In God We Trust

 Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - In God We Trust

From ‘Barack Obama – A Leader For The Aquarian Age’:

‘With a white mother and a black father, the new President is ideally suited to bridge the gaps that to this day exist between the races in our world. By conviction he is a socialist, a Democrat. Shortly after his election in the year 2008, I watched an hour long program on TV about the new president. I am not easily taken in by anyone, least of all politicians, but the more I see of President Obama the more he impresses me as a truly remarkable man. One of the things I like particularly is a sense of sadness that seems to flow from his heart through his eyes into our world. He has seen and experienced suffering and deprivation without shying away from it; he knows it because he has worked with it. He is a compassionate man and strikes me as one who is genuinely interested in the social progress of our world. He will do his best to try to make our world a better place for his being here.
‘Some would like to see in President Obama is a kind of new Messiah. In my view, this would be grossly unfair to him because there would then be those who would expect him to be able to walk on water and perform miracles. However, he is sure to encounter many limitations in his decision making. They are dictated by the Karma that has been created by his nation as a whole and each individual within it, under all its previous administrations. The verdicts he comes to will also be influenced by the Karma of our whole world, as much as he will be influencing it, the same as we all do. I believe that President Obama has the strength and the willpower, as well as the inner guidance, to ensure he copes well with whatever may come his way. First and foremost, he comes across to me as a man with integrity and yes, a socialist – sorry if that’s a naughty word with some folks. I have always been one of those at heart myself. As a child of the Aquarian Age one cannot really be anything else; it is the age of equal rights for all and freedom from oppression of all kinds, especially from hunger and all manner of deprivation and persecutions.’

And now please follow the link below and watch the video:

In God We Trust

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From ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’:

‘The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It was originally meant to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above all happenings on the physical plane. During its many journeys through this particular form of existence all human spirits and souls remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness that Earth life presents.

‘There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.’

‘There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.’

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‘In God We Trust’ was chosen as the official motto of the United States as late as 1956 as an alternative or replacement to the unofficial motto of ‘Pluribus Unum’ – ‘Out Of Many, One’, which was adopted when the Great Seal of the United States was created in 1782. ‘In God We Trust’ first appeared on US coins in 1864 and has appeared on paper currency since 1957.

Is it possible that those responsible for choosing the words ‘In God We Trust’ as the motto for the USA, in preference to ‘In Jesus We Trust’, enlightened visionaries who sensed intuitively that our world was moving rapidly towards the new world order of the Aquarian Age? Could anyone have known in their time that this age would be one of enlightenment and spiritual freedom in which our world would find a better understanding of the true meaning of the concept of God?

Wise indeed were the ones who decided that ‘In God We Trust’ should be the motto of the USA. Might they have been capable of foreseeing a future when ever more people would become aware that our Creator could never be the limited and limiting God of the patriarchal religions of our world with their all-male God. Robbed of his feminine aspect, the Goddess, the Great Mother of all life, with her wisdom and love, caring for and protection of all lifeforms, she is the balancing counterpart of the masculine Divinity. The resulting suppression of and disregard for everything feminine, could hardly lead to anything other than the ruthless and pitiless exploitation of Mother Earth, one of the many physical manifestations of the Great Mother.

How delighted the wise ones of the olden days will have been upon their return into the world of light, when they once more became aware of their real nature, the way we all do. They would then have known for sure that God in truth is the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, the one true God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, King and Queen and a great deal more than any of their equivalents on the Earth plane could ever hope to be. From the beginnings of time on our planet, the ultimate goal of all belief systems our world has ever known has been the final recognition of this and that the only born son of the Great Father/Mother is the Christ Spirit, the Universal Christ. S/He is the light of all lights who has been the authority and driving force behind every one of them. in this God it is safe to put all our trust and hope for a bright and shining future for humankind and our whole world.

Our Creator holds every one of us in His/Her loving heart, not as the pathetic, frightened and erring small earthly creature, not as a woman or a man, but androgynous. A whole and complete being in whom all aspects, higher and lower, feminine and masculine are working together in peaceful harmony, just like they are doing in God. The One who called us into being sees us as no longer struggling with the lessons of mastering our earthly nature through overcoming and rising above its drives and urges. S/He perceives us each one of us as a true child of God and a Christed one.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’
•    ‘Cleaning The Inner House’
•    The Religion Of The New Age’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Healers And Healing’

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