The Dove As Animal Totem

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eighty-Six

The Peace Messenger - Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Dove As Animal Totem - Part One

Today is Monday, 2nd November 2020, a day that is powered by the Great Mother energies several times over. Monday is ruled by the Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign dedicated to the nurturing and caring principle of the Divine Trinity, the Great Mother of all life. 2 = also ruled by the Moon, see above. November is the 11th month on our calendar. Eleven is one of the master numbers and should by rights not be interpreted as 1 + 1 = 2. But for today that’s what we are going to do. The year 2020 consists of the 2 x 2 = 4 and 0 = the circle of Eternity x 2. How is that for an energetic cocktail for what at first glance appears to be quite an ordinary day? As you can see for yourself now, it surely is not and that’s why the first part of Dove as an animal totem is winging its way to you.

My part of our world is well known for its love of pigeon breeding. That’s why in normal times flocks of them can frequently be seen moving around and about, including the roof and towers of the nearby church. But for quite a while these birds have become a much more rare sight and when they appear it’s almost always just one or two of them. That set me wondering whether they might have a message for us and our world, because pigeons are members of the dove family and they are the spirit realm’s messengers of peace and love. This is what they wish to tell us today:

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, also known as the Christ Circle, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes every one of you, the whole of humankind, your world and everything that’s taking part in it. We are constantly observing life in all worlds and all levels. We are the eye that never sleeps and who knows the past, present and future of everything that exists anywhere.

Pigeons and doves alike have always served as our messengers for bringing you news from spirit realm, the inner background of your world. They are bringing the gift of understanding and at this time they are drawing your attention to the fact that, to understand the higher purpose and meaning of your present sad state of your world, is presenting you with the Great Mother’s feminine gifts of love and wisdom, kindness and gentleness, as well as that of prophecy. This will enable you to tell your world about the pandemic’s surprising and happy ending and how it will come about.

The Great Mother is the soft sensitive feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity. She is the soul of the whole of Creation, your world’s soul is part of and feeds into it, and the soul of every one of you is part of and feeds into both. The Great Mother’s soul is where the memories of everything that ever happened in the whole of Creation are stored. For the sake of teaching humankind the value of her love and wisdom, her honesty and truth, the softening and civilising influence of Her energies was ever more withdrawn from your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its presentations of an all-male Godhead. The unbalancing effect this had served the purposes of fully unfolding your world’s masculine forces with their arrogance and aggressiveness, lust for power and dominion and the resulting warmongering.

The pandemic has been the final closing chapter of this part of humankind’s development. By now, the Aquarian age has been with you for quite a while. It’s the age of rebellion and revolutions that is supplying your world with a new Zeitgeist of honesty and truth. The time has come for throwing off the yokes of any kind of oppression, and for discovering your siblinghood with all manifestations of life.

Dove is bringing your world the promise of peace that has the power of soothing and quietening humankind’s worried and troubled mind as well as that of your world. When you learn how to walk hand in hand with God and us, your spirit friends and helpers, our healing energies flow into you and fill your whole being, and from there into anything you come into contact with. This enables you and them to recognise and appreciate your earthly existence’s simple things that were in danger of being overlooked when you and your world became too materially orientated.

Many of your world’s myths and legends of the past to this day are speaking of dove having the Great Mother’s characteristics, especially in connection with this bird’s maternal instinctive behaviour. It’s brood consists of two young. The number two represents the feminine nurturing and caring side of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit. Home and hearth, family and ancestry are very dear to the Mother’s heart and she is their protector.

When you observe your environment more closely, you will notice how the dove is an essential aspect of each day’s transitional periods. The same is true for every human being’s own spiritual development and that of your world. The pandemic has been part of the transitional period that is taking humankind, every one of you individually and also collectively, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. That’s why your world’s societies presently are in the process of evolving from an over-materialistic approach to your earthly existence into an ever more spiritually orientated one. The increased leisure time the pandemic’s disruptions are making available is helping ever more of you to become aware of humankind’s, therefore also their own, true nature as eternal spirit/souls who can and will never die.

Dove’s calling can be heard throughout the day, but it is especially poignant when you hear it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The veil that separates our world from yours is then particularly thin and can therefore more easily be penetrated than at other times. Literally and metaphorically speaking, the sound of dove’s mournful calling has the power of bringing to the surface of every human being’s consciousness feelings that up to a certain point of your development, had to remain hidden in the background for wise higher reasons. When you have reached the developmental point of your higher nature waking from its slumbering state, dove’s calling helps it to do so.

Dove wishes to remind you that, regardless of what your external circumstances may be, peace can always be found within you and so be made available at any time. Regular times of meditation, prayers and quiet reflections on the higher purpose and meaning of your earthly existence, help you realise that everything that happens on the earthly plane serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you and your world something. The understanding that this is also true for the pandemic helps you to make peace with it. And when you add to this the knowledge that the main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, your deepest innermost being tells you through the world of your feelings that the end of this unpleasant situation has to be near, because by now sufficient outstanding karmic debts have been redeemed through the suffering it brought about.

The realisation that God and we, the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm, are in charge of your world and not the pharma industry’s troublemakers and scaremongers, helps you to rest safely in the knowledge that all is well with you and your world. You calmly and purposefully attend to your daily duties because your inner guidance confirms that this is the truth. And the information that’s coming to you from many different sources, shows you how the truth is indeed bubbling to the surface here, there and everywhere. Your trust in us grows through knowing that things can only happen when the time for doing so has come. i.e. when the energies are right. Dove’s appearance in your life tells you that this is what they are, now.

Dove represents the protective maternal instincts that are an essential aspect of every human being, women and men alike. It connects you with Mother Earth’s energies and her creativity. Through dove’s voice we communicate with your higher nature when the time for something to rise to the surface of your consciousness has come. And with dove’s help we are bringing for you and your world the news that a renewal of hope, faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life that has been entrusted into everybody’s care is in the process of unfolding. Humankind’s spiritual development has reached the point of new beginnings on a higher level of consciousness. And we are delighted that ever more of you understand our messages and that they are helping them to see their own and humankind’s pathway ahead more clearly.

‘When I tell any Truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not yet know it, but for supporting those who do.’ William Blake

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’
•    ‘Of False Prophets, Messiahs And Experts’

Recommended Viewing:

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuro-regeneration and neuroplasticity. Please follow the link below to see what she says about the damage caused by wearing facemasks and the effects this has on human brains:

•    ‘The Danger Of Wearing Facemasks’

Six pointed Star

The Pigeon/Dove As Animal Totem

Messenger Of Peace - Part Two

For They Know Not What They Are Doing . . .

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Pidgeon/Dove As Animal Totem - Messenger Of Peace - Part Two

Dove asks you  to pay attention to the inner and outer disharmonies, your own and your world’s, that were created by the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that to this day are stored in your soul memories. Some of them date back to the days when your religions could still force people, by any kind of means available to them, to believe that every word of their teachings was literally true. As many of you know by now, in truth they were nothing of the kind. The memories of what happened, for example during the times of the inquisition and witch hunts, are likely to have been accompanying you from one lifetime to another.

We are glad to tell you that at last the energies are right for ridding yourselves, the whole of humankind and your world of anything of which your inner guidance says it’s outdated and false. This kind of ballast needs to be shed because it is weighing you down interfering with the spiritual progress that is the birthright of every human being as well as the whole of humankind. All of you are here to find a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence and the laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also you and your world, is subject.

Knowing that every one of you is a beloved child of God who has always been walking towards a high and holy destiny of consciously becoming one with the Highest, brings to your world a renewal of hope, faith and truth in the basic goodness and the perfect justice of the life that’s been given into everybody’s care. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have come to tell you that, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan nothing but goodness is in store for the human race, its world and everything that’s taking part in it. Every one of you is invited to play their part in the greatest healing miracle of all times. It is presently taking place on your planet on the physical and emotional, mental and spiritual level of everything that shares your world with you. Every level is of equal importance.

Dove’s gift of understanding is the most essential ingredient of this healing process because it helps you come to terms with the necessity for your world’s present difficult situation. Top of the list are the karmic debts that accumulated during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its belief of an all-male Godhead. Even though this part of humankind’s development has been left behind for quite a while, many of the debts were still waiting to be paid. They were created by those who took part in the proceedings, religious and secular, of those times.

For the sake of a well balanced development, every human being in some of its lifetimes plays the part of a man and in others of a woman. For a long time you have no idea that in truth you are constantly being your own descendant. One of the main purposes of the pandemic is the redemption of the karmic debts that were created then and some of them are very old indeed. And in the great scheme of humankind’s evolutionary journey the younger, i.e. less highly evolved spirit/souls, are playing the role that once was played by those who meanwhile have evolved into being their older siblings. We hope that this knowledge will enable you to recognise that sitting in judgement over anyone is unwise.

And whatever still has to happen in your world, never forget that anyone who is less highly evolved than you, is your sibling in the great family of humankind. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought that flows their way from any one of you, feeds into the Christ light’s stream, increases its strength and helps it to assist the waking up process of the youngster’s higher God or Christ nature. As soon as sufficient amounts of light have been absorbed by the higher part, it  starts to beneficially influence its earthly self, thanks to the efforts of some of their older siblings.

If your inner guidance tells you that this is true and that it’s also the right way of acting for you, don’t hesitate following its advice. Without your help, with every passing day, the youngsters will be adding more debts to the considerable amounts of them that already exist in their spiritual bankbooks. They were created by the suffering which they, in their ignorance of the wise higher purpose every human earthly lifetime fulfils, have been and still are inflicting upon your world.

During the bird and swine flu outbreak, in the years 2003 and 2009, the pharma industry was the driving force behind scenes, too. It is oiling the wheels of its scaremongering machinery with ever more outrageous lies. That’s how those in charge are once more hoping that this time they really will succeed lining their luxurious nests with ever increasing amounts of money. Because of their lack of spiritual awareness, they do not mind that money is of no spiritual value and therefore fake gold.

The same as everything else on the earthly plane of life, every bit of any kind of currency is borrowed and that for a predestined time only. Piling up ever more of this kind of gold in dishonest ways adds to the debit entries of your spiritual ledger and weighs heavily in the scales of God’s perfect and unerring justice. This system consists of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma and is simplicity itself. It decrees that, throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also in your world, whatever is sent into the Universe has to return to its source, good and bad alike in thoughts, words and deeds.

As a result, when you think good thoughts and do good things, in due course they unerringly find their way back to you, like a boomerang. Frequently this happens without you knowing how they came about. Naturally, if you dishonestly reduce someone’s material possessions, money belongs to this category, because you have not yet learnt to control your lower earthly nature’s greed and avarice, you will be relieved of your earthly belongings either later in this lifetime or a future one. You will have no idea whatever why something – that’s only seemingly unjust and unfair – should be happening to you, out of all people. That, in a nutshell is the law of Karma.

Even your physical bodies are not truly yours. Every cell and atom of it belongs to Mother Earth and is returned to her. It’s your outer vehicle for getting around on the material plane. You leave it behind when your spirit/soul’s time has come to return to our world, the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. Everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, is recycled and used time and again in many different ways. And when you view the situation from the higher perspective, you will be able to recognise that spiritually money is nothing but fake gold.

In the earthly school of life all of you are constantly playing the roles of teacher and student. Nobody truly is your enemy. Think not of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers as your enemies. They are merely your younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. Like you, they are beloved children of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit. Every one of you is walking their own predestined pathway and attending to their lessons in the earthly school of life, in keeping with your Creator’s will and wishes.  

But unlike you, the youngsters are as yet unaware of the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, therefore also every human being and everything else that shares your world with you. When viewed from this perspective, it becomes visible that those who are pulling the pandemic’s strings from your world’s background, are their own worst enemies. That’s what they are because they have no idea what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is bound to unerringly find its way back to them.

We are delighted to tell you that the efforts of those who keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to their spiritually younger siblings are easing the lot of these people when they have matured into spiritual adulthood. It will be their turn to save and redeem themselves and the world in which they will then be taking part. Thanks to you, they will not have to cope with anything as harsh as the pandemic that was created by their thoughts, words and actions.

Their energies will not be right for re-incarnating onto the Earth when its transformation from an over-materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one is complete. They will be continuing the compulsory part of their education as physical beings in a material world on a younger and much less highly evolved planet. For a long time they will be unaware, the same as many of you are to this day, that the true reason for their presence is that they should learn from their experiences and through this keep on growing in wisdom and understanding of their own nature and their world.

That’s how they will be assisting their new home planet’s evolutionary journey from a purely material place into an increasingly spiritually orientated one, the same as all those who ever took part in earthly life to this day have always been doing. Even though today’s spiritual youngsters will be spending one lifetime after another on another planet, they will still be required to redeem their unpaid karmic debts. This is necessary wherever they were accrued, the same as every human spirit/soul always had to do. And this is how, in the fullness of time, when your youngsters have evolved into oldsters, they will be saving and redeeming themselves as well as their world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•     ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star 

The Pigeon/Dove As Animal Totem

Messenger Of Peace – Part Three

The Patriarchy’s Death Struggle

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Dove As Messenger Of Peace - The Patriarchy's Death StruggleThe pandemic is the final instalment of your world’s dramatic lesson of teaching the value of honesty and truth. Just like all other qualities, the wisdom of the Great Father/Mother taught it through first providing plenty of experiences for every one their beloved children of the Earth. They knew that there is nothing quite like taking part in something, in this case witnessing how much damage lying and cheating, dishonesty and deception, corruption and the spreading of untruths is capable of doing. Dove, as our messenger, has come to let you and your world know that this lesson has been dealt with sufficiently and that, therefore, the time for making peace has come. That’s why the truth about the machinations of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is surfacing ever more forcefully into the consciousness of humankind.

What you are presently experiencing is the death-struggle of the patriarchy. Masculine aggression and ambition are having their final fling! That’s why some behind the scenes of your world to this day are dreaming that it will be possible for them to rule the whole of your world, their way – not God’s – with fear. We have come to tell you that they could not be more wrong! All around you signs are clearly visible that the Great Mother’s love and wisdom and an appreciation of the civilising and beautifying influence of the feminine are returning to your world with ever increasing strength.

The increasingly powerful influence of the Mother’s feminine creative energies, for some time by now has slowly but surely being restoring the balance of your world. A difficult task, if ever there was one, you might be tempted to think. Ah yes, but with the help and will of God and us, the Angels and Masters around His/Her throne, all things are possible and any condition can be put right and healed. That’s why dove with its gift of prophecy has come to tell you that your home planet, because of humankind’s presence, has suffered long and hard enough. And because love and evolution are the main laws of life, the Great Father/Mother do not wish that any of their beloved children should unnecessarily. This is why the truth about the pandemic by now is emerging ever more forcefully.

We, your spirit friends and helpers, love to watch how the people of the Earth responding to the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. We are whole-heartedly supporting your efforts of rebelling against the yoke that was created by a small minority of immensely rich people for the sake of satisfying their greed by exploiting your world’s resources some more. They are in for an almighty surprise when the whole enterprise blows up around their ears. This also applies to governments who are nurturing the hope that compulsory mass vaccinations can, one way or another, be forced upon the people of their countries with serums whose effectiveness is at best extremely doubtful and at worst downright dangerous. And what about the pharma industry who is producing them, just when they thought they were on the verge of hitting the jackpot this time? It’s anybody’s guess how their shareholders will react when the industry’s promise that vast dividends will soon be pouring into their pockets to line their already splendid nests with some more of what magpie calls fake gold.

Some in your world believe that the plotting and scheming of these people is the work of a creature called the devil. See the link for the open letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to Donald Trump at the end of this chapter. In God’s time and at the predestined moment, the Archbishop as well as anybody else who to this day shares his beliefs, will discover that the devil is a symbolism for every human being’s untamed lower nature. They will also know that Jesus represents their higher God or Christ nature. Heaven and hell are not places anyone ever went to, but states of consciousness everybody has the power of creating for themselves and those around them.

How this manifests itself on the earthly plane depends on whether someone is still taking part in the lessons of experiencing the lower aspect of their being. But if you are already in the process of bringing forth, from deep within your own being,  the qualities of your higher nature and developing them by using them in your daily encounters, you are unlikely to have difficulties recognising that the driving force behind the pandemic 2020 is the pharma industry and the greed and avarice of the spiritually immature leaders and shareholders.

We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, so far have allowed it to happen. It was necessary for the redemption of the karmic debts the more highly evolved ones in your midst brought with them from previous lifetimes, when they were as ignorant of their true nature and their responsibilities towards all manifestations of life, just like your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. And because the Great Father/Mother of all life does not wish any of its beloved children of the Earth to suffer unnecessarily, the dove is entering your world’s consciousness with the promise of peace.

As pointed out before, we are the eye that observes everything that happens in the whole of Creation. Naturally this includes your world and all thoughts, words and actions of every one of you. We assure you that there will be no Great Reset. Nothing in your world, or anywhere else, is beyond our reach or takes place without our permission. The lack of honesty and truth has been part of teaching humankind their value. And the need for redeeming some of your most ancient karmic debts, individually and collectively, has  been the reason why your whole world for such a long time had to endure being at the receiving end of the mischief making of your spiritually less experienced siblings in the family of humankind. But enough is enough!

Yes, the pandemic came about with our help. Rest assured that nothing in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation happens without it. There is a big difference between your efforts and ours. The motivation behind everything we do are two wise higher reasons: a) teaching someone and sometimes your whole world a lesson and b) redemption of Karma. As co-creators with God and assisted by us, everything that exists on the earthly plane was created by all those who ever took part in it and those who are doing so at present.

That’s why the robbers and plunderers of this lifetime, who do not yet know any better, during one of their future lifetimes on the material plane, when they have matured into spiritual adulthood, will be robbed of their material possessions by a new generation of spiritually immature people. This is how, in the earthly school of life, everybody sometimes takes on the role of teacher and on other occasions as pupil, many times simultaneously. Like all truly great ideas, your earthly existence is that simple! Simplicity is the greatest gift God can bestow upon any human being.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Open Letter From Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano To Donald Trump’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Our World In Transition’

Six pointed Star