The Higher And Lower Mind Explained By Astrology
Everything in the whole of My Creation, including all life on your planet, is a gift from me. Astrology is no exception. I created it so that in due course it would help you, My children of the Earth, find a better understanding of the great Cosmic principles that apply to all life and therefore also that of the Earth. Astrology can be used as a tool for explaining in the simplest of terms concepts that would otherwise be almost impossible for your small earthly minds to grasp. As sparks of Me, by getting to know yourself and familiarising yourselves with all aspects of your own nature, you are going to find out ever more about Me.
Take for example the planet Mercury. It represents humankind’s lower earthly mind and is the ruler of the astrological signs Gemini and Virgo, as well as the third and the sixth house, their natural domains. As some of the negative features of these two signs are being overly analytical and critical, the behaviour of those born into them can lead to attempts at mercilessly dissecting everything, and paying attention to even the tiniest flaws and faults that abound everywhere in your world. For such souls there eventually comes the time when they can no longer find anything good or positive in anything or anyone. Because they can no longer think of anything other than constantly embarking on fault-finding missions with anything that comes their way, they develop into the whingers and whiners of your world.
Wise ones steer clear of such destructive thinking and behaviour patterns. They are aware that this all too easily draws human souls into a downward spiral of negativity that takes them ever deeper into the vortex of a depression that has its roots in nothing but false beliefs and prejudices, and the things they believe to be true about themselves and their own worth – and everybody else’s. For example, in previous lifetimes and maybe earlier during this one, you may have been programmed and brainwashed by someone into believing that you are an unworthy and miserable sinner. As soon as you re-awaken to your true nature, you learn to appreciate yourself and everybody around you as a precious and unique child of Me, who only from time to time takes part in Earth life so that you may grow in wisdom and understanding of your true home and origin.
Sagittarius rules vast topics, like religions, philosophies and higher education. Not surprisingly priesthoods and the clergy are natural parts of its domain. Sadly, I notice that to this day, some of the followers of the old religions predominantly display the negative Sagittarian characteristics, such as gullibility, overly dogmatic spiritual views and opinions, and intolerance towards the beliefs and philosophies of others. An obsession with trivia, lacking depth and insight, and too much time spent on minutest details can be the Achilles heel of souls born into Gemini and Sagittarius.
Wise ones take care not to fall into these traps and therefore and therefore avoid the danger of missing the underlying purpose and meaning of every one of the experiences of their lives. They refuse to have anything to do with the ceaseless prattling, going on and on about nothing, and gossiping and malicious rumour spreading that can be the worst aspects of lifetimes spent in Gemini. As a warning in some of the old myths of your world, Mercury was presented as the equivalent of Hermes. The latter was known for his cunning and shrewdness, and among other things reputed to be the God of thieves and thugs.
Your earthly mind is a valuable tool – let no-one convince you otherwise. It was into your care and all negative uses of this precious instrument are regrettable and require corrective work by you. Wise ones who want Me to assist them with fulfilling their highest potential, have to make an effort at using their earthly minds wisely by learning to rise above all negative thinking patterns that were developed in other lifetimes and brought across into this one.
All souls will eventually evolve sufficiently so that their lower earthly minds at their best become capable of turning into finely tuned channels through which My inspiration can flow ever more freely to bring new hope, faith and trust, wisdom and understanding and through it healing to your world. The legend in which Mercury served humankind as the winged messenger of the Gods is a metaphor for this development of the human mind. Mercury stole the fire of the Gods, a symbolism for the realm of My creative ideas, to bring healing and enlightenment for the alleviation and eradication of the suffering of your world.
Gemini is the sign of the twins and your rational logical lower mind represents the earthly twin. The Heavenly twin represents Me and My superconscious mind. In the zodiac Gemini and Sagittarius demonstrate this to you by being in opposition to each other. Sagittarius is the sign of your super-conscious faculties. In the long course of humankind’s evolution, the earthly and Heavenly twin in each one of you became more and more separated, and with it the negative characteristics of both Gemini and Sagittarius moved ever more into the foreground of your race’s consciousness and behaviour.
As time went by and the deeper you moved into physicality, the conscious contact of all earthly twins with Me decreased. As a result the human personality, its ego and earthly self felt ever more lost and frightened on the Earth plane and some extremely strange behaviour patterns developed. The time for shedding them has come, so that at long last some real progress can be made by your race on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Sun In Gemini’
• ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’
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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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