Christianity : An Occult Belief System

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Christianity : An Occult Belief System

The well-known Canadian Journalist Jon Rappaport wrote in ‘The Matrix Revealed – The Trick Behind Occult Systems’: ‘It should be obvious to readers who have been with me for a while that I like nothing better than attacking delusion in more than one place, for example political, medical and so-called spiritual systems. That’s because I happen to believe in legitimate limited government, healing and the unbounded life of every individual spiritual being.

‘What about occult systems? I believe that they propose they have a hidden secret at the core, which will be revealed after a long and exhaustive search, at best are deluded, because they are concealing CONTENT. By content, I mean information, knowledge, pattern, some facet of what already exists. This is a dead-end. There is nothing wrong with truthful information. But, suppose we had a secret society called The Inner Core Flame X42. And we sold our members on the idea that, after a series of ascending initiations, they would arrive at the X, the secret of secrets. *

‘Well, what could X be? Some nugget of information, some formula or phrase or fact or made-up fact about existence that is supposed to solve problems and enlighten consciousness. But consciousness is dynamic. It isn’t a key looking for a lock. Consciousness is dynamic because it creates. It creates new realities. It isn’t primarily a container for What Is, for what already exists. If there is a secret about consciousness, that’s it. IT CREATES.

‘So no matter what X we cooked up, it would become obsolete, of minor value. Humans are ripe for buying an X because they are trained, and train themselves, to place the highest value on What Already Exists. That’s mind control par excellence. Occult systems deliver what controlled minds expect, and that’s why they’ve flourished. That’s the only reason why. But there is another way.

‘When a person sees the ‘artistic’ blow-by-blow creation of these power structures, in progress – rather than the finished product – an entirely new consciousness arises. ‘If they can create Reality for me, I can create my own. If they are artists, I can be an artist, too – but in an entirely different direction.’ The Matrix ceases to be a monolith. It reveals itself as an ongoing weave and one can observe the process at work.

‘Then, one’s own insight operates on behalf of liberation. A person can actually see how they co-operate in the progression of accepting ‘the weave.’ [And then, with the help of their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, perceive other options.]

* In my view, that’s precisely what all religions of our world have been doing, up to fairly recently. Occult, by definition, is that which is hidden from public view and/or knowledge. And who, in days gone by, would have dared to describe Christianity as an occult belief system? And yet, that’s what it has always been because the truth all along was hiding behind the surface words of its teachings, just the same as all religions from which they were extracted.

The Aquarian age is the age of wisdom and truth and the highest levels of life, for a long time, have been waiting to pour ever more of the Great Father/Mother’s vast store of spiritual knowledge into the hearts and souls of those whose earthly minds are tuned into their frequencies. Every earthly mind, at least potentially, is a human receiver/transmitter station for bringing their ideas down to the earthly plane and making them available there.

The earliest Christians were the Gnostics of the religions that existed at that time. They were well aware that the God-man Jesus is a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The Romans literalists contemptuously called these people ‘Pagans’ and brutally suppressed them. Many of the Gnostic teachings were changed to the literalists’ requirements. And that’s how the belief came about that a God-man by the name of Jesus really once appeared in earthly life. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. Ever more of the Gnostic teachings are re-appearing because by now many are capable of understanding that such a God-man never existed.

The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Light, are the executors of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation and responsible for its development. Naturally, this includes every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. At any given time, the Angels and Masters are aware of how much of God’s sacred wisdom and truth humankind can be expected to cope with and in what form it should be presented. Through making honesty and truth disappear from our world for a while, the literalist version of the Christian teachings has been an essential part of teaching our world the value of these qualities. Thousands of years are no more than the batting of an eyelid in God’s time!

What does Christianity promise will be a person’s reward for believing that Jesus really exists and one day will come forward to act as that person’s saviour and redeemer? They go to Heaven and live there with him. Fortunately, ever more of us are becoming aware that Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to. The words are metaphors for states of consciousness, which every human being is capable of creating for themselves, those around them and our whole world.

As touched upon earlier, occult refers to things that are hidden from common view or knowledge. And because the truth for a long time has been hiding behind the surface words of the Christian teachings, and for some that’s what they are still doing, Christianity qualifies for being counted as one of our world’s occult belief systems. This also applies to  the older religions on which the Christian teachings are based.

For wise higher reasons the Angels and Masters designed each one of them to take the whole of humankind somewhat closer to the discovery of God’s true nature and its own. In the fullness of time, we would all discover that every human being is a spark of the great Divine fire and a young God in the making, who is serving the first part of its education through many earthly lifetimes. By the time its end has been reached, each one of us has evolved into a Christed one, in our own right.

During the final stage of that road, our lower earthly personality needs to freely and willingly, totally and unconditionally surrender its drives and urges, fears and anxieties to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher God or Christ nature. For every one of us that’s the final hurdle that equips us with a sufficiently strong dose of the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of rebellion and revolution against the lying and cheating, corruption and dishonesty we witness around us. Bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, our own Christ nature’s love of honesty and truth is the only way of releasing ourselves into the Aquarian age’s freedom. It consists of believing what our inner guidance tells us is true and not because it was written somewhere, by whoever it may have been.

I wonder how your inner guidance will react when I tell you that even though Jesus could never save and redeem anyone for the simple reason that he never existed, the Christ can. That’s what is happening in our world now and the present events are assisting the Christ nature of ever more of us to wake up. The tale of the child in the manger is an allegory of this process. And through bringing forth the Christ characteristics and practising them in our world, this part of everybody’s being constantly increases in strength. This is how each and every one of us, in the fullness of time, evolves into a Christed one, in their own right.

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards false conclusions. To my mind, Jesus has been the most significant red herring that ever existed in our world. And the deeper we move into the age of truth, the more of us realise the true nature of the God-man as a red herring to keep humankind away from discovering too early its own God or Christ nature. But now it’s time to bring forth, each from within their own being, their very own Christ characteristics with its love for the honesty and truth of the spirit realm as well as kindness and tolerance towards all manifestations of life.

Those are the only qualities that have the power of saving and redeeming us, the whole of humankind and our world. This is because all of us, without exception, are sparks of the Christ light and therefore co-creators with God and the Angels. Everybody is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. Unbeknown to us for a long time, through them we are constantly in the process of bringing something into being. Please do yourself the favour of not hanging around and waiting for someone to wave some kind of magic wand to save and redeem you and your world. It will never happen because the time for doing so is NOW – by none other than the likes of you and me!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Power Outside The Matrix’

Six pointed Star 

The above is part of ‘Words Of Wisdom From The Tree Of Life’
If you would like to read some more of them, please follow the link below:

‘Words Of Wisdom From The Tree Of Life’

Six pointed Star