Message From The Angels & Masters Of The Christ Circle

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (1)

You And Your World Are Safe!

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Rejoice, beloved children of the Earth! We want you to know that we are with you, always have been and forever will be, and that nobody on the earthly plane ever had any true power. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of what in your world is commonly known as God, are the only ones in the whole of Creation who have true, i.e. everlasting power over every cell and atom that exists anywhere.

We want you to know that we are protecting you, always have been and this will continue forever. Your world’s present ‘pandemic’ came off almost too easily and that is because it was specially designed by us. It the crescendo of all previous attempts, for example the most recent re-run of the Bird flu and the Swine flu epidemics in the years 2003 and 2009. Each one of them failed and for that time brought an end to your world’s pharmaceutical industry’ hopes for huge money-spinning benefits.

The ‘pandemic’ your world has been experiencing for quite a long time by now, is designed to act as a watershed of humankind’s development from an over-materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one. That’s why, on the surface of things, it looks as if your world was ruled by some of the greatest masters of the money-spinning art. These days, at the head are people like Bill Gates, born 28th October 1955, a Sun Scorpio, and Anthony Fauci, born 24th December 1940, a Sun Capricorn. These men, for example are creating the impression as if they were really capable of bringing about another pandemic after this one, and then another. They look forward to profiteering from the sale of vaccines which like the present ones, if anything are harmful to human health and wellbeing.

We assure you that on this occasion they will not succeed and that’s because such a development is not part of the Divine great evolutionary plan for humankind and your world. Many in your world by now are aware that Aquarius represents the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. We always have been and forever will be serving them and carrying out their will and wishes. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. God’s wisdom and truth have been waiting for a long time to start flowing directly from Its mind, on the highest levels of life, into any heart and mind on the earthly plane that’s tuned into its frequencies.

The whole of humankind as well as your world, for quite some time by now, has been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age. And the more of the energies of this sign are absorbed, the more Divine wisdom and truth emerges. And we want you to know that nothing exists between Heaven and Earth that possesses the power of interfering with this, even the slightest degree. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of humankind and its world, for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy the truth has gradually been withdrawn ever more from your world. It happened for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind learning to appreciate the value of truth.

We promise you that this will not continue forever. It existed merely for a predestined length of time. The first instalment of this lesson consisted of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. It brought some ever stranger belief systems to your world that were based on tales that had nothing in common with what really happens to humankind. For example, the existence of places called Heaven and hell. We are glad to tell you that this part of humankind’s spiritual development most certainly is over and that’s because the age of truth, for some time by now has been with you.  

The truth has been hiding for long enough behind the surface words of tales and legends, for example the one about Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind. To many of you the age of truth has already brought the knowledge that nobody can save and redeem anyone. You are the only one who can do this. However, this has been explained in many earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, so there is no need to go into more detail here.

The Aquarian age is constantly bringing more truth about the strange tales and legends of the old belief systems. Gone are the days when human beings could be forced to believe that they are literally true. For the wise higher purpose of teaching your world the value of truth, step by step ever more of the truth was withdrawn. We are glad to tell you that the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more of the truth is going to emerge. Your Creator has provided every human being with the birthright of eventually discovering the truth. This most precious gift will never be lost by anyone. And that’s why at long last you are finding out why some very strange things had to happen for such a long time and why some of them still do.

Love and evolution are the main laws for the whole of Creation, therefore also your world. This means that evolution always has been and forever will based on love. Through this every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral. There never was and there never will be any moving backwards. What’s at present happening in your world is no more than the final part of the initial instalment of being taught the value of truth and because the karmic debts that were accumulated during this period are still in the process of being redeemed.

Theses debts were piled into the spiritual ledgers of those who were, a long time ago, spiritually young and inexperienced. The debts came about through wearing, time and again, on the grand stage of earthly life’s theatre, the costume of troublemaker and scaremonger towards their spiritually older and more experienced siblings, in the great family of humankind. As this process has been explained many times in previous chapters of the Aquarian writings, we feel there is no need for going into any more depth about it here.

We have mentioned it here, because that’s why the dream of one pandemic after another, with the pharma industry continuing its money-spinning efforts by supplying endless amounts of vaccine, will simply not find fulfilment. There will be no need for it because that is not part of the Divine Great Plan of Life, we assure you. You and your world are safe, always have been and forever will be. And that is because humankind’s future and destiny ultimately have always rested in our hands and never in anyone else’s.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (2)

You And Your World Are Safe!

The Lie-Detector

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Lie-Detector

For some time by now a new world order has been developing. This order is of the spiritual kind and that’s why being materially over-orientated will gradually become outdated. Having run its course, we firmly promise that it will not take long until there will be no more of it. And that’s because there has been enough suffering in your world. Humankind is ready to experience the next instalment of the lesson of appreciating the value of truth.

Independent of what anyone may still try to convince you, your world is rapidly moving towards getting rid suffering. What’s in store for humankind is everybody working together peacefully and harmoniously, helping and supporting each other, instead of exploiting and taking advantage of those around you. Your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are doing their best to continue with the old pattern. We promise you that they will not succeed.

As many of you already are aware, your world’s consciousness consists of a light and a dark stream. Each time you send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those whose earthly selves are involved in scaremongering activities, which belong to the dark stream and feed into it, you are supporting the light stream that, at the same time aims to strengthen the scaremongers’ indwelling spirit/soul. Through your efforts, it moves ever more into the foreground of a person’s consciousness and rouses their higher God or Christ nature ever more from its slumbering state. The more the light stream is supported, the stronger it becomes which enables it to absorb ever more of dark stream.

The Aquarian age is the age when the truth will return ever more to your world. And that’s why your Creator has provided every one of its beloved children of the Earth with a very special gift. From the moment of humankind’s first appearance on the Earth, this gift has been written in the great evolutionary plan for humankind’s spiritual development. Because of this, every one of you has always possessed their own built-in lie-detector. However, for the duration of the patriarchy of approx. six thousand years, this ability had to remain dormant.

Buy the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age energies, the more this gift is stirring from its slumbers in anyone whose evolutionary pathway shows that for them the time has come to find out what the truth behind everything is. For some time by now, this has been happening in your world. And that’s why intuitively, ever more of you are well aware of what the truth is. In-tuition is everybody’s inner teacher or guru. When the right evolutionary level has been reached, your intuition stirs from its slumbering state and gradually takes over ever more of your earthly self’s consciousness. Whatever spiritual wisdom and truth from then onwards flows from us, on the highest levels of life, into you is meant to be shared with as many as possible on the earthly plane through publishing it wherever this can be done.

For the purpose of gradually enabling ever more of you to discover their own truth and nothing but the truth, from the word go of humankind’s existence on planet Earth, your Creator decreed that every one of you should be provided with their very own built-in lie-detector of guidance from within through the small still voice of consciousness. Since then it has always communicated with every human being through the world of their feelings. For those who at present are sufficiently evolved to make use of this capability, will slowly but surely feel its presence ever more strongly. Your lie-detector reacts to everything that comes before you. It makes no difference whether it’s through hearing or seeing something, your innermost being reacts with either ‘this is true or false!’.

This is how in due course every human being learns how to rely upon their inner guidance. If something feels right, then that’s what it is for you, even though it may not be for anyone around you – as yet. And that applies as much to this message as to all other parts of the Aquarian writings. Gone are the days when you had to take whatever came before you at face-value. That’s what humankind had to do during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. That’s when your world’s belief systems brought forth some exceedingly strange tales and forced their followers to believe that they were literally true. Your lie-detector does away with this. The only thing you have to do is pay attention to how the wise one or living God within you reacts to whatever comes into your orbit.

This is how the small still voice of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature has always tried to communicate with its earthly personality. Because your Christ nature is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, it really does know the way of all things. That’s why it is the only truly reliable and trustworthy guru or teacher who in every one of you is waiting to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, about everything. This is the most essential equipment that will eventually be available to every human being for the Aquarian age, the age of truth.

The more highly evolved you become, the more sensitive you will become for using your lie-detector who communicates with you through the world of your feelings. After a while of practising this instrument, you will be delighted to discover that almost automatically you know what’s true and untrue of whatever comes within your reach. That’s how, with the passing of time, through your own experiences you discover that the wise one or living God’s voice within you is one hundred percent reliable and trustworthy.

Whenever you listen within to find out something, it will be our voice you perceive. That’s who has been communicating with you through the Aquarian writings, for over twenty years. We are the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who have always been in charge of the creation and development of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on your plane.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (3)

You And Your World Are Safe!

Honesty And Truth : The New World Order

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Honesty And Truth : The New World Order

Whatever may still have to happen in your world, honesty and truth are your world’s new order towards which all life for a long time has been striving. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter. Meanwhile, your built-in lie-detector will intuitively help you understand that it’s for a wise higher reason that things are presently taking place in your world. It’s because some of humankind’s most ancient karmic debts are still waiting to be redeemed, in many of you. To this day they are occupied with attending to them because for long enough they have been waiting for it in their soul memories. As soon as these debts have been fully redeemed, there will be nothing in the way of only that which is good, right and beautiful ever more appearing in your world.

When people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci return to our realm and realise that they were unable to take even a penny of their vast earthly fortunes with them, a great sadness will overcome them to discover that spiritually they belong to the poorest. It’s then too late for them to find out that what on the earthly plane they considered to be ‘power’, was never anything of the kind. The only true power is everlasting and belongs to us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life who have always been serving the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.  

Earthly power only ever lasts for a predestined length of time and when that has run its course, it simply fades away. As soon as those who thought they had power return to our realm, they realise that their power never was anything but an illusion. That applies to everything that happens on the earthly plane. In a way everything is nothing but an illusion, even though while you are taking part in it, it never feels that way.

Allowing someone earthly ‘power’ is our way of testing how spiritually evolved people in your world really are. Soon enough this reveals itself in the manner a person handles the ‘power’ they believe to have gained when the come into office. Our assessment depends on how much of their power someone uses to bring benefits to themselves and/or whether they are capable of doing anything good for the whole of humankind and your world.

Look at what Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have been doing for quite a long time and how they believe the ‘power’ they have will continue for a long time to come, if not forever. We hope that the understanding of your world’s spiritual background and its laws, will enable you not to sit in judgement over anyone. In particular this applies to the spiritually younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. It’s quite possible that they are what’s astrologically called being ‘ruled by the Stars’ and that means that they simply cannot help themselves. Please take a look at the links for Bill Gates at the end of this chapter.

Even though we, the Angles and Masters of the Christ Circle, are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, we have always been and forever will be in charge of whatever happens on every level of life in the whole of Creation, including the two parts of your world, the inner as well as the outer. We are the eye that never sleeps, who in all directions and on all its levels is constantly observing your world. Nothing ever happens there or anywhere else in the whole of Creation against our will and wishes, who are the same as those of the Divine Trinity. Everything that comes about on its outer plane does so for the wise higher purpose of someone attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything is done freely and willingly by you. However, being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory. Nobody can get away from this and if you wish to progress on your evolutionary journey, your spirit/soul knows that applying for ever more earthly lifetimes is necessary. Everything you learn there is of the greatest value. It’s what constantly keeps you and your world moving on an eternal journey in keeping with the Divine overall plan of life. This takes every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world, forwards and upwards on a huge evolutionary spiral.

And as the great plan will never stop unfolding, you and your world are constantly moving unto a somewhat higher evolutionary levels. This is why, from the beginning of the great school of earthly life, every human being taking part in it, at any given moment, has simultaneously played the role of teacher as well as scholar or student.  

We assure you that you and your world always have and forever will rest safely in our loving hands. The fate and destiny of every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world never did lie in the hands of people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, to name but two. Although at times it has looked like it and at present still does, that could never be the case. This is because love and evolution have always been the two main laws of life, throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also your world. This means that evolution everywhere has always been based on the highest love vibrations, and they are not merely caring, loving and nurturing but at the same time infinitely wise.

And whatever happens on the earthly plane only ever has been a temporary state that serves the purpose of teaching and learning the earthly school of life’s lessons. The main one of these for around six thousand years by now, has been appreciating the value of truth. Independent of what still has to take place on the earthly plane, the general trend of your race’s development and your world, always has been and forever will continue to be, moving forwards and upwards and that on several evolutionary spirals simultaneously. Nothing in the whole of Creation, including your world, ever stands still or moves backwards, even the tiniest bit.

This explains why, for some time by now, your world has been moving through a transfiguration process. The best way of assisting yourself, everybody else and your world to pass more smoothly through this process is by keeping on to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, and that as frequently as possible, to all of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. This is helpful because such thoughts feed into the light stream of consciousness of which every spirit/soul belongs, independent of what strength anyone’s spiritual understanding at any given moment may have reached.

All spirit/souls are part of the light stream  and every thought that’s sent into it helps the higher God or Christ nature of every one of them grow stronger. This assists the lower personalities who, at any given moment, are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, to grow in strength. That enables them to bring forth their higher nature, from deep within themselves, a bit more. This is why we ask you to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, especially to those on the earthly plane who are as yet unaware of the effect of whatever they are occupied with, at any given moment, has and how it influences its own development, as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world.

Maybe your thoughts can help some of the spiritually young and inexperienced siblings in the great family of humankind, to become aware that the life story of the Master Jesus is but legend that was never meant to be understood as being literally true. The God-man is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. The spiritual youngsters in your midst also need to find out that Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God of Christ nature, including their own. The legend’s transfiguration, which took place after the Master had left behind earthly life, is the final initiation in which every human being on the earthly plane eventually takes part.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Happy Birthday Bill Gates’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (4)

You And Your World Are Safe!


Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Transfiguration

As previously pointed out several times, death does not exist on the earthly plane of life. What happens at the beginning as well as the end of each lifetime to every human being is but a transfiguration. That’s what takes place, independent of what level of spiritual maturity any one of you has reached, at those particular moments. And that’s how, from the beginning of being educated in the earthly school of life, every human being has constantly been moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral which, at the same time, is part of this spiral for the whole of humankind and your world.

Achieving spiritual Mastership is the ultimate aim of the earthly school of life’s education. This applies to every human being and there are no exceptions. That’s how you have always taken part in all the earthly school’s lessons because you, the same as everybody else, are destined to eventually being capable of bringing forth, each can only do this from deep within their own being, the highest, best and noblest characteristics of their very own higher God or Christ nature.

It takes a long time until you realise that transfiguration happens on your world’s personal as well as collective plane and level. That’s how from earthly beings, every spirit/soul in the fullness of time has evolved into a Christed one who no longer needs to spend time on the earthly plane, where a physical body is required for getting around. This has always been the purpose of the earthly school of life’s educational curriculum.

Many of you by now are aware that the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more human beings realise that transfiguration is not something that ever happened to Jesus. And that’s for the simple reason that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked in the midst of humankind. The God-man only ever existed as a thoughtform. In truth, he is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Fully developing this aspect of their nature has always been the evolutionary pathway and ultimate destiny of every one of you.

As incredible as this may seem on the surface of things, even your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers will eventually be reaching this developmental level. Not today or tomorrow, but in the course of many earthly lifetimes which, for the time being, still are a long way ahead in the future. What you need never forget that every one of these people is your spiritually younger and less experienced sibling in the great family of humankind. You are their spiritually older and much more highly evolved sister/brother. The protective aspects of your higher nature swings into action with this realisation.

As soon as your built-in lie-detector is fully functioning, you realise that, unless you assist the higher God or Christ nature of the spiritual youngsters in your midst so it wakes from its slumbering state, and beings to grow stronger, with each passing day. Without this kind of support it could take an exceedingly long time until any improvement in your world’s present situation could come about. So do your best and do what intuitively comes to you from us, on the highest levels of life, to alleviate that which would otherwise could do nothing but find its way back to where it came from. That’s what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma does with everything that’s released into your world and with this the rest of the whole of Creation, where it affects all manifestations of life.

To change what the spiritual youngsters in your midst for quite some time have been doing to the whole of humankind and your world, we suggest that you turn to us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Highest, to ask for our help. From the beginning of life, throughout the whole of Creation, we have been in charge of the appearance and development of all manifestations of life that the Great Father/Mother of all life wishes to bring into being anywhere. Never forget that without asking no help can come to anyone from us. But whoever requests our assistance with any kind of problem, including this one, we shall always be happy to respond and to intuitively guide and show the way.

To assist the spiritual youngster in your midst, the best way of going about is by sending them, as frequently as possible, nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. It’s essential that you forgive every one of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, because so far they have no idea of what they are doing, most of all to themselves. However, it’s essential to forgive yourselves first because without having done, in previous lifetimes, what these people are doing to your world at present, the situation could not have arisen.

Many of you by now are aware that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. And never forget that, hand in hand with us, all things are possible and any condition can be healed. As soon as something comes about, it can only do so because it is in harmony with our will and wishes, which by then also have become yours. When you follow the intuitively received instructions, you will be able to use your thoughts the right way. Every thought then has the power of changing even the greatest suffering into wellbeing and happiness.

When in tune with our will and wishes, your thoughts can change the attitude of those whose greed so far made them too blind to recognise that, when the end of their present lifetime has come round, they will not be able to take a single penny of their ever vaster fortunes with them. With our assistance, your thoughts can help these people’s higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state, so that as a result their earthly selves wake up to the realisation that every human being’s existence, including their own, never was or will be merely a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle.

Ahead of every one of you is a long evolutionary journey. It consists of first spending many lifetimes with taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And when your higher God or Christ nature has completely taken over its earthly counterpart, you have evolved into a Christed one. Each needs to do this in their own right. Nobody can do the work that’s necessary to achieve this for anyone else. As soon as this evolutionary level has been reached, the earthly plane cannot teach you any more. This means that you are ready to experience the next higher level of our world, the spirit realm, through taking part in it you get to know this level. As this process has been explained frequently enough in other parts of the Aquarian writings, we believe there is no need to go into more depth here.

As many of you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world move into this sign’s energies, ever more of you will be enjoying the idea that what they are doing is in fact nothing but a performance on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life. As one of your world’s many pioneers and wayfinders, your pathway consists of helping those around you to understand the higher purpose and meaning of their earthly existence. Why they are there and what they are meant to be doing.

That’s how every one of you eventually will be able to help their younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind, to understand that earthly life is nothing but a school and a place of learning. Through its many lessons every one of you is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of all things that truly matter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (5)

You And Your World Are Safe!


Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Forgiveness

Let’s return for a moment to theme of forgiveness. It is quite a longwinded process because of the karmic bonds, which people create with each other in the course of taking part in may of the earthly school of life’s lessons. It takes many appearances on the material plane to experience both sides of every lesson that’s available and there are lots of them. The relationships in which people get involved are the Karmic bonds that are thus created. Each one of them is like a cast-iron chain that ties them to each other.

It is for wise higher reasons that as a result, they have to meet time and again, in different lifetimes. Neither has any idea that they know each other because they have been together before. And that’s how, with the passing of time, karmic chains grow ever stronger. It takes a long time before any of them is ready to be dissolved. Forgiveness is only thing that possesses the power of bringing this about. That’s why today we wish to tell you how to proceed the right way.

The first step is forgiving yourself for once having needed to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, and that one after the other. You did this because you were still a spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/soul, at the beginning of its long-drawn-out evolutionary journey. It’s the same for every one of you. The process starts with being familiarised with the lowest and darkest characteristics of your own nature. Thus far you are unaware that every other human being has them. Getting to know these character traits can only come about through experiencing each one personally, in yourself as well as those around you. Each one has to be explored, one after the other, first on the giving end and in a much later lifetime, the receiving one. Naturally, this makes many appearances on the earthly plane necessary, and that for every one of you.

You enjoyed handing out suffering to anyone who came within your reach. It was done because as yet you were unaware of what was happening to you, what you were doing and what the true motivation behind your thoughts, words and action were. It would take a long time before you became aware that, all along you were taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, one after the other. Unbeknown to you, on every occasion your behaviour piled karmic debts into your spiritual ledger, ever more of them. Layer upon layer of them were stored in your subconscious soul memories.

Since then, they have been waiting to be redeemed. The promises made by your world’s old belief systems are of no value, because they are not based on the truth. When your world had reached the age of truth, the Aquarian age, you were going to find out that no-one can redeem anyone’s karmic debts, except every one of you themselves. When the debts were piled into your ledger, that lifetime was still far ahead during a certain stage of your personal development.

You were then not to know that, in the fullness of time, somebody would be doing to you what you once did. When you were still loaded with the vigour of youthful ignorance, the same as they are now, freely and thoughtlessly handed out suffering to anyone who came within your reach. And that, beloved children of the Earth, is how every human being eventually gets to know both sides of all of the lessons that are available in the earthly school of life.

Forgiveness is a journey that consists of two parts. The second one consists of forgiving all those who ever exposed to suffering, some of them enjoy doing so to this day. They are doing this because they are still spiritually young and unevolved, the same as you once were a long time ago. Like them today, in those days you too had no idea of what you were doing and did not realise that God’s justice is perfect. You also had no idea that this justice is fully functioning at all times and that it never errs, in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world.

It comes about because the Divine justice is based on the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. This law ensures that, at just the right moment which is decided by the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, everything that anyone sends into any part of the Universe finds its way back to where it came from. That’s how, quite magically, what you once did to others, in due course returns to you.

This needs to be followed by the third and last instalment of every human being’s forgiveness journey. Eventually the time has come for thanking the Divine Trinity, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Star for its light and warmth. Let’s praise them for being everyone’s true eternal parents as well as for the endless love and wisdom with which they have been for a long time, and to this day still are teaching, every one of their beloved children of the Earth, to become familiar with the nature of suffering, first from the giving end and when the time for it has come, also from the receiving one.

Sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiven thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is likely to assist their higher God or Christ nature awake from its slumbering state. In that case another situation like the present so-called ‘pandemic’ will no longer be necessary for humankind’s joint development. When spiritually young and inexperienced lower earthly selves together with all highly evolved spirit/souls in your midst join forces, it will be much easier to establish a new golden age of consciousness in your world. There will then no longer be any need for a difference between its outer material and inner spiritual plane. This is the age towards which your whole world has for a long time been progressing with giant steps. We shall return to this age in the next chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (6)

You And Your World Are Safe!

Where Do I Go From Here?

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life - Where Do I Go From Here?

Eventually even the last human being who still has to take part in earthly life’s lessons will have become so evolved that they are capable of making their contribution to the new world order of honesty and truth, kindness, friendliness and love. We are glad to tell you that humankind is moving ever closer to the golden age when Mother Earth will have developed into a place where people are helping and supporting each other. Nobody will then be interested any more in creating the suffering with which your world’s materially already immensely rich people, to this day through lying and cheating, to this day are making your world’s masses suffer by unashamedly exploiting them, wherever and whenever an opportunity for it arises.

We are glad to tell you that this has been the old order of your world. The new one will soon be with you and we promise you that you and your world are rapidly moving towards a very different order indeed. Ever more of you are in the process of evolving into pioneers and wayfinders of the new order. Gradually and quite unstoppably, peace and harmony will be spreading and taking over the earthly plane, as ever more of you freely and willingly contribute to the new world order. The only thing you are required to do is change your thought and behaviour patterns from acting like an easily frightened and intimidated earthling into trusting the promises, which we have for quite a long time been bringing to your world through the Aquarian writings. You need to show those around you that you trust that we wise ones from the spirit realm really are in charge of humankind and its world, always have been and forever will be.

Our world, the spirit realm, is a place of thought, where the spoken word does not exist. Ever more on the earthly plane need to become aware that the intentions behind every thought, word and action that any one of you releases into your world are clearly visible in our realm. Even when some of you believe they are thinking their most secret thoughts, in our realm – your world’s innermost counterpart – such thoughts act as if that person were shouting them from the rooftops. Because of this, the intentions behind everything are well known by us and also any other spirit friends and helpers. That’s why anything that’s negative and harmful to anyone creates an instant debit entry into the offender’s spiritual ledger.

As pointed out before, nothing in your world happens against the will and wishes of the Highest Forces of life, whatever that means to you. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, always have been and forever will be in charge of carrying out the unfoldment of the Divine great evolutionary plan. The so-called pandemic is the greatest hoax that has ever been experienced in your world. We allowed it to take place because its development has reached the peak of being experienced as an almost purely materially over-orientated place. However, the great evolutionary plan for your world decrees that the Aquarian age will be the age of truth. That’s when ever more of the truth returns to your world after having disappeared from it for around six thousand years of patriarchy. That’s why, from the beginning of the Aquarian age, the truth has slowly but surely been reappearing in your world and it is helping it to change into an ever more spiritual place.

The pandemic is the crescendo of the first instalment of this development that helps us to sort the wheat from the chaff. It tells us reliably which evolutionary level any one of you has reached. People’s reactions to what for some time by now has been happening in your world, shows the wise ones in charge of you with ever greater clarity who is sufficiently evolved. They alone will be able to reincarnate unto the earthly plane and take part in whatever enjoyable things the new age will bring.

More about this in the next chapter, because first we need to consider what is going to happen to those who are insufficiently evolved. They are destined to continue their material education on a much younger and less highly evolved planet, for which their human energies will be right. The spirit/soul and their lower personalities will be assisting the new planet’s development, similar to what the highly evolved ones in your midst have been doing for your planet and that for an incredibly long time. Reincarnating on the transformed Mother Earth and thus taking part in what her new golden age offers will be their reward.

This is why we suggest that you keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody on the earthly plane, not merely the troublemakers and scaremongers, whenever possible. That’s all the equipment any one of you needs for steadily increasing the strength of your planet’s light stream of consciousness. Every spirit/soul, independent of which evolutionary level you have reached, is part of the light stream and maintained by it. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought you send provides for all spirit/souls who are dwelling within this stream. They are constantly being nurtured and ever more drawn forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral, as well as those for the whole of humankind and your world.

That’s how everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, at all times has been safe and secure within the loving embrace of the Universal Christ Star’s warmth and light. S/He is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Every human being, wherever they may be, is one of the Divine Trinity’s beloved child of the Earth. Although many in your world are as yet unaware of this, it’s nonetheless the truth.

Your thoughts are likely to help the spirit/souls who are on the verge of being sufficiently evolved. Thoughts of this nature are likely to wake a person’s spirit/soul up and strengthen it enough to benefit the behaviour of their lower earthly counterpart. Many just need a final push and it’s most certainly a worthwhile occupation for all highly evolved ones on the earthly plane. Apart from everything else, each one of your loving and understanding thoughts creates a positive Karmic entry in your spiritual ledger. We believe that you cannot have too many of them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (7)

You And Your World Are Safe!

From ‘War And Peace Among Nations’

Colonising New Planets

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Colonising New Planets

From time to time there is talk about the colonising of new planets, but in spite of the evidence that on the purely physical level it may well be possible, I do not believe that we shall ever make any real progress in this direction. Some years ago the American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan, who was well known for his research into terra-forming of other planets, did some extensive laboratory experiments. He found that blue-green algae thrive on carbon dioxide and have a phenomenal tolerance of hostile conditions, particularly extremes of temperature. The atmosphere of the planet Venus is extremely dense and rich in carbon dioxide, which makes the surface temperature of the planet too high for human beings.

The professor suggested that terra-forming of this planet could best be achieved by changing its atmosphere. It was his idea that a number of rockets could be sent to criss-cross the Venusian atmosphere to bring this about. The nose cones would be filled with blue-green algae; they would be triggered to explode into the atmosphere of the planet. The algae would instantly begin to feed on the carbon dioxide available. This in due course would effect sufficient changes in the atmosphere to cause heavy rainfall, thus reducing the planet’s surface temperature.

Being nearer to the Sun than the Earth, but of comparable size to her, Venus would still remain warmer than our planet. However, large areas of it could have temperatures tolerable to human beings, thus making colonisation feasible. Extensive laboratory tests were carried out at the time, supporting Sagan’s theory that this idea may well be workable. Terra-forming ideas exist about Mars too, but not about any of the other planets in our Solar System.

I do not believe for a moment that we shall ever be allowed to do much damage through what we – with typical human arrogance – would like to call ‘colonising’ other planets. What a fine euphemism for subjection and domination, one of the favourite pursuits of the young and inexperienced male of the species when freely left to its own devices. Before the Angels and Masters in charge of our world allow us any significant adventuring into space, they will demand from us that we put our own house in order and restore our home planet to an acceptable state.

Only when we, individually and as a race, have become sufficiently evolved are they going to permit us venturing deep into space. I for one am glad to know that even then we shall remain under the protection and guidance of the Wise ones who look after us and our world. They will show us how to behave properly, i.e. without interfering with other life-forms, as yet unknown to us, on other planets. In my view, it is more than likely that they do exist, but unlikely that for as long as we insist on searching for planets from a purely earthly perspective and vision we shall ever be able to see them or even perceive their existence.

There are many who still believe that one day we shall succeed in taking over other planets, but I believe that more urgent and important events, issues and developments will require humankind’s utmost attention. Any kind of incursion into space always represent tests for humankind. They reveal to the wise ones in charge of us and our world to what degree people are at least trying to understand the spiritual nature of other planets and the forces that are at work behind all physical manifestations, and what kind of attitude we have towards them. Each one of us being a spark of the Divine intelligence, there cannot be any doubt that – with the help and will of God and the Angels – we are a highly resourceful and successful race.

The way I see it, we shall be allowed to stretch our imagination and ingenuity in matters of space to its full capacity. But, whatever ambitions anybody may have about the exploration of space and colonising other planets, I am sure that something will always happen to stop us before we can harm other planets and their inhabitants. In many places the residents could be much more highly evolved than we are and who therefore no longer need physical bodies for moving around. Such beings will be invisible to earthly eyes and wherever there are any, we shall not be allowed to disturb them and spoil their home planet, the way we have done and still are doing with ours.

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (8)

You And Your World Are Safe!

The New Golden Age

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The New Golden Age

As promised in the previous chapter, today we are going to tell you about what kind of future is in store for the whole of humankind and what the highly evolved ones in your midst can begin looking forward to. It will not take long now until Mother Earth’s transformation from an over-materialistically oriented place into an entirely spiritual one is complete. Anyone who has become sufficiently evolved will soon no longer need to take part in the reincarnation and transfiguration process. Every so often you have to take part in them, but only for as long as you evolutionary progress demands attending the earthly schools of life’s lessons.

During that period of their development, every human being from time to time has to change from being nothing but a spirit/soul, your higher God or Christ Self who forever dwells in its true eternal home, the spirit realm, our world. A lower earthly self every so often is required because that enables you to once more attend the earthly school of life’s lessons and this requires a physical body. So you reappear in a different guise from your previous one. Once more you are reborn on the material plane, without  for a long time having any idea that you have been there many times before.

At first you believe that there is but one world. But in truth it consists of two parts, the outer material one and its inner spiritual counterpart, the spirit realm. This is humankind’s true eternal home, from which every one of you emerges at the beginning of each new earthly lifetime and returns to, as soon it has reached its predestined end. Our realm offers your spirit/soul much greater freedom than the world in which physical bodies are required for getting around. Yet, when you have rested in our realm and recuperated from your most recent lifetime’s stresses and strains, you get restless.

Wise ones always have been and forever will be responsible for every human being’s development. They are in charge of everybody’s evolutionary journey. That’s why each time you turn to them to advise you regarding your next earthly lifetime. Where would it best be spent to serve your spiritual development most of all? Hand in hand with the wise ones, you decide where and with whom your next lifetime should be spent. If you agree with what they suggest, you apply for it.

This is how it comes about that, after a while your spirit/soul is reborn into a new physical body that assists you once more to experience what life has to offer you as a material being. And that’s the only way human beings can take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. Your learning provides you with the necessary equipment for another lifetime’s development and is an essential part of the whole of your own evolutionary journey. That’s  how all of you, individually and collectively, have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the spiral for the whole of humankind and your world.

You will be glad to hear that your planet was not created to function as a school and a mere place of learning forever. Neither was any human being destined to remain nothing but an earthling, in all Eternity. The deeper you and your world are penetrating into the energies of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of you realise that each and every human being, and that without exception, is a young God in the making. Although for a long time of your evolutionary journey you have been unaware that this is so, it nonetheless is a fact.

The time has come for finding out that, at the moment of your creation, every one of you has been gifted in some special way. In a then still far distant lifetime, your talents would enable you to play a major part in your planet’s great transformation. By now it is proceeding ever more rapidly. These gifts have taken countless lifetimes to develop and are destined to come to full flowering in this one. To find out more about it, please follow the link at the end of this chapter. All whose talents have become sufficiently developed, when Mother Earth’s great transformation takes place, will be capable of assisting this process in some major way. The spirit/soul of these people will need no longer be involved in further reincarnations on the earthly plane as soon as the new golden age has established itself sufficiently. Their energies will then be just right for making the most of and enjoying whatever the golden age brings to your world.  

There will be no room for people on your planet whose energies are not right for taking part. Good examples of this are people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the American President Joseph Robinette Biden, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Russian Leader Vladimir Putin, and so on. These people, as well as anyone else with a similarly low level of spiritual development, will be reincarnating onto a different planet that is ready for providing the next stage of human beings colonising a planet. All spiritual youngsters will continue their education there while, at the same time, assisting their home planet’s development. This will continue until all who are destined to take part have evolved into a Christed ones, each in their own right. Similar to the highly evolved ones in your midst who either have already achieved this level or maybe still are occupied with working on it.

Every one of them, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of them, had to take part in getting to know the full range of the earthly school of life’s lessons. They consist of first getting to know the lower and lowest characteristics of humankind’s nature. Everybody thus steadily moves forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral that leads to being made familiar with the higher and eventually highest qualities of your being. That’s how every one of you, in the course of a great many lifetimes, is occupied with attending to its own evolutionary tasks. This is how the target of evolving into a Christed is reached by every human being, eventually.

* * *

Undoubtedly, the same will in the fullness of time be happening to your world’s spiritual youngster who at present are enjoying playing the role of troublemakers and scaremongers. Wise ones are also most carefully attending to every one of these people’s needs. No-one ever has been or will be just dumped on a new planet, to be educated there while assisting the planet’s with its development. Rest assured that wise ones are constantly accompanying and protecting every one of God’s beloved offspring, whether they may find themselves. Even though these friends and helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, you can rely upon it that they are always there, with you as well as everybody else.

It will not take long now until we no longer use Mother Earth as a school and place for learning. The new golden age will help you to bring forth, from deep within your own being, the artistic pursuits that have taken many earthly lifetimes to develop, in the course of your world’s old order. There will be no more trying to outshine each other. During countless earthly sojourns we provided every one of you with fresh opportunities for practising your unique artform. That’s how all of them developed and shone ever more.

Because of this, when the golden age has arrived, those who have been blessed with special gifts and talents, will then be able to give of their best. They will no longer look for rewards of any kind. Their joy of being able to contribute something so unique and at the same time serving the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that will be enough of a reward.

During the new golden age there will be more of what under your world’s old order was thought of as death. Ever more of you by now realise that in truth there never was any death. Whatever looked like it never was more than a transfiguration, the process that’s already been sufficiently described in other parts of the Aquarian writings. For now, we are glad to tell you that for those who have evolved sufficiently, as this age establishes itself ever more firmly in your world, there will no longer be any need to go through any part of the transfigurative process, ever

That’s their reward for having spent so many lifetimes with learning how to leave the lower and lowest characteristics of their nature behind, for everything they had to endure during nailing them to the cross of life, where they were meant to bleed to death, overcome and left behind, forever. The cross is the oldest symbol for humankind’s earthly existence that’s known in your world. Jesus bleeding to death on a wooden cross is but a symbolism of this process. It is the last one of the initiations in which every human being must take part on the material plane.

Your world’s new order at present is occupied with leaving every one of the old belief systems behind. They are bleeding to death on the cross of earthly life for the simple reason that they are no longer required. As we pointed out many times before, love and evolution are the first two laws of life for the whole of Creation; naturally this includes your world. Life everywhere is constantly unfolding and that’s the result of the evolutionary process being based on love.

The religion of the Aquarian Age is nothing but love that is seated deep in the heart and soul of every human being. There is no need to be highly educated or look for some special knowledge because everybody understands the language of love. When each one of you was created by the Great Father/Mother of all life, the knowledge of it was programmed into your spirit/soul and through this into the human race’s evolutionary pulse. It is good to see that ever more of you these days realise that in truth:

There is but one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient,
Always has been and forever will be.
Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (9)

You And Your World Are Safe!

From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’


Imagine - The Dove of Peace - Rays of Wisdom - Astrology on the Healing Journey

Imagine there’s no Heaven.
 It’s easy if you try.
No Hell below us,
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
 Living for today.

Imagine there’s no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.

Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.
You may say that I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one.

John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Imagine’

You can rely upon our promise that all is well with you and your world. It is because with giant steps and together with us, individually and collectively, you are marching forwards and upwards on the Divine evolutionary spiral of life, the same as you always have done and forever will be doing. Whether some in your world like it or not, nothing in the whole of Creation, therefore also on your planet, has or will ever move backwards. There is no such thing.

Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams have always been fulfilled. This is what the energies of the present Aquarian age for some time have been in the process of bringing to your world. One comes round every 25,772 years. Therefore it is actually ‘written in the Stars’ that during this Aquarian age peace, balance and harmony will begin to establish themselves as your home planet’s new order. That’s what the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and your world always has had in mind.

If you could view your world from the higher spiritual perspective, where we are and the way we do, you would be able to see for yourself that Mother Earth never was destined to function as a school of life and place of learning, forever. For long enough she has served that purpose exceedingly well, functioning as a place where every human being could be made familiar with all the lessons that are required. After all, each one of you is a young God in the making. Mother Earth as a school was designed by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ circle, in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world.

That’s how it would eventually be possible to safely release, every human being into getting to know the rest of God’s Creation. Guided and protected by wise ones, who are in charge of your development, it would eventually be possible to let ever more of you safely loose on exploring and getting to know ever higher levels of your existence. As a Divine offspring, the same powers of creating and destroying are in every one of you. It’s essential that every one of you learns how to handle them, being aware of your responsibility towards the rest of Creation, not merely the earthly plane of your world. Nothing that ever happened there has been about crime and punishment, but teaching and learning.

Humankind’s existence on life’s earthly plane is nothing more than one actor after another appearing on this stage, which in truth is the stage of a grand theatre. For a while, every one you from time to time slips into another costume. Unbeknown to you for a long time, each one is different from that which you wore in previous lifetimes. Any learning that comes your way in the course of each new lifetime, that’s the only thing you can take with you when your departure from the earthly plane has come round once more. In all Eternity, its your property that nobody will ever try to take from you.

Every one of you brings their learning from all previous earthly lifetimes with them into each new one. Stored in your soul memories in your subconscious mind, this learning has the power of influencing you and that in either positive or negative ways. This is why no newly born child that appears on the earthly plane is like an empty vessel that should be filled with as much learning as possible. It is why children are born to parents who have similar inclinations to those they are bringing with them. That ensures that many parents therefore are likely to take more of an interest in what their offspring is doing. Through this the youngster’s special gifts and talents have a better chance of being developed some more, so that in this lifetime they may eventually unfold to full flowering.

This is how each one of you always has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral, which at the same time is an integral part of the spiral for the whole of humankind and its world. And that’s why, without being aware of what you are doing and what’s happening to you, in every new lifetime you slip into the costume you are going to need for playing the role that’s destined for you, this time round. On every occasion, you bring with you everything you have learned thus far.

That’s how every human being steadily progresses, at the rate of one degree per year of the Sun sign into which you were born, in every one of your lifetimes. Round and round the zodiac every one of you has to move. You take part in every one of the zodiac’s signs and house time and again, but each time on a slightly higher level. Every one of you has to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons a predestined number of times.

While you are evolving, the same is happening to the whole of humankind and your world. Its outer material plane is destined to gradually become ever more like its inner spiritual counterpart. That’s where everything that exists in the outer material world, at any given moment, had its beginnings and was created there. And when at long last the outer world has become like its inner counterpart, peace and harmony will be ruling both. The money-spinning drives of your world’s old belief systems, warmongering and these days the pharmaceutical industry will have disappeared.

Illnesses and pain will be unknown because the Highest Forces of life, with the help of the Sun’s energies are healing and putting right whenever the need for it arises anywhere. Lying and cheating will be things of the past because honesty and truth will have become the supreme rulers of both parts of your world, the outer as much as the inner. Communism, as you know it to this day, will have gone. There will be true communism. This means that nothing belongs to anyone. Everything that’s available is there for all to share. There will no longer be any privileges and nobody has more than anybody else.

There will be no more hunger and for as long as food is required for those who still need physical bodies to get around, there will be plenty. Everybody just takes what they need and leaves the rest for everybody else. This will only be necessary for as long as the developmental aspect of needing physical bodies exists. Each spirit/soul belongs to the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Its light and warmth supports and sustains all manifestations of life that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation, naturally also your world. Buy for as long as you are still taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, the Christ light shines for you and supports you through the Sun in the sky above your world. It is the Sun behind and beyond it.

Everybody has the same rights as well as duties. And the main duty of those who are still dwelling on the earthly plane of life is sharing their special gifts and talents. At the moment of your creation by the Great Father/Mother of all life, they were bestowed upon you. There will be no more fear, because all are aware that truly there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, when the end of any given lifetime has come found. Apart from that, wise ones have always and forever will be taking good care of everybody. Constantly they are guiding and protecting every one of you. None will ever be forgotten or left behind, because that’s impossible. The only difference will be when the golden age establishes itself evermore, not just a selected few but everybody will be able to see them.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (10)

You And Your World Are Safe!

When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life - When Will The Golden Age Be With You?

Some of you are asking when will the new golden age be with us? The deeper you and your world penetrate into the energies of the Aquarian age, the more it will be possible to be recognised by all who are sufficiently evolved. This is because, as mentioned before, the sign Aquarius is the one in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will eventually find fulfilment, individually as well as collectively. The new golden age will come about in quite natural ways, because it is what the Divine great evolutionary plan of life has always had in mind for humankind. It can only come about when the energies are right and that’s what they have been since the beginning of the present Aquarian age.

The following two extracts belong to some of the messages through which we have been communicating with your world, for many years by now, through what for a long time have been known as the increasingly popular Aquarian writings. This is because from the word ‘go’ these writings have brought humankind not merely the truth, but the whole truth. The following extracts are from ‘War And Peace Among Nations’ For more details please connect with the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.’

Here is the second extract: ‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.

‘The equally long promised world teacher is appearing in our midst and reveals him/herself as none other than the living God within, our inner teacher or in-tuition, who is the only reliable guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answers to any kind of question we may care to ask. Through the small still voice of our conscience this teacher has always tried to intuitively tell us right from wrong. The English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, knew about it when he wrote: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’’

* * *

When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (2)

What About Covid?

When one of these days, because you have been burning your life’s candle at both ends through doing too much and not resting enough, you come down with what not so long ago would in your world have been called a common cold. That’s how since time immemorial human physical bodies have stepped in to protect their indwelling spirit/soul against continuing to overdo things. This is why one of you, not surprisingly every so often comes down with a cold. If you are one of your world’s wise ones, you know that this does not mean you have been attacked by the Covid virus. Oh perish the thought! You know that there never was such a virus and never will be. And because of this there is no need for you to go for a so-called Covid test.

Having learnt to pay attention to what their physical body at all times is trying to tell them, wise ones simply rest more and tune into our frequencies, so that we can let them know intuitively the best ways of shaking off what, when all is said and done, never was more than a common cold. As Shakespeare once wrote: ‘That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet!’ And we would like to add to this:  ‘That which is nothing but a common cold, even though many in your world might try to convince you that you have been infected by the non-existent Covid virus, will just as much provide your physical body with a running nose and unpleasant coughing fits. Both are a nuisance and will pass, the way they have always done.’

And because we are part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, the inner spiritual part as much as the outer material one, we know the way of all things. This is why the true intentions behind every thought, word and action of all human beings who are taking part in earthly life, at any given moment. Nothing can be hidden in our realm and everything can clearly be seen by everybody dwelling there. When viewed from this perspective, as mentioned before, even the most secret thoughts of people in your world, in ours they come across as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. It’s the intention behind everything that decides whether something belongs to the category of good or evil, and whether what you are doing at any given moment creates a credit or debit entry in your spiritual ledger.

As far as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are concerned, the redemption of the debit entries they have for some time been piling into their spiritual ledgers will have to wait until future lifetimes. And they, almost certainly will have to be spent on a new planet these people will be occupied with colonising. This assists their own development as well as that of what, to them will be then known as their home planet. That’s what those who by now have evolved into spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls and their earthly selves have been doing for a long time on Mother Earth.

But let’s take another look at what Jon Rappaport wants to tell us in one of his most recent reports. He tells us that living human embryos have been and still are being used by your world’s scientists. The young and inexperienced ones among them are doing this in the hope of developing  vaccines that will not be used for wiping out illnesses, like the jabs of the past. Even though on the surface of things they pretend that the same intention is the intention behind what they are looking for, the true reason is developing something that can be used to reduce the number of your world’s population, in this most sinister way. As mentioned before, the factor that decides whether what you do is good or evil, is the intention that’s hiding behind whatever you are doing.

If the scientists who are involved in this research were seriously interested in making your planet into a better place for everything that shares it with humankind, every one of their efforts would create a credit entry in their spiritual ledger. What they are doing brings about a lot of debit entries. We hope that you will be able to forgive these people, because after all they are your siblings in the great family of humankind. Forgive them, for they have no idea of what they are doing, and that most of all to themselves. This is because, in the fullness of time, the Divine Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will return to them whatever they are doing to your world now. Return it will and that with increased strength.  

* * *

When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (3)

What About Your World’s Scientists?

You will probably not be surprised when we tell you that there is an enormous difference between those who call themselves scientists in your world. Some of them are highly evolved beings who have a great sense of responsibility towards the wellbeing and health of whole of humankind and your world. Alas, there are also spiritually young and unevolved people are carrying out scientific work. Whenever someone offers them enough to satisfy their youthful greed for money and the lovely things it can buy, they willingly dedicate their whole being to developing, or at least pretending to do so, whatever someone asks them to develop on their behalf.

The situation was very different when spiritually highly evolved scientists once put all their efforts into searching for something to improve humankind’s health and wellbeing. Because the intentions behind their work showed us their genuine concern and caring, we intuitively provided them with ideas of how vaccines could be developed to assist the overcoming of illnesses that, at that time had become the scourge of humankind. Intuitively, we suggested the use of living human embryos for the development of vaccines, which would in small amounts be injected into human beings, as that would build up their own body’s resistance against the illness in question.

Although the scientists involved in this work were shying away from such methods, eventually they gave in and tried what had come to them intuitively. Lo and behold, to their greatest joy and ours, in the end their efforts were rewarded with success. We assisted them because the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind never decreed that there should be unnecessary suffering for God’s beloved children of the Earth. And that’s how, on our advice your world’s first vaccines were developed against various illnesses, so that in this way could gradually be wiped out.

As you may imagine, there is a world of difference between the scientists of those days and anyone who is now employed by the pharmaceutical industry to support ever more of their money-spinning drives. These scientists too are trying the method of working with living human embryos, hoping that it will help them to develop new vaccines that will then be used by those who believe they are ruling your world, for their evil intentions. They too are hoping that a new vaccine can be developed that will enable them to reduce the number of your world’s population.

The intention alone behind looking for any kind of means to destroy people is evil. Even though those who are getting involved in this kind of scheme are not yet aware of that after all, every human being is one of their siblings in the great family of humankind. Every thought, word and action that intends to harm people, individuals or groups of them, in whatever manner creates a debit entry in the spiritual ledgers of anyone who is involved.

It is quite different with the vaccines that were developed quite a long time ago and really worked. We supported each one because their appearance was in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind. Because the research was carried out with our assistance and supervised by us, on that occasion the attempts at creating vaccines for overcoming some of humankind’s most serious illnesses were successful. What’s presently happening in your world, no matter how hard its spiritually young and unevolved scientists may try, which they have been doing for quite a while, you have our word for it that none of their efforts will ever be crowned by success.

The present number of your world’s population is estimated to be around 7.7 billion. It’s for a wise higher reason that we allowed this figure to such an exceptionally high one. Many of those who are around in your world these days were resting and recuperating, in the spirit realm, from the stresses and strains of their most recent earthly lifetimes. Their spirit/souls applied for another one that, hopefully would turn into the last one they were going to need to complete the curriculum of their earthly education. In the spirit realm it could clearly be observed that the final great transformation, which from the beginning has been part of the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world, had entered its final stage.

Because all applications for a final earthly lifetime were granted, that’s why your world’s population has risen to this level, which is making Mother Earth’s resources creak. We promise you this will not continue for long. But that’s how it came about that, as many spirit/souls as possible, were granted the gift of another earthly lifetime. With the help of being born into another lower earthly self, their spirit/souls hope that they will be able to clear all their karmic debts, including the most ancient ones, from their spiritual ledger. They hoped that this would be the final one they needed for completing the curriculum of their earthly education. Hand in hand with us and supported by us, every one of them will hopefully soon be able to fulfil their dream of finally being released into getting to know the next higher level of humankind’s existence, through exploring and studying it.

In any case, ever more in your world by now are waking up to the realisation that in truth every human being, who ever took part in life on the earthly plane, as well those who are doing so at present, is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. These days, ever more of you are aware that wise ones in our realm have always been and forever will be in charge of every human being’s development, as well that for the whole of your race and world.

Spirit friends and helpers have always been by your side, even though you are unaware of their presence. The instructions about your development they receive from us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, and then act upon them. This is how forever every human being will be taken the greatest of care of and watched over. When you ask your spirit friends for help, they are allowed to give it as much as possible without doing any kind of work for you. Never forget that without asking, no help can come to anyone in your world. And as much as it frequently feels as if you were struggling on your own in earthly life, not a single one of you is ever really alone.

The time has come when ever more in your world realise that every human being, without exception, has never been anything less than a young God in the making. The highest and holiest destiny has been the most important aspect of the Divine evolutionary plan for the development of the whole of humankind and every one of you within it. This is the reason why the education in the earthly school of life for human earthly minds comes across as an extremely long time. However, God’s time is Eternity and within that timescale each one is no more than the blinking of God’s eyelid.

Most important of all, we are glad to tell you that what to this day is happening in your world, is an essential aspect of Mother Earth ending to serve as a school and place of learning for human beings.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Songs Of Inspiration’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
‘War And Peace Among Nations’
‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (11)

You And Your World Are Safe!

You Are Special (1)

You Are Special - Rays of Wisdom - Spiritual Background of Depression & Suicide

Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.

Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.

That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.

Our set may already have taken many lifetimes to develop and we have been granted the gift of another one to provide us with many more opportunities for improving them some more. The whole range of our gifts produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. And the entire human race can be likened to a room filled with billions of musical instruments. Don’t be disturbed when you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that some instruments sound better than yours. This is intentional and due to the fact that every instrument is a unique creation and that ensures that no-one’s sound matches exactly anyone else’s. No matter how hard we may try to sound alike, it’s impossible.

Every human being is a tiny particle of a vast whole, for whose functioning the wellbeing of one is as important as anyone else’s. All of us are rare and precious in the eyes of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who holds a giant plan of life for the whole and a small one for each one of us within it. We were created in God’s image from the idea of the archetypal perfect son/daughter of God that exists in our Creator’s mind. In the course of many lifetimes we created the earthly personality that is ours. And whatever anyone imagines God to be, even the greatest sceptics are bound to admit that it’s impossible that we and our world appeared out of nothing and nowhere.

Humankind is not some kind of a random and haphazard appearance or cosmic joke. Earth life is a school and we are spending time in it so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that’s how our Creator wants us to be. Everybody contains the seed of perfection and the only thing we have to do to achieve it, is integrate every aspect of our nature, our earthly mind and body as much as our spirit and soul. By constantly giving of the best that rises from within the very core of our own being, our nature’s Divine characteristics move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness and gradually take over.

Wherever we shall find ourselves, we can be sure that we are always at the right time in the right spot. We have been placed there to do our share of making our planet a happier, more peaceful and beautiful place for those around us, whilst not overlooking our own needs. Each one of us was created to fulfil one specific task in earthly life during our world’s transition from one age into another, which for some time has been taking place. One particular job is waiting to be done by all of us. It can only be carried out by us and therefore rightfully ours. To enable us to find it, it’s essential to pay attention to the guidance of wise one or the living God within. This part of us has the ability to reveal the right way of how to go about things through the world of our feelings and our natural inclinations.

We are in this life to dream our own dreams and pursue them and not those of others, no matter how dear they may be to those around us, even our parents or grandparents. Only by never imitating or copying others can we hope to be true to our real and highest nature and attend to our special assignment. We are sure to find it when we act in keeping with Its will and wishes, say a loud and clear ‘no’ to the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature and give of our best at all times. Hand in hand with God and the Angels can we then go full steam ahead with developing own unique and precious set of gifts to its highest potential and bring it to full flowering. The success we are dreaming of is sure to come our way if we are willing to work sufficiently hard. If this does not happen in our present lifetime, it will do so in a future one. So, why not get stuck into it, now?

It’s a bit like applying for a job, but this time we shall be luckier than we have ever been before. Just imagine, out of the billions of potential applicants we alone have the right qualifications. What more could anyone ask for? However, the success that is our promise is not going to drop into our lap like manna from the Heavens. Wise ones know that insisting on living selfishly and treating life as an endless round of pleasure-seeking is not the right way to go about it. On the road to fulfilling their highest aspirations and hopes, ideals and dreams, they work for the good of the whole in keeping with the guidance they receive through the world of their innermost feelings.

Only a fool would deny that we are living in exciting times and to make the most of the opportunities they have in store for us, all we have to do is reach out for the guiding, helping and protecting hands of God and the Angels, the highest authorities in the whole of Creation. Persevering with our efforts is worthwhile, so that we don’t miss our chance for learning to walk once again in safety and peace on our beloved planet in the process of evolving into one of its healers, guardians and keepers. Each one of us is required to make their own contribution to the blessing and healing of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. These notes are part of mine.

All of us eventually have to learn how to take care of the welfare of our world, so that it slowly evolves into a better place for everybody and everything that shares it with us. This is by no means entirely unselfish, because although we are presently working for future generations, let us not forget that in coming lifetimes we may once again be walking amongst them in a different guise. And if that does not make every small effort one of us makes worth while, then please tell me what is.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’

However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.

When wise ones think only of the good of others and aim to alleviate their pain and suffering, they are contributing to the transmutation of earthly life’s dense vibrations into higher and more heavenly ones. Anyone else who seriously longs for spiritual development and the unfoldment of their higher vision first needs to surrender their small earthly self’s desires to the will and wishes of the Divine forces. As soon as they selflessly offer themselves as channels for bringing comfort and healing to those who are sick in mind and body, spirit and soul, they are serving not merely the good of their present lifetime but all future ones.

That’s how each one of us freely and willingly will eventually be doing their share of helping God and the Angel to create a better and more spiritually advanced state of life for Mother Earth and every one of her children. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I can do nothing. On my own I am nothing. The Great Father/Mother and their Angels are doing their work through me. I am but their humble servant and channel.’ In the fullness of time this will become the leitmotif of every human being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Our World Needs You’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?
•    ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
•    ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

You Are Special (2)

Give Of Your Best

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - You Are Special - Part Two - Giving Of Your BestMy inner guidance says: ‘Life on the earthly plane is a place of learning. It’s a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the role of teacher and pupil. Everybody taking part in it is equally loved and all have been equally gifted by the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are humankind’s true parents and preferences of any kind are unknown to them. Every one of you has come through earthly parents, but you are not of them. You live in physical bodies and that’s your vehicle for getting around on the material plan, which is meant to last for one lifetime only. It’s the outer shell in which every human spirit/soul is temporarily clothed. Like all earthly things, physical bodies get worn out and then have to be recycled.

‘Your physical body’s genes have been inherited from the ancestral life through which your earthly parents entered their present lifetime, because all were taking part in the same lessons which they needed for a specific part of their earthly education. Your inner being, however, is something quite different. It’s uniquely everybody’s own because it was created by them alone and that could have taken many earthly lifetimes. Everything you ever learn is eternally yours. No-one ever can or will even attempt to take it away from you. The memories of everything that ever happened to you are stored in the subconscious part of your own being. This includes the weaknesses as much as the strength you’ve developed thus far. To enable you to continue working on and with these character traces, your soul memories accompany you into every new earthly lifetime. From the moment you take your first breath, they are influencing you in either positive or negative ways.

‘For some time by now, the greatest transformation that your world has ever experienced has been and  still is taking place. Your planet is changing from an over-materialistically and especially money-spinning orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. Every one of you has a special and unique role to play in this transformation. What God and the Angels expect from you is basically very straightforward and simple. The only thing they are asking is that each one should share whatever is already at their disposal from their special gift. For as long as you give of your best and wish to serve the good of the whole, instead of pursuing selfish aims, they will do the rest.

‘Each one of you was gifted in some specific way, because that enables you to play your very own unique role in your world’s present transformation. It does not matter that to this day, many of you have not yet discovered their gifts. Although they are still slumbering in the subconscious part of your being, all you have to do is go in search of them and start developing the. Ask God and the Angels to help you find them. There are also many in your midst who have already spent many earthly lifetimes of unfolding their gifts. Giving of them freely and unselfishly for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that’s the only way they can come to full flowering.

‘Every one of you was brought into being and released into experiencing earthly life at a different time. Regardless of this, since then all of you have been occupied with attending to the initial part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making. This is how it’s come about that the spiritually older and more mature members of the great family of humankind were able to assist their younger and less experienced siblings to cope with their earthly existence. And that’s not different to what happens in any good earthly family. It was the love and wisdom of your Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that designed both parts of humankind’s existence in this manner. It goes without saying that the spiritually more advanced children of the Earth should help their younger and less experienced siblings to grow in wisdom and understanding. That’s how all of you have always been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, steadily and one step after another, each on their own spiral and simultaneously on the one for the whole of humankind and your world. This will forever continue.

‘Something like a veil separates your world from its inner spiritual background and us, your spirit friends and helpers. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of us have always accompanied each one of you, from the moment of your first appearance on the earthly plane. Although these helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that they have always been with you and that they will never leave you. At all times they are occupied with guiding and protecting every earthly self against damaging or destroying the essence of their being and that’s the Divine spark within every human spirit/soul. These friends never interfere with anyone’s earthly existence and the development of their unique earthly personality. Only when something is in danger of getting out of hand are we allowed to step in and say: ‘So far and no further!’ That’s our reaction to your world’s present state, in which every one of you has their own unique role to play. And just in case you have not yet have discovered what your gifts are, turn to your very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within every human being, and ask to be shown intuitively.

Aquarius is the voice of God, whatever that may mean to you at present. ‘You Are Special’ is one of the oldest and best loved parts of the Aquarian writings. For many years by now, the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life has been communicating with you through these writings. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there. I always listen but only respond when someone asks for it. You always have been and forever will be as much part of Me, as I am part of you. Never doubt that I am always with every one of you, that you have always been safe and forever will be, and that all is well with you and your world and that its reins are resting safely in My loving hands.

Updated June 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star