Creative Efforts And Astrology

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Salvation And Redemption - Creative Efforts And AstrologyI find it fascinating to look at the birthchart of famous artists whose work I enjoy. It helps me to locate the person behind someone’s creative efforts much better, to understand the difficulties they are struggling with, the cross they had to bear, i.e. their Karma and their earthly personality – the same as we all have to do. All of these things increase my greatly my enjoyment of their work. Let’s see whether it can do the same for you. Mozart was born 17th January 1956, with his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius and his Moon in Sagittarius. Aquarius is one of the signs ruled by Saturn. Planets in their own signs and houses in our birthcharts show that in previous lifetimes we have learnt to express their highest and most positive qualities. Under Saturn’s auspices the highest human achievements can be brought into being, as Mozart’s music shows.

Part of Saturn’s gifts for Wolfgang Amadeus were an early maturity and the ability of shouldering the responsibility of earning a good income for his family through sharing his God-given talents while he was still very young. Saturn makes us work very hard and Mozart expressed this with his outstanding musical genius and working long hours and extremely hard. Equipped with a surplus of Aquarian energies he also had in him a good deal of anti-establishmentarianism, which in those days would have been directed mainly against the ruling monarchy and the church. He was not a very popular person in his time, I believe. By all accounts by no means a pleasant character, but to my mind that doesn’t change the value of the gift of the legacy he left behind for us.

Chopin was born 1st March 1810 with his Sun and Venus conjunct in Pisces and Moon in Capricorn. Pisces is the sign of Karma and the soul. The twelfth house is its natural domain. To me, Chopin’s music is pure soul. There can be no doubt about it that both men had a direct link with the highest realms and worked as its channel – the way all artists do, whether they are as yet aware of this or not – to bring the gift of their specific type of music to our world.

The efforts of Mozart and Chopin on their own show that by no means everything connected with the Piscean Age was darkness and  gloom, cruelty and suffering, deceptions and delusions. Chopin and Mozart were part of the artists who in the later stages of this age became inspired to enrich our world with their creative efforts. Both men were prodigious workers who achieved an enormous amount of output in the short lifespan that had been allocated to them. Mozart lived from 1756 – 1791 and Chopin from 1810 – 1849. ‘Whom the Gods love they take young’ comes to mind. Yet, only when the purpose of our lifetime has been fulfilled, we depart from this plane one way or another, whenever this may be.

Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. Apart from great works of art, out of the spiritual darkness of the Piscean Age caused by the lack of God’s wisdom and truth, new life and understanding has come to our world. It is now presenting us with living proof that out of all evil in the end there truly comes a great deal of good. As can clearly been seen now, it has been for a wise higher purpose that the reasons for the long time of gloom of our earthly existence had to remain hidden in the womb of time and space, so that eventually the seeds of a life that is filled with light and that for all humankind could begin to sprout.

Now at last we have reached the time when the blessing and healing power of the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, reaches down to Mother Earth to touch all life she is holding in her loving embrace. This is the power that each year brings us earthlings a new spring and with it the renewal of all life. Now that more and more of us are awakening to our true nature and taking responsibility for ourselves and our world, spiritually springtime has come for Mother Earth and a great renewal is taking place on all levels of life.

Who has not known the feeling of being imprisoned in what on the surface of life could not be called other than evil days of despair? This applies to our individual lives as well as that of our whole world. During periods like that there seems to be no way of breaking the bonds that keep us tied to the events around us that are causing this impression, that is until finally  something magical happens.  It’s impossible to put our finger on what it is, but one fine day maybe even without noticing any external changes we sense that we are being released from something. This experience is similar to that of a tiny chick breaking out of its shell. In spite of the fact that we sense that a dark cloud has moved away from us and a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, our life changes and there is no way of telling how they came about. Things that once were obscure become clear. Problems and difficulties, for which no solutions could be found earlier, resolve themselves.

Some kind of higher magic is at work and has touched us. The light of understanding is breaking into our consciousness and we realise that we have been our own prisoner, without being aware of what we were doing to ourselves. This is now increasingly happening to our world, too. There is an allocated time for everything in life and therefore also for this kind of magic to manifest itself. The Bible talks about it as the ‘acceptable time of the Lord’, which will surely come in everyone’s life. All we have to do is be still and wait for its coming. The release comes when our Karma has been redeemed and the Angels known as the Lords of Karma are setting us free. We are then ready for other lessons and encounters of a different nature. Now, if you replace the word ‘Lord’ with ‘Law’, you can see quite clearly what kind of magic the Lord is working.

This kind of understanding helps us to realise that in a wider sense Jesus has been and still is the rose on the cross of humankind’s earthly existence. After all, it was the legend of his life that brought a renewal of the age-old promise of the saviour and redeemer closer to us and our world. In the end it even supplied us with the story’s true esoteric meaning. Those who have matured into spiritual adulthood have no problem with accepting that we ourselves – each one on their own, though hand in hand with God and the Angels – are required to do the work of bringing the seed of the rose of love in our hearts to budding and finally flowering.

The time will undoubtedly come on the Earth plane when each one of us has evolved into a beautifully shaped and scented rose in its own right. We shall then be a light for our world and a Master soul in whose footsteps others may wish to follow. Just the same as we are walking in those Jesus left behind. Even though the story of his life was merely a legend, it has lost none of its power to give us pointers and landmarks for the right way of living as true sons/daughters of the Highest.

From the evolutionary point we and our world have presently reached, it is not hard to see that there never will be a Universal church of any denomination that rules our whole world. It will not be long now until everybody has come to their senses and realises that although in the past we used different names for the Highest, our Creator, in truth:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

The religion of the new age is a religion of the heart and the heart knows the truth and what is right or wrong. And my heart tells me that Jesus will always remain a symbol of Universal love and compassion, kindness and goodness, tolerance and patience towards all. To my mind it is not the man Jesus but the legend of his life that truly is a rose that will continue to flower on the cross of earthly life for a long, long time to come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Saturn As Teacher And Rewarder’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘We Are All Christians’
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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‘Healers And Healing’

Six pointed Star