Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom – Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey – Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian AgeThe belief that every word of the Jesus story as well as the rest of the Bible is true and should strictly be understood literally is in sharp contrast when one embarks on the adventure of understanding that the tale in truth is but a myth and a legend. It becomes clearly visible that behind many of its words deep wisdom and truth are hidden. They are making it easy to recognise with how much the tale was composed with a deep and abiding love and compassion, kindness and caring for us, God’s human children of the Earth. It fully does justice to the suffering each one of us has to endure, before we are finally on our way back home into the conscious awareness of our origin and true home.

I wonder what the Jesus story, when taken literally, has to offer its readers, apart from the admiration for the feats of a superhuman man, believed to be half human and half God. At the time of writing this tale, it was too early to reveal that the same powers are lying dormant in each and every one of us. It soon becomes obvious that the figure of the man Jesus is meant to represent each and every one of us, one returns to dealing with the tale as a legend. The powers the man possesses then clearly are indication of the hidden capabilities we all carry within, once we have learned to walk hand in hand with God and the Angels.

The Jesus myth drives home the point that without their help nothing can happen on the Earth plane. For example in St. John 14:10-11 it tells us: ‘Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.’ And in John 5:30: ‘By myself I can do nothing. I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.’ I believe that the whole story is a pointer to the glorious future and our race’s so far only fractionally fulfilled potentialities, when our present developmental phase is complete and we shall be allowed to move on. Glory be to that prospect!

This somehow reminds me of a lady, a born again Christian, who had been reading some of my observations and insights into the esoteric truth behind many of the Bible’s teachings. We met about twenty years ago and she gave me a Bible for Christmas. All of it happened long before the idea for calling my writings ‘The Random Jottings of a Stargazer’ came to me intuitively and before any part of my work was published on the worldwide web. The lady accompanied her gift by telling me that she was praying that the truth about Jesus should be revealed to me. It seems that her prayers were answered, though in a markedly different manner from the one I imagine she was hoping for.

Who knows? Bearing in mind that what we send out into the world does return to us, maybe her prayer has rebounded and by now has brought also to her a better understanding of the meaning of the life story of Jesus, the Christed one. How could anyone not rejoice at the thought that the Age of Pisces is over and the possibly saddest chapter in the evolution of our race is closing? With this, the curtain of the lack of knowledge about the duality of our nature and existence is lifting and allowing us occasional glimpses into the greater freedom of the Aquarian Age. Being aware of these things, who would not be more than happy to make a genuine and heart-felt contribution towards bringing God’s kingdom down to the Earth and establishing its sovereignty in our world?

What could be more beautiful and exhilarating for human souls in earthly life than an expansion of inner vision and consciousness that can only come to us through a deepening grasp of God’s true nature and our own? It baffles me why so many Christians, to this day, want to deny themselves this most wondrous experience. An open mind is the greatest gift our Creator can bestow upon any one of us. Those who are willing to keep theirs open and make an effort to remain in touch with their inner guidance at all times, have no difficulties telling a truth from a lie and partaking of the new spiritual knowledge that is now coming our way.

Ah well, you can but lead a horse to the water. . . Oh yes, when the horse is ready, it will drink and that only too happily. Their inner guidance will soon let them know whether I speak the truth when I say that the one who is writing through me is the Universal Christ and not Jesus. The former is eternal, omniscient and omnipresent. The latter is none of these things and never was or will be.

As far as getting to know our Christ nature is concerned, there is no need for following any kind of belief system. Like any great idea, it’s all very simple. Handing our whole being over to God and the Angels and serving them to the best of our ability is the only thing we have to do is to. Bringing forth the best that is within us and in any given moment endeavouring to be the kindest, most tolerant and loving person we can possibly be to my mind is not difficult, because that is our Christ nature and the only way we can be true to it.

Living this way gradually empowers us to save and redeem not only ourselves, but our whole world. The only equipment required for this pathway is the knowledge of who we truly are and that a high and holy destiny is in store for each one of us. From the point of becoming aware of this, the experiences of our own life are going to teach us to trust the presence of God and the Angels. This is the only reliable way of learning that they truly never leave us and can be utterly relied upon to guide and protect us. They are sure to assist us with carrying out the special mission we have come to fulfil in this lifetime, whilst doing their share of it.

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - All Of Life Is Flowingness

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing
There is meaning and law.
I trust God’s great plan of life
And my own within it.
I cannot lose what is my own and
I need not seek what is my own,
For what belongs to me will come and
Whatever goes does not belong to me.

Only what I am has power
And everything that’s rightfully mine
Is constantly drawn to me and
Will appear at the right moment.
Knowing this, I give up
All personal struggle and ambition.
I let go and trust the inner guidance
Of my Highest Self and the Universal Forces
To show me the way and
Run my life for me.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra For The New Age’
•    ‘Creating Abundance’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star


This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star