Karl Marx - Father Of Communism
The German philosopher, social scientist and professional revolutionary Karl Marx, 1818-83, Sun and Moon in close conjunction in Taurus, is considered to be the founder of communism. In this capacity, he can be counted among the most influential pioneers of the Age of Aquarius *. Another one was Charles Darwin, 1809-1882, a contemporary of Marx, who was the father of the evolutionary theory and the author of ‘The Origin of the Species’. The ideas that were given to our world through these two men, each in their own unique way, have had an enormous impact on the perception and thinking of our world. Marx did this by formulating a theory of social change that has been deeply influencing most modern forms of socialism and communism in particular.
Motivated by the Aquarian concepts of human emancipation with equal rights and opportunities for all, Marx was looking for new ways of freeing humankind from the social, political and economic constraints that have always prevented us from reaching our full potential and giving of our best. ‘From each as he is able, to each as he requires,’ was the basis of his teachings. In my view, this is the attitude that will finally prevail in the Aquarian Age. As every one of us a special and unique being who was created to fulfil some specific task *, in the new age everybody will freely and willingly give of their talents, which the Universe in its great wisdom and boundless generosity has bestowed upon us.
Marx believed that philosophers only dealt with words that predominantly explained the past, but that for critical theorists like himself it was necessary to translate their theories into practice and the realities of earthly life, the way they were in his time and the way they would be shaping up in the future. He does not seem to have been too good at that himself. When he and his wife lived in exile and very reduced circumstances in London, she is supposed to have said to him: ‘You want to stop writing about capital and go out into the world and make some, so we can make ends meet a bit better.’
However, outside his home life, Marx’s impact on the social thinking of our world to this day has not been paralleled by any other thinker. He was a brilliant scholar and economist, as well as a philosopher. After studying law and philosophy he became a journalist. Because of his radical ideas he had to leave his native Germany and live in successive exiles in Paris, Brussels and finally London, where Marx spent years reading, researching and writing in the British Museum. With his close friend Friedrich Engels, he wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. This was followed by numerous other works, the most famous one of which are the three volumes of ‘Das Kapital’, a critical analysis of capitalism and the exploitation and alienation of the labour forces.
Friedrich Engels, 1820-1895, was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman. Together with Marx he founded the Marxist theory. In 1845, he published ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England’, which was based on his personal observations and research in Manchester. He not only co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx, he also authored and co-authored, primarily with Marx, many other works. He was the one who supported Marx financially, so he could do the research he needed to write ‘Das Kapital’. After Marx’s death, Engels edited the second and third volumes of this book. On top of all that Engels organised Marx's notes on the Theories of Surplus Value, which he later published as the fourth volume of ‘Das Kapital’.
Marx had a vision of the Aquarian Age and the emergence of a new and just society that was based on economic abundance that was shared by all. He believed that in such a society individuals would achieve true freedom. But when the revolution finally came in Russia and later on in other countries, it was too early for Marx’s vision of freedom from oppression and need to become a reality in earthly life. To teach us many valuable lessons, the great plan of life provided at that stage of our race’s development should serve as a tool for dictatorships and tyranny.
When great ideas like Marx’s first have to be abused by those in pursuit of power for selfish purposes does not mean that any of the visions that were ever given through one of us have been false. Each time something of this nature happens is an essential ingredient of humankind’s learning curve. The portrait painted by Marx of the ideal society, in which everybody co-exists in peace and harmony and where there is a great abundance everything for all was very real indeed. Alas, it is taking a long time until sufficient numbers of us are spiritually mature enough to grasp that such a society can only come into being through everybody’s own efforts, and then to act upon this knowledge.
I believe that Christianity and socialism have a great deal in common, and that in principle there is nothing wrong and everything right with both these concepts. In my view, true Christianity, the way many of us are interpreting the Jesus legend by now, amounts to nothing short of applied socialism. Communism and capitalism have been forms of government that are paving the way to the ideal society we, with the help of God and the Angels, are in the process of creating. On the road leading to it we are still being taught many invaluable lessons. The first and most important one is learning from the mistakes of the past how NOT do conduct our affairs, individually and collectively. I believe that this also applies to the concept of Christianity, in view of the ever increasing amounts of spiritual knowledge that for a long time have been pouring into our race’s consciousness.
Believing that every word of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, including the Jesus legend, is the truth and should be taken literally catered for humankind’s limited spiritual comprehension during its infancy and childhood. But as we grow into spiritual maturity and adulthood, it is not hard to see that the old version of every religion of our world is immensely enriched by the new interpretations we are finding and that there is no need for any conflict. The new lifts the old understanding of our world onto a higher level of consciousness. It allows us access to the heights where we quite clearly perceive the presence of the Divine in everything that is, including ourselves.
At last satisfactorily answers can be found for the questions that none of the religions of the past could supply. They never will be able to, even if they were around for another million years, which they most certainly will not. These questions would start with: ‘Why is there so much suffering in our world? *, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ * or ‘If there is a God, why does He allow things like war, crime and violence to exist?’ *
Each one of the belief systems of our world has always been a progression and a moving on from that which went before. As far as any new religion was concerned, it has always been a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff, i.e. discarding that which is no longer of any use and value to sufficient numbers of us because we have found a better understanding. When one has unsuccessfully been trying for many years to make some sense of the literal meaning of a religion’s words, it’s astonishing how this changes quite magically when one begins to recognise the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind its surface words. There could be no finer example than Christianity to demonstrate how, as soon as one understands its symbolisms and metaphors, the meaning of everything the story contains can be seen quite clearly.
None of the religions of our world on its own ever made much sense. Yet, as soon as one treats each one like a piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle * and joins them together, the picture of the religion of the new age * emerges. Just like the Sun in the sky above us rises in the East and sets in the West, the Sun rays of God’s sacred wisdom and truth once rose in the ancient civilisations of the East. Through the Middle East, beginning with Egypt, they reached our Western world, where the light of God’s Sun is in the process of setting in great splendour and glory. I believe it could not have happened any other way. And it will be interesting to observe how long it will take for the experiment of communism and all other dictatorship style governments to vanish from our world, to make room for more advanced and enlightened ways of living on our planet. The last remnants of this experience will soon have run their course, of that I am convinced.
Nanny states too are thinly disguised dictatorships. This kind of government will also reach its natural end, as ever more of us become aware of our true nature and our responsibility for the gift of life that has been entrusted into our care by the highest forces of Creation. Each one of us is responsible for their own wellbeing and that of our whole world. The rebellious anti-establishmentarianism of the Aquarian Zeitgeist will eventually induce people to rise in revolt and sweep before it that which is outdated and no longer of any use to our world. One way or another the old regimes will be removed and make room for the birth of true socialism and true Christianity, i.e. the birth of the Christ Spirit, on which every belief system of our world has been based.
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
• ‘You Are Special’
• ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
• ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
• ‘Losing And Finding Faith’
• ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
• ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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