To Err Is Human

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Err Is Human

Spiritual knowledge is not something static; it was never intended to be that way. Simultaneously with the development of everything else in the whole of Creation it has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the eternal evolutionary spiral of life. The only thing that will forever remain unchanged is the foundations of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. It is the same today as it was yesterday and forever will be. The only thing that with the passing of time alters is humankind’s ability to grasp their meaning and interpret them.

In the course of many lifetimes every human being develops their own spiritual vision with its unique perception of God’s truth that could be different from all others. Bearing this in mind, whenever our inner guidance tells us that what is before us is the truth, then for us it is – even though it may not be for anyone else, as yet. However, our beliefs are bound to change the more we progress on our evolutionary journey. In this process our understanding of the spiritual background of earthly life and our own place within it increases quite naturally.

Keeping pace with the development of humankind’s individual and collective ability to understand the spiritual aspects of life, throughout the ages God and the Angels from time to time have been presenting another aspect of the Divine sacred wisdom and truth to us and our world. To make it easier for us to comprehend it, they lovingly wrapped the new parts in various myths and legends. With the help of these tales and the passing of time, humankind’s grasp of the spiritual background of its earthly existence has slowly but surely been improving.

The story of the Master Jesus’ life was the latest and final arrival of stories of this nature. God and the Angels presented it to our world at the beginning of the Piscean Age. The astrological symbol of Pisces is two fish that are attached to each other in the middle by a silver cord. One fish represents the human spirit and soul and the other one its counterpart, our small earthly selves. Spirit and soul are working hard at swimming upstream because they are longing to get back to their source and home, while our earthly selves are just as keen to explore their existence in physicality.

The resulting struggle and conflict between these two parts of our nature has been disturbing humankind’s balance and equanimity for aeons. Thanks be to God and the Angels, by now ever more of us are spiritually maturing sufficiently to start reconciling these two aspects of their nature and healing them together into one. Each one of us has to find their own way of attending to this and whenever one of us heals, our whole world is doing the same. Religious views are what for many mostly get in the way of this development.

Apart from successfully hiding the truth about God’s true nature and our own from us for around two thousand years, there is nothing wrong with Christianity that I can see. That sets me wondering whether one of its leaders will eventually pluck up the courage to step before our world with a declaration that might go something like this: ‘We were made to believe, by those who came before us, that every word of the Bible and in particular the story of Jesus’ life is literally true. However, by now it is coming ever clearer that this is not the case and that it has been an erroneous belief.

To find an explanation how this came into being, we need to reach a bit deeper into the times when Jesus is thought to have been born. They were highly literate days and the long list of Greek philosopher’s writings would fill a library. In spite of the fact that the Romans kept copious notes of all their proceedings, especially legal ones, no evidence whatsoever could be found that Jesus was a man who once walked the Earth. We shall return to this in a moment.

‘Nothing in the whole of Creation happens outside of the will of God and the Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. The corollary of this is that the tale surrounding Jesus was inspired and masterminded by the Great Father/Mother of all life, and the Angels in the form of a legend that would initially be presented to our world as literally true. The Age of Pisces has been the age of delusions and deceptions, of the self and others. Predominantly they were caused by false beliefs. The Jesus legend in the end turned out to be the greatest deception of all times. It’s purpose has been and for many to this day is teaching the value of honesty and truth in general and in particular with regard to humankind’s perception of the spiritual background of earthly life, as presented through the religions of our world.

‘That’s why, designed with love and the greatest of care God and the Angels presented us with the Jesus tale the way they did. The story is intended to act like a picture book that step by step demonstrates the initiations every human being encounters during the earthly part of its long evolutionary journey as one. For a long time it has to be unaware that in truth each one of you is a beloved child of God, who in due course would discover the true nature of its Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and its special relationship with them.

‘To allow the lessons of honesty and truth to deeply penetrate the individual and collective consciousness of our world, the Jesus legend, when taken literally, promised humankind that he would eventually return to the Earth in another lifetime in which he would act as the saviour and redeemer of those who believed in him. But it is becoming ever clearer that this is not going to happen because it cannot be done by any outside forces. Every one of us has to save and redeem themselves and that can only come about through the power of the love that every human heart contains, though at first merely in seed form and as a potential. When a certain evolutionary point has been reached by each individual, this seed stirs from its slumber and starts to grow.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

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