Listening To The Inner Teacher

  Listening To The Inner Teacher

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Living God Within

To this day many are unwittingly creating fresh relationship problems for themselves by looking towards the teachings of the Bible to find the answers to the questions and solutions for the problems that are inevitable in human connections. The Bible is a great work that undoubtedly contains many nuggets of golden spiritual wisdom and truth, but the refuse to become visible for a long as every word of is taken literally. The likelihood is that this creates more obstacles instead of overcoming them.

I believe that none of the religions that still exist in our world were intended to remain unchanged forever. To my mind, the teachings contained in the sacred texts of books like the Torah, the Bible or the Koran, to name but three, were never meant to be treated as if they had been set in concrete or carved into stone for all eternity. Through various teaching methods they were given to humankind over the ages, each one with the intention that at some future date it would be replaced by more advanced teachings.

Humankind’s understanding of spiritual wisdom and knowledge is a living organism that is constantly growing and evolving, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, including us and our world. New religions have always appeared at certain predestined times to serve humankind when sufficient numbers of us were ready to receive more of the Divine truth. As soon as one of them has lost its usefulness, it is removed and replaced by something else. A good belief system is capable of taking on the role of a staff human souls can lean on for a while, during some of their journeys through their earthly existence.

Religions that are worthy of carrying that name aim to act as ladders that invite and encourage human souls to go in search of their own understanding of Divine wisdom and truth, so that it may lead them into the rediscovery of their true origin in God and so reconnect them with the Divine aspects of their own nature. Every one of us in the end is guided by their Highest or God Self, the living God within, to the realisation that no-one in the outside world can really teach us anything. This is because in the depths of our own being we have always remained one with God. By learning to tap into the source of our being, we can gain access to all the knowledge that exists in the soul memories of the whole of Creation.

The Angels are offering us plenty of opportunities for discovering that this is the only place in the whole wide world where each one of our questions will without fail be answered truthfully. Whenever we need advice for working our way through an obstacle we are encountering, there is no substitute in the whole wide world for listening within to the small still voice of our conscience, because it is our Highest or God Self communicating with us. That’s the only place where the answers to all our questions truly are known. I can see no point in turning for advice to spiritual teachings that were written a long time ago for other times and civilisations that have disappeared, but whose words remained unchanged, frozen in space and time. I believe it’s better by far to make contact with and ask the living God within.

From the evolutionary point we have reached by now it is not hard to see that hiding behind barriers of outdated spiritual teachings has never been a substitute for consciously making wise decisions and choices. Accepting the responsibility for ourselves and every one of our thoughts, words and actions is much easier when we follow our inner guidance. Learning to do this is the main reason why we have been granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth. Blindly following anyone’s teachings is no longer right for the Aquarian Age. It is providing all of us with the freedom to make our own decisions about what we can and want to believe.

We are responsible for what we allow to enter our consciousness. The only reason for accepting anything to do so is when the small still voice of consciences within prompts us, through the world of our feelings: ‘This is true!’ or ‘This makes sense!’ This part has always been with us, but for far too long it has been suppressed and ignored by – I dare say – all of us. When something feels right or wrong, then that’s what it is. We ignore such inner guidance to our detriment, because in truth we ourselves are the bottom line for everything that is in our lives. We are the only ones who can decide what is still of value to us today and what is waiting to be discarded. To find out whether any spiritual teachings are valid for us, all we have to do is feel inside our own heart and listen to the responses that come from within the very core of our own being, the small still voice of conscience. It has been part of us since the moment of our creation, to guide and protect us and keep us safe.

Knowing that beautiful things are right and true,
And that beautiful actions please God,
Helps wise ones to develop their inward sense of
That which is right, true and beautiful.

The highest wisdom is to trust
One’s intuition and to follow its guidance,
As the answer to the last appeal of what is right or wrong
Lies within everybody’s own heart.
So, trust thyself.

Aristotle 384-322 BC.

When our small earthly self gets the message and seriously gets to work on developing the characteristics of our Christ nature, so they can gradually take over our whole being, we evolve into a Christed one in our own right. That’s how the Christ Spirit within each one of us will eventually act as the saviour and redeemer of us and our world. When we begin to send out nothing but that which is good, right and beautiful, only more of the same can return to us. This is how we ourselves, our world and ultimately the whole of Creation and its Creator are moving ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

The Christ Spirit is the living God within and that is the long-awaited world teacher, who has been speaking to us through every one of the myths and legends that ever existed in our world. The Angels as the executors of God’s great plan of life brought them to us. In their infinite wisdom they decided that this would be the most suitable method of familiarising us and our world with the concept of the higher spiritual aspects of life, which for educational purposes had to remain hidden from our view for such a long time.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Coming World Teacher’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
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‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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