The End Of The Patriarchy And Male Dominance

We are presently in the process of leaving behind us thousands of years of patriarchy – briefly touched upon earlier – and the dominance of the masculine. Mind you, even that fulfilled a higher, i.e. educational purpose, the same as everything else on the Earth plane does. The patriarchy served the development of the masculine aspect of our world. In our approach to the Age of Aquarius this was necessary to bring us the human, scientific and technical progress that was and still is required to enable us to tackle the tasks that are waiting for us in the New Age. Because of this functioning of the masculine or feminine energies each on its own, our world got out of balance, the state it is in to this day.

But things are a-changing, thanks be to God and the Angels. The time has come for working our way out of this unbalanced state. Probably the most significant step forward has been equal rights to men and women, hopefully this will soon extend to all the peoples of our world. To create the new peaceful world of our dreams, the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and our world have to be reunited and balanced. To become whole, there no longer is any need to look towards other people to make us so. And to fulfil our highest potential, individually and as a race, there is no more to it than each one of us giving of our best and teaching our inner man and woman to work peacefully and harmoniously together, in the same way the masculine and the feminine energies of our Divine parents are doing.

To my mind, turning the other cheek can never have been the right thing to do. But even if such an alarming degree of lack of self-respect and appreciation of ourselves was alright when the New Testament was written, for our present evolutionary level that is most certainly no longer acceptable, no matter what the Bible says. If you do not believe me, listen within to what your inner guidance has to say. The likelihood is that you it will tell you the same. For me, the Bible words highlight that creating more difficult Karma for ourselves and others should at all costs be avoided by every soul.

How else can we ever hope to find our way back home into the oneness with God? For anyone who wishes to make the maximum progress that is potentially possible for every soul in each subsequent lifetime, it is essential to resist the temptation of taking revenge or even nurturing vengeful thoughts in our bosom. In truth, there has never been any need for doing this, because the law of Karma has always taken care of this aspect of our lives.

That undoubtedly is the meaning of the Old Testament’s Deuteronomy 32:35: ‘To me belongs vengeance, and when their foot shall slip, I will recompense them at the time.’ In the New Testament St. Paul reminds his followers of this, to my mind, clear reference to the law of Karma in his letters to the Romans 12:19 ‘Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather restrain your wrath; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will execute justice for you, said the Lord.’  The texts are from the George Lamsa Bible translation from the original Aramaic texts of the Peshitta.

Recommended Reading:
 ‘The Sins of the Fathers’
• ‘Karma in Families’
• ‘Dynamics of Human Relationships’
• ‘Families And Their Energies
 ‘Our Afflictions Are Not Ancestral Curses
• ‘Love Your Enemies’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
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‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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