Taking The Sacred Texts Literally

Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - Taking The Sacred Texts Literally

There are many groups of guides in the world of spirit, who are responsible for humankind on the higher and highest levels of life and each group is headed by a Master. Through the legend of the Master Jesus I brought you the message that your Father in Heaven is a God of love and light, of fairness and perfect justice, who holds each one of you in equal esteem. As the knowledge of this posed a very real threat to the political and spiritual status quo of its time, not surprisingly the establishment rejected the teachings I gave to your world with the help of this myth. This, however, could never change the fact that the monad of humankind, all races together are one great family.

Not just one race, but all of you together are My chosen people. Each individual and every race has its own unique contribution to make to this whole. Two thousand years ago, I gave your world the Jesus legend to bring you all a step nearer to the recognition of your own true nature and of your relationship with Me, your Creator. This tale was but one of My many ways of preparing the way for the Aquarian Age that is now upon you and the time has come for shedding all your deeply rooted false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions.

The state of Israel of the Abrahamic religions mentioned in their sacred texts, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, is a symbolism for the entire Earth and the nation of Israel, the people of this state, is a metaphor for the whole human race. You are My chosen people. Before Me all are equal and there is no preference for anyone. The lost tribes of Israel are the different religions and belief systems that still remain in your world. The time has come for the removal of those who insist on teachings that have remained stuck in the past. All too frequently they have lost their solid foundation in My wisdom and truth, which they had when they were first given to your world by Me. I Myself, the Universal Christ, am the main good shepherd and all others are working under My guidance.

In the course of the many tests and trials the human soul has to endure on the Earth plane, it is all too easy to forget about its true nature. The ones who do are My lost sheep, but rest assured that all the good shepherds together on the higher and highest planes of life shall not rest until every last one of My precious sheep has been brought back into the fold and gathered onto My breast. Now, there are those among you who to this day take the words of their sacred texts literally, instead of as allegories, myths and legends the way they were always meant to be understood. That is why trying to grasp the meaning of the various types of sacred texts that have existed in your world has always created many problems.

This especially applies to the Jesus legend. Nuggets of My wisdom and truth have always been contained in the messages the Angels in charge of your race once gave with the help of legendary figures, who are believed to have once shared earthly life with you. It is in the nature of things that much of the knowledge given in this way with the passing of time became distorted and corrupted to such an extent that their original meanings were almost lost. But not quite, as you can see from the holy texts that to this day are the spiritual property of your race.

From where you are now, you will no longer find it difficult to understand why, as time went by on your planet and the evolutionary level of your race increased, the parts of My wisdom that were revealed because your world was ready for them, went through many changes. In spite of the many myths and legends that were given in this way, the essence of My wisdom and truth remained the same because it is eternal. In truth none of the legends about the spiritual teachers that from time to time were given by the Angels ever brought anything new. On every occasion the same part of My wisdom and truth was merely re-packaged and re-phrased. They were brought into being through the scribes who, just like you are now, were inspired by the Angels in charge of My great evolutionary plan of life.

Although the many different teachings that appeared in this way in your world were presented in a certain place and to a particular group of people, each one of them in truth has always been equally valid for all of you. And now that you have grown into spiritual adulthood, you are no longer to believe anything at face value, merely because it once was written and printed somewhere. With My assistance, i.e. My guidance from within the innermost core of your own being, each one of you has to go in search of their own intuitive understanding.

Looking for evidence that proves whether a man as described in the Jesus legend ever did or did not exist on your present level of life, and if there has been such a man whether he died on a cross, as described by the Scriptures is another popular pastime with which many are presently wasting far too much of their precious limited allocated earthly span. People eagerly bring forth that which they believe to be proof of real people who once lived on the Earth that will bear out decisively the point they are trying to make.

Wise ones in all the religions of your world realise how irrelevant such things by now have become. They are aware that the people and events described in the holy texts of their belief system are mostly legends and allegories behind which higher esoteric meanings are hidden. Their knowledge sets them free to focus on deciphering, understanding and then integrating the messages each one of these myths contain into their consciousness, so that they can then be tested and tried for their validity in their own everyday life. Whenever something does not make any sense to them, they turn to Me so I can help them find the meaning intuitively.

These sages are happy to leave the pursuers of literalism to their own devices. They patiently bear with their younger siblings in the great family of life, because they appreciate that all less experienced souls will in due course be guided to find their own higher meaning of any of the sacred texts that come their way. Through this in the fullness of time each one of them too will grow into a wise one in their own right. And if you are among the ones who are wise already, you appreciate that they are attending to their lessons, in the same way as you are to this day required to get on with yours. These days this mostly consists of showing love and tolerance, compassion and patience towards those who are lagging behind. Knowing that this is merely because they are the younger and less experienced members of the human family helps you to love them all the more.

Having reached this advanced evolutionary stage, whenever you watch someone who seems hell-bent on creating ever more difficult Karmic situations for themselves, you watch them calmly, for you are aware that they are doing so in order to learn – the way they must and in the same manner you once did from similar experiences that have long been forgotten by you. When this happens, compassion will sometimes threaten to fill your heart and consciousness to overflowing. Yet, out of consideration for them, as My beloved children, truly wise ones take charge of their feelings and love and support such people to the best of their ability, whilst making sure not to interfere with the other one’s learning. The extent to which this is practised as a matter of course by each one of you, as you move through the rest of your present lifetime, reveals better than anything else to your invisible helpers in the world of light your present level of personal evolution.

For as long as you take the words of your sacred texts literally, you are showing them that your faith is still built upon shifting sands. Your spiritual edifices, your beliefs, are therefore constructed from sand, which any strong wind can and does destroy. There is no substitute for intuitive knowledge that comes from understanding a concept and the ability to recognise its higher meaning and how this is at work in your own life and all life. Taking, for example, the stories of the Bible literally can in many cases at best provide you with a pretty story that is meaningless in the reality of your present world. Nothing can replace the truly grasping of an idea that can only grow from within you, intuitively and with My help. This is a deep inner knowing that is based in the world of your feelings and a strong conviction that something makes sense and is right – or it is not, as the case may be.

There is nothing new under the Sun in the sky above you! In previous lifetimes, many of you were already familiar with this state, known as ‘gnosis’ to your forebears. Older, more experienced souls are likely to have been amongst them in the role of their own ancestor. Gnosis is wisdom that has its origin in Me and flows directly into the consciousness of those who are searching for it. To eventually find it is every soul’s birthright. The churches of your world have been my instruments for keeping you away from this blessed condition, but their time is almost up. They are losing their hold on people’s souls and imagination, as ever more of you are turning directly to Me and prefer to listen to My guidance from within to following publications that have long lost most of their meaning to you and your world the way it is now.

All institutions like churches – which to this day are the training ground for your younger siblings – will go from your world, the same as the religions, civilisations and cultures of previous ages, from which they evolved and once took over. As time goes by, you will be able to observe how, in My time, not yours, they are slowly disappearing altogether. Having served their usefulness and outlived the purpose they were created for, they have been dying of natural causes for quite some time. A general lack of interest in what they have on offer expresses itself in decreasing numbers of followers. This will continue until eventually all the religions of your world have faded away altogether, because ever more of you have turned to Gnosticism and are consciously seeking to re-establish their inner connection with Me.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Flying Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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