The Spiritual Mountain

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Ascending The Spiritual MountainThere are many groups of spirit guides that are led by Angels and Masters from the highest levels of life. Each one of us earthlings belongs to one of these gatherings at whose head is someone like the Master described by the Jesus legend. The only difference between our friends and helpers in the world of light is that they are more highly evolved than we presently are. And because they once walked the Earth, the same as you and I are presently doing, they appreciate the difficulties and struggles, the pain and miseries of those who are walking the road up the spiritual mountain behind them. From first hand experience our spirit friends know how easy it is for us to get lost on this road and that from time to time this too is a necessary part of our earthly education.

The wise ones appreciate how steep and demanding the ascent can be and the strength of the drag of our lower earthly self’s desire nature when temptations are coming its way. But undeterred by anything that happens, our spirit friends have always kept on walking hand in hand with us, even though for a long time we were unaware of their presence. No matter what may ever befall us, they are never going to leave us, ready to catch us when we fall, comfort us when we weep and heal us when we are sick. They are the good shepherds who return us safely to our flock on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our world from theirs.

However, no-one can do our spiritual work for us or walk our predestined pathway for us. We alone can do this. But ever mindful of the difficulties this brings with it, the Great Spirit, our true Father/Mother in Heaven or rather the highest level of life, has appointed the Angelic hierarchy and the Masters and their assistants of the spirit world to take good care of us. Their task is to ensure that not one of God’s children of the Earth can ever be truly lost. The Heavens rejoice and celebrate our homecoming when that happened to us. Sometimes it takes a nudge and if need be a more severe push from the Angels to push us back unto our predestined pathway.

Who doesn’t recall the times when the small and frightened earthly self stumbled on its journey through life because it was unaware of its true nature and the spiritual background of its existence? What is it in human beings that we wait until things get so bad that we have nowhere else to turn to before we at last go down on our knees, literally or metaphorically speaking, and call for help? It’s the fear of the unknown that holds us back and we have yet to find out that in truth there is nothing to fear, except fear itself.

God and the Angels, as well as our other spirit friends and helpers are constantly waiting for a signal from any one, so they can draw closer. Whenever someone calls for their help, not to dazzle us with too much of their light – spiritual wisdom and knowledge – at first their presence may arrive as the faintest glimmer. But slowly it grows stronger and more help comes to us through a better understanding of the situation and what is required from us. As our awakening progresses, the living God or wise one within intuitively guides us to the right people, books, magazine articles and other sources of information that are helpful for pointing the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life are the executors of God’s great plan of life and have always been in charge of our race’s spiritual development. Our friends and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit world are serving them by bringing our world the spiritual knowledge the Highest have decided that is right for us at any given time. None of them ever leave us but are constantly observing and guiding each one of us through their own dark night of ignorance into the light of understanding God’s true nature and our own. Each one of us can only do this through their own experiences.

The life story of the legendary Master Jesus represents the greatest initiation of all and that is the opening of humankind’s higher nature and the earthly self’s slowly but surely rising above the drives and urges of its lower nature. Every human being reaches this stage of their development eventually. The Great Mother and Her Angels have always been standing by and observing how, with the passing of time, Her wisdom and truth have been unfolding and spreading on the Earth. And the more our Christ nature takes over, the more we feel the need to humbly and willingly serve the Highest Forces of life by truthfully and honestly sharing our knowledge in the simplest and most direct ways possible.

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star