Every Soul Creates Its Own Suffering For Good Reasons

This is true, but not because human beings are masochists by nature. The soul does this for the specific reason that it wants to learn something from each one of its experiences, so that it may grow in wisdom and understanding. What, to my mind, depressed souls are crying out more for than anything else is to find the cause of their condition. Depression is a prison that we ourselves build while we still lack sufficient awareness of the deeper spiritual, i.e. invisible, aspects that lie behind all life. My own has taught me that without at least a degree of this kind of understanding it is impossible to even get started on working our way out of our self-created confinement. This article is my attempt to share with you some of the learning I have found along the way.

Breaking out of this prison and the road to recovery is a journey, a healing journey to be more precise. Its first step, like on any other excursion, is the most important one. It is an expedition of discovery and to enable us to get going it is essential to first wake up from our spiritual slumber and become aware again that we are so much more than the physical bodies we walk around in. We are a spark of the Divine, children of God, eternal beings who can never die. To this day, it is something of a miraculous revelation to me that human life really does continue after our spirit and soul have parted company with our physical bodies; that we go into what is known as the world of spirit. Although I have never had any taste for this kind of thing, a great deal of evidence is by now available that proves that this world does not only exist but that it is just as real as this one.

Our other world is the place – better the level of life – where we go at physical death to recuperate and recover from the stresses and strains of Earth life. Death of the body is but one single phase of life and means nothing more than a transformation that moves the human soul onto the above mentioned level. Life always continues and there is an uninterrupted flow. Nobody can run away from their problems; sooner or later they have to be faced; at the latest, when we have reached the other side of the veil of consciousness.

Awareness is also the key for unlocking all human problems, including that of depression and suicide. What is the point in giving in to one’s self-destructive thoughts and feelings, when one knows that our troubles came into our life for a specific purpose, namely to teach us something, and that they will always be there and waiting to be resolved, by none other than us? Being aware that if we do not do so here and now, one way or another, they must be faced again, worked with and hopefully resolved, in one of our coming lifetimes, probably the next one and – if need be – the next, one realises that it is best to make an  effort to tackle them, now.

Knowing all that, surely one cannot sensibly come to any conclusion other than that it is better by far to work on finding resolutions to bring healing to all our troublesome relationships – especially the most difficult one of all, the one with ourselves – while we are still here. If that seems too difficult a task to tackle on our own, swallowing our pride and reaching out for helping hands, either on this or the higher level of life, ideally both, is sure to bring great rewards. I admire the wisdom of all those who pluck up the courage and have the determination to seek healing for their condition. It is never an enterprise for the faint-hearted and I applaud most sincerely any effort that is made to find healing for their soul on the Earth plane. That, after all, is the very reason why we are all in this life together.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
.If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’

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