The Comedy Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - The Astro File Philosophy - The Comedy Of LifeHippocrates ca. 460–377 B.C. wrote: ‘Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.’ I believe that, by approaching our existence from a different perspective, it can be transformed by us into something joyous and yes, a comedy – a comedy of errors, namely those of failing to understand the higher purpose of our earthly life. Everybody’s view of our world differs at least slightly from that of any other. This is because for each one of us it is based on the memories of the experiences we gathered in the course of many lifetimes, which are stored in our soul. As each one’s pathway up to now has varied from all others, it is not surprising that our world views vary such a lot.

The principle of changing our perception of our world as nothing but a tragedy and a vale of tears into a spectacle one can at least smile about, applies to everybody including those who have been involved in disasters and catastrophes, for example the two World Wars. To see theses things in a different light, the only thing that’s required from us is a renewed understanding of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and why anything in our world ever occurs, namely for Karmic reasons. *

When we begin to tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the highest levels of life that form the spiritual background of our earthly existence, with the passing of time one slowly finds out ever more about the wise higher purpose it fulfils.

God and the Angels have always been speaking to our world with the help of symbolisms and metaphors that are hiding the esoteric truth hidden behind the surface words of the religions. One of the oldest ones is the symbol of the cross *, which represents humankind’s earthly existence and its suffering. The cross we are all carrying on our shoulders is the earthly personality which, in the course of many lifetimes has been created by none other than us. Jesus is a metaphor for our higher nature who is carrying the cross of its earthly personality on his shoulders. How about taking the cross on our own back and by seriously getting to work of improving it. But how can anyone do that for as long as we don’t not know enough about it?  This is especially true for our less likeable unpleasant characteristics. Because everybody has the very best as well as the worst within, we all have them. It’s just that for a long time we project them onto others, when in truth they are our own *. That’s where astrology can be particularly helpful.

It takes a long time until we grasp that the Universal laws see to it that everything we send into our world, in thoughts, words and deeds, unerringly finds its way back to its sender. When this has dawned on us at last and someone causes us harm, the need for dwelling on hateful and destructive thoughts of revenge gradually goes from us. This is replaced by feelings of wanting to forgive them and praying that their trespasses should also be forgiven by the Highest forces of life. It is essential for our mental, spiritual and physical well-being that we lift them and us in this manner above the emotional planes of our earthly existence.

Something similar happens when we begin to observe the people in our environment through the window of astrology. Using it for the purpose of fortune telling has never appealed to me. Yet, you can count me in any time when it comes to combining astrology with psychology, because in the right hands both together can be turned into a powerful healing instrument. Any wisdom that is gained in this way needs to be shared with others. They too can then begin with their own healing journey of a thousand miles that commences with a better understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence and quite naturally leads us into reconnecting with God and our oneness with every lifeform.

I believe that nobody could place a finer gift from the Universe into people’s hands than my kind of astrology. So why not stick your toes into the water and have a go at being your own astrologer *? If you do, I guarantee you that it won’t take long until you discover for yourself how amazingly versatile and flexible the Divine science is. Like me, you will be amazed in how many ways it can be used for finding a constantly improving understanding of practically every aspect of life. For example, getting in touch with our innermost motivations and learning about our potential. The aspects the planets form with each other in our birthchart are excellent indicators of where our credits and debts are in the karmic ledger of life. And so on and so forth.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Joy And Sorrow’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘The Trek Of A Thousand Miles’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer’

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
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‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

Six pointed Star