Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

In St. Matthew 5:8 I told you: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’ They shall see Me in all life and to them everything in it is a holy sacrifice, because they recognise it as a gift from Me. When your heart has been sufficiently purified and you can see for yourself that I truly am in everything and everyone, you realise that this never was an empty promise. In that blessed state you will no longer look down upon the poor ones, but show them tolerance, compassion, kindness and love instead. Find the same also for yourself, as you look back at the past and the times you were still struggling with learning to trust that I could help you rise above your deepest and gloomiest existential fears.

Remind yourself frequently that the poor ones you encounter cannot yet recognise that they themselves have created their own suffering, if not in this lifetime then in another. Upon meeting someone who is still walking in the dark shadows of the same ignorance which you may have left behind only recently, remember what a cold, lonely and threatening existence the valley of not knowing is. This more than anything will make you want to reach out to them, take them to your heart and love them all the more because of what their present ordeal.

If such poor ones are willing to listen, reassure them that I am always with each one of you, and that the more intensely anyone suffers, the closer My Angels and I draw. Tell them that because we love each one of you, we never interfere with anyone and that unless someone asks for our help, we remain in the background, quietly observing; yet, guiding and protecting; that no-one is ever left on their own on the Earth plane; and that wherever there is suffering, we always bring comfort and special blessings. Help the poor ones to begin to store spiritual riches by drawing their attention to the fact that everything in their life is part of the lessons they have come to learn, during this lifetime. They too need to know that the events and the people they draw into their orbit are mostly determined by the Karma they created, either in this lifetime or another. Point out to them that they too have been given freedom of choice, but that this is limited to choosing how they wish to react to any given situation; that is all.

It is the task of all awakened ones to patiently, gently and lovingly try to show anyone who is suffering the way towards their own inner light, where the answers to all their questions can be found. When something is troubling a slumbering one, tell them that My help will not come to anyone, unless it has been asked for. Whenever an opportunity arises, take sisters and brothers to the water but be careful never to push anyone’s head into it. Those who are unready will not thank you for this and you could be doing more harm than good that way. When they have learnt their lessons and finally wake up, as everybody does in the end, they too shall be rich in spirit and able to share their wealth with others, the way you are doing now.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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