The Divine Getting To Know Itself

What Is Soul? – Part Three

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Divine Getting To Know ItselfGod is love and the law of life is love. For the purpose of getting to know its polar opposite in every possible manifestation, the Divine forces of life created the Earth. When our planet’s evolutionary process had progressed sufficiently and the energies were right for this move, humankind was brought into the picture to do its share of helping the Universal Life Force, the Great Father/Mother of all life, with getting to know the lower and lowest aspects of Its nature. In earthly life each new spirit immediately has to start creating itself a world as well as a soul through which this unfamiliar environment can be felt and experienced.

Once each individual spirit is in possession of a physical body, during every subsequent earthly lifetime finds out anew that when we, during our times as earthlings, cut ourselves with a knife, we bleed and it hurts. When someone speaks hurtful words to us, our soul moans and weeps. And when we climb to the top of a tower or a wall and jump down from it, we discover that in spite of the fact that our spirit is free and can travel in its thoughts wherever it pleases, our physical bodies are unable to fly. That’s how the Divine gets to know Itself a bit more through every one of Its creations, including us. Read more about this by following the link ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’ at the end of this chapter.

The ultimate purpose of all human earthly lifetimes has always been that the consciousness of each individual spirit and through this that of our world should grow and expand in wisdom and understanding. Being spirit and consciousness nothing on the Earth plane truly belongs to any one of us. The only thing that is ours is the degree of awareness we have reached during stage of our evolutionary journey.

But let’s return for a moment to God, the masculine creator spirit and the elements Air and Fire, which He represents. God is thought energy and because we are part of God, our spirit with its accompanying soul is by far the most important part of us. All spirit is consciousness and belongs to the realm of thought, the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. And although thoughts are abstract and cannot be seen on our present level of existence, God’s thoughts as well as our own are very real. If we believe in earthly life that we can think as we please because no-one knows of it, we could not be more mistaken. On the inner level of life thoughts are visible and with them, so to speak, we are constantly shouting our intentions from the rooftops, for all who dwell there to see. It is the intention behind every one of our thoughts and deeds that decides whether something is good or evil. Read more about this by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Aquarius is the sign of equality, equal rights and duties for everyone. And the Age of Aquarius aims to bring us the full recognition that before God we are all equal and that no-one is superior or inferior to anyone. It also reminds us of the fact that the right of taking part in earthly life presents every human being with duties and obligations. Each new lifetime has been granted as a gift from the Highest and is filled with opportunities for learning and growing. It is our duty to seize them and through our daily experience strive to bring forth from the very core of our own being the characteristics of our Christ nature. Through making an effort to be ever more kind and loving, tolerant and compassionate towards all lifeforms, we become ever more God-like. Slowly but surely we thus grow into a saviour and redeemer of ourselves and the whole of humankind. And that is the only way the Christ Spirit will ever be able to fulfil this function for us and our world.

Nothing in the whole of Creation is beyond God’s power or reach. And because the same characteristics and powers that are in God are also in each one of us, everybody quite literally has everything within. Therefore, no human being can be either all good or completely bad. Even though in many the higher and highest Divine characteristics and powers merely exist in seed form, they are there. If we fail to recognise them in ourselves or someone else, it is because they are still slumbering.

One of the main purposes of our present existence is assisting Mother Earth with her evolutionary process. With each one who awakens to their true nature and begins to grow and evolve consciously, she does the same. Life on our beloved beautiful planet will never cease. Just the same as we as individuals and as a race are doing, it will keep on moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life onto ever higher levels of existence of such beauty and sophistication as we as yet are unable to imagine even in our wildest dreams.

A most precious jewel is waiting to be found by each one of us. All we have to do is look for it the right way and in the right place. Travelling along the spiritual pathway of life, we need to be alert at all times, but not as much for the things of the material side of life as for the Divine spirit who is incessantly at work behind the scenes. We do well to watch out for feeling the touch of the Guardian Angel at our side and to listen to the voice of our Master on the highest levels of life. Even in crowded places it can be heard – or rather, felt because it speaks to us through our feeling world, the soul.

Aspiring healers and lightbringers avoid the disturbances of the material world as much as possible and if this is not possible, rise above them so that they can perceive what is known as the small still voice of their inner guidance. They prefer paying attention to it and following its instructions, rather than listening to foolish voices that tell them to do foolish things and go to foolish places. They know that any voice that tells them such things can never be the right one to follow. Having learnt discernment at the hand of their inner teacher and using plenty of common sense, protects them against falling prey to irresponsible and dangerous psychic forces of spirits who are still engaged in the lessons of experiencing the dark forces of life. The only voice wise ones are willing to follow is that of their Master, who is the voice of Divine love and wisdom.

Having reached this developmental point, when we return to the world of spirit once more, we and the wise ones in charge of us can see that Earth life no longer can teach us anything. And that means that we, our spirit and soul that is, are at last ready to move on to more elevated lessons on ever higher levels of life.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’
•     ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Prophet On  Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Ich Bete An Die Macht Der Liebe’
(I Pray To The Power Of Love)

Updated November 2016

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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‘Healers And Healing’

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