To Him Who Has, It Shall Be Given

In St. Matthew 25:29 I told you: ‘For to him who has, it shall be given, and it shall increase to him. But he who has not, even that which he has shall be taken from him.’ The sages of your world have puzzled over the meaning of these words ever since they first appeared, and for centuries human beings have asked themselves: ‘How could any higher authority act as unfairly as that?’ All along I have been trying to tell your world through this teaching – and I am repeating it now – that these words do not refer to material belongings but spiritual ones. Through misunderstandings like this one many false beliefs took root in the consciousness of humankind. For as long as you still believe them to be true, you will be one of those who is poor in spirit. As convictions of this nature seriously get into the way of your personal and collective development, at some stage they have to be taken from you again.

Through the experiences of great need and suffering like wars, famine, pestilence and other traumatic times people lose what little faith they may ever have had that a benevolent higher authority exists, who will send someone to rescue them. The end-result is a total loss of faith in everything. This is a good state, because it eventually leads the human soul to a search for truth. It starts asking itself: ‘If that wasn’t the truth, then what is?’ The small still voice of conscience – My voice – from within nudges and urges you on: ‘There’s got to be something else, something or someone to save me and my world! But who, what and where?’ And when you start looking and ask that truth be shown to you, you do find and you will be given what you ask for. After having taken possession of those first spiritual belongings – knowledge – you will be given ever more. And if you humbly ask to be shown God, there will eventually come to you the glorious realisation: ‘I am in God and God is in me. This is great, I am God and I am the one who has to save myself and my world. My Highest Self will help me!’

Coming home into the awareness that you are spirit and an integral part of Me, the eternal Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life, you find a fresh way of looking at yourself and the life you are in. Through listening to Me, your inner teacher, you are moving onto a different level of consciousness and I can now show you the areas of your life in which you need to make changes.  At the same time, you will be ready to help others to view their life from a different perspective; they too can then recognise that they cannot continue to live the way they once did. You will soon be able to see for yourself how the inner changes you are making reflect themselves in the people around you.

Take note of how as you alter something inside yourself, others unconsciously respond to you by doing the same; thus you can all help each other to wake up to your true nature. When the ones around you later take their turn at helping others in their environment with their awakening, ever more are coming home. Through this process your world is constantly transforming itself. This evolutionary development, in earthly terms, takes up a lot of time and is by no means something new but has been happening in your world all along.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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