only thing that can and indeed does save us is by bringing forth the highest and best that is within us, our own Christ nature. All we have to do to bring this about is being a good person in all we do and by living a good life rather than merely ostentatiously doing good deeds. This pathway means carrying out what our Christ nature tells us is good and right. We prefer following our inner guidance, the living God within, rather than listening to what somebody else may want us to do. We refuse to hurt or harm anyone, even though we may never have clapped eyes onto the ten commandments of the Abrahamic religions. We no longer need anyone to tell us that going to war, killing and maiming is wrong, as our attitude is based on a deep inner conviction and knowingness that is very much our own.

We know that all warfare is a crime against humankind and our whole world. We therefore would not dream of going to war against any of our siblings in the great family of life or treating any one of them as less valuable and precious to our Creator than we are. Thoughts, words and actions of kindness and consideration, compassion and love for all life, working for God in our daily lives in full consciousness of the glory that is above, around and within us and all lifeforms, are no longer second but first nature to us. We have become a Christed one in our own right and that has always been the true meaning of being saved by Christ.

Our redemption comes through patiently enduring whatever our Karmic debts from other lifetimes are bringing to us in this one. We need to work our way through every one of the events, no matter how hard and difficult they maybe, as best we know how to. Working hand in hand with God and the Angels makes this cross of the Earth easier to carry, as past experiences have shown us that we can trust our inner guidance, the means of the Highest for communicating with us, to show us how to go about things. Equipped with the wisdom we have already found on our pathway through life, we rest safely in the knowledge that everything will come right in the end because that is sure to be part of God’s great plan of life.

When the Christ spirit comes alive in us, we are meant to share the insights we are gaining with all those who are in need of it, so the knowledge can spread ever further afield. Through others constantly adding their learning to ours, the Christ spirit in the end, individually and collectively, does indeed become the saviour and redeemer of our whole world. And that is the only way the Christ can do this. The spirit of the Universal Christ is the Lord/Lady and Master/Mistress of our planet, the son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. S/He brought us into being and has always looked after us and kept us safe, and forever will do so. As you can see for yourself now, through quickening the spirit life in more and more of us, the Christ spirit really is the saviour of humankind – but in this way alone.

Six pointed Star

The Saviour And Redeemer (3)

The Saviour And Redeemer Not An Empty Promise

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Was The Saviour And Redeemer An Empty Promise?

Even the slowest small earthly self eventually reaches the evolutionary point when it awakens into its true nature and begins to take peeks at the higher esoteric meanings hidden behind the surface words of the religions of our world. One of the finest examples of this is the Jesus tale. What a surprise it will be for such people when they discover that they have been following a legend and not a story that is based on historical facts. It is as if a light had been switched on inside when the tale is viewed from the right angle. Every aspect of it suddenly makes a great deal of sense.

For any earthling awakenings of this nature can only come about when the time is right, i.e. when our energies are changing so that our superconscious faculties come into a closer alignment with the Universal forces. The Divine spark within us then commences to stir from its sleeping beauty slumbers and one small step after another the spiritual aspect of our nature begins to open up and unfold. For example, this is the case when the Midheaven of our birthchart by progression moves into Sagittarius, or on the occasions when our progressed Moon moves through this sign or the ninth house, the natural domain of this sign. This is the time when people, who never were interested in religions before, have been known to wander off into the setting Sun with missionary zeal and a Bible tucked under their arm. Whichever way the Sagittarian energies express themselves in our life during that development, the religious/spiritual side of our nature gradually moves into the foreground of our consciousness and we become interested in things connected with the religious and philosophical aspects of life.

If up to that point we were a person who took the Christian teachings literally, we may now start wondering about the strangeness of our necromantic religion and begin to ask ourselves questions like: ‘How did it ever come about that I fell for a belief that worships a dead man hanging on a cross? When taken literally that is a graven image, if ever there was one. What a surprise when one looks at it from an esoteric point of view and it turns into a symbol of release from the bondage to earthly life. What was it I once found in the macabre literalist version of this religion when it has at its most holy centre a strange ritual with cannibalistic undertones of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of its God – who never existed? Why did it never occur to me earlier how reminiscent all these things are of ancient and long forgotten, prehistoric religions with their pagan ceremonies, when human sacrifices were the order of the day?’

‘In these cultures and civilisations undoubtedly Christianity has its roots, the same as all other religions – none of them appeared out of nowhere. In orderly procession each new religion grew from those that came before. Is that why echoes are stirring in my soul memories of life in prehistoric societies and the rituals we performed around the Gods we worshipped in those lifetimes a long, long time ago? How could I ever have been taken in by such things in this day and age? Now that ever more of the scales are peeled from my eyes, I cannot help coming to the conclusion that the bloodcurdling details of the tale must have been added to make the story more credible, as if it were indeed about historical facts rather than a storyteller’s flights of fantasy.’

As our perception and with it our inner vision gradually opens to the higher realities of life, it is no longer hard to understand that the story of the Master Jesus’ life all along has been intended as a parable that describes the earthly self’s evolutionary spiritual journey. The Jesus story consists of parables. The tale of Christ child’s birth describes the moment of every earthly self’s awakening into the awareness of God’s true nature and its own. The allegories continue up to the time when our earthly self is dying on the cross of earthly life, to which we ourselves once nailed it. This enables our Christ nature to ascend to the Heavens. This means that although we are still taking part in Earth life, we have moved onto a higher level of consciousness and can now serve the higher and highest levels of life as their channel for bringing the Divine wisdom and truth onto the Earth plane.

Wise ones, who have learnt to gaze beyond the ends of their noses, do not find it difficult to recognise that every one of the myths and legends of our world have always tried to bring our race closer to the awakening of who and what we truly are. In this form the Goddess’s love and wisdom – as much of it as we could understand at any given time – have never stopped flowing into each individual soul and that of our world from the highest level of life. Even though the awareness of Her presence was taken from us during the patriarchy, the Angels of the Christ circle continued to serve Her.

Every one of the tales they brought throughout the ages contained esoteric messages that in the end would reawaken even the last human soul in earthly life to the fact that all of us are sparks of the Divine. At the moment of our release from the heartmind of God this spark is placed in our heart as a tiny glint of light. But it takes many lifetimes in physicality before it begins to stir into life and the Christ love awakens in us and our very own Christ child is born. To help it grow into a strong and healthy adult, all we have to do is live in keeping with our real nature, so that as the days go by we become ever more kind and loving, compassionate and tolerant, patient and forgiving towards all we meet.

But let’s return to the Jesus legend for another moment. I believe that from the moment it came into being it has been trying to tell us that, when the time was right – in God’s time, not ours – the man named Jesus, said to be the Father’s only born, who once walked in our midst in earthly life, would reappear for a second time in our world. He would then keep his promise, but only for those who believed in him and followed him and no-one else. All who refused to do so would forever have to fry in the fires of hell and damnation.

Isn’t it obvious from these words alone that, when taken literally, they could never have been spoken by a God who loves the whole of humankind and before whom we are all equal? Such things are clearly the produce of a church in pursuit of power, empire building and material gains, conceived and written as a tool for manipulating the mass of people into providing these things. The chosen name of catholic, i.e. universal, shows that the story was presented by the people running this organisation were dreaming of one day ruling the whole of our world.

The Divinity of the Christ Spirit deals with us and our world far more magnanimously, kind and loving. In the realities of spirit, our true nature and home, none shall ever be forgotten or left behind. Irrespective of who, what or where we presently are, at all times we are in the process of walking the pathway up the spiritual mountain, which eventually leads all of us back into the oneness with God. Every human soul does this in its own way and at its own pace gets to the top of the mountain in the fullness of time. Each goes the same way because there is nowhere else for anyone to go. And by coming alive in all human hearts and souls, the Divine spark in the end saves and redeems every one of us and that without exception.

As you can see for yourself now, the pledge that Jesus can and will save and redeem those who believe in him was an empty one, for the simple reason that he never existed. The esoteric promise behind the legend’s words, however, is being fulfilled and that in rich measure and in the simplest possible way. It is firmly and safely grounded in the realities of our eternal relationship between the small earthly self and its Divine counterpart, our Highest or God Self, the Christ Spirit, in whom we are all one. In earthly life we are quite capable of tying ourselves into knots over just about anything. Spiritually however everything is simplicity itself. Simplicity is a great gift, maybe the greatest one of all, that God and the Angels can bestow upon us.

It reveals itself in the fact that our salvation and redemption is not going to take place in some nebulous future and a far distant mystical location. It is happening right here and now in earthly life and that hand in hand with the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light. All we have to do is ask and they are only too happy to show us how to go about this task. Isn’t it astonishing that after all the pledge has by no means been an empty one? That through the Christ Spirit coming alive – in each one of us individually and collectively in our world – it is being fulfilled in a very different and much more beautiful manner from what anyone could have imagined in the days of yore when the promise was made?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Where Do Our Religions Come From?’
•    ‘The Sins Of The Fathers – Graven Images’

Six pointed Star 


This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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‘Healers And Healing’

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