God's Plan For Humankind's Evolution
God’s great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation contains many smaller plans. One of them concerns itself with the spiritual development of our race and every individual within it. This plan decrees that every human spirit has to undergo an earthly education that unfolds in three stages. It has always been part of this plan that at first we should believe that figures like Jesus were historical ones and that every word of the sacred texts of our world is true. The Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life are in charge of the execution of all plans. They decided that only when we had matured sufficiently, would human beings be allowed to discover that with the helps of myths and legends, metaphors and symbolisms they have always been communicating with us.
During the first and most primitive phase of our earthly existence, we are taken through events through which we experience and become familiar with the nastiest and most evil aspects of human nature. Unaware of why we are here and what’s happening to us, we freely hand the products of this part of our being out to everything that comes our way. Our perception of these things begins to change when, at the beginning of the middle stage, our superconscious faculties slowly start to open and we are drawn into contact with one of the religions of our world. We believe the people at the head of these organisations when they tell us that every word of their Scriptures is true.
This is how it comes about that if we landed in the lap of Christianity, we swallow lock, stock and barrel the tale that Jesus really was a historical figure, who once walked the Earth, and that he would reappear in the fullness of time to save and redeem those who say they believe in him. This turns anyone into the Master’s disciple who, after the day of reckoning, will be worthy of being saved and to live forever with him in paradise. Those who refuse to believe in Jesus are non-believers and the only thing they have deserved is to fry in the fires of eternal hell and damnation forever. A true spiritual Master would never dream of saying such things because s/he would know that God’s laws do not work that way.
And so, at first we follow our new belief blindly because we have been brainwashed into thinking that it is the only holy-making one. This initial inflow of the Divine fire fills our whole being with so much zeal that we willingly go to war and give our life, if that helps to spread our belief system until our whole world is filled with it. If asked by those we are acting as our leaders, we get involved in and carry out acts of terrorism because they have told us that this will take us straight to Heaven or into paradise.
Alas, when we awake in the world of spirit after our sacrifice, we hear to our disappointment, from the wise ones in charge of us, that nothing could have been further from the truth. We realise that each one of the beliefs with which we were indoctrinated has been a false one and that, no matter how long this may take, hundreds or maybe even thousands of lifetimes ahead, the Universal law of Karma * ensures that every thought, word and action in due course finds its way back to us in one form or another. In the fullness of time it unfailingly brings us our just desserts. For example we may find ourselves at the receiving end of terrorism onslaughts.
The willingness to go to war and/or commit such acts in defence of a religion is only possible for as long as its followers are given the impression that human beings have freewill in earthly life and therefore can do anything they like. It takes until the end and final part of the middle phase of our earthly education that we find out that this is by no means the case. More about this theme in ‘Don’t Give Up *. Our perception slowly begins to change during the middle stage, commonsense is allowed to enter our field of vision and we are ready to reflect on the purpose of the strangeness of our religion’s tales. The small still voice of our inner guidance helps us with an idea that floats into our mind, seemingly from nowhere. We stop what we are doing and ask ourselves: ‘I wonder whether there could be some hidden meaning behind the surface words. But what?’
Psalm 119 of the Old Testament in verses 17:20 is about this struggle every one of us encounters at the beginning of their earthly education as follows: ‘Be good to me, Your servant, while I live, so that I may obey Your word. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law. I am a stranger on Earth, do not hide Your commands from me. My soul is consumed with longing for Your laws at all times.’ This is a good description of how for a long time something like a veil of darkness and ignorance covers our hearts as far as Divine and spiritual things are concerned.
The lower earthly self initially acts like a black box which firmly encloses us until the lessons that are essential for our development of this stage have been learnt. That’s the cause of the darkness the psalm describes, which is gradually removed by our Highest Self when we are ready for the unfoldment of our superconscious faculties. Slowly but surely, the scales are dropping from our inner perception and we become aware of the presence of God’s Universal laws and how they affect all life, including ours. God’s light thus begins to reveal itself to us and we recognise that higher esoteric wisdom and knowledge has always been hiding behind the surface words of all sacred texts of our world. This is the road any human being in the end finds their enlightenment.
From the very beginning of our earthly existence, our Highest Self, the living God within, has constantly been coaxing its counterpart, our lower self, along on the evolutionary spiral of life. The Sun in our birthchart represents our Highest Self. With its help time and again we move through every sign and house of the zodiac. Through the experiences of each lifetime at first we get to know the lower and lowest aspects of the Sun sign lessons that are waiting for us at any given time. At a steady pace we thus move forwards and upwards, gradually working getting to know the higher and eventually highest manifestations of each Sun sign for the benefit of our own life and of those around us.
Somewhere along this pathway through life, we perceive with ever greater clarity that nobody by the name of Jesus ever existed in earthly life. It dawns on us that this man, half human and half God, has always represented a symbol for every human being’s own Christ nature with its highest and most noble characteristics. We are required to bring them forth from within our own being. This aspect of our nature knows neither dogma nor creed, but lovingly embraces everything that exists in our world and all others as part of the Great Father/Mother’s Creation. It is non-judgemental and willingly lets go of whatever is required.
The more our superconscious faculties unfold, the more we realise that no-one will ever come to save and redeem any one of us. There is no need for it because we ourselves are required to save and redeem ourselves, our whole race and world. And that’s precisely what we are doing when, with every thought, word and action in our daily encounters we are making genuine efforts to bring forth – from within ourselves – only the highest and best we are capable of.
When we send nothing but good and positive, kind and loving thoughts into those around us and the small still voice of wise inner teacher prompts us to follow them up with doing kind and loving things for others, our Christ nature develops and becomes ever more powerful. And that is the only way God’s light of the Christ Spirit can come alive in any heart and soul and radiate into the whole of humankind and from there into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation. As we grow more at one with our Highest or God and Its vibrations mingle with ours, all the earthly self wants to do is listen to and follow God’s dreams, wishes and aspirations rather than the desires of its lower nature. Everything that is of no use for our future development, is shed and left behind once and for all.
That’s how each one of us eventually needs to nail the nature of their lower self to the cross of earthly life *, where it slowly bleeds to death and is no more. The man of the Jesus tale hanging on the cross represents this part of our development. And the six-pointed-star * is a symbol of the loving union in which the earthly self, the lower triangle, freely and willingly surrenders its will and wishes to those of it Highest Self, the upwards pointing triangle. With the passing of time the upper absorbs the lower into itself. When the two at last are working together in sweet harmony and for the good of all – instead of working against each other, the way they used to do –, they have become a shining star in its own right. Another Christed one, a bridge between Heaven and Earth for the benefit of all, has emerged to take part in the saving and redemption of our whole world.
Every human being eventually reaches this point their development. It requires great devotion and extremely hard work that no-one can do for us by waving some kind of a magic wand. The infinite wisdom of God’s love least of all would want to do this. What purpose could that serve? As evolutionary progress can only be made by each one of us ourselves, we might as well get on with it. It’s good to know that the assistance of God and the Angels is always available for those who ask and that whatever happens in earthly life can only do so with the help and will of God and the Angels. Nothing happens without it anywhere.
The Highest levels of life have always been supporting and sustaining us and our world, even though we are kept in the dark about this during the early stages our earthly education. And ever since human life commenced on the Earth, the emanations of the Christ Circle have ceaselessly been flowing into our planet’s consciousness in the form of just the right amount of Divine wisdom and knowledge our world was ready to receive at any given time. This will continue forever.
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘Don’t Give Up’
• ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
• ‘The Saviour And Redeemer’
• 'The Six-pointed Star – Symbol Of Perfection’
This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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