The Inner Woman And Man

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - The Inner Man And Woman

When our mother passes on yet another issue rears its head. No matter how old we are when this happens, the time for us has come to cut the umbilical cord with her once more. If we are adults in our own right already, her passing moves us into fully mature adulthood. Yet, without a degree of understanding of the processes of life behind the scenes this can be an unnecessarily scary and painful experience.

Because on the inner level of life we are all one, our mother is as much part of us as we are a part of her. And her departure from the Earth plane does not have to change anything in our relationship with her. This is especially true if our connection with here has been a loving one. In that case she will remain that which she was to us before. But because she has gone through a complete transformation, of necessity we have done the same, and although her departure has not changed anything between the two of us, her physical death may signal that the time for us has come to reconnect – through her – more fully and consciously with the true mother of all life, the Great Mother, who in truth is the one who nurtures and takes care of all of us. This understanding considerably eases the pain of parting from our earthly mother and helps our soul to come to terms with her and our new state of life.

Something similar applies when a husband or wife passes on. For the one left behind, opportunities are always created for becoming more aware of, working with and integrating their own unconscious masculine/feminine part. If up to our loved one’s departure we lived this aspect out through them, their passing creates an opportunity for getting in touch with our own inner man/woman. Living the other part vicariously was good enough in times gone by, but now this is no longer possible. In the course of humankind’s long evolution there have been times when either patriarchy or matriarchy was ruling the roost.

At the beginning of the Age of Aquarius we are leaving behind six thousand years of patriarchy and it will take some time until we and our world have overcome the problems this created. The days when one person could be nothing but either a man or a woman, are gone for good. We are here to become more whole, to learn how to consciously experience and integrate all parts of our being. We need to balance them and teach them how to work together in harmony. It helps to find out that we and our world are going through times of great changes, when many things that served us well during past lifetimes, will no longer work.

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The above is part of ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’.
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