
Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Literalism One cannot help wondering what will happen to those who to this day are so obstinately clinging to literalism in the religions of our world, not merely Christianity, when they return to the spirit world and are given opportunities for reviewing the conduct of every one of their lifetimes and especially the most recent one. How will they then be feeling about their limited horizons? For as long as Christianity sticks to its dogma about literalism, those who are presently responsible for it will be blinding themselves to the fact that on the soul level every human being is and always has been a Christian *. This is because, even though for a long time merely in seed form, all human hearts contain a tiny spark of the Great Light of the Christ Star, the Universal Christ, only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life.

Isn’t it time that Christianity gave up the notion that earthly life is a one-off thing and with this removed the fear element from its teachings by telling the truth about life? That life, including that of every human being, is a never ending learning curve; that the law of life is evolution and everything in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and is constantly winding its way forwards and upwards on God’s gigantic evolutionary spiral of life. This is how every human being, without exception, in the course of a great many lifetimes moves from the lowest level, the sinner, to the highest level of the saint, i.e. someone like Jesus though obviously not a reincarnation of the man who never existed. This is the stage when we have reached every human being’s final goal of being a Christed one in our own right.

From the moment human life was introduced to the Earth, God and the Angels have never stopped accompanying and keeping us under close observation. To assist the first human beings with their earthly education, they have been guiding us through our lessons and also protecting us, mostly against ourselves, whenever the need for it arose. And that’s what they are doing to this day.

Right now they are shaking their heads in disbelief about the short-sightedness of some of our world’s religious leaders who, instead of courageously moving forwards into the Aquarian Age and making the required changes, insist on stubbornly peering to that which once was. Anxiously they are clinging to a past that never was a pleasant one, because of the lessons of the patriarchy *. That is how, with the help of power struggles, warmongering and incessant trouble and strife, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption, God and the Angels have been teaching us and our world the value of honesty and truth and above all, of PEACE.

What a pity that those concerned do not know that, regardless of what objections against progress anyone may nurture in their bosom, every individual’s evolution and that of our world has always been relentlessly sweeping everything before it that is in its way. It makes no difference whether we like this concept or not, or whether it makes us happy or sad, nothing in the whole of Creation ever stands still and remains the same. Everything is in a constant state of flux. If our religions refuse to go with the flow of this great river of life, it will gradually sweep each one of them away.

To ensure that things can only go so far and no further with us and our world, God and the Angels have always been guiding us. To stop earthly life from getting completely out of hand, in view of the destructive urges of humankind’s lower nature with its callousness and brutality, greed and avarice, God and the Angels also had to protect us – mostly against ourselves. That is why, for example, we shall never be allowed to colonise and make a mess of other planets of our solar system and beyond it.

What a long way we and our world have come under the influence of the Aquarian energies in a comparatively short space of time. Yet, while the whole of Creation has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, our existing religions have turned themselves into spiritual dinosaurs. Stubbornly they refuse to change in keeping with the evolutionary pace of the world around it. Is there any help for organisations that to this day resist growing from fools into wise ones?

Should they keep on refusing to mature into spiritual adulthood and keeping their heads stuck in the sand ostrich fashion, how many of the remaining religions of our world will be able to adjust themselves to the increasingly powerful spiritual awareness that has been taking over our world for quite some time? It is being brought about by the flow of knowledge from the Highest levels of life into all those who are able and willing to receive it. Will any of belief systems join these ranks?

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

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‘Our World In Transition’

Six pointed Star