The Ancient Wisdom
The Ancient Wisdom is a term for spiritual knowledge that has its origin in the heartmind of God. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the highest level of life, are the executors of our Creator’s * great plan of life. Through them a new part of it from time to time is released into the individual and collective consciousness our world, to help us make some sense of our existence. The knowledge of the cosmic laws that govern all life, including each one of us and our whole world, are part of this wisdom, so are the teachings of all sacred texts that ever appeared in our world.
Each in its own right, these writings were valid at the time and in the form they were originally given. The Age of Aquarius is the age of wisdom and truth that directly flows from the highest levels into all earthly hearts and souls that are ready to receive them. The new age has brought us the awareness that the myths and legends, with whose help the Angels once introduced new religions to our world, should not be taken literally. Each one of them is filled with metaphors and symbolisms that relate to the human pathway through life.
To move us and our world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, fresh interpretations of these tales are required, to dissolve the mists of illusion that for such a long time have surrounded humankind’s earthly existence. These are exciting times of re-discovering and re-entering into the wisdom and knowledge of past ages and lost civilisations. From where we are now, it is not hard to see that all symbolisms, legends and allegories, including those of the Bible – to name but one source – have always been hiding genuine golden nuggets of truth.
The task of every aspiring healer and lightbringer is the deciphering of the higher esoteric meanings of the sacred texts of the religions of past ages, as well as those that are with us to this day. Many contain the pure gold of Divine wisdom, which for a long time had to remain carefully hidden from the view of our world. To increase our comprehension of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence and that of all life, we are going to continue the process of unravelling some more of these symbolisms and applying fresh interpretations to them, which was started in ‘Healers And Healing’.
Our first calling point just has to be the tale of Adam and Eve *. This is how the Angels, with the help of the book of Genesis of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, increased the strength of the patriarchy’s rule. Not surprisingly, this presentation of our race’s first appearance in physicality is supercharged with symbolisms. First and foremost the serpent or snake * represents the spiritual wisdom that is necessary for healing. It has always brought the following message for us and our world:
‘To become wise like me, you first have to be ignorant, so you can make mistakes and learn from them. To find healing and through this evolved into a healer in your own right, you have to be hurt and wounded. Also, you have to lie and cheat and then be lied to and cheated, before you can know what effect this has on human souls. With the passing of time, you learn to appreciate the value of right thoughts, words and actions that are based on integrity, honesty and truth. Because you are magnetic beings who can only attract into their orbit that which they themselves are, only when you have become truthful and honest in all your dealings, can the same return to you from others.’
The snake represents the transformations which spiritual growth brings with it. The animal sheds its skin on several occasions during its growth into maturity. Something similar happens to every human being on its pathway to spiritual adulthood. There are many times when, through letting go of the prejudices and false beliefs we acquired in previous lifetimes, we unconsciously an old skin of not knowing into a more comfortable ones of steadily increasing understanding and wisdom.
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’
• ‘Adam And Eve’
• ‘The Fall Of Humankind’
• ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
• ‘The Symbolism Of Snakes’
This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’