Breaking Free
Every human being is a minute particle of the monad of humankind. Each one of us is a single unit within the larger one, which in turn is a small integral part of the whole known to us as the Universe. We all have our predestined pathway to walk and lessons to learn in on the Earth plane. This lower part of our being is limited in time and space and can only experience life and itself through its own thoughts and feelings. Unaware of the fact that on the inner level all life is one, we perceive ourselves as something that is separate from everything else. This creates a kind of optical delusion that acts like a prison and restricts it to experience itself through its earthbound desires and the affections for those who come close to it. For a long time the earthly self’s consciousness remains trapped in this jailhouse. It is entirely of our own making and each one of us, through their own efforts, eventually has to break free from phase of life.
However, this freeing of ourselves from the restrictions of our false beliefs and prejudices can only come about through expanding our horizons by embracing the spiritual background of life. Yet, this is easier said than done, because for every human being it can only happen when the time is right for the stirring of the Divine spark from its slumber. The qualities of our Christ nature and with it our superconscious faculties awaken. Slowly they begin to unfold and we become interested in the philosophical/religious aspects of life.
God has a plan of life for every one of us that decrees the right moment for the start of this development. The influences on our birthcharts reveal the times when this is likely to happen. For example: when someone’s progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius or the ninth house, the natural domain of this sign; or when their Moon by progression enters either of them; also when the MC, the Midheaven of the chart, which reveals our projection into life and general attitude towards it, enters Sagittarius. At times like that some have been known to march with a Bible under their arm into the sunset. They may have become infected by the religious fervour of some of those they meet and promptly do what is known as ‘catching religion’. For a while they may get carried away in its wake, but disillusionment and disenchantment are bound to set in eventually and that brings them down to Earth with a bump, either in this lifetime or a future one.
The more our Christ nature unfolds and our understanding of the spiritual background of life increases, the more its characteristics come to the fore of our consciousness. We become more tolerant and compassionate. Friendliness and kindness are second nature to us because our perception of love now embraces all living creatures and every aspect of humankind and our world, not merely the beautiful ones. We would not dream of hurting or harming anyone in thoughts, words or deeds, because we are aware that on the inner level all life is one, that there is no separation between anything and that as a result, when one of us gets hurt, our whole race inwardly suffers. But this also means that when one of us heals, our world and all others in the whole of Creation are healing with us. Therefore, our potential is great for acting not only as our own saviour and redeemer, our world and all its inhabitants, but also of the whole of Creation.
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It reached me through the Lodge’s Monday Thought 17.4.2017, just as I was putting the finishing touches to this article. ‘If your inner vision were developed sufficiently, you would be able to observe the distribution, direction and infusion of the rays of God’s healing power. Although they are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, their energies are always available to anyone. They are constantly at work throughout the whole of Creation and are strengthened considerably when someone asks for healing, for themselves and others.
‘The Angel in charge of the healing group and the one at the head of the group known as ‘the Lords of Karma’ closely co-operate with each other. The former knows where healing has been asked for and the latter possesses the knowledge in what form it should be given. The outcome of all requests for healing depends entirely on the patient’s Karma. The decisions the leading Angels of both groups come to are passed onto the Healing Angels, who are at all times fully occupied carrying out the instructions they receive. It is up to the two Angels in charge whether a healing miracle might be justified. They are responsible for bringing them into being – to the astonishment of your world, where very few have an idea how they come about.
‘As most of you, aspiring healers and non-healers alike, to this day are unable to access the Karmic records, it is impossible for you to use the healing rays correctly. However, whenever you are sending healing to someone in need of it, you tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the Angelic healing channels. Through this the vibrations of your thought processes adjust themselves and gradually grow compatible with those of the Angels. Through this, with the passing of time, you become an ever greater force for assisting the healing not only of individual patients, but of the whole evolution of humankind.’
I trust God’s great plan of life * and the Universal law of evolution *, God’s law, that the things and the behaviour of people that to this day appear to us as evil, ugly and wrong in our world will in their own time be made beautiful, good and right. Eventually our whole world will have broken free and it will be the most wonderful place imaginable that is inhabited exclusively by beings who are worthy of being called true sons/daughters of the Highest. Naturally, this – the same as everything else in the whole of Creation – can only happen by God’s will and not ours and in God’s time rather than ours.
* Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘All Life Is Evolution’
• ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
• ‘Witnessing Evolution’
• ‘Charles Darwin – Father Of The Evolutionary Theory’
This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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