The Planet Venus
Our true nature is love and Venus is the planet of love, as well as of peace, balance, harmony and unity. Under the influence of its energies we can learn how to make the conditions in our lives more bearable through harmonising them and through re-uniting things and people that have somehow drifted apart. This is what we need most of all for the healing of all our relationships.
Through Venus in earthy Taurus, feminine, and airy Libra, masculine, the Universe demonstrates to us the feminine and masculine energies and characteristics of the qualities of this planet. Each sign teaches us the expressions of the Venusian energies in its unique way. The positioning of Venus as sometimes the Morning Star’ and other times the ‘Evening Star’, mentioned earlier, carries a message of its own that is charged with symbolisms for the human soul on its return into its true nature and home.
First each one of has to descend into matter on the Earth plane, where we are all teachers and pupils to each other. Taurus teaches us to appreciate all the good things Mother Earth has to offer, especially its material goodies, whereas a lifetime in Libra focuses on the value of relationships and partnerships. At the latest at the end of each lifetime in physicality there comes the understanding that any of the material aspects do not matter anything like as much as those of the spirit. Good relationships with everything that shares or life with us is much more important than the earthly things, for in due course they inevitably pass away. Our relationships are of vital importance because they teach us how to shed ever more of our inborn selfishness through loving and caring for others who, in return, partake in the same lesson with us.
The wisdom every soul must gather with the help of the lessons received under the guardianship of Venus is intended to light up the way through our earthly existence. It shows us how we can ease the load of the earthly cross through living in ever more loving ways that are in harmony with the laws of the Cosmos and also our real nature. Every soul eventually reaches the evolutionary point when it is ready to begin its ascent back into the higher realms of air and understanding, represented in the zodiac by Libra, where Venus lights its the way as the evening star.
In this sign the planet stands as a symbolism for the aspect of the Divine that teaches us different kinds of expressing human love with the help of all our faculties. This requires the development of the inborn intelligence that is a natural part of the equipment of every one of God’s children of the Earth. The Universe offers all souls born into the Air signs ever more opportunities for taking charge of their earthly minds and its thought patterns. Libra adds to the soul’s natural equipment the fine art of creating better relationships through learning how to express ourselves with kindness, tact and diplomacy, and finding words of love and forgiveness at the right moment.
A circle with a small cross either underneath or on top of it is the symbol of Venus. The circle represents the human spirit and soul, and the cross the Earth, its existence in matter. I prefer to visualise the cross as being below the circle, because it shows the ability of the human spirit and soul who, through the power of love – in the fullness of time and in the long course of its evolution – can and indeed is required to rise above the cross of matter, i.e. the purely physical aspects of Earth life.
Although in biology, the Venus symbol represents the female sex and femininity, astrology clearly shows that it would be a mistake to describe the planet’s energy as a purely feminine one. The planet’s dual placing in feminine Taurus and masculine Libra clearly demonstrates that the ability of giving and receiving love, living in harmony with others and peace-making, from the beginnings of time on the Earth were never meant to be a monopoly of the feminine.
Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Sun in Taurus’
• ‘The Sun in Libra’
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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’.
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