Cleaning The Inner House

A Fairy Tale For The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology as a Lifehelp in Relationhip Healing - Cleaning The Inner HouseDear Friends. In case you are wondering why you haven’t heard from me for a while, I am writing to let you know that this is because for some time I have been too busy with scrubbing and putting my inner house in order. It’s getting the most through cleansing it has ever had and that, as you may imagine, is a truly Herculean task.

The first thing to be thrown out was my bad habit of worrying. It was an old part of me that had long outlived its usefulness and had become a real nuisance that kept me from paying attention to my inner guidance, the living God within. I no longer need to worry or be afraid of the future because I have  discovered that this part of me wants to show me how to do things the good and right way, in keeping with Its will and wishes rather than those of my small earthly self.

Next I tackled my inner library and gave it a particularly good clearing out. I got rid of the book of my past, as I no longer had neither time nor inclination to read it. I replaced it with a book about my new goal of being the best person I can be in any given moment. This makes such fascinating reading that I can’t stop myself from digging into it all the time.

Next I discarded the book of hate and bad memories. I cannot understand why I held onto that one for such a long time and even treasured it in bygone days. I exchanged this book for the one of renewed understanding and a true philosophy of life. They are helping me to shed every last bit of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices I used to cling onto about the purpose and meaning of life, myself, our world and also of God.

Isn’t it amazing to find out after all this time of evolution on the Earth plane that God is not an external but an internal force that is as much part of you and me as everybody else? And isn’t it good to know that all human beings, animals, plants and even the minerals are our siblings in God’s great family of life? Perceiving my existence in this light assists me more than anything else to renew and heal my relationship with myself, God and life itself.

Next to go were my old books of ‘I might!’, ‘I think!’, ‘I must!’ and ‘I ought to!’ Knowing that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible and all conditions can be healed, I have replaced them with ‘I can!’, ‘I will!’ and ‘I want to!’ These latest additions have been given a place of honour in my home.

It helps me to know that every small effort I make benefits the healing not only of myself, but of the entire human race, our planet and all its inhabitants as well as everything else in the whole of Creation. And I am delighted to tell you that I have renewed many of my relationships that with the passing of time had fallen by the wayside. I am making a special effort to transform each one into a friendship. This is especially true for my oldest companion, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ.

To my great relief I discovered some time ago that they are part of each one of us and that God’s kingdom is not ‘out there’ somewhere in space, but has always remained deep inside the core of our being. Our Christ or Highest Self is the wise one within who really does know the way of all things and never leads us astray. Through the long chats I am regularly having with this aspect of my nature it is coming ever more alive in me. These days it guides me intuitively and through the world of my feelings it shows me at all times what now is right or wrong for me and in any given situation it helps me to discern a truth from a lie.

Now that I am working hand in hand with God and the Angels, whilst giving of my best assists and thus bringing forth from the centre of my own being the characteristics of my Christ nature, mucking out my inner stables has turned into a highly successful operation. To this day it amazes me that the bearded young man of the Jesus legend, clad in sandals and a flowing white robe, radiating love and peace, and miraculously healing whenever he came across someone in need of it, is but a metaphor for the Christ part of you and me. Isn’t it good to know that in seed form it exists in all human beings? It waits for along time to come alive and fully take over in each one of us, as soon the time is right.  

Bearing all that in mind, you will hardly find it surprising that my favourite books these days are those of prayers and meditations. My favourite pastime now is quietly reflecting on things that give me fresh hope, renew my faith and trust in the basic goodness of life as well as my love for our Creator. I now know that it is wrong to consider that earthly life is all there is to humankind’s existence. Our true home is the world of spirit where all of us have lots of friends and helpers to help us work our way through any obstacles that come our way. Through these things I have found a peace of mind that cannot be disturbed by anything. This is something so precious that I have placed it at the front of my inner house.

Having discarded unnecessary things like worry and a troubled mind once and for all, you have no idea how good this little kingdom of mine looks and feels. With the shedding of ever more of my outdated negative thought and behaviour patterns of the past, my whole outlook on life gradually became much brighter and more sparkling. This is the kind of house clearing and cleansing I thoroughly recommend to anyone on a regular basis.

The knowledge I have been finding along the way of my journey through earthly life enables me to do the above things. The knowledge is a shoe that fits me perfectly and every bit of it was brought to me by the prince I have been dreaming of for a very long time, who turned out to be the Christ part of my own being. My prince has not only taken me home into the conscious awareness of my true nature and of his role in my life, but also to the true parents of both of us. In truth we are one, much more than brother and sister or even lovers could ever be.

On the winged white steed of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, which these days is coming our way so freely and abundantly, my prince has carried me to our parents’ residence, a white castle that overlooks the shore of the vast ocean of life. The building is a fortress beyond compare that was designed and built by the Great architect of life Him/Herself. It cannot be destroyed by anything or anyone because its building blocks consist of God’s eternal wisdom and truth.

This is how I regained access to the highest realms from where I once emerged and where the Holy Trinity rules as one indivisible whole for ever and ever in perfect peace and harmony. For many on the Earth plane the time has come to be taken home like me, but it can only come about through bringing forth and developing our own Christ characteristics. The Spirit of the Universal Christ, also known as the living God within, is the dream prince or in the case of men the princess that can release us from the obligation of spending further lifetimes in the dungeon of earthly existence.

This part of everyone’s own being is the new world teacher our world has been waiting for, for such a long time. Because the energies are right, it is ready to show us and our world how to resolve any outstanding issues and conflicts, personal, national and international ones alike, in a manner that befits humankind’s Christ nature and true identity as God’s children of the Earth. That’s the only way the Christ Spirit can rescue us and our planet from the dark and deadly downwards spinning spiral of warmongering and destruction of the past.

The Christ spirit’s wisdom and truth wishes to show all of us the way on the forwards and upwards spiralling pathway of love and light, wisdom and truth that has the power to bring peace and healing of mind and body, spirit and soul to us and our world. Finding them is humankind’s true destiny and that has been written in the stars from the beginning of our race’s existence on the Earth. Revelations of this kind had to wait until the Age of Aquarius would be with us.

And that’s why ever more of us are discovering that whenever we pray and worship with every part of our being, our inner affinity with the Highest forces of life stirs into life and connects us with them. Each one of us being a spark of the Divine, we all carry the seeds for such experiences within. Nobody in their right senses would wish to escape from them and the feelings they bring.

This also happens each time when we are out and about in nature on our own, especially when in the silence of wide open spaces we connect with Mother Earth or gaze up to the stars that shine and sparkle in the sky above us. In moments like these we become aware of and sense our siblinghood with God and all life. Even if we had to spend time in dark solitary confinement, if we kneeled and prayed to the Highest for forgiveness and the release from our prison, we would become aware of Its presence and all-enfolding and all–forgiving love, wisdom and power.

The knowledge my beloved has been bringing me intuitively from the very core of my own being I have for many years been using in all my daily encounters. This is the instrument all of us require to see ourselves free from the obligation of further earthly lifetimes. I cannot begin to tell you how much I look forward to visiting and exploring the higher and eventually highest realms of the spirit world in the role of a princess, for that’s what I truly am as a daughter of the Highest.

Yours with love,

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’
•    ‘Chatting With The Universal Christ’
•    ‘I Asked The Universal Christ’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star